- @not_august 1×1 gamesense vs neverlose
- Error when predicting due to missing levels? #811
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- Проблема с PREDICTION ERROR после переустановки ОС
@not_august 1×1 gamesense vs neverlose
В данный момент Neverlose у меня не оплачен поскольку после обновления Windows (инсайдер превью) у меня попросту начали крашить все читы, и угадай кто первый пофиксит мою проблему? Дада, мой любимый чит ?
Gamesense — старый чит, и люди играющие с ним несколько лет подряд будут играть лучше меня — Neverlose юзера который играет с читом максимум месяц.
Возьмем даже пример — крякера Валеру который играет с OTC — год, и 7к уид юзера скита который инвайт прикупил, я думаю вы поняли кто выиграет.
Я же максимум трачу на CS:GO 1-2 часа в день, вы же 8-12 часов не отходя от мониторов сидите все потные, зовете постоянно какие то юзлесс CW, которые ничего не решают, и ничего не дадут, игра мертвая, максимум что тут можно делать — зарабатывать деньги, все кто сидят и просто играют не имея с этого нихуя, просто отсталые, я не понимаю зачем они существуют, они ведь могут заняться более полезными делами и в реальной жизни доказать на что они способны, чем на каком то сервере непонятно против кого, и с читом в который они купили инвайт на деньги которые заскамили либо спиздили, что либо доказывать.
На этом все, я не вижу смысла вообще начинать какие то такие диалоги, если бы Neverlose существовал более 2 лет, я бы мог пойти, а так пф,у меня максимум с этим читом наиграно часов 90, и то большая часть это кодинг.
Когда сделаешь со скитом — 6 со скаута в первой же мапе после первого инжекта с конфигом сделанным на коленке за 5 минут, отпишешь.
В данный момент Neverlose у меня не оплачен поскольку после обновления Windows (инсайдер превью) у меня попросту начали крашить все читы, и угадай кто первый пофиксит мою проблему? Дада, мой любимый чит ?
Gamesense — старый чит, и люди играющие с ним несколько лет подряд будут играть лучше меня — Neverlose юзера который играет с читом максимум месяц.
Возьмем даже пример — крякера Валеру который играет с OTC — год, и 7к уид юзера скита который инвайт прикупил, я думаю вы поняли кто выиграет.
Я же максимум трачу на CS:GO 1-2 часа в день, вы же 8-12 часов не отходя от мониторов сидите все потные, зовете постоянно какие то юзлесс CW, которые ничего не решают, и ничего не дадут, игра мертвая, максимум что тут можно делать — зарабатывать деньги, все кто сидят и просто играют не имея с этого нихуя, просто отсталые, я не понимаю зачем они существуют, они ведь могут заняться более полезными делами и в реальной жизни доказать на что они способны, чем на каком то сервере непонятно против кого, и с читом в который они купили инвайт на деньги которые заскамили либо спиздили, что либо доказывать.
На этом все, я не вижу смысла вообще начинать какие то такие диалоги, если бы Neverlose существовал более 2 лет, я бы мог пойти, а так пф,у меня максимум с этим читом наиграно часов 90, и то большая часть это кодинг.
Когда сделаешь со скитом — 6 со скаута в первой же мапе после первого инжекта с конфигом сделанным на коленке за 5 минут, отпишешь.
даже читать это пиздабольство не буду, у тебя ни скита ни нл
Error when predicting due to missing levels? #811
I’m trying to use 10-fold cross validation on a simple linear model («regr.lm») with the resample() function. I’m getting the following error message:
[Resample] cross-validation iter: 1
[Resample] cross-validation iter: 2
Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$xlevels) :
factor XXX has new levels NN
(where XXX and NN can change depending on setting different seeds)
I assume it’s because during the CV split, some factor levels are not in the training data and are dropped during the train part and then can’t be used when predicting the holdout set, i.e. like described in this stackoverflow topic.
Question: Is there some way to have resample() automatically deal with the error during prediction, e.g. similar to the answer to the stackoverflow question referenced above? Or other suggestions on how to best handle this within the mlr framework? (I want to eventually do feature selection and model tuning using CV with a few different methods).
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
When creating the task, you can specify that empty levels shouldn’t be dropped through fixup.data , e.g.
Thanks for the quick reply! Tried it, does unfortunately not work.
I think the problem is at the level of lm() itself, it discards the empty factors (see discussion in link above) and mlr would need to ‘fix’ what lm() produces as in the stackoverflow example before using predict().
