Купили новые сервера решили перенести DC на новые физ. сервера, начал с сервера с именем DC1, поднял на новый сервер с именем DC2 после того
как поднял, понизил контроллер домена DC1 и удалил с него роли согласно этой статьи
Теперь решил провести тесты dcdiag /e вот результат помогите пожалуйста.
Диагностика сервера каталогов
Выполнение начальной настройки:
Выполняется попытка поиска основного сервера…
Основной сервер = dc
* Определен лес AD.
Сбор начальных данных завершен.
Выполнение обязательных начальных проверок
Сервер проверки: Default-First-Site-NameDC
Запуск проверки: Connectivity
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка Connectivity
Сервер проверки: Default-First-Site-NameDC2
Запуск проверки: Connectivity
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка Connectivity
Выполнение основных проверок
Сервер проверки: Default-First-Site-NameDC
Запуск проверки: Advertising
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка Advertising
Запуск проверки: FrsEvent
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка FrsEvent
Запуск проверки: DFSREvent
За последние 24 часа после предоставления SYSVOL в общий доступ зафиксированы предупреждения или сообщения об
ошибках. Сбои при репликации SYSVOL могут стать причиной проблем групповой политики.
……………………. DC — не пройдена проверка DFSREvent
Запуск проверки: SysVolCheck
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка SysVolCheck
Запуск проверки: KccEvent
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка KccEvent
Запуск проверки: KnowsOfRoleHolders
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка KnowsOfRoleHolders
Запуск проверки: MachineAccount
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка MachineAccount
Запуск проверки: NCSecDesc
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка NCSecDesc
Запуск проверки: NetLogons
[DC] В учетных данных пользователя отсутствует разрешение на выполнение данной операции.
Учетная запись, используемая для этой проверки, должна иметь права на вход в сеть
для домена данного компьютера.
……………………. DC — не пройдена проверка NetLogons
Запуск проверки: ObjectsReplicated
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка ObjectsReplicated
Запуск проверки: Replications
[Проверка репликации,DC] Сбой функции DsReplicaGetInfo(PENDING_OPS, NULL), ошибка 0x2105
«Доступ к репликации отвергнут.»
……………………. DC — не пройдена проверка Replications
Запуск проверки: RidManager
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка RidManager
Запуск проверки: Services
Не удалось открыть службу NTDS в DC, ошибка 0x5 «Отказано в доступе.»
……………………. DC — не пройдена проверка Services
Запуск проверки: SystemLog
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x000016AD
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:17:01
Строка события:
Не удалось выполнить проверку подлинности для сеанса компьютера FARHADSHIN_DR. Произошла следующая ошибка:
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x0000272C
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:17:41
Строка события:
Не удалось установить связь DCOM с компьютером DC2.smpng.ru через какой-либо из настроенных протоколов; запр
ос от PID 1238 (C:Windowssystem32ServerManager.exe).
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x0000272C
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:17:41
Строка события:
Не удалось установить связь DCOM с компьютером DC2.smpng.ru через какой-либо из настроенных протоколов; запр
ос от PID 1238 (C:Windowssystem32ServerManager.exe).
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x0000272C
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:17:41
Строка события:
Не удалось установить связь DCOM с компьютером DC2.smpng.ru через какой-либо из настроенных протоколов; запр
ос от PID 1238 (C:Windowssystem32ServerManager.exe).
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x0000272C
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:17:41
Строка события:
Не удалось установить связь DCOM с компьютером DC2.smpng.ru через какой-либо из настроенных протоколов; запр
ос от PID 1238 (C:Windowssystem32ServerManager.exe).
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x0000165B
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:40:55
Строка события:
Не удалось установить сеанс с компьютера «FARHUTDINOV_AV», так как указанная компьютером учетная запись дове
рия «FARHUTDINOV_AV$» отсутствует в базе данных безопасности.
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x000016AD
Время создания: 05/26/2015 08:43:00
Строка события:
Не удалось выполнить проверку подлинности для сеанса компьютера FARHUTDINOV_AV. Произошла следующая ошибка:
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x00009018
Время создания: 05/26/2015 09:00:47
Строка события:
Оповещение о неустранимой ошибке было создано и отправлено удаленной конечной точке. Это может привести к ра
зрыву соединения. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 10. Состояние ошибки Windows SChann
el: 1203.
Возникла ошибка. Код события (EventID): 0x00009018
Время создания: 05/26/2015 09:00:52
Строка события:
Оповещение о неустранимой ошибке было создано и отправлено удаленной конечной точке. Это может привести к ра
зрыву соединения. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 10. Состояние ошибки Windows SChann
el: 1203.
