- Не могу собрать OpenWrt через image builder
- Call image error 2
- Image build failing. Cannot install package lime-full #28
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Не могу собрать OpenWrt через image builder
Скачал image builder, собираю под мой девайс командой:
И ещё вопрос: как правильно добавить дополнительный git репозиорий? В repositories.conf , добавлены вида
У меня тоже собралось сразу, спасибо большое. Не думал, что билдер каждый раз нужно заново выкачивать для обновления версии ядра (я же make clean делаю).
Как можно добавить git репозиторий? Я хочу попробовать с другими драйверами собрать, а инструкция для старых версий билдера.
Как можно добавить git репозиторий?
Дополню всё же. Я хочу попробовать собрать с этим проприетарным драйвером. Нужно отключить и выбрать драйвер через menuconfig и добавить git источник с драйверами в feeds.conf.
Описанные в вики feeds.conf, feeds.conf.default отсутствуют, menuconfig тоже:
imagebuilder — он для сборки образов из готовых пакетов.
Я хочу попробовать собрать с этим проприетарным драйвером. Нужно отключить и выбрать драйвер через menuconfig и добавить git источник с драйверами в feeds.conf.
Только выкачивать с гитхаба и с нуля собирать?
Я не понял, тебе ядро что ли нужно пересобрать с другими параметрами или просто какие-то пакеты дособрать? В первом случае да, только страдать, во втором случае попробуй SDK (SDK ≠ ImageBuilder).
Call image error 2
OpenWrt — встраиваемая операционная система, основанная на ядре Linux, и предназначенная, в первую очередь, для домашних маршрутизаторов. Основные компоненты включают в себя ядро Linux, util-linux, uClibc или musl и BusyBox. Исходный код открытый. Распространяется под лицензией GNU GPL
Проект LEDE разработан на основе линукса, встраиваемый мета-дистрибутив базирующийся на OpenWRT, ориентирован на широкий спектр беспроводных маршрутизаторов SOHO и не-сетевых устройств. “Linux Embedded Development Environment” (Встраиваемая среда разработки линукс).
LEDE отвернулся от материнского проекта в мае 2016 года, с целью продолжить разрабатывать лучшее программное обеспечение в открытой модели управления и поощрение новых разработчиков внести свой вклад и усилия в области развития.
- https://www.openwrt.org
- https://github.com/openwrt
- Данная тема предназначена для обсуждения процесса сборки, обсуждения компонентов прошивки для включения в готовый файл для прошивки вашего маршрутизатора и все что не связано с компиляцией прошивки.
- В данной теме не обсуждают настройки OpenWrt/LEDE, процесс установки готовых сборок на ваш роутер. Вопросы типа: «Установил OpenWrt и теперь не знаю что делать, как мне настроить интернет» — оффтоп и будет удален без каких либо предупреждений. Для таких вопросов есть общая темаOpenWrt/LEDE — альтернативная прошивка
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
/openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a && make prereq
Все манипуляции делаются на компьютере с linux (в нашем примере будет для Debian/Ubuntu)
Для начала установим все необходимое.
Открываем консоль и копируем туда команды
Далее нужно скачать исходники прошивки (смотри спойлер Git-репозитории проектов OpenWrt и LEDE )
Скачиваем необходимую нам ветку (в данном примере это OpenWrt v17.01.4)
Далее, переходим в каталог с тем что у нас скачалось.
/ (то есть home, он же домашний каталог) у нас создался каталог openwrt, нужно перейти в него для продолжения
Image build failing. Cannot install package lime-full #28
Pulled the git. Followed the instructions and tried to built and image but got the following error.
even running with
J=1 V=s ./cooker -c ar71xx/generic —profile=tl-wr940n-v4 —flavor=lime_default
Not sure where to go now?
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
There should be more errors earlier in the log, can you post them also?
Hmmm looks like an error building openssl. Seems there are whole load of undefined functions.
I have uploaded the output here.
hope that helps.
Looks like what you’re missing on your machine is libssl-dev
Nope. It is not that. FTR I am using Debian/Testing
I think I found the problem.
