Mypy ignore error

Optional static typing for Python. Contribute to python/mypy development by creating an account on GitHub.

Common issues and solutions

This section has examples of cases when you need to update your code
to use static typing, and ideas for working around issues if mypy
doesn’t work as expected. Statically typed code is often identical to
normal Python code (except for type annotations), but sometimes you need
to do things slightly differently.

No errors reported for obviously wrong code

There are several common reasons why obviously wrong code is not
flagged as an error.

The function containing the error is not annotated.

Functions that
do not have any annotations (neither for any argument nor for the
return type) are not type-checked, and even the most blatant type
errors (e.g. 2 + 'a') pass silently. The solution is to add
annotations. Where that isn’t possible, functions without annotations
can be checked using :option:`—check-untyped-defs <mypy —check-untyped-defs>`.


def foo(a):
    return '(' + a.split() + ')'  # No error!

This gives no error even though a.split() is «obviously» a list
(the author probably meant a.strip()). The error is reported
once you add annotations:

def foo(a: str) -> str:
    return '(' + a.split() + ')'
# error: Unsupported operand types for + ("str" and List[str])

If you don’t know what types to add, you can use Any, but beware:

One of the values involved has type ‘Any’.

Extending the above
example, if we were to leave out the annotation for a, we’d get
no error:

def foo(a) -> str:
    return '(' + a.split() + ')'  # No error!

The reason is that if the type of a is unknown, the type of
a.split() is also unknown, so it is inferred as having type
Any, and it is no error to add a string to an Any.

If you’re having trouble debugging such situations,
:ref:`reveal_type() <reveal-type>` might come in handy.

Note that sometimes library stubs with imprecise type information
can be a source of Any values.

:py:meth:`__init__ <object.__init__>` method has no annotated
arguments and no return type annotation.

This is basically a combination of the two cases above, in that __init__
without annotations can cause Any types leak into instance variables:

class Bad:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = "asdf"
        1 + "asdf"  # No error!

bad = Bad()
bad.value + 1           # No error!
reveal_type(bad)        # Revealed type is "__main__.Bad"
reveal_type(bad.value)  # Revealed type is "Any"

class Good:
    def __init__(self) -> None:  # Explicitly return None
        self.value = value

Some imports may be silently ignored.

A common source of unexpected Any values is the
:option:`—ignore-missing-imports <mypy —ignore-missing-imports>` flag.

When you use :option:`—ignore-missing-imports <mypy —ignore-missing-imports>`,
any imported module that cannot be found is silently replaced with Any.

To help debug this, simply leave out
:option:`—ignore-missing-imports <mypy —ignore-missing-imports>`.
As mentioned in :ref:`fix-missing-imports`, setting ignore_missing_imports=True
on a per-module basis will make bad surprises less likely and is highly encouraged.

Use of the :option:`—follow-imports=skip <mypy —follow-imports>` flags can also
cause problems. Use of these flags is strongly discouraged and only required in
relatively niche situations. See :ref:`follow-imports` for more information.

mypy considers some of your code unreachable.

See :ref:`unreachable` for more information.

A function annotated as returning a non-optional type returns ‘None’
and mypy doesn’t complain

def foo() -> str:
    return None  # No error!

You may have disabled strict optional checking (see
:ref:`no_strict_optional` for more).

Spurious errors and locally silencing the checker

You can use a # type: ignore comment to silence the type checker
on a particular line. For example, let’s say our code is using
the C extension module frobnicate, and there’s no stub available.
Mypy will complain about this, as it has no information about the

import frobnicate  # Error: No module "frobnicate"

You can add a # type: ignore comment to tell mypy to ignore this

import frobnicate  # type: ignore
frobnicate.start()  # Okay!

The second line is now fine, since the ignore comment causes the name
frobnicate to get an implicit Any type.


You can use the form # type: ignore[<code>] to only ignore
specific errors on the line. This way you are less likely to
silence unexpected errors that are not safe to ignore, and this
will also document what the purpose of the comment is. See
:ref:`error-codes` for more information.


The # type: ignore comment will only assign the implicit Any
type if mypy cannot find information about that particular module. So,
if we did have a stub available for frobnicate then mypy would
ignore the # type: ignore comment and typecheck the stub as usual.

Another option is to explicitly annotate values with type Any
mypy will let you perform arbitrary operations on Any
values. Sometimes there is no more precise type you can use for a
particular value, especially if you use dynamic Python features
such as :py:meth:`__getattr__ <object.__getattr__>`:

class Wrapper:
    def __getattr__(self, a: str) -> Any:
        return getattr(self._wrapped, a)

Finally, you can create a stub file (.pyi) for a file that
generates spurious errors. Mypy will only look at the stub file
and ignore the implementation, since stub files take precedence
over .py files.

Ignoring a whole file

  • To only ignore errors, use a top-level # mypy: ignore-errors comment instead.
  • To only ignore errors with a specific error code, use a top-level
    # mypy: disable-error-code=... comment.
  • To replace the contents of a module with Any, use a per-module follow_imports = skip.
    See :ref:`Following imports <follow-imports>` for details.

Note that a # type: ignore comment at the top of a module (before any statements,
including imports or docstrings) has the effect of ignoring the entire contents of the module.
This behaviour can be surprising and result in
«Module … has no attribute … [attr-defined]» errors.

Issues with code at runtime

Idiomatic use of type annotations can sometimes run up against what a given
version of Python considers legal code. These can result in some of the
following errors when trying to run your code:

  • ImportError from circular imports
  • NameError: name "X" is not defined from forward references
  • TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable from types that are not generic at runtime
  • ImportError or ModuleNotFoundError from use of stub definitions not available at runtime
  • TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'type' from use of new syntax

For dealing with these, see :ref:`runtime_troubles`.

Mypy runs are slow

If your mypy runs feel slow, you should probably use the :ref:`mypy
daemon <mypy_daemon>`
, which can speed up incremental mypy runtimes by
a factor of 10 or more. :ref:`Remote caching <remote-cache>` can
make cold mypy runs several times faster.

Types of empty collections

You often need to specify the type when you assign an empty list or
dict to a new variable, as mentioned earlier:

Without the annotation mypy can’t always figure out the
precise type of a.

You can use a simple empty list literal in a dynamically typed function (as the
type of a would be implicitly Any and need not be inferred), if type
of the variable has been declared or inferred before, or if you perform a simple
modification operation in the same scope (such as append for a list):

a = []  # Okay because followed by append, inferred type List[int]
for i in range(n):
    a.append(i * i)

However, in more complex cases an explicit type annotation can be
required (mypy will tell you this). Often the annotation can
make your code easier to understand, so it doesn’t only help mypy but
everybody who is reading the code!

Redefinitions with incompatible types

Each name within a function only has a single ‘declared’ type. You can
reuse for loop indices etc., but if you want to use a variable with
multiple types within a single function, you may need to instead use
multiple variables (or maybe declare the variable with an Any type).

def f() -> None:
    n = 1
    n = 'x'  # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "int")


Using the :option:`—allow-redefinition <mypy —allow-redefinition>`
flag can suppress this error in several cases.

Note that you can redefine a variable with a more precise or a more
concrete type. For example, you can redefine a sequence (which does
not support sort()) as a list and sort it in-place:

def f(x: Sequence[int]) -> None:
    # Type of x is Sequence[int] here; we don't know the concrete type.
    x = list(x)
    # Type of x is List[int] here.
    x.sort()  # Okay!

See :ref:`type-narrowing` for more information.

Invariance vs covariance

Most mutable generic collections are invariant, and mypy considers all
user-defined generic classes invariant by default
(see :ref:`variance-of-generics` for motivation). This could lead to some
unexpected errors when combined with type inference. For example:

class A: ...
class B(A): ...

lst = [A(), A()]  # Inferred type is List[A]
new_lst = [B(), B()]  # inferred type is List[B]
lst = new_lst  # mypy will complain about this, because List is invariant

Possible strategies in such situations are:

  • Use an explicit type annotation:

    new_lst: List[A] = [B(), B()]
    lst = new_lst  # OK
  • Make a copy of the right hand side:

    lst = list(new_lst) # Also OK
  • Use immutable collections as annotations whenever possible:

    def f_bad(x: List[A]) -> A:
        return x[0]
    f_bad(new_lst) # Fails
    def f_good(x: Sequence[A]) -> A:
        return x[0]
    f_good(new_lst) # OK

Declaring a supertype as variable type

Sometimes the inferred type is a subtype (subclass) of the desired
type. The type inference uses the first assignment to infer the type
of a name:

class Shape: ...
class Circle(Shape): ...
class Triangle(Shape): ...

shape = Circle()    # mypy infers the type of shape to be Circle
shape = Triangle()  # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Triangle", variable has type "Circle")

You can just give an explicit type for the variable in cases such the
above example:

shape: Shape = Circle()  # The variable s can be any Shape, not just Circle
shape = Triangle()       # OK

Complex type tests

Mypy can usually infer the types correctly when using :py:func:`isinstance <isinstance>`,
:py:func:`issubclass <issubclass>`,
or type(obj) is some_class type tests,
and even :ref:`user-defined type guards <type-guards>`,
but for other kinds of checks you may need to add an
explicit type cast:

from typing import Sequence, cast

def find_first_str(a: Sequence[object]) -> str:
    index = next((i for i, s in enumerate(a) if isinstance(s, str)), -1)
    if index < 0:
        raise ValueError('No str found')

    found = a[index]  # Has type "object", despite the fact that we know it is "str"
    return cast(str, found)  # We need an explicit cast to make mypy happy

Alternatively, you can use an assert statement together with some
of the supported type inference techniques:

def find_first_str(a: Sequence[object]) -> str:
    index = next((i for i, s in enumerate(a) if isinstance(s, str)), -1)
    if index < 0:
        raise ValueError('No str found')

    found = a[index]  # Has type "object", despite the fact that we know it is "str"
    assert isinstance(found, str)  # Now, "found" will be narrowed to "str"
    return found  # No need for the explicit "cast()" anymore


Note that the :py:class:`object` type used in the above example is similar
to Object in Java: it only supports operations defined for all
objects, such as equality and :py:func:`isinstance`. The type Any,
in contrast, supports all operations, even if they may fail at
runtime. The cast above would have been unnecessary if the type of
o was Any.


You can read more about type narrowing techniques :ref:`here <type-narrowing>`.

Type inference in Mypy is designed to work well in common cases, to be
predictable and to let the type checker give useful error
messages. More powerful type inference strategies often have complex
and difficult-to-predict failure modes and could result in very
confusing error messages. The tradeoff is that you as a programmer
sometimes have to give the type checker a little help.

Python version and system platform checks

Mypy supports the ability to perform Python version checks and platform
checks (e.g. Windows vs Posix), ignoring code paths that won’t be run on
the targeted Python version or platform. This allows you to more effectively
typecheck code that supports multiple versions of Python or multiple operating

More specifically, mypy will understand the use of :py:data:`sys.version_info` and
:py:data:`sys.platform` checks within if/elif/else statements. For example:

import sys

# Distinguishing between different versions of Python:
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    # Python 3.8+ specific definitions and imports
    # Other definitions and imports

# Distinguishing between different operating systems:
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
    # Linux-specific code
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
    # Mac-specific code
elif sys.platform == "win32":
    # Windows-specific code
    # Other systems

As a special case, you can also use one of these checks in a top-level
(unindented) assert; this makes mypy skip the rest of the file.

import sys

assert sys.platform != 'win32'

# The rest of this file doesn't apply to Windows.

Some other expressions exhibit similar behavior; in particular,
:py:data:`~typing.TYPE_CHECKING`, variables named MYPY, and any variable
whose name is passed to :option:`—always-true <mypy —always-true>` or :option:`—always-false <mypy —always-false>`.
(However, True and False are not treated specially!)


Mypy currently does not support more complex checks, and does not assign
any special meaning when assigning a :py:data:`sys.version_info` or :py:data:`sys.platform`
check to a variable. This may change in future versions of mypy.

By default, mypy will use your current version of Python and your current
operating system as default values for :py:data:`sys.version_info` and

To target a different Python version, use the :option:`—python-version X.Y <mypy —python-version>` flag.
For example, to verify your code typechecks if were run using Python 3.8, pass
in :option:`—python-version 3.8 <mypy —python-version>` from the command line. Note that you do not need
to have Python 3.8 installed to perform this check.

To target a different operating system, use the :option:`—platform PLATFORM <mypy —platform>` flag.
For example, to verify your code typechecks if it were run in Windows, pass
in :option:`—platform win32 <mypy —platform>`. See the documentation for :py:data:`sys.platform`
for examples of valid platform parameters.

Displaying the type of an expression

You can use reveal_type(expr) to ask mypy to display the inferred
static type of an expression. This can be useful when you don’t quite
understand how mypy handles a particular piece of code. Example:

reveal_type((1, 'hello'))  # Revealed type is "Tuple[, builtins.str]"

You can also use reveal_locals() at any line in a file
to see the types of all local variables at once. Example:

a = 1
b = 'one'
# Revealed local types are:
#     a:
#     b: builtins.str


reveal_type and reveal_locals are only understood by mypy and
don’t exist in Python. If you try to run your program, you’ll have to
remove any reveal_type and reveal_locals calls before you can
run your code. Both are always available and you don’t need to import

Silencing linters

In some cases, linters will complain about unused imports or code. In
these cases, you can silence them with a comment after type comments, or on
the same line as the import:

# to silence complaints about unused imports
from typing import List  # noqa
a = None  # type: List[int]

To silence the linter on the same line as a type comment
put the linter comment after the type comment:

a = some_complex_thing()  # type: ignore  # noqa

Covariant subtyping of mutable protocol members is rejected

Mypy rejects this because this is potentially unsafe.
Consider this example:

from typing_extensions import Protocol

class P(Protocol):
    x: float

def fun(arg: P) -> None:
    arg.x = 3.14

class C:
    x = 42
c = C()
fun(c)  # This is not safe
c.x << 5  # Since this will fail!

To work around this problem consider whether «mutating» is actually part
of a protocol. If not, then one can use a :py:class:`@property <property>` in
the protocol definition:

from typing_extensions import Protocol

class P(Protocol):
    def x(self) -> float:

def fun(arg: P) -> None:

class C:
    x = 42
fun(C())  # OK

Dealing with conflicting names

Suppose you have a class with a method whose name is the same as an
imported (or built-in) type, and you want to use the type in another
method signature. E.g.:

class Message:
    def bytes(self):
    def register(self, path: bytes):  # error: Invalid type "mod.Message.bytes"

The third line elicits an error because mypy sees the argument type
bytes as a reference to the method by that name. Other than
renaming the method, a workaround is to use an alias:

bytes_ = bytes
class Message:
    def bytes(self):
    def register(self, path: bytes_):

Using a development mypy build

You can install the latest development version of mypy from source. Clone the
mypy repository on GitHub, and then run
pip install locally:

git clone
cd mypy
python3 -m pip install --upgrade .

To install a development version of mypy that is mypyc-compiled, see the
instructions at the mypyc wheels repo.

Variables vs type aliases

Mypy has both type aliases and variables with types like Type[...]. These are
subtly different, and it’s important to understand how they differ to avoid pitfalls.

  1. A variable with type Type[...] is defined using an assignment with an
    explicit type annotation:

    class A: ...
    tp: Type[A] = A
  2. You can define a type alias using an assignment without an explicit type annotation
    at the top level of a module:

    You can also use TypeAlias (PEP 613) to define an explicit type alias:

    from typing import TypeAlias  # "from typing_extensions" in Python 3.9 and earlier
    class A: ...
    Alias: TypeAlias = A

    You should always use TypeAlias to define a type alias in a class body or
    inside a function.

The main difference is that the target of an alias is precisely known statically, and this
means that they can be used in type annotations and other type contexts. Type aliases
can’t be defined conditionally (unless using
:ref:`supported Python version and platform checks <version_and_platform_checks>`):

class A: ...
class B: ...

if random() > 0.5:
    Alias = A
    # error: Cannot assign multiple types to name "Alias" without an
    # explicit "Type[...]" annotation
    Alias = B

tp: Type[object]  # "tp" is a variable with a type object value
if random() > 0.5:
    tp = A
    tp = B  # This is OK

def fun1(x: Alias) -> None: ...  # OK
def fun2(x: tp) -> None: ...  # Error: "tp" is not valid as a type

Incompatible overrides

It’s unsafe to override a method with a more specific argument type,
as it violates the Liskov substitution principle.
For return types, it’s unsafe to override a method with a more general
return type.

Other incompatible signature changes in method overrides, such as
adding an extra required parameter, or removing an optional parameter,
will also generate errors. The signature of a method in a subclass
should accept all valid calls to the base class method. Mypy
treats a subclass as a subtype of the base class. An instance of a
subclass is valid everywhere where an instance of the base class is

This example demonstrates both safe and unsafe overrides:

from typing import Sequence, List, Iterable

class A:
    def test(self, t: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[str]:

class GeneralizedArgument(A):
    # A more general argument type is okay
    def test(self, t: Iterable[int]) -> Sequence[str]:  # OK

class NarrowerArgument(A):
    # A more specific argument type isn't accepted
    def test(self, t: List[int]) -> Sequence[str]:  # Error

class NarrowerReturn(A):
    # A more specific return type is fine
    def test(self, t: Sequence[int]) -> List[str]:  # OK

class GeneralizedReturn(A):
    # A more general return type is an error
    def test(self, t: Sequence[int]) -> Iterable[str]:  # Error

You can use # type: ignore[override] to silence the error. Add it
to the line that generates the error, if you decide that type safety is
not necessary:

class NarrowerArgument(A):
    def test(self, t: List[int]) -> Sequence[str]:  # type: ignore[override]

Unreachable code

Mypy may consider some code as unreachable, even if it might not be
immediately obvious why. It’s important to note that mypy will not
type check such code. Consider this example:

class Foo:
    bar: str = ''

def bar() -> None:
    foo: Foo = Foo()
    x: int = 'abc'  # Unreachable -- no error

It’s easy to see that any statement after return is unreachable,
and hence mypy will not complain about the mis-typed code below
it. For a more subtle example, consider this code:

class Foo:
    bar: str = ''

def bar() -> None:
    foo: Foo = Foo()
    assert is None
    x: int = 'abc'  # Unreachable -- no error

Again, mypy will not report any errors. The type of is
str, and mypy reasons that it can never be None. Hence the
assert statement will always fail and the statement below will
never be executed. (Note that in Python, None is not an empty
reference but an object of type None.)

In this example mypy will go on to check the last line and report an
error, since mypy thinks that the condition could be either True or

class Foo:
    bar: str = ''

def bar() -> None:
    foo: Foo = Foo()
    if not
    x: int = 'abc'  # Reachable -- error

If you use the :option:`—warn-unreachable <mypy —warn-unreachable>` flag, mypy will generate
an error about each unreachable code block.

Narrowing and inner functions

Because closures in Python are late-binding (,
mypy will not narrow the type of a captured variable in an inner function.
This is best understood via an example:

def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> Callable[[], int]:
    if x is None:
        x = 5
    print(x + 1)  # mypy correctly deduces x must be an int here
    def inner() -> int:
        return x + 1  # but (correctly) complains about this line

    x = None  # because x could later be assigned None
    return inner

inner = foo(5)
inner()  # this will raise an error when called

To get this code to type check, you could assign y = x after x has been
narrowed, and use y in the inner function, or add an assert in the inner

Type hints are an essential part of modern Python. Type hints are the enabler for clever IDEs, they document the code, and even reduce unit testing needs. Most importantly, type hints make the code more robust and maintainable which are the attributes that every serious project should aim for.

At Wolt we have witnessed the benefits of type hints, for example, in a web backend project which has 100k+ LOC and has already had 100+ Woltians contributing to it. In such a massive project the advantages of the type hints are evident. For example, the onboarding experience of the newcomers is smoother thanks to easier navigation of the codebase. Additionally, the static type checker surprisingly often catches bugs which would slip through the tests.

