Mysqldump got error 2003

"mysqldump error 2003" can occur due to MySQL service downtime, MySQL socket issues, and so on. Here are the steps to fix this problem.

Mysqldump is a useful tool for server owners to fully backup their databases.

However, many users come up with errors while doing a backup or restore using this tool. And, one such error is “mysqldump error 2003“.

At Bobcares, we help server owners resolve these errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll discuss the top 3 reasons for this error and how we fix them.

“mysqldump error 2003” – A Brief explanation

“Mysqldump error 2003” means that the network connection has been refused. And, users see the complete error message like this when using the mysqldump command.

mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) when trying to connect

This may be due to the downtime of MySQL service, disabled network connections, and more.

“mysqldump error 2003” – Why & How to fix?

We got a clear understanding of this error. Let’s now see the main reasons for this error and how our Support Engineers fix them.

1) MySQL service downtime

This error occurs usually if the MySQL service is not running on the server. There are scenarios in which MySQL server  doesn’t automatically start after server reboots. Similarly, intermittent MySQL service crashes can also cause this error.

And, users see the ‘mysqldump error 2003‘ when trying to backup/restore the database.


Firstly, our hosting engineers check if the MySQL service is running on the server. For example on Linux servers, we use the following command to check the status of the MySQL service.

ps aux | grep mysql

If the MySQL service is down or doesn’t respond, we’ll kill the MySQL dead processes and restart the service. Moreover, we modify the server configuration to start the MySQL service automatically during server reboot.

Similarly, intermittent service crashes can occur due to resource outages, heavy traffic, DDoS attacks, corrupted data files or index files, and more. Here, our Server Experts checks the server error logs to determine where the MySQL service failed and fix that issue.

[MySQL service keeps crashing on your server? Click here to get an experienced MySQL expert to fix it for you.]

2) MySQL running on custom port

The default port of MySQL is 3306. But, server owners prefer to use a custom port to improve security. So, in such cases users should explicitly specify the MySQL port to perform database operations.

In other words, if users use a custom MySQL port and use the mysqldump command without a custom port, the MySQL server will look for the default MySQL port and throws this error.


Our Hosting Engineers use the netstat command to find the right port on which the MySQL service is listening.

netstat -lnp | grep mysql

Once we have identified the correct MySQL port, we suggest customers to use the MySQL port explicitly in the mysqldump command. For example, see the below command.

mysqldump -u root -p password -P customport databasename > backup.sql

In addition to that, we confirm that there are no syntax errors in the mysqldump command issued by the user.

3) MySQL socket issues

MySQL socket file is a pseudo file used by the server and clients to exchange requests and data. So, a missing socket file or wrong permissions of the socket file can lead to this error.

a) Missing MySQL socket file

The default location of MySQL socket file is /tmp/mysql.sock. In some servers, any users can delete the files in the /tmp directory which can lead to problems. We’ve seen cases where users mistakenly delete this file or create a custom cron to remove older files in /tmp folder.


Firstly, our Hosting Engineers check if the MySQL socket file that mysqladmin tries to access really exists. If not, we’ll restart the MySQL service which will create the mysql.sock file again.

Further, we protect the /tmp directory, so that the files can only be removed by their owners or root users. Alternatively in some cases, we change the default location of the MySQL socket. Similarly, if we find any cron entries removing the MySQL socket files, we’ll remove it from the server.

b) Wrong permission of MySQL socket file

Sometimes, the server has no proper access rights for the MySQL socket file or the directory that holds the MySQL socket file. If the server can’t access the socket file to communicate, it leads to this error.


Our Support Engineers correct the access privileges for the socket file and the directory, so that the server can connect to MySQL socket file for communication.

[And, do you need a MySQL Expert to look into this issue? Click here, we are online 24/7.]


In short, mysqldump error 2003 can occur due to MySQL service downtime, MySQL socket issues, and so on. Today, we’ve discussed the top 3 reasons for this error and how our Support Engineers fix this problem.


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9 Years Ago

Hi all!

I have a big problem that I would like some help. I use Mysql Workbenc 5.2CE. I changed the default port to 3301. The mysql server is up and running well (I access it from an app I’m making with VB.NET). The problem is I can’t get mysqldump to backup the database. I’m using the following code (in the command prompt)

"C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5binmysqldump.exe", "--user=root  --password =mypassword" "--host = --port 3301 --databases MySQL databasename -r ""C:GreatestHR BackupBackUpDataBase.sql"""

(Note: I would like to use an IP Address for host)

When I run that, I get the error: «mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (10049)
when trying to connect «.

Can someone please help me on this? (People are not even talking about mysql’s error 10049 online.)

I will appreciate any help.

Recommended Answers

10049 means address not available, it’s a socket error. Port seems to be missing the equal sign, so check your syntax.

