parameter scales_from
to all groups gear_sizes
capability provided by current plan max_untracked_addtl_storage_per_gear
capability provided by current plan max_tracked_addtl_storage_per_gear
capability provided by current plan X
can not be added without cartridge Y
. Valid keys name
(required), value
: specified multiple times X
not found in application X
or environment_variables
already exists in application libra_id_rsa
I am using a containerized Spring boot application in Kubernetes. But the application automatically exits and restarts with exit code 143 and error message «Error».
I am not sure how to identify the reason for this error.
My first idea was that Kubernetes stopped the container due to too high resource usage, as described here, but I can’t see the corresponding kubelet logs.
Is there any way to identify the cause/origin of the SIGTERM
? Maybe from spring-boot itself, or from the JVM?
asked May 16, 2022 at 17:42
Exit Code 143
It denotes that the process was terminated by an
external signal
. -
The number 143 is a sum of two numbers: 128+x,
# where x is the signal number sent to the process that caused it to terminate.
In the example, x equals 15, which is the number of the
signal, meaning the process was killed forcibly.
Hope this helps better.
answered Sep 23, 2022 at 14:09
8,1164 gold badges45 silver badges58 bronze badges
I’ve just run into this exact same problem. I was able to track down the origin of the Exit Code 143
by looking at the logs on the Kubernetes nodes (note, the logs on the node not the pod). (I use Lens as an easy way to get a node shell but there are other ways)
Then if you look in /var/log/messages
for terminated
you’ll see something like this:
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 kubelet[23125]: I0202 11:52:27.541751 23125 kubelet.go:2214] "SyncLoop (probe)" probe="liveness" status="unhealthy" pod="default/app-compute-deployment-56ccffd87f-8s78v"
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 kubelet[23125]: I0202 11:52:27.541920 23125 kubelet.go:2214] "SyncLoop (probe)" probe="readiness" status="" pod="default/app-compute-deployment-56ccffd87f-8s78v"
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 kubelet[23125]: I0202 11:52:27.543274 23125 kuberuntime_manager.go:707] "Message for Container of pod" containerName="app" containerStatusID={Type:containerd ID:c3426d6b07fe3bd60bcbe675bab73b6b4b3619ef4639e1c23bca82692633765e} pod="default/app-comp
ute-deployment-56ccffd87f-8s78v" containerMessage="Container app failed liveness probe, will be restarted"
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 kubelet[23125]: I0202 11:52:27.543374 23125 kuberuntime_container.go:723] "Killing container with a grace period" pod="default/app-compute-deployment-56ccffd87f-8s78v" podUID=89fdc1a2-3a3b-4d57-8a4d-ab115e52dc85 containerName="app" containerID="con
tainerd://c3426d6b07fe3bd60bcbe675bab73b6b4b3619ef4639e1c23bca82692633765e" gracePeriod=30
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 containerd[22741]: time="2023-02-02T11:52:27.543834687Z" level=info msg="StopContainer for "c3426d6b07fe3bd60bcbe675bab73b6b4b3619ef4639e1c23bca82692633765e" with timeout 30 (s)"
Feb 2 11:52:27 np-26992252-3 containerd[22741]: time="2023-02-02T11:52:27.544593294Z" level=info msg="Stop container "c3426d6b07fe3bd60bcbe675bab73b6b4b3619ef4639e1c23bca82692633765e" with signal terminated"
The bit to look out for is containerMessage="Container app failed liveness probe, will be restarted"
answered Feb 3 at 14:34
1,8422 gold badges21 silver badges35 bronze badges
EDITED — If I restart my machine and then do the telepresence, it works first time, but after I exit and run it second time, I get 143 error code and it continues.
I get exited with code 143 when trying to telepresence a docker container. It seems telepresence cannot start the httpd in foreground. I have other docker container with PHP CLI which could be telepresenced properly. Only in this case I need apache2 server and it does not work. Can you please help?
Successfully built f959b2c2c059
Successfully tagged xxxx-xxxx:latest
T: How Telepresence uses sudo:
T: Invoking sudo. Please enter your sudo password.
[sudo] password for xxxx:
T: Volumes are rooted at $TELEPRESENCE_ROOT. See
T: for details.
T: Starting network proxy to cluster by swapping out Deployment xxxx-web
T: with a proxy
T: Forwarding remote port 80 to local port 80.
T: Setup complete. Launching your container.
Starting webserver
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
T: **Your process exited with return code 143.**
T: Exit cleanup in progress
T: Swapping Deployment xxxx-web back to its original state
Here is the file
docker build . -t xxxx-xxxx
telepresence --mount=/tmp/known --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop --swap-deployment xxxx-web --docker-run --rm -it
-v /tmp/known/secret:/secret -v $(pwd):/code
Here is the telepresence.log file
0.0 TEL | Telepresence 0.104 launched at Tue Feb 25 14:37:26 2020
0.0 TEL | /usr/bin/telepresence --mount=/tmp/known --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop --swap-deployment xxxx-web --docker-run --rm -it -v /tmp/known/secret:/secret -v /home/xxxx/code/delete/xxxx:/code xxxx-xxxx
0.0 TEL | uname: uname_result(system='Linux', node='xxxx-Aspire-V3-572G', release='4.15.0-88-generic', version='#88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020', machine='x86_64', processor='x86_64')
0.0 TEL | Platform: linux
0.0 TEL | WSL: False
0.0 TEL | Python 3.6.9 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:44:02)
0.0 TEL | [GCC 8.3.0]
0.0 TEL | Found kubectl -> /usr/local/bin/kubectl
0.0 TEL | [1] Capturing: kubectl config current-context
0.1 TEL | [1] captured in 0.06 secs.
0.1 TEL | [2] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx version --short
0.4 TEL | [2] captured in 0.30 secs.
0.4 TEL | [3] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx config view -o json
0.4 TEL | [3] captured in 0.06 secs.
0.4 TEL | [4] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx get ns xxxx-14447706-develop
4.0 TEL | [4] captured in 3.53 secs.
4.0 TEL | [5] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx api-versions
4.3 TEL | [5] captured in 0.30 secs.
4.3 TEL | Command: kubectl 1.17.3
4.3 TEL | Context: do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx, namespace: xxxx-14447706-develop, version: 1.15.4
4.3 TEL | Warning: kubectl 1.17.3 may not work correctly with cluster version 1.15.4 due to the version discrepancy. See for more information.
