Openvpn proto option error tap mode is not supported



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Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


I just installed OpenVPN Client version 3.2.2 (1455) and am trying to import a .OVPN file created by my routers VPN setup instructions (NETGEAR R6400). When I attempt to import the file I get the following error, «Failed to import file Failed to parse profile: option_error, proto_option_error. TAP mode is not supported.» I read another post that sounded similar, the fix on that was that the version of OpenVPN was not the most current. I double checked that I have the most up to date from the website. Any ideas?



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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by TinCanTech » Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:44 pm

phikev wrote: ↑

Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:33 pm

«Failed to import file Failed to parse profile: option_error, proto_option_error. TAP mode is not supported



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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by phikev » Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:59 pm

I’m guessing based on TinCanTech’s eyeroll that I’m missing something obvious…mind letting me know what that is?

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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by Pippin » Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:10 pm

The error message says «TAP mode is not supported» …

Android, iPhone…?

If Windows, download:

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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by phikev » Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:57 pm

Yep, easy fix. I appreciate the time, thank you!


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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by kwende » Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:21 am

I’m sorry. I’m sure TinCanTech has been helpful to many people, but if you can take the time to respond with an eyeroll, you can take the time to respond with something a _bit_ more useful. The time it takes to make a snarky rolling-eye emoticon it can take to C’mon. With all due respect, I think one can do better.


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Re: Failed to Parse .OVPN File, TAP Mode Not Supported


by TinCanTech » Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:57 am

@ kwende — If people refuse to read the error which they are presented with then they cannot be helped

an eye-roll is exactly what they deserve.

And you should not be so quick to judge … lest you be judged also ..

Looks like you’re using OpenVPN Connect on Windows and I assume it’s version 3.In that version TAP is no longer supported. You should use TUN mode.

I believe OpenVPN Community Edition 2.5 ( Opens a new window) still supports TAP.

Better option is to just turn off TAP altogether if you can in the Netgear. The screenshot above does not seem to suggest a way to only configure TUN. Perhaps in Advanced settings you can do such a thing?

You can look at modifying the generated openvpn configuration file and see about removing the TAP portions. The ovpn file is usually just a text file you can edit in Notepad.

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Author Randon Brown


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Looks like you’re using OpenVPN Connect on Windows and I assume it’s version 3.In that version TAP is no longer supported. You should use TUN mode.

I believe OpenVPN Community Edition 2.5 ( Opens a new window) still supports TAP.

Better option is to just turn off TAP altogether if you can in the Netgear. The screenshot above does not seem to suggest a way to only configure TUN. Perhaps in Advanced settings you can do such a thing?

You can look at modifying the generated openvpn configuration file and see about removing the TAP portions. The ovpn file is usually just a text file you can edit in Notepad.

It looks like the TAP can not be disabled through the interface.  I will attempt to download version 2.5 to see if I can get this to work.  If that doesn’t work, what steps would need to be taken to remove the openvpn configuration files? 

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Author Randon Brown


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Here is the error I am receiving when using version 2.5:

2021-02-23 09:35:59 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless «allow-compression yes» is also set.
2021-02-23 09:35:59 us=883743 DEPRECATED OPTION: —cipher set to ‘AES-128-CBC’ but missing in —data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM). Future OpenVPN version will ignore —cipher for cipher negotiations. Add ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers or change —cipher ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers-fallback ‘AES-128-CBC’ to silence this warning.
Options error: —ca fails with ‘ca.crt’: No such file or directory (errno=2)
Options error: —cert fails with ‘client.crt’: No such file or directory (errno=2)
2021-02-23 09:35:59 us=884706 WARNING: cannot stat file ‘client.key’: No such file or directory (errno=2)
Options error: —key fails with ‘client.key’: No such file or directory (errno=2)
Options error: Please correct these errors.
Use —help for more information.

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Author Randon Brown


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The config files are in the directory of: 

C:Program filesOpenVPNconfig

Image: post content

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Author Randon Brown


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Which in turns gives this result:

Image: post content

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Author Randon Brown


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The client.opvn extension file:

dev tap
proto udp
dev-node NETGEAR-VPN
remote x.x.x.x (MY IP) 12974
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 5

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Try just changing «tap» to «tun» and update the port number in the «remote» line from 12974 to the TUN port shown in your Netgear config.

The other errors about missing files are curious because you are showing those files exist in the same folder. Or did you move the files into there after you showed the error log? The last screenshot tells you to check the client.log file — what does that contain?

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Have you  opened the appropriate ports in the client firewall?

Also, try entering the appropriate path to the certs in the config. Examples (notice the double slashes): 

ca «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\ca.crt»
cert «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MRdesktop.crt»
key «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MRdesktop.key»

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Author Randon Brown


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GerardBeekmans wrote:

Try just changing «tap» to «tun» and update the port number in the «remote» line from 12974 to the TUN port shown in your Netgear config.

The other errors about missing files are curious because you are showing those files exist in the same folder. Or did you move the files into there after you showed the error log? The last screenshot tells you to check the client.log file — what does that contain?

Okay I replaced tap with tun and changed the port to 12973 and I am getting a bit further but am running into a TLS handshake issue.  

2021-02-23 11:15:58 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless «allow-compression yes» is also set.
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=108749 DEPRECATED OPTION: —cipher set to ‘AES-128-CBC’ but missing in —data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM). Future OpenVPN version will ignore —cipher for cipher negotiations. Add ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers or change —cipher ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers-fallback ‘AES-128-CBC’ to silence this warning.
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 Current Parameter Settings:
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 config = ‘client.ovpn’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 mode = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 show_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 show_digests = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 show_engines = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 genkey = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 genkey_filename = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 key_pass_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 connect_retry_max = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 Connection profiles [0]:
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 proto = udp
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 local = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 local_port = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 remote = ‘MYIP’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 remote_port = ‘12973’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 remote_float = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 bind_local = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 connect_timeout = 120
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 socks_proxy_server = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 socks_proxy_port = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tun_mtu = 1500
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 link_mtu = 1500
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tun_mtu_extra = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tun_mtu_extra_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 fragment = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 mssfix = 1450
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tls_auth_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 key_direction = not set
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tls_crypt_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 tls_crypt_v2_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 Connection profiles END
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 remote_random = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 ipchange = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 dev = ‘tun’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 dev_type = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 dev_node = ‘NETGEAR-VPN’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 lladdr = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 topology = 1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=109744 ifconfig_local = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_remote_netmask = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_ipv6_local = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 shaper = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 mtu_test = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 mlock = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 keepalive_ping = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 keepalive_timeout = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 inactivity_timeout = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ping_send_timeout = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ping_rec_timeout = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 remap_sigusr1 = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 persist_tun = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 persist_key = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 passtos = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 username = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 groupname = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 chroot_dir = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 cd_dir = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 writepid = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 up_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 down_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 down_pre = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 up_restart = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 up_delay = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 daemon = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 inetd = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 log = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 machine_readable_output = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 nice = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 verbosity = 5
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 mute = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 gremlin = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 status_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 status_file_version = 1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 status_file_update_freq = 60
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 occ = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 rcvbuf = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 sndbuf = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 sockflags = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 fast_io = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 comp.alg = 2
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 comp.flags = 1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_default_gateway = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_default_metric = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_delay = 5
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_delay_window = 30
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_delay_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_nopull = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 Pull filters:
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741   ignore «route-method»
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_addr = ‘’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_port = ‘25340’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_user_pass = ‘stdin’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_log_history_cache = 250
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_write_peer_info_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_client_user = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_client_group = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 management_flags = 6
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 shared_secret_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 key_direction = not set
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ciphername = ‘AES-128-CBC’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ncp_enabled = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ncp_ciphers = ‘AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:AES-128-CBC’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 authname = ‘SHA1’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 prng_hash = ‘SHA1’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 keysize = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 engine = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 replay = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 replay_window = 64
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 replay_time = 15
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 packet_id_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 test_crypto = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 tls_server = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 tls_client = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ca_file = ‘ca.crt’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 ca_path = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 dh_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 cert_file = ‘client.crt’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 extra_certs_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 priv_key_file = ‘client.key’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=110741 pkcs12_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 cryptoapi_cert = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 cipher_list = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 cipher_list_tls13 = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_cert_profile = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_verify = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_export_cert = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 verify_x509_type = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 verify_x509_name = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 crl_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 ns_cert_type = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 remote_cert_eku = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 ssl_flags = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_timeout = 2
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 renegotiate_bytes = -1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 renegotiate_packets = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 renegotiate_seconds = 3600
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 handshake_window = 60
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 transition_window = 3600
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 single_session = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 push_peer_info = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_exit = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 tls_crypt_v2_metadata = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_id = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_network =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_netmask =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_network_ipv6 = ::
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_bridge_ip =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_bridge_netmask =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_bridge_pool_start =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 server_bridge_pool_end =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 ifconfig_pool_start =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=111738 ifconfig_pool_end =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 n_bcast_buf = 256
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 tcp_queue_limit = 64
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 real_hash_size = 256
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 virtual_hash_size = 256
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 client_connect_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 learn_address_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 client_disconnect_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 client_config_dir = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 tmp_dir = ‘C:UsersitAppDataLocalTemp’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_local =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 enable_c2c = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 cf_max = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 cf_per = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 max_clients = 1024
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 max_routes_per_client = 256
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_user_pass_verify_script = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_token_generate = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_token_lifetime = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_token_secret_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 vlan_tagging = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 vlan_accept = all
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 vlan_pvid = 1
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 client = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 pull = ENABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 auth_user_pass_file = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 show_net_up = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 route_method = 3
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 block_outside_dns = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ip_win32_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 ip_win32_type = 3
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 dhcp_masq_offset = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 dhcp_lease_time = 31536000
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 tap_sleep = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 dhcp_options = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 dhcp_renew = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 dhcp_pre_release = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 domain = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 netbios_scope = ‘[UNDEF]’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 netbios_node_type = 0
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 disable_nbt = DISABLED
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 OpenVPN 2.5.0 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Oct 28 2020
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=112736 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1h 22 Sep 2020, LZO 2.10
Enter Management Password:
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=113734 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=113734 Need hold release from management interface, waiting…
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=585474 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=696210 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘state on’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=696210 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘log all on’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=875747 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘echo all on’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=877747 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘bytecount 5’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=879737 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘hold off’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=881731 MANAGEMENT: CMD ‘hold release’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=881731 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See Opens a new window for more info.
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 LZO compression initializing
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1622 D:1212 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1622 D:1450 EF:122 EB:406 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 Local Options String (VER=V4): ‘V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1558,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): ‘V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1558,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-server’
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]MYIP:12973
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 UDP link local: (not bound)
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]MYIP:12973
2021-02-23 11:15:58 us=884676 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1614100558,WAIT,,,,,,

Was this post helpful?

I see some warnings in that log but no showstoppers. Last line shows your openvpn client is in a waiting state. Does the Netgear show you anything useful like an incoming connection? 

1 found this helpful

Check this link that’s embedded in the log: Opens a new window . The How To can answer a lot of questions.

1 found this helpful

Author Randon Brown


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This person is a verified professional.

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It now works in V 3.3.  Changing the tap to tun and the port number resolved this issue.  

Was this post helpful?


  1. Настройка OpenVPN в macOS
  2. Настройка для Tunelblick
  3. Настройка для Viscosity
  4. Настройка для OpenVPN Connect 3
  5. OpenVPN Connect for Mac OS
  6. The Interface
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Can the new and old client co-exist?
  9. Can i connect to multiple servers at the same time?
  10. Is the old client still available?
  11. Where can I get this for other OS?
  12. Should I use this client or the client from my instance of Access Server?
  13. How do I install the Mac client?
  14. How do I install the client directly from my Access Server?
  15. How do I import a profile from a server?
  16. How do I import a profile from my computer?
  17. Why did I receive an error message that TAP mode is not supported when importing a profile?
  18. Why am I getting a certificate error? How can I fix using a self-signed certificate?
  19. Where do I find my Access Server Hostname and credentials?
  20. What do I enter for “Title”?
  21. What does “import autologin profile” mean?
  22. Why did I get this message: “In this version compression was disabled by default. If you need it, please re-enable this setting.”
  23. 12 Replies
  24. Connecting to Access Server with macOS
  25. Installing a client application
  26. OpenVPN Connect with your Access Server
  27. Steps: Access your client UI
  28. OpenVPN Connect v3
  29. OpenVPN Connect v2
  30. Alternative OpenVPN open source client: Tunnelblick
  31. Alternative OpenVPN client: Viscosity
  32. Other client GUI projects
  33. Helpful Resources
  34. Installation guide for OpenVPN Connect Client on macOS
  35. Introduction
  36. Requirements
  37. Downloading and installing the OpenVPN Connect Client for macOS

Настройка OpenVPN в macOS

Настройка для Tunelblick

Если ваша версия macOS старшее MacOS X Leopard, вы можете воспользоваться клиентом OpenVPN Tunnelblick.
Tunnelblick также работает и на современных версиях macOS. Для настройки работы Tunellblick выполните следующие действия:

1. Скачайте инсталятор Tunelblick Tunnelblick и установите его.

tunnel installtunel install2

2. Распакуйте конфигурационные файлы, выданные техподдержкой. Вы также можете их скачать в личном кабинете.

3. Откройте файл с конфигурационного файла ovpn в программе Tunnelblick.

tunel open2

4. Выберите в меню Tunelblick пункт Connect config. При запросе логина и пароля, ввести их, взяв из файла pass.txt,
который также был в архиве с конфигурационными файлами.

tunnel start2tunnel login

5. Для проверки работы сервиса, можете обратитесь к странице В отчете Вы можете увидеть текущий IP-адрес.
После окончания работы с VPN, кликните в меню Tunelblick выберите Disconnect config.

Настройка для Viscosity

Если у Вас Mac OS X Leopard или новее, наиболее удобной в использовании является клиент OpenVPN Viscosity.
В этом случае настройка VPN-сервиса сводится к следующим действиям:

1. Скачайте последнюю версию программы Viscosity и установите.

2. Распакуйте конфигурационные файлы, доступные в ваших заказах, в любой каталог.

mac 1

3. Откройте конфигурационный файл ovpn в программе Viscosity.

tunel open2 mac 2

4. Далее в верхнем меню рядом с часами кликаем на икноку Viscosity и в выпадающем меню программы выбираем Connect,

в диалоговом окне вводим имя пользователя и пароль (находятся в файле pass.txt в архиве в Ваших заказах).

5. Для проверки работы сервиса, можете обратитесь к странице В отчете Вы можете увидеть текущий IP-адрес.
После окончания работы с VPN, кликните в меню Viscosity выберите Disconnect.

Настройка для OpenVPN Connect 3

1. Скачайте дистрибутив OpenVPN Connect 3 с официального сайта и установите его.

2. Скачайте конфигурационные файлы из личного кабинете и распакуйте их

3. Чтобы добавить конфигурационный файл в OpenVPN Connect просто переместите файл на приложение.




6. Вы можете избежать появления данной ошибки в будущем, добавив в конфигурационый файл ovpn строчку

после этого, изменённый конфигурационный файл нужно снова передобавить в OpenVPN Connect.

7. Впн подключение активируется, вы сможете управлять им в OpenVPN Connect.


OpenVPN Connect for Mac OS

This is the official OpenVPN Connect client software for Mac OS developed and maintained by OpenVPN Inc. This is the recommended client program for the OpenVPN Access Server. The latest version of OpenVPN Connect client for Mac is available on our website.

If you have an OpenVPN Access Server, it is recommended to download the OpenVPN Connect client software directly from your own Access Server, as it will then come preconfigured for use. The version available here contains no configuration to make a connection, although it can be used to update an existing installation and retain settings.

sha256 signature: 221fe99f9eaa998a2f39f02ffdb16005eb5fae890dce1c1474bbd4b5fa691171

For mac OS versions titled Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey.

Previous generation OpenVPN Connect V2 is available here:

sha256 signature: 2b49e35d0c1b8ee83d1b7067e07f382beacb626e8f5bb7d75fe92debeda42dbc

The Interface

Our latest line of OpenVPN Connect software available for the major platforms features a new and improved user interface, making the experience of installing and using the OpenVPN software a snap. With an easy to use import feature you can import profiles straight from your OpenVPN Access Server or just import a saved profile from disk.

mac vpn gui 1

mac vpn gui 2

mac vpn gui 3

mac vpn gui 4

mac vpn gui 5

mac vpn gui 6

mac vpn gui 7

mac vpn gui 8

mac vpn gui 9

mac vpn gui 10

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the new and old client co-exist?

Yes, you may continue to use both v2 and v3 on the same connect device and import the profiles desired into each. If you like, you can run either one or both.

Can i connect to multiple servers at the same time?

No, the client cannot connect to multiple servers at once. It does support multiple connection profiles, giving you the option to switch easily from one server to the next, but you can only be connected to one at a time. This is by design, to prevent unexpected traffic paths when connecting to multiple VPN servers at the same time. If you are a system administrator and you require a complex setup where multiple connections are active at the same time, there is the option to use the open source community OpenVPN client software available from our website.

Is the old client still available?

The OpenVPN client v1 was called “OpenVPN Desktop Client” and is no longer available. It is also not safe to use this anymore as it hasn’t been maintained for many years. It was replaced with the OpenVPN client v2. The OpenVPN client v2 is called “OpenVPN Connect Client” and has been in use for many years. It is still available from our website and offered in the OpenVPN Access Server client web interface itself. The OpenVPN client v3 is called “OpenVPN Connect” and is the latest generation of our software. It is available on our website as a beta version, and will be included soon in Access Server releases.

Where can I get this for other OS?

Should I use this client or the client from my instance of Access Server?

