Nano error writing permission denied

Я пытаюсь сохранить файл с помощью редактора файлов nano в Ubuntu [Ошибка записи / имя файла: разрешение отклонено] С помощью текстового редактора Nano я пытаюсь сохранить и выйти из файла. У меня уже есть файл с именем. Я нажимаю Control+ X, чтобы выйти. Я нажимаю y, потому что я хочу сохранить файл, теперь он […]


  1. Я пытаюсь сохранить файл с помощью редактора файлов nano в Ubuntu [Ошибка записи / имя файла: разрешение отклонено]
  2. 4 ответа
  3. Ubuntu – ‘[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]’ while trying to save a file using the nano editor
  4. Cannot write to newly created file
  5. 3 Answers 3
  6. Permission denied при открытие консольного редактора nano.
  7. One comment
  8. Nano error writing permission denied
  9. Re: Error writing files : permission denied
  10. Re: Error writing files : permission denied
  11. Re: Error writing files : permission denied

Я пытаюсь сохранить файл с помощью редактора файлов nano в Ubuntu [Ошибка записи / имя файла: разрешение отклонено]

С помощью текстового редактора Nano я пытаюсь сохранить и выйти из файла. У меня уже есть файл с именем.

Я нажимаю Control+ X, чтобы выйти.

Я нажимаю y, потому что я хочу сохранить файл, теперь он говорит, что файл для записи, Хорошо, я использую имя по умолчанию, потому что оно уже названо.

Проблема в том, что я получаю это сообщение. [Error writing /filename: Permission denied] ,

Что я делаю неправильно?

4 ответа

Ну, у вас нет прав на запись этого файла. использование

Если вы администратор, откройте другой терминал

вернитесь к своему терминалу «nano» и сохраните файл. Измените разрешения обратно на имя файла, если вам интересно, скорее всего, они 755

У меня возникла ваша проблема, и для устранения этой ошибки есть простой способ, поэтому в основном вам не нужно ничего делать, кроме как переключиться с обычного пользователя на пользователя root, и для этого введите команду sudo su, затем введите

Теперь у вас есть полный доступ, так что делайте все, что хотите, потому что теперь у вас есть полномочия суперпользователя.

su означает переключение пользователя

Чтобы создать файл в текстовом редакторе nano, просто введите:- nano [имя файла], затем введите, и теперь вы можете использовать все функции nano без каких-либо перерывов.


Ubuntu – ‘[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]’ while trying to save a file using the nano editor

Using the Nano text editor, I’m trying to save and exit a file.
I already have the file named.

I click Ctrl + X to exit. And then I click Y because I want to save the file. It asks for file to write, I pressed Enter to use the default name because its already named.

The problem is I get this message.

What am I doing wrong?

Well, you don’t have the rights to write that file. Use

Ubuntu – Nano – insert content, save and exit

I may have misunderstood your question. SHH doesn’t exist, do you mean SH or SSH? Or maybe Bash? (EDIT: brought an edit to fix this)

Anyway, nano won’t be much of assistance here. echo will.

The above shell code will send your text into the file. Replacing > with >> will append it instead, if that’s what you’re looking for.

If you need root privileges to write to this file, then use tee instead of a simple shell redirection ( > / >> ). This will allow you to use sudo properly:

nano is here so that you, the user, can write data manually into a file. However, if you’re looking for an automated process, there’s no need for an editor, coreutils can handle that just fine. Linux doesn’t need the fancy nano interface to write into a file.

Ubuntu – Saving file in nano to specific folder

Nano by default saves to the current working directory (CWD) or to the relative path from your CWD to the file that is open. If you want to save to another directory you just prepend the filename with the path

Ctrl + O opens the save prompt

Will save test.txt to my home directory

Will save test.txt to one directory above my CWD

Will save text.txt in /absolute/path/to/file/ directory

After you save a file nano will be using that path in the buffer. To see that path Ctrl + O opens the save prompt with the new relative path Ctrl + C to cancel saving

While in the save prompt Ctrl + T opens a handy file browser you can use


Cannot write to newly created file

I have an ubuntu server. I created a simple index.html file using touch . and tried to use nano and it turns out the permission is denied. Why is this? If I just made the file on the server why wouldn’t I have write access in the first place? My second question is if I wanted to change the permissions to the number format 644 (is that what a html file on the server should be set to?) how do I view what it currently is how do I convert -rw-rw-r— to the numeral format? I want to view -ls -l with the numeral permissions format rather then -rw-rw-r— . The index.html file is running on the server alright.

