Mitsubishi e700 ошибки

Все ошибки частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi, расшифровка кодов ошибок преобразователей частоты Mitsubishi. Ремонт частотников.

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя MitsubishiЧастотные преобразователи относятся к сложной промышленной электронике достаточно дорогой и в тоже время широко распространенной по всему миру. На сегодняшний день трудно себе даже представить какое-либо производство, на котором бы не работало данное промышленное оборудование.

К сожалению, в процессе эксплуатации выходит из строя даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование. В данной статье мы разберем частотный преобразователь Mitsubishi, точнее коды ошибок частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi 700-ой серии (FR-D720S, FR-D720SC, FR-D720EC, FR-D740S, FR-D740SC, FR-D740EC), с полной расшифровкой. Частотники в наше время нашли широкое применения в абсолютно всех сферах промышленности управляя как мини моторами в оргтехнике, так и гигантскими двигателями в горнодобывающей промышленности.

Для простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой все частотные преобразователи оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок частотных преобразователей.

Данная статья даст вам возможность не совершать ошибок, и в добавок поможет самостоятельно определять и устранять ту или иную причину повлекшую за собой аварийную остановку частотных преобразователей Mitsubishi 700-ой серии.

Символы панели частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi и их текстовое обозначение

Описание ошибок частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi

В частотных преобразователях Mitsubishi все серьезные сообщения (коды), связанные с ошибками, отображаются вместе с буквой “E” после которой указывается сама ошибка на дисплее преобразователя.

Остальные виды информационных кодов выводятся на дисплей преобразователя без дополнительных префиксов.

На картинке справа приведены все символы, из которых состоят кода ошибок частотных преобразователей Mitsubishi, а также их значения как цифровые, так и буквенные. А в таблицах ниже приведены все коды ошибок частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi с расшифровкой и способом устранения неисправности.

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi


Расшифровка кода ошибки

Устранение ошибки


Просмотр сохраненных сообщений об ошибках.


Блокировка панели управления.

  • Для снятия блокировки удерживайте клавишу «MODE» нажатой приблизительно 2 секунды.


Защищено паролем.

  • Чтобы деблокировать доступ к параметрам, введите пароль в параметре 297


Ошибка при передаче параметров.

  • Проверьте настройку параметра 77 «Защита от записи параметров».
  • Проверьте параметры 31…36 для конфигурирования скачков частоты (см. раздел 6.3.2).
  • Проверьте соединение между пультом управления и преобразователем частоты.


  • Проверьте настройку параметра 77.
  • Убедитесь в том, что преобразователь находится в остановленном состоянии.
  • Установите в параметре 77 значение «2».
  • Прервите эксплуатацию и измените требуемый параметр.


  • Значения смещения и усиления для калибровки аналоговых входов слишком близки.
  • Проверьте настройку параметров C3, C4, C6 и C7 «Функция калибровки».


  • Выберите режим «Управление с помощью панели управления».
  • Проверьте настройку параметра 77.
  • Если параметр 551 установлен на «9999» (заводская настройка), убедитесь в том, что к интерфейсу PU подключен пульт (FR-PU04/FR-PU07).
  • Проверьте настройку параметра 551.
  • Повторите попытку записи, предварительно переключив режим на «Управление с помощью панели управления» (см. раздел 6.16.2).
  • Установите в параметре 77 значение «2» и измените требуемый параметр.
  • Отсоедините пульт (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) и настройте параметры.
  • Выберите «Панель управления в режиме PU» (пар. 551 = 4) и настройте параметры.


Сброс частотного преобразователя.

  • Включен сигнал RES или выполнен сброс преобразователя через панель или по команде внешнего устройства.
  • Индикация при отключении напряжения питания.
  • Выключите сигнал RES.

Предупреждающие коды частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi


Расшифровка кода ошибки

Устранение ошибки


Защита двигателя от опрокидывания активирована (в следствии тока перегрузки).

  • Увеличьте или уменьшите настройку параметра 0 «Повышение крутящего момента (вручную)» с шагом в 1 %, проверяя ри этом поведение двигателя.
  • Увеличьте настройки параметров 7 «Время разгона» и 8 «Время торможения».
  • Уменьшите нагрузку.
  • Для пробы активируйте векторное управление.
  • Измените настройку параметра 14 «Выбор нагрузочной характеристики».
  • Измените настройку параметра 22 «Ограничение тока» (заводской настройкой являются 150 %.) Это может повлиять и на время разгона/торможения. Увеличьте настройку параметра 22 «Ограничение тока» или деактивируйте ограничение тока с помощью параметра 156 «Выбор ограничения тока». (Кроме того, выберите с помощью параметра 156, должна ли продолжаться работа при выводе сигнала OL.)


Защита двигателя от опрокидывания активирована (в следствии превышения напряжения на промежуточном контуре).

  • Увеличьте время торможения.


Перегрузка на тормозном сопротивлении.

  • Проверьте, правильно ли настроен цикл торможения.
  • Проверьте настройки параметров 30 «Выбор регенеративного тормозного контура» и 70 «Регенеративный тормозной цикл».
  • Увеличьте время торможения в параметре 8.
  • Убедитесь в том, что настройки параметров 30 «Выбор регенеративного тормозного контура» и 70 «Регенеративный тормозной цикл» правильны.


Предварительный сигнал тревоги электрической защиты двигателя от перегрева.


Останов частотного преобразователя был произведён через панель управления.

  • Убедитесь в том, что преобразователь был остановлен нажатием на кнопку «STOP/RESET» на панели управления.
  • Выключите пусковой сигнал и нажмите клавишу «PU/EXT» панели управления.


Сообщение о необходимости проведения работ по техобслуживанию.

  • Значение параметра 503 «Счетчик интервалов технического обслуживания» достигло значения параметра 504 «Выбор интервала технического обслуживания».
  • Установите параметр 503 «Счетчик интервалов технического обслуживания» на «0», чтобы стереть его значение.


Превышено максимально допустимое напряжение.

  • Проверьте напряжение питания преобразователя частоты.
  • Проверьте источник питания.


Безопасный останов.

  • Проверьте – возможно, удалены перемычки между клеммами S1 и SC или S2 и SC, хотя функция «Безопасный останов» не используется.
  • Если функция «Безопасный останов» не используется, то для эксплуатации преобразователя частоты клеммы S1 и SC, S2 и SC должны быть замкнуты накоротко.
  • Если появляется индикация SA, хотя клеммы S1 и SC, S2 и SC соединены и применяется функция «Безопасный останов» (преобразователь готов к работе), это может быть вызвано внутренней ошибкой преобразователя.
  • Проверьте подключение клемм S1, S2 и SC. Если клеммы подключены без ошибок, обратитесь в сервисный центр.

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi (серьезные неисправности)


Расшифровка кода ошибки

Устранение ошибки


Вентилятор не исправен.

  • Проверьте охлаждающий вентилятор.
  • Замените охлаждающий вентилятор.


Отключение по превышению тока при разгоне.

  • Увеличьте время разгона. (уменьшите в ходе подъемных работ время разгона при движении вниз.)
  • Если при пуске постоянно появляется сообщение «E.OC1», отсоедините электродвигатель и запустите преобразователь частоты. Если индикация данного сообщения продолжается, обратитесь к региональному представителю компании.
  • Проверьте подключения на выходе, чтобы исключить возможность короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Уменьшите настройку ограничения тока.
  • Активируйте интеллектуальный контроль выходного тока.
  • Установите правильное значение номинального напряжения двигателя при помощи параметра 19 «Максимальное выходное напряжение».


Отключение по превышению тока при постоянной скорости вращения.

  • Избегайте значительных колебаний нагрузки.
  • Проверьте проводные соединения на выходе, чтобы исключить возможность короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Уменьшите настройку ограничения тока.
  • Активируйте интеллектуальный контроль выходного тока.


Отключение по превышению тока в процессе торможения или останова.

  • Увеличьте время торможения.
  • Проверьте проводные соединения на выходе, чтобы исключить возможность короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Проверьте управление механическим тормозом.
  • Уменьшите настройку ограничения тока.
  • Активируйте интеллектуальный контроль выходного тока.


Превышение напряжения при разгоне.

  • Проверьте, не является ли время разгона (например, при спуске в ходе подъемных работ) слишком большим.
  • Проверьте, не слишком ли мало граничное значение, настроенное в параметре 22 «Ограничение тока».
  • Сократите время разгона.
  • Проверьте, включено ли управление промежуточным звеном (пар. 882, 883, 885 и 886).
  • Установите правильное значение в параметре 22 «Ограничение тока».


Превышение напряжения при постоянной скорости вращения.

  • Имеют ли место большие колебания нагрузки?
  • Проверьте, не слишком ли мало граничное значение, настроенное в параметре 22 «Ограничение тока».
  • Избегайте больших колебаний нагрузки.
  • Проверьте, включено ли управление промежуточным звеном постоянного тока (пар. 882, 883, 885 и 886.
  • Используйте внешний тормозной блок или центральный блок питания и рекуперации (FR-CV).
  • Установите правильное значение в параметре 22 «Ограничение тока».


Превышение напряжения в процессе торможения или останова.

  • Увеличьте время торможения. (Выберите время торможения с учетом момента инерции нагрузки.)
  • Используйте управление промежуточным звеном постоянного тока (пар. 882, 883, 885 и886).
  • Используйте внешний тормозной блок или центральный блок питания и рекуперации (FR-CV)


Защита от перегрузки (частотный преобразователь).

  • Увеличьте время разгона/торможения.
  • Правильно отрегулируйте подъем крутящего момента.
  • Выберите подходящую нагрузочную характеристику для данной машины.
  • Уменьшите нагрузку.
  • Соблюдайте температуру окружающего воздуха.


Защита электродвигателя от перегрузки (срабатывание электрической тепловой защиты).

  • Уменьшите нагрузку.
  • Если подключен двигатель с независимой вентиляцией, установите параметр 71 «Выбор электродвигателя» на значение, соответствующее двигателю с независимой вентиляцией.
  • Правильно настройте ограничение по току.


Перегрев радиатора.

  • Соблюдайте диапазон температуры окружающего воздуха.
  • Очистите радиатор.
  • Замените охлаждающий вентилятор.


Рассогласование входных фаз.

  • Проверьте провода сетевого электропитания на обрыв.
  • В случае 3-фазного питания проверьте несимметричность входного напряжения.
  • Подключите входные фазы правильно.
  • Устраните обрывы проводов.
  • Проверьте настройку параметра 872 «Ошибка входной фазы».
  • Если входное напряжение сильно несимметрично, установите параметр 872 в «0» (без определения ошибки входной фазы).


Отключающая защита от опрокидывания двигателя.

  • Уменьшите нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверьте настройку параметра 22 «ограничение по току».


Неисправность встроенного тормозного транзистора. Неисправность во внутреннем электрическом контуре.

  • Замените преобразователь частоты.


Ток перегрузки вследствие замыкания на землю.

  • Проверьте двигатель и кабель двигателя на наличие короткого замыкания на землю.
  • Устраните причину короткого замыкания на землю.


Ошибка выходной фазы

  • Проверьте соединительный кабель и двигатель.
  • Убедитесь в том, что мощность подключенного двигателя не меньше мощности используемого преобразователя частоты.
  • Подключите кабели правильно.
  • Проверьте настройку параметров 251 «Ошибка выходных фаз».


Срабатывание внешней тепловой защиты двигателя (термоконтакта)

  • Проверьте, не чрезмерно ли нагрет двигатель.
  • Убедитесь в том, что один из параметров 178…182 «Присвоение функций входным клеммам» установлен на «7», чтобы входной клемме был присвоен сигнал OH.
  • Уменьшите нагрузку и рабочие циклы.
  • Хотя сброс контактов реле происходит автоматически, для повторного запуска преобразователя необходимо выполнить и сброс преобразователя.


Срабатывание термистора с ПТК

  • Убедитесь в том, что датчик температуры подключен правильно.
  • Проверьте настройку параметра 561.
  • Уменьшите нагрузку.


Ошибка запоминающего устройства

  • Превышено максимально допустимое количество циклов записи в E2PROM?
  • Если значения параметров записываются часто, установите параметр 342 в «1», чтобы значения параметров записывались в RAM. Учтите при этом, что при выключении напряжения питания преобразователь возвращается в состояние, в котором он находился перед записью в RAM.


Неисправность соединения с панелью управления

  • Следите за правильным подключением пульта управления FR-PU04 или FR-PU07.
  • Проверьте данные и настройки связи.
  • Повысьте значение параметра 122 или установите параметр в «9999» (без контроля времени).


Превышение допустимого количества попыток перезапуска

  • Устранить причину срабатывания первоначальной защитной функции.

E.  5

Ошибка центрального процессора

  • Примите меры против наводки электромагнитных помех от других приборов на преобразователь частоты.
  • Если устранить проблему не удается, обратитесь сервисный центр.



Превышение допустимого выходного тока

  • Если выходной ток превысил настройку параметра 150 «Контроль выходного тока», выход преобразователя отключается.
  • Проверьте настройки параметров 150 «Контроль выходного тока», 151 «Длительность контроля выходного тока», 166 «Длительность импульса сигнала Y12» и 167 «Режим при срабатывании контроля выходного тока».


Перегрев сопротивления включения

  • Проверьте, не происходит ли включение и выключение напряжения питания с короткими интервалами.
  • Предотвратите включение и выключение напряжения питания с короткими интервалами. Если устранить проблему не удается, обратитесь к региональному торговому представителю.


Неисправный аналоговый вход

  • Проверьте настройку параметра 267 «Установка входных заданных значений на клемме 4».
  • Подавайте заданное значение частоты в виде тока или определите вход в качестве потенциального с помощью праметра 267 «Установка входных заданных значений на клемме 4».


Ошибка в защитном контуре

  • Если функция «Безопасный останов» не используется, то для эксплуатации преобразователя частоты клеммы S1 и SC, S2 и SC должны быть замкнуты накоротко (см. также раздел 3.4.3).
  • В случае применения функции «Безопасный останов» проверьте подключение клемм S1, S2 и SC, а также работу устройства, подающего сигналы (например, релейного модуля безопасности). Более подробное описание функции «Безопасный останов» имеется в руководстве «FR-D700 SC EC – Safety stop function instruction manual» (No документа: BCN-A211508-005″).

*Если при применении пульта управления FR-PU04 происходит один из следующих сбоев в работе «E.ILF, E.PTC, E.CDO, E.IOH, E.AIE и E.SAF» на дисплее преобразователя появится сообщение об ошибке «Ошибка 14»

Если возникла какая-либо иная ошибка, не описанная выше, свяжитесь с региональным представителем компании Mitsubishi.

Просмотр и удаление списка кодов (сигналов) ошибок

Просмотр списка сигналов ошибок после появления серьезной неисправности

Удаление списка кодов ошибок ПЧ Mitsubishi

Просмотр списка сигналов ошибок после появления серьезной неисправности

Удаление списка кодов ошибок ПЧ Mitsubishi

Сброс ошибок и Ремонт частотников Mitsubishi в сервисном центре

Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте частотных преобразователей. Логотип компании 'Кернел'Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленного преобразователя частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт частотного преобразователя Mitsubishi производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт частотного преобразователя. Оставьте заказ на ремонт оборудования используя форму на сайте, либо свяжетесь с нашими менеджерами, сделать это очень просто.

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10 февраля 2023 г. 00:43

Фото ПЧ Mitsubishi Electric

При работе промышленной электроники Mitsubishi в системах вентиляции, теплоснабжения или автоматизированном производственном оборудовании часто возникают неисправности, распознать которые можно считав коды ошибок и произведя расшифровку этих кодов по инструкции на конкретную модель электронного оборудования. Наиболее частое использование в промышленном оборудовании получили следующие частотные преобразователи фирмы Mitsubishi: Mitsubishi FR-D700, Mitsubishi FR-E500, Mitsubishi FR-F700, Mitsubishi FR-A500. В свою очередь серия Mitsubishi FR-D700 включает в себя следующие модели: FR-D720-0.1K, FR-D720-0.2K, FR-D720-0.4K, FR-D720-0.75K, FR-D720-1.5K, FR-D720-2.2K, FR-D720-3.7K, FR-D720-5.5K, FR-D720-7.5K, FR-D720-11K, FR-D720-15K, FR-D740-0.4K, FR-D740-0.75K, FR-D740-1.5K, FR-D740-2.2K, FR-D740-3.7K, FR-D740-5.5K, FR-D740-7.5K, FR-D740-11K, FR-D740-15K, FR-D720S-0.1K, FR-D720S-0.2K, FR-D720S-0.4K, FR-D720S-0.75K, FR-D720S-1.5K, FR-D720S-2.2K, FR-D710W-0.1K, FR-D710W-0.2K, FR-D710W-0.4K, FR-D710W-0.75K. Своевременная расшифровка ошибок может значительно ускорить диагностику и ремонт преобразователей частоты, подробнее об этом написано здесь.

Частотные преобразователи Mitsubishi имеют следующие распространенные ошибки:

Наиболее частые ошибки преобразователей Mitsubishi D700 :

Ошибка Er1 (error Er1) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er2 (error Er2) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er3 (error Er3) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er4 (error Er4) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка OL (error OL)(отображается на дисплее, как «0L») — перегрузка по току;
Ошибка oL (error oL) — перенапряжение;
Ошибка rb (error rb) — ошибка торможения;
Ошибка TH (error TH)(отображается на дисплее, как «ГН») — перегрев ПЧ;
Ошибка PS (error PS)(отображается на дисплее, как «P5») — функция PU Stop;
Ошибка MT (error MT)(отображается на дисплее, как «ПГ») — таймер сервисного обслуживания;
Ошибка Uv (error Uv)(отображается на дисплее, как «Uu») — пониженное напряжение сети;
Ошибка SA (error SA)(отображается на дисплее, как «5A») — безопасная остановка;
Ошибка Fn (error Fn) — неисправность вентилятора охлаждения;
Ошибка E.OC1 (error E.OC1)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C1», «E.0Cl», «E.OCl») — перегрузка во время разгона;
Ошибка E.OC2 (error E.OC2)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C2») — перегрузка во время постоянной скорости;
Ошибка E.OC3 (error E.OC3)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C3») — перегрузка во время торможения;
Ошибка E.Ov1 (error E.Ov1)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u1», «E.Ou1») — перенапряжение во время разгона;
Ошибка E.Ov2 (error E.Ov2)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u2», «E.Ou2») — перенапряжение во время постоянной скорости;
Ошибка E.Ov3 (error E.Ov3)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u3», «E.Ou3») — перенапряжение во время торможения;
Ошибка E.THT (error E.THT)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.ГНГ») — перегрев инвертора;
Ошибка E.THM (error E.THM)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.ГНП») — перегрев двигателя;
Ошибка E.FIn (error E.FIn)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.F1n», «E.Fln») — перегрев радиатора;
Ошибка E.ILF (error E.ILF)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.1LF», «E.lLF») — обрыв фазы на входе ПЧ;
Ошибка E.OLT (error E.OLT)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.OLГ», «E.0LT») — пониженная нагрузка, возможен обрыв фазы на выходе;
Ошибка E.bE (error E.bE) — ошибка тормозного транзистора;
Ошибка E.GF (error E.GF)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.CF», «E.6F») — короткое замыкание на землю на выходе ПЧ;
Ошибка E.LF (error E.LF) — обрыв фазы на выходе инвертора;
Ошибка E.OHT (error E.OHT)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.ОНГ») — внешний перегрев;
Ошибка E.PTC (error E.PTC)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.РГС») — срабатывание термистора PTC;
Ошибка E.PE (error E.PE) — неисправна схема сохранения параметров;
Ошибка E.PUE (error E.PUE) — пульт не подключен;
Ошибка E.rET (error E.rET)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.гЕГ») — превышено количество попыток автоматического повторного включения — АПВ;
Ошибка E.5 (error E.5)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.S») — ошибка микропроцессора;
Ошибка E.CPU (error E.CPU) — ошибка микропроцессора;
Ошибка E.CdO (error E.CdO) — перегрузка инвертора по уставкам Pr.150, 151, 166, 167;
Ошибка E.IOH (error E.IOH)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.lOH», «E.1OH», «E.l0H», «E.10H») — перегрев;
Ошибка E.AIE (error E.AIE)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.A1E», «E.AlE») — ошибка аналогового входа;
Ошибка E.SAF (error E.SAF) — ошибка схемы безопасности;
Ошибка 14 (error 14, fault 14) — обрыв фазы на входе / перегрев термистора PTC / перегрузка / ошибка аналогового сигнала / ошибка схемы безопасности.

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Frequency Inverter

Instruction Manual

FR-E740 EC

Art. no. 213994





Version C


Related Manuals for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E700

Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E700

  • Page 1: Instruction Manual

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FR-E700 Frequency Inverter Instruction Manual FR-E740 EC Art. no. 213994 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC IB(NA)-0600336ENG 01102008 Version C…

  • Page 2
  • Page 3
    Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter. This Instruction Manual provides instructions for advanced use of the FR-E700 series inverters. Incorrect handling might cause an unexpected fault. Before using the inverter, always read this instruction manual and the Installation Guideline [IB-0600335ENG] packed with the product carefully to use the equipment to its optimum performance.
  • Page 4
    3.Injury Prevention (3) Trial run CAUTION CAUTION Apply only the voltage specified in the instruction manual Before starting operation, confirm and adjust the to each terminal. Otherwise, burst, damage, etc. may parameters. A failure to do so may cause some machines occur.
  • Page 5
    (5) Emergency stop CAUTION Provide a safety backup such as an emergency brake which will prevent the machine and equipment from hazardous conditions if the inverter fails. When the breaker on the inverter input side trips, check for the wiring fault (short circuit), damage to internal parts of the inverter, etc.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS OUTLINE Product checking and parts identification……… 2 Inverter and peripheral devices…………3 1.2.1 Peripheral devices …………………….. 4 Removal and reinstallation of the cover ……….5 1.3.1 Front cover……………………….5 1.3.2 Wiring cover………………………. 7 Installation of the inverter and enclosure design ……8 1.4.1 Inverter installation environment…………………

  • Page 7
    3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures ………………36 3.1.2 EMC measures ……………………..38 3.1.3 Power supply harmonics ………………….40 Installation of power factor improving reactor ……. 41 Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC)……..42 Inverter-driven 400V class motor ………… 43 Precautions for use of the inverter ……….44 Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter ……
  • Page 8
    4.7.3 Remote setting function (Pr. 59) ………………..98 Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern …………..101 4.8.1 Setting of the acceleration and deceleration time (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 147) …………..101 4.8.2 Starting frequency and start-time hold function (Pr.
  • Page 9
    4.14 Operation setting at fault occurrence ………. 161 4.14.1 Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69) ………………161 4.14.2 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872) ……….163 4.14.3 Earth (ground) fault detection at start (Pr. 249) …………….. 163 4.15 Energy saving operation…………..
  • Page 10
    4.22 Useful functions …………….248 4.22.1 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244) ……………… 248 4.22.2 Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259)…………249 4.22.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)…………….253 4.22.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr. 555 to Pr. 557) …………254 4.22.5 Free parameter (Pr.
  • Page 11
    PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION Inspection items …………….288 6.1.1 Daily inspection …………………….. 288 6.1.2 Periodic inspection ……………………288 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection …………………. 289 6.1.4 Display of the life of the inverter parts ………………290 6.1.5 Checking the inverter and converter modules …………….291 6.1.6 Cleaning ………………………..
  • Page 12
  • Page 13: Outline

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design …… 8 <Abbreviations> PU ……….Operation panel and parameter unit (FR-PU04 /FR-PU07 Inverter ……….. Mitsubishi inverter FR-E700 series E700 ……..Mitsubishi inverter FR-E700 series Pr………… Parameter number PU operation ……..Operation using the PU (operation panel/FR-PU04/FR-PU07) External operation ……

  • Page 14: Product Checking And Parts Identification

    Product checking and parts identification Product checking and parts identification Unpack the inverter and check the capacity plate on the front cover and the rating plate on the inverter side face to ensure that the product agrees with your order and the inverter is intact. Inverter type FR — — EC…

  • Page 15: Inverter And Peripheral Devices

    (Refer to page 27) Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) or earth leakage circuit breaker (ELB), fuse Inverter (FR-E700) The breaker must be selected carefully The life of the inverter is influenced by since an in-rush current flows in the surrounding temperature.

  • Page 16: Peripheral Devices

    Inverter and peripheral devices 1.2.1 Peripheral devices Check the inverter type of the inverter you purchased. Appropriate peripheral devices must be selected according to the capacity. Refer to the following list and prepare appropriate peripheral devices: Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Magnetic Contactor (MC) (MCCB) ∗1 Motor…

  • Page 17: Removal And Reinstallation Of The Cover

    Removal and reinstallation of the cover Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3.1 Front cover FR-E740-170 or less, FR-E720S Removal (Example of FR-E740-095) Remove the front cover by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. Reinstallation (Example of FR-E740-095) To reinstall, match the cover to the inverter front and install it straight.

  • Page 18
    Removal and reinstallation of the cover FR-E740-230, 300 Removal (Example of FR-E740-230) 1) Loosen the installation screws of the front cover 1. 2) Remove the front cover 1 by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. 3) Remove the front cover 2 by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. Front cover 2 Front cover 1 Installation…
  • Page 19: Wiring Cover

    Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3.2 Wiring cover Removal and reinstallation The cover can be removed easily by pulling it toward you. To reinstall, fit the cover to the inverter along the guides. FR-E720S-008 to 030 FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E720S-050 to 110 Guide Guide…

  • Page 20: Installation Of The Inverter And Enclosure Design

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Installation of the inverter and enclosure design When an inverter panel is to be designed and manufactured, heat generated by contained equipment, etc., the environment of an operating place, and others must be fully considered to determine the panel structure, size and equipment layout. The inverter unit uses many semiconductor devices.