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9 Years Ago

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Featured Poster

9 Years Ago

10049 means address not available, it’s a socket error. Port seems to be missing the equal sign, so check your syntax.

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Newbie Poster

9 Years Ago

Try connecting to —host=localhost if you’re using sockets..

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9 Years Ago

Thank you all, but I haven’t been able to solve the problem:
1. From dorco’s suggestion: I followed the link and it says binding would be an issue only if I was connecting to another IP address, say a public IP or just any other. But, for my case, the server is on the same computer (localhost) so I presume the binding is set correctly.But thank you for the article, of course it will help me in the future since I’m going to do that.

2.Pritaes, thank you. I added the = to port but no success sir. I will post my code below.

3.Nickw, thank you. I did what you said (host=localhost) no success.

My code now looks like this:

    "C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5binmysqldump.exe", "--user=root --password =mypassword" "--host = localhost --port=3301 --databases MySQL databasename -r ""C:GreatestHR BackupBackUpDataBase.sql"""

But now I get a different error message:»Mysqldump: Got error:1044:Access denied for user »@’localhost’ to database ‘,’ when selecting the database. (this is exactly how the error msg says, I didn’t remove a thing in the »)

Please, I will appreciate more help.

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Featured Poster

9 Years Ago

Try this:

"C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5binmysqldump.exe" --user=root --password=mypassword --host=localhost --port=3301 --databases databasename > "C:GreatestHR BackupBackUpDataBase.sql"

Read more in the manual.


9 Years Ago
by pritaeas

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9 Years Ago

Pritaeas, I can’t be more more thankful! It worked. I just see removing the «» made it work.

Thank you much, and thank you too for the link to the manual, I will study it.

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  1. Fix: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)
  2. If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider:
  3. “mysqldump error 2003” – Here are the 3 important points to check
  4. “mysqldump error 2003” – A Brief explanation
  5. “mysqldump error 2003” – Why & How to fix?
  6. 1) MySQL service downtime
  7. 2) MySQL running on custom port
  8. 3) MySQL socket issues
  9. Conclusion

Fix: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)

This tutorial is intended to explain the necessary steps for solving the “ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)” which might occur when you try to access the MySQL database server.

Before moving any further, if you are a Linux user who is new to MySQL/MariaDB, then you may consider learning MySQL / MariaDB for Beginners – Part 1 and 20 MySQL (Mysqladmin) Commands for Database Administration in Linux as well.

On the other hand, if you are already a intermediate/experienced MySQL user, you can master these 15 Useful MySQL/MariaDB Performance Tuning and Optimization Tips.

Note: For this tutorial, it is assumed that you have already installed mysql database server.

Coming back to the point of focus, what are some of the possible causes of this error?

  1. Network failure especially if mysql database server is running on remote host.
  2. No mysql server is running on the mentioned host.
  3. Firewall blocking TCP-IP connection or other related reasons.

Below are the essential steps to deal with it.

1. If database server is on a remote machine, then try to test the client-server connectivity using ping command, for instance:

Ping Host Machine

Once there is connectivity, use the ps command below which shows information about a selection of the active processes, together with a pipe and grep command, to check that the mysql daemon is running on your system.

where the option:

  1. -A – activates selection of all processes
  2. -f – enables full format listing

Check MySQL Process

If there is no output from the previous command, start the mysql service as follows:

After starting mysql service, try to access the database server:

2. If you still get the same error, then determine the port (default is 3306) on which the mysql daemon is listening by running the netstat command.

where the options:

  1. -l – displays listening ports
  2. -n – enables display of numerical addresses
  3. -p – shows PID and name of the program owning the socket

Find MySQL Port Number

Therefore use the -P option to specify the port you see from the output above while accessing the database server:

3. If all the above commands run successfully, but you still see the error, open the mysql config file.

Look for the line below and comment it out using the # character:

Save the file and exit, afterwards restart the mysql service like so:

However, if you have firewallD or Iptables running try to review firewall services and open the mysql port, assuming it is firewall blocking TCP-IP connections to your mysql server.

That’s all! Do you know other methods or have suggestions for solving the MySQL connection error above? Let us know by dropping a comment via the feedback form below.

Tutorial Feedback.

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“mysqldump error 2003” – Here are the 3 important points to check

Mysqldump is a useful tool for server owners to fully backup their databases.

However, many users come up with errors while doing a backup or restore using this tool. And, one such error is “mysqldump error 2003“.

At Bobcares, we help server owners resolve these errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll discuss the top 3 reasons for this error and how we fix them.

“mysqldump error 2003” – A Brief explanation

“Mysqldump error 2003” means that the network connection has been refused. And, users see the complete error message like this when using the mysqldump command.

This may be due to the downtime of MySQL service, disabled network connections, and more.

