Opt idle ошибка на фредлайнере

загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите.... Пользователи форума Гудвил обмениваются мнениями, задают вопросы и получают экспертные ответы от участников. Здесь все о запчастях, регистрации ТС, ТО, эксплуатации американских и европейских грузовиков. Новости дилеров и отзывы о них.
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Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2011 17:12
Сообщения: 6

Автомобиль/VIN: FRED m64845

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Сообщение загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

что обозначает OPT IDLE на панели,горит на всех режимах,подскажите кто знает.Спасибо.

07 июл 2011 07:36

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Orange Freightliner


Зарегистрирован: 13 май 2011 17:00
Сообщения: 71

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Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

обозначает коробочку слева в спалке

07 июл 2011 10:52

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Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2011 17:12
Сообщения: 6

Автомобиль/VIN: FRED m64845

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Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

очень исчерпывающий ответ

07 июл 2011 12:23

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Site Admin

Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
Сообщения: 21848
Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

Не у каждого есть коробочка на спаллке.

Вопрос к рыбаку, у Вас Detroit Diesel мотор ???
Есть такая коробочка ??

Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
07 июл 2011 13:01

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  • WWW


    Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2011 17:12
    Сообщения: 6

    Автомобиль/VIN: FRED m64845

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    да ,Detroit Diesel 12,7 без ЕГР.Корбочка есть.

    07 июл 2011 15:26

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    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
    Сообщения: 21848
    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    07 июл 2011 15:42

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

  • WWW


    Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2011 17:12
    Сообщения: 6

    Автомобиль/VIN: FRED m64845

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Спасибо.И что с ней делать?Проверять,менять,настраивать или оставить как есть?

    08 июл 2011 07:31

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение


    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
    Сообщения: 21848
    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Эта коробочка ОПЦИЯ, если не пользуетесь ей, то отключите ее и все.

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    08 июл 2011 13:15

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

  • WWW


    Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2011 17:12
    Сообщения: 6

    Автомобиль/VIN: FRED m64845

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…


    09 июл 2011 07:17

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2010 11:46
    Сообщения: 4164
    Откуда: Астрахань

    Автомобиль/VIN: FREIGTLAINER ST 120064 ST / +79272827044 M64896 2003г.в.DD 12.7 с EGR смарт шифт

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    А в моём фреде 2003г. дд 12.7 с егр тоже есть такая коробочка и температуру в салоне показывает, и при тестировании приборов во время включения зажигания загорается и потом тухнет эта самая жёлтая лампочка OPT IDLE.
    А вот что нужно сделать чтобы включить эту систему поддержания заданной температуры в действие, чтобы двиг. сам заводился и выключался на стоянке ???
    Подскажите пож. умные головы !

    Если вам кажется, что государство вас постоянно обманывает, не сомневайтесь — вам не кажется!
    25 июл 2011 09:40

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  • Роман78893


    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 01 июн 2011 07:38
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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

     поставить автономку и забыть про существование этой коробушки:-)

    все что нас не убивает,делает нас сильнее….
    25 июл 2011 09:45

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2010 11:46
    Сообщения: 4164
    Откуда: Астрахань

    Автомобиль/VIN: FREIGTLAINER ST 120064 ST / +79272827044 M64896 2003г.в.DD 12.7 с EGR смарт шифт

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Летом с автономкой как то жарковато, а эта система ведь и кондёром управляет !

    Если вам кажется, что государство вас постоянно обманывает, не сомневайтесь — вам не кажется!
    25 июл 2011 09:52

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

  • Orange Freightliner


    Зарегистрирован: 13 май 2011 17:00
    Сообщения: 71

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Мечта идиота, поиметь APU.. и кондер и автономка и зарядка.. и иногда даже компрессор

    25 июл 2011 11:26

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 16 окт 2010 11:46
    Сообщения: 4164
    Откуда: Астрахань

    Автомобиль/VIN: FREIGTLAINER ST 120064 ST / +79272827044 M64896 2003г.в.DD 12.7 с EGR смарт шифт

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    НЕ ПОНЯЛ ? :(

    Если вам кажется, что государство вас постоянно обманывает, не сомневайтесь — вам не кажется!
    25 июл 2011 11:37

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

  • Igor

    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
    Сообщения: 21848
    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    Она отвечат за работу на холостом ХОДУ

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    25 июл 2011 13:33

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

  • WWW

    Orange Freightliner


    Зарегистрирован: 13 май 2011 17:00
    Сообщения: 71

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    Сообщение Re: загорелась OPT IDLE,подскажите…

    26 июл 2011 12:30

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

    1. Manuals
    2. Brands
    3. freightliner Manuals
    4. Trucks
    5. cascadia
    6. Driver manual
    • Contents

    • Table of Contents

    • Bookmarks

    Related Manuals for freightliner cascadia

    Summary of Contents for freightliner cascadia

    • Page 1
      ® CASCADIA Driver’s Manual Part Number STI 478 Publication Number STI-478-6…
    • Page 2
      To preserve our environment, fol- This vehicle must be regularly inspected and main- low appropriate environmental rules and regulations tained as indicated in the Cascadia Maintenance when disposing of materials. Manual, and in the Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections…
    • Page 3: Reporting Safety Defects

      Foreword compliance with federal and local jurisdictional regu- hotline 1-800-333-0510, or contact Transport lations. Components including, but not limited to, Canada by mail at: Transport Canada, ASFAD, tires, cab/sleeper side extenders, chassis fairings, Place de Ville Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ot- bumper, hood, vehicle speed limiters, and idle reduc- tawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N5.

    • Page 4: Table Of Contents

      Contents Chapter Page Introduction, Environmental Concerns and Recommendations, Event Data Recorder, Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Compliance, Customer Assistance Center, Reporting Safety Defects ….Foreword Vehicle Identification .

    • Page 5
      Vehicle Identification Component Information Label …………1.1 Component GWR Label .
    • Page 6: Vehicle Identification

      Vehicle Identification Component Information Label The tire and rim portion of the FMVSS certification label certifies suitable tire and rim combinations that NOTE: Labels shown in this chapter are ex- can be installed on the vehicle, for the given gross amples only.

    • Page 7
      Vehicle Identification 02/20/2012 f080178 Fig. 1.2, Component GWR Label 02/20/2012 f080177 Fig. 1.3, Vehicle Certification Label 02/28/2012 f080180 Fig. 1.5, Incomplete Vehicle Certification Label 10/10/2006 f080024 Fig. 1.6, Canadian National Safety Mark A warning label on the driver-side visor contains im- portant warning indicators in the instrument cluster that pertain to the ATS.
    • Page 8
      Cummins, Detroit, and Mercedes-Benz ATD’s are also equipped with a diesel oxidation catalyst to break down pollutants. Table 1.1, Applicable Emissions System Based on Build Date and EPA Regulations IMPORTANT: Certain Freightliner incomplete vehicles may be produced with incomplete noise EPA Noise Emission Control Label control hardware.
    • Page 9: Certified Clean Idle Label

      01/96 cated on the driver-side door. See Fig. 1.10. It is the FREIGHTLINER CORPORATION DATE OF MANUFACTURE THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR NOISE EMISSION APPLICABLE TO MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCKS. owner’s responsibility to maintain the vehicle so that…

    • Page 10
      Vehicle Identification Certified vehicles are equipped with a label placed near the bottom edge of the driver-side door. See Fig. 1.11. CERTIFIED CLEAN IDLE 02/20/2012 f080179 Fig. 1.11, CARB Clean Idle Label…
    • Page 11: Vehicle Access

      Vehicle Access Cab Door Locks and Handles …………2.1 Grab Handles and Access Steps .

    • Page 12: Cab Door Locks And Handles

      Vehicle Access Cab Door Locks and Handles One common key operates the ignition switch and all of the door locks. IMPORTANT: Each key is numbered. Record the number so a duplicate key can be made, if needed. To unlock the driver’s door from outside the cab, in- sert the key in the lockset and turn it one-quarter turn clockwise.

    • Page 13: Entering The Driver Side

      Vehicle Access Entering the Driver Side Grasp the steering wheel with your left hand, and step up. When entering the cab from the driver side, use the Step into the cab with your right foot first, and grab handle and access steps as follows: grasp the steering wheel with your right hand.

    • Page 14: Cab-To-Sleeper Access

      Vehicle Access Cab-to-Sleeper Access To open the sleeper access on vehicles with vinyl sleeper curtains, unzip the sleeper curtains. If de- sired, unsnap the curtains all the way around the sides and top, and remove the curtains. To open the sleeper access on vehicles with velour sleeper curtains, unfasten the snaps at one side, then push the curtain to the opposite side.

    • Page 15: Sleeper Luggage Door

      Vehicle Access 03/22/2007 f720661 1. Sleeper Door Lever 2. Luggage Door Lever Fig. 2.6, Sleeper Door Levers Sleeper Luggage Door To open the sleeper luggage door, pull out on the lower lever located inside the cab door opening. See Fig. 2.6.

    • Page 16: Hood Opening And Closing

      Vehicle Access Be careful not to get hands or feet tangled in CAUTION hoses or other back-of-cab equipment. Careless- ness could cause a person to trip and fall, with Do not let the hood free-fall to the full-open posi- possible injury. tion.

    • Page 17: Electrical System

      Electrical System Electrical Power Distribution …………3.1 Emergency Power Supply .

    • Page 18: Electrical Power Distribution

      For the electrical and electronic systems. See Fig. 3.1 example, if a beacon light is added to the Cascadia, power distribution component locations. it may require an auxiliary PDM. The auxiliary PDM The following components make up the power distri- may contain fuses and relays for these devices.

    • Page 19
      Electrical System 02/27/2012 f001175a 1. SAM Cab 6. MEGA Fuse Junction Block 2. Powertrain PDM (PT-PDM) 7. Cab Load Disconnect Switch (optional location) 3. Powernet Distribution Box (PNDB) 8. Cab Load Disconnect Switch (optional location) 4. SAM Chassis 9. Trailer PDM 5.
    • Page 20: Cab Load Disconnect Switch

      See the Emergency Power Supply heading below for details. Emergency Power Supply The Cascadia electrical system has an emergency power circuit that supplies battery power for exterior lighting. This assists vehicle visibility in the event a MEGA fuse is open circuit. The emergency power circuit is live even when the CLDS is turned off.

    • Page 21: Sam Cab Fault

      Electrical System 02/07/2007 f544945 Fig. 3.4, SAM Cab Location • SAM Cab Fault identification lights • front marker lights If the emergency power supply system activates, do • not shut down the engine until the vehicle is in a safe turn-signal indicators in the ICU (alternately) position to do so.

    • Page 22
      Electrical System 06/19/2007 f545071 Fig. 3.6, Cab Load Disconnect Switch, EPA07 02/20/2012 f545876 1. Circuit Breaker 2. Self-Resetting Circuit 05/13/2009 f545527 Removal Tool Breaker Fig. 3.5, Self-Resetting Circuit Breaker Removal Fig. 3.7, Cab Load Disconnect Switch, EPA10 and Newer level I) are shut down first. Then loads designated as beeps.
    • Page 23
      Electrical System Type of Loads Shut Down Under Specific Conditions Engine On, Voltage less than Engine Off, Voltage less than Engine Off, Voltage less than Key Switch Position 12.5 Volts 12.3 Volts 12.1 Volts Priority level I loads Priority Level I loads Priority level I, II loads Start Table 3.1, Type of Loads Shut Down Under Specific Conditions…
    • Page 24
      Electrical System Designated Loads Type of Load Function † CB radio, battery † Fleet management system, battery Priority Level III Trailer power, battery or ignition 12V power receptacle 2 (dash, phone), battery 12V power receptacle 1 (dash, cigar), battery When the vehicle has Optimized Idle, these functions will not operate with the ignition switch in the accessory position.
    • Page 25
      Instruments Instrumentation Control Units …………4.1 Warning and Indicator Lights .
    • Page 26: Instrumentation Control Units

      IMPORTANT: Do not crank the engine until the sory), or blue (high-beam headlights active). ICU self-check is complete. Cascadia vehicles are equipped with an ICU3, ICU4, NOTE: Air gauges do not complete a sweep of ICU4M, or ICU4Me. See Fig.

    • Page 27: Audible Alerts

      Table 4.1, • Coolant temperature rises above the maximum or take the vehicle to an authorized Freightliner preset value. service facility as soon as possible.

    • Page 28: Panel Overview

      Instruments 06/27/2012 f611164 1. Engine Oil Temperature Gauge 5. Fuel/DEF Level Gauge 8. Secondary Air Pressure Gauge 2. Front Axle Temperature Gauge 6. Tachometer and Engine Oil 9. Transmission Oil Temperature 3. Rear Axle Temperature Gauge Pressure Gauge Gauge 4. Speedometer and Coolant 7.

    • Page 29: Instruments

      Instruments Warning and indicator lamps illuminate in red (dan- gines that are domiciled outside of the U.S. and ger), amber (caution), green (status advisory), or Canada may not be compliant with EPA07, blue (high-beam headlights active). EPA10, or GHG14 regulations. Noncompliant vehicles may not be equipped with all of the IMPORTANT: Depending upon local jurisdic- lamps shown in…

    • Page 30: Common Warning And Indicator Lamps

      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color Activates with an audible alert when the system detects that the parking brake is off and the driver seat belt is not Unfastened Seat Belt fastened on some vehicles. On other vehicles, this lamp illuminates for 15 seconds when the ignition is first turned Indicates Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (ECAS) Check ECAS…

    • Page 31
      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color IDLE Optimized Idle Indicates optimized idle is enabled. Amber MGMT Check Transmission Indicates an undesirable transmission condition. Amber Indicates that the system is preventing the starter from cranking. This can occur when the ignition switch is turned to START before the gauge sweep has completed, or if the Wait To Start (EPA07/ WAIT…
    • Page 32
      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color Indicates the cruise control is enabled. Cruise Control Green NOTE: The ICU4Me does not have a green cruise control telltale. High-Beam Headlights Indicates the high-beam headlights are on. Blue Fig. 4.5 for an explanation of the aftertreatment system (ATS) warning indicators, and actions required to avoid further engine protection steps.
    • Page 33
      Instruments EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM INFORMATION INDICATOR WARNING STOP CHECK LAMP(S) (Solid) (Flashing) (Flashing) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Indicator Lamp Filter Regeneration Filter Parked Regeneration Service Regeneration Required. HEST (High Exhaust Message(s) Recommended. Regeneration Required − Engine Engine Derate To Idle Only.
    • Page 34: Drive Axles

      Instruments Drive Axle Oil Temperature Gauges NOTICE A sudden increase in oil temperature that is not caused by a load increase may indicate mechani- cal failure. Bring the vehicle to a safe stop and investigate the cause to prevent further damage. Do not operate the vehicle until the cause has been determined and corrected.

