Mysql duplicate entry error code

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[Solved] How to solve MySQL error code: 1062 duplicate entry?

January 21, 2016 /

Error Message:

Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry ‘%s’ for key %d


Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

Possible Reason:

Case 1: Duplicate value.

The data you are trying to insert is already present in the column primary key. The primary key column is unique and it will not accept the duplicate entry.

Case 2: Unique data field.

You are trying to add a column to an existing table which contains data and set it as unique.

Case 3: Data type –upper limit.

The auto_increment field reached its maximum range.



Case 1: Duplicate value.

Set the primary key column as AUTO_INCREMENT.


Now, when you are trying to insert values, ignore the primary key column. Also you can insert NULL value to primary key column to generate sequence number. If no value specified MySQL will assign sequence number automatically.

Case 2: Unique data field.

Create the new column without the assigning it as unique field, then insert the data and now set it as unique field now. It will work now!!!

Case 3: Data type-upper limit.

When the data type reached its upper limit, for example, if you were assigned your primary key column as TINYINT, once the last record is with the id 127, when you insert a new record the id should be 128. But 128 is out of range for TINYINT so MySQL reduce it inside the valid range and tries to insert it with the id 127, therefore it produces the duplicate key error.

In order to solve this, you can alter the index field, setting it into signed / unsigned INT/ BIGINT depending on the requirement, so that the maximum range will increase. You can do that by using the following command:


You can use the following function to retrieve the most recently automatically generated AUTO_INCREMENT value:


Final workaround:

After applying all the above mentioned solutions and still if you are facing this error code: 1062 Duplicate entry error, you can try the following workaround.

Step 1: Backup database:

You can backup your database by using following command:
mysqldump database_name > database_name.sql

Step 2: Drop and recreate database: 

Drop the database using the following command:

DROP DATABASE database_name;

Create the database using the following command:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

Step 3: Import database:

You can import your database by using following command:

mysql database_name < database_name.sql;

After applying this workaround, the duplicate entry error will be solved. I hope this post will help you to understand and solve the MySQL Error code: 1062. Duplicate entry error. If you still facing this issue, you can contact me through the contact me page. I can help you to solve this issue.

Here at Bobcares, we provide Server Administration and Maintenance services to website owners and web solution providers.

An error we sometimes see in MySQL servers while updating, restoring or replicating databases is: “Error No: 1062” or “Error Code: 1062” or “ERROR 1062 (23000)

A full error log that we recently saw in a MySQL cluster is:

could not execute Write_rows event on table mydatabasename.atable; Duplicate entry ’174465′ for key ‘PRIMARY’, Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log mysql-bin.000004, end_log_pos 60121977

What is MySQL Error No: 1062?

Simply put, error 1062 is displayed when MySQL finds a DUPLICATE of a row you are trying to insert.

We’ve seen primarily 4 reasons for this error:

  • The web application has a bug that adds primary key by large increments, and exhausts the field limit.
  • MySQL cluster replication tries to re-insert a field.
  • A database dump file contains duplicate rows because of coding error.
  • MySQL index table has duplicate rows.

In rare cases, this error is shown when the table becomes too big, but let’s not worry about that for now.

How to fix Error No 1062 when your web appilcation is broken

Every database driven application like WordPress, Drupal or OpenCart distinguishes one user or data set from another using something called a “primary field”.

This primary field should be unique for each user, post, etc.

Web apps use a code like this to insert data:

INSERT INTO table ('id','field1','field2','field3') VALUES ('NULL','data1','data2','data3');

Where “id” is the unique primar key, and is set to auto-increment (that is a number inserted will always be greater than the previous one so as to avoid duplicates).

This will work right if the value inserted is “NULL” and database table is set to “auto-increment”.

Some web apps make the mistake of passing the value as

VALUES ('','data1','data2','data3');

where the first field is omitted. This will insert random numbers into the primary field, rapidly increasing the number to the maximum field limit (usually 2147483647 for numbers).

All subsequent queries will again try to over-write the field with “2147483647”, which MySQL interprets as a Duplicate.