Mypy is the de facto static type checker for Python and it’s also the weapon of choice at Wolt. Alternatives include pyright from Microsoft, pytype from Google, and Pyre from Facebook. Mypy is great! However, its default configuration is too “loose” for serious projects. In this blog post, we’ll list a set of mypy configuration flags which should be flipped from their default value in order to gently enforce professional-grade type safety.

disallow_untyped_defs = True

By default, mypy doesn’t require any type hints, i.e. it has disallow_untyped_defs = False by default. If you want to enforce the usage of the type hints (for all function/method arguments and return values), disallow_untyped_defs should be flipped to Truedisallow_untyped_defs = True is arguably the most important configuration option if you truly want to adopt typing in a Python project, whether it’s an existing or a fresh one.

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You might think that it’d be too laborious to enforce type hints for all modules of an older (read: legacy) project. That’s of course true, and often not worth the initial investment. However, wouldn’t it be awesome if the mypy configuration would enforce all the new modules to have type hints? This can be achieved by

  1. Setting disallow_untyped_defs = True on the global level (see global vs per-module configuration),
  2. Setting disallow_untyped_defs = False for the “legacy” modules.

In other words, strict by default and loose when needed. This allows gradual typing while still enforcing usage of type hints for new code. At Wolt, we have successfully employed this strategy, for example, in the aforementioned 100k+ LOC project. It’s good practice to get rid of the disallow_untyped_defs = False option for an individual (legacy) module if the module requires some changes, e.g. a bug fix or a new feature. Also, adding types to legacy modules can be great fun during Friday afternoons. This way the type safety also gradually increases in the older parts of the codebase.

disallow_any_unimported = True

In short, disallow_any_unimported = True is to protect developers from falsely trusting that their dependencies are in tip-top shape typing-wise. When something is imported from a dependency, it’s resolved to Any if mypy can’t resolve the import. This can happen, for example, if the dependency is not PEP 561 (Distributing and Packaging Type Information) compliant.

Way too often developers tend to take a shortcut and use ignore_missing_imports = True (even in the global level of the mypy configuration 😱) when they face something like

error: Skipping analyzing 'my-dependency': found module but no type hints or library stubs  [import]


error: Library stubs not installed for "my-other-dependecy" (or incompatible with Python 3.9)  [import]
note: Hint: "python3 -m pip install types-my-other-dependency"
note: (or run "mypy --install-types" to install all missing stub packages)

In the latter case the solution would be even immediately available and nicely suggested in the mypy output: just add a development dependency which contains the type stubs for the actual dependency. In fact, a number of popular projects have the stubs available. However, the former case is trickier. The developer could either

  • try to find an existing stub project from the wild wild web,
  • generate the stubs themselves (and hopefully consider open-sourcing them 😉) or
  • use ignore_missing_imports = True for the dependency in question.

disallow_any_unimported = True is basically to protect the developers from the consequences of the ignore_missing_imports = True case. For example, consider a project which depends on requests and would ignore the imports in the mypy.ini file.

ignore_missing_imports = True

that would result in the following

from requests import Request

def my_function(request: Request) -> None:
    reveal_type(request)  # Revealed type is "Any"

and mypy would not give any errors. However, when disallow_any_unimported = True is used, mypy would give

Argument 1 to "my_function" becomes "Any" due to an unfollowed import  [no-any-unimported]

Getting the error would be great as it would force the developer to find a better solution for the missing import. The “lazy” solution would be to add a suitable type ignore:

from requests import Request

def my_function(request: Request) -> None:  # type: ignore[no-any-unimported]

This is already better as it nicely documents the Any for the readers of the code. Less surprises, less bugs.

no_implicit_optional = True

If the snippet below is ran with the default configuration of mypy, the type of arg is implicitly interpreted as Optional[str] (i.e. Union[str, None]) although it’s annotated as str.

def foo(arg: str = None) -> None:
    reveal_type(arg)  # Revealed type is "Union[builtins.str, None]"

In order to follow the Zen of Python’s (python -m this) “explicit is better than implicit“, consider setting no_implicit_optional = True. Then the above snippet would result in

error: Incompatible default for argument "arg" (default has type "None", argument has type "str")  [assignment]

which would gently suggest to us to explicitly annotate the arg with Optional[str]:

from typing import Optional

def foo(arg: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

This version is notably better, especially considering the future readers of the code.

check_untyped_defs = True

With the mypy defaults, this is legit:

def bar(arg):
    not_very_wise = "1" + 1

By default mypy doesn’t check what’s going on in the body of a function/method in case there are no type hints in the signature (i.e. arguments or return value). This won’t be an issue if disallow_untyped_defs = True is used. However, more than often it’s not the case, at least for some modules of the project. Thus, setting check_untyped_defs = True is encouraged. In the above scenario it would result in

error: Unsupported operand types for + ("str" and "int")  [operator]

warn_return_any = True

This doesn’t give errors with the default mypy configuration:

from typing import Any

def baz() -> str:
    return something_that_returns_any()

def something_that_returns_any() -> Any:

You might think that the example is not realistic. If so, consider that something_that_returns_any is a function in one of your project’s third-party dependencies or simply an untyped function.

With warn_return_any = True, running mypy would result in:

error: Returning Any from function declared to return "str"  [no-any-return]

which is the error that developers would probably expect to see in the first place.

show_error_codes = True and warn_unused_ignores = True

Firstly, adding a type ignore should be the last resort. Type ignore is a sign of developer laziness in the majority of cases. However, in some cases, it’s justified to use them.

It’s good practice to ignore only the specific type of an error instead of silencing mypy completely for a line of code. In other words, prefer # type: ignore[<error-code>] over # type: ignore. This both makes sure that mypy only ignores what the developer thinks it’s ignoring and also improves the documentation of the ignore. Setting the configuration option show_error_codes = True will show the error codes in the output of the mypy runs.

When the code evolves, it’s not uncommon that a type ignore becomes useless, i.e. mypy would also be happy without the ignore. Well-maintained packages tend to include type hints sooner or later, for example, Flask added them in 2.0.0). It’s good practice to cleanup stale ignores. Using the warn_unused_ignores = True configuration option ensures that there are only ignores which are effective.

Parting words

The kind of global mypy configuration that best suits depends on the project. As a rule of thumb, make the configuration strict by default and loosen it up per-module if needed. This ensures that at least all the new modules follow best practices.

If you are unsure how mypy interprets certain types, reveal_type and reveal_locals are handy. Just remember to remove those after running mypy as they’ll crash your code during runtime.

As a final tip: never ever “silence” mypy by using ignore_errors = True. If you need to silence it for one reason or another, prefer type: ignore[<error-code>]s or a set of targeted configuration flags instead of silencing everything for the module in question. Otherwise the modules which depend on the erroneous module are also affected and, in the worst scenario, the developers don’t have a clue about it as the time bomb is well-hidden deep inside a configuration file.

Type-safe coding!

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Type annotations are like comments

Type annotations are a great addition to Python. Thanks to them, finally our IDEs are able to provide good quality autocompletion. They did not turn Python into statically typed language, though. If you put a wrong annotation (or forget to update it after code change), Python will still happily try to execute your program. It just may fail miserably. Type annotations are like comments – they do not really have any influence on the way how your program works. They have also the same disadvantage – once they become obsolete, they start leading developers astray. Type annotations advantage is that they have a very specific format (unlike comments) so can be used to build tools that will make your life easier and code better. In this article, you will learn how to start using mypy, even if you like to add it to your existing project.

For the needs of this article, I will be using a large legacy monolithic project written in Django. I won’t show any actual snippets from it (because I have NDA on that) but I will demonstrate how mypy can be added even to such a messy codebase.

Step 1: install mypy

The first step is as easy as pip install mypy

mypy works like a linter – it performs static code analysis just like pylint or pycodestyle. Hence, if you split your dependencies into dev and “production” ones, you want to include mypy in the first category. If you use poetry, you could do with the command: poetry add --dev mypy

Don’t run it yet because you will only see dozens to thousands of errors you can’t really do anything about.

Step 2: Create the most basic mypy.ini

Create a config file in the root directory of your backend code and call it mypy.ini:

ignore_missing_imports = True

If you decided to ignore my warning and run mypy, it must have complained a lot about Skipping analyzing '': found module but no type hints or library stubs

That happens because mypy tries to check if 3rd party libraries. However, a lot of Python libraries is simply not type-annotated (yet), so that’s why we ignore this type of error. In my case (legacy Django project) this particular error was raised 3718 times.

Ideally, you would now see zero complaints but that’s rarely a case. Even though I have no type annotations, mypy is still able to find some issues thanks to inferring (guessing) types. For example, it is able to tell if we use a non-existent field of an object.

Dynamic typing versus mypy

Before showing the next step, let’s digress for a moment. Even though mypy complains about a few code lines it does not necessarily mean the code there won’t work. Most likely it does, it is just that mypy is not able to confirm that. When you start to write type annotations you will learn to write code in a bit different way. It will be simpler to analyse by mypy so it will complain considerably less.

Bear in mind that mypy is still in active development. At the moment of writing this article, it was in version 0.770. The tool may sometimes give false negatives i.e. complain about working code. In such a case, when you are certain the code works (e.g. is covered by tests) then you just put # type: ignore comment at the end of the problematic line of code.

Step 3: Choose one area of code you want to type-annotate

It is unrealistic to expect that introducing type annotations and mypy is possible in a blink of an eye. In legacy projects (like the one I experiment on) it would be a titanic effort to type-annotate all the code. Worse, it could bring no real benefit because certainly some areas are not changed anymore. I am sure there is a plenty dead code. Moreover, mypy will definitely affect the way of working on the project for the whole team. Lastly, we may simply come to the conclusion it is not working for us and want to get rid of that.

The point I am trying to make is – start small. Choose one area of code and start adopting mypy there. Let’s call this an experiment.

My legacy Django project consists of 28 applications. I could just choose one of them but I can go even further, for example, enforce type hints in just one file. Go with the size you are comfortable with. As a rule of thumb, you should be able to type-annotate it in less than 2 days, possibly less.

I’ve chosen an area that is still used but not changing too often except for rare bug fixes. Let’s say the application I will type-annotate is called “blog”.

Step 4: Turn off type checking in all areas except your experiment

Now, change your mypy.ini to something like:

ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = False

Where blog is a module you want to start with. If you would like to start with an even narrower scope, you can add more submodules after the dot.

ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = False

Step 5: Run mypy

Now, type mypy . This will once again print errors, but hopefully not too many. In my case, it is just 9 errors in 3 files. Not that bad.

Step 6: Fix errors

As I mentioned above, there are certain patterns I would say that make mypy freakout. As an exercise, you should rewrite the code or just learn how to put # type: ignore comment 🙂

In my code, 4 out of 9 errors concerned dead code, so I removed it.

Another one was complaining about Django migration. Since I have no interest in annotating it, I disabled checking migrations path in mypy.ini.

ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = False

ignore_errors = True

Remaining four errors were all found in file. One of them complained about assigning short_description to a function:

# mypy output
error: "Callable[[Any, Any, Any], Any]" has no attribute "short_description"

# in code
def delete_selected(modeladmin, request, queryset):

delete_selected.short_description = "Delete selected SOMETHING #NDA"

mypy is right by saying the function indeed does not have short_description. On the other hand, this is Python and functions are objects. Hence, we can dynamically add properties to it in runtime. Since this is Django functionality, we can safely ignore it.

delete_selected.short_description = "Delete selected article language statuses"  # type: ignore

Three errors left. All of them are the same and they are false negatives (but blame’s on me, I fooled mypy into thinking the code will not work)

# mypy output
error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Type[BlogImage]", base class "MyAdminMixin" defined the type as "None")

# in code
class BlogImageInline(MyAdminMixin, admin.TabularInline):
    model = BlogImage  # this line is problematic

class MyAdminMixin:
    model = None

Simply saying, we inherit from a class that has a field declared with default value None. It is always overridden in subclasses, but mypy thinks we are doing something nasty that way. Well, in reality, we’re gonna always use a subclass of Django model here, so let’s just type annotate our mixin and get rid of final 3 errors:

from django.db import models
from typing import Type

class MyAdminMixin:
    model: Type[models.Model]

Step 7: Turn on more restrictive checks

By default mypy only checks code that either has type annotations or the type can be inferred. It doesn’t force writing type annotations on you, though eventually, you want it. It is much simpler to enforce it when starting a greenfield project, but not impossible in legacy codebases.

There is a lot of options to find out, but let’s start from the most useful two:

  • disallow_untyped_defs
  • disallow_untyped_calls

Just put them in your mypy.ini with value = True to start getting errors for missing type annotations.

ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = False
disallow_untyped_defs = True
disallow_untyped_calls = True

There are plenty of other options worth checking out. See The mypy configuration file.

Step 8: Fix errors

Now I got 122 errors from 13 files. The most common one is complaint about missing type annotations in a function. In other words, mypy wants us to put annotations for arguments and return types.

error: Function is missing a return type annotation

It doesn’t mean I have to do all this mundane work at once. For example, 62 out of 122 are coming from tests. I can as well disable checks there (at least temporarily) to focus on annotating views, serializers and models.

ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_errors = True

ignore_errors = False
disallow_untyped_defs = True
disallow_untyped_calls = True

disallow_untyped_defs = False
disallow_untyped_calls = False

Then, start adding annotations to functions…

# before
def translate_blog_post(source_language_id, destination_langauge_id):

# after
def translate_blog_post(source_language_id: int, destination_langauge_id: int) -> None:

Let mypy guide you. Run it often to fix new issues as they appear. For example, when you type annotate your functions, it will tell you about places when you misuse them, for example by giving None as an argument even though type annotation specifies it should be int.

The whole process can be tiresome, but it is the best way to learn how to write type annotations.

Step 9: Repeat steps 7-8

That’s it for our short guide of adopting mypy 🙂 Stay tuned for the next two parts where we are going to explore ways to automate type annotating codebases and learn about awesome tools that use type annotations to make your life easier and code better.

What can’t be covered by this is series is how to efficiently write type annotations. You need to practice on your own. Don’t forget to check out mypy and typing module’s documentation (links below).

Let me know in comments if you have encountered any interesting problems when trying to adopt mypy!

Further reading

  • The mypy configuration file
  • Type hints cheat sheet
  • typing module documentation
  • Dropbox: Our way to type checking 4 millions of Python


Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Python Type Checking

In this guide, you will get a look into Python type checking. Traditionally, types have been handled by the Python interpreter in a flexible but implicit way. Recent versions of Python allow you to specify explicit type hints that can be used by different tools to help you develop your code more efficiently.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the following:

  • Type annotations and type hints
  • Adding static types to code, both your code and the code of others
  • Running a static type checker
  • Enforcing types at runtime

This is a comprehensive guide that will cover a lot of ground. If you want to just get a quick glimpse of how type hints work in Python, and see whether type checking is something you would include in your code, you don’t need to read all of it. The two sections Hello Types and Pros and Cons will give you a taste of how type checking works and recommendations about when it’ll be useful.

Type Systems

All programming languages include some kind of type system that formalizes which categories of objects it can work with and how those categories are treated. For instance, a type system can define a numerical type, with 42 as one example of an object of numerical type.

Dynamic Typing

Python is a dynamically typed language. This means that the Python interpreter does type checking only as code runs, and that the type of a variable is allowed to change over its lifetime. The following dummy examples demonstrate that Python has dynamic typing:


>>> if False:
...     1 + "two"  # This line never runs, so no TypeError is raised
... else:
...     1 + 2

>>> 1 + "two"  # Now this is type checked, and a TypeError is raised
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

In the first example, the branch 1 + "two" never runs so it’s never type checked. The second example shows that when 1 + "two" is evaluated it raises a TypeError since you can’t add an integer and a string in Python.

Next, let’s see if variables can change type:


>>> thing = "Hello"
>>> type(thing)
<class 'str'>

>>> thing = 28.1
>>> type(thing)
<class 'float'>

type() returns the type of an object. These examples confirm that the type of thing is allowed to change, and Python correctly infers the type as it changes.

Static Typing

The opposite of dynamic typing is static typing. Static type checks are performed without running the program. In most statically typed languages, for instance C and Java, this is done as your program is compiled.

With static typing, variables generally are not allowed to change types, although mechanisms for casting a variable to a different type may exist.

Let’s look at a quick example from a statically typed language. Consider the following Java snippet:

String thing;
thing = "Hello";

The first line declares that the variable name thing is bound to the String type at compile time. The name can never be rebound to another type. In the second line, thing is assigned a value. It can never be assigned a value that is not a String object. For instance, if you were to later say thing = 28.1f the compiler would raise an error because of incompatible types.

Python will always remain a dynamically typed language. However, PEP 484 introduced type hints, which make it possible to also do static type checking of Python code.

Unlike how types work in most other statically typed languages, type hints by themselves don’t cause Python to enforce types. As the name says, type hints just suggest types. There are other tools, which you’ll see later, that perform static type checking using type hints.

Duck Typing

Another term that is often used when talking about Python is duck typing. This moniker comes from the phrase “if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck” (or any of its variations).

Duck typing is a concept related to dynamic typing, where the type or the class of an object is less important than the methods it defines. Using duck typing you do not check types at all. Instead you check for the presence of a given method or attribute.

As an example, you can call len() on any Python object that defines a .__len__() method:


>>> class TheHobbit:
...     def __len__(self):
...         return 95022
>>> the_hobbit = TheHobbit()
>>> len(the_hobbit)

Note that the call to len() gives the return value of the .__len__() method. In fact, the implementation of len() is essentially equivalent to the following:

def len(obj):
    return obj.__len__()

In order to call len(obj), the only real constraint on obj is that it must define a .__len__() method. Otherwise, the object can be of types as different as str, list, dict, or TheHobbit.

Duck typing is somewhat supported when doing static type checking of Python code, using structural subtyping. You’ll learn more about duck typing later.

Hello Types

In this section you’ll see how to add type hints to a function. The following function turns a text string into a headline by adding proper capitalization and a decorative line:

def headline(text, align=True):
    if align:
        return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
        return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")

By default the function returns the headline left aligned with an underline. By setting the align flag to False you can alternatively have the headline be centered with a surrounding line of o:


>>> print(headline("python type checking"))
Python Type Checking

>>> print(headline("python type checking", align=False))
oooooooooooooo Python Type Checking oooooooooooooo

It’s time for our first type hints! To add information about types to the function, you simply annotate its arguments and return value as follows:

def headline(text: str, align: bool = True) -> str:

The text: str syntax says that the text argument should be of type str. Similarly, the optional align argument should have type bool with the default value True. Finally, the -> str notation specifies that headline() will return a string.

In terms of style, PEP 8 recommends the following:

  • Use normal rules for colons, that is, no space before and one space after a colon: text: str.
  • Use spaces around the = sign when combining an argument annotation with a default value: align: bool = True.
  • Use spaces around the -> arrow: def headline(...) -> str.

Adding type hints like this has no runtime effect: they are only hints and are not enforced on their own. For instance, if we use a wrong type for the (admittedly badly named) align argument, the code still runs without any problems or warnings:


>>> print(headline("python type checking", align="left"))
Python Type Checking

To catch this kind of error you can use a static type checker. That is, a tool that checks the types of your code without actually running it in the traditional sense.

You might already have such a type checker built into your editor. For instance PyCharm immediately gives you a warning:

PyCharm flagging a type error

The most common tool for doing type checking is Mypy though. You’ll get a short introduction to Mypy in a moment, while you can learn much more about how it works later.

If you don’t already have Mypy on your system, you can install it using pip:

Put the following code in a file called

 3def headline(text: str, align: bool = True) -> str:
 4    if align:
 5        return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
 6    else:
 7        return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")
 9print(headline("python type checking"))
10print(headline("use mypy", align="center"))

This is essentially the same code you saw earlier: the definition of headline() and two examples that are using it.

Now run Mypy on this code:

$ mypy error: Argument "align" to "headline" has incompatible
                        type "str"; expected "bool"

Based on the type hints, Mypy is able to tell us that we are using the wrong type on line 10.

