Openssl error messages error 1416f086 ssl

I am using PHP v7.2, on Windows 10 Computer and Composer version 1.9.0 composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog I am trying to install Laravel and start a project using composer but

I am using PHP v7.2, on Windows 10 Computer and Composer version 1.9.0

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

I am trying to install Laravel and start a project using composer but getting the following error

OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed

When I run composer diagnose getting below result

PS C:xampphtdocswebstore_services> composer diagnose
Checking platform settings: OK
Checking git settings: OK
Checking http connectivity to packagist: Warning: Accessing 192.168.1xx.2xx over http which is an insecure protocol.
Checking https connectivity to packagist: [ComposerDownloaderTransportException] The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Failed to enable crypto
failed to open stream: operation failed
Checking rate limit: FAIL
[ComposerDownloaderTransportException] The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Failed to enable crypto
failed to open stream: operation failed
Checking disk free space: OK
Checking pubkeys:
Tags Public Key Fingerprint: 57815BA2 7E54DC31 7ECC7CC5 573090D0  87719BA6 8F3BB723 4E5D42D0 84A14642
Dev Public Key Fingerprint: 4AC45767 E5EC2265 2F0C1167 CBBB8A2B  0C708369 153E328C AD90147D AFE50952
Checking composer version:
  The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:  
  error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed                                            
  Failed to enable crypto                                                                                                         
  failed to open stream: operation failed                                                                                         

I have tried almost every solution on the Internet

php -r "print_r(openssl_get_cert_locations());"


    [default_cert_file] => C:usrlocalssl/cert.pem
    [default_cert_file_env] => SSL_CERT_FILE
    [default_cert_dir] => C:usrlocalssl/certs
    [default_cert_dir_env] => SSL_CERT_DIR
    [default_private_dir] => C:usrlocalssl/private
    [default_default_cert_area] => C:usrlocalssl
    [ini_cafile] => C:xamppphpcacert.pem
    [ini_capath] => C:xamppphpcacert.pem

How will I change the location of default_cert_file in this, Only this is left?

Since I am on Corporate Proxy I have set the env-variable of the proxy.

https_proxy : http://user:pass@host:port
http_proxy : http://user:pass@host:port

After everything I do, it doesn’t help me though.


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OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


New to this forum and very new to openvpn. I have inherited a setup so am trying to get my head around it. We have a user which is having an issue connecting. Below is the log from the user.

Prior to this he was getting a different error about the certificate having expired.

I found that the client cert was still valid however the ca.crt and the gateway.crt on the server were both out of date. I used this command —

Code: Select all

openssl x509 -in ca.crt -days 36500 -out ca_new.crt -signkey ca.key

to sign a new ca.crt and a gateway.crt which I replaced, ie renamed the old crt and put the new ca.crt in place. I also sent the user the updated ca.crt.

After having done that however the user now gets the error below —

Code: Select all

Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 WARNING: --ns-cert-type is DEPRECATED.  Use --remote-cert-tls instead.
Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625045407,RESOLVE,,,,,,
Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]XXXXXXXXX:XXXX
Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]XXXXXXXXX:XXXX [nonblock]
Wed Jun 30 11:30:07 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625045407,TCP_CONNECT,,,,,,
Wed Jun 30 11:30:08 2021 TCP connection established with [AF_INET]XXXXXXXXX:XXXX
Wed Jun 30 11:30:08 2021 TCP_CLIENT link local: (not bound)
Wed Jun 30 11:30:08 2021 TCP_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET]XXXXXXXXX:XXXX
Wed Jun 30 11:30:08 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625045408,WAIT,,,,,,
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625045409,AUTH,,,,,,
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET]XXXXXXXXX:XXXX, sid=4b062365 dc720dc0
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=UK, ST=UK, L=London, O=XXXXXXXXX, CN=gateway, emailAddress=XXXXXXXXX
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=certificate signature failure: C=UK, ST=UK, L=London, O=XXXXXXX, CN=gateway, emailAddress=XXXXXXXXXXX
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 OpenSSL: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext read error
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 Fatal TLS error (check_tls_errors_co), restarting
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625045409,RECONNECTING,tls-error,,,,,
Wed Jun 30 11:30:09 2021 Restart pause, 5 second(s)

Any help much appreciated!



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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by jimmyp82 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:48 am


Thanks for the reply!

So you mean everything has to be recreated again, ie CA and gateway and client crts and the keys as well?



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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by 300000 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:58 am

If you create new CA key so you need create new client key too . nothing you can do or there is nothing about renew certificate . what do you expect now? do it again on 10 years time then do it again . every 10 years you need to do this .

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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by openvpn_inc » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:36 pm

300000 wrote: ↑

Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:58 am

If you create new CA key so you need create new client key too . nothing you can do or there is nothing about renew certificate . what do you expect now? do it again on 10 years time then do it again . every 10 years you need to do this .