4.3 TEL | END SPAN 4.2s
4.3 TEL | Found ssh -> /usr/bin/ssh
4.3 TEL | [6] Capturing: ssh -V
4.3 TEL | [6] captured in 0.01 secs.
4.3 TEL | Found docker -> /usr/bin/docker
4.3 TEL | [7] Capturing: docker run --rm -v /tmp/tel-yyhfl23v:/tel alpine:3.6 cat /tel/session_id.txt
9.8 7 | 0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83
9.8 TEL | [7] captured in 5.55 secs.
9.8 TEL | Found sudo -> /usr/bin/sudo
9.8 TEL | [8] Running: sudo -n echo -n
9.8 TEL | [8] ran in 0.01 secs.
9.8 TEL | Found sshfs -> /usr/bin/sshfs
9.8 TEL | Found fusermount -> /bin/fusermount
9.8 >>> | Volumes are rooted at $TELEPRESENCE_ROOT. See for details.
9.8 TEL | [9] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pods telepresence-connectivity-check --ignore-not-found
10.0 TEL | [9] ran in 0.17 secs.
10.6 TEL | Scout info: {'latest_version': '0.104', 'application': 'telepresence', 'notices': []}
10.6 >>> | Starting network proxy to cluster by swapping out Deployment xxxx-web with a proxy
10.6 TEL | [10] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get deployment -o json xxxx-web
10.7 TEL | [10] captured in 0.13 secs.
10.7 TEL | END SPAN 0.1s
10.7 TEL | [11] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop delete deployment xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83 --ignore-not-found
10.8 TEL | [11] ran in 0.14 secs.
10.8 TEL | [12] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop apply -f -
11.4 12 | deployment.extensions/xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83 created
11.4 TEL | [12] ran in 0.52 secs.
11.4 TEL | [13] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop scale deployment xxxx-web --replicas=0
11.6 13 | deployment.extensions/xxxx-web scaled
11.6 TEL | [13] ran in 0.23 secs.
11.6 TEL | END SPAN 1.0s
11.6 TEL | [14] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get deployment -o json --selector=telepresence=0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83
11.8 TEL | [14] captured in 0.22 secs.
11.8 TEL | END SPAN 0.2s
11.8 TEL | Searching for Telepresence pod:
11.8 TEL | with name xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-*
11.8 TEL | with labels {'app': 'xxxx-web', 'telepresence': '0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83'}
11.8 TEL | [15] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod -o json --selector=telepresence=0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83
12.0 TEL | [15] captured in 0.18 secs.
12.0 TEL | Checking xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s
12.0 TEL | Looks like we've found our pod!
12.0 TEL | [16] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
12.1 TEL | [16] captured in 0.16 secs.
12.4 TEL | [17] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
12.5 TEL | [17] captured in 0.13 secs.
12.8 TEL | [18] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
12.9 TEL | [18] captured in 0.15 secs.
13.2 TEL | [19] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
13.3 TEL | [19] captured in 0.13 secs.
13.6 TEL | [20] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
13.7 TEL | [20] captured in 0.15 secs.
14.0 TEL | [21] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
14.1 TEL | [21] captured in 0.14 secs.
14.4 TEL | [22] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
14.5 TEL | [22] captured in 0.14 secs.
14.8 TEL | [23] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
14.9 TEL | [23] captured in 0.16 secs.
15.2 TEL | [24] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
15.3 TEL | [24] captured in 0.13 secs.
15.5 TEL | [25] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
15.7 TEL | [25] captured in 0.13 secs.
15.9 TEL | [26] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
16.1 TEL | [26] captured in 0.16 secs.
16.3 TEL | [27] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
16.5 TEL | [27] captured in 0.15 secs.
16.8 TEL | [28] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
16.9 TEL | [28] captured in 0.15 secs.
17.2 TEL | [29] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
17.3 TEL | [29] captured in 0.13 secs.
17.5 TEL | [30] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
17.7 TEL | [30] captured in 0.13 secs.
17.9 TEL | [31] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop get pod xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s -o json
18.1 TEL | [31] captured in 0.14 secs.
18.1 TEL | END SPAN 6.1s
18.1 TEL | END SPAN 6.5s
18.1 TEL | [32] Launching kubectl logs: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop logs -f xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s --container xxxx-web --tail=10
18.1 TEL | [33] Launching kubectl port-forward: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop port-forward xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s 46439:8022
18.1 TEL | [34] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 46439 telepresence@ /bin/true
18.1 TEL | [34] exit 255 in 0.02 secs.
18.3 32 | Retrieving this pod's namespace from the process environment
18.3 32 | Pod's namespace is 'xxxx-14447706-develop'
18.3 32 | Listening...
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Loading ./
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] /etc/resolv.conf changed, reparsing
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Resolver added ('', 53) to server list
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] SOCKSv5Factory starting on 9050
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [socks.SOCKSv5Factory#info] Starting factory <socks.SOCKSv5Factory object at 0x7fe97cf16a90>
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] DNSDatagramProtocol starting on 9053
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Starting protocol <twisted.names.dns.DNSDatagramProtocol object at 0x7fe97cf16e48>
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Loaded.
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 19.10.0 (/usr/bin/python3.6 3.6.8) starting up.
18.3 32 | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
18.3 TEL | [35] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 46439 telepresence@ /bin/true
18.3 TEL | [35] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
18.4 33 | Forwarding from -> 8022
18.4 33 | Forwarding from [::1]:46439 -> 8022
18.6 TEL | [36] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 46439 telepresence@ /bin/true
18.6 33 | Handling connection for 46439
18.9 TEL | [36] ran in 0.27 secs.
18.9 >>> | Forwarding remote port 80 to local port 80.