To fix the issue in the code you should change the value of the align argument you are passing in. You might also rename the align flag to something less confusing:

 3def headline(text: str, centered: bool = False) -> str:
 4    if not centered:
 5        return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
 6    else:
 7        return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")
 9print(headline("python type checking"))
10print(headline("use mypy", centered=True))

Here you’ve changed align to centered, and correctly used a Boolean value for centered when calling headline(). The code now passes Mypy:

$ mypy
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

The success message confirms there were no type errors detected. Older versions of Mypy used to indicate this by showing no output at all. Furthermore, when you run the code you see the expected output:

$ python
Python Type Checking
oooooooooooooooooooo Use Mypy oooooooooooooooooooo

The first headline is aligned to the left, while the second one is centered.

Pros and Cons

The previous section gave you a little taste of what type checking in Python looks like. You also saw an example of one of the advantages of adding types to your code: type hints help catch certain errors. Other advantages include:

  • Type hints help document your code. Traditionally, you would use docstrings if you wanted to document the expected types of a function’s arguments. This works, but as there is no standard for docstrings (despite PEP 257 they can’t be easily used for automatic checks.

  • Type hints improve IDEs and linters. They make it much easier to statically reason about your code. This in turn allows IDEs to offer better code completion and similar features. With the type annotation, PyCharm knows that text is a string, and can give specific suggestions based on this:

    Code completion in PyCharm on a typed variable

  • Type hints help you build and maintain a cleaner architecture. The act of writing type hints forces you to think about the types in your program. While the dynamic nature of Python is one of its great assets, being conscious about relying on duck typing, overloaded methods, or multiple return types is a good thing.

Of course, static type checking is not all peaches and cream. There are also some downsides you should consider:

  • Type hints take developer time and effort to add. Even though it probably pays off in spending less time debugging, you will spend more time entering code.

  • Type hints work best in modern Pythons. Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, and it’s possible to use type comments in Python 2.7. Still, improvements like variable annotations and postponed evaluation of type hints mean that you’ll have a better experience doing type checks using Python 3.6 or even Python 3.7.

  • Type hints introduce a slight penalty in startup time. If you need to use the typing module the import time may be significant, especially in short scripts.

You’ll later learn about the typing module, and how it’s necessary in most cases when you add type hints. Importing modules necessarily take some time, but how much?

To get some idea about this, create two files: should be an empty file, while should contain the following line:

On Linux it’s quite easy to check how much time the typing import takes using the perf utility:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.6

 Performance counter stats for 'python3.6' (1000 runs):

 [ ... extra information hidden for brevity ... ]

       0.045161650 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.77% )

So running the import script takes about 45 milliseconds. Of course this is not all time spent on importing typing. Some of this is overhead in starting the Python interpreter, so let’s compare to running Python on an empty file:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.6

 Performance counter stats for 'python3.6' (1000 runs):

 [ ... extra information hidden for brevity ... ]

       0.028077845 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.49% )

Based on this test, the import of the typing module takes around 17 milliseconds on Python 3.6.

One of the advertised improvements in Python 3.7 is faster startup. Let’s see if the results are different:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.7
       0.025979806 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.31% )

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.7
       0.020002505 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.30% )

Indeed, the general startup time is reduced by about 8 milliseconds, and the time to import typing is down from 17 to around 6 milliseconds—almost 3 times faster.

Using timeit

There are similar tools on other platforms. Python itself comes with the timeit module in the standard library. Typically, we would directly use timeit for the timings above. However, timeit struggles to time imports reliably because Python is clever about importing modules only once. Consider the following example:

$ python3.6 -m timeit "import typing"
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.134 usec per loop

While you get a result, you should be suspicious about the result: 0.1 microsecond is more than 100000 times faster than what perf measured! What timeit has actually done is to run the import typing statement 30 million times, with Python actually only importing typing once.

To get reasonable results you can tell timeit to only run once:

$ python3.6 -m timeit -n 1 -r 1 "import typing"
1 loops, best of 1: 9.77 msec per loop
$ python3.7 -m timeit -n 1 -r 1 "import typing"
1 loop, best of 1: 1.97 msec per loop

These results are on the same scale as the results from perf above. However, since these are based on only one execution of the code, they are not as reliable as those based on multiple runs.

The conclusion in both these cases is that importing typing takes a few milliseconds. For the majority of programs and scripts you write this will probably not be an issue.

The New importtime Option

In Python 3.7 there is also a new command line option that can be used to figure out how much time imports take. Using -X importtime you’ll get a report about all imports that are made:

$ python3.7 -X importtime
import time: self [us] | cumulative | imported package
[ ... some information hidden for brevity ... ]
import time:       358 |        358 | zipimport
import time:      2107 |      14610 | site
import time:       272 |        272 |
import time:       664 |       3058 |   re
import time:      3044 |       6373 | typing

This shows a similar result. Importing typing takes about 6 milliseconds. If you’ll read the report closely you can notice that around half of this time is spent on importing the and re modules which typing depends on.

So, should you use static type checking in your own code? Well, it’s not an all-or-nothing question. Luckily, Python supports the concept of gradual typing. This means that you can gradually introduce types into your code. Code without type hints will be ignored by the static type checker. Therefore, you can start adding types to critical components, and continue as long as it adds value to you.

Looking at the lists above of pros and cons you’ll notice that adding types will have no effect on your running program or the users of your program. Type checking is meant to make your life as a developer better and more convenient.

A few rules of thumb on whether to add types to your project are:

  • If you are just beginning to learn Python, you can safely wait with type hints until you have more experience.

  • Type hints add little value in short throw-away scripts.

  • In libraries that will be used by others, especially ones published on PyPI, type hints add a lot of value. Other code using your libraries need these type hints to be properly type checked itself. For examples of projects using type hints see cursive_re, black, our own Real Python Reader, and Mypy itself.

  • In bigger projects, type hints help you understand how types flow through your code, and are highly recommended. Even more so in projects where you cooperate with others.

In his excellent article The State of Type Hints in Python Bernát Gábor recommends that “type hints should be used whenever unit tests are worth writing.” Indeed, type hints play a similar role as tests in your code: they help you as a developer write better code.

Hopefully you now have an idea about how type checking works in Python and whether it’s something you would like to employ in your own projects.

In the rest of this guide, we’ll go into more detail about the Python type system, including how you run static type checkers (with particular focus on Mypy), how you type check code that uses libraries without type hints, and how you use annotations at runtime.


Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, originally without any specific purpose. They were simply a way to associate arbitrary expressions to function arguments and return values.

Years later, PEP 484 defined how to add type hints to your Python code, based off work that Jukka Lehtosalo had done on his Ph.D. project—Mypy. The main way to add type hints is using annotations. As type checking is becoming more and more common, this also means that annotations should mainly be reserved for type hints.

The next sections explain how annotations work in the context of type hints.

Function Annotations

For functions, you can annotate arguments and the return value. This is done as follows:

def func(arg: arg_type, optarg: arg_type = default) -> return_type:

For arguments the syntax is argument: annotation, while the return type is annotated using -> annotation. Note that the annotation must be a valid Python expression.

The following simple example adds annotations to a function that calculates the circumference of a circle:

import math

def circumference(radius: float) -> float:
    return 2 * math.pi * radius

When running the code, you can also inspect the annotations. They are stored in a special .__annotations__ attribute on the function:


>>> circumference(1.23)

>>> circumference.__annotations__
{'radius': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'float'>}

Sometimes you might be confused by how Mypy is interpreting your type hints. For those cases there are special Mypy expressions: reveal_type() and reveal_locals(). You can add these to your code before running Mypy, and Mypy will dutifully report which types it has inferred. As an example, save the following code to

 3import math
 6radius = 1
 7circumference = 2 * math.pi * radius

Next, run this code through Mypy:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float' error: Revealed local types are: error: circumference: builtins.float error: radius:

Even without any annotations Mypy has correctly inferred the types of the built-in math.pi, as well as our local variables radius and circumference.

If Mypy says that “Name ‘reveal_locals‘ is not defined” you might need to update your Mypy installation. The reveal_locals() expression is available in Mypy version 0.610 and later.

Variable Annotations

In the definition of circumference() in the previous section, you only annotated the arguments and the return value. You did not add any annotations inside the function body. More often than not, this is enough.

However, sometimes the type checker needs help in figuring out the types of variables as well. Variable annotations were defined in PEP 526 and introduced in Python 3.6. The syntax is the same as for function argument annotations:

pi: float = 3.142

def circumference(radius: float) -> float:
    return 2 * pi * radius

The variable pi has been annotated with the float type hint.

Annotations of variables are stored in the module level __annotations__ dictionary:


>>> circumference(1)

>>> __annotations__
{'pi': <class 'float'>}

You’re allowed to annotate a variable without giving it a value. This adds the annotation to the __annotations__ dictionary, while the variable remains undefined:


>>> nothing: str
>>> nothing
NameError: name 'nothing' is not defined

>>> __annotations__
{'nothing': <class 'str'>}

Since no value was assigned to nothing, the name nothing is not yet defined.

Playing With Python Types, Part 1

Up until now you’ve only used basic types like str, float, and bool in your type hints. The Python type system is quite powerful, and supports many kinds of more complex types. This is necessary as it needs to be able to reasonably model Python’s dynamic duck typing nature.

In this section you will learn more about this type system, while implementing a simple card game. You will see how to specify:

  • The type of sequences and mappings like tuples, lists and dictionaries
  • Type aliases that make code easier to read
  • That functions and methods do not return anything
  • Objects that may be of any type

After a short detour into some type theory you will then see even more ways to specify types in Python. You can find the code examples from this section here.

Example: A Deck of Cards

The following example shows an implementation of a regular (French) deck of cards:

 3import random
 5SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 6RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
 8def create_deck(shuffle=False):
 9    """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
10    deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
11    if shuffle:
12        random.shuffle(deck)
13    return deck
15def deal_hands(deck):
16    """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
17    return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])
19def play():
20    """Play a 4-player card game"""
21    deck = create_deck(shuffle=True)
22    names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
23    hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, deal_hands(deck))}
25    for name, cards in hands.items():
26        card_str = " ".join(f"{s}{r}" for (s, r) in cards)
27        print(f"{name}: {card_str}")
29if __name__ == "__main__":
30    play()

Each card is represented as a tuple of strings denoting the suit and rank. The deck is represented as a list of cards. create_deck() creates a regular deck of 52 playing cards, and optionally shuffles the cards. deal_hands() deals the deck of cards to four players.

Finally, play() plays the game. As of now, it only prepares for a card game by constructing a shuffled deck and dealing cards to each player. The following is a typical output:

$ python
P4: ♣9 ♢9 ♡2 ♢7 ♡7 ♣A ♠6 ♡K ♡5 ♢6 ♢3 ♣3 ♣Q
P1: ♡A ♠2 ♠10 ♢J ♣10 ♣4 ♠5 ♡Q ♢5 ♣6 ♠A ♣5 ♢4
P2: ♢2 ♠7 ♡8 ♢K ♠3 ♡3 ♣K ♠J ♢A ♣7 ♡6 ♡10 ♠K
P3: ♣2 ♣8 ♠8 ♣J ♢Q ♡9 ♡J ♠4 ♢8 ♢10 ♠9 ♡4 ♠Q

You will see how to extend this example into a more interesting game as we move along.

Sequences and Mappings

Let’s add type hints to our card game. In other words, let’s annotate the functions create_deck(), deal_hands(), and play(). The first challenge is that you need to annotate composite types like the list used to represent the deck of cards and the tuples used to represent the cards themselves.

With simple types like str, float, and bool, adding type hints is as easy as using the type itself:


>>> name: str = "Guido"
>>> pi: float = 3.142
>>> centered: bool = False

With composite types, you are allowed to do the same:


>>> names: list = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
>>> version: tuple = (3, 7, 1)
>>> options: dict = {"centered": False, "capitalize": True}

However, this does not really tell the full story. What will be the types of names[2], version[0], and options["centered"]? In this concrete case you can see that they are str, int, and bool, respectively. However, the type hints themselves give no information about this.

Instead, you should use the special types defined in the typing module. These types add syntax for specifying the types of elements of composite types. You can write the following:


>>> from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

>>> names: List[str] = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
>>> version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (3, 7, 1)
>>> options: Dict[str, bool] = {"centered": False, "capitalize": True}

Note that each of these types start with a capital letter and that they all use square brackets to define item types:

  • names is a list of strings
  • version is a 3-tuple consisting of three integers
  • options is a dictionary mapping strings to Boolean values

The typing module contains many more composite types, including Counter, Deque, FrozenSet, NamedTuple, and Set. In addition, the module includes other kinds of types that you’ll see in later sections.

Let’s return to the card game. A card is represented by a tuple of two strings. You can write this as Tuple[str, str], so the type of the deck of cards becomes List[Tuple[str, str]]. Therefore you can annotate create_deck() as follows:

 8def create_deck(shuffle: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
 9    """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
10    deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
11    if shuffle:
12        random.shuffle(deck)
13    return deck

In addition to the return value, you’ve also added the bool type to the optional shuffle argument.

In many cases your functions will expect some kind of sequence, and not really care whether it is a list or a tuple. In these cases you should use typing.Sequence when annotating the function argument:

from typing import List, Sequence

def square(elems: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]:
    return [x**2 for x in elems]

Using Sequence is an example of using duck typing. A Sequence is anything that supports len() and .__getitem__(), independent of its actual type.

Type Aliases

The type hints might become quite oblique when working with nested types like the deck of cards. You may need to stare at List[Tuple[str, str]] a bit before figuring out that it matches our representation of a deck of cards.

Now consider how you would annotate deal_hands():

15def deal_hands(
16    deck: List[Tuple[str, str]]
17) -> Tuple[
18    List[Tuple[str, str]],
19    List[Tuple[str, str]],
20    List[Tuple[str, str]],
21    List[Tuple[str, str]],
23    """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
24    return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])

That’s just terrible!

Recall that type annotations are regular Python expressions. That means that you can define your own type aliases by assigning them to new variables. You can for instance create Card and Deck type aliases:

from typing import List, Tuple

Card = Tuple[str, str]
Deck = List[Card]

Card can now be used in type hints or in the definition of new type aliases, like Deck in the example above.

Using these aliases, the annotations of deal_hands() become much more readable:

15def deal_hands(deck: Deck) -> Tuple[Deck, Deck, Deck, Deck]:
16    """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
17    return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])

Type aliases are great for making your code and its intent clearer. At the same time, these aliases can be inspected to see what they represent:


>>> from typing import List, Tuple
>>> Card = Tuple[str, str]
>>> Deck = List[Card]

>>> Deck
typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]]

Note that when printing Deck, it shows that it’s an alias for a list of 2-tuples of strings.

Functions Without Return Values

You may know that functions without an explicit return still return None:


>>> def play(player_name):
...     print(f"{player_name} plays")

>>> ret_val = play("Jacob")
Jacob plays

>>> print(ret_val)

While such functions technically return something, that return value is not useful. You should add type hints saying as much by using None also as the return type:

 3def play(player_name: str) -> None:
 4    print(f"{player_name} plays")
 6ret_val = play("Filip")

The annotations help catch the kinds of subtle bugs where you are trying to use a meaningless return value. Mypy will give you a helpful warning:

$ mypy error: "play" does not return a value

Note that being explicit about a function not returning anything is different from not adding a type hint about the return value:


def play(player_name: str):
    print(f"{player_name} plays")

ret_val = play("Henrik")

In this latter case Mypy has no information about the return value so it will not generate any warning:

$ mypy
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

As a more exotic case, note that you can also annotate functions that are never expected to return normally. This is done using NoReturn:

from typing import NoReturn

def black_hole() -> NoReturn:
    raise Exception("There is no going back ...")

Since black_hole() always raises an exception, it will never return properly.

Example: Play Some Cards

Let’s return to our card game example. In this second version of the game, we deal a hand of cards to each player as before. Then a start player is chosen and the players take turns playing their cards. There are not really any rules in the game though, so the players will just play random cards:

 3import random
 4from typing import List, Tuple
 6SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 7RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
 9Card = Tuple[str, str]
10Deck = List[Card]
12def create_deck(shuffle: bool = False) -> Deck:
13    """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
14    deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
15    if shuffle:
16        random.shuffle(deck)
17    return deck
19def deal_hands(deck: Deck) -> Tuple[Deck, Deck, Deck, Deck]:
20    """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
21    return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])
23def choose(items):
24    """Choose and return a random item"""
25    return random.choice(items)
27def player_order(names, start=None):
28    """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
29    if start is None:
30        start = choose(names)
31    start_idx = names.index(start)
32    return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]
34def play() -> None:
35    """Play a 4-player card game"""
36    deck = create_deck(shuffle=True)
37    names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
38    hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, deal_hands(deck))}
39    start_player = choose(names)
40    turn_order = player_order(names, start=start_player)
42    # Randomly play cards from each player's hand until empty
43    while hands[start_player]:
44        for name in turn_order:
45            card = choose(hands[name])
46            hands[name].remove(card)
47            print(f"{name}: {card[0] + card[1]:<3}  ", end="")
48        print()
50if __name__ == "__main__":
51    play()

Note that in addition to changing play(), we have added two new functions that need type hints: choose() and player_order(). Before discussing how we’ll add type hints to them, here is an example output from running the game:

$ python
P3: ♢10  P4: ♣4   P1: ♡8   P2: ♡Q
P3: ♣8   P4: ♠6   P1: ♠5   P2: ♡K
P3: ♢9   P4: ♡J   P1: ♣A   P2: ♡A
P3: ♠Q   P4: ♠3   P1: ♠7   P2: ♠A
P3: ♡4   P4: ♡6   P1: ♣2   P2: ♠K
P3: ♣K   P4: ♣7   P1: ♡7   P2: ♠2
P3: ♣10  P4: ♠4   P1: ♢5   P2: ♡3
P3: ♣Q   P4: ♢K   P1: ♣J   P2: ♡9
P3: ♢2   P4: ♢4   P1: ♠9   P2: ♠10
P3: ♢A   P4: ♡5   P1: ♠J   P2: ♢Q
P3: ♠8   P4: ♢7   P1: ♢3   P2: ♢J
P3: ♣3   P4: ♡10  P1: ♣9   P2: ♡2
P3: ♢6   P4: ♣6   P1: ♣5   P2: ♢8

In this example, player P3 was randomly chosen as the starting player. In turn, each player plays a card: first P3, then P4, then P1, and finally P2. The players keep playing cards as long as they have any left in their hand.

The Any Type

choose() works for both lists of names and lists of cards (and any other sequence for that matter). One way to add type hints for this would be the following:

import random
from typing import Any, Sequence

def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
    return random.choice(items)

This means more or less what it says: items is a sequence that can contain items of any type and choose() will return one such item of any type. Unfortunately, this is not that useful. Consider the following example:

 3import random
 4from typing import Any, Sequence
 6def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
 7    return random.choice(items)
 9names = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
12name = choose(names)

While Mypy will correctly infer that names is a list of strings, that information is lost after the call to choose() because of the use of the Any type:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str*]' error: Revealed type is 'Any'

You’ll see a better way shortly. First though, let’s have a more theoretical look at the Python type system, and the special role Any plays.

Type Theory

This tutorial is mainly a practical guide and we will only scratch the surface of the theory underpinning Python type hints. For more details PEP 483 is a good starting point. If you want to get back to the practical examples, feel free to skip to the next section.


One important concept is that of subtypes. Formally, we say that a type T is a subtype of U if the following two conditions hold:

  • Every value from T is also in the set of values of U type.
  • Every function from U type is also in the set of functions of T type.

These two conditions guarantees that even if type T is different from U, variables of type T can always pretend to be U.

For a concrete example, consider T = bool and U = int. The bool type takes only two values. Usually these are denoted True and False, but these names are just aliases for the integer values 1 and 0, respectively:


>>> int(False)

>>> int(True)

>>> True + True

>>> issubclass(bool, int)

Since 0 and 1 are both integers, the first condition holds. Above you can see that Booleans can be added together, but they can also do anything else integers can. This is the second condition above. In other words, bool is a subtype of int.

