Open video downloader error unhandled error execa



Error! Unhandled error (execa).

Describe the bug
After pasting a video link, and clicking download, the progress bar turns red immediately and displays: Error! Unhandled error (execa). Was working correctly on previous verison 2.3.1

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Paste video link
  2. Click on +

Expected behavior
Video should be downloaded

Additional info (please complete the following information):

  • OS: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
  • Application version 2.4.0
  • Application type dmg in Applications folder

Additional context
«shortMessage»: «Command failed with exit code 127: /Applications/Open Video -J —flat-playlist —no-cache-dir —ignore-config —user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 —no-check-certificate —yes-playlist undefined»,
«command»: «/Applications/Open Video -J —flat-playlist —no-cache-dir —ignore-config —user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 —no-check-certificate —yes-playlist undefined»,
«exitCode»: 127,
«stdout»: «»,
«stderr»: «env: python3: No such file or directory»,
«failed»: true,
«timedOut»: false,
«isCanceled»: false,
«killed»: false


Workaround, use version 2.3.1 instead

I think this is because of this commit: b288ff3 That now this application uses yt-dlp which has a dependency to phyton


Youtube-dl has a dependency on python as well. Is this on a M1 Mac?


Oh I assumed that this would use the compiled version of YouTube-dl, not sure

then the issue might be an old macOS version shipping an outdated Python version? I can check the installer Python version later, but it Is macOS 10.12 on a 2015 MacBook Pro




(I am on my own machine now — macOS 11.4, python 3.9.8 is installed, but ideally this works without python as well)

I just tried replacing /Applications/Open Video with the macOS one from the tag, a video+audio download worked. Downloading audio only I get

ERROR: Postprocessing: module mutagen was not found. Please install using `python -m pip install mutagen`

Looks like this is a known issue already though: #241


Good find. Looks like they disabled the Mac build. All we can do for now is wait until they re-enable it.
The mutagen error is a separate issue (#241), I believe it can be worked around by disabling ‘save-metadata’ in the settings.

I’m already starting to regret the decision to switch to yt-dlp.


Youtube-dl has a dependency on python as well. Is this on a M1 Mac?

It’s an Intel Mac


Thanks for investigating. Looks like the version used by the reporter only ships with Python 2.7. As a fix he can install python3 with using this link:

Please let me know if this fixed it on El Capitan.

Yes, in Terminal > Python — version, shows 2.7.10

I downloaded and installed the pkg from the link provided.

Terminal > Python — version, still shows shows 2.7.10 after restart.

The Error! Unhandled error (execa) in Open Video Downloader still occurs. I will revert back to v2.3.1 for now.


I have this same issue, running MacOS 10.14 with Python 3 installed (via Anaconda). Perhaps you could provide a setting to let us provide our own Python binary location.



Perhaps you could provide a setting to let us provide our own Python binary location.

Looking through the source code I found this:

console.log(«yt-dlp already installed, skipping auto-install.»)

So I am pretty sure this means that if you put yt-dlp or ytdlp on the path it will use the one on the path instead.

Edit: ok I am not so sure anymore. Maybe this only affects the Updater, since for the actual query the preinstalled YouTube-dl is not checked:

let command = this.environment.paths.ytdl; //Set the command to be executed

I feel like there might be a bug there, or I am misunderstanding something.


I have this same issue, running MacOS 10.14 with Python 3 installed (via Anaconda).

today I found out that there is a different path for the macOS gui. You can remedy that by launching OpenVideoDownloader from the terminal. Or you can set your launchctl path in your .bash_profile like this:

launchctl setenv PATH $PATH


On my own machine I did not do that however, i just installed it through brew and that puts it in /usr/local/bin which seems to work as well

I just found out that python3 seems to be preinstalled on my machine (Big Sur). Possibly it is also installed on earlier versions of macOS, but there is one in /usr/bin that I am pretty sure I did not put there:

➜  ~ which -a python3

Also confirmed by others here:

There is one more alternative to fix this within open Video downloader like this:


So ver 2.4.0 does not fix the issue correct? I installed mutagen with pip and pip3, both with no effect :( Downloading without metadata obv. solves it but is not a permanent solution


Same error since updating to 2.4.0 — I’m on Osx 10.14.6



Update electron-builder to version ^23.0.0 is going to fix this problem


@olegshulyakov How is upgrading electron gonna fix the dependency on python3?

I think there is a separate error with the same error message in the other ticket(s), but this one was originally caused by missing python3 on older macOS versions.


