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What is ‘r33’?
outrageous plough [deleted] says:
I always get this ‘r33’ message in my D90. I don’t know what it is. is this an error? But still get the shot… 12:55PM, 20 April 2009 PST |
It’s not the buffer size, is it? ages ago |
outrageous plough [deleted] says:
-jase- says:
Well… when do you get it? When you first turn it on? When you set it to aperture priority mode? When you use a certain lens? When you use flash? After the shot or before the shot? When you add a new memory card? Can you be a little bit more descriptive? ages ago |
outrageous plough [deleted] says:
Escy says:
‘r33’ shows the approximate number of images that can be stored in the memory buffer at the current settings, 33 shows that there is space in the buffer for about 33 images before / during writing to the memory card. ages ago |
outrageous plough [deleted] says:
MFX Digital Photography Hi Its an indication of how many images that can be held in your buffer according to your settings selected, i believe that this will change according to your memory card size. you may find more info regarding the above in your manual under the heading ( the viewfinder display ) sorry cant give you a page number, i have a different model to you. hope this helps cya ages ago |
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?Виктория? ?.8
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Почему-то у меня фокусировка делается только по одной точке. Или это просто в видоискателе так показывается?Guest4
Мозг включите…. фокусироваться по двум точкам -это примерно то же самое, что быть одновременно в Москве и Нью-Йорке, что физически невозможно. Что такое фокусировка – это ввод в камеру растояния до объекта, находящегося в точке. До объекта в другой точке расстояние другое – как настроить резкость и туда и сюда? Это невозможно.
Можно выбрать одну точку для фокусировки. Есть разные алгоритмы такого вывода, но точка всегда одна.
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ошибка f33 на nikon, что это и как с этим бороться?
Может быть, FEE, а не f33?
Кольцо диафрагмы поставьте на 22 *ну, или более, если максималка больше* (на объективе) .
Либо напишите аппарат и используемый объектив, что бы не приходилось прибегать к телепатическим способностям. Это, знаете ли, очень утомляет.
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Странная взаимная ситуация, потому что при обоюдной симпатии и написанном приличном приветствии лично у меня очень плохой отклик девушек. Это можно было бы списать на моё неумение общаться, если бы не приличная статистическая выборка (ну хотя бы “привет” то можно написать, раз уж совпало?). Возникает ощущение что есть какое-то пользовательское отношение к совпадениям в тиндере, вроде того что совпадение не больше чем просто лайк фоточки и совершенно не даёт предпосылок для знакомства. Думаю это вопрос для поведенческого анализа сотрудниками тиндера. Кажется их модель знакомства не работает.
P.S. Идея тиндеру – если есть совпадение – отключать возможность дальнейшего пролистывания анкет, пока пользователи не напишут друг другу по одному сообщению, хотя бы с “приветом”.
п п159
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Nikon D3100 kit не фокусирует картинку, почему?
Чаще всего расфокус связан с объективом.
Проверьте МДФ (Минимальная Дистанция Фокусировки)- этот параметр указан в характеристиках. Может быть вы пытаетесь заставить сделать свой объектив не то на что он способен.
Яркие блики или слишком тёмное освещение могут путать автофокус, резкости не будет.
Автофокус нормально срабатывает при наполовину нажатой кнопке, на мониторе или в видоискателе это отмечается цветом точки фокусировки. Но если не дать камере времени на эту операцию с наполовину нажатой кнопкой автофокус может “промазать”.
Проверьте количество точек фокусировки и по какой именно вы наводитесь. Проверьте установленный режим “автофокусировка/ручная фокусировка” переключатель мог перескочить при пользовании.
Нужно ещё отличить расфокус от шевелёнки, когда нормально сфокусированное изображение размазывается на длинной выдержке из-за движения рук.
Хотя эта камера – зеркалка начального уровня, но настроек в ней больше чем в компакт камерах и многие из них нужно сделать до начала съемки. Все их нужно проверить.
В крайнем случае распечатать таблицу для проверки фокуса объектива и сделать снимки со всеми установками, тогда по ним можно судить о причинах расфокуса, без фото гадать о причинах малопродуктивно. Чаще всего причина – неправильные режимы съёмки.
