Автор t8k1, 26 ноября 2017, 23:03:16
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Здравствуйте. Ставлю debian-9.2.1-amd64-netinst.iso в режиме эксперта. При выборе страны я выбрал Швецию, при настройке менеджера пакетов протокол https. Дальше предлагают вручную ввести имя зеркала архива Debian и каталог зеркала архива Debian. В поле каталог уже написано «/debian/».
В поле имя зеркала архива Debian пробовал вводить:
В поле каталог зеркала архива Debian вводил:
Проблема с зеркалом архива Debian
Обнаружена ошибка при попытке использовать указанное зеркало архива Debian.
Возможные причины ошибки: выбрано неправильное зеркало; зеркало недоступно(возможно из за проблем с сетью); нерабочее зеркало (например из-за неправильного используемого файла Release); зеркало не поддерживает нужную версию Debian.
По Alt+F4 перейти не могу. Почему?
Возможно нужно указать другой или более глубокий каталог? Если да, то какой?
Соединение по кабелю. Интернет есть, проверено. До установки заходил в сеть на старой оси и сейчас пишу из 2го пк через тот-же роутер.
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Доступ к зеркалу есть.
Не помогло. Та-же ошибка.
В окне ошибки после нажатия продолжить, меня вернуло в окно настройки менеджера пакетов с изменённым именем зеркала архива Debian на ftp.se.debian.org/debian/.
Каталог зеркала архива Debian без изменений: /debian/
t8k1, в Debian 9 присутствует какая то странная ошибка в установщике. У кого то она возникает, у кого то нет.
Пробуйте установку с CD или DVD образа.
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- Русскоязычное сообщество Debian GNU/Linux
Установка Debian -
Проблема при установке debian netinst
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 31.12.2014 Сообщений: 4 |
1 |
26.03.2016, 20:19. Показов 5256. Ответов 4
Во время графической установки Debian 8.3 (сетевой установщик, netinst CD) остановился на настройке менеджера пакетов, не выбирает зеркало. Пробовал уже пару десятков зеркал (не указывал прокси, оставил поле пустым) но все они выдают ошибку Проблема с зеркалом архива Debian Скорее всего ошибка в подключении к сети, не могу понять что вводить в поле для Ключевая фраза WPA/WPA2 для беспроводного устройства wlan0
0 |
Programming Эксперт 94731 / 64177 / 26122 Регистрация: 12.04.2006 Сообщений: 116,782 |
26.03.2016, 20:19 |
4 |
528 / 430 / 159 Регистрация: 25.11.2014 Сообщений: 1,662 |
26.03.2016, 20:22 |
2 |
Пароль для WiFi-сети.
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 31.12.2014 Сообщений: 4 |
26.03.2016, 20:28 [ТС] |
3 |
0 |
12389 / 7227 / 759 Регистрация: 09.09.2009 Сообщений: 28,192 |
27.03.2016, 19:15 |
4 |
ошибка «из коробки» нетинсталл не поддерживает достаточно большое количество беспроводных карт. в отличие от проводных, которых поддерживается весьма широкий ассортимент. подключитесь кабелем на время установки, это буде более простым способом решения
1 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 31.12.2014 Сообщений: 4 |
27.03.2016, 21:06 [ТС] |
5 |
Спасибо, так и сделал.
0 |
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- Joined: 2011-06-04 20:06
- Location: Valencia, Spain
Re: Bad Archive Mirror
by ivanovnegro » 2011-06-17 19:53
I would go back again and try a different mirror, one that is near of you, where do you live?
And are you sure you have an internet connection?
- Posts: 298
- Joined: 2011-04-10 11:35
- Location: /dev/tty7
Re: Bad Archive Mirror
by qjqqyy » 2011-06-18 06:42
try ctrl-alt-f2 to switch to another tty
then ping google.com
if ok, then continue, else, setup your internet accordingly
also note that ethernet is THE way for netinst, most wireless cards will NOT work.
ethernet should work out of the box.
