Model error matlab

Find common modeling errors when you simulate your Stateflow chart.

To avoid common design errors, you can run diagnostic checks that test the completeness of
your Stateflow® chart during compilation and simulation. Stateflow diagnostics detect state inconsistencies, violations in data ranges, and cyclic
behavior in Stateflow charts in Simulink® models.

When you simulate a model, the Stateflow parser evaluates the graphical and nongraphical objects and data in each
Stateflow machine against the supported chart notation and the action language syntax. You
can also check the syntax of your chart by selecting Update Chart in the
Modeling tab of the Stateflow Toolstrip.

If syntax errors exist in your chart, the chart automatically appears with the highlighted
object that causes the first error. You can select the error in the diagnostic window to bring
its source chart to the front with the source object highlighted. Any unresolved data or
events in the chart are flagged in the Symbol Wizard.


While you edit your chart, the Stateflow Editor displays potential causes for errors by highlighting objects in red or
orange. For more information, see Detect Modeling Errors During Edit Time.

Detect State Inconsistencies

In a Stateflow chart, states are inconsistent if they violate one of these rules:

  • An active state with exclusive (OR) decomposition and at least one substate has
    exactly one active substate.

  • All substates of an active state with parallel (AND) decomposition are

  • All substates of an inactive state are inactive regardless of the state

For example, this chart has a state inconsistency because there is no default transition
to indicate which substate becomes active first.

Chart that contains two states but no default transition.

Adding an unconditional default transition to one of the states resolves the state

Chart that contains two states and a default transition.

At compile time, Stateflow charts detect state inconsistencies caused by the omission of an unconditional
default transition. To control the level of diagnostic action, open the Configuration
Parameters dialog box and, in the > pane, set the No unconditional default transitions
parameter to error, warning, or
none. The default setting is error.
For more information, see No unconditional default transitions (Simulink).

Detect Data Range Violations

During simulation, a data range violation occurs when:

  • An integer or fixed-point operation overflows the numeric capacity of its result
    type. See Handle Integer Overflow for Chart Data and Fixed-Point Operations in Stateflow Charts.

  • The value of a data object is outside the range of the values specified by the
    Initial value, Minimum, and
    Maximum properties. See Initial value and Limit range.

For example, this chart contains local data a that has a
Minimum value of 0 and a Maximum value of 2. The
entry action in state A initializes
a to 1. The during action increments the value of
a by 1. After two time steps, the value of a exceeds
its specified range, resulting in a data range violation.

State with an entry action that initializes a to one and a during action that increments a every time step.

At run time, Stateflow charts detect data range violations. To control the level of diagnostic
action, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and, in the > pane, set these parameters to error,
warning, or none:

  • Simulation range checking detects violations based on
    minimum-and-maximum range checks. The default setting is

  • Wrap on overflow and Saturate on
    detect violations that occur when integer or fixed-point
    operations exceed the numeric capacity of their result type. The default setting is

For more information, see Simulation range checking (Simulink),
Wrap on overflow (Simulink), and Saturate on overflow (Simulink).

Detect Cyclic Behavior

Cyclic behavior occurs when a step or sequence of steps is repeated indefinitely during
chart simulation.

For example, the actions in this chart produce an infinite cycle of recursive event broadcasts.

  • The during action in state C broadcasts the
    event E1.

  • The event E1 triggers the transition from state
    A.A1 to state A.A2. The condition action for
    this transition broadcasts the event E2.

  • The event E2 triggers the transition from state
    B.B1 to state B.B2. The condition action for
    this transition broadcasts the event E1.

The event broadcasts in states A and B
occur in condition actions, so the transitions do not take place until the chart processes
the resulting events. The substates A.A1 and B.B1
remain active, so new event broadcasts continue to trigger the transitions and the process
repeats indefinitely.

Chart that exhibits cyclic behavior caused by undirected event broadcasts.

During chart simulation, Stateflow charts use cycle detection
algorithms to detect a class of infinite recursions caused by event broadcasts. To enable
cycle detection, open your Stateflow chart. In the Debug
tab, select > . Cyclic behavior checking is selected by default.

Stateflow charts also detect undirected local event broadcasts. To control the level of
diagnostic action, open the Configuration Parameters dialog box and, in the > pane, set the Undirected event broadcasts
parameter to error, warning, or
none. The default setting is warning. For more
information, see Undirected event broadcasts (Simulink).