Ah, I see. That would mean removing data from the predictions though? I’m not sure if we want to do that in a predictor, as it would probably cause problems later on when something relies on predictions being there for all rows. I guess we could have a nicer error message though?
@berndbischl What’s your take on this?
Wouldn’t need to remove observations/rows from the prediction set, just setting factors in the prediction set that are not in training to NA. Would make for a worse prediction (as it should) but otherwise I think it could be ok. Should probably not be the default, but maybe on option one could turn on?
The problem right now is that if I did a big tuning/feature selection/whatnot optimization and in just one of my many train/predict runs the training part of the sample by chance includes a factor level that is not in the prediction set, the whole thing likely fails (haven’t tested, but I assume). Would be nice if mlr could somehow ‘deal with’ this one failure but still produce results for everything else.
I see. It seems that another option (and probably preferable) would be to have an option to resample to stratify the factor levels such that all levels are present in all splits (if possible) though?
That sounds like a good option for some types of data. For my (small) dataset, I have a hunch that it might not work to get all factors for all variables present in both train and test. (I tried something like that with the stratify.cols option in makeResampleDesc(), it didn’t work (could have been user error).
And I’m also not sure how one would implement that for say bootstrap sampling without messing up the ‘sample at random’ statistical feature of the basic bootstrap?
All good points.
Implementing this should be easy, but I’m a bit wary of the implications of changing the data to make something work technically.
mlr offers actually (hopefully) quite a lot of options to handle these problems.
Do we have any chance to get a reproducible example from you, so we can easier discuss what helps you best?
I will outline different options now here:
stratified resampling. You can stratify your resampling procedure. have a look at makeResampleDesc args «stratify» (to stratify on y in classification) and «stratify.cols» (to stratify on imbalnced input features).
This might completely eliminate your problem, and I would do this if I can.
(Apparently you did this I see and it did not help you as the situation was more complex in your data)
Have a look at option «fix.factors.prediction» in makeLearners.
From what I read in the stackoverflow thread, this does not solve your problem, but simpler one, but you should nevertheless know this option in this context.
For what is discussed in the stackoverflow thread:
(I guess this is your real problem)
Summary might be: For some feature x_i a factor level occurs in prediction that was not seen in training.
We dont have an option to handle this. Having one would be good. But we need to concrete protocol what to do for this.
We can of course predict NAs here. But would this help you? Not really, as you can still not compute a performance measure. So is this option still helpful? (IMHO: Maybe, but lets discuss this)
The problem right now is that if I did a big tuning/feature selection/whatnot optimization and in just one of my many train/predict runs the training part of the sample by chance includes a factor level that is not in the prediction set, the whole thing likely fails (haven’t tested, but I assume). Would be nice if mlr could somehow ‘deal with’ this one failure but still produce results for everything else.
Well, but we can handle exactly that, if this is indeed your problem.
Summary: Your model breaks, in only a few tuning iterations, due to WHATEVER reason (many exist).
a) configure your learner to «continue» if errors occur. see ?configureMlr with option on.learner.error.
Note that this sets a global option (I guess I would do that for tuning), but you can also set it individually in makeLearner with arg «config».
This will now «on learner error» produce a FailureModel. Predictions will be NA. Measured performance will also be NA.
b) look at TuneControl, option «impute.val» as some optimizers wont like the produced NA.
We already have a reasobale default here.
Does any of this help? Do we need to improve docs?
Thanks a lot for the quick and detailed reply!
I just started using mlr a few days ago and had not yet read the part in the documentation explaining the ability to set error handling with configureMlr(). I think that addresses my main concern, namely that I would start a large job and somewhere in there, just by chance something fails, e.g. due to CV not including a level in the train but in the predict set.
For my specific problem, I addressed it my further preprocessing/merging factors before doing the analysis. Is sufficient for this problem, I was more worried about the ‘big picture’ but that seems to be well addressed with configureMlr(). Getting a set of NA for a ‘failed’ run is I think perfect. Will alert me that something went wrong and then I can decide how to handle it.
Since you ask about improving docs: Overall I think they are great, but for some things I’d like to know a bit more. For instance, in caret (which is what I have mostly used, but got too frustrated with some of the lack of documentation/transparency — which is what led me to mlr) there is a list showing the exact names of the tuning parameters for each available model. I couldn’t find something like that for mlr. For instance I was able to learn by looking at the tutorial examples that for randomForest one can tune ntree, but can’t find any information if one can/can’t tune mtry. Same for many other algorithms, I don’t know where to find what I can tune through mlr.