Web app error solution

When we see a possible web application code error, the developers at our Website Support Services create a patch to the app file that fixes the database query.

Now, we have the non-sequential primary key table to be fixed.

For that, we create a new column (aka field), set it as auto-increment, and then make it the primary key.

The code looks approximately like this:

alter table table1 drop primary key;
alter table table1 add field2 int not null auto_increment primary key;

Once the primary key fields are filled with sequential values, the name of the new field can be changed to the old one, so that all web app queries will remain the same.

Warning : These commands can get very complex, very fast. So, if you are not sure how these commads work, it’s best to get expert assistance.

Click here to talk to our MySQL administrators. We are online 24/7 and can help you within a few minutes.

How to fix MySQL replication Error Code : 1062

Due to quirks in network or synching MySQL is sometimes known to try and write a row when it is already present in the slave.

So, when we see this error in a slave, we try either one of the following depending on many factors such as DB write traffic, time of day etc.

  • Delete the row – This is the faster and safer way to continue if you know that the row being written is exactly the same as what’s already present.
  • Skip the row – If you are not sure there’d be a data loss, you can try skipping the row.

How to delete the row

First delete the row using the primary key.

delete from table1 where field1 is key1;

Then stop and start the slave:

stop slave;
start slave;
select sleep(5);

Once it is done, check the slave status to see if replication is continuing.

show slave status;

If all is well, you’ll see “Seconds_Behind_Master” as a number. If not, your replication is broken and it needs to be fixed.

How to skip the row

For this, you can set the Skip counter to 1.

Here’s how it could look like:

stop slave;
set global SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1;
start slave;
select sleep(5);

Then check the slave status to see if replication is continuing.

show slave status;

Again, if all is well, you’ll see “Seconds_Behind_Master” as a number. If not, your replication is broken and it needs to be fixed.

Proceed with caution

Stopping and starting the slave cannot cause any issue unless you havea  very busy database. But, the delete statement, skipping and following up with a broken replication requires expert knowledge about MySQL organization and functioning.

If you are not sure how these commands will affect your database, we recommend you talk to a DB administrator.

Click here to consult our MySQL admins. We are online 24/7 and can attend your request within minutes.

How to fix MySQL restore errors

Restore errors usually take the form of:

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line XXXX: Duplicate entry ‘XXXXXX’ for key X”

When restoring database dumps, this error can happen due to 2 reasons:

  • The SQL dump file has dulpicate entries.
  • The index file is duplicate rows.

To find out what is exactly going wrong, we look at the conflicting rows and see if they have the same or different data.

If it’s the same data, then the issue could be due to duplicate index rows. If it is different data, the SQL dump file needs to be fixed.

How to fix duplicate entries in database dumps

This situation can happen when two or more tables are dumped into a single file without checking for duplicates.

To resolve this, one way we’ve used is to create a new primary key field with auto-increment and then change the queries to insert NULL value into it.

Then go ahead with the dump.

Once the new primary field table is fully populated, the name of the field is changed to the old primary table name to preserve the old queries.

The alter table command will look like this:

alter table table1 change column 'newprimary' 'oldprimary' varchar(255) not null;

If your index file is corrupted

There’s no easy way to fix an index file if there are duplicate entries in it.

You’ll have to delete the index file, and restore that file either from backups or from another server where your database dump is restored to a fresh DB server.

The steps involved are quite complex to list out here. We recommend that you consult a DB expert if you suspect the index file is corrupted.

Click here to talk to our MySQL administrators. We are online 24/7 and can help you within a few minutes.


MySQL error no 1062 can occur due to buggy web applications, corrupted dump files or replication issues. Today we’ve seen the various ways in which the cause of this error can be detected, and how it can be resolved.