……………………. DC — не пройдена проверка SystemLog
Запуск проверки: VerifyReferences
……………………. DC — пройдена проверка VerifyReferences
Сервер проверки: Default-First-Site-NameDC2
Запуск проверки: Advertising
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка Advertising
Запуск проверки: FrsEvent
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка FrsEvent
Запуск проверки: DFSREvent
Не удалось запросить журнал событий DFS Replication на сервере DC2.smpng.ru, ошибка 0x6ba
«Сервер RPC недоступен.»
……………………. DC2 — не пройдена проверка DFSREvent
Запуск проверки: SysVolCheck
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка SysVolCheck
Запуск проверки: KccEvent
Не удалось запросить журнал событий Directory Service на сервере DC2.smpng.ru, ошибка 0x6ba
«Сервер RPC недоступен.»
……………………. DC2 — не пройдена проверка KccEvent
Запуск проверки: KnowsOfRoleHolders
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка KnowsOfRoleHolders
Запуск проверки: MachineAccount
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка MachineAccount
Запуск проверки: NCSecDesc
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка NCSecDesc
Запуск проверки: NetLogons
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка NetLogons
Запуск проверки: ObjectsReplicated
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка ObjectsReplicated
Запуск проверки: Replications
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка Replications
Запуск проверки: RidManager
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка RidManager
Запуск проверки: Services
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка Services
Запуск проверки: SystemLog
Не удалось запросить журнал событий System на сервере DC2.smpng.ru, ошибка 0x6ba «Сервер RPC недоступен.»
……………………. DC2 — не пройдена проверка SystemLog
Запуск проверки: VerifyReferences
……………………. DC2 — пройдена проверка VerifyReferences
Выполнение проверок разделов на: ForestDnsZones
Запуск проверки: CheckSDRefDom
……………………. ForestDnsZones — пройдена проверка CheckSDRefDom
Запуск проверки: CrossRefValidation
……………………. ForestDnsZones — пройдена проверка CrossRefValidation
Выполнение проверок разделов на: DomainDnsZones
Запуск проверки: CheckSDRefDom
……………………. DomainDnsZones — пройдена проверка CheckSDRefDom
Запуск проверки: CrossRefValidation
……………………. DomainDnsZones — пройдена проверка CrossRefValidation
Выполнение проверок разделов на: Schema
Запуск проверки: CheckSDRefDom
……………………. Schema — пройдена проверка CheckSDRefDom
Запуск проверки: CrossRefValidation
……………………. Schema — пройдена проверка CrossRefValidation
Выполнение проверок разделов на: Configuration
Запуск проверки: CheckSDRefDom
……………………. Configuration — пройдена проверка CheckSDRefDom
Запуск проверки: CrossRefValidation
……………………. Configuration — пройдена проверка CrossRefValidation
Выполнение проверок разделов на: smpng
Запуск проверки: CheckSDRefDom
……………………. smpng — пройдена проверка CheckSDRefDom
Запуск проверки: CrossRefValidation
……………………. smpng — пройдена проверка CrossRefValidation
Выполнение проверок предприятия на: smpng.ru
Запуск проверки: LocatorCheck
……………………. smpng.ru — пройдена проверка LocatorCheck
Запуск проверки: Intersite
……………………. smpng.ru — пройдена проверка Intersite
I am frequently getting the below NETLOGON error on all the PCs
All replies
But i am getting this error in very large amount and very frequently.
seems the secure channel is broken. You can test by removing the computer from the domain, delete the computer account,
add the computer back to the domain and let the computer account be recreated.For domain controller, use below to reset secure channel:
Abhijit Waikar — MCSA 2003|MCSA 2003:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:SA
are the machines installed from an image that is NOT prepared with sysprep?
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
This is because the secure channel between the machine has been broken. Is all these errors coming from a single machine ? Youw ould need to reset the computer account and probably remove and add the machine back to domain.
Regards Rahul A
I agree with Meinolf, did you prepare the system with image/clone, if yes is sysprep/new sid tool been executed to assign unique SID to them? Second question is all you machine is updated with latest SP and patches and do you have consistent network connection
across client and DC? The another reason for broken secure channel can be due to existing duplicate computer objects or host records in AD/DNS.http://awinish.wordpress.com/2010/12/24/when-secure-channel-is-broken/
Awinish Vishwakarma
This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.
Thanks Meinolf,
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
Thanks Awinish,
No I have not installed these from any clone CD
These errors are coming from different machines randomly.
When I am searching an faulty computer name in AD it is showing only single computer name, then how can I identify that three are duplicate computer name exist in
AD.For DNS I have configured the Scavenging, the period is 7 days, should I reduce this.