3 Answers 3

Your problem is reading nano’s history file (.nano_history), as indicated very clearly in this massively whitespaced error line:

This is opened prior to nano opening your file (which works fine because 644 is okay for this)

Looks like your home folder/.nano_history’s permissions might be set too tight.

Following your comment:

-rw——- 1 root root 111 May 17 14:13 /home/thomas/.nano_history

As you can see only root’s user has read and write permissions, no one else.

You want to do sudo chown thomas:thomas

/.nano_history to fix this issue.

Given what you have shown, your problem is almost certainly related to your use of sudo nano at some point in the past to edit a file. Nano created a history file in the home directory, but with root permissions.

Use sudo rm /home/thomas/.nano_history or sudo chown thomas:thomas /home/thomas/.nano_history to fix the permissions on that file.

Many programs you run with sudo may have a side-effect of creating root-owned files in your home directory if you are not careful. If you know this is going to happen with a particular program like nano, you may be better off using sudo -i to start a new shell with a root environment, and then running your commands.


Permission denied при открытие консольного редактора nano.

Понадобилось мне отредактировать через консоль (Ctrl + Alt + T) текстовый файл, но есть одна странность, у меня нет прав на запись истории .nano_history.

Error reading /home/ekzorchik/.nano_history: Permission denied

Press Enter to continue starting nano.

Посмотрим какие у меня права на проблемный файл :

$ ls -l .nano_history

-rw——- 1 root root 102 2012-10-16 12:14 .nano_history

Но в то же время мне позволено, как создавать новые текстовые файлы, так и их редактировать. Чтобы не возникало ни каких сообщений о недостатке доступа, поправим права для пользователя ekzorchik на домашний каталог :

$ sudo find /home/ekzorchik/ -uid 1000 -exec chown ekzorchik <> ;

Вот собственно и всё, права на внутренние файлы и каталоги поправлены для текущего пользователя. Проблем больше нет. Можно сказать напоследок, удачи.

Спасибо очень доходчивое решение. Автор пиши больше и разнообразней — в этом твоя фишка. Ты все делаешь правильно.

Comments are closed.

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Nano error writing permission denied

Hello guys. I am trying to set up a web server (although i do not know what to do with it) following this tutorial . _setup.pdf
However at step A5.1b, i got stuck because when i press ctrl+o, it asks me to type in «file name to write: hosts» i did not change anything but press enter. then it displays «error writing hosts: permission denied»

can someone let me know what is going on?

Also, i need some basic understanding on web server and how i can use it with raspberry pi. Does anyone has a good reference?

thank you

Re: Error writing files : permission denied

okay, so i have resolved the problem.

type in «sudo nano hostname» instead of «nano hostname» because only root user can modify the file.

Re: Error writing files : permission denied

It looks as if you’ve missed the step at A3 where you are told to ‘sudo su’ which means all subsequent commands will be executed as the superuser (root).

A Web server will simply server up ‘documents’ to client browsers. These documents might be html, when they will be rendered by the browser to give nice looking pages with which the user can interact, or might PDFs or Word docs, they need to be downloaded or display with additional browser plugins or helper applications. The documents may also be generated on the fly, as in CGI and the like, where the server system creates output for display in the browser.

The Raspberry-ness doesn’t really matter, it will impose limits on how fast this sort of thing can be delivered and so on, so anything you read will have some relevance. The principal Raspberry feature is the GPIO and the physical computing side of things where, with a few electronic components you could deliver temperature/pressure measurement s (say) via the server. This is more accessible than with a standard desk/laptop system.

Re: Error writing files : permission denied

It looks as if you’ve missed the step at A3 where you are told to ‘sudo su’ which means all subsequent commands will be executed as the superuser (root).

A Web server will simply server up ‘documents’ to client browsers. These documents might be html, when they will be rendered by the browser to give nice looking pages with which the user can interact, or might PDFs or Word docs, they need to be downloaded or display with additional browser plugins or helper applications. The documents may also be generated on the fly, as in CGI and the like, where the server system creates output for display in the browser.

The Raspberry-ness doesn’t really matter, it will impose limits on how fast this sort of thing can be delivered and so on, so anything you read will have some relevance. The principal Raspberry feature is the GPIO and the physical computing side of things where, with a few electronic components you could deliver temperature/pressure measurement s (say) via the server. This is more accessible than with a standard desk/laptop system.