I never managed to configure a DSL/PPP connection in the command line though, so i am not too sure about DSL
anyway, once you finished configuring the interfaces, CTRL-ALT-F1 to switch back to setup.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: 2011-06-14 21:07
Re: Bad Archive Mirror
by christod » 2011-06-20 17:21
I’ve discovered that is was an issue with my DNS settings. This explains why I could wget from IP addresses, but not from sites such as «ftp.us.debian.org»
Thanks for the help guys!
- Posts: 151
- Joined: 2006-07-13 08:04
Re: Bad Archive Mirror
by shogun1234 » 2011-06-24 11:38
christod wrote:I’ve discovered that is was an issue with my DNS settings. This explains why I could wget from IP addresses, but not from sites such as «ftp.us.debian.org»
Thanks for the help guys!
I encountered the same problem but I am not allowed to change dns setting. Is there any way to to get around the dns issue?
- Debian User Forums
- Debian archive mirror error detected
- Debian archive mirror error detected
- Thread: preseed setting to use /cdrom as mirror in automated install
- preseed setting to use /cdrom as mirror in automated install
- Debian User Forums
- Bad archive mirror
- Bad archive mirror
- Re: Bad archive mirror
- netinstall refuses to use local mirror
- Bug Description
- How To : Setup a PXE Boot Server Part 3 : Installing Debian Squeeze
- 16 Responses to “How To : Setup a PXE Boot Server Part 3 : Installing Debian Squeeze”
Debian User Forums
Debian archive mirror error detected
#1 Post by debian88 » 2022-06-27 21:13
I just downloaded a copy of the Debian 8.11 net installer from here: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/arch . etinst.iso
I was going through the install as normal, but when it got to network mirror I get:
An error has been detected when trying to use the specified Debian archive mirror.
Possible reasons. incorrect mirror, mirror not available, mirror broken, mirror does not support the correct Debian version.
Please check specified mirror or try a different one.
I tried a bunch of them, but they all do the same thing. I’ve never had this issue when installing Debian before. I am using the net installer for amd64, graphical installer (though I don’t install with a GUI). I’m installing as a VM in HyperV, on a server currently running both a Debian 10 and Debian 11 VM. The VM is configured exactly the same way. I don’t have a network issue, presumably the mirrors are valid since I can ping some of them.
Is there any chance that somehow support for Debian 8 has been removed from some mirrors? If so, how should I proceed here? I’m pretty sure I’ll need the net installer since I’ll have to be able to install a large number of packages when I’m logged in.
For context, I am trying to debug some software where it’s been narrowed down that a major regression was introduced into it in 2014. However, due to the complexity of the project, and the age of releases at that time, it doesn’t compile on newer Debian versions. So I don’t think I have any choice but to try to install it on Debian 8.11, which is probably the newest Debian release that would work seamlessly.
Thread: preseed setting to use /cdrom as mirror in automated install
Thread Tools
preseed setting to use /cdrom as mirror in automated install
I am working on a system where I want to install from /cdrom. The initial install cannot use network mirror for some reasons.
I need to have automated install and thus I am using preseed file.
What is the right preseed config for mirror to specify to use the /cdrom.
Based on an old thread, I have tried:
d-i mirror/protocol string file
d-i mirror/file/directory string /cdrom
But this does not work.
The main-menu log (screen 1) is:
!! ERROR: Bad archive mirror
An error has been detected while trying to use the specified Debian archive
Possible reasons for the error are: incorrect mirror specified; mirror is not
available (possibly due to an unreliable network connection); mirror is broken
(for example because an invalid Release file was found); mirror does not
support the correct Debian version.
Additional details may be available in /var/log/syslog or on virtual console 4.
Please check the specified mirror or try a different one.
[Press enter to continue]
Here is the tail end of the installer debug capture:
May 30 20:46:55 debconf: GET mirror/http/directory
May 30 20:46:55 debconf: FSET mirror/http/hostname seen false
May 30 20:47:51 debconf: FSET mirror/http/directory seen false
May 30 20:47:51 debconf: FSET mirror/country seen false
May 30 20:47:51 debconf: FSET mirror/suite seen false
May 30 20:47:51 debconf: INPUT critical mirror/bad
May 30 20:47:51 debconf: GO
Debian User Forums
Bad archive mirror
Bad archive mirror
#1 Post by Sirugel » 2008-08-19 05:59
I’m using the installer from http://goodbye-microsoft.com/
and every time i choose a mirror of debian in the installer it comes up with the
«bad archive mirror’
the specified debian archvie mirro is either not available, or does not have a valid release file on it. please try a different mirror»
I’ve tried atleast 10 now and they all do that.