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
SYSPREP: It is an image based installation, you can create image on one reference computer, and duplicate it to computers with the same hardware abstraction layer, meaning this computers will use the same hardware platform (CPU) and will use
the same hal.dll file as an interface between the operating system and the hardware. When deploying computers using images, you copy the entire computer configuration including the computer name and SID (security identifier).You can use the SYSPREP tool to solve duplicate computer names and duplicate SIDs (security identifier) problem, caused by this method of deployment.
Read more on SYSPREP:
How many machines are affected with this error messages? Are some of them Domian Controllers?
If you have not prepared the system with image/clone then you need to think about secure channel, information and links about secure channel are provided in my earlier post.
Abhijit Waikar — MCSA 2003|MCSA 2003:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:SA
It seems to be dns name resolution issue.The error message indicates that
secure channel between the cleint server and DC is broken rejoining the PC to domain
will fix the issue.However since it is coming frequently check the below.
(1)Check the DNS & WINS entries on client PC?
—>> IP configuration on clients and member servers:
1. Each workstation/member server should point to local DNS server as primary DNS and other remote DNS servers as secondary.
2. Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of client/member server.(2)Check whether the Firewall service is ON of OFF?
Refer link this to diable the firewall:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766337(WS.10).aspx(3)Are there any sort of AV or 3rd party security app? Lately, many AVs (McAfee, Symantec, Trend, etc), seem to have a *trend,* so to speak, of causing AD and other communications problems with their new «protect network traffic» (or similar) feature that acts
like a firewall.(4)Is the Client PC connected to wireless n/w how is the IP assigned to client static or dyncamic?Some times wireless n/w cause the issue.Connect to PC to wired n/w and check the status.
(5)Check the status of the machines account in the AD?(It may be disabled)
If the Machine account is disable enable the sam(6)Also check the DNS console for duplicate record for the host machine and remove the same.
I would also rcommend to check the health of DC as well run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum and post the error if any.
Regarding the DNS Scavenging setting you have configured to 7 days that is OK.
To find out duplicate SID refer below link.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816099Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Thanks Meinolf,
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
if you use images/clones and this is not prepared with sysprep(the ONLY Microsoft supported way) all machines have the same SID and this can run into multiple problems, machines are having problems with secure channels, GPO applying and still some more.
More details about cloning and sysprep:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314828 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766514(WS.10).aspx«No I have not installed these from any clone CD«
This is not about the CD, it is about using a preinstalled machine and built a clone/image from that one.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Edited by
Friday, January 13, 2012 7:15 AM
Edited by
Thanks for this comprehensive answer.
DNS setting is correct.2.
No public DNS in client DNS setting.3.
Firewall setting is on, but the Windows firewall is off from control panel.4.
We are using McAfee AV5.
Client PCs are not connected with the wireless network6.
We have assigned the IPs dynamically using Router as DHCP.7.
Machine account are enabled.8.
Dcdiag result is posted and no error in replication check.DCDIAG,
One more thing, the lease period
for IPs in DHCP (Router) is 24 hours, I think I should increase this to
7 days as per my scavenging setting in DNS or reduce the scavenging setting to 24 hours, which one is best ?
as this is not really going on that way please upload the following files:
ipconfig /all >c:ipconfig.txt [from each DC/DNS Server]
dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:dcname >c:dcdiag.txt
netdiag /v >c:netdiag.txt [from each DC, netdiag may work but isn’t supported with Windows server 2008 and don’t run on Windows server 2008 R2]
repadmin /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite >c:repl.txt [«dc* is a place holder for the starting name of the DCs if they all begin the same (if more then one DC exists)]
dnslint /ad /s «DCipaddress» (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321045)As the output will become large, DON’T
post them into the thread, please use Windows Sky Drive (skydrive.live.com) [with open access!] and add the link from it here. Also the /e in dcdiag scans the complete forest, so better run it on COB.**Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc’s in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC’s this test could generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take into account slow links to dc’s will
also add to the testing time.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Since Ip address is assigned by dhcp,assign Static IP address
and check the same.Also ensure that Register this connection’s address in DNS is checked in the TCPIP setting of DNS tab.
Disable unrequired NIC if multiple NIC is present on the Clent PC.
Also is this only the PC facing issue or its multiple PC.
If multiple PC are facing the issue check the health of DC.Run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum to check for ant errors or warning and post the logs.
Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Since Ip address is assigned by dhcp,assign Static IP address
and check the same.Also ensure that Register this connection’s address in DNS is checked in the TCPIP setting of DNS tab.
Disable unrequired NIC if multiple NIC is present on the Clent PC.
Also is this only the PC facing issue or its multiple PC.
If multiple PC are facing the issue check the health of DC.Run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum to check for ant errors or warning and post the logs.
Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.Hi,
I already provide this in my previous post.
as this is not really going on that way please upload the following files:
ipconfig /all >c:ipconfig.txt [from each DC/DNS Server]
dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:dcname >c:dcdiag.txt
netdiag /v >c:netdiag.txt [from each DC, netdiag may work but isn’t supported with Windows server 2008 and don’t run on Windows server 2008 R2]
repadmin /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite >c:repl.txt [«dc* is a place holder for the starting name of the DCs if they all begin the same (if more then one DC exists)]
dnslint /ad /s «DCipaddress» (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321045)As the output will become large, DON’T
post them into the thread, please use Windows Sky Drive (skydrive.live.com) [with open access!] and add the link from it here. Also the /e in dcdiag scans the complete forest, so better run it on COB.**Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc’s in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC’s this test could generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take into account slow links to dc’s will
also add to the testing time.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Hi Meinolf,
Thanks for your reply,
I am getting this error for many of the computer account and very frequently.
As you told, the Output is below
The lease time set on my DHCP (router) is 24 Hours, and my scavenging time is 7 Days.
Should I increase my lease period for my IPs to 7 Days?
What will be the refresh interval in DNS scavenging ?
What will be the no refresh interval ?
Similarly, I am getting NETLOGON 5807 which is indicating that there are some client machines whose IP addresses don’t map to any of the existing sites,
But when I am checking logs (‘%SystemRoot%debugnetlogon.log’) all the IP segment already added in AD site and services.
Earlier you said DNS settings are correct and not using external DNS. Is the router being used as a DNS server?
I noticed this in the dcdiag:
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x000003F6
Time Generated: 01/16/2012 09:38:58
Event String:
Name resolution for the name
www.microsoft.com timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.That’s indicative of DNS issues.
I also noticed the following, which are indicative of replication failure, and more than likely directly related to DNS problems as by the indicated RPC errors below, which is 99% of the time caused by DNS issues.
Starting test: DFSREvent
The DFS Replication Event Log.
The event log DFS Replication on server
DR-DC2.My_DOMAIN.com could not be queried, error 0x6ba
«The RPC server is unavailable.»
……………………. DR-DC2 failed test DFSREventStarting test: KccEvent
* The KCC Event log test
The event log Directory Service on server
DR-DC2.My_DOMAIN.com could not be queried, error 0x6ba
«The RPC server is unavailable.»
……………………. DR-DC2 failed test KccEventI also noticed hardware errors, below.
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x00000011
Time Generated: 01/16/2012 08:51:55
Event String:
A corrected hardware error has occurred.
Component: PCI Express Root Port
Error Source: Advanced Error Reporting (PCI Express)
Bus:Device:Function: 0x0:0x0:0x0
Vendor ID:Device ID: 0x8086:0x3406
Class Code: 0x30000Is this your NIC? Is so, that could be the cause of everything, that is as long as it’s not something else.
What type of server is it? If a Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc, you can check with the supplied diagnostics the manufacturers provide. If a third party server, or self built, try to find out what this hardware is.
Is there a firewall on it? ANtivirus software? AV is known to block AD communications.
Also, I think you may still be unsure what Sysprep is? Previously Meinolf and others asked if you had cloned an image. You responded that you did not use a cloned CD. As Meinolf said, it’s not about what CD you used and was not the answer we were looking
for.If you had imaged one machine using something like Ghost or Altaris, or other imaging tools, and you made multiple machines from that one image, then you will have multiple machines with identical SIDs. AD uses the SIDS to identify machines. If there are
multiples, then there will be problems that arise from it.To circumvent this when cloning, we use Sysprep on teh original machine before we copy the image. This tool simply forces the machine at initial boot to generate a new, unique SID. so subsequent machines you make off it are now all unique.
I would also suggest to change DHCP from the router/firewall to a Windows DHCP. THe Windows DHCP APIs work hand in hand with the WIndows DNS APIs for Secure Updates to work using Kerberos. You can also configure WIndows DHCP to own all records so it
can keep all records it regsiters updated, otherwise you may see duplicates. I can offer more on this, but let’s not distract too far from the current issue.Ace
Ace Fekay
MVP, MCT, MCITP Enterprise Administrator, MCTS Windows 2008 & Exchange 2007 & Exchange 2010, Exchange 2010 Enterprise Administrator, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Microsoft MVP — Directory Services
Complete List of Technical Blogs: http://www.delawarecountycomputerconsulting.com/technicalblogs.phpThis posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
Thanks Ace, to pointing these errors,
The name resolution error is for External DNS only, as I have configured the DNS to resolve the internal name only, this is as per requirement.
No, I am not using router as DNS, the DCs DNS is pointing to their local ip and ADC IP.