Thanks for replying! Then i am encountering another problem for failing to execute «service apache2 start». not sure what else did i miss. :/

anyway,the idea of transferring sensor data via Raspberry as the server sounds cool! Is there a site or forum thread that provides a basic tutorial on that?


Using the Nano text editor, I’m trying to save and exit a file.
I already have the file named.

I click Ctrl+X to exit. And then I click Y because I want to save the file. It asks for file to write, I pressed Enter to use the default name because its already named.

The problem is I get this message.

[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]

What am I doing wrong?

Related Solutions

Ubuntu – Nano – insert content, save and exit

I may have misunderstood your question. SHH doesn’t exist, do you mean SH or SSH? Or maybe Bash? (EDIT: brought an edit to fix this)

Anyway, nano won’t be much of assistance here. echo will.

echo "ServerName localhost" > /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf
sudo a2enconf fqdn

The above shell code will send your text into the file. Replacing > with >> will append it instead, if that’s what you’re looking for.

If you need root privileges to write to this file, then use tee instead of a simple shell redirection (>/>>). This will allow you to use sudo properly:

echo -e "ServerName localhost" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf
sudo a2enconf fqdn

nano is here so that you, the user, can write data manually into a file. However, if you’re looking for an automated process, there’s no need for an editor, coreutils can handle that just fine. Linux doesn’t need the fancy nano interface to write into a file.

Ubuntu – Saving file in nano to specific folder

Nano by default saves to the current working directory (CWD) or to the relative path from your CWD to the file that is open. If you want to save to another directory you just prepend the filename with the path

For example

Ctrl+O opens the save prompt

File Name to Write: ~/test.txt

Will save test.txt to my home directory

File Name to Write: ../test.txt

Will save test.txt to one directory above my CWD

File Name to Write: /absolute/path/to/file/text.txt

Will save text.txt in /absolute/path/to/file/ directory

After you save a file nano will be using that path in the buffer. To see that path Ctrl+O opens the save prompt with the new relative path Ctrl+C to cancel saving

While in the save prompt Ctrl+T opens a handy file browser you can use

I have an ubuntu server. I created a simple index.html file using touch. and tried to use nano and it turns out the permission is denied. Why is this? If I just made the file on the server why wouldn’t I have write access in the first place? My second question is if I wanted to change the permissions to the number format 644 (is that what a html file on the server should be set to?) how do I view what it currently is how do I convert -rw-rw-r-- to the numeral format? I want to view -ls -l with the numeral permissions format rather then -rw-rw-r--. The index.html file is running on the server alright.

thomas@vannevar:~/public/$ touch index.html
thomas@vannevar:~/public/$ ls
thomas@vannevar:~/public/$ nano index.html

Error reading /home/thomas/.nano_history: Permission denied

Press Enter to continue starting nano.

thomas@vannevar:~/public/$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thomas thomas 0 May 17 13:57 index.html


Ubuntu – Nano – Error reading /home/username/.nano_history: Permission denied

asked May 17, 2012 at 18:07

ThomasReggi's user avatar


6112 gold badges9 silver badges25 bronze badges


Your problem is reading nano’s history file (.nano_history), as indicated very clearly in this massively whitespaced error line:

thomas@vannevar:~/public/$ nano index.html

Error reading /home/thomas/.nano_history: Permission denied

Press Enter to continue starting nano.

This is opened prior to nano opening your file (which works fine because 644 is okay for this)

Looks like your home folder/.nano_history’s permissions might be set too tight.

Following your comment:

-rw------- 1 root root 111 May 17 14:13 /home/thomas/.nano_history

As you can see only root’s user has read and write permissions, no one else.

You want to do sudo chown thomas:thomas ~/.nano_history to fix this issue.

answered May 17, 2012 at 18:13

gparent's user avatar


3,5812 gold badges23 silver badges28 bronze badges

Given what you have shown, your problem is almost certainly related to your use of sudo nano at some point in the past to edit a file. Nano created a history file in the home directory, but with root permissions.

Use sudo rm /home/thomas/.nano_history or sudo chown thomas:thomas /home/thomas/.nano_history to fix the permissions on that file.