Because undirected local event broadcasts can cause unwanted recursive behavior, use
of the send
operator to broadcast directed local events is recommended. For more information, see
Avoid Unwanted Recursion in a Chart.

Fix Cyclic Behavior in Flow Charts

Run-time detection of cyclical behavior is limited to cases of recursion due to event broadcasts and does not extend to other types of cyclic behavior. For instance, cycle detection does not detect the infinite cycle in this flow chart. In this example, the default transition initializes the local data i to 0. The next transition segment increments i. The transition back to the first junction is valid when i is positive. Because this condition is always true, an infinite cycle results.

In many cases, cyclical behavior in flow charts are caused by junctions that do not have an unconditional escape path from a cycle. The Stateflow editor highlights these junctions in red. For example, in this flow chart, the top two junctions in the loop do not have an unconditional path to a terminal junction.

To resolve this issue, incorporate the negation of condition c1 into the transition containing c2, so the resulting diagram has an unconditional path out of the loop.

Similarly, the top junction in this flow chart does not have an unconditional path to a terminal junction.

To resolve this issue, create an unconditional transition from the top junction to the terminal junction.

Related Topics

  • Detect Modeling Errors During Edit Time
  • Avoid Unwanted Recursion in a Chart
  • Model Configuration Parameters: Stateflow Diagnostics (Simulink)

I’ve had to create the Simulink Diagram after this picture:


My answer is this one:

Simulink image

I’ve gave some values to a, b and c (like 3, 4 and 5), but when I try to run it, it gives me the following warning:

Warning: The model ‘ex2_2’ does not have continuous states, hence Simulink is using the
solver ‘VariableStepDiscrete’ instead of solver ‘ode45’. You can disable this diagnostic by
explicitly specifying a discrete solver in the solver tab of the Configuration Parameters
dialog, or by setting the ‘Automatic solver parameter selection’ diagnostic to ‘none’ in the
Diagnostics tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog

Warning: ‘ex2_2/Unit Delay’ is discrete, yet is inheriting a continuous sample time; consider
replacing unit delay with a memory block. When a unit delay block inherits continuous sample
time, its behavior is the same as the memory block. Unit delay block’s time delay will not be
fixed and could change with each time step. This might be unexpected behavior. Normally, a
unit delay block uses discrete sample time. You can disable this diagnostic by setting the
‘Discrete used as continuous’ diagnostic to ‘none’ in the Sample Time group on the
Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. «

and the output (scope) it’s just a step signal…

I don’t know where I’m wrong here.

Rody Oldenhuis's user avatar

asked Jan 16, 2017 at 15:00

Laurentiu Adrian Paraschiv's user avatar

You’ve built the model correctly, but did not configure it correctly.

When running the model as-is, what will happen is the following:

  1. The Step block is a continuous-time source by default (it’s Sample Time setting is 0).
  2. Simulink sees that the Step is connected to the Unit delay block, which is guaranteed to have constant output during minor steps (unlike Memory blocks)
  3. According to the documentation on sample times:

    […] Simulink sets [Fixed-in-Minor step] as either an inherited sample time or as an alteration to a user specification of 0 (continuous). This setting is equivalent to, and therefore converted to, the fastest discrete rate when you use a fixed-step solver.

    Continuous sample time degrades to Fixed-in-Minor-Step rather than Discrete-time in the context of Variable-step solvers. Variable step size is used to speed up simulations (larger steps are taken when accuracy allows it), but requires trickery to compute, for example, the exact time at which the step triggers (the «Enable zero-crossing detection» tick box in the Step block’s options). So, Simulink’s best way forward in this particular situation is to convert the sample time of the Step block into Fixed-in-Minor-Step, which is propagated forward and inherited by all other blocks in the model.

  4. This is usually an awkward type of sample time, which is effectively not continuous-time, but still seen by all blocks as such. Therefore, the inherently discrete-time Unit delay will complain about being driven by a continuous-time signal (your 2nd warning), and Simulink itself will complain about the complete lack of «real» continuous-time blocks anywhere, while being instructed to use a continuous-time solver, ode45 (your 1st warning).