  • Page 21
    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Dust, dirt, oil mist Dust and dirt will cause such faults as poor contact of contact points, reduced insulation or reduced cooling effect due to moisture absorption of accumulated dust and dirt, and in-panel temperature rise due to clogged filter. In the atmosphere where conductive powder floats, dust and dirt will cause such faults as malfunction, deteriorated insulation and short circuit in a short time.
  • Page 22: Cooling System Types For Inverter Panel

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design 1.4.2 Cooling system types for inverter panel From the panel that contains the inverter, the heat of the inverter and other equipment (transformers, lamps, resistors, etc.) and the incoming heat such as direct sunlight must be dissipated to keep the in-panel temperature lower than the permissible temperatures of the in-panel equipment including the inverter.

  • Page 23: Inverter Placement

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design 1.4.3 Inverter placement Installation of the inverter Enclosure surface mounting Remove the front cover and wiring cover to fix the inverter to the surface. FR-E720S-008 to 030 FR-E740-016 or more FR-E720S-050 or more Front cover Front cover Wiring cover…

  • Page 24
    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Above inverter Heat is blown up from inside the inverter by the small fan built in the unit. Any equipment placed above the inverter should be heat resistant. Arrangement of multiple inverters When multiple inverters are placed in the same enclosure, generally arrange them horizontally as shown in the right figure (a).
  • Page 25: Wiring

    WIRING This chapter describes the basic «WIRING» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Wiring………………… 14 Main circuit terminal specifications ……….15 Control circuit specifications …………20 Connection of stand-alone option unit ……..29…

  • Page 26: Terminal Connection Diagram

    Wiring Wiring 2.1.1 Terminal connection diagram Source logic 1. DC reactor (FR-HEL) Main circuit terminal When connecting a DC reactor, remove the Control circuit terminal jumper across P1 and +. Single-phase power input Brake unit *6 A brake transistor is not built-in to the (Option) MCCB FR-E720S-008 and 015.

  • Page 27: Main Circuit Terminal Specifications

    Main circuit terminal specifications Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.1 Specification of main circuit terminal Terminal Terminal Name Description Symbol R/L1, Connect to the commercial power supply. S/L2, AC power input Keep these terminals open when using the high power factor converter (FR-HC) or T/L3 ∗1 power regeneration common converter (FR-CV).

  • Page 28: Terminal Arrangement Of The Main Circuit Terminal, Power Supply And The Motor Wiring

    Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.2 Terminal arrangement of the main circuit terminal, power supply and the motor wiring Three-phase 400V class FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E740-120, 170 Jumper Screw size (M4) Jumper R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 Screw size (M4) R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 + PR Screw size (M4)

  • Page 29: Cables And Wiring Length

    Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.3 Cables and wiring length Applied wire size Select the recommended cable size to ensure that a voltage drop will be 2% max. If the wiring distance is long between the inverter and motor, a main circuit cable voltage drop will cause the motor torque to decrease especially at the output of a low frequency.

  • Page 30
    Main circuit terminal specifications Earthing (Grounding) precautions Always earth (ground) the motor and inverter. 1) Purpose of earthing (grounding) Generally, an electrical apparatus has an earth (ground) terminal, which must be connected to the ground before use. An electrical circuit is usually insulated by an insulating material and encased. However, it is impossible to manufacture an insulating material that can shut off a leakage current completely, and actually, a slight current flow into the case.
  • Page 31
    Main circuit terminal specifications Total wiring length The overall wiring length for connection of a single motor or multiple motors should be within the value in the table below. 200V class Pr. 72 PWM frequency selection Setting (carrier frequency) 1 (1kHz) or less 200m 200m 300m…
  • Page 32: Control Circuit Specifications

    Control circuit specifications Control circuit specifications 2.3.1 Standard control circuit terminal indicates that terminal functions can be selected using Pr. 178 to Pr. 184, Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 (I/O terminal function selection). (Refer to page 130). Input signal Terminal Refer to Type Terminal Name…

  • Page 33
    Control circuit specifications Terminal Refer to Type Terminal Name Description Rated Specifications Symbol Page 5.2V ± 0.2VDC Used as power supply when connecting potentiometer Frequency setting power for frequency setting (speed setting) from outside of permissible load current supply the inverter. (Refer to Pr. 73 Analog input selection.) 10mA Inputting 0 to 5VDC (or 0 to 10V) provides the Input resistance10kΩ…
  • Page 34
    Control circuit specifications Output signal Terminal Reference Type Terminal Name Description Rated Specifications Symbol Page 1 changeover contact output indicates that the inverter Contact capacity:230VAC Relay output (fault protective function has activated and the output stopped. 0.3A A, B, C output) Fault: discontinuity across B-C (continuity across A-C), (power factor =0.4)
  • Page 35: Changing The Control Logic

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.2 Changing the control logic The input signals are set to source logic (SOURCE) when shipped from the factory. To change the control logic, the jumper connector above the control terminal must be moved to the other position. To change to sink logic, change the jumper connector in the source logic (SOURCE) position to sink logic (SINK) position using tweezers, a pair of long-nose pliers etc.

  • Page 36
    Control circuit specifications (1) Sink logic type and source logic type In sink logic, a signal switches ON when a current flows from the corresponding signal input terminal. Terminal SD is common to the contact input signals. Terminal SE is common to the open collector output signals. In source logic, a signal switches ON when a current flows into the corresponding signal input terminal.
  • Page 37: Wiring Of Control Circuit

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.3 Wiring of control circuit Standard control circuit terminal layout Terminal screw size M3: (Terminal A, B, C) M2: (Other than the above) 4 RUN FU SE STF STR Wiring method 1) Strip off the sheath of the wire of the control circuit to wire. Strip off the sheath about the size below.

  • Page 38: Wiring Instructions

    Control circuit specifications Signal inputs by contactless switches The contacted input terminals of the inverter (STF, STR, RH, RM, RL, MRS, RES) can be controlled using a Inverter transistor instead of a contacted switch as shown on the right. +24V STF, etc.

  • Page 39: Connection To The Pu Connector

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.5 Connection to the PU connector Using the PU connector, you can perform communication operation from the parameter unit (FR-PU07), enclosure surface operation panel (FR-PA07) or a personal computer etc. Refer to the figure below to open the PU connector cover. PU connector To open the cover Place a flathead screwdriver, etc.

  • Page 40
    Pins No. 2 and 8 provide power to the parameter unit. Do not use these pins for RS-485 communication. When making RS-485 communication between the FR-E700 series, FR-E500 series and FR-S500 series, incorrect connection of pins No.2 and 8 (parameter unit power supply) of the above PU connector may result in the inverter malfunction or failure.
  • Page 41: Connection Of Stand-Alone Option Unit

    Connection of stand-alone option unit Connection of stand-alone option unit The inverter accepts a variety of stand-alone option units as required. Incorrect connection will cause inverter damage or accident. Connect and operate the option unit carefully in accordance with the corresponding option unit manual. 2.4.1 Connection of a dedicated external brake resistor (MRS type, FR-ABR) (FR-E740- 016 or more, FR-E720S-030 or more)

  • Page 42
    Connection of stand-alone option unit When using the brake resistor (MRS type) and high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) It is recommended to configure a sequence, which shuts off power in the input side of the inverter by the external thermal relay as shown below, to prevent overheat and burnout of the brake resistor (MRS type) and high duty brake resistor (FR- ABR) in case the regenerative brake transistor is damaged.
  • Page 43: Connection Of The Brake Unit (Fr-Bu2)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit 2.4.2 Connection of the brake unit (FR-BU2) Connect the brake unit (FR-BU2(-H)) as shown below to improve the braking capability at deceleration. If the transistors in the brake unit should become faulty, the resistor can be unusually hot. To prevent unusual overheat and fire, install a magnetic contactor on the inverter’s input side to configure a circuit so that a current is shut off in case of fault.

  • Page 44: Connection Of The High Power Factor Converter (Fr-Hc)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit Connection example with the FR-BR(-H) type resistor ∗2 FR-BR MCCB Motor ∗4 R/L1 Three-phase AC S/L2 power supply T/L3 ∗3 FR-BU2 Inverter ∗1 ∗1 ∗5 ∗3 5m or less ∗1 Connect the inverter terminals (+ and -) and brake unit (FR-BU2) terminals so that their terminal names match with each other.

  • Page 45: Connection Of The Power Regeneration Common Converter (Fr-Cv)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit 2.4.4 Connection of the power regeneration common converter (FR-CV) When connecting the power regeneration common converter (FR-CV), connect the inverter terminals (+, -) and power regeneration common converter (FR-CV) terminals as shown below so that their symbols match with each other. R/L1 S/L2 T/L3…

  • Page 46
  • Page 47: Precautions For Use Of The Inverter

    PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER This chapter explains the «PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment EMC and leakage currents …………36 Installation of power factor improving reactor ……41 Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) ………

  • Page 48: Emc And Leakage Currents

    EMC and leakage currents EMC and leakage currents 3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures Capacitances exist between the inverter I/O cables, other cables and earth and in the motor, through which a leakage current flows. Since its value depends on the static capacitances, carrier frequency, etc., low acoustic noise operation at the increased carrier frequency of the inverter will increase the leakage current.

  • Page 49
    EMC and leakage currents Selection of rated sensitivity current of earth (ground) leakage current breaker When using the earth leakage current breaker with the inverter circuit, select its rated sensitivity current as follows, independently of the PWM carrier frequency. Breaker designed for harmonic and Ig1, Ig2: Leakage currents in wire path during commercial surge suppression power supply operation…
  • Page 50: Emc Measures

    EMC and leakage currents 3.1.2 EMC measures Some electromagnetic noises enter the inverter to malfunction it and others are radiated by the inverter to malfunction peripheral devices. Though the inverter is designed to have high immunity performance, it handles low-level signals, so it requires the following basic techniques.

  • Page 51
    EMC and leakage currents Propagation Path Measures When devices that handle low-level signals and are liable to malfunction due to electromagnetic noises, e.g. instruments, receivers and sensors, are contained in the enclosure that contains the inverter or when their signal cables are run near the inverter, the devices may be malfunctioned by air-propagated electromagnetic noises.
  • Page 52: Power Supply Harmonics

    EMC and leakage currents 3.1.3 Power supply harmonics The inverter may generate power supply harmonics from its converter circuit to affect the power generator, power capacitor etc. Power supply harmonics are different from noise and leakage currents in source, frequency band and transmission path. Take the following countermeasure suppression techniques.

  • Page 53: Installation Of Power Factor Improving Reactor

    Installation of power factor improving reactor Installation of power factor improving reactor When the inverter is connected near a large-capacity power transformer (500kVA or more) or when a power capacitor is to be switched over, an excessive peak current may flow in the power input circuit, damaging the converter circuit. To prevent this, always install an optional reactor (FR-HAL, FR-HEL).

  • Page 54: Power-Off And Magnetic Contactor (Mc)

    Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) Inverter input side magnetic contactor (MC) On the inverter input side, it is recommended to provide an MC for the following purposes. (Refer to page 4 for selection.) 1) To release the inverter from the power supply when the fault occurs or when the drive is not functioning (e.g. emergency stop operation).

  • Page 55: Inverter-Driven 400V Class Motor

    Inverter-driven 400V class motor Inverter-driven 400V class motor In the PWM type inverter, a surge voltage attributable to wiring constants is generated at the motor terminals. Especially for a 400V class motor, the surge voltage may deteriorate the insulation. When the 400V class motor is driven by the inverter, consider the following measures: Measures It is recommended to take either of the following measures:…

  • Page 56: Precautions For Use Of The Inverter

    Precautions for use of the inverter Precautions for use of the inverter The FR-E700 series is a highly reliable product, but incorrect peripheral circuit making or operation/handling method may shorten the product life or damage the product. Before starting operation, always recheck the following items.

  • Page 57
    Precautions for use of the inverter (12) Do not apply a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits. Application of a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits or opposite polarity may damage the I/O devices.
  • Page 58: Failsafe Of The System Which Uses The Inverter

    Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter When a fault occurs, the inverter trips to output a fault signal. However, a fault output signal may not be output at an inverter fault occurrence when the detection circuit or output circuit fails, etc.

  • Page 59
    Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter 4) Checking the motor operating status by the start signal input to the inverter and inverter output current detection signal. The output current detection signal (Y12 signal) is output when the inverter operates and currents flows in the motor. Check if Y12 signal is output when inputting the start signal to the inverter (forward signal is STF signal and reverse signal is STR signal).
  • Page 60
  • Page 61: Parameters

    PARAMETERS This chapter explains the «PARAMETERS» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment The abbreviations in the explanations below are as follows: ..V/F control, ..Advanced magnetic flux vector control, AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC ..General-purpose magnetic-flux vector control GP MFVC GP MFVC…

  • Page 62: Operation Panel

    Operation panel Operation panel 4.1.1 Names and functions of the operation panel The operation panel cannot be removed from the inverter. Operating status display Operation mode indication Lit or flicker during inverter operation. ∗ PU: Lit to indicate PU operation mode. EXT: Lit to indicate External operation mode.

  • Page 63: Basic Operation (Factory Setting)

    Operation panel 4.1.2 Basic operation (factory setting) Operation mode switchover At powering on (external operation mode) PU Jog operation mode (Example) PU operation mode Value change and frequency flicker. (output frequency monitor) Frequency setting has been written and completed!! STOP Output current monitor Output voltage monitor Display the…

  • Page 64: Easy Operation Mode Setting (Easy Setting Mode)

    Operation panel 4.1.3 Easy operation mode setting (easy setting mode) Setting of Pr. 79 Operation mode selection according to combination of the start command and speed command can be easily made. Operation Start command: external (STF/STR), frequency command: operate with example Operation Display…

  • Page 65: Change The Parameter Setting Value

    Operation panel 4.1.4 Change the parameter setting value Changing Change the Pr. 1 Maximum frequency setting. example Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PU indication is lit. Press to choose the PU operation mode. PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode.

  • Page 66: Parameter List

    Parameter list Parameter list Parameter list 4.2.1 Parameter list For simple variable-speed operation of the inverter, the initial setting of the parameters may be used as they are. Set the necessary parameters to meet the load and operational specifications. Parameter setting, change and check can be made Symbols in the table indicate parameters which function when an option is mounted.

  • Page 67
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 68
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 69
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 70
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 71
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 72
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 73
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 74
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 75: Control Mode

    Parameters according to purposes Control mode 4.3.1 Change the control method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) …………..76 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.1 Manual torque boost (Pr. 0, Pr. 46) ………………..77 4.4.2 Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800) ……78 4.4.3 General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Pr.

  • Page 76
    4.11.3 Condition selection of function validity by second function selection signal (RT) ……. 133 4.11.4 Start signal operation selection (STF, STR, STOP signal, Pr. 250) ……….. 134 4.11.5 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192)…………… 136 4.11.6 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU signal, Pr. 41 to Pr. 43) ……….140 4.11.7 Output current detection function (Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr.
  • Page 77
    4.20 Communication operation and setting 4.20.1 Wiring and configuration of PU connector ……………… 199 4.20.2 Initial settings and specifications of RS-485 communication (Pr. 117 to Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549) …………….202 4.20.3 Operation selection at communication error occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502) ….203 4.20.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr.
  • Page 78
    Control mode Control mode V/F control (initial setting), Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control are available with this inverter. V/F Control It controls frequency and voltage so that the ratio of frequency (F) to voltage (V) is constant when changing frequency. Advanced (General-purpose) magnetic flux vector control This control divides the inverter output current into an excitation current and a torque current by vector calculation and makes voltage compensation to flow a motor current which meets the load torque.
  • Page 79: Change The Control Method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800)

    Control mode 4.3.1 Change the control method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) Set when selecting the control method for Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control. The initial value is V/F control. Select a control mode using Pr. 800 Control method selection. Parameter Initial Name…

  • Page 80: Adjust The Output Torque (Current) Of The Motor

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Set starting torque manually Manual torque boost Pr. 0, Pr. 46 Advanced magnetic flux Automatically control output current vector control, Pr.

  • Page 81: Advanced Magnetic Flux Vector Control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.2 Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC Advanced magnetic flux vector control can be selected by setting the capacity, poles and type of the motor used in Pr. 80 and Pr.

  • Page 82
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor <Selection method of Advanced magnetic flux vector control> Perform secure wiring. (Refer to page 14) Set the motor. (Pr. 71) Pr. 71 Setting ∗1 Motor Remarks Mitsubishi standard SF-JR 0 (initial value) motor SF-HR Mitsubishi high…
  • Page 83
    The motor speed fluctuation at load fluctuation can be adjusted using Pr. 89. (It is useful when the speed command does not match the motor speed after the FR-E500 series inverter is replaced with the FR-E700 series inverter, etc.) Speed Parameters referred to Pr.
  • Page 84: General-Purpose Magnetic Flux Vector Control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.3 General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC General-purpose magnetic flux vector control is the same function as the FR-E500 series. Select this control when the same operation characteristic is necessary.

  • Page 85
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor <Selection method of General-purpose magnetic flux vector control> Perform secure wiring. (Refer to page 14) Set the motor.(Pr. 71) Pr. 71 Setting ∗1 Motor Remarks Mitsubishi standard SF-JR 0 (initial value) motor SF-HR Mitsubishi high ∗2…
  • Page 86: Slip Compensation (Pr. 245 To Pr. 247)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.4 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC When V/F control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control is performed, the inverter output current may be used to assume motor slip to keep the motor speed constant. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 87: Stall Prevention Operation (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 48, Pr. 66, Pr. 156, Pr. 157, Pr. 277)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.5 Stall prevention operation (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 48, Pr. 66, Pr. 156, Pr. 157, Pr. 277) This function monitors the output current and automatically changes the output frequency to prevent the inverter from coming to trip due to overcurrent, overvoltage, etc.

  • Page 88
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Setting of stall prevention operation level (Pr. 22) Pr. 22 Set in the percentage of the output current to the rated inverter current at which stall prevention operation will be Output current performed.
  • Page 89
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Setting of stall prevention operation in high frequency range (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66) Setting example Pr. 22 = 150% Pr. 23 = 100% Pr. 22 When Pr. 23 = 9999 Pr.
  • Page 90
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Limit the stall prevention operation and fast-response current limit operation according to the operating status (Pr. 156) Refer to the following table and select whether stall prevention operation and fast-response current limit operation will be performed or not and the operation to be performed at OL signal output.
  • Page 91: Limit The Output Frequency

    Limit the output frequency Limit the output frequency Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Set upper limit and lower limit of Maximum/minimum Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 18 output frequency frequency Perform operation by avoiding Frequency jump Pr.

  • Page 92: Avoid Mechanical Resonance Points (Frequency Jumps) (Pr. 31 To Pr. 36)

    Limit the output frequency 4.5.2 Avoid mechanical resonance points (frequency jumps) (Pr. 31 to Pr. 36) When it is desired to avoid resonance attributable to the natural frequency of a mechanical system, these parameters allow resonant frequencies to be jumped. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 93: Set V/F Pattern

    Set V/F pattern Set V/F pattern Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Base frequency, Set motor ratings Pr. 3, Pr. 19, Pr. 47 Base frequency voltage Select a V/F pattern according to Load pattern selection Pr. 14 applications.

  • Page 94
    Set V/F pattern Base frequency voltage setting (Pr. 19) Use Pr. 19 Base frequency voltage to set the base voltage (e.g. rated motor voltage). If the setting is less than the power supply voltage, the maximum output voltage of the inverter is as set in Pr. 19. Pr.
  • Page 95: Load Pattern Selection (Pr. 14)

    Set V/F pattern 4.6.2 Load pattern selection (Pr. 14) You can select the optimum output characteristic (V/F characteristic) for the application and load characteristics. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number For constant-torque load For variable torque load For constant-torque elevators Load pattern selection (at reverse rotation boost of 0%) For constant-torque elevators…

  • Page 96
    Set V/F pattern (3) Constant-torque load application Pr. 14 = 3 Pr. 14 = 2 (setting «2, 3») For vertical lift loads For vertical lift loads Set «2» when a vertical lift load is fixed as power At forward rotation boost…0% At forward rotation boost…Pr.
  • Page 97: Frequency Setting By External Terminals

    Frequency setting by external terminals Frequency setting by external terminals Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Make frequency setting by Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Multi-speed operation combination of terminals Pr. 232 to Pr. 239 Perform jog operation Jog operation Pr.

  • Page 98
    Frequency setting by external terminals Multi-speed setting for 4 or more speeds (Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239) Frequency from 4 speed to 15 speed can be set according to the combination of the RH, RM, RL and REX signals. Set the running frequencies in Pr.
  • Page 99: Jog Operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)

    Frequency setting by external terminals 4.7.2 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16) You can set the frequency and acceleration/deceleration time for Jog operation. Jog operation can be performed in either of the External and the PU operation mode. This operation can be used for conveyor positioning, test operation, etc. Parameter Initial Name…

  • Page 100
    Frequency setting by external terminals Jog operation from PU Selects Jog operation mode from the operation panel and PU (FR-PU04/FR-PU07). Operation is performed only while the start button is pressed. Inverter R/L1 Three-phase AC S/L2 Motor power supply T/L3 Operation panel Operation Display Confirmation of the RUN indication and…
  • Page 101: Remote Setting Function (Pr. 59)

    Frequency setting by external terminals NOTE When Pr. 29 Acceleration/deceleration pattern selection = «1» (S-pattern acceleration/deceleration A), the acceleration/ deceleration time is the period of time required to reach Pr. 3 Base frequency. The Pr. 15 setting should be equal to or higher than the Pr. 13 Starting frequency. Starting frequency The JOG signal can be assigned to the input terminal using any of Pr.

  • Page 102
    Frequency setting by external terminals Remote setting function Use Pr. 59 to select whether the remote setting function is used or not and whether the frequency setting storage function in the remote setting mode is used or not. When Pr. 59 is set to any of «1 to 3» (remote setting function valid), the functions of the RH, RM and RL signals are changed to acceleration (RH), deceleration (RM) and clear (RL).
  • Page 103
    Frequency setting by external terminals REMARKS During jog operation or PID control operation, the remote setting function is invalid. Setting frequency is «0» Even when remotely-set frequency is cleared by turning ON the RL (clear) signal after turn Remotely-set frequency stored last time OFF (ON) of both the RH and RM Within 1 minute signals, the inverter operates at…
  • Page 104: Setting Of Acceleration/Deceleration Time And Acceleration/ Deceleration Pattern

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor acceleration/deceleration Acceleration/deceleration Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, time setting times Pr.

  • Page 105
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Acceleration time setting (Pr. 7, Pr. 20) Use Pr. 7 Acceleration time to set the acceleration time required to reach Pr. 20 Pr. 20 Running Acceleration/deceleration reference frequency from 0Hz. (50Hz) frequency Set the acceleration time according to the following formula.
  • Page 106
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Set two kinds of acceleration/deceleration times (RT signal, Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 147 ) Pr. 44 and Pr. 45 are valid when the RT signal is ON, or the output frequency reaches or exceeds the setting of Pr. 147. When «9999»…
  • Page 107: Starting Frequency And Start-Time Hold Function (Pr. 13, Pr. 571)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.2 Starting frequency and start-time hold function (Pr. 13, Pr. 571) You can set the starting frequency and hold the set starting frequency for a certain period of time. Set these functions when you need the starting torque or want to smooth motor drive at a start. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 108: Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern (Pr. 29)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.3 Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29) You can set the acceleration/deceleration pattern suitable for application. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Linear acceleration/ deceleration Acceleration/deceleration S-pattern acceleration/deceleration A pattern selection S-pattern acceleration/deceleration B The above parameters can be set when Pr.

  • Page 109: Shortest Acceleration/Deceleration (Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration) (Pr. 61 To Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.4 Shortest acceleration/deceleration (automatic acceleration/deceleration) (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293) The inverter operates in the same conditions as when appropriate values are set in each parameter even if acceleration/deceleration time and V/F pattern are not set.

  • Page 110
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Adjustment of shortest acceleration/deceleration mode (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63) By setting the adjustment parameters Pr. 61 and Pr. 63, the application range can be made wider. Parameter Name Setting Range Description Number For example, when the motor and inverter are different in capacity, set the rated motor current value.
  • Page 111: Selection And Protection Of A Motor

    Selection and protection of a motor Selection and protection of a motor Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor protection from overheat Electronic thermal O/L relay Pr. 9, Pr. 51 Use the constant-torque motor Applied motor Pr. 71 The motor performance can be Pr.

  • Page 112
    Selection and protection of a motor Set two different electronic thermal O/L relays (Pr. 51) Use this function when running two motors of different rated currents individually by a single inverter. (When running two motors together, use external thermal relays.) Set the rated current of the second motor to Pr.
  • Page 113: Applied Motor (Pr. 71, Pr. 450)

    Selection and protection of a motor 4.9.2 Applied motor (Pr. 71, Pr. 450) Setting of the used motor selects the thermal characteristic appropriate for the motor. Setting is required to use a constant-torque motor. Thermal characteristic of the electronic thermal relay function suitable for the motor is set.