@StefanLobbenmeier Sorry for misleading. I have opened PR to address this issue since it happens quite often.

Fix of this issue contains of several parts:

  1. Fix when python is not found on local machine — this is done by updating electron-builder, see electron-userland/electron-builder#6726
  2. Download binaries by correct urls.
  3. Create binary folder if it does not exist to avoid exception writing to not existing path.
  4. Set chmod 0755 to all binaries, not just first one.


Error! Unhandled error (execa). #243


Describe the bug After pasting a video link, and clicking download, the progress bar turns red immediately and displays: Error! Unhandled error (execa). Was working correctly on previous verison 2.3.1

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Paste video link
  2. Click on +

Expected behavior Video should be downloaded

Additional info (please complete the following information):

  • OS: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
  • Application version 2.4.0
  • Application type dmg in Applications folder

Additional context {
«shortMessage»: «Command failed with exit code 127: /Applications/Open Video -J —flat-playlist —no-cache-dir —ignore-config —user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 —no-check-certificate —yes-playlist undefined»,
«command»: «/Applications/Open Video -J —flat-playlist —no-cache-dir —ignore-config —user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 —no-check-certificate —yes-playlist undefined»,
«exitCode»: 127,
«stdout»: «»,
«stderr»: «env: python3: No such file or directory»,
«failed»: true,
«timedOut»: false,
«isCanceled»: false,
«killed»: false


Workaround, use version 2.3.1 instead

I think this is because of this commit: That now this application uses yt-dlp which has a dependency to phyton


Youtube-dl has a dependency on python as well. Is this on a M1 Mac?


Oh I assumed that this would use the compiled version of YouTube-dl, not sure

then the issue might be an old macOS version shipping an outdated Python version? I can check the installer Python version later, but it Is macOS 10.12 on a 2015 MacBook Pro


Thanks for investigating. Looks like the version used by the reporter only ships with Python 2.7.
As a fix he can install python3 with using this link:

Please let me know if this fixed it on El Capitan.


I also did some more investigation and I think python3 is never preinstalled with macOS. Could you also consider using the compiled binary for macOS instead?

There is one for this version:
It looks like the build failed for the more recent versions and the fix is still in progress:


(I am on my own machine now — macOS 11.4, python 3.9.8 is installed, but ideally this works without python as well)

I just tried replacing /Applications/Open Video with the macOS one from the tag, a video+audio download worked. Downloading audio only I get

ERROR: Postprocessing: module mutagen was not found. Please install using `python -m pip install mutagen` 

Looks like this is a known issue already though:


Good find. Looks like they disabled the Mac build. All we can do for now is wait until they re-enable it.
The mutagen error is a separate issue (#241), I believe it can be worked around by disabling ‘save-metadata’ in the settings.

I’m already starting to regret the decision to switch to yt-dlp.


Youtube-dl has a dependency on python as well. Is this on a M1 Mac?

It’s an Intel Mac


Thanks for investigating. Looks like the version used by the reporter only ships with Python 2.7. As a fix he can install python3 with using this link:

Please let me know if this fixed it on El Capitan.

Yes, in Terminal > Python — version, shows 2.7.10

I downloaded and installed the pkg from the link provided.

Terminal > Python — version, still shows shows 2.7.10 after restart.

The Error! Unhandled error (execa) in Open Video Downloader still occurs. I will revert back to v2.3.1 for now.


Mark-up commented on 1 year ago


I have this same issue, running MacOS 10.14 with Python 3 installed (via Anaconda). Perhaps you could provide a setting to let us provide our own Python binary location.


Good find. Looks like they disabled the Mac build. All we can do for now is wait until they re-enable it.

Looks like it is back up again


Perhaps you could provide a setting to let us provide our own Python binary location.

Looking through the source code I found this:

So I am pretty sure this means that if you put yt-dlp or ytdlp on the path it will use the one on the path instead.

Edit: ok I am not so sure anymore. Maybe this only affects the Updater, since for the actual query the preinstalled YouTube-dl is not checked:

I feel like there might be a bug there, or I am misunderstanding something.