The importance of subtypes is that a subtype can always pretend to be its supertype. For instance, the following code type checks as correct:

def double(number: int) -> int:
    return number * 2

print(double(True))  # Passing in bool instead of int

Subtypes are somewhat related to subclasses. In fact all subclasses corresponds to subtypes, and bool is a subtype of int because bool is a subclass of int. However, there are also subtypes that do not correspond to subclasses. For instance int is a subtype of float, but int is not a subclass of float.

Covariant, Contravariant, and Invariant

What happens when you use subtypes inside composite types? For instance, is Tuple[bool] a subtype of Tuple[int]? The answer depends on the composite type, and whether that type is covariant, contravariant, or invariant. This gets technical fast, so let’s just give a few examples:

  • Tuple is covariant. This means that it preserves the type hierarchy of its item types: Tuple[bool] is a subtype of Tuple[int] because bool is a subtype of int.

  • List is invariant. Invariant types give no guarantee about subtypes. While all values of List[bool] are values of List[int], you can append an int to List[int] and not to List[bool]. In other words, the second condition for subtypes does not hold, and List[bool] is not a subtype of List[int].

  • Callable is contravariant in its arguments. This means that it reverses the type hierarchy. You will see how Callable works later, but for now think of Callable[[T], ...] as a function with its only argument being of type T. An example of a Callable[[int], ...] is the double() function defined above. Being contravariant means that if a function operating on a bool is expected, then a function operating on an int would be acceptable.

In general, you don’t need to keep these expression straight. However, you should be aware that subtypes and composite types may not be simple and intuitive.

Gradual Typing and Consistent Types

Earlier we mentioned that Python supports gradual typing, where you can gradually add type hints to your Python code. Gradual typing is essentially made possible by the Any type.

Somehow Any sits both at the top and at the bottom of the type hierarchy of subtypes. Any type behaves as if it is a subtype of Any, and Any behaves as if it is a subtype of any other type. Looking at the definition of subtypes above this is not really possible. Instead we talk about consistent types.

The type T is consistent with the type U if T is a subtype of U or either T or U is Any.

The type checker only complains about inconsistent types. The takeaway is therefore that you will never see type errors arising from the Any type.

This means that you can use Any to explicitly fall back to dynamic typing, describe types that are too complex to describe in the Python type system, or describe items in composite types. For instance, a dictionary with string keys that can take any type as its values can be annotated Dict[str, Any].

Do remember, though, if you use Any the static type checker will effectively not do any type any checking.

Playing With Python Types, Part 2

Let’s return to our practical examples. Recall that you were trying to annotate the general choose() function:

import random
from typing import Any, Sequence

def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
    return random.choice(items)

The problem with using Any is that you are needlessly losing type information. You know that if you pass a list of strings to choose(), it will return a string. Below you’ll see how to express this using type variables, as well as how to work with:

  • Duck types and protocols
  • Arguments with None as default value
  • Class methods
  • The type of your own classes
  • Variable number of arguments

Type Variables

A type variable is a special variable that can take on any type, depending on the situation.

Let’s create a type variable that will effectively encapsulate the behavior of choose():

 3import random
 4from typing import Sequence, TypeVar
 6Choosable = TypeVar("Choosable")
 8def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:
 9    return random.choice(items)
11names = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
14name = choose(names)

A type variable must be defined using TypeVar from the typing module. When used, a type variable ranges over all possible types and takes the most specific type possible. In the example, name is now a str:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str*]' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*'

Consider a few other examples:

 3from choose import choose
 5reveal_type(choose(["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]))
 6reveal_type(choose([1, 2, 3]))
 7reveal_type(choose([True, 42, 3.14]))
 8reveal_type(choose(["Python", 3, 7]))

The first two examples should have type str and int, but what about the last two? The individual list items have different types, and in that case the Choosable type variable does its best to accommodate:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*' error: Revealed type is '*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.object*'

As you’ve already seen bool is a subtype of int, which again is a subtype of float. So in the third example the return value of choose() is guaranteed to be something that can be thought of as a float. In the last example, there is no subtype relationship between str and int, so the best that can be said about the return value is that it is an object.

Note that none of these examples raised a type error. Is there a way to tell the type checker that choose() should accept both strings and numbers, but not both at the same time?

You can constrain type variables by listing the acceptable types:

 3import random
 4from typing import Sequence, TypeVar
 6Choosable = TypeVar("Choosable", str, float)
 8def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:
 9    return random.choice(items)
11reveal_type(choose(["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]))
12reveal_type(choose([1, 2, 3]))
13reveal_type(choose([True, 42, 3.14]))
14reveal_type(choose(["Python", 3, 7]))

Now Choosable can only be either str or float, and Mypy will note that the last example is an error:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.object*' error: Value of type variable "Choosable" of "choose"
                     cannot be "object"

Also note that in the second example the type is considered float even though the input list only contains int objects. This is because Choosable was restricted to strings and floats and int is a subtype of float.

In our card game we want to restrict choose() to be used for str and Card:

Choosable = TypeVar("Choosable", str, Card)

def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:

We briefly mentioned that Sequence represents both lists and tuples. As we noted, a Sequence can be thought of as a duck type, since it can be any object with .__len__() and .__getitem__() implemented.

Duck Types and Protocols

Recall the following example from the introduction:

def len(obj):
    return obj.__len__()

len() can return the length of any object that has implemented the .__len__() method. How can we add type hints to len(), and in particular the obj argument?

The answer hides behind the academic sounding term structural subtyping. One way to categorize type systems is by whether they are nominal or structural:

  • In a nominal system, comparisons between types are based on names and declarations. The Python type system is mostly nominal, where an int can be used in place of a float because of their subtype relationship.

  • In a structural system, comparisons between types are based on structure. You could define a structural type Sized that includes all instances that define .__len__(), irrespective of their nominal type.

There is ongoing work to bring a full-fledged structural type system to Python through PEP 544 which aims at adding a concept called protocols. Most of PEP 544 is already implemented in Mypy though.

A protocol specifies one or more methods that must be implemented. For example, all classes defining .__len__() fulfill the typing.Sized protocol. We can therefore annotate len() as follows:

from typing import Sized

def len(obj: Sized) -> int:
    return obj.__len__()

Other examples of protocols defined in the typing module include Container, Iterable, Awaitable, and ContextManager.

You can also define your own protocols. This is done by inheriting from Protocol and defining the function signatures (with empty function bodies) that the protocol expects. The following example shows how len() and Sized could have been implemented:

from typing_extensions import Protocol

class Sized(Protocol):
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...

def len(obj: Sized) -> int:
    return obj.__len__()

At the time of writing the support for self-defined protocols is still experimental and only available through the typing_extensions module. This module must be explicitly installed from PyPI by doing pip install typing-extensions.

The Optional Type

A common pattern in Python is to use None as a default value for an argument. This is usually done either to avoid problems with mutable default values or to have a sentinel value flagging special behavior.

In the card example, the player_order() function uses None as a sentinel value for start saying that if no start player is given it should be chosen randomly:

27def player_order(names, start=None):
28    """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
29    if start is None:
30        start = choose(names)
31    start_idx = names.index(start)
32    return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]

The challenge this creates for type hinting is that in general start should be a string. However, it may also take the special non-string value None.

In order to annotate such arguments you can use the Optional type:

from typing import Sequence, Optional

def player_order(
    names: Sequence[str], start: Optional[str] = None
) -> Sequence[str]:

The Optional type simply says that a variable either has the type specified or is None. An equivalent way of specifying the same would be using the Union type: Union[None, str]

Note that when using either Optional or Union you must take care that the variable has the correct type when you operate on it. This is done in the example by testing whether start is None. Not doing so would cause both static type errors as well as possible runtime errors:

 3from typing import Sequence, Optional
 5def player_order(
 6    names: Sequence[str], start: Optional[str] = None
 7) -> Sequence[str]:
 8    start_idx = names.index(start)
 9    return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]

Mypy tells you that you have not taken care of the case where start is None:

$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "index" of "list" has incompatible
                          type "Optional[str]"; expected "str"

Example: The Object(ive) of the Game

Let’s rewrite the card game to be more object-oriented. This will allow us to discuss how to properly annotate classes and methods.

A more or less direct translation of our card game into code that uses classes for Card, Deck, Player, and Game looks something like the following:

 3import random
 4import sys
 6class Card:
 7    SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 8    RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
10    def __init__(self, suit, rank):
11        self.suit = suit
12        self.rank = rank
14    def __repr__(self):
15        return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"
17class Deck:
18    def __init__(self, cards):
19 = cards
21    @classmethod
22    def create(cls, shuffle=False):
23        """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
24        cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
25        if shuffle:
26            random.shuffle(cards)
27        return cls(cards)
29    def deal(self, num_hands):
30        """Deal the cards in the deck into a number of hands"""
31        cls = self.__class__
32        return tuple(cls([i::num_hands]) for i in range(num_hands))
34class Player:
35    def __init__(self, name, hand):
36 = name
37        self.hand = hand
39    def play_card(self):
40        """Play a card from the player's hand"""
41        card = random.choice(
43        print(f"{}: {card!r:<3}  ", end="")
44        return card
46class Game:
47    def __init__(self, *names):
48        """Set up the deck and deal cards to 4 players"""
49        deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
50        self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
51        self.hands = {
52            n: Player(n, h) for n, h in zip(self.names,
53        }
55    def play(self):
56        """Play a card game"""
57        start_player = random.choice(self.names)
58        turn_order = self.player_order(start=start_player)
60        # Play cards from each player's hand until empty
61        while self.hands[start_player]
62            for name in turn_order:
63                self.hands[name].play_card()
64            print()
66    def player_order(self, start=None):
67        """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
68        if start is None:
69            start = random.choice(self.names)
70        start_idx = self.names.index(start)
71        return self.names[start_idx:] + self.names[:start_idx]
73if __name__ == "__main__":
74    # Read player names from command line
75    player_names = sys.argv[1:]
76    game = Game(*player_names)

Now let’s add types to this code.

Type Hints for Methods

First of all type hints for methods work much the same as type hints for functions. The only difference is that the self argument need not be annotated, as it always will be a class instance. The types of the Card class are easy to add:

 6class Card:
 7    SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 8    RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
10    def __init__(self, suit: str, rank: str) -> None:
11        self.suit = suit
12        self.rank = rank
14    def __repr__(self) -> str:
15        return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"

Note that the .__init__() method always should have None as its return type.

Classes as Types

There is a correspondence between classes and types. For example, all instances of the Card class together form the Card type. To use classes as types you simply use the name of the class.

For example, a Deck essentially consists of a list of Card objects. You can annotate this as follows:

17class Deck:
18    def __init__(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None:
19 = cards

Mypy is able to connect your use of Card in the annotation with the definition of the Card class.

This doesn’t work as cleanly though when you need to refer to the class currently being defined. For example, the Deck.create() class method returns an object with type Deck. However, you can’t simply add -> Deck as the Deck class is not yet fully defined.

Instead, you are allowed to use string literals in annotations. These strings will only be evaluated by the type checker later, and can therefore contain self and forward references. The .create() method should use such string literals for its types:

20class Deck:
21    @classmethod
22    def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> "Deck":
23        """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
24        cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
25        if shuffle:
26            random.shuffle(cards)
27        return cls(cards)

Note that the Player class also will reference the Deck class. This is however no problem, since Deck is defined before Player:

34class Player:
35    def __init__(self, name: str, hand: Deck) -> None:
36 = name
37        self.hand = hand

Usually annotations are not used at runtime. This has given wings to the idea of postponing the evaluation of annotations. Instead of evaluating annotations as Python expressions and storing their value, the proposal is to store the string representation of the annotation and only evaluate it when needed.

Such functionality is planned to become standard in the still mythical Python 4.0. However, in Python 3.7 and later, forward references are available through a __future__ import:

from __future__ import annotations

class Deck:
    def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> Deck:

With the __future__ import you can use Deck instead of "Deck" even before Deck is defined.

Returning self or cls

As noted, you should typically not annotate the self or cls arguments. Partly, this is not necessary as self points to an instance of the class, so it will have the type of the class. In the Card example, self has the implicit type Card. Also, adding this type explicitly would be cumbersome since the class is not defined yet. You would have to use the string literal syntax, self: "Card".

There is one case where you might want to annotate self or cls, though. Consider what happens if you have a superclass that other classes inherit from, and which has methods that return self or cls:

 3from datetime import date
 5class Animal:
 6    def __init__(self, name: str, birthday: date) -> None:
 7 = name
 8        self.birthday = birthday
10    @classmethod
11    def newborn(cls, name: str) -> "Animal":
12        return cls(name,
14    def twin(self, name: str) -> "Animal":
15        cls = self.__class__
16        return cls(name, self.birthday)
18class Dog(Animal):
19    def bark(self) -> None:
20        print(f"{} says woof!")
22fido = Dog.newborn("Fido")
23pluto = fido.twin("Pluto")

While the code runs without problems, Mypy will flag a problem:

$ mypy error: "Animal" has no attribute "bark" error: "Animal" has no attribute "bark"

The issue is that even though the inherited Dog.newborn() and Dog.twin() methods will return a Dog the annotation says that they return an Animal.

In cases like this you want to be more careful to make sure the annotation is correct. The return type should match the type of self or the instance type of cls. This can be done using type variables that keep track of what is actually passed to self and cls:


from datetime import date
from typing import Type, TypeVar

TAnimal = TypeVar("TAnimal", bound="Animal")

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name: str, birthday: date) -> None: = name
        self.birthday = birthday

    def newborn(cls: Type[TAnimal], name: str) -> TAnimal:
        return cls(name,

    def twin(self: TAnimal, name: str) -> TAnimal:
        cls = self.__class__
        return cls(name, self.birthday)

class Dog(Animal):
    def bark(self) -> None:
        print(f"{} says woof!")

fido = Dog.newborn("Fido")
pluto = fido.twin("Pluto")

There are a few things to note in this example:

  • The type variable TAnimal is used to denote that return values might be instances of subclasses of Animal.

  • We specify that Animal is an upper bound for TAnimal. Specifying bound means that TAnimal will only be Animal or one of its subclasses. This is needed to properly restrict the types that are allowed.

  • The typing.Type[] construct is the typing equivalent of type(). You need it to note that the class method expects a class and returns an instance of that class.

Annotating *args and **kwargs

In the object oriented version of the game, we added the option to name the players on the command line. This is done by listing player names after the name of the program:

$ python GeirArne Dan Joanna
Dan: ♢A   Joanna: ♡9   P1: ♣A   GeirArne: ♣2
Dan: ♡A   Joanna: ♡6   P1: ♠4   GeirArne: ♢8
Dan: ♢K   Joanna: ♢Q   P1: ♣K   GeirArne: ♠5
Dan: ♡2   Joanna: ♡J   P1: ♠7   GeirArne: ♡K
Dan: ♢10  Joanna: ♣3   P1: ♢4   GeirArne: ♠8
Dan: ♣6   Joanna: ♡Q   P1: ♣Q   GeirArne: ♢J
Dan: ♢2   Joanna: ♡4   P1: ♣8   GeirArne: ♡7
Dan: ♡10  Joanna: ♢3   P1: ♡3   GeirArne: ♠2
Dan: ♠K   Joanna: ♣5   P1: ♣7   GeirArne: ♠J
Dan: ♠6   Joanna: ♢9   P1: ♣J   GeirArne: ♣10
Dan: ♠3   Joanna: ♡5   P1: ♣9   GeirArne: ♠Q
Dan: ♠A   Joanna: ♠9   P1: ♠10  GeirArne: ♡8
Dan: ♢6   Joanna: ♢5   P1: ♢7   GeirArne: ♣4

This is implemented by unpacking and passing in sys.argv to Game() when it’s instantiated. The .__init__() method uses *names to pack the given names into a tuple.

Regarding type annotations: even though names will be a tuple of strings, you should only annotate the type of each name. In other words, you should use str and not Tuple[str]:

46class Game:
47    def __init__(self, *names: str) -> None:
48        """Set up the deck and deal cards to 4 players"""
49        deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
50        self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
51        self.hands = {
52            n: Player(n, h) for n, h in zip(self.names,
53        }

Similarly, if you have a function or method accepting **kwargs, then you should only annotate the type of each possible keyword argument.


Functions are first-class objects in Python. This means that you can use functions as arguments to other functions. That also means that you need to be able to add type hints representing functions.

Functions, as well as lambdas, methods and classes, are represented by typing.Callable. The types of the arguments and the return value are usually also represented. For instance, Callable[[A1, A2, A3], Rt] represents a function with three arguments with types A1, A2, and A3, respectively. The return type of the function is Rt.

In the following example, the function do_twice() calls a given function twice and prints the return values:

 3from typing import Callable
 5def do_twice(func: Callable[[str], str], argument: str) -> None:
 6    print(func(argument))
 7    print(func(argument))
 9def create_greeting(name: str) -> str:
10    return f"Hello {name}"
12do_twice(create_greeting, "Jekyll")

Note the annotation of the func argument to do_twice() on line 5. It says that func should be a callable with one string argument, that also returns a string. One example of such a callable is create_greeting() defined on line 9.

Most callable types can be annotated in a similar manner. However, if you need more flexibility, check out callback protocols and extended callable types.

Example: Hearts

Let’s end with a full example of the game of Hearts. You might already know this game from other computer simulations. Here is a quick recap of the rules:

  • Four players play with a hand of 13 cards each.

  • The player holding the ♣2 starts the first round, and must play ♣2.

  • Players take turns playing cards, following the leading suit if possible.

  • The player playing the highest card in the leading suit wins the trick, and becomes start player in the next turn.

  • A player can not lead with a ♡ until a ♡ has already been played in an earlier trick.

  • After all cards are played, players get points if they take certain cards:

    • 13 points for the ♠Q
    • 1 point for each ♡
  • A game lasts several rounds, until one player has 100 points or more. The player with the least points wins.

More details can be found found online.

There are not many new typing concepts in this example that you have not already seen. We’ll therefore not go through this code in detail, but leave it as an example of annotated code.