Re: Bad archive mirror
#2 Post by Absent Minded » 2008-08-19 06:10
Sirugel wrote: I’m using the installer from http://goodbye-microsoft.com/
and every time i choose a mirror of debian in the installer it comes up with the
«bad archive mirror’
the specified debian archvie mirro is either not available, or does not have a valid release file on it. please try a different mirror»
I’ve tried atleast 10 now and they all do that.
Hello and welcome to the Debian forum. I feel a need to tell you that that installer is not supported by Debian. It is a privately made installer. I wish that they would put that notice on the page it is on as Debian in no way has endorsed the installer from that site.
It is my recomendation that you use one of the «official» Debian installers from the Debian site. Please do not hold your experiance against Debian.
netinstall refuses to use local mirror
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone |
debian-installer (Ubuntu) |
Bug Description
I am in charge of Ubuntu deployments at our organization, and in the past we have used kickstart + preseed files to deploy a tested, customized Ubuntu workstation. Although we do not have a huge number of Ubuntu users, I perform a substantial amount of testing on a configuration prior to mass deployment. Because of this all this testing, I have found that using apt-mirror to create a local mirror of packages saves me an enormous amount of time and bandwidth. This setup worked with both jaunty and lucid. However, with maverick, copying and updating the kickstart and preseed files does not work as before. While the system configuration settings from the kickstart seem to be followed correctly, the installer completely ignores the local mirror configuration and downloads every package from the Internet.
The PXE boot entry for this installation is:
label u1010c-64
MENU LABEL Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit
kernel bootfiles/ ubuntu/ 10.10/x86_ 64/vmlinuz
append vga=normal initrd= bootfiles/ ubuntu/ 10.10/x86_ 64/initrd. gz ks=http:// linuxmirror/ pub/ks/ u1010c- 64.cfg ksdevice=eth0 preseed/url=http:// linuxmirror/ pub/ks/ u1010c- 64.seed ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/rd/0 devfs=mount,dall rw nomodeset —
. and attached is the preseed file
I solve this issue add
d-i mirror/country string manual
to preseed file and select in ks de mirror (url —url http. ) (in my case, one copy ubuntu alternate cd)
Thank you for your response. However, it appears I may not have made myself clear. My organization is trying to deploy Ubuntu using an internal mirror of the Ubuntu repositories. We do NOT want to connect to the Internet at all during a kickstart installation. Even if I replace all instances of references to external Internet mirrors with our own private mirror, the installer still insists upon accessing the Internet, thus drastically slowing down the installation process.
I believe I have the same issue.
We have been deploying Ubuntu by pointing the Ubuntu mirror to an internal mirror with a preseed file. This has been working for us since Ubuntu 7.04. I use the same preseed file and just change the directory. Now it’s trying to install from gb.archive. ubuntu. com. The d-i installer stops with the error:
Bad archive mirror. An error has been detected while trying to use the specified Ubuntu archive mirror.
my preseed file mirror section:
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/ http/hostname string
d-i mirror/ http/directory string /ubuntu/1010-64
d-i mirror/suite string maverick
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. This bug did not have a package associated with it, which is important for ensuring that it gets looked at by the proper developers. You can learn more about finding the right package at https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/Bugs/ FindRightPackag e . I have classified this bug as a bug in debian-installer.
When reporting bugs in the future please use apport by using ‘ubuntu-bug’ and the name of the package affected. You can learn more about this functionality at https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/ReportingBu gs.
affects: | ubuntu → debian-installer (Ubuntu) |
Changed in debian-installer (Ubuntu): | |
status: | New → Confirmed |
importance: | Undecided → Medium |
i have the exact same issue.