10 years is just long enough to forget how to do it. :)

Strictly speaking, a new CA certificate means you need a new set of certificates, not keys. Existing keys (CA, server and clients) can generate new CSRs (certificate signing requests) to be signed by the CA and create the new certificates.

If the CA is creating the keys for the users, this distinction might not be important to you. But when my own 10-year CA cert expired I kept the same keys.

Regards, rob0

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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by TinCanTech » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:46 pm

openvpn_inc wrote: ↑

Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:36 pm

when my own 10-year CA cert expired I kept the same keys

That is fine for you but is probably not a good idea for most average users.

It is not documented by any openvpn articles that I’ve seen and even Easy-RSA does not have anything solid to follow ..


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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by jimmyp82 » Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:05 pm


I got a bit further, now testing with a new client i have setup on a laptop however getting this —

Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 WARNING: —ns-cert-type is DEPRECATED. Use —remote-cert-tls instead.
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227152,RESOLVE,,,,,,
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194 [nonblock]
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227152,TCP_CONNECT,,,,,,
Fri Jul 02 05:01:13 2021 TCP: connect to [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX1194 failed: Unknown error
Fri Jul 02 05:01:13 2021 SIGUSR1[connection failed(soft),init_instance] received, process restarting
Fri Jul 02 05:01:13 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227273,RECONNECTING,init_instance,,,,,
Fri Jul 02 05:01:13 2021 Restart pause, 5 second(s)
Fri Jul 02 05:01:18 2021 WARNING: —ns-cert-type is DEPRECATED. Use —remote-cert-tls instead.
Fri Jul 02 05:01:18 2021 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194
Fri Jul 02 05:01:18 2021 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Fri Jul 02 05:01:18 2021 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194 [nonblock]
Fri Jul 02 05:01:18 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227278,TCP_CONNECT,,,,,,

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Re: OpenSSL error:1416F086 tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed


by openvpn_inc » Sat Jul 03, 2021 1:19 pm

jimmyp82 wrote: ↑

Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:05 pm


I got a bit further, now testing with a new client i have setup on a laptop however getting this —

Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 WARNING: —ns-cert-type is DEPRECATED. Use —remote-cert-tls instead.

Fix this, that should be easy enough to do, see the manual and look for «—remote-cert-tls«.

jimmyp82 wrote: ↑

Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:05 pm

Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227152,RESOLVE,,,,,,
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:1194 [nonblock]
Fri Jul 02 04:59:12 2021 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625227152,TCP_CONNECT,,,,,,
Fri Jul 02 05:01:13 2021 TCP: connect to [AF_INET]XXX.XXX.XXX.XX1194 failed: Unknown error

Here you have a TCP connection failing for an unknown reason. It’s unfortunate that more information could not be logged, but openvpn simply could not determine the actual failure. If the connection is not established, the problem almost surely lies outside of openvpn.

Our IRC channel /topic says, «The problem is your firewall, really.» That’s the chief suspect here, and note that it could be a firewall anywhere along the way between (or on client and server. Look at other tools like tcpdump(1) to see more about what the problem might be. Your nc(1) or netcat(1) utility can help you test.

I should add, TCP is generally not recommended for openvpn. It should normally only be used when getting through silly firewalls that you don’t control. Packet loss of a TCP stream inside another TCP stream rapidly snowballs into more and more packets being repeated at both levels. UDP is ideal for things like this.

I hope this helps, good luck. Regards, rob0

Image OpenVPN Inc.
Answers provided by OpenVPN Inc. staff members here are provided on a voluntary best-effort basis, and no rights can be claimed on the basis of answers posted in this public forum. If you wish to get official support from OpenVPN Inc. please use the official support ticket system:

The certificate was created with EFF’s certbot.

openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem server-cert.pem
server-cert.pem: OK

No client certificate was created nor is used.

Remote check is also successful ([..] means redacted):

openssl s_client -starttls mysql -connect srv.addr.tld:3306 -tls1_2

depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = srv.addr.tld
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:CN = srv.addr.tld
   i:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
 1 s:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
   i:O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
Server certificate
subject=CN = srv.addr.tld

issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3

No client certificate CA names sent
Client Certificate Types: RSA sign, DSA sign, ECDSA sign
Requested Signature Algorithms: ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA512:Ed25519:Ed448:RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA384:RSA-PSS+SHA512:RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA384:RSA-PSS+SHA512:RSA+SHA256:RSA+S
Shared Requested Signature Algorithms: ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA512:Ed25519:Ed448:RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA384:RSA-PSS+SHA512:RSA-PSS+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA384:RSA-PSS+SHA512:RSA+SHA25
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 3926 bytes and written 356 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Server public key is 4096 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Session-ID: [..]
    Master-Key: [..]
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - [..]
    0010 - [..]
    0020 - [..]
    0030 - [..]
    0040 - [..]
    0050 - [..]
    0060 - [..]
    0070 - [..]
    0080 - [..]
    0090 - [..]
    00a0 - [..]