Another one (and I should probably open a new issue for this, but I just add it here) is I can’t find enough information in the tutorial to get pre-processing to work. I think I follow the tutorial instructions, which say to use preProcess syntax and add ppc in front, with this line:
makePreprocWrapperCaret(mylearner, ppc.method = c(«center», «scale») )
But it fails with:
Error in UseMethod(«paramValueToString») :
no applicable method for ‘paramValueToString’ applied to an object of class «NULL»
It’s probably me using the wrong syntax, but I can’t find anywhere an example that shows how to do it.
Thanks for your help!
For instance I was able to learn by looking at the tutorial examples that for randomForest one can tune ntree, but can’t find any information if one can/can’t tune mtry. Same for many other algorithms, I don’t know where to find what I can tune through mlr.
Generally, when interfacing a learner we try to take all its parameters into account, so usually you can tune every parameter you like.
The probably easiest way to get an overview of the parameters of a learner is via getParamSet .
For the random forest it looks like this:
The Tunable column indicates which parameters can be tuned. Except for the last three parameters, for which tuning does not make sense, all parameters can be tuned.
I could probably mention this on the tutorial page about tuning.
Another one (and I should probably open a new issue for this, but I just add it here) is I can’t find enough information in the tutorial to get pre-processing to work. I think I follow the tutorial instructions, which say to use preProcess syntax and add ppc in front, with this line:
makePreprocWrapperCaret(mylearner, ppc.method = c(«center», «scale») )
But it fails with:
Error in UseMethod(«paramValueToString») :
no applicable method for ‘paramValueToString’ applied to an object of class «NULL»
It’s probably me using the wrong syntax, but I can’t find anywhere an example that shows how to do it.
makePreprocWrapperCaret does not have a method argument as preProcess . Instead all preprocessing options that would go to the method argument of preProcess are individual logical parameters of makePreprocWrapperCaret .
In short, to make your example work, you need to do the following:
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Что происходит, когда возникает ошибка? игра начинает сильно лагать и тормозить (отображается иконка PREDICTION ERROR)
Что должно происходить? не лагать
Шаги. Как нам воспроизвести данную ошибку? Не знаю
Проблема такова. Играю на ноуте GE70 2QE Apache Pro. Переустановил на днях ОС (Windows 10) и после этого игра стало одной большой обузой: играешь вначале все нормально идёт (минуту, две), а через некоторое время начинает жутко лагать (ФПС падает до 7-12 иной раз) и начинается слайд-шоу, отображается индикатор ошибки (две параллельные полоски — PREDICTION ERROR)
Проверил железо на тротлинги и через MSI Afterburner и через GeForce XP
попробовал настроить и через консол и т.д.,
даже поменял термопасту на всякий случай,
обновил все дрова,
попробовал скачать и переустановить Apex,
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в общем перепробовал ВСЁ!
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Попробовал запустить Warzone, GTAV — вроде все идёт нормально, именно Apex сильно лагает.
Ну никак игра не идёт теперь, играл с первых дней, вначале все было гладко, но с каждым обновлением и новым сезоном кажись она становится всё требовательнее и багованнее
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★★★ Newbie
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С началом сезона во время игры часто появляется иконка означающая «Prediction error» (иконка в прикрепленном файле) и мой персонаж начинает лагать несмотря на то что остальные все передвигаются нормально. Какого черта эта фигня появилась и как от нее избавиться теперь?
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@MelbournesCoffeсначала определяем IP сервера, где наблюдаются такие проблемы по инструкции
Далее делаешь tracerout на сервер с помощью программ PingPlotter или uotrace (инструкцию не прилагаю ибо help есть в интернете). Смотришь из-за чего у тебя такое возникает и где, потом можно решать проблему, а пока тебе никто ничего не подскажет, ибо причин может быть овер миллион.
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- Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed Meme
- Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed
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- Neverlose missed shot due to resolver / Nl vs AA by REZOLVER
Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed Meme
Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed
Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed refers to a copypasta popular in the gaming community which is often used as a humorous way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill. Originating from a Reddit comment made by a Valve employee, the copypasta gained significant popularity in the Counter-Strike community in the following years.
On August 17th, 2016, Redditor [1] Xzarp posted a clip of the professional Counter-Strike player Hiko allegedly getting «CSGO’d» (failing to achieve a kill due to lacking game optimization) to /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit (clip shown below).