If there are the pure DNS errors, then please suggest me to resolve this.
We don’t have any clone or image, we have installed these computer individually from license MS OS or some has inbuilt OS, so this is not the case here.
For the HW error, I have SUN HW
About your last question,
I cannot change my DHCP to windows, as this is management decision, may you please answer the questions about DHCP which I have asked in my pre. post.
Edited by
Monday, January 16, 2012 6:22 AM
Edited by
In the dcdiag /q you are getiing the error «The RPC server is unavailable» relates to port being blocked or network connectivity issue or due to dns misconfig.I would suggest contact network/security team to verify whether all the related
AD ports being configured and allowed on the firewall for communication. Portquery is free tool from the MS which can be downloaded and installed to verify the necessary ports are opened or not.Also, disable local windows firewall service, by default it is enabled in vista/windows 2008 and above. Check the network connectivity and latency.
Disable Windows Firewall:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766337(WS.10).aspxIt can also be caused by antivirus software with many of them sporting a new feature called «network traffic protection,» which can efffectively block necessary AD traffic
Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port Requirements
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd772723%28WS.10%29.aspxTroubleshooting “RPC server is unavailable” error, reported in failing AD replication scenario.
http://blogs.technet.com/b/abizerh/archive/2009/06/11/troubleshooting-rpc-server-is-unavailable-error-reported-in-failing-ad-replication-scenario.aspxEnsure the following dns setting on DC:
1. Each DC / DNS server points to its private IP address as primary DNS server and other remote/local DNS servers as secondary in TCP/IP properties.
2. Each DC has just one IP address and single network adapter is enabled.
3. Contact your ISP and get valid DNS IPs from them and add it in to the forwarders, Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of DC.
4. Once you are done, run «ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns», restart DNS and NETLOGON service each DC.
Do not put private DNS IP addresses in forwarder list.
5.Assigning static IP address to DC if IP address is assigned by DHCP server to DC.It is strongly not recommended.Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Thanks sandesh for suggesting this excellent tool.
The windows firewall is off on all the DCs.
I am getting error 0x00000002. And 0x00000001 for my DR site AD servers, please suggeste me how to explore this more or the ports are not open from Firewall
end.Also, please go through my earlier post and answer the question which I have asked about the DNS configuration.
Each DC / DNS server points to its private IP address as primary DNS server and other remote/local DNS servers as secondary in TCP/IP properties.Already done.
2. Each DC has just one IP address and single network adapter is enabled.Already done.
3. Contact your ISP and get valid DNS IPs from them and add it in to the forwarders, Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of DC.No IP in forwarder.
4. Once you are done, run «ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns», restart DNS and NETLOGON service each DC.
Do not put private DNS IP addresses in forwarder list.
5.Assigning static IP address to DC if IP address is assigned by DHCP server to DC.It is strongly not recommended.Already done.
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Monday, January 16, 2012 7:28 AM
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Below is the detail error.
i qery the same for local host, but it is throwing the same error, if the error is same for the localhost also then the firewall is not the culprit.
detail error is below
Attempting to resolve IP address to a name…
IP address resolved to Dc1
TCP port 53 (domain service): LISTENING
UDP port 53 (domain service): LISTENING or FILTERED
Sending DNS query to UDP port 53…
DNS query timed out
portqry.exe -n -e 53 -p BOTH exits with return code 0x00000002.———————
TCP port 88 (kerberos service): LISTENING
UDP port 88 (kerberos service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n -e 88 -p BOTH exits with return code 0x00000002.————————
UDP port 138 (netbios-dgm service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n -e 138 -p UDP exits with return code 0x00000002.———————
TCP port 42 (nameserver service): NOT LISTENING
portqry.exe -n -e 42 -p TCP exits with return code 0x00000001.
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Monday, January 16, 2012 11:49 AM
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I am frequently getting the below NETLOGON error on all the PCs
All replies
But i am getting this error in very large amount and very frequently.
seems the secure channel is broken. You can test by removing the computer from the domain, delete the computer account,
add the computer back to the domain and let the computer account be recreated.For domain controller, use below to reset secure channel:
Abhijit Waikar — MCSA 2003|MCSA 2003:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:SA
are the machines installed from an image that is NOT prepared with sysprep?
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
This is because the secure channel between the machine has been broken. Is all these errors coming from a single machine ? Youw ould need to reset the computer account and probably remove and add the machine back to domain.
Regards Rahul A
I agree with Meinolf, did you prepare the system with image/clone, if yes is sysprep/new sid tool been executed to assign unique SID to them? Second question is all you machine is updated with latest SP and patches and do you have consistent network connection
across client and DC? The another reason for broken secure channel can be due to existing duplicate computer objects or host records in AD/DNS.http://awinish.wordpress.com/2010/12/24/when-secure-channel-is-broken/
Awinish Vishwakarma
This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.
