Click here follow the steps to fix Nls Error Detected and related errors.
To Fix (Nls Error Detected) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Nls Error Detected) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Nls Error Detected Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Nls Error Detected errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Nls Error Detected) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Nls Error Detected
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Nls Error Detected error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Nls Error Detected error?
- 2. What causes Nls Error Detected error?
- 3. How to easily fix Nls Error Detected errors
What is Nls Error Detected error?
The Nls Error Detected error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Nls Error Detected error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Nls Error Detected format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Nls Error Detected error?
The Nls Error Detected error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Nls Error Detected error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Nls Error Detected Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Nls Error Detected) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
#oracle #encryption #plsql #dbms-crypto
Я пытаюсь использовать DBMS_CRYPTO для шифрования, но независимо от того, как я выбираю некоторые параметры, я сталкиваюсь со значениями, для которых код выдает
ORA-01890: NLS error detected ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_I18N", line 72 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_I18N", line 353 ORA-06512: at line 26
Вот пример
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '9Ab2Ov1Bd4'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '7Md4Mt7Gk0'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '3Vf8Fi2Pa5'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2(4000) := '5Vq2Dc4Cq9'; -- works as well
v_value VARCHAR2(4000) := '2Cq0Yh3Vb2'; --this does not work?
v_result VARCHAR2 (4000);
v_raw_row RAW (2000); -- stores ec binary text
v_enc_type PLS_INTEGER
DBMS_CRYPTO.PAD_ZERO; -- total encryption type
v_def_k VARCHAR2 (32) := 'mMbSmSMr_!_uAlns9asG5_a_AfhS4_3a';
v_raw_row :=
src => UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW (v_value, 'AL32UTF8'),
typ => v_enc_type,
key => UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW (v_def_k));
v_result := UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR (v_raw_row, 'AL32UTF8');
Изменение типа шифрования и ключа «решает» проблему для одного значения, которое не работает, но я всегда сталкиваюсь с другим значением, которое затем вызовет это точное исключение.
Я попробовал это в Oracle, а также в Точно такое же поведение.
Я думаю, что то, что я делаю, совершенно неправильно. Любая помощь будет признательна.
1. Шифрование двоичного представления строки, как правило, не приводит к двоичному значению, которое является строкой для печати. Используйте
или что-то еще, если вы хотите напечатать произвольное двоичное значение (например, вывод шифрования).2. привет, kfinity, спасибо за ваш комментарий. На самом деле я не хочу печатать его, а скорее хранить в VARCHAR2 и расшифровывать позже. Пример в документации oracle ( ) предлагает использовать UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR. Ваш комментарий касается только печати или общего предложения вообще избежать этого исключения?
Ответ №1:
Вместо AL32UTF8 в качестве исходного набора символов, пожалуйста, попробуйте использовать WE8ISO8859P1 или null.
Из документа Oracle:
UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR-это функция, которая преобразует необработанные данные в символы, преобразование типов данных может быть реализовано, но не могут быть преобразованы различные наборы символов. Второй параметр должен указывать, какой набор символов передается исходными данными, то есть исходным набором символов.
Укажите набор символов, из которого были получены необработанные данные. Если значение src_charset равно NULL, то используется набор символов базы данных.
поэтому при использовании набора символов DB или NULL об ошибке не будет сообщено.
1. Спасибо вам за ваш ответ. Я собирался сказать, что это не работает, так как кодировка моих баз данных действительно AL32UTF8, запрос такой:
select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
. Но, похоже, это все еще работает, установив кодировку в НУЛЬ, я попробовал это с 1000 случайными строками, и исключение не появилось. Но я не понимаю, почему это работает и действительно ли этот способ безопасен или я просто не нажал на одну струну, которая заставит это снова умереть. У вас есть какие-либо дальнейшие соображения?2. Я принимаю этот ответ, поскольку он решил проблему, я попытался использовать 300 тысяч случайных строк, и это никогда не подводило. Хотя я совершенно не понимаю, почему это помогает.