This is the official OpenVPN Connect software for Windows workstation platforms developed and maintained by OpenVPN Inc. This is the recommended client program for the OpenVPN Access Server. The latest versions are available on our website. If you have an OpenVPN Access Server, you can download the OpenVPN Connect client software directly from your own Access Server, and it will then come pre-configured for use. The version available here contains no configuration to make a connection, although it can be used to update an existing installation and retain settings.

How do I install the Mac client?

How do I install the client directly from my Access Server?

Directions found here for installing the client directly from Access Server for your macOS computer. This install is preconfigured with your connection settings from your server.

How do I import a profile from a server?

How do I import a profile from my computer?

Why did I receive an error message that TAP mode is not supported when importing a profile?

Layer 2 bridging (TAP) is no longer supported. Switch over to TUN Mode to resolve this issue.

Why am I getting a certificate error? How can I fix using a self-signed certificate?

OpenVPN Access Server starts with a self-signed certificate. With this, you will receive warnings from your web browser about the site not being secure as well as a certificate error when importing a profile with the Connect Client. You can simply override the warnings or add an exception for your web browser. To resolve this, you can set up a DNS host name that resolves to the public address of your Access Server and install a valid SSL certificate that corresponds to that DNS host name. Going forward, you would use that hostname to access your server instead of the IP address. This is also the recommended method as validated SSL certificates can only ever function with a valid public DNS hostname.

Where do I find my Access Server Hostname and credentials?

Your Access Server Hostname is the address at which your Access Server can be reached. For example it could be If a DNS hostname is not set up, it is also possible to specify the IP address where your Access Server. For example: Your credentials are your username and password. You may need to get that information from your Access Server administrator if you don’t know it.

What do I enter for “Title”?

Title is the name for the profile. It is automatically defined as the username with the hostname or IP address(example: user1@hostname). It differentiates between multiple profiles. You can define it manually as well. The title can be anything you want is just so you can see which profile is which.

What does “import autologin profile” mean?

Choosing this option allows you to import an autologin profile with the address and credentials for your Access Server, then simply start the connection with the tap of a button. You would not need to re-enter credentials each time you connect. The autoprofile itself contains an embedded secure certificate that identifies and authorizes your connection automatically. It is an optional setting on the OpenVPN Access Server that the administrator of the server can choose to make available to you. If you find you cannot import the autologin profile, your administrator may not have allowed autologin through user permissions.

Why did I get this message: “In this version compression was disabled by default. If you need it, please re-enable this setting.”

During investigation of a vulnerability called VORACLE, it was found that using compression to make the data that goes through the VPN tunnel smaller, and thus faster, has an adverse effect on security. To learn more about this see our security notification on our website regarding the VORACLE attack vulnerability. In order to protect our customers, we are disabling compression by default. Some servers of the open source variety can be configured in such a way that the client must do compression, or else the client may not connect successfully. In such a case, you should get the server updated to disable compression. But we understand that this is not always possible, and you may need to be able to connect to such a server. In that event you can go into the settings and re-enable compression.


mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v medium

verified business pro 3a1cf27ffcc19a21104eca567e1efa8a5b82328a5b3eb672fef648b0b3515ca1

daily challenge 914d5611f763af9a14a3f7a855ef6c652ea086d05b395af20a59cbb5674f8a61

I am running a NETGEAR R7450 and the VPN profile works fine on my android device but doesn’t work on a Windows 10 device using the «Windows» configuration files. I get the error: «Failed to import Profile». Failed to parse profile: option_error: proto_option_error: TAP mode is not supported. How can this be fixed?vpnsettingsTAPerror

mini magick20220224 72

Try just changing «tap» to «tun» and update the port number in the «remote» line from 12974 to the TUN port shown in your Netgear config.

mini magick20220224 72

Looks like you’re using OpenVPN Connect on Windows and I assume it’s version 3.In that version TAP is no longer supported. You should use TUN mode.

I believe OpenVPN Community Edition 2.5 ( still supports TAP.

Better option is to just turn off TAP altogether if you can in the Netgear. The screenshot above does not seem to suggest a way to only configure TUN. Perhaps in Advanced settings you can do such a thing?

You can look at modifying the generated openvpn configuration file and see about removing the TAP portions. The ovpn file is usually just a text file you can edit in Notepad.

mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

Looks like you’re using OpenVPN Connect on Windows and I assume it’s version 3.In that version TAP is no longer supported. You should use TUN mode.

I believe OpenVPN Community Edition 2.5 ( still supports TAP.

Better option is to just turn off TAP altogether if you can in the Netgear. The screenshot above does not seem to suggest a way to only configure TUN. Perhaps in Advanced settings you can do such a thing?

You can look at modifying the generated openvpn configuration file and see about removing the TAP portions. The ovpn file is usually just a text file you can edit in Notepad.

It looks like the TAP can not be disabled through the interface. I will attempt to download version 2.5 to see if I can get this to work. If that doesn’t work, what steps would need to be taken to remove the openvpn configuration files?

mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

Here is the error I am receiving when using version 2.5:

mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

The config files are in the directory of: C:Program filesOpenVPNconfig vpnclientfiles

mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

Which in turns gives this result:


mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

The client.opvn extension file:

dev tap
proto udp
dev-node NETGEAR-VPN
remote x.x.x.x (MY IP) 12974
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 5

mini magick20220224 72

Try just changing «tap» to «tun» and update the port number in the «remote» line from 12974 to the TUN port shown in your Netgear config.

mini magick20140814 450 q81m5v big

Have you opened the appropriate ports in the client firewall?

Also, try entering the appropriate path to the certs in the config. Examples (notice the double slashes):

ca «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\ca.crt»
cert «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MRdesktop.crt»
key «C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\MRdesktop.key»

mini magick20201106 18622 a4i25v big

Try just changing «tap» to «tun» and update the port number in the «remote» line from 12974 to the TUN port shown in your Netgear config.

Okay I replaced tap with tun and changed the port to 12973 and I am getting a bit further but am running into a TLS handshake issue.


Connecting to Access Server with macOS

Each macOS device needs a client application to connect with your OpenVPN Access Server. We recommend using OpenVPN Connect, which is pre-configured to connect with your Access Server. This document provides information on using OpenVPN Connect as well as alternative solutions.

Installing a client application

The OpenVPN protocol is not built into macOS. Therefore, you must install a client app to handle communication with Access Server. A client app is required to capture the traffic you want to send through the OpenVPN tunnel, encrypt it, pass it on to the server, and decrypt the return traffic.

OpenVPN Connect with your Access Server

Connect app for iOS

Your installation of OpenVPN Access Server includes a copy of OpenVPN Connect, which is a separate package called openvpn-as-bundled-clients that is updated when new versions of OpenVPN Connect are released. OpenVPN Connect is our official client app and your users can download it directly from your client UI, pre-configured to connect with your server, or download it separately from our website and import a connection profile.

Steps: Access your client UI

OpenVPN Connect only supports one active VPN tunnel at a time. It was purposely designed to not support connections to two or more servers simultaneously. Connecting to two servers at the same time requires two different adjustments to the routing table on the client computer. Therefore, it is very easy to make a mistake and break connectivity or cause traffic to flow to the wrong destination. Limiting connections to one server ensures connectivity and traffic flow. OpenVPN Connect can store many profiles for different servers, but you can only actively connect to one at a time.

OpenVPN Connect also supports client-side scripting, importing connection profiles directly from Access Server, and connecting with a server-locked profile. A server-locked profile enables you to authenticate any valid user on your Access Server without installing unique connection profiles for each user.

OpenVPN Connect v3

We recommend and support OpenVPN Connect v3 as the official app for OpenVPN Access Server and OpenVPN Cloud. The client software offers client connectivity across four major platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. For Linux, we recommend the open source OpenVPN client.

We recommend downloading OpenVPN Connect v3 directly from your Access Server web client UI. You can also download the installation file for OpenVPN Connect v3 from the download page on our site or with the link below. The app installation from our site does not contain any connection settings, so you’ll need to take additional steps to configure the connection to your Access Server. If you are installing the below file on a computer that already has OpenVPN Connect v3 installed and configured, it simply updates it to the latest version and retains all settings.

OpenVPN Connect v2

This is the previous generation of OpenVPN Connect client software for OpenVPN Access Server. It is still supported but we recommend people to use OpenVPN Connect v3 instead.

Alternative OpenVPN open source client: Tunnelblick

The open source project also has a client for macOS called Tunnelblick. Tunnelblick supports the option to connect to multiple OpenVPN servers simultaneously, which can cause connection issues if not configured correctly. You must not implement conflicting routes and subnets. Unlike on Windows platform, however, you don’t need to add multiple virtual network adapters because they are provisioned automatically.

Alternative OpenVPN client: Viscosity

Viscosity is a third-party OpenVPN client that is created by SparkLabs. Viscosity is available for Windows and macOS and is compatible with OpenVPN Access Server.

Other client GUI projects

There are many VPN clients built for the OpenVPN protocol that will also work with OpenVPN Access Server. Refer to the community website for the current list.

Helpful Resources

For further information on VPN configuration details, refer to this documentation:


Installation guide for OpenVPN Connect Client on macOS


This guide is meant for users of the OpenVPN Access Server product that wish to connect their macOS computer using the official OpenVPN Connect Client software. In the steps outlined below we’ll take you through the process of obtaining the OpenVPN Connect Client from your Access Server’s web interface, and installing and using it on the macOS operating system. Aside from some minor differences due to different versions of software used this guide should be accurate and easy to follow. Each step can be clicked to show a screenshot for that particular step in the installation process. Each screenshot can be clicked to reveal an image gallery you can follow to go through all the steps.


You will need to have a valid set of credentials, like user name and password, and of course the address of your OpenVPN Access Server. If you are not the administrator of the Access Server you are going to connect to, then you should contact the administrator of this server to obtain this information. We here at OpenVPN Inc. cannot provide this information, since we do not manage servers run by our customers. If you are the administrator of your Access Server, you can create new user accounts using the admin web interface of the Access Server or the external authentication backend you have configured, and then use those credentials to obtain and install the OpenVPN Connect Client on macOS.

The OpenVPN Connect Client for macOS, latest version, currently supports these operating systems:

Downloading and installing the OpenVPN Connect Client for macOS

Navigate to the OpenVPN Access Server client web interface.

OpenVPN Access Server client web interface.

Login with your credentials.

Login with your credentials 1

Click on the Mac icon to begin download.

Wait until the download completes, and then open it (the exact procedure varies a bit per browser).

the download completes 1

Open the ‘OpenVPN Connect installer’ to start the installation.

open the OpenVPN Connect installer

click continue

Please read the licensing terms. Then click ‘Continue’.

licensing terms

Click ‘Agree’ to accept the licensing terms.

click agree

click install to proceed

Click ‘Install’ to proceed.

device password

Enter your device password, if you have one configured, and click ‘Install Software’.

Wait for the installation process to complete.

wait to complete

click close

Click ‘Close’ to end the installation process.

If your device asks, click ‘Move to Trash’ to clean up the installer file.

if your device asks click move to trash to clean up the installer file

Rightclick (ctrl+click) ‘OpenVPN Connect’ and eject it.

right click eject

In Applications, OpenVPN Connect is now ready for use.


