Mysqldump got error 1227 access denied

Here at XTIVIA we have provided professional services many times to clients running into errors while restoring a MySQL database from a backup created with mysqldump. One specific error on import of a backup, Error 1227, reports “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation” and provides a line […]

Here at XTIVIA we have provided professional services many times to clients running into errors while restoring a MySQL database from a backup created with mysqldump. One specific error on import of a backup, Error 1227, reports “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation” and provides a line number in the sql dump file. When reviewing the information at that line, it is often found that a create view statement is to be run but errors out. The problem is, the user who is restoring the backup does not have the same database privileges as the user defined in the view.

What is a view?

Queries can be stored as virtual tables within MySQL. The virtual table is called a view and will provide a result set of the query when invoked. Views can be created to use numerous different types of select statements, stored and invoked in a simpler fashion as a view than by providing the full query or queries.

How is a view created?

Creating a view involves providing a user or “definer” for the view, providing the query and defining the SQL Security for the view as the definer or an “invoker”. The default SQL Security option is “definer” and a definer is the user who created the view or a user who is labeled as the definer at the time of the view creation. An invoker is any user invoking the view by running a statement which references the view after it is created. These different users have defined privileges within the database, as all users do. Defining privileges to the view makes sense because a user without access to a certain schema or certain table should not be able to query that data via invoking views or other methods. By creating a view as a definer with specific privileges, only those with the minimum permissions of the definer are allowed to view the underlying data. The view has set permissions of the user defined as the definer or as the invoker.

Why is Error 1227 so commonly encountered when importing a view from a logical backup?

The reason MySQL throws error 1227 during a restore at a create view statement is because the definer of the view differs from the user restoring the database. Super privilege is required to create the view which was defined by a user other than the user importing the data. This is a security measure in case the definer of the view has privileges to access certain data that the user who is running the restore does not.

What can be done to resolve Error 1227?

There are a few workarounds to get all data and views imported. Understanding the risks involved with each is recommended prior to using these options.

  1. Restore the database as a user with super privilege. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.
  2. Restore the database as the definer user if possible. It is likely that there are many views with different definers having different permissions so this may not be feasible. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.
  3. Edit the backup file by either removing the DEFINER= statement from the backup file, or replace the definer values with CURRENT_USER.

For example use sed or perl to modify the file. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.

How can I resolve 1227 and definer errors when importing data to my Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance using mysqldump?

Last updated: 2022-04-29

When I attempt to import data to an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL DB instance using mysqldump, I receive an error similar to one of the following:

Error: 1227 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR) Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %s privilege(s) for this operation.

Definer error: example: /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50017 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 TRIGGER customer_update AFTER UPDATE ON `customer` FOR EACH ROW

Short description

A 1227 error occurs when the database has the binary log enabled and the mysqldump file contains a stored object, such as a trigger, view, function, or event. For more information, see Binary Log.

Definer errors are triggered when MySQL attempts to create an object under a database user but that database user doesn’t exist on the destination database. You might receive a similar error when MySQL attempts to create a user for localhost, an action that isn’t permitted for Amazon RDS. This is because Amazon RDS doesn’t have superuser permissions.


Resolve error 1227

1.    Set the log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter to true in the custom DB parameter group that you create for your DB instance.

2.    Some commands usually present in MySQL dump files, such as » SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN= 0;«, aren’t allowed in RDS. These lines should be deleted from or commented on the dump file before the file is run against the RDS instance.

Resolve definer error

Definer errors can be addressed in several ways:

  • Remove the definer line
  • Rename the definer users
  • Create or re-create the dump file without the definer option

Remove the definer line

/*!50017 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/

The line now shows output that’s similar to this:

/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50003 TRIGGER customer_update AFTER UPDATE ON `customer` FOR EACH ROW

Rename the definer users

Rename the root to masteruser and localhost to %host:

/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50017 DEFINER=`masteruser`@`%`*/ /*!50003 TRIGGER customer_update AFTER UPDATE ON `customer` FOR EACH ROW

Note: You can use % as a wildcard for all hosts.

Create or re-create the dump file without the definer option.

The MySQL dump utility doesn’t provide the option to remove a DEFINER. Some MySQL clients provide the option to ignore the definer when creating a logical backup, but this option doesn’t occur by default. Review the documentation for your preferred MySQL client to see if the option to ignore the DEFINER is available. The MySQL command line client is unable to exclude the definer. However, the client can be used with third-party tools to remove the DEFINER or to find and replace the user name and host

The following examples demonstrate how the DEFINER can be removed in Linux, macOS, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):


sed -i -e 's/DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`//g' dump.sql

Find and replace:

sed -i -e 's/DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`/DEFINER=`masteruser`@`%`/g' dump.sql

Note: Replace the value for masteruser with the name of your Amazon RDS master user.