Many programs you run with sudo may have a side-effect of creating root-owned files in your home directory if you are not careful. If you know this is going to happen with a particular program like nano, you may be better off using sudo -i to start a new shell with a root environment, and then running your commands.

answered May 17, 2012 at 18:21

Zoredache's user avatar


130k40 gold badges271 silver badges414 bronze badges

permissions are fairly simple to understand. there are 3 places in each ‘group’ for permissions. read, write, execute. so, you can think of it as 3 sets of 3 bits.

as an example, the permission set -rw-rw-r-- equates to -110110100. you can break those up into groups of 3 bits (so rw-, rw-, and r-- => 110, 110, 100). Convert those groups of 3 bits into octal ( since 2^3 == 8 ) and boom! you got your number code.

for given example:
110= 6
110= 6
100= 4

shortcut way: the ‘execute’ bit (x) adds 1 to the octal value, the ‘write’ bit (w) adds 2, and the ‘read’ bit (r) adds 4.

(644 would be -rw-r—r—)

answered May 17, 2012 at 18:22

acolyte's user avatar


4172 silver badges13 bronze badges



  1. Troubleshoot Permission Issues
  2. Introduction
  3. How to detect
  4. Common issues
  5. Troubleshooting checklist
  6. Are you using the proper program to edit permissions?
  7. You can’t upload a file via SFTP?
  8. You can’t edit a file via SSH?
  9. Are the permissions in your stack set properly?
  10. Are you getting an error when uploading a file, upgrading or installing an extension using the application interface?
  11. You can’t execute a command via SSH in the stack?
  12. Useful links
  13. Troubleshoot Permission Issues
  14. Introduction
  15. How to detect
  16. Common issues
  17. Troubleshooting checklist
  18. Are you using the proper program to edit permissions?
  19. You can’t upload a file via SFTP?
  20. You can’t edit a file via SSH?
  21. Are the permissions in your stack set properly?
  22. Are you getting an error when uploading a file, upgrading or installing an extension using the application interface?
  23. You can’t execute a command via SSH in the stack?
  24. Useful links

Troubleshoot Permission Issues


Permission errors are usually associated with Linux and macOS installations. In these kinds of systems, files and directories have three operation privileges available: read (r), write (w) and execute (x). A system user can perform different operations depending on their operation privileges and the groups this user belongs to. For more information about permissions, see this guide. A permission issue occurs when an application (or system user) is performing an unauthorized operation in the filesystem.

Bitnami stacks are built with security in mind. They are configured establishing the most secure permissions without compromising the application user experience. In this sense, the standard way is the following:

Cloud Images and Virtual Machines:

  • Have a system user for SSH/SFTP access: bitnami
  • Have a system user and group for each daemonized process. These users will have extremely limited privileges. The reason for having multiple system users is to minimize the impact if a process’ security is compromised. The following are the most common processes:
    • Apache: daemon
    • MySQL: mysql
    • PostgreSQL: postgresql
    • Tomcat: tomcat

The whole stack is only writable by root. By default, only read privileges are allowed for non-root users. As an exception, each daemonized process can only write to certain data folders and temporary folders. For example: mysql can write to /opt/bitnami/mysql/data and /opt/bitnami/mysql/tmp.

  • If the bitnami system user wants to edit a file, it must obtain super-user privileges. To improve user-experience, the bitnami user can have ownership (with write privileges) of certain folders (for example, WordPress htdocs folder).

Installers with root installation: Same as the previous case but without the bitnami user. All operations must be done by root.

Installers with non-root installation and Windows installers: The user that executes the installer has full ownership of the stack and all its daemonized processes.

In this how-to guide you will learn how to deal with permission errors in your application. You will learn how Bitnami configures permissions in applications, what the common issues are, and some guidelines about how to fix issues in the stack.

How to detect

Detecting permission issues is quite straightforward. It usually implies an application crashing or showing errors (either in the logs or in the standard output) such as the following:

These errors usually include the path that the process was unable to read of write.

Common issues

The following are the most common permission issues that Bitnami users face:

SFTP upload or file edit: Because of our secure permissions, a user cannot upload or edit files in all stack locations without super-user privileges.

The user modifies or changes the permissions: Either voluntarily or involuntarily, the user changes the stack’s default permissions. Because of this, the application stops working. A subset of this kind of cases is that of a manual upgrade issues.

Operation performed by the wrong system user: This mainly applies to the stacks that have command line utilities (such as Magento or ERPNext). If the user executes a command-line operation, an error may occur because the operation was executed by the wrong system user. Depending on this system user’s privileges, the stack can become unusable.

Plugin incompatibility: Some plugins require specific permissions for certain configuration files (for example wp-config.php in WordPress). These permissions can be incompatible with the ones Bitnami set by default.

Troubleshooting checklist

The following checklist covers the majority of cases described above. You can find and debug most permission issues.