    Start Time: 1586808968
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)
    Extended master secret: yes

I am new on this board. I also posted the issue in the CraftCMS-board, but I think it is more related to this one. I hope it fits in here.

I found some similar posts here, but unfortunately, but none solved my problem. Be assured that I searched quite a lot (for hours) but could not solve it. I hope I have not overlooked a good answer.

This post is somewhat long — I am sorry — but I did want to include some debugging-information since I guess it might be helpful in finding a solution.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and (hopefully) respond.

Summary: I tried to send mails (from a php script) via smtp. The site uses an external mailserver (MX → → A to external IP). When trying to send the mail, I get an error: SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed. Trying to connect via SSH results in Verification error: self signed certificate which is true for the webserver, but not for the external mailserver. CheckTLS states: Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY ( != localhost.localdomain). I am in charge of the webserver (managed server) but not of the mailserver (externally provided).

The Setup

Website runs on — they also have a shorter version, let’s call it

Mail server is provided by another company and is found on (this is the MX for all (wwwdomain, wwwshort, other domains) the domains. In the DNS for there is an A record pointing to the IP). There is also an A record mail.* pointing to

I try to send emails from a craftcms3 installation via smtp. Mailserver is

All domains have self-signed certificates. The server behind has a proper SSL certificate which also mentions all the possible domain names (e.g.,, etc).

My client uses this mailserver daily (I guess it is an Microsoft Exchange Server) and has no problems whatsoever.

The Problem

When trying to send mails, I get the following error in my log:

Error sending email: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation
failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL
routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify faile

I was able (some time ago) to perform the workaround suggested here but I don’t want to do that anymore since it is not really secure.


I set up a script using PHPMailer to get a more complete log. This was what I got:

2021-01-23 18:30:30 Connection: opening to, timeout=300, options=array()
2021-01-23 18:30:30 Connection: opened
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "220 ESMTP - DSS"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 ESMTP - DSS
2021-01-23 18:30:30 CLIENT -> SERVER: EHLO
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: ""
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250-PIPELINING"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250-SIZE 105080012"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250-ETRN"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250-STARTTLS"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250-8BITMIME"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "250 DSN"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SERVER -> CLIENT: 250-mailgate.wwwshort.com250-PIPELINING250-SIZE 105080012250-ETRN250-STARTTLS250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES250-8BITMIME250 DSN
2021-01-23 18:30:30 CLIENT -> SERVER: STARTTLS
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SMTP INBOUND: "220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS"
2021-01-23 18:30:30 SERVER -> CLIENT: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
2021-01-23 18:30:30 Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [/usr/www/users/client/test-mail/PHPMailer/SMTP.php line 467]
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
2021-01-23 18:30:30 CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT
2021-01-23 18:30:30 
2021-01-23 18:30:30 
2021-01-23 18:30:30 
2021-01-23 18:30:30 
2021-01-23 18:30:30 
2021-01-23 18:30:30 Connection: closed
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.

Now I searched the web and did a lot of investigations. I will list the results here.

Checking CA certificates

I followed the advice from PHPMailer and checked the CA certs by

echo QUIT | openssl s_client -crlf -starttls smtp -CAfile /etc/ssl/cacert.pem -connect

This worked perfectly fine.

Now I tried the same with

echo QUIT | openssl s_client -crlf -starttls smtp -CAfile /etc/ssl/cacert.pem -connect

Here the problem started again:

depth=0 O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain
verify return:1
Certificate chain
 0 s:O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain
   i:O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain
Server certificate
bG9jYWxob3N0LmxvY2FsZG9tYWluMIICIjANBgkqhk0BAg8AMIIC (shortened)
subject=O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain

issuer=O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain

No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA
Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-256, 256 bits
SSL handshake has read 2481 bytes and written 483 bytes
Verification error: self signed certificate
New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Server public key is 4096 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Session-ID: 0225B94178B4DE0B4499DAFB0C0D3AD4BE5519CCFBA4458E1333FF56B56D700D
    Master-Key: 103159001B6597C40E8C35A31B5DC240AE52D081BEE153A0B904A71C618D235AE5DD21192A784FBD35084130A1A36688
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 71 f2 0b 8f 85 4b e2 9a-cb bc 21 1f 5a c6 a7 b4   q....K....!.Z...

    Start Time: 1611427542
    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
    Extended master secret: yes
250 DSN

The output was equal for and the IP-Adress of the Mailserver.

