Nintendo dsi an error has occurred

Hello My son accidently updated his dsi firmware version to 1.4.1.E and now his r4i card will not work,it says an error has occurred and see the manual for help.Is it the r4i card that is now the problem ? I have read on some sites that if you have a ds or ds lite you can somehow make the r4i...
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    Nov 23, 2010

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Nov 23, 2010



  • #1


My son accidently updated his dsi firmware version to 1.4.1.E and now his r4i card will not work,it says an error has occurred and see the manual for help.Is it the r4i card that is now the problem ? I have read on some sites that if you have a ds or ds lite you can somehow make the r4i card work although it didn’t go into detail how to do it.Also if that doesn’t work can you either downgrade the firmware version or will buying a new r4i card solve the problem?

Any help would be appreciated.



  • #2

thats only with acekard and a few others. i dont think r4i is compatible after 1.4 so i think you may need to invest in a new card

  • #3

it really depends on which R4i you have
some has updates that will make it compatible with nintendo’s new firmware
and some don’t

so if you need help, we’ll need to know exactly which R4i you have, since there so many of those clones floating around

Nov 23, 2010



  • #4

Hi RoMee it is R4i SDHC ,it is in a red box,it also has v1.4 on it .


  • #5

sorry, but looks like that cart will not be updated
their answer to nintendo’s new firmware was to release a new cart that is if you have the old’re pretty much out of luck

You should buy a new cart…just stay from those R4 clones

Nov 23, 2010



  • #6

how do you know if a card is a clone or not and would you recommend any so i can buy one online.I live in the Uk.


  • #7

The R4 team died long ago, these new R4 are just clones, they clone acekards, dstt, etc. anything R4(i) is a clone, anything like R4 ultra or R4 upgrade, etc are clones
sometime they even clone other R4 clone

if you’re on a budget, the Acekard is a great choice @$15 it has great compatibility, and akaio is a great firmware
Acekard 2i

but if you want the best cart, that will be the SuperCard DSTWO
SuperCard DSTWO

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  • x65943



    Finally they are banning teaching gravity in school, little pricks can get back to farming and praising the lord


  • BigOnYa



    Funny, i remember having to learn cursive writing, square dancing, ebonics… what happen to those?

  • Veho



    They were replaced by «cell theory».


  • Veho



    The silly notion that human bodies are composed of «cells» and powered by «mitochondria» and not composed from clay and powered by the soul.


  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    My new religion is going to be awesome, orgies and booze and fun rides!


  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Our father who is currently on the water slide, forgive our party and someone turn up that song it’s awesome!


  • The Real Jdbye


    The Real Jdbye:

    i don’t recall ever having to learn dancing in school

  • BigOnYa



    yup in gym class, middle school… we had to pair up boy with girl, random picked, and learn square dancing. Yeee hah! 30+ years ago.

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Lucky when I was in school we had to learn to hide from nuclear bombs and eat bugs and basic survival skills lol


  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Psi lived in a different lifetime… They made us to be like Rambo lol


  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Sure I can operate most weapons and I know a thousand ways to kill someone, but who teaches us how to live a quiet life?


  • K3N1



    Stop trying to cancel people ReZ

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    New roofie jello pudding pops.

  • K3N1



    Did he buy Hogwarts legacy also what an evil man

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    He just needs Harry Potter’s sleep spell

  • Psionic Roshambo


    Psionic Roshambo:

    Rapius Maximus Sleepy Time Perversio!

  • K3N1



    Or maybe engorgio so he can actually get someone

  • K3N1



    Rezsmum told me about them said it’s the perfect size for her stealth toys




    Rezsmum told me about them said it’s the perfect size for her stealth toys

    Today at 6:49 PM


    1. Blocked IP Address
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    3. Nintendo dsi an error has occurred
    4. Gaming DSi Black Screen, «An error has occurred. » on game cartridge launch only
    5. nope_not_a_robot
    6. Error has occured press and hold the button to turn system off
    7. 9 Ответов
    8. Homebrew HiyaCFW — Error has Occured
    9. Hephaestus
    10. SCOTT0852
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    Nintendo dsi an error has occurred

    p.s. на прошивке 3.2 все работало.

    И ещё вопрос- приставка без чипа вообще не может распознать пиратскую игру или может, но при запуске ошибка? (а то у меня с чипованной приставкой тоже при запуске многих игр (трученых и не трученых) ошибка вылетает). И можно ли на нечипованной приставке играть через Geckо?