As usual in software development: it’s always best to be explicit, about everything. In this case, the simplest way out of this is to explicitly specify a discrete-time, fixed-step solver in the model configuration dialog. That way, the continuous-time from the step will be automatically converted into discrete-time for the Unit delay.

answered Jan 16, 2017 at 15:47

Rody Oldenhuis's user avatar

Rody OldenhuisRody Oldenhuis

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The block diagram you want to implement is a discrete-time system. Since there are no Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) but only their discrete counterpart (Finite-differences equations), you do not need an ODE solver as the warning 1 points out.

In discrete-time systems you have to specify your sample time in order to approach to a continuous-time representation where every single instant t is built up by the discrete integer n and its progressions (n+1, n+2, and so on) as t = nT where T is your sample time; Simulink basically expects that you respect this kind of logic, then asks for a sample time. By default Simulink sets it variable which may lead the result «out of track». This is what the warning 2 points out.

Solution: In the ‘Model Configuration Parameters’ menu, at the Solver tab, set ‘Fixed-Step’ as Type. The pane will change with a field related to the sample-time (Fixed-step size); set then a Sample time in seconds different than «auto» (e.g. 0.01). This will solve the warning 2. Still in the Solver menu, set also ‘Discrete (no continuous states)’ instead of any other useless solver. This will solve the warning 1.

answered Apr 30, 2020 at 11:59

cyberdyne's user avatar


Выдать ошибку и отобразить сообщение




error(msg) выдает ошибку и отображает сообщение об ошибке.

error(msg,A1,...,An) отображает сообщение об ошибке, которое содержит символы преобразования форматирования, такие как используемые с MATLAB®
sprintf функция. Каждый символ преобразования в msg преобразован в одно из значений A1,...,An.

error(errID,___) включает ошибочный идентификатор на исключении. Идентификатор позволяет вам отличить ошибки и управлять тем, что происходит, когда MATLAB сталкивается с ошибками. Можно включать любой из входных параметров в предыдущих синтаксисах.


error(errorStruct) выдает ошибку поля в скалярной структуре.


error(correction,___) обеспечивает предложенное исправление для исключения. Можно включать любой из входных параметров в предыдущих синтаксисах.


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Бросок ошибки

msg = 'Error occurred.';

Бросок ошибки с форматированным сообщением

Выдайте отформатированное сообщение об ошибке с разрывом строки. Необходимо задать больше чем один входной параметр с error если вы хотите, чтобы MATLAB преобразовал специальные символы (такие как n) в сообщении об ошибке. Включайте информацию о классе переменной n в сообщении об ошибке.

n = 7;
if ~ischar(n)
   error('Error. nInput must be a char, not a %s.',class(n))
Input must be a char, not a double.

Если вы только используете один входной параметр с error, затем MATLAB не преобразует n к разрыву строки.

if ~ischar(n)
   error('Error. nInput must be a char.')
Error. nInput must be a char.

Выдайте ошибку с идентификатором.

if ~ischar(n)
       'Error. nInput must be a char, not a %s.',class(n))
Input must be a char, not a double.

Используйте MException.last просмотреть последнее неперехваченное исключение.

exception = MException.last
exception = 

  MException with properties:

    identifier: 'MyComponent:incorrectType'
       message: 'Error. 
Input must be a char, not a double.'
         cause: {0x1 cell}
         stack: [0x1 struct]

Бросок структуры ошибки

Создайте структуру с полями идентификатора и сообщением. Чтобы сохранить пример простым, не используйте поле стека.

errorStruct.message = 'Data file not found.';
errorStruct.identifier = 'MyFunction:fileNotFound';
errorStruct = 

       message: 'Data file not found.'
    identifier: 'MyFunction:fileNotFound'

Выдайте ошибку.

Выдайте ошибку с предложенным исправлением

Создайте функциональный hello это требует одного входного параметра. Добавьте предложенный входной параметр "world" к сообщению об ошибке.

function hello(audience)
if nargin < 1
    aac = matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection('"world"');
    error(aac, 'MATLAB:notEnoughInputs', 'Not enough input arguments.')   
fprintf("Hello, %s!n", audience)

Вызовите функцию без аргумента.

Error using hello (line 4)
Not enough input arguments.