// OpenVPN — An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <>. // ProtoContext, the fundamental OpenVPN protocol implementation. // It can be used by OpenVPN clients, servers, or unit tests. #ifndef OPENVPN_SSL_PROTO_H #define OPENVPN_SSL_PROTO_H #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> // for std::min #include <cstdint> // for std::uint32_t, etc. #include <memory> #include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/size.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/version.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/platform_name.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/rc.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/hexstr.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/options.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/mode.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/socktypes.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/number.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/likely.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/to_string.hpp> #include <openvpn/buffer/buffer.hpp> #include <openvpn/buffer/safestr.hpp> #include <openvpn/buffer/bufcomposed.hpp> #include <openvpn/ip/ip4.hpp> #include <openvpn/ip/ip6.hpp> #include <openvpn/ip/udp.hpp> #include <openvpn/ip/tcp.hpp> #include <openvpn/time/time.hpp> #include <openvpn/time/durhelper.hpp> #include <openvpn/frame/frame.hpp> #include <openvpn/random/randapi.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/cryptoalgs.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/cryptodc.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/cipher.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/ovpnhmac.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/tls_crypt.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/tls_crypt_v2.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/packet_id.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/static_key.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/bs64_data_limit.hpp> #include <openvpn/log/sessionstats.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/protostack.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/psid.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/tlsprf.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/datalimit.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/mssparms.hpp> #include <openvpn/transport/mssfix.hpp> #include <openvpn/transport/protocol.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/layer.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/tunmtu.hpp> #include <openvpn/compress/compress.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/proto_context_options.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/peerinfo.hpp> #include <openvpn/ssl/ssllog.hpp> #include <openvpn/crypto/crypto_aead.hpp> #if OPENVPN_DEBUG_PROTO >= 1 #define OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO(x) OPENVPN_LOG(x) #define OPENVPN_LOG_STRING_PROTO(x) OPENVPN_LOG_STRING(x) #else #define OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO(x) #define OPENVPN_LOG_STRING_PROTO(x) #endif #if OPENVPN_DEBUG_PROTO >= 2 #define OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(x) OPENVPN_LOG(x) #else #define OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(x) #endif /* ProtoContext — OpenVPN protocol implementation Protocol negotiation states: Client: 1. send client reset to server 2. wait for server reset from server AND ack from 1 (C_WAIT_RESET, C_WAIT_RESET_ACK) 3. start SSL handshake 4. send auth message to server 5. wait for server auth message AND ack from 4 (C_WAIT_AUTH, C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK) 6. go active (ACTIVE) Server: 1. wait for client reset (S_WAIT_RESET) 2. send server reset to client 3. wait for ACK from 2 (S_WAIT_RESET_ACK) 4. start SSL handshake 5. wait for auth message from client (S_WAIT_AUTH) 6. send auth message to client 7. wait for ACK from 6 (S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK) 8. go active (ACTIVE) */ namespace openvpn { // utility namespace for ProtoContext namespace proto_context_private { namespace { // clang-format off const unsigned char auth_prefix[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 }; // CONST GLOBAL const unsigned char keepalive_message[] = { // CONST GLOBAL 0x2a, 0x18, 0x7b, 0xf3, 0x64, 0x1e, 0xb4, 0xcb, 0x07, 0xed, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x98, 0x1f, 0xc7, 0x48 }; enum { KEEPALIVE_FIRST_BYTE = 0x2a // first byte of keepalive message }; inline bool is_keepalive(const Buffer &buf) { return buf.size() >= sizeof(keepalive_message) && buf[0] == KEEPALIVE_FIRST_BYTE && !std::memcmp(keepalive_message, buf.c_data(), sizeof(keepalive_message)); } const unsigned char explicit_exit_notify_message[] = { // CONST GLOBAL 0x28, 0x7f, 0x34, 0x6b, 0xd4, 0xef, 0x7a, 0x81, 0x2d, 0x56, 0xb8, 0xd3, 0xaf, 0xc5, 0x45, 0x9c, 6 // OCC_EXIT }; // clang-format on enum { EXPLICIT_EXIT_NOTIFY_FIRST_BYTE = 0x28 // first byte of exit message }; } // namespace } // namespace proto_context_private class ProtoContext { protected: static constexpr size_t APP_MSG_MAX = 65536; enum { // packet opcode (high 5 bits) and key-id (low 3 bits) are combined in one byte KEY_ID_MASK = 0x07, OPCODE_SHIFT = 3, // packet opcodes — the V1 is intended to allow protocol changes in the future // CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V1 = 1, // (obsolete) initial key from client, forget previous state // CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V1 = 2, // (obsolete) initial key from server, forget previous state CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1 = 3, // new key, graceful transition from old to new key CONTROL_V1 = 4, // control channel packet (usually TLS ciphertext) CONTROL_WKC_V1 = 11, // control channel packet with wrapped client key appended ACK_V1 = 5, // acknowledgement for packets received DATA_V1 = 6, // data channel packet with 1-byte header DATA_V2 = 9, // data channel packet with 4-byte header // indicates key_method >= 2 CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 = 7, // initial key from client, forget previous state CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3 = 10, // initial key from client, forget previous state CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 = 8, // initial key from server, forget previous state INVALID_OPCODE = 0, // DATA_V2 constants OP_SIZE_V2 = 4, // size of initial packet opcode OP_PEER_ID_UNDEF = 0x00FFFFFF, // indicates that Peer ID is undefined // states // C_x : client states // S_x : server states // ACK states — must be first before other states STATE_UNDEF = —1, C_WAIT_RESET_ACK = 0, C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK = 1, S_WAIT_RESET_ACK = 2, S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK = 3, LAST_ACK_STATE = 3, // all ACK states must be <= this value // key negotiation states (client) C_INITIAL = 4, C_WAIT_RESET = 5, // must be C_INITIAL+1 C_WAIT_AUTH = 6, // key negotiation states (server) S_INITIAL = 7, S_WAIT_RESET = 8, // must be S_INITIAL+1 S_WAIT_AUTH = 9, // key negotiation states (client and server) ACTIVE = 10, }; enum iv_proto_flag : unsigned int { // See ssl.h in openvpn2 for detailed documentation of IV_PROTO IV_PROTO_DATA_V2 = (1 << 1), IV_PROTO_REQUEST_PUSH = (1 << 2), IV_PROTO_TLS_KEY_EXPORT = (1 << 3), IV_PROTO_AUTH_PENDING_KW = (1 << 4), IV_PROTO_NCP_P2P = (1 << 5), // not implemented IV_PROTO_DNS_OPTION = (1 << 6), IV_PROTO_CC_EXIT_NOTIFY = (1 << 7), IV_PROTO_AUTH_FAIL_TEMP = (1 << 8), IV_PROTO_DYN_TLS_CRYPT = (1 << 9), }; enum tlv_types : uint16_t { EARLY_NEG_FLAGS = 0x0001 }; enum early_neg_flags : uint16_t { EARLY_NEG_FLAG_RESEND_WKC = 0x0001 }; static unsigned int opcode_extract(const unsigned int op) { return op >> OPCODE_SHIFT; } static unsigned int key_id_extract(const unsigned int op) { return op & KEY_ID_MASK; } static size_t op_head_size(const unsigned int op) { return opcode_extract(op) == DATA_V2 ? OP_SIZE_V2 : 1; } static unsigned int op_compose(const unsigned int opcode, const unsigned int key_id) { return (opcode << OPCODE_SHIFT) | key_id; } static unsigned int op32_compose(const unsigned int opcode, const unsigned int key_id, const int op_peer_id) { return (op_compose(opcode, key_id) << 24) | (op_peer_id & 0x00FFFFFF); } public: OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(proto_error); OPENVPN_EXCEPTION(process_server_push_error); OPENVPN_EXCEPTION_INHERIT(option_error, proto_option_error); // configuration data passed to ProtoContext constructor class Config : public RCCopyable<thread_unsafe_refcount> { public: typedef RCPtr<Config> Ptr; // master SSL context factory SSLFactoryAPI::Ptr ssl_factory; // data channel CryptoDCSettings dc; // TLSPRF factory TLSPRFFactory::Ptr tlsprf_factory; // master Frame object Frame::Ptr frame; // (non-smart) pointer to current time TimePtr now; // Random number generator. // Use-cases demand highest cryptographic strength // such as key generation. RandomAPI::Ptr rng; // Pseudo-random number generator. // Use-cases demand cryptographic strength // combined with high performance. Used for // IV and ProtoSessionID generation. RandomAPI::Ptr prng; // If relay mode is enabled, connect to a special OpenVPN // server that acts as a relay/proxy to a second server. bool relay_mode = false; // defer data channel initialization until after client options pull bool dc_deferred = false; // transmit username/password creds to server (client-only) bool xmit_creds = true; // send client exit notifications via control channel bool cc_exit_notify = false; // Transport protocol, i.e. UDPv4, etc. Protocol protocol; // set with set_protocol() // OSI layer Layer layer; // compressor CompressContext comp_ctx; // tls_auth/crypt parms enum TLSCrypt { None = 0, V1 = (1 << 0), V2 = (1 << 1), Dynamic = (1 << 2) }; OpenVPNStaticKey tls_key; // leave this undefined to disable tls_auth/crypt unsigned tls_crypt_ = TLSCrypt::None; // needed to distinguish between tls-crypt and tls-crypt-v2 server mode BufferAllocated wkc; // leave this undefined to disable tls-crypt-v2 on client OvpnHMACFactory::Ptr tls_auth_factory; OvpnHMACContext::Ptr tls_auth_context; int key_direction = —1; // 0, 1, or -1 for bidirectional TLSCryptFactory::Ptr tls_crypt_factory; TLSCryptContext::Ptr tls_crypt_context; TLSCryptMetadataFactory::Ptr tls_crypt_metadata_factory; // packet_id parms for both data and control channels int pid_mode = 0; // PacketIDReceive::UDP_MODE or PacketIDReceive::TCP_MODE // timeout parameters, relative to construction of KeyContext object Time::Duration handshake_window; // SSL/TLS negotiation must complete by this time Time::Duration become_primary; // KeyContext (that is ACTIVE) becomes primary at this time Time::Duration renegotiate; // start SSL/TLS renegotiation at this time Time::Duration expire; // KeyContext expires at this time Time::Duration tls_timeout; // Packet retransmit timeout on TLS control channel // keepalive parameters Time::Duration keepalive_ping; // ping xmit period Time::Duration keepalive_timeout; // timeout period after primary KeyContext reaches ACTIVE state Time::Duration keepalive_timeout_early; // timeout period before primary KeyContext reaches ACTIVE state // extra peer info key/value pairs generated by client app PeerInfo::Set::Ptr extra_peer_info; // op header bool enable_op32 = false; int remote_peer_id = —1; // -1 to disable int local_peer_id = —1; // -1 to disable // MTU unsigned int tun_mtu = TUN_MTU_DEFAULT; unsigned int tun_mtu_max = TUN_MTU_DEFAULT + 100; MSSParms mss_parms; unsigned int mss_fix = 0; // Debugging int debug_level = 1; // For compatibility with openvpn2 we send initial options on rekeying, // instead of possible modifications caused by NCP std::string initial_options; void load(const OptionList &opt, const ProtoContextOptions &pco, const int default_key_direction, const bool server) { // first set defaults handshake_window = Time::Duration::seconds(60); renegotiate = Time::Duration::seconds(3600); tls_timeout = Time::Duration::seconds(1); keepalive_ping = Time::Duration::seconds(8); keepalive_timeout = Time::Duration::seconds(40); keepalive_timeout_early = keepalive_timeout; comp_ctx = CompressContext(CompressContext::NONE, false); protocol = Protocol(); pid_mode = PacketIDReceive::UDP_MODE; key_direction = default_key_direction; // layer { const Option *dev = opt.get_ptr(«dev-type«); if (!dev) dev = opt.get_ptr(«dev«); if (!dev) throw proto_option_error(«missing dev-type or dev option«); const std::string &dev_type = dev->get(1, 64); if (string::starts_with(dev_type, «tun«)) layer = Layer(Layer::OSI_LAYER_3); else if (string::starts_with(dev_type, «tap«)) throw proto_option_error(«TAP mode is not supported«); else throw proto_option_error(«bad dev-type«); } // cipher/digest/tls-auth/tls-crypt { CryptoAlgs::Type cipher = CryptoAlgs::NONE; CryptoAlgs::Type digest = CryptoAlgs::NONE; // data channel cipher { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«cipher«); if (o) { const std::string &cipher_name = o->get(1, 128); if (cipher_name != «none«) cipher = CryptoAlgs::lookup(cipher_name); } else cipher = CryptoAlgs::lookup(«BF-CBC«); } // data channel HMAC { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«auth«); if (o) { const std::string &auth_name = o->get(1, 128); if (auth_name != «none«) digest = CryptoAlgs::lookup(auth_name); } else digest = CryptoAlgs::lookup(«SHA1«); } dc.set_cipher(cipher); dc.set_digest(digest); // tls-auth { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(relay_prefix(«tls-auth«)); if (o) { if (tls_crypt_context) throw proto_option_error(«tls-auth and tls-crypt are mutually exclusive«); tls_key.parse(o->get(1, 0)); const Option *tad = opt.get_ptr(relay_prefix(«tls-auth-digest«)); if (tad) digest = CryptoAlgs::lookup(tad->get(1, 128)); if (digest != CryptoAlgs::NONE) set_tls_auth_digest(digest); } } // tls-crypt { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(relay_prefix(«tls-crypt«)); if (o) { if (tls_auth_context) throw proto_option_error(«tls-auth and tls-crypt are mutually exclusive«); if (tls_crypt_context) throw proto_option_error(«tls-crypt and tls-crypt-v2 are mutually exclusive«); tls_crypt_ = TLSCrypt::V1; tls_key.parse(o->get(1, 0)); set_tls_crypt_algs(); } } // tls-crypt-v2 { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(relay_prefix(«tls-crypt-v2«)); if (o) { if (tls_auth_context) throw proto_option_error(«tls-auth and tls-crypt-v2 are mutually exclusive«); if (tls_crypt_context) throw proto_option_error(«tls-crypt and tls-crypt-v2 are mutually exclusive«); // initialize tls_crypt_context set_tls_crypt_algs(); std::string keyfile = o->get(1, 0); if (opt.exists(«client«)) { // in client mode expect the key to be a PEM encoded tls-crypt-v2 client key (key + WKc) TLSCryptV2ClientKey tls_crypt_v2_key(tls_crypt_context); tls_crypt_v2_key.parse(keyfile); tls_crypt_v2_key.extract_key(tls_key); tls_crypt_v2_key.extract_wkc(wkc); } else { // in server mode this is a PEM encoded tls-crypt-v2 server key TLSCryptV2ServerKey tls_crypt_v2_key; tls_crypt_v2_key.parse(keyfile); tls_crypt_v2_key.extract_key(tls_key); } tls_crypt_ = TLSCrypt::V2; } } } // key-direction { if (key_direction >= —1 && key_direction <= 1) { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(relay_prefix(«key-direction«)); if (o) { const std::string &dir = o->get(1, 16); if (dir == «0«) key_direction = 0; else if (dir == «1«) key_direction = 1; else if (dir == «bidirectional« || dir == «bi«) key_direction = —1; else throw proto_option_error(«bad key-direction parameter«); } } else throw proto_option_error(«bad key-direction default«); } // compression { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«compress«); if (o) { if (o->size() >= 2) { const std::string meth_name = o->get(1, 128); CompressContext::Type meth = CompressContext::parse_method(meth_name); if (meth == CompressContext::NONE) OPENVPN_THROW(proto_option_error, «Unknown compressor: ‘« << meth_name << ); comp_ctx = CompressContext(pco.is_comp() ? meth : CompressContext::stub(meth), pco.is_comp_asym()); } else comp_ctx = CompressContext(pco.is_comp() ? CompressContext::ANY : CompressContext::COMP_STUB, pco.is_comp_asym()); } else { o = opt.get_ptr(«comp-lzo«); if (o) { if (o->size() == 2 && o->ref(1) == «no«) { // On the client, by using ANY instead of ANY_LZO, we are telling the server // that it’s okay to use any of our supported compression methods. comp_ctx = CompressContext(pco.is_comp() ? CompressContext::ANY : CompressContext::LZO_STUB, pco.is_comp_asym()); } else { comp_ctx = CompressContext(pco.is_comp() ? CompressContext::LZO : CompressContext::LZO_STUB, pco.is_comp_asym()); } } } } // tun-mtu tun_mtu = parse_tun_mtu(opt, tun_mtu); tun_mtu_max = parse_tun_mtu_max(opt, tun_mtu_max); // mssfix mss_parms.parse(opt, true); if (mss_parms.mssfix_default) { if (tun_mtu == TUN_MTU_DEFAULT) { mss_parms.mssfix = MSSParms::MSSFIX_DEFAULT; mss_parms.mtu = true; } else { mss_parms.mssfix = tun_mtu; mss_parms.fixed = true; } } // load parameters that can be present in both config file or pushed options load_common(opt, pco, server ? LOAD_COMMON_SERVER : LOAD_COMMON_CLIENT); } // load options string pushed by server void process_push(const OptionList &opt, const ProtoContextOptions &pco) { // data channel { // cipher std::string new_cipher; try { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«cipher«); if (o) { new_cipher = o->get(1, 128); if (new_cipher != «none«) dc.set_cipher(CryptoAlgs::lookup(new_cipher)); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting server-pushed cipher ‘« << new_cipher << «‘: « << e.what()); } // digest std::string new_digest; try { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«auth«); if (o) { new_digest = o->get(1, 128); if (new_digest != «none«) dc.set_digest(CryptoAlgs::lookup(new_digest)); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting server-pushed digest ‘« << new_digest << «‘: « << e.what()); } // tls key-derivation method std::string key_method; try { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«key-derivation«); if (o) { key_method = o->get(1, 128); if (key_method == «tls-ekm«) dc.set_key_derivation(CryptoAlgs::KeyDerivation::TLS_EKM); else OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting key-derivation method ‘« << key_method << ««); } else dc.set_key_derivation(CryptoAlgs::KeyDerivation::OPENVPN_PRF); } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting key-derivation method ‘« << key_method << «‘: « << e.what()); } } // protocol-flags try { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«protocol-flags«); if (o) { o->min_args(2); for (std::size_t i = 1; i < o->size(); i++) { std::string flag = o->get(i, 128); if (flag == «cc-exit«) { cc_exit_notify = true; } else if (flag == «dyn-tls-crypt«) { set_tls_crypt_algs(); tls_crypt_ |= TLSCrypt::Dynamic; } else if (flag == «tls-ekm«) { // Overrides «key-derivation» method set above dc.set_key_derivation(CryptoAlgs::KeyDerivation::TLS_EKM); } else { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «unknown flag ‘« << flag << ««); } } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting protocol-flags: « << e.what()); } // compression std::string new_comp; try { const Option *o; o = opt.get_ptr(«compress«); if (o) { new_comp = o->get(1, 128); CompressContext::Type meth = CompressContext::parse_method(new_comp); if (meth != CompressContext::NONE) { // if compression is not availabe, CompressContext ctor throws an exception if (pco.is_comp()) comp_ctx = CompressContext(meth, pco.is_comp_asym()); else { // server pushes compression but client has compression disabled // degrade to asymmetric compression (downlink only) comp_ctx = CompressContext(meth, true); if (!comp_ctx.is_any_stub(meth)) { OPENVPN_LOG(«Server has pushed compressor « << comp_ctx.str() << «, but client has disabled compression, switching to asymmetric«); } } } } else { o = opt.get_ptr(«comp-lzo«); if (o) { if (o->size() == 2 && o->ref(1) == «no«) { comp_ctx = CompressContext(CompressContext::LZO_STUB, false); } else { comp_ctx = CompressContext(pco.is_comp() ? CompressContext::LZO : CompressContext::LZO_STUB, pco.is_comp_asym()); } } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting server-pushed compressor ‘« << new_comp << «‘: « << e.what()); } // peer ID try { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«peer-id«); if (o) { bool status = parse_number_validate<int>(o->get(1, 16), 16, —1, 0xFFFFFE, &remote_peer_id); if (!status) throw Exception(«parse/range issue«); enable_op32 = true; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting server-pushed peer-id: « << e.what()); } try { // load parameters that can be present in both config file or pushed options load_common(opt, pco, LOAD_COMMON_CLIENT_PUSHED); } catch (const std::exception &e) { OPENVPN_THROW(process_server_push_error, «Problem accepting server-pushed parameter: « << e.what()); } // show negotiated options OPENVPN_LOG_STRING_PROTO(show_options()); } std::string show_options() const { std::ostringstream os; os << «PROTOCOL OPTIONS:« << std::endl; os << « cipher: « << CryptoAlgs::name(dc.cipher()) << std::endl; os << « digest: « << CryptoAlgs::name(dc.digest()) << std::endl; os << « key-derivation: « << CryptoAlgs::name(dc.key_derivation()) << std::endl; os << « compress: « << comp_ctx.str() << std::endl; os << « peer ID: « << remote_peer_id << std::endl; if (tls_auth_enabled()) { os << « control channel: tls-auth enabled« << std::endl; } if (tls_crypt_v2_enabled()) { os << « control channel: tls-crypt v2 enabled« << std::endl; } else if (tls_crypt_enabled()) { os << « control channel: tls-crypt enabled« << std::endl; } else if (dynamic_tls_crypt_enabled()) { os << « control channel: dynamic tls-crypt enabled« << std::endl; } return os.str(); } void set_pid_mode(const bool tcp_linear) { if (protocol.is_udp() || !tcp_linear) pid_mode = PacketIDReceive::UDP_MODE; else if (protocol.is_tcp()) pid_mode = PacketIDReceive::TCP_MODE; else throw proto_option_error(«transport protocol undefined«); } void set_protocol(const Protocol &p) { // adjust options for new transport protocol protocol = p; set_pid_mode(false); } void set_tls_auth_digest(const CryptoAlgs::Type digest) { tls_auth_context = tls_auth_factory->new_obj(digest); } void set_tls_crypt_algs() { if (tls_crypt_context) return; auto digest = CryptoAlgs::lookup(«SHA256«); auto cipher = CryptoAlgs::lookup(«AES-256-CTR«); if ((digest == CryptoAlgs::NONE) || (cipher == CryptoAlgs::NONE)) throw proto_option_error(«missing support for tls-crypt algorithms«); /* TODO: we currently use the default SSL library context here as the * library context is not available this early. This should not matter * for the algorithms used by tls_crypt */ tls_crypt_context = tls_crypt_factory->new_obj(nullptr, digest, cipher); } void set_xmit_creds(const bool xmit_creds_arg) { xmit_creds = xmit_creds_arg; } bool tls_auth_enabled() const { return tls_key.defined() && tls_auth_context; } bool tls_crypt_enabled() const { return tls_key.defined() && (tls_crypt_ & TLSCrypt::V1); } bool tls_crypt_v2_enabled() const { return tls_key.defined() && (tls_crypt_ & TLSCrypt::V2); } bool dynamic_tls_crypt_enabled() const { return (tls_crypt_ & TLSCrypt::Dynamic); } // generate a string summarizing options that will be // transmitted to peer for options consistency check std::string options_string() { if (!initial_options.empty()) return initial_options; std::ostringstream out; const bool server = ssl_factory->mode().is_server(); const unsigned int l2extra = (layer() == Layer::OSI_LAYER_2 ? 