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  1. How to fix “error no 1062” in MySQL servers and clusters
  2. What is MySQL Error No: 1062?
  3. How to fix Error No 1062 when your web appilcation is broken
  4. Web app error solution
  5. How to fix MySQL replication Error Code : 1062
  6. How to delete the row
  7. How to skip the row
  8. Proceed with caution
  9. How to fix MySQL restore errors
  10. How to fix duplicate entries in database dumps
  11. If your index file is corrupted
  12. Summary
  15. Исправление Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave)
  16. One thought on “ Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave) ”
  17. Добавить комментарий Отменить ответ
  18. Technology blog by Rathish kumar
  19. [Solved] How to solve MySQL error code: 1062 duplicate entry?
  20. Error Message:
  21. Example:
  22. Possible Reason:
  23. Case 1: Duplicate value.
  24. Case 2: Unique data field.
  25. Case 3: Data type –upper limit.
  26. Solution:
  27. Case 1: Duplicate value.
  28. Case 2: Unique data field.
  29. Case 3: Data type-upper limit.
  30. Final workaround:
  31. Step 1: Backup database:
  32. Step 2: Drop and recreate database:
  33. Step 3: Import database:
  34. 68 comments:

How to fix “error no 1062” in MySQL servers and clusters

by Visakh S | May 25, 2018

Here at Bobcares, we provide Server Administration and Maintenance services to website owners and web solution providers.

An error we sometimes see in MySQL servers while updating, restoring or replicating databases is: “Error No: 1062” or “Error Code: 1062” or “ERROR 1062 (23000)

A full error log that we recently saw in a MySQL cluster is:

could not execute Write_rows event on table mydatabasename.atable; Duplicate entry ’174465′ for key ‘PRIMARY’, Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log mysql-bin.000004, end_log_pos 60121977

What is MySQL Error No: 1062?

Simply put, error 1062 is displayed when MySQL finds a DUPLICATE of a row you are trying to insert.

We’ve seen primarily 4 reasons for this error:

  • The web application has a bug that adds primary key by large increments, and exhausts the field limit.
  • MySQL cluster replication tries to re-insert a field.
  • A database dump file contains duplicate rows because of coding error.
  • MySQL index table has duplicate rows.

In rare cases, this error is shown when the table becomes too big, but let’s not worry about that for now.

How to fix Error No 1062 when your web appilcation is broken

Every database driven application like WordPress, Drupal or OpenCart distinguishes one user or data set from another using something called a “primary field”.

This primary field should be unique for each user, post, etc.

Web apps use a code like this to insert data:

INSERT INTO table (‘id‘,’field1′,’field2′,’field3’) VALUES (‘NULL‘,’data1′,’data2′,’data3’);

Where “id” is the unique primar key, and is set to auto-increment (that is a number inserted will always be greater than the previous one so as to avoid duplicates).

This will work right if the value inserted is “NULL” and database table is set to “auto-increment”.

Some web apps make the mistake of passing the value as

where the first field is omitted. This will insert random numbers into the primary field, rapidly increasing the number to the maximum field limit (usually 2147483647 for numbers).

All subsequent queries will again try to over-write the field with “2147483647”, which MySQL interprets as a Duplicate.

Web app error solution

When we see a possible web application code error, the developers at our Website Support Services create a patch to the app file that fixes the database query.

Now, we have the non-sequential primary key table to be fixed.

For that, we create a new column (aka field), set it as auto-increment, and then make it the primary key.

The code looks approximately like this:

alter table table1 drop primary key;
alter table table1 add field2 int not null auto_increment primary key;

Once the primary key fields are filled with sequential values, the name of the new field can be changed to the old one, so that all web app queries will remain the same.

Warning : These commands can get very complex, very fast. So, if you are not sure how these commads work, it’s best to get expert assistance.

How to fix MySQL replication Error Code : 1062

Due to quirks in network or synching MySQL is sometimes known to try and write a row when it is already present in the slave.

So, when we see this error in a slave, we try either one of the following depending on many factors such as DB write traffic, time of day etc.

  • Delete the row – This is the faster and safer way to continue if you know that the row being written is exactly the same as what’s already present.
  • Skip the row – If you are not sure there’d be a data loss, you can try skipping the row.

How to delete the row

First delete the row using the primary key.

delete from table1 where field1 is key1;

Then stop and start the slave:

stop slave;
start slave;
select sleep(5);

Once it is done, check the slave status to see if replication is continuing.

show slave status;

If all is well, you’ll see “Seconds_Behind_Master” as a number. If not, your replication is broken and it needs to be fixed.