    • Page 35
      Instruments Minimum Oil Pressure At Idle Speed: At Rated RPM: Engine Model psi (kPa) psi (kPa) Mercedes-Benz 7 (50) 36 (250) ULTRA LOW SULFUR Oil pressures are given with the engine at operating temperature. With DIESEL FUEL ONLY the engine cold, oil pressure may be higher. Individual engines may vary from the listed pressures;…
    • Page 36: Driver Message Center

      (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h), culties. Cascadia vehicles are equipped with either a with mph in larger numbers. The metric version of voltmeter gauge, or a digital voltmeter readout lo- the speedometer face reverses this arrangement, cated on the bottom line of the dash message center.

    • Page 37
      Use the + and – an authorized Freightliner service facility switches on the steering wheel, or the mode/reset switch, to scroll through the driving screens. To reset…
    • Page 38
      Instruments Display diagnostics 123456.7 dIAG HOURS Press & Hold Odometer 12.3 VOLTS n = Number of Active Fault Codes MI = Miles Interval Mode HOURS = Hours Interval Mode 123456.7 123456.7 To display total TRIP Press & Hold HOURS engine miles/hours 12.3 VOLTS ENGINE To reset trip miles…
    • Page 39
      Instruments From Temp Alert Screen n = Number of *If fault goes inactive, *If fault goes inactive, Active Fault Codes display «noFault 1» display «noFault n» dlAG *FAULT *FAULT Press & Hold Press & Hold Press & Hold AbS 11 ECU 0 Press &…
    • Page 40
      Instruments From Engine Miles/Hours Screen SET UP SELECT To toggle Press & Hold Press & Hold To toggle °T WARN Press & Hold To toggle LCD LMP Press & Hold Press & Hold to reset all Service Interval counters SET UP RESET SELECT Press &…
    • Page 41
      Instruments High Coolant Temp This message and an audible warning come on whenever the engine coolant temperature exceeds the maximum allowable temperature. If high coolant temperature is detected during the ignition sequence, it displays as an active fault in- stead of an alert message. After 30 seconds, the message displays again.
    • Page 42
      Instruments When a shift request is made by the driver, an up or iii. Odometer down arrow is also displayed, depending on the shift Trip distance/hours direction. Trip advisory For more information about specific models of auto- mated transmissions, see Chapter Leg distance/hours vii.
    • Page 43
      If active fault codes are displayed on the diagnostic information screens, make a note of the fault code Fasten seat belt warning and text message, then take the vehicle to an autho- rized Freightliner service facility See Fig. 4.17 for a Trip Information diagram of the diagnostic information screens.
    • Page 44
      The Setup Information menu allows the driver to pro- The vehicle information screens display hardware gram various features of the ICU4M. See Fig. 4.18. and software information, including the Freightliner part number and switch ID of the ICU. See Fig. 4.19. The setup features include:…
    • Page 45
      Instruments Press to toggle between selections SETUP PUSH KEY TO SERVICE INTERVAL INFORMATION CHANGE SERVICE OFF/*MILES/HOURS − PUSH KEY TO − CHANGE SERV MI Miles or Hours − − INTERVAL *2000 MILES Press to set service interval − LESS MORE + −…
    • Page 46
      Instruments Setup Information Trip MPG: 5.6 77° F VEHICLE DASH# 123− 12345− 123 INFORMATION 5555555 mi 65 mph SW VER 1.0 − − 06/26/2012 f611166 1. Temperature and Compass Outside Air Temp 2. Message Field 03/30/2010 f040803 3. Cruise Control Status Field 4.
    • Page 47
      Instruments • The following alert messages will repeat intermittently Gauge display (if selected) until the condition is eliminated: • Predictive Cruise Control (optional) • turn signal on • Enter parked menus • low voltage Parked Screens/Menus • no datalink Park the vehicle and set the parking brake to access •…
    • Page 48
      Instruments since the last reset, and the average MPG since the Trip Info last reset. Menu Fuel Info Engine Information Engine Info Using this menu, the driver can view engine miles, engine hours, gallons used, PTO hours, and PTO gallons. Engine oil level is optional for Detroit en- gines.
    • Page 49: Overhead Instrument Panel

      Instruments Overhead Instrument Panel Active (12) Menu The optional overhead instrument panel may hold a Historic (0) Diagnostics citizen’s band (C/B) radio and any switches that can not be accommodated on the driver’s or auxiliary dash panels. The underside of the overhead console also holds the sun visors and the optional dome/reading light asssembly.

    • Page 50: Driver Controls

      Driver Controls Ignition Switch and Key …………5.1 Lighting Controls .

    • Page 51: Ignition Switch And Key

      Driver Controls Ignition Switch and Key The following functions are operable when the igni- tion switch is in the OFF position (regardless of whether the key is inserted): The ignition switch is located on the left-hand dash, below the headlight switch. See Fig.

    • Page 52: Daytime Running Lights

      Driver Controls the warning and indicator lamps illuminate. Wait for Backup Lights three seconds before starting the engine. Backup lights activate only when the vehicle is in re- The SAM Cab vehicle controller automatically cycles verse, and are designed to be used while backing up all exterior lights off and then on when the head- at night.

    • Page 53
      Driver Controls 02/03/2012 f544971 1. High-Beam Headlight 6. Side Turn Signal and Marker Light 2. Fog Light, or Auxiliary High-Beam Light 7. Clearance Light 3. Low-Beam Headlight 8. Stop Light, Taillight, and Turn Signal 4. Marker Light 9. Back-Up Light 5.
    • Page 54
      Driver Controls UTLY FOOT DOME HIGH OVRD LAMP WELL REAR REAR DOME DOME DOME LAMP LAMP 01/05/2012 f611155 1. Auxiliary High Beam Light Switch 7. Rear Cab Dome Light Switch 10. Sleeper Reading Light Switch, 2. DRL Override Switch (mounted in sleeper) Driver Side 3.
    • Page 55
      Driver Controls Turn Signals The turn-signal lever is on the left side of the steer- ing column. See Fig. 5.8. 01/05/2012 f610806 1. Fog Lights (optional)—Activate by pulling the switch out when the marker lights or headlights are on. 2. Off 3.
    • Page 56: Interior Lighting Controls

      Driver Controls half of the switch to turn it off. When activated, a red indicator light in the switch is illuminated. See Fig. 5.4. Interior Lighting Controls Interior light controls are listed here in alphabetical order. The interior lights include panel lights, dome lights, red map lights, clear reading lights, and courtesy lights.

    • Page 57: Horn Controls

      Driver Controls Sleeper Dome Light Two dome lights are mounted on the sleeper roof, close to the outside walls. There are two switches in the sleeper that control the sleeper dome lights. The passenger-side switch will activate both dome lights. The driver-side switch op- erates the driver-side light only.

    • Page 58: Axle Switches

      Driver Controls RGEN 02/08/2012 f611157 1. Regen Request 2. Regen Inhibit Switch Switch 01/13/2012 f462236 Fig. 5.14, Regen Request and Inhibit Switches Press down on the top of the steering wheel center pad to activate the horn. Fig. 5.13, Steering Wheel With Airbag IMPORTANT: Depending upon local jurisdic- tional emissions guidelines, vehicles that are domiciled outside of the U.S.

    • Page 59: Engine Fan Switch

      Driver Controls Hill Start Aid Override Switch Some vehicles are equipped with a Hill Start Aid (HSA) feature to prevent the vehicle from rolling while on steep grades and to allow for a controlled launch. HSA is «on» by default. It can be turned off by pressing and releasing the HSA override switch on the dash (see Fig.

    • Page 60
      Driver Controls 02/23/2007 f610894 Fig. 5.19, PTO Switch Eaton Automated Transmissions NOTE: See Chapter 15 for complete automated transmission operating instructions. ( − ) The SmartShift electronic transmission control is in- ™ stalled with the Eaton® Fuller® UltraShift ( + ) ™…
    • Page 61: Cruise Control

      Driver Controls Cruise Control WARNING Do not use the cruise control system when driv- ing conditions do not permit maintaining a con- stant speed, such as in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, icy, snow-covered, slippery, or roads with a loose driving surface. Failure to fol- low this precaution could cause a collision or loss of vehicle control, possibly resulting in per- 01/24/2003…

    • Page 62
      Driver Controls • DEC/SET Button—Press to set the cruise To increase cruise speed, press the ACC/RES speed while the vehicle is traveling at the de- button until the vehicle accelerates to the desired sired speed. Press and hold to decrease the speed.
    • Page 63: Cruise Control («Cc») Limiter

      Driver Controls not account for traffic flows or surrounding ve- CC Limiter Switch Settings hicles. Position Approximate Overrun Setting Driver interaction with PCC is the same as conven- Top in 3 mph (5 km/h) tional cruise control, using the standard cruise control Middle 6 mph (9 km/h) buttons.

    • Page 64: Brake Systems

      Driver Controls Dash-Mounted Brake Controls NOTE: See Chapter 13 for detailed information about brake systems. Parking Brake Control Valve NOTICE Do not step on the service brake pedal while the parking brakes are applied. To do so can cause damage to the brake mechanisms. The yellow diamond-shaped knob operates the park- ing brake valve.

    • Page 65: Windshield Wiper/Washer Controls

      Driver Controls disconnecting a trailer or when operating a vehicle Vehicles with ABS may have Automatic Traction Con- without a trailer. trol (ATC). On these vehicles, the ATC system auto- matically limits wheel spin during reduced-traction Trailer Brake Lever situations. In normal braking applications, the stan- dard air brake system is in effect.

    • Page 66: Suspension/Trailer Connection Controls

      Driver Controls The wipers are operated by a rotary switch in the NOTICE wiper control dial, which is on the end of the turn sig- nal lever. There are five intermittent settings, marked Never exhaust air from the suspension while on the dial by lines of increasing length, and two driving.

    • Page 67: Climate Controls

      Driver Controls Trailer Auxiliary Switch ECAS Remote Control Keys and Functions Memory keys. Pressing the Stop key Trailers that are equipped with pneumatic brakes and and a memory key simultaneously will used in North America or South America are gener- store the current height.

    • Page 68: Sleeper Climate Control

      Driver Controls 07/20/2006 f831701 06/08/2007 f610948 1. Fan Switch with Recirculation Button 1. Face Mode 2. Temperature Control Switch with Air Conditioning 2. Selection Between Face Mode and Bi-Level Mode Button 3. Bi-Level Mode 3. Air Selection Switch with Bunk-Override Button 4.

    • Page 69: Seat Controls

      Driver Controls WARNING Keep hands, tools, and other objects away from the scissor points under the seats. Failure to do so could cause personal injury. The following is a description of adjustments that can be made to various seats. Not all seats have all of the adjustments listed below.

    • Page 70: Adjustable Steering Column Controls

      Driver Controls Adjustable Steering Column Controls To adjust the steering column, depress the foot pedal located below the steering column. See Fig. 5.36. Tilt the steering column to the desired angle. Telescope the steering column closer or further away by push- ing or pulling it.

    • Page 71: Driver Assistance Features

      Driver Assistance Features VORAD VS-400 System …………6.1 ™…

    • Page 72: Vorad Vs-400 System

      Driver Assistance Features VORAD VS-400 System the up and down arrow buttons, and the OK button. Fig. 6.1. WARNING The VORAD VS-400 System is intended solely as an aid for an alert and conscientious professional driver. It is not intended to be relied upon to op- erate a vehicle.

    • Page 73
      Driver Assistance Features screens by pressing the down arrow. Pressing any other key exits Demo mode. Volume VORAD started The minimum adjustable volume is 50% of the maxi- Collision Warn mum volume. If the DIU volume is not adjustable, the display screen shows a grayed bar graph whenever volume adjustment is selected.
    • Page 74
      Driver Assistance Features NOTE: If the headway range is adjusted to adjusted in all driving conditions. Press the OK but- ton to exit the menu. three seconds or below and SmartCruise is ac- tive, the 3-second collision warning headway Unit Adjustment Screen alert will not display.
    • Page 75: Collision Warning System

      Driver Assistance Features Fig. 6.7. Contact an authorized Freightliner ser- The alerts given by the VS-400 system are based on vice center if fault codes display. the distance to the object ahead, whenever vehicle speed is 10 mph (16 km/h) or faster. The VS-400 CWS identifies and tracks the nearest object in the…

    • Page 76: Side Object Detection

      Driver Assistance Features 2-Second Headway Alert When the following distance to the object ahead in the same lane of travel decreases to within two sec- onds, a second yellow indicator will illuminate, the COLLISION DIU will display 2 seconds, and a single tone will sound.

    • Page 77: Special Road Situations

      Driver Assistance Features • On approaching a steep hill, objects above the beam cannot be detected. Generally, the beam hitting the road surface does not cause an alarm. • The side sensor only detects objects within its field of view, next to the tractor. A vehicle be- hind the field of view will not be detected.

    • Page 78: Onguard Collision Safety System

      6.16. substitute for safe, normal driving procedures, nor will it compensate for any driver impairment Contact an authorized Freightliner dealer to review such as drugs, alcohol, or fatigue. and clear previously active fault codes. The OnGuard Collision Safety System may pro-…

    • Page 79
      Driver Assistance Features 230FT 55 MPH 10/31/2014 f611143 Fig. 6.18, CWS Object Detected 15 FT 08/30/2011 f545826 Fig. 6.17, OnGuard Display Unit 15 MPH The CWS cannot be disengaged or turned off, and is always active at vehicle speeds above 15 mph (25 km/h).
    • Page 80: Error Screens

      Driver Assistance Features 15 FT 15 MPH Set: 60 MPH Set: 60 MPH 10/31/2014 f611145 10/31/2014 f611147 Fig. 6.20, ACC Standby Fig. 6.22, ACC Collision Warning collision is developing and the driver does decelerate the vehicle, OnGuard’s active braking automatically 230 FT applies the engine and service brakes to provide braking power.

    • Page 81: Lane Departure Warning Controls

      Driver Assistance Features If a fault occurs or OnGuard fails to properly track a vehicle, take the vehicle in for service as soon as COMPONENT TEST possible. Standard cruise control will not function with an active OnGuard system fault. Brake Pedal Position Refer to the OnGuard Collision Safety System Main- tenance Manual MM-0951 for a full list of faults (ww-…

    • Page 82: Roll Stability System

      Driver Assistance Features When the vehicle approaches the lane markings on WARNING either side, the system sense the activation of a turn signal. If a turn signal has not been activated, the The lane departure warning system is intended system initiates the audible warning to alert the driver only as an aid for a conscientious and alert that the vehicle is departing its current lane of travel.