32 : 0); out << «V4«; out << «,dev-type « << layer.dev_type(); out << «,link-mtu « << tun_mtu + link_mtu_adjust() + l2extra; out << «,tun-mtu « << tun_mtu + l2extra; out << «,proto « << protocol.occ_str(server); { const char *compstr = comp_ctx.options_string(); if (compstr) out << , << compstr; } if (tls_auth_context && (key_direction >= 0)) out << «,keydir « << key_direction; out << «,cipher « << CryptoAlgs::name(dc.cipher(), «[null-cipher]«); out << «,auth « << CryptoAlgs::name(dc.digest(), «[null-digest]«); out << «,keysize « << (CryptoAlgs::key_length(dc.cipher()) * 8); if (tls_auth_context) out << «,tls-auth«; // sending tls-crypt does not make sense. If we got to this point it // means that tls-crypt was already there and it worked fine. // tls-auth has to be kept for backward compatibility as it is there // since a bit. out << «,key-method 2«; if (server) out << «,tls-server«; else out << «,tls-client«; initial_options = out.str(); return initial_options; } // generate a string summarizing information about the client // including capabilities std::string peer_info_string() const { std::ostringstream out; const char *compstr = nullptr; // supports op32 and P_DATA_V2 and expects a push reply unsigned int iv_proto = IV_PROTO_DATA_V2 | IV_PROTO_REQUEST_PUSH | IV_PROTO_AUTH_PENDING_KW | IV_PROTO_DNS_OPTION | IV_PROTO_CC_EXIT_NOTIFY | IV_PROTO_AUTH_FAIL_TEMP; if (CryptoAlgs::lookup(«SHA256«) != CryptoAlgs::NONE && CryptoAlgs::lookup(«AES-256-CTR«) != CryptoAlgs::NONE) iv_proto |= IV_PROTO_DYN_TLS_CRYPT; if (SSLLib::SSLAPI::support_key_material_export()) { iv_proto |= IV_PROTO_TLS_KEY_EXPORT; } out << «IV_VER=« << OPENVPN_VERSION << n; out << «IV_PLAT=« << platform_name() << n; out << «IV_NCP=2n«; // negotiable crypto parameters V2 out << «IV_TCPNL=1n«; // supports TCP non-linear packet ID out << «IV_PROTO=« << std::to_string(iv_proto) << n; out << «IV_MTU=« << std::to_string(tun_mtu_max) << «n«; /* * OpenVPN3 allows to be pushed any cipher that it supports as it * only implements secure ones and BF-CBC for backwards * compatibility and generally adopts the concept of the server being * responsible for sensible choices. Include the cipher here since * OpenVPN 2.5 will otherwise ignore it and break on conrer cases * like —cipher AES-128-CBC on client and —data-ciphers «AES-128-CBC» * on server. * */ out << «IV_CIPHERS=«; CryptoAlgs::for_each( [&out](CryptoAlgs::Type type, const CryptoAlgs::Alg &alg) -> bool { if (!CryptoAlgs::defined(type) || !alg.dc_cipher()) return false; out << << :; return true; }); out.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::cur); out << «n«; compstr = comp_ctx.peer_info_string(); if (compstr) out << compstr; if (extra_peer_info) out << extra_peer_info->to_string(); if (is_bs64_cipher(dc.cipher())) out << «IV_BS64DL=1n«; // indicate support for data limits when using 64-bit block-size ciphers, version 1 (CVE-2016-6329) if (relay_mode) out << «IV_RELAY=1n«; const std::string ret = out.str(); OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO(«Peer Info:« << std::endl << ret); return ret; } // Used to generate link_mtu option sent to peer. // Not const because dc.context() caches the DC context. unsigned int link_mtu_adjust() { size_t dc_overhead; if (dc.cipher() == CryptoAlgs::BF_CBC) { /* since often configuration lack BF-CBC, we hardcode the overhead for BF-CBC to avoid * trying to load BF-CBC, which is not available anymore in modern crypto libraries */ dc_overhead = CryptoAlgs::size(dc.digest()) // HMAC + 64 / 8 // Cipher IV + 64 / 8; // worst-case PKCS#7 padding expansion (blocksize) } else { dc_overhead = dc.context().encap_overhead(); } const size_t adj = protocol.extra_transport_bytes() + // extra 2 bytes for TCP-streamed packet length (enable_op32 ? 4 : 1) + // leading op comp_ctx.extra_payload_bytes() + // compression header PacketID::size(PacketID::SHORT_FORM) + // sequence number dc_overhead; // data channel crypto layer overhead return (unsigned int)adj; } private: enum LoadCommonType { LOAD_COMMON_SERVER, LOAD_COMMON_CLIENT, LOAD_COMMON_CLIENT_PUSHED, }; // load parameters that can be present in both config file or pushed options void load_common(const OptionList &opt, const ProtoContextOptions &pco, const LoadCommonType type) { // duration parms load_duration_parm(renegotiate, «reneg-sec«, opt, 10, false, false); expire = renegotiate; load_duration_parm(expire, «tran-window«, opt, 10, false, false); expire += renegotiate; load_duration_parm(handshake_window, «hand-window«, opt, 10, false, false); if (is_bs64_cipher(dc.cipher())) // special data limits for 64-bit block-size ciphers (CVE-2016-6329) { become_primary = Time::Duration::seconds(5); tls_timeout = Time::Duration::milliseconds(1000); } else become_primary = Time::Duration::seconds(std::min(handshake_window.to_seconds(), renegotiate.to_seconds() / 2)); load_duration_parm(become_primary, «become-primary«, opt, 0, false, false); load_duration_parm(tls_timeout, «tls-timeout«, opt, 100, false, true); if (type == LOAD_COMMON_SERVER) renegotiate += handshake_window; // avoid renegotiation collision with client // keepalive, ping, ping-restart { const Option *o = opt.get_ptr(«keepalive«); if (o) { set_duration_parm(keepalive_ping, «keepalive ping«, o->get(1, 16), 1, false, false); set_duration_parm(keepalive_timeout, «keepalive timeout«, o->get(2, 16), 1, type == LOAD_COMMON_SERVER, false); if (o->size() >= 4) set_duration_parm(keepalive_timeout_early, «keepalive timeout early«, o->get(3, 16), 1, false, false); else keepalive_timeout_early = keepalive_timeout; } else { load_duration_parm(keepalive_ping, «ping«, opt, 1, false, false); load_duration_parm(keepalive_timeout, «ping-restart«, opt, 1, false, false); } } } std::string relay_prefix(const char *optname) const { std::string ret; if (relay_mode) ret = «relay-«; ret += optname; return ret; } }; // Used to describe an incoming network packet class PacketType { friend class ProtoContext; enum { DEFINED = 1 << 0, // packet is valid (otherwise invalid) CONTROL = 1 << 1, // packet for control channel (otherwise for data channel) SECONDARY = 1 << 2, // packet is associated with secondary KeyContext (otherwise primary) SOFT_RESET = 1 << 3, // packet is a CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1 msg indicating a request for SSL/TLS renegotiate }; public: bool is_defined() const { return flags & DEFINED; } bool is_control() const { return (flags & (CONTROL | DEFINED)) == (CONTROL | DEFINED); } bool is_data() const { return (flags & (CONTROL | DEFINED)) == DEFINED; } bool is_soft_reset() const { return (flags & (CONTROL | DEFINED | SECONDARY | SOFT_RESET)) == (CONTROL | DEFINED | SECONDARY | SOFT_RESET); } int peer_id() const { return peer_id_; } private: PacketType(const Buffer &buf, class ProtoContext &proto) : flags(0), opcode(INVALID_OPCODE), peer_id_(-1) { if (likely(buf.size())) { // get packet header byte const unsigned int op = buf[0]; // examine opcode { const unsigned int opc = opcode_extract(op); switch (opc) { case CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1: case CONTROL_V1: case ACK_V1: { flags |= CONTROL; opcode = opc; break; } case DATA_V2: { if (unlikely(buf.size() < 4)) return; const int opi = ntohl(*(const std::uint32_t *)buf.c_data()) & 0x00FFFFFF; if (opi != OP_PEER_ID_UNDEF) peer_id_ = opi; opcode = opc; break; } case DATA_V1: { opcode = opc; break; } case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2: case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3: { if (!proto.is_server()) return; flags |= CONTROL; opcode = opc; break; } case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2: case CONTROL_WKC_V1: { if (proto.is_server()) return; flags |= CONTROL; opcode = opc; break; } default: return; } } // examine key ID { const unsigned int kid = key_id_extract(op); if (proto.primary && kid == proto.primary->key_id()) flags |= DEFINED; else if (proto.secondary && kid == proto.secondary->key_id()) flags |= (DEFINED | SECONDARY); else if (opcode == CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1 && kid == proto.upcoming_key_id) flags |= (DEFINED | SECONDARY | SOFT_RESET); } } } unsigned int flags; unsigned int opcode; int peer_id_; }; static const char *opcode_name(const unsigned int opcode) { switch (opcode) { case CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1: return «CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1«; case CONTROL_V1: return «CONTROL_V1«; case ACK_V1: return «ACK_V1«; case DATA_V1: return «DATA_V1«; case DATA_V2: return «DATA_V2«; case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2: return «CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2«; case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3: return «CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3«; case CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2: return «CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2«; case CONTROL_WKC_V1: return «CONTROL_WKC_V1«; } return nullptr; } std::string dump_packet(const Buffer &buf) { std::ostringstream out; try { Buffer b(buf); const size_t orig_size = b.size(); const unsigned int op = b.pop_front(); const unsigned int opcode = opcode_extract(op); const char *op_name = opcode_name(opcode); if (op_name) out << op_name << / << key_id_extract(op); else return «BAD_PACKET«; if (opcode == DATA_V1 || opcode == DATA_V2) { if (opcode == DATA_V2) { const unsigned int p1 = b.pop_front(); const unsigned int p2 = b.pop_front(); const unsigned int p3 = b.pop_front(); const unsigned int peer_id = (p1 << 16) + (p2 << 8) + p3; if (peer_id != 0xFFFFFF) out << « PEER_ID=« << peer_id; } out << « SIZE=« << b.size() << / << orig_size; } else { { ProtoSessionID src_psid(b); out << « SRC_PSID=« << src_psid.str(); } if (tls_wrap_mode == TLS_CRYPT || tls_wrap_mode == TLS_CRYPT_V2) { PacketID pid;, PacketID::LONG_FORM); out << « PID=« << pid.str(); const unsigned char *hmac = b.read_alloc(hmac_size); out << « HMAC=« << render_hex(hmac, hmac_size); out << « TLS-CRYPT ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD=« << b.size() << « bytes«; } else { if (tls_wrap_mode == TLS_AUTH) { const unsigned char *hmac = b.read_alloc(hmac_size); out << « HMAC=« << render_hex(hmac, hmac_size); PacketID pid;, PacketID::LONG_FORM); out << « PID=« << pid.str(); } ReliableAck ack{};; const bool dest_psid_defined = !ack.empty(); out << « ACK=[«; while (!ack.empty()) { out << « « << ack.front(); ack.pop_front(); } out << « ]«; if (dest_psid_defined) { ProtoSessionID dest_psid(b); out << « DEST_PSID=« << dest_psid.str(); } if (opcode != ACK_V1) out << « MSG_ID=« << ReliableAck::read_id(b); out << « SIZE=« << b.size() << / << orig_size; } } #ifdef OPENVPN_DEBUG_PROTO_DUMP out << n << string::trim_crlf_copy(dump_hex(buf)); #endif } catch (const std::exception &e) { out << « EXCEPTION: « << e.what(); } return out.str(); } protected: // used for reading/writing authentication strings (username, password, etc.) static void write_uint16_length(const size_t size, Buffer &buf) { if (size > 0xFFFF) throw proto_error(«auth_string_overflow«); const std::uint16_t net_size = htons(size); buf.write((const unsigned char *)&net_size, sizeof(net_size)); } static size_t read_uint16_length(Buffer &buf) { if (buf.size()) { std::uint16_t net_size; char *)&net_size, sizeof(net_size)); return ntohs(net_size); } else return 0; } template <typename S> static void write_auth_string(const S &str, Buffer &buf) { const size_t len = str.length(); if (len) { write_uint16_length(len + 1, buf); buf.write((const unsigned char *)str.c_str(), len); buf.null_terminate(); } else write_uint16_length(0, buf); } template <typename S> static S read_auth_string(Buffer &buf) { const size_t len = read_uint16_length(buf); if (len) { const char *data = (const char *)buf.read_alloc(len); if (len > 1) return S(data, len — 1); } return S(); } template <typename S> static void write_control_string(const S &str, Buffer &buf) { const size_t len = str.length(); buf.write((const unsigned char *)str.c_str(), len); buf.null_terminate(); } template <typename S> static S read_control_string(const Buffer &buf) { size_t size = buf.size(); if (size) { if (buf[size — 1] == 0) —size; if (size) return S((const char *)buf.c_data(), size); } return S(); } template <typename S> void write_control_string(const S &str) { const size_t len = str.length(); BufferPtr bp = new BufferAllocated(len + 1, 0); write_control_string(str, *bp); control_send(std::move(bp)); } static unsigned char *skip_string(Buffer &buf) { const size_t len = read_uint16_length(buf); return buf.read_alloc(len); } static void write_empty_string(Buffer &buf) { write_uint16_length(0, buf); } // Packet structure for managing network packets, passed as a template // parameter to ProtoStackBase class Packet { friend class ProtoContext; public: Packet() { reset_non_buf(); } Packet(BufferPtr &&buf_arg, const unsigned int opcode_arg = CONTROL_V1) : opcode(opcode_arg), buf(std::move(buf_arg)) { } // clone packet, including buffer content Packet clone() const { Packet pkt; pkt.opcode = opcode; pkt.buf.reset(new BufferAllocated(*buf)); return pkt; } void reset() { reset_non_buf(); buf.reset(); } void frame_prepare(const Frame &frame, const unsigned int context) { if (!buf) buf.reset(new BufferAllocated()); frame.prepare(context, *buf); } /** * This returns if this packet type has a payload that should considered * to be TLS ciphertext/TLS packet */ bool contains_tls_ciphertext() const { return opcode == CONTROL_V1 || opcode == CONTROL_WKC_V1; } operator bool() const { return bool(buf); } const BufferPtr &buffer_ptr() { return buf; } const Buffer &buffer() const { return *buf; } private: void reset_non_buf() { opcode = INVALID_OPCODE; } unsigned int opcode; BufferPtr buf; }; // KeyContext encapsulates a single SSL/TLS session. // ProtoStackBase uses CRTP-based static polymorphism for method callbacks. class KeyContext : ProtoStackBase<Packet, KeyContext>, public RC<thread_unsafe_refcount> { typedef ProtoStackBase<Packet, KeyContext> Base; friend Base; typedef Base::ReliableSend ReliableSend; typedef Base::ReliableRecv ReliableRecv; // ProtoStackBase protected vars using Base::now; using Base::rel_recv; using Base::rel_send; using Base::xmit_acks; // ProtoStackBase member functions using Base::raw_send; using Base::send_pending_acks; using Base::start_handshake; // Helper for handling deferred data channel setup, // for example if cipher/digest are pushed. struct DataChannelKey { DataChannelKey() : rekey_defined(false) { } OpenVPNStaticKey key; bool rekey_defined; CryptoDCInstance::RekeyType rekey_type; }; public: typedef RCPtr<KeyContext> Ptr; // ProtoStackBase member functions using Base::export_key_material; OPENVPN_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(tls_crypt_unwrap_wkc_error); // KeyContext events occur on two basic key types: // Primary Key — the key we transmit/encrypt on. // Secondary Key — new keys and retiring keys. // // The very first key created (key_id == 0) is a // primary key. Subsequently created keys are always, // at least initially, secondary keys. Secondary keys // promote to primary via the KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY event // (actually KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY swaps the primary and // secondary keys, so the old primary is demoted // to secondary and marked for expiration). // // Secondary keys are created by: // 1. locally-generated soft renegotiation requests, and // 2. peer-requested soft renegotiation requests. // In each case, any previous secondary key will be // wiped (including a secondary key that exists due to // demotion of a previous primary key that has been marked // for expiration). enum EventType { KEV_NONE, // KeyContext has reached the ACTIVE state, occurs on both // primary and secondary. KEV_ACTIVE, // SSL/TLS negotiation must complete by this time. If this // event is hit on the first primary (i.e. first KeyContext // with key_id == 0), it is fatal to the session and will // trigger a disconnect/reconnect. If it’s hit on the // secondary, it will trigger a soft renegotiation. KEV_NEGOTIATE, // When a KeyContext (normally the secondary) is scheduled // to transition to the primary state. KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY, // Waiting for condition on secondary (usually // dataflow-based) to trigger KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY. KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING, // Start renegotiating a new KeyContext on secondary // (ignored unless originating on primary). KEV_RENEGOTIATE, // Trigger a renegotiation originating from either // primary or secondary. KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE, // Queue delayed renegotiation request from secondary // to take effect after KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY. KEV_RENEGOTIATE_QUEUE, // Expiration of KeyContext. KEV_EXPIRE, }; // for debugging static const char *event_type_string(const EventType et) { switch (et) { case KEV_NONE: return «KEV_NONE«; case KEV_ACTIVE: return «KEV_ACTIVE«; case KEV_NEGOTIATE: return «KEV_NEGOTIATE«; case KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY: return «KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY«; case KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING: return «KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING«; case KEV_RENEGOTIATE: return «KEV_RENEGOTIATE«; case KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE: return «KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE«; case KEV_RENEGOTIATE_QUEUE: return «KEV_RENEGOTIATE_QUEUE«; case KEV_EXPIRE: return «KEV_EXPIRE«; default: return «KEV_?«; } } KeyContext(ProtoContext &p, const bool initiator) : Base(*p.config->ssl_factory, p.config->now, p.config->tls_timeout, p.config->frame, p.stats), proto(p), state(STATE_UNDEF), crypto_flags(0), dirty(0), key_limit_renegotiation_fired(false), tlsprf(p.config->tlsprf_factory->new_obj(p.is_server())) { // reliable protocol? set_protocol(proto.config->protocol); // get key_id from parent key_id_ = proto.next_key_id(); // set initial state set_state((proto.is_server() ? S_INITIAL : C_INITIAL) + (initiator ? 0 : 1)); // cache stuff that we need to access in hot path cache_op32(); // remember when we were constructed construct_time = *now; // set must-negotiate-by time set_event(KEV_NONE, KEV_NEGOTIATE, construct_time + proto.config->handshake_window); } void set_protocol(const Protocol &p) { is_reliable = p.is_reliable(); // cache is_reliable state locally } uint32_t get_tls_warnings() const { return Base::get_tls_warnings(); } // need to call only on the initiator side of the connection void start() { if (state == C_INITIAL || state == S_INITIAL) { send_reset(); set_state(state + 1); dirty = true; } } // control channel flush void flush() { if (dirty) { post_ack_action(); Base::flush(); send_pending_acks(); dirty = false; } } void invalidate(const Error::Type reason) { Base::invalidate(reason); } // retransmit packets as part of reliability layer void retransmit() { // note that we don’t set dirty here Base::retransmit(); } // when should we next call retransmit method Time next_retransmit() const { const Time t = Base::next_retransmit(); if (t <= next_event_time) return t; else return next_event_time; } void app_send_validate(BufferPtr &&bp) { if (bp->size() > APP_MSG_MAX) throw proto_error(«app_send: sent control message is too large«); Base::app_send(std::move(bp)); } // send app-level cleartext data to peer via SSL void app_send(BufferPtr &&bp) { if (state >= ACTIVE) { app_send_validate(std::move(bp)); dirty = true; } else app_pre_write_queue.push_back(bp); } // pass received ciphertext packets on network to SSL/reliability layers bool net_recv(Packet &&pkt) { const bool ret = Base::net_recv(std::move(pkt)); dirty = true; return ret; } // data channel encrypt void encrypt(BufferAllocated &buf) { if (state >= ACTIVE && (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::CRYPTO_DEFINED) && !invalidated()) { // compress and encrypt packet and prepend op header const bool pid_wrap = do_encrypt(buf, true); // Trigger a new SSL/TLS negotiation if packet ID (a 32-bit unsigned int) // is getting close to wrapping around. If it wraps back to 0 without // a renegotiation, it would cause the replay protection logic to wrongly // think that all further packets are replays. if (pid_wrap) schedule_key_limit_renegotiation(); } else buf.reset_size(); // no crypto context available } // data channel decrypt void decrypt(BufferAllocated &buf) { try { if (state >= ACTIVE && (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::CRYPTO_DEFINED) && !invalidated()) { // Knock off leading op from buffer, but pass the 32-bit version to // decrypt so it can be used as Additional Data for packet authentication. const size_t head_size = op_head_size(buf[0]); const unsigned char *op32 = (head_size == OP_SIZE_V2) ? buf.c_data() : nullptr; buf.advance(head_size); // decrypt packet const Error::Type err = crypto->decrypt(buf, now->seconds_since_epoch(), op32); if (err) { proto.stats->error(err); if (proto.is_tcp() && (err == Error::DECRYPT_ERROR || err == Error::HMAC_ERROR)) invalidate(err); } // trigger renegotiation if we hit decrypt data limit if (data_limit) data_limit_add(DataLimit::Decrypt, buf.size()); // decompress packet if (compress) compress->decompress(buf); // set MSS for segments server can receive if (proto.config->mss_fix > 0) MSSFix::mssfix(buf, proto.config->mss_fix); } else buf.reset_size(); // no crypto context available } catch (BufferException &) { proto.stats->error(Error::BUFFER_ERROR); buf.reset_size(); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::BUFFER_ERROR); } } // usually called by parent ProtoContext object when this KeyContext // has been retired. void prepare_expire(const EventType current_ev = KeyContext::KEV_NONE) { set_event(current_ev, KEV_EXPIRE, key_limit_renegotiation_fired ? data_limit_expire() : construct_time + proto.config->expire); } // set a default next event, if unspecified void set_next_event_if_unspecified() { if (next_event == KEV_NONE && !invalidated()) prepare_expire(); } // set a key limit renegotiation event at time t void key_limit_reneg(const EventType ev, const Time &t) { if (t.defined()) set_event(KEV_NONE, ev, t + Time::Duration::seconds(proto.is_server() ? 