How to skip the row

For this, you can set the Skip counter to 1.

Here’s how it could look like:

stop slave;
set global SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1;
start slave;
select sleep(5);

Then check the slave status to see if replication is continuing.

show slave status;

Again, if all is well, you’ll see “Seconds_Behind_Master” as a number. If not, your replication is broken and it needs to be fixed.

Proceed with caution

Stopping and starting the slave cannot cause any issue unless you havea very busy database. But, the delete statement, skipping and following up with a broken replication requires expert knowledge about MySQL organization and functioning.

If you are not sure how these commands will affect your database, we recommend you talk to a DB administrator.

How to fix MySQL restore errors

Restore errors usually take the form of:

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line XXXX: Duplicate entry ‘XXXXXX’ for key X”

When restoring database dumps, this error can happen due to 2 reasons:

  • The SQL dump file has dulpicate entries.
  • The index file is duplicate rows.

To find out what is exactly going wrong, we look at the conflicting rows and see if they have the same or different data.

If it’s the same data, then the issue could be due to duplicate index rows. If it is different data, the SQL dump file needs to be fixed.

How to fix duplicate entries in database dumps

This situation can happen when two or more tables are dumped into a single file without checking for duplicates.

To resolve this, one way we’ve used is to create a new primary key field with auto-increment and then change the queries to insert NULL value into it.

Then go ahead with the dump.

Once the new primary field table is fully populated, the name of the field is changed to the old primary table name to preserve the old queries.

The alter table command will look like this:

alter table table1 change column ‘newprimary’ ‘oldprimary’ varchar(255) not null;

If your index file is corrupted

There’s no easy way to fix an index file if there are duplicate entries in it.

You’ll have to delete the index file, and restore that file either from backups or from another server where your database dump is restored to a fresh DB server.

The steps involved are quite complex to list out here. We recommend that you consult a DB expert if you suspect the index file is corrupted.


MySQL error no 1062 can occur due to buggy web applications, corrupted dump files or replication issues. Today we’ve seen the various ways in which the cause of this error can be detected, and how it can be resolved.


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Получил ошибку «Duplicate entry» или она еще называется «Error_code: 1062» в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave). И хочу рассказать, как ее можно исправить.

Чтобы проверить, работает ли SLAVE на сервере ( с репликацией Master-Slave), нужно выполнить команду, но для начала подключитесь к серверу MYSQL:

Ошибка выглядит вот так:

  • — ИП адрес Master-а
  • Duplicate entry ‘14158493’ — Это дублирующиеся запись, ее нужно убрать.

Исправление Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave)

Обычно репликация MySQL остановится всякий раз, когда возникает ошибка выполнения запроса на slave. Это происходит для того, чтобы мы могли идентифицировать проблему и устранить ее, и сохранить данные в соответствии с master-ом, который послал запрос. Вы можете пропустить такие ошибки (даже если это не рекомендуется) до тех пор, пока не найдете причину.

Для начала, остановим SLAVE:

И для исправления данной проблемы, имеется вот эта команда:

И собственно, проверяем и убеждаемся что все хорошо:

Видим что проблема решена!

Если вы уверены, что пропуск этой ошибки не приведет падению slave, то можно прописать в конфиг-файл mysql пропуск этих ошибок, а сделать это можно вот так:

И вставляем (если нет, то прописываем) данную переменную:

Как было показано в примере выше, я пропускаю ошибку 1062: _ Error: 1062 SQLSTATE: 23000 (ER_DUP_ENTRY) Message: Duplicate entry ‘%s’ for key %d_

Вы можете пропускать и другие типы ошибок:

Или можно пропускать все ошибки, но это крайне не рекомендуется делать! БУДЬТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНЫ! А на этом, у меня все, статья «Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave)» завершена.

One thought on “ Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave) ”

это значит пропустит 14158493 запросов!
Так себе идея, обычно хватает SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1;

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Technology blog by Rathish kumar

[Solved] How to solve MySQL error code: 1062 duplicate entry?