I have this same issue, running MacOS 10.14 with Python 3 installed (via Anaconda).

today I found out that there is a different path for the macOS gui. You can remedy that by launching OpenVideoDownloader from the terminal. Or you can set your launchctl path in your .bash_profile like this:

launchctl setenv PATH $PATH


~On my own machine I did not do that however, i just installed it through brew and that puts it in /usr/local/bin which seems to work as well~

I just found out that python3 seems to be preinstalled on my machine (Big Sur). Possibly it is also installed on earlier versions of macOS, but there is one in /usr/bin that I am pretty sure I did not put there:

➜  ~ which -a python3

Also confirmed by others here:

There is one more alternative to fix this within open Video downloader like this:


So ver 2.4.0 does not fix the issue correct? I installed mutagen with pip and pip3, both with no effect :( Downloading without metadata obv. solves it but is not a permanent solution


Same error since updating to 2.4.0 — I’m on Osx 10.14.6


Himyjan commented on 8 months ago



Update electron-builder to version ^23.0.0 is going to fix this problem


@olegshulyakov How is upgrading electron gonna fix the dependency on python3?

I think there is a separate error with the same error message in the other ticket(s), but this one was originally caused by missing python3 on older macOS versions.


@StefanLobbenmeier Sorry for misleading. I have opened PR to address this issue since it happens quite often.

Fix of this issue contains of several parts:

  1. Fix when python is not found on local machine — this is done by updating electron-builder, see
  2. Download binaries by correct urls.
  3. Create binary folder if it does not exist to avoid exception writing to not existing path.
  4. Set chmod 0755 to all binaries, not just first one.

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Не сто́ит пояснять, какая ситуация сейчас разворачивается с YouTube в России, но уже пора прямо сейчас начинать готовиться к худшему, ибо никто не знает, что будет завтра. В этом материале вы узнаете, как разом скачать все видеоролики с любого канала на YouTube.

Существует множество ресурсов и ПО, позволяющего скачивать видео с YouTube, но всё оно разбросано по интернету, а времени на поиск и изучение функционала каждого сейчас попросту нет. Благо, есть бесплатное решение под названием Open Video Downloader, которое служит графической надстройкой для известного Open Source проекта youtube-dl.

Страница скачивания

Скачиваем и устанавливаем желаемую версию ПО, а также пакет вспомогательных библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.

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При первом запуска придётся немного подождать, так как программа проведёт сканирование на наличие нужных библиотек в системе и по окончании начнёт скачивание и установку отсутствующих. После установки кодеков нас встретит весьма дружественный интерфейс, который хоть и на английском, но не должен вызвать каких-либо затруднений. Для примера работы ПО возьмём мой канал на YouTube.



  1. Вставляем ссылку на канал или видео.
  2. Выбираем куда будем всё сохранять.
  3. Желаемое качество.
  4. Нажимаем плюсик и дожидаемся окончания сканирования.
  5. Жмём кнопку скачать. 



Вот и всё, за пару простых шагов и не заплатив ни копейки, мы разом выполнили резервное копирование всего видео на канале и тем самым сэкономили уйму времени. Конечно, возможности ПО чуть более обширны, чем описано в гайде, но этого хватит, чтобы спасти своё творчество. Автор уже выполнил перенос своего канала на отечественные ресурсы, чего и вам желает.

Ps. Выполнить бэкап всей остальной информации с аккаунта, вы всегда сможете по адресу: (Спасибо colibri2).


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Error Thrown:

ERROR: Postprocessing: ffmpeg not found. Please install or provide the path using --ffmpeg-location

Context: macOS Big Sur M1 Chip, using the open video downloader program GitHub release or Homebrew. This specifically was thrown at the end of downloading the video file and the audio file from a given URL. The two files remained separate as a result of the error, the video was playable normally, but audio was in a .webm format (unusable for most people).

Analysis: It is clear that a dependency is missing, or its path cannot be located. For macOS users like me, the first step after checking the app’s preferences for a path set or dependency download function is to check for the given dependency in the system. Once checking using Homebrew, it became clear that several dependencies were missing.

asked Jan 18, 2022 at 11:06

Nick the Community Scientist's user avatar

Solution: Use a package manager like Homebrew to install the following in order of appearance below:

  1. YouTube-dl
  2. ffmpeg

For people that are new to Homebrew, you need to run these commands or your Terminal app:

brew install ffmpeg
brew install youtube-dl

If you are told that these packages exist then please update them using the upgrade command

brew upgrade youtube-dl
brew upgrade ffmpeg

answered Jan 18, 2022 at 11:06

Nick the Community Scientist's user avatar

In addition, the app may be installed, but not in the user’s PATH env variable. Open a terminal shell as the user, and type
which ffmpeg . Make sure you get the expected answer.

Also note that Homebrew changed the location of ffmpeg. It used to be at /opt/homebrew/bin/ffmpeg
but they moved it to

answered Jun 1, 2022 at 13:33

majorgear's user avatar

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