In the thread, Valve employee ValveRyan [2] posted a potential explanation for why Hiko failed to get the kill despite perceivably landing 12 shots on a close opponent, dismissing shots one to five as missed, shots six to nine as missed due to recoil, shots ten to eleven missed due to recoil and inaccuracy and shot twelve as never being fired due to Hiko’s dead status not yet being sent to the client. The comment received over 260 points in /r/GlobalOffensive in six months and was gilded.
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn’t actually fire because Hiko was already dead.
As a part of the response, ValveRyan also made a detailed Imgur [3] post in which he explained why each of the shots did not land (shown below).
The copypasta did not see spread until on February 24th, 2017, Redditor [4] ThatJumpyJumpS made a comment parodying ValveRyan’s post, responding to a clip of a breakable vent grate not being broken by shooting at it on Cache. The comment received over 140 upvotes in six months (shown below).
Following the comment, the copypasta started to spread in /r/GlobalOffensive. For example, on February 26th, 2017, Redditor [5] Presisor posted the copypasta, gaining four downvotes. On March 8th, 2017, Redditor [6] mmberg used the copypasta as a response to a clip of fl0m not getting an AWP kill (shown below, left). A May 30th, 2017, tweet by Twitter [7] user @Mollsdas marks the earliest known use of the copypasta outside of Reddit (shown below, right).
In the following years, the copypasta received a massive spread both within the Counter-Strike community and outside of it, being used as a way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill, or to ridicule players who missed an easy kill.
Neverlose missed shot due to resolver / Nl vs AA by REZOLVER
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level 1
i think it’s gonna be a great cheat for youtubers and griefers. We kinda know that the rage bot is pretty good because of Boring
level 1
I’m actually pretty excited, I’ve got strong expectations for it for 2 reasons. 1. They didn’t do the Anthem mistake, where they completely rushed development, but they’re taking it slow to make sure it’s top quality. And 2. It’s made/run by boring, who’s known to be extremely trusted throughout the community for nearly a decade, and exposing lower quality cheats. It looks like it’s got some unique and interesting features, especially the model changer. I just hope it’s not going to be as bad as Luckycharms on release with the server issues. We’ll just have to wait for release and try it out.
level 1
I would guess its gonna be better than aimware but worse than onetap
level 1
· 2 yr. agohow can does inject free cheat
I mean, it’s unreleased, we can only predict.
level 2
Missed shot due to prediction error.
level 1
Development might be slightly slowed down because Flaw left and Boring is looking for another developer unless he found one already
level 2
Wait, when and why did Flaw leave?
level 1
I feel like it’s gonna be better than everything, but TEMPORARILY. It’s probably gonna be #1 for like a week then other cheats r gonna update then advancedaim is just gonna be outshined. either way I’m super hype for it.
level 2
Reminds me of evolve being really good on the new version for about 5 seconds but the developers just fucked the cheat nothing else had to update
level 1
Probably decent but since boring runs it I wont be touching it
level 2
what’s wrong with boring running it?
level 1
Considering it’s by Boring, I assume it’s going to be excellent.
level 2
Obviously, because it hasn’t been released yet
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#21 |
9274597 Duplicate Account / Violation — Rule #20 Join Date: Dec 2016
Reputation: -154 |
Originally Posted by zernox like if i miss my shot [spread] it logs it …. bro i think u need to learn what u wanna do before u ask for help lol |
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#22 |
zernox A Legend
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Originally Posted by 9274597 bro i think u need to learn what u wanna do before u ask for help lol i did i just want to do if i die it put a text ….. |
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#23 |
gabe3445 fuck wlan Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by zernox i did i just want to do if i die it put a text ….. It seems like you don’t know what you want. Essentially what you want is a crosshair that that prints how much damage you did. Am I correct? __________________ get gooder eat a booger |
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#24 |
TamirPro12 God-Like Join Date: Oct 2016
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Originally Posted by theghost2905 if(!hit) if player got hit means he didnt miss it |
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#25 |
darkingman A God Join Date: Aug 2014
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Use player_hurt event to check if you hit the player, if you did NOT hit the player check your weapon spread and if it’s greater than x or if its high enough to cause a bullet path modification / miss or whatever you would call it print out «Missed due to spread» now this is not a propper way of doing so but it works better than just checking if you hit the player or not. |
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#26 |
kwax first time computer Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Belgistan
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Originally Posted by TamirPro12 if player got hit means he didnt miss it Which is why this pseudo has the amazing exclamation point operator. __________________ |
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#27 |
pazzo Member Join Date: Dec 2003 Location: cali