Thanks Meinolf,
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
Thanks Awinish,
No I have not installed these from any clone CD
These errors are coming from different machines randomly.
When I am searching an faulty computer name in AD it is showing only single computer name, then how can I identify that three are duplicate computer name exist in
AD.For DNS I have configured the Scavenging, the period is 7 days, should I reduce this.
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
SYSPREP: It is an image based installation, you can create image on one reference computer, and duplicate it to computers with the same hardware abstraction layer, meaning this computers will use the same hardware platform (CPU) and will use
the same hal.dll file as an interface between the operating system and the hardware. When deploying computers using images, you copy the entire computer configuration including the computer name and SID (security identifier).You can use the SYSPREP tool to solve duplicate computer names and duplicate SIDs (security identifier) problem, caused by this method of deployment.
Read more on SYSPREP:
How many machines are affected with this error messages? Are some of them Domian Controllers?
If you have not prepared the system with image/clone then you need to think about secure channel, information and links about secure channel are provided in my earlier post.
Abhijit Waikar — MCSA 2003|MCSA 2003:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:SA
It seems to be dns name resolution issue.The error message indicates that
secure channel between the cleint server and DC is broken rejoining the PC to domain
will fix the issue.However since it is coming frequently check the below.
(1)Check the DNS & WINS entries on client PC?
—>> IP configuration on clients and member servers:
1. Each workstation/member server should point to local DNS server as primary DNS and other remote DNS servers as secondary.
2. Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of client/member server.(2)Check whether the Firewall service is ON of OFF?
Refer link this to diable the firewall:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766337(WS.10).aspx(3)Are there any sort of AV or 3rd party security app? Lately, many AVs (McAfee, Symantec, Trend, etc), seem to have a *trend,* so to speak, of causing AD and other communications problems with their new «protect network traffic» (or similar) feature that acts
like a firewall.(4)Is the Client PC connected to wireless n/w how is the IP assigned to client static or dyncamic?Some times wireless n/w cause the issue.Connect to PC to wired n/w and check the status.
(5)Check the status of the machines account in the AD?(It may be disabled)
If the Machine account is disable enable the sam(6)Also check the DNS console for duplicate record for the host machine and remove the same.
I would also rcommend to check the health of DC as well run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum and post the error if any.
Regarding the DNS Scavenging setting you have configured to 7 days that is OK.
To find out duplicate SID refer below link.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816099Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Thanks Meinolf,
Please explain this a bit more, i am not getting your point.
if you use images/clones and this is not prepared with sysprep(the ONLY Microsoft supported way) all machines have the same SID and this can run into multiple problems, machines are having problems with secure channels, GPO applying and still some more.
More details about cloning and sysprep:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314828 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766514(WS.10).aspx«No I have not installed these from any clone CD«
This is not about the CD, it is about using a preinstalled machine and built a clone/image from that one.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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Friday, January 13, 2012 7:15 AM
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Thanks for this comprehensive answer.
DNS setting is correct.2.
No public DNS in client DNS setting.3.
Firewall setting is on, but the Windows firewall is off from control panel.4.
We are using McAfee AV5.
Client PCs are not connected with the wireless network6.
We have assigned the IPs dynamically using Router as DHCP.7.
Machine account are enabled.8.
Dcdiag result is posted and no error in replication check.DCDIAG,
One more thing, the lease period
for IPs in DHCP (Router) is 24 hours, I think I should increase this to
7 days as per my scavenging setting in DNS or reduce the scavenging setting to 24 hours, which one is best ?
as this is not really going on that way please upload the following files:
ipconfig /all >c:ipconfig.txt [from each DC/DNS Server]
dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:dcname >c:dcdiag.txt
netdiag /v >c:netdiag.txt [from each DC, netdiag may work but isn’t supported with Windows server 2008 and don’t run on Windows server 2008 R2]
repadmin /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite >c:repl.txt [«dc* is a place holder for the starting name of the DCs if they all begin the same (if more then one DC exists)]
dnslint /ad /s «DCipaddress» (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321045)As the output will become large, DON’T
post them into the thread, please use Windows Sky Drive (skydrive.live.com) [with open access!] and add the link from it here. Also the /e in dcdiag scans the complete forest, so better run it on COB.**Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc’s in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC’s this test could generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take into account slow links to dc’s will
also add to the testing time.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Since Ip address is assigned by dhcp,assign Static IP address
and check the same.Also ensure that Register this connection’s address in DNS is checked in the TCPIP setting of DNS tab.
Disable unrequired NIC if multiple NIC is present on the Clent PC.