    Первый вопрос снимаю, я оказывается заново игру скачивал, но все равно, на 4.2е тоже игры не надо тручить, как на 3.3 и 3.4?

    Первый вопрос снимаю, я оказывается заново игру скачивал, но все равно, на 4.2е тоже игры не надо тручить, как на 3.3 и 3.4?

    Консоль куплена примерно 2 года назад, запускала болванки, чипованая или нет не знаю. Подключения к интернету нет, каких-то карт памяти нет. На момент покупки Wii, купили около 50 игр на болванках, и ребенок счастливо играл до этого времени в них. Скачивали год назад пару игр – запускались без проблем. Сейчас скачали новую игру Аватар Кэмерона, она предложила первый раз в жизни что-то обновить. Ну обновили (блин ). Версия прошивки стала 3.4Е. При попытке запуска именно Аватара появляется эта ошибка, а старые игры теперь просто не видит. Запускается только Wii-спорт лицензионный. Я уже собралась нести ее куда-нибудь в ремонт, но додумалась заглянуть в интернет.

    Похоже что это не поломка, поэтому пожалуйста, дайте ссылку на тему или ФАК, в котором шаг за шагом описано, что конкретно надо сделать, чтобы игры снова заработали (хотя бы новые, в старые все равно уже не играет). Только пожалуйста не ругайте , очень хочется чтобы консоль снова заработала


    Gaming DSi Black Screen, «An error has occurred. » on game cartridge launch only


    New Member

    Good evening all. This began with a thread over on /r/flashcarts but now that I seem to have traced it to a non-flashcart issue, I wanted to pose it to a wider audience for input and possible solutions.

    Problem: System displays dual black screens and error message on lower screen only when attempting to launch the inserted game cartridge; «An error has occurred. Press and hold the Power Button to turn the system off. Please see the Nintendo DSi Operations Manual for help troubleshooting.»

    System: DSi running system menu 1.4, Sudokuhax. The system has been downgraded from 1.4.5 via ugopown and that whole line of softmodding. I have NAND backups on file from the original 1.4, the upgrade to 1.4.5 (to use the DSi shop to enable the file management option in system settings), and the downgraded 1.4.

    Cartridges tested: R4i Gold 3DS Plus, Brain Age 2. I initially thought this was a problem with the flashcart I had just received until I tried the only other game cartridge I have and encountered the same error, leading me to believe the problem is likely the DSi itself and not both cartridges.

    Items of note:
    -Error only occurs with inserted game cartridge. Installed system apps execute without issue. Sudoku/SRLoader can launch .nds files from DSi SD card without issue.
    -Inserted game cartridge is detected properly and correctly labeled by system menu. Error occurs once the cart is selected and launched.
    -Inspection of system physical internals appears normal. No loose, disconnected, or damaged components are apparent, including both the wifi card and antenna. Motherboard and game slot appear to be clean with no apparent corrosion. Game slot pins appear to be clean and straight. No known history of drops, damage, or other abuse. The system has been sitting in a box in a climate controlled area for over five years, maybe closer to eight or nine.
    -Running an update .nds file for the flashcart via SRLoader (from DSi internal SD card) successfully loads/opens, but fails during the flash cart check phase. I’m not sure if SRLoader can normally access Slot 1, but if it can, it also isn’t communicating properly with the inserted cartridge, leading me to believe it’s either a hardware- or driver-level problem.

    Has anybody encountered a situation like this before? Everything I could find had this error coming up on system boot or when launching any app, not just a cartridge. In those cases, it was a toasted motherboard/wifi module. Could this be a fault somewhere in the rebuilt NAND during the softmodding process? I haven’t attempted to launch a game cartridge since before I did the softmod, mainly because Brain Age is meh/whatever and my flash cart just came in over the weekend, and SRLoader has been sufficient up to this point if only a bit slow. Any ideas? Thanks all!


    Error has occured press and hold the button to turn system off

    My DSi turns on gives me the menu but will not let me play any og my games. Just keeps coming up with Error has occurred press button to turn the system off.

    Это хороший вопрос?

    My DSi wont play even thre is no card

    Linda me too and sorry for my language but it is &&^&^$^ !#^&^$^ me off that all these &&^&^$^ ideas don’t even &&^&^$^ work and I am so !#^&@@ off at it.