Я пытаюсь использовать шифрование DBMS_CRYPTO, но независимо от того, как я выбираю некоторые параметры, я сталкиваюсь со значениями, для которых код выдает
ORA-01890: NLS error detected ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_I18N", line 72 ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_I18N", line 353 ORA-06512: at line 26
Вот пример
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '9Ab2Ov1Bd4'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '7Md4Mt7Gk0'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2 (4000) := '3Vf8Fi2Pa5'; -- works
-- v_value VARCHAR2(4000) := '5Vq2Dc4Cq9'; -- works as well
v_value VARCHAR2(4000) := '2Cq0Yh3Vb2'; --this does not work?
v_result VARCHAR2 (4000);
v_raw_row RAW (2000); -- stores ec binary text
v_enc_type PLS_INTEGER
DBMS_CRYPTO.PAD_ZERO; -- total encryption type
v_def_k VARCHAR2 (32) := 'mMbSmSMr_!_uAlns9asG5_a_AfhS4_3a';
v_raw_row :=
src => UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW (v_value, 'AL32UTF8'),
typ => v_enc_type,
key => UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW (v_def_k));
v_result := UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR (v_raw_row, 'AL32UTF8');
Изменение типа шифрования и ключа «решает» проблему для одного значения, которое не работает, но я всегда сталкиваюсь с другим значением, которое затем вызывает именно это исключение.
Я пробовал это в Oracle, а также в Точно такое же поведение.
Я полагаю, что то, что я делаю, совершенно неправильно. Любая помощь приветствуется.
1 ответ
Лучший ответ
Вместо AL32UTF8 в качестве исходного набора символов вы можете попробовать использовать WE8ISO8859P1 или null.
Из Oracle doc:
UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR — это функция, которая преобразует необработанные данные в символьные, преобразование типа данных может быть реализовано, но не могут быть преобразованы разные наборы символов. Второй параметр должен указывать, какой символ передается необработанными данными, т. Е. Исходный набор символов.
Укажите набор символов, из которого были получены данные RAW. Если src_charset равен NULL, то используется набор символов базы данных.
Поэтому, если вы используете набор символов DB или NULL, об ошибках не сообщается.
28 Июн 2021 в 17:39
Issue :ORA-01890:NLS error detected
Hi all,
i am using oracle 10g, when i execute below query
Select column_1,column_2,column_3 from view_name
where trunc(c_date) >to_date(’05-24-2011′,’MM/dd/YYYY’));
I am getting this error in Toad, but no errors in SQL developer.
Error: ORA-01890:NLS error detected
Please help me how can i solve this issue.
thanks in advance
That’s nice.
This isn’t the TOAD forum, it’s the JDeveloper/ADF forum
You don’t see an obvious problem with
to_date(’05-24-2011′,’MM/dd/YYYY’)As in those date formats don’t match at all?
Random JBO-27122 and ORA-01890 errors
hi All,
I am randomly getting this error. In Toad this query works always fine, but in web application raises this error from time to time (seldom). What can be a reason.
JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT * FROM (SELECT WfsSignIn.SSN, BhsSatLoc.LOC_DESC SAT_LOC, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_pft_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) PftY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_h_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) HearingY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_vis_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VisionY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_v_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VitalY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_f_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) FitnesslY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_MM_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) MentorY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_Consent_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE) Consent, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_D_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) DISY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_B_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) BloodY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_SA_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) SAMHY, FDNY_APP_DATE -TO_DATE(’25-JUL-02′, ‘DD-MON-RR’) wtc, trunc(:P_DATE) today, :P_DOC doc, substr(WfsSignIn.SSN,6,4) SSN4, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE, WfsSignIn.SIGN_IN_ID, WfsSignIn.USERID, WfsSignIn.FNAME, WfsSignIn.LNAME, ComFdemp.GENDER, WfsSignIn.RANK_CODE, WfsSignIn.UNIT_CODE, ComFdemp.WORK_LOCATION, WfsSignIn.WALK_IN, ComFdemp.BIRTH_DATE, PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_sign_out(WfsSignIn.SSN) Can_Sign_Out, trunc(nvl(sf_empall_age(WfsSignIn.ssn),0)) Age, case when WfsSignIn.PHYSICIAN_CHECK =’Y’ then ‘Yes’ else ‘No’ end PHYSICIAN_CHECK, sf_Emp_Cand_Name (WfsSignIn.ssn) Fullname, sf_get_title_wfs (WfsSignIn.ssn) title, WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT, WfsSignIn.ANNUAL_YR ANNUALYR, ‘Y’ SIGNED_IN, pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(WfsSignIn.ssn) Duty, rownum FROM HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN WfsSignIn,EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp,bhs_sat_loc BhsSatLoc WHERE (WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC=:P_SAT_LOC or :P_SAT_LOC =’AA’) and WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC = BhsSatLoc.SAT_LOC_CODE(+) and ComFdemp.Ssn=WfsSignIn.Ssn and not (nvl((WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT),’N’) in (decode(:P_Table,’Signed In’,’Y’,’N’),decode(:P_Table,’Signed In’,’A’,’N’))) and ( ( ((:P_FIELD is null or :P_FIELD=’SSN’) and WfsSignIn.SSN like ‘%’||:P_PARAM)and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’) or (:P_FIELD=’Name’ and (ComFdemp.FNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’ ) ) and WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) and (:P_Table=’Signed In’ or :P_Table=’Signed Out’) union select ComFdemp.SSN, ’00’ SAT_LOC, ‘No’ PftY, ‘No’ HearingY, ‘No’ VisionY, ‘No’ VitalY, ‘No’ FitnessY, ‘No’ MentorY, ‘No’ Consent, ‘No’ DISY, ‘No’ BloodY, ‘No’ SAMHY, FDNY_APP_DATE -TO_DATE(’25-JUL-02′, ‘DD-MON-RR’) wtc, trunc(:P_DATE) today, :P_DOC doc, substr(ComFdemp.SSN,6,4) SSN4, trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) EXAM_DATE, 0 SIGN_IN_ID, to_char(null) USERID, ComFdemp.FNAME, ComFdemp.LNAME, ComFdemp.GENDER, ComFdemp.RANK_CODE, ComFdemp.UNIT_CODE, ComFdemp.WORK_LOCATION, ‘No’ WALK_IN, ComFdemp.BIRTH_DATE, null Can_Sign_Out, ROUND(nvl(sf_empall_age(ComFdemp.ssn),0)) Age, ‘No’ PHYSICIAN_CHECK, sf_Emp_Cand_Name (ComFdemp.ssn) Fullname, sf_get_title_wfs (ComFdemp.ssn) title, ‘Z’ SIGN_OUT, to_number(substr(to_char(TO_DATE(:P_DATE),’MM/DD/YYYY’),7,4)) ANNUALYR, decode((select count(*) from HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN where ssn=ComFdemp.ssn and EXAM_DATE>=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE))),0,’N’,’Y’) SIGNED_IN, pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(ComFdemp.ssn) Duty, rownum from EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp WHERE (((ComFdemp.SSN like ‘%’||:P_PARAM and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’) ) ) and (:P_Table<>’Signed In’ and :P_Table<>’Signed Out’)) QRSLT ORDER BY SAT_LOC DESC
ORA-01890: NLS error detected