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  1. MySQL Error 1227 “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”
  2. What is a view?
  3. How is a view created?
  4. Why is Error 1227 so commonly encountered when importing a view from a logical backup?
  5. What can be done to resolve Error 1227?
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  32. How to resolve definer ERROR 1227 (42000) when importing data to Azure/Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance using mysqldump?
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  35. Summary
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  39. Unable to import MySQL dump using Import Dump feature in Plesk: ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 1421: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
  40. Symptoms
  41. Cause
  42. Solution 1
  43. Solution 2
  44. Solution 3

MySQL Error 1227 “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”

Here at XTIVIA we have provided professional services many times to clients running into errors while restoring a MySQL database from a backup created with mysqldump. One specific error on import of a backup, Error 1227, reports “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation” and provides a line number in the sql dump file. When reviewing the information at that line, it is often found that a create view statement is to be run but errors out. The problem is, the user who is restoring the backup does not have the same database privileges as the user defined in the view.

What is a view?

Queries can be stored as virtual tables within MySQL. The virtual table is called a view and will provide a result set of the query when invoked. Views can be created to use numerous different types of select statements, stored and invoked in a simpler fashion as a view than by providing the full query or queries.

How is a view created?

Creating a view involves providing a user or “definer” for the view, providing the query and defining the SQL Security for the view as the definer or an “invoker”. The default SQL Security option is “definer” and a definer is the user who created the view or a user who is labeled as the definer at the time of the view creation. An invoker is any user invoking the view by running a statement which references the view after it is created. These different users have defined privileges within the database, as all users do. Defining privileges to the view makes sense because a user without access to a certain schema or certain table should not be able to query that data via invoking views or other methods. By creating a view as a definer with specific privileges, only those with the minimum permissions of the definer are allowed to view the underlying data. The view has set permissions of the user defined as the definer or as the invoker.

Why is Error 1227 so commonly encountered when importing a view from a logical backup?

The reason MySQL throws error 1227 during a restore at a create view statement is because the definer of the view differs from the user restoring the database. Super privilege is required to create the view which was defined by a user other than the user importing the data. This is a security measure in case the definer of the view has privileges to access certain data that the user who is running the restore does not.

What can be done to resolve Error 1227?

There are a few workarounds to get all data and views imported. Understanding the risks involved with each is recommended prior to using these options.

  1. Restore the database as a user with super privilege. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.
  2. Restore the database as the definer user if possible. It is likely that there are many views with different definers having different permissions so this may not be feasible. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.
  3. Edit the backup file by either removing the DEFINER= statement from the backup file, or replace the definer values with CURRENT_USER.

For example use sed or perl to modify the file. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.

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I just discovered that dealing with MySQL triggers, in many instances, is quite painful. For example, here’s a trigger that deletes a bunch of rows in a table on every INSERT :

Ok, let’s load this trigger into MySQL:

Access denied? I dug into it, and confirmed that you can only add triggers if your user account has the SUPER privilege enabled. You’re probably thinking, «No kidding Sherlock, that’s what the error message says.» Yes, I know that’s what the error message says. But here’s the problem. Normal database users created using GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.* TO. will not have the SUPER privilege assigned to them by default. As described here, the SUPER privilege in MySQL let’s the account do some things that normal database users, in most environments, should not be able to do (like kill database threads, modify global system variables, etc.). As a result, it’s a very bad idea to grant the SUPER privilege to normal database users, even if they just need the SUPER privilege to load a trigger. You know better than that!

Even worse, suppose you GRANT SUPER PRIVILEGES to a single user, on a single database. Well, that still won’t be enough to load a trigger. Unfortunately, loading triggers requires SUPER PRIVILEGES at the global level (e.g., GRANT SUPER PRIVILEGES ON *.* ). Again, it’s a very bad ideal to grant normal database users the SUPER privilege.

So how exactly am I supposed to load this trigger? Well as far as I can tell, assuming I refuse to give myself SUPER PRIVILEGES for the reasons I just explained, I have two options:

  1. Don’t use triggers, and find another way to cleanup rows in my table.
  2. Log into the database as root/admin and load the trigger on behalf of the normal user. If I wasn’t the owner of this database server, this would probably involve asking my database administrator to load the trigger for me.