Are you using the proper program to edit permissions?

FTP clients such as Filezilla cannot be used to modify the permissions in your stack. Instead, you should use a SSH client. To learn more about connecting through SSH, see this guide.

You can’t upload a file via SFTP?

If you see an error like this when uploading a file:

Temporarily change the permissions of the destination folder or file, upload the files, and then restore the file or folder to its original state. To do this, follow the steps below:

Log in to the server console. Learn how to connect to the server through SSH.

Execute the command in the target folder where you want to upload the file to (replace TARGETFOLDER with the proper path):

If you want to upload a file, replace the TARGETFOLDER placeholder with the full path to the file. The following is an example:

You will see an output like this:

Take a note of this information. In this case, the file or folder has the following permissions:

  • Permissions: 0775
  • Owner: daemon
  • Group: daemon

Change the owner of the folder or file to bitnami (remember to replace the TARGETFOLDER placeholder with the proper path):

You should now be able to upload files to the folder or replace the file. When you are finished, restore the original permissions. For the case above, the commands are as follows:

You can’t edit a file via SSH?

If you are getting an error like this when trying to edit a file inside your SSH session:

You must edit the file with superuser privileges. Execute the command in the file you want to edit (replace TARGETFILE with the proper path). In this example we will use nano as the editor:

The saved file should maintain the original privileges.

Are the permissions in your stack set properly?

If your application crashes or shows an error like the following:

It is probable that the permissions in the stack are incorrect. These situations are normally due to a manual change in the permissions of the application.

Check the command history for permission change operations:

Check the output. Examples of this kind of operation are as follows:

If you do not find anything suspicious, then create an issue in this github repository following the guidelines.

Look at the original application configuration (you can launch a new fresh cloud instance of the application). Check the writable folders and check that the permissions are correct. The following is an example of Magento’s writable folders:

In this example we can see that the ownership is incorrect. daemon should be the owner of the files.

If the files’ permissions are wrong, use the chmod or chown commands to restore them to their initial state. Following the example above, do the following:

If your stack uses MySQL, check and reset the permissions of the MySQL data directory:

If your stack uses MariaDB, check and reset the permissions of the MariaDB data directory:

If your stack uses Apache, reset the permissions of the Apache directory:

Check if the application works without issues now.

Are you getting an error when uploading a file, upgrading or installing an extension using the application interface?

The applications are configured with the most secure, production-enabled permissions. This set of permissions should not affect the normal operation of your application. If the user interface allows file uploading, plugin installation or upgrades, these procedures should work without issues. If you find an error during one of these processes, do the following:

If your permissions are ok, then create an issue in this github repository following the guidelines.

You can’t execute a command via SSH in the stack?

If you are trying to execute a command inside your stack and you get an error like this:

You may be executing the command as the wrong system user. To fix it, follow these instructions:

Load the application environment by executing the following command. Replace APPNAME with the name of your application:

NOTE: Replace the APPNAME placeholder with the identifier of the Bitnami application name, i.e. wordpress.

The command should work now without any issues.

Useful links

The following resources may be of interest to you:


Troubleshoot Permission Issues


Permission errors are usually associated with Linux and macOS installations. In these kinds of systems, files and directories have three operation privileges available: read (r), write (w) and execute (x). A system user can perform different operations depending on their operation privileges and the groups this user belongs to. For more information about permissions, see this guide. A permission issue occurs when an application (or system user) is performing an unauthorized operation in the filesystem.

Bitnami stacks are built with security in mind. They are configured establishing the most secure permissions without compromising the application user experience. In this sense, the standard way is the following:

Cloud Images and Virtual Machines:

  • Have a system user for SSH/SFTP access: bitnami
  • Have a system user and group for each daemonized process. These users will have extremely limited privileges. The reason for having multiple system users is to minimize the impact if a process’ security is compromised. The following are the most common processes:
    • Apache: daemon
    • MySQL: mysql
    • PostgreSQL: postgresql
    • Tomcat: tomcat

The whole stack is only writable by root. By default, only read privileges are allowed for non-root users. As an exception, each daemonized process can only write to certain data folders and temporary folders. For example: mysql can write to /opt/bitnami/mysql/data and /opt/bitnami/mysql/tmp.

  • If the bitnami system user wants to edit a file, it must obtain super-user privileges. To improve user-experience, the bitnami user can have ownership (with write privileges) of certain folders (for example, WordPress htdocs folder).

Installers with root installation: Same as the previous case but without the bitnami user. All operations must be done by root.