Looking at the Makefile in lime-sdk/feeds/base/package/libs/openssl
points to openssl-1.0.2k
k does not exist. The latest patch version is l.
I will edit the Makefile and see if that fixes it.
Yup. That seemed to fix it.
N.B. You also need to include the sha256sum value into the Makefile, which sit alongside the tar.gz file.
Hmmm. I thought I was going to end up with a sysupgrade.bin file instead I end up with others?
What am I missing?
The file with the k does exist
but maybe they fixed the error you hit in l revision?
I don’t know, can someone else on Debian testing reproduce this? The compilation was ok for me on Arch.
You didn’t get the image compiled ’cause you’re using the lime_default flavor (for routers with more than 4 MB of flash memory) for a router with 4 MB flash memory.
lime-sdk doesn’t warn you yet, this has been reported in #21
For obtaining the images you need to use the lime_mini (without package manager, this is the recommended one) or lime_zero (without web interface) flavors.
@develroo did you manage to compile the image? Shall I close this?
Yes I did build it in the end but there really ought to be a warning of some sort if you are building to a target with or less than 4Mb that you should not build the lime-full image only lime_mini or lime_zero ones.
Thanks for the help. Got there in the end.
there really ought to be a warning of some sort if you are building to a target with or less than 4Mb that you should not build the lime-full image only lime_mini or lime_zero ones.
Yep, I agree, this would be partially solved in #21. A way for detecting routers flash size is also interesting for jefe/chef and has been requested to LEDE people: https://lists.libremesh.org/pipermail/lime-dev/2017-October/000994.html
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Дайте советы по чистке OpenWRT
Первый раз имею дело с OpenWRT. Такое горе.
На роутере TL-MR3420 всего 4МБ флеш памяти. Накатил OpenWrt, что дальше — смотрите:
# opkg install nano
Installing nano (2.2.6-1) to root.
Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/nano_2.2.6-1_ar7. .
Installing libncurses (5.9-1) to root.
Collected errors:
* verify_pkg_installable: Only have 44kb available on filesystem /overlay, pkg libncurses needs 122
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package nano.
т.е. свободно 44кб, требуется 122. А мне еще желательно установить luci-ssl.
Ваш vim мне не друг — уж слишком «для понтов»/не удобно — ИМХО.
Пробовал opkg remove vim — No packages removed и вообще vim packages not found. WTF?
Список пакетов http://pastebin.com/Pjcux0H1
Посоветуйте чего удалалить/почистить/как vim удалить?
vim ты никак не удалишь — он часть бузибокса
имхо, в твоем случае чистить место — пересобирать прошивку
можно было бы типа pivot_root, но у тебя не вкомпилены модули файловых систем, а поставить их — место нет
Печаль. Не задумывался о флеш памяти, когда роутер брал.
Ставил русский, т.к. с инглишом затруднения. Что, если удалить luci-mod-admin-core, не знаете случайно? Этот пакет в зависимостях у luci-i18n-english.
ну судя по названию пакета, потом сломается вся люси
если не будешь пользоваться ipv6, то можешь грохнуть ip6tables. Они около 250кбайт весят
kmod-ipv6 ту да же, если не пользуешься
там у тебя еще 2 темы для люси установлены, попробуй удалить ту, которой не пользуешься
но, имхо, самый правильный способ — пересобрать опенврт с выпиленным всем, кроме модулей для файловой системы, ну а потом взять флешку на n-Гб и сделать себе корень в эти n-Гб.
правда тогда будет занят усб
у себя решил впаиванием усб-хаба
Можно пересобрать образ прошивки и нужный софт добавить сразу в /rom, а не /overlay. /rom сжимается squashfs, потому больше влезет. По сборке образа есть статья в вики: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.generate (или на хабре). Также можно удалить ненужные пакеты для PPPoE и еще чего-нибудь.
luci занимает очень много места и по возможности лучше от нее отказаться. Также можно удалить всё в /overlay/* кроме конфигов в /overlay/etc/config — получится глобальная чистка, но удалится все что было установлено (надо аккуратно и с бэкапами).
