Netbeans error parsing file

I migrated my project from Net beans 6.9.1 to Net Beans 7.3.1 and faced this annoying error a red exclamation icon on a random file jsp or java . I opened them and did not find any error. I trie...

In my case I had a class similar to the following and Netbeans (8.2) showed no error inside the file, but in the file icon it showed a error of parsing the file:

public class FileUploadUtil {

    private static interface WriteToFile {
        public void run(File file) throws IOException;

    private static interface UseFile {
        public void run(File file) throws IOException;

    private static void createAndUseTempFile(InputStream is, UseFile use) throws IOException {
        createAndUseTempFile((file) -> {
            try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
                byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
                int read;

                while ((read = != -1) {
                    fos.write(bytes, 0, read);

        }, use, "tmp"); 


    private static void createAndUseTempFile(Image image, UseFile use, String extension) throws IOException {
        createAndUseTempFile((file) -> image.writeToFile(file), use);

    private static void createAndUseTempFile(WriteToFile write, UseFile use, String extension) throws IOException {
        File file = null;

        try {
            String key = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + SecurityUtil.generateUUID();
            String suffix = (extension != null) ? ("." + extension) : null;
            file = File.createTempFile(key, suffix);
        } finally {
            if (file != null) {

The method:

private static void createAndUseTempFile(Image image, UseFile use, String extension) throws IOException {
    createAndUseTempFile((file) -> image.writeToFile(file), use);

should be:

private static void createAndUseTempFile(Image image, UseFile use, String extension) throws IOException {
    createAndUseTempFile((file) -> image.writeToFile(file), use, extension);

but Netbeans showed no errors inside the file, so I tried to reload the project, rename the file and so on.

Then I tried to compile with gradle and received the error: error: incompatible types: InputStream is not a functional interface

Then I realized that it was trying to call createAndUseTempFile(InputStream is, UseFile use) instead of createAndUseTempFile(WriteToFile write, UseFile use, String extension), but because the InputStream is not a functional interface and doesn’t extends/implements an interface that has a method that receives a File, it couldn’t call that method (and shouldn’t!).

I think it’s a Netbeans bug in this case, because it should show the error in that line.


  1. Error Parsing File JSP or JAVA in Netbeans 7.3.1
  2. 7 Answers 7
  3. Fix the Reach End of File While Parsing Error in Java
  4. reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Class Curly Brace in Java
  5. reached end of the file while parsing — Missing if Curly Block Brace in Java
  6. reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Loop Curly Brace in Java
  7. reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Method Curly Brace in Java
  8. Avoiding the reached end of file while parsing Error in Java
  9. Java Hungry
  10. [Solved] Error: Reached end of file while parsing
  11. 1. Reason For Error
  12. [Fixed] Reached end of file while parsing error in java
  13. 2. More Examples
  14. 3. How to Avoid This Error
  15. Error reached end of file while parsing
  16. 2 Answers 2
  17. Reached end of file while parsing
  18. How to avoid this error?
  19. Curly Braces in Java

Error Parsing File JSP or JAVA in Netbeans 7.3.1

I migrated my project from Net beans 6.9.1 to Net Beans 7.3.1 and faced this annoying error a red exclamation icon on a random file jsp or java .

I opened them and did not find any error.

I tried some suggestions after searching Google to disable html and jsp validation with no luck , another suggestion was to delete the cache files under user directory folder cache at C:Usershome.netbeans6.9varcache and also without luck .

7 Answers 7

You can try to do the following . it worked for me

rename the file of jsp or java to make the error go away for example renamed to and then renamed back to

also same for jsp or xml

By working with netbenas on some projects in some of these projects netbeans files mark some files with the symbol of admiration and the message «Error parsing file». This occurs because of a problem netbenas cache. The solution to this is to close the netbenas, clean (delete cache files and start the netbenas will return. Here are the different routes of some operating systems cache.