    • Page 83: Roll Stability Advisor

      Driver Assistance Features Roll Stability Advisor Message Message to Display Display Buzzer Time: Time: IMPORTANT: This is not an advance warning Seconds Seconds system. The roll stability advisor displays a mes- System Fault WARNING sage only after the driving maneuver is com- RAC SYSTEM FAIL pleted.

    • Page 84: In An Emergency

      Driver Assistance Features Hard-Braking Advisor TRIP ADVISORIES The hard-braking advisor uses the information from the ABS wheel speed sensors to determine when 237 ROLL 518 BRK braking is severe enough to produce lockup at one or more wheels on the tractor, and/or very rapid ve- hicle deceleration.

    • Page 85
      Driver Assistance Features ESC works by constantly comparing the driver’s in- tention with the vehicle’s actual behavior. The system does this by monitoring systems such as wheel speed, steering angle, yaw rate, lateral acceleration, throttle position, and brake application. A central mi- crocomputer analyzes the collected data and triggers a response to keep the vehicle on course when an unstable condition is detected.
    • Page 86: Seats And Restraints

      …………7.1 Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat .

    • Page 87: Seats, General Information

      The following is a description of adjustments that can ion. This adjustment is easier to perform when be made to various Freightliner-installed seats. Not all weight is removed from the seat. all seats have all of the adjustments listed below.

    • Page 88: Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat

      Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat Fig. 7.2 for seat adjustment controls. Not all models of the Cascadia 2.0 Hi-Back seat have all the adjustments listed below. Recline Pull the recline handle to adjust the backrest tilt. Seat Heating/Ventilation Use the forward switch to turn the seat heater and ventilation ON or OFF.

    • Page 89: Cascadia High-Back Seat

      4. Heat/Ventilation ON/OFF Switch push rearward. 5. Heat/Ventilation Adjustment Switch Fore/Aft Seat Slide Fig. 7.3, Cascadia 2.0 Hi-Back Seat Heat/Ventilation Controls To adjust the fore-and-aft position of the entire seat, move the fore-and-aft seat adjustment lever to the Bottom Cushion Extension left and slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position.

    • Page 90: Sears Atlas Seat

      10 Lumbar Support Switches 3. Front Cushion Height Adjustment 7. Heater Button Knob Fig. 7.4, Cascadia Hi Back Seat Heater Backrest Tilt To turn on the heat option, press the button. To turn Pull upward on the recliner handle, move the back- off the heat option, press the button again.

    • Page 91: Seat Belts And Tether Belts

      Seats and Restraints 10/15/2007 f910599 A. Squeeze the fore-and-aft slide lock against the adjustment bail. B. Lift up the adjustment bail. Fig. 7.6, Fore/Aft Slide Adjustment, Sears Atlas Seat Armrest Angle Rotate the control knob, located on the underside of the armrest, to set the desired angle of the armrest.

    • Page 92: Seat Belt Operation

      Seats and Restraints Inspect the seat belts and tether belts (if so WARNING equipped). Check the web for fraying, cuts, extreme dirt and Always use the vehicle’s seat belt system when dust, or for severe fading from exposure to sun- operating the vehicle.

    • Page 93
      Seats and Restraints 03/11/2010 f910620 A. Disengaged B. Engaged Fig. 7.7, Komfort Latch 07/02/2007 f910578 1. Latch 2. Buckle Fig. 7.9, Three-Point Seat Belt Operation slack in the shoulder strap is set as described below. Excess slack in the shoulder strap re- duces the effectiveness of the seat belt, and in- creases the risk of injury or death in an accident.
    • Page 94: Steering Wheel Air Bag

      Seats and Restraints for approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) of slack be- tween your chest and the shoulder harness. Once engaged, the latch will allow you to lean forward about 5 inches (13 cm) without having to reset the latch. Leaning forward more than 5 inches (13 cm) will disengage the Sliding Kom- fort Latch, requiring it to be reset.

    • Page 95: Rolltek Rollover Protection System

      • driver and passenger seats, with an optional ment could cause severe bodily injury or death. steering wheel frontal air bag Contact an authorized Freightliner service facility for all service and maintenance. Operation The air bag system contains components that The RollTek system, when used with seat belts, pro- use combustible chemicals.

    • Page 96
      Seats and Restraints 07/03/2007 f910579 A. Side-roll air bag contained in seat. 10/15/2007 f910598 B. Side-roll air bag deployed. 1. RollTek Module 2. Side-Roll Air Bag Cover Fig. 7.14, Side-Roll Air Bag Fig. 7.13, RollTek Protection System Components or block the side-roll air bag. Objects that block the side-roll air bag may prevent proper inflation bag deploys from the outboard side of the seat as and could result in serious injury or death.
    • Page 97
      The air bag module may contain perchlorate mate- rial; for information, see www.dtsc.ca.gov/ hazardouswaste/perchlorate. Special handling may apply; follow appropriate rules and regulations when disposing of materials. For all service and maintenance, contact an autho- rized Freightliner service facility. 7.11…
    • Page 98
      Climate Control Cab Climate Control Panel …………8.1 Sleeper Climate Control Panel .
    • Page 99: Cab Climate Control Panel

      Climate Control Cab Climate Control Panel To operate the fan switch, turn the fan switch clock- wise to increase airflow; turn the fan switch counter- clockwise to decrease airflow. The standard cab climate control panel has a fan switch with a recirculation button, temperature control There is a two-second delay between the time the switch with an A/C button, and a mode control engine is started and the blower is operational.

    • Page 100: Sleeper Climate Control Panel

      Climate Control 06/08/2007 f610947 06/08/2007 f610948 1. Air Conditioning Button 1. Face Mode 2. Selection Between Face Mode and Bi-Level Mode Fig. 8.3, Temperature Control Switch 3. Bi-Level Mode • 4. Selection Between Bi-Level Mode and Floor Mode outside air temperature is low enough to make 5.

    • Page 101: Parksmart Hvac System

      Climate Control Idle, the fan will not operate with the key in acces- cludes vehicles equipped with Detroit Diesel Opti- sory mode. Optimized Idle may also turn the fan off mized Idle (O/I). Both configurations are operated in to reduce stress on the batteries. Refer to Chap- the same way, the differences are in how the batter- ter 11…

    • Page 102
      Climate Control coolant. While the engine is running, the ParkSmart for comfort while the vehicle is parked. Table 8.2 batteries are also being recharged by the vehicle shows the temperature knob setting for desired tem- electrical system. peratures. When the engine is off with the key in the ACC or To use the ParkSmart control panel, select a fan ON positions, A/C mode is powered by the speed (other than off) and push the PARK button.
    • Page 103: Accessory Heaters

      Do not operate fuel-operated heaters in an area where flammable vapors, including gasoline or If a Cascadia vehicle is equipped with Detroit Diesel diesel fumes, are present, such as at filling sta- optimized idle (O/I), it will affect the way the tions and tank farms.

    • Page 104: Espar Heater

      Climate Control Failure to observe these precautions could cause an explosion or fire, resulting in serious property damage, and personal injury or death. NOTICE Always ensure that air inlet and outlet grilles are not restricted. Restriction of any air inlet or outlet ports could result in damage to the auxiliary heater.

    • Page 105: Webasto Heater

      Climate Control To set the desired temperature, rotate the heater control knob clockwise for warmer air, or counter- clockwise for cooler air. Espar To turn the heater off, rotate the heater control coun- terclockwise until it clicks and the indicator light is extinguished.

    • Page 106: Cab Features

      Cab Features Windows …………… . 9.1 Mirrors .

    • Page 107: Cab Amenities

      Fig. 9.2, Mirror Heat Switch Cab Amenities WARNING Cascadia vehicles are available with many optional There is no anti-pinch protection when the win- features. The following are some of those options. dow is almost closed. Be sure to clear all objects from the window before closing.

    • Page 108: Baggage Compartment Doors

      Sleeper Amenities Sleeper Access Door Cascadia sleepers are available with many optional The sleeper access door is not intended for entry or features. The following are some of those options. exit. The door is intended only as a convenient…

    • Page 109: Sliding Side Window

      Cab Features the seat. Pull the cable handle labeled ACCESS for- ward to open the sleeper door. The secondary method is the black knob located at the upper rear edge of the sleeper door opening. Pull the knob down to open the sleeper door. IMPORTANT: The sleeper access doors are two-stage latching.

    • Page 110
      Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown Engine Starting …………..10.1 Engine Operation .
    • Page 111: Engine Starting, Operation, And Shutdown

      This could result in a flash fire causing serious personal injury or property damage. IMPORTANT: Cascadia vehicles are equipped with starter interlocks to enhance reliability and safety. Anti-grinding, starter pinion, and thermal protection logic limit the amount of time and conditions for starter engagement.

    • Page 112: Engine Operation

      If the oil pressure gauge indicates no oil pres- sure, shut down the engine within approximately All engines on Freightliner vehicles comply with the ten seconds to avoid engine damage. requirements of the Federal (U.S.) Clean Air Act.

    • Page 113: Cold-Weather Operation

      • Have the alternator output checked at an au- Prolonged idling of engines is not recommended, and thorized Freightliner service provider. is illegal in some states. Idling produces sulfuric acid • Check the condition and tension of the drive that is absorbed by the lubricating oil, and eats into belts.

    • Page 114: Engine Shutdown

      1000 ft (300 m) altitude above sea level for a naturally aspirated engine. All engines used on Freightliner vehicles are altitude- compensated by the use of a turbocharger. This re- duces smoky exhaust at high altitudes, requires less downshifting, and allows the engine to make better use of its fuel.

    • Page 115: Optional Engine Systems

      Optional Engine Systems Engine Protection—Warning and Shutdown ……… . . 11.1 Engine Idle Limiting .

    • Page 116
      Optional Engine Systems Engine Protection—Warning onds, then restart the engine. Repeat this action until the vehicle is safely off the road. and Shutdown NOTE: The engine warning and shutdown sys- tem is present on EPA07-compliant and newer vehicles. CHECK STOP The driver should be familiar with the vehicle warning system in order to bring the vehicle to a safe stop if necessary.
    • Page 117: Power Takeoff (Pto) Governor

      Optional Engine Systems lamp will illuminate to indicate an engine problem Power Takeoff (PTO) Governor that requires service and the engine controls will begin a derate of engine output. Continuing to run WARNING the engine while it is in derate mode could cause severe damage to the engine.

    • Page 118
      Optional Engine Systems needed to ensure engine oil temperature remains Optimized Idle operates in two modes: within factory preset limits, the batteries stay • Engine mode: Keeps the battery charged and charged, and cab/sleeper temperature remains at the engine oil temperature between 60 and 104°F thermostat setting.
    • Page 119
      Optional Engine Systems Start the engine and let it idle. to scroll up or down rapidly. When the de- sired set point is displayed, release the Put the transmission in neutral. button. The set point is stored in memory. Turn on the cruise control. Select the temperature comfort zone by The OPT IDLE lamp will blink, indicating pressing the MODE button until the upper…
    • Page 120: Emissions And Fuel Efficient Components

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption Standards ……12.1 EPA-Regulated Emissions Aftertreatment Systems .

    • Page 121: Epa07 Engines

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Engine lube oil must have a sulfated ash level less than 1.0 wt %; currently referred and Fuel Consumption to as CJ-4 oil. Standards IMPORTANT: Using non-specification fuels or oils can lead to shortened diesel particulate filter Vehicles and/or engines manufactured after Decem- (DPF) cleaning or replacement intervals.

    • Page 122: Regen Switches

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components Regeneration the switch. Regen is then delayed until the switch is no longer active. The harder an engine works, the better it disposes of NOTE: The regen switch can initiate a parked soot. If the exhaust temperature is high enough, a regen only when the DPF lamp is illuminated.

    • Page 123
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components The regen cycle will finish after 20 to 60 minutes, High Exhaust System Temperature at which time engine idle speed drops to normal (HEST) Lamp and the vehicle can be driven normally. The Slow (10-second) flashing of the high exhaust sys- HEST lamp is extinguished when vehicle speed tem temperature (HEST) lamp indicates that a exceeds 5 mph (8 km/h) or the system has…
    • Page 124
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components IMPORTANT Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) DPF Regen Needed regeneration is needed. If flashing, regenerate as soon as possible. Engine derate possible. Hot exhaust can cause fire. Hot Exhaust Keep flammables and people away from exhaust. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) level is DEF Refill Needed low.
    • Page 125
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM INFORMATION WARNING INDICATOR STOP CHECK CHECK LAMP(S) (Solid) (Flashing) (Flashing) (Flashing) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Indicator Lamp Filter Regeneration Filter Regeneration Parked Regeneration Parked Regeneration Required − HEST (High Exhaust Message(s) Recommended Necessary…
    • Page 126
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components 09/25/2006 f610816a Fig. 12.6, HEST Lamp 07/24/2009 f470541 1. DEF Tank 2. Fuel Tank Fig. 12.8, DEF Tank Located Forward of the Fuel Tank DEF Tank Empty and Ignored If the empty warning is ignored and the DEF tank is not refilled, the red STOP engine lamp illuminates in addition to the MIL lamp and CHECK engine lamp (on vehicles with a Cummins ISB or ISC/L engine.)
    • Page 127
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components ULTRA LOW SULFUR ULTRA LOW SULFUR ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL ONLY DIESEL FUEL ONLY DIESEL FUEL ONLY 11/08/2010 f611037 A. Green bars—DEF level indicators C. One bar flashing red—DEF empty, refill DEF B. One bar illuminated amber—DEF very low, refill DEF 1.
    • Page 128
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components 11/08/2010 f470540a NOTE: STOP engine light and MIL illuminate, engine power is limited, speed limit of 5 mph (8 km/h) A. DEF Warning Lamp (flashing) B. DEF Lightbar (one bar flashing red) Fig. 12.12, DEF Empty and Ignored Warning 12.8…
    • Page 129
      Brake Systems Air Brake System …………..13.1 Meritor WABCO®…
    • Page 130: Air Brake System

      Brake Systems Air Brake System releasing the spring parking brakes, make the connection to a towing vehicle or chock the tires. Brake System General Information After correcting the brake system problem, uncage the spring parking brakes before resuming normal A dual air brake system consists of two independent vehicle operation.

    • Page 131
      Brake Systems and/or effort to slow or stop the vehicle. How- ever, the air brake proportioning system actually improves vehicle control when the tractor is in bobtail mode. When the tractor is towing a trailer, the rear brake chambers will receive full (normal) application air pressure.
    • Page 132: Automatic Slack Adjusters

      Brake Systems automatically causes the trailer air supply valve to ponents. Improperly maintaining the vehicle brak- pop out. ing system may lead to brake failure, resulting in property damage, personal injury, or death. NOTICE Meritor WABCO® Antilock Do not use the spring parking brakes if the ser- Braking System vice brakes are hot, such as after descending a steep grade.