Did you mean:
>> hello("world")

Входные параметры

свернуть все

msgИнформация об ошибке
вектор символов | строковый скаляр

Информация об ошибке в виде вектора символов или строкового скаляра. Это индикаторы сообщения как сообщение об ошибке. Чтобы отформатировать сообщение, используйте escape-последовательности, такие как t или n. Также можно использовать любые спецификаторы формата, поддержанные sprintf функция, такая как %s или %d. Задайте значения для спецификаторов преобразования через A1,...,An входные параметры. Для получения дополнительной информации см. Форматирующий текст.


Необходимо задать больше чем один входной параметр с error если вы хотите, чтобы MATLAB преобразовал специальные символы (такие как tNS, и %d) в сообщении об ошибке.

Пример: 'File not found.'

errIDИдентификатор для ошибки
вектор символов | строковый скаляр

Идентификатор для ошибки в виде вектора символов или строкового скаляра. Используйте ошибочный идентификатор, чтобы помочь идентифицировать источник ошибки или управлять выбранным подмножеством ошибок в вашей программе.

Ошибочный идентификатор включает одно или несколько полей компонента и мнемоническое поле. Поля должны быть разделены двоеточием. Например, ошибочный идентификатор с полем component компонента и мнемоническое поле mnemonic задан как 'component:mnemonic'. И мнемонические поля компонента должны каждый начаться с буквы. Оставшиеся символы могут быть буквенно-цифровым индикатором (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) и символы нижнего подчеркивания. Никакие пробельные символы не могут появиться нигде в errID. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите MException.

Пример: 'MATLAB:singularMatrix'

Пример: 'MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs'

A1,...,An Значения
вектор символов | строковый скаляр | числовой скаляр

Значения, которые заменяют спецификаторы преобразования в msgВ виде вектора символов, строкового скаляра или числового скаляра.

errorStructИнформация о сообщении об ошибке
скалярная структура

Информация о сообщении об ошибке в виде скалярной структуры. Структура должна содержать по крайней мере одно из этих полей.


Сообщение об ошибке. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите msg.


Ошибочный идентификатор. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите errID.


Поле стека для ошибки. Когда errorStruct включает stack поле , error использование это, чтобы установить поле стека ошибки. Когда вы задаете stack, используйте абсолютное имя файла и целую последовательность функций, которая вкладывает функцию в стековом фрейме. Этот вектор символов совпадает с тем, возвращенным dbstack('-completenames').

correctionПредложенное исправление для этого исключения
matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection возразите | matlab.lang.correction.ConvertToFunctionNotationCorrection возразите | matlab.lang.correction.ReplaceIdentifierCorrection объект


  • Когда вы выдаете ошибку, MATLAB получает информацию об этом и хранит ее в структуре данных, которая является объектом MException класс. Можно получить доступ к информации в объекте исключения при помощи try/catch. Или, если ваша программа завершает работу из-за исключения и возвращает управление в Командную строку, можно использовать MException.last.

  • MATLAB не прекращает осуществление программы, если ошибка происходит в try блок. В этом случае MATLAB передает управление к catch блок.

  • Если все входные параметры к error пусты, MATLAB не выдает ошибку.

Расширенные возможности

Генерация кода C/C++
Генерация кода C и C++ с помощью MATLAB® Coder™.

Указания и ограничения по применению:

Не оказывает влияния в автономном коде, даже когда обнаружение ошибки времени выполнения включено. Смотрите Генерируют Автономный Код C/C++, Который Обнаруживает и Ошибки времени выполнения Отчетов (MATLAB Coder).

Основанная на потоке среда
Запустите код в фоновом режиме с помощью MATLAB® backgroundPool или ускорьте код с Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool.

Эта функция полностью поддерживает основанные на потоке среды. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите функции MATLAB Запуска в Основанной на потоке Среде.

Массивы графического процессора
Ускорьте код путем работы графического процессора (GPU) с помощью Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

Указания и ограничения по применению:

  • Эта функция принимает массивы графического процессора, но не работает на графическом процессоре.

Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите функции MATLAB Запуска на графическом процессоре (Parallel Computing Toolbox).