2 : 1)); } // return time of upcoming KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY event Time become_primary_time() { if (next_event == KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY) return next_event_time; else return Time(); } // is an KEV_x event pending? bool event_pending() { if (current_event == KEV_NONE && *now >= next_event_time) process_next_event(); return current_event != KEV_NONE; } // get KEV_x event EventType get_event() const { return current_event; } // clear KEV_x event void reset_event() { current_event = KEV_NONE; } // was session invalidated by an exception? bool invalidated() const { return Base::invalidated(); } // Reason for invalidation Error::Type invalidation_reason() const { return Base::invalidation_reason(); } // our Key ID in the OpenVPN protocol unsigned int key_id() const { return key_id_; } // indicates that data channel is keyed and ready to encrypt/decrypt packets bool data_channel_ready() const { return state >= ACTIVE; } bool is_dirty() const { return dirty; } // notification from parent of rekey operation void rekey(const CryptoDCInstance::RekeyType type) { if (crypto) crypto->rekey(type); else if (data_channel_key) { // save for deferred processing data_channel_key->rekey_type = type; data_channel_key->rekey_defined = true; } } // time that our state transitioned to ACTIVE Time reached_active() const { return reached_active_time_; } // transmit a keepalive message to peer void send_keepalive() { send_data_channel_message(proto_context_private::keepalive_message, sizeof(proto_context_private::keepalive_message)); } // send explicit-exit-notify message to peer void send_explicit_exit_notify() { if (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::EXPLICIT_EXIT_NOTIFY_DEFINED) crypto->explicit_exit_notify(); else send_data_channel_message(proto_context_private::explicit_exit_notify_message, sizeof(proto_context_private::explicit_exit_notify_message)); } // general purpose method for sending constant string messages // to peer via data channel void send_data_channel_message(const unsigned char *data, const size_t size) { if (state >= ACTIVE && (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::CRYPTO_DEFINED) && !invalidated()) { // allocate packet Packet pkt; pkt.frame_prepare(*proto.config->frame, Frame::WRITE_DC_MSG); // write keepalive message pkt.buf->write(data, size); // process packet for transmission do_encrypt(*pkt.buf, false); // set compress hint to «no» // send it proto.net_send(key_id_, pkt); } } // validate the integrity of a packet static bool validate(const Buffer &net_buf, ProtoContext &proto, TimePtr now) { try { Buffer recv(net_buf); switch (proto.tls_wrap_mode) { case TLS_AUTH: return validate_tls_auth(recv, proto, now); case TLS_CRYPT_V2: if (opcode_extract(recv[0]) == CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3) { // skip validation of HARD_RESET_V3 because the tls-crypt // engine has not been initialized yet OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(«SKIPPING VALIDATION OF HARD_RESET_V3«); return true; } /* no break */ case TLS_CRYPT: return validate_tls_crypt(recv, proto, now); case TLS_PLAIN: return validate_tls_plain(recv, proto, now); } } catch (BufferException &e) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(«validate() exception: « << e.what()); } return false; } // Resets data_channel_key but also retains old // rekey_defined and rekey_type from previous instance. void generate_datachannel_keys() { std::unique_ptr<DataChannelKey> dck(new DataChannelKey()); if (proto.config->dc.key_derivation() == CryptoAlgs::KeyDerivation::TLS_EKM) { // USE RFC 5705 key material export export_key_material(dck->key, «EXPORTER-OpenVPN-datakeys«); } else { // use the TLS PRF construction to exchange session keys for building // the data channel crypto context tlsprf->generate_key_expansion(dck->key, proto.psid_self, proto.psid_peer); } tlsprf->erase(); OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « KEY « << CryptoAlgs::name(proto.config->dc.key_derivation()) << « « << proto.mode().str() << << dck->key.render()); if (data_channel_key) { dck->rekey_defined = data_channel_key->rekey_defined; dck->rekey_type = data_channel_key->rekey_type; } dck.swap(data_channel_key); } void calculate_mssfix(Config &c) { if (c.mss_parms.fixed) { // substract IPv4 and TCP overhead, mssfix method will add extra 20 bytes for IPv6 c.mss_fix = c.mss_parms.mssfix — (20 + 20); OPENVPN_LOG(«fixed mssfix=« << c.mss_fix); return; } /* If we are running default mssfix but have a different tun-mtu pushed * disable mssfix */ if (c.tun_mtu != TUN_MTU_DEFAULT && c.tun_mtu != 0 && c.mss_parms.mssfix_default) { c.mss_fix = 0; OPENVPN_LOG(«mssfix disabled since tun-mtu is non-default (« << c.tun_mtu << «)«); return; } int payload_overhead = 0; // compv2 doesn’t increase payload size switch (c.comp_ctx.type()) { case CompressContext::NONE: case CompressContext::COMP_STUBv2: case CompressContext::LZ4v2: break; default: payload_overhead += 1; } if (CryptoAlgs::mode(c.dc.cipher()) == CryptoAlgs::CBC_HMAC) payload_overhead += PacketID::size(PacketID::SHORT_FORM); // account for IPv4 and TCP headers of the payload, mssfix method // will add 20 extra bytes if payload is IPv6 payload_overhead += 20 + 20; int overhead = c.protocol.extra_transport_bytes() + (enable_op32 ? OP_SIZE_V2 : 1) + c.dc.context().encap_overhead(); // in CBC mode, the packet id is part of the payload size / overhead if (CryptoAlgs::mode(c.dc.cipher()) != CryptoAlgs::CBC_HMAC) overhead += PacketID::size(PacketID::SHORT_FORM); if (c.mss_parms.mtu) { overhead += c.protocol.is_ipv6() ? sizeof(struct IPv6Header) : sizeof(struct IPv4Header); overhead += proto.is_tcp() ? sizeof(struct TCPHeader) : sizeof(struct UDPHeader); } int target = c.mss_parms.mssfix — overhead; if (CryptoAlgs::mode(c.dc.cipher()) == CryptoAlgs::CBC_HMAC) { // openvpn3 crypto includes blocksize in overhead, but we can // be a bit smarter here and instead make sure that resulting // ciphertext size (which is always multiple blocksize) is not // larger than target by running down target to the nearest // multiple of multiple and substracting 1. int block_size = CryptoAlgs::block_size(c.dc.cipher()); target += block_size; target = (target / block_size) * block_size; target -= 1; } c.mss_fix = target — payload_overhead; OPENVPN_LOG(«mssfix=« << c.mss_fix << « (upper bound=« << c.mss_parms.mssfix << «, overhead=« << overhead << «, payload_overhead=« << payload_overhead << «, target=« << target << «)«); } // Initialize the components of the OpenVPN data channel protocol void init_data_channel() { // don’t run until our prerequisites are satisfied if (!data_channel_key) return; generate_datachannel_keys(); // set up crypto for data channel bool enable_compress = true; Config &c = *proto.config; const unsigned int key_dir = proto.is_server() ? OpenVPNStaticKey::INVERSE : OpenVPNStaticKey::NORMAL; const OpenVPNStaticKey &key = data_channel_key->key; // special data limits for 64-bit block-size ciphers (CVE-2016-6329) if (is_bs64_cipher(c.dc.cipher())) { DataLimit::Parameters dp; dp.encrypt_red_limit = OPENVPN_BS64_DATA_LIMIT; dp.decrypt_red_limit = OPENVPN_BS64_DATA_LIMIT; OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO(«Per-Key Data Limit: « << dp.encrypt_red_limit << / << dp.decrypt_red_limit); data_limit.reset(new DataLimit(dp)); } // build crypto context for data channel encryption/decryption crypto = c.dc.context().new_obj(key_id_); crypto_flags = crypto->defined(); if (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::CIPHER_DEFINED) crypto->init_cipher( key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER | OpenVPNStaticKey::ENCRYPT | key_dir), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); if (crypto_flags & CryptoDCInstance::HMAC_DEFINED) crypto->init_hmac(key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::ENCRYPT | key_dir), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); crypto->init_pid(PacketID::SHORT_FORM, c.pid_mode, PacketID::SHORT_FORM, «DATA«, int(key_id_), proto.stats); crypto->init_remote_peer_id(c.remote_peer_id); enable_compress = crypto->consider_compression(proto.config->comp_ctx); if (data_channel_key->rekey_defined) crypto->rekey(data_channel_key->rekey_type); data_channel_key.reset(); // set up compression for data channel if (enable_compress) compress = proto.config->comp_ctx.new_compressor(proto.config->frame, proto.stats); else compress.reset(); // cache op32 for hot path in do_encrypt cache_op32(); calculate_mssfix(c); } void data_limit_notify(const DataLimit::Mode cdl_mode, const DataLimit::State cdl_status) { if (data_limit) data_limit_event(cdl_mode, data_limit->update_state(cdl_mode, cdl_status)); } int get_state() const { return state; } private: static bool validate_tls_auth(Buffer &recv, ProtoContext &proto, TimePtr now) { const unsigned char *orig_data =; const size_t orig_size = recv.size(); // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // get source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); // verify HMAC { recv.advance(proto.hmac_size); if (!proto.ta_hmac_recv->ovpn_hmac_cmp(orig_data, orig_size, 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE, proto.hmac_size, PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM))) { return false; } } // verify source PSID if (!proto.psid_peer.match(src_psid)) return false; // read tls_auth packet ID const PacketID pid = proto.ta_pid_recv.read_next(recv); // get current time_t const PacketID::time_t t = now->seconds_since_epoch(); // verify tls_auth packet ID const bool pid_ok = proto.ta_pid_recv.test_add(pid, t, false); // make sure that our own PSID is contained in packet received from peer if (ReliableAck::ack_skip(recv)) { ProtoSessionID dest_psid(recv); if (!proto.psid_self.match(dest_psid)) return false; } return pid_ok; } static bool validate_tls_crypt(Buffer &recv, ProtoContext &proto, TimePtr now) { const unsigned char *orig_data =; const size_t orig_size = recv.size(); // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // get source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); // read tls_auth packet ID const PacketID pid = proto.ta_pid_recv.read_next(recv); recv.advance(proto.hmac_size); const size_t head_size = 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE + PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM); const size_t data_offset = head_size + proto.hmac_size; if (orig_size < data_offset) return false; // we need a buffer to perform the payload decryption and being this a static // function we can’t use the instance member like in decapsulate_tls_crypt() BufferAllocated work; proto.config->frame->prepare(Frame::DECRYPT_WORK, work); // decrypt payload from ‘recv’ into ‘work’ const size_t decrypt_bytes = proto.tls_crypt_recv->decrypt(orig_data + head_size,, work.max_size(), recv.c_data(), recv.size()); if (!decrypt_bytes) return false; work.inc_size(decrypt_bytes); // verify HMAC if (!proto.tls_crypt_recv->hmac_cmp(orig_data, TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset, work.c_data(), work.size())) return false; // verify source PSID if (proto.psid_peer.defined()) { if (!proto.psid_peer.match(src_psid)) return false; } else { proto.psid_peer = src_psid; } // get current time_t const PacketID::time_t t = now->seconds_since_epoch(); // verify tls_auth packet ID const bool pid_ok = proto.ta_pid_recv.test_add(pid, t, false); // make sure that our own PSID is contained in packet received from peer if (ReliableAck::ack_skip(work)) { ProtoSessionID dest_psid(work); if (!proto.psid_self.match(dest_psid)) return false; } return pid_ok; } static bool validate_tls_plain(Buffer &recv, ProtoContext &proto, TimePtr now) { // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // verify source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); if (!proto.psid_peer.match(src_psid)) return false; // make sure that our own PSID is contained in packet received from peer if (ReliableAck::ack_skip(recv)) { ProtoSessionID dest_psid(recv); if (!proto.psid_self.match(dest_psid)) return false; } return true; } bool do_encrypt(BufferAllocated &buf, const bool compress_hint) { bool pid_wrap; // set MSS for segments client can receive if (proto.config->mss_fix > 0) MSSFix::mssfix(buf, proto.config->mss_fix); // compress packet if (compress) compress->compress(buf, compress_hint); // trigger renegotiation if we hit encrypt data limit if (data_limit) data_limit_add(DataLimit::Encrypt, buf.size()); if (enable_op32) { const std::uint32_t op32 = htonl(op32_compose(DATA_V2, key_id_, remote_peer_id)); static_assert(sizeof(op32) == OP_SIZE_V2, «OP_SIZE_V2 inconsistency«); // encrypt packet pid_wrap = crypto->encrypt(buf, now->seconds_since_epoch(), (const unsigned char *)&op32); // prepend op buf.prepend((const unsigned char *)&op32, sizeof(op32)); } else { // encrypt packet pid_wrap = crypto->encrypt(buf, now->seconds_since_epoch(), nullptr); // prepend op buf.push_front(op_compose(DATA_V1, key_id_)); } return pid_wrap; } // cache op32 and remote_peer_id void cache_op32() { enable_op32 = proto.config->enable_op32; remote_peer_id = proto.config->remote_peer_id; } void set_state(const int newstate) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « KeyContext[« << key_id_ << «] « << state_string(state) << « -> « << state_string(newstate)); state = newstate; } void set_event(const EventType current) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « KeyContext[« << key_id_ << «] « << event_type_string(current)); current_event = current; } void set_event(const EventType current, const EventType next, const Time &next_time) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « KeyContext[« << key_id_ << «] « << event_type_string(current) << « -> « << event_type_string(next) << ( << seconds_until(next_time) << )); current_event = current; next_event = next; next_event_time = next_time; } void invalidate_callback() // called by ProtoStackBase when session is invalidated { reached_active_time_ = Time(); next_event = KEV_NONE; next_event_time = Time::infinite(); } // Trigger a renegotiation based on data flow condition such // as per-key data limit or packet ID approaching wraparound. void schedule_key_limit_renegotiation() { if (!key_limit_renegotiation_fired && state >= ACTIVE && !invalidated()) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « SCHEDULE KEY LIMIT RENEGOTIATION«); key_limit_renegotiation_fired = true; proto.stats->error(Error::N_KEY_LIMIT_RENEG); // If primary, renegotiate now (within a second or two). // If secondary, queue the renegotiation request until // key reaches primary. if (next_event == KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY) // secondary key before transition to primary? { // reneg request crosses over to primary, // doesn’t wipe next_event (KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY) set_event(KEV_RENEGOTIATE_QUEUE); } else { key_limit_reneg(KEV_RENEGOTIATE, *now); } } } // Handle data-limited keys such as Blowfish and other 64-bit block-size ciphers. void data_limit_add(const DataLimit::Mode mode, const size_t size) { const DataLimit::State state = data_limit->add(mode, size); if (state > DataLimit::None) data_limit_event(mode, state); } // Handle a DataLimit event. void data_limit_event(const DataLimit::Mode mode, const DataLimit::State state) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(proto.debug_prefix() << « DATA LIMIT « << DataLimit::mode_str(mode) << << DataLimit::state_str(state) << « key_id=« << key_id_); // State values: // DataLimit::Green — first packet received and decrypted. // DataLimit::Red — data limit has been exceeded, so trigger a renegotiation. if (state == DataLimit::Red) schedule_key_limit_renegotiation(); // When we are in KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING state, we must receive at least // one packet from the peer on this key before we transition to // KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY so we can transmit on it. if (next_event == KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING && data_limit->is_decrypt_green()) set_event(KEV_NONE, KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY, *now + Time::Duration::seconds(1)); } // Should we enter KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING state? Do it if: // 1. we are a client, // 2. data limit is enabled, // 3. this is a renegotiated key in secondary context, i.e. not the first key, and // 4. no data received yet from peer on this key. bool data_limit_defer() const { return !proto.is_server() && data_limit && key_id_ && !data_limit->is_decrypt_green(); } // General expiration set when key hits data limit threshold. Time data_limit_expire() const { return *now + (proto.config->handshake_window * 2); } void active_event() { set_event(KEV_ACTIVE, KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY, reached_active() + proto.config->become_primary); } void process_next_event() { if (*now >= next_event_time) { switch (next_event) { case KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY: if (data_limit_defer()) set_event(KEV_NONE, KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING, data_limit_expire()); else set_event(KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY, KEV_RENEGOTIATE, construct_time + proto.config->renegotiate); break; case KEV_RENEGOTIATE: case KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE: prepare_expire(next_event); break; case KEV_NEGOTIATE: kev_error(KEV_NEGOTIATE, Error::KEV_NEGOTIATE_ERROR); break; case KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING: kev_error(KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING, Error::KEV_PENDING_ERROR); break; case KEV_EXPIRE: kev_error(KEV_EXPIRE, Error::N_KEV_EXPIRE); break; default: break; } } } void kev_error(const EventType ev, const Error::Type reason) { proto.stats->error(reason); invalidate(reason); set_event(ev); } unsigned int initial_op(const bool sender, const bool tls_crypt_v2) const { if (key_id_) { return CONTROL_SOFT_RESET_V1; } else { if (proto.is_server() == sender) return CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2; if (!tls_crypt_v2) return CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2; else return CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3; } } void send_reset() { Packet pkt; pkt.opcode = initial_op(true, proto.tls_wrap_mode == TLS_CRYPT_V2); pkt.frame_prepare(*proto.config->frame, Frame::WRITE_SSL_INIT); raw_send(std::move(pkt)); } bool parse_early_negotiation(const Packet &pkt) { /* The data in the early negotiation packet is structured as * TLV (type, length, value) */ Buffer buf = pkt.buffer(); while (!buf.empty()) { if (buf.size() < 4) { /* Buffer does not have enough bytes for type (uint16) and length (uint16) */ return false; } uint16_t type = read_uint16_length(buf); uint16_t len = read_uint16_length(buf); /* TLV defines a length that is larger than the remainder in the buffer. */ if (buf.size() < len) return false; if (type == EARLY_NEG_FLAGS) { if (len != 2) return false; uint16_t flags = read_uint16_length(buf); if (flags & EARLY_NEG_FLAG_RESEND_WKC) { resend_wkc = true; } } else { /* skip over unknown types. We rather ignore undefined TLV to * not needing to add bits initial reset message (where space * is really tight) for optional features. */ buf.advance(len); } } return true; } void raw_recv(Packet &&raw_pkt) // called by ProtoStackBase { if (raw_pkt.opcode == initial_op(false, proto.tls_wrap_mode == TLS_CRYPT_V2)) { switch (state) { case C_WAIT_RESET: set_state(C_WAIT_RESET_ACK); if (!parse_early_negotiation(raw_pkt)) { invalidate(Error::EARLY_NEG_INVALID); } break; case S_WAIT_RESET: send_reset(); set_state(S_WAIT_RESET_ACK); break; } } } void app_recv(BufferPtr &&to_app_buf) // called by ProtoStackBase { app_recv_buf.put(std::move(to_app_buf)); if (app_recv_buf.size() > APP_MSG_MAX) throw proto_error(«app_recv: received control message is too large«); BufferComposed::Complete bcc = app_recv_buf.complete(); switch (state) { case C_WAIT_AUTH: if (recv_auth_complete(bcc)) { recv_auth(bcc.get()); set_state(C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK); } break; case S_WAIT_AUTH: if (recv_auth_complete(bcc)) { recv_auth(bcc.get()); send_auth(); set_state(S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK); } break; case S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK: // rare case where client receives auth, goes ACTIVE, // but the ACK response is dropped case ACTIVE: if (bcc.advance_to_null()) // does composed buffer contain terminating null char? proto.app_recv(key_id_, bcc.get()); break; } } void net_send(const Packet &net_pkt, const Base::NetSendType nstype) // called by ProtoStackBase { if (!is_reliable || nstype != Base::NET_SEND_RETRANSMIT) // retransmit packets on UDP only, not TCP proto.net_send(key_id_, net_pkt); } void post_ack_action() { if (state <= LAST_ACK_STATE && !rel_send.n_unacked()) { switch (state) { case C_WAIT_RESET_ACK: start_handshake(); send_auth(); set_state(C_WAIT_AUTH); break; case