$ make image PROFILE=Default PACKAGES=«block-mount kmod-usb-core kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4 nano» FILES=packages/
make[1]: *** [_call_image] Error 126
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64′
make: *** [image] Ошибка 2
Что сделать? Собирается на Debian Testing i386. Других архивов, кроме как ImageBuilder x86_64 для ar71xx там нет.
Что касательно впайки хаба — надо подумать. Вставлю SD флешку в модем 3G — должно же заработать?!
Спасибо за линки.
наверное заработает c флешкой в 3g
по сборке не подскажу — я собираю из svn со сборокой тулчейна и make menuconfig
наверное, тебе проще будет делать, как Black_Roland посоветовал
До этого есть какие-то записи? В PROFILE надо подставить модель своего роутера. Сейчас точно нескажу, но в каталоге с imagebuilder’ом есть конфиги для всех роутеров и там можно подсмотреть правильное название для PROFILE.
И ты скачал imagebuider из транка, а он для x86_64 хоста. Качни стабильный релиз: http://downloads.openwrt.org/attitude_adjustment/12.09/ar71xx/generic/OpenWrt. — он под твой debian подойдет.
Да, вот например:
/home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/find: line 4: /home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/bundled/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: Success
/home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/opkg: line 4: /home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/bundled/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: cannot execute binary file
/home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/opkg: line 4: /home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64/staging_dir/host/bin/bundled/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: Success
make[1]: *** [_call_image] Error 126
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/Sources/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-linux-x86_64′
make: *** [image] Ошибка 2
Это пример выхлопа с
$ make PROFILE=TLMR3420 image PACKAGES=«block-mount kmod-usb-core kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4 nano» FILES=packages/
А стабильный вроде как не поддерживает вторую ревизию TL MR3420
root@ubuntu:~/openwrt-cc# make -j1 V=s
make[1]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc'
make[2]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc'
+ mkdir -p /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
+ cd /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
+ mkdir -p bin lib include stamp
mkdir -p /root/openwrt-cc/build_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
touch /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
+ mkdir -p /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host
+ cd /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host
+ mkdir -p bin lib include stamp
mkdir -p /root/openwrt-cc/build_dir/host/stamp /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/include/sys
install -m0644 /root/openwrt-cc/tools/include/*.h /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/include/
install -m0644 /root/openwrt-cc/tools/include/sys/*.h /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/include/sys/
ln -sf lib /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/lib64
touch /root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/.prepared
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/patch'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/patch'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/patch'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/patch'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/sed'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/sed'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/sed'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/sed'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/m4'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/m4'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/m4'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/m4'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/autoconf'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/autoconf'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/autoconf'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/autoconf'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/pkg-config'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/pkg-config'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/pkg-config'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/pkg-config'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/xz'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/xz'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/xz'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/xz'
make[3]: Entering directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/automake'
(cd /root/openwrt-cc/build_dir/host/automake-1.15; AUTOM4TE=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/autom4te AUTOCONF=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/autoconf AUTOMAKE=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/automake ACLOCAL=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/aclocal AUTOHEADER=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/autoheader LIBTOOLIZE=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/libtoolize LIBTOOL=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/libtool M4=/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/host/bin/m4 AUTOPOINT=true STAGING_DIR="" ./bootstrap.sh)
Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/${ <-- HERE ([^ t=:+{}]+)}/ at ./bin/automake.tmp line 3938.
Makefile:50: recipe for target '/root/openwrt-cc/build_dir/host/automake-1.15/.configured' failed
make[3]: *** [/root/openwrt-cc/build_dir/host/automake-1.15/.configured] Error 255
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc/tools/automake'
tools/Makefile:122: recipe for target 'tools/automake/compile' failed
make[2]: *** [tools/automake/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc'
tools/Makefile:121: recipe for target '/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-' failed
make[1]: *** [/root/openwrt-cc/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt-cc'
/root/openwrt-cc/include/toplevel.mk:181: recipe for target 'world' failed
make: *** [world] Error 2
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- » [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
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#1 2017-08-21 12:17:01
- kfl62
- Member
- From: Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
- Registered: 2011-10-03
- Posts: 11
[SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Can’t compile openwrt …
make[3]: Entering directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/tools/automake'
(cd /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/automake-1.15; AUTOM4TE=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/autom4te AUTOCONF=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/autoconf AUTOMAKE=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/automake ACLOCAL=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/aclocal AUTOHEADER=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/autoheader LIBTOOLIZE=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/libtoolize LIBTOOL=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/libtool M4=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/m4 AUTOPOINT=true STAGING_DIR="" ./bootstrap.sh)
Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/${ <-- HERE ([^ t=:+{}]+)}/ at ./bin/automake.tmp line 3938.