    9 Ответов




    If your DSi is under warranty you need to contact Nintendo about repairing it. If it is not under warranty you need to replace the logic board/motherboard. Click here and chose the «motherboard» guide for instructions on how to do that.

    Был ли этот ответ полезен?

    My Dsi action replay will always say an error has occurred as soon as I boot the action replay up and I’m trying to get it to work for dragon quest IX so I can get all of my old equipment back from my first file and level up really fast.


    Have you done anything different with your DSi recently, such as using an action replay or downloading an app? I’ve had this problem before when I leave the DSi on for too long with the action replay inserted. My common fix for this is trying to boot the game as fast as possible when the DSi powers on.

    Is there any additional information you can provide about your problem? Can you boot other apps within the DSi? have you considered erasing all the data that is currently on it through the settings menus?

    Since the menu boots, trying blowing compressed air or using an air blower in the cartridge slot, this may be the source of the issue.


    Homebrew HiyaCFW — Error has Occured


    Well-Known Member

    I followed the guide on:
    I got until the moment where i booted into the Hiya CFW Settings and when i saved it said «An Error has Occured» etc.

    The only difference from the guide is that my SD is 4gb, instead of 2 and below.

    No idea what to do.


    Well-Known Member

    There’s a reason that it says to use a 2gb card.

    You can try to repartition the card so it’s only 2gb, although I’m not totally sure how to do that.


    Well-Known Member

    @SCOTT0852 I had hoped it was unrelated and perhaps somehow i could get away with having a bit more Space, but i guess not.

    Repartitioning is actually quite simple. Open Disk management by typing it into the start bar and then make a complete backup of all the contents of the SD card.
    In Disk management look for your drive in the lower bottom half and right-click on it, then chose «Delete Volume». Once its done right-click there again and chose «Create Simple Volume». I chose a size of 1999mb and made sure to select FAT32.
    Then i copied over all files again.

    Anyway. is there really no way to get a bit more storage? Aproximately 1.5gb of remaining free space for NDS games is kinda worthless.


    1. Hi,

      My boy’s DSi is running firmware 1.4E and has an Acecard 2i with lots of games on it.

      It’s been working perfectly for quite some time but today when starting up, I get the ‘ALEX RIDER STORMBREAKER THQ’ icon but when I touch it the screen goes black with the words

      ‘An error has occurred. Press and hold POWER Button to turn system off.
      Please refer to the Nintendo DSi Operations Manual for details’.

      The Nintendo Flipnote Studio etc works fine so it’s obviouly the Acecard or Memory Card.

      I have wiped the contacts on the cards then tried putting the latest firmware on the memory card but when I put it back into the DSi, I get the same error message so it does not allow me to update it.

      Anyone know what I can do or has the Acecard gone belly up?

      Many thanks in anticipation

    2. Is your Acekard supporting version 1.4E?If not that is why you are getting that error or try to reinsert again your cart because sometimes the contact between the cart and the ds causing that error.

    3. thanks for the reply, yes, as alluded to above, the DSi shows v 1.4E. I’ve not interfered with the card or memeory card at all and just this morning it stopped working.

      I’ve rubbed the contacts a few times but still get the error.

    4. Your card has not been patched to support the DSi latest firmware.
      Go to the Acekard site, download the latest patch and then copy it over to your MicroSD
      Then load your card on a DS, and run the patch.

      Once the patch is finished, load your Acekard on the DSi. You are also now free to update the DSi to the latest version 1.44.

    5. As much as I appreciate your effort, the two posts above you are exactly the same as yours. There is no need for a third.

    6. Thanks for the posts guys, I’ll let you know the result once I have got my hands on an old DS

      But until I do that, can anyone tell me, why this has happened though? As I mention in my OP, it has been working with no problems for ages then suddenly this error message pops up?


    7. What has happened, is that the DSi firmware has been updated, and in that update there is a block for flashcarts. Your Acekard 2i is unable to load on the DSi, so it throws up the error you see.

      The patch that we talk about, recodes the card to bypass the DSi system.
      Never update your DSi before updating the card itself with the latest patch.

    8. It seems that the card was working fine with the DSi v1.4E

      If the DSi was never updated, as it seems that way from OP’s post, then what may have caused it to get the error? If DSi was updated it would have changed to v1.4.4, Correct? OP states the DSi is STILL on v1.4E and card worked fine for some time

      Maybe I’m reading OP’s post wrong but if the patch needs to be run OP has some good help from the posts about using the DSL to fix.

      I’m running a DSi XL with an AK2i and I updated DSi from 1.4E to v1.4.4U about a month ago but had the new firmware on card before update.

      Best of luck getting it to work.

    9. As mentioned by Danny, I have never updated the DSi. I always have the wireless disabled to stop the kids from doing so.

      So yes, that was my original query — why was it working one day then not the next? NO updates or anything had been done.

      Anyhow, hope to get my hands on a DS this weekend. BTW I have bought a couple of new Acekards so hope to have them delivered in the next couple of weeks

    10. I believe updates can be included in game cartridges

    11. I don’t know if a contact issue would cause the error but try ejecting and inserting the cartridge over and over a few times. Don’t remove the cart completely out but just eject and push back in, this will cause the terminals to slide over each other and if there was a bit of dirt or anything that will not let the contacts touch, it may just clear it out.

      I remember reading about the AK carts having contact issues but I’m yet to experience a problem.

      Ethan, I updated card before DSi not after so mine is fine. I have a ds lite around in case I do need it one day.

    12. Well, updated the Acekard firmware using a DS Lite, as all mentioned above and it works great. Thank very much.

      A couple more questions please…….

      Although my other boy’s DSi is working okay with the old firmware, do you think I should update that too?

      On the games menu, the ‘ak2ifw_update……..etc’ shows on the display. Can I hide/get rid of that so the kids don’t click on it?

      Thanks all

    13. It’s great that it works.
      Onto your other questions.

      I highly suggest you update to the newest DSi firmware. Not the latest 3DS though if you choose to buy a 3DS.
      You can delete the file from the menu. Just press ‘Start’ on the DSi, scroll down to you hit ‘Delete’ and follow the prompts.

    14. Thank you. When you say DSi firmware, I take it you do actually mean download the latest firmware to the DSi?

      If so, I thought the advice (from most) was to never download any updates from Nintendo

      Our 2 boys DSi’s both show firmware 1.4E. Should I leave that be or update to the latest as I thought the later DSi firmwares would stop all game carts working?

      Sorry to sound so clueless, cheers

    15. The general rule of thumb for flashcart and DSi/3DS users:
      Make sure your flash cartridge is the latest updated version and is made sure to support latest DSi/3DS firmware, before performing the console’s update. If you update the console before the cartridge, then you are risking the possibility of the cartridge from working on the updated console. If you are not sure if there is an update for your flash cartridge that will support the latest console’s firmware, best option is to not update the console for at least the time being.

    16. But is there any need/necessity to update the console or is it best left as is?

    17. Far as I know, it ain’t necessary unless your kids want to use the ‘Download Play’. If its just to play between themselves, then really there’s no need to update the console. You will however need to constantly update the flash cartridge so that new games work on it. I’ve never update my NDS console from day 1, and its been 3 years since I bought it. Simply because I never use the ‘Download Play’ option.

    18. Thanks prectorian, that’s what I hoped. Same here, never updated the console since we bought them bit about 2 and a half years ago. As mentioned earlier, I switchd off the wireless etc on them so they are both played as standalone only.


    19. Yes, I mean the Nintendo DSi firmware. The one you update via the DSi.

      It is absolutely fine to update to the latest DSi firmware. You just need to have a flashcard that is updated to support it.
      I always use the latest updates. It fixes bugs and those sorts of things. Yes, they’re not necessary but I suggest them all the same.

      In this case, your Acekard can support the newest DSi system, so update the system menu on the DSi. You should have no problems with your flashcard.

      @prectorian, you cannot update the DS. Just the DSi and 3DS.

    20. Still that doesn’t mean updating the console is necessary.
      Especially when one doesn’t use the online features such as «Download Play», then pretty much its not important to update the console.
      Even if one does decide its necessary to update the console, the general rule of thumb still applies; never update the console before the cart.
      Keeping the flash cartridge up to date is more important as that is what determine whether new game roms will work/play on it.



    If an error occurs, messages like the following may appear on the screen. Follow the directions shown in the

    table to resolve the problem.

    Error Message

    An error occurred. Press and hold

    POWER to turn the system off,

    then follow the instructions in

    the system’s Operations Manual.

    The system memory has been

    damaged. Please see the

    Nintendo DSi Operations Manual

    for details.

    The device in the SD Card slot

    cannot be used.

    There is not enough free space on

    the SD Card.

    There are no boxes available in

    the system.


    Turn the power off for a moment and then turn it back on.

