Minizip error while extracting 111

Minizip error while extracting files — can’t get in minecraft Details Description Recent comments have stated that this is likely a disk space issue. Try clearing up some space and see if it works. I was in minecraft and while I was playing it crashed(I just thought it was my computer so i didn’t […]


  1. Minizip error while extracting files — can’t get in minecraft
  2. Details
  3. Description
  4. Attachments
  5. Attachments
  6. Issue Links
  7. Making MiniZip Easier to Use
  8. Introduction
  9. Utilizing MiniZip
  10. General Flow
  11. Minizip Functions
  12. Header
  13. Result Enum
  14. Callback Prototype
  15. Add functions
  16. Read Functions
  17. Info Functions
  18. zipper_skip_file
  19. zipper_filename
  20. zipper_isdir
  21. zipper_filesize
  22. Implementation
  23. Headers and Defines
  24. Adding Files
  25. Reading
  26. Example App
  27. Building
  28. Conclusion



Recent comments have stated that this is likely a disk space issue. Try clearing up some space and see if it works.

I was in minecraft and while I was playing it crashed(I just thought it was my computer so i didn’t screenshot it) and when I tried to go back in it said



Issue Links

MC-158312 Launcher not working — can’t extract zip files

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MC-158461 doesn’t start intstantly crashes

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MC-179672 My game crashed and this showed up

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MC-199268 Game launching failed!

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-13251 my minecraft wont start up but the launcher works fine

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-14028 Launcher Having Native Files Issues.

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-15354 не могу зайти в игру

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-15432 Error while launching 1.16.3 demo

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved
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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved
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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-17469 the launcher (its the linux launcher) is not opening minecraft 1.16.5/caves and clifs snapshot

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved

MCL-20622 Minizip error — can’t get in minecraft

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    A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed. «>Resolved


Making MiniZip Easier to Use


Zip files are one of the most popular archive formats out there, and there are a lot of things you can do with them. While working with the ePub ebook format I spent a lot of time working with zip files. Thankfully, the standards committee for ePub used zip as the container format instead of designing their own.

If you’ve ever done anything with Android you’ve dealt with zip files and probably don’t even realize it. The apk files are really zip files. Now you might have ever needed to go into the apk itself, but I’ve had to in order to check manifest merging with libraries.

Probably the funnest use of zip files is using them to package plugins. Think about Firefox and the xip (they’re zip files) extension format. Having everything in one file and the app installing the plugins makes it really easy for users.

Now let’s think about a game with add on skins. The skin might be comprised of multiple images all in one zip file. This gives ease of transmission, and being compressed this does provide a storage savings if there are a large number of skins. I’m ignoring the fact that a zip file of compressed images doesn’t provide much if any space savings. Use your imagination if you don’t like this example.

In this situation the images need to be read out of the zip file and will be directly used. We don’t need a stream API. Just an easy way to open the zip file and pull every thing out.

It’s also nice to provide tools for developers that can automatically package their plugins. Most of the time a plugin needs a specific layout and some metadata and a packaging app can take care of this.

Suffice it to say at some point you’ll probably need to read and write zip files. You could implement the zip spec because it’s really simple but why bother when there are easier ways to go about this.

Utilizing MiniZip

Minizip is one of the better and easier to use zip libraries. However, it’s easier than other zip libraries but it’s not particularly easy to use. To deal with this we can make a simple API that hides a lot of the verbosity of Minizip. I’m not going to focus on things like encryption or random file access within the zip archive. All this is going to do is make it easy to add files and get files out of a zip archive.

If you’re curious you can get the spec (free) from PKWARE.

The zlib compression library provides MiniZip in it’s contrib directory. It’s a full fledged zip library and is easy to use. It’s an updated version of the original MiniZip with various patches pulled in. You want to use the zlib provided one and not the outdated original.

Also, Deflate compression is always used when adding files to the archive. This API is mean to be simple and for basic zip file manipulation. This is not meant to be a full featured archive library like libarchive.

General Flow

Lets look at the general process for working with MiniZip.

  1. Open the zip (doesn’t have to exist).
  2. Open a new file.
  3. Write to the file.
  4. Close the file.
  5. Close the zip.
  1. Open the zip (has to exist).
  2. Open the current file in the zip.
  3. Read the file.
  4. Close the file.
  5. Move to the next file.
  6. Continue until there are no more files.
  7. Close the zip.

While this looks fairly straight forward, we want to streamline it with a few helpers.

Minizip Functions

This is a wrapper around Minizip and some Minizip functions will need to be used directly. I say some, but only the open and close functions:

There are two sets of open functions MiniZip provides but we will only ever use the ones ending in 64. The other versions are legacy and shouldn’t be used. The 64 ones indicate support for 64 bit zip which is what’s used today. Don’t worry because zipOpen64 and unzOpen64 can still open 32 bit zip files.

Remember, these are all helpers so we still need to make common operations easier. We’re only merging some of the zipping and unzipping steps and not creating our own API to completely replace MiniZips.