Installers with non-root installation and Windows installers: The user that executes the installer has full ownership of the stack and all its daemonized processes.

In this how-to guide you will learn how to deal with permission errors in your application. You will learn how Bitnami configures permissions in applications, what the common issues are, and some guidelines about how to fix issues in the stack.

How to detect

Detecting permission issues is quite straightforward. It usually implies an application crashing or showing errors (either in the logs or in the standard output) such as the following:

These errors usually include the path that the process was unable to read of write.

Common issues

The following are the most common permission issues that Bitnami users face:

SFTP upload or file edit: Because of our secure permissions, a user cannot upload or edit files in all stack locations without super-user privileges.

The user modifies or changes the permissions: Either voluntarily or involuntarily, the user changes the stack’s default permissions. Because of this, the application stops working. A subset of this kind of cases is that of a manual upgrade issues.

Operation performed by the wrong system user: This mainly applies to the stacks that have command line utilities (such as Magento or ERPNext). If the user executes a command-line operation, an error may occur because the operation was executed by the wrong system user. Depending on this system user’s privileges, the stack can become unusable.

Plugin incompatibility: Some plugins require specific permissions for certain configuration files (for example wp-config.php in WordPress). These permissions can be incompatible with the ones Bitnami set by default.

Troubleshooting checklist

The following checklist covers the majority of cases described above. You can find and debug most permission issues.

Are you using the proper program to edit permissions?

FTP clients such as Filezilla cannot be used to modify the permissions in your stack. Instead, you should use a SSH client. To learn more about connecting through SSH, see this guide.

You can’t upload a file via SFTP?

If you see an error like this when uploading a file:

Temporarily change the permissions of the destination folder or file, upload the files, and then restore the file or folder to its original state. To do this, follow the steps below:

Log in to the server console. Learn how to connect to the server through SSH.

Execute the command in the target folder where you want to upload the file to (replace TARGETFOLDER with the proper path):

If you want to upload a file, replace the TARGETFOLDER placeholder with the full path to the file. The following is an example:

You will see an output like this:

Take a note of this information. In this case, the file or folder has the following permissions:

  • Permissions: 0775
  • Owner: daemon
  • Group: daemon

Change the owner of the folder or file to bitnami (remember to replace the TARGETFOLDER placeholder with the proper path):

You should now be able to upload files to the folder or replace the file. When you are finished, restore the original permissions. For the case above, the commands are as follows:

You can’t edit a file via SSH?

If you are getting an error like this when trying to edit a file inside your SSH session:

You must edit the file with superuser privileges. Execute the command in the file you want to edit (replace TARGETFILE with the proper path). In this example we will use nano as the editor:

The saved file should maintain the original privileges.

Are the permissions in your stack set properly?

If your application crashes or shows an error like the following:

It is probable that the permissions in the stack are incorrect. These situations are normally due to a manual change in the permissions of the application.

Check the command history for permission change operations:

Check the output. Examples of this kind of operation are as follows:

If you do not find anything suspicious, then create an issue in this github repository following the guidelines.

Look at the original application configuration (you can launch a new fresh cloud instance of the application). Check the writable folders and check that the permissions are correct. The following is an example of Magento’s writable folders:

In this example we can see that the ownership is incorrect. daemon should be the owner of the files.

If the files’ permissions are wrong, use the chmod or chown commands to restore them to their initial state. Following the example above, do the following:

If your stack uses MySQL, check and reset the permissions of the MySQL data directory:

If your stack uses MariaDB, check and reset the permissions of the MariaDB data directory:

If your stack uses Apache, reset the permissions of the Apache directory:

Check if the application works without issues now.

Are you getting an error when uploading a file, upgrading or installing an extension using the application interface?

The applications are configured with the most secure, production-enabled permissions. This set of permissions should not affect the normal operation of your application. If the user interface allows file uploading, plugin installation or upgrades, these procedures should work without issues. If you find an error during one of these processes, do the following:

If your permissions are ok, then create an issue in this github repository following the guidelines.

You can’t execute a command via SSH in the stack?

If you are trying to execute a command inside your stack and you get an error like this:

You may be executing the command as the wrong system user. To fix it, follow these instructions:

Load the application environment by executing the following command. Replace APPNAME with the name of your application:

NOTE: Replace the APPNAME placeholder with the identifier of the Bitnami application name, i.e. wordpress.

The command should work now without any issues.

Useful links

The following resources may be of interest to you:


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