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_pft_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) PftY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_h_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) HearingY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_vis_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VisionY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_v_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VitalY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_f_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) FitnesslY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_MM_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) MentorY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_Consent_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE) Consent,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_B_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) BloodY,
trunc(:P_DATE) today,
:P_DOC doc,
substr(WfsSignIn.SSN,6,4) SSN4,
PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_sign_out(WfsSignIn.SSN) Can_Sign_Out,
trunc(nvl(sf_empall_age(WfsSignIn.ssn),0)) Age,
case when WfsSignIn.PHYSICIAN_CHECK =’Y’ then ‘Yes’
else ‘No’ end PHYSICIAN_CHECK,
sf_Emp_Cand_Name (WfsSignIn.ssn) Fullname,
sf_get_title_wfs (WfsSignIn.ssn) title,
pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(WfsSignIn.ssn) Duty,
FROM HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN WfsSignIn,EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp,bhs_sat_loc BhsSatLoc
WHERE (WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC=:P_SAT_LOC or :P_SAT_LOC =’AA’) and WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC = BhsSatLoc.SAT_LOC_CODE(+) and ComFdemp.Ssn=WfsSignIn.Ssn and not (nvl((WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT),’N’) in (decode(:P_Table,’Signed In’,’Y’,’N’),decode(:P_Table,’Signed In’,’A’,’N’))) and
((:P_FIELD is null or :P_FIELD=’SSN’) and WfsSignIn.SSN like ‘%’||:P_PARAM)and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’) or
(:P_FIELD=’Name’ and (ComFdemp.FNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’ )
WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) and (:P_Table=’Signed In’ or :P_Table=’Signed Out’)
’00’ SAT_LOC,
‘No’ PftY,
‘No’ HearingY,
‘No’ VisionY,
‘No’ VitalY,
‘No’ FitnessY,
‘No’ MentorY,
‘No’ Consent,
‘No’ DISY,
‘No’ BloodY,
trunc(:P_DATE) today,
:P_DOC doc,
substr(ComFdemp.SSN,6,4) SSN4,
to_char(null) USERID,
null Can_Sign_Out,
ROUND(nvl(sf_empall_age(ComFdemp.ssn),0)) Age,
sf_Emp_Cand_Name (ComFdemp.ssn) Fullname,
sf_get_title_wfs (ComFdemp.ssn) title,
to_number(substr(to_char(TO_DATE(:P_DATE),’MM/DD/YYYY’),7,4)) ANNUALYR,
decode((select count(*) from HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN where ssn=ComFdemp.ssn and EXAM_DATE>=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE))),0,’N’,’Y’) SIGNED_IN,
pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(ComFdemp.ssn) Duty,
from EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp
WHERE (((ComFdemp.SSN like ‘%’||:P_PARAM and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like ‘%’||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||’%’) )
) and
(:P_Table<>’Signed In’ and :P_Table<>’Signed Out’)
how likely is it that your database is version 9.0 or older ? If so, the bug is fixed in 9.0.1. If my guess didn’t hit bulls eye then you may need to provide more information about your environment. Also, a reproducible pattern would be good.
NLS Error on Second Fetch from Cursor
Oracle 8i using PRO*C
We have a UNIX (HP) environment (operational account) in which the NLS_LANG was not set for the shell. One of our applications opened a cursor for update and performed its first fetch. After processing it went back to fetch an additional buffer. At this point, the application failed with the following error: «SQLCODE: ORA-01890: NLS error detected». When we set the NLS_LANG enviroment variable this error disappeared.
I need to know what the NLS_LANG enviroment variable is doing and why it is causing the second fetch to fail when it is not set so I can argue with the powers that be to have this paremeter always set for this accounts shell (i.e. globally). No-one really knows what this does here or why it would cause the cursor to fail, and so they are telling us to just set the variable in our own applications shell.
I know the real answer to this is to set it up for the operational (global) shell but…
Thanks in advance,
Bill Rosmus
it is difficult. The main problem is that you can’t be sure that the function is called only once for each row.
Why don’t you simply run the cursor and the function separatly in pl/sql.