Если вдруг вы сняли свой “Кит” и вместо него поставили объектив от “Зенита” или другой плёночной зеркалки или цифрозеркалки, то автофокус может не сработать из-за отсутствия мотора автофокуса в объективе, но это отдельная песня.
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Well, in most of my earlier posts I have written several memory card errors and their fixes. In this blog, I am going to discuss few Nikon error solutions that will surely help you to fix Nikon error codes effectively.
I have found in many communities and forum websites, that people using Nikon DSLR digital cameras are getting “Nikon error messages”.
This Nikon camera error message is creating havoc to the users. Below you can see the real user’s example.
Let us take a users example:
I’m not sure what is going on, but my D90 is showing “err” on the top display. I’ve removed the battery and turned the camera on and off a few times and no change. I have removed the lens and remounted and still not change.
Does anyone have an idea of what else I should check?Thank you
Almost all modern Nikon DSLR cameras such as Nikon D90, D80, D60, D40x, D40, D5000, D3000, D200, D300, D300s, D3, D3s and D3x display different kind of Nikon error codes. This can be really problematic – particularly if you are a photographer and you have no idea on how to fix Nikon Camera error message.
Well, you do not need to get worried about it as I have listed some of the Nikon Camera error codes and their fixes in the next section of this blog that you can do it by yourself.
Troubleshooting Nikon Error Codes/Messages
- Fix Blinking “Err” Message
- Fix Blinking “fEE” Message
- Fix Triangle with letter “F” Error
- Fix Continuous (-E-) Message/No Memory Card Error message
- Fix Blinking “CHA/CHR” Message
- Fix “f–” or “f0” Error Message
- Fix Stuck on R-number
- Fix “Information” icon error message
- Fix Cannot record the movie error message
- Fix Shutter release error message
- Fix This Image Cannot Be Deleted error message
1. Blinking “Err” Message
Blinking Err is one of the most occurring error messages that you might see on the Nikon camera – because it occurs due to several numbers of problems.
The most common reasons are the dust particles that lie between the lens and camera, so you have to simply clean the area carefully and check again.
Another reason could be due to the camera startup problem. In this case, you can turn OFF the camera and remove the battery out of the camera and then re-insert it back and check again.
If you are still seeing the same Nikon error message – then try another lens on the camera in order to identify which part of the camera is faulty. If another lens is working fine, then it is clear that the problem is still in the contacts on the lens creating the issue. In such a situation you can visit the Nikon Service Centre.
2. Blinking “fEE” Message
Blinking “fEE” error message gets displayed only when you are using lenses with an aperture ring. It generally occurs with older lenses and the fEE error message appears if the ring isn’t set to minimum aperture size.
To fix this, simply turn it back to this point – highlighted in orange color. If you are able to lock the aperture ring into its place, then you must do it – it will stop you from thumping it out of the alignment again.
3. Triangle With The letter “F”
Most of the time, this F Error message is limited to Nikon DLSR cameras. This particular error message appears when the camera is not able to communicate with the lens.
To fix F– error message, clean the contacts on the rear of the lens with the help of microfiber cloth and make sure that the lens is locked into its place.
If the problem still persists, then try different lenses to identify whether the problem is in the lens or camera. If you are not able to fix it by yourself, then you can take your camera to the service center.
4. Continuous (-E-) Message/No Memory Card Error message
Continuous (-E-) Message means that there is no memory card installed in the camera. But, if you are getting this error message even when you have inserted a memory card in the camera – then your camera is not able to read the card properly.
In order to fix no memory card error or continuous (-E-) message, turn off the camera and remove the card and clean it (particularly the metal parts that make the connection with the camera). Now insert the card and turn ON the camera and see if this fixes the problem.
Second, make sure that the card type you are using is compatible with your Nikon camera.
Third, ensure that the card is not full – if it is full of photos/videos and there is no space then transfer the photos and videos from the card to PC and delete them from the card.
If you are still facing the same error message, then you must format your memory card. You can either format the card within the camera or on the PC.
Note: Formatting memory card will erase all photos and videos from the card, hence, it is recommended that you must first back up all data of the card to PC and then format it.
5. Blinking “CHA/CHR” Message
Blinking “CHA/CHR” error message means that there is a problem with the memory card. It commonly occurs when you have copied the images from the card.