Error Message:


Possible Reason:

Case 1: Duplicate value.

Case 2: Unique data field.

Case 3: Data type –upper limit.



Case 1: Duplicate value.

Case 2: Unique data field.

Case 3: Data type-upper limit.

Final workaround:

Step 1: Backup database:

Step 2: Drop and recreate database:

Step 3: Import database:

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Duplicate Entry error is a very common error that has been experienced by users working with databases. Users have reported that the error has commonly occurred when using the SQL. The error appears when updating the tables. Furthermore, the error has occurred in several scenarios which include using Laravel, PHP, Atlassian, Joomla, and similar web development and databases. Now in this article, the objective is to give you important information regarding the error and to give you some methods by which you can fix the issue by yourself in no time. But before let’s go through its causes.

Duplicate Entry

Causes of Duplicate Entry Error Problem Issue

While researching about the error and its possible solution we come up with some very common users that have been reported by the users. The Duplicate Entry error appears because of multiple reasons depending like if you are working with SQL possible the error comes because of the duplicate key, unique data field, or data type -upper limit. Also if the table indexes are corrupted then also the error seems to appear. However, the error also occurs due to mistakes in the codes or the way the user is updating or modifying the table.

  • Duplicate key or entries
  • Unique data field
  • Data type -upper limit
  • Table indexes are corrupted
  • Mistakes in the codes

Similar Types of Duplicate Entry Error Problem Issue

  • MySQL error 1062 duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘primary’
  • MySQL for key ‘primary auto_increment
  • #1062 – duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘primary’ PHPMyAdmin
  • ‘0’ for key ‘primary Codeigniter
  • Duplicate entry 255 for key ‘primary
  • 82 for key primary
  • Duplicate entry ‘4294967295’ for key ‘primary
  • #1062 40 for key primary

In this section, we will try to cover some methods that you can try to resolve the Duplicate Entry Error. The following are the methods we will go through. Since we do not know the actual cause of the issue we will be giving you solutions according to the scenarios.

1. The Value Already Exist (Duplicate Value)

Now the #1062 – duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘primary’ Error may occur when the data or value which you are trying to insert already exists in the Primary key. Furthermore, it is important to know that the Primary key does not accept duplicate entries. To resolve this you can do the below steps.

  • STEP 1. Put the Primary Key Colum as to be auto increment
  • STEP 2. Use the below syntax
**NOTE: You can ignore the Primary key column while inserting values.
you can put NULL vale to Primary Key which in turn automatically generates sequence numbers.

2. Unique Data Filed

The error also appears when an existing table has been set to unique. So when you try to add any column the error appears. So the simple fix to this duplicate entry for key ‘primary’ issue is to create a new column but don’t set it to the Unique field. Insert whatever data you wish to insert and the set is as unique if you want to.

3. Data Limit Out Of Range

The error also appears when if you have been using the auto_increment function and the data exceeds the limit of auto_increment function the #1062 – duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘primary’ error appears. Suppose you have assigned the primary key column as something. And the limit of the auto_increment is set to a max of 127. Now when you enter a new record whose id is more than 127 the error will emerge. To fix this follow the steps.

  • STEP 1. We can resolve the issue by modifying the index field. You may use any of the following signed/unsigned INT/ BIGINT
  • STEP 2. Use the below command to increase the maximum range
  • STEP 3. Also if you want to retrieve the recently incremented value, the below command

4. Creating a New Database & Importing

If you have tried the above methods and the duplicate entry 0 for key primary error still persists, try the below step to fix the issue.

  • STEP 1. Firstly backup your database using the below command
mysqldump database_name > database_name.sql
  • STEP 2. Once the backup is done, drop the database
DROP DATABASE database_name;
  • STEP 3. Now recreate the database, by using the below command
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
  • STEP 4. Now that you have created the database import using the below command
mysql database_name < database_name.sql;
  • STEP 5. Now check if the duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘primary’ error still occurs

5. When Importing Table from Database in PHPmyadmin

The error has been seen when the user tries to import the exported tables in PHPMyAdmin the duplicate entry for key primary error seems to appear. Follow the steps to do it the right way.