18.9 >>> |
18.9 TEL | Launching Web server for proxy poll
18.9 TEL | [37] Launching SSH port forward (socks and proxy poll): ssh -N -oServerAliveInterval=1 -oServerAliveCountMax=10 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 46439 telepresence@ -L127.0.0.1:36037: -R9055:
18.9 TEL | END SPAN 0.8s
18.9 TEL | [38] Capturing: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop exec xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s --container xxxx-web -- python3
18.9 33 | Handling connection for 46439
19.5 TEL | [38] captured in 0.65 secs.
19.5 TEL | END SPAN 0.6s
19.5 TEL | [39] Running: sudo sshfs -p 46439 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o allow_other telepresence@ /tmp/known
19.5 33 | Handling connection for 46439
19.8 TEL | [39] ran in 0.28 secs.
19.8 TEL | END SPAN 0.3s
19.8 TEL | [40] Launching Network container: docker run --publish= --hostname=xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s --dns= --dns-search=xxxx-14447706-develop.svc.cluster.local --dns-search=svc.cluster.local --dns-search=cluster.local --dns-opt=ndots:5 --rm --privileged --name=telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268 datawire/telepresence-local:0.104 proxy '{"cidrs": ["0/0"], "expose_ports": [[80, 80]], "to_pod": [], "from_pod": []}'
19.8 TEL | [41] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
19.8 TEL | [41] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
20.1 TEL | [42] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
20.1 TEL | [42] exit 255 in 0.02 secs.
20.3 TEL | [43] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
20.3 TEL | [43] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
20.6 TEL | [44] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
20.6 TEL | [44] exit 255 in 0.02 secs.
20.9 TEL | [45] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
20.9 TEL | [45] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
21.1 TEL | [46] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
21.1 TEL | [46] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
21.4 TEL | [47] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
21.4 TEL | [47] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
21.7 TEL | [48] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
21.7 TEL | [48] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
21.9 TEL | [49] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
21.9 TEL | [49] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
22.2 TEL | [50] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ /bin/true
22.6 40 | [INFO tini (1)] Spawned child process 'python3' with pid '6'
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | Telepresence 0+unknown launched at Tue Feb 25 14:37:49 2020
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | /usr/bin/ proxy '{"cidrs": ["0/0"], "expose_ports": [[80, 80]], "to_pod": [], "from_pod": []}'
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | uname: uname_result(system='Linux', node='xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s', release='4.15.0-88-generic', version='#88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020', machine='x86_64', processor='')
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | Platform: linux
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | WSL: False
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | Python 3.6.8 (default, Apr 22 2019, 10:28:12)
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | [GCC 6.3.0]
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | [1] Running: /usr/sbin/sshd -e
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | [1] ran in 0.01 secs.
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | [2] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ /bin/true
22.8 40 | 0.0 TEL | [2] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
23.1 40 | 0.3 TEL | [3] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ /bin/true
23.1 40 | 0.3 TEL | [3] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
23.3 40 | 0.5 TEL | [4] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ /bin/true
23.4 40 | 0.5 TEL | [4] exit 255 in 0.01 secs.
23.4 TEL | [50] ran in 1.17 secs.
23.4 TEL | [51] Launching Local SSH port forward: ssh -N -oServerAliveInterval=1 -oServerAliveCountMax=10 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 39775 root@ -R 38023:
23.4 TEL | [52] Running: docker run --network=container:telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268 --rm datawire/telepresence-local:0.104 wait
23.6 40 | 0.8 TEL | [5] Running: ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ /bin/true
23.6 33 | Handling connection for 46439
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | [5] ran in 0.37 secs.
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | [6] Capturing: netstat -n
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | [6] captured in 0.00 secs.
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | [7] Launching SSH port forward (exposed ports): ssh -N -oServerAliveInterval=1 -oServerAliveCountMax=10 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ -R '*:80:'
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | Everything launched. Waiting to exit...
24.0 33 | Handling connection for 46439
24.0 40 | 1.2 TEL | BEGIN SPAN
24.2 40 | Starting sshuttle proxy.
24.4 40 | firewall manager: Starting firewall with Python version 3.6.8
24.4 40 | firewall manager: ready method name nat.
24.4 40 | IPv6 enabled: False
24.4 40 | UDP enabled: False
24.4 40 | DNS enabled: True
24.4 40 | TCP redirector listening on ('', 12300).
24.4 40 | DNS listening on ('', 12300).
24.4 40 | Starting client with Python version 3.6.8
24.4 40 | c : connecting to server...
24.4 33 | Handling connection for 46439
24.5 40 | Warning: Permanently added '[]:38023' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
24.8 40 | Starting server with Python version 3.6.8
24.8 40 | s: latency control setting = True
24.8 40 | s: available routes:
24.8 40 | c : Connected.
24.8 40 | firewall manager: setting up.
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -N sshuttle-12300
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -F sshuttle-12300
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT 1 -j sshuttle-12300
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -j sshuttle-12300
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j RETURN --dest -p tcp
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j RETURN --dest -p tcp
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j RETURN --dest -p tcp
24.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest -p tcp --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
25.1 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest -p udp --dport 53 --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
25.1 40 | >> iptables -t nat -A sshuttle-12300 -j REDIRECT --dest -p udp --dport 5355 --to-ports 12300 -m ttl ! --ttl 42
25.1 40 | conntrack v1.4.4 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been deleted.
26.1 52 | [INFO tini (1)] Spawned child process 'python3' with pid '7'
26.3 40 | c : DNS request from ('', 39094) to None: 80 bytes
26.4 40 | c : DNS request from ('', 37549) to None: 54 bytes
27.4 52 | [INFO tini (1)] Main child exited normally (with status '100')
29.1 TEL | [52] exit 100 in 5.70 secs.
29.1 TEL | [53] Capturing: docker run --help
29.1 TEL | [53] captured in 0.08 secs.
29.1 TEL | END SPAN 9.3s
29.1 >>> | Setup complete. Launching your container.