    • Page 133: Automatic Traction Control

      Brake Systems is maintained. An exception would be if a modulator ing reduced-traction situations. In normal braking ap- valve (or combination modulator valve) is damaged plications, the standard air brake system is in effect. and inoperative. As these components are an integral An additional solenoid valve is installed.

    • Page 134
      Brake Systems Engine Brake WARNING Each engine manufacturer uses a specific engine The engine brake must be disengaged when brake for their engine. Regardless of the manufac- shifting gears using the clutch pedal. If the en- turer, the engine brake is operated with the principles gine brake is engaged when the transmission is outlined in here.
    • Page 135
      Brake Systems IDLE MGMT OPT 2 OPT 4 OPT 5 OPT 6 OPT 9 STOP CHECK BRAKE 05/07/2012 f611094 1. Engine Brake 11. Trailer ABS 18. Left-Turn Signal 2. Optional 12. Low Engine Oil Pressure 19. Low Battery Voltage 3. Wait To Start 13.
    • Page 136
      Brake Systems Press the upper or lower half of the intensity switch (see Fig. 13.5) to select the desired brak- ing intensity. Use the intensity switch set at the LOW position when driving on flat, open stretches of road. If the service brakes are still required to slow down on a grade, switch to a higher setting on the dash switch to maintain constant speed of de-…
    • Page 137: Manual Transmissions And Hydraulic Clutch

      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Eaton Fuller 13-Speed and 18-Speed Splitter and Range-Shift Transmissions ….14.1 Eaton Fuller 10-Speed Range-Shift Transmissions ……..14.4 Clutch .

    • Page 138
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Eaton Fuller 13-Speed and 18- lection lever controls range selection and the splitter control button (located on the side of the shift knob) Speed Splitter and Range-Shift controls gear splits. Transmissions Low gear in the front section is used only as a start- ing ratio.
    • Page 139
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch When operating off-road, or under adverse condi- only when operating conditions permit, depend- tions, always use low gear when starting to move ing on the load, grade, and road speed. the vehicle forward. Upshifting When operating on-highway, with no load, or under ideal conditions, use 1st gear when start- Position the gear shift lever in neutral.
    • Page 140
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch accelerating to 80 percent of engine governed 8th); single-clutch during split shifts (6th direct to speed. See Fig. 14.1. 6th overdrive, etc.). For 18-speed transmissions: For 18-speed transmissions: Shift upward from low overdrive to 1st direct by To shift from 5th direct to 5th overdrive, move the first moving the splitter control button into the splitter control button…
    • Page 141
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Continue downshifting from 4th overdrive to 4th direct, then 4th direct to 3rd overdrive, 3rd over- drive to 3rd direct, etc. Single-clutch when split shifting (direct to overdrive, overdrive to direct). Double-clutch when making lever shifts (4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd, etc.).
    • Page 142
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Double-clutch between all upshifts and down- Downshifting shifts. With the transmission in high range, shift pro- After your shifting ability improves, you may want gressively downward to the bottom gear in high to skip some of the ratios. This may be done range, double-clutching between shifts.
    • Page 143: Clutch Operation

      Notify your floor plate (see «Using the Clutch Brake») and shift Freightliner dealer of the problem. from neutral to a low gear. Slowly raise your foot until the clutch starts to engage. In this position the clutch…

    • Page 144: Manual Transmissions And Hydraulic Clutch

      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Using the Clutch Brake High clutch disc speeds while coasting can also cause the clutch facing to be thrown off the disc. The clutch brake is applied by depressing the clutch Flying debris from the clutch can cause injury to pedal past the fully released clutch position, almost persons in the cab.

    • Page 145
      ……….15.1 Freightliner SmartShift Shift Control .
    • Page 146: Automated Transmissions

      Automated Transmissions ™ Detroit Automated Transmissions Detroit transmissions have twelve forward gears and up to four reverse gears that can be shifted automati- cally or manually. Shifting and clutch actuation are computer controlled, and there is no clutch pedal needed to operate the vehicle. Automatic shifts are selected for fuel economy or engine power.

    • Page 147: Gear Display Window

      Automated Transmissions Functionality, Detroit Multifunction Control Function/Switch Action/Position Request Forward gears D/N/R Neutral Reverse gears Activate the automatic drive mode, or switch between Depress switch and release it quickly Automatic Economy and Automatic Performance. Mode Depress switch and hold it briefly Activate the manual drive mode.

    • Page 148: Selected Gear

      Automatic Economy mode is active. Suggested Shift NOTE: To disable eCoast, see an authorized Freightliner service facility. In Manual mode only, a suggested shift is displayed to indicate the most economical gear available. The suggested shift is the number of up or down arrows from the current gear with a maximum of three up or 70 °F…

    • Page 149
      Automated Transmissions engaging the clutch. Following this and for the dura- There are three clutch abuse protection levels. At tion of the current driving cycle, Creep mode is ac- each, the driver is alerted and functionality is modi- tive. fied; see Table 15.2.
    • Page 150: Freightliner Smartshift Shift Control

      If the accelerator pedal is released, the clutch opens at fixed rate. Table 15.2, Clutch Abuse Alerts and Protections Freightliner SmartShift Shift control is spring-loaded and returns to mid-position when released after an upshift or downshift. Control For Eaton Fuller UltraShift, UltraShift PLUS, and Au-…

    • Page 151: Operation, Ultrashift Dm

      Automated Transmissions Embedded in the selector switch is a small neutral Operation, UltraShift DM lock button to prevent accidental shifts into gear from Power Up neutral. Any time you shift through N, press down on the neutral lock button to move the switch from neu- With the parking brake set, select neutral (N) by tral (N) to another gear, such as drive (D), low (L), or moving the selector switch to the N position.

    • Page 152
      Automated Transmissions WARNING When starting or stopping on hills and grades, use extra care to prevent the vehicle from rolling back. A rollback accident could cause death, seri- ous personal injury, or property damage. Prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards when stopped on a hill or grade, or when the vehicle is starting from a stop on a hill or grade.
    • Page 153
      Automated Transmissions At the start of a shift, the current gear continues to use the shift lever as described for MAN mode. display until the transmission has been pulled into There is no AUTO mode for reverse. neutral. At this point, as the transmission is synchro- When reverse low is selected, the letter R displays nizing for the new (target) gear, the gear indicator on the current gear indicator.
    • Page 154
      Automated Transmissions currently selected forward gear (1 through 10) dis- plays on the gear indicator. See Fig. 15.10. When in drive, requests to upshift or downshift are enabled. Either manual or automatic mode can be selected on the slide switch. Two starting gears are available, first and second.
    • Page 155: Ultrashift Diagnostics

      Automated Transmissions If the transmission does not upshift quickly enough Ultrashift Diagnostics after power-up or a load change, begin the shift Clutch Protection Fault manually. The UltraShift DM TCU will learn the new load-based shift conditions after three or four shifts. Excessive clutch slippage creates heat and reduces the life of the clutch.

    • Page 156: Eaton Fuller Autoshift Automated Transmissions

      The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) includes two If the current gear indicator continues to display a controllers: a transmission ECU and a system dash, contact an authorized Freightliner or Eaton ser- ECU. The transmission ECU controls all trans- vice facility.

    • Page 157
      Automated Transmissions NOTE: Neutral is always available during opera- tion. When in neutral, upshift and downshift re- quests are ignored. If the mode selector switch is moved from neutral (N) to drive (D) while the vehicle is moving, the transmission will shift into a gear causing the engine to go to a high torque level, under the engine’s rated torque.
    • Page 158
      Automated Transmissions With the transmission in drive in the manual NOTE: The Eaton Fuller AutoShift 18-speed mode, request an upshift by pulling upward on transmission is able to perform triple downshifts the control. If the requested gear is available, the when the next three lower gears are available transmission will upshift.
    • Page 159: Eaton Fuller Ultrashift Plus

      Automated Transmissions sound and a message indicating that the gear is Power Down not available will appear on the message dis- Select Neutral on the shift control. play screen. NOTE: If the gear display does not show a solid Low Gear Operation «N», neutral has not yet been obtained.

    • Page 160: Low (L)

      Automated Transmissions vehicle inputs such as load, grade, and axle/ transmission will not shift into gear. To shift into transmission ratio. The start gear can be changed gear, select Neutral, apply the service brakes, using the SmartShift control, provided the selected and select the desired mode again.

    • Page 161: Hill Start Aid

      Automated Transmissions protection feature helps protect the clutch if the auto- Engaging Creep Mode mated clutch starts to overheat. When the clutch To engage Creep Mode: abuse protection feature initiates and sounds a warn- ing tone, full clutch actuation must be completed Select Low or Manual Mode and the desired quickly.

    • Page 162: Skip Shifting

      Automated Transmissions • Auto Start Gear Selection and If using Manual mode in soft soil and/or sand, do not attempt an upshift and try to maintain Override the current gear. The UltraShift PLUS system uses various inputs to • If the vehicle comes to a stop in the sand it automatically select the best start gear in Drive and may be necessary to back up prior to attempt- Manual.

    • Page 163
      Drive Axles Differential Locks …………..16.1 Two-Speed Drive Axles .
    • Page 164: Differential Locks

      Drive Axles Differential Locks To unlock the interaxle differential, move the lockout control valve to UNLOCK while maintaining vehicle Tandem Drive Axles with Interaxle speed, after leaving the poor road conditions. Let up momentarily on the accelerator to allow the shift, Differential Lock then resume driving at normal speed.

    • Page 165: Two-Speed Drive Axles

      See Fig. 16.1. Drive cautiously and do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h). See Group 35 of the Cascadia ™ Maintenance Manual for additional information on friction modifiers and when to add them to axle lubricants.

    • Page 166
      Bring the vehicle to an authorized Freightliner service facility as soon as possible. When the axle shift switch is pressed, three re- sponses are possible: a normal response, a slow re- sponse, and an abnormal response.
    • Page 167: Steering System

      Steering System Power Steering System General Information ……… . 17.1 Power Steering Systems .

    • Page 168: Power Steering Systems

      ±10 degrees, as shown ervoir, and other components. Some models are also Fig. 17.1. See Group 46 of the Cascadia ™ Work- equipped with a separate hydraulic power cylinder on shop Manual for steering adjustment procedures.

    • Page 169: Fifth Wheels

      Fifth Wheels Fifth Wheels, General Information ……….. 18.1 Fifth Wheel Coupling .

    • Page 170: Fifth Wheels, General Information

      In the AUTO position, the automatic ride- For lubrication instructions, see Group 31 of the control valves operate for normal driving. Cascadia® Maintenance Manual. WARNING Fifth Wheel Coupling Never exhaust air from the suspension while Fifth wheel coupling is activated with the lock control driving.

    • Page 171
      Fifth Wheels 10/26/2010 f310110a 11/02/2010 f310447 NOTE: Make sure the safety latch is down when the control handle is locked. 1. Safety Latch 2. Operating Rod (locked) A. Unlocked B. Locked 3. Operating Rod (unlocked) 1. Safety Latch 2. Lock Control Handle Fig.
    • Page 172: Jost Fifth Wheel Coupling

      Fifth Wheels 09/10/2010 f311126 A. No gap between trailer B. Kingpin inside lock and fifth wheel Fig. 18.6, Coupling Inspection 09/10/2010 f311125 NOTICE A. Adjust trailer height B. Ramps tilted down Always make sure the connection hanger keeps Fig. 18.5, Trailer Connection Point, Low-Lube Fifth the trailer air hoses and electrical cables posi- Wheel tioned so that they do not rub on anything.

    • Page 173: Fifth Wheel Uncoupling

      Fifth Wheels nect, possibly resulting in serious personal injury or death. Apply the tractor parking brake, then perform a physical check for positive kingpin lockup, and that there is no gap between the trailer and the fifth wheel. See Fig. 18.6.

    • Page 174
      Fifth Wheels 09/10/2010 f311127 Fig. 18.8, Jost Release Handle Locked The fifth wheel is now in the lockset posi- been uncoupled and coupled again. Failure to do tion and is ready for uncoupling. As the so may result in separation of the trailer from the tractor pulls away from the trailer the king- tractor, possibly causing serious personal injury pin forces the jaw to rotate, contacting the…
    • Page 175
      Fifth Wheels 11/02/2010 f311133 A. Locked Position C. Lockset Position (upper rod resting against casting B. Unlatched Position (safety indicator rotated towards the above slot) rear of the fifth wheel) D. Open Position (ready for recoupling) 1. Safety Indicator 3. Upper Rod 2.
    • Page 176: Manual Slide Operation

      Fifth Wheels The maximum axle weight ratings are shown on the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) label or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) label attached to the left rear door post of the tractor. The desired load on the axle is no less than 80 percent of the maximum axle weight rating, but in no instances should the axle load exceed the maximum axle weight rating given on the FMVSS or…

    • Page 177
      Fifth Wheels handle will stay in the unlocked position Release the tractor parking brakes, then slowly until it is manually disengaged from the move the tractor forward or backward until the guide plate. See Fig. 18.12. fifth wheel is in the desired location. NOTICE When moving the fifth wheel to the desired posi- tion, be sure the trailer landing gear will not at…
    • Page 178: Air Slide Operation

      Fifth Wheels Air Slide Operation The slide feature may be operated with an air switch mounted in the dash, that operates an air cylinder that locks and unlocks the slide. See Fig. 18.14. MUST BE FIFTH LOCKED WHEN VEHICLE IS IN SLIDE MOTION UNLOCK…

    • Page 179
      Fifth Wheels allow disengagement of the tractor from the trailer, possibly resulting in serious personal in- jury or death. Set the air-slide switch to LOCK. Visually inspect the locking wedges or plungers to make sure that they are fully inserted in the slide rail slots. Verify that the plungers have engaged by tugging the tractor forward while the trailer brakes are locked and the wheels are chocked.
    • Page 180: Trailer Couplings

      Trailer Couplings Air-Suspension Dump Valve …………19.1 Holland Trailer Coupling .

    • Page 181: General Information

      Trailer Couplings Air-Suspension Dump Valve Operation Trailer Hookup The air-suspension height switch may be used to aid in connecting or disconnecting from a trailer. When Chock the front and rear tires of the trailer. the switch is set to LOWER, the air-suspension Remove the cotter pin, then lift the lock and raise dump valve deflates the air springs to lower the rear the latch.

    • Page 182: Pre- And Post-Trip Checklists

      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Periodic Inspections and Maintenance, General Information ……20.1 Checklists .