make[3]: *** [Makefile:51: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/automake-1.15/.configured] Error 255
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/tools/automake'
make[2]: *** [tools/Makefile:135: tools/automake/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make[1]: *** [tools/Makefile:133: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_musl-1.1.16/stamp/.tools_install_yynyynynynyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyyyyyynyyyyynnyynynyyyynnnyy] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make: *** [/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/include/toplevel.mk:194: world] Error 2
I used openwrt some time ago and it worked fine.
I done a clean install
git clone https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
make defconfig
make -j1 V=s
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong?
I installed In a virtulbox openSuSE Tumbleweed, just for try, and compiling openwrt works fine.
I installed as you see above, required packages also, as I was saying I also installed on a virtualbox running on my machine openSuSE Tumbleweed and I got a working openwrt.
I presume it’s a (gcc) compiler problem. Last year before I unfortunately deleted the openwrt build system it was working.
Last edited by kfl62 (2017-08-30 11:51:23)
#2 2017-08-21 13:05:19
- WorMzy
- Forum Moderator
- From: Scotland
- Registered: 2010-06-16
- Posts: 11,019
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Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Mod note: Moving to AUR Issues.
Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD
Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
#3 2017-08-21 13:45:06
- Stefan Husmann
- Member
- From: Germany
- Registered: 2007-08-07
- Posts: 1,292
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
WorMzy: He does not use a PKGBUILD from the AUR. He does not use a PKGBUILD at all.
#4 2017-08-21 14:20:14
- Slithery
- Administrator
- From: Norfolk, UK
- Registered: 2013-12-01
- Posts: 5,776
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
It’s not in the official repos, therefore it belongs in AUR
No, it didn’t «fix» anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. — jasonwryan
Closing — for deletion; Banning — for muppetry. — jasonwryan
aur — dotfiles
#5 2017-08-21 15:11:44
- kfl62
- Member
- From: Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
- Registered: 2011-10-03
- Posts: 11
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
I am glad, my question generated such interest, but I really don’t care where its placed, I just want an answer, if you know any!
#6 2017-08-21 15:27:31
- Stefan Husmann
- Member
- From: Germany
- Registered: 2007-08-07
- Posts: 1,292
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Well, you did not write what you actually did, so we can only guess. I guess there are missing dependencies.
#7 2017-08-22 14:20:40
- Lone_Wolf
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- From: Netherlands, Europe
- Registered: 2005-10-04
- Posts: 10,652
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Looks like he did edit some things in.
Did you configure a target before running make devconfig ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
(A works at time B) && (time C > time B ) ≠ (A works at time C)
#8 2017-08-23 07:38:39
- kfl62
- Member
- From: Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
- Registered: 2011-10-03
- Posts: 11
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
I wrote already, I make a clean «default» install…
git clone https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
make defconfig
make -j1 V=s
Something wrong with gcc
gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: /build/gcc/src/gcc/configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl=https://bugs.archlinux.org/ --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,go,lto,objc,obj-c++ --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-libmpx --with-system-zlib --with-isl --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-clocale=gnu --disable-libstdcxx-pch --disable-libssp --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-install-libiberty --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --disable-multilib --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-default-pie --enable-default-ssp
Thread model: posix
gcc version 7.1.1 20170630 (GCC)
if I install in a virtualbox Archlinux and downgrade to date 2017.03.01 works fine
gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: /build/gcc/src/gcc/configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl=https://bugs.archlinux.org/ --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,go,lto,objc,obj-c++ --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-libmpx --with-system-zlib --with-isl --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-clocale=gnu --disable-libstdcxx-pch --disable-libssp --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --enable-lto --enable-plugin --enable-install-libiberty --with-linker-hash-style=gnu --enable-gnu-indirect-function --disable-multilib --disable-werror --enable-checking=release
Thread model: posix
gcc version 6.3.1 20170109 (GCC)
It’s annoying to be forced, to start a virtualbox when I want to compile a software for my router.