  • Page 114
    Selection and protection of a motor Use two motors (Pr. 450) Set Pr. 450 Second applied motor to use two different motors with one inverter. When «9999» (initial value) is set, no function is selected. When a value other than 9999 is set in Pr. 450, the second motor is valid when the RT signal turns ON. For the RT signal, set «3»…
  • Page 115: To Exhibit The Best Performance Of The Motor Performance (Offline Auto Tuning) (Pr. 71, Pr. 80 To Pr. 84, Pr. 90 To Pr. 94, Pr. 96, Pr. 859)

    Selection and protection of a motor 4.9.3 To exhibit the best performance of the motor performance (offline auto tuning) (Pr. 71, Pr. 80 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94, Pr. 96, Pr. 859) The motor performance can be maximized with offline auto tuning. What is offline auto tuning? When performing Advanced magnetic flux vector control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control, the motor can be run with the optimum operating characteristics by automatically measuring the motor constants (offline auto…

  • Page 116
    Selection and protection of a motor The setting range and increments of Pr. 82, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 and Pr. 859 changes according to the setting value of Pr. 71 and Pr. 96. Auto Tuning Measured Value Internal Stored Value ∗1 Direct Input Value ∗2 Applied Motor ∗3…
  • Page 117
    Selection and protection of a motor Setting 1) Select Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Refer to page 78) or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Refer to page 81). 2) Set «1» or «11» in Pr. 96 Auto tuning setting/status. When the setting is «1» ..Tune all motor constants without running the motor. When performing Advanced magnetic flux vector control, set «1»…
  • Page 118
    Selection and protection of a motor Execution of tuning POINT Before performing tuning, check the monitor display of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) if the inverter is in the status for tuning. (Refer to 2) below) When the start command is turned ON under V/F control, the motor starts.
  • Page 119
    Selection and protection of a motor 3) When offline auto tuning ends, press of the operation panel during PU operation. For external operation, turn OFF the start signal (STF signal or STR signal) once. This operation resets the offline auto tuning and the PU’s monitor display returns to the normal indication. (Without this operation, next operation cannot be started.) REMARKS Do not change the Pr.
  • Page 120
    Selection and protection of a motor Utilizing or changing offline auto tuning data for use The data measured in the offline auto tuning can be read and utilized or changed. <Operating procedure> 1) Set Pr. 71 according to the motor used. Pr.
  • Page 121
    Selection and protection of a motor Method to set the motor constants without using the offline auto tuning data The Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 motor constants may either be entered in [Ω] or in [mH]. Before starting operation, confirm which motor constant unit is used.
  • Page 122
    Selection and protection of a motor To enter the Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 motor constants in [mH] <Operating procedure> 1) Set Pr. 71 according to the motor used. Pr.71 Setting ∗1 Motor Mitsubishi standard motor SF-JR SF-HR Mitsubishi high efficiency motor SF-JRCA 4P Mitsubishi constant-torque motor SF-HRCA…
  • Page 123: Motor Brake And Stop Operation

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10 Motor brake and stop operation Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor braking torque adjustment DC Injection brake Pr. 10 to Pr. 12 Improve the motor braking torque with Selection of a Pr.

  • Page 124: Selection Of A Regenerative Brake (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)

    Motor brake and stop operation REMARKS For the FR-E740-120 and 170, when the Pr. 12 setting is the following, changing the Pr. 71 Applied motor setting automatically changes the Pr. 12 setting. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the Pr. 12 setting. (a) When 4% (initial value) is set in Pr.

  • Page 125
    Motor brake and stop operation When using the high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) (FR-E740-016 or more, FR-E720S-030 or more) Set «1» in Pr. 30. Set Pr. 70 as follows. FR-E740-170 or less, FR-E720S-110 or less, ……………… 10% FR-E740-230 and 300 ……………………6% When a high power factor converter (FR-HC) is used and automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function is made valid.
  • Page 126: Stop Selection (Pr. 250)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.3 Stop selection (Pr. 250) Used to select the stopping method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the start signal turns OFF. Used to stop the motor with a mechanical brake, etc. together with switching OFF of the start signal. You can also select the operations of the start signals (STF/STR).

  • Page 127: Stop-On Contact Control Function (Pr. 6, Pr. 48, Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.4 Stop-on contact control function (Pr. 6, Pr. 48, Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC To ensure accurate positioning at the upper limit etc. of a <Without stop-on-contact control>…

  • Page 128
    Motor brake and stop operation Function switching of stop-on-contact control selection Normal Operation With stop-on-contact Control Main Functions (either RL or RT is OFF or both are OFF) (both RL and RT are ON) Multi-speed Output frequency 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V Pr.
  • Page 129: Brake Sequence Function (Pr. 278 To Pr. 283, Pr. 292)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.5 Brake sequence function (Pr. 278 to Pr. 283, Pr. 292) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC This function is used to output from the inverter the mechanical brake operation timing signal in vertical lift and other applications.

  • Page 130
    Motor brake and stop operation Set the brake sequence mode Select Advanced magnetic flux vector control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control. The brake sequence function is valid only when the External operation mode, External/PU combined operation mode 1 or Network operation mode is selected.
  • Page 131
    Motor brake and stop operation Without brake opening completion signal input (Pr.292 = «8») When the start signal is input to the inverter, the inverter starts running. When the internal speed command reaches the value set in Pr. 278 and the output current is not less than the value set in Pr. 279 , the inverter outputs the brake opening request signal (BOF) after the time set in Pr.
  • Page 132
    Motor brake and stop operation Protective functions If any of the following errors occurs during the brake sequence operation, the inverter results in a fault, trips, and turns OFF the brake opening request signal (BOF). Fault Display Description Although more than 2s have elapsed after the start command (forward or reverse rotation) is input, the brake opening E.MB4 request signal (BOF) does not turn ON.
  • Page 133: Function Assignment Of External Terminal And Control

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11 Function assignment of external terminal and control Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Input terminal function Assign function to input terminal Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 selection Set MRS signal (output shutoff) to MRS input selection Pr.

  • Page 134
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Refer to Setting Signal Function Related Parameters Page Second function selection Pr. 44 to Pr. 51 Pr. 270 = 1 ∗2 Stop-on contact selection 1 Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276 Terminal 4 input selection Pr.
  • Page 135: Inverter Output Shutoff Signal (Mrs Signal, Pr. 17)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.2 Inverter output shutoff signal (MRS signal, Pr. 17) The inverter output can be shut off by the MRS signal. Also, logic for the MRS signal can be selected. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number…

  • Page 136: Condition Selection Of Function Validity By Second Function Selection Signal (Rt)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.3 Condition selection of function validity by second function selection signal (RT) You can select the second function using the RT signal. When the RT signal turns ON, the second function becomes valid. For the RT signal, set «3»…

  • Page 137: Start Signal Operation Selection (Stf, Str, Stop Signal, Pr. 250)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.4 Start signal operation selection (STF, STR, STOP signal, Pr. 250) You can select the operation of the start signal (STF/STR). Used to select the stopping method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the start signal turns OFF. Used to stop the motor with a mechanical brake, etc.

  • Page 138
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Three-wire type (STF, STR, STOP signal) The three-wire connection is shown below. Turning the STOP signal ON makes start self-holding function valid. In this case, the forward/reverse rotation signal functions only as a start signal. If the start signal (STF or STR) is turned ON and then OFF, the start signal is held and makes a start.
  • Page 139: Output Terminal Function Selection (Pr. 190 To Pr. 192)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.5 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192) You can change the functions of the open collector output terminal and relay output terminal. Parameter Initial Name Initial Signal Setting Range Number Value RUN terminal RUN (inverter running)

  • Page 140
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Setting Refer Related Signal Function Operation Positive Negative Parameter Page logic logic Fault output 3 Output when a fault occurs due to the internal circuit failure — (power-off signal) of the inverter wiring mistake. Average current value and maintenance timer value are Current average value output as pulses.
  • Page 141
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Inverter operation ready signal (RY signal) and inverter running signal (RUN signal) Power supply DC injection brake operation point DC injection brake operation Pr. 13 Starting frequency Time Reset processing When the inverter is ready to operate, the output of the operation ready signal (RY) is ON. (It is also ON during inverter running.) When the output frequency of the inverter rises to or above Pr.
  • Page 142
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Fault output signal (ALM signal) Inverter fault occurrence If the inverter comes to trip, the ALM signal is output. (Trip) Output frequency Time ON OFF Reset processing (about 1s) Reset ON REMARKS The ALM signal is assigned to the terminal A, B, C in the default setting. By setting «99 (positive logic) or 199 (negative logic) in Pr.190 to Pr.192 (output terminal function selection), the ALM signal can be assigned to the other terminal.
  • Page 143: Detection Of Output Frequency (Su, Fu Signal, Pr. 41 To Pr. 43)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.6 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU signal, Pr. 41 to Pr. 43) The inverter output frequency is detected and output at the output signals. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Up-to-frequency 0 to 100% Level where the SU signal turns ON.

  • Page 144: Output Current Detection Function (Y12 Signal, Y13 Signal, Pr. 150 To Pr. 153)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.7 Output current detection function (Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr. 150 to Pr. 153) The output current during inverter running can be detected and output to the output terminal. Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description Number Range…

  • Page 145
    Function assignment of external terminal and control CAUTION The zero current detection level setting should not be too high, and the zero current detection time setting not too long. Otherwise, the detection signal may not be output when torque is not generated at a low output current.
  • Page 146: Remote Output Selection (Rem Signal, Pr. 495 To Pr. 497)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.8 Remote output selection (REM signal, Pr. 495 to Pr. 497) You can utilize the ON/OFF of the inverter’s output signals instead of the remote output terminal of the programmable logic controller. Parameter Initial Setting Name…

  • Page 147: Monitor Display And Monitor Output Signal

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12 Monitor display and monitor output signal Refer to Purpose Parameter that should be Set Page Display motor speed Speed display and speed setting Pr. 37 Set speed DU/PU main display data selection Pr. 52, Pr. 54, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Change PU monitor display data Cumulative monitor clear Pr.

  • Page 148: Monitor Display Selection Of Du/Pu And Terminal Am (Pr. 52, Pr.158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564)

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.2 Monitor display selection of DU/PU and terminal AM (Pr. 52, Pr.158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564) The monitor to be displayed on the main screen of the control panel and parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) can be selected.

  • Page 149
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Pr. 52 Setting Operation Pr.158 (AM) Terminal AM Types of Monitor Unit Description panel main Setting Full Scale Value monitor Regenerative brake ∗1 0.1% Pr. 70 Brake duty set in Pr. 30, Pr. 70 duty Displays the thermal cumulative value on Electronic thermal…
  • Page 150
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Pr. 52 Setting Operation Pr.158 (AM) Terminal AM Types of Monitor Unit Description panel main Setting Full Scale Value monitor Thermal relay Transistor thermal heat cumulative value is Inverter thermal load 0.1% operation level displayed.
  • Page 151
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Operation panel I/O terminal monitor (Pr. 52) When Pr. 52 is set to any of «55 to 57», the I/O terminal status can be monitored on the operation panel. The I/O terminal monitor is displayed on the third monitor. The LED is ON when the terminal is ON, and the LED is OFF when the terminal is OFF.
  • Page 152
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Cumulative power monitor and clear (Pr. 170) On the cumulative power monitor (Pr. 52 = «25»), the output power monitor value is added up and is updated in 1h increments. The operation panel, parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) and communication (RS-485 communication, communication option) display increments and display ranges are as indicated below.
  • Page 153: Reference Of The Terminal Am (Analog Voltage Output) (Pr. 55, Pr. 56)

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.3 Reference of the terminal AM (analog voltage output) (Pr. 55, Pr. 56) Analog voltage output from the terminal AM is available. Set the reference of the signal output from terminal AM. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description…

  • Page 154: Terminal Am Calibration (Calibration Parameter Pr. 645, C1 (Pr.901))

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.4 Terminal AM calibration (calibration parameter Pr. 645, C1 (Pr.901)) By using the operation panel or parameter unit, you can calibrate terminal AM to full scale deflection. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Calibrates the scale of the meter when AM 0V adjustment…

  • Page 155
    Monitor display and monitor output signal How to calibrate the terminal AM when using the operation panel Operation Display (When Pr. 158 = 1) Confirmation of the RUN indication and operation mode indication PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode.
  • Page 156: Operation Selection At Power Failure And Instantaneous Power Failure

    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.13 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page At instantaneous power failure Automatic restart operation Pr. 30, Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 96, occurrence, restart inverter without after instantaneous power Pr.

  • Page 157
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure When Pr. 162 = 1, 11 (without frequency search) Automatic restart operation selection (Pr. 30, Pr. 162, Pr. 299) Instantaneous (power failure) time Without frequency search Power supply When Pr. 162 = «1» or «11», automatic restart operation is (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) performed in a reduced voltage system, where the voltage is gradually risen with the output frequency…
  • Page 158
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Restart operation at every start When Pr. 162 = «10 or 11», automatic restart operation is also performed every start, in addition to the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure. When Pr. 162 = «0», automatic restart operation is performed at the first start after power supply ON, but not performed at the second time or later.
  • Page 159
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Frequency search gain (Pr. 298), offline auto tuning (Pr. 96) When automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation (with frequency search) is valid at V/F control, perform offline auto tuning. Perform offline auto tuning during V/F control in the following order to set Pr. 298 Frequency search gain automatically. (Refer to page 112 during Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control.) Before performing offline auto tuning Check the following before performing offline auto tuning.
  • Page 160
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Execution of tuning POINT Before performing tuning, check the monitor display of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) if the inverter is in the status for tuning. (Refer to 2) below) 1) When performing PU operation, press of the operation panel.
  • Page 161
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4) If offline auto tuning ended in error (see the table below), motor constants are not set. Perform an inverter reset and restart tuning. Error Error Cause Remedy Display Forced end Set «21»…
  • Page 162: Power-Failure Deceleration Stop Function (Pr. 261)

    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.13.2 Power-failure deceleration stop function (Pr. 261) When a power failure or undervoltage occurs, the inverter can be decelerated to a stop or can be decelerated and re- accelerated to the set frequency. Parameter Initial Setting…

  • Page 163
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Operation continuation at instantaneous power failure function (Pr. 261 = «2») When power is restored during deceleration after a power failure, acceleration is made again up to the set frequency. When this function is used in combination with the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function(Pr.57 ≠ «9999»), deceleration can be made at a power failure and acceleration can be made again after power restoration.
  • Page 164: Operation Setting At Fault Occurrence

    Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.14 Operation setting at fault occurrence Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Recover by retry operation at fault Retry operation Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69 occurrence Do not output input/output phase Input/output phase failure Pr.

  • Page 165
    Operation setting at fault occurrence Using Pr. 65, you can select the fault that will cause a retry to be executed. No retry will be made for the fault not indicated. (Refer to page 270 for the fault description.) indicates the faults selected for retry. Fault for Pr.
  • Page 166: Input/Output Phase Loss Protection Selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872)

    Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.14.2 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872) You can choose whether to make Input/output phase loss protection valid or invalid. Output phase loss protection is a function to stop the inverter output if one of the three phases (U, V, W) on the inverter’s output side (load side) is lost.

  • Page 167: Energy Saving Operation

    Energy saving operation 4.15 Energy saving operation Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Energy saving operation Optimum excitation control Pr. 60 4.15.1 Optimum excitation control (Pr. 60) Without a fine parameter setting, the inverter automatically performs energy saving operation. This operation is optimum for fan and pump applications Parameter Name…

  • Page 168: Motor Noise, Emi Measures, Mechanical Resonance

    Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.16 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance Purpose of Use Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Reduction of the motor noise Carrier frequency and Measures against EMI and leakage Pr. 72, Pr. 240 Soft-PWM selection currents Reduce mechanical resonance…

  • Page 169: Speed Smoothing Control (Pr. 653)

    Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.16.2 Speed smoothing control (Pr. 653) Vibration due to mechanical resonance influences the inverter control, causing the output current (torque) unstable. In this case, the output current (torque) fluctuation can be reduced to ease vibration by changing the output frequency. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 170: Frequency Setting By Analog Input (Terminal 2, 4)

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) 4.17 Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Selection of voltage/current input (terminal 2, 4) Analog input selection Pr. 73, Pr. 267 Perform forward/reverse rotation by analog input.

  • Page 171
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) NOTE Set Pr. 267 and a voltage/current input switch correctly, then input an analog signal in accordance with the setting. Incorrect setting as in the table below could cause component damage. Incorrect settings other than below can cause abnormal operation.
  • Page 172: Response Level Of Analog Input And Noise Elimination (Pr. 74)

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Perform operation by analog input selection. Inverter When the pressure or temperature is controlled constant by a fan, Forward rotation pump, etc., automatic operation can be performed by inputting the output signal 4 to 20mADC of the adjuster to across the terminals 4-5. The AU signal must be turned ON to use the terminal 4.

  • Page 173: Bias And Gain Of Frequency Setting Voltage (Current) (Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2 (Pr. 902) To C7 (Pr. 905))

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) 4.17.3 Bias and gain of frequency setting voltage (current) (Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2 (Pr. 902) to C7 (Pr. 905)) You can set the magnitude (slope) of the output frequency as desired in relation to the frequency setting signal (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V or 4 to 20mADC).

  • Page 174
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Change frequency maximum analog input (Pr. 125, Pr. 126) Initial value 50Hz Set Pr. 125 (Pr. 126) when changing frequency setting (gain) of the maximum analog input voltage (current) only. (C2 (Pr. 902) to C7 (Pr.905) setting need not be changed) Gain Pr.
  • Page 175
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Frequency setting signal (current) bias/gain adjustment method (a) Method to adjust any point by application of a voltage (current) to across terminals 2-5 (4-5). Operation Display Confirm the RUN indication and operation mode indication The inverter should be at a stop.
  • Page 176
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) (b) Method to adjust any point without application of a voltage (current) to across terminals 2-5 (4-5) (To change from 4V (80%) to 5V (100%)) Operation Display Confirm the RUN indication and operation mode indication The inverter should be at a stop.
  • Page 177
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) (c) Adjusting only the frequency without adjusting the gain voltage (current). (When changing the gain frequency from 50Hz to 40Hz) Operation Display Turn until (Pr. 125) or Terminal 2 input Terminal 4 input is (Pr.
  • Page 178: Misoperation Prevention And Parameter Setting Restriction

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18 Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Limits reset function Reset selection/disconnected PU Trips stop when PU is disconnected Pr. 75 detection/PU stop selection Stops from PU Prevention of parameter rewrite Parameter write disable selection Pr.

  • Page 179
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction PU stop selection In any of the PU operation, External operation and Network operation modes, the motor can be stopped by pressing STOP key of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07, operation panel for FR-E500 (PA02)). When the inverter is stopped by the PU stop function, «…
  • Page 180
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Restart (PS reset) method when PU stop (PS display) is made during PU operation PU stop (PS display) is made when the motor is stopped from the unit where control command source is not selected (operation panel, parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07, operation panel for FR-E500 (PA02)) in the PU operation mode.
  • Page 181: Parameter Write Disable Selection (Pr. 77)

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18.2 Parameter write disable selection (Pr. 77) You can select whether write to various parameters can be performed or not. Use this function to prevent parameter values from being rewritten by misoperation. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description…

  • Page 182: Reverse Rotation Prevention Selection (Pr. 78)

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18.3 Reverse rotation prevention selection (Pr. 78) This function can prevent reverse rotation fault resulting from the incorrect input of the start signal. Parameter Initial Name Setting Range Description Number Value Both forward and reverse rotations allowed Reverse rotation prevention Reverse rotation disabled selection…

  • Page 183
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction User group function (Pr. 160, Pr. 172 to Pr. 174) The user group function is designed to display only the parameters necessary for setting. From among all parameters, 16 parameters maximum can be registered in the user group. When Pr. 160 is set to «1», only the parameters registered to the user group can be accessed.
  • Page 184
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Deletion of parameter from user group (Pr. 174) When deleting Pr. 3 from user group Operation Display Confirm the operation display and operation mode display. The inverter should be at a stop. The inverter should be in the PU operation mode.
  • Page 185: Selection Of Operation Mode And Operation Location

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19 Selection of operation mode and operation location Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Operation mode selection Operation mode selection Pr. 79 Started in Network operation mode Operation mode at power-ON Pr.

  • Page 186
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode basics The operation mode specifies the souce of the start command and the frequency command for the inverter. Basically, there are following operation modes. External operation mode: For inputting start command and frequency command with an external potentiometer and switches which are connected to the control circuit terminal.
  • Page 187
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode switching method External operation When «0 or 1» is set in Pr. 340 Switching from the PU Switching from the network Press Switch to the External the PU to light operation mode from Press the network.
  • Page 188
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode selection flow In the following flowchart, select the basic parameter setting and terminal connection related to the operation mode. START Connection Parameter setting Operation Where is the start command source? From outside (STF/STR terminal) Where is the frequency command source?
  • Page 189
    Selection of operation mode and operation location External operation mode (setting «0» (initial value), «2») Select the Extenal operation mode when the start command and the frequency command are applied from a frequency setting potentiometer, start switch, etc. which are provided externally and connecting them to the control circuit terminals of the inverter.
  • Page 190
    Selection of operation mode and operation location PU/External combined operation mode 1 (setting «3») Select the PU/External combined operation mode 1 when applying frequency command from operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR- PU07) and inputting the start command with the external start switch.
  • Page 191
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Switch-over mode (setting «6») While continuing operation, you can switch between the PU operation, external operation and network operation (when RS-485 communication with the PU connector or communication option is used). Operation Mode Switching Switching Operation/Operating Status Select the PU operation mode with the operation panel or parameter unit.
  • Page 192
    Selection of operation mode and operation location NOTE If the X12 (MRS) signal is ON, the operation mode cannot be switched to the PU operation mode when the start signal (STF, STR) is ON. When the MRS signal is used as the PU interlock signal, the MRS signal serves as the normal MRS function (output stop) by turning ON the MRS signal and then changing the Pr.
  • Page 193
    Selection of operation mode and operation location (11) Switching of operation mode by external signals (X65, X66 signals) When Pr. 79 = any of «0, 2, 6», the operation mode switching signals (X65, X66) can be used to change the PU or External operation mode to the Network operation mode during a stop (during a motor stop or start command OFF).
  • Page 194
    Selection of operation mode and operation location REMARKS The priorities of Pr. 79 , Pr. 340 and signals are Pr. 79 > X12 > X66 > X65 > X16 > Pr. 340. NOTE Changing the terminal assignment using Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) may affect the other functions.
  • Page 195: Operation Mode At Power-On (Pr. 79, Pr. 340)

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19.2 Operation mode at power-ON (Pr. 79, Pr. 340) When power is switched ON or when power comes back on after instantaneous power failure, the inverter can be started up in the Network operation mode. After the inverter has started up in the Network operation mode, parameter write and operation can be performed from a program.

  • Page 196: Start Command Source And Frequency Command Source During Communication Operation (Pr. 338, Pr. 339, Pr. 550, Pr. 551)

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19.3 Start command source and frequency command source during communication operation (Pr. 338, Pr. 339, Pr. 550, Pr. 551) When the RS-485 communication with the PU connector or communication option is used, the external start command and frequency command can be valid.

  • Page 197
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Selects the command source of the PU operation mode (Pr. 551) Any of the operation panel, PU connector, or USB connector can be specified as the command source in the PU operation mode. In the PU operation mode, set Pr.
  • Page 198
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Controllability through communication Controllability through communcation in each operation mode is shown below. Monitoring and parameter read can be performed from any operation regardless of operation mode. Operation External/PU External/PU NET Operation NET Operation Combined Combined Mode…
  • Page 199
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation at error occurrence External/PU External/PU Operation NET Operation Combined Combined NET Operation Mode External (when used with Error Definition PU Operation Operation Mode Operation Mode (when used with Operation communication Condition PU connector) option) (Pr.
  • Page 200
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Selection of command source in Network operation mode (Pr. 338, Pr. 339) There are two control sources: operation command source, which controls the signals related to the inverter start command and function selection, and speed command source, which controls signals related to frequency setting. In Network operation mode, the commands from the external terminals and communication (PU connector or communication option) are as listed below.
  • Page 201
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Switching of command source by external signal (X67) In the Network operation mode, the Command source switchover signal (X67) can be used to switch the start command source and speed command source. Set «67» to any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign the X67 signal to the control terminal. When the X67 signal is OFF, the start command source and speed command source are control terminal.
  • Page 202: Communication Operation And Setting

    Communication operation and setting 4.20 Communication operation and setting Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Initial setting of computer link Pr. 117 to Pr. 124 Communication operation from PU communication (PU connector) connector Modbus-RTU communication Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. specifications 122, Pr.

  • Page 203
    Communication operation and setting PU connector communication system configuration Connection of a computer to the inverter (1:1 connection) Station 0 Station 0 Computer Computer Inverter Inverter Inverter RS-232C connector FR-PU07 RS-485 RS-232C Maximum connector connector connector cable interface/terminals RS-232C RS-485 RJ-45 connector converter RJ-45…
  • Page 204
    Do not use pins No. 2, 8 of the 10BASE-T cable. (Refer to page 199) When making RS-485 communication among the FR-E700 series, FR-E500 series and FR-S500 series, incorrect connection of pins No.2 and 8 (parameter unit power supply) of the above PU connector may result in the inverter malfunction or failure.
  • Page 205: Initial Settings And Specifications Of Rs-485 Communication (Pr. 117 To Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.2 Initial settings and specifications of RS-485 communication (Pr. 117 to Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549) Used to perform required settings for RS-485 communication between the inverter and personal computer. Use PU connector of the inverter for communication. You can perform parameter setting, monitoring, etc.