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Originally Posted by darkingman Use player_hurt event to check if you hit the player, if you did NOT hit the player check your weapon spread and if it’s greater than x or if its high enough to cause a bullet path modification / miss or whatever you would call it print out «Missed due to spread» now this is not a propper way of doing so but it works better than just checking if you hit the player or not. this is indeed far from proper. first-off, save the bone matrix if you decide a to target a player in particular and shoot at him, also save your view-offset at this moment in time.. predict when you will get the result of this shot back (RTT), then listen for the ‘bullet_impact’ event, attempt to pair it with a ‘player_hurt’ event, if you failed that, meaning that you found no corresponding ‘player_hurt’ event that belongs to the bullet impact, that means the shot missed. now that we know that the shot missed we can use the ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ keys in the ‘bullet_impact’ event to construct a direction, based on the view-offset that we saved when we fired the shot locally, since this impact position is adjusted to the server-sided spread, this is perfect. intersect the historical matrix using the direction that we just computed and, if the ray collides with the matrix, that means that we should’ve hit this shot, but we might’ve missed it due to inconsistent factors. (fake angles, broke lagcomp), if the ray does not collide with the matrix, that means we missed the shot due to spread. |
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#28 |
darkingman A God Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by pazzo this is indeed far from proper. first-off, save the bone matrix if you decide a to target a player in particular and shoot at him, also save your view-offset at this moment in time.. predict when you will get the result of this shot back (RTT), then listen for the ‘bullet_impact’ event, attempt to pair it with a ‘player_hurt’ event, if you failed that, meaning that you found no corresponding ‘player_hurt’ event that belongs to the bullet impact, that means the shot missed. now that we know that the shot missed we can use the ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ keys in the ‘bullet_impact’ event to construct a direction, based on the view-offset that we saved when we fired the shot locally, since this impact position is adjusted to the server-sided spread, this is perfect. intersect the historical matrix using the direction that we just computed and, if the ray collides with the matrix, that means that we should’ve hit this shot, but we might’ve missed it due to inconsistent factors. (fake angles, broke lagcomp), if the ray does not collide with the matrix, that means we missed the shot due to spread. Is there no way to use traceray to determine where your bullet SHOULD impact and then use bullet_impact event to check where it did impact and if it didnt impact where it should’ve according to the aim and player_hurt didnt return anything we can safely say spread was accountable for it. And then if it did impact the traceray impact «prediction» but no damage was done we can determine that we missed due to a «bad resolve». Idk how well this would work i suppose the way you said would be better but this could work. |
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#29 |
klmno «The guy that poli pastes off» Join Date: Jan 2015 Location: Lithuania <3
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Originally Posted by darkingman Is there no way to use traceray to determine where your bullet SHOULD impact and then use bullet_impact event to check where it did impact and if it didnt impact where it should’ve according to the aim and player_hurt didnt return anything we can safely say spread was accountable for it. And then if it did impact the traceray impact «prediction» but no damage was done we can determine that we missed due to a «bad resolve». Idk how well this would work i suppose the way you said would be better but this could work. Use your implementation of lagcomp to move back the player. Question though, why do you kids always copy from popular p2cs? __________________ Youtube |
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#30 |
TylerIW Supreme G0d Join Date: Feb 2016 Location: czechia
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your ayyware paste will miss every shot so this isn’t really necessary |
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#31 |
masterlooser18 x88Cheats | Greyhat DWORD Developer Join Date: Dec 2011 Location: Austria
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Originally Posted by klmno Question though, why do you kids always copy from popular p2cs? usually cuz coming up with good ideas is atleast as hard as making a cheat from scratch, and we both know they cant do either of those |
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#32 |
theghost2905 Join Date: Oct 2014 Location: Weimarer Republik
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Originally Posted by TamirPro12 if player got hit means he didnt miss it what i wrote if(!hit), so it checks if the player did not hit |
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#33 |
abcdefg432 Supreme H4x0|2 Join Date: Jun 2017 Location: Antartica
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Originally Posted by zernox what should i put to desired value? unknowncheats is not the place to learn how to code. When you are asking questions it�s a place for getting ideas/solutions to ease your mind block, and to get new ideas for features or get an idea in the direction to make the feature. So I basically mean you need to make progress or try things at least. It incubates your knowledge and makes you move developed in creating cheats after you have an idea of what you are doing. You need to learn basic fundamentals and syntax before you can even start �pasting� or coding if you are not a faggot. Basically it is extremely important to know basic coding. You won�t learn anything from here if you don�t. A lot of cheats are coded in C++ my favorite resource personally is SoloLearn.com. Once you finish the course you�ll have an idea of what to do, not be a pro. In my opinion you should leave and Learn C++ fundamentals and then come back here later when you know what you are doing. P.S. I�m not a pCoder, I�m still working on my knowledge, but I do know C++ And what is necessary for me to become a pCoder. |