    • Page 183
      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Periodic Inspections and Wheels and Tires Comp. 5 Wheel bearing oil seals and lubrication levels Maintenance, General 6 Mud Flaps Information Saddle Tank Areas Comp. Regulations in Canada and the U.S. clearly indicate Drain air reservoirs (without automatic drain that it is the driver’s responsibility to perform an in- valves) spection, and ensure the complete road-worthiness…
    • Page 184
      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Natural Gas Fuel System Comp. Engine Compartment Comp. 8 LNG vaporizer 1 Hood and bumper 9 Low pressure filter drain 2 Hydraulic clutch reservoir 3 Radiator and heater hoses Weekly Post-trip Inspection Checklist 4 Steering wheel play See the following table for procedures that should be Fluids Added performed weekly, post-trip.
    • Page 185
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Daily Pretrip Inspection and Maintenance ……….21.1 Weekly Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance .
    • Page 186
      Fig. 21.1, Gunite Automatic Slack Adjuster operating the vehicle. Whenever equipment re- quires adjustment, replacement, and/or repair, see the Cascadia Workshop Manual for proce- dures and specifications.erticfied Suspension and Slack Adjuster Inspection Walk around the vehicle and visually inspect suspen- sion and slack adjuster components.
    • Page 187: Wheel And Tire Inspection

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance IMPORTANT: Wheel covers decrease drag force as a vehicle moves, thereby improving fuel effi- ciency. If replacement of a wheel cover is nec- essary, the replacement cover must meet or ex- ceed the drag reduction performance of the originally installed cover in order to maintain compliance with greenhouse gas and full effi- ciency regulations (GHG14).

    • Page 188
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance maintain compliance with greenhouse gas and WARNING full efficiency regulations (GHG14). Contact your tire manufacturer/supplier to deter- Have any worn or damaged wheel components mine the rolling resistance of the originally in- replaced by a qualified person using the wheel manufacturer’s instructions and the wheel indus- stalled tires.
    • Page 189
      ATD for signs of exhaust leaks, such as blister- If needed, fill the hubs to the level indicated on ing or warping of nearby components. the hub cap. See Group 35 of the Cascadia Maintenance Manual for recommended lubri- Engine Compartment Inspection cants.
    • Page 190: Natural Gas Vehicles

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance the minimum and maximum fill marks. See the engine operation manual for recom- mended lubricants. For natural gas vehicles, use only Exxon Busgard® Geo 15W-40 natural gas engine oil. Check the power steering reservoir fluid level. The power steering fluid level should be between the MIN COLD mark and the middle mark just above it.

    • Page 191
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Turn the ignition to the ON position. The Wait one minute and note the air pressure ICU will complete a full gauge sweep and drop in psi (kPa) per minute from the pri- bulb check, and an audible warning will mary air reservoir.
    • Page 192
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 10.3 Ensure both turn signal indicator bulbs 11.3 Check that the brake lights, taillights, illuminate in the dash message center headlights, turn signals, marker lights, when the turn signal switch is activated. identification lights, and clearance lights are working properly.
    • Page 193
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Check the fuel level in the fuel tank(s). To keep WARNING condensation to a minimum, fuel tanks should be filled at the end of each day. Inspect and maintain seat belts. When any part of Adjust the rearview and down view mirrors as a seat belt system needs replacement, the entire necessary.
    • Page 194
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance (LNG Fuel System: Ensure that the LNG fuel tank is secured to the mounting brackets and that the mounting brackets are secured to the frame. Ensure all rubber isolator straps are se- cure around the LNG fuel tank. Check for the presence of all required decals present in the following locations: •…
    • Page 195
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/04/2014 f470617 1. Pressure Control Regulator 7. Primary Relief Valve 2. Coalescing Filter 8. Tank Pressure Gauge 3. Fuel Fill Fitting 9. Fuel Shutoff Valve (liquid) 4. Vapor Shutoff Valve 10. Fuel Level Sender Box 5.
    • Page 196
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Inspect water evacuation components. Inspect the vacuator valve(s) installed on the hood interior and air cleaner. Make sure the lips of each valve are undam- aged and pliable, free of debris, and re- main closed during inspection. See Fig.
    • Page 197
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/17/2012 f090497 1. Air Cleaner 3. Rain Tray Seal 5. Drain Hose 2. Vacuator Valve 4. Rain Tray Fig. 21.12, Rain Tray Assembly Inspect tie rods, steering arms, and the drag link for signs of looseness (i.e., shiny spots or rust tracks).
    • Page 198: Brake Component Inspection

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/03/2010 f470552 1. Washers (qty 2) 7. Mounting Head 2. Nuts (qty 2) 8. Mounting Bolts (qty 2) 3. Frame Rail 9. Filter Element 4. Fuel Outlet Port 10. Sight Bowl 5. Fuel Inlet Port 11.

    • Page 199
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Inspect for cracked, worn, or oil-contaminated brake linings and brake drums (or rotors). Check the thickness of the brake linings. Re- place brake linings on all brake assemblies on the axle if any brake linings are worn to less than approximately 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) at the thinnest point.
    • Page 200
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 07/27/2009 f462167 1. Steering Tie Rod Arm 4. Power Steering Fluid Lines 6. Steering Gear Mounting Bolts 2. Castellated Nut 5. Power Steering Fluid Line Fittings 7. Steering Gear Mounting Nuts 3. Outer Tie Rod Fig.
    • Page 201
      Extended-service-life silicone hoses may also be used. See the Alliance Parts Catalog at www.alliancebrandparts.com contact your Freightliner Dealer. Check the steering wheel for excessive play. Start the engine. With the front tires straight ahead, turn the steering wheel until motion is observed at the front wheels.
    • Page 202: Cab Appearance

      Cab Appearance Cab Washing and Polishing …………22.1 Care of Fiberglass Parts .

    • Page 203: Cab Washing And Polishing

      Remove from the surface, and result in yellowing of the all road tar and tree sap before waxing. lens. Freightliner recommends that a quality brand of cleaner or cleaner-polish and polishing wax be used. •…

    • Page 204: Dashboard Care

      Cab Appearance Dashboard Care Chewing Gum Harden the gum with an ice cube wrapped in a plas- NOTICE tic bag, then scrape it off with a dull knife. Any re- maining traces of gum can be removed with an all- When cleaning the dashboard, instrument panel, purpose light oil (peanut butter will also work) and or gauge lens covers, do not use Armor-All Pro-…

    • Page 205: Ball Point Ink

      Cab Appearance Ball Point Ink Mildew Ball point ink can sometimes be removed if rubbed Brush the dry fabric with a soft brush. Sponge with immediately with a damp cloth, using water or rub- detergent, and blot. If the fabric is colorfast, dilute a bing alcohol.

    • Page 206: Headlight Aiming

      Headlight Aiming Preliminary Checks …………. . . 23.1 Checking Headlight Aim .

    • Page 207: Checking Headlight Aim

      Checking Headlight Aim Adjusting Headlight Aim NOTE: Freightliner vehicles are offered with Park the vehicle on a level surface, 25 ft (7.6 m) various headlight assembly options. Because of away from, and perpendicular to, a vertical the various options, the location of adjustment screen or wall.

    • Page 208
      Headlight Aiming 01/10/2012 f545850a A. Measure the distance from the ground to the center of each headlight bulb. B. Mark where the center of each headlight projection should appear. 1. Screen or Wall 3. Center of Left-Hand Headlight Projection 2. Center of Right-Hand Headlight Projection Fig.
    • Page 209
      Headlight Aiming 06/18/2007 f545076 Fig. 23.4, Headlight Adjusting Vertical Low-Beam Headlight Variation Limits Distance Between Ground Desired Variation (Fig. 23.3, Upper Limit (Fig. 23.3, Item Lower Limit (Fig. 23.3, Item and Headlight: in (mm) Item 2): in (mm) 1): in (mm) up 3): in (mm) down 22–36 (560–900) 3.9 (100)
    • Page 210
      In an Emergency Hazard Warning Lights …………24.1 Fire Extinguisher .
    • Page 211: Fire Extinguisher

      In an Emergency Hazard Warning Lights WARNING The hazard warning light switch is located on the Use extreme care when placing flares in emer- dash in what is referred to as the master module. gency situations that involve exposure to flam- Fig.

    • Page 212: Emergency Starting With Jumper Cables

      In an Emergency 11/14/2001 f470416 1. Vent 5. Cover Seal 8. Threaded Stud 2. Seal 6. Spring 9. Fuel Port 3. Collar 7. Filter Element 10. Drain 4. Cover Fig. 24.2, Davco Model 232 and 233 Fuel/Water Separator Emergency Starting With in the vicinity of the battery.

    • Page 213
      Connect the positive (+) jumper cable to the end of each hold-down latch until the end clears positive battery post on the Cascadia needing the catch, then pivoting the latches out of the the jump start, then connect the other end of the way, and lifting off the cover.
    • Page 214
      Connect one end of the second jumper cable to the negative terminal of the booster battery, and connect the other end of the cable to to the negative battery post of the Cascadia needing the jump start. Start the engine of the vehicle with the booster batteries, and let the engine run a few minutes to charge the batteries of the other vehicle.
    • Page 215: Front Towing Hookup

      In an Emergency the gross axle weight ratings (GAWR) of the tow- Lift the vehicle and secure the safety chains. If ing vehicle. Otherwise brake capacity will be in- extra towing clearance is needed, remove the adequate, which could result in personal injury or front wheels.

    • Page 216
      In an Emergency 07/05/2007 f880793 IMPORTANT: Do not reeve when towing. 1. Tow Hook 2. Chain Fig. 24.6, Reeving kph) is necessary, prepare the side extenders as Place the front tires straight forward and secure follows: the steering wheel in this position. •…
    • Page 217: In Case Of A Cab Fire

      In an Emergency 05/13/2014 f602527 Fig. 24.8, Tension Strap Installed to Hold Down the Cab WARNING Urethane foam is flammable! Do not allow any flames, sparks, or other heat sources such as cigarettes or light bulbs to contact urethane foam. Urethane foam in contact with such heat sources could cause a serious, rapid fire, which could result in death, severe burns, or gas poi- soning, as well as damage to the vehicle.

    • Page 218
      Natural Gas Vehicles Natural Gas Vehicles, General Information ……….25.1 Natural Gas Vehicles, Safety Precautions .
    • Page 219: Natural Gas Vehicles

      Natural Gas Vehicles • Natural Gas Vehicles, General A fuel contents gauge that indicates the fuel supply in the tank or cylinders. Information Figure 25.1 shows the locations of various compo- nents of a CNG installation. The vehicle can be equipped with a compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system, or a liquefied natural Natural Gas Vehicles, Safety gas (LNG) fuel system.

    • Page 220
      Natural Gas Vehicles 01/21/2014 f470613 1. Sleeper Leak Sensor (zone 3) 5. Shutoff Valve, Right Side Cylinder 2. Engine Compartment Leak Sensor (zone 2) 6. Shutoff Valve and System Components, Left Side 3. Leak Detection Control Panel (zone 1) (overhead Cylinder console) 7.
    • Page 221: Natural Gas Fuel Tank Filling Procedures

      Natural Gas Vehicles • Permit no smoking or other ignition sources in, Natural Gas Fuel Tank Filling or within thirty feet of, a natural gas vehicle. Procedures • Have CO fire extinguishers (ABC minimum) CNG Vehicle Fueling located in a highly visible and easily accessible location.

    • Page 222
      Natural Gas Vehicles IMPORTANT: Close all windows and doors dur- ing the fueling process. Keeping windows and doors closed allows for easier leak detection inside the cab after fueling. NOTE: If the fuel system has only back of cab tanks, the fuel fill is located behind the fuel ac- cess panel on the lower part of the cabinet, or below the tank cabinet in a separate box.
    • Page 223: Natural Gas Detection System

      Natural Gas Vehicles Switch on the service pump. A slight hissing The AMGaDS III Plus is a natural gas detection sys- noise may be heard as the fuel cylinders fill. tem. This device is meant to serve as a supplemen- tal warning only.

    • Page 224
      Natural Gas Vehicles Exit the vehicle leaving as many doors and win- dows open as possible, and move at least 30 feet away from vehicle. If the vehicle is parked, stay at lease 30 feet away until it is safe to do the following.
    • Page 225: Overhead Console

      Natural Gas Vehicles flash. There is no buzzer alarm for a trace NOTICE level detection, and the large green light on the alarm panel will remain illuminated. Silicone-based chemicals and cleaners will per- • Significant Level: If either sensor detects gas manently disable the sensors.

    • Page 226
      Natural Gas Vehicles 02/06/2014 f470614 1. Green Light 6. Sensor Fault Indicator Lights 11 Silence Button 2. Red Light 7. Zone Numbers 12. Relay Reset Button 3. Sensor 8. Trace Leak Indicator Lights 13. Relay Engaged Light 4. Buzzer Alarm 9.
    • Page 227: Natural Gas Engine Starting

      Natural Gas Vehicles Control Module Functions Item Display Function Action Required Press to reset the system only after the gas has cleared, the Resets the system after an alarm Shutdown Reset Button — buzzer has turned off, and the activation. alarm panel light has returned to green.

    • Page 228: Major Repairs And Replacement Of Natural Gas Components

      Natural Gas Vehicles Without starting the engine, turn the ignition Major Repairs and switch to the ON position (Fig. 25.7). The elec- Replacement of Natural Gas tronic gauges on the instrumentation control unit (ICU) will complete a full sweep of their dials, the Components warning and indicator lights will illuminate, and the buzzer will sound for three seconds.

    • Page 229
      Specifications Fuses and Relays …………..26.1 Replacement Bulbs .
    • Page 230
      Specifications Fuses and Relays SAM Cab Fuses Part Name CAUTION Area Light This vehicle may be equipped with a roof- mounted Citizens’ Band (CB) antenna. Operation Horn Switch of an amplified CB radio with output power greater than FCC limits (4W AM/12W SSB) is ille- gal, and may expose vehicle occupants to radio Driver Info Sys frequency (RF) radiation that exceeds FCC maxi-…
    • Page 231
      Specifications SAM Cab Relays SAM Chassis Fuses Position Function Source Part Name Power FD Spare 1 & 3 Elec Air Process. Unit BR21 (EAPU) Dash Power Recp 1 Fuel/Water Separator Heat Power FD Spare 2 & 4 ABS Bat 1 BR22 Slpr Power Recp 3 ABS Bat 2…
    • Page 232: Replacement Bulbs

      Specifications Replacement Bulbs MEGA Fuse Junction Block (MFJB) Fuses, EPA07 Only Part Name Replacement Bulbs Inverter Lamp Assembly Replacement Bulb Headlight Hi/Low Beam, Fog WEE 12362LLBA Table 26.5, MEGA Fuse Junction Block (MFJB) Fuses, light, Driving Light (H11) EPA07 Only Turn/Marker Lamp (in headlight GE 3457 assy)

    • Page 233: Fluids And Lubricants

      Specifications Fluids and Lubricants Type Approved Fluid or Lubricant Engines compliant with EPA07 or newer regulations: Engine lube oil with a sulfated ash level less Engine Oil than 1.0 wt %; currently referred to as CJ-4 oil. Engines compliant with EPA07 or newer regulations: Ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD) with 15 ppm †…

    • Page 234: Index

      ….. . . 21.5 Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat ….7.2…

    • Page 235
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Dashboard Care ……22.2 General Information, Eaton Fuller Splitter and Range- Dash-Mounted Brake Controls .
    • Page 236
      Information Label ….. 1.4 Freightliner SmartShift Shift Engine Brake ……13.5 Control .
    • Page 237
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Fuel Gauge, Pre-EPA10 ….4.10 LNG Vehicle Fueling ….25.5 Fuel/Diesel Exhaust Fluid Natural Gas Vehicles, General (DEF) Gauge, EPA10 and…
    • Page 238
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Fifth Wheel Slide Control Switch ……5.17 Replacement Bulbs .