Представлено до R2006a


  1. Error evaluating matlab function
  2. Determine if an Error Occurred
  3. Get the Error Information
  4. Determine the Type of Error
  5. Process HTTP Errors
  6. Process MATLAB Errors
  7. Process Generic Errors
  8. Clean Up Error Information
  9. How to solve this error in S-function «Error evaluating registered method ‘Start’ of MATLAB S-Function» , Caused by: No method ‘ContStates’ with matching signature found for class ‘Simulink.​MSFcnRunTi​meBlock’.
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  26. Getting «Error evaluating model function» message with nlinfit
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  39. Error in S-function «Error evaluating registered method ‘Start’ of MATLAB S-Function» , Caused by: No method ‘ContStates’ with matching signature found for class ‘Simulink.​​MSFcnRunT​i​meBlock’
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  53. Getting «Error evaluating model function» message with nlinfit
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Error evaluating matlab function

To handle errors that occur when processing MATLAB ® functions:

Evaluate the status returned by the feval() function to determine if the function was successfully processed.

Get the error information using the getLastErrorInfo() function.

Interrogate the type field of the error detail to determine the type of error.

Process the error information appropriately.

Clean-up the resources used by the error information using the destroyLastErrorInfo() function.

Determine if an Error Occurred

The feval() function returns a value of type mpsStatus , which signifies if an error occurred while the function was being processed. The status can have one of two values:

MPS_OK indicates that the function processed successfully.

MPS_FAILURE indicates that an error occurred.

For example, to check if an error occurred while evaluating a MATLAB function, use an if-then statement.

Get the Error Information

If a call to the feval() function returns a value of MPS_FAILURE , you can get the details of the error by calling the getLastErrorInfo() function. It returns an mpsErrorInfo structure that contains these fields:

message — String containing general information about the error

type — Character identifying the type of error. The type identifier is used to select the correct data type for the detailed error information.

details — Structure containing details, such as the MATLAB stack, about the error and its underlying cause

To get the error information and print the basic error message:

Determine the Type of Error

Before you can process the detailed error information, you need to determine what type of error occurred. This is done by interrogating the type field of the mpsErrorInfo structure. It can have one of three values:

MPS_HTTP_ERROR_INFO — Non-200 HTTP error occurred and the details are stored in an mpsErrorInfoHTTP structure

MPS_MATLAB_ERROR_INFO — MATLAB error occurred and the details are stored in an mpsErrorInfoMATLAB structure

MPS_GENERIC_ERROR_INFO — Indeterminate error occurred and the details are stored in an mpsErrorInfoGeneric structure

Once you determine the type of error, you can process the detailed information. To determine the error type using a switch statement:

Process HTTP Errors

The details of an HTTP errors are stored in an mpsErrorInfoHTTP structure. This structure has two fields:

responseCode — HTTP error code

responseMessage — String containing the message returned with the error

For example, if you attempt to access a function using an invalid URL, the client may return an mpsErrorInfoHTTP structure with the following values:

responseMessage — Not Found

Process MATLAB Errors

If the error occurs while the MATLAB Runtime is evaluating the function the client returns an mpsErrorInfoMATLAB structure. This structure has the following fields:

message — Error message returned by the MATLAB Runtime

identifier — MATLAB error ID

matlabStack — MATLAB Runtime stack

matlabStackDepth — Number of entries in the MATLAB Runtime stack

The entries in the MATLAB Runtime stack have the following fields:

file — Name of the MATLAB file that caused the error

function — Name of the MATLAB function that caused the error

line — Line number in the MATLAB file that caused the error

To print the contents of a MATLAB error:

Process Generic Errors

If an error other than a non-200 HTTP response or a MATLAB Runtime exception occurs, the client returns an mpsErrorInfoGeneric structure containing a genericErrorMessage field.

Clean Up Error Information

The error information created by the MATLAB Production Server™ client runtime is opaque. Once you have processed the error, clean up the resources used by the error using the mpsClientRuntime destroyLastErrorInfo() function. It takes a pointer to the error information returned from getLastErrorInfo() .


How to solve this error in S-function «Error evaluating registered method ‘Start’ of MATLAB S-Function» , Caused by: No method ‘ContStates’ with matching signature found for class ‘Simulink.​MSFcnRunTi​meBlock’.

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Getting «Error evaluating model function» message with nlinfit

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Error in S-function «Error evaluating registered method ‘Start’ of MATLAB S-Function» , Caused by: No method ‘ContStates’ with matching signature found for class ‘Simulink.​​MSFcnRunT​i​meBlock’

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Accelerating the pace of engineering and science

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Getting «Error evaluating model function» message with nlinfit

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Accelerating the pace of engineering and science

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists.


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