However, it can be easily fixed by formatting the card within the camera. But if in case the problem is not solved and you are still having the issue, then it is possible that you have a problem with the contacts. Clean the contacts and check the problem is solved or not – if not then send it to the Nikon service center.
6. “f–” or “f0” Error Message
The “f–” or “f0” Nikon d70 error codes messages occur when the lens is not placed into its place properly.
To troubleshoot Nikon error codes – simply unmount and remount the lens and make sure that it gets placed into its proper place. If you are using the older lens then you may get the error message again because it is possible that older lens may not have electronic contacts, hence, it can’t communicate with the camera.
7. Stuck On R-Number
This is particularly not the error message, but several numbers of photographers reported that their Nikon camera has stuck on r-number, not allowing them to shoot photos even when the shutter is fully pressed. The r-number could be anything like r36 or any other number. What it actually means – well, it shows that you can take a remaining number of a photo on the buffer and it appears when you half-press the shutter.
But, why your camera is not able to take a photo even when the shutter is completely pressed? Well, there could be several reasons for this problem.
By default, your camera is set to focus on an image before taking the photos, so when you are taking photos in a very dark room or environment and your camera is not able to get proper focus then you will the r-number until it gets stuck to something.
Another reason behind the occurrence of this Nikon error codes is that your camera has been set to self-timer and hence the r-number will get displayed until the timer is complete.
8. “Information” Icon Error Message
There could be 3 reasons for a Nikon camera “information” icon error message (you will see “I” in a circle).
- First, a battery might be discharged – so charge the battery.
- Second, the memory card may be locked or full – to troubleshoot the problem, look for a small toggle switch located just on the side of the card and just swipe it to the “unlocked” position. If your card is full, then move the files from the card to PC.
- Third, it is possible that your camera has spotted that one of the subjects of the photo blinked as and when you take a shot – showing you to take a photo again.
9. Cannot Record Movie Error Message
Cannot record movie error message occurs when your Nikon DSLR camera is not able to transfer the data to the memory card as quickly to record it.
This Nikon r99 error commonly occurs due to memory card – hence, you will require card that has faster read and write process speed. However, this problem can also refer to the camera – but you must first try different memory cards.
10. Shutter Release Error Message
If your Nikon DSLR camera shutter release is jammed then you get shutter release error message.
To fix Nikon d7100 error codes, you must check the shutter button. If there is any object or any other sticky grime that might be jamming the shutter button then, clean the button and try again.
11. This Image Cannot Be Deleted Error Message
An image cannot be deleted error message mostly occurs when the image you are trying to delete is protected through the software in the camera.
To fix Nikon d7200 error codes issue – you have to first remove the protection from the image and then you can delete it.
Recover Data From Nikon DSLR Camera Using Nikon Cemara Recovery Tool
You can repair ‘Nikon error codes’ by following the aforementioned solutions. But there is also a huge possibility to lose media files from Nikon camera card while fixing the Nikon d50 error codes. So, in such circumstances, how do you recover data after fixing Nikon d610 error codes?
Below you can find the solution for Nikon camera data recover!
Nikon DSLR Camera Recovery Tool is a suitable tool that can easily restore lost photos and videos from Sandisk memory card.
It is one of the powerful software that will help you to recover corrupted, inaccessible, lost, deleted or formatted files such as photos, videos and audio files from the card devices.
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* Free version of the program only scans and previews recoverable items.
Steps To Recover Deleted Data From Nikon Camera Memory Card
Step 1: Select Desired Location
Firstly, select the drive, external media or volume from which you want to recover deleted media files. After selecting, click on ‘Scan‘.
Step 2: Preview Recovered Media Files
Next, you can preview the recoverable media files after the scanning process is completed.
Step 3: Recover Media Files
Lastly, you can select the images, audio, video files you want to restore and click on ‘Recover‘ option to save them at the location you want.
Final Verdict
I hope by reading the above fixes, you are able to resolve Nikon d80 error codes displayed by the Nikon DSLR camera.
But do remember that different model of Nikon camera display different sets of Nikon error codes that are listed above. In case while fixing Nikon d7000 error codes, if you find that the data gets deleted, then you can try the Nikon DSLR Camera Recovery Tool to get them back.
If the above fixes do not help you to solve the issue, then you can carry your Nikon camera to Nikon Service Centre.