You can download this code and other examples from GitHub:


from collections import Counter
import random
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from typing import overload

class Card:
    SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
    RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()

    def __init__(self, suit: str, rank: str) -> None:
        self.suit = suit
        self.rank = rank

    def value(self) -> int:
        """The value of a card is rank as a number"""
        return self.RANKS.index(self.rank)

    def points(self) -> int:
        """Points this card is worth"""
        if self.suit == "♠" and self.rank == "Q":
            return 13
        if self.suit == "♡":
            return 1
        return 0

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.suit == other.suit and self.rank == other.rank

    def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.value < other.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"

class Deck(Sequence[Card]):
    def __init__(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None: = cards

    def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> "Deck":
        """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
        cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
        if shuffle:
        return cls(cards)

    def play(self, card: Card) -> None:
        """Play one card by removing it from the deck"""

    def deal(self, num_hands: int) -> Tuple["Deck", ...]:
        """Deal the cards in the deck into a number of hands"""
        return tuple(self[i::num_hands] for i in range(num_hands))

    def add_cards(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None:
        """Add a list of cards to the deck""" += cards

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(

    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Card: ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "Deck": ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[Card, "Deck"]:
        if isinstance(key, int):
        elif isinstance(key, slice):
            cls = self.__class__
            return cls([key])
            raise TypeError("Indices must be integers or slices")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return " ".join(repr(c) for c in

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name: str, hand: Optional[Deck] = None) -> None: = name
        self.hand = Deck([]) if hand is None else hand

    def playable_cards(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Deck:
        """List which cards in hand are playable this round"""
        if Card("♣", "2") in self.hand:
            return Deck([Card("♣", "2")])

        lead = played[0].suit if played else None
        playable = Deck([c for c in self.hand if c.suit == lead]) or self.hand
        if lead is None and not hearts_broken:
            playable = Deck([c for c in playable if c.suit != "♡"])
        return playable or Deck(

    def non_winning_cards(self, played: List[Card], playable: Deck) -> Deck:
        """List playable cards that are guaranteed to not win the trick"""
        if not played:
            return Deck([])

        lead = played[0].suit
        best_card = max(c for c in played if c.suit == lead)
        return Deck([c for c in playable if c < best_card or c.suit != lead])

    def play_card(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Card:
        """Play a card from a cpu player's hand"""
        playable = self.playable_cards(played, hearts_broken)
        non_winning = self.non_winning_cards(played, playable)

        # Strategy
        if non_winning:
            # Highest card not winning the trick, prefer points
            card = max(non_winning, key=lambda c: (c.points, c.value))
        elif len(played) < 3:
            # Lowest card maybe winning, avoid points
            card = min(playable, key=lambda c: (c.points, c.value))
            # Highest card guaranteed winning, avoid points
            card = max(playable, key=lambda c: (-c.points, c.value))
        print(f"{} -> {card}")
        return card

    def has_card(self, card: Card) -> bool:
        return card in self.hand

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({!r}, {self.hand})"

class HumanPlayer(Player):
    def play_card(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Card:
        """Play a card from a human player's hand"""
        playable = sorted(self.playable_cards(played, hearts_broken))
        p_str = "  ".join(f"{n}: {c}" for n, c in enumerate(playable))
        np_str = " ".join(repr(c) for c in self.hand if c not in playable)
        print(f"  {p_str}  (Rest: {np_str})")
        while True:
                card_num = int(input(f"  {}, choose card: "))
                card = playable[card_num]
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
        print(f"{} => {card}")
        return card

class HeartsGame:
    def __init__(self, *names: str) -> None:
        self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
        self.players = [Player(n) for n in self.names[1:]]

    def play(self) -> None:
        """Play a game of Hearts until one player go bust"""
        score = Counter({n: 0 for n in self.names})
        while all(s < 100 for s in score.values()):
            print("nStarting new round:")
            round_score = self.play_round()
            for name, total_score in score.most_common(4):
                print(f"{name:<15} {round_score[name]:>3} {total_score:>3}")

        winners = [n for n in self.names if score[n] == min(score.values())]
        print(f"n{' and '.join(winners)} won the game")

    def play_round(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        """Play a round of the Hearts card game"""
        deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
        for player, hand in zip(self.players,
        start_player = next(
            p for p in self.players if p.has_card(Card("♣", "2"))
        tricks = { Deck([]) for p in self.players}
        hearts = False

        # Play cards from each player's hand until empty
        while start_player.hand:
            played: List[Card] = []
            turn_order = self.player_order(start=start_player)
            for player in turn_order:
                card = player.play_card(played, hearts_broken=hearts)
            start_player = self.trick_winner(played, turn_order)
            print(f"{} wins the trickn")
            hearts = hearts or any(c.suit == "♡" for c in played)
        return self.count_points(tricks)

    def player_order(self, start: Optional[Player] = None) -> List[Player]:
        """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
        if start is None:
            start = random.choice(self.players)
        start_idx = self.players.index(start)
        return self.players[start_idx:] + self.players[:start_idx]

    def trick_winner(trick: List[Card], players: List[Player]) -> Player:
        lead = trick[0].suit
        valid = [
            (c.value, p) for c, p in zip(trick, players) if c.suit == lead
        return max(valid)[1]

    def count_points(tricks: Dict[str, Deck]) -> Dict[str, int]:
        return {n: sum(c.points for c in cards) for n, cards in tricks.items()}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Read player names from the command line
    player_names = sys.argv[1:]
    game = HeartsGame(*player_names)

Here are a few points to note in the code:

  • For type relationships that are hard to express using Union or type variables, you can use the @overload decorator. See Deck.__getitem__() for an example and the documentation for more information.

  • Subclasses correspond to subtypes, so that a HumanPlayer can be used wherever a Player is expected.

  • When a subclass reimplements a method from a superclass, the type annotations must match. See HumanPlayer.play_card() for an example.

When starting the game, you control the first player. Enter numbers to choose which cards to play. The following is an example of game play, with the highlighted lines showing where the player made a choice:

$ python GeirArne Aldren Joanna Brad

Starting new round:
Brad -> ♣2
  0: ♣5  1: ♣Q  2: ♣K  (Rest: ♢6 ♡10 ♡6 ♠J ♡3 ♡9 ♢10 ♠7 ♠K ♠4)
  GeirArne, choose card: 2
GeirArne => ♣K
Aldren -> ♣10
Joanna -> ♣9
GeirArne wins the trick

  0: ♠4  1: ♣5  2: ♢6  3: ♠7  4: ♢10  5: ♠J  6: ♣Q  7: ♠K  (Rest: ♡10 ♡6 ♡3 ♡9)
  GeirArne, choose card: 0
GeirArne => ♠4
Aldren -> ♠5
Joanna -> ♠3
Brad -> ♠2
Aldren wins the trick


Joanna -> ♡J
Brad -> ♡2
  0: ♡6  1: ♡9  (Rest: )
  GeirArne, choose card: 1
GeirArne => ♡9
Aldren -> ♡A
Aldren wins the trick

Aldren -> ♣A
Joanna -> ♡Q
Brad -> ♣J
  0: ♡6  (Rest: )
  GeirArne, choose card: 0
GeirArne => ♡6
Aldren wins the trick

Brad             14  14
Aldren           10  10
GeirArne          1   1
Joanna            1   1

Static Type Checking

So far you have seen how to add type hints to your code. In this section you’ll learn more about how to actually perform static type checking of Python code.

The Mypy Project

Mypy was started by Jukka Lehtosalo during his Ph.D. studies at Cambridge around 2012. Mypy was originally envisioned as a Python variant with seamless dynamic and static typing. See Jukka’s slides from PyCon Finland 2012 for examples of the original vision of Mypy.

Most of those original ideas still play a big part in the Mypy project. In fact, the slogan “Seamless dynamic and static typing” is still prominently visible on Mypy’s home page and describes the motivation for using type hints in Python well.

The biggest change since 2012 is that Mypy is no longer a variant of Python. In its first versions Mypy was a stand-alone language that was compatible with Python except for its type declarations. Following a suggestion by Guido van Rossum, Mypy was rewritten to use annotations instead. Today Mypy is a static type checker for regular Python code.

Running Mypy

Before running Mypy for the first time, you must install the program. This is most easily done using pip:

With Mypy installed, you can run it as a regular command line program:

Running Mypy on your Python file will check it for type errors without actually executing the code.

There are many available options when type checking your code. As Mypy is still under very active development, command line options are liable to change between versions. You should refer to Mypy’s help to see which settings are default on your version:

$ mypy --help
usage: mypy [-h] [-v] [-V] [more options; see below]
            [-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [-c PROGRAM_TEXT] [files ...]

Mypy is a program that will type check your Python code.

[... The rest of the help hidden for brevity ...]

Additionally, the Mypy command line documentation online has a lot of information.

Let’s look at some of the most common options. First of all, if you are using third-party packages without type hints, you may want to silence Mypy’s warnings about these. This can be done with the --ignore-missing-imports option.

The following example uses Numpy to calculate and print the cosine of several numbers:

 3import numpy as np
 5def print_cosine(x: np.ndarray) -> None:
 6    with np.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True):
 7        print(np.cos(x))
 9x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 9)

Note that np.printoptions() is only available in version 1.15 and later of Numpy. Running this example prints some numbers to the console:

$ python
[ 1.     0.707  0.    -0.707 -1.    -0.707 -0.     0.707  1.   ]

The actual output of this example is not important. However, you should note that the argument x is annotated with np.ndarray on line 5, as we want to print the cosine of a full array of numbers.

You can run Mypy on this file as usual:

$ mypy error: No library stub file for module 'numpy' note: (Stub files are from

These warnings may not immediately make much sense to you, but you’ll learn about stubs and typeshed soon. You can essentially read the warnings as Mypy saying that the Numpy package does not contain type hints.

In most cases, missing type hints in third-party packages is not something you want to be bothered with so you can silence these messages:

$ mypy --ignore-missing-imports 
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

If you use the --ignore-missing-import command line option, Mypy will not try to follow or warn about any missing imports. This might be a bit heavy-handed though, as it also ignores actual mistakes, like misspelling the name of a package.

Two less intrusive ways of handling third-party packages are using type comments or configuration files.

In a simple example as the one above, you can silence the numpy warning by adding a type comment to the line containing the import:

 3import numpy as np  # type: ignore

The literal # type: ignore tells Mypy to ignore the import of Numpy.

If you have several files, it might be easier to keep track of which imports to ignore in a configuration file. Mypy reads a file called mypy.ini in the current directory if it is present. This configuration file must contain a section called [mypy] and may contain module specific sections of the form [mypy-module].

The following configuration file will ignore that Numpy is missing type hints:

# mypy.ini


ignore_missing_imports = True

There are many options that can be specified in the configuration file. It is also possible to specify a global configuration file. See the documentation for more information.

Adding Stubs

Type hints are available for all the packages in the Python standard library. However, if you are using third-party packages you’ve already seen that the situation can be different.

The following example uses the Parse package to do simple text parsing. To follow along you should first install Parse:

Parse can be used to recognize simple patterns. Here is a small program that tries its best to figure out your name:

 3import parse
 5def parse_name(text: str) -> str:
 6    patterns = (
 7        "my name is {name}",
 8        "i'm {name}",
 9        "i am {name}",
10        "call me {name}",
11        "{name}",
12    )
13    for pattern in patterns:
14        result = parse.parse(pattern, text)
15        if result:
16            return result["name"]
17    return ""
19answer = input("What is your name? ")
20name = parse_name(answer)
21print(f"Hi {name}, nice to meet you!")

The main flow is defined in the last three lines: ask for your name, parse the answer, and print a greeting. The parse package is called on line 14 in order to try to find a name based on one of the patterns listed on lines 7-11.

The program can be used as follows:

$ python
What is your name? I am Geir Arne
Hi Geir Arne, nice to meet you!

Note that even though I answer I am Geir Arne, the program figures out that I am is not part of my name.

Let’s add a small bug to the program, and see if Mypy is able to help us detect it. Change line 16 from return result["name"] to return result. This will return a parse.Result object instead of the string containing the name.

Next run Mypy on the program:

$ mypy error: Cannot find module named 'parse' note: (Perhaps setting MYPYPATH or using the
                       "--ignore-missing-imports" flag would help)

Mypy prints a similar error to the one you saw in the previous section: It doesn’t know about the parse package. You could try to ignore the import:

$ mypy --ignore-missing-imports
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

Unfortunately, ignoring the import means that Mypy has no way of discovering the bug in our program. A better solution would be to add type hints to the Parse package itself. As Parse is open source you can actually add types to the source code and send a pull request.

Alternatively, you can add the types in a stub file. A stub file is a text file that contains the signatures of methods and functions, but not their implementations. Their main function is to add type hints to code that you for some reason can’t change. To show how this works, we will add some stubs for the Parse package.

First of all, you should put all your stub files inside one common directory, and set the MYPYPATH environment variable to point to this directory. On Mac and Linux you can set MYPYPATH as follows:

$ export MYPYPATH=/home/gahjelle/python/stubs

You can set the variable permanently by adding the line to your .bashrc file. On Windows you can click the start menu and search for environment variables to set MYPYPATH.

Next, create a file inside your stubs directory that you call parse.pyi. It must be named for the package that you are adding type hints for, with a .pyi suffix. Leave this file empty for now. Then run Mypy again:

$ mypy error: Module has no attribute "parse"

If you have set everything up correctly, you should see this new error message. Mypy uses the new parse.pyi file to figure out which functions are available in the parse package. Since the stub file is empty, Mypy assumes that parse.parse() does not exist, and then gives the error you see above.

The following example does not add types for the whole parse package. Instead it shows the type hints you need to add in order for Mypy to type check your use of parse.parse():

# parse.pyi

from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

class Result:
    def __init__(
        fixed: Sequence[str],
        named: Mapping[str, str],
        spans: Mapping[int, Tuple[int, int]],
    ) -> None: ...
    def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, str]) -> str: ...
    def __repr__(self) -> str: ...

def parse(
    format: str,
    string: str,
    evaluate_result: bool = ...,
    case_sensitive: bool = ...,
) -> Optional[Result]: ...

The ellipsis ... are part of the file, and should be written exactly as above. The stub file should only contain type hints for variables, attributes, functions, and methods, so the implementations should be left out and replaced by ... markers.

Finally Mypy is able to spot the bug we introduced:

$ mypy error: Incompatible return value type (got
                         "Result", expected "str")

This points straight to line 16 and the fact that we return a Result object and not the name string. Change return result back to return result["name"], and run Mypy again to see that it’s happy.


You’ve seen how to use stubs to add type hints without changing the source code itself. In the previous section we added some type hints to the third-party Parse package. Now, it wouldn’t be very effective if everybody needs to create their own stubs files for all third-party packages they are using.

Typeshed is a Github repository that contains type hints for the Python standard library, as well as many third-party packages. Typeshed comes included with Mypy so if you are using a package that already has type hints defined in Typeshed, the type checking will just work.

You can also contribute type hints to Typeshed. Make sure to get the permission of the owner of the package first though, especially because they might be working on adding type hints into the source code itself—which is the preferred approach.

Other Static Type Checkers

In this tutorial, we have mainly focused on type checking using Mypy. However, there are other static type checkers in the Python ecosystem.

The PyCharm editor comes with its own type checker included. If you are using PyCharm to write your Python code, it will be automatically type checked.

Facebook has developed Pyre. One of its stated goals is to be fast and performant. While there are some differences, Pyre functions mostly similar to Mypy. See the documentation if you’re interested in trying out Pyre.

Furthermore, Google has created Pytype. This type checker also works mostly the same as Mypy. In addition to checking annotated code, Pytype has some support for running type checks on unannotated code and even adding annotations to code automatically. See the quickstart document for more information.

Using Types at Runtime

As a final note, it’s possible to use type hints also at runtime during execution of your Python program. Runtime type checking will probably never be natively supported in Python.

However, the type hints are available at runtime in the __annotations__ dictionary, and you can use those to do type checks if you desire. Before you run off and write your own package for enforcing types, you should know that there are already several packages doing this for you. Have a look at Enforce, Pydantic, or Pytypes for some examples.

Another use of type hints is for translating your Python code to C and compiling it for optimization. The popular Cython project uses a hybrid C/Python language to write statically typed Python code. However, since version 0.27 Cython has also supported type annotations. Recently, the Mypyc project has become available. While not yet ready for general use, it can compile some type annotated Python code to C extensions.


Type hinting in Python is a very useful feature that you can happily live without. Type hints don’t make you capable of writing any code you can’t write without using type hints. Instead, using type hints makes it easier for you to reason about code, find subtle bugs, and maintain a clean architecture.

In this tutorial you have learned how type hinting works in Python, and how gradual typing makes type checks in Python more flexible than in many other languages. You’ve seen some of the pros and cons of using type hints, and how they can be added to code using annotations or type comments. Finally you saw many of the different types that Python supports, as well as how to perform static type checking.

There are many resources to learn more about static type checking in Python. PEP 483 and PEP 484 give a lot of background about how type checking is implemented in Python. The Mypy documentation has a great reference section detailing all the different types available.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Python Type Checking

In this guide, you will get a look into Python type checking. Traditionally, types have been handled by the Python interpreter in a flexible but implicit way. Recent versions of Python allow you to specify explicit type hints that can be used by different tools to help you develop your code more efficiently.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the following:

  • Type annotations and type hints
  • Adding static types to code, both your code and the code of others
  • Running a static type checker
  • Enforcing types at runtime

This is a comprehensive guide that will cover a lot of ground. If you want to just get a quick glimpse of how type hints work in Python, and see whether type checking is something you would include in your code, you don’t need to read all of it. The two sections Hello Types and Pros and Cons will give you a taste of how type checking works and recommendations about when it’ll be useful.

Type Systems

All programming languages include some kind of type system that formalizes which categories of objects it can work with and how those categories are treated. For instance, a type system can define a numerical type, with 42 as one example of an object of numerical type.

Dynamic Typing

Python is a dynamically typed language. This means that the Python interpreter does type checking only as code runs, and that the type of a variable is allowed to change over its lifetime. The following dummy examples demonstrate that Python has dynamic typing:


>>> if False:
...     1 + "two"  # This line never runs, so no TypeError is raised
... else:
...     1 + 2

>>> 1 + "two"  # Now this is type checked, and a TypeError is raised
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

In the first example, the branch 1 + "two" never runs so it’s never type checked. The second example shows that when 1 + "two" is evaluated it raises a TypeError since you can’t add an integer and a string in Python.

Next, let’s see if variables can change type:


>>> thing = "Hello"
>>> type(thing)
<class 'str'>

>>> thing = 28.1
>>> type(thing)
<class 'float'>

type() returns the type of an object. These examples confirm that the type of thing is allowed to change, and Python correctly infers the type as it changes.

Static Typing

The opposite of dynamic typing is static typing. Static type checks are performed without running the program. In most statically typed languages, for instance C and Java, this is done as your program is compiled.

With static typing, variables generally are not allowed to change types, although mechanisms for casting a variable to a different type may exist.

Let’s look at a quick example from a statically typed language. Consider the following Java snippet:

String thing;
thing = "Hello";

The first line declares that the variable name thing is bound to the String type at compile time. The name can never be rebound to another type. In the second line, thing is assigned a value. It can never be assigned a value that is not a String object. For instance, if you were to later say thing = 28.1f the compiler would raise an error because of incompatible types.

Python will always remain a dynamically typed language. However, PEP 484 introduced type hints, which make it possible to also do static type checking of Python code.

Unlike how types work in most other statically typed languages, type hints by themselves don’t cause Python to enforce types. As the name says, type hints just suggest types. There are other tools, which you’ll see later, that perform static type checking using type hints.

Duck Typing

Another term that is often used when talking about Python is duck typing. This moniker comes from the phrase “if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck” (or any of its variations).

Duck typing is a concept related to dynamic typing, where the type or the class of an object is less important than the methods it defines. Using duck typing you do not check types at all. Instead you check for the presence of a given method or attribute.

As an example, you can call len() on any Python object that defines a .__len__() method:


>>> class TheHobbit:
...     def __len__(self):
...         return 95022
>>> the_hobbit = TheHobbit()
>>> len(the_hobbit)

Note that the call to len() gives the return value of the .__len__() method. In fact, the implementation of len() is essentially equivalent to the following:

def len(obj):
    return obj.__len__()

In order to call len(obj), the only real constraint on obj is that it must define a .__len__() method. Otherwise, the object can be of types as different as str, list, dict, or TheHobbit.

Duck typing is somewhat supported when doing static type checking of Python code, using structural subtyping. You’ll learn more about duck typing later.

Hello Types

In this section you’ll see how to add type hints to a function. The following function turns a text string into a headline by adding proper capitalization and a decorative line:

def headline(text, align=True):
    if align:
        return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
        return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")

By default the function returns the headline left aligned with an underline. By setting the align flag to False you can alternatively have the headline be centered with a surrounding line of o:


>>> print(headline("python type checking"))
Python Type Checking

>>> print(headline("python type checking", align=False))
oooooooooooooo Python Type Checking oooooooooooooo

It’s time for our first type hints! To add information about types to the function, you simply annotate its arguments and return value as follows:

def headline(text: str, align: bool = True) -> str:

The text: str syntax says that the text argument should be of type str. Similarly, the optional align argument should have type bool with the default value True. Finally, the -> str notation specifies that headline() will return a string.

In terms of style, PEP 8 recommends the following:

  • Use normal rules for colons, that is, no space before and one space after a colon: text: str.
  • Use spaces around the = sign when combining an argument annotation with a default value: align: bool = True.
  • Use spaces around the -> arrow: def headline(...) -> str.