CURSOR myCur IS SELECT myTable1.* FROM myTable1 ;
funcResult varchar2(100); /* use the correct return datatype from your function here */
FOR myRec in myCur LOOP
funcResult := myPackage.myFunc(myRec.column1);
WHEN myPackage.myFunc_Exception THEN
<… do anything when fetched but function myFunc raised this exception …>
<…do anything with row currently fetched>
END LOOP;You even have more control where to handle the exception. Also there is one pl/sql context switch less. Since the function itself is pl/sql it could even be faster to run it in pl/sql then to call it from sql (inside a select).
ORA-30966: error detected in the XML Index layer
Dear all,
after upgrading from to, Autoconfig ended with error:
Alert log file shows :
Mon Jul 04 21:33:50 2011
Errors in file /ebiz/oracle/diag/rdbms/vision/VISION/trace/VISION_ora_31642.trc (incident=16196):
+ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kzxcInitLoadLocal-7], [64131], [ORA-64131: XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the looking up of the dictionary+
+ORA-30966: error detected in the XML Index layer+
+ORA-31011: XML parsing failed+
+ORA-01403: no data found+
+], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []+
ORA-01403: no data found
Incident details in: /ebiz/oracle/diag/rdbms/vision/VISION/incident/incdir_16196/VISION_ora_31642_i16196.trc
Mon Jul 04 21:48:25 2011
Incremental checkpoint up to RBA [0x3b2.a445.0], current log tail at RBA [0x3b2.a447.0]
Mon Jul 04 21:49:25 2011
Errors in file /ebiz/oracle/diag/rdbms/vision/VISION/trace/VISION_ora_330.trc (incident=16206):
+ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kzxcInitLoadLocal-7], [64131], [ORA-64131: XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the looking up of the dictionary+
+ORA-30966: error detected in the XML Index layer+
+ORA-31011: XML parsing failed+
for ORA-30966 i found one metalink document
Bug 9496480: XDB VIEWS INVALIDATED AFTER RUNNING CATUPGRD.SQL UPGRADING TO am not able to understand this bug detail, can some one help me to understand this BUG 9496480. Is it possible to run autoconfig ?RegardsHAMEED
This the result shows that ORACLE REAL APPLICATION CLUSTERS status is «INVALID» but we dont have any RAC configuration.!!!
SQL> select COMP_NAME,VERSION,STATUS from dba_registry;
Oracle Database Catalog Views VALID
Oracle Database Packages and Types VALID
Oracle Real Application Clusters INVALID
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine VALID
Oracle Database Java Packages VALID
Oracle Multimedia VALID
Spatial VALID
Oracle Text VALID
OLAP Analytic Workspace VALID
Oracle Data Mining VALID
Oracle XML Database VALID
14 rows selected.Kindly let me know what is the otherway !
Error: ORA-00227 — Corrupt block detected in control file
Hey everybody,
I’m having problems with Oracle, here is the error displayed:
SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 247463936 bytes
Fixed Size 1258244 bytes
Variable Size 92278012 bytes
Database Buffers 150994944 bytes
Redo Buffers 2932736 bytes
ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block 16, # blocks 1)
ORA-00202: control file: ‘/usr/lib/oracle/xe/oradata/XE/control.dbf’
I wonder what I should do to solve this problem.
Could anyone help me?
user10826800 wrote:
Hey everybody,
I’m having problems with Oracle, here is the error displayed:
SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 247463936 bytes
Fixed Size 1258244 bytes
Variable Size 92278012 bytes
Database Buffers 150994944 bytes
Redo Buffers 2932736 bytes
ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block 16, # blocks 1)
ORA-00202: control file: ‘/usr/lib/oracle/xe/oradata/XE/control.dbf’
I wonder what I should do to solve this problem.
Could anyone help me?