  • Page 206: Operation Selection At Communication Error Occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.3 Operation selection at communication error occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502) You can select the inverter operation when a communication line error occurs during RS-485 communication from the PU connector. Parameter Initial Setting Name Description Number Value…

  • Page 207
    Communication operation and setting Signal loss detection (Pr.122) If a signal loss (communication stop) is detected between the inverter and master as a result of a signal loss detection, a communication fault (E.PUE) occurs and the inverter trips. (as set in Pr. 502). When the setting is «9999», communication check (signal loss detection) is not made.
  • Page 208
    Communication operation and setting Stop operation selection at occurrence of communication fault (Pr. 502) Stop operation when retry count excess (Mitsubishi inverter protocol only) or signal loss detection error occurs can be selected. Operation at fault occurrence Pr. 502 Setting Operation Indication Fault Output…
  • Page 209: Communication Eeprom Write Selection (Pr. 342)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr. 342) When parameter write is performed from the inverter PU connector, USB communication, and communication option, parameters storage device can be changed from EEPROM + RAM to RAM only. Set when a frequent parameter change is necessary.

  • Page 210: Mitsubishi Inverter Protocol (Computer Link Communication)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.5 Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link communication) You can perform parameter setting, monitor, etc. from the PU connector of the inverter using the Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link communication). Communication The communication specifications are given below. Related Item Description…

  • Page 211
    Communication operation and setting Communication operation presence/absence and data format types Data communication between the computer and inverter is made in ASCII code (hexadecimal code). Communication operation presence/absence and data format types are as follows: Operation Parameter Inverter Parameter Operation Monitor Command Frequency…
  • Page 212
    Communication operation and setting Data reading format 1) Communication request data from the computer to the inverter Number of Characters Format Inverter ∗3 ∗4 station number Instruction code ∗1 check ∗2 3) Reply data from the inverter to the computer (Without data error) Number of Characters Format Inverter…
  • Page 213
    Communication operation and setting Data definitions 1) Control code Signal ASCII Code Description Start of Text (Start of data) End of Text (End of data) Enquiry (Communication request) Acknowledge (No data error detected) Line Feed Carriage Return Negative Acknowledge (Data error detected) 2) Inverter station number Specify the station number of the inverter which communicates with the computer.
  • Page 214
    Communication operation and setting 7) Error code If any error is found in the data received by the inverter, its definition is sent back to the computer together with the NAK code. Error Error Item Error Description Inverter Operation Code The number of errors consecutively detected in communication request Computer NAK error data from the computer is greater than allowed number of retries.
  • Page 215
    Communication operation and setting Instructions for the program 1) When data from the computer has any error, the inverter does not accept that data. Hence, in the user program, always insert a retry program for data error. 2) All data communication, e.g. run command or monitoring, are started when the computer gives a communication request. The inverter does not return any data without the computer’s request.
  • Page 216
    Communication operation and setting General flowchart Port open Communication setting Time out setting Send data processing Data setting Sum code calculation Data transmission Receive data waiting Receive data processing Data retrieval Screen display CAUTION Always set the communication check time interval before starting operation to prevent hazardous conditions. Data communication is not started automatically but is made only once when the computer provides a communication request.
  • Page 217
    Communication operation and setting Setting items and set data After completion of parameter settings, set the instruction codes and data then start communication from the computer to allow various types of operation control and monitoring. Number of Instruction Read/ Item Data Definition Data Digits Write…
  • Page 218
    Communication operation and setting Number of Instruction Read/ Item Data Definition Data Digits Write Code (Format) H9696: Inverter reset As the inverter is reset at start of communication by the 4 digits computer, the inverter cannot send reply data back to the (A, C/D) computer.
  • Page 219
    Communication operation and setting List of calibration parameters Instruction Code Parameter Name C2 (902) Terminal 2 frequency setting bias frequency 5E DE C3 (902) Terminal 2 frequency setting bias 5E DE Terminal 2 frequency setting gain 125 (903) frequency C4 (903) Terminal 2 frequency setting gain C5 (904) Terminal 4 frequency setting bias frequency C6 (904) Terminal 4 frequency setting bias Terminal 4 frequency setting gain…
  • Page 220: Run Command

    Communication operation and setting [Run command] Instruction Item Description Example Code Length b0: AU (current input selection) ∗3 b1: forward rotation command b2: reverse rotation command [Example 1] H02… Forward rotation b3: RL (low speed operation command) ∗1∗3 8bit b4: RM (middle speed operation command command) ∗1∗3 [Example 2] H00…

  • Page 221: Modbus Rtu Communication Specifications (Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. 122, Pr. 343, Pr. 502, Pr. 549)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.6 Modbus RTU communication specifications (Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. 122, Pr. 343, Pr. 502, Pr. 549) Using the Modbus RTU communication protocol, communication operation or parameter setting can be performed from the PU connector of the inverter. Parameter Setting Name…

  • Page 222
    Communication operation and setting Communication The communication specifications are given below. Related Item Description Parameter Communication protocol Modbus-RTU protocol Pr. 549 Conforming standard EIA-485(RS-485) — Number of connectable 1:N (maximum 32 units), setting is 0 to 247 stations Pr. 117 devices Communication speed Selected from among 4800/9600/19200 and 38400bps…
  • Page 223
    Communication operation and setting Message format Inverter response time Query communication (Refer to the following table for the data check time) Query message Programmable controller (master) Response message Inverter (slave) Data absence time (3.5 bytes or more) Broadcast communication Query message Programmable controller (master) No Response Inverter (slave)
  • Page 224
    Communication operation and setting Message frame (protocol) Communication method Basically, the master sends a query message (question) and the slave returns a response message (response). When communication is normal, Device Address and Function Code are copied as they are, and when communication is abnormal (function code or data code is illegal), bit 7 (= 80h) of Function Code is turned ON and the error code is set to Data Bytes.
  • Page 225
    Communication operation and setting Message format types The message formats corresponding to the function codes in Table 1 on page 221 will be explained. Read holding register data (H03 or 03) Can read the description of 1) system environment variables, 2) real-time monitor, 3) faults history, and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the holding register area (refer to the register list (page 227)) Query message 1) Slave…
  • Page 226
    Communication operation and setting Write holding register data (H06 or 06) Can write the description of 1) system environment variabls and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the holding register area (refer to the register list ( page 227)). Query message 1) Slave Address 2) Function 3) Register Address…
  • Page 227
    Communication operation and setting Function diagnosis (H08 or 08) A communication check can be made since the query message sent is returned unchanged as a response message (function of sub function code H00). Sub function code H00 (Return Query Data) Query message 1) Slave Address 2) Function…
  • Page 228
    Communication operation and setting Description of normal response 1) to 4) (including CRC check) of the normal response are the same as those of the query message. Example: To write 0.5s (H05) to 41007 (Pr. 7) at the slave address 25 (H19) and 1s (H0A) to 41008 (Pr.8). Query message Slave Starting…
  • Page 229
    Communication operation and setting Error response An error response is returned if the query message received from the master has an illegal function, address or data. No response is returned for a parity, CRC, overrun, framing or busy error. NOTE No response message is sent in the case of broadcast communication also.
  • Page 230
    Communication operation and setting Modbus registers System environment variable Register Definition Read/write Remarks 40002 Inverter reset Write Any value can be written 40003 Parameter clear Write Set H965A as a written value. 40004 All Parameter clear Write Set H99AA as a written value. Parameter clear ∗1 40006 Write…
  • Page 231
    Communication operation and setting ∗1 When Pr.37 = «0.01 to 9998», displayed in integral number. ∗2 Input terminal monitor details — — — — — — — — — ∗3 Output terminal monitor details — — — — — — —…
  • Page 232
    Communication operation and setting Parameter Read/ Parameter Register Parameter Name Remarks Write 41000 to Refer to the parameter list (page The parameter number + 41000 is the register 0 to 999 Read/write 41999 54) for the parameter names. number. Terminal 2 frequency setting C2(902) 41902 Read/write…
  • Page 233
    Communication operation and setting Pr. 343 Communication error count You can check the cumulative number of communication errors. Minimum Parameter Setting Range Initial Value Setting Range (Reading only) NOTE The number of communication errors is temporarily stored into the RAM. As it is not stored into the EEPROM performing a power supply reset or inverter reset clears the value to 0.
  • Page 234: Usb Communication (Pr. 547, Pr. 548)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.7 USB communication (Pr. 547, Pr. 548) Inverter setup can be easily performed using the FR Configurator by connecting the inverter and personal computer with a USB cable. A personal computer and inverter can be easily connected with one USB cable. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 235: Special Operation And Frequency Control

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21 Special operation and frequency control Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Perform process control such as PID control Pr. 127 to Pr. 134 pump and air volume. PID control (dancer control Dancer control Pr.

  • Page 236
    Special operation and frequency control PID control basic configuration Pr. 128 = «20, 21» (measured value input) Inverter circuit Motor Pr. 133 Manipulated PID operation or terminal 2 variable Kp 1+ Set point 0 to 5VDC (0 to 10VDC) Terminal 4 Feedback signal (measured value) 4 to 20mADC (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V) Kp: Proportionality constant Ti: Integral time S: Operator Td: Differential time…
  • Page 237
    Special operation and frequency control 4)Reverse operation Increases the manipulated variable (output frequency) if deviation X = (set point — measured value) is positive, and decreases the manipulated variable if deviation is negative. Deviation Set point [Heating] X>0 Cold Increase Set point X<0 Decrease…
  • Page 238
    Special operation and frequency control I/O signals and parameter setting Set «20, 21, 50, 51, 60 or 61» in Pr. 128 to perform PID operation. Set «14» in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal ON.
  • Page 239
    Special operation and frequency control PID automatic switchover control (Pr. 127) The system can be started up without PID control only at a start. When the frequency is set to Pr. 127 PID control automatic switchover frequency within the range 0 to 400Hz, the inverter starts up without PID control from a start until output frequency is reached to the set frequency of Pr.
  • Page 240
    Special operation and frequency control Adjustment procedure Parameter setting Adjust the PID control parameters, Pr.127 to Pr.134. Set the I/O terminals for PID control (Pr.178 to Pr.184 (input terminal Terminal setting function selection), Pr.190 to Pr.192 (output terminal function selection)) When X14 signal is not assigned, setting a value other than «0»…
  • Page 241
    Special operation and frequency control <Set point input calibration> 1. Apply the input voltage of 0% set point setting (e.g. 0V) across terminals 2-5. 2. Enter in C2 (Pr. 902) the frequency which should be output by the inverter at the deviation of 0% (e.g. 0Hz). 3.
  • Page 242: Dancer Control (Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 128 To Pr. 134)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.2 Dancer control (Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 128 to Pr. 134) Performs PID control by feedbacking the position detection of the dancer roller, controlling the dancer roller is in the specified position. Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description…

  • Page 243
    Special operation and frequency control Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description Number Range PID action set 0 to 100% Used to set the set point for PID control. 133 ∗1 9999 point 9999 Always 50% For deviation ramp input, time (Td) required for providing only the manipulated variable for the PID differential 0.01 to 10.00s…
  • Page 244
    Special operation and frequency control Dancer control overview Performs dancer control by setting 40 to 43 in Pr. 128 PID action selection.The main speed command is the speed command of each operation mode (External, PU, Network). Performs PID control by the position detection signal of the dancer roller, then the result is added to the main speed command.
  • Page 245
    Special operation and frequency control I/O signals and parameter setting Set «40 to 43» in Pr. 128 to perform dancer control. Set «14» in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal ON.
  • Page 246
    Special operation and frequency control Parameter details When ratio (Pr. 128 = «42, 43») is selected for addition method, PID Initial value 50Hz control × (ratio of main speed) is added to the main speed. The ratio is determined by the Pr. 125 Terminal 2 frequency setting gain frequency and C2 (Pr.
  • Page 247
    Special operation and frequency control Adjustment procedure Dancer roller position detection signal adjustment When terminal 4 input is voltage input, 0V is minimum position and 5V(10V) is maximum position. When current is input, 4mA is minimum position and 20mA is maximum position. (initial value) When 0 to 7V is output from the potentiometer, it is necessary to calibrate C7 (Pr .905) at 7V.
  • Page 248: Droop Control (Pr. 286 To Pr. 287)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.3 Droop control (Pr. 286 to Pr. 287) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC This function is designed to balance the load in proportion to the load torque to provide the speed drooping characteristic under Avanced magnetic flux vector control. This function is effective for balancing the load when using multiple inverters.

  • Page 249: Regeneration Avoidance Function (Pr. 665, Pr. 882, Pr. 883, Pr. 885, Pr. 886)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.4 Regeneration avoidance function (Pr. 665, Pr. 882, Pr. 883, Pr. 885, Pr. 886) This function detects a regeneration status and increases the frequency to avoid the regenerative status. Possible to avoid regeneration by automatically increasing the frequency and continue operation if the fan happens to rotate faster than the set speed due to the effect of another fan in the same duct.

  • Page 250
    Special operation and frequency control REMARKS The acceleration/deceleration ramp while the regeneration avoidance function is operating changes depending on the regeneration load. The DC bus voltage of the inverter is about times as input voltage. When the input voltage is 220VAC, bus voltage is approximately 311VDC. When the input voltage is 440VAC, bus voltage is approximately 622VDC.
  • Page 251: Useful Functions

    Useful functions 4.22 Useful functions Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Cooling fan operation Increase cooling fan life Pr. 244 selection Inverter part life display Pr. 255 to Pr. 259 Maintenance output To determine the maintenance time Pr.

  • Page 252: Display Of The Life Of The Inverter Parts (Pr. 255 To Pr. 259)

    Useful functions 4.22.2 Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259) Degrees of deterioration of main circuit capacitor, control circuit capacitor, cooling fan and inrush current limit circuit can be diagnosed by monitor. When any part has approached the end of its life, an alarm can be output by self diagnosis to prevent a fault. (Use the life check of this function as a guideline since the life except the main circuit capacitor is calculated theoretically.) For the life check of the main circuit capacitor, the alarm signal (Y90) will not be output if a measuring method of (4) is…

  • Page 253
    Useful functions Life alarm display and signal output (Y90 signal, Pr. 255) Whether any of the control circuit capacitor, main circuit capacitor, cooling fan and inrush current limit circuit has reached the life alarm output level or not can be checked by Pr. 255 Life alarm status display and life alarm signal (Y90). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pr.
  • Page 254
    Useful functions Main circuit capacitor life display (Pr. 258, Pr. 259) The deterioration degree of the control circuit capacitor is displayed in Pr. 258 as a life. On the assumption that the main circuit capacitor capacitance at factory shipment is 100%, the capacitor life is displayed in Pr.
  • Page 255
    Useful functions Cooling fan life display The cooling fan speed of 50% or less is detected and «FN» is dislayed on the operation panel and parameter unit (FR- PU04/FR-PU07). As an alarm display, Pr. 255 bit2 is turned on and also an alarm is output to the Y90 signal. REMARKS When the inverter is mounted with two or more cooling fans, «FN»…
  • Page 256: Maintenance Timer Alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)

    Useful functions 4.22.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504) When the cumulative energization time of the inverter reaches the parameter set time, the maintenance timer output signal (Y95) is output. (MT) is displayed on the operation panel. This can be used as a guideline for the maintenance time of peripheral devices. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 257: Current Average Value Monitor Signal (Pr. 555 To Pr. 557)

    Useful functions 4.22.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr. 555 to Pr. 557) The average value of the output current during Programmable controller constant speed operation and the maintenance timer Output unit Input unit Inverter value are output as a pulse to the current average value monitor signal (Y93).

  • Page 258
    Useful functions 2) Setting of Pr. 555 Current average time The average output current is calculated during Hi output of start pulse (1s). Set the time taken to average the current during start bit output in Pr. 555. 3) Setting of Pr. 557 Current average value monitor signal output reference current Set the reference (100%) for outputting the signal of the current average value.
  • Page 259: Free Parameter (Pr. 888, Pr. 889)

    Useful functions 4.22.5 Free parameter (Pr. 888, Pr. 889) You can input any number within the setting range 0 to 9999. For example, the number can be used: As a unit number when multiple units are used. As a pattern number for each operation application when multiple units are used. As the year and month of introduction or inspection.

  • Page 260: Setting From The Parameter Unit And Operation Panel

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23 Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Selection of rotation direction by RUN key rotation Pr. 40 direction selection of the operation panel Switch the display language of the PU display language Pr.

  • Page 261: Operation Panel Frequency Setting/Key Lock Operation Selection (Pr. 161)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.3 Operation panel frequency setting/key lock operation selection (Pr. 161) The setting dial of the operation panel can be used for setting like a potentiometer. The key operation of the operation panel can be disabled. Parameter Setting Name…

  • Page 262
    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel Disable the setting dial and key operation of the operation panel (Press [MODE] long (2s)) Operation using the setting dial and key of the operation panel can be invalid to prevent parameter change, and unexpected start or frequency setting.
  • Page 263: Magnitude Of Frequency Change Setting (Pr. 295)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.4 Magnitude of frequency change setting (Pr. 295) When setting the set frequency with the setting dial, frequency changes in 0.01Hz increments in the initial status. Setting this parameter increases the magnitude of frequency which changes according to the rotated amount of the setting dial, improving operability.

  • Page 264: Buzzer Control (Pr. 990)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.5 Buzzer control (Pr. 990) You can make the buzzer «beep» when you press the key of the parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07). Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Without buzzer PU buzzer control With buzzer The above parameters can be set when Pr.

  • Page 265: Parameter Clear/ All Parameter Clear

    Parameter clear/ All parameter clear 4.24 Parameter clear/ All parameter clear POINT Set «1» in Pr.CL Parameter clear, ALLC all parameter clear to initialize all parameters. (Parameters are not cleared when «1» is set in Pr. 77Parameter write selection.) Refer to the extended parameter list on page 54 for parameters cleared with this operation. Operation Display Screen at powering ON…

  • Page 266: Initial Value Change List

    Initial value change list 4.25 Initial value change list Displays and sets the parameters changed from the initial value. Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PU indication is lit. Press to choose the PU operation mode. PRM indication is lit.

  • Page 267: Check And Clear Of The Faults History

    Check and clear of the faults history 4.26 Check and clear of the faults history Check for the faults history Monitor/frequency setting Parameter setting [Operation panel is [Parameter setting change] used for operation] Faults history [Operation for displaying the faults history] Eight past faults can be displayed with the setting dial.

  • Page 268
    Check and clear of the faults history Clearing procedure POINT Set «1» in Er.CL Fault history clear to clear the faults history. Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode. (The parameter number read previously appears.) Turn…
  • Page 269
  • Page 270: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides the «TROUBLESHOOTING» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Reset method of protective function ……… 268 List of fault or alarm indications ……….269 Causes and corrective actions ……….. 270 Correspondences between digital and actual characters ..278 Check first when you have some troubles ……..

  • Page 271: Reset Method Of Protective Function

    Reset method of protective function When a fault occurs in the inverter, the inverter trips and the PU display automatically changes to any of the following fault or alarm indications. If the fault does not correspond to any of the following faults or if you have any other problem, please contact your sales representative.

  • Page 272: List Of Fault Or Alarm Indications

    List of fault or alarm indications List of fault or alarm indications Refer Refer Operation Panel Operation Panel Name Name Indication Indication Page Page E.ILF ∗ Input phase loss E— Faults history E.OLT Stall prevention HOLD Operation panel lock Brake transistor alarm E.

  • Page 273: Causes And Corrective Actions

    Causes and corrective actions Causes and corrective actions (1) Error message A message regarding operational troubles is displayed. Output is not shutoff. Operation panel HOLD indication Name Operation panel lock Description Operation lock mode is set. Operation other than is invalid. (Refer to page 259) Check point — ——- —— Corrective action…

  • Page 274
    Causes and corrective actions (2) Warnings When a warning occurs, the output is not shut off. Operation panel FR-PU04 indication FR-PU07 Name Stall prevention (overcurrent) When the output current (output torque when Pr. 277 Stall prevention current switchover = «1») of the inverter exceeds the stall prevention operation level (Pr.
  • Page 275
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 indication FR-PU07 Name Regenerative brake prealarm Appears if the regenerative brake duty reaches or exceeds 85% of the Pr. 70 Special regenerative brake duty value. When the setting of Pr. 70 Special regenerative brake duty is the initial value (Pr. 70 = «0»), this warning does not occur. If the regenerative brake duty reaches 100%, a regenerative overvoltage (E.
  • Page 276
    Causes and corrective actions (4) Fault When a fault occurs, the inverter trips and a fault signal is output. Operation panel FR-PU04 E.OC1 OC During Acc indication FR-PU07 Name Overcurrent trip during acceleration When the inverter output current reaches or exceeds approximately 230% of the rated current during acceleration, the Description protective circuit is activated and the inverter trips.
  • Page 277
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.OV2 Stedy Spd OV indication FR-PU07 Name Regenerative overvoltage trip during constant speed If regenerative energy causes the inverter’s internal main circuit DC voltage to reach or exceed the specified value, Description the protective circuit is activated to stop the inverter output. The circuit may also be activated by a surge voltage produced in the power supply system.
  • Page 278
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.FIN H/Sink O/Temp indication FR-PU07 Name Fin overheat If the heatsink overheats, the temperature sensor is actuated and the inverter trips. The FIN signal can be output when the temperature becomes approximately 85% of the heatsink overheat protection Description operation temperature.
  • Page 279
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.LF E.LF indication FR-PU07 Name Output phase loss If one of the three phases (U, V, W) on the inverter’s output side (load side) is lost during inverter operation (except Description during DC injection brake operation and when output frequency is under 1Hz), inverter stops the output. Whether the protective function is used or not is set with Pr.
  • Page 280
    Causes and corrective actions Operation Panel FR-PU04 Fault 14 E.PE2 FR-PU07 PR storage alarm Indication Name Internal board fault Description When a combination of control board and main circuit board is wrong, the inverter is tripped. Check point — Please contact your sales representative. Corrective action (For parts replacement, consult the nearest Mitsubishi FA Center.) Operation panel…
  • Page 281: Correspondences Between Digital And Actual Characters

    Correspondences between digital and actual characters Operation panel FR-PU04 Fault 14 E.AIE FR-PU07 Analog in error indication Name Analog input fault Appears if voltage(current) is input to terminal 4 when the setting in Pr.267 Terminal 4 input selection and the setting of Description voltage/current input switch are different.

  • Page 282: Check First When You Have Some Troubles

    Check first when you have some troubles Check first when you have some troubles POINT If the cause is still unknown after every check, it is recommended to initialize the parameters (initial value) then set the required parameter values and check again. 5.5.1 Motor does not start.

  • Page 283
    Check first when you have some troubles Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Increase Pr. 0 setting by 0.5% increments while Pr. 0 Torque boost setting is improper when V/F control is observing the rotation of a motor. used. If that makes no difference, decrease the setting.
  • Page 284: Motor Or Machine Is Making Abnormal Acoustic Noise

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.2 Motor or machine is making abnormal acoustic noise Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Input Take countermeasures against EMI. signal Disturbance due to EMI when frequency command is Parameter given from analog input (terminal 2, 4). Increase the Pr.

  • Page 285: Motor Rotates In The Opposite Direction

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.5 Motor rotates in the opposite direction Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Main Phase sequence of output terminals U, V and W is Connect phase sequence of the output cables (terminal Circuit incorrect.

  • Page 286: Speed Varies During Operation

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.8 Speed varies during operation When Advanced magnetic flux vector control or the slip compensation is selected, the output frequency varies between 0 and 2Hz as with load fluctuates. Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page…

  • Page 287: Operation Panel Display Is Not Operating

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.10 Operation panel display is not operating Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Check for the wiring and the installation. Main Wiring or installation is improper. Make sure that the connector is fitted securely across Circuit terminal + and P1.

  • Page 288: Speed Does Not Accelerate

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.12 Speed does not accelerate Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Check if the start command and the frequency Start command and frequency command are chattering. — command are correct. Input The wiring length used for analog frequency command Perform analog input bias/gain calibration.

  • Page 289
  • Page 290
    PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION This chapter provides the «PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Inspection items…………….288 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers .. 296…
  • Page 291: Precautions For Maintenance And Inspection

    Inspection items The inverter is a static unit mainly consisting of semiconductor devices. Daily inspection must be performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to the adverse effects of the operating environment, such as temperature, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration, changes in the parts with time, service life, and other factors.

  • Page 292: Daily And Periodic Inspection

    Inspection items 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection Interval Area of Corrective Action at Customer’s Inspection Item Description Periodic Inspection Daily Alarm Occurrence Check ∗2 Surrounding Check the surrounding air temperature, Improve environment environment humidity, dirt, corrosive gas, oil mist, etc. Check alarm location and General Overall unit…

  • Page 293: Display Of The Life Of The Inverter Parts

    Inspection items 6.1.4 Display of the life of the inverter parts The self-diagnostic alarm is output when the life span of the control circuit capacitor, cooling fan and each parts of the inrush current limit circuit is near its end. It gives an indication of replacement time. The life alarm output can be used as a guideline for life judgement.

  • Page 294: Checking The Inverter And Converter Modules

    Inspection items 6.1.5 Checking the inverter and converter modules <Preparation> (1) Disconnect the external power supply cables (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) and motor cables (U, V, W). (2) Prepare a tester. (Use 100Ω range.) <Checking method> Change the polarity of the tester alternately at the inverter terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U, V, W, + and -, and check for continuity.

  • Page 295: Cleaning

    Inspection items 6.1.6 Cleaning Always run the inverter in a clean status. When cleaning the inverter, gently wipe dirty areas with a soft cloth immersed in neutral detergent or ethanol. NOTE Do not use solvent, such as acetone, benzene, toluene and alcohol, as they will cause the inverter surface paint to peel off. The display, etc.