WINDOWS: C: Users AppData Local NetBeans Cache 7.2
MAC OS X: / Users // Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2 /
UNIX: / home // .cache/netbeans/7.2

i fixed «Error Parsing File» in my Java file (IDE: Netbeans) by just deleting the space before the bottom most «>» and press enter. Basically, just do some modification in the file and save it again.

In my case I had a class similar to the following and Netbeans (8.2) showed no error inside the file, but in the file icon it showed a error of parsing the file:

but Netbeans showed no errors inside the file, so I tried to reload the project, rename the file and so on.

Then I tried to compile with gradle and received the error:

Then I realized that it was trying to call createAndUseTempFile(InputStream is, UseFile use) instead of createAndUseTempFile(WriteToFile write, UseFile use, String extension) , but because the InputStream is not a functional interface and doesn’t extends/implements an interface that has a method that receives a File , it couldn’t call that method (and shouldn’t!).

I think it’s a Netbeans bug in this case, because it should show the error in that line.


Fix the Reach End of File While Parsing Error in Java

This tutorial introduces an error reach end of the file while parsing during code compilation in Java.

The reached end of the file while parsing error is a compile-time error. When a curly brace is missing for a code block or an extra curly brace is in the code.

This tutorial will look at different examples of how this error occurs and how to resolve it. The reached end of file while parsing error is the compiler’s way of telling it has reached the end of the file but not finding its end.

In Java, every opening curly place ( < ) needs a closing brace ( >). If we don’t put a curly brace where it is required, our code will not work properly, and we will get an error.

reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Class Curly Brace in Java

We missed adding closing curly braces for the class in the example below.

When we compile this code, it returns an error to the console. The reached end of file while parsing error occurs if the number of curly braces is less than the required amount.

Look at the code below:

The closing brace of the MyClass is missing in the above code. We can solve this issue by adding one more curly brace at the end of the code.

Look at the modified code below:

Let us look at the examples where this error can occur.

reached end of the file while parsing — Missing if Curly Block Brace in Java

The if block is missing the closing curly brace in the code below. This leads to the reached end of the file while parsing error during code compilation in Java.

We can resolve this error by adding the curly brace at the appropriate place (at the end of the if block). Look at the code below:

The above code compiles without giving any error.

reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Loop Curly Brace in Java

The missing curly braces can be from a while or a for loop. In the code below, the while loop block is missing the required closing curly brace, leading to a compilation failure.

See the example below.

We can resolve this error by putting the curly brace at the required position (at the end of the while loop). Look at the modified code below:

The above code compiles without giving any error.

reached end of the file while parsing — Missing Method Curly Brace in Java

In this case, we have defined a method whose closing brace is missing, and if we compile this code, we get a compiler error. Look at the code below.

We can resolve this error by putting the curly brace at the required position (at the end of the function body). Look at the modified code below:

Avoiding the reached end of file while parsing Error in Java

This error is very common and very easy to avoid.

To avoid this error, we should properly indent our code. This will enable us to locate the missing closing curly brace easily.

We can also use code editors to automatically format our code and match each opening brace with its closing brace. This will help us in finding where the closing brace is missing.


Java Hungry

Java developers tutorials and coding.

[Solved] Error: Reached end of file while parsing

«reached end of file while parsing» is a java compiler error. This error is mostly faced by java beginners. You can get rid of such kind of errors by coding simple java projects. Let’s dive deep into the topic by understanding the reason for the error first.

1. Reason For Error

[Fixed] Reached end of file while parsing error in java

If you try to compile the HelloWorld program using below command

Then you will get the reached end of file while parsing error.

If you look into the HelloWorld program then you will find there is closing curly bracket «>» missing at the end of the code.

Solution: just add the missing closing curly bracket at the end of the code as shown below.

2. More Examples

2.1 In the below example main() method is missing a closing curly bracket.

2.2 In the below example if block is missing a closing curly bracket.

Similarly, we can produce the same error using while, do-while loops, for loops and switch statements.