Also is this only the PC facing issue or its multiple PC.
If multiple PC are facing the issue check the health of DC.Run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum to check for ant errors or warning and post the logs.
Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Since Ip address is assigned by dhcp,assign Static IP address
and check the same.Also ensure that Register this connection’s address in DNS is checked in the TCPIP setting of DNS tab.
Disable unrequired NIC if multiple NIC is present on the Clent PC.
Also is this only the PC facing issue or its multiple PC.
If multiple PC are facing the issue check the health of DC.Run dcdiag /q and repadmin /replsum to check for ant errors or warning and post the logs.
Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.Hi,
I already provide this in my previous post.
as this is not really going on that way please upload the following files:
ipconfig /all >c:ipconfig.txt [from each DC/DNS Server]
dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:dcname >c:dcdiag.txt
netdiag /v >c:netdiag.txt [from each DC, netdiag may work but isn’t supported with Windows server 2008 and don’t run on Windows server 2008 R2]
repadmin /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite >c:repl.txt [«dc* is a place holder for the starting name of the DCs if they all begin the same (if more then one DC exists)]
dnslint /ad /s «DCipaddress» (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321045)As the output will become large, DON’T
post them into the thread, please use Windows Sky Drive (skydrive.live.com) [with open access!] and add the link from it here. Also the /e in dcdiag scans the complete forest, so better run it on COB.**Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc’s in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC’s this test could generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take into account slow links to dc’s will
also add to the testing time.
Best regards Meinolf Weber Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
Hi Meinolf,
Thanks for your reply,
I am getting this error for many of the computer account and very frequently.
As you told, the Output is below
The lease time set on my DHCP (router) is 24 Hours, and my scavenging time is 7 Days.
Should I increase my lease period for my IPs to 7 Days?
What will be the refresh interval in DNS scavenging ?
What will be the no refresh interval ?
Similarly, I am getting NETLOGON 5807 which is indicating that there are some client machines whose IP addresses don’t map to any of the existing sites,
But when I am checking logs (‘%SystemRoot%debugnetlogon.log’) all the IP segment already added in AD site and services.
Earlier you said DNS settings are correct and not using external DNS. Is the router being used as a DNS server?
I noticed this in the dcdiag:
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x000003F6
Time Generated: 01/16/2012 09:38:58
Event String:
Name resolution for the name
www.microsoft.com timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.That’s indicative of DNS issues.
I also noticed the following, which are indicative of replication failure, and more than likely directly related to DNS problems as by the indicated RPC errors below, which is 99% of the time caused by DNS issues.
Starting test: DFSREvent
The DFS Replication Event Log.
The event log DFS Replication on server
DR-DC2.My_DOMAIN.com could not be queried, error 0x6ba
«The RPC server is unavailable.»
……………………. DR-DC2 failed test DFSREventStarting test: KccEvent
* The KCC Event log test
The event log Directory Service on server
DR-DC2.My_DOMAIN.com could not be queried, error 0x6ba
«The RPC server is unavailable.»
……………………. DR-DC2 failed test KccEventI also noticed hardware errors, below.
A warning event occurred. EventID: 0x00000011
Time Generated: 01/16/2012 08:51:55
Event String:
A corrected hardware error has occurred.
Component: PCI Express Root Port
Error Source: Advanced Error Reporting (PCI Express)
Bus:Device:Function: 0x0:0x0:0x0
Vendor ID:Device ID: 0x8086:0x3406
Class Code: 0x30000Is this your NIC? Is so, that could be the cause of everything, that is as long as it’s not something else.
What type of server is it? If a Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc, you can check with the supplied diagnostics the manufacturers provide. If a third party server, or self built, try to find out what this hardware is.
Is there a firewall on it? ANtivirus software? AV is known to block AD communications.
Also, I think you may still be unsure what Sysprep is? Previously Meinolf and others asked if you had cloned an image. You responded that you did not use a cloned CD. As Meinolf said, it’s not about what CD you used and was not the answer we were looking
for.If you had imaged one machine using something like Ghost or Altaris, or other imaging tools, and you made multiple machines from that one image, then you will have multiple machines with identical SIDs. AD uses the SIDS to identify machines. If there are
multiples, then there will be problems that arise from it.To circumvent this when cloning, we use Sysprep on teh original machine before we copy the image. This tool simply forces the machine at initial boot to generate a new, unique SID. so subsequent machines you make off it are now all unique.