S_WAIT_RESET_ACK: start_handshake(); set_state(S_WAIT_AUTH); break; case C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK: active(); set_state(ACTIVE); break; case S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK: active(); set_state(ACTIVE); break; } } } void send_auth() { BufferPtr buf = new BufferAllocated(); proto.config->frame->prepare(Frame::WRITE_SSL_CLEARTEXT, *buf); buf->write(proto_context_private::auth_prefix, sizeof(proto_context_private::auth_prefix)); tlsprf->self_randomize(*proto.config->rng); tlsprf->self_write(*buf); const std::string options = proto.config->options_string(); write_auth_string(options, *buf); if (!proto.is_server()) { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO(«Tunnel Options:« << options); buf->or_flags(BufferAllocated::DESTRUCT_ZERO); if (proto.config->xmit_creds) proto.client_auth(*buf); else { write_empty_string(*buf); // username write_empty_string(*buf); // password } const std::string peer_info = proto.config->peer_info_string(); write_auth_string(peer_info, *buf); } app_send_validate(std::move(buf)); dirty = true; } void recv_auth(BufferPtr buf) { const unsigned char *buf_pre = buf->read_alloc(sizeof(proto_context_private::auth_prefix)); if (std::memcmp(buf_pre, proto_context_private::auth_prefix, sizeof(proto_context_private::auth_prefix))) throw proto_error(«bad_auth_prefix«); tlsprf->peer_read(*buf); const std::string options = read_auth_string<std::string>(*buf); if (proto.is_server()) { const std::string username = read_auth_string<std::string>(*buf); const SafeString password = read_auth_string<SafeString>(*buf); const std::string peer_info = read_auth_string<std::string>(*buf); proto.server_auth(username, password, peer_info, Base::auth_cert()); } } // return true if complete recv_auth message is contained in buffer bool recv_auth_complete(BufferComplete &bc) const { if (!bc.advance(sizeof(proto_context_private::auth_prefix))) return false; if (!tlsprf->peer_read_complete(bc)) return false; if (!bc.advance_string()) // options return false; if (proto.is_server()) { if (!bc.advance_string()) // username return false; if (!bc.advance_string()) // password return false; if (!bc.advance_string()) // peer_info return false; } return true; } void active() { if (proto.config->debug_level >= 1) OPENVPN_LOG_SSL(«SSL Handshake: « << Base::ssl_handshake_details()); /* Our internal state machine only decides after push request what protocol * options we want to use. Therefore we also have to postpone data key * generation until this happens, create a empty DataChannelKey as * placeholder */ data_channel_key.reset(new DataChannelKey()); if (!proto.dc_deferred) init_data_channel(); while (!app_pre_write_queue.empty()) { app_send_validate(std::move(app_pre_write_queue.front())); app_pre_write_queue.pop_front(); dirty = true; } reached_active_time_ = *now; proto.slowest_handshake_.max(reached_active_time_ — construct_time); active_event(); } void prepend_dest_psid_and_acks(Buffer &buf, unsigned int opcode) { // if sending ACKs, prepend dest PSID if (xmit_acks.acks_ready()) { if (proto.psid_peer.defined()) proto.psid_peer.prepend(buf); else { proto.stats->error(Error::CC_ERROR); throw proto_error(«peer_psid_undef«); } } // prepend ACKs for messages received from peer xmit_acks.prepend(buf, opcode == ACK_V1); } bool verify_src_psid(const ProtoSessionID &src_psid) { if (proto.psid_peer.defined()) { if (!proto.psid_peer.match(src_psid)) { proto.stats->error(Error::CC_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::CC_ERROR); return false; } } else { proto.psid_peer = src_psid; } return true; } bool verify_dest_psid(Buffer &buf) { ProtoSessionID dest_psid(buf); if (!proto.psid_self.match(dest_psid)) { proto.stats->error(Error::CC_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::CC_ERROR); return false; } return true; } void gen_head_tls_auth(const unsigned int opcode, Buffer &buf) { // write tls-auth packet ID proto.ta_pid_send.write_next(buf, true, now->seconds_since_epoch()); // make space for tls-auth HMAC buf.prepend_alloc(proto.hmac_size); // write source PSID proto.psid_self.prepend(buf); // write opcode buf.push_front(op_compose(opcode, key_id_)); // write hmac proto.ta_hmac_send->ovpn_hmac_gen(, buf.size(), 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE, proto.hmac_size, PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM)); } void gen_head_tls_crypt(const unsigned int opcode, BufferAllocated &buf) { // in ‘work’ we store all the fields that are not supposed to be encrypted proto.config->frame->prepare(Frame::ENCRYPT_WORK, work); // make space for HMAC work.prepend_alloc(proto.hmac_size); // write tls-crypt packet ID proto.ta_pid_send.write_next(work, true, now->seconds_since_epoch()); // write source PSID proto.psid_self.prepend(work); // write opcode work.push_front(op_compose(opcode, key_id_)); // compute HMAC using header fields (from ‘work’) and plaintext // payload (from ‘buf’) proto.tls_crypt_send->hmac_gen(, TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset, buf.c_data(), buf.size()); const size_t data_offset = TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset + proto.hmac_size; // encrypt the content of ‘buf’ (packet payload) into ‘work’ const size_t encrypt_bytes = proto.tls_crypt_send->encrypt(work.c_data() + TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset, + data_offset, work.max_size() — data_offset, buf.c_data(), buf.size()); if (!encrypt_bytes) { buf.reset_size(); return; } work.inc_size(encrypt_bytes); // append WKc to wrapped packet for tls-crypt-v2 if ((opcode == CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3 || opcode == CONTROL_WKC_V1) && (proto.tls_wrap_mode == TLS_CRYPT_V2)) proto.tls_crypt_append_wkc(work); // ‘work’ now contains the complete packet ready to go. swap it with ‘buf’ buf.swap(work); } void gen_head_tls_plain(const unsigned int opcode, Buffer &buf) { // write source PSID proto.psid_self.prepend(buf); // write opcode buf.push_front(op_compose(opcode, key_id_)); } void gen_head(const unsigned int opcode, BufferAllocated &buf) { switch (proto.tls_wrap_mode) { case TLS_AUTH: gen_head_tls_auth(opcode, buf); break; case TLS_CRYPT: case TLS_CRYPT_V2: gen_head_tls_crypt(opcode, buf); break; case TLS_PLAIN: gen_head_tls_plain(opcode, buf); break; } } void encapsulate(id_t id, Packet &pkt) // called by ProtoStackBase { BufferAllocated &buf = *pkt.buf; // prepend message sequence number ReliableAck::prepend_id(buf, id); // prepend dest PSID and ACKs to reply to peer prepend_dest_psid_and_acks(buf, pkt.opcode); // generate message head int opcode = pkt.opcode; if (id == 1 && resend_wkc) { opcode = CONTROL_WKC_V1; } gen_head(opcode, buf); } void generate_ack(Packet &pkt) // called by ProtoStackBase { BufferAllocated &buf = *pkt.buf; // prepend dest PSID and ACKs to reply to peer prepend_dest_psid_and_acks(buf, pkt.opcode); gen_head(ACK_V1, buf); } bool decapsulate_post_process(Packet &pkt, ProtoSessionID &src_psid, const PacketID pid) { Buffer &recv = *pkt.buf; // update our last-packet-received time proto.update_last_received(); // verify source PSID if (!verify_src_psid(src_psid)) return false; // get current time_t const PacketID::time_t t = now->seconds_since_epoch(); // verify tls_auth/crypt packet ID const bool pid_ok = proto.ta_pid_recv.test_add(pid, t, false); // process ACKs sent by peer (if packet ID check failed, // read the ACK IDs, but don’t modify the rel_send object). if (ReliableAck::ack(rel_send, recv, pid_ok)) { // make sure that our own PSID is contained in packet received from peer if (!verify_dest_psid(recv)) return false; } // for CONTROL packets only, not ACK if (pkt.opcode != ACK_V1) { // get message sequence number const id_t id = ReliableAck::read_id(recv); if (pid_ok) { // try to push message into reliable receive object const unsigned int rflags = rel_recv.receive(pkt, id); // should we ACK packet back to sender? if (rflags & ReliableRecv::ACK_TO_SENDER) xmit_acks.push_back(id); // ACK packet to sender // was packet accepted by reliable receive object? if (rflags & ReliableRecv::IN_WINDOW) { // remember tls_auth packet ID so that it can’t be replaye proto.ta_pid_recv.test_add(pid, t, true); return true; } } else // treat as replay { proto.stats->error(Error::REPLAY_ERROR); if (pid.is_valid()) // even replayed packets must be ACKed or protocol could deadlock xmit_acks.push_back(id); } } else { if (pid_ok) // remember tls_auth packet ID of ACK packet to prevent replay proto.ta_pid_recv.test_add(pid, t, true); else proto.stats->error(Error::REPLAY_ERROR); } return false; } bool decapsulate_tls_auth(Packet &pkt) { Buffer &recv = *pkt.buf; const unsigned char *orig_data =; const size_t orig_size = recv.size(); // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // get source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); // verify HMAC { recv.advance(proto.hmac_size); if (!proto.ta_hmac_recv->ovpn_hmac_cmp(orig_data, orig_size, 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE, proto.hmac_size, PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM))) { proto.stats->error(Error::HMAC_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::HMAC_ERROR); return false; } } // read tls_auth packet ID const PacketID pid = proto.ta_pid_recv.read_next(recv); return decapsulate_post_process(pkt, src_psid, pid); } bool decapsulate_tls_crypt(Packet &pkt) { BufferAllocated &recv = *pkt.buf; const unsigned char *orig_data =; const size_t orig_size = recv.size(); // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // get source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); // get tls-crypt packet ID const PacketID pid = proto.ta_pid_recv.read_next(recv); // skip the hmac recv.advance(proto.hmac_size); const size_t data_offset = TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset + proto.hmac_size; if (orig_size < data_offset) return false; // decrypt payload proto.config->frame->prepare(Frame::DECRYPT_WORK, work); const size_t decrypt_bytes = proto.tls_crypt_recv->decrypt(orig_data + TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset,, work.max_size(), recv.c_data(), recv.size()); if (!decrypt_bytes) { proto.stats->error(Error::DECRYPT_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::DECRYPT_ERROR); return false; } work.inc_size(decrypt_bytes); // verify HMAC if (!proto.tls_crypt_recv->hmac_cmp(orig_data, TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset, work.c_data(), work.size())) { proto.stats->error(Error::HMAC_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::HMAC_ERROR); return false; } // move the decrypted payload to ‘recv’, so that the processing of the // packet can continue recv.swap(work); return decapsulate_post_process(pkt, src_psid, pid); } bool decapsulate_tls_plain(Packet &pkt) { Buffer &recv = *pkt.buf; // update our last-packet-received time proto.update_last_received(); // advance buffer past initial op byte recv.advance(1); // verify source PSID ProtoSessionID src_psid(recv); if (!verify_src_psid(src_psid)) return false; // process ACKs sent by peer if (ReliableAck::ack(rel_send, recv, true)) { // make sure that our own PSID is in packet received from peer if (!verify_dest_psid(recv)) return false; } // for CONTROL packets only, not ACK if (pkt.opcode != ACK_V1) { // get message sequence number const id_t id = ReliableAck::read_id(recv); // try to push message into reliable receive object const unsigned int rflags = rel_recv.receive(pkt, id); // should we ACK packet back to sender? if (rflags & ReliableRecv::ACK_TO_SENDER) xmit_acks.push_back(id); // ACK packet to sender // was packet accepted by reliable receive object? if (rflags & ReliableRecv::IN_WINDOW) return true; } return false; } bool unwrap_tls_crypt_wkc(Buffer &recv) { // the «WKc« is located at the end of the packet, after the tls-crypt // payload. // Format is as follows (as documented by Steffan Karger): // // «len = len(WKc)« (16 bit, network byte order) // «T = HMAC-SHA256(Ka, len || Kc || metadata)« // «IV = 128 most significant bits of T« // «WKc = T || AES-256-CTR(Ke, IV, Kc || metadata) || len« const unsigned char *orig_data =; const size_t orig_size = recv.size(); const size_t hmac_size = proto.config->tls_crypt_context->digest_size(); const size_t tls_frame_size = 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE + PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM) + hmac_size // the following is the tls-crypt payload + sizeof(char) // length of ACK array + sizeof(id_t); // reliable ID // check that at least the authentication tag «T« is present if (orig_size < (tls_frame_size + hmac_size)) return false; // the «WKc« is just appended after the standard tls-crypt frame const unsigned char *wkc_raw = orig_data + tls_frame_size; const size_t wkc_raw_size = orig_size — tls_frame_size — sizeof(uint16_t); // retrieve the «WKc« len from the bottom of the packet and convert it to Host Order uint16_t wkc_len = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(wkc_raw + wkc_raw_size)); // length sanity check (the size of the «len« field is included in the value) if ((wkc_len — sizeof(uint16_t)) != wkc_raw_size) return false; BufferAllocated plaintext(wkc_len, BufferAllocated::CONSTRUCT_ZERO); // plaintext will be used to compute the Auth Tag, therefore start by prepending // the WKc length in network order wkc_len = htons(wkc_len); plaintext.write(&wkc_len, sizeof(wkc_len)); const size_t decrypt_bytes = proto.tls_crypt_server->decrypt(wkc_raw, + 2, plaintext.max_size() — 2, wkc_raw + hmac_size, wkc_raw_size — hmac_size); plaintext.inc_size(decrypt_bytes); // decrypted data must at least contain a full 2048bits client key // (metadata is optional) if (plaintext.size() < OpenVPNStaticKey::KEY_SIZE) { proto.stats->error(Error::DECRYPT_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::DECRYPT_ERROR); return false; } if (!proto.tls_crypt_server->hmac_cmp(wkc_raw, 0, plaintext.c_data(), plaintext.size())) { proto.stats->error(Error::HMAC_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::HMAC_ERROR); return false; } // we can now remove the WKc length from the plaintext, as it is not // really part of the key material plaintext.advance(sizeof(wkc_len)); // WKc has been authenticated: it contains the client key followed // by the optional metadata. Let’s initialize the tls-crypt context // with the client key OpenVPNStaticKey client_key;, OpenVPNStaticKey::KEY_SIZE); proto.reset_tls_crypt(*proto.config, client_key); // verify metadata int metadata_type = —1; if (!plaintext.empty()) metadata_type = plaintext.pop_front(); if (!proto.tls_crypt_metadata->verify(metadata_type, plaintext)) { proto.stats->error(Error::TLS_CRYPT_META_FAIL); return false; } // virtually remove the WKc from the packet recv.set_size(tls_frame_size); return true; } bool decapsulate(Packet &pkt) // called by ProtoStackBase { try { switch (proto.tls_wrap_mode) { case TLS_AUTH: return decapsulate_tls_auth(pkt); case TLS_CRYPT_V2: if (pkt.opcode == CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3) { // unwrap WKc and extract Kc (client key) from packet. // This way we can initialize the tls-crypt per-client contexts // (this happens on the server side only) if (!unwrap_tls_crypt_wkc(*pkt.buf)) { return false; } } // now that the tls-crypt contexts have been initialized it is // possible to proceed with the standard tls-crypt decapsulation /* no break */ case TLS_CRYPT: return decapsulate_tls_crypt(pkt); case TLS_PLAIN: return decapsulate_tls_plain(pkt); } } catch (BufferException &) { proto.stats->error(Error::BUFFER_ERROR); if (proto.is_tcp()) invalidate(Error::BUFFER_ERROR); } return false; } // for debugging static const char *state_string(const int s) { switch (s) { case C_WAIT_RESET_ACK: return «C_WAIT_RESET_ACK«; case C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK: return «C_WAIT_AUTH_ACK«; case S_WAIT_RESET_ACK: return «S_WAIT_RESET_ACK«; case S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK: return «S_WAIT_AUTH_ACK«; case C_INITIAL: return «C_INITIAL«; case C_WAIT_RESET: return «C_WAIT_RESET«; case C_WAIT_AUTH: return «C_WAIT_AUTH«; case S_INITIAL: return «S_INITIAL«; case S_WAIT_RESET: return «S_WAIT_RESET«; case S_WAIT_AUTH: return «S_WAIT_AUTH«; case ACTIVE: return «ACTIVE«; default: return «STATE_UNDEF«; } } // for debugging int seconds_until(const Time &next_time) { Time::Duration d = next_time — *now; if (d.is_infinite()) return1; else return d.to_seconds(); } // BEGIN KeyContext data members ProtoContext &proto; // parent int state; unsigned int key_id_; unsigned int crypto_flags; int remote_peer_id; // -1 to disable bool enable_op32; /* early negotiation enabled resending of wrapped tls-crypt-v2 client key * with third packet of the three-way handshake */ bool resend_wkc = false; bool dirty; bool key_limit_renegotiation_fired; bool is_reliable; Compress::Ptr compress; CryptoDCInstance::Ptr crypto; TLSPRFInstance::Ptr tlsprf; Time construct_time; Time reached_active_time_; Time next_event_time; EventType current_event; EventType next_event; std::deque<BufferPtr> app_pre_write_queue; std::unique_ptr<DataChannelKey> data_channel_key; BufferComposed app_recv_buf; std::unique_ptr<DataLimit> data_limit; BufferAllocated work; // static member used by validate_tls_crypt() static BufferAllocated static_work; }; public: class TLSWrapPreValidate : public RC<thread_unsafe_refcount> { public: typedef RCPtr<TLSWrapPreValidate> Ptr; virtual bool validate(const BufferAllocated &net_buf) = 0; }; // Validate the integrity of a packet, only considering tls-auth HMAC. class TLSAuthPreValidate : public TLSWrapPreValidate { public: OPENVPN_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(tls_auth_pre_validate); TLSAuthPreValidate(const Config &c, const bool server) { if (!c.tls_auth_enabled()) throw tls_auth_pre_validate(); // save hard reset op we expect to receive from peer reset_op = server ? CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 : CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2; // init OvpnHMACInstance ta_hmac_recv = c.tls_auth_context->new_obj(); // init tls_auth hmac if (c.key_direction >= 0) { // key-direction is 0 or 1 const unsigned int key_dir = c.key_direction ? OpenVPNStaticKey::INVERSE : OpenVPNStaticKey::NORMAL; ta_hmac_recv->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); } else { // key-direction bidirectional mode ta_hmac_recv->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC)); } } bool validate(const BufferAllocated &net_buf) { try { if (!net_buf.size()) return false; const unsigned int op = net_buf[0]; if (opcode_extract(op) != reset_op || key_id_extract(op) != 0) return false; return ta_hmac_recv->ovpn_hmac_cmp(net_buf.c_data(), net_buf.size(), 1 + ProtoSessionID::SIZE, ta_hmac_recv->output_size(), PacketID::size(PacketID::LONG_FORM)); } catch (BufferException &) { } return false; } private: OvpnHMACInstance::Ptr ta_hmac_recv; unsigned int reset_op; }; class TLSCryptPreValidate : public TLSWrapPreValidate { public: OPENVPN_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(tls_crypt_pre_validate); TLSCryptPreValidate(const Config &c, const bool server) { if (!c.tls_crypt_enabled()) throw tls_crypt_pre_validate(); // save hard reset op we expect to receive from peer reset_op = server ? CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 : CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2; tls_crypt_recv = c.tls_crypt_context->new_obj_recv(); // static direction assignment — not user configurable const unsigned int key_dir = server ? OpenVPNStaticKey::NORMAL : OpenVPNStaticKey::INVERSE; tls_crypt_recv->init(c.ssl_factory->libctx(), c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir), c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); // needed to create the decrypt buffer during validation frame = c.frame; } bool validate(const BufferAllocated &net_buf) { try { if (!net_buf.size()) return false; const unsigned int op = net_buf[0]; if (opcode_extract(op) != reset_op || key_id_extract(op) != 0) return false; const size_t data_offset = TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset + tls_crypt_recv->output_hmac_size(); if (net_buf.size() < data_offset) return false; frame->prepare(Frame::DECRYPT_WORK, work); // decrypt payload from ‘net_buf’ into ‘work’ const size_t decrypt_bytes = tls_crypt_recv->decrypt(net_buf.c_data() + TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset,, work.max_size(), net_buf.c_data() + data_offset, net_buf.size() — data_offset); if (!decrypt_bytes) return false; work.inc_size(decrypt_bytes); // verify HMAC return tls_crypt_recv->hmac_cmp(net_buf.c_data(), TLSCryptContext::hmac_offset,, work.size()); } catch (BufferException &) { } return false; } protected: unsigned int reset_op; private: TLSCryptInstance::Ptr tls_crypt_recv; Frame::Ptr frame; BufferAllocated work; }; class TLSCryptV2PreValidate : public TLSCryptPreValidate { public: OPENVPN_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(tls_crypt_v2_pre_validate); TLSCryptV2PreValidate(const Config &c, const bool server) : TLSCryptPreValidate(c, server) { if (!c.tls_crypt_v2_enabled()) throw tls_crypt_v2_pre_validate(); // in case of server peer, we expect the new v3 packet type if (server) reset_op = CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V3; } }; OPENVPN_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION(select_key_context_error); ProtoContext(const Config::Ptr &config_arg, // configuration const SessionStats::Ptr &stats_arg) // error stats : config(config_arg), stats(stats_arg), mode_(config_arg->ssl_factory->mode()), n_key_ids(0), now_(config_arg->now) { reset_tls_wrap_mode(*config); } void reset_tls_wrap_mode(const Config &c) { // tls-auth setup if (c.tls_crypt_v2_enabled()) { tls_wrap_mode = TLS_CRYPT_V2; // get HMAC size from Digest object hmac_size = c.tls_crypt_context->digest_size(); } else if (c.tls_crypt_enabled()) { tls_wrap_mode = TLS_CRYPT; // get HMAC size from Digest object hmac_size = c.tls_crypt_context->digest_size(); } else if (c.tls_auth_enabled()) { tls_wrap_mode = TLS_AUTH; // get HMAC size from Digest object hmac_size = c.tls_auth_context->size(); } else { tls_wrap_mode = TLS_PLAIN; hmac_size = 0; } } uint32_t get_tls_warnings() const { if (primary) return primary->get_tls_warnings(); OPENVPN_LOG(«TLS: primary key