No module named pandas pycharm как исправить

Quick Fix: Python raises the ImportError: No module named pandas when it cannot find the Pandas installation. The most frequent source of this error is that you haven’t installed Pandas explicitly with pip install pandas.

Quick Fix: Python raises the ImportError: No module named pandas when it cannot find the Pandas installation. The most frequent source of this error is that you haven’t installed Pandas explicitly with pip install pandas.

Alternatively, you may have different Python versions on your computer, and Pandas is not installed for the particular version you’re using. To fix it, run pip install pandas in your Linux/MacOS/Windows terminal.

Problem: You’ve just learned about the awesome capabilities of the Pandas library and you want to try it out, so you start with the following import statement you found on the web:

import pandas as pd

This is supposed to import the Pandas library into your (virtual) environment. However, it only throws the following import error: no module named pandas!

>>> import pandas as pd
ImportError: No module named pandas on line 1 in

You can reproduce this error in the following interactive Python shell:

Why did this error occur?

The reason is that Python doesn’t provide Pandas in its standard library. You need to install Pandas first!

Before being able to import the Pandas module, you need to install it using Python’s package manager pip. You can run the following command in your Windows shell (without the $ symbol):

$ pip install pandas

Here’s the screenshot on my Windows machine:

pip install pandas screenshot

This simple command installs Pandas in your virtual environment on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

It assumes that you know that your pip version is updated. If it isn’t, use the following two commands (there’s no harm in doing it anyway):

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install pandas

Here’s how this plays out on my Windows command line:

Upgrade pip screenshot Windows

The warning message disappeared!

If you need to refresh your Pandas skills, check out the following Pandas cheat sheets—I’ve compiled the best 5 in this article:

Related article: Top 5 Pandas Cheat Sheets

How to Fix “ImportError: No module named pandas” in PyCharm

If you create a new Python project in PyCharm and try to import the Pandas library, it’ll throw the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/xcent/Desktop/Finxter/Books/book_dash/pythonProject/", line 1, in <module>
    import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'

Process finished with exit code 1

The reason is that each PyCharm project, per default, creates a virtual environment in which you can install custom Python modules. But the virtual environment is initially empty—even if you’ve already installed Pandas on your computer!

Here’s a screenshot:

The fix is simple: Use the PyCharm installation tooltips to install Pandas in your virtual environment—two clicks and you’re good to go!

First, right-click on the pandas text in your editor:

Second, click “Show Context Actions” in your context menu. In the new menu that arises, click “Install Pandas” and wait for PyCharm to finish the installation.

The code will run after your installation completes successfully.

As an alternative, you can also open the “Terminal” tool at the bottom and type:

pip install pandas

If this doesn’t work, you may want to change the Python interpreter to another version using the following tutorial:


You can also manually install a new library such as Pandas in PyCharm using the following procedure:

  • Open File > Settings > Project from the PyCharm menu.
  • Select your current project.
  • Click the Python Interpreter tab within your project tab.
  • Click the small + symbol to add a new library to the project.
  • Now type in the library to be installed, in your example Pandas, and click Install Package.
  • Wait for the installation to terminate and close all popup windows.

Here’s a complete introduction to PyCharm:

Related Article: PyCharm—A Helpful Illustrated Guide

Other Ways to Install Pandas

I have found a great online tutorial on how this error can be resolved in some ways that are not addressed here (e.g., when using Anaconda). You can watch the tutorial video here:

No Module Named Pandas — How To Fix

And a great screenshot guiding you through a flowchart is available here:

Finally, the tutorial lists the following three steps to overcome the "No Module Named Pandas" issue:

Origin Solution
Pandas library not installed pip install pandas
Python cannot find pandas installation path Install pandas in your virtual environment, global environment, or add it to your path (environment variable).
Different Python and pandas versions installed Upgrade your Python installation (recommended).
Or, downgrade your pandas installation (not recommended) with pip install pandas=x.xx.x

[Summary] ImportError: No module named pandas

Pandas is not part of the Python standard library so it doesn’t ship with the default Python installation.

Thus, you need to install it using the pip installer.

To install pip, follow my detailed guide:

  • Tutorial: How to Install PIP on Windows?

Pandas is distributed through pip which uses so-called wheel files.

💡 Info: A .whl file (read: wheel file) is a zip archive that contains all the files necessary to run a Python application. It’s a built-package format for Python, i.e., a zip archive with .whl suffix such as in yourPackage.whl. The purpose of a wheel is to contain all files for a PEP-compliant installation that approximately matches the on-disk format. It allows you to migrate a Python application from one system to another in a simple and robust way.

So, in some cases, you need to install wheel first before attempting to install pandas. This is explored next!

Install Pandas on Windows

Do you want to install Pandas on Windows?

Install wheel first and pandas second using pip for Python 2 or pip3 for Python 3 depending on the Python version installed on your system.

Python 2

pip install wheel
pip install pandas

Python 3

pip3 install wheel
pip3 install pandas

If you haven’t added pip to your environment variable yet, Windows cannot find pip and an error message will be displayed. In this case, run the following commands in your terminal instead to install pandas:

py -m pip install wheel
py -m pip install pandas

Install Pandas on macOS and Linux 

The recommended way to install the pandas module on macOS (OSX) and Linux is to use the commands pip (for Python 2) or pip3 (for Python 3) assuming you’ve installed pip already.

Do you run Python 2?

Copy&paste the following two commands in your terminal/shell:

sudo pip install wheel
sudo pip install pandas

Do you run Python 3?

Copy&paste the following two commands in your terminal/shell:

sudo pip3 install wheel
sudo pip3 install pandas

Do you have easy_install on your system?

Copy&paste the following two commands into your terminal/shell:

sudo easy_install -U wheel
sudo easy_install -U pandas

Do you run CentOs (yum)?

Copy&paste the following two commands into your terminal/shell:

yum install python-wheel
yum install python-pandas

Do you run Ubuntu (Debian)?

Copy&paste the following two commands into your terminal/shell:

sudo apt-get install python-wheel
sudo apt-get install python-pandas

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Python Basics:

  • Python One Line For Loop
  • Import Modules From Another Folder
  • Determine Type of Python Object
  • Convert String List to Int List
  • Convert Int List to String List
  • Convert String List to Float List
  • Convert List to NumPy Array
  • Append Data to JSON File
  • Filter List Python
  • Nested List

Python Dependency Management:

  • Install PIP
  • How to Check Your Python Version
  • Check Pandas Version in Script
  • Check Python Version Jupyter
  • Check Version of Package PIP

Python Debugging:

  • Catch and Print Exceptions
  • List Index Out Of Range
  • Fix Value Error Truth
  • Cannot Import Name X Error

Fun Stuff:

  • 5 Cheat Sheets Every Python Coder Needs to Own
  • 10 Best Python Puzzles to Discover Your True Skill Level
  • How to $1000 on the Side as a Python Freelancer

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Programmer Humor

Question: How did the programmer die in the shower? ☠️

Answer: They read the shampoo bottle instructions:
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website He’s author of the popular programming book Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), coauthor of the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books, computer science enthusiast, freelancer, and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

  • Редакция Кодкампа

17 авг. 2022 г.
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Одна распространенная ошибка, с которой вы можете столкнуться при использовании Python:

no module named ' pandas '

Эта ошибка возникает, когда Python не обнаруживает библиотеку pandas в вашей текущей среде.

В этом руководстве представлены точные шаги, которые вы можете использовать для устранения этой ошибки.

Шаг 1: pip установить Pandas

Поскольку pandas не устанавливается автоматически вместе с Python, вам нужно будет установить его самостоятельно. Самый простой способ сделать это — использовать pip , менеджер пакетов для Python.

Вы можете запустить следующую команду pip для установки панд:

pip install pandas

В большинстве случаев это исправит ошибку.

Шаг 2: Установите пип

Если вы все еще получаете сообщение об ошибке, вам может потребоваться установить pip. Используйте эти шаги , чтобы сделать это.

Вы также можете использовать эти шаги для обновления pip до последней версии, чтобы убедиться, что он работает.

Затем вы можете запустить ту же команду pip, что и раньше, для установки pandas:

pip install pandas

На этом этапе ошибка должна быть устранена.

Шаг 3: Проверьте версии pandas и pip

Если вы все еще сталкиваетесь с ошибками, возможно, вы используете другую версию pandas и pip.

Вы можете использовать следующие команды, чтобы проверить, совпадают ли ваши версии pandas и pip:

which python
python --version
which pip

Если две версии не совпадают, вам нужно либо установить более старую версию pandas, либо обновить версию Python.

Шаг 4: Проверьте версию панд

После того, как вы успешно установили pandas, вы можете использовать следующую команду, чтобы отобразить версию pandas в вашей среде:

pip show pandas

Name: pandas
Version: 1.1.5
Summary: Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
Author: None
Author-email: None
License: BSD
Location: /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requires: python-dateutil, pytz, numpy
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Примечание. Самый простой способ избежать ошибок с версиями pandas и Python — просто установить Anaconda , набор инструментов, предустановленный вместе с Python и pandas и бесплатный для использования.

Дополнительные ресурсы

В следующих руководствах объясняется, как исправить другие распространенные проблемы в Python:

Как исправить: нет модуля с именем numpy
Как исправить: нет модуля с именем plotly
Как исправить: имя NameError ‘pd’ не определено
Как исправить: имя NameError ‘np’ не определено

Pandas is an open-source python library that allows you to do manipulation mostly on numeric tables, and columns. You can manipulate the CSV data, time-series data, and e.t.c. using it. It is the most used library in machine learning and deep learning. But as a beginner, you will find difficulty in installing Pandas Library in Pycharm. Therefore I have come up with the step by step guide to install Pandas in Pycharm. You will know how to install pandas in Pycharm and how to check the version of it.

Let’s assume the case when you type import pandas as pd. Then you will see the underline error like this. It means you have not installed the panda’s packages. You have to install it before continuing to use it.  You will get like this. And if you try to run the program then you will get a No Module named pandas found error. It means the pandas Python package is not installed on your system.

no module found pandas

Step 1: Go to File and click Setting. You will see the windows with so many options to click.

Step 2: Click on the Project. You will find two options Project Interpreter and Project Structure. Click on the Project Interpreter.

project interpreter window

Step 3: You will see the list of all the packages that are already installed. Click on the “+” sign that is in the right of the window and search for the Pandas.

Step 4: Select the Package with the named Pandas ( and click on the Install Package.

You have successfully installed Pandas and there will be no error.

Sometimes installing with the above steps gives the error ” Error occurred when installing Package pandas“. Then you have to install using the terminal of the Pycharm. Click on the terminal available below. and type the following command.

pip install pandas

This will install the packages successfully.

But in case you are using python 3.xx version then you have to install pandas using the pip3 command.

pip3 install pandas

install pandas in terminal

How to check the version of Pandas?

To check the version of the pandas installed use the following code in Pycharm.

import pandas as pd



Even after following all the steps given here, you are unable to install pandas in Pycharm then you can contact us for more help. You can also message to our official Data Science Learner Facebook Page.

Errors Handling

In this tutorial, many of our readers have contacted us for solving errors and one of them is “No module name Cython“. Below is its screenshot.

If you are getting the same problem then you have to install first Cython and then install pandas. This will solve the problem. To install it run the below command for your specific python version.

For python 3.xx

pip3 install Cython

For python 2.xx

pip install Cython

Other Questions Asked by the Readers

Q: I am getting no module named pandas in pycharm. How to solve this problem?

If you getting no module named pandas error in your Pycharm then it’s a high probability that you have not installed pandas properly in Pycharm. To remove this error carefully follow all the above steps. It will solve this problem.

Q: Getting nameerror name pd is not defined Error

Many data science learner readers have asked even if they have installed pandas they are getting nameerror name pd is not defined error. We want to tell them that you are not properly importing the pandas package. There can be a typo mismatch while you are importing pandas.

Verify it. You will not see this error.

Please contact us if you are getting another problem while installing the pandas module.

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Something went wrong.

In this article, we will discuss how to fix the No module named pandas error.

The error “No module named pandas ” will occur when there is no pandas library in your environment IE the pandas module is either not installed or there is an issue while downloading the module right.

Let’s see the error by creating an pandas dataframe.

Example: Produce the error


import pandas

pandas.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2]})


We will discuss how to overcome this error. In python, we will use pip function to install any module


pip install module_name

So we have to specify pandas

Example: Installing Pandas 



Collecting pandas

  Downloading pandas-3.2.0.tar.gz (281.3 MB)

     |████████████████████████████████| 281.3 MB 9.7 kB/s 

Collecting py4j==

  Downloading py4j- (198 kB)

     |████████████████████████████████| 198 kB 52.8 MB/s 

Building wheels for collected packages: pandas

  Building wheel for pandas ( … done

  Created wheel for pandas: filename=pyspark-3.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl size=281805912 sha256=c6c9edb963f9a25f31d11d88374ce3be6b3c73ac73ac467ef40b51b5f4eca737

  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/0b/de/d2/9be5d59d7331c6c2a7c1b6d1a4f463ce107332b1ecd4e80718

Successfully built pandas

Installing collected packages: py4j, pandas

Successfully installed py4j- pandas-3.2.0

We can verify by again typing same command then the output will be:


Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.1.5)

To get the pandas description in our environment we can use the show command. This can help keep track of the module and its installation.

Example: Show module description 



Name: pandas

Version: 1.1.5

Summary: Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics


Author: None

Author-email: None

License: BSD

Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages

Requires: numpy, python-dateutil, pytz

Required-by: xarray, vega-datasets, statsmodels, sklearn-pandas, seaborn, pymc3, plotnine, pandas-profiling, pandas-gbq, pandas-datareader, mlxtend, mizani, holoviews, gspread-dataframe, google-colab, fix-yahoo-finance, fbprophet, fastai, cufflinks, cmdstanpy, arviz, altair

Upgrade Pandas

Upgrading pandas is the best advantage to get error-free in your environment. So, we have to upgrade using the following command.

Example: Upgrading Pandas


pip3 install pandas - -upgrade


Install Specific version

To install a specific version of pandas we have to specify the version in the pip command.

Example: Installing a specific version of a module


pip3 install pandas == 1.3.4


Find the version

If we want to find the version then we have to use __version__



Example: Get pandas version


import pandas as pd




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