  • STEP 1. When you are exporting your SQL database in PHPMyAdmin, use the custom export method
  • STEP 2. In the export, method choose Custom- display all possible options


  • STEP 3. In the options instead of selecting any of the insert options, choose update


  • STEP 4. Using this way will prevent any kind of duplicated inserts to get rid of remove duplicate entry in excel error.

6. Duplicate Username

One of the users has been facing the issue because the database does not allow duplicate usernames. So kindly make sure that the username is unique. To fix this how to remove the duplicate entry in excel issue follow the steps.

  • STEP 1. In order to resolve the issue, you have to find find the duplicate usernames, which can  be done using the following command
SELECT username FROM #__users GROUP BY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
**NOTE: Instead of #_ use the prefix for your tables.
  • STEP 2. Fix the 1062 duplicate entry 1 for key primary issue

7. Other Troubleshooting Points

  • Error in WordPress Database: So one the cause why this duplicate entry 1 for key primary error occurs is because of adswsc_DbInstall. It is comparing the unequal table names.
  • Update the Program: Make sure that if you are using any database application it is updated to the latest version.
  • Crosscheck the code: Make sure that the code is accurate and without errors

In this troubleshooting, we have seen various methods that are the solution to fix Duplicate Entry Error. The error may appear due to multiple reasons and we have tried to cover most of them. Furthermore, we have also talked about the possible causes that lead to this error.

We hope this Duplicate Entry troubleshooting guide fixed your issue. For articles on troubleshooting and tips follow us. Thank You!

Получил ошибку «Duplicate entry» или она еще называется «Error_code: 1062» в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave). И хочу рассказать, как ее можно исправить.

Чтобы проверить, работает ли SLAVE на сервере ( с репликацией Master-Slave), нужно выполнить команду, но для начала подключитесь к серверу MYSQL:

mysql> show slave statusG

Ошибка выглядит вот так:

mysql> show slave statusG
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_User: repl
                  Master_Port: 3306
                Connect_Retry: 60
              Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000210
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 115912924
               Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000640
                Relay_Log_Pos: 253
        Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000210
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: No
                   Last_Errno: 1062
                   Last_Error: Could not execute Write_rows event on table linux-notes.log_visitor; Duplicate entry '14158493' for key 'PRIMARY', Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event's master log mysql-bin.000210, end_log_pos 333
                 Skip_Counter: 0
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 107
              Relay_Log_Space: 115913373
              Until_Condition: None
                Until_Log_Pos: 0
           Master_SSL_Allowed: No
        Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                Last_IO_Errno: 0
               Last_SQL_Errno: 1062
               Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Write_rows event on table linux-notes.log_visitor; Duplicate entry '14158493' for key 'PRIMARY', Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event's master log mysql-bin.000210, end_log_pos 333
             Master_Server_Id: 3361
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



  • — ИП адрес Master-а
  • Duplicate entry ‘14158493’ — Это дублирующиеся запись, ее нужно убрать.

Исправление Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave)

Обычно репликация MySQL остановится всякий раз, когда возникает ошибка выполнения запроса на slave. Это происходит для того, чтобы мы могли идентифицировать проблему и устранить ее, и сохранить данные в соответствии с master-ом, который послал запрос. Вы можете пропустить такие ошибки (даже если это не рекомендуется) до тех пор, пока не найдете причину.

Для начала, остановим SLAVE:

mysql> SLAVE STOP;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


И для исправления данной проблемы, имеется вот эта команда:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


И собственно, проверяем и убеждаемся что все хорошо:

mysql> show slave statusG
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_User: repl
                  Master_Port: 3306
                Connect_Retry: 60
              Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000210
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 132954424
               Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000641
                Relay_Log_Pos: 1457939
        Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000210
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                   Last_Errno: 0
                 Skip_Counter: 12183443
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 132954424
              Relay_Log_Space: 132954873
              Until_Condition: None
                Until_Log_Pos: 0
           Master_SSL_Allowed: No
        Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                Last_IO_Errno: 0
               Last_SQL_Errno: 0
             Master_Server_Id: 3361
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Видим что проблема решена!