Two things caught my attention:

SSL handshake has read 2481 bytes and written 483 bytes
Verification error: self signed certificate

and the mentioning of localhost.local

0 s:O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain
  i:O = NA, CN = localhost.localdomain

SSL Report

I used the SSL Report from SSL Labs to test the domains.

  • was correctly recognized as «self-signed» and lists only the main domain and www.* It got an B rating.
  • also
  • was correctly recognized as not-self-signed and listed as «alternative names» all the other possible domains pointing to this server. It got an A+ rating.


I used CheckTLS to run some tests on It identified the MX server correctly as (with correct IP) and showed the following output.

Result from CheckTLS

[000.000]       Trying TLS on[] (10)
[000.099]       Server answered
[000.595]   <‑‑ 220 ESMTP - DSS
[000.595]       We are allowed to connect
[000.595]   ‑‑> EHLO
[000.691]   <‑‑
                250-SIZE 105080012
                250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
                250 DSN
[000.691]       We can use this server
[000.691]       TLS is an option on this server
[000.692]   ‑‑> STARTTLS
[000.788]   <‑‑ 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[000.788]       STARTTLS command works on this server
[001.010]       Connection converted to SSL
SSLVersion in use: TLSv1_2
Cipher in use: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Perfect Forward Secrecy: yes
Certificate #1 of 1 (sent by MX):
Cert VALIDATION ERROR(S): self signed certificate
So email is encrypted but the recipient domain is not verified
Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY ( != localhost.localdomain)
So email is encrypted but the host is not verified
Not Valid Before: Jan  9 20:31:46 2021 GMT
Not Valid After: Oct  6 20:31:46 2023 GMT
subject= /O=NA/CN=localhost.localdomain
issuer= /O=NA/CN=localhost.localdomain
[001.013]   ~~> EHLO
[001.111]   <~~
250-SIZE 105080012
250 DSN
[001.111]       TLS successfully started on this server
[001.111]   ~~> MAIL FROM:<>
[001.212]   <~~ 250 2.1.0 Ok
[001.212]       Sender is OK
[001.212]   ~~> QUIT
[001.311]   <~~ 221 2.0.0 Bye

Highlighted was this part:

Certificate #1 of 1 (sent by MX):
Cert VALIDATION ERROR(S): self signed certificate
So email is encrypted but the recipient domain is not verified
Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY ( != localhost.localdomain)
So email is encrypted but the host is not verified

I wondered whether the self-signed certificate of the webserver caused the problem (since it was a wildcard * initially) so I replaced all the certificates with self-signed ones that only include the main domain. However, the problem persists (although I am not sure whether I just have to wait longer).

My «not-understanding»

To my (not)understanding there are reports on two problems: 1) the certificate is self signed (which is true for the webserver,but not for the mailserver) and 2) the domain names don’t match up.

I am absolutely not an expert on all this. Can anyone tell me whether the problem is on my side (webserver, craft, etc.) or on «their side» (mailserver).

I realized, after posting the below comment under the author’s question, it may prove helpful to offer the code required to generate the server and client certs properly with the correct EKUs.

  • Removing the EKU requirement is a bad idea all around and undermines the security of the VPN — it is not advised under any circumstance. If the «people running our VPN server» is a 3rd party, find another vendor, as they clearly don’t understand what they’re doing. If the individuals are in your company, address it directly with them to properly configure the VPN server, as they also don’t understand what they’re doing. The EKU in question prevents MITM attacks. Please see extendedKeyUsage section in this answer for the EKU definitions

I cover V3 Profiles, KUs, and EKUs within the openssl.cnf in more depth within this answer

VPN Server:

[ v3_vpn_server ]
basicConstraints        = critical, CA:FALSE
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid:always, issuer:always
keyUsage                = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement 
extendedKeyUsage        = critical, serverAuth
subjectAltName          = @alt_vpn_server
  • keyUsage:
    • nonRepudiation: Prevents signing entity from falsely denying some action
    • digitalSignature: Used for entity and data origin authentication with integrity

      The following two KUs allows use of all ciphers:
      Choosing one or the other, and not both, limits the ciphers the server can utilize

    • keyEncipherment: Used to encrypt symmetric key, which is then transferred to target
    • keyAgreement: Enables use of key agreement to establish symmetric key with target
  • extendedKeuUsage:
    • serverAuth: Server authentication, distinguishing a server clients authenticate against
      Required KUs: digitalSignature, keyEncipherment or keyAgreement

VPN Client:

[ v3_vpn_client ]
basicConstraints        = critical, CA:FALSE
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid:always, issuer:always
keyUsage                = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage        = critical, clientAuth
subjectAltName          = @alt_vpn_client
  • extendedKeuUsage:
    • clientAuth: Client authentication, distinguishing a client as a client only
      Required KUs: digitalSignature and/or keyAgreement

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  • Opengl error nullfunctionerror attempt to call an undefined function glutinitdisplaymode

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