We’re also giving ourselves some extras like zipping files from disk and form memory because the library doesn’t natively provide these interfaces ( zipper_add_file ). Plus some things just aren’t clear (adding a directory) so we have helpers for those.

Result Enum

The first thing you’ll see with the header is we have a result enum called zipper_result_t . The main use of this is to return to the read functions when the last file has been read.

Callback Prototype

The zipper_read_cb_t function prototype allows for a callback based read function. This gives some flexibility on loading the data. While I said earlier this wasn’t going to be stream based wrapper, I was partly lying. The callback will let you stream data if you really want to…

Add functions

The add functions are mostly self explanatory. The big thing to keep in mind is this wrapper does not track filenames. Every time you add a file to the archive it is added as a new entry (same for directories). Meaning, if you add the same file multiple times, its data will be in the archive multiple times. When you extract it will write (overwrite) the file for each entry.

Read Functions

The read functions are also pretty self explanatory. If there is a read failure, ZIPPER_RESULT_ERROR is returned. On success where there are more files ZIPPER_RESULT_SUCCESS if returned. If this read was of the last file in the archive and no more remain then ZIPPER_RESULT_SUCCESS_EOF is returned.

Reading is sequential and not random access. Once you read a file it’s read and the position in the archive advances to the next file. There is no going backwards. If you don’t read a file and realize you should have, you need to open the archive again and start going though the files until you reach the one you want.

Info Functions

When reading you might want or need some information about the file before preceding with the read. For example, you might need to know what size buffer to allocate. Or you might not want to read the file at all.

The filename function at the very least must be called before reading a file from the archive. Remember, the wrapper is sequential. So, once you read everything is pointing to the next file. Once you’ve read a file these functions will be pointing to the next file in the archive.


Skip this file and move to the next one. This returns true if there is a next file. If the current file is the last file this will return false .


Read the filename for the file in the archive. This includes the full path. You really need to call this before extracting a file.


Is this a file or a directory entry.


The size of the file. This is the uncompressed size and can be used to allocate a buffer to hold the file data.


Headers and Defines

We have BUF_SIZE defined because we’re going to use temporary buffer reading (because we have to). 8192 gives us a good balance between memory and performance. We can always tweak this later (or make it configurable) later.

Notice we include str_builder.h which is this string builder. We’ll use it for some of our buffered reading.

The MAX_NAMELEN is required because we’ll need to use a temporary buffer to pull out filenames for files within the zip. The name within the zip includes the path. 256 was chosen because it’s a safe number and it’s unlikely you’ll see any paths within an archive longer than this.

Adding Files

We can either add files directly read from disk or we can dump a buffer into a file. We’re combining steps 1-3 in the zipping process into these helpers. Not to mention reading a file does a bit more on top of that.

Directories get weird in zips because there isn’t a specific directory type. Instead a directory is signified by a 0 length file who’s name ends with a ‘/’. I should point out that all paths in a zip are Unix style forward slash and they cannot be an absolute path.

To deal with directories our helper will ensure the directory name we’re passing in ends with a ‘/’ by adding it if necessary. It will then write a 0 zero length file for us so we don’t have to worry about that either.

We don’t have to specify a directory then files that will be in the directory so zipper_add_dir only needs to be called if a directory is empty. That said, you can call it for every directory you’ll have files in.


To make reading flexible we’ll use a central callback based read function which takes a user provided thunk. This way we don’t need wrappers for every conceivable place we could store the read data. This is combining unzipping steps 3-5 for us.

Reading into a buffer is quite common so we’ll provide wrapper for that. Since we have a central callback based read we can leverage it for buffer reading. This also givers users an easy to understand example of how to write their own callbacks.

Back in the header we had the zipper_result_t enum which the read functions use. Since our read function automatically moves to the next file for us, we need to propagate this back to the caller if we’ve read the last file or not. We could have done an out parameter flag or something but I find this easier to use in loops.

MiniZip provides us with all kinds of info about the files in the zip but there are only a few that are really important 99% of the time. Now, all of the info from our helpers comes from the same MiniZip function but it’s pretty quick to call so having to call it (potentially) 3 times isn’t really a big deal.

zipper_filename has an isutf8 out parameter because historically zip only supported filenames in IBM Code Page 437 encoding. Later utf8 was added so we need to let the caller know how they should handle any decoding of the filename. The encoding is stored in bit 11 of the info flags and thankfully this reads that for us.

zipper_isdir is handy because of the weird way zip handles directories. If it’s a directory you’ll want to make a directory and not write a 0 byte file.

These two don’t need much explanation.

Example App

Now that we have our zipper wrapper we should look at using it. For this example we’ll also need some file helpers. Also, one of these recursive make directory functions.

This example app creates a zip file, then extracts everything from it.


Assuming you have the string builder and rw write file files in the same directory as the zipper code you can use the following CMakeLists.txt to build the example.