  • Page 296
    Inspection items Removal 1) Push the hooks from above and remove the fan cover. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110 2) Disconnect the fan connectors. 3) Remove the fan. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110 Fan cover Fan cover Fan connection…
  • Page 297
    Inspection items Reinstallation 1) After confirming the orientation of the fan, reinstall the fan so that the arrow on the left of «AIR FLOW» faces up. AIR FLOW <Fan side face> 2) Reconnect the fan connectors. 3) When wiring, avoid the cables being caught by the fan. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110…
  • Page 298: Inverter Replacement

    Inspection items Smoothing capacitors A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for smoothing in the main circuit DC section, and an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for stabilizing the control power in the control circuit. Their characteristics are deteriorated by the adverse effects of ripple currents, etc.

  • Page 299: Measurement Of Main Circuit Voltages, Currents And Powers

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Since the voltages and currents on the inverter power supply and output sides include harmonics, measurement data depends on the instruments used and circuits measured. When instruments for commercial frequency are used for measurement, measure the following circuits with the instruments given on the next page.

  • Page 300
    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measuring Points and Instruments Item Measuring Point Measuring Instrument Remarks (Reference Measured Value) R/L1 and S/L2 Commercial power supply Power supply voltage Moving-iron type AC S/L2 and T/L3 Within permissible AC voltage fluctuation (Refer to voltmeter T/L3 and R/L1 ∗4 page 302)
  • Page 301: Measurement Of Powers

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.1 Measurement of powers Using an electro-dynamometer type meter, measure the power in both the input and output sides of the inverter using the two- or three-wattmeter method. As the current is liable to be imbalanced especially in the input side, it is recommended to use the three-wattmeter method.

  • Page 302: Measurement Of Currents

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.3 Measurement of currents Use a moving-iron type meter on both the input and output sides of the inverter. However, if the carrier frequency exceeds 5kHz, do not use that meter since an overcurrent losses produced in the internal metal parts of the meter will increase and the meter may burn out.

  • Page 303: Insulation Resistance Test Using Megger

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.7 Insulation resistance test using megger For the inverter, conduct the insulation resistance test on the main circuit only as shown below and do not perform the test on the control circuit. (Use a 500VDC megger.) Motor R/L1 Power…

  • Page 304: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS This chapter provides the «SPECIFICATIONS» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Rating………………… 302 Common specifications …………… 304 Outline dimension drawings…………305…

  • Page 305: Rating

    Rating Rating 7.1.1 Inverter rating Three-phase 400V power supply Type FR-E740- -EC Applicable motor capacity (kW) 0.75 ∗1 Rated capacity (kVA) 13.0 17.5 23.0 ∗2 Rated current (A) ∗6 (1.4) (2.2) (3.8) (5.4) (8.7) Overload current rating 150% 60s, 200% 3s (inverse-time characteristics) ∗3 Voltage Three-phase 380 to 480V…

  • Page 306
    Rating Single-phase 200V power supply Type FR-E720S- -EC Applicable motor capacity (kW) 0.75 ∗1 Rated capacity (kVA) ∗2 11.0 Rated current (A) ∗6 (0.8) (1.4) (2.5) (4.1) (7.0) (10.0) Overload current rating 150% 60s, 200% 3s (inverse-time characteristics) ∗3 Rated output voltage Three-phase 200 to 240V ∗4 Rated input AC voltage/frequency…
  • Page 307: Common Specifications

    Common specifications Common specifications Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control, Control method General-purpose magnetic flux vector control, Optimum excitation control can be selected) Output frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz 0.06Hz/60Hz (terminal2, 4: 0 to 10V/10bit) Analog input Frequency setting 0.12Hz/60Hz (terminal2, 4: 0 to 5V/9bit)

  • Page 308: Outline Dimension Drawings

    Outline dimension drawings Outline dimension drawings FR-E720S-008 to 030 When used with the plug-in option φ5 hole Capacity plate D2 ∗ * When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx. 2mm greater. Inverter Type FR-E720S-008, 015 80.5 95.6…

  • Page 309
    Outline dimension drawings FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E720S-110 When used with the plug-in option 2- φ 5 hole Rating Rating plate plate Capacity plate D2 *2 ∗1 FR-E740-016, 026 are not provided with the cooling fan. ∗2 When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx.
  • Page 310
    Outline dimension drawings FR-E740-230, 300 When used with the plug-in option 2- φ 6 hole Rating Rating plate plate 10.5 10.5 84.5 84.5 Capacity 205.1 * plate * When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx. 2mm greater. (Unit: mm)
  • Page 311
    Outline dimension drawings Parameter unit (option) (FR-PU07) Outline drawing > Panel cut dimension drawing < < > 25.05 (14.2) (11.45) Air-bleeding hole 4-R1 4-φ4 hole 26.5 26.5 Effective depth of the installation screw hole 5.0) M3 screw *2 80.3 ∗1 When installing the FR-PU07 on the enclosure, etc., remove screws or fix the screws to the FR-PU07 with M3 nuts.
  • Page 312: Appendix

    APPENDIX This chapter provides the «APPENDIX» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment.

  • Page 313: Appendix1 For Customers Who Have Replaced The Conventional Model With This Inverter

    4) Setup software (FR-SW0-SETUP, FR-SW1-SETUP, FR-SW2-SETUP) can not be used. Instructions for continuous use of the FR-PU04 (parameter unit) For the FR-E700 series, many functions (parameters) have been added. User initial value list and user clear of the HELP function can not be used.

  • Page 314
    Main differences and compatibilities with the FR-E500 Series Item FR-E500 FR-E700 V/F control V/F control General-purpose magnetic flux vector control Control method General-purpose magnetic flux vector control Advanced magnetic flux vector control Optimum excitation control Torque boost (Pr. 0) initial value FR-E540-1.5K to 3.7K: 6%…
  • Page 315: Appendix2 Index

    Appendix2 Index Numerics Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259) …………249, 290 15-speed selection (combination with three speeds RL, RM, Droop control (Pr. 286 to Pr. 287) ……… 245 RH)(REX signal) ………….94, 130 During PID control activated (PID signal)…..

  • Page 316
    Overcurrent trip during acceleration (E.OC1) ……273 Overcurrent trip during constant speed (E.OC2)….273 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)……….. 96 Overcurrent trip during deceleration or stop (E.OC3)..273 JOG operation selection (JOG signal)……96, 130 Overload alarm (OL signal)……….84, 136 Leakage currents and countermeasures ……. 36 Parameter list …………….54 Life alarm (Y90 signal) …………
  • Page 317
    Second function selection (RT signal)……130, 133 Selection of a regenerative brake (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)….121 Setting dial push ……………..53 Shortest acceleration/deceleration (automatic acceleration/ deceleration) (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293)…..106 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) ……..83 Specification of main circuit terminal ……..15 Speed display and speed setting (Pr.
  • Page 318
    REVISIONS *The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. ∗Manual Number Print Date Revision Oct., 2007 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-A First edition Dec., 2007 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-B Additions • FR-E740-230, 300 Oct., 2008 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-C Additions • FR-E720S-008 to 110 Modification •…
  • Page 320
    Phone: +370 (0)5 / 232 3101 Fax: +370 (0)5 / 232 2980 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. /// FA — European Business Group /// Gothaer Straße 8 /// D-40880 Ratingen /// Germany Tel.: +49(0)2102-4860 /// Fax: +49(0)2102-4861120 /// /// FACTORY AUTOMATION…

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Frequency Inverter

Instruction Manual

FR-E740 EC

Art. no. 213994





Version C


Related Manuals for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E700

Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E700

  • Page 1: Instruction Manual

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FR-E700 Frequency Inverter Instruction Manual FR-E740 EC Art. no. 213994 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC IB(NA)-0600336ENG 01102008 Version C…

  • Page 2
  • Page 3
    Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter. This Instruction Manual provides instructions for advanced use of the FR-E700 series inverters. Incorrect handling might cause an unexpected fault. Before using the inverter, always read this instruction manual and the Installation Guideline [IB-0600335ENG] packed with the product carefully to use the equipment to its optimum performance.
  • Page 4
    3.Injury Prevention (3) Trial run CAUTION CAUTION Apply only the voltage specified in the instruction manual Before starting operation, confirm and adjust the to each terminal. Otherwise, burst, damage, etc. may parameters. A failure to do so may cause some machines occur.
  • Page 5
    (5) Emergency stop CAUTION Provide a safety backup such as an emergency brake which will prevent the machine and equipment from hazardous conditions if the inverter fails. When the breaker on the inverter input side trips, check for the wiring fault (short circuit), damage to internal parts of the inverter, etc.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS OUTLINE Product checking and parts identification……… 2 Inverter and peripheral devices…………3 1.2.1 Peripheral devices …………………….. 4 Removal and reinstallation of the cover ……….5 1.3.1 Front cover……………………….5 1.3.2 Wiring cover………………………. 7 Installation of the inverter and enclosure design ……8 1.4.1 Inverter installation environment…………………

  • Page 7
    3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures ………………36 3.1.2 EMC measures ……………………..38 3.1.3 Power supply harmonics ………………….40 Installation of power factor improving reactor ……. 41 Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC)……..42 Inverter-driven 400V class motor ………… 43 Precautions for use of the inverter ……….44 Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter ……
  • Page 8
    4.7.3 Remote setting function (Pr. 59) ………………..98 Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern …………..101 4.8.1 Setting of the acceleration and deceleration time (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 147) …………..101 4.8.2 Starting frequency and start-time hold function (Pr.
  • Page 9
    4.14 Operation setting at fault occurrence ………. 161 4.14.1 Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69) ………………161 4.14.2 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872) ……….163 4.14.3 Earth (ground) fault detection at start (Pr. 249) …………….. 163 4.15 Energy saving operation…………..
  • Page 10
    4.22 Useful functions …………….248 4.22.1 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244) ……………… 248 4.22.2 Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259)…………249 4.22.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)…………….253 4.22.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr. 555 to Pr. 557) …………254 4.22.5 Free parameter (Pr.
  • Page 11
    PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION Inspection items …………….288 6.1.1 Daily inspection …………………….. 288 6.1.2 Periodic inspection ……………………288 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection …………………. 289 6.1.4 Display of the life of the inverter parts ………………290 6.1.5 Checking the inverter and converter modules …………….291 6.1.6 Cleaning ………………………..
  • Page 12
  • Page 13: Outline

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design …… 8 <Abbreviations> PU ……….Operation panel and parameter unit (FR-PU04 /FR-PU07 Inverter ……….. Mitsubishi inverter FR-E700 series E700 ……..Mitsubishi inverter FR-E700 series Pr………… Parameter number PU operation ……..Operation using the PU (operation panel/FR-PU04/FR-PU07) External operation ……

  • Page 14: Product Checking And Parts Identification

    Product checking and parts identification Product checking and parts identification Unpack the inverter and check the capacity plate on the front cover and the rating plate on the inverter side face to ensure that the product agrees with your order and the inverter is intact. Inverter type FR — — EC…

  • Page 15: Inverter And Peripheral Devices

    (Refer to page 27) Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) or earth leakage circuit breaker (ELB), fuse Inverter (FR-E700) The breaker must be selected carefully The life of the inverter is influenced by since an in-rush current flows in the surrounding temperature.

  • Page 16: Peripheral Devices

    Inverter and peripheral devices 1.2.1 Peripheral devices Check the inverter type of the inverter you purchased. Appropriate peripheral devices must be selected according to the capacity. Refer to the following list and prepare appropriate peripheral devices: Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Magnetic Contactor (MC) (MCCB) ∗1 Motor…

  • Page 17: Removal And Reinstallation Of The Cover

    Removal and reinstallation of the cover Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3.1 Front cover FR-E740-170 or less, FR-E720S Removal (Example of FR-E740-095) Remove the front cover by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. Reinstallation (Example of FR-E740-095) To reinstall, match the cover to the inverter front and install it straight.

  • Page 18
    Removal and reinstallation of the cover FR-E740-230, 300 Removal (Example of FR-E740-230) 1) Loosen the installation screws of the front cover 1. 2) Remove the front cover 1 by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. 3) Remove the front cover 2 by pulling it toward you in the direction of arrow. Front cover 2 Front cover 1 Installation…
  • Page 19: Wiring Cover

    Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3.2 Wiring cover Removal and reinstallation The cover can be removed easily by pulling it toward you. To reinstall, fit the cover to the inverter along the guides. FR-E720S-008 to 030 FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E720S-050 to 110 Guide Guide…

  • Page 20: Installation Of The Inverter And Enclosure Design

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Installation of the inverter and enclosure design When an inverter panel is to be designed and manufactured, heat generated by contained equipment, etc., the environment of an operating place, and others must be fully considered to determine the panel structure, size and equipment layout. The inverter unit uses many semiconductor devices.

  • Page 21
    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Dust, dirt, oil mist Dust and dirt will cause such faults as poor contact of contact points, reduced insulation or reduced cooling effect due to moisture absorption of accumulated dust and dirt, and in-panel temperature rise due to clogged filter. In the atmosphere where conductive powder floats, dust and dirt will cause such faults as malfunction, deteriorated insulation and short circuit in a short time.
  • Page 22: Cooling System Types For Inverter Panel

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design 1.4.2 Cooling system types for inverter panel From the panel that contains the inverter, the heat of the inverter and other equipment (transformers, lamps, resistors, etc.) and the incoming heat such as direct sunlight must be dissipated to keep the in-panel temperature lower than the permissible temperatures of the in-panel equipment including the inverter.

  • Page 23: Inverter Placement

    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design 1.4.3 Inverter placement Installation of the inverter Enclosure surface mounting Remove the front cover and wiring cover to fix the inverter to the surface. FR-E720S-008 to 030 FR-E740-016 or more FR-E720S-050 or more Front cover Front cover Wiring cover…

  • Page 24
    Installation of the inverter and enclosure design Above inverter Heat is blown up from inside the inverter by the small fan built in the unit. Any equipment placed above the inverter should be heat resistant. Arrangement of multiple inverters When multiple inverters are placed in the same enclosure, generally arrange them horizontally as shown in the right figure (a).
  • Page 25: Wiring

    WIRING This chapter describes the basic «WIRING» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Wiring………………… 14 Main circuit terminal specifications ……….15 Control circuit specifications …………20 Connection of stand-alone option unit ……..29…

  • Page 26: Terminal Connection Diagram

    Wiring Wiring 2.1.1 Terminal connection diagram Source logic 1. DC reactor (FR-HEL) Main circuit terminal When connecting a DC reactor, remove the Control circuit terminal jumper across P1 and +. Single-phase power input Brake unit *6 A brake transistor is not built-in to the (Option) MCCB FR-E720S-008 and 015.

  • Page 27: Main Circuit Terminal Specifications

    Main circuit terminal specifications Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.1 Specification of main circuit terminal Terminal Terminal Name Description Symbol R/L1, Connect to the commercial power supply. S/L2, AC power input Keep these terminals open when using the high power factor converter (FR-HC) or T/L3 ∗1 power regeneration common converter (FR-CV).

  • Page 28: Terminal Arrangement Of The Main Circuit Terminal, Power Supply And The Motor Wiring

    Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.2 Terminal arrangement of the main circuit terminal, power supply and the motor wiring Three-phase 400V class FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E740-120, 170 Jumper Screw size (M4) Jumper R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 Screw size (M4) R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 + PR Screw size (M4)

  • Page 29: Cables And Wiring Length

    Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.3 Cables and wiring length Applied wire size Select the recommended cable size to ensure that a voltage drop will be 2% max. If the wiring distance is long between the inverter and motor, a main circuit cable voltage drop will cause the motor torque to decrease especially at the output of a low frequency.

  • Page 30
    Main circuit terminal specifications Earthing (Grounding) precautions Always earth (ground) the motor and inverter. 1) Purpose of earthing (grounding) Generally, an electrical apparatus has an earth (ground) terminal, which must be connected to the ground before use. An electrical circuit is usually insulated by an insulating material and encased. However, it is impossible to manufacture an insulating material that can shut off a leakage current completely, and actually, a slight current flow into the case.
  • Page 31
    Main circuit terminal specifications Total wiring length The overall wiring length for connection of a single motor or multiple motors should be within the value in the table below. 200V class Pr. 72 PWM frequency selection Setting (carrier frequency) 1 (1kHz) or less 200m 200m 300m…
  • Page 32: Control Circuit Specifications

    Control circuit specifications Control circuit specifications 2.3.1 Standard control circuit terminal indicates that terminal functions can be selected using Pr. 178 to Pr. 184, Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 (I/O terminal function selection). (Refer to page 130). Input signal Terminal Refer to Type Terminal Name…

  • Page 33
    Control circuit specifications Terminal Refer to Type Terminal Name Description Rated Specifications Symbol Page 5.2V ± 0.2VDC Used as power supply when connecting potentiometer Frequency setting power for frequency setting (speed setting) from outside of permissible load current supply the inverter. (Refer to Pr. 73 Analog input selection.) 10mA Inputting 0 to 5VDC (or 0 to 10V) provides the Input resistance10kΩ…
  • Page 34
    Control circuit specifications Output signal Terminal Reference Type Terminal Name Description Rated Specifications Symbol Page 1 changeover contact output indicates that the inverter Contact capacity:230VAC Relay output (fault protective function has activated and the output stopped. 0.3A A, B, C output) Fault: discontinuity across B-C (continuity across A-C), (power factor =0.4)
  • Page 35: Changing The Control Logic

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.2 Changing the control logic The input signals are set to source logic (SOURCE) when shipped from the factory. To change the control logic, the jumper connector above the control terminal must be moved to the other position. To change to sink logic, change the jumper connector in the source logic (SOURCE) position to sink logic (SINK) position using tweezers, a pair of long-nose pliers etc.

  • Page 36
    Control circuit specifications (1) Sink logic type and source logic type In sink logic, a signal switches ON when a current flows from the corresponding signal input terminal. Terminal SD is common to the contact input signals. Terminal SE is common to the open collector output signals. In source logic, a signal switches ON when a current flows into the corresponding signal input terminal.
  • Page 37: Wiring Of Control Circuit

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.3 Wiring of control circuit Standard control circuit terminal layout Terminal screw size M3: (Terminal A, B, C) M2: (Other than the above) 4 RUN FU SE STF STR Wiring method 1) Strip off the sheath of the wire of the control circuit to wire. Strip off the sheath about the size below.

  • Page 38: Wiring Instructions

    Control circuit specifications Signal inputs by contactless switches The contacted input terminals of the inverter (STF, STR, RH, RM, RL, MRS, RES) can be controlled using a Inverter transistor instead of a contacted switch as shown on the right. +24V STF, etc.

  • Page 39: Connection To The Pu Connector

    Control circuit specifications 2.3.5 Connection to the PU connector Using the PU connector, you can perform communication operation from the parameter unit (FR-PU07), enclosure surface operation panel (FR-PA07) or a personal computer etc. Refer to the figure below to open the PU connector cover. PU connector To open the cover Place a flathead screwdriver, etc.

  • Page 40
    Pins No. 2 and 8 provide power to the parameter unit. Do not use these pins for RS-485 communication. When making RS-485 communication between the FR-E700 series, FR-E500 series and FR-S500 series, incorrect connection of pins No.2 and 8 (parameter unit power supply) of the above PU connector may result in the inverter malfunction or failure.
  • Page 41: Connection Of Stand-Alone Option Unit

    Connection of stand-alone option unit Connection of stand-alone option unit The inverter accepts a variety of stand-alone option units as required. Incorrect connection will cause inverter damage or accident. Connect and operate the option unit carefully in accordance with the corresponding option unit manual. 2.4.1 Connection of a dedicated external brake resistor (MRS type, FR-ABR) (FR-E740- 016 or more, FR-E720S-030 or more)

  • Page 42
    Connection of stand-alone option unit When using the brake resistor (MRS type) and high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) It is recommended to configure a sequence, which shuts off power in the input side of the inverter by the external thermal relay as shown below, to prevent overheat and burnout of the brake resistor (MRS type) and high duty brake resistor (FR- ABR) in case the regenerative brake transistor is damaged.
  • Page 43: Connection Of The Brake Unit (Fr-Bu2)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit 2.4.2 Connection of the brake unit (FR-BU2) Connect the brake unit (FR-BU2(-H)) as shown below to improve the braking capability at deceleration. If the transistors in the brake unit should become faulty, the resistor can be unusually hot. To prevent unusual overheat and fire, install a magnetic contactor on the inverter’s input side to configure a circuit so that a current is shut off in case of fault.

  • Page 44: Connection Of The High Power Factor Converter (Fr-Hc)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit Connection example with the FR-BR(-H) type resistor ∗2 FR-BR MCCB Motor ∗4 R/L1 Three-phase AC S/L2 power supply T/L3 ∗3 FR-BU2 Inverter ∗1 ∗1 ∗5 ∗3 5m or less ∗1 Connect the inverter terminals (+ and -) and brake unit (FR-BU2) terminals so that their terminal names match with each other.

  • Page 45: Connection Of The Power Regeneration Common Converter (Fr-Cv)

    Connection of stand-alone option unit 2.4.4 Connection of the power regeneration common converter (FR-CV) When connecting the power regeneration common converter (FR-CV), connect the inverter terminals (+, -) and power regeneration common converter (FR-CV) terminals as shown below so that their symbols match with each other. R/L1 S/L2 T/L3…

  • Page 46
  • Page 47: Precautions For Use Of The Inverter

    PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER This chapter explains the «PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment EMC and leakage currents …………36 Installation of power factor improving reactor ……41 Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) ………

  • Page 48: Emc And Leakage Currents

    EMC and leakage currents EMC and leakage currents 3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures Capacitances exist between the inverter I/O cables, other cables and earth and in the motor, through which a leakage current flows. Since its value depends on the static capacitances, carrier frequency, etc., low acoustic noise operation at the increased carrier frequency of the inverter will increase the leakage current.

  • Page 49
    EMC and leakage currents Selection of rated sensitivity current of earth (ground) leakage current breaker When using the earth leakage current breaker with the inverter circuit, select its rated sensitivity current as follows, independently of the PWM carrier frequency. Breaker designed for harmonic and Ig1, Ig2: Leakage currents in wire path during commercial surge suppression power supply operation…
  • Page 50: Emc Measures

    EMC and leakage currents 3.1.2 EMC measures Some electromagnetic noises enter the inverter to malfunction it and others are radiated by the inverter to malfunction peripheral devices. Though the inverter is designed to have high immunity performance, it handles low-level signals, so it requires the following basic techniques.

  • Page 51
    EMC and leakage currents Propagation Path Measures When devices that handle low-level signals and are liable to malfunction due to electromagnetic noises, e.g. instruments, receivers and sensors, are contained in the enclosure that contains the inverter or when their signal cables are run near the inverter, the devices may be malfunctioned by air-propagated electromagnetic noises.
  • Page 52: Power Supply Harmonics

    EMC and leakage currents 3.1.3 Power supply harmonics The inverter may generate power supply harmonics from its converter circuit to affect the power generator, power capacitor etc. Power supply harmonics are different from noise and leakage currents in source, frequency band and transmission path. Take the following countermeasure suppression techniques.

  • Page 53: Installation Of Power Factor Improving Reactor

    Installation of power factor improving reactor Installation of power factor improving reactor When the inverter is connected near a large-capacity power transformer (500kVA or more) or when a power capacitor is to be switched over, an excessive peak current may flow in the power input circuit, damaging the converter circuit. To prevent this, always install an optional reactor (FR-HAL, FR-HEL).

  • Page 54: Power-Off And Magnetic Contactor (Mc)

    Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) Power-OFF and magnetic contactor (MC) Inverter input side magnetic contactor (MC) On the inverter input side, it is recommended to provide an MC for the following purposes. (Refer to page 4 for selection.) 1) To release the inverter from the power supply when the fault occurs or when the drive is not functioning (e.g. emergency stop operation).

  • Page 55: Inverter-Driven 400V Class Motor

    Inverter-driven 400V class motor Inverter-driven 400V class motor In the PWM type inverter, a surge voltage attributable to wiring constants is generated at the motor terminals. Especially for a 400V class motor, the surge voltage may deteriorate the insulation. When the 400V class motor is driven by the inverter, consider the following measures: Measures It is recommended to take either of the following measures:…

  • Page 56: Precautions For Use Of The Inverter

    Precautions for use of the inverter Precautions for use of the inverter The FR-E700 series is a highly reliable product, but incorrect peripheral circuit making or operation/handling method may shorten the product life or damage the product. Before starting operation, always recheck the following items.

  • Page 57
    Precautions for use of the inverter (12) Do not apply a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits. Application of a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits or opposite polarity may damage the I/O devices.
  • Page 58: Failsafe Of The System Which Uses The Inverter

    Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter When a fault occurs, the inverter trips to output a fault signal. However, a fault output signal may not be output at an inverter fault occurrence when the detection circuit or output circuit fails, etc.

  • Page 59
    Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter 4) Checking the motor operating status by the start signal input to the inverter and inverter output current detection signal. The output current detection signal (Y12 signal) is output when the inverter operates and currents flows in the motor. Check if Y12 signal is output when inputting the start signal to the inverter (forward signal is STF signal and reverse signal is STR signal).
  • Page 60
  • Page 61: Parameters

    PARAMETERS This chapter explains the «PARAMETERS» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment The abbreviations in the explanations below are as follows: ..V/F control, ..Advanced magnetic flux vector control, AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC ..General-purpose magnetic-flux vector control GP MFVC GP MFVC…

  • Page 62: Operation Panel

    Operation panel Operation panel 4.1.1 Names and functions of the operation panel The operation panel cannot be removed from the inverter. Operating status display Operation mode indication Lit or flicker during inverter operation. ∗ PU: Lit to indicate PU operation mode. EXT: Lit to indicate External operation mode.