ThanksHi and welcome to the forum. Replace corrupted control file with non-corrupted one and start the database
ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Oracle error -14552: ORA-14552: cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML has been detected in fnd_global.set_nls.set_parameter(‘NLS_LANGUAGE’,’AMERICAN’). has been detected in fnd_global.set
ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Oracle error -14552: ORA-14552: cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML has been detected in fnd_global.set_nls.set_parameter(‘NLS_LANGUAGE’,’AMERICAN’). has been detected in fnd_global.set_nls.
this error generates everytime when i run a apex application
i did call the package in session state with dbms_session.set_nls(‘NLS_LANGUAGE’,’AMERICAN’); but still it shows the error in the report any solution please
Hi Amrit
Can you put the FND_GLOBAL calls in a pre map trigger/process rather than as part of the map?
Standby Logical DB ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksmovrflow],
please help me how fix this problem?
I have primary oracle database version
I had configured standby Logical database on separate computer & everything was going good but today I noticed the archived log havent applied & I have ORA-16111: log mining and apply setting up in DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS without any forwarding.
in alert log file I found out these error:
Errors in file c:oracleadminbmdbsbudumpbmdbsb_p004_2796.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksmovrflow], [knahs:ddl_string], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed Jun 18 13:25:29 2003
Errors in file c:oracleadminbmdbsbbdumpbmdbsb_lsp0_2212.trc:
ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly
Wed Jun 18 13:25:29 2003
logminer process death detected, exiting logical standby
what can I do?
create pfile from spfile;
shutdown immediate;
edit the changes now in pfile
startup pfile=’/////’ open;
spfile is not a binary file, it will not accept any changes but in 10g we have to create
spfile initialy it runs with pfile until you create spfile.
[DG Physical] ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block
Hi all,
I’m building a DR solution with 1 primary & 2 DR site (Physical).
All DBs use Oracle on Solaris 64bit.
The first one ran fine for some days (6), then I installed the 2nd. After restoring the DB (DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE FOR STANDBY) & ready to apply redo. The DB fetched missing arc gaps & I got the following error:
Media Recovery Log /global/u04/recovery/billhcm/archive/2_32544_653998293.dbf
Errors with log /global/u04/recovery/billhcm/archive/2_32544_653998293.dbf
MRP0: Detected read corruption! Retry recovery once log is re-fetched…
Wed Jan 27 21:46:25 2010
Errors in file /u01/oracle/admin/billhcm/bdump/billhcm1_mrp0_12606.trc:
ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block
ORA-00353: log corruption near block 1175553 change 8236247256146 time 01/27/2010 18:33:51
ORA-00334: archived log: ‘/global/u04/recovery/billhcm/archive/1_47258_653998293.dbf’
Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply
Recovery interrupted!
Recovered data files to a consistent state at change 8236247255373
I see that may be RFS get the file incorrectly so I ftp to get this file & continue the apply, it pass. Comparison the RFS file & ftp is difference. At that time, I think that something wrong with the RFS because the content of arc is not right. (I used BACKUP VALIDATE ARCHIVELOG SEQUENCE BETWEEN N1 AND N2 THREAD X to check all arcs the RFS fetched, there was corrupt in every file);
I restore the DR DB again & apply incremental backup from the primary, now it run well. I don’t know what’s happening as I did the same procedures for all DR DB.
Yesterday night, I have to stop & restart DR site 1. Today, I check and it got the same error as the 2nd site, with corrupted redo. I try to delete the arcs, & let RFS to reget it, but the files were corrupt too.
If this continue to happen with the 2nd site again, that’ll be a big problem.
The DR site 1 & Primary is linked by a GB switch, site 2 by a 155Mbps connection (far enough for my db load at about 1.5MB/s avg apply rate).
I seach Oracle support (metalink) but no luck, there is a case but it mentions max_connection>1 (mine is default =1)
Can someone show me how to troubleshooting/debug/trace this problem.
That would be a great help!
Thank you very much.
This (Replication) is the wrong forum for your posting.
Please post to the «Database — General» forum at
General Database Discussions
But, first, log an SR with Oracle Support.
