(1000) An unknown error occurred.
(1000) An unknown error occurred.
This means that AltStore ran into an unexpected error. Please check our
Troubleshooting Guide
, and you can reach out to us directly if the issue persists.
(1001) The operation returned an unknown result.
(1001) The operation returned an unknown result.
This means that AltStore ran into an unexpected error. Please check our
Troubleshooting Guide
, and you can reach out to us directly if the issue persists.
(1002) The operation was cancelled.
(1002) The operation was cancelled.
This means that the performed action was stopped. Please try again.
(1003) The operation timed out.
(1003) The operation timed out.
This means that AltStore ran into problems trying to complete the requested action. Please try again and check our
Troubleshooting Guide
for additional help. You can reach out to us directly if the issue persists.
(1004) You are not signed in.
(1004) You are not signed in.
This means that you must enter your Apple ID information in the settings tab to do the requested action.
(1005) The app could not be found.
(1005) The app could not be found.
This means that AltStore could not locate the file to download or install, most likely because the file does not exist at the provided URL.
(1006) AltStore could not determine this device’s UDID.
(1006) AltStore could not determine this device’s UDID.
This means that AltStore couldn’t read the device UDID embedded by AltServer when installing AltStore. Make sure you’re installing AltStore with the latest AltServer version and not via another method.
(1007) This app is in an invalid format.
(1007) This app is in an invalid format.
This means the app you’re trying to install is not a standard .ipa. Try downloading the app from another location.
(1008) Invalid parameters.
(1008) Invalid parameters.
This means an internal error occured and AltStore couldn’t provide the necessary information to perform the requested task. Please try again and check our
Troubleshooting Guide
for additional help. You can reach out to us directly if the issue persists.
(1009) You cannot register more than 10 App IDs within a 7 day period.
(1009) You cannot register more than 10 App IDs within a 7 day period.
This means that you have reached the maximum amount of App IDs available. Please check the App IDs in the My Apps tab to see when they will expire.
(1010) There are no AltStore sources.
(1010) There are no AltStore sources.
This means an internal error occured and AltStore is unable to fetch changes for any Sources you’ve added. Please try again and check our
Troubleshooting Guide
for additional help. You can reach out to us directly if the issue persists.
(1011) AltStore was denied permission to launch the app.
(1011) AltStore was denied permission to launch the app.
This means AltStore couldn’t launch a sideloaded app because you tapped «Cancel» on the «AltStore wants to open [app]» alert, or because you still need to trust your Apple ID in Settings.
(1012) AltStore’s shared app group could not be accessed.
(1012) AltStore’s shared app group could not be accessed.
This means AltStore was not able to access the directory where app backups are stored. Make sure you’re installing AltStore with the latest AltServer version and not via another method.
(1200) AltServer could not be found.
(1200) AltServer could not be found.
This means that AltStore is having trouble discovering AltServer on your local network. Make sure you’re connected to the same WiFi network as your PC/Mac running AltServer, or try connecting your device to your computer via USB.
(1201) A connection to AltServer could not be established.
(1201) A connection to AltServer could not be established.
This means that AltStore is having trouble connecting to AltServer on your PC/Mac. Make sure you have Wi-Fi sync enabled, and otherwise you may try plugging in your device directly via USB.
(1202) The connection to AltServer was dropped.
(1202) The connection to AltServer was dropped.
This means that AltStore’s connection to AltServer on your PC/Mac was interrupted. Make sure you have Wi-Fi sync enabled, and otherwise you may try plugging in your device directly via USB.
This means that AltServer ran into an unknown error. We recommend reaching out to our support channels if the issue persists.
This means that AltServer ran into an unknown error. We recommend reaching out to our support channels if the issue persists.
(2001) Could not connect to AltServer. / There was an error connecting to the device.
(2001) Could not connect to AltServer. / There was an error connecting to the device.
This means that AltServer is having trouble connecting to your iOS device. Try plugging your device directly into your computer if it is not already.
(2002) Lost Connection to AltServer.
(2002) Lost Connection to AltServer.
This means that the connection was dropped between AltServer and your iOS device. Make sure your device and computer are connected to the same WiFi network and try again.