  • Page 63: Basic Operation (Factory Setting)

    Operation panel 4.1.2 Basic operation (factory setting) Operation mode switchover At powering on (external operation mode) PU Jog operation mode (Example) PU operation mode Value change and frequency flicker. (output frequency monitor) Frequency setting has been written and completed!! STOP Output current monitor Output voltage monitor Display the…

  • Page 64: Easy Operation Mode Setting (Easy Setting Mode)

    Operation panel 4.1.3 Easy operation mode setting (easy setting mode) Setting of Pr. 79 Operation mode selection according to combination of the start command and speed command can be easily made. Operation Start command: external (STF/STR), frequency command: operate with example Operation Display…

  • Page 65: Change The Parameter Setting Value

    Operation panel 4.1.4 Change the parameter setting value Changing Change the Pr. 1 Maximum frequency setting. example Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PU indication is lit. Press to choose the PU operation mode. PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode.

  • Page 66: Parameter List

    Parameter list Parameter list Parameter list 4.2.1 Parameter list For simple variable-speed operation of the inverter, the initial setting of the parameters may be used as they are. Set the necessary parameters to meet the load and operational specifications. Parameter setting, change and check can be made Symbols in the table indicate parameters which function when an option is mounted.

  • Page 67
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 68
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 69
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 70
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 71
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 72
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 73
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 74
    Parameter list Parameter list Control Mode-based Minimum Refer Instruction Code Parameter Func- Initial Customer Correspondence Table Parameter Name Setting Range Setting Parameter Remarks tion Value Setting Increments Page Read Write Extended Copy Clear All clear AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC…
  • Page 75: Control Mode

    Parameters according to purposes Control mode 4.3.1 Change the control method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) …………..76 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.1 Manual torque boost (Pr. 0, Pr. 46) ………………..77 4.4.2 Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800) ……78 4.4.3 General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Pr.

  • Page 76
    4.11.3 Condition selection of function validity by second function selection signal (RT) ……. 133 4.11.4 Start signal operation selection (STF, STR, STOP signal, Pr. 250) ……….. 134 4.11.5 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192)…………… 136 4.11.6 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU signal, Pr. 41 to Pr. 43) ……….140 4.11.7 Output current detection function (Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr.
  • Page 77
    4.20 Communication operation and setting 4.20.1 Wiring and configuration of PU connector ……………… 199 4.20.2 Initial settings and specifications of RS-485 communication (Pr. 117 to Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549) …………….202 4.20.3 Operation selection at communication error occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502) ….203 4.20.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr.
  • Page 78
    Control mode Control mode V/F control (initial setting), Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control are available with this inverter. V/F Control It controls frequency and voltage so that the ratio of frequency (F) to voltage (V) is constant when changing frequency. Advanced (General-purpose) magnetic flux vector control This control divides the inverter output current into an excitation current and a torque current by vector calculation and makes voltage compensation to flow a motor current which meets the load torque.
  • Page 79: Change The Control Method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800)

    Control mode 4.3.1 Change the control method (Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) Set when selecting the control method for Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control. The initial value is V/F control. Select a control mode using Pr. 800 Control method selection. Parameter Initial Name…

  • Page 80: Adjust The Output Torque (Current) Of The Motor

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Set starting torque manually Manual torque boost Pr. 0, Pr. 46 Advanced magnetic flux Automatically control output current vector control, Pr.

  • Page 81: Advanced Magnetic Flux Vector Control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.2 Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr.89, Pr. 800) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC Advanced magnetic flux vector control can be selected by setting the capacity, poles and type of the motor used in Pr. 80 and Pr.

  • Page 82
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor <Selection method of Advanced magnetic flux vector control> Perform secure wiring. (Refer to page 14) Set the motor. (Pr. 71) Pr. 71 Setting ∗1 Motor Remarks Mitsubishi standard SF-JR 0 (initial value) motor SF-HR Mitsubishi high…
  • Page 83
    The motor speed fluctuation at load fluctuation can be adjusted using Pr. 89. (It is useful when the speed command does not match the motor speed after the FR-E500 series inverter is replaced with the FR-E700 series inverter, etc.) Speed Parameters referred to Pr.
  • Page 84: General-Purpose Magnetic Flux Vector Control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.3 General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 800) GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC General-purpose magnetic flux vector control is the same function as the FR-E500 series. Select this control when the same operation characteristic is necessary.

  • Page 85
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor <Selection method of General-purpose magnetic flux vector control> Perform secure wiring. (Refer to page 14) Set the motor.(Pr. 71) Pr. 71 Setting ∗1 Motor Remarks Mitsubishi standard SF-JR 0 (initial value) motor SF-HR Mitsubishi high ∗2…
  • Page 86: Slip Compensation (Pr. 245 To Pr. 247)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.4 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC When V/F control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control is performed, the inverter output current may be used to assume motor slip to keep the motor speed constant. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 87: Stall Prevention Operation (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 48, Pr. 66, Pr. 156, Pr. 157, Pr. 277)

    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.4.5 Stall prevention operation (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 48, Pr. 66, Pr. 156, Pr. 157, Pr. 277) This function monitors the output current and automatically changes the output frequency to prevent the inverter from coming to trip due to overcurrent, overvoltage, etc.

  • Page 88
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Setting of stall prevention operation level (Pr. 22) Pr. 22 Set in the percentage of the output current to the rated inverter current at which stall prevention operation will be Output current performed.
  • Page 89
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Setting of stall prevention operation in high frequency range (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66) Setting example Pr. 22 = 150% Pr. 23 = 100% Pr. 22 When Pr. 23 = 9999 Pr.
  • Page 90
    Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor Limit the stall prevention operation and fast-response current limit operation according to the operating status (Pr. 156) Refer to the following table and select whether stall prevention operation and fast-response current limit operation will be performed or not and the operation to be performed at OL signal output.
  • Page 91: Limit The Output Frequency

    Limit the output frequency Limit the output frequency Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Set upper limit and lower limit of Maximum/minimum Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 18 output frequency frequency Perform operation by avoiding Frequency jump Pr.

  • Page 92: Avoid Mechanical Resonance Points (Frequency Jumps) (Pr. 31 To Pr. 36)

    Limit the output frequency 4.5.2 Avoid mechanical resonance points (frequency jumps) (Pr. 31 to Pr. 36) When it is desired to avoid resonance attributable to the natural frequency of a mechanical system, these parameters allow resonant frequencies to be jumped. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 93: Set V/F Pattern

    Set V/F pattern Set V/F pattern Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Base frequency, Set motor ratings Pr. 3, Pr. 19, Pr. 47 Base frequency voltage Select a V/F pattern according to Load pattern selection Pr. 14 applications.

  • Page 94
    Set V/F pattern Base frequency voltage setting (Pr. 19) Use Pr. 19 Base frequency voltage to set the base voltage (e.g. rated motor voltage). If the setting is less than the power supply voltage, the maximum output voltage of the inverter is as set in Pr. 19. Pr.
  • Page 95: Load Pattern Selection (Pr. 14)

    Set V/F pattern 4.6.2 Load pattern selection (Pr. 14) You can select the optimum output characteristic (V/F characteristic) for the application and load characteristics. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number For constant-torque load For variable torque load For constant-torque elevators Load pattern selection (at reverse rotation boost of 0%) For constant-torque elevators…

  • Page 96
    Set V/F pattern (3) Constant-torque load application Pr. 14 = 3 Pr. 14 = 2 (setting «2, 3») For vertical lift loads For vertical lift loads Set «2» when a vertical lift load is fixed as power At forward rotation boost…0% At forward rotation boost…Pr.
  • Page 97: Frequency Setting By External Terminals

    Frequency setting by external terminals Frequency setting by external terminals Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Make frequency setting by Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Multi-speed operation combination of terminals Pr. 232 to Pr. 239 Perform jog operation Jog operation Pr.

  • Page 98
    Frequency setting by external terminals Multi-speed setting for 4 or more speeds (Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239) Frequency from 4 speed to 15 speed can be set according to the combination of the RH, RM, RL and REX signals. Set the running frequencies in Pr.
  • Page 99: Jog Operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)

    Frequency setting by external terminals 4.7.2 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16) You can set the frequency and acceleration/deceleration time for Jog operation. Jog operation can be performed in either of the External and the PU operation mode. This operation can be used for conveyor positioning, test operation, etc. Parameter Initial Name…

  • Page 100
    Frequency setting by external terminals Jog operation from PU Selects Jog operation mode from the operation panel and PU (FR-PU04/FR-PU07). Operation is performed only while the start button is pressed. Inverter R/L1 Three-phase AC S/L2 Motor power supply T/L3 Operation panel Operation Display Confirmation of the RUN indication and…
  • Page 101: Remote Setting Function (Pr. 59)

    Frequency setting by external terminals NOTE When Pr. 29 Acceleration/deceleration pattern selection = «1» (S-pattern acceleration/deceleration A), the acceleration/ deceleration time is the period of time required to reach Pr. 3 Base frequency. The Pr. 15 setting should be equal to or higher than the Pr. 13 Starting frequency. Starting frequency The JOG signal can be assigned to the input terminal using any of Pr.

  • Page 102
    Frequency setting by external terminals Remote setting function Use Pr. 59 to select whether the remote setting function is used or not and whether the frequency setting storage function in the remote setting mode is used or not. When Pr. 59 is set to any of «1 to 3» (remote setting function valid), the functions of the RH, RM and RL signals are changed to acceleration (RH), deceleration (RM) and clear (RL).
  • Page 103
    Frequency setting by external terminals REMARKS During jog operation or PID control operation, the remote setting function is invalid. Setting frequency is «0» Even when remotely-set frequency is cleared by turning ON the RL (clear) signal after turn Remotely-set frequency stored last time OFF (ON) of both the RH and RM Within 1 minute signals, the inverter operates at…
  • Page 104: Setting Of Acceleration/Deceleration Time And Acceleration/ Deceleration Pattern

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor acceleration/deceleration Acceleration/deceleration Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, time setting times Pr.

  • Page 105
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Acceleration time setting (Pr. 7, Pr. 20) Use Pr. 7 Acceleration time to set the acceleration time required to reach Pr. 20 Pr. 20 Running Acceleration/deceleration reference frequency from 0Hz. (50Hz) frequency Set the acceleration time according to the following formula.
  • Page 106
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Set two kinds of acceleration/deceleration times (RT signal, Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 147 ) Pr. 44 and Pr. 45 are valid when the RT signal is ON, or the output frequency reaches or exceeds the setting of Pr. 147. When «9999»…
  • Page 107: Starting Frequency And Start-Time Hold Function (Pr. 13, Pr. 571)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.2 Starting frequency and start-time hold function (Pr. 13, Pr. 571) You can set the starting frequency and hold the set starting frequency for a certain period of time. Set these functions when you need the starting torque or want to smooth motor drive at a start. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 108: Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern (Pr. 29)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.3 Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29) You can set the acceleration/deceleration pattern suitable for application. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Linear acceleration/ deceleration Acceleration/deceleration S-pattern acceleration/deceleration A pattern selection S-pattern acceleration/deceleration B The above parameters can be set when Pr.

  • Page 109: Shortest Acceleration/Deceleration (Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration) (Pr. 61 To Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293)

    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern 4.8.4 Shortest acceleration/deceleration (automatic acceleration/deceleration) (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293) The inverter operates in the same conditions as when appropriate values are set in each parameter even if acceleration/deceleration time and V/F pattern are not set.

  • Page 110
    Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceleration pattern Adjustment of shortest acceleration/deceleration mode (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63) By setting the adjustment parameters Pr. 61 and Pr. 63, the application range can be made wider. Parameter Name Setting Range Description Number For example, when the motor and inverter are different in capacity, set the rated motor current value.
  • Page 111: Selection And Protection Of A Motor

    Selection and protection of a motor Selection and protection of a motor Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor protection from overheat Electronic thermal O/L relay Pr. 9, Pr. 51 Use the constant-torque motor Applied motor Pr. 71 The motor performance can be Pr.

  • Page 112
    Selection and protection of a motor Set two different electronic thermal O/L relays (Pr. 51) Use this function when running two motors of different rated currents individually by a single inverter. (When running two motors together, use external thermal relays.) Set the rated current of the second motor to Pr.
  • Page 113: Applied Motor (Pr. 71, Pr. 450)

    Selection and protection of a motor 4.9.2 Applied motor (Pr. 71, Pr. 450) Setting of the used motor selects the thermal characteristic appropriate for the motor. Setting is required to use a constant-torque motor. Thermal characteristic of the electronic thermal relay function suitable for the motor is set.

  • Page 114
    Selection and protection of a motor Use two motors (Pr. 450) Set Pr. 450 Second applied motor to use two different motors with one inverter. When «9999» (initial value) is set, no function is selected. When a value other than 9999 is set in Pr. 450, the second motor is valid when the RT signal turns ON. For the RT signal, set «3»…
  • Page 115: To Exhibit The Best Performance Of The Motor Performance (Offline Auto Tuning) (Pr. 71, Pr. 80 To Pr. 84, Pr. 90 To Pr. 94, Pr. 96, Pr. 859)

    Selection and protection of a motor 4.9.3 To exhibit the best performance of the motor performance (offline auto tuning) (Pr. 71, Pr. 80 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94, Pr. 96, Pr. 859) The motor performance can be maximized with offline auto tuning. What is offline auto tuning? When performing Advanced magnetic flux vector control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control, the motor can be run with the optimum operating characteristics by automatically measuring the motor constants (offline auto…

  • Page 116
    Selection and protection of a motor The setting range and increments of Pr. 82, Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 and Pr. 859 changes according to the setting value of Pr. 71 and Pr. 96. Auto Tuning Measured Value Internal Stored Value ∗1 Direct Input Value ∗2 Applied Motor ∗3…
  • Page 117
    Selection and protection of a motor Setting 1) Select Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Refer to page 78) or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control (Refer to page 81). 2) Set «1» or «11» in Pr. 96 Auto tuning setting/status. When the setting is «1» ..Tune all motor constants without running the motor. When performing Advanced magnetic flux vector control, set «1»…
  • Page 118
    Selection and protection of a motor Execution of tuning POINT Before performing tuning, check the monitor display of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) if the inverter is in the status for tuning. (Refer to 2) below) When the start command is turned ON under V/F control, the motor starts.
  • Page 119
    Selection and protection of a motor 3) When offline auto tuning ends, press of the operation panel during PU operation. For external operation, turn OFF the start signal (STF signal or STR signal) once. This operation resets the offline auto tuning and the PU’s monitor display returns to the normal indication. (Without this operation, next operation cannot be started.) REMARKS Do not change the Pr.
  • Page 120
    Selection and protection of a motor Utilizing or changing offline auto tuning data for use The data measured in the offline auto tuning can be read and utilized or changed. <Operating procedure> 1) Set Pr. 71 according to the motor used. Pr.
  • Page 121
    Selection and protection of a motor Method to set the motor constants without using the offline auto tuning data The Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 motor constants may either be entered in [Ω] or in [mH]. Before starting operation, confirm which motor constant unit is used.
  • Page 122
    Selection and protection of a motor To enter the Pr. 90 to Pr. 94 motor constants in [mH] <Operating procedure> 1) Set Pr. 71 according to the motor used. Pr.71 Setting ∗1 Motor Mitsubishi standard motor SF-JR SF-HR Mitsubishi high efficiency motor SF-JRCA 4P Mitsubishi constant-torque motor SF-HRCA…
  • Page 123: Motor Brake And Stop Operation

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10 Motor brake and stop operation Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Motor braking torque adjustment DC Injection brake Pr. 10 to Pr. 12 Improve the motor braking torque with Selection of a Pr.

  • Page 124: Selection Of A Regenerative Brake (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)

    Motor brake and stop operation REMARKS For the FR-E740-120 and 170, when the Pr. 12 setting is the following, changing the Pr. 71 Applied motor setting automatically changes the Pr. 12 setting. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the Pr. 12 setting. (a) When 4% (initial value) is set in Pr.

  • Page 125
    Motor brake and stop operation When using the high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) (FR-E740-016 or more, FR-E720S-030 or more) Set «1» in Pr. 30. Set Pr. 70 as follows. FR-E740-170 or less, FR-E720S-110 or less, ……………… 10% FR-E740-230 and 300 ……………………6% When a high power factor converter (FR-HC) is used and automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function is made valid.
  • Page 126: Stop Selection (Pr. 250)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.3 Stop selection (Pr. 250) Used to select the stopping method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the start signal turns OFF. Used to stop the motor with a mechanical brake, etc. together with switching OFF of the start signal. You can also select the operations of the start signals (STF/STR).

  • Page 127: Stop-On Contact Control Function (Pr. 6, Pr. 48, Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.4 Stop-on contact control function (Pr. 6, Pr. 48, Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC To ensure accurate positioning at the upper limit etc. of a <Without stop-on-contact control>…

  • Page 128
    Motor brake and stop operation Function switching of stop-on-contact control selection Normal Operation With stop-on-contact Control Main Functions (either RL or RT is OFF or both are OFF) (both RL and RT are ON) Multi-speed Output frequency 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V Pr.
  • Page 129: Brake Sequence Function (Pr. 278 To Pr. 283, Pr. 292)

    Motor brake and stop operation 4.10.5 Brake sequence function (Pr. 278 to Pr. 283, Pr. 292) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC GP MFVC This function is used to output from the inverter the mechanical brake operation timing signal in vertical lift and other applications.

  • Page 130
    Motor brake and stop operation Set the brake sequence mode Select Advanced magnetic flux vector control or General-purpose magnetic flux vector control. The brake sequence function is valid only when the External operation mode, External/PU combined operation mode 1 or Network operation mode is selected.
  • Page 131
    Motor brake and stop operation Without brake opening completion signal input (Pr.292 = «8») When the start signal is input to the inverter, the inverter starts running. When the internal speed command reaches the value set in Pr. 278 and the output current is not less than the value set in Pr. 279 , the inverter outputs the brake opening request signal (BOF) after the time set in Pr.
  • Page 132
    Motor brake and stop operation Protective functions If any of the following errors occurs during the brake sequence operation, the inverter results in a fault, trips, and turns OFF the brake opening request signal (BOF). Fault Display Description Although more than 2s have elapsed after the start command (forward or reverse rotation) is input, the brake opening E.MB4 request signal (BOF) does not turn ON.
  • Page 133: Function Assignment Of External Terminal And Control

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11 Function assignment of external terminal and control Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Input terminal function Assign function to input terminal Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 selection Set MRS signal (output shutoff) to MRS input selection Pr.

  • Page 134
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Refer to Setting Signal Function Related Parameters Page Second function selection Pr. 44 to Pr. 51 Pr. 270 = 1 ∗2 Stop-on contact selection 1 Pr. 270, Pr. 275, Pr. 276 Terminal 4 input selection Pr.
  • Page 135: Inverter Output Shutoff Signal (Mrs Signal, Pr. 17)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.2 Inverter output shutoff signal (MRS signal, Pr. 17) The inverter output can be shut off by the MRS signal. Also, logic for the MRS signal can be selected. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number…

  • Page 136: Condition Selection Of Function Validity By Second Function Selection Signal (Rt)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.3 Condition selection of function validity by second function selection signal (RT) You can select the second function using the RT signal. When the RT signal turns ON, the second function becomes valid. For the RT signal, set «3»…

  • Page 137: Start Signal Operation Selection (Stf, Str, Stop Signal, Pr. 250)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.4 Start signal operation selection (STF, STR, STOP signal, Pr. 250) You can select the operation of the start signal (STF/STR). Used to select the stopping method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the start signal turns OFF. Used to stop the motor with a mechanical brake, etc.

  • Page 138
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Three-wire type (STF, STR, STOP signal) The three-wire connection is shown below. Turning the STOP signal ON makes start self-holding function valid. In this case, the forward/reverse rotation signal functions only as a start signal. If the start signal (STF or STR) is turned ON and then OFF, the start signal is held and makes a start.
  • Page 139: Output Terminal Function Selection (Pr. 190 To Pr. 192)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.5 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192) You can change the functions of the open collector output terminal and relay output terminal. Parameter Initial Name Initial Signal Setting Range Number Value RUN terminal RUN (inverter running)

  • Page 140
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Setting Refer Related Signal Function Operation Positive Negative Parameter Page logic logic Fault output 3 Output when a fault occurs due to the internal circuit failure — (power-off signal) of the inverter wiring mistake. Average current value and maintenance timer value are Current average value output as pulses.
  • Page 141
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Inverter operation ready signal (RY signal) and inverter running signal (RUN signal) Power supply DC injection brake operation point DC injection brake operation Pr. 13 Starting frequency Time Reset processing When the inverter is ready to operate, the output of the operation ready signal (RY) is ON. (It is also ON during inverter running.) When the output frequency of the inverter rises to or above Pr.
  • Page 142
    Function assignment of external terminal and control Fault output signal (ALM signal) Inverter fault occurrence If the inverter comes to trip, the ALM signal is output. (Trip) Output frequency Time ON OFF Reset processing (about 1s) Reset ON REMARKS The ALM signal is assigned to the terminal A, B, C in the default setting. By setting «99 (positive logic) or 199 (negative logic) in Pr.190 to Pr.192 (output terminal function selection), the ALM signal can be assigned to the other terminal.
  • Page 143: Detection Of Output Frequency (Su, Fu Signal, Pr. 41 To Pr. 43)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.6 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU signal, Pr. 41 to Pr. 43) The inverter output frequency is detected and output at the output signals. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Up-to-frequency 0 to 100% Level where the SU signal turns ON.

  • Page 144: Output Current Detection Function (Y12 Signal, Y13 Signal, Pr. 150 To Pr. 153)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.7 Output current detection function (Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr. 150 to Pr. 153) The output current during inverter running can be detected and output to the output terminal. Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description Number Range…

  • Page 145
    Function assignment of external terminal and control CAUTION The zero current detection level setting should not be too high, and the zero current detection time setting not too long. Otherwise, the detection signal may not be output when torque is not generated at a low output current.
  • Page 146: Remote Output Selection (Rem Signal, Pr. 495 To Pr. 497)

    Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.11.8 Remote output selection (REM signal, Pr. 495 to Pr. 497) You can utilize the ON/OFF of the inverter’s output signals instead of the remote output terminal of the programmable logic controller. Parameter Initial Setting Name…

  • Page 147: Monitor Display And Monitor Output Signal

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12 Monitor display and monitor output signal Refer to Purpose Parameter that should be Set Page Display motor speed Speed display and speed setting Pr. 37 Set speed DU/PU main display data selection Pr. 52, Pr. 54, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Change PU monitor display data Cumulative monitor clear Pr.

  • Page 148: Monitor Display Selection Of Du/Pu And Terminal Am (Pr. 52, Pr.158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564)

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.2 Monitor display selection of DU/PU and terminal AM (Pr. 52, Pr.158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564) The monitor to be displayed on the main screen of the control panel and parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) can be selected.

  • Page 149
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Pr. 52 Setting Operation Pr.158 (AM) Terminal AM Types of Monitor Unit Description panel main Setting Full Scale Value monitor Regenerative brake ∗1 0.1% Pr. 70 Brake duty set in Pr. 30, Pr. 70 duty Displays the thermal cumulative value on Electronic thermal…
  • Page 150
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Pr. 52 Setting Operation Pr.158 (AM) Terminal AM Types of Monitor Unit Description panel main Setting Full Scale Value monitor Thermal relay Transistor thermal heat cumulative value is Inverter thermal load 0.1% operation level displayed.
  • Page 151
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Operation panel I/O terminal monitor (Pr. 52) When Pr. 52 is set to any of «55 to 57», the I/O terminal status can be monitored on the operation panel. The I/O terminal monitor is displayed on the third monitor. The LED is ON when the terminal is ON, and the LED is OFF when the terminal is OFF.
  • Page 152
    Monitor display and monitor output signal Cumulative power monitor and clear (Pr. 170) On the cumulative power monitor (Pr. 52 = «25»), the output power monitor value is added up and is updated in 1h increments. The operation panel, parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) and communication (RS-485 communication, communication option) display increments and display ranges are as indicated below.
  • Page 153: Reference Of The Terminal Am (Analog Voltage Output) (Pr. 55, Pr. 56)

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.3 Reference of the terminal AM (analog voltage output) (Pr. 55, Pr. 56) Analog voltage output from the terminal AM is available. Set the reference of the signal output from terminal AM. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description…

  • Page 154: Terminal Am Calibration (Calibration Parameter Pr. 645, C1 (Pr.901))

    Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.12.4 Terminal AM calibration (calibration parameter Pr. 645, C1 (Pr.901)) By using the operation panel or parameter unit, you can calibrate terminal AM to full scale deflection. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Calibrates the scale of the meter when AM 0V adjustment…

  • Page 155
    Monitor display and monitor output signal How to calibrate the terminal AM when using the operation panel Operation Display (When Pr. 158 = 1) Confirmation of the RUN indication and operation mode indication PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode.
  • Page 156: Operation Selection At Power Failure And Instantaneous Power Failure

    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.13 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page At instantaneous power failure Automatic restart operation Pr. 30, Pr. 57, Pr. 58, Pr. 96, occurrence, restart inverter without after instantaneous power Pr.