    1. Manuals
    2. Brands
    3. freightliner Manuals
    4. Trucks
    5. cascadia
    6. Driver manual
    • Contents

    • Table of Contents

    • Bookmarks

    Related Manuals for freightliner cascadia

    Summary of Contents for freightliner cascadia

    • Page 1
      ® CASCADIA Driver’s Manual Part Number STI 478 Publication Number STI-478-6…
    • Page 2
      To preserve our environment, fol- This vehicle must be regularly inspected and main- low appropriate environmental rules and regulations tained as indicated in the Cascadia Maintenance when disposing of materials. Manual, and in the Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections…
    • Page 3: Reporting Safety Defects

      Foreword compliance with federal and local jurisdictional regu- hotline 1-800-333-0510, or contact Transport lations. Components including, but not limited to, Canada by mail at: Transport Canada, ASFAD, tires, cab/sleeper side extenders, chassis fairings, Place de Ville Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ot- bumper, hood, vehicle speed limiters, and idle reduc- tawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N5.

    • Page 4: Table Of Contents

      Contents Chapter Page Introduction, Environmental Concerns and Recommendations, Event Data Recorder, Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Compliance, Customer Assistance Center, Reporting Safety Defects ….Foreword Vehicle Identification .

    • Page 5
      Vehicle Identification Component Information Label …………1.1 Component GWR Label .
    • Page 6: Vehicle Identification

      Vehicle Identification Component Information Label The tire and rim portion of the FMVSS certification label certifies suitable tire and rim combinations that NOTE: Labels shown in this chapter are ex- can be installed on the vehicle, for the given gross amples only.

    • Page 7
      Vehicle Identification 02/20/2012 f080178 Fig. 1.2, Component GWR Label 02/20/2012 f080177 Fig. 1.3, Vehicle Certification Label 02/28/2012 f080180 Fig. 1.5, Incomplete Vehicle Certification Label 10/10/2006 f080024 Fig. 1.6, Canadian National Safety Mark A warning label on the driver-side visor contains im- portant warning indicators in the instrument cluster that pertain to the ATS.
    • Page 8
      Cummins, Detroit, and Mercedes-Benz ATD’s are also equipped with a diesel oxidation catalyst to break down pollutants. Table 1.1, Applicable Emissions System Based on Build Date and EPA Regulations IMPORTANT: Certain Freightliner incomplete vehicles may be produced with incomplete noise EPA Noise Emission Control Label control hardware.
    • Page 9: Certified Clean Idle Label

      01/96 cated on the driver-side door. See Fig. 1.10. It is the FREIGHTLINER CORPORATION DATE OF MANUFACTURE THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR NOISE EMISSION APPLICABLE TO MEDIUM AND HEAVY TRUCKS. owner’s responsibility to maintain the vehicle so that…

    • Page 10
      Vehicle Identification Certified vehicles are equipped with a label placed near the bottom edge of the driver-side door. See Fig. 1.11. CERTIFIED CLEAN IDLE 02/20/2012 f080179 Fig. 1.11, CARB Clean Idle Label…
    • Page 11: Vehicle Access

      Vehicle Access Cab Door Locks and Handles …………2.1 Grab Handles and Access Steps .

    • Page 12: Cab Door Locks And Handles

      Vehicle Access Cab Door Locks and Handles One common key operates the ignition switch and all of the door locks. IMPORTANT: Each key is numbered. Record the number so a duplicate key can be made, if needed. To unlock the driver’s door from outside the cab, in- sert the key in the lockset and turn it one-quarter turn clockwise.

    • Page 13: Entering The Driver Side

      Vehicle Access Entering the Driver Side Grasp the steering wheel with your left hand, and step up. When entering the cab from the driver side, use the Step into the cab with your right foot first, and grab handle and access steps as follows: grasp the steering wheel with your right hand.

    • Page 14: Cab-To-Sleeper Access

      Vehicle Access Cab-to-Sleeper Access To open the sleeper access on vehicles with vinyl sleeper curtains, unzip the sleeper curtains. If de- sired, unsnap the curtains all the way around the sides and top, and remove the curtains. To open the sleeper access on vehicles with velour sleeper curtains, unfasten the snaps at one side, then push the curtain to the opposite side.

    • Page 15: Sleeper Luggage Door

      Vehicle Access 03/22/2007 f720661 1. Sleeper Door Lever 2. Luggage Door Lever Fig. 2.6, Sleeper Door Levers Sleeper Luggage Door To open the sleeper luggage door, pull out on the lower lever located inside the cab door opening. See Fig. 2.6.

    • Page 16: Hood Opening And Closing

      Vehicle Access Be careful not to get hands or feet tangled in CAUTION hoses or other back-of-cab equipment. Careless- ness could cause a person to trip and fall, with Do not let the hood free-fall to the full-open posi- possible injury. tion.

    • Page 17: Electrical System

      Electrical System Electrical Power Distribution …………3.1 Emergency Power Supply .

    • Page 18: Electrical Power Distribution

      For the electrical and electronic systems. See Fig. 3.1 example, if a beacon light is added to the Cascadia, power distribution component locations. it may require an auxiliary PDM. The auxiliary PDM The following components make up the power distri- may contain fuses and relays for these devices.

    • Page 19
      Electrical System 02/27/2012 f001175a 1. SAM Cab 6. MEGA Fuse Junction Block 2. Powertrain PDM (PT-PDM) 7. Cab Load Disconnect Switch (optional location) 3. Powernet Distribution Box (PNDB) 8. Cab Load Disconnect Switch (optional location) 4. SAM Chassis 9. Trailer PDM 5.
    • Page 20: Cab Load Disconnect Switch

      See the Emergency Power Supply heading below for details. Emergency Power Supply The Cascadia electrical system has an emergency power circuit that supplies battery power for exterior lighting. This assists vehicle visibility in the event a MEGA fuse is open circuit. The emergency power circuit is live even when the CLDS is turned off.

    • Page 21: Sam Cab Fault

      Electrical System 02/07/2007 f544945 Fig. 3.4, SAM Cab Location • SAM Cab Fault identification lights • front marker lights If the emergency power supply system activates, do • not shut down the engine until the vehicle is in a safe turn-signal indicators in the ICU (alternately) position to do so.

    • Page 22
      Electrical System 06/19/2007 f545071 Fig. 3.6, Cab Load Disconnect Switch, EPA07 02/20/2012 f545876 1. Circuit Breaker 2. Self-Resetting Circuit 05/13/2009 f545527 Removal Tool Breaker Fig. 3.5, Self-Resetting Circuit Breaker Removal Fig. 3.7, Cab Load Disconnect Switch, EPA10 and Newer level I) are shut down first. Then loads designated as beeps.
    • Page 23
      Electrical System Type of Loads Shut Down Under Specific Conditions Engine On, Voltage less than Engine Off, Voltage less than Engine Off, Voltage less than Key Switch Position 12.5 Volts 12.3 Volts 12.1 Volts Priority level I loads Priority Level I loads Priority level I, II loads Start Table 3.1, Type of Loads Shut Down Under Specific Conditions…
    • Page 24
      Electrical System Designated Loads Type of Load Function † CB radio, battery † Fleet management system, battery Priority Level III Trailer power, battery or ignition 12V power receptacle 2 (dash, phone), battery 12V power receptacle 1 (dash, cigar), battery When the vehicle has Optimized Idle, these functions will not operate with the ignition switch in the accessory position.
    • Page 25
      Instruments Instrumentation Control Units …………4.1 Warning and Indicator Lights .
    • Page 26: Instrumentation Control Units

      IMPORTANT: Do not crank the engine until the sory), or blue (high-beam headlights active). ICU self-check is complete. Cascadia vehicles are equipped with an ICU3, ICU4, NOTE: Air gauges do not complete a sweep of ICU4M, or ICU4Me. See Fig.

    • Page 27: Audible Alerts

      Table 4.1, • Coolant temperature rises above the maximum or take the vehicle to an authorized Freightliner preset value. service facility as soon as possible.

    • Page 28: Panel Overview

      Instruments 06/27/2012 f611164 1. Engine Oil Temperature Gauge 5. Fuel/DEF Level Gauge 8. Secondary Air Pressure Gauge 2. Front Axle Temperature Gauge 6. Tachometer and Engine Oil 9. Transmission Oil Temperature 3. Rear Axle Temperature Gauge Pressure Gauge Gauge 4. Speedometer and Coolant 7.

    • Page 29: Instruments

      Instruments Warning and indicator lamps illuminate in red (dan- gines that are domiciled outside of the U.S. and ger), amber (caution), green (status advisory), or Canada may not be compliant with EPA07, blue (high-beam headlights active). EPA10, or GHG14 regulations. Noncompliant vehicles may not be equipped with all of the IMPORTANT: Depending upon local jurisdic- lamps shown in…

    • Page 30: Common Warning And Indicator Lamps

      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color Activates with an audible alert when the system detects that the parking brake is off and the driver seat belt is not Unfastened Seat Belt fastened on some vehicles. On other vehicles, this lamp illuminates for 15 seconds when the ignition is first turned Indicates Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (ECAS) Check ECAS…

    • Page 31
      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color IDLE Optimized Idle Indicates optimized idle is enabled. Amber MGMT Check Transmission Indicates an undesirable transmission condition. Amber Indicates that the system is preventing the starter from cranking. This can occur when the ignition switch is turned to START before the gauge sweep has completed, or if the Wait To Start (EPA07/ WAIT…
    • Page 32
      Instruments Common Warning and Indicator Lamps Lamp Description Color Indicates the cruise control is enabled. Cruise Control Green NOTE: The ICU4Me does not have a green cruise control telltale. High-Beam Headlights Indicates the high-beam headlights are on. Blue Fig. 4.5 for an explanation of the aftertreatment system (ATS) warning indicators, and actions required to avoid further engine protection steps.
    • Page 33
      Instruments EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM INFORMATION INDICATOR WARNING STOP CHECK LAMP(S) (Solid) (Flashing) (Flashing) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Indicator Lamp Filter Regeneration Filter Parked Regeneration Service Regeneration Required. HEST (High Exhaust Message(s) Recommended. Regeneration Required − Engine Engine Derate To Idle Only.
    • Page 34: Drive Axles

      Instruments Drive Axle Oil Temperature Gauges NOTICE A sudden increase in oil temperature that is not caused by a load increase may indicate mechani- cal failure. Bring the vehicle to a safe stop and investigate the cause to prevent further damage. Do not operate the vehicle until the cause has been determined and corrected.

    • Page 35
      Instruments Minimum Oil Pressure At Idle Speed: At Rated RPM: Engine Model psi (kPa) psi (kPa) Mercedes-Benz 7 (50) 36 (250) ULTRA LOW SULFUR Oil pressures are given with the engine at operating temperature. With DIESEL FUEL ONLY the engine cold, oil pressure may be higher. Individual engines may vary from the listed pressures;…
    • Page 36: Driver Message Center

      (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h), culties. Cascadia vehicles are equipped with either a with mph in larger numbers. The metric version of voltmeter gauge, or a digital voltmeter readout lo- the speedometer face reverses this arrangement, cated on the bottom line of the dash message center.

    • Page 37
      Use the + and – an authorized Freightliner service facility switches on the steering wheel, or the mode/reset switch, to scroll through the driving screens. To reset…
    • Page 38
      Instruments Display diagnostics 123456.7 dIAG HOURS Press & Hold Odometer 12.3 VOLTS n = Number of Active Fault Codes MI = Miles Interval Mode HOURS = Hours Interval Mode 123456.7 123456.7 To display total TRIP Press & Hold HOURS engine miles/hours 12.3 VOLTS ENGINE To reset trip miles…
    • Page 39
      Instruments From Temp Alert Screen n = Number of *If fault goes inactive, *If fault goes inactive, Active Fault Codes display «noFault 1» display «noFault n» dlAG *FAULT *FAULT Press & Hold Press & Hold Press & Hold AbS 11 ECU 0 Press &…
    • Page 40
      Instruments From Engine Miles/Hours Screen SET UP SELECT To toggle Press & Hold Press & Hold To toggle °T WARN Press & Hold To toggle LCD LMP Press & Hold Press & Hold to reset all Service Interval counters SET UP RESET SELECT Press &…
    • Page 41
      Instruments High Coolant Temp This message and an audible warning come on whenever the engine coolant temperature exceeds the maximum allowable temperature. If high coolant temperature is detected during the ignition sequence, it displays as an active fault in- stead of an alert message. After 30 seconds, the message displays again.
    • Page 42
      Instruments When a shift request is made by the driver, an up or iii. Odometer down arrow is also displayed, depending on the shift Trip distance/hours direction. Trip advisory For more information about specific models of auto- mated transmissions, see Chapter Leg distance/hours vii.
    • Page 43
      If active fault codes are displayed on the diagnostic information screens, make a note of the fault code Fasten seat belt warning and text message, then take the vehicle to an autho- rized Freightliner service facility See Fig. 4.17 for a Trip Information diagram of the diagnostic information screens.
    • Page 44
      The Setup Information menu allows the driver to pro- The vehicle information screens display hardware gram various features of the ICU4M. See Fig. 4.18. and software information, including the Freightliner part number and switch ID of the ICU. See Fig. 4.19. The setup features include:…
    • Page 45
      Instruments Press to toggle between selections SETUP PUSH KEY TO SERVICE INTERVAL INFORMATION CHANGE SERVICE OFF/*MILES/HOURS − PUSH KEY TO − CHANGE SERV MI Miles or Hours − − INTERVAL *2000 MILES Press to set service interval − LESS MORE + −…
    • Page 46
      Instruments Setup Information Trip MPG: 5.6 77° F VEHICLE DASH# 123− 12345− 123 INFORMATION 5555555 mi 65 mph SW VER 1.0 − − 06/26/2012 f611166 1. Temperature and Compass Outside Air Temp 2. Message Field 03/30/2010 f040803 3. Cruise Control Status Field 4.
    • Page 47
      Instruments • The following alert messages will repeat intermittently Gauge display (if selected) until the condition is eliminated: • Predictive Cruise Control (optional) • turn signal on • Enter parked menus • low voltage Parked Screens/Menus • no datalink Park the vehicle and set the parking brake to access •…
    • Page 48
      Instruments since the last reset, and the average MPG since the Trip Info last reset. Menu Fuel Info Engine Information Engine Info Using this menu, the driver can view engine miles, engine hours, gallons used, PTO hours, and PTO gallons. Engine oil level is optional for Detroit en- gines.
    • Page 49: Overhead Instrument Panel

      Instruments Overhead Instrument Panel Active (12) Menu The optional overhead instrument panel may hold a Historic (0) Diagnostics citizen’s band (C/B) radio and any switches that can not be accommodated on the driver’s or auxiliary dash panels. The underside of the overhead console also holds the sun visors and the optional dome/reading light asssembly.