As a workaround i added two entries
d-i mirror/country string enter information manually
>> d-i mirror/ http/countries string enter information manually
d-i mirror/ http/hostname string yourmirror-here.org
>> d-i mirror/http/mirror string yourmirror-here.org
d-i mirror/ http/directory string /ubuntu
d-i mirror/suite string natty
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
This seems to work but it’s not a nice clean solution 🙂
I use the following settings. The local server isn’t used. Affects 12.04
d-i mirror/protocol string http
d-i mirror/country string manual de
d-i mirror/suite string precise
d-i mirror/ http/hostname string
d-i mirror/http/mirror string
d-i mirror/ http/directory string /ubuntu/
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
I ran into the following today too. Looking at the debian installer source (http:// wiki.debian. org/DebianInsta ller/CheckOut) it looks like support for the «enter information manually» strings have been removed in favour of «manual» . So the example from William at response #8 should be:
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/ http/countries string manual
d-i mirror/ http/hostname string yourmirror-here.org
d-i mirror/http/mirror string yourmirror-here.org
d-i mirror/ http/directory string /ubuntu
d-i mirror/suite string natty
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
And Christian Orth (#9) would not work because the string should be «manual» and not «manual de».
I am attaching the contents of «git show bb1bdcaa4eecfc4 7b69420c0687eb3 c2bc8e1d01» from the source. The changelog message was: ‘Drop backwards compatibility for preseeding «manual» mirror selection. Change was introduced in Lenny.
One release is enough for backwards compatibility support.’
I am guessing that there is a lot of documentation out there that needs to be changed now.
How To : Setup a PXE Boot Server Part 3 : Installing Debian Squeeze
In Part 3, we will install Debian Squeeze using our new PXE server.
First thing we’ll need is the network boot tarball off the Debian Website.
wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/squeeze/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz
This tarball will let you start installing Debian, but it will then install the rest of the software from the internet. Naturally this means that the computer will need an Internet connection to get the most out of this method.
After you get the tarball, you’ll need to uncompress it, and grab a couple of files out of it, namely linux and initrd.gz and put them into a subdirectory under tftpboot called debian, so you should end up with a directory like this : /tftpboot/debian which should contain the 2 files linux and initrd.gz
Now that we have the files in the right spot, we will need to create a new entry in the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file.
So at the moment, we have this in the file.
DEFAULT menu.c32
LABEL Memtest4.10
MENU LABEL Memtest86+ 4.10
kernel boot/memtest86+
We will need to add a code block to give us the option to boot to the Debian mini installer.
LABEL DebSqueeze
MENU LABEL Debian Squeeze 6.0.1a Net Install
kernel debian/linux
append initrd=debian/initrd.gz
So the configuration file should look like this in the end :
Once that’s done, you should be able to boot from the PXE server like previously with the Memtest kernel, except it will be loading the Debian Net install files.
Once it’s loaded, you will get this screen –
Which looks exactly like it does as if the computer was booted from a CD.
You can now install Debian straight from the network without the use of a CD.
Related Posts
16 Responses to “How To : Setup a PXE Boot Server Part 3 : Installing Debian Squeeze”
Thx for the nice guide it worked very good 🙂
Thanks for the visit and comment 🙂
Happy to have helped.
everithing goes fine till I need choose mirror or debian archive. I got error that bad mirro archive whaterver I choose same erro shows again.
Maybe someon got Idea how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
So from the 2 comments, I take it that you got the default config file setup ok ?
What’s the exact error message when it says the mirror failed ?
Have you tried mirror in another location or country ?
Does the computer have internet access when you boot from something else ? e.g. a DVD ?
I sort it out first situation with default folder. I just forgot that I need directory not file. 🙂
And with second coment (situation) I have no luck at all.
OK my setup:
I run pxe server on vmware. Yes I solver my problem with default config file.
Then I start new machine without any OS on vmware.
On same vmware server is working ispconfig3 I dont know is it affecting pxe server or no.
So I start new machine.
1.Start pxe boot.
2.Choose Debian Squeeze 6.0.1a Net install from the PXE boot menu.