(2003) AltServer could not find this device.
(2003) AltServer could not find this device.
This means that AltServer had trouble locating your iOS device either over USB or via WiFi. Make sure your device and computer are connected to the same WiFi network and that your device is trusted and try again.
(2004) Failed to write app data to device.
(2004) Failed to write app data to device.
This means that AltServer tried to write a file to your device and could not or was interrupted. Make sure your device and computer are connected to the same WiFi network and that your device is trusted and try again.
(2005) AltServer received an invalid request.
(2005) AltServer received an invalid request.
This means that AltServer received a request it did not understand. This may be because you are running an outdated AltServer version, so please make sure to update to the latest version.
(2006) AltServer sent an invalid response.
(2006) AltServer sent an invalid response.
This means that AltStore received a response from AltServer it did not understand. This may be because you are running an outdated AltStore version, so please make sure to update to the latest version.
(2007) The app is invalid.
(2007) The app is invalid.
This means that the app your were attempting to install was found to be in an invalid format. If you continue to have issues, try downloading from alternate source.
(2008) An error occurred while installing the app.
(2008) An error occurred while installing the app.
This means that iOS rejected the app you were attempting to install. Make sure to use a version compatible your iOS version.
(2009) Cannot activate more than 3 apps with a non-developer Apple ID.
(2009) Cannot activate more than 3 apps with a non-developer Apple ID.
This means that you do not have enough available App IDs to install the requested App. For more information, refer to our
App IDs page
(2010) Your device must be running iOS 12.2 or later to install AltStore.
(2010) Your device must be running iOS 12.2 or later to install AltStore.
This means that you will need to update your phone to the minimum iOS version required before you can continue to use AltStore.
(2011) AltServer does not support this request.
(2011) AltServer does not support this request.
This means that AltServer received a request it did not recognize. You may be running an outdated AltServer version, so be sure to update.
(2012) Received an unknown response from AltServer.
(2012) Received an unknown response from AltServer.
This means that AltStore received a response from AltServer it did not recognize. You may be running an outdated AltStore version, so be sure to update.
(2013) The provided anisette data is invalid.
(2013) The provided anisette data is invalid.
This means that the Apple ID information AltStore used to try to sign in was invalid because of an unknown issue. Make sure you are using the latest version of iCloud if you are on Windows and that your date/time are accurate.
(2014) AltServer could not connect to Mail plug-in. (macOS)
(2014) AltServer could not connect to Mail plug-in. (macOS)
This means that AltServer could not find the Mail plug-in either because it is not enable or you are not running the Mail app on your Mac. Make sure the Mail app is running on your Mac and that the plug-in is enabled. For more help, check the
Mail Plug-In
page in the install guide.
(2015) Could not find provisioning profile.
(2015) Could not find provisioning profile.
This means that the provisioning profile needed to install this app could not be located. This is most likely a problem with AltStore itself, so please message support or to our Patreon inbox.
(2016) An error occurred while removing the app.
(2016) An error occurred while removing the app.
This means that there was an issue while removing an app. There are a number of different issues so make sure to check your error log for a more specific message on your issue.
(2100) The Requested app is not currently running on the device.
(2100) The Requested app is not currently running on the device.
This means that you tried to enable JIT without the requested app running in the foreground. Make sure to launch the app and have it running before you enable JIT.
(2101) The disk is incompatible with [iOS version].
(2101) The disk is incompatible with [iOS version].
This means that the developer disk required to enable JIT is not compatible with your device’s OS version. Make sure you’re running the latest version of AltStore and AltServer, and try again later.
(3000) An unknown error occurred.
(3000) An unknown error occurred.
Updated information coming soon
(3001) The provided parameters are invalid.
(3001) The provided parameters are invalid.
Updated information coming soon
(3002) Incorrect Apple ID or password.
(3002) Incorrect Apple ID or password.
This means that the Apple ID credentials you used were invalid. Make sure the username and password are correct.
If you still have issues, you can also try creating a new Apple ID to use with AltStore.
(3003) An app-specific password is required. You can create one at appleid.apple.com.
(3003) An app-specific password is required. You can create one at appleid.apple.com.
Updated information coming soon.
(3004) You are not a member of any development teams.
(3004) You are not a member of any development teams.
Updated information coming soon.
(3005) This device’s UDID is invalid.
(3005) This device’s UDID is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3006) This device is already registered with another ID.
(3006) This device is already registered with another ID.
Updated information coming soon.
(3007) The certificate request is invalid.
(3007) The certificate request is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3008) There is no certificate with the requested serial number for this team.
(3008) There is no certificate with the requested serial number for this team.
Updated information coming soon.
(3009) The name for this app is invalid.
(3009) The name for this app is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3010) The bundle identifier for this app is invalid.
(3010) The bundle identifier for this app is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3011) The bundle identifier for this app has already been registered.
(3011) The bundle identifier for this app has already been registered.
Updated information coming soon.
(3012) There is no App ID with the requested identifier on this team.
(3012) There is no App ID with the requested identifier on this team.
Updated information coming soon.
(3013) You may only register 10 App IDs every 7 days.
(3013) You may only register 10 App IDs every 7 days.
Updated information coming soon.
(3014) The provided app group is invalid.
(3014) The provided app group is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3015) App group does not exist.
(3015) App group does not exist.
Updated information coming soon.
(3016) The identifier for the requested provisioning profile is invalid.
(3016) The identifier for the requested provisioning profile is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
(3017) There is no provisioning profile with the requested identifier on this team.
(3017) There is no provisioning profile with the requested identifier on this team.
Updated information coming soon.
(3018) This account requires signing in with two-factor authentication.
(3018) This account requires signing in with two-factor authentication.
Updated information coming soon.
(3019) Incorrect verification code.
(3019) Incorrect verification code.
Updated information coming soon.
(3020) Failed to perform authentication handshake with server.
(3020) Failed to perform authentication handshake with server.
Updated information coming soon.
(3021) The provided anisette data is invalid.
(3021) The provided anisette data is invalid.
Updated information coming soon.
This means that AltServer ran into an unknown error. We recommend reaching out to our support channels if the issue persists.
This means that you will need to unlock your device before AltServer can connect.
Updated information coming soon
Updated information coming soon
Updated information coming soon
Updated information coming soon
Updated information coming soon
(1100) Your session has expired. Please log in.
Make sure iTunes is closed.
Go to Program Data -> Apple Computer -> iTunes -> ADI -> delete the files
Retry installing AltStore
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Here’s the solution for “Could not Find AltServer” error during installing IPA file on iPhone.
I got this error “could not find alt server ios” when I was trying to install one of Tweaked++ or you can say third party app on my iPhone.
As you know Apple has stopped signing certificates for installing third-party applications on the iPhone.
During this time AltStore is like a reliable source to install these applications without jailbreaking your device. This is called Sideloading applications on iPhone with AltStore.
What is AltStore?
Altstore is a third-party app installer for iOS non jailbroken devices. This installer makes it possible to install any Tweaked, install third-party apps on your iOS devices which are not available on App Store.
Recently Altstore released an update where it made it possible to install or you can say Sideload the IPA files on iPhone without jailbreaking.
Normally installing IPA files requires Cydia Impactor which means Jailbreaking your device.
Altstore makes it possible to install IPA files without jailbreaking your device.
Sideloading IPA files in iPhone with AltStore is very easy. You just need to download IPA file on your device.
Open the downloaded file with AltStore or in AltStore App just tap on “ADD” icon and choose IPA file to be added.
How to install AltStore?
AltStore is considered one of the best and safest methods of sideloading third-party applications of iOS.
To install AltStore on iPhone, iPad first you need to install it on your Windows or Mac system.
Just visits the official website of AltStore. AltStore is available for both Windows as well as Mac, download accordingly.
- Go to the Search tab and search for “AltServer”
- Run the AltServer
- Connect your device to the Windows system.
- Install the AltStore on iOS device
How to download IPA files on iPhone?
Installing an IPA file through AltStore is the best way of sideloading third-party apps on the iPhone.
There are many best websites to download IPA files on the iPhone. Which includes Tweaked++ apps, Emulators as well as Paid apps for free.