    Repeat whatever you did that caused the error to occur. If the

    same message still appears, the system must be inspected.

    Turn the power off, and contact Nintendo Customer Service.

    The system memory is corrupted. Please contact Nintendo

    Customer Service.

    An SD Card that cannot be used with the Nintendo DSi or

    something other than an SD Card is inserted in the SD Card

    slot, or the system region of the SD Card is corrupted. Please

    insert a functional SD Card that can be used with the Nintendo

    DSi system.

    Either erase unnecessary software on the SD Card from the

    Data Management screen under System Settings or erase

    unnecessary photos or frames from Nintendo DSi Camera.

    Otherwise, try using an SD Card that has some free space on it.

    There are no boxes available in the Nintendo DSi Menu. Erase

    unnecessary software from the Software Management screen

    under System Settings. See page 63.

    Error Code List

    If the Internet settings weren’t configured correctly or if the connection test failed, the Nintendo DSi will

    display and error code. Use the Error Code tables on the next several pages to determine the solution for the

    error code received.

    For more information on error codes and messages, or if you see error codes or messages that do not

    appear on these lists, please visit

    NOTE: If ou cannot connect due to error codes 052003, 052103, or 052203, the error might be caused by the

    security software or firewall on your computer.

    For details, visit

    Error Codes


    Could not connect to Nintendo

    020100 – 020999

    Wi-Fi Connection.

    The Nintendo Wi-Fi

    Connection servers are either

    023000 – 025999

    undergoing maintenance or are

    very busy.

    Insufficient free blocks in the

    034219, 034220

    system memory.

    Cannot connect to the system

    034301 – 034304

    update server.


    The system could not be

    034305 – 034499

    updated due to internet error.

    An error occurred, so the

    034000 – 034218,

    system could not be updated.

    034500 – 034699

    Could not connect to the

    050100 – 050199



    Wait for a while and try connecting again.

    If the issue does not get resolved, contact

    Nintendo Customer Service.

    Wait for a while and try connecting again.

    If the issues do not get resolved, visit support. to see if the server is undergoing


    Erase unnecessary software from the Data

    Management screen under System Settings.

    Wait for a while and try connecting again.

    If the issue does not get resolved, contact

    Nintendo Customer Service.

    Wait for a while and try connecting again.

    If the issue does not get resolved, contact

    Nintendo Customer Service.

    Please contact Nintendo Customer Service.

    Wait for a while and try connecting again.

    If the issue does not get resolved, contact

    Nintendo Customer Service.


    1. 8th February, 2011, 05:42 PM


      SHAYPARIS is offline


    2. 8th February, 2011, 10:58 PM



      hi m8,
      you need to give us alot more info..
      particularly whith card detail…

      have a read here and post as much detail as possible……ecarts-185536/

    3. 9th February, 2011, 04:29 PM


      SHAYPARIS is offline


    4. 9th February, 2011, 05:25 PM



      Which firmware you have on/and tried.

      Try this one Digital Kaos — Downloads — latest r4 sdhc v1.22b v1.4 compatable 122b was only updated 8months ago so try an older game first

    5. 21st July, 2011, 12:22 AM


      fergi1977 is offline


    6. 26th July, 2011, 12:44 AM


      ki46ej03 is offline



      you need to download patch on r4i-sdhc site

    7. 1st August, 2011, 07:27 AM


      PaulMachen is offline



      Here is the R4i sdhc offical site you can download the Latest patch for the R4i sdhc card..

    8. 1st January, 2012, 03:57 PM


      pukka1 is offline


      Default R4i 3ds

      An error has occurred. Press and hold the POWER Button to turn the system off. Please refer to the Nintendo DSi Operations Manual for details

      Did anyone get a fix for this?

    9. 17th May, 2012, 05:05 PM


      disciple12002 is offline


      Default An error has occurred. Press and hold the POWER Button to turn the system off

      I have download the last firmware 1.56b on, the site R4 R4i SDHC Revolution for NDSi/NDSL/NDS R4i Cards R4 Cards

      i copy the firware file on my SD Card

      My DSi is in firmware 1.4.4E.

      When i lauch the Linker with SD-Card, i have the message
      An error has occurred. Press and hold the POWER Button to turn the system off

      Why ?

    10. 3rd June, 2012, 07:00 PM


      tony1b2000 is offline


      Default R4 fix help

      Also getting this:
      «An error has occurred.Press and hold the POWER Button
      to turn the system off. Please refer to the operations
      manual for details.»