Adding type hints like this has no runtime effect: they are only hints and are not enforced on their own. For instance, if we use a wrong type for the (admittedly badly named) align argument, the code still runs without any problems or warnings:


>>> print(headline("python type checking", align="left"))
Python Type Checking

To catch this kind of error you can use a static type checker. That is, a tool that checks the types of your code without actually running it in the traditional sense.

You might already have such a type checker built into your editor. For instance PyCharm immediately gives you a warning:

PyCharm flagging a type error

The most common tool for doing type checking is Mypy though. You’ll get a short introduction to Mypy in a moment, while you can learn much more about how it works later.

If you don’t already have Mypy on your system, you can install it using pip:

Put the following code in a file called

 1 #
 3 def headline(text: str, align: bool = True) -> str:
 4     if align:
 5         return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
 6     else:
 7         return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")
 9 print(headline("python type checking"))
10 print(headline("use mypy", align="center"))

This is essentially the same code you saw earlier: the definition of headline() and two examples that are using it.

Now run Mypy on this code:

$ mypy error: Argument "align" to "headline" has incompatible
                        type "str"; expected "bool"

Based on the type hints, Mypy is able to tell us that we are using the wrong type on line 10.

To fix the issue in the code you should change the value of the align argument you are passing in. You might also rename the align flag to something less confusing:

 1 #
 3 def headline(text: str, centered: bool = False):
 4     if not centered:
 5         return f"{text.title()}n{'-' * len(text)}"
 6     else:
 7         return f" {text.title()} ".center(50, "o")
 9 print(headline("python type checking"))
10 print(headline("use mypy", centered=True))

Here you’ve changed align to centered, and correctly used a boolean value for centered when calling headline(). The code now passes Mypy:

No output from Mypy means that no type errors were detected. Furthermore, when you run the code you see the expected output:

$ python
Python Type Checking
oooooooooooooooooooo Use Mypy oooooooooooooooooooo

The first headline is aligned to the left, while the second one is centered.

Pros and Cons

The previous section gave you a little taste of what type checking in Python looks like. You also saw an example of one of the advantages of adding types to your code: type hints help catch certain errors. Other advantages include:

  • Type hints help document your code. Traditionally, you would use docstrings if you wanted to document the expected types of a function’s arguments. This works, but as there is no standard for docstrings (despite PEP 257 they can’t be easily used for automatic checks.

  • Type hints improve IDEs and linters. They make it much easier to statically reason about your code. This in turn allows IDEs to offer better code completion and similar features. With the type annotation, PyCharm knows that text is a string, and can give specific suggestions based on this:

    Code completion in PyCharm on a typed variable

  • Type hints help you build and maintain a cleaner architecture. The act of writing type hints forces you to think about the types in your program. While the dynamic nature of Python is one of its great assets, being conscious about relying on duck typing, overloaded methods, or multiple return types is a good thing.

Of course, static type checking is not all peaches and cream. There are also some downsides you should consider:

  • Type hints take developer time and effort to add. Even though it probably pays off in spending less time debugging, you will spend more time entering code.

  • Type hints work best in modern Pythons. Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, and it’s possible to use type comments in Python 2.7. Still, improvements like variable annotations and postponed evaluation of type hints mean that you’ll have a better experience doing type checks using Python 3.6 or even Python 3.7.

  • Type hints introduce a slight penalty in start-up time. If you need to use the typing module the import time may be significant, especially in short scripts.

You’ll later learn about the typing module, and how it’s necessary in most cases when you add type hints. Importing modules necessarily take some time, but how much?

To get some idea about this, create two files: should be an empty file, while should contain the following line:

On Linux it’s quite easy to check how much time the typing import takes using the perf utility:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.6

 Performance counter stats for 'python3.6' (1000 runs):

 [ ... extra information hidden for brevity ... ]

       0.045161650 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.77% )

So running the import script takes about 45 milliseconds. Of course this is not all time spent on importing typing. Some of this is overhead in starting the Python interpreter, so let’s compare to running Python on an empty file:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.6

 Performance counter stats for 'python3.6' (1000 runs):

 [ ... extra information hidden for brevity ... ]

       0.028077845 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.49% )

Based on this test, the import of the typing module takes around 17 milliseconds on Python 3.6.

One of the advertised improvements in Python 3.7 is faster startup. Let’s see if the results are different:

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.7
       0.025979806 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.31% )

$ perf stat -r 1000 python3.7
       0.020002505 seconds time elapsed    ( +-  0.30% )

Indeed, the general startup time is reduced by about 8 milliseconds, and the time to import typing is down from 17 to around 6 milliseconds—almost 3 times faster.

Using timeit

There are similar tools on other platforms. Python itself comes with the timeit module in the standard library. Typically, we would directly use timeit for the timings above. However, timeit struggles to time imports reliably because Python is clever about importing modules only once. Consider the following example:

$ python3.6 -m timeit "import typing"
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.134 usec per loop

While you get a result, you should be suspicious about the result: 0.1 microsecond is more than 100000 times faster than what perf measured! What timeit has actually done is to run the import typing statement 30 million times, with Python actually only importing typing once.

To get reasonable results you can tell timeit to only run once:

$ python3.6 -m timeit -n 1 -r 1 "import typing"
1 loops, best of 1: 9.77 msec per loop
$ python3.7 -m timeit -n 1 -r 1 "import typing"
1 loop, best of 1: 1.97 msec per loop

These results are on the same scale as the results from perf above. However, since these are based on only one execution of the code, they are not as reliable as those based on multiple runs.

The conclusion in both these cases is that importing typing takes a few milliseconds. For the majority of programs and scripts you write this will probably not be an issue.

The New importtime Option

In Python 3.7 there is also a new command line option that can be used to figure out how much time imports take. Using -X importtime you’ll get a report about all imports that are made:

$ python3.7 -X importtime
import time: self [us] | cumulative | imported package
[ ... some information hidden for brevity ... ]
import time:       358 |        358 | zipimport
import time:      2107 |      14610 | site
import time:       272 |        272 |
import time:       664 |       3058 |   re
import time:      3044 |       6373 | typing

This shows a similar result. Importing typing takes about 6 milliseconds. If you’ll read the report closely you can notice that around half of this time is spent on importing the and re modules which typing depends on.

So, should you use static type checking in your own code? Well, it’s not an all-or-nothing question. Luckily, Python supports the concept of gradual typing. This means that you can gradually introduce types into your code. Code without type hints will be ignored by the static type checker. Therefore, you can start adding types to critical components, and continue as long as it adds value to you.

Looking at the lists above of pros and cons you’ll notice that adding types will have no effect on your running program or the users of your program. Type checking is meant to make your life as a developer better and more convenient.

A few rules of thumb on whether to add types to your project are:

  • If you are just beginning to learn Python, you can safely wait with type hints until you have more experience.

  • Type hints add little value in short throw-away scripts.

  • In libraries that will be used by others, especially ones published on PyPI, type hints add a lot of value. Other code using your libraries need these type hints to be properly type checked itself. For examples of projects using type hints see cursive_re, black, our own Real Python Reader, and Mypy itself.

  • In bigger projects, type hints help you understand how types flow through your code, and are highly recommended. Even more so in projects where you cooperate with others.

In his excellent article The State of Type Hints in Python Bernát Gábor recommends that “type hints should be used whenever unit tests are worth writing.” Indeed, type hints play a similar role as tests in your code: they help you as a developer write better code.

Hopefully you now have an idea about how type checking works in Python and whether it’s something you would like to employ in your own projects.

In the rest of this guide, we’ll go into more detail about the Python type system, including how you run static type checkers (with particular focus on Mypy), how you type check code that uses libraries without type hints, and how you use annotations at runtime.


Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, originally without any specific purpose. They were simply a way to associate arbitrary expressions to function arguments and return values.

Years later, PEP 484 defined how to add type hints to your Python code, based off work that Jukka Lehtosalo had done on his Ph.D. project—Mypy. The main way to add type hints is using annotations. As type checking is becoming more and more common, this also means that annotations should mainly be reserved for type hints.

The next sections explain how annotations work in the context of type hints.

Function Annotations

For functions, you can annotate arguments and the return value. This is done as follows:

def func(arg: arg_type, optarg: arg_type = default) -> return_type:

For arguments the syntax is argument: annotation, while the return type is annotated using -> annotation. Note that the annotation must be a valid Python expression.

The following simple example adds annotations to a function that calculates the circumference of a circle:

import math

def circumference(radius: float) -> float:
    return 2 * math.pi * radius

When running the code, you can also inspect the annotations. They are stored in a special .__annotations__ attribute on the function:


>>> circumference(1.23)

>>> circumference.__annotations__
{'radius': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'float'>}

Sometimes you might be confused by how Mypy is interpreting your type hints. For those cases there are special Mypy expressions: reveal_type() and reveal_locals(). You can add these to your code before running Mypy, and Mypy will dutifully report which types it has inferred. As an example, save the following code to

 1 #
 3 import math
 4 reveal_type(math.pi)
 6 radius = 1
 7 circumference = 2 * math.pi * radius
 8 reveal_locals()

Next, run this code through Mypy:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float' error: Revealed local types are: error: circumference: builtins.float error: radius:

Even without any annotations Mypy has correctly inferred the types of the built-in math.pi, as well as our local variables radius and circumference.

If Mypy says that “Name ‘reveal_locals‘ is not defined” you might need to update your Mypy installation. The reveal_locals() expression is available in Mypy version 0.610 and later.

Variable Annotations

In the definition of circumference() in the previous section, you only annotated the arguments and the return value. You did not add any annotations inside the function body. More often than not, this is enough.

However, sometimes the type checker needs help in figuring out the types of variables as well. Variable annotations were defined in PEP 526 and introduced in Python 3.6. The syntax is the same as for function argument annotations:

pi: float = 3.142

def circumference(radius: float) -> float:
    return 2 * pi * radius

The variable pi has been annotated with the float type hint.

Annotations of variables are stored in the module level __annotations__ dictionary:


>>> circumference(1)

>>> __annotations__
{'pi': <class 'float'>}

You’re allowed to annotate a variable without giving it a value. This adds the annotation to the __annotations__ dictionary, while the variable remains undefined:


>>> nothing: str
>>> nothing
NameError: name 'nothing' is not defined

>>> __annotations__
{'nothing': <class 'str'>}

Since no value was assigned to nothing, the name nothing is not yet defined.

Type Comments

As mentioned, annotations were introduced in Python 3, and they’ve not been backported to Python 2. This means that if you’re writing code that needs to support legacy Python, you can’t use annotations.

Instead, you can use type comments. These are specially formatted comments that can be used to add type hints compatible with older code. To add type comments to a function you do something like this:

import math

def circumference(radius):
    # type: (float) -> float
    return 2 * math.pi * radius

The type comments are just comments, so they can be used in any version of Python.

Type comments are handled directly by the type checker, so these types are not available in the __annotations__ dictionary:


>>> circumference.__annotations__

A type comment must start with the type: literal, and be on the same or the following line as the function definition. If you want to annotate a function with several arguments, you write each type separated by comma:

def headline(text, width=80, fill_char="-"):
    # type: (str, int, str) -> str
    return f" {text.title()} ".center(width, fill_char)

print(headline("type comments work", width=40))

You are also allowed to write each argument on a separate line with its own annotation:

 1 #
 3 def headline(
 4     text,           # type: str
 5     width=80,       # type: int
 6     fill_char="-",  # type: str
 7 ):                  # type: (...) -> str
 8     return f" {text.title()} ".center(width, fill_char)
10 print(headline("type comments work", width=40))

Run the example through Python and Mypy:

$  python
---------- Type Comments Work ----------

$ mypy

If you have errors, for instance if you happened to call headline() with width="full" on line 10, Mypy will tell you:

$ mypy error: Argument "width" to "headline" has incompatible
                       type "str"; expected "int"

You can also add type comments to variables. This is done similarly to how you add type comments to arguments:

In this example, pi will be type checked as a float variable.

So, Type Annotations or Type Comments?

Should you use annotations or type comments when adding type hints to your own code? In short: Use annotations if you can, use type comments if you must.

Annotations provide a cleaner syntax keeping type information closer to your code. They are also the officially recommended way of writing type hints, and will be further developed and properly maintained in the future.

Type comments are more verbose and might conflict with other kinds of comments in your code like linter directives. However, they can be used in code bases that don’t support annotations.

There is also hidden option number three: stub files. You will learn about these later, when we discuss adding types to third party libraries.

Stub files will work in any version of Python, at the expense of having to maintain a second set of files. In general, you only want to use stub files if you can’t change the original source code.

Playing With Python Types, Part 1

Up until now you’ve only used basic types like str, float, and bool in your type hints. The Python type system is quite powerful, and supports many kinds of more complex types. This is necessary as it needs to be able to reasonably model Python’s dynamic duck typing nature.

In this section you will learn more about this type system, while implementing a simple card game. You will see how to specify:

  • The type of sequences and mappings like tuples, lists and dictionaries
  • Type aliases that make code easier to read
  • That functions and methods do not return anything
  • Objects that may be of any type

After a short detour into some type theory you will then see even more ways to specify types in Python. You can find the code examples from this section here.

Example: A Deck of Cards

The following example shows an implementation of a regular (French) deck of cards:

 1 #
 3 import random
 5 SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 6 RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
 8 def create_deck(shuffle=False):
 9     """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
10     deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
11     if shuffle:
12         random.shuffle(deck)
13     return deck
15 def deal_hands(deck):
16     """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
17     return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])
19 def play():
20     """Play a 4-player card game"""
21     deck = create_deck(shuffle=True)
22     names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
23     hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, deal_hands(deck))}
25     for name, cards in hands.items():
26         card_str = " ".join(f"{s}{r}" for (s, r) in cards)
27         print(f"{name}: {card_str}")
29 if __name__ == "__main__":
30     play()

Each card is represented as a tuple of strings denoting the suit and rank. The deck is represented as a list of cards. create_deck() creates a regular deck of 52 playing cards, and optionally shuffles the cards. deal_hands() deals the deck of cards to four players.

Finally, play() plays the game. As of now, it only prepares for a card game by constructing a shuffled deck and dealing cards to each player. The following is a typical output:

$ python
P4: ♣9 ♢9 ♡2 ♢7 ♡7 ♣A ♠6 ♡K ♡5 ♢6 ♢3 ♣3 ♣Q
P1: ♡A ♠2 ♠10 ♢J ♣10 ♣4 ♠5 ♡Q ♢5 ♣6 ♠A ♣5 ♢4
P2: ♢2 ♠7 ♡8 ♢K ♠3 ♡3 ♣K ♠J ♢A ♣7 ♡6 ♡10 ♠K
P3: ♣2 ♣8 ♠8 ♣J ♢Q ♡9 ♡J ♠4 ♢8 ♢10 ♠9 ♡4 ♠Q

You will see how to extend this example into a more interesting game as we move along.

Sequences and Mappings

Let’s add type hints to our card game. In other words, let’s annotate the functions create_deck(), deal_hands(), and play(). The first challenge is that you need to annotate composite types like the list used to represent the deck of cards and the tuples used to represent the cards themselves.

With simple types like str, float, and bool, adding type hints is as easy as using the type itself:


>>> name: str = "Guido"
>>> pi: float = 3.142
>>> centered: bool = False

With composite types, you are allowed to do the same:


>>> names: list = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
>>> version: tuple = (3, 7, 1)
>>> options: dict = {"centered": False, "capitalize": True}

However, this does not really tell the full story. What will be the types of names[2], version[0], and options["centered"]? In this concrete case you can see that they are str, int, and bool, respectively. However, the type hints themselves give no information about this.

Instead, you should use the special types defined in the typing module. These types add syntax for specifying the types of elements of composite types. You can write the following:


>>> from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

>>> names: List[str] = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
>>> version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (3, 7, 1)
>>> options: Dict[str, bool] = {"centered": False, "capitalize": True}

Note that each of these types start with a capital letter and that they all use square brackets to define item types:

  • names is a list of strings
  • version is a 3-tuple consisting of three integers
  • options is a dictionary mapping strings to boolean values

The typing module contains many more composite types, including Counter, Deque, FrozenSet, NamedTuple, and Set. In addition, the module includes other kinds of types that you’ll see in later sections.

Let’s return to the card game. A card is represented by a tuple of two strings. You can write this as Tuple[str, str], so the type of the deck of cards becomes List[Tuple[str, str]]. Therefore you can annotate create_deck() as follows:

 8 def create_deck(shuffle: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
 9     """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
10     deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
11     if shuffle:
12         random.shuffle(deck)
13     return deck

In addition to the return value, you’ve also added the bool type to the optional shuffle argument.

In many cases your functions will expect some kind of sequence, and not really care whether it is a list or a tuple. In these cases you should use typing.Sequence when annotating the function argument:

from typing import List, Sequence

def square(elems: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]:
    return [x**2 for x in elems]

Using Sequence is an example of using duck typing. A Sequence is anything that supports len() and .__getitem__(), independent of its actual type.

Type Aliases

The type hints might become quite oblique when working with nested types like the deck of cards. You may need to stare at List[Tuple[str, str]] a bit before figuring out that it matches our representation of a deck of cards.

Now consider how you would annotate deal_hands():

15 def deal_hands(
16     deck: List[Tuple[str, str]]
17 ) -> Tuple[
18     List[Tuple[str, str]],
19     List[Tuple[str, str]],
20     List[Tuple[str, str]],
21     List[Tuple[str, str]],
22 ]:
23     """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
24     return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])

That’s just terrible!

Recall that type annotations are regular Python expressions. That means that you can define your own type aliases by assigning them to new variables. You can for instance create Card and Deck type aliases:

from typing import List, Tuple

Card = Tuple[str, str]
Deck = List[Card]

Card can now be used in type hints or in the definition of new type aliases, like Deck in the example above.

Using these aliases, the annotations of deal_hands() become much more readable:

15 def deal_hands(deck: Deck) -> Tuple[Deck, Deck, Deck, Deck]:
16     """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
17     return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])

Type aliases are great for making your code and its intent clearer. At the same time, these aliases can be inspected to see what they represent:


>>> from typing import List, Tuple
>>> Card = Tuple[str, str]
>>> Deck = List[Card]

>>> Deck
typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]]

Note that when printing Deck, it shows that it’s an alias for a list of 2-tuples of strings.

Functions Without Return Values

You may know that functions without an explicit return still return None:


>>> def play(player_name):
...     print(f"{player_name} plays")

>>> ret_val = play("Jacob")
Jacob plays

>>> print(ret_val)

While such functions technically return something, that return value is not useful. You should add type hints saying as much by using None also as the return type:

 1 #
 3 def play(player_name: str) -> None:
 4     print(f"{player_name} plays")
 6 ret_val = play("Filip")

The annotations help catch the kinds of subtle bugs where you are trying to use a meaningless return value. Mypy will give you a helpful warning:

$ mypy error: "play" does not return a value

Note that being explicit about a function not returning anything is different from not adding a type hint about the return value:


def play(player_name: str):
    print(f"{player_name} plays")

ret_val = play("Henrik")

In this latter case Mypy has no information about the return value so it will not generate any warning:

As a more exotic case, note that you can also annotate functions that are never expected to return normally. This is done using NoReturn:

from typing import NoReturn

def black_hole() -> NoReturn:
    raise Exception("There is no going back ...")

Since black_hole() always raises an exception, it will never return properly.