I would also suggest to change DHCP from the router/firewall to a Windows DHCP. THe Windows DHCP APIs work hand in hand with the WIndows DNS APIs for Secure Updates to work using Kerberos. You can also configure WIndows DHCP to own all records so it
can keep all records it regsiters updated, otherwise you may see duplicates. I can offer more on this, but let’s not distract too far from the current issue.Ace
Ace Fekay
MVP, MCT, MCITP Enterprise Administrator, MCTS Windows 2008 & Exchange 2007 & Exchange 2010, Exchange 2010 Enterprise Administrator, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Microsoft MVP — Directory Services
Complete List of Technical Blogs: http://www.delawarecountycomputerconsulting.com/technicalblogs.phpThis posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
Thanks Ace, to pointing these errors,
The name resolution error is for External DNS only, as I have configured the DNS to resolve the internal name only, this is as per requirement.
No, I am not using router as DNS, the DCs DNS is pointing to their local ip and ADC IP.
If there are the pure DNS errors, then please suggest me to resolve this.
We don’t have any clone or image, we have installed these computer individually from license MS OS or some has inbuilt OS, so this is not the case here.
For the HW error, I have SUN HW
About your last question,
I cannot change my DHCP to windows, as this is management decision, may you please answer the questions about DHCP which I have asked in my pre. post.
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Monday, January 16, 2012 6:22 AM
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In the dcdiag /q you are getiing the error «The RPC server is unavailable» relates to port being blocked or network connectivity issue or due to dns misconfig.I would suggest contact network/security team to verify whether all the related
AD ports being configured and allowed on the firewall for communication. Portquery is free tool from the MS which can be downloaded and installed to verify the necessary ports are opened or not.Also, disable local windows firewall service, by default it is enabled in vista/windows 2008 and above. Check the network connectivity and latency.
Disable Windows Firewall:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766337(WS.10).aspxIt can also be caused by antivirus software with many of them sporting a new feature called «network traffic protection,» which can efffectively block necessary AD traffic
Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port Requirements
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd772723%28WS.10%29.aspxTroubleshooting “RPC server is unavailable” error, reported in failing AD replication scenario.
http://blogs.technet.com/b/abizerh/archive/2009/06/11/troubleshooting-rpc-server-is-unavailable-error-reported-in-failing-ad-replication-scenario.aspxEnsure the following dns setting on DC:
1. Each DC / DNS server points to its private IP address as primary DNS server and other remote/local DNS servers as secondary in TCP/IP properties.
2. Each DC has just one IP address and single network adapter is enabled.
3. Contact your ISP and get valid DNS IPs from them and add it in to the forwarders, Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of DC.
4. Once you are done, run «ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns», restart DNS and NETLOGON service each DC.
Do not put private DNS IP addresses in forwarder list.
5.Assigning static IP address to DC if IP address is assigned by DHCP server to DC.It is strongly not recommended.Hope this helps
Sandesh Dubey.
MCSE|MCSA:Messaging|MCTS|MCITP:Enterprise Adminitrator
My Blog: http://sandeshdubey.wordpress.com
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. -
Thanks sandesh for suggesting this excellent tool.
The windows firewall is off on all the DCs.
I am getting error 0x00000002. And 0x00000001 for my DR site AD servers, please suggeste me how to explore this more or the ports are not open from Firewall
end.Also, please go through my earlier post and answer the question which I have asked about the DNS configuration.
Each DC / DNS server points to its private IP address as primary DNS server and other remote/local DNS servers as secondary in TCP/IP properties.Already done.
2. Each DC has just one IP address and single network adapter is enabled.Already done.
3. Contact your ISP and get valid DNS IPs from them and add it in to the forwarders, Do not set public DNS server in TCP/IP setting of DC.No IP in forwarder.
4. Once you are done, run «ipconfig /flushdns & ipconfig /registerdns», restart DNS and NETLOGON service each DC.
Do not put private DNS IP addresses in forwarder list.
5.Assigning static IP address to DC if IP address is assigned by DHCP server to DC.It is strongly not recommended.Already done.
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Monday, January 16, 2012 7:28 AM
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Below is the detail error.
i qery the same for local host, but it is throwing the same error, if the error is same for the localhost also then the firewall is not the culprit.
detail error is below
Attempting to resolve IP address to a name…
IP address resolved to Dc1
TCP port 53 (domain service): LISTENING
UDP port 53 (domain service): LISTENING or FILTERED
Sending DNS query to UDP port 53…
DNS query timed out
portqry.exe -n -e 53 -p BOTH exits with return code 0x00000002.———————
TCP port 88 (kerberos service): LISTENING
UDP port 88 (kerberos service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n -e 88 -p BOTH exits with return code 0x00000002.————————
UDP port 138 (netbios-dgm service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n -e 138 -p UDP exits with return code 0x00000002.———————
TCP port 42 (nameserver service): NOT LISTENING
portqry.exe -n -e 42 -p TCP exits with return code 0x00000001.
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Monday, January 16, 2012 11:49 AM
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