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#34 |
Hf.ub3r Ya peek ya lose :l Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: 0xCOVFEFE
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….guys….I’m like 80% sure that they just make it print that shit out when they miss a shot…they don’t actually do any calculations to see if you missed because of spread. It’s just a meme to try and say that the only way you’d miss with their cheat is if it was because of spread afaik. __________________ the name is satire, chill lol Quote:
Originally Posted by Yellowthesky I had to remake stuff dude, it’s not that easy copy pasting |
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#35 |
reisw 1337 H4x0!2 Join Date: Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Hf.ub3r ….guys….I’m like 80% sure that they just make it print that shit out when they miss a shot…they don’t actually do any calculations to see if you missed because of spread. It’s just a meme to try and say that the only way you’d miss with their cheat is if it was because of spread afaik. nah it’s entirely possible to check if you actually missed due to spread, and someone earlier in this thread (Pazzo I think is his name?) described exactly how I do it in my cheat
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#36 |
Hf.ub3r Ya peek ya lose :l Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: 0xCOVFEFE
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Originally Posted by reisw nah it’s entirely possible to check if you actually missed due to spread, and someone earlier in this thread (Pazzo I think is his name?) described exactly how I do it in my cheat Yeah of course but I’m just saying the p2c’s in question don’t actually check if you missed due to spread, they just print it out if you miss at all afaik. __________________ the name is satire, chill lol Quote:
Originally Posted by Yellowthesky I had to remake stuff dude, it’s not that easy copy pasting |
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#37 |
namazso free(malloc(sizeof(int))) Join Date: Oct 2014
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Originally Posted by pazzo this is indeed far from proper. first-off, save the bone matrix if you decide a to target a player in particular and shoot at him, also save your view-offset at this moment in time.. predict when you will get the result of this shot back (RTT), then listen for the ‘bullet_impact’ event, attempt to pair it with a ‘player_hurt’ event, if you failed that, meaning that you found no corresponding ‘player_hurt’ event that belongs to the bullet impact, that means the shot missed. now that we know that the shot missed we can use the ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ keys in the ‘bullet_impact’ event to construct a direction, based on the view-offset that we saved when we fired the shot locally, since this impact position is adjusted to the server-sided spread, this is perfect. intersect the historical matrix using the direction that we just computed and, if the ray collides with the matrix, that means that we should’ve hit this shot, but we might’ve missed it due to inconsistent factors. (fake angles, broke lagcomp), if the ray does not collide with the matrix, that means we missed the shot due to spread. For hitchance you already calculate whether you hit the target or not, for every possible seed. Wouldn’t finding the hit data of the ray which is the closest to the bullet impact event be much faster? Only possible drawback i see is that if the server calculations are off by a lot compared to our clientside calculations, but that should not happen. __________________ All original code posted by me is licensed under WTFPL unless stated otherwise. |
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#38 |
razdasbabes h4x0!2 Join Date: Oct 2016 Location: 3151th Star @Mars
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Originally Posted by wlan Code: developer "1" con_filter_text "Damage" con_filter_text_out "Player:" con_filter_enable "2" You can use these convars to make the console text print to the top left corner. The filter is the [CHEATNAME] you mentioned. been looking for this, +rep __________________ if (csgo::local_player->is_dormant()) continue; |
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#39 |
peter159 The 0n3 Join Date: May 2012
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Originally Posted by razdasbabes been looking for this, +rep what you are really looking for https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine…onsole.cpp#L92 |
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#40 |
belchior Senior Member Join Date: Jan 2006
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Originally Posted by namazso For hitchance you already calculate whether you hit the target or not, for every possible seed. Wouldn’t finding the hit data of the ray which is the closest to the bullet impact event be much faster? Only possible drawback i see is that if the server calculations are off by a lot compared to our clientside calculations, but that should not happen. still dont understand the point of what youre saying the server sends us the location of where the real bullet hit, our job is to find out the time it happened and align the bone data on a certain player to that time… all it takes is a simple intersection test at that point. and if you care enough, the gamevents are probably best avoided the client and server spreads are completely different and relying on the clients is a silly idea, you cant be sure |
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