29.1 TEL | Everything launched. Waiting to exit...
33.8 TEL | Main process (docker run --name=telepresence-1582641475-4157932-12268 --network=container:telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268 -e=TELEPRESENCE_POD -e=TELEPRESENCE_CONTAINER -e=TELEPRESENCE_MOUNTS -e=TELEPRESENCE_CONTAINER_NAMESPACE -e=xxxx_WEB_SERVICE_HOST -e=xxxx_WEB_SERVICE_PORT -e=xxxx_WEB_PORT_80_TCP -e=xxxx_WEB_PORT_80_TCP_PROTO -e=xxxx_WEB_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR -e=KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO -e=KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST -e=KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT -e=KUBERNETES_PORT -e=KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP -e=KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT -e=KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR -e=xxxx_WEB_PORT_80_TCP_PORT -e=xxxx_WEB_SERVICE_PORT_HTTP -e=xxxx_WEB_PORT -e=KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS -e=TELEPRESENCE_ROOT -e=TELEPRESENCE_METHOD --volume=/tmp/known:/tmp/known --init --rm -it -v /tmp/known/secret:/secret -v /home/xxxx/code/delete/xxxx:/code xxxx-xxxx)
33.8 TEL | exited with code 143.
33.9 TEL | END SPAN 4.7s
33.9 >>> | Your process exited with return code 143.
33.9 TEL | EXITING successful session.
33.9 >>> | Exit cleanup in progress
33.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Terminate local container
33.9 TEL | Shutting down containers...
33.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill BG process [51] Local SSH port forward
33.9 TEL | [51] Local SSH port forward: exit 0
33.9 40 | Connection to closed by remote host.
33.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill BG process [40] Network container
33.9 TEL | [54] Running: docker stop --time=1 telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268
33.9 40 | 11.0 7 | Connection to closed by remote host.
33.9 40 | 11.1 TEL | [7] SSH port forward (exposed ports): exit 255
33.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -j sshuttle-12300
33.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j sshuttle-12300
33.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -F sshuttle-12300
33.9 40 | >> iptables -t nat -X sshuttle-12300
33.9 40 | firewall manager: Error trying to undo /etc/hosts changes.
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> Traceback (most recent call last):
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sshuttle/", line 274, in main
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> restore_etc_hosts(port_v6 or port_v4)
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sshuttle/", line 50, in restore_etc_hosts
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> rewrite_etc_hosts({}, port)
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sshuttle/", line 29, in rewrite_etc_hosts
33.9 40 | firewall manager: --->, BAKFILE)
33.9 40 | firewall manager: ---> OSError: [Errno 18] Cross-device link: '/etc/hosts' -> '/etc/hosts.sbak'
33.9 40 | 11.1 TEL | END SPAN 9.9s
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> |
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> | Background process (SSH port forward (exposed ports)) exited with return code 255. Command was:
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> | ssh -N -oServerAliveInterval=1 -oServerAliveCountMax=10 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ -R '*:80:'
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> |
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> | Recent output was:
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> | Connection to closed by remote host.
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> |
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> |
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> | Proxy to Kubernetes exited. This is typically due to a lost connection.
33.9 40 | 11.1 >>> |
33.9 40 | 11.1 TEL | EXITING with status code 255
33.9 40 |
33.9 40 | T: Background process (SSH port forward (exposed ports)) exited with return code 255. Command was:
33.9 40 | T: ssh -N -oServerAliveInterval=1 -oServerAliveCountMax=10 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -p 38023 telepresence@ -R '*:80:'
33.9 40 |
33.9 40 | T: Recent output was:
33.9 40 | T: Connection to closed by remote host.
33.9 40 |
33.9 40 |
33.9 40 | T: Proxy to Kubernetes exited. This is typically due to a lost connection.
33.9 40 |
33.9 40 | c : fatal: server died with error code 255
33.9 40 | 11.1 TEL | Main process (sshuttle-telepresence -v --dns --method nat -e 'ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -r telepresence@ -x -x 0/0)
33.9 40 | 11.1 TEL | exited with code 99.
34.0 40 | [INFO tini (1)] Main child exited normally (with status '255')
35.5 54 | telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268
35.5 TEL | [54] ran in 1.66 secs.
35.5 TEL | (Cleanup) Unmount remote filesystem
35.5 TEL | [55] Running: sudo fusermount -z -u /tmp/known
35.5 TEL | [40] Network container: exit 255
35.6 TEL | [55] ran in 0.04 secs.
35.6 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill BG process [37] SSH port forward (socks and proxy poll)
35.6 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill Web server for proxy poll
35.6 TEL | [37] SSH port forward (socks and proxy poll): exit 0
35.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill BG process [33] kubectl port-forward
35.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill BG process [32] kubectl logs
35.9 TEL | [33] kubectl port-forward: exit -15
35.9 TEL | [32] kubectl logs: exit -15
35.9 TEL | Background process (kubectl logs) exited with return code -15. Command was:
35.9 TEL | kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop logs -f xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83-749cbcbfd4-7pm7s --container xxxx-web --tail=10
35.9 TEL |
35.9 TEL | Recent output was:
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Loading ./
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] /etc/resolv.conf changed, reparsing
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Resolver added ('', 53) to server list
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] SOCKSv5Factory starting on 9050
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [socks.SOCKSv5Factory#info] Starting factory <socks.SOCKSv5Factory object at 0x7fe97cf16a90>
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] DNSDatagramProtocol starting on 9053
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Starting protocol <twisted.names.dns.DNSDatagramProtocol object at 0x7fe97cf16e48>
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [-] Loaded.
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 19.10.0 (/usr/bin/python3.6 3.6.8) starting up.