I have shared 2.1 and 2.2 examples that you should fix by yourself in order to understand the reached end of file while parsing error in java.

3. How to Avoid This Error

You can avoid this error using the ALT + Shift + F command in Eclipse and Netbeans editor. This command autoformats your code then it will be easier for you to find the missing closing curly bracket in the code.

That’s all for today. If you have any questions then please let me know in the comments section.


Error reached end of file while parsing

This is my Java class

It keeps saying this:

Error reached end of file while parsing.

Can anyone help?

2 Answers 2

This is the first problem:

You’re not actually declaring a method body here. It should be:

You should only use a ; at the end of a method declaration for abstract methods (including those which are implicitly abstract in an interface). If you haven’t got to abstract methods yet, just ignore that for the moment — basically use braces to provide a method body.

(The String[] args vs String args[] isn’t a problem as such, but this version is preferred as a matter of style. as would naming your class First rather than first . there are various other style issues here, but I’ll leave it at that for now.)

The fact that your class «tries» to end directly after an else statement should be a warning bell — an else statement can only appear in a method or constructor, so there has to be a brace to close that method/constructor and then a brace to close the class declaration itself. Likewise, the indentation should warn you of that — assuming you’re using an IDE to perform the indentation, any time you find yourself writing method body statements which are only one level of indentation further than the class declaration, that suggests you have a problem somewhere — look up the file to see where it starts.


Reached end of file while parsing

The error Reached End of File While Parsing is a compiler error and almost always means that your curly parenthesis are not ending completely or maybe there could be extra parenthesis in the end.

Every opening braces < needs one closing braces >. The only purpose of the extra braces is to provide scope-limit . If you put curly braces in the wrong places or omit curly braces where the braces should be, your program probably won’t work at all. Moreover, If you don’t indent lines of code in an informative manner , your program will still work correctly, but neither you nor any other programmer will be able to figure out what you were thinking when you wrote the code.

How to avoid this error?

Because this error is both common and easily avoided , using a code editor like NetBeans or Eclipse . Using these IDE’s, you can autoformat your code by pressing Alt+Shift+F . This will indent your code properly and align matching braces with the control structure (loop, if, method, class) that they belong to. This will make it easier for you to see where you’re missing a matching brace .

Curly Braces in Java

The < symbolis used to denote the start of a block statement. This accounts for all the uses of < with if statements , while loops, for loops, do . while loops, switch statements, etc.

In the context of a method or type ( class/interface/enum/annotation ), the < symbol is used to denote the beginning of the body of a class or a method :

It can also be used inside a class to declare an initializer or static initializer block:

You can find that from above examples, each of these uses of the open brace symbol is different from all the others.


Avatar of pbenito


 asked on 1/26/2009

  I have a NetBeans 6.5 Java project and one of my .java files always has a red exclamation point next to it and shows the error: «Error Parsing File».

   The problem is the project builds and runs successfully, and when you open up the .java file that is showing the error, the IDE does not highlight any errors.

   Does anyone know how to fix this?


Editors IDEsJava

Avatar of undefined

check your file for special/control characters

What type of characters are in that category?

anything thats not ascii

I just checked — everything is ascii.  Any other suggestions?

try creating a new file, and copy/paste file into new one.

Tried that — still doesn’t work.

Let me add more — the new file with a name, doesn’t have the error.  When I rename that to the file with the original name, the error comes back.

whats the file name, and class name (they need to be the same)

Sure — I’ve made sure that the filename and class name are always the same.

> When I rename that to the file with the original name, the error comes back.

What was the name before?

So say the problem file was originally called, I created a new file called and copied and pasted the contents of into  I then deleted and renamed to

Hope this clarifies a bit better.

If thats the case then I don’t see how it compiled when it was as the name was wrong

It didn’t — i deleted immediatley and renamed to and then recompiled.

After I did that, I still get the error «Error Parsing File» next to the file in the Project explorer, but when I open the file there are no errors and the program compiles and runs normally.

weird. sorry can’t think what the cause is.
I don’t use Netbeans, don’t really like it.