Example: Play Some Cards

Let’s return to our card game example. In this second version of the game, we deal a hand of cards to each player as before. Then a start player is chosen and the players take turns playing their cards. There are not really any rules in the game though, so the players will just play random cards:

 1 #
 3 import random
 4 from typing import List, Tuple
 6 SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 7 RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
 9 Card = Tuple[str, str]
10 Deck = List[Card]
12 def create_deck(shuffle: bool = False) -> Deck:
13     """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
14     deck = [(s, r) for r in RANKS for s in SUITS]
15     if shuffle:
16         random.shuffle(deck)
17     return deck
19 def deal_hands(deck: Deck) -> Tuple[Deck, Deck, Deck, Deck]:
20     """Deal the cards in the deck into four hands"""
21     return (deck[0::4], deck[1::4], deck[2::4], deck[3::4])
23 def choose(items):
24     """Choose and return a random item"""
25     return random.choice(items)
27 def player_order(names, start=None):
28     """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
29     if start is None:
30         start = choose(names)
31     start_idx = names.index(start)
32     return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]
34 def play() -> None:
35     """Play a 4-player card game"""
36     deck = create_deck(shuffle=True)
37     names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
38     hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, deal_hands(deck))}
39     start_player = choose(names)
40     turn_order = player_order(names, start=start_player)
42     # Randomly play cards from each player's hand until empty
43     while hands[start_player]:
44         for name in turn_order:
45             card = choose(hands[name])
46             hands[name].remove(card)
47             print(f"{name}: {card[0] + card[1]:<3}  ", end="")
48         print()
50 if __name__ == "__main__":
51     play()

Note that in addition to changing play(), we have added two new functions that need type hints: choose() and player_order(). Before discussing how we’ll add type hints to them, here is an example output from running the game:

$ python
P3: ♢10  P4: ♣4   P1: ♡8   P2: ♡Q
P3: ♣8   P4: ♠6   P1: ♠5   P2: ♡K
P3: ♢9   P4: ♡J   P1: ♣A   P2: ♡A
P3: ♠Q   P4: ♠3   P1: ♠7   P2: ♠A
P3: ♡4   P4: ♡6   P1: ♣2   P2: ♠K
P3: ♣K   P4: ♣7   P1: ♡7   P2: ♠2
P3: ♣10  P4: ♠4   P1: ♢5   P2: ♡3
P3: ♣Q   P4: ♢K   P1: ♣J   P2: ♡9
P3: ♢2   P4: ♢4   P1: ♠9   P2: ♠10
P3: ♢A   P4: ♡5   P1: ♠J   P2: ♢Q
P3: ♠8   P4: ♢7   P1: ♢3   P2: ♢J
P3: ♣3   P4: ♡10  P1: ♣9   P2: ♡2
P3: ♢6   P4: ♣6   P1: ♣5   P2: ♢8

In this example, player P3 was randomly chosen as the starting player. In turn, each player plays a card: first P3, then P4, then P1, and finally P2. The players keep playing cards as long as they have any left in their hand.

The Any Type

choose() works for both lists of names and lists of cards (and any other sequence for that matter). One way to add type hints for this would be the following:

import random
from typing import Any, Sequence

def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
    return random.choice(items)

This means more or less what it says: items is a sequence that can contain items of any type and choose() will return one such item of any type. Unfortunately, this is not that useful. Consider the following example:

 1 #
 3 import random
 4 from typing import Any, Sequence
 6 def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
 7     return random.choice(items)
 9 names = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
10 reveal_type(names)
12 name = choose(names)
13 reveal_type(name)

While Mypy will correctly infer that names is a list of strings, that information is lost after the call to choose() because of the use of the Any type:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str*]' error: Revealed type is 'Any'

You’ll see a better way shortly. First though, let’s have a more theoretical look at the Python type system, and the special role Any plays.

Type Theory

This tutorial is mainly a practical guide and we will only scratch the surface of the theory underpinning Python type hints. For more details PEP 483 is a good starting point. If you want to get back to the practical examples, feel free to skip to the next section.


One important concept is that of subtypes. Formally, we say that a type T is a subtype of U if the following two conditions hold:

  • Every value from T is also in the set of values of U type.
  • Every function from U type is also in the set of functions of T type.

These two conditions guarantees that even if type T is different from U, variables of type T can always pretend to be U.

For a concrete example, consider T = bool and U = int. The bool type takes only two values. Usually these are denoted True and False, but these names are just aliases for the integer values 1 and 0, respectively:


>>> int(False)

>>> int(True)

>>> True + True

>>> issubclass(bool, int)

Since 0 and 1 are both integers, the first condition holds. Above you can see that booleans can be added together, but they can also do anything else integers can. This is the second condition above. In other words, bool is a subtype of int.

The importance of subtypes is that a subtype can always pretend to be its supertype. For instance, the following code type checks as correct:

def double(number: int) -> int:
    return number * 2

print(double(True))  # Passing in bool instead of int

Subtypes are somewhat related to subclasses. In fact all subclasses corresponds to subtypes, and bool is a subtype of int because bool is a subclass of int. However, there are also subtypes that do not correspond to subclasses. For instance int is a subtype of float, but int is not a subclass of float.

Covariant, Contravariant, and Invariant

What happens when you use subtypes inside composite types? For instance, is Tuple[bool] a subtype of Tuple[int]? The answer depends on the composite type, and whether that type is covariant, contravariant, or invariant. This gets technical fast, so let’s just give a few examples:

  • Tuple is covariant. This means that it preserves the type hierarchy of its item types: Tuple[bool] is a subtype of Tuple[int] because bool is a subtype of int.

  • List is invariant. Invariant types give no guarantee about subtypes. While all values of List[bool] are values of List[int], you can append an int to List[int] and not to List[bool]. In other words, the second condition for subtypes does not hold, and List[bool] is not a subtype of List[int].

  • Callable is contravariant in its arguments. This means that it reverses the type hierarchy. You will see how Callable works later, but for now think of Callable[[T], ...] as a function with its only argument being of type T. An example of a Callable[[int], ...] is the double() function defined above. Being contravariant means that if a function operating on a bool is expected, then a function operating on an int would be acceptable.

In general, you don’t need to keep these expression straight. However, you should be aware that subtypes and composite types may not be simple and intuitive.

Gradual Typing and Consistent Types

Earlier we mentioned that Python supports gradual typing, where you can gradually add type hints to your Python code. Gradual typing is essentially made possible by the Any type.

Somehow Any sits both at the top and at the bottom of the type hierarchy of subtypes. Any type behaves as if it is a subtype of Any, and Any behaves as if it is a subtype of any other type. Looking at the definition of subtypes above this is not really possible. Instead we talk about consistent types.

The type T is consistent with the type U if T is a subtype of U or either T or U is Any.

The type checker only complains about inconsistent types. The takeaway is therefore that you will never see type errors arising from the Any type.

This means that you can use Any to explicitly fall back to dynamic typing, describe types that are too complex to describe in the Python type system, or describe items in composite types. For instance, a dictionary with string keys that can take any type as its values can be annotated Dict[str, Any].

Do remember, though, if you use Any the static type checker will effectively not do any type any checking.

Playing With Python Types, Part 2

Let’s return to our practical examples. Recall that you were trying to annotate the general choose() function:

import random
from typing import Any, Sequence

def choose(items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
    return random.choice(items)

The problem with using Any is that you are needlessly losing type information. You know that if you pass a list of strings to choose(), it will return a string. Below you’ll see how to express this using type variables, as well as how to work with:

  • Duck types and protocols
  • Arguments with None as default value
  • Class methods
  • The type of your own classes
  • Variable number of arguments

Type Variables

A type variable is a special variable that can take on any type, depending on the situation.

Let’s create a type variable that will effectively encapsulate the behavior of choose():

 1 #
 3 import random
 4 from typing import Sequence, TypeVar
 6 Choosable = TypeVar("Chooseable")
 8 def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:
 9     return random.choice(items)
11 names = ["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]
12 reveal_type(names)
14 name = choose(names)
15 reveal_type(name)

A type variable must be defined using TypeVar from the typing module. When used, a type variable ranges over all possible types and takes the most specific type possible. In the example, name is now a str:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str*]' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*'

Consider a few other examples:

 1 #
 3 from choose import choose
 5 reveal_type(choose(["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]))
 6 reveal_type(choose([1, 2, 3]))
 7 reveal_type(choose([True, 42, 3.14]))
 8 reveal_type(choose(["Python", 3, 7])

The first two examples should have type str and int, but what about the last two? The individual list items have different types, and in that case the Choosable type variable does its best to accommodate:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*' error: Revealed type is '*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.object*'

As you’ve already seen bool is a subtype of int, which again is a subtype of float. So in the third example the return value of choose() is guaranteed to be something that can be thought of as a float. In the last example, there is no subtype relationship between str and int, so the best that can be said about the return value is that it is an object.

Note that none of these examples raised a type error. Is there a way to tell the type checker that choose() should accept both strings and numbers, but not both at the same time?

You can constrain type variables by listing the acceptable types:

 1 #
 3 import random
 4 from typing import Sequence, TypeVar
 6 Choosable = TypeVar("Choosable", str, float)
 8 def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:
 9     return random.choice(items)
11 reveal_type(choose(["Guido", "Jukka", "Ivan"]))
12 reveal_type(choose([1, 2, 3]))
13 reveal_type(choose([True, 42, 3.14]))
14 reveal_type(choose(["Python", 3, 7]))

Now Choosable can only be either str or float, and Mypy will note that the last example is an error:

$ mypy error: Revealed type is 'builtins.str*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.float*' error: Revealed type is 'builtins.object*' error: Value of type variable "Choosable" of "choose"
                     cannot be "object"

Also note that in the second example the type is considered float even though the input list only contains int objects. This is because Choosable was restricted to strings and floats and int is a subtype of float.

In our card game we want to restrict choose() to be used for str and Card:

Choosable = TypeVar("Choosable", str, Card)

def choose(items: Sequence[Choosable]) -> Choosable:

We briefly mentioned that Sequence represents both lists and tuples. As we noted, a Sequence can be thought of as a duck type, since it can be any object with .__len__() and .__getitem__() implemented.

Duck Types and Protocols

Recall the following example from the introduction:

def len(obj):
    return obj.__len__()

len() can return the length of any object that has implemented the .__len__() method. How can we add type hints to len(), and in particular the obj argument?

The answer hides behind the academic sounding term structural subtyping. One way to categorize type systems is by whether they are nominal or structural:

  • In a nominal system, comparisons between types are based on names and declarations. The Python type system is mostly nominal, where an int can be used in place of a float because of their subtype relationship.

  • In a structural system, comparisons between types are based on structure. You could define a structural type Sized that includes all instances that define .__len__(), irrespective of their nominal type.

There is ongoing work to bring a full-fledged structural type system to Python through PEP 544 which aims at adding a concept called protocols. Most of PEP 544 is already implemented in Mypy though.

A protocol specifies one or more methods that must be implemented. For example, all classes defining .__len__() fulfill the typing.Sized protocol. We can therefore annotate len() as follows:

from typing import Sized

def len(obj: Sized) -> int:
    return obj.__len__()

Other examples of protocols defined in the typing module include Container, Iterable, Awaitable, and ContextManager.

You can also define your own protocols. This is done by inheriting from Protocol and defining the function signatures (with empty function bodies) that the protocol expects. The following example shows how len() and Sized could have been implemented:

from typing_extensions import Protocol

class Sized(Protocol):
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...

def len(obj: Sized) -> int:
    return obj.__len__()

At the time of writing the support for self-defined protocols is still experimental and only available through the typing_extensions module. This module must be explicitly installed from PyPI by doing pip install typing-extensions.

The Optional Type

A common pattern in Python is to use None as a default value for an argument. This is usually done either to avoid problems with mutable default values or to have a sentinel value flagging special behavior.

In the card example, the player_order() function uses None as a sentinel value for start saying that if no start player is given it should be chosen randomly:

27 def player_order(names, start=None):
28     """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
29     if start is None:
30         start = choose(names)
31     start_idx = names.index(start)
32     return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]

The challenge this creates for type hinting is that in general start should be a string. However, it may also take the special non-string value None.

In order to annotate such arguments you can use the Optional type:

from typing import Sequence, Optional

def player_order(
    names: Sequence[str], start: Optional[str] = None
) -> Sequence[str]:

The Optional type simply says that a variable either has the type specified or is None. An equivalent way of specifying the same would be using the Union type: Union[None, str]

Note that when using either Optional or Union you must take care that the variable has the correct type when you operate on it. This is done in the example by testing whether start is None. Not doing so would cause both static type errors as well as possible runtime errors:

 1 #
 3 from typing import Sequence, Optional
 5 def player_order(
 6     names: Sequence[str], start: Optional[str] = None
 7 ) -> Sequence[str]:
 8     start_idx = names.index(start)
9     return names[start_idx:] + names[:start_idx]

Mypy tells you that you have not taken care of the case where start is None:

$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "index" of "list" has incompatible
                          type "Optional[str]"; expected "str"

Example: The Object(ive) of the Game

Let’s rewrite the card game to be more object-oriented. This will allow us to discuss how to properly annotate classes and methods.

A more or less direct translation of our card game into code that uses classes for Card, Deck, Player, and Game looks something like the following:

 1 #
 3 import random
 4 import sys
 6 class Card:
 7     SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 8     RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
10     def __init__(self, suit, rank):
11         self.suit = suit
12         self.rank = rank
14     def __repr__(self):
15         return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"
17 class Deck:
18     def __init__(self, cards):
19 = cards
21     @classmethod
22     def create(cls, shuffle=False):
23         """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
24         cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
25         if shuffle:
26             random.shuffle(cards)
27         return cls(cards)
29     def deal(self, num_hands):
30         """Deal the cards in the deck into a number of hands"""
31         cls = self.__class__
32         return tuple(cls([i::num_hands]) for i in range(num_hands))
34 class Player:
35     def __init__(self, name, hand):
36 = name
37         self.hand = hand
39     def play_card(self):
40         """Play a card from the player's hand"""
41         card = random.choice(
43         print(f"{}: {card!r:<3}  ", end="")
44         return card
46 class Game:
47     def __init__(self, *names):
48         """Set up the deck and deal cards to 4 players"""
49         deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
50         self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
51         self.hands = {
52             n: Player(n, h) for n, h in zip(self.names,
53         }
55     def play(self):
56         """Play a card game"""
57         start_player = random.choice(self.names)
58         turn_order = self.player_order(start=start_player)
60         # Play cards from each player's hand until empty
61         while self.hands[start_player]
62             for name in turn_order:
63                 self.hands[name].play_card()
64             print()
66     def player_order(self, start=None):
67         """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
68         if start is None:
69             start = random.choice(self.names)
70         start_idx = self.names.index(start)
71         return self.names[start_idx:] + self.names[:start_idx]
73 if __name__ == "__main__":
74     # Read player names from command line
75     player_names = sys.argv[1:]
76     game = Game(*player_names)

Now let’s add types to this code.

Type Hints for Methods

First of all type hints for methods work much the same as type hints for functions. The only difference is that the self argument need not be annotated, as it always will be a class instance. The types of the Card class are easy to add:

 6 class Card:
 7     SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
 8     RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()
10     def __init__(self, suit: str, rank: str) -> None:
11         self.suit = suit
12         self.rank = rank
14     def __repr__(self) -> str:
15         return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"

Note that the .__init__() method always should have None as its return type.

Classes as Types

There is a correspondence between classes and types. For example, all instances of the Card class together form the Card type. To use classes as types you simply use the name of the class.

For example, a Deck essentially consists of a list of Card objects. You can annotate this as follows:

17 class Deck:
18     def __init__(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None:
19 = cards

Mypy is able to connect your use of Card in the annotation with the definition of the Card class.

This doesn’t work as cleanly though when you need to refer to the class currently being defined. For example, the Deck.create() class method returns an object with type Deck. However, you can’t simply add -> Deck as the Deck class is not yet fully defined.

Instead, you are allowed to use string literals in annotations. These strings will only be evaluated by the type checker later, and can therefore contain self and forward references. The .create() method should use such string literals for its types:

20 class Deck:
21     @classmethod
22     def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> "Deck":
23         """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
24         cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
25         if shuffle:
26             random.shuffle(cards)
27         return cls(cards)

Note that the Player class also will reference the Deck class. This is however no problem, since Deck is defined before Player:

34 class Player:
35     def __init__(self, name: str, hand: Deck) -> None:
36 = name
37         self.hand = hand

Usually annotations are not used at runtime. This has given wings to the idea of postponing the evaluation of annotations. Instead of evaluating annotations as Python expressions and storing their value, the proposal is to store the string representation of the annotation and only evaluate it when needed.

Such functionality is planned to become standard in the still mythical Python 4.0. However, in Python 3.7 and later, forward references are available through a __future__ import:

from __future__ import annotations

class Deck:
    def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> Deck:

With the __future__ import you can use Deck instead of "Deck" even before Deck is defined.

Returning self or cls

As noted, you should typically not annotate the self or cls arguments. Partly, this is not necessary as self points to an instance of the class, so it will have the type of the class. In the Card example, self has the implicit type Card. Also, adding this type explicitly would be cumbersome since the class is not defined yet. You would have to use the string literal syntax, self: "Card".

There is one case where you might want to annotate self or cls, though. Consider what happens if you have a superclass that other classes inherit from, and which has methods that return self or cls:

 1 #
 3 from datetime import date
 5 class Animal:
 6     def __init__(self, name: str, birthday: date) -> None:
 7 = name
 8         self.birthday = birthday
10     @classmethod
11     def newborn(cls, name: str) -> "Animal":
12         return cls(name,
14     def twin(self, name: str) -> "Animal":
15         cls = self.__class__
16         return cls(name, self.birthday)
18 class Dog(Animal):
19     def bark(self) -> None:
20         print(f"{} says woof!")
22 fido = Dog.newborn("Fido")
23 pluto = fido.twin("Pluto")
24 fido.bark()
25 pluto.bark()

While the code runs without problems, Mypy will flag a problem:

$ mypy error: "Animal" has no attribute "bark" error: "Animal" has no attribute "bark"

The issue is that even though the inherited Dog.newborn() and Dog.twin() methods will return a Dog the annotation says that they return an Animal.

In cases like this you want to be more careful to make sure the annotation is correct. The return type should match the type of self or the instance type of cls. This can be done using type variables that keep track of what is actually passed to self and cls:


from datetime import date
from typing import Type, TypeVar

TAnimal = TypeVar("TAnimal", bound="Animal")

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name: str, birthday: date) -> None: = name
        self.birthday = birthday

    def newborn(cls: Type[TAnimal], name: str) -> TAnimal:
        return cls(name,

    def twin(self: TAnimal, name: str) -> TAnimal:
        cls = self.__class__
        return cls(name, self.birthday)

class Dog(Animal):
    def bark(self) -> None:
        print(f"{} says woof!")

fido = Dog.newborn("Fido")
pluto = fido.twin("Pluto")

There are a few things to note in this example:

  • The type variable TAnimal is used to denote that return values might be instances of subclasses of Animal.

  • We specify that Animal is an upper bound for TAnimal. Specifying bound means that TAnimal will only be Animal or one of its subclasses. This is needed to properly restrict the types that are allowed.

  • The typing.Type[] construct is the typing equivalent of type(). You need it to note that the class method expects a class and returns an instance of that class.

Annotating *args and **kwargs

In the object oriented version of the game, we added the option to name the players on the command line. This is done by listing player names after the name of the program:

$ python GeirArne Dan Joanna
Dan: ♢A   Joanna: ♡9   P1: ♣A   GeirArne: ♣2
Dan: ♡A   Joanna: ♡6   P1: ♠4   GeirArne: ♢8
Dan: ♢K   Joanna: ♢Q   P1: ♣K   GeirArne: ♠5
Dan: ♡2   Joanna: ♡J   P1: ♠7   GeirArne: ♡K
Dan: ♢10  Joanna: ♣3   P1: ♢4   GeirArne: ♠8
Dan: ♣6   Joanna: ♡Q   P1: ♣Q   GeirArne: ♢J
Dan: ♢2   Joanna: ♡4   P1: ♣8   GeirArne: ♡7
Dan: ♡10  Joanna: ♢3   P1: ♡3   GeirArne: ♠2
Dan: ♠K   Joanna: ♣5   P1: ♣7   GeirArne: ♠J
Dan: ♠6   Joanna: ♢9   P1: ♣J   GeirArne: ♣10
Dan: ♠3   Joanna: ♡5   P1: ♣9   GeirArne: ♠Q
Dan: ♠A   Joanna: ♠9   P1: ♠10  GeirArne: ♡8
Dan: ♢6   Joanna: ♢5   P1: ♢7   GeirArne: ♣4

This is implemented by unpacking and passing in sys.argv to Game() when it’s instantiated. The .__init__() method uses *names to pack the given names into a tuple.