35.9 TEL | 2020-02-25T14:37:44+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
35.9 TEL | (Cleanup) Re-scale original deployment
35.9 TEL | [56] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop scale deployment xxxx-web --replicas=1
36.1 56 | deployment.extensions/xxxx-web scaled
36.1 TEL | [56] ran in 0.19 secs.
36.1 TEL | (Cleanup) Delete new deployment
36.1 >>> | Swapping Deployment xxxx-web back to its original state
36.1 TEL | [57] Running: kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop delete deployment xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83
36.3 57 | deployment.extensions "xxxx-web-0d047cf55f334f55b45a93a50ec8ed83" deleted
36.4 TEL | [57] ran in 0.29 secs.
36.4 TEL | (Cleanup) Kill sudo privileges holder
36.4 TEL | (Cleanup) Stop time tracking
36.4 TEL | END SPAN 36.4s
36.4 TEL | 36.4s
36.4 TEL | 4.2s
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 1 kubectl config current-context
36.4 TEL | 0.3s 2 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx version --short
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 3 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx config view -o json
36.4 TEL | 3.5s 4 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx get ns xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.3s 5 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx api-versions
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 6 ssh -V
36.4 TEL | 5.5s 7 docker run --rm -v /tmp/tel-yyhfl23v:/tel alpine:3.6 cat /tel/session_id.txt
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 8 sudo -n echo -n
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 9 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop g
36.4 TEL | 1.0s
36.4 TEL | 0.1s
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 10 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 11 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.5s 12 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 13 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 6.5s
36.4 TEL | 0.2s
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 14 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 15 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 6.1s
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 16 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 17 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 18 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 19 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 20 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 21 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 22 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 23 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 24 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 25 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 26 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 27 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 28 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 29 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 30 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 31 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.8s
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 34 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 35 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.3s 36 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.6s
36.4 TEL | 0.6s 38 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.3s
36.4 TEL | 0.3s 39 sudo sshfs -p 46439 -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsF
36.4 TEL | 9.3s
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 41 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 42 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 43 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 44 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 45 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 46 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 47 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 48 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 49 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 1.2s 50 ssh -F /dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q
36.4 TEL | 5.7s 52 docker run --network=container:telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268 --rm dat
36.4 TEL | 0.1s 53 docker run --help
36.4 TEL | 4.7s
36.4 TEL | 1.7s 54 docker stop --time=1 telepresence-1582641466-1587806-12268
36.4 TEL | 0.0s 55 sudo fusermount -z -u /tmp/known
36.4 TEL | 0.2s 56 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | 0.3s 57 kubectl --context do-lon1-xxxx-xxxx --namespace xxxx-14447706-develop
36.4 TEL | (Cleanup) Remove temporary directory
36.4 TEL | (Cleanup) Save caches
36.8 TEL | (sudo privileges holder thread exiting)
Here is the DockerFile
# Stage 1
# Run composer
FROM composer:1.6 as composer
COPY ./composer.json /app
COPY ./composer.lock /app
RUN composer install --no-interaction --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
# Stage 2
# Swagger
FROM swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest as swagger
# Stage 3
# PHP container
FROM alpine:3.8
MAINTAINER Xibo xxxx <>
# Install apache, PHP, and supplimentary programs.
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add tar
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
COPY ./docker/httpd-foreground /usr/local/bin/httpd-foreground
COPY ./docker/php.ini /etc/php7/conf.d/custom.ini
# Composer generated vendor files
COPY --from=composer /app/vendor /code/vendor
COPY ./docker/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/xxxx.conf
COPY . /code
# Make apache less insecure
RUN rm /etc/apache2/conf.d/info.conf &&
rm /etc/apache2/conf.d/userdir.conf
# Swagger
RUN mkdir /code/web/swagger
COPY --from=swagger /usr/share/nginx/html /code/web/swagger
RUN sed -i "s#" /code/web/swagger/index.html
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/httpd-foreground"]
Here is the http-foreground
echo "Starting webserver"
set -e
# Apache gets grumpy about PID files pre-existing
rm -rf /run/apache2/*
mkdir -p /run/apache2/
/usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
What are Container Exit Codes
Exit codes are used by container engines, when a container terminates, to report why it was terminated.
If you are a Kubernetes user, container failures are one of the most common causes of pod exceptions, and understanding container exit codes can help you get to the root cause of pod failures when troubleshooting.
The most common exit codes used by containers are:
Code # | Name | What it means |
Exit Code 0 | Purposely stopped | Used by developers to indicate that the container was automatically stopped |
Exit Code 1 | Application error | Container was stopped due to application error or incorrect reference in the image specification |
Exit Code 125 | Container failed to run error | The docker run command did not execute successfully |
Exit Code 126 | Command invoke error | A command specified in the image specification could not be invoked |
Exit Code 127 | File or directory not found | File or directory specified in the image specification was not found |
Exit Code 128 | Invalid argument used on exit | Exit was triggered with an invalid exit code (valid codes are integers between 0-255) |
Exit Code 134 | Abnormal termination (SIGABRT) | The container aborted itself using the abort() function. |
Exit Code 137 | Immediate termination (SIGKILL) | Container was immediately terminated by the operating system via SIGKILL signal |
Exit Code 139 | Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) | Container attempted to access memory that was not assigned to it and was terminated |
Exit Code 143 | Graceful termination (SIGTERM) | Container received warning that it was about to be terminated, then terminated |
Exit Code 255 | Exit Status Out Of Range | Container exited, returning an exit code outside the acceptable range, meaning the cause of the error is not known |
Below we’ll explain how to troubleshoot failed containers on a self-managed host and in Kubernetes, and provide more details on all of the exit codes listed above.
This is part of an extensive series of guides about Observability.
The Container Lifecycle
To better understand the causes of container failure, let’s discuss the lifecycle of a container first. Taking Docker as an example – at any given time, a Docker container can be in one of several states:
- Created – the Docker container is created but not started yet (this is the status after running docker create, but before actually running the container)
- Up – the Docker container is currently running. This means the operating system process managed by the container is running. This happens when you use the commands docker start or docker run can happen using docker start or docker run.
- Paused – the container process was running, but Docker purposely paused the container. Typically this happens when you run the Docker pause command
- Exited – the Docker container has been terminated, usually because the container’s process was killed
When a container reaches the Exited status, Docker will report an exit code in the logs, to inform you what happened to the container that caused it to shut down.
Understanding Container Exit Codes
Below we cover each of the exit codes in more detail.
Exit Code 0: Purposely Stopped
Exit Code 0 is triggered by developers when they purposely stop their container after a task completes. Technically, Exit Code 0 means that the foreground process is not attached to a specific container.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 0?