    • Page 50: Driver Controls

      Driver Controls Ignition Switch and Key …………5.1 Lighting Controls .

    • Page 51: Ignition Switch And Key

      Driver Controls Ignition Switch and Key The following functions are operable when the igni- tion switch is in the OFF position (regardless of whether the key is inserted): The ignition switch is located on the left-hand dash, below the headlight switch. See Fig.

    • Page 52: Daytime Running Lights

      Driver Controls the warning and indicator lamps illuminate. Wait for Backup Lights three seconds before starting the engine. Backup lights activate only when the vehicle is in re- The SAM Cab vehicle controller automatically cycles verse, and are designed to be used while backing up all exterior lights off and then on when the head- at night.

    • Page 53
      Driver Controls 02/03/2012 f544971 1. High-Beam Headlight 6. Side Turn Signal and Marker Light 2. Fog Light, or Auxiliary High-Beam Light 7. Clearance Light 3. Low-Beam Headlight 8. Stop Light, Taillight, and Turn Signal 4. Marker Light 9. Back-Up Light 5.
    • Page 54
      Driver Controls UTLY FOOT DOME HIGH OVRD LAMP WELL REAR REAR DOME DOME DOME LAMP LAMP 01/05/2012 f611155 1. Auxiliary High Beam Light Switch 7. Rear Cab Dome Light Switch 10. Sleeper Reading Light Switch, 2. DRL Override Switch (mounted in sleeper) Driver Side 3.
    • Page 55
      Driver Controls Turn Signals The turn-signal lever is on the left side of the steer- ing column. See Fig. 5.8. 01/05/2012 f610806 1. Fog Lights (optional)—Activate by pulling the switch out when the marker lights or headlights are on. 2. Off 3.
    • Page 56: Interior Lighting Controls

      Driver Controls half of the switch to turn it off. When activated, a red indicator light in the switch is illuminated. See Fig. 5.4. Interior Lighting Controls Interior light controls are listed here in alphabetical order. The interior lights include panel lights, dome lights, red map lights, clear reading lights, and courtesy lights.

    • Page 57: Horn Controls

      Driver Controls Sleeper Dome Light Two dome lights are mounted on the sleeper roof, close to the outside walls. There are two switches in the sleeper that control the sleeper dome lights. The passenger-side switch will activate both dome lights. The driver-side switch op- erates the driver-side light only.

    • Page 58: Axle Switches

      Driver Controls RGEN 02/08/2012 f611157 1. Regen Request 2. Regen Inhibit Switch Switch 01/13/2012 f462236 Fig. 5.14, Regen Request and Inhibit Switches Press down on the top of the steering wheel center pad to activate the horn. Fig. 5.13, Steering Wheel With Airbag IMPORTANT: Depending upon local jurisdic- tional emissions guidelines, vehicles that are domiciled outside of the U.S.

    • Page 59: Engine Fan Switch

      Driver Controls Hill Start Aid Override Switch Some vehicles are equipped with a Hill Start Aid (HSA) feature to prevent the vehicle from rolling while on steep grades and to allow for a controlled launch. HSA is «on» by default. It can be turned off by pressing and releasing the HSA override switch on the dash (see Fig.

    • Page 60
      Driver Controls 02/23/2007 f610894 Fig. 5.19, PTO Switch Eaton Automated Transmissions NOTE: See Chapter 15 for complete automated transmission operating instructions. ( − ) The SmartShift electronic transmission control is in- ™ stalled with the Eaton® Fuller® UltraShift ( + ) ™…
    • Page 61: Cruise Control

      Driver Controls Cruise Control WARNING Do not use the cruise control system when driv- ing conditions do not permit maintaining a con- stant speed, such as in heavy traffic or on roads that are winding, icy, snow-covered, slippery, or roads with a loose driving surface. Failure to fol- low this precaution could cause a collision or loss of vehicle control, possibly resulting in per- 01/24/2003…

    • Page 62
      Driver Controls • DEC/SET Button—Press to set the cruise To increase cruise speed, press the ACC/RES speed while the vehicle is traveling at the de- button until the vehicle accelerates to the desired sired speed. Press and hold to decrease the speed.
    • Page 63: Cruise Control («Cc») Limiter

      Driver Controls not account for traffic flows or surrounding ve- CC Limiter Switch Settings hicles. Position Approximate Overrun Setting Driver interaction with PCC is the same as conven- Top in 3 mph (5 km/h) tional cruise control, using the standard cruise control Middle 6 mph (9 km/h) buttons.

    • Page 64: Brake Systems

      Driver Controls Dash-Mounted Brake Controls NOTE: See Chapter 13 for detailed information about brake systems. Parking Brake Control Valve NOTICE Do not step on the service brake pedal while the parking brakes are applied. To do so can cause damage to the brake mechanisms. The yellow diamond-shaped knob operates the park- ing brake valve.

    • Page 65: Windshield Wiper/Washer Controls

      Driver Controls disconnecting a trailer or when operating a vehicle Vehicles with ABS may have Automatic Traction Con- without a trailer. trol (ATC). On these vehicles, the ATC system auto- matically limits wheel spin during reduced-traction Trailer Brake Lever situations. In normal braking applications, the stan- dard air brake system is in effect.

    • Page 66: Suspension/Trailer Connection Controls

      Driver Controls The wipers are operated by a rotary switch in the NOTICE wiper control dial, which is on the end of the turn sig- nal lever. There are five intermittent settings, marked Never exhaust air from the suspension while on the dial by lines of increasing length, and two driving.

    • Page 67: Climate Controls

      Driver Controls Trailer Auxiliary Switch ECAS Remote Control Keys and Functions Memory keys. Pressing the Stop key Trailers that are equipped with pneumatic brakes and and a memory key simultaneously will used in North America or South America are gener- store the current height.

    • Page 68: Sleeper Climate Control

      Driver Controls 07/20/2006 f831701 06/08/2007 f610948 1. Fan Switch with Recirculation Button 1. Face Mode 2. Temperature Control Switch with Air Conditioning 2. Selection Between Face Mode and Bi-Level Mode Button 3. Bi-Level Mode 3. Air Selection Switch with Bunk-Override Button 4.

    • Page 69: Seat Controls

      Driver Controls WARNING Keep hands, tools, and other objects away from the scissor points under the seats. Failure to do so could cause personal injury. The following is a description of adjustments that can be made to various seats. Not all seats have all of the adjustments listed below.

    • Page 70: Adjustable Steering Column Controls

      Driver Controls Adjustable Steering Column Controls To adjust the steering column, depress the foot pedal located below the steering column. See Fig. 5.36. Tilt the steering column to the desired angle. Telescope the steering column closer or further away by push- ing or pulling it.

    • Page 71: Driver Assistance Features

      Driver Assistance Features VORAD VS-400 System …………6.1 ™…

    • Page 72: Vorad Vs-400 System

      Driver Assistance Features VORAD VS-400 System the up and down arrow buttons, and the OK button. Fig. 6.1. WARNING The VORAD VS-400 System is intended solely as an aid for an alert and conscientious professional driver. It is not intended to be relied upon to op- erate a vehicle.

    • Page 73
      Driver Assistance Features screens by pressing the down arrow. Pressing any other key exits Demo mode. Volume VORAD started The minimum adjustable volume is 50% of the maxi- Collision Warn mum volume. If the DIU volume is not adjustable, the display screen shows a grayed bar graph whenever volume adjustment is selected.
    • Page 74
      Driver Assistance Features NOTE: If the headway range is adjusted to adjusted in all driving conditions. Press the OK but- ton to exit the menu. three seconds or below and SmartCruise is ac- tive, the 3-second collision warning headway Unit Adjustment Screen alert will not display.
    • Page 75: Collision Warning System

      Driver Assistance Features Fig. 6.7. Contact an authorized Freightliner ser- The alerts given by the VS-400 system are based on vice center if fault codes display. the distance to the object ahead, whenever vehicle speed is 10 mph (16 km/h) or faster. The VS-400 CWS identifies and tracks the nearest object in the…

    • Page 76: Side Object Detection

      Driver Assistance Features 2-Second Headway Alert When the following distance to the object ahead in the same lane of travel decreases to within two sec- onds, a second yellow indicator will illuminate, the COLLISION DIU will display 2 seconds, and a single tone will sound.

    • Page 77: Special Road Situations

      Driver Assistance Features • On approaching a steep hill, objects above the beam cannot be detected. Generally, the beam hitting the road surface does not cause an alarm. • The side sensor only detects objects within its field of view, next to the tractor. A vehicle be- hind the field of view will not be detected.

    • Page 78: Onguard Collision Safety System

      6.16. substitute for safe, normal driving procedures, nor will it compensate for any driver impairment Contact an authorized Freightliner dealer to review such as drugs, alcohol, or fatigue. and clear previously active fault codes. The OnGuard Collision Safety System may pro-…

    • Page 79
      Driver Assistance Features 230FT 55 MPH 10/31/2014 f611143 Fig. 6.18, CWS Object Detected 15 FT 08/30/2011 f545826 Fig. 6.17, OnGuard Display Unit 15 MPH The CWS cannot be disengaged or turned off, and is always active at vehicle speeds above 15 mph (25 km/h).
    • Page 80: Error Screens

      Driver Assistance Features 15 FT 15 MPH Set: 60 MPH Set: 60 MPH 10/31/2014 f611145 10/31/2014 f611147 Fig. 6.20, ACC Standby Fig. 6.22, ACC Collision Warning collision is developing and the driver does decelerate the vehicle, OnGuard’s active braking automatically 230 FT applies the engine and service brakes to provide braking power.

    • Page 81: Lane Departure Warning Controls

      Driver Assistance Features If a fault occurs or OnGuard fails to properly track a vehicle, take the vehicle in for service as soon as COMPONENT TEST possible. Standard cruise control will not function with an active OnGuard system fault. Brake Pedal Position Refer to the OnGuard Collision Safety System Main- tenance Manual MM-0951 for a full list of faults (ww-…

    • Page 82: Roll Stability System

      Driver Assistance Features When the vehicle approaches the lane markings on WARNING either side, the system sense the activation of a turn signal. If a turn signal has not been activated, the The lane departure warning system is intended system initiates the audible warning to alert the driver only as an aid for a conscientious and alert that the vehicle is departing its current lane of travel.

    • Page 83: Roll Stability Advisor

      Driver Assistance Features Roll Stability Advisor Message Message to Display Display Buzzer Time: Time: IMPORTANT: This is not an advance warning Seconds Seconds system. The roll stability advisor displays a mes- System Fault WARNING sage only after the driving maneuver is com- RAC SYSTEM FAIL pleted.

    • Page 84: In An Emergency

      Driver Assistance Features Hard-Braking Advisor TRIP ADVISORIES The hard-braking advisor uses the information from the ABS wheel speed sensors to determine when 237 ROLL 518 BRK braking is severe enough to produce lockup at one or more wheels on the tractor, and/or very rapid ve- hicle deceleration.

    • Page 85
      Driver Assistance Features ESC works by constantly comparing the driver’s in- tention with the vehicle’s actual behavior. The system does this by monitoring systems such as wheel speed, steering angle, yaw rate, lateral acceleration, throttle position, and brake application. A central mi- crocomputer analyzes the collected data and triggers a response to keep the vehicle on course when an unstable condition is detected.
    • Page 86: Seats And Restraints

      …………7.1 Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat .

    • Page 87: Seats, General Information

      The following is a description of adjustments that can ion. This adjustment is easier to perform when be made to various Freightliner-installed seats. Not all weight is removed from the seat. all seats have all of the adjustments listed below.

    • Page 88: Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat

      Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat Fig. 7.2 for seat adjustment controls. Not all models of the Cascadia 2.0 Hi-Back seat have all the adjustments listed below. Recline Pull the recline handle to adjust the backrest tilt. Seat Heating/Ventilation Use the forward switch to turn the seat heater and ventilation ON or OFF.

    • Page 89: Cascadia High-Back Seat

      4. Heat/Ventilation ON/OFF Switch push rearward. 5. Heat/Ventilation Adjustment Switch Fore/Aft Seat Slide Fig. 7.3, Cascadia 2.0 Hi-Back Seat Heat/Ventilation Controls To adjust the fore-and-aft position of the entire seat, move the fore-and-aft seat adjustment lever to the Bottom Cushion Extension left and slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position.

    • Page 90: Sears Atlas Seat

      10 Lumbar Support Switches 3. Front Cushion Height Adjustment 7. Heater Button Knob Fig. 7.4, Cascadia Hi Back Seat Heater Backrest Tilt To turn on the heat option, press the button. To turn Pull upward on the recliner handle, move the back- off the heat option, press the button again.

    • Page 91: Seat Belts And Tether Belts

      Seats and Restraints 10/15/2007 f910599 A. Squeeze the fore-and-aft slide lock against the adjustment bail. B. Lift up the adjustment bail. Fig. 7.6, Fore/Aft Slide Adjustment, Sears Atlas Seat Armrest Angle Rotate the control knob, located on the underside of the armrest, to set the desired angle of the armrest.

    • Page 92: Seat Belt Operation

      Seats and Restraints Inspect the seat belts and tether belts (if so WARNING equipped). Check the web for fraying, cuts, extreme dirt and Always use the vehicle’s seat belt system when dust, or for severe fading from exposure to sun- operating the vehicle.