  • Page 157
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure When Pr. 162 = 1, 11 (without frequency search) Automatic restart operation selection (Pr. 30, Pr. 162, Pr. 299) Instantaneous (power failure) time Without frequency search Power supply When Pr. 162 = «1» or «11», automatic restart operation is (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) performed in a reduced voltage system, where the voltage is gradually risen with the output frequency…
  • Page 158
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Restart operation at every start When Pr. 162 = «10 or 11», automatic restart operation is also performed every start, in addition to the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure. When Pr. 162 = «0», automatic restart operation is performed at the first start after power supply ON, but not performed at the second time or later.
  • Page 159
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Frequency search gain (Pr. 298), offline auto tuning (Pr. 96) When automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation (with frequency search) is valid at V/F control, perform offline auto tuning. Perform offline auto tuning during V/F control in the following order to set Pr. 298 Frequency search gain automatically. (Refer to page 112 during Advanced magnetic flux vector control and General-purpose magnetic flux vector control.) Before performing offline auto tuning Check the following before performing offline auto tuning.
  • Page 160
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Execution of tuning POINT Before performing tuning, check the monitor display of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) if the inverter is in the status for tuning. (Refer to 2) below) 1) When performing PU operation, press of the operation panel.
  • Page 161
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4) If offline auto tuning ended in error (see the table below), motor constants are not set. Perform an inverter reset and restart tuning. Error Error Cause Remedy Display Forced end Set «21»…
  • Page 162: Power-Failure Deceleration Stop Function (Pr. 261)

    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.13.2 Power-failure deceleration stop function (Pr. 261) When a power failure or undervoltage occurs, the inverter can be decelerated to a stop or can be decelerated and re- accelerated to the set frequency. Parameter Initial Setting…

  • Page 163
    Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Operation continuation at instantaneous power failure function (Pr. 261 = «2») When power is restored during deceleration after a power failure, acceleration is made again up to the set frequency. When this function is used in combination with the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function(Pr.57 ≠ «9999»), deceleration can be made at a power failure and acceleration can be made again after power restoration.
  • Page 164: Operation Setting At Fault Occurrence

    Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.14 Operation setting at fault occurrence Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Recover by retry operation at fault Retry operation Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69 occurrence Do not output input/output phase Input/output phase failure Pr.

  • Page 165
    Operation setting at fault occurrence Using Pr. 65, you can select the fault that will cause a retry to be executed. No retry will be made for the fault not indicated. (Refer to page 270 for the fault description.) indicates the faults selected for retry. Fault for Pr.
  • Page 166: Input/Output Phase Loss Protection Selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872)

    Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.14.2 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr. 251, Pr. 872) You can choose whether to make Input/output phase loss protection valid or invalid. Output phase loss protection is a function to stop the inverter output if one of the three phases (U, V, W) on the inverter’s output side (load side) is lost.

  • Page 167: Energy Saving Operation

    Energy saving operation 4.15 Energy saving operation Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Energy saving operation Optimum excitation control Pr. 60 4.15.1 Optimum excitation control (Pr. 60) Without a fine parameter setting, the inverter automatically performs energy saving operation. This operation is optimum for fan and pump applications Parameter Name…

  • Page 168: Motor Noise, Emi Measures, Mechanical Resonance

    Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.16 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance Purpose of Use Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Reduction of the motor noise Carrier frequency and Measures against EMI and leakage Pr. 72, Pr. 240 Soft-PWM selection currents Reduce mechanical resonance…

  • Page 169: Speed Smoothing Control (Pr. 653)

    Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.16.2 Speed smoothing control (Pr. 653) Vibration due to mechanical resonance influences the inverter control, causing the output current (torque) unstable. In this case, the output current (torque) fluctuation can be reduced to ease vibration by changing the output frequency. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 170: Frequency Setting By Analog Input (Terminal 2, 4)

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) 4.17 Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Selection of voltage/current input (terminal 2, 4) Analog input selection Pr. 73, Pr. 267 Perform forward/reverse rotation by analog input.

  • Page 171
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) NOTE Set Pr. 267 and a voltage/current input switch correctly, then input an analog signal in accordance with the setting. Incorrect setting as in the table below could cause component damage. Incorrect settings other than below can cause abnormal operation.
  • Page 172: Response Level Of Analog Input And Noise Elimination (Pr. 74)

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Perform operation by analog input selection. Inverter When the pressure or temperature is controlled constant by a fan, Forward rotation pump, etc., automatic operation can be performed by inputting the output signal 4 to 20mADC of the adjuster to across the terminals 4-5. The AU signal must be turned ON to use the terminal 4.

  • Page 173: Bias And Gain Of Frequency Setting Voltage (Current) (Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2 (Pr. 902) To C7 (Pr. 905))

    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) 4.17.3 Bias and gain of frequency setting voltage (current) (Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2 (Pr. 902) to C7 (Pr. 905)) You can set the magnitude (slope) of the output frequency as desired in relation to the frequency setting signal (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V or 4 to 20mADC).

  • Page 174
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Change frequency maximum analog input (Pr. 125, Pr. 126) Initial value 50Hz Set Pr. 125 (Pr. 126) when changing frequency setting (gain) of the maximum analog input voltage (current) only. (C2 (Pr. 902) to C7 (Pr.905) setting need not be changed) Gain Pr.
  • Page 175
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) Frequency setting signal (current) bias/gain adjustment method (a) Method to adjust any point by application of a voltage (current) to across terminals 2-5 (4-5). Operation Display Confirm the RUN indication and operation mode indication The inverter should be at a stop.
  • Page 176
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) (b) Method to adjust any point without application of a voltage (current) to across terminals 2-5 (4-5) (To change from 4V (80%) to 5V (100%)) Operation Display Confirm the RUN indication and operation mode indication The inverter should be at a stop.
  • Page 177
    Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 2, 4) (c) Adjusting only the frequency without adjusting the gain voltage (current). (When changing the gain frequency from 50Hz to 40Hz) Operation Display Turn until (Pr. 125) or Terminal 2 input Terminal 4 input is (Pr.
  • Page 178: Misoperation Prevention And Parameter Setting Restriction

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18 Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Limits reset function Reset selection/disconnected PU Trips stop when PU is disconnected Pr. 75 detection/PU stop selection Stops from PU Prevention of parameter rewrite Parameter write disable selection Pr.

  • Page 179
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction PU stop selection In any of the PU operation, External operation and Network operation modes, the motor can be stopped by pressing STOP key of the operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07, operation panel for FR-E500 (PA02)). When the inverter is stopped by the PU stop function, «…
  • Page 180
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Restart (PS reset) method when PU stop (PS display) is made during PU operation PU stop (PS display) is made when the motor is stopped from the unit where control command source is not selected (operation panel, parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07, operation panel for FR-E500 (PA02)) in the PU operation mode.
  • Page 181: Parameter Write Disable Selection (Pr. 77)

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18.2 Parameter write disable selection (Pr. 77) You can select whether write to various parameters can be performed or not. Use this function to prevent parameter values from being rewritten by misoperation. Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description…

  • Page 182: Reverse Rotation Prevention Selection (Pr. 78)

    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction 4.18.3 Reverse rotation prevention selection (Pr. 78) This function can prevent reverse rotation fault resulting from the incorrect input of the start signal. Parameter Initial Name Setting Range Description Number Value Both forward and reverse rotations allowed Reverse rotation prevention Reverse rotation disabled selection…

  • Page 183
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction User group function (Pr. 160, Pr. 172 to Pr. 174) The user group function is designed to display only the parameters necessary for setting. From among all parameters, 16 parameters maximum can be registered in the user group. When Pr. 160 is set to «1», only the parameters registered to the user group can be accessed.
  • Page 184
    Misoperation prevention and parameter setting restriction Deletion of parameter from user group (Pr. 174) When deleting Pr. 3 from user group Operation Display Confirm the operation display and operation mode display. The inverter should be at a stop. The inverter should be in the PU operation mode.
  • Page 185: Selection Of Operation Mode And Operation Location

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19 Selection of operation mode and operation location Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Operation mode selection Operation mode selection Pr. 79 Started in Network operation mode Operation mode at power-ON Pr.

  • Page 186
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode basics The operation mode specifies the souce of the start command and the frequency command for the inverter. Basically, there are following operation modes. External operation mode: For inputting start command and frequency command with an external potentiometer and switches which are connected to the control circuit terminal.
  • Page 187
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode switching method External operation When «0 or 1» is set in Pr. 340 Switching from the PU Switching from the network Press Switch to the External the PU to light operation mode from Press the network.
  • Page 188
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation mode selection flow In the following flowchart, select the basic parameter setting and terminal connection related to the operation mode. START Connection Parameter setting Operation Where is the start command source? From outside (STF/STR terminal) Where is the frequency command source?
  • Page 189
    Selection of operation mode and operation location External operation mode (setting «0» (initial value), «2») Select the Extenal operation mode when the start command and the frequency command are applied from a frequency setting potentiometer, start switch, etc. which are provided externally and connecting them to the control circuit terminals of the inverter.
  • Page 190
    Selection of operation mode and operation location PU/External combined operation mode 1 (setting «3») Select the PU/External combined operation mode 1 when applying frequency command from operation panel or parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR- PU07) and inputting the start command with the external start switch.
  • Page 191
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Switch-over mode (setting «6») While continuing operation, you can switch between the PU operation, external operation and network operation (when RS-485 communication with the PU connector or communication option is used). Operation Mode Switching Switching Operation/Operating Status Select the PU operation mode with the operation panel or parameter unit.
  • Page 192
    Selection of operation mode and operation location NOTE If the X12 (MRS) signal is ON, the operation mode cannot be switched to the PU operation mode when the start signal (STF, STR) is ON. When the MRS signal is used as the PU interlock signal, the MRS signal serves as the normal MRS function (output stop) by turning ON the MRS signal and then changing the Pr.
  • Page 193
    Selection of operation mode and operation location (11) Switching of operation mode by external signals (X65, X66 signals) When Pr. 79 = any of «0, 2, 6», the operation mode switching signals (X65, X66) can be used to change the PU or External operation mode to the Network operation mode during a stop (during a motor stop or start command OFF).
  • Page 194
    Selection of operation mode and operation location REMARKS The priorities of Pr. 79 , Pr. 340 and signals are Pr. 79 > X12 > X66 > X65 > X16 > Pr. 340. NOTE Changing the terminal assignment using Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) may affect the other functions.
  • Page 195: Operation Mode At Power-On (Pr. 79, Pr. 340)

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19.2 Operation mode at power-ON (Pr. 79, Pr. 340) When power is switched ON or when power comes back on after instantaneous power failure, the inverter can be started up in the Network operation mode. After the inverter has started up in the Network operation mode, parameter write and operation can be performed from a program.

  • Page 196: Start Command Source And Frequency Command Source During Communication Operation (Pr. 338, Pr. 339, Pr. 550, Pr. 551)

    Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.19.3 Start command source and frequency command source during communication operation (Pr. 338, Pr. 339, Pr. 550, Pr. 551) When the RS-485 communication with the PU connector or communication option is used, the external start command and frequency command can be valid.

  • Page 197
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Selects the command source of the PU operation mode (Pr. 551) Any of the operation panel, PU connector, or USB connector can be specified as the command source in the PU operation mode. In the PU operation mode, set Pr.
  • Page 198
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Controllability through communication Controllability through communcation in each operation mode is shown below. Monitoring and parameter read can be performed from any operation regardless of operation mode. Operation External/PU External/PU NET Operation NET Operation Combined Combined Mode…
  • Page 199
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Operation at error occurrence External/PU External/PU Operation NET Operation Combined Combined NET Operation Mode External (when used with Error Definition PU Operation Operation Mode Operation Mode (when used with Operation communication Condition PU connector) option) (Pr.
  • Page 200
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Selection of command source in Network operation mode (Pr. 338, Pr. 339) There are two control sources: operation command source, which controls the signals related to the inverter start command and function selection, and speed command source, which controls signals related to frequency setting. In Network operation mode, the commands from the external terminals and communication (PU connector or communication option) are as listed below.
  • Page 201
    Selection of operation mode and operation location Switching of command source by external signal (X67) In the Network operation mode, the Command source switchover signal (X67) can be used to switch the start command source and speed command source. Set «67» to any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign the X67 signal to the control terminal. When the X67 signal is OFF, the start command source and speed command source are control terminal.
  • Page 202: Communication Operation And Setting

    Communication operation and setting 4.20 Communication operation and setting Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Initial setting of computer link Pr. 117 to Pr. 124 Communication operation from PU communication (PU connector) connector Modbus-RTU communication Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. specifications 122, Pr.

  • Page 203
    Communication operation and setting PU connector communication system configuration Connection of a computer to the inverter (1:1 connection) Station 0 Station 0 Computer Computer Inverter Inverter Inverter RS-232C connector FR-PU07 RS-485 RS-232C Maximum connector connector connector cable interface/terminals RS-232C RS-485 RJ-45 connector converter RJ-45…
  • Page 204
    Do not use pins No. 2, 8 of the 10BASE-T cable. (Refer to page 199) When making RS-485 communication among the FR-E700 series, FR-E500 series and FR-S500 series, incorrect connection of pins No.2 and 8 (parameter unit power supply) of the above PU connector may result in the inverter malfunction or failure.
  • Page 205: Initial Settings And Specifications Of Rs-485 Communication (Pr. 117 To Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.2 Initial settings and specifications of RS-485 communication (Pr. 117 to Pr. 120, Pr. 123, Pr. 124, Pr. 549) Used to perform required settings for RS-485 communication between the inverter and personal computer. Use PU connector of the inverter for communication. You can perform parameter setting, monitoring, etc.

  • Page 206: Operation Selection At Communication Error Occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.3 Operation selection at communication error occurrence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502) You can select the inverter operation when a communication line error occurs during RS-485 communication from the PU connector. Parameter Initial Setting Name Description Number Value…

  • Page 207
    Communication operation and setting Signal loss detection (Pr.122) If a signal loss (communication stop) is detected between the inverter and master as a result of a signal loss detection, a communication fault (E.PUE) occurs and the inverter trips. (as set in Pr. 502). When the setting is «9999», communication check (signal loss detection) is not made.
  • Page 208
    Communication operation and setting Stop operation selection at occurrence of communication fault (Pr. 502) Stop operation when retry count excess (Mitsubishi inverter protocol only) or signal loss detection error occurs can be selected. Operation at fault occurrence Pr. 502 Setting Operation Indication Fault Output…
  • Page 209: Communication Eeprom Write Selection (Pr. 342)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr. 342) When parameter write is performed from the inverter PU connector, USB communication, and communication option, parameters storage device can be changed from EEPROM + RAM to RAM only. Set when a frequent parameter change is necessary.

  • Page 210: Mitsubishi Inverter Protocol (Computer Link Communication)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.5 Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link communication) You can perform parameter setting, monitor, etc. from the PU connector of the inverter using the Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link communication). Communication The communication specifications are given below. Related Item Description…

  • Page 211
    Communication operation and setting Communication operation presence/absence and data format types Data communication between the computer and inverter is made in ASCII code (hexadecimal code). Communication operation presence/absence and data format types are as follows: Operation Parameter Inverter Parameter Operation Monitor Command Frequency…
  • Page 212
    Communication operation and setting Data reading format 1) Communication request data from the computer to the inverter Number of Characters Format Inverter ∗3 ∗4 station number Instruction code ∗1 check ∗2 3) Reply data from the inverter to the computer (Without data error) Number of Characters Format Inverter…
  • Page 213
    Communication operation and setting Data definitions 1) Control code Signal ASCII Code Description Start of Text (Start of data) End of Text (End of data) Enquiry (Communication request) Acknowledge (No data error detected) Line Feed Carriage Return Negative Acknowledge (Data error detected) 2) Inverter station number Specify the station number of the inverter which communicates with the computer.
  • Page 214
    Communication operation and setting 7) Error code If any error is found in the data received by the inverter, its definition is sent back to the computer together with the NAK code. Error Error Item Error Description Inverter Operation Code The number of errors consecutively detected in communication request Computer NAK error data from the computer is greater than allowed number of retries.
  • Page 215
    Communication operation and setting Instructions for the program 1) When data from the computer has any error, the inverter does not accept that data. Hence, in the user program, always insert a retry program for data error. 2) All data communication, e.g. run command or monitoring, are started when the computer gives a communication request. The inverter does not return any data without the computer’s request.
  • Page 216
    Communication operation and setting General flowchart Port open Communication setting Time out setting Send data processing Data setting Sum code calculation Data transmission Receive data waiting Receive data processing Data retrieval Screen display CAUTION Always set the communication check time interval before starting operation to prevent hazardous conditions. Data communication is not started automatically but is made only once when the computer provides a communication request.
  • Page 217
    Communication operation and setting Setting items and set data After completion of parameter settings, set the instruction codes and data then start communication from the computer to allow various types of operation control and monitoring. Number of Instruction Read/ Item Data Definition Data Digits Write…
  • Page 218
    Communication operation and setting Number of Instruction Read/ Item Data Definition Data Digits Write Code (Format) H9696: Inverter reset As the inverter is reset at start of communication by the 4 digits computer, the inverter cannot send reply data back to the (A, C/D) computer.
  • Page 219
    Communication operation and setting List of calibration parameters Instruction Code Parameter Name C2 (902) Terminal 2 frequency setting bias frequency 5E DE C3 (902) Terminal 2 frequency setting bias 5E DE Terminal 2 frequency setting gain 125 (903) frequency C4 (903) Terminal 2 frequency setting gain C5 (904) Terminal 4 frequency setting bias frequency C6 (904) Terminal 4 frequency setting bias Terminal 4 frequency setting gain…
  • Page 220: Run Command

    Communication operation and setting [Run command] Instruction Item Description Example Code Length b0: AU (current input selection) ∗3 b1: forward rotation command b2: reverse rotation command [Example 1] H02… Forward rotation b3: RL (low speed operation command) ∗1∗3 8bit b4: RM (middle speed operation command command) ∗1∗3 [Example 2] H00…

  • Page 221: Modbus Rtu Communication Specifications (Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. 122, Pr. 343, Pr. 502, Pr. 549)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.6 Modbus RTU communication specifications (Pr. 117, Pr. 118, Pr. 120, Pr. 122, Pr. 343, Pr. 502, Pr. 549) Using the Modbus RTU communication protocol, communication operation or parameter setting can be performed from the PU connector of the inverter. Parameter Setting Name…

  • Page 222
    Communication operation and setting Communication The communication specifications are given below. Related Item Description Parameter Communication protocol Modbus-RTU protocol Pr. 549 Conforming standard EIA-485(RS-485) — Number of connectable 1:N (maximum 32 units), setting is 0 to 247 stations Pr. 117 devices Communication speed Selected from among 4800/9600/19200 and 38400bps…
  • Page 223
    Communication operation and setting Message format Inverter response time Query communication (Refer to the following table for the data check time) Query message Programmable controller (master) Response message Inverter (slave) Data absence time (3.5 bytes or more) Broadcast communication Query message Programmable controller (master) No Response Inverter (slave)
  • Page 224
    Communication operation and setting Message frame (protocol) Communication method Basically, the master sends a query message (question) and the slave returns a response message (response). When communication is normal, Device Address and Function Code are copied as they are, and when communication is abnormal (function code or data code is illegal), bit 7 (= 80h) of Function Code is turned ON and the error code is set to Data Bytes.
  • Page 225
    Communication operation and setting Message format types The message formats corresponding to the function codes in Table 1 on page 221 will be explained. Read holding register data (H03 or 03) Can read the description of 1) system environment variables, 2) real-time monitor, 3) faults history, and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the holding register area (refer to the register list (page 227)) Query message 1) Slave…
  • Page 226
    Communication operation and setting Write holding register data (H06 or 06) Can write the description of 1) system environment variabls and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the holding register area (refer to the register list ( page 227)). Query message 1) Slave Address 2) Function 3) Register Address…
  • Page 227
    Communication operation and setting Function diagnosis (H08 or 08) A communication check can be made since the query message sent is returned unchanged as a response message (function of sub function code H00). Sub function code H00 (Return Query Data) Query message 1) Slave Address 2) Function…
  • Page 228
    Communication operation and setting Description of normal response 1) to 4) (including CRC check) of the normal response are the same as those of the query message. Example: To write 0.5s (H05) to 41007 (Pr. 7) at the slave address 25 (H19) and 1s (H0A) to 41008 (Pr.8). Query message Slave Starting…
  • Page 229
    Communication operation and setting Error response An error response is returned if the query message received from the master has an illegal function, address or data. No response is returned for a parity, CRC, overrun, framing or busy error. NOTE No response message is sent in the case of broadcast communication also.
  • Page 230
    Communication operation and setting Modbus registers System environment variable Register Definition Read/write Remarks 40002 Inverter reset Write Any value can be written 40003 Parameter clear Write Set H965A as a written value. 40004 All Parameter clear Write Set H99AA as a written value. Parameter clear ∗1 40006 Write…
  • Page 231
    Communication operation and setting ∗1 When Pr.37 = «0.01 to 9998», displayed in integral number. ∗2 Input terminal monitor details — — — — — — — — — ∗3 Output terminal monitor details — — — — — — —…
  • Page 232
    Communication operation and setting Parameter Read/ Parameter Register Parameter Name Remarks Write 41000 to Refer to the parameter list (page The parameter number + 41000 is the register 0 to 999 Read/write 41999 54) for the parameter names. number. Terminal 2 frequency setting C2(902) 41902 Read/write…
  • Page 233
    Communication operation and setting Pr. 343 Communication error count You can check the cumulative number of communication errors. Minimum Parameter Setting Range Initial Value Setting Range (Reading only) NOTE The number of communication errors is temporarily stored into the RAM. As it is not stored into the EEPROM performing a power supply reset or inverter reset clears the value to 0.
  • Page 234: Usb Communication (Pr. 547, Pr. 548)

    Communication operation and setting 4.20.7 USB communication (Pr. 547, Pr. 548) Inverter setup can be easily performed using the FR Configurator by connecting the inverter and personal computer with a USB cable. A personal computer and inverter can be easily connected with one USB cable. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 235: Special Operation And Frequency Control

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21 Special operation and frequency control Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Perform process control such as PID control Pr. 127 to Pr. 134 pump and air volume. PID control (dancer control Dancer control Pr.

  • Page 236
    Special operation and frequency control PID control basic configuration Pr. 128 = «20, 21» (measured value input) Inverter circuit Motor Pr. 133 Manipulated PID operation or terminal 2 variable Kp 1+ Set point 0 to 5VDC (0 to 10VDC) Terminal 4 Feedback signal (measured value) 4 to 20mADC (0 to 5V, 0 to 10V) Kp: Proportionality constant Ti: Integral time S: Operator Td: Differential time…
  • Page 237
    Special operation and frequency control 4)Reverse operation Increases the manipulated variable (output frequency) if deviation X = (set point — measured value) is positive, and decreases the manipulated variable if deviation is negative. Deviation Set point [Heating] X>0 Cold Increase Set point X<0 Decrease…
  • Page 238
    Special operation and frequency control I/O signals and parameter setting Set «20, 21, 50, 51, 60 or 61» in Pr. 128 to perform PID operation. Set «14» in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal ON.
  • Page 239
    Special operation and frequency control PID automatic switchover control (Pr. 127) The system can be started up without PID control only at a start. When the frequency is set to Pr. 127 PID control automatic switchover frequency within the range 0 to 400Hz, the inverter starts up without PID control from a start until output frequency is reached to the set frequency of Pr.
  • Page 240
    Special operation and frequency control Adjustment procedure Parameter setting Adjust the PID control parameters, Pr.127 to Pr.134. Set the I/O terminals for PID control (Pr.178 to Pr.184 (input terminal Terminal setting function selection), Pr.190 to Pr.192 (output terminal function selection)) When X14 signal is not assigned, setting a value other than «0»…
  • Page 241
    Special operation and frequency control <Set point input calibration> 1. Apply the input voltage of 0% set point setting (e.g. 0V) across terminals 2-5. 2. Enter in C2 (Pr. 902) the frequency which should be output by the inverter at the deviation of 0% (e.g. 0Hz). 3.
  • Page 242: Dancer Control (Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 128 To Pr. 134)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.2 Dancer control (Pr. 44, Pr. 45, Pr. 128 to Pr. 134) Performs PID control by feedbacking the position detection of the dancer roller, controlling the dancer roller is in the specified position. Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description…

  • Page 243
    Special operation and frequency control Parameter Setting Name Initial Value Description Number Range PID action set 0 to 100% Used to set the set point for PID control. 133 ∗1 9999 point 9999 Always 50% For deviation ramp input, time (Td) required for providing only the manipulated variable for the PID differential 0.01 to 10.00s…
  • Page 244
    Special operation and frequency control Dancer control overview Performs dancer control by setting 40 to 43 in Pr. 128 PID action selection.The main speed command is the speed command of each operation mode (External, PU, Network). Performs PID control by the position detection signal of the dancer roller, then the result is added to the main speed command.
  • Page 245
    Special operation and frequency control I/O signals and parameter setting Set «40 to 43» in Pr. 128 to perform dancer control. Set «14» in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 184 (input terminal function selection) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal ON.
  • Page 246
    Special operation and frequency control Parameter details When ratio (Pr. 128 = «42, 43») is selected for addition method, PID Initial value 50Hz control × (ratio of main speed) is added to the main speed. The ratio is determined by the Pr. 125 Terminal 2 frequency setting gain frequency and C2 (Pr.
  • Page 247
    Special operation and frequency control Adjustment procedure Dancer roller position detection signal adjustment When terminal 4 input is voltage input, 0V is minimum position and 5V(10V) is maximum position. When current is input, 4mA is minimum position and 20mA is maximum position. (initial value) When 0 to 7V is output from the potentiometer, it is necessary to calibrate C7 (Pr .905) at 7V.
  • Page 248: Droop Control (Pr. 286 To Pr. 287)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.3 Droop control (Pr. 286 to Pr. 287) AD MFVC AD MFVC AD MFVC This function is designed to balance the load in proportion to the load torque to provide the speed drooping characteristic under Avanced magnetic flux vector control. This function is effective for balancing the load when using multiple inverters.