Hemant K Chitale
Ora-00600 internal error code arguments qctosop like transform], [],[],[],
After registered NLS parameters
COMP——>LINGUISTIC in registry.
If I run following query in sql command prompt
select * from (select emp_name, row_number() over(order by hire_date) from emp where emp_name like ‘S%’) temp;
I am getting following error:
ora-00600 internal error code arguments qctosop like transform], [],[],[],[],[],[],[]
Note: If I remove registry parameters it it working fine.
How can I avoid this error.
Edited by: user11803878 on Aug 18, 2009 9:16 PM
internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. This indicates that a process has encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug — the first argument is the internal error number
So, you should probably open a SR on this.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [sorput_1] and ORA-00060
Dear All,
We are facing the followings problems on oracle ,kindly help us.
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [sorput_1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
Current SQL statement for this session:
—— Call Stack Trace ——
calling call entry argument values in hex
location type point (? means dubious value
VInod Kumar
Hi all ,
I already gone through metalink and refered Note 139260.1 and Note 2556195.8
These are regarding if pipelined function usage problem , and we are not using any pipe line function
ORA-600 [17069] error while running catrelod.sql to downgrade 11g database
We are downgrading our database to We have successfullly run catdwgrd.sql without any errors in 11g env. While running catrelod.sql in 10g env we are facing the following error:
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catrelod.sql
COMP_TIMESTAMP RELOD__BGN 2013-04-24 20:15:39 2456407 72939
DOC> The following statement will cause an «ORA-01722: invalid number»
DOC> error if the database server version is not 10.0.0.
DOC> Shutdown ABORT and use a different script or a different server.
no rows selected
DOC> The following statement will cause an «ORA-01722: invalid number»
DOC> error if the database has not been opened for MIGRATE.
DOC> Perform a «SHUTDOWN ABORT» and
DOC> restart using MIGRATE.
no rows selected
Session altered.
Session altered.
no rows selected
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17069], [0x170FB8CA8], [], [], [],
[], [], []I have checked the trace file in udump but it dint give any readable information.
Please find below environment details.
OS : RHEL 5 64 bit
11g Database :
10g Database :
Kindly assist.
KR10822864 wrote:
Whenever an ORA-600 error is raised a trace file is generated and an entry written to the alert.log with details of the trace file location. Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 1, the diagnosability infrastructure was introduced which places the trace and core files into a location controlled by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter when an incident, such as an ORA-600 is created. For earlier versions, the trace file will be written to either USER_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a user process) or BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST (if the error was caught in a background process like PMON or SMON). The trace file contains vital information about what led to the error condition
please post 40 lines of alert log info .
MOS Note:ORA-600 [17069] «Failed to pin a library cache object after 50 attempts» [ID 39616.1]
«Look in the trace file for the text ‘LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8′»
if not found any massages like above please raise [email protected]
Hi KR,
Thanks for your help. As suggested I have checked the trace file to search and found the below info. I suppose it is some kind of lock but not sure about it. Please let me know if the following makes sense:
SO: 0x21158a6e0, type: 3, owner: 0x211006f28, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 211572570, usr 211572570; depth: 0
SO: 0x21158a9b8, type: 3, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(call) sess: cur 211572570, rec 0, usr 211572570; depth: 1
SO: 0x1727a2618, type: 54, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
LIBRARY OBJECT PIN: pin=1727a2618 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S lock=171243e98
user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 mask=001d savepoint=0x43 flags=[00]