- Check the container logs to identify which library caused the container to exit
- Review the code of the existing library and identify why it triggered Exit Code 0, and whether it is functioning correctly
Exit Code 1: Application Error
Exit Code 1 indicates that the container was stopped due to one of the following:
- An application error – this could be a simple programming error in code run by the container, such as “divide by zero”, or advanced errors related to the runtime environment, such as Java, Python, etc
- An invalid reference – this means the image specification refers to a file that does not exist in the container image
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 1?
- Check the container log to see if one of the files listed in the image specification could not be found. If this is the issue, correct the image specification to point to the correct path and filename.
- If you cannot find an incorrect file reference, check the container logs for an application error, and debug the library that caused the error.
Exit Code 125: Container Failed to Run
Exit Code 125 means that the command is used to run the container. For example docker run
was invoked in the system shell but did not execute successfully. Here are common reasons this might happen:
- An undefined flag was used in the command, for example
docker run --abcd
- The user-defined in the image specification does not have sufficient permissions on the machine
- Incompatibility between the container engine and the host operating system or hardware
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 125?
- Check if the command used to run the container uses the proper syntax
- Check if the user running the container, or the context in which the command is executed in the image specification, has sufficient permissions to create containers on the host
- If your container engine provides other options for running a container, try them. For example, in Docker, try
docker start
instead ofdocker run
- Test if you are able to run other containers on the host using the same username or context. If not, reinstall the container engine, or resolve the underlying compatibility issue between the container engine and the host setup
Exit Code 126: Command Invoke Error
Exit Code 126 means that a command used in the container specification could not be invoked. This is often the cause of a missing dependency or an error in a continuous integration script used to run the container.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 126?
- Check the container logs to see which command could not be invoked
- Try running the container specification without the command to ensure you isolate the problem
- Troubleshoot the command to ensure you are using the correct syntax and all dependencies are available
- Correct the container specification and retry running the container
Exit Code 127: File or Directory Not Found
Exit Code 127 means a command specified in the container specification refers to a non-existent file or directory.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 127?
Same as Exit Code 126, identify the failing command and make sure you reference a valid filename and file path available within the container image.
Exit Code 128: Invalid Argument Used on Exit
Exit Code 128 means that code within the container triggered an exit command, but did not provide a valid exit code. The Linux exit
command only allows integers between 0-255, so if the process was exited with, for example, exit code 3.5
, the logs will report Exit Code 128.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 128?
- Check the container logs to identify which library caused the container to exit.
- Identify where the offending library uses the
command, and correct it to provide a valid exit code.
Exit Code 134: Abnormal Termination (SIGABRT)
Exit Code 134 means that the container abnormally terminated itself, closed the process and flushed open streams. This operation is irreversible, like SIGKILL (see Exit Code 137 below). A process can trigger SIGABRT by doing one of the following:
Calling the abort()
function in the libc
Calling the assert()
macro, used for debugging. The process is then aborted if the assertion is false.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 134?
- Check container logs to see which library triggered the SIGABRT signal
- Check if process abortion was planned (for example because the library was in debug mode), and if not, troubleshoot the library and modify it to avoid aborting the container.
Exit Code 137: Immediate Termination (SIGKILL)
Exit Code 137 means that the container has received a SIGKILL signal from the host operating system. This signal instructs a process to terminate immediately, with no grace period. This can be either:
- Triggered when a container is killed via the container engine, for example when using the
docker kill
command - Triggered by a Linux user sending a
kill -9
command to the process - Triggered by Kubernetes after attempting to terminate a container and waiting for a grace period of 30 seconds (by default)
- Triggered automatically by the host, usually due to running out of memory. In this case, the
docker inspect
command will indicate anOOMKilled
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 137?
- Check logs on the host to see what happened prior to the container terminating, and whether it previously received a SIGTERM signal (graceful termination) before receiving SIGKILL
- If there was a prior SIGTERM signal, check if your container process handles SIGTERM and is able to gracefully terminate
- If there was no SIGTERM and the container reported an
error, troubleshoot memory issues on the host
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGKILL signal >>
Exit Code 139: Segmentation Fault (SIGSEGV)
Exit Code 139 means that the container received a SIGSEGV signal from the operating system. This indicates a segmentation error – a memory violation, caused by a container trying to access a memory location to which it does not have access. There are three common causes of SIGSEGV errors:
- Coding error—container process did not initialize properly, or it tried to access memory through a pointer to previously freed memory
- Incompatibility between binaries and libraries—container process runs a binary file that is not compatible with a shared library, and thus may try to access inappropriate memory addresses
- Hardware incompatibility or misconfiguration—if you see multiple segmentation errors across multiple libraries, there may be a problem with memory subsystems on the host or a system configuration issue
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 139?
- Check if the container process handles SIGSEGV. On both Linux and Windows, you can handle a container’s response to segmentation violations. For example, the container can collect and report a stack trace
- If you need to further troubleshoot SIGSEGV, you may need to set the operating system to allow programs to run even after a segmentation fault occurs, to allow for investigation and debugging. Then, try to intentionally cause a segmentation violation and debug the library causing the issue
- If you cannot replicate the issue, check memory subsystems on the host and troubleshoot memory configuration
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGSEGV signal >>
Exit Code 143: Graceful Termination (SIGTERM)
Exit Code 143 means that the container received a SIGTERM signal from the operating system, which asks the container to gracefully terminate, and the container succeeded in gracefully terminating (otherwise you will see Exit Code 137). This exit code can be:
- Triggered by the container engine stopping the container, for example when using the
docker stop
down commands - Triggered by Kubernetes setting a pod to Terminating status, and giving containers a 30 second period to gracefully shut down
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 143?
Check host logs to see the context in which the operating system sent the SIGTERM signal. If you are using Kubernetes, check the kubelet logs to see if and when the pod was shut down.
In general, Exit Code 143 does not require troubleshooting. It means the container was properly shut down after being instructed to do so by the host.