Best of luck for troubleshooting Nikon DSLR camera error codes messages!
Taposhi is an expert technical writer with 5+ years of experience. Her in-depth knowledge about data recovery and fascination to explore new DIY tools & technologies have helped many. She has a great interest in photography and loves to share photography tips and tricks with others.
Summary: Are you unable to use your Nikon camera due to errors like ERR, FEE, F, F0, For, E, etc.? Learn how to fix 12 most common Nikon errors and how to recover photos and videos from camera lost due to these errors.
Table of Content:
- 12 Nikon camera error codes & their solutions
- How to format Nikon camera SD card?
- How to recover photos and videos lost or deleted due to error?
- How to repair photos & videos corrupted due to Nikon error?
- Tips to avoid errors on Nikon camera
Nikon users often face various kinds of errors that pop up on their camera display panel. The common ERR, FEE, For, E, etc. freeze camera to the extent that even turning it off and on doesn’t help. The situation is annoying as these errors don’t let you use your camera further and may lead to loss of photos and videos from the camera SD card.
Whether it is Nikon D70, D80, D90, D750, D3500, D7200 or any other model, the error could be due to multiple reasons such as non-CPU lens, improper SD card, dust, etc.
Read on to know how to fix 12 such common Nikon errors, and how to recover deleted or corrupt Nikon photos & videos from Nikon cameras.
12 Most Common Nikon Camera Error Codes & Solutions
- ERR error message
- FEE error message
- ‘F’ error message
- Triangle with ‘F0’ error
- ‘For’ error code
- ‘Cd/Err’ error code
- Information icon error in Nikon
- Nikon Error (-E-)
- Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error
- Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’
- Error Press shutter release button
- Nikon error code r18, r19, r02, etc.
1. ‘Err’ error message
Figure 1: Nikon ‘Err’ message in D750
‘Err’ message on Nikon D750, D80, D810, D90, etc., points toward internal camera issues. The error could be because of faulty lens, dirt, incompatible SD card, inappropriate camera exposure settings. It may also occur when you turn-on the camera and immediately start recording at high shutter speed, which more often than not, disables or crashes your Nikon DSLR.
Solution: You can do the following to fix Nikon ‘Err’ camera error:
- Remove and reattach the lens.
- Clean the connection points on the lens and the camera using a microfiber cloth.
- Remove the camera battery and SD card for 10-15 min and then re-insert.
- Check if the lens connection pins or Aperture control lever are broken.
- Replace the lens with a new one.
- If the problem persists, contact an Authorised Nikon Service Centre for service or for damaged Aperture lever.
2. ‘FEE’ error message
Figure 2: FEE error message on Nikon DSLR
The ‘FEE’ error on Nikon DSLR appears when the camera lens is not attached properly; has incorrect aperture setting; or you’re using non-CPU lens such as the NIKKOR AF or NIKKOR P lenses.
Solution: To fix ‘FEE’ error in Nikon, you may try the following:
- Set the aperture to F22, or the highest aperture number normally marked in orange on the lens. Lock it using the aperture locking switch.
- Check that the EE servo coupling on the lens and F-min switch highlighted on the camera body are not broken.
Figure 3: Highest aperture marked in orange in camera
Figure 4: EE servo coupling on Nikon lens Figure 5: F-min switch on Nikon camera
If either of the two is broken, the lens issue could be due to this. Contact the authorized service centre for return or service.
3. ‘F’ error message
Figure 6: F error on Nikon camera screen
If you see ‘F’ error message on your Nikon D7000, D7100, D850 or other camera, this can indicate a lens issue. Either the camera lens is not connected properly or the non-CPU lens is attached.
Solution: Remove and reattach the camera lens ensuring that it fixes properly. It’s recommended to use a CPU lens, such as NIKKOR lenses type D, E and G. However, if you have old non-CPU lens, select the exposure mode A (aperture-priority auto) or M (manual) on the camera.
If the problem continues, try a different lens.
4. Triangle with F0 error
Figure 7: Nikon error triangle with F0
A triangle with ‘f0’ is typically reported in Nikon D700, D300, and D200 using G-series lenses. It is also one of the case where the lens is not attached to the camera properly because of dirt or alignment issue.