      Have a 3ds with version 4.1.0-8u and the latest update from Version 1.56B


    11. 3rd June, 2012, 07:18 PM



    12. 3rd June, 2012, 07:37 PM


      tony1b2000 is offline



      R4 3DS also at the bottom of the box (R4I-SDHC 3DS)

    13. 3rd June, 2012, 07:51 PM



      could be that your card neds updating…

      you will have to get hold of a dslite or dsi/3ds on older firmware.

      then just follow the instructions here..


    14. 3rd June, 2012, 08:25 PM


      tony1b2000 is offline



      Yeah, I saw that link but I do not know anyone that has an older model 3ds or lite. Is there another way other than buying a new card? (if that would not get hosed as well)?

    15. 3rd June, 2012, 08:27 PM



      the problem is tour card will be blocked by the new 3ds firmware, so you cannot use it update your card.

      and the firmware on the console cannot be rolled back or anything like that…

      no other way to do it that i know of….


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    • #1

    i bought a r4 shdc card for my daughters dsixl however having spent half the day trying to get it to work i am still getting the message an error has occurred press and hold the power button…………..

    her ds was on software version 1.41 and i was using the wood 1.62 kernel. it says on the webpage that it was for up to ds version 1.45 so i updated the ds to 1.45 to see if that would fix it but still no joy. i have tried formatting the micro sd and tried another micro sd but still the same. the ds recognises the card as a game called deep labyrinth but when i try to launch it i get the message
    this is the card i have


    i would greatly appreciate any help you can give as she keeps looking at me with sad eyes


    • #2

    nobody? its melting my head lol

    • #3

    just checked for u, make sure ur card comes from the official site . And there is no problem of the micro sd card , but rather the kernel u download is wrong , now the r4i sdhc dual core latest kernel is the V3.4b , just download the latest kernel and find the set up tutorial from here :…flashcart-for-2ds3ds-xl3dsdsids-lite-p-5.html i m sure the problem would solved soon . Good luck
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014

    • #4

    thanks for the response. i have also tried R4i-V3.4b English and the same problem.

    if i look on the site it directs me to R4i-V3.4b but if i type in the address on my packaging which i think came from china which is it gives me wood-v162 as the download.

    neither of them are correcting my problem tho. its doing my head in now, i was up half of last night and still no joy and im running out of ideas for things to try now

    • #5

    is there a minimum size sd card i can use in these? ive been trying 2 different 2gb cards. im wondering do i need a bigger card.

    also my fw version in my ds says 1.45e. does the e matter?

    • #6

    «» type on ur card ? i guess that is a fake card , the decent r4i sdhc dual core card can work with any size of micro sd card . if u wanna make it work , u can try to get a big size sd card , format the micro sd card , then use the R4i-V3.4b or wood-v1.62 to set it up again . or buy a decent card from the official site .

    just in case , here is the one is come from the official site :…flashcart-for-2ds3ds-xl3dsdsids-lite-p-5.html the card is exactly the same with the official card .

    • #7

    tried a brand new 8gb sandisk ultra microsdhc uhs-1 there in case it was my old micro sd but still the same thing. at this point im ready to throw up the rope.

    anybody any ideas?

    • #8

    try to contact ur reseller , require a full refund

    update: the decent r4i sdhc dual core can work with DSi V1.45e

    • #9

    its not fake according to the website. theres a checker for checking them. a hologram and a code. id imagine the .cn suffix on the end of the address is just for the version of that site for a certain region in the same way other sites have that to seperate say the european site from the us site etc. 
    have tried to get a hold of them twice. no response

    got it from

    • #10

    Just notice ur ds version is V1.45 , i though ur console is DSi , coz there is seldom DS version is V1.45 , maybe u can try to update ur DS system firmware to the latest firmware V8.1 , connect wifi , then update ! then try to set up ur card again .
    And if the card not work again , u could ask for full refund

    • #11

    cheers again.1.45 is the latest fw for dsi. i updated it earlier by wi fi.

    looking again i think the card may be fake. not too amused tbh. wonder where i can get genuine ones in the uk

    • #12

    well a refund doesnt look like its happening as theyve not been answering my emails and the supposed return items link they say is on their webpage beside your order isnt actually there. b*@t*@ds lol

    • #13

    just a further update on this in case anybody stumbles across it searching for the same issue, i borrowed a ds lite and the card loads up fine on that so im guessing nothings damaged something else is the issue

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