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGTERM signal >>
Exit Code 1: Application Error
Exit Code 1 indicates that the container was stopped due to one of the following:
- An application error – this could be a simple programming error in code run by the container, such as “divide by zero”, or advanced errors related to the runtime environment, such as Java, Python, etc
- An invalid reference – this means the image specification refers to a file that does not exist in the container image
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 1?
- Check the container log to see if one of the files listed in the image specification could not be found. If this is the issue, correct the image specification to point to the correct path and filename.
- If you cannot find an incorrect file reference, check the container logs for an application error, and debug the library that caused the error.
Exit Code 125
Exit Code 125: Container Failed to Run
Exit Code 125 means that the command is used to run the container. For example docker run
was invoked in the system shell but did not execute successfully. Here are common reasons this might happen:
- An undefined flag was used in the command, for example
docker run --abcd
- The user-defined in the image specification does not have sufficient permissions on the machine
- Incompatibility between the container engine and the host operating system or hardware
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 125?
- Check if the command used to run the container uses the proper syntax
- Check if the user running the container, or the context in which the command is executed in the image specification, has sufficient permissions to create containers on the host
- If your container engine provides other options for running a container, try them. For example, in Docker, try
docker start
instead ofdocker run
- Test if you are able to run other containers on the host using the same username or context. If not, reinstall the container engine, or resolve the underlying compatibility issue between the container engine and the host setup
Exit Code 126: Command Invoke Error
Exit Code 126 means that a command used in the container specification could not be invoked. This is often the cause of a missing dependency or an error in a continuous integration script used to run the container.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 126?
- Check the container logs to see which command could not be invoked
- Try running the container specification without the command to ensure you isolate the problem
- Troubleshoot the command to ensure you are using the correct syntax and all dependencies are available
- Correct the container specification and retry running the container
Exit Code 127: File or Directory Not Found
Exit Code 127 means a command specified in the container specification refers to a non-existent file or directory.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 127?
Same as Exit Code 126 above, identify the failing command and make sure you reference a valid filename and file path available within the container image.
Exit Code 128: Invalid Argument Used on Exit
Exit Code 128 means that code within the container triggered an exit command, but did not provide a valid exit code. The Linux exit
command only allows integers between 0-255, so if the process was exited with, for example, exit code 3.5
, the logs will report Exit Code 128.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 128?
- Check the container logs to identify which library caused the container to exit.
- Identify where the offending library uses the
command, and correct it to provide a valid exit code.
Exit Code 134: Abnormal Termination (SIGABRT)
Exit Code 134 means that the container abnormally terminated itself, closed the process and flushed open streams. This operation is irreversible, like SIGKILL (see Exit Code 137 below). A process can trigger SIGABRT by doing one of the following:
Calling the abort()
function in the libc
Calling the assert()
macro, used for debugging. The process is then aborted if the assertion is false.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 134?
- Check container logs to see which library triggered the SIGABRT signal
- Check if process abortion was planned (for example because the library was in debug mode), and if not, troubleshoot the library and modify it to avoid aborting the container.
Exit Code 137: Immediate Termination (SIGKILL)
Exit Code 137 means that the container has received a SIGKILL signal from the host operating system. This signal instructs a process to terminate immediately, with no grace period. This can be either:
- Triggered when a container is killed via the container engine, for example when using the
docker kill
command - Triggered by a Linux user sending a
kill -9
command to the process - Triggered by Kubernetes after attempting to terminate a container and waiting for a grace period of 30 seconds (by default)
- Triggered automatically by the host, usually due to running out of memory. In this case, the
docker inspect
command will indicate anOOMKilled
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 137?
- Check logs on the host to see what happened prior to the container terminating, and whether it previously received a SIGTERM signal (graceful termination) before receiving SIGKILL
- If there was a prior SIGTERM signal, check if your container process handles SIGTERM and is able to gracefully terminate
- If there was no SIGTERM and the container reported an
error, troubleshoot memory issues on the host
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGKILL signal >>
Exit Code 139: Segmentation Fault (SIGSEGV)
Exit Code 139 means that the container received a SIGSEGV signal from the operating system. This indicates a segmentation error – a memory violation, caused by a container trying to access a memory location to which it does not have access. There are three common causes of SIGSEGV errors:
- Coding error—container process did not initialize properly, or it tried to access memory through a pointer to previously freed memory
- Incompatibility between binaries and libraries—container process runs a binary file that is not compatible with a shared library, and thus may try to access inappropriate memory addresses
- Hardware incompatibility or misconfiguration—if you see multiple segmentation errors across multiple libraries, there may be a problem with memory subsystems on the host or a system configuration issue
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 139?
- Check if the container process handles SIGSEGV. On both Linux and Windows, you can handle a container’s response to segmentation violations. For example, the container can collect and report a stack trace
- If you need to further troubleshoot SIGSEGV, you may need to set the operating system to allow programs to run even after a segmentation fault occurs, to allow for investigation and debugging. Then, try to intentionally cause a segmentation violation and debug the library causing the issue
- If you cannot replicate the issue, check memory subsystems on the host and troubleshoot memory configuration
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGSEGV signal >>
Exit Code 143: Graceful Termination (SIGTERM)
Exit Code 143 means that the container received a SIGTERM signal from the operating system, which asks the container to gracefully terminate, and the container succeeded in gracefully terminating (otherwise you will see Exit Code 137). This exit code can be:
- Triggered by the container engine stopping the container, for example when using the
docker stop
down commands - Triggered by Kubernetes setting a pod to Terminating status, and giving containers a 30 second period to gracefully shut down
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 143?
Check host logs to see the context in which the operating system sent the SIGTERM signal. If you are using Kubernetes, check the kubelet logs to see if and when the pod was shut down.
In general, Exit Code 143 does not require troubleshooting. It means the container was properly shut down after being instructed to do so by the host.
Learn more in our detailed guide to the SIGTERM signal >>
Exit Code 255: Exit Status Out Of Range
When you see exit code 255, it implies the main entrypoint of a container stopped with that status. It means that the container stopped, but it is not known for what reason.
What to do if a container terminated with Exit Code 255?
- If the container is running in a virtual machine, first try removing overlay networks configured on the virtual machine and recreating them.