Just one of many common annoyances with MySQL.


MySQL asking a user for SUPER privilege to perform a delete

When trying to do a delete operation on a table, mysql reports the following error:

Error code 1227: Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation.

However, my user has this privilege granted for all tables in the schema:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON myschema .* TO ‘my_admin’@’%’

How come it asks me for SUPER privilege for a delete?

4 Answers 4

Are you sure that you’re not logged in as some less privileged user? You get the privileges of the user you are logged in as, not of all users that you conceivably could log in as.

If myadmin@ has fewer privileges than myadmin@% and you are logging in from, you get the former’s privileges.

Do s from a mysql client to see what «current user» you are, then SHOW GRANTS FOR that user.

You did do FLUSH PRIVILEGES after executing the GRANT , I assume.

I had the same problem. It was an incomplete installation that caused it. I was unable to run mysql from the command line with root access because I had not set a root password. So I re-installed mysql (didn’t need to) — oh yeah backed up my tables first using mysqldump: mysqldump —all-databases > huge_dump.dump ( this didn’t ask me for a password ) Here’s the key — Run the mysql_secure_installation script:

Bla Bla Bla — — — Enter current password for root (enter for none); HIT ENTER since you have not set a root password yet

Set root password? [Y/n] y

Now you are the coolest guy(gal) around since you fixed it. Unless you are the only one around — well then you are still the coolest one around!

Have a look in the mysql.* tables. It is possible that some permissions have been set on that table that remove your access. I know MySQL’s permissions don’t normally work that way, but it’s worth looking at.

Also, does the table’s file itself have the correct file system permissions? If MySQL can’t write to it, it might confuse the permissions subsystem as to what’s wrong.

Another possibility is: maybe there’s a trigger (such as a delete EVENT) against that table. If you delete rows on that table, it will issue the trigger, but the trigger needs the SUPER privilege to execute.

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How to resolve definer ERROR 1227 (42000) when importing data to Azure/Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance using mysqldump?

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When importing data to an Azure/ Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance using mysqldump, you may receive an error similar to the following:

  • Confluence 7.11.0+
  • Amazon /Azure MySQL


  • Make sure log_bin_trust_function_creators value has been set correctly on Azure and AWS per this KB
  • Make sure you have followed this KB to dump the MySQL database if your confluence version is 7.11+

Checking the DB dump at line xxxxxx

If you see the output lines similar to the following, this KB applies to you:


Definer errors are triggered when MySQL attempts to create an object under a database user, and that database user doesn’t exist on the destination database. This usually happened when you are trying to migrate the on-perms MySQL database to Azure/Amazon RDS. When MySQL attempts to create a user for localhost, which is not permitted for Azure/Amazon RDS. This is because Amazon/Azure RDS doesn’t have superuser privileges.


Rename the definer users to the current user and host:

You can remote access Azure/ Amazon RDS to verify the local DB admin account:


Unable to import MySQL dump using Import Dump feature in Plesk: ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 1421: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation


Unable to import the MySQL dump via Subscriptions > > Databases > Import Dump:

PLESK_ERROR: Unable to import the john_doe_database dump:
Unable to restore database ‘john_doe_database’
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 1421: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
(Error code 22)

The MySQL CREATE procedure together with the DEFINER directive is used in the dump several times for different users:

Each user defined in the DEFINER directive in the MySQL dump have no SUPER privilege in the Tools & Settings > Database Servers > MySQL > User accounts > John Doe > Edit privileges > Administration list.


This has been reported as bug ID PPPM-13086 which will be fixed in future updates.

Solution 1

Provide all users in the dump with the required SUPER privilege. This means that the database user where the dump was exported from and the database user where the dump is imported to need SUPER privilege:

Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers and click the icon opposite the MySQL database server:

Navigate to the User accounts page and click the Edit privileges link opposite the required database user:

Mark the SUPER permission in the Administration list and press the GO button:

Import the MySQL dump via Subscriptions > > Databases > Import Dump

Revoke the SUPER permission from the database user.
Repeat steps from 2 and 3, then uncheck the SUPER permission in the Administration list and press the GO button:

Solution 2

Modify the MySQL dump file by removing all DEFINER directives:

Connect to the server via RDP or SSH.

Create a backup of the current MySQL dump file.

Open the MySQL dump file in any text editor.