3.Select language
4.Select location ( UK)
5.Select keyboard layout.
6.Hostname: –>I writed testmachine instead debian.
7.Domain: left blank
8.Debian archive mirror country: I choosed United Kingdom ( also tried with NL, USA, Germany and etc. Got same error with all).
9.Choosed mirror ftp address
10.http proxy information: left blank.
11. And then red screen and tex on it:
Bad archve mirror
An error has been detected while trying to use specified debian archive address.
Possible reasons for the error are: incorrect mirror specified;
mirror is not available (possibly due to unreliable network connection); mirror is broaken (for example because an invalid Release file was found); mirror does not support the correct Debian version.
Additional detale may be available in /var/log/syslog or on virtual console 4.
Please check specified mirror or trye diferent one.
So this is what I got. I tryed loads of diferet mirrors and with all same problem. I am realy stuck on it.
If you’re running this on VMWare, you need to make sure that the virtual machine can access the internet, if it can’t then it won’t be able to contact the mirrors.
How is the network setup in your VMWare environment ?
Do you have it setup as an internal network only ?
Your PXE server that you have setup, is it setup with one NIC or two NICs ?
If it’s only setup with one NIC then you will need to add a second one and setup routing on that server in order for the PXE clients to access the internet.
All virtual machines on my vmware server can access internet. I setup loads of debian machines (web, mail or ftp servers) and all accessing internet.
PXE server can access internet as well. I done apt-get update and apt-get upgrade also installed packets from your How To post also downloaded debian netboot install for pxe server.
I am not very good in that but I think my pxe running with one NIC.
When I setup vmware machine I choose one network card and my pxe server network interface /etc/network/interfaces looks like that:
# The loopback network interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
#allow-hotplug eth0
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Probably I need add second NIC? If yes how I can do that? And how it should be setuped?
OOOPS probably there was my typo misstake on /etc/network/interfaces. Now everything ok with debian archives.
I don’t know maybe you can advise me how to swich boot distribution?
I need to install DSL 4.4.10 instead squeeze.
Glad to hear you solved that issue.
I will need to look into DSL 4.4.10 but you can try just putting the ISO file and using Memdisk to boot the ISO and see how that goes.
I’ll post up a quick guide to DSL later on for you 🙂
Thank you SirLagz so much! Yours how to was only one which start work for me. I am so glad that I found it.
I will wait for DSL guide.
Thank you and have a good day!
No Problems, Happy to help a fellow linux user 🙂
Thanks for reading my blog 🙂
Have a good day to you too.
I read more of your posts and done xpud, tiny core and everything works fine for me. I try to setup DSL linux myself but no luck 🙂
I got neoware Eon and would like to install debian on it to make NAS or small ftp, web server.
My neoware Eon have only 8MB flash memory so there is really not easy for me to do that. I googled that someone successfully installed DSL on it.
I got NSLU2 with debian armel inside and it works perfect for me like NAS.
Thanks for reading 🙂
It’ll be hard to even fit DSL on as DSL is 50 MB base. I guess you could strip it down and see how you far you get.
I’m having a look at DSL now so I can see if I can PXE boot it 🙂
ok for anybody reading,any idea if it will work on RaspberryPi Debian?
Im trying today.
Should work, I don’t see any foreseeable difficulties in running it on the Raspberry Pi, except network speed may be a bit slower depending on how you have it set up.
ok it comes up the menu(i tryed using the ubuntu 12.10 netinstall images),now going to see if i can get the RaspberryPi to boot an ISO
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Кривые настройки сети вероятно, и попробуй не использовать зеркало при установке.
Кривые настройки сети вероятно, и попробуй не использовать зеркало при установке.
То что кривые настройки я тоже так думаю. А вот по поводу не использовать зеркало уже пробовал.
После чего вношу изменения в sources.list и результатов это не дает к сожалению.
Прописал руками в параметрах соединения. Выставил другой шлюз и маску.
После чего открыл leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list
Из sources.list удалил все что было и вставил следующее:
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
# For source package access, uncomment the following line
# deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free