- If this does not solve the problem, try deleting and recreating the virtual machine, then rerunning the container on it.
- Failing the above, bash into the container and examine logs or other clues about the entrypoint process and why it is failing.
Which Kubernetes Errors are Related to Container Exit Codes?
Whenever containers fail within a pod, or Kubernetes instructs a pod to terminate for any reason, containers will shut down with exit codes. Identifying the exit code can help you understand the underlying cause of a pod exception.
You can use the following command to view pod errors: kubectl describe pod [name]
The result will look something like this:
Containers: kubedns: Container ID: ... Image: ... Image ID: ... Ports: ... Host Ports: ... Args: ... State: Running Started: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 12:06:01 +0800 Last State: Terminated Reason: Error Exit Code: 255 Started: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 11:43:42 +0800 Finished: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 12:05:17 +0800 Ready: True Restart Count: 1
Use the Exit Code provided by kubectl
to troubleshoot the issue:
- If the Exit Code is 0 – the container exited normally, no troubleshooting is required
- If the Exit Code is between1-128 – the container terminated due to an internal error, such as a missing or invalid command in the image specification
- If the Exit Code is between 129-255 – the container was stopped as the result of an operating signal, such as SIGKILL or SIGINT
- If the Exit Code was
or another value outside the 0-255 range,kubectl
translates it to a value within the 0-255 range.
Refer to the relevant section above to see how to troubleshoot the container for each exit code.
Troubleshooting Kubernetes Pod Termination with Komodor
As a Kubernetes administrator or user, pods or containers terminating unexpectedly can be a pain and can result in severe production issues. The troubleshooting process in Kubernetes is complex and, without the right tools, can be stressful, ineffective, and time-consuming.
Some best practices can help minimize the chances of container failure affecting your applications, but eventually, something will go wrong—simply because it can.
This is the reason why we created Komodor, a tool that helps dev and ops teams stop wasting their precious time looking for needles in (hay)stacks every time things go wrong.
Acting as a single source of truth (SSOT) for all of your k8s troubleshooting needs, Komodor offers:
- Change intelligence: Every issue is a result of a change. Within seconds we can help you understand exactly who did what and when.
- In-depth visibility: A complete activity timeline, showing all code and config changes, deployments, alerts, code diffs, pod logs and etc. All within one pane of glass with easy drill-down options.
- Insights into service dependencies: An easy way to understand cross-service changes and visualize their ripple effects across your entire system.
- Seamless notifications: Direct integration with your existing communication channels (e.g., Slack) so you’ll have all the information you need, when you need it.
See Our Additional Guides on Key Observability Topics
Together with our content partners, we have authored in-depth guides on several other topics that can also be useful as you explore the world of observability.
5xx Server Errors
- How to Fix Kubernetes ‘502 Bad Gateway’ Error
- How to Fix Kubernetes ‘Service 503’ (Service Unavailable) Error
Git Errors
- Git Revert: Rolling Back in GitOps and Kubernetes
- How to Fix ‘failed to push some refs to’ Git Errors
Zero Trust
Authored by Tigera
- Zero Trust Architecture: The Basic Building Blocks
- Zero Trust Network: Why It’s Important and Implementing Zero Trust for K8s
- Zero Trust Security: 4 Principles & 5 Simple Implementation Steps
Inspired by my SO, I decided to write this, which hopes to tackle the notorious memory-related problem with Apache-Spark, when handling big data. The error’s most important messages are:
16/09/01 18:07:54 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 113.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 461, ExecutorLostFailure (executor 28 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Container marked as failed: container_e05_1472185459203_255575_01_000183 on host: Exit status: 143. Diagnostics: Container killed on request. Exit code is 143 Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 Killed by external signal 16/09/01 18:11:39 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 503.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 739, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at ... 16/09/01 18:11:39 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 512.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 748, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at ... 16/09/01 18:11:39 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 241.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 573, Filesystem closed at ... 16/09/01 18:11:41 ERROR YarnScheduler: Lost executor 1 on Container marked as failed: container_e05_1472185459203_255575_01_000004 on host: Exit status: 143. Diagnostics: Container killed on request. Exit code is 143 Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 Killed by external signal
In order to tackle memory issues with Spark, you first have to understand what happens under the hood. I won’t expand as in memoryOverhead issue in Spark, but I would like one to have this in mind: Cores, Memory and MemoryOverhead are three things that one can tune to hope for making his job succeed.
memoryOverhead is simply to let your container (the driver or executor(s)) to run until its memory footprint reaches the memoryOverhead limit. Once it exceeds it, it is doomed to be assassinated by YARN. Here two relevant flags:
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead 4096 spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead 8192
Memory is important too. You see, the cluster I am using currently has machines that can use up to 8 cores and 12G memory (that is heap memory). I am running Python with Spark (PySPark), so all the code of mine runs off the heap. For that reason, I have to allocate “not much” memory (since this will cut the memory I am allowed to use from the total memory; i.e. that if the total memory I am allowed to use is 20G and I am requesting 12G, then 8G will be left for my Python application to use. While if i request 4G, then 16G will be left for my Python application, since the memory you are requesting is heap memory). Set it with these flags:
spark.executor.memory 4G spark.driver.memory 4G
The number of Cores is also very important; The number of cores you configure (4 vs affects the number of concurrent tasks you can run. With 4 cores you can run 4 tasks in parallel, this affects the amount of execution memory being used. The spark executor memory is shared between these tasks. So with 12G heap memory running 8 tasks, each gets about 1.5GB with 12GB heap running 4 tasks each gets 3GB memory. This is obviously just a rough approximation. Set it with these flags:
spark.executor.cores 4 spark.driver.cores 4
This page was written while me being on that case:
About the ‘java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded’, I would suggest this tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide on Troubleshooting Spark Applications, which points to Tuning Java Garbage Collection for Apache Spark Applications. If the tasks are GC’ing still you should reconfigure the memory. For instance leave the number of cores the same say 4, but increase memory `spark.executor.memory=8G`.
Have questions? Comments? Did you find a bug? Let me know! 😀
Page created by G. (George) Samaras (DIT)