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Error Parsing File JSP or JAVA in Netbeans 7.3.1

I migrated my project from Net beans 6.9.1 to Net Beans 7.3.1 and faced this annoying error a red exclamation icon on a random file jsp or java .

I opened them and did not find any error.

I tried some suggestions after searching Google to disable html and jsp validation with no luck , another suggestion was to delete the cache files under user directory folder cache at C:Usershome.netbeans6.9varcache and also without luck .

7 Answers

You can try to do the following . it worked for me

rename the file of jsp or java to make the error go away for example renamed to and then renamed back to

also same for jsp or xml

By working with netbenas on some projects in some of these projects netbeans files mark some files with the symbol of admiration and the message «Error parsing file». This occurs because of a problem netbenas cache. The solution to this is to close the netbenas, clean (delete cache files and start the netbenas will return. Here are the different routes of some operating systems cache.

WINDOWS: C: Users AppData Local NetBeans Cache 7.2
MAC OS X: / Users // Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2 /
UNIX: / home // .cache/netbeans/7.2

i fixed «Error Parsing File» in my Java file (IDE: Netbeans) by just deleting the space before the bottom most «>» and press enter. Basically, just do some modification in the file and save it again.

In my case I had a class similar to the following and Netbeans (8.2) showed no error inside the file, but in the file icon it showed a error of parsing the file:

but Netbeans showed no errors inside the file, so I tried to reload the project, rename the file and so on.

Then I tried to compile with gradle and received the error:

Then I realized that it was trying to call createAndUseTempFile(InputStream is, UseFile use) instead of createAndUseTempFile(WriteToFile write, UseFile use, String extension) , but because the InputStream is not a functional interface and doesn’t extends/implements an interface that has a method that receives a File , it couldn’t call that method (and shouldn’t!).

I think it’s a Netbeans bug in this case, because it should show the error in that line.


Ошибка синтаксического анализа файла JSP или JAVA в Netbeans 7.3.1

Я перенес свой проект с Net Beans 6.9.1 на Net Beans 7.3.1 и столкнулся с этой досадной ошибкой: красный значок восклицания в случайном файле jsp или java.

Я открыл их и не нашел никакой ошибки.

После поиска в Google я попробовал несколько предложений, чтобы отключить проверку html и jsp, но безуспешно, другое предложение заключалось в том, чтобы удалить файлы кеша в кеше папки пользовательского каталога, C:Usershome.netbeans6.9varcache а также без везения .

Можно попробовать сделать следующее. у меня сработало

переименуйте файл jsp или java, например, чтобы ошибка исчезла переименован в, а затем снова переименован в

также то же самое для jsp или xml

By working with netbenas on some projects in some of these projects netbeans files mark some files with the symbol of admiration and the message «Error parsing file». This occurs because of a problem netbenas cache. The solution to this is to close the netbenas, clean (delete cache files and start the netbenas will return. Here are the different routes of some operating systems cache.

WINDOWS: C: Users AppData Local NetBeans Cache 7.2
MAC OS X: / Users // Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2 /
UNIX: / home // .cache/netbeans/7.2

Я исправил «Файл синтаксического анализа ошибки» в моем файле Java (IDE: Netbeans), просто удалив пробел перед самым нижним «>» и нажав клавишу ввода. По сути, просто внесите некоторые изменения в файл и сохраните его снова.

В моем случае у меня был класс, подобный следующему, и Netbeans (8.2) не показывал ошибки внутри файла, но на значке файла отображалась ошибка разбора файла:

но Netbeans не показал ошибок внутри файла, поэтому я попытался перезагрузить проект, переименовать файл и так далее.

Затем я попытался скомпилировать с помощью gradle и получил ошибку:

Затем я понял, что он пытался вызвать createAndUseTempFile(InputStream is, UseFile use) вместо createAndUseTempFile(WriteToFile write, UseFile use, String extension) , но поскольку InputStream не является функциональным интерфейсом и не расширяет/не реализует интерфейс, который имеет метод, который получает File , он не может вызывать этот метод (и не должен !).