  • Page 249: Regeneration Avoidance Function (Pr. 665, Pr. 882, Pr. 883, Pr. 885, Pr. 886)

    Special operation and frequency control 4.21.4 Regeneration avoidance function (Pr. 665, Pr. 882, Pr. 883, Pr. 885, Pr. 886) This function detects a regeneration status and increases the frequency to avoid the regenerative status. Possible to avoid regeneration by automatically increasing the frequency and continue operation if the fan happens to rotate faster than the set speed due to the effect of another fan in the same duct.

  • Page 250
    Special operation and frequency control REMARKS The acceleration/deceleration ramp while the regeneration avoidance function is operating changes depending on the regeneration load. The DC bus voltage of the inverter is about times as input voltage. When the input voltage is 220VAC, bus voltage is approximately 311VDC. When the input voltage is 440VAC, bus voltage is approximately 622VDC.
  • Page 251: Useful Functions

    Useful functions 4.22 Useful functions Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Cooling fan operation Increase cooling fan life Pr. 244 selection Inverter part life display Pr. 255 to Pr. 259 Maintenance output To determine the maintenance time Pr.

  • Page 252: Display Of The Life Of The Inverter Parts (Pr. 255 To Pr. 259)

    Useful functions 4.22.2 Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259) Degrees of deterioration of main circuit capacitor, control circuit capacitor, cooling fan and inrush current limit circuit can be diagnosed by monitor. When any part has approached the end of its life, an alarm can be output by self diagnosis to prevent a fault. (Use the life check of this function as a guideline since the life except the main circuit capacitor is calculated theoretically.) For the life check of the main circuit capacitor, the alarm signal (Y90) will not be output if a measuring method of (4) is…

  • Page 253
    Useful functions Life alarm display and signal output (Y90 signal, Pr. 255) Whether any of the control circuit capacitor, main circuit capacitor, cooling fan and inrush current limit circuit has reached the life alarm output level or not can be checked by Pr. 255 Life alarm status display and life alarm signal (Y90). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pr.
  • Page 254
    Useful functions Main circuit capacitor life display (Pr. 258, Pr. 259) The deterioration degree of the control circuit capacitor is displayed in Pr. 258 as a life. On the assumption that the main circuit capacitor capacitance at factory shipment is 100%, the capacitor life is displayed in Pr.
  • Page 255
    Useful functions Cooling fan life display The cooling fan speed of 50% or less is detected and «FN» is dislayed on the operation panel and parameter unit (FR- PU04/FR-PU07). As an alarm display, Pr. 255 bit2 is turned on and also an alarm is output to the Y90 signal. REMARKS When the inverter is mounted with two or more cooling fans, «FN»…
  • Page 256: Maintenance Timer Alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504)

    Useful functions 4.22.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504) When the cumulative energization time of the inverter reaches the parameter set time, the maintenance timer output signal (Y95) is output. (MT) is displayed on the operation panel. This can be used as a guideline for the maintenance time of peripheral devices. Parameter Name Initial Value…

  • Page 257: Current Average Value Monitor Signal (Pr. 555 To Pr. 557)

    Useful functions 4.22.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr. 555 to Pr. 557) The average value of the output current during Programmable controller constant speed operation and the maintenance timer Output unit Input unit Inverter value are output as a pulse to the current average value monitor signal (Y93).

  • Page 258
    Useful functions 2) Setting of Pr. 555 Current average time The average output current is calculated during Hi output of start pulse (1s). Set the time taken to average the current during start bit output in Pr. 555. 3) Setting of Pr. 557 Current average value monitor signal output reference current Set the reference (100%) for outputting the signal of the current average value.
  • Page 259: Free Parameter (Pr. 888, Pr. 889)

    Useful functions 4.22.5 Free parameter (Pr. 888, Pr. 889) You can input any number within the setting range 0 to 9999. For example, the number can be used: As a unit number when multiple units are used. As a pattern number for each operation application when multiple units are used. As the year and month of introduction or inspection.

  • Page 260: Setting From The Parameter Unit And Operation Panel

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23 Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Selection of rotation direction by RUN key rotation Pr. 40 direction selection of the operation panel Switch the display language of the PU display language Pr.

  • Page 261: Operation Panel Frequency Setting/Key Lock Operation Selection (Pr. 161)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.3 Operation panel frequency setting/key lock operation selection (Pr. 161) The setting dial of the operation panel can be used for setting like a potentiometer. The key operation of the operation panel can be disabled. Parameter Setting Name…

  • Page 262
    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel Disable the setting dial and key operation of the operation panel (Press [MODE] long (2s)) Operation using the setting dial and key of the operation panel can be invalid to prevent parameter change, and unexpected start or frequency setting.
  • Page 263: Magnitude Of Frequency Change Setting (Pr. 295)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.4 Magnitude of frequency change setting (Pr. 295) When setting the set frequency with the setting dial, frequency changes in 0.01Hz increments in the initial status. Setting this parameter increases the magnitude of frequency which changes according to the rotated amount of the setting dial, improving operability.

  • Page 264: Buzzer Control (Pr. 990)

    Setting from the parameter unit and operation panel 4.23.5 Buzzer control (Pr. 990) You can make the buzzer «beep» when you press the key of the parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07). Parameter Name Initial Value Setting Range Description Number Without buzzer PU buzzer control With buzzer The above parameters can be set when Pr.

  • Page 265: Parameter Clear/ All Parameter Clear

    Parameter clear/ All parameter clear 4.24 Parameter clear/ All parameter clear POINT Set «1» in Pr.CL Parameter clear, ALLC all parameter clear to initialize all parameters. (Parameters are not cleared when «1» is set in Pr. 77Parameter write selection.) Refer to the extended parameter list on page 54 for parameters cleared with this operation. Operation Display Screen at powering ON…

  • Page 266: Initial Value Change List

    Initial value change list 4.25 Initial value change list Displays and sets the parameters changed from the initial value. Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PU indication is lit. Press to choose the PU operation mode. PRM indication is lit.

  • Page 267: Check And Clear Of The Faults History

    Check and clear of the faults history 4.26 Check and clear of the faults history Check for the faults history Monitor/frequency setting Parameter setting [Operation panel is [Parameter setting change] used for operation] Faults history [Operation for displaying the faults history] Eight past faults can be displayed with the setting dial.

  • Page 268
    Check and clear of the faults history Clearing procedure POINT Set «1» in Er.CL Fault history clear to clear the faults history. Operation Display Screen at powering ON The monitor display appears. PRM indication is lit. Press to choose the parameter setting mode. (The parameter number read previously appears.) Turn…
  • Page 269
  • Page 270: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides the «TROUBLESHOOTING» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Reset method of protective function ……… 268 List of fault or alarm indications ……….269 Causes and corrective actions ……….. 270 Correspondences between digital and actual characters ..278 Check first when you have some troubles ……..

  • Page 271: Reset Method Of Protective Function

    Reset method of protective function When a fault occurs in the inverter, the inverter trips and the PU display automatically changes to any of the following fault or alarm indications. If the fault does not correspond to any of the following faults or if you have any other problem, please contact your sales representative.

  • Page 272: List Of Fault Or Alarm Indications

    List of fault or alarm indications List of fault or alarm indications Refer Refer Operation Panel Operation Panel Name Name Indication Indication Page Page E.ILF ∗ Input phase loss E— Faults history E.OLT Stall prevention HOLD Operation panel lock Brake transistor alarm E.

  • Page 273: Causes And Corrective Actions

    Causes and corrective actions Causes and corrective actions (1) Error message A message regarding operational troubles is displayed. Output is not shutoff. Operation panel HOLD indication Name Operation panel lock Description Operation lock mode is set. Operation other than is invalid. (Refer to page 259) Check point — ——- —— Corrective action…

  • Page 274
    Causes and corrective actions (2) Warnings When a warning occurs, the output is not shut off. Operation panel FR-PU04 indication FR-PU07 Name Stall prevention (overcurrent) When the output current (output torque when Pr. 277 Stall prevention current switchover = «1») of the inverter exceeds the stall prevention operation level (Pr.
  • Page 275
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 indication FR-PU07 Name Regenerative brake prealarm Appears if the regenerative brake duty reaches or exceeds 85% of the Pr. 70 Special regenerative brake duty value. When the setting of Pr. 70 Special regenerative brake duty is the initial value (Pr. 70 = «0»), this warning does not occur. If the regenerative brake duty reaches 100%, a regenerative overvoltage (E.
  • Page 276
    Causes and corrective actions (4) Fault When a fault occurs, the inverter trips and a fault signal is output. Operation panel FR-PU04 E.OC1 OC During Acc indication FR-PU07 Name Overcurrent trip during acceleration When the inverter output current reaches or exceeds approximately 230% of the rated current during acceleration, the Description protective circuit is activated and the inverter trips.
  • Page 277
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.OV2 Stedy Spd OV indication FR-PU07 Name Regenerative overvoltage trip during constant speed If regenerative energy causes the inverter’s internal main circuit DC voltage to reach or exceed the specified value, Description the protective circuit is activated to stop the inverter output. The circuit may also be activated by a surge voltage produced in the power supply system.
  • Page 278
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.FIN H/Sink O/Temp indication FR-PU07 Name Fin overheat If the heatsink overheats, the temperature sensor is actuated and the inverter trips. The FIN signal can be output when the temperature becomes approximately 85% of the heatsink overheat protection Description operation temperature.
  • Page 279
    Causes and corrective actions Operation panel FR-PU04 E.LF E.LF indication FR-PU07 Name Output phase loss If one of the three phases (U, V, W) on the inverter’s output side (load side) is lost during inverter operation (except Description during DC injection brake operation and when output frequency is under 1Hz), inverter stops the output. Whether the protective function is used or not is set with Pr.
  • Page 280
    Causes and corrective actions Operation Panel FR-PU04 Fault 14 E.PE2 FR-PU07 PR storage alarm Indication Name Internal board fault Description When a combination of control board and main circuit board is wrong, the inverter is tripped. Check point — Please contact your sales representative. Corrective action (For parts replacement, consult the nearest Mitsubishi FA Center.) Operation panel…
  • Page 281: Correspondences Between Digital And Actual Characters

    Correspondences between digital and actual characters Operation panel FR-PU04 Fault 14 E.AIE FR-PU07 Analog in error indication Name Analog input fault Appears if voltage(current) is input to terminal 4 when the setting in Pr.267 Terminal 4 input selection and the setting of Description voltage/current input switch are different.

  • Page 282: Check First When You Have Some Troubles

    Check first when you have some troubles Check first when you have some troubles POINT If the cause is still unknown after every check, it is recommended to initialize the parameters (initial value) then set the required parameter values and check again. 5.5.1 Motor does not start.

  • Page 283
    Check first when you have some troubles Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Increase Pr. 0 setting by 0.5% increments while Pr. 0 Torque boost setting is improper when V/F control is observing the rotation of a motor. used. If that makes no difference, decrease the setting.
  • Page 284: Motor Or Machine Is Making Abnormal Acoustic Noise

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.2 Motor or machine is making abnormal acoustic noise Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Input Take countermeasures against EMI. signal Disturbance due to EMI when frequency command is Parameter given from analog input (terminal 2, 4). Increase the Pr.

  • Page 285: Motor Rotates In The Opposite Direction

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.5 Motor rotates in the opposite direction Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Main Phase sequence of output terminals U, V and W is Connect phase sequence of the output cables (terminal Circuit incorrect.

  • Page 286: Speed Varies During Operation

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.8 Speed varies during operation When Advanced magnetic flux vector control or the slip compensation is selected, the output frequency varies between 0 and 2Hz as with load fluctuates. Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page…

  • Page 287: Operation Panel Display Is Not Operating

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.10 Operation panel display is not operating Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Check for the wiring and the installation. Main Wiring or installation is improper. Make sure that the connector is fitted securely across Circuit terminal + and P1.

  • Page 288: Speed Does Not Accelerate

    Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.12 Speed does not accelerate Refer Check Possible Cause Countermeasures points page Check if the start command and the frequency Start command and frequency command are chattering. — command are correct. Input The wiring length used for analog frequency command Perform analog input bias/gain calibration.

  • Page 289
  • Page 290
    PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION This chapter provides the «PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Inspection items…………….288 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers .. 296…
  • Page 291: Precautions For Maintenance And Inspection

    Inspection items The inverter is a static unit mainly consisting of semiconductor devices. Daily inspection must be performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to the adverse effects of the operating environment, such as temperature, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration, changes in the parts with time, service life, and other factors.

  • Page 292: Daily And Periodic Inspection

    Inspection items 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection Interval Area of Corrective Action at Customer’s Inspection Item Description Periodic Inspection Daily Alarm Occurrence Check ∗2 Surrounding Check the surrounding air temperature, Improve environment environment humidity, dirt, corrosive gas, oil mist, etc. Check alarm location and General Overall unit…

  • Page 293: Display Of The Life Of The Inverter Parts

    Inspection items 6.1.4 Display of the life of the inverter parts The self-diagnostic alarm is output when the life span of the control circuit capacitor, cooling fan and each parts of the inrush current limit circuit is near its end. It gives an indication of replacement time. The life alarm output can be used as a guideline for life judgement.

  • Page 294: Checking The Inverter And Converter Modules

    Inspection items 6.1.5 Checking the inverter and converter modules <Preparation> (1) Disconnect the external power supply cables (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) and motor cables (U, V, W). (2) Prepare a tester. (Use 100Ω range.) <Checking method> Change the polarity of the tester alternately at the inverter terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U, V, W, + and -, and check for continuity.

  • Page 295: Cleaning

    Inspection items 6.1.6 Cleaning Always run the inverter in a clean status. When cleaning the inverter, gently wipe dirty areas with a soft cloth immersed in neutral detergent or ethanol. NOTE Do not use solvent, such as acetone, benzene, toluene and alcohol, as they will cause the inverter surface paint to peel off. The display, etc.

  • Page 296
    Inspection items Removal 1) Push the hooks from above and remove the fan cover. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110 2) Disconnect the fan connectors. 3) Remove the fan. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110 Fan cover Fan cover Fan connection…
  • Page 297
    Inspection items Reinstallation 1) After confirming the orientation of the fan, reinstall the fan so that the arrow on the left of «AIR FLOW» faces up. AIR FLOW <Fan side face> 2) Reconnect the fan connectors. 3) When wiring, avoid the cables being caught by the fan. FR-E740-095 or less FR-E740-120 or more FR-E720S-050 to 110…
  • Page 298: Inverter Replacement

    Inspection items Smoothing capacitors A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for smoothing in the main circuit DC section, and an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for stabilizing the control power in the control circuit. Their characteristics are deteriorated by the adverse effects of ripple currents, etc.

  • Page 299: Measurement Of Main Circuit Voltages, Currents And Powers

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Since the voltages and currents on the inverter power supply and output sides include harmonics, measurement data depends on the instruments used and circuits measured. When instruments for commercial frequency are used for measurement, measure the following circuits with the instruments given on the next page.

  • Page 300
    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measuring Points and Instruments Item Measuring Point Measuring Instrument Remarks (Reference Measured Value) R/L1 and S/L2 Commercial power supply Power supply voltage Moving-iron type AC S/L2 and T/L3 Within permissible AC voltage fluctuation (Refer to voltmeter T/L3 and R/L1 ∗4 page 302)
  • Page 301: Measurement Of Powers

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.1 Measurement of powers Using an electro-dynamometer type meter, measure the power in both the input and output sides of the inverter using the two- or three-wattmeter method. As the current is liable to be imbalanced especially in the input side, it is recommended to use the three-wattmeter method.

  • Page 302: Measurement Of Currents

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.3 Measurement of currents Use a moving-iron type meter on both the input and output sides of the inverter. However, if the carrier frequency exceeds 5kHz, do not use that meter since an overcurrent losses produced in the internal metal parts of the meter will increase and the meter may burn out.

  • Page 303: Insulation Resistance Test Using Megger

    Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.7 Insulation resistance test using megger For the inverter, conduct the insulation resistance test on the main circuit only as shown below and do not perform the test on the control circuit. (Use a 500VDC megger.) Motor R/L1 Power…

  • Page 304: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS This chapter provides the «SPECIFICATIONS» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment Rating………………… 302 Common specifications …………… 304 Outline dimension drawings…………305…

  • Page 305: Rating

    Rating Rating 7.1.1 Inverter rating Three-phase 400V power supply Type FR-E740- -EC Applicable motor capacity (kW) 0.75 ∗1 Rated capacity (kVA) 13.0 17.5 23.0 ∗2 Rated current (A) ∗6 (1.4) (2.2) (3.8) (5.4) (8.7) Overload current rating 150% 60s, 200% 3s (inverse-time characteristics) ∗3 Voltage Three-phase 380 to 480V…

  • Page 306
    Rating Single-phase 200V power supply Type FR-E720S- -EC Applicable motor capacity (kW) 0.75 ∗1 Rated capacity (kVA) ∗2 11.0 Rated current (A) ∗6 (0.8) (1.4) (2.5) (4.1) (7.0) (10.0) Overload current rating 150% 60s, 200% 3s (inverse-time characteristics) ∗3 Rated output voltage Three-phase 200 to 240V ∗4 Rated input AC voltage/frequency…
  • Page 307: Common Specifications

    Common specifications Common specifications Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control, Control method General-purpose magnetic flux vector control, Optimum excitation control can be selected) Output frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz 0.06Hz/60Hz (terminal2, 4: 0 to 10V/10bit) Analog input Frequency setting 0.12Hz/60Hz (terminal2, 4: 0 to 5V/9bit)

  • Page 308: Outline Dimension Drawings

    Outline dimension drawings Outline dimension drawings FR-E720S-008 to 030 When used with the plug-in option φ5 hole Capacity plate D2 ∗ * When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx. 2mm greater. Inverter Type FR-E720S-008, 015 80.5 95.6…

  • Page 309
    Outline dimension drawings FR-E740-016 to 095 FR-E720S-110 When used with the plug-in option 2- φ 5 hole Rating Rating plate plate Capacity plate D2 *2 ∗1 FR-E740-016, 026 are not provided with the cooling fan. ∗2 When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx.
  • Page 310
    Outline dimension drawings FR-E740-230, 300 When used with the plug-in option 2- φ 6 hole Rating Rating plate plate 10.5 10.5 84.5 84.5 Capacity 205.1 * plate * When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block protrudes making the depth approx. 2mm greater. (Unit: mm)
  • Page 311
    Outline dimension drawings Parameter unit (option) (FR-PU07) Outline drawing > Panel cut dimension drawing < < > 25.05 (14.2) (11.45) Air-bleeding hole 4-R1 4-φ4 hole 26.5 26.5 Effective depth of the installation screw hole 5.0) M3 screw *2 80.3 ∗1 When installing the FR-PU07 on the enclosure, etc., remove screws or fix the screws to the FR-PU07 with M3 nuts.
  • Page 312: Appendix

    APPENDIX This chapter provides the «APPENDIX» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment.

  • Page 313: Appendix1 For Customers Who Have Replaced The Conventional Model With This Inverter

    4) Setup software (FR-SW0-SETUP, FR-SW1-SETUP, FR-SW2-SETUP) can not be used. Instructions for continuous use of the FR-PU04 (parameter unit) For the FR-E700 series, many functions (parameters) have been added. User initial value list and user clear of the HELP function can not be used.

  • Page 314
    Main differences and compatibilities with the FR-E500 Series Item FR-E500 FR-E700 V/F control V/F control General-purpose magnetic flux vector control Control method General-purpose magnetic flux vector control Advanced magnetic flux vector control Optimum excitation control Torque boost (Pr. 0) initial value FR-E540-1.5K to 3.7K: 6%…
  • Page 315: Appendix2 Index

    Appendix2 Index Numerics Display of the life of the inverter parts (Pr. 255 to Pr. 259) …………249, 290 15-speed selection (combination with three speeds RL, RM, Droop control (Pr. 286 to Pr. 287) ……… 245 RH)(REX signal) ………….94, 130 During PID control activated (PID signal)…..

  • Page 316
    Overcurrent trip during acceleration (E.OC1) ……273 Overcurrent trip during constant speed (E.OC2)….273 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)……….. 96 Overcurrent trip during deceleration or stop (E.OC3)..273 JOG operation selection (JOG signal)……96, 130 Overload alarm (OL signal)……….84, 136 Leakage currents and countermeasures ……. 36 Parameter list …………….54 Life alarm (Y90 signal) …………
  • Page 317
    Second function selection (RT signal)……130, 133 Selection of a regenerative brake (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)….121 Setting dial push ……………..53 Shortest acceleration/deceleration (automatic acceleration/ deceleration) (Pr. 61 to Pr. 63, Pr. 292, Pr. 293)…..106 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) ……..83 Specification of main circuit terminal ……..15 Speed display and speed setting (Pr.
  • Page 318
    REVISIONS *The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. ∗Manual Number Print Date Revision Oct., 2007 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-A First edition Dec., 2007 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-B Additions • FR-E740-230, 300 Oct., 2008 IB(NA)-0600336ENG-C Additions • FR-E720S-008 to 110 Modification •…
  • Page 320
    Phone: +370 (0)5 / 232 3101 Fax: +370 (0)5 / 232 2980 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. /// FA — European Business Group /// Gothaer Straße 8 /// D-40880 Ratingen /// Germany Tel.: +49(0)2102-4860 /// Fax: +49(0)2102-4861120 /// /// FACTORY AUTOMATION…

  • ПЛК, ЧПУ, одноплатные компьютеры и т.д. / Частотные преобразователи / Ошибки ЧП
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Ошибка Er1 (error Er1) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er2 (error Er2) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er3 (error Er3) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка Er4 (error Er4) — ошибка записи параметров;
Ошибка OL (error OL)(отображается на дисплее, как «0L») — перегрузка по току;
Ошибка oL (error oL) — перенапряжение;
Ошибка rb (error rb) — ошибка торможения;
Ошибка TH (error TH)(отображается на дисплее, как «ГН») — перегрев ПЧ;
Ошибка PS (error PS)(отображается на дисплее, как «P5») — функция PU Stop;
Ошибка MT (error MT)(отображается на дисплее, как «ПГ») — таймер сервисного обслуживания;
Ошибка Uv (error Uv)(отображается на дисплее, как «Uu») — пониженное напряжение сети;
Ошибка SA (error SA)(отображается на дисплее, как «5A») — безопасная остановка;
Ошибка Fn (error Fn) — неисправность вентилятора охлаждения;
Ошибка E.OC1 (error E.OC1)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C1», «E.0Cl», «E.OCl») — перегрузка во время разгона;
Ошибка E.OC2 (error E.OC2)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C2») — перегрузка во время постоянной скорости;
Ошибка E.OC3 (error E.OC3)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0C3») — перегрузка во время торможения;
Ошибка E.Ov1 (error E.Ov1)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u1», «E.Ou1») — перенапряжение во время разгона;
Ошибка E.Ov2 (error E.Ov2)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u2», «E.Ou2») — перенапряжение во время постоянной скорости;
Ошибка E.Ov3 (error E.Ov3)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.0u3», «E.Ou3») — перенапряжение во время торможения;
Ошибка E.THT (error E.THT)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.ГНГ») — перегрев инвертора;
Ошибка E.THM (error E.THM)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.ГНП») — перегрев двигателя;
Ошибка E.FIn (error E.FIn)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.F1n», «E.Fln») — перегрев радиатора;
Ошибка E.ILF (error E.ILF)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.1LF», «E.lLF») — обрыв фазы на входе ПЧ;
Ошибка E.OLT (error E.OLT)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.OLГ», «E.0LT») — пониженная нагрузка, возможен обрыв фазы на выходе;
Ошибка E.bE (error E.bE) — ошибка тормозного транзистора;
Ошибка E.GF (error E.GF)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.CF», «E.6F») — короткое замыкание на землю на выходе ПЧ;
Ошибка E.LF (error E.LF) — обрыв фазы на выходе инвертора;
Ошибка E.OHT (error E.OHT)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.ОНГ») — внешний перегрев;
Ошибка E.PTC (error E.PTC)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.РГС») — срабатывание термистора PTC;
Ошибка E.PE (error E.PE) — неисправна схема сохранения параметров;
Ошибка E.PUE (error E.PUE) — пульт не подключен;
Ошибка E.rET (error E.rET)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.гЕГ») — превышено количество попыток автоматического повторного включения — АПВ;
Ошибка E.5 (error E.5)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.S») — ошибка микропроцессора;
Ошибка E.CPU (error E.CPU) — ошибка микропроцессора;
Ошибка E.CdO (error E.CdO) — перегрузка инвертора по уставкам Pr.150, 151, 166, 167;
Ошибка E.IOH (error E.IOH)(отображается на дисплее, как «E.lOH», «E.1OH», «E.l0H», «E.10H») — перегрев;
Ошибка E.AIE (error E.AIE)(отображается на дисплее, как «Е.A1E», «E.AlE») — ошибка аналогового входа;
Ошибка E.SAF (error E.SAF) — ошибка схемы безопасности;
Ошибка 14 (error 14, fault 14) — обрыв фазы на входе / перегрев термистора PTC / перегрузка / ошибка аналогового сигнала / ошибка схемы безопасности.

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