SO: 0x171243e98, type: 53, owner: 0x21158a9b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
LIBRARY OBJECT LOCK: lock=171243e98 handle=170fb8ca8 mode=S
call pin=0x1727a2618 session pin=(nil) hpc=0000 hlc=0000
htl=0x171243f18[0x17278a310,0x17278a310] htb=0x17278a310 ssga=0x172789928
user=211572570 session=211572570 count=1 flags=PNC/[0400] savepoint=0x43
LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=170fb8ca8 mtx=0x170fb8dd8(0) cdp=0
hash=51570e225ed8a9a803b7318f191e0a8d timestamp=04-18-2006 00:00:00
namespace=TABL flags=KGHP/TIM/SML/[02000000]
kkkk-dddd-llll=0000-001d-001d lock=S pin=S latch#=3 hpc=0004 hlc=0004
lwt=0x170fb8d50[0x170fb8d50,0x170fb8d50] ltm=0x170fb8d60[0x170fb8d60,0x170fb8d60]
pwt=0x170fb8d18[0x170fb8d18,0x170fb8d18] ptm=0x170fb8d28[0x170fb8d28,0x170fb8d28]
ref=0x170fb8d80[0x170fb8d80,0x170fb8d80] lnd=0x170fb8d98[0x170f05b50,0x170fa6858]
LIBRARY OBJECT: object=170e82de8
type=PCKG flags=EXS/LOC[0005] pflags=NST/IVR[0201] status=VALD load=0
data# heap pointer status pins change whr
0 170e831f8 170e82fc0 I/P/A/-/- 0 NONE 00
SO: 0x21158e470, type: 5, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(enqueue) CU-70E88BC0-00000001 DID: 0001-001F-00000004
lv: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 res_flag: 0x2
res: 0x17677adc8, mode: X, lock_flag: 0x0
own: 0x211572570, sess: 0x211572570, proc: 0x211006f28, prv: 0x17677add8
SO: 0x177f82c28, type: 59, owner: 0x21158a6e0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
cursor enqueue
child: 170e89348, flag: 53, number: 0
parent: 170e89738
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktsircinfo_num1]
While taking export of a table received EXP error and while dropping/selecting the same gor ora-600 errors.
. . exporting table TEST4
EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(29, 371385)
SQL >Drop table test4 cascade;
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktsircinfo_num1], [29], [29], [371385], [], [], [], []
sql> Desc test4;
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktsircinfo_num1], [29], [29], [371385], [], [], [], []
I dont want to log TAR with oracle right now… I tried dropping and recreating Undo tablespace but still did not help much . Database version is 9204
read metalink ID — 153788.1
ORA-00600: internal error when delete master rows in a materialized view
I have a materialized view in 11g2 on Redhat 5, defined asCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_idty
IDTY_DR_LIC_NUM,IDTY_DR_LIC_STA,x.person_id,i.rowid i_rowid,x.rowid x_rowid
from idty i,person_x_idty x where x.idty_id=i.idty_id; I deleted a few rows from the master tables and get error13:58:48 SQL> delete idty where idty_id like ‘test_row%’ ;
7 rows deleted.
13:58:52 SQL> commit;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkzfrfajv_markdml-1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] I have other materialized views and they all delete master OK. This is the simplest one but causes problem. HELP!
Edited by: user13148231 on Aug 11, 2010 5:45 PM
Checked note 743766.1. It is not 100% relevant as it is about import, but the query is usefulselect sowner, vname, mowner, master from sys.snap_reftime$It reveals the materialized view some how based on other schema.
Recreate the materialized view. problem solved.
IR Report Search — ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error ORA-00936: missing expression
Hi All,
I had created a IR report based on a table and it was working with no issues. But after few days, when I try searching using the IR search bar it shows «ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error ORA-00936: missing expression» error message. I don’t see any debug messages or errors in the debug window. The Finder drop down is empty too, there are no columns displayed to filter.
When I recreate the IR report(new page) based on the same table, It works fine and there are no issues with the search. But the old IR report search doesnt work. I have not modified the any thing in the old report after initial creation. Report uses Primary key based on a sequence.
What might have caused this issue?
Is there a way to intercept the search query from IR report?
Apex version —
Any help on this appreciated.
Hi MK, as I had mentioned in my post, I don’t see any logs in the debug window, query tab.
Can you please guide me how to check the query logs on search?