Я думаю, что в данном случае это ошибка Netbeans, потому что она должна показывать ошибку в этой строке.


Error Parsing File Netbeans Best Recipes

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Apache NetBeans 16

This tutorial needs a review. You can edit it in GitHub following these contribution guidelines.

This tutorial shows you how to generate a parser with JavaCC and use it to create features in a NetBeans editor.

Prior to starting to work on this tutorial, you must have completed the JavaCC Lexer Generator Integration Tutorial, since that tutorial shows how to create the module structure, file type support, and lexer used in the instructions that follow.

You will learn how to create several features in a NetBeans editor, based on your JavaCC parser, such as a syntax error parser, as shown below:

Implementing New Features

For troubleshooting purposes, you are welcome to download the completed tutorial source code.

Generating a Parser from JavaCC

Let’s now use JavaCC to generate a parser, in the same way as we generated a lexer in the JavaCC Lexer Generator Integration Tutorial. We’ll need to edit the JavaCC grammar file less than we did in the previous tutorial, since we’re not going to remove the parser generator as we did last time.

Create a new package named org.simplejava.jccparser in your project. Copy into the new package the same Java1.5.jj file that you copied in the previous tutorial, from the JavaCC distribution, as before. This time, also include the «» file:

In your project structure, you should now see your new package and new file:

We’re now going to slightly tweak the Java1.5.jj file again so that it fits our parsing needs.

The MyToken class can’t be compiled because it is missing a package statement. Add it:

The class will still not compile because the implementing class Token does not exist yet. We will generate that class in the next step.

We need to make sure that the classes that JavaCC will generate for us will be generated with the correct package statements. Add «package org.simplejava.jccparser;» to Java1.5.jj file after the «PARSER_BEGIN(JavaParser)» line:

That’s all we need to do. The Java1.5.jj file is ready now and we can generate our parser from the command line, in the same way as in the previous tutorial. The result should be as follows:

As you can see, JavaCC has generated several files, which we will use in the next sections. All the files should be compilable, that is, there should be no error marks anywhere in the module, as can be seen in the screenshot above.

You’ve now completed the JavaCC part of the tutorial. The time has come to use the generated files to extend your NetBeans Lexer plugin.

Integrating the JavaCC Parser with NetBeans APIs

In this section, we take the files generated in the previous section and integrate them with the NetBeans Parsing API.

In the Projects window, right-click the Libraries node, and choose Add Module Dependency. Look for the «Parsing API» module in the list. When you click OK, you should see the «Parsing API» module is now a dependency in your module:

In your module, create a new package named org.simplejava.parser .

The first NetBeans APIclass you need to implement is org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.Parser . Create a class named SJParser and define it as follows:

Register the parser in the language class created in the previous tutorial, as follows:

You now have an implementation of the NetBeans Parsing API based on a JavaCC parser generated from a JavaCC grammar definition. Your parser generated by JavaCC is registered in the NetBeans Platform. You can compile and run the module. However, your parser will never be called simply because you don’t have code asking for the parser results. Since there is no client of your parser yet, let’s create one in the next section.

Implementing a New Feature: Error Parsing

Now you will create a first client of your SJParser . This client (task) will show syntax errors in the NetBeans editor sidebar, also known as its «gutter».

Before working on the related code, we need to make some modifications to the generated parser. The parser throws a ParseException when it finds the first error in the source code. This is the default behavior of parsers generated by JavaCC. But in the NetBeans editor we need to detect more than just one syntax error. Therefore, we need to add some simple error recovery to the parser before integrating the NetBeans error parsing code with it.

Adding Simple Error Recovery to the Parser

The tweaks below should both be done in Java1.5.jj file in your org.simplejava.jccparser package.