context uninitialized. Can’t retrieve TLS warnings«); return 0; } bool uses_bs64_cipher() const { return is_bs64_cipher(conf().dc.cipher()); } void reset_tls_crypt(const Config &c, const OpenVPNStaticKey &key) { tls_crypt_send = c.tls_crypt_context->new_obj_send(); tls_crypt_recv = c.tls_crypt_context->new_obj_recv(); // static direction assignment — not user configurable unsigned int key_dir = is_server() ? OpenVPNStaticKey::NORMAL : OpenVPNStaticKey::INVERSE; tls_crypt_send->init(c.ssl_factory->libctx(), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::ENCRYPT | key_dir), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER | OpenVPNStaticKey::ENCRYPT | key_dir)); tls_crypt_recv->init(c.ssl_factory->libctx(), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir), key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); } void set_dynamic_tls_crypt(const Config &c, const KeyContext::Ptr &key_ctx) { OpenVPNStaticKey dyn_key; key_ctx->export_key_material(dyn_key, «EXPORTER-OpenVPN-dynamic-tls-crypt«); if (c.tls_auth_enabled() || c.tls_crypt_enabled() || c.tls_crypt_v2_enabled()) dyn_key.XOR(c.tls_key); tls_wrap_mode = TLS_CRYPT; // get HMAC size from Digest object hmac_size = c.tls_crypt_context->digest_size(); ta_pid_send.init(PacketID::LONG_FORM); ta_pid_recv.init(c.pid_mode, PacketID::LONG_FORM, «SSL-CC«, 0, stats); reset_tls_crypt(c, dyn_key); } void reset_tls_crypt_server(const Config &c) { // tls-crypt session key is derived later from WKc received from the client tls_crypt_send.reset(); tls_crypt_recv.reset(); // server context is used only to process incoming WKc’s tls_crypt_server = c.tls_crypt_context->new_obj_recv(); // the server key is composed by one key set only, therefore direction and // mode should not be specified when slicing tls_crypt_server->init(c.ssl_factory->libctx(), c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC), c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::CIPHER)); tls_crypt_metadata = c.tls_crypt_metadata_factory->new_obj(); } void reset() { const Config &c = *config; // defer data channel initialization until after client options pull? dc_deferred = c.dc_deferred; // clear key contexts reset_all(); // start with key ID 0 upcoming_key_id = 0; unsigned int key_dir; const PacketID::id_t EARLY_NEG_START = 0x0f000000; // tls-auth initialization reset_tls_wrap_mode(c); switch (tls_wrap_mode) { case TLS_CRYPT: reset_tls_crypt(c, c.tls_key); // init tls_crypt packet ID ta_pid_send.init(PacketID::LONG_FORM); ta_pid_recv.init(c.pid_mode, PacketID::LONG_FORM, «SSL-CC«, 0, stats); break; case TLS_CRYPT_V2: if (is_server()) // setup key to be used to unwrap WKc upon client connection. // tls-crypt session key setup is postponed to reception of WKc // from client reset_tls_crypt_server(c); else reset_tls_crypt(c, c.tls_key); /** tls-auth/tls-crypt packet id. We start with a different id here * to indicate EARLY_NEG_START/CONTROL_WKC_V1 support */ // init tls_crypt packet ID ta_pid_send.init(PacketID::LONG_FORM, EARLY_NEG_START); ta_pid_recv.init(c.pid_mode, PacketID::LONG_FORM, «SSL-CC«, 0, stats); break; case TLS_AUTH: // init OvpnHMACInstance ta_hmac_send = c.tls_auth_context->new_obj(); ta_hmac_recv = c.tls_auth_context->new_obj(); // init tls_auth hmac if (c.key_direction >= 0) { // key-direction is 0 or 1 key_dir = c.key_direction ? OpenVPNStaticKey::INVERSE : OpenVPNStaticKey::NORMAL; ta_hmac_send->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::ENCRYPT | key_dir)); ta_hmac_recv->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC | OpenVPNStaticKey::DECRYPT | key_dir)); } else { // key-direction bidirectional mode ta_hmac_send->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC)); ta_hmac_recv->init(c.tls_key.slice(OpenVPNStaticKey::HMAC)); } // init tls_auth packet ID ta_pid_send.init(PacketID::LONG_FORM); ta_pid_recv.init(c.pid_mode, PacketID::LONG_FORM, «SSL-CC«, 0, stats); break; case TLS_PLAIN: break; } // initialize proto session ID psid_self.randomize(*c.prng); psid_peer.reset(); // initialize key contexts primary.reset(new KeyContext(*this, is_client())); OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << « New KeyContext PRIMARY id=« << primary->key_id()); // initialize keepalive timers keepalive_expire = Time::infinite(); // initially disabled update_last_sent(); // set timer for initial keepalive send } void set_protocol(const Protocol &p) { config->set_protocol(p); if (primary) primary->set_protocol(p); if (secondary) secondary->set_protocol(p); } // Free up space when parent object has been halted but // object destruction is not immediately scheduled. void pre_destroy() { reset_all(); } // Is primary key defined bool primary_defined() { return bool(primary); } virtual ~ProtoContext() { } // return the PacketType of an incoming network packet PacketType packet_type(const Buffer &buf) { return PacketType(buf, *this); } // start protocol negotiation void start() { if (!primary) throw proto_error(«start: no primary key«); primary->start(); update_last_received(); // set an upper bound on when we expect a response } // trigger a protocol renegotiation void renegotiate() { // set up dynamic tls-crypt keys when the first rekeying happens // primary key_id 0 indicates that it is the first rekey if (conf().dynamic_tls_crypt_enabled() && primary && primary->key_id() == 0) set_dynamic_tls_crypt(conf(), primary); // initialize secondary key context new_secondary_key(true); secondary->start(); } // Should be called at the end of sequence of send/recv // operations on underlying protocol object. // If control_channel is true, do a full flush. // If control_channel is false, optimize flush for data // channel only. void flush(const bool control_channel) { if (control_channel || process_events()) { do { if (primary) primary->flush(); if (secondary) secondary->flush(); } while (process_events()); } } // Perform various time-based housekeeping tasks such as retransmiting // unacknowleged packets as part of the reliability layer and testing // for keepalive timouts. // Should be called at the time returned by next_housekeeping. void housekeeping() { // handle control channel retransmissions on primary if (primary) primary->retransmit(); // handle control channel retransmissions on secondary if (secondary) secondary->retransmit(); // handle possible events flush(false); // handle keepalive/expiration keepalive_housekeeping(); } // When should we next call housekeeping? // Will return a time value for immediate execution // if session has been invalidated. Time next_housekeeping() const { if (!invalidated()) { Time ret = Time::infinite(); if (primary) ret.min(primary->next_retransmit()); if (secondary) ret.min(secondary->next_retransmit()); ret.min(keepalive_xmit); ret.min(keepalive_expire); return ret; } else return Time(); } // send app-level cleartext to remote peer void control_send(BufferPtr &&app_bp) { select_control_send_context().app_send(std::move(app_bp)); } void control_send(BufferAllocated &&app_buf) { control_send(app_buf.move_to_ptr()); } // validate a control channel network packet bool control_net_validate(const PacketType &type, const Buffer &net_buf) { return type.is_defined() && KeyContext::validate(net_buf, *this, now_); } // pass received control channel network packets (ciphertext) into protocol object bool control_net_recv(const PacketType &type, BufferAllocated &&net_buf) { Packet pkt(net_buf.move_to_ptr(), type.opcode); if (type.is_soft_reset() && !renegotiate_request(pkt)) return false; return select_key_context(type, true).net_recv(std::move(pkt)); } bool control_net_recv(const PacketType &type, BufferPtr &&net_bp) { Packet pkt(std::move(net_bp), type.opcode); if (type.is_soft_reset() && !renegotiate_request(pkt)) return false; return select_key_context(type, true).net_recv(std::move(pkt)); } // encrypt a data channel packet using primary KeyContext void data_encrypt(BufferAllocated &in_out) { // OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << » DATA ENCRYPT size=» << in_out.size()); if (!primary) throw proto_error(«data_encrypt: no primary key«); primary->encrypt(in_out); } // decrypt a data channel packet (automatically select primary // or secondary KeyContext based on packet content) bool data_decrypt(const PacketType &type, BufferAllocated &in_out) { bool ret = false; // OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << » DATA DECRYPT key_id=» << select_key_context(type, false).key_id() << » size=» << in_out.size()); select_key_context(type, false).decrypt(in_out); // update time of most recent packet received if (in_out.size()) { update_last_received(); ret = true; } // discard keepalive packets if (proto_context_private::is_keepalive(in_out)) { in_out.reset_size(); } return ret; } // enter disconnected state void disconnect(const Error::Type reason) { if (primary) primary->invalidate(reason); if (secondary) secondary->invalidate(reason); } // normally used by UDP clients to tell the server that // they are disconnecting void send_explicit_exit_notify() { #ifndef OPENVPN_DISABLE_EXPLICIT_EXIT // explicit exit should always be enabled in production if (!is_client() || !is_udp() || !primary) { return; } if (config->cc_exit_notify) { write_control_string(std::string(«EXIT«)); primary->flush(); } else { primary->send_explicit_exit_notify(); } #endif // OPENVPN_DISABLE_EXPLICIT_EXIT } // should be called after a successful network packet transmit void update_last_sent() { keepalive_xmit = *now_ + config->keepalive_ping; } // Can we call data_encrypt or data_decrypt yet? // Returns true if primary data channel is in ACTIVE state. bool data_channel_ready() const { return primary && primary->data_channel_ready(); } // total number of SSL/TLS negotiations during lifetime of ProtoContext object unsigned int negotiations() const { return n_key_ids; } // worst-case handshake time const Time::Duration &slowest_handshake() { return slowest_handshake_; } // was primary context invalidated by an exception? bool invalidated() const { return primary && primary->invalidated(); } // reason for invalidation if invalidated() above returns true Error::Type invalidation_reason() const { return primary->invalidation_reason(); } // Do late initialization of data channel, for example // on client after server push, or on server after client // capabilities are known. void init_data_channel() { dc_deferred = false; // initialize data channel (crypto & compression) if (primary) primary->init_data_channel(); if (secondary) secondary->init_data_channel(); } // Call on client with server-pushed options void process_push(const OptionList &opt, const ProtoContextOptions &pco) { // modify config with pushed options config->process_push(opt, pco); // in case keepalive parms were modified by push keepalive_parms_modified(); } // Return the current transport alignment adjustment size_t align_adjust_hint() const { return config->enable_op32 ? 0 : 1; } // Return true if keepalive parameter(s) are enabled bool is_keepalive_enabled() const { return config->keepalive_ping.enabled() || config->keepalive_timeout.enabled(); } // Disable keepalive for rest of session, // but return the previous keepalive parameters. void disable_keepalive(unsigned int &keepalive_ping, unsigned int &keepalive_timeout) { keepalive_ping = config->keepalive_ping.enabled() ? config->keepalive_ping.to_seconds() : 0; keepalive_timeout = config->keepalive_timeout.enabled() ? config->keepalive_timeout.to_seconds() : 0; config->keepalive_ping = Time::Duration::infinite(); config->keepalive_timeout = Time::Duration::infinite(); config->keepalive_timeout_early = Time::Duration::infinite(); keepalive_parms_modified(); } // Notify our component KeyContext when per-key Data Limits have been reached void data_limit_notify(const unsigned int key_id, const DataLimit::Mode cdl_mode, const DataLimit::State cdl_status) { if (primary && key_id == primary->key_id()) primary->data_limit_notify(cdl_mode, cdl_status); else if (secondary && key_id == secondary->key_id()) secondary->data_limit_notify(cdl_mode, cdl_status); } // access the data channel settings CryptoDCSettings &dc_settings() { return config->dc; } // reset the data channel factory void reset_dc_factory() { config->dc.reset(); } // set the local peer ID (or -1 to disable) void set_local_peer_id(const int local_peer_id) { config->local_peer_id = local_peer_id; } // current time const Time &now() const { return *now_; } void update_now() { now_->update(); } // frame const Frame &frame() const { return *config->frame; } const Frame::Ptr &frameptr() const { return config->frame; } // client or server? const Mode &mode() const { return mode_; } bool is_server() const { return mode_.is_server(); } bool is_client() const { return mode_.is_client(); } // tcp/udp mode bool is_tcp() { return config->protocol.is_tcp(); } bool is_udp() { return config->protocol.is_udp(); } // configuration const Config &conf() const { return *config; } Config &conf() { return *config; } Config::Ptr conf_ptr() const { return config; } // stats SessionStats &stat() const { return *stats; } protected: // debugging int primary_state() const { if (primary) return primary->get_state(); else return STATE_UNDEF; } private: // TLS wrapping mode for the control channel enum TLSWrapMode { TLS_PLAIN, TLS_AUTH, TLS_CRYPT, TLS_CRYPT_V2 }; void reset_all() { if (primary) primary->rekey(CryptoDCInstance::DEACTIVATE_ALL); primary.reset(); secondary.reset(); } virtual void control_net_send(const Buffer &net_buf) = 0; // app may take ownership of app_bp via std::move virtual void control_recv(BufferPtr &&app_bp) = 0; // Called on client to request username/password credentials. // Should be overriden by derived class if credentials are required. // username and password should be written into buf with write_auth_string(). virtual void client_auth(Buffer &buf) { write_empty_string(buf); // username write_empty_string(buf); // password } // Called on server with credentials and peer info provided by client. // Should be overriden by derived class if credentials are required. virtual void server_auth(const std::string &username, const SafeString &password, const std::string &peer_info, const AuthCert::Ptr &auth_cert) { } // Called when KeyContext transitions to ACTIVE state virtual void active(bool primary) { } void update_last_received() { keepalive_expire = *now_ + (data_channel_ready() ? config->keepalive_timeout : config->keepalive_timeout_early); } void net_send(const unsigned int key_id, const Packet &net_pkt) { control_net_send(net_pkt.buffer()); } void app_recv(const unsigned int key_id, BufferPtr &&to_app_buf) { control_recv(std::move(to_app_buf)); } // we’re getting a request from peer to renegotiate. bool renegotiate_request(Packet &pkt) { // set up dynamic tls-crypt keys when the first rekeying happens // primary key_id 0 indicates that it is the first rekey if (conf().dynamic_tls_crypt_enabled() && primary && primary->key_id() == 0) set_dynamic_tls_crypt(conf(), primary); if (KeyContext::validate(pkt.buffer(), *this, now_)) { new_secondary_key(false); return true; } else return false; } // select a KeyContext (primary or secondary) for received network packets KeyContext &select_key_context(const PacketType &type, const bool control) { const unsigned int flags = type.flags & (PacketType::DEFINED | PacketType::SECONDARY | PacketType::CONTROL); if (!control) { if (flags == (PacketType::DEFINED) && primary) return *primary; else if (flags == (PacketType::DEFINED | PacketType::SECONDARY) && secondary) return *secondary; } else { if (flags == (PacketType::DEFINED | PacketType::CONTROL) && primary) { return *primary; } else if (flags == (PacketType::DEFINED | PacketType::SECONDARY | PacketType::CONTROL) && secondary) { return *secondary; } } throw select_key_context_error(); } // Select a KeyContext (primary or secondary) for control channel sends. // Even after new key context goes active, we still wait for // KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY event (controlled by the become_primary duration // in Config) before we use it for app-level control-channel // transmissions. Simulations have found this method to be more reliable // than the immediate rollover practiced by OpenVPN 2.x. KeyContext &select_control_send_context() { OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << « CONTROL SEND«); if (!primary) throw proto_error(«select_control_send_context: no primary key«); return *primary; } // Possibly send a keepalive message, and check for expiration // of session due to lack of received packets from peer. void keepalive_housekeeping() { const Time now = *now_; // check for keepalive timeouts if (now >= keepalive_xmit && primary) { primary->send_keepalive(); update_last_sent(); } if (now >= keepalive_expire) { // no contact with peer, disconnect stats->error(Error::KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT); disconnect(Error::KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT); } } // Process KEV_x events // Return true if any events were processed. bool process_events() { bool did_work = false; // primary if (primary && primary->event_pending()) { process_primary_event(); did_work = true; } // secondary if (secondary && secondary->event_pending()) { process_secondary_event(); did_work = true; } return did_work; } // Create a new secondary key. // initiator — // false : remote renegotiation request // true : local renegotiation request void new_secondary_key(const bool initiator) { // Create the secondary secondary.reset(new KeyContext(*this, initiator)); OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << « New KeyContext SECONDARY id=« << secondary->key_id() << (initiator ? « local-triggered« : « remote-triggered«)); } // Promote a newly renegotiated KeyContext to primary status. // This is usually triggered by become_primary variable (Time::Duration) // in Config. void promote_secondary_to_primary() { primary.swap(secondary); if (primary) primary->rekey(CryptoDCInstance::PRIMARY_SECONDARY_SWAP); if (secondary) secondary->prepare_expire(); OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << « PRIMARY_SECONDARY_SWAP«); } void process_primary_event() { const KeyContext::EventType ev = primary->get_event(); if (ev != KeyContext::KEV_NONE) { primary->reset_event(); switch (ev) { case KeyContext::KEV_ACTIVE: OPENVPN_LOG_PROTO_VERBOSE(debug_prefix() << « SESSION_ACTIVE«); primary->rekey(CryptoDCInstance::ACTIVATE_PRIMARY); active(true); break; case KeyContext::KEV_RENEGOTIATE: case KeyContext::KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE: renegotiate(); break; case KeyContext::KEV_EXPIRE: if (secondary && !secondary->invalidated()) promote_secondary_to_primary(); else { stats->error(Error::PRIMARY_EXPIRE); // primary context expired and no secondary context available disconnect(Error::PRIMARY_EXPIRE); } break; case KeyContext::KEV_NEGOTIATE: stats->error(Error::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT); // primary negotiation failed disconnect(Error::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT); break; default: break; } } primary->set_next_event_if_unspecified(); } void process_secondary_event() { const KeyContext::EventType ev = secondary->get_event(); if (ev != KeyContext::KEV_NONE) { secondary->reset_event(); switch (ev) { case KeyContext::KEV_ACTIVE: secondary->rekey(CryptoDCInstance::NEW_SECONDARY); if (primary) primary->prepare_expire(); active(false); break; case KeyContext::KEV_BECOME_PRIMARY: if (!secondary->invalidated()) promote_secondary_to_primary(); break; case KeyContext::KEV_EXPIRE: secondary->rekey(CryptoDCInstance::DEACTIVATE_SECONDARY); secondary.reset(); break; case KeyContext::KEV_RENEGOTIATE_QUEUE: if (primary) primary->key_limit_reneg(KeyContext::KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE, secondary->become_primary_time()); break; case KeyContext::KEV_NEGOTIATE: stats->error(Error::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT); case KeyContext::KEV_PRIMARY_PENDING: case KeyContext::KEV_RENEGOTIATE_FORCE: renegotiate(); break; default: break; } } if (secondary) secondary->set_next_event_if_unspecified(); } std::string debug_prefix() { std::string ret = openvpn::to_string(now_->raw()); ret += is_server() ? « SERVER[« : « CLIENT[«; if (primary) ret += openvpn::to_string(primary->key_id()); if (secondary) { ret += /; ret += openvpn::to_string(secondary->key_id()); } ret += ]; return ret; } // key_id starts at 0, increments to KEY_ID_MASK, then recycles back to 1. // Therefore, if key_id is 0, it is the first key. unsigned int next_key_id() { ++n_key_ids; unsigned int ret = upcoming_key_id; if ((upcoming_key_id = (upcoming_key_id + 1) & KEY_ID_MASK) == 0) upcoming_key_id = 1; return ret; } // call whenever keepalive parms are modified, // to reset timers void keepalive_parms_modified() { update_last_received(); // For keepalive_xmit timer, don’t reschedule current cycle // unless it would fire earlier. Subsequent cycles will // time according to new keepalive_ping value. const Time kx = *now_ + config->keepalive_ping; if (kx < keepalive_xmit) keepalive_xmit = kx; } void tls_crypt_append_wkc(BufferAllocated &dst) { if (!config->wkc.defined()) throw proto_error(«Client Key Wrapper undefined«); dst.append(config->wkc); } // BEGIN ProtoContext data members Config::Ptr config; SessionStats::Ptr stats; size_t hmac_size; TLSWrapMode tls_wrap_mode; Mode mode_; // client or server unsigned int upcoming_key_id = 0; unsigned int n_key_ids; TimePtr now_; // pointer to current time (a clone of config->now) Time keepalive_xmit; // time in future when we will transmit a keepalive (subject to continuous change) Time keepalive_expire; // time in future when we must have received a packet from peer or we will timeout session Time::Duration slowest_handshake_; // longest time to reach a successful handshake OvpnHMACInstance::Ptr ta_hmac_send; OvpnHMACInstance::Ptr ta_hmac_recv; TLSCryptInstance::Ptr tls_crypt_send; TLSCryptInstance::Ptr tls_crypt_recv; TLSCryptInstance::Ptr tls_crypt_server; TLSCryptMetadata::Ptr tls_crypt_metadata; PacketIDSend ta_pid_send; PacketIDReceive ta_pid_recv; ProtoSessionID psid_self; ProtoSessionID psid_peer; KeyContext::Ptr primary; KeyContext::Ptr secondary; bool dc_deferred = false; // END ProtoContext data members }; } // namespace openvpn #endif // OPENVPN_SSL_PROTO_H