Find all DEFINER directives in the file and remove them:

Solution 3

On Linux, the following command can be used to remove all DEFINER from the dump file

Connect to the server via SSH

# plesk db dump john_doe_database | sed -e “s//*[^*]*DEFINER=[^*]**///” > db_without_definer.sql

Remove DEFINER from the dump file directly:


Wondering how to fix AWS RDS MySQL Error 1227? We can help you.

This error is seen while trying to import the logical backup taken using mysqldump to an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) MySQL DB instance that has automated backups enabled.

Here at Bobcares, we often handle requests from our customers to fix similar errors as a part of our Server Management Services. Today we will see how our support engineers fix this for our customers.

How to fix AWS RDS MySQL Error 1227

Before going into the steps for fixing this error we will see what causes this error.

A typical error may look like the one given below:

Error: 1227 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR) Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %s privilege(s) for this operation.


This error occurs when the database has the binary log enabled, and the mysqldump file contains a stored object (a trigger, view, function, or event).

If any create statements don’t include the “NO SQL,” “READS SQL DATA,” or “DETERMINISTIC” keywords, then MySQL can’t create those objects, and the import fails with error 1227.

Steps to fix this error

To resolve error 1227, we must change the parameter group value of log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1.

To relax this condition and allow the import of all the objects, we must set the global log_bin_trust_function_creators system variables to 1 through the Amazon RDS custom DB parameter group.

Note: We can’t change values in a default parameter group. Instead, associate a custom parameter group to the DB instance if the default parameter group is currently associated with the DB instance. After we associate a new parameter group to our RDS DB instance, we must reboot your DB instance.

For custom parameter group attached to DB instance

The steps to follow are given below:

1. First, we must open the Amazon RDS console, and choose Parameter groups from the navigation pane.

2. Then choose the custom parameter group name that is associated to your DB instance.

3. After that enter log_bin_trust_function_creators in the Filter parameters field and then choose Edit Parameters.

4. Now change the Values for log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1.

5. Finally Save changes.

For default parameter group attached to RDS DB instance:

The steps to follow are given below:

1.  First we must open the Amazon RDS console, and then choose Parameter groups from the navigation pane.

2. After that select Create a parameter group and then Parameter group family that matches the DB instance.

3. Now we can enter a Group name and Description, and then click Create.

4. After choosing the new parameter group name, enter log_bin_trust_function_creators in the Filter parameters field.

5. Then we must take Edit parameters, and change the Values for log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1.

6. Now Save changes.

7. And choose Databases, select the DB instance, and click Modify.

8. From the Database options we must choose the new parameter group created and click Continue.

9. Then choose Apply immediately or Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window.

10. After that Modify DB Instance.

11. Finally, we must manually reboot the DB instance so that the parameter group status is in sync.

[Need assistance? We can help you]


In short, we saw how our Support Techs fix AWS RDS MySQL Error 1227 for our customers.


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Should you get an access denied error when trying to import a dump into MySQL via Directadmin or phpMyAdmin, saying that you need at least one of the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation, here you can learn how to fix it.

The full text of the error is shown below:

#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

Use case

We faced the error on a Directadmin server running on Google Compute Engine (GCE), and MySQL 5.6.x server was running as a separate instance of Cloud SQL (MySQL & PostgreSQL Relational Database Service from Google):

-- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.6.38, for linux-glibc2.12 (x86_64)
-- Host: 35.189.xx.xx    Database: database_name
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version	5.6.36-google-log

And every time when we created a MySQL dump in Directadmin or phpMyAdmin it contained the following lines:


All the attempts to import such a dump later failed due to the lack of permissions. Even when we connected to the remote MySQL server as root user which has all possible permissions.

Bypass to import SQL

If your case is the same with ours, and you need to import dumps you should first clear them, i.e. remove lines:



SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='d2298455-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-42010a980029:1-3413775';



from a SQL file. The import should succeed since then.

Fixing MySQL Dump process

Here we will describe how to fix it and make SQL-dumps to not include those instructions, which break import process. For this you should do at least the following.

Update /etc/my.cnf (or whichever file is that on your Linux box) and populate it with the following instructions:


You don’t need to restart anything after it, even if you hold your MySQL server locally. After this update MySQL dumps should be safe for future importing.

Fixing Directadmin and Custombuild

Though the fix mentioned earlier is sufficient, for any cases when you don’t have /etc/my.cnf you can update directadmin.conf with the following instruction:


run this code to update directadmin.conf:

echo "extra_mysqldump_options=--set-gtid-purged=OFF" >> /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
service directadmin restart

That’s it.

Wanna more?


More information on the matter can be found here:


Should you need an assistance with the guide please contact us.

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