Solution: Turn-off the camera. Remove and reattach the lens so that it attaches properly to the camera. Also, clean the connection points between the lens and camera using a microfiber cloth.
5. ‘For’ error code
Nikon D7200, D500, D80, D90, D70 and others often show ‘For’ error code in the camera’s control panel. It is a format card error, which means your DSLR is unable to read the first sector of the SD Card.
Solution: To fix the ‘For’ error in Nikon devices, you may do the following:
- Turn-off the camera.
- Format your camera SD card.
- Insert a new memory card in the camera.
6. ‘Cd/Err’/’Cha’ error code
Figure 8: Nikon D80 Cha error
‘Cd/Err’ or ‘Cha’ is old Nikon D40, D70, D80 error issue. When you see ‘Cd’ or ‘Cha’ error in the control panel of the camera, it indicates memory card problem. Either your camera doesn’t recognize the SD card or it has detected an invalid partition. ‘Cha’ error is commonly reported after users copy or delete photos from the Nikon SD card and reuse it without formatting.
Solution: You can do the following to fix ‘Cd or ‘Cha’ error:
- Try once by removing and then reinserting the SD card properly.
- Format SD card within the camera.
- Ensure you are using a memory card compatible with Nikon model.
- If the problem remains, contact the Nikon service centre.
7. Information icon error in Nikon
If you see an ‘i’ in a circle on your camera display, it is the information error icon. The error appears because of camera battery or SD card issue. Nikon battery may be drained out or your camera SD card is unable to store photos and videos.
- Remove and charge the camera battery, if it is drained out.
- Unlock your camera SD card, if it’s write-protected. Slide upward the lock switch.
- Check if the SD card is full. Transfer its photos and video files to another device.
8. Nikon Error (-E-)
The (-E-) message on Nikon display screen is a memory card error. Either SD card is not inserted in camera or the camera is unable to read the card.
Solution: Do the following to fix the Nikon error:
- Turn-off the camera. Remove its SD card. Clean and insert it again.
- Use a Nikon approved SD camera.
- If the SD card is full, it will not record any more videos or photos and may show error. Move the files from camera card to your PC or other media.
- If still the same error message appears, then format your SD card either within the camera or on the computer.
9. Nikon ‘This card cannot be used/read’ error
‘This card cannot be used’ or ‘this card cannot be read’ error message on Nikon camera means your SD card is either incompatible with the camera, damaged, corrupt or not inserted properly.
Solution: Do the following to fix Nikon memory card error:
- Use Nikon approved memory card.
- Remove and reinsert the SD card properly.
- Check the camera card, it is not damaged.
- Gently clean the SD card and contact points with camera with soft dry cloth. Next re-insert the card.
- Reformat the SD card.
- If none of the methods are helpful, change SD card, and make sure you use the Nikon approved camera card.
You can also apply the same troubleshooting methods in case of ‘No memory card error’ message on Nikon screen.
10. Nikon error ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait.’
Figure 9: Nikon Recording interrupted error
You turn on the camera and start recording. But after few seconds receive the message, ‘Recording interrupted please wait’. This may be followed by camera freeze or ERR card error, after you turn-off and turn-on your Nikon DSLR.
The record movie error, ‘Recording interrupted. Please wait’ is commonly reported in Nikon D750, D3100, D3300 and other D-series models. It occurs when the camera can’t save the recording data to the SD card. This usually happens when the memory card is of lower Class, which has slow read/ write speed. Most of the other video recording error messages in Nikon camera are due to slow SD card.
Solution: Get a memory card that has faster write speed. It is recommended to use Class 10 SD cards such as Extreme SanDisk SDXC UHS-I Card or Lexar Professional 633X UHS-I etc.
11. Press shutter release button
Figure 10: Nikon Shutter Release error
Nikon ‘Press Shutter Release button’ error appears when your camera’s shutter is jammed due to dust particles.
Solution: Turn off the camera and clean the Shutter button.
12. Nikon error code r18, r19, r02 etc.
Figure 11: Nikon r12 error
Nikon camera display stuck with letter ‘r’ and a number like r13, r12, r04, etc., when you half press the shutter button is often mistaken as an error. However, it’s simply a notification from your camera about the number of more shots your buffer memory can hold under the current camera settings. When the buffer shots are full, you won’t be able to shoot temporarily till the images are processed. Post processing, buffer space is again available and recording automatically continues. So no need to worry if you receive r12, r02, r20 and so on message on Nikon camera.