Хорошо, с первим понятно. Редагую конфиг на клиенте.

А что с конфигом на сервере. Где нужно вставить ету строчку: push «topology subnet» …..?

Вот конфиг:


# EBox OpenVPN 2.0 config file for server sachemplace1
# Which local IP address should OpenVPN
# listen on? (optional)
# Which TCP/UDP port should OpenVPN listen on?

port ***

# TCP or UDP server?

proto ***

# virtual device

dev tap1

# SSL/TLS root certificate (ca), certificate

# (cert), and private key (key).

ca ‘/var/lib/ebox/CA/cacert.pem’

cert ‘/var/lib/ebox/CA/certs/34F288873BF03F59.pem’

key ‘/var/lib/ebox/CA/private/vpn-sachemplace1.pem’
# This file should be kept secret

# check peer certificate against certificate revokation list

crl-verify /var/lib/ebox/CA/crl/latest.pem

# Diffie hellman parameters.
# Generate your own with:
# openssl dhparam -out dh1024.pem 1024
# Substitute 2048 for 1024 if you are using
# 2048 bit keys.
#dh /etc/openvpn/dh1024.pem

dh /etc/openvpn/ebox-dh1024.pem

# Configure server mode and supply a VPN subnet
# for OpenVPN to draw client addresses from.

# Maintain a record of client <-> virtual IP address
# associations in this file.
ifconfig-pool-persist ‘/etc/openvpn/sachemplace1-ipp.txt’

# If enabled, this directive will configure
# all clients to redirect their default
# network gateway through the VPN
;push «redirect-gateway»

# Uncomment this directive to allow different
# clients to be able to «see» each other.


# The keepalive directive causes ping-like
# messages to be sent back and forth over
keepalive 10 120

# client certificate common name authentication

# For extra security beyond that provided
# by SSL/TLS, create an «HMAC firewall»
# to help block DoS attacks and UDP port flooding.
;tls-auth ta.key 0 # This file is secret

# Select a cryptographic cipher.
# This config item must be copied to
# the client config file as well.
;cipher BF-CBC # Blowfish (default)
;cipher AES-128-CBC # AES
;cipher DES-EDE3-CBC # Triple-DES

# Enable compression on the VPN link.
# If you enable it here, you must also
# enable it in the client config file.

# The maximum number of concurrently connected
# clients we want to allow.
;max-clients 100

# group and user for the OpenVPN
# daemon’s privileges after initialization.

user nobody

group nogroup

# The persist options will try to avoid
# accessing certain resources on restart
# that may no longer be accessible because
# of the privilege downgrade.

# Output a short status file showing
# current connections, truncated
# and rewritten every minute.
status ‘/var/log/ebox/openvpn/status-sachemplace1.log’

# By default, log messages will go to the syslog (or
# on Windows, if running as a service, they will go to
# the «Program FilesOpenVPNlog» directory).
# Use log or log-append to override this default.
# «log» will truncate the log file on OpenVPN startup,
# while «log-append» will append to it. Use one
# or the other (but not both).
log-append ‘/var/log/ebox/openvpn/sachemplace1.log’

# Set the appropriate level of log
# file verbosity.
# 0 is silent, except for fatal errors
# 4 is reasonable for general usage
# 5 and 6 can help to debug connection problems
# 9 is extremely verbose
verb 3

# Silence repeating messages. At most 20
# sequential messages of the same message
# category will be output to the log.
;mute 20

push «route»

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:

Читайте также:

  • Openvpn options error unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter s
  • Openserver ошибка запуска hosts
  • Openvpn options error server directive network netmask combination is invalid
  • Openserver ошибка запрошенный url не может быть получен
  • Openserver ошибка 500

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