How I told already it also works on openSuSE Tumbleweed, which is also a «rolling release»
Last edited by kfl62 (2017-08-23 07:56:55)
#9 2017-08-23 09:11:26
- Lone_Wolf
- Member
- From: Netherlands, Europe
- Registered: 2005-10-04
- Posts: 10,652
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Nothing wrong with gcc, but there were changes in arch linux gcc defaults .
Compare the 2 «configured with» lines and you’ll see what i mean.
Verify what differences there are with suse tumbleweed gcc configuration.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
(A works at time B) && (time C > time B ) ≠ (A works at time C)
#10 2017-08-23 13:45:21
- kfl62
- Member
- From: Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
- Registered: 2011-10-03
- Posts: 11
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
openSuSE Tumbleweed gcc
gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-suse-linux
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,fortran,obj-c++,ada,go --enable-offload-targets=hsa,nvptx-none=/usr/nvptx-none, --without-cuda-driver --enable-checking=release --disable-werror --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/7 --enable-ssp --disable-libssp --disable-libvtv --disable-libcc1 --enable-plugin --with-bugurl=http://bugs.opensuse.org/ --with-pkgversion='SUSE Linux' --with-slibdir=/lib64 --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new --disable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --with-gcc-major-version-only --enable-linker-build-id --enable-linux-futex --enable-gnu-indirect-function --program-suffix=-7 --without-system-libunwind --enable-multilib --with-arch-32=x86-64 --with-tune=generic --build=x86_64-suse-linux --host=x86_64-suse-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 7.1.1 20170629 [gcc-7-branch revision 249772] (SUSE Linux)
#11 2017-08-25 12:54:29
- Lone_Wolf
- Member
- From: Netherlands, Europe
- Registered: 2005-10-04
- Posts: 10,652
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Convert the settings on the «configured with» lines into a 3 column table (gcc 6.3.1-arch, gcc 7.1.1 arch & gcc 7.1.1 suse ) and arrange the rows so shared settings are listed first.
Post the resulting table.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2017-08-25 12:54:51)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
(A works at time B) && (time C > time B ) ≠ (A works at time C)
#12 2017-08-26 04:39:41
- doublej472
- Member
- Registered: 2017-08-26
- Posts: 1
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Someone posted a patch here that fixed this particular issue for me, it might help you out as well. It looks like it ended up being a problem with perl.
#13 2017-08-26 16:53:53
- Lone_Wolf
- Member
- From: Netherlands, Europe
- Registered: 2005-10-04
- Posts: 10,652
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Than you for steering this thread back in the right direction, doublej472 .
Kfl62, I was wrong assuming the error was caused by gcc .
There’s a known problem between automake 1.15 and earlier versus perl 5.22+ , see [1] , [2] .
It was fixed in automake 1.15.1 .
(cd /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/automake-1.15;
ACLOCAL=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/aclocal AUTOHEADER=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/autoheader
LIBTOOL=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/libtool M4=/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/m4
AUTOPOINT=true STAGING_DIR=»» ./bootstrap.sh)
openwrt doesn’t use the system installed autotools, but a special one they provide.
I suggest you apply the patch on the openwrt-provided autotools version.