Zip has the small problem of not being able to remove files and MiniZip doesn’t provide any helpers for this. To remove a file you have to create new zip, add the files you want to keep, save it and delete the old zip… Not very elegant but that’s how it is. We could write a function that does all this for us but if we want to remove multiple files this would be very intensive and slow. The alternative is to create a zip object which stores what operations need to take place and run them all when a save function is called.

MiniZip does not natively support working with zips in memory and always needs them to be on disk. Interestingly in the zipper includes there is the _WIN32 include For Windows specific io. MiniZip internally uses a pluggable, callback based io system which by default works with files. However, we could add an in memory layer.

The test app we wrote has all the components of a zip and unzip app making it really easy to pull this into a real app. For fun we could also expand it out and make a full fledged app like unzip .




Dedicated Member

  • #1

How do I fix this:

Minecraft Launcher’s Error Log said:

Unable to extract native files.
Error details: Minizip error while extracting: -116
Filename on disk: lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar
Path: C:UsersEzyoAppDataRoaming.minecraftlibrariesorglwjgllwjgllwjgl-platform2.9.4-nightly-20150209lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar
Exists: File


  • #2

This often happens when you don’t have enough space in your computer. I don’t think its that, but that’s my best guess, sorry he.


  • #3

I think you need to reinstall the game, I’m not sure but if I understand the right thing your game is missing the file to start the game but I’m not sure I think you could just search on internet also it’s hypixel forum not minecraft :hypixel_laughing:


  • #4

Have you tried reinstalling mc?


  • #5

Have you tried reinstalling mc?

I just sent the reply I don’t think he had the time already ^^



Dedicated Member

  • #6

I think you need to reinstall the game, I’m not sure but if I understand the right thing your game is missing the file to start the game but I’m not sure I think you could just search on internet also it’s hypixel forum not minecraft :hypixel_laughing:

I just fixed it

my disc was full


  • #7

I just fixed it

my disc was full

How did you fix it? That answer can be useful in the future.



Dedicated Member

  • #8

How did you fix it? That answer can be useful in the future.

I literally answered it in the post you quoted-


  • #9

I literally answered it in the post you quoted-

Oh, i didn’t see that. Nice, i just googled it and that was what people said.



Error When Extracting ZIP FileIn this modern world of information and technology, all users or administrators store huge amount of files and folders on their Windows computers. In order to compress these files and folders into one single file, people use ZIP compression technique. Compressing files into ZIP file format saves a lot of system memory and more to this; these files can be easily shared or transmitted via the internet, but errors while extracting these ZIP files are also a common issue.

Windows operating system has numerous error messages. Sometimes when you are unzipping your files from a ZIP archive, you may encounter an error message popping up saying, «An error occurred while unzipping. One or more files were not successfully unzipped. The error code is 110.» This error doesn’t allow you to access the data from the ZIP archive. Before finding out the way to repair this error, first, let us understand the meaning of the error.

Error 110 Definition:

This error refers to a file input/output condition, which is technically known as “ERROR_OPEN_FAILED”. The error generally means that the ZIP file which you are trying to extract cannot be opened on your computer.

There are mainly three possible reasons for this error as listed below.

  • The OS system you are using is not compatible with the ZIP file. Like, if you have an older version of Windows, you may not be able to unzip a file which is created on a newer OS. In this kind of situation, you encounter this error
  • This error may also occur if the ZIP file is severely infected by virus/malware
  • The third reason is that the ZIP file is itself corrupt due to CRC, broken download, power failure or any other reason


For the first cause, you may try upgrading your Windows operating system to a newer version, the second scenario can be solved by installing an anti-virus program to your computer and using that program to remove viruses. However, for the last scenario, you need to use Yodot ZIP Repair software to overcome the issue. Apart from a 110 error message, you may also face the below-mentioned error while extracting the ZIP file.

“An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem. Error 0×80004005: Unspecified error“

Yodot ZIP Repair Software:

Yodot ZIP Repair software easily fixes your corrupt ZIP file and extracts each and every file from it. The graphical user interface makes it easier for you to operate the software; the utility repairs ZIP file error/corruption caused due to download error, virus attack, CRC error, damaged ZIP file, or any other scenario. In addition, this tool is compatible with all the latest Windows operating system family OS like Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 and Server 2003.

Instructions to Fix ZIP Error While Extracting ZIP File:

  • First, download Yodot ZIP Repair software by clicking on the “Download Now” button
  • Install the application on your desktop/laptop
  • Launch the application and stick to the main screen procedure
  • Use “Browse” option to browse and select your corrupt ZIP file
  • After selecting the ZIP file, click on “Repair” option
  • Allow the scanning process to complete, you can view the repair process via a progress bar
  • The repaired ZIP archive contents can be Previewed after the deep scanning process
  • Finally, Save the repaired ZIP file to your desired location on the computer

Things to Remember

  • Use an internet download manager application to avoid broken download of the ZIP file
  • Backup your important ZIP files regularly
  • Password protect your vital ZIP files
  • Update your antivirus program weekly or monthly
  • Always use a trusted application to unzip your ZIP file

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