How to format Nikon camera SD card ?
Before formatting camera card, backup your photos and videos. If the SD card is not accessible due to any error or other logical issue, use a Nikon SD card recovery software that retrieves lost photos and videos.
Also read:
How to fix corrupt SD card on Windows PC
How to fix corrupt SD card on Mac
Steps to format the Nikon SD card in camera :
- Go to Menu > Setup Menu > Format memory card
- Choose your card slot in case there are more than one slot
- Select OK. Wait till the process completion message appears.
If you are trying to fix any Nikon DSLR error using formatting, but the problem doesn’t resolve, it means the SD card is damaged. Get the new SDXC or SDHC camera card.
How to recover photos & video lost after fixing Nikon error?
Get the Nikon file recovery software — Stellar Photo Recovery . It is compatible with all models of Nikon cameras and their memory cards. The software can help you restore files deleted or lost while fixing Nikon camera error. Stellar Photo Recovery is an advanced tool that recovers photos and videos from corrupt and formatted camera SD cards as well. It is available for both Windows and Mac system.
Step-by-step: How to recover from Nikon photos and videos
- Install and launch Stellar Photo Recovery on your computer.
- Connect the Nikon SD card to the system.
- Next, select the SD card in software interface and click Scan.
- Click Recover
- Preview and Save the recovered photos and videos.
Note: Don’t use the camera SD card, until the lost files are recovered to avoid overwriting of data.
How to Repair Photos & Videos Corrupted due to errors in Nikon DSLR?
There are instances reported that after fixing an error code in Nikon DSLR, the saved videos and photos are corrupted.
You can use Nikon photo repair software – Stellar Repair for Photo to fix corrupt JPEG, and RAW (NEF and NRW) image files.
While the best tool to repair corrupt video is Stellar Repair for Video that supports Nikon H.264/ H.265 MP4, MOV, and AVI files.
These software are compatible with Nikon memory cards including Class 10 UHS-I SanDisk, Transcend, Lexar Professional and others.
Recommended: You may be interested in Stellar Photo Recovery Premium — a unique software that not only recovers Nikon’s deleted photos and videos but also repairs those (photos +videos) that get corrupt.
You can avoid the above errors on Nikon Camera! Here are the tips.
- Use Nikon CPU lens instead of old non-CPU lens.
- Use only Nikon approved SD cards of Class 10 speed.
- After copying, format the Nikon SD card instead of deletingthefiles.
- Always format card inside the camera.
- Carefully insert/ remove SD Card from camera.
- Don’t wait for Nikon battery to fully discharge. Recharge it before.
- Don’t continue recording when the card storage is nearly full
Wrapping Up
Nikon camera error troubleshooting is helpful. However, if you are not able to fix the error, contact the authorized Nikon Service Centre near you.
In order to recover photos & videos lost due to camera error, use Nikon Recovery software – Stellar Photo Recovery. It’s best to try the free demo version to preview the recoverable Nikon camera files.
Ever had a dreaded error code or message flash up on your Nikon DSLR? Or is it happening right now and your search has brought you to this article? Well, either way, here’s a guide to what those codes generally mean, along with a couple of simple solutions to hopefully get you back up and running.
So, we know an error code could mean something is wrong. Don’t panic just yet though. Although the problem can be serious, often the fault is something simple to fix or, in some instances, not even a fault at all. Read on below to find out what your error code means. At the bottom of the page you’ll also find links to a couple of Nikon repair centres, should that be the required course of action.
What does Err mean?
This error code can be the scariest message to encounter as it simply means camera malfunction and can cover a wide range of problems. When it does appear the camera completely locks up. Turning the camera on and off again often clears the error but it can potentially mean anything from dirty contacts, so the lens and camera cannot communicate properly, to a shutter malfunction. It is quite often down to dirty contacts on either the lens mount or lens itself and is fixed with a good deep clean. However, because it can also be more serious it’s always best to speak to Nikon if you are concerned. I had this error come up once when a contact pin on my 1.4x teleconvertor was lose. I only found that out though when the pin fell out whilst I was abroad on a shoot!