Websites such as Vshare IPA Store, CokernutX, iOSNinja, IPALibrary etc provide free IPA files to download.
What is could not find Altserver error?
Once you download an IPA file on iPhone, then we try to install that file by using AltStore.
While Installing IPA file on AltStore an unknown error occurred “Could not find Altserver iOS”. Installation of IPA file failed on iOS.
This error is not related to Altstore app or IPA file so you don’t have to delete or reinstall the AltStore application.
Sometimes you might also face this issue while using “Unc0ver” on iPhone and error comes as Could not find altserver unc0ver.
How to fix AltStore error?
Could Not Find AltServer Error appears very frequently while using AltStore on the iPhone.
Before directly jumping to Solutions make sure you are doing everything right as per below checklist.
- Laptop / PC with AltStore along with iCloud installed and signed in.
- iPhone with AltStore installed along with active internet.
- iPhone connected to Laptop / PC with USB on which AltStore should be running.
You are following all the above-mentioned steps and still getting this error, so the following solution should work for you.
There are many errors that occur during usage of AltServer such as “AltServer could not find this device”, “Altstore already installed on another device”.
Why “Could not find Altserver” error occurs.
The error may occur due to disconnection between your device and Laptop/PC. This might happen
- When your device connected to Laptop / PC, you must have unplugged the USB cable.
- While connected to Laptop/PC you reboot your device.
This leads to disconnection between your device and Laptop/PC.
Solution for Could not find Altserver
Following steps have solved the issue with my device and it should also solve yours. The solution is as below.
Step 1: Disconnect your device from Laptop/PC
Remove the USB cable which is connected to your iPhone/iPad and Laptop.
Step 2: Close AltStore application from Laptop/PC as well as iPhone/iPad
Step 3: ReConnect your iPhone/iPad to your Laptop with USB Cable
Step 4: Open AltStore application on the Laptop/PC
You can search “Altserver” in your laptop’s search bar and run the application named “Altserver”.
Step 5: Sign in AltStore app on iPhone
Open AltStore app on iPhone/iPad and sign in with the same Apple ID which you have used to sign in AltStore Application on Laptop.
Step 6: Install the IPA file on iPhone
Once the iPhone/iPad is connected to the Laptop/PC. Altstore applications are signed in with the same Apple ID on both devices.
Now you can install IPA files without any AltStore error. This is a normal issue and there is a common solution that is just restart everything and try.
This is one of the solutions which I tried personally and worked for me. AltStore always brings out updates related to the latest iOS version.
Always make sure to follow their Twitter account and stay updated. Hope Could Not Find AltServer error will become a major issue for you.
FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)
Does AltStore work on iOS 14?
Yes, Definitely AltStore works on iOS 14. There have been latest updates released by AltStore where it has fixed major bugs and glitches.
Is AltStore Apple ID Safe?
Yes, As per my knowledge. To use AltStore we need our Apple ID to be used. Here it is not mandatory to use our original Apple ID, you can create one dummy ID and use it.
AltStore uses your Apple ID just to communicate with Apple’s server on behalf of you. Which helps in performing steps and eventually result in installing Third-party apps on an iOS device.
Also, we require to enter our credentials every time we do any activity with AltStore.
Can’t connect to AltStore?
Make sure that both devices are connected to the Internet that is Your Desktop or Laptop and IOS device.
Your device should be connected to a desktop with USB cable properly. Still, facing error?
Then please make sure that your windows firewall is not blocking access of AltStore in your System.
Detailed solution by AltStore itself.
Also find solutions for various other iOS, iPhone issues listed below
- iPhone Microphone not working on iPhone after iOS 14 Update
- Wrong Incoming Call name is shown on iPhone After iOS 14 Update: How to Fix
- How To Hide Photos And Videos In iPhone Without Any Apps
Самые частые ошибки AltStore и как их исправить
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Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео самые частые ошибки altstore и как их исправить онлайн которое загрузил ITHERE 28 мая 2020 длительностью 00 ч 04 мин 48 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям, ведь его посмотрели 4 295 раз.
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Operation failed
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Помогите с этой ошибкой
goodnight backdrop
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не могу войти через Apple Id. тупо грузится и всё, бесконечно
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