Если вы уверены, что пропуск этой ошибки не приведет падению slave, то можно прописать в конфиг-файл mysql пропуск этих ошибок, а сделать это можно вот так:

# vim /etc/my.cnf

И вставляем (если нет, то прописываем) данную переменную:

slave-skip-errors = 1062

Как было показано в примере выше, я пропускаю ошибку 1062: _ Error: 1062 SQLSTATE: 23000 (ER_DUP_ENTRY) Message: Duplicate entry ‘%s’ for key %d_

Вы можете пропускать и другие типы ошибок:


Или можно пропускать все ошибки, но это крайне не рекомендуется делать! БУДЬТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНЫ! А на этом, у меня все, статья «Duplicate entry/Error_code: 1062 в MySQL репликации (Master-Slave)» завершена.

На днях я переносил один из своих сайтов на новый хостинг и столкнулся с проблемой. Подробно о том, как перенести сайт на другой хостинг я расскажу в одной из следующих статей, а пока расскажу о самой проблеме и ее решении.

Файлы сайта я скопировал быстро, сделал экспорт базы данных со старого хостинга, но при попытке импортировать таблицы в базу на новом хостинге возникла ошибка в My SQL вот такого вида:



— — Дамп данных таблицы `rich_blc_instances` — INSERT INTO `rich_blc_instances` (`instance_id`, `link_id`, `container_id`, `container_type`, `link_text`, `parser_type`, `container_field`, `link_context`, `raw_url`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, ‘blogroll’, ‘Документация’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘Заглавная_страница’), (2, 2, 2, ‘blogroll’, ‘Блог WordPress’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘’), (3, 3, 3, ‘blogroll’, ‘Форумы поддержки’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘’), (4, 4, 4, ‘blogroll’, ‘Плагины’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘’), (5, 5, 5, ‘blogroll’, ‘Темы’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘’), (6, 6, 6, ‘blogroll’, ‘Обратная связь’, ‘url_field’, ‘link_url’, », ‘’), (7, 7, 7, ‘blogroll’, ‘Планета WordPr[…]

Ответ MySQL:

#1062 — Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

Так как в базах данных я полный чайник, пришлось копаться в интернете в поисках решения. На форумах довольно много записей от людей с подобной проблемой, но нигде нет четкого ответа – сделай вот так и так.

В общих чертах я проблему понял, но вот как ее решить было неясно. На всех форумах, где встречалось описание подобной ошибки, люди писали, что она возникает при попытке добавить записи из одной базы данных в уже существующую другую.

Но я импортировал базу данных в пустые таблицы, более того, таблицы создавались в процессе импорта.

Решил проблему с ошибкой «#1062 — Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’» следующим образом:

Заменил в таблицах базы данных команду INSERT INTO на REPLACE INTO. В тексте ошибки, который я привел выше вы можете посмотреть в каком месте таблицы располагаются эти слова (выделил жирным).

По умолчанию, с помощью директивы insert база пыталась вставить значения в таблицу, но почему-то, находила дублированный key ‘PRIMARY’ и не могла вставить данные (как она их находила, я так и не разобрался). Директива replace заставила базу заменять данные при совпадении значений, не обращая внимания на прошлые записи.

Заменить эту директиву можно открыв сам файл базы данных с помощью текстового редактора – эта команда стоит перед блоком каждой таблицы. Открываете базу данных в текстовом редакторе, например, Akelpad и меняете все команды INSERT INTO на REPLACE INTO.

В моем же случае, получилось сделать проще – я по новой сделал экспорт таблицы на старом хостинге и в настройках экспорта установил этот самый REPLACE вместо INSERT.

Карта Tinkoff Black

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  • Mysql duplicate entry error 1062 duplicate entry
  • Mysql duplicate column error
  • Mysql data mysqlclient mysqlexception fatal error encountered during command execution
  • Mysql create table error 1064
  • Mysql connector python error

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