Change «ERROR_REPORTING = false;» to «ERROR_REPORTING = true;»:

Add «import java.util.*;» to your Java1.5.jj file:

Run JavaCC on the Java1.5.jj file again, the same way as you did in the previous section.

These additions and changes should be done in your JavaParser class.

Add the following method to your JavaParser body:

Catch ParseExceptions in CompilationUnit , FieldDeclaration , MethodDeclaration , and Statement :


Thread: HELP Error Parsing File

Thread Tools

HELP Error Parsing File

Hi there I have a few error messages coming up with my code, if someone could point me in the right direction

Last edited by gerry123; July 20th, 2011 at 04:14 PM .

Related threads:

Re: HELP Error Parsing File

Sorry, I don’t see your error messages.

Please edit your code and wrap it in code tags. See:BB Code List — Java Programming Forums

Re: HELP Error Parsing File

Sorry, I don’t see your error messages.

Please edit your code and wrap it in code tags. See:BB Code List — Java Programming Forums

As you can see i have put the code in question in bold

Re: HELP Error Parsing File

Can you explain what the problem is with that code?

Please copy and paste the full text of those error messages here.

Re: HELP Error Parsing File

i have underlined the error messages in question

public ElementNotFoundException (String collection) invalid method declaration; return type required <
super («The target element is not in this » + collection); constructor Object in java.lang.Object cannot be applied to given types; required: no arguments, found: java.lang.String, reason: actual and formal argument lists different in length. call to super must be first statement in constructor>
* EmptyCollectionException represents the situation in which a collection
* is empty.

public class EmptyCollectionException extends RuntimeException classEmptyCollectionException is public, should be declared in a file named
* Sets up this exception with an appropriate message.
public EmptyCollectionException (String collection)
super («The » + collection + » is empty.»);
> class, interface, or enum expected

Re: HELP Error Parsing File

That is a very confusing post. Why are the error messages mixed in with the source code?

The code looks like a constructor (no return type) but the compiler thinks it is a method definition.
Check the placement of the code.
Which is it? A method or a constructor? Where is the class statement for it?

That message is self explanatory. Move the class to its own named file.


This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project’s instructions for reporting issues.

Bug 225036
File flagged as «Error parsing file» in project tree but is OK in editor


File flagged as «Error parsing file» in project tree but is OK in editor

of bug 233066









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Windows XP




Petr Hejl



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Reported: 2013-01-17 17:10 UTC by jva
Modified: 2016-06-14 22:06 UTC

CC List:



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(15.02 KB,

2013-01-17 17:10 UTC,



Sample php file that is flagged in Project tree

(2.73 KB,

2013-09-26 16:31 UTC,




(135.27 KB,

2016-06-14 22:04 UTC,




(340.25 KB,

2016-06-14 22:06 UTC,



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871 votes

3 answers

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I get this very annoying «Containing files with errors.» message on my project in Netbeans. There are errors to both js, php and css files. Is there any way to repair/ignore? I’ve tried to clear the Netbeans cache.

I recently switched from Vim to Netbeans.

Netbeans file menu showing errors






To filter out CSS parsing errors,
Open CSS file that contains error and when you click on the error bulb(Which appears at the error line) you can see an option as ‘filter out CSS parsing errors in ‘yourprojectname». Click it.





I can see you have written 2 years ago and you got only one answer, so I suppose either you solved your problem or simply you forget it. Anyway, today I had one similar yours and I solved by doing this: I pick with the left button of my mouse, over the Tea Cup at the side up-left on my tiny screen of projects, then I pick again but with the right button over the same place and a menu appears, I choosed: Clean and Build, and the errors flags disappeared, so I could run it. it’s very important to clear, my codes had not lines errors before to do this. I hope it works for you and to the persons with similar problems visiting this place. Tchao!





I tried this method and managed to solve the same problem on netbeans 8.0, open one of the Css files that has the error and from the solving error option choose filter out Css parsing errors in «your project name», I think its the third option.

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People are also looking for solutions of the problem: sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1452 cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

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