Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store! Version
Okay I upgraded to Version and did all of that stuff, however after upgrading I got this message on my main store page
Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store!
I assume that this is because the version was just released today, however there are no themse etc. I installed one for version 3.0.1 but in the installation instructions it says to go the extensions tab, said extensions tab does not exist…
Is this theme issue because there isn’t any themes for in existence yet? or is there some larger problem
Need a response ASAP
Re: Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store! Version
by beerlim » Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:14 am
Same problem here.
I was able to fix it.
— admin — extension — extension — Theme
uninstall, install and make sure the Default Theme is enabled. (Mine was disabled)
— admin — system — settings and save again and voila it worked.
Re: Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store! Version
by Vega360 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:17 am
Post any upgrade script errors problems in the forums
After upgrade, clear any cookies in your browser to avoid getting token errors.
Load the admin page & press Ctrl+F5 twice to force the browser to update the css changes.
Goto Admin -> Users -> User Groups and Edit the Top Adminstrator group. Check All boxes.
Goto Admin and Edit the main System Settings. Update all fields and click save, even if nothing changed.
Load the store front & press Ctrl+F5 twice to force the browser to update the css changes.
After this is done, you’ll need to go in and reset the theme back to default, then proceed with the final step. Once the CSS changes force through it should be back.
Re: Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store! Version
by mariap » Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:43 am
I don’t have the extension tab after updating.
I’ve done all the previous steps, but it doesn’t show up.
I updated from v.
Any thoughts?
Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:26 am
Re: Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store! Version
by sdancer75 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:03 pm
mariap wrote: ↑
Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:43 am
I don’t have the extension tab after updating.
I’ve done all the previous steps, but it doesn’t show up.
I updated from v. thoughts?
To view the extension tab you should go to
System | Users | Users Group | Administrators and edit
Select All to both permissions list and save
Check also this post
Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:52 pm
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Здравствуйте помогите пожалйста не знаю куда идти и к кому обращаться(извините если тут нельзя создавать тему или что то не так оформил)
Проблема в том что послле обновления до пропали категории, восстановил их из бэкапа, ну при этом при входе на сайт выходит ошибка (Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store!), и в настройках сайта (/Магазины/Настройки/) нельзя выбрать (Тема) при нажатии на стрелочку раньше выходило Default ничего не появляеться… Подскажите как решить эту проблему? -
Прошу удалить данную тему разобрался, удалите пожалуйста данную тему!
Решил проблему так:
1. Перейдите в разделе Меню — Система — Пользователи — Группы пользователей и для Главный администратор отметьте все чекбоксы.., далее нажать Сохранить
2.Затем перейдите в раздел Меню — Модули — Темы и активируйте тему
3. Затем в разделе Меню — Система — Настройки в настройке магазина выбирете тему и нажмите сохранить. Готово!
Vlad и Mercury нравится это.
ну это же написано в инструкции по обновлению ))) Читать нужно было
А второй пункт написан в теме релиза… Но все равно, молодец что разобрались. -
ну как бы обновление делал по инструкции и это вылезло потом… да с этим сталкивался уже и не вовремя обновления… а в интернете ничего полезного не нашел поэтой ошибке.
Не могу понять, второй пункт в ocStore — где искать?
на форуме ocstore, но реально — путь указан
Нашел. Дополнения-Дополнения-Шаблоны
Received an error while trying to accomplish OpenCart theme customization? We can help you in fixing it.
Errors while customizing the OpenCart theme occurs due to improper caching or incorrect database settings.
At Bobcares, we often receive requests from our customers to perform theme customization in OpenCart as part of our Server Management Services.
Today, our article describes how our Support Engineers do OpenCart theme customization and fix its related errors.
How we accomplish OpenCart theme customization?
It is possible to customize the default theme directly from the Design section of the admin panel. Also, many store owners set up a theme for improving the design of their stores.
Luckily, the new Theme Editor in OpenCart gives direct access to template files. Here’s how we customize the theme.
1. Initially, we open the OpenCart admin and go to Design > Theme Editor.
2. Then, we select the store that we wish to customize from Choose the store.
3. And, we select the template file that we wish to customize. For example, we select the store to Default and choose the product template.
Here, the product template has .twig files, we select the product.twig file to edit the Product pages in OpenCart store.
4. At last, we make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
Common problems after theme customization
From our experience in managing servers, we’ve seen customers facing different kinds of problems while customizing the theme.
Now, let’s see how our Support Team solve a few common errors.
Bad database settings in Opencart
Recently, one of our customers contacted us with a problem while setting up a custom theme in OC Version 3.0.2. He was getting an error like
Get back an Error "Error: A theme has not been assigned to this store!".
By investigating, our Support Engineers found that theme status was disabled in the database. Therefore, we enabled it by inserting a code in the database configuration file.
setting (code, `key`, value, serialized) values ('setting', 'theme_THEMENAME_status', 1, 0);
This is how we fixed the problem
Improper caching
One of our clients made some changes in Twig template, common/header.twig, using Theme editor in OC 3. But, then it didn’t work. And, all template was reset to the default value.
On checking, our Support Engineers fount that the problem was related to improper caching. So, we took the following steps to solve the problem.
1. We login to OpenCart dashboard, use the blue icon on the top-right end side to clear all caches.
2. Then we go to extensions >> modifications >> hit the refresh button on the top-right end side.
Finally, we fixed this error.
[Need assistance to do theme customization? We’re going to help you]
In short, many customers experience errors while customizing the OpenCart theme due to improper caching and bad database settings. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers performed theme customization in OpenCart and fixed the related errors.
Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.
Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.
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