Regarding type annotations: even though names will be a tuple of strings, you should only annotate the type of each name. In other words, you should use str and not Tuple[str]:

46 class Game:
47     def __init__(self, *names: str) -> None:
48         """Set up the deck and deal cards to 4 players"""
49         deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
50         self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
51         self.hands = {
52             n: Player(n, h) for n, h in zip(self.names,
53         }

Similarly, if you have a function or method accepting **kwargs you should only annotate the type of each possible keyword argument.


Functions are first-class objects in Python. This means that you can use functions as arguments to other functions. That also means that you need to be able to add type hints representing functions.

Functions, as well as lambdas, methods and classes, are represented by typing.Callable. The types of the arguments and the return value are usually also represented. For instance, Callable[[A1, A2, A3], Rt] represents a function with three arguments with types A1, A2, and A3, respectively. The return type of the function is Rt.

In the following example, the function do_twice() calls a given function twice and prints the return values:

 1 #
 3 from typing import Callable
 5 def do_twice(func: Callable[[str], str], argument: str) -> None:
 6     print(func(argument))
 7     print(func(argument))
 9 def create_greeting(name: str) -> str:
10     return f"Hello {name}"
12 do_twice(create_greeting, "Jekyll")

Note the annotation of the func argument to do_twice() on line 5. It says that func should be a callable with one string argument, that also returns a string. One example of such a callable is create_greeting() defined on line 9.

Most callable types can be annotated in a similar manner. However, if you need more flexibility, check out callback protocols and extended callable types.

Example: Hearts

Let’s end with a full example of the game of Hearts. You might already know this game from other computer simulations. Here is a quick recap of the rules:

  • Four players play with a hand of 13 cards each.

  • The player holding the ♣2 starts the first round, and must play ♣2.

  • Players take turns playing cards, following the leading suit if possible.

  • The player playing the highest card in the leading suit wins the trick, and becomes start player in the next turn.

  • A player can not lead with a ♡ until a ♡ has already been played in an earlier trick.

  • After all cards are played, players get points if they take certain cards:

    • 13 points for the ♠Q
    • 1 point for each ♡
  • A game lasts several rounds, until one player has 100 points or more. The player with the least points wins.

More details can be found found online.

There are not many new typing concepts in this example that you have not already seen. We’ll therefore not go through this code in detail, but leave it as an example of annotated code.

You can download this code and other examples from GitHub:


from collections import Counter
import random
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from typing import overload

class Card:
    SUITS = "♠ ♡ ♢ ♣".split()
    RANKS = "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A".split()

    def __init__(self, suit: str, rank: str) -> None:
        self.suit = suit
        self.rank = rank

    def value(self) -> int:
        """The value of a card is rank as a number"""
        return self.RANKS.index(self.rank)

    def points(self) -> int:
        """Points this card is worth"""
        if self.suit == "♠" and self.rank == "Q":
            return 13
        if self.suit == "♡":
            return 1
        return 0

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.suit == other.suit and self.rank == other.rank

    def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
        return self.value < other.value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.suit}{self.rank}"

class Deck(Sequence[Card]):
    def __init__(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None: = cards

    def create(cls, shuffle: bool = False) -> "Deck":
        """Create a new deck of 52 cards"""
        cards = [Card(s, r) for r in Card.RANKS for s in Card.SUITS]
        if shuffle:
        return cls(cards)

    def play(self, card: Card) -> None:
        """Play one card by removing it from the deck"""

    def deal(self, num_hands: int) -> Tuple["Deck", ...]:
        """Deal the cards in the deck into a number of hands"""
        return tuple(self[i::num_hands] for i in range(num_hands))

    def add_cards(self, cards: List[Card]) -> None:
        """Add a list of cards to the deck""" += cards

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(

    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Card: ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "Deck": ...

    def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[Card, "Deck"]:
        if isinstance(key, int):
        elif isinstance(key, slice):
            cls = self.__class__
            return cls([key])
            raise TypeError("Indices must be integers or slices")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return " ".join(repr(c) for c in

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name: str, hand: Optional[Deck] = None) -> None: = name
        self.hand = Deck([]) if hand is None else hand

    def playable_cards(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Deck:
        """List which cards in hand are playable this round"""
        if Card("♣", "2") in self.hand:
            return Deck([Card("♣", "2")])

        lead = played[0].suit if played else None
        playable = Deck([c for c in self.hand if c.suit == lead]) or self.hand
        if lead is None and not hearts_broken:
            playable = Deck([c for c in playable if c.suit != "♡"])
        return playable or Deck(

    def non_winning_cards(self, played: List[Card], playable: Deck) -> Deck:
        """List playable cards that are guaranteed to not win the trick"""
        if not played:
            return Deck([])

        lead = played[0].suit
        best_card = max(c for c in played if c.suit == lead)
        return Deck([c for c in playable if c < best_card or c.suit != lead])

    def play_card(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Card:
        """Play a card from a cpu player's hand"""
        playable = self.playable_cards(played, hearts_broken)
        non_winning = self.non_winning_cards(played, playable)

        # Strategy
        if non_winning:
            # Highest card not winning the trick, prefer points
            card = max(non_winning, key=lambda c: (c.points, c.value))
        elif len(played) < 3:
            # Lowest card maybe winning, avoid points
            card = min(playable, key=lambda c: (c.points, c.value))
            # Highest card guaranteed winning, avoid points
            card = max(playable, key=lambda c: (-c.points, c.value))
        print(f"{} -> {card}")
        return card

    def has_card(self, card: Card) -> bool:
        return card in self.hand

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({!r}, {self.hand})"

class HumanPlayer(Player):
    def play_card(self, played: List[Card], hearts_broken: bool) -> Card:
        """Play a card from a human player's hand"""
        playable = sorted(self.playable_cards(played, hearts_broken))
        p_str = "  ".join(f"{n}: {c}" for n, c in enumerate(playable))
        np_str = " ".join(repr(c) for c in self.hand if c not in playable)
        print(f"  {p_str}  (Rest: {np_str})")
        while True:
                card_num = int(input(f"  {}, choose card: "))
                card = playable[card_num]
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
        print(f"{} => {card}")
        return card

class HeartsGame:
    def __init__(self, *names: str) -> None:
        self.names = (list(names) + "P1 P2 P3 P4".split())[:4]
        self.players = [Player(n) for n in self.names[1:]]

    def play(self) -> None:
        """Play a game of Hearts until one player go bust"""
        score = Counter({n: 0 for n in self.names})
        while all(s < 100 for s in score.values()):
            print("nStarting new round:")
            round_score = self.play_round()
            for name, total_score in score.most_common(4):
                print(f"{name:<15} {round_score[name]:>3} {total_score:>3}")

        winners = [n for n in self.names if score[n] == min(score.values())]
        print(f"n{' and '.join(winners)} won the game")

    def play_round(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        """Play a round of the Hearts card game"""
        deck = Deck.create(shuffle=True)
        for player, hand in zip(self.players,
        start_player = next(
            p for p in self.players if p.has_card(Card("♣", "2"))
        tricks = { Deck([]) for p in self.players}
        hearts = False

        # Play cards from each player's hand until empty
        while start_player.hand:
            played: List[Card] = []
            turn_order = self.player_order(start=start_player)
            for player in turn_order:
                card = player.play_card(played, hearts_broken=hearts)
            start_player = self.trick_winner(played, turn_order)
            print(f"{} wins the trickn")
            hearts = hearts or any(c.suit == "♡" for c in played)
        return self.count_points(tricks)

    def player_order(self, start: Optional[Player] = None) -> List[Player]:
        """Rotate player order so that start goes first"""
        if start is None:
            start = random.choice(self.players)
        start_idx = self.players.index(start)
        return self.players[start_idx:] + self.players[:start_idx]

    def trick_winner(trick: List[Card], players: List[Player]) -> Player:
        lead = trick[0].suit
        valid = [
            (c.value, p) for c, p in zip(trick, players) if c.suit == lead
        return max(valid)[1]

    def count_points(tricks: Dict[str, Deck]) -> Dict[str, int]:
        return {n: sum(c.points for c in cards) for n, cards in tricks.items()}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Read player names from the command line
    player_names = sys.argv[1:]
    game = HeartsGame(*player_names)

Here are a few points to note in the code:

  • For type relationships that are hard to express using Union or type variables, you can use the @overload decorator. See Deck.__getitem__() for an example and the documentation for more information.

  • Subclasses correspond to subtypes, so that a HumanPlayer can be used wherever a Player is expected.

  • When a subclass reimplements a method from a superclass, the type annotations must match. See HumanPlayer.play_card() for an example.

When starting the game, you control the first player. Enter numbers to choose which cards to play. The following is an example of game play, with the highlighted lines showing where the player made a choice:

$ python GeirArne Aldren Joanna Brad

Starting new round:
Brad -> ♣2
  0: ♣5  1: ♣Q  2: ♣K  (Rest: ♢6 ♡10 ♡6 ♠J ♡3 ♡9 ♢10 ♠7 ♠K ♠4)
  GeirArne, choose card: 2
GeirArne => ♣K
Aldren -> ♣10
Joanna -> ♣9
GeirArne wins the trick

  0: ♠4  1: ♣5  2: ♢6  3: ♠7  4: ♢10  5: ♠J  6: ♣Q  7: ♠K  (Rest: ♡10 ♡6 ♡3 ♡9)
  GeirArne, choose card: 0
GeirArne => ♠4
Aldren -> ♠5
Joanna -> ♠3
Brad -> ♠2
Aldren wins the trick


Joanna -> ♡J
Brad -> ♡2
  0: ♡6  1: ♡9  (Rest: )
  GeirArne, choose card: 1
GeirArne => ♡9
Aldren -> ♡A
Aldren wins the trick

Aldren -> ♣A
Joanna -> ♡Q
Brad -> ♣J
  0: ♡6  (Rest: )
  GeirArne, choose card: 0
GeirArne => ♡6
Aldren wins the trick

Brad             14  14
Aldren           10  10
GeirArne          1   1
Joanna            1   1

Static Type Checking

So far you have seen how to add type hints to your code. In this section you’ll learn more about how to actually perform static type checking of Python code.

The Mypy Project

Mypy was started by Jukka Lehtosalo during his Ph.D. studies at Cambridge around 2012. Mypy was originally envisioned as a Python variant with seamless dynamic and static typing. See Jukka’s slides from PyCon Finland 2012 for examples of the original vision of Mypy.

Most of those original ideas still play a big part in the Mypy project. In fact, the slogan “Seamless dynamic and static typing” is still prominently visible on Mypy’s home page and describes the motivation for using type hints in Python well.

The biggest change since 2012 is that Mypy is no longer a variant of Python. In its first versions Mypy was a stand-alone language that was compatible with Python except for its type declarations. Following a suggestion by Guido van Rossum, Mypy was rewritten to use annotations instead. Today Mypy is a static type checker for regular Python code.

Running Mypy

Before running Mypy for the first time, you must install the program. This is most easily done using pip:

With Mypy installed, you can run it as a regular command line program:

Running Mypy on your Python file will check it for type errors without actually executing the code.

There are many available options when type checking your code. As Mypy is still under very active development, command line options are liable to change between versions. You should refer to Mypy’s help to see which settings are default on your version:

$ mypy --help
usage: mypy [-h] [-v] [-V] [more options; see below]
            [-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [-c PROGRAM_TEXT] [files ...]

Mypy is a program that will type check your Python code.

[... The rest of the help hidden for brevity ...]

Additionally, the Mypy command line documentation online has a lot of information.

Let’s look at some of the most common options. First of all, if you are using third-party packages without type hints, you may want to silence Mypy’s warnings about these. This can be done with the --ignore-missing-imports option.

The following example uses Numpy to calculate and print the cosine of several numbers:

 1 #
 3 import numpy as np
 5 def print_cosine(x: np.ndarray) -> None:
 6     with np.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True):
 7         print(np.cos(x))
 9 x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 9)
10 print_cosine(x)

Note that np.printoptions() is only available in version 1.15 and later of Numpy. Running this example prints some numbers to the console:

$ python
[ 1.     0.707  0.    -0.707 -1.    -0.707 -0.     0.707  1.   ]

The actual output of this example is not important. However, you should note that the argument x is annotated with np.ndarray on line 5, as we want to print the cosine of a full array of numbers.

You can run Mypy on this file as usual:

$ mypy error: No library stub file for module 'numpy' note: (Stub files are from

These warnings may not immediately make much sense to you, but you’ll learn about stubs and typeshed soon. You can essentially read the warnings as Mypy saying that the Numpy package does not contain type hints.

In most cases, missing type hints in third-party packages is not something you want to be bothered with so you can silence these messages:

$ mypy --ignore-missing-imports 

If you use the --ignore-missing-import command line option, Mypy will not try to follow or warn about any missing imports. This might be a bit heavy-handed though, as it also ignores actual mistakes, like misspelling the name of a package.

Two less intrusive ways of handling third-party packages are using type comments or configuration files.

In a simple example as the one above, you can silence the numpy warning by adding a type comment to the line containing the import:

 3 import numpy as np  # type: ignore

The literal # type: ignore tells Mypy to ignore the import of Numpy.

If you have several files, it might be easier to keep track of which imports to ignore in a configuration file. Mypy reads a file called mypy.ini in the current directory if it is present. This configuration file must contain a section called [mypy] and may contain module specific sections of the form [mypy-module].

The following configuration file will ignore that Numpy is missing type hints:

# mypy.ini


ignore_missing_imports = True

There are many options that can be specified in the configuration file. It is also possible to specify a global configuration file. See the documentation for more information.

Adding Stubs

Type hints are available for all the packages in the Python standard library. However, if you are using third-party packages you’ve already seen that the situation can be different.

The following example uses the Parse package to do simple text parsing. To follow along you should first install Parse:

Parse can be used to recognize simple patterns. Here is a small program that tries its best to figure out your name:

 1 #
 3 import parse
 5 def parse_name(text: str) -> str:
 6     patterns = (
 7         "my name is {name}",
 8         "i'm {name}",
 9         "i am {name}",
10         "call me {name}",
11         "{name}",
12     )
13     for pattern in patterns:
14         result = parse.parse(pattern, text)
15         if result:
16             return result["name"]
17     return ""
19 answer = input("What is your name? ")
20 name = parse_name(answer)
21 print(f"Hi {name}, nice to meet you!")

The main flow is defined in the last three lines: ask for your name, parse the answer, and print a greeting. The parse package is called on line 14 in order to try to find a name based on one of the patterns listed on lines 7-11.

The program can be used as follows:

$ python
What is your name? I am Geir Arne
Hi Geir Arne, nice to meet you!

Note that even though I answer I am Geir Arne, the program figures out that I am is not part of my name.

Let’s add a small bug to the program, and see if Mypy is able to help us detect it. Change line 16 from return result["name"] to return result. This will return a parse.Result object instead of the string containing the name.

Next run Mypy on the program:

$ mypy error: Cannot find module named 'parse' note: (Perhaps setting MYPYPATH or using the
                       "--ignore-missing-imports" flag would help)

Mypy prints a similar error to the one you saw in the previous section: It doesn’t know about the parse package. You could try to ignore the import:

$ mypy --ignore-missing-imports

Unfortunately, ignoring the import means that Mypy has no way of discovering the bug in our program. A better solution would be to add type hints to the Parse package itself. As Parse is open source you can actually add types to the source code and send a pull request.

Alternatively, you can add the types in a stub file. A stub file is a text file that contains the signatures of methods and functions, but not their implementations. Their main function is to add type hints to code that you for some reason can’t change. To show how this works, we will add some stubs for the Parse package.

First of all, you should put all your stub files inside one common directory, and set the MYPYPATH environment variable to point to this directory. On Mac and Linux you can set MYPYPATH as follows:

$ export MYPYPATH=/home/gahjelle/python/stubs

You can set the variable permanently by adding the line to your .bashrc file. On Windows you can click the start menu and search for environment variables to set MYPYPATH.

Next, create a file inside your stubs directory that you call parse.pyi. It must be named for the package that you are adding type hints for, with a .pyi suffix. Leave this file empty for now. Then run Mypy again:

$ mypy error: Module has no attribute "parse"

If you have set everything up correctly, you should see this new error message. Mypy uses the new parse.pyi file to figure out which functions are available in the parse package. Since the stub file is empty, Mypy assumes that parse.parse() does not exist, and then gives the error you see above.

The following example does not add types for the whole parse package. Instead it shows the type hints you need to add in order for Mypy to type check your use of parse.parse():

# parse.pyi

from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

class Result:
    def __init__(
        fixed: Sequence[str],
        named: Mapping[str, str],
        spans: Mapping[int, Tuple[int, int]],
    ) -> None: ...
    def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, str]) -> str: ...
    def __repr__(self) -> str: ...

def parse(
    format: str,
    string: str,
    evaluate_result: bool = ...,
    case_sensitive: bool = ...,
) -> Optional[Result]: ...

The ellipsis ... are part of the file, and should be written exactly as above. The stub file should only contain type hints for variables, attributes, functions, and methods, so the implementations should be left out and replaced by ... markers.

Finally Mypy is able to spot the bug we introduced:

$ mypy error: Incompatible return value type (got
                         "Result", expected "str")

This points straight to line 16 and the fact that we return a Result object and not the name string. Change return result back to return result["name"], and run Mypy again to see that it’s happy.


You’ve seen how to use stubs to add type hints without changing the source code itself. In the previous section we added some type hints to the third-party Parse package. Now, it wouldn’t be very effective if everybody needs to create their own stubs files for all third-party packages they are using.

Typeshed is a Github repository that contains type hints for the Python standard library, as well as many third-party packages. Typeshed comes included with Mypy so if you are using a package that already has type hints defined in Typeshed, the type checking will just work.

You can also contribute type hints to Typeshed. Make sure to get the permission of the owner of the package first though, especially because they might be working on adding type hints into the source code itself—which is the preferred approach.

Other Static Type Checkers

In this tutorial, we have mainly focused on type checking using Mypy. However, there are other static type checkers in the Python ecosystem.

The PyCharm editor comes with its own type checker included. If you are using PyCharm to write your Python code, it will be automatically type checked.

Facebook has developed Pyre. One of its stated goals is to be fast and performant. While there are some differences, Pyre functions mostly similar to Mypy. See the documentation if you’re interested in trying out Pyre.

Using Types at Runtime

As a final note, it’s possible to use type hints also at runtime during execution of your Python program. Runtime type checking will probably never be natively supported in Python.

However, the type hints are available at runtime in the __annotations__ dictionary, and you can use those to do type checks if you desire. Before you run off and write your own package for enforcing types, you should know that there are already several packages doing this for you. Have a look at Enforce, Pydantic, or Pytypes for some examples.

Another use of type hints is for translating your Python code to C and compiling it for optimization. The popular Cython project uses a hybrid C/Python language to write statically typed Python code. However, since version 0.27 Cython has also supported type annotations. Recently, the Mypyc project has become available. While not yet ready for general use, it can compile some type annotated Python code to C extensions.


Type hinting in Python is a very useful feature that you can happily live without. Type hints don’t make you capable of writing any code you can’t write without using type hints. Instead, using type hints makes it easier for you to reason about code, find subtle bugs, and maintain a clean architecture.

In this tutorial you have learned how type hinting works in Python, and how gradual typing make type checks in Python more flexible than in many other languages. You’ve seen some of the pros and cons of using type hints, and how they can be added to code using annotations or type comments. Finally you saw many of the different types that Python supports, as well as how to perform static type checking.

There are many resources to learn more about static type checking in Python. PEP 483 and PEP 484 give a lot of background about how type checking is implemented in Python. The Mypy documentation has a great reference section detailing all the different types available.

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