[1] http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/automa … 2d8302955e
[2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/50710
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
(A works at time B) && (time C > time B ) ≠ (A works at time C)
#14 2017-08-27 04:31:09
- kfl62
- Member
- From: Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
- Registered: 2011-10-03
- Posts: 11
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Thanks for patches, after I applied the patch, I have an other error …
In file included from tools/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:1:0:
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c: In function 'rsa_remove':
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:156:2: warning: 'ERR_remove_thread_state' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/x509_vfy.h:20:0,
from /usr/include/openssl/x509.h:309,
from /usr/include/openssl/pem.h:17,
from /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:13,
from tools/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:1:
/usr/include/openssl/err.h:247:1: note: declared here
DEPRECATEDIN_1_1_0(void ERR_remove_thread_state(void *))
In file included from tools/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:1:0:
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c: In function 'rsa_sign_with_key':
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:213:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup'; did you mean 'EVP_MD_CTX_create'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c: In function 'rsa_get_exponent':
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.c:279:21: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'RSA {aka struct rsa_st}'
if (BN_num_bits(key->e) > 64)
make[5]: *** [scripts/Makefile.host:134: tools/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [Makefile:1195: tools-only] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:48: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/.built] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/tools/mkimage'
make[2]: *** [tools/Makefile:135: tools/mkimage/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make[1]: *** [tools/Makefile:133: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_musl-1.1.16/stamp/.tools_install_yynyynynynyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyyyyyynyyyyynnyynynyyyynnnyy] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make: *** [/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/include/toplevel.mk:194: world] Error 2
No luck…
After some digging I found an other path for this problem http://git.lede-project.org/70b104f , after I apply this patch too, compiling goes further but now stops at /tools/cmake with …
[ 10%] Building C object Utilities/cmcurl/lib/CMakeFiles/cmcurl.dir/vtls/openssl.c.o
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1/Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.c: In function 'get_cert_chain':
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1/Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.c:2482:13: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'X509 {aka struct x509_st}'
cinf = x->cert_info;
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1/Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.c:2484:30: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'X509_CINF {aka struct x509_cinf_st}'
j = asn1_object_dump(cinf->signature->algorithm, bufp, CERTBUFFERSIZE);
/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1/Utilities/cmcurl/lib/vtls/openssl.c:2510:20: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 'EVP_PKEY {aka struct evp_pkey_st}'
switch(pubkey->type) {
make[6]: *** [Utilities/cmcurl/lib/CMakeFiles/cmcurl.dir/build.make:2559: Utilities/cmcurl/lib/CMakeFiles/cmcurl.dir/vtls/openssl.c.o] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1'
make[5]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1489: Utilities/cmcurl/lib/CMakeFiles/cmcurl.dir/all] Error 2
make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1'
make[4]: *** [Makefile:161: all] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:30: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/build_dir/host/cmake-3.6.1/.built] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/tools/cmake'
make[2]: *** [tools/Makefile:135: tools/cmake/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make[1]: *** [tools/Makefile:133: /home/kfl62/work/openwrt/staging_dir/target-mips_34kc_musl-1.1.16/stamp/.tools_install_yynyynynynyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyyyyyynyyyyynnyynynyyyynnnyy] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/kfl62/work/openwrt'
make: *** [/home/kfl62/work/openwrt/include/toplevel.mk:194: world] Error 2
No luck again …
Last edited by kfl62 (2017-08-28 07:44:24)
#16 2017-11-13 09:01:49
- vostok4
- Member
- Registered: 2010-12-16
- Posts: 70
Re: [SOLVED] openwrt compiling issue
Hi, I’m struggling with the same problem: compiling OpenWRT on modern Arch! Thank you for the patch for OpenSSL-1.0 support, that got me a long way forward. Now I’m having an issue where linking tools/mkimage is failing:
HOSTLD tools/dumpimage
tools/lib/rsa/rsa-sign.o: In function `rsa_get_params':
rsa-sign.c:(.text+0x6c1): undefined reference to `RSA_get0_key'
rsa-sign.c:(.text+0x76b): undefined reference to `RSA_get0_key'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[5]: *** [scripts/Makefile.host:127: tools/dumpimage] Error 1
make[4]: *** [Makefile:1195: tools-only] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory '/opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:48: /opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd/build_dir/host/u-boot-2014.10/.built] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd/tools/mkimage'
make[2]: *** [tools/Makefile:136: tools/mkimage/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd'
make[1]: *** [tools/Makefile:134: /opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd/staging_dir/target-aarch64_cortex-a53+neon-vfpv4_musl-1.1.16/stamp/.tools_install_yynyynynynyyyyyyynyyyynyyyyyyyyynyyyyynnyynynnyyynnnyy] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd'
make: *** [/opt/openwrt/openwrt-dd/include/toplevel.mk:194: world] Error 2
Did you run into this? I’ve used all your steps so far.