“mysqldump error 2003” – Why & How to fix?

We got a clear understanding of this error. Let’s now see the main reasons for this error and how our Support Engineers fix them.

1) MySQL service downtime

This error occurs usually if the MySQL service is not running on the server. There are scenarios in which MySQL server doesn’t automatically start after server reboots. Similarly, intermittent MySQL service crashes can also cause this error.

And, users see the ‘mysqldump error 2003‘ when trying to backup/restore the database.


Firstly, our hosting engineers check if the MySQL service is running on the server. For example on Linux servers, we use the following command to check the status of the MySQL service.

If the MySQL service is down or doesn’t respond, we’ll kill the MySQL dead processes and restart the service. Moreover, we modify the server configuration to start the MySQL service automatically during server reboot.

Similarly, intermittent service crashes can occur due to resource outages, heavy traffic, DDoS attacks, corrupted data files or index files, and more. Here, our Server Experts checks the server error logs to determine where the MySQL service failed and fix that issue.

2) MySQL running on custom port

The default port of MySQL is 3306. But, server owners prefer to use a custom port to improve security. So, in such cases users should explicitly specify the MySQL port to perform database operations.

In other words, if users use a custom MySQL port and use the mysqldump command without a custom port, the MySQL server will look for the default MySQL port and throws this error.


Our Hosting Engineers use the netstat command to find the right port on which the MySQL service is listening.

Once we have identified the correct MySQL port, we suggest customers to use the MySQL port explicitly in the mysqldump command. For example, see the below command.

In addition to that, we confirm that there are no syntax errors in the mysqldump command issued by the user.

3) MySQL socket issues

MySQL socket file is a pseudo file used by the server and clients to exchange requests and data. So, a missing socket file or wrong permissions of the socket file can lead to this error.

a) Missing MySQL socket file

The default location of MySQL socket file is /tmp/mysql.sock. In some servers, any users can delete the files in the /tmp directory which can lead to problems. We’ve seen cases where users mistakenly delete this file or create a custom cron to remove older files in /tmp folder.


Firstly, our Hosting Engineers check if the MySQL socket file that mysqladmin tries to access really exists. If not, we’ll restart the MySQL service which will create the mysql.sock file again.

Further, we protect the /tmp directory, so that the files can only be removed by their owners or root users. Alternatively in some cases, we change the default location of the MySQL socket. Similarly, if we find any cron entries removing the MySQL socket files, we’ll remove it from the server.

b) Wrong permission of MySQL socket file

Sometimes, the server has no proper access rights for the MySQL socket file or the directory that holds the MySQL socket file. If the server can’t access the socket file to communicate, it leads to this error.


Our Support Engineers correct the access privileges for the socket file and the directory, so that the server can connect to MySQL socket file for communication.

[And, do you need a MySQL Expert to look into this issue? Click here, we are online 24/7.]


In short, mysqldump error 2003 can occur due to MySQL service downtime, MySQL socket issues, and so on. Today, we’ve discussed the top 3 reasons for this error and how our Support Engineers fix this problem.


Server owners will often use mysqldump for taking database backup completely. While using this tool, you may get some errors.

This error states that the connection has been refused by the network. Below is the statement of how you will get the error message:


mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) when trying to connect


Downtime of Mysql service:

If the server doesn’t help to run the Mysql then of course you will get the error. Even if you reboot the server, it won’t listen to your technical terms. Whenever you try to restore or back up the database, you will get the error mysqldump error 2003.

Use the below command to check the MySQL is running on the server or not:

Just kill the dead process of mysql and try to fix the problem by restarting the service. You can even do some configurations in MySQL service to ensure the safety process from index files, data file corruption, DDoS attack, traffic, and outrages.

Custom port MySQL run:

3306 is the default Mysql port and so, the owners of the server keep on trying to increase the security then and there with the help of a custom port. To do some operations in the database, you need to enroll the Mysql port number without fail.

There are some situations where Mysql looks out for a custom port first and then takes the default port number.

Find out the port number by using the netstat command like below:


netstat -lnp | grep mysql

Once you find the Mysql port number kindly use it with the mysqldump command:


mysqldump -u root -p password -P customport databasename > backup.sql

Socket issue in Mysql:

There will be frequent exchanges between the client and the server. They keep on exchanging data and requests in terms of pseudo files. If the pseudo-file haven’t been given proper permission or its absence may end up with the error.

Check the socket file is present in /tmp/mysql.sock. If you mistakenly delete the files it may lead to the socket issue problem.

You can create a new socket file in mysql.sock or else try to access mysqladmin. Once you create the socket file, kindly restart it again.

Only root users or owners have permission to remove the files from /tmp directory. There are many cases, which we try to change the socket of the Mysql location.
Giver proper privilege to the socket file for accessing it without interruption.

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