Nikon also suggest the following if the Err code flashes up:
- Remove all accessories from the camera.
- Install a freshly charged battery into the camera.
- If your Nikon camera offers resets such as the two-button reset or a hardware reset please follow those instructions provided in the product manual.
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What does f- – mean?
This means the lens and camera are not communicating with each other. Usual causes are that either the lens is an older model without electronic contacts (i.e. is not a CPU lens) or it is not fully connected. If it is a CPU lens then remove the lens and re-attach, making sure you fully twist the lens until you hear it click in place.
Triangle with F0 (or another number, i.e. F6)
Also indicates the lens and body are unable to communicate and the camera thinks there is no lens attached. On a non CPU lens it can mean the maximum aperture has not been dialled in correctly. The number next to the letter F is how far from maximum aperture the non CPU lens is – so F6 would mean 6 stops from max aperture. On a G type lens with no aperture ring, try cleaning all the contacts, but if that doesn’t work it might be worth calling Nikon as it may be an issue with the contacts not meeting properly.
Not so much an error code, but if you see F0 on your display it means the lens hasn’t been twisted all the way and locked in place. With modern G lenses you will get F0 appear until the lens is clicked in to position. On older lenses with an aperture ring, you’ll see as you twist the lens in to place the F value will increase until the lens clicks in to position, where it will then revert back to it’s correct, camera set, aperture value.
F0 code means lens is not fully locked in place
What does FEE mean?
If you only use G type lenses you’ll never see this error message as it indicates the aperture ring is not set to the minimum aperture. The fix is easy, just set the aperture ring back to minimum and lock it in place. There is usually an aperture ring lock to stop you accidentally twisting it, it’s a small orange notch on a switch, and the lenses smallest aperture will be marked in orange as well to help remind you.
FEE code means the aperture lock is not set
– E –
Not really a warning message, but -E- simply means there is no memory card in the camera. If however you get this message and there IS a card in the camera, try formatting the card in camera (NOT in your computer), and taking it out and re-inserting to make sure it is properly seated. If the problem still persists, try another card as per below. If that doesn’t work it’s worth contacting Nikon as you may have a bent pin in the card slot. It’s been known to happen but be warned, it isn’t always the cheapest of things to fix!
If you see CH/CHR it means there is a problem with the memory card. It’s always a good idea to format your memory card in camera after you have copied the images across to your computer. Generally speaking, memory card problems seem to crop up more often with people who do not do an in camera format of the card. It’s also worth removing and re-inserting the card. As with the -E- message, worst case scenario is that there is a bent pin in the cameras card slot.
Additional reading: how to add your copyright to photo EXIF
What does ‘r’ followed by a number mean?
This is often mistaken for an error code. I’ve had many people ask me what r12 or r04 means when they half press the shutter release on their DSLR. The good news is, this does not signify a problem. It is simply the camera telling you how many shots you have left before the camera buffer fills.
My camera won’t take a photo when I press the shutter all the way down
This could genuinely be a fault with the camera but also, as silly as it sounds, it could be that you have the camera set to focus priority and you’re trying to take a photo when the camera hasn’t focused on anything. To double check this isn’t the case, go into the autofocus menu of your camera, navigate to AF-C and AF-S priority selection and see what mode is set in there. If it’s on focus priority, the camera won’t release the shutter until it has locked on to something.
What if I can’t fix the problem myself?
It’s always a worry when an error code comes up on any bit of kit. Even if it goes away again it’s always better to get it looked at just to be safe. Nikon will usually ask you what settings you had the camera on and what other equipment you were using at the time so always try to remember to make a note of that info, so you can pass it on to them. That way they’ll potentially be able to find the fault sooner. If needed, supply them with the other kit that was used when the fault developed. I once read on a forum about a pro sports photographer who had a D3 and a 400mm which gave an ERR code when combined together. Both the camera and lens worked fine with all other cameras/lenses but together they just did not want to play. So both had to be sent in to find the fault.
How do I contact my local Nikon service centre?
Head over to the Nikon website for your territory to find where your local service centre is located. To get you there a little quicker, you can use these link:
Nikon Europe repair centre
Nikon USA repair centre
I hope you never find yourself having to look up what the Nikon DSLR error codes mean, but if you do, and you find your way here, I hope this article helped!
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