    • Page 93
      Seats and Restraints 03/11/2010 f910620 A. Disengaged B. Engaged Fig. 7.7, Komfort Latch 07/02/2007 f910578 1. Latch 2. Buckle Fig. 7.9, Three-Point Seat Belt Operation slack in the shoulder strap is set as described below. Excess slack in the shoulder strap re- duces the effectiveness of the seat belt, and in- creases the risk of injury or death in an accident.
    • Page 94: Steering Wheel Air Bag

      Seats and Restraints for approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) of slack be- tween your chest and the shoulder harness. Once engaged, the latch will allow you to lean forward about 5 inches (13 cm) without having to reset the latch. Leaning forward more than 5 inches (13 cm) will disengage the Sliding Kom- fort Latch, requiring it to be reset.

    • Page 95: Rolltek Rollover Protection System

      • driver and passenger seats, with an optional ment could cause severe bodily injury or death. steering wheel frontal air bag Contact an authorized Freightliner service facility for all service and maintenance. Operation The air bag system contains components that The RollTek system, when used with seat belts, pro- use combustible chemicals.

    • Page 96
      Seats and Restraints 07/03/2007 f910579 A. Side-roll air bag contained in seat. 10/15/2007 f910598 B. Side-roll air bag deployed. 1. RollTek Module 2. Side-Roll Air Bag Cover Fig. 7.14, Side-Roll Air Bag Fig. 7.13, RollTek Protection System Components or block the side-roll air bag. Objects that block the side-roll air bag may prevent proper inflation bag deploys from the outboard side of the seat as and could result in serious injury or death.
    • Page 97
      The air bag module may contain perchlorate mate- rial; for information, see www.dtsc.ca.gov/ hazardouswaste/perchlorate. Special handling may apply; follow appropriate rules and regulations when disposing of materials. For all service and maintenance, contact an autho- rized Freightliner service facility. 7.11…
    • Page 98
      Climate Control Cab Climate Control Panel …………8.1 Sleeper Climate Control Panel .
    • Page 99: Cab Climate Control Panel

      Climate Control Cab Climate Control Panel To operate the fan switch, turn the fan switch clock- wise to increase airflow; turn the fan switch counter- clockwise to decrease airflow. The standard cab climate control panel has a fan switch with a recirculation button, temperature control There is a two-second delay between the time the switch with an A/C button, and a mode control engine is started and the blower is operational.

    • Page 100: Sleeper Climate Control Panel

      Climate Control 06/08/2007 f610947 06/08/2007 f610948 1. Air Conditioning Button 1. Face Mode 2. Selection Between Face Mode and Bi-Level Mode Fig. 8.3, Temperature Control Switch 3. Bi-Level Mode • 4. Selection Between Bi-Level Mode and Floor Mode outside air temperature is low enough to make 5.

    • Page 101: Parksmart Hvac System

      Climate Control Idle, the fan will not operate with the key in acces- cludes vehicles equipped with Detroit Diesel Opti- sory mode. Optimized Idle may also turn the fan off mized Idle (O/I). Both configurations are operated in to reduce stress on the batteries. Refer to Chap- the same way, the differences are in how the batter- ter 11…

    • Page 102
      Climate Control coolant. While the engine is running, the ParkSmart for comfort while the vehicle is parked. Table 8.2 batteries are also being recharged by the vehicle shows the temperature knob setting for desired tem- electrical system. peratures. When the engine is off with the key in the ACC or To use the ParkSmart control panel, select a fan ON positions, A/C mode is powered by the speed (other than off) and push the PARK button.
    • Page 103: Accessory Heaters

      Do not operate fuel-operated heaters in an area where flammable vapors, including gasoline or If a Cascadia vehicle is equipped with Detroit Diesel diesel fumes, are present, such as at filling sta- optimized idle (O/I), it will affect the way the tions and tank farms.

    • Page 104: Espar Heater

      Climate Control Failure to observe these precautions could cause an explosion or fire, resulting in serious property damage, and personal injury or death. NOTICE Always ensure that air inlet and outlet grilles are not restricted. Restriction of any air inlet or outlet ports could result in damage to the auxiliary heater.

    • Page 105: Webasto Heater

      Climate Control To set the desired temperature, rotate the heater control knob clockwise for warmer air, or counter- clockwise for cooler air. Espar To turn the heater off, rotate the heater control coun- terclockwise until it clicks and the indicator light is extinguished.

    • Page 106: Cab Features

      Cab Features Windows …………… . 9.1 Mirrors .

    • Page 107: Cab Amenities

      Fig. 9.2, Mirror Heat Switch Cab Amenities WARNING Cascadia vehicles are available with many optional There is no anti-pinch protection when the win- features. The following are some of those options. dow is almost closed. Be sure to clear all objects from the window before closing.

    • Page 108: Baggage Compartment Doors

      Sleeper Amenities Sleeper Access Door Cascadia sleepers are available with many optional The sleeper access door is not intended for entry or features. The following are some of those options. exit. The door is intended only as a convenient…

    • Page 109: Sliding Side Window

      Cab Features the seat. Pull the cable handle labeled ACCESS for- ward to open the sleeper door. The secondary method is the black knob located at the upper rear edge of the sleeper door opening. Pull the knob down to open the sleeper door. IMPORTANT: The sleeper access doors are two-stage latching.

    • Page 110
      Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown Engine Starting …………..10.1 Engine Operation .
    • Page 111: Engine Starting, Operation, And Shutdown

      This could result in a flash fire causing serious personal injury or property damage. IMPORTANT: Cascadia vehicles are equipped with starter interlocks to enhance reliability and safety. Anti-grinding, starter pinion, and thermal protection logic limit the amount of time and conditions for starter engagement.

    • Page 112: Engine Operation

      If the oil pressure gauge indicates no oil pres- sure, shut down the engine within approximately All engines on Freightliner vehicles comply with the ten seconds to avoid engine damage. requirements of the Federal (U.S.) Clean Air Act.

    • Page 113: Cold-Weather Operation

      • Have the alternator output checked at an au- Prolonged idling of engines is not recommended, and thorized Freightliner service provider. is illegal in some states. Idling produces sulfuric acid • Check the condition and tension of the drive that is absorbed by the lubricating oil, and eats into belts.

    • Page 114: Engine Shutdown

      1000 ft (300 m) altitude above sea level for a naturally aspirated engine. All engines used on Freightliner vehicles are altitude- compensated by the use of a turbocharger. This re- duces smoky exhaust at high altitudes, requires less downshifting, and allows the engine to make better use of its fuel.

    • Page 115: Optional Engine Systems

      Optional Engine Systems Engine Protection—Warning and Shutdown ……… . . 11.1 Engine Idle Limiting .

    • Page 116
      Optional Engine Systems Engine Protection—Warning onds, then restart the engine. Repeat this action until the vehicle is safely off the road. and Shutdown NOTE: The engine warning and shutdown sys- tem is present on EPA07-compliant and newer vehicles. CHECK STOP The driver should be familiar with the vehicle warning system in order to bring the vehicle to a safe stop if necessary.
    • Page 117: Power Takeoff (Pto) Governor

      Optional Engine Systems lamp will illuminate to indicate an engine problem Power Takeoff (PTO) Governor that requires service and the engine controls will begin a derate of engine output. Continuing to run WARNING the engine while it is in derate mode could cause severe damage to the engine.

    • Page 118
      Optional Engine Systems needed to ensure engine oil temperature remains Optimized Idle operates in two modes: within factory preset limits, the batteries stay • Engine mode: Keeps the battery charged and charged, and cab/sleeper temperature remains at the engine oil temperature between 60 and 104°F thermostat setting.
    • Page 119
      Optional Engine Systems Start the engine and let it idle. to scroll up or down rapidly. When the de- sired set point is displayed, release the Put the transmission in neutral. button. The set point is stored in memory. Turn on the cruise control. Select the temperature comfort zone by The OPT IDLE lamp will blink, indicating pressing the MODE button until the upper…
    • Page 120: Emissions And Fuel Efficient Components

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption Standards ……12.1 EPA-Regulated Emissions Aftertreatment Systems .

    • Page 121: Epa07 Engines

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Engine lube oil must have a sulfated ash level less than 1.0 wt %; currently referred and Fuel Consumption to as CJ-4 oil. Standards IMPORTANT: Using non-specification fuels or oils can lead to shortened diesel particulate filter Vehicles and/or engines manufactured after Decem- (DPF) cleaning or replacement intervals.

    • Page 122: Regen Switches

      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components Regeneration the switch. Regen is then delayed until the switch is no longer active. The harder an engine works, the better it disposes of NOTE: The regen switch can initiate a parked soot. If the exhaust temperature is high enough, a regen only when the DPF lamp is illuminated.

    • Page 123
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components The regen cycle will finish after 20 to 60 minutes, High Exhaust System Temperature at which time engine idle speed drops to normal (HEST) Lamp and the vehicle can be driven normally. The Slow (10-second) flashing of the high exhaust sys- HEST lamp is extinguished when vehicle speed tem temperature (HEST) lamp indicates that a exceeds 5 mph (8 km/h) or the system has…
    • Page 124
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components IMPORTANT Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) DPF Regen Needed regeneration is needed. If flashing, regenerate as soon as possible. Engine derate possible. Hot exhaust can cause fire. Hot Exhaust Keep flammables and people away from exhaust. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) level is DEF Refill Needed low.
    • Page 125
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM INFORMATION WARNING INDICATOR STOP CHECK CHECK LAMP(S) (Solid) (Flashing) (Flashing) (Flashing) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Indicator Lamp Filter Regeneration Filter Regeneration Parked Regeneration Parked Regeneration Required − HEST (High Exhaust Message(s) Recommended Necessary…
    • Page 126
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components 09/25/2006 f610816a Fig. 12.6, HEST Lamp 07/24/2009 f470541 1. DEF Tank 2. Fuel Tank Fig. 12.8, DEF Tank Located Forward of the Fuel Tank DEF Tank Empty and Ignored If the empty warning is ignored and the DEF tank is not refilled, the red STOP engine lamp illuminates in addition to the MIL lamp and CHECK engine lamp (on vehicles with a Cummins ISB or ISC/L engine.)
    • Page 127
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components ULTRA LOW SULFUR ULTRA LOW SULFUR ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL ONLY DIESEL FUEL ONLY DIESEL FUEL ONLY 11/08/2010 f611037 A. Green bars—DEF level indicators C. One bar flashing red—DEF empty, refill DEF B. One bar illuminated amber—DEF very low, refill DEF 1.
    • Page 128
      Emissions and Fuel Efficient Components 11/08/2010 f470540a NOTE: STOP engine light and MIL illuminate, engine power is limited, speed limit of 5 mph (8 km/h) A. DEF Warning Lamp (flashing) B. DEF Lightbar (one bar flashing red) Fig. 12.12, DEF Empty and Ignored Warning 12.8…
    • Page 129
      Brake Systems Air Brake System …………..13.1 Meritor WABCO®…
    • Page 130: Air Brake System

      Brake Systems Air Brake System releasing the spring parking brakes, make the connection to a towing vehicle or chock the tires. Brake System General Information After correcting the brake system problem, uncage the spring parking brakes before resuming normal A dual air brake system consists of two independent vehicle operation.

    • Page 131
      Brake Systems and/or effort to slow or stop the vehicle. How- ever, the air brake proportioning system actually improves vehicle control when the tractor is in bobtail mode. When the tractor is towing a trailer, the rear brake chambers will receive full (normal) application air pressure.
    • Page 132: Automatic Slack Adjusters

      Brake Systems automatically causes the trailer air supply valve to ponents. Improperly maintaining the vehicle brak- pop out. ing system may lead to brake failure, resulting in property damage, personal injury, or death. NOTICE Meritor WABCO® Antilock Do not use the spring parking brakes if the ser- Braking System vice brakes are hot, such as after descending a steep grade.

    • Page 133: Automatic Traction Control

      Brake Systems is maintained. An exception would be if a modulator ing reduced-traction situations. In normal braking ap- valve (or combination modulator valve) is damaged plications, the standard air brake system is in effect. and inoperative. As these components are an integral An additional solenoid valve is installed.

    • Page 134
      Brake Systems Engine Brake WARNING Each engine manufacturer uses a specific engine The engine brake must be disengaged when brake for their engine. Regardless of the manufac- shifting gears using the clutch pedal. If the en- turer, the engine brake is operated with the principles gine brake is engaged when the transmission is outlined in here.
    • Page 135
      Brake Systems IDLE MGMT OPT 2 OPT 4 OPT 5 OPT 6 OPT 9 STOP CHECK BRAKE 05/07/2012 f611094 1. Engine Brake 11. Trailer ABS 18. Left-Turn Signal 2. Optional 12. Low Engine Oil Pressure 19. Low Battery Voltage 3. Wait To Start 13.
    • Page 136
      Brake Systems Press the upper or lower half of the intensity switch (see Fig. 13.5) to select the desired brak- ing intensity. Use the intensity switch set at the LOW position when driving on flat, open stretches of road. If the service brakes are still required to slow down on a grade, switch to a higher setting on the dash switch to maintain constant speed of de-…
    • Page 137: Manual Transmissions And Hydraulic Clutch

      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Eaton Fuller 13-Speed and 18-Speed Splitter and Range-Shift Transmissions ….14.1 Eaton Fuller 10-Speed Range-Shift Transmissions ……..14.4 Clutch .

    • Page 138
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Eaton Fuller 13-Speed and 18- lection lever controls range selection and the splitter control button (located on the side of the shift knob) Speed Splitter and Range-Shift controls gear splits. Transmissions Low gear in the front section is used only as a start- ing ratio.
    • Page 139
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch When operating off-road, or under adverse condi- only when operating conditions permit, depend- tions, always use low gear when starting to move ing on the load, grade, and road speed. the vehicle forward. Upshifting When operating on-highway, with no load, or under ideal conditions, use 1st gear when start- Position the gear shift lever in neutral.
    • Page 140
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch accelerating to 80 percent of engine governed 8th); single-clutch during split shifts (6th direct to speed. See Fig. 14.1. 6th overdrive, etc.). For 18-speed transmissions: For 18-speed transmissions: Shift upward from low overdrive to 1st direct by To shift from 5th direct to 5th overdrive, move the first moving the splitter control button into the splitter control button…
    • Page 141
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Continue downshifting from 4th overdrive to 4th direct, then 4th direct to 3rd overdrive, 3rd over- drive to 3rd direct, etc. Single-clutch when split shifting (direct to overdrive, overdrive to direct). Double-clutch when making lever shifts (4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd, etc.).
    • Page 142
      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Double-clutch between all upshifts and down- Downshifting shifts. With the transmission in high range, shift pro- After your shifting ability improves, you may want gressively downward to the bottom gear in high to skip some of the ratios. This may be done range, double-clutching between shