Ntprotectvirtualmemory error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes

https://imgur.com/a/le5aEcd- скрин как выглядит Error at hooking API "NtProtectVirtualMemory"Dumping first 32 bytes4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 0175 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, СКАЖИТЕ КАК ИСПРАВИТЬ, ПОМОГИТЕ

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https://imgur.com/a/le5aEcd- скрин как выглядит

Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01
75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00


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Проблемы с java, либо с количеством памяти в лаунчере.
 — Если у тебя 32-ух битная система ставь меньше кол-во ОЗУ
 — Если 64-ох битная система ставь больше 1000 ОЗУ ( В настройках лаунчера есть)

 — Попробуй обновить драйвер Java, может помочь.

 — Либо выполни все следующие функции: Удали папку «.vimeworld», обнови драйвер Java, установи VimeWorld обратно с официального сайта.

Должно помочь.

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Можешь скинуть скриншот настроек лаунчера, а так же описание операционной системы.

( Лаунчер VimeWorld > Настройки ) — Настройки лаунчера.
( Мой компьютер > ПКМ по свободному месту > Свойства ) — Описание операционной системы.

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Можешь скинуть скриншот настроек лаунчера, а так же описание операционной системы.

( Лаунчер VimeWorld > Настройки ) — Настройки лаунчера.

( Мой компьютер > ПКМ по свободному месту > Свойства ) — Описание операционной системы.

как найти?(

Можешь скинуть скриншот настроек лаунчера, а так же описание операционной системы.

( Лаунчер VimeWorld > Настройки ) — Настройки лаунчера.

( Мой компьютер > ПКМ по свободному месту > Свойства ) — Описание операционной системы.

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так у меня этого нет, ошибку еще до этого окна выдает

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Перезагрузи компьютер, эта ошибка часто появляется при запуске второго лаунчера.

Либо нажми сочетание клавиш CTRL+ALT+DELETE и найди там процесс «VimeWorld.exe», после чего закрой его.

 — Но лучше перезапустить систему.

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Новая Звезда

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Перезагрузи компьютер, эта ошибка часто появляется при запуске второго лаунчера.

Либо нажми сочетание клавиш CTRL+ALT+DELETE и найди там процесс «VimeWorld.exe», после чего закрой его.

 — Но лучше перезапустить систему.

спасибо за все, что написал, я днем выключила, сейчас зашла, само все прошло)

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-Переустонови лаунчер.

-Освободи память.
-Перестонови Винду или Java

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  1. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  2. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  3. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  4. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  5. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

anyone have a problem with:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

how to solve this problem?

Your system Spec and OS ? and anything special like your running virtual machice ?

My device’s spec

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
IntelCore i5-3230M 2.60 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.20 GHz
AMD Radeon 7500/7600M Series 1Gb

i play using keyboard and mouse only
i didnt use antivirus etc just a standard software

Your not first person to have this error:-

It appears that OP of this solved the issue by OS updates and running the check files function in the launcher of WT. To run check files click on the spanner in WT launcher top right 3rd icon back. Then check files. This will validate the install.

If the above does not work, I would also try clean uninstall and full reinstall of the AMD video drivers.

Hope you find this if help with the issue. It seems to be corruption of file in Windows or War Thunder.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘ Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), thank you.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

An error popped out when trying to open siege. It says Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory» Dumping first 32bytes: 4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

I tried a few times but still not working
1. Tried to restart the pc
2. Tried to verify integrity files
3. Tried reinstall

Everything above doesnt work and can’t found any solutions whatsoever in google

We’re sorry to hear that’s been occurring for you.

I’d advise checking if there’s a third party program conflicting with the game, which you can do via the steps in the guide here [support.ubi.com]

Hello, my Uplay suddenly have a new update so I updated it and now it workings fine again. I think they may be some problem in Uplay that caused it. I think so because when the error appeared, it didn’t show the Uplay loading screen which always comes out when opening the game. Thanks

Edit 1: There might 2 causes either Uplay or the game itself but I think it’s Uplay.
Edit 2: The game crashes again. Suddenly Uplay popped up while playing and the game closes itself.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Im amping to play War Thunder, as soon as it gets past the update/change resolution etc settings and I click play, that window closes and it looksl ike it’s going to work with a black screen that comes up and grabs the mouse. After about a minute it closes and I get a crash error.

«the exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application at location 0x01973516»

Give me an idea of what type of computer you are working with.

If there aren’t any problems there, I might suggest uninstalling and redownloading, incase something got corrupted.

Trun off Steam overlay

steam overlay is a bot. as of this time last year you cannot turn that process off and keep it off. it auto turns itself back on.

only way to actually shut it off is to go find the steamoverlay.dll and at the moment you delete the process you must hit enter and delete the dll. if you time it perfectly it will stay away.

man you have no idea how insane i went trying to figure this out. dont ask me why lol
regardless this shouldnt be effecting him in this situation.

my recomendation is to manually delete all warthunder files after a full delete of the game. then reinstall fresh

this thread is over 4 years old. this specific error (0x40000015) was caused by the aces.exe (the game executable) getting blocked by the firewall and nowadays this should not happen anymore.

i mean the aces.exe might still be getting blocked by the firewall (so you should definitely have a look into the firewall settings to make sure the aces.exe is being granted access to the internet) but the game should not crash with this specific error code anymore.

so what exactly does happen when you start the game ?

you start the game from Steam, the game launcher is coming up (and does its things), then you hit play on the launcher and the screen just goes black ? or does the client crash (and if so, do you get any error message or code) ?

what kind of system do you have (cpu, gpu and operating system) ?


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Im amping to play War Thunder, as soon as it gets past the update/change resolution etc settings and I click play, that window closes and it looksl ike it’s going to work with a black screen that comes up and grabs the mouse. After about a minute it closes and I get a crash error.

«the exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application at location 0x01973516»

Give me an idea of what type of computer you are working with.

If there aren’t any problems there, I might suggest uninstalling and redownloading, incase something got corrupted.

Trun off Steam overlay

steam overlay is a bot. as of this time last year you cannot turn that process off and keep it off. it auto turns itself back on.

only way to actually shut it off is to go find the steamoverlay.dll and at the moment you delete the process you must hit enter and delete the dll. if you time it perfectly it will stay away.

man you have no idea how insane i went trying to figure this out. dont ask me why lol
regardless this shouldnt be effecting him in this situation.

my recomendation is to manually delete all warthunder files after a full delete of the game. then reinstall fresh

this thread is over 4 years old. this specific error (0x40000015) was caused by the aces.exe (the game executable) getting blocked by the firewall and nowadays this should not happen anymore.

i mean the aces.exe might still be getting blocked by the firewall (so you should definitely have a look into the firewall settings to make sure the aces.exe is being granted access to the internet) but the game should not crash with this specific error code anymore.

so what exactly does happen when you start the game ?

you start the game from Steam, the game launcher is coming up (and does its things), then you hit play on the launcher and the screen just goes black ? or does the client crash (and if so, do you get any error message or code) ?

what kind of system do you have (cpu, gpu and operating system) ?



  1. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  2. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  3. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  4. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder
  5. Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

anyone have a problem with:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

how to solve this problem?

Your system Spec and OS ? and anything special like your running virtual machice ?

My device’s spec

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
IntelCore i5-3230M 2.60 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.20 GHz
AMD Radeon 7500/7600M Series 1Gb

i play using keyboard and mouse only
i didnt use antivirus etc just a standard software

Your not first person to have this error:-

It appears that OP of this solved the issue by OS updates and running the check files function in the launcher of WT. To run check files click on the spanner in WT launcher top right 3rd icon back. Then check files. This will validate the install.

If the above does not work, I would also try clean uninstall and full reinstall of the AMD video drivers.

Hope you find this if help with the issue. It seems to be corruption of file in Windows or War Thunder.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘ Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), thank you.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

An error popped out when trying to open siege. It says Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory» Dumping first 32bytes: 4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

I tried a few times but still not working
1. Tried to restart the pc
2. Tried to verify integrity files
3. Tried reinstall

Everything above doesnt work and can’t found any solutions whatsoever in google

We’re sorry to hear that’s been occurring for you.

I’d advise checking if there’s a third party program conflicting with the game, which you can do via the steps in the guide here [support.ubi.com]

Hello, my Uplay suddenly have a new update so I updated it and now it workings fine again. I think they may be some problem in Uplay that caused it. I think so because when the error appeared, it didn’t show the Uplay loading screen which always comes out when opening the game. Thanks

Edit 1: There might 2 causes either Uplay or the game itself but I think it’s Uplay.
Edit 2: The game crashes again. Suddenly Uplay popped up while playing and the game closes itself.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Im amping to play War Thunder, as soon as it gets past the update/change resolution etc settings and I click play, that window closes and it looksl ike it’s going to work with a black screen that comes up and grabs the mouse. After about a minute it closes and I get a crash error.

«the exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application at location 0x01973516»

Give me an idea of what type of computer you are working with.

If there aren’t any problems there, I might suggest uninstalling and redownloading, incase something got corrupted.

Trun off Steam overlay

steam overlay is a bot. as of this time last year you cannot turn that process off and keep it off. it auto turns itself back on.

only way to actually shut it off is to go find the steamoverlay.dll and at the moment you delete the process you must hit enter and delete the dll. if you time it perfectly it will stay away.

man you have no idea how insane i went trying to figure this out. dont ask me why lol
regardless this shouldnt be effecting him in this situation.

my recomendation is to manually delete all warthunder files after a full delete of the game. then reinstall fresh

this thread is over 4 years old. this specific error (0x40000015) was caused by the aces.exe (the game executable) getting blocked by the firewall and nowadays this should not happen anymore.

i mean the aces.exe might still be getting blocked by the firewall (so you should definitely have a look into the firewall settings to make sure the aces.exe is being granted access to the internet) but the game should not crash with this specific error code anymore.

so what exactly does happen when you start the game ?

you start the game from Steam, the game launcher is coming up (and does its things), then you hit play on the launcher and the screen just goes black ? or does the client crash (and if so, do you get any error message or code) ?

what kind of system do you have (cpu, gpu and operating system) ?


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Im amping to play War Thunder, as soon as it gets past the update/change resolution etc settings and I click play, that window closes and it looksl ike it’s going to work with a black screen that comes up and grabs the mouse. After about a minute it closes and I get a crash error.

«the exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occurred in the application at location 0x01973516»

Give me an idea of what type of computer you are working with.

If there aren’t any problems there, I might suggest uninstalling and redownloading, incase something got corrupted.

Trun off Steam overlay

steam overlay is a bot. as of this time last year you cannot turn that process off and keep it off. it auto turns itself back on.

only way to actually shut it off is to go find the steamoverlay.dll and at the moment you delete the process you must hit enter and delete the dll. if you time it perfectly it will stay away.

man you have no idea how insane i went trying to figure this out. dont ask me why lol
regardless this shouldnt be effecting him in this situation.

my recomendation is to manually delete all warthunder files after a full delete of the game. then reinstall fresh

this thread is over 4 years old. this specific error (0x40000015) was caused by the aces.exe (the game executable) getting blocked by the firewall and nowadays this should not happen anymore.

i mean the aces.exe might still be getting blocked by the firewall (so you should definitely have a look into the firewall settings to make sure the aces.exe is being granted access to the internet) but the game should not crash with this specific error code anymore.

so what exactly does happen when you start the game ?

you start the game from Steam, the game launcher is coming up (and does its things), then you hit play on the launcher and the screen just goes black ? or does the client crash (and if so, do you get any error message or code) ?

what kind of system do you have (cpu, gpu and operating system) ?


Сегодня столкнулся с проблемой в виде «error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory»,появилась она при запуске War Thunder.Был удивлён,тк никогда похожих проблем с игрой не было.Как мне её решить?Помогите пожалуйста!

An unknown error has occurred. Error: 80020101. + Непонятки с API Вконтакта
Привет) Начал реализовывать приложение Vk для WP7 по видео урокам сообщества Microsoft techedu.

API SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces error: 1784

Error at hooking API �NtProtectVirtualMemory� Dumping first 32 bytes E9.

UPLAY Gamelauncher crashes immediately after start.

I have that problem since the last update to UPLAY Gamelauncher Version 5086.

— The last Version of the UPLAY Launcher that was running normal was V4898
— Any update since then just crashed, so — as a workaround — I went back to V4898 and everything worked fine again (luckily I had the Install.exe in a safe place)
— If I go back to V4898 now and start the Gamelauncher, it starts «normal», but instantly updates, restarts and crashes with the ERROR Message mentioned above

Things I tried, but all didn’t help (so you may skip that):

— Reinstalled UPLAY
— Updated NVIDIA Drivers
— Uninstalled «Avira» Antivirus
— cleaned registry with RegCure Pro

Any other suggestions ?

24.12.16 (Yes, it’s Christmas!)

Here is the solution: Deinstallation of HitmanPro solved this problem !


Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ здесь.

Win32 API error with MessageBox and WM_PAINT
Здравствуйте,наверное уже кто нибудь из вас сталкивался с такой проблемой. Проблема состоит в том.

Win api. com-port. create file() error 2
Добрый вечер. Есть программа которая должна выводить код символа введенного с клавиатуры. Она.

Windows socket error 10048 on api bind
Пытаюсь запустить специфичную программу Parma (процесс TransData.exe) на рабочих компах Win XP Pro.

VK API saveWallPhoto error 121: Invalid hash
Доброго времени суток всем. Захотелось выложить фотографию на стену группы. Казалось бы читай маны.

Убедитесь, что Ваша Windows 10 полностью обновлена, и Вы не используете модификации GTAV
Если ранее использовали модификации, сделайте полную проверку файлов GTAV, если это не поможет, удалите папку update из папки GTAV, затем снова сделайте полную проверку файлов

Удалите стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct и подобные.
В настройках брандмауэра Windows, удалите все правила для входящих и исходящих подключений, далее отключите его.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

anyone have a problem with:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

how to solve this problem?

Your system Spec and OS ? and anything special like your running virtual machice ?

My device’s spec

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
IntelCore i5-3230M 2.60 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.20 GHz
AMD Radeon 7500/7600M Series 1Gb

i play using keyboard and mouse only
i didnt use antivirus etc just a standard software

Your not first person to have this error:-

It appears that OP of this solved the issue by OS updates and running the check files function in the launcher of WT. To run check files click on the spanner in WT launcher top right 3rd icon back. Then check files. This will validate the install.

If the above does not work, I would also try clean uninstall and full reinstall of the AMD video drivers.

Hope you find this if help with the issue. It seems to be corruption of file in Windows or War Thunder.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘ Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), thank you.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

anyone have a problem with:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

how to solve this problem?

Your system Spec and OS ? and anything special like your running virtual machice ?

My device’s spec

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
IntelCore i5-3230M 2.60 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.20 GHz
AMD Radeon 7500/7600M Series 1Gb

i play using keyboard and mouse only
i didnt use antivirus etc just a standard software

Your not first person to have this error:-

It appears that OP of this solved the issue by OS updates and running the check files function in the launcher of WT. To run check files click on the spanner in WT launcher top right 3rd icon back. Then check files. This will validate the install.

If the above does not work, I would also try clean uninstall and full reinstall of the AMD video drivers.

Hope you find this if help with the issue. It seems to be corruption of file in Windows or War Thunder.


Error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory dumping first 32 bytes решение war thunder

An error popped out when trying to open siege. It says Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory» Dumping first 32bytes: 4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

I tried a few times but still not working
1. Tried to restart the pc
2. Tried to verify integrity files
3. Tried reinstall

Everything above doesnt work and can’t found any solutions whatsoever in google

We’re sorry to hear that’s been occurring for you.

I’d advise checking if there’s a third party program conflicting with the game, which you can do via the steps in the guide here [support.ubi.com]

Hello, my Uplay suddenly have a new update so I updated it and now it workings fine again. I think they may be some problem in Uplay that caused it. I think so because when the error appeared, it didn’t show the Uplay loading screen which always comes out when opening the game. Thanks

Edit 1: There might 2 causes either Uplay or the game itself but I think it’s Uplay.
Edit 2: The game crashes again. Suddenly Uplay popped up while playing and the game closes itself.


  • #1

Тестил разные версии клея: 9,7 9,8 10 11,6 — на всех такая же ошибка. Куда копать? Проблема на двух ~ одинаковых ригах, стоят далеко, есть только удаленка.
Что думаете?


  • #4

то чувство, когда не слышал про виртуальную память :)

  • #5

то чувство, когда не слышал про виртуальную память :)

Если ты про файл подкачки, то он включен, на момент появления ошибки было выставлено 30000мб. Выбрал все свободное пространство — 117000мб — результата нет.

  • #6

Если ты про файл подкачки, то он включен, на момент появления ошибки было выставлено 30000мб. Выбрал все свободное пространство — 117000мб — результата нет.

ты на форум то давно не заходил, да? 1063 на вин10 не копают эфир больше. меняй ОС, либо монету, либо карты.

  • #7

ты на форум то давно не заходил, да? 1063 на вин10 не копают эфир больше. меняй ОС, либо монету, либо карты.

Периодически читаю.

  • #8

в диагностических целях попробуй прицепиться к пулу с какой-нибудь шляпой типа пирл, элла, экспанс.

  • #9

в диагностических целях попробуй прицепиться к пулу с какой-нибудь шляпой типа пирл, элла, экспанс.

Надо бы и эти риги на хайв перенести. Другие риги у меня 1063 на хайве вообще летают

  • #10

ты на форум то давно не заходил, да? 1063 на вин10 не копают эфир больше. меняй ОС, либо монету, либо карты.

сегодня ночью отвалилась ферма с 1063 на вин10/клей-11.3, но с клей-11.6 1063 на вин10 продолжают работать. в скорем времени только вин7, хайвос

  • #11

Добро пожаловать на авито.

  • #12

А паскаль выгодно копать снова? А то смотрю, вторая монетка стоит :)

  • #13

Такая же проблема на 1080 Ti 11G. Ну кто, что скажет? Типа Винда кривая, переходи на хайв или руки у тебя из жжж…? Умники одни здесь, как я посмотрю. Вы ошибку читайте и переводите. Я лично изменил файл подкачки. Пару раз перезагрузил — всё работает. Такие вот дела. Ребятишки.

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Joined: Dec 2016



12-19-2016, 09:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2016, 10:12 PM by bleulander.)

I posted this on the Ubisoft Uplay forums as well as opening a ticket with customer care.
But that can be a waiting game for them to get back to you.
A reply on this subject, said they opened a ticket 4 weeks ago and they got a reply yesterday.
I don’t want to wait  4 weeks for a reply.

I just reinstalled windows 8.1, after having a few errors in the old installation.
I have just Installed Uplay, now I’m getting.

error at hooking api “ntprotectvirtualmemory”
Dumping first 32 bytes
E9 8B 1B 68 FD 64 FF 15 C0 00 00 00 C2 14 00 90
B8 50 00 00 00 64 FF15  C0 00 00 00 C2 14 00 90

I also just Installed Steam, and It’s working fine, just for comparison

Is there a way to check If Windows 8.1 memory Is good or bad.

On looking at other threads, It says that some antivirus or malware programs can cause a conflict with certain files, well I’ve tried that, still get the problom.  
I uninstall Uplay as well as the graphics drivers, rebooted, Reinstalled both.
No effect, still get the problem.

What I want to know Is what Is It, apart for being obvious to do with the virtualmemory

Is there anyway to tell If programs are In conflict with certain files.
Is there any programs that can tell If certain files are In conflict with another

Just to mention, last night when I was shutting the pc down. A blue screen appearer and said something like “Memory Management” would this have something to do with the
error at hooking api “ntprotectvirtualmemory”.

Is there a way to check If Windows 8.1 memory Is good or bad.

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Quote:Is there a way to check If Windows 8.1 memory Is good or bad.

Start in Safe Mode
Control Panel —- Administrative Tools
Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
Select the first option

Your computer should then restart and check the memory.

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Adding to GuiltySpark’s post, the computer will automatically restart once it has finshed and after you have signed to your windows account and you are at the desktop, you will receive a notification tell you if your memory is bad or not.

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I ran a scan using the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, no fault’s In the ram which Is a relief.

Is there any programs that analyses a programs start up process and the files used, In the start up process, to find any corrupt files used or certain files that are In conflict with one another.

I’m pretty sure there are they’ll be some type of diagnostic program that analyses the start up process of programs like, Uplay for example.

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(12-20-2016, 10:39 PM)bleulander Wrote:  I ran a scan using the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, no fault’s In the ram which Is a relief.

Is there any programs that analyses a programs start up process and the files used, In the start up process, to find any corrupt files used or certain files that are In conflict with one another.

I’m pretty sure there are they’ll be some type of diagnostic program that analyses the start up process of programs like, Uplay for example.

Try these two programs:
Process Monitor
Process Explorer

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Joined: Dec 2016



I don’t pretend to understand anything about the registry of Windows 8.1.
But I don’t think It has anything to do with the registry.

Watching the start up process of both Uplay and Steam, their both doing about the same thing. Different processes hear and there, but basically the same start up process.

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12-21-2016, 12:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2016, 12:20 AM by RichTech.)

(12-20-2016, 11:58 PM)bleulander Wrote:  I don’t pretend to understand anything about the registry of Windows 8.1.
But I don’t think It has anything to do with the registry.

Watching the start up process of both Uplay and Steam, their both doing about the same thing. Different processes hear and there, but basically the same start up process.

Programs, drivers and system settings are stored in the registry, The registry is a database, if there are problems with a program or windows, it could be a registry problem,
(corrupt registry key or incorrect value).
I would suggest you watch this video to fully understand the registry, it is nicely explained by Linus, all credit goes to him:

I know this is not a registry thread so I will leave it at that. But this is something to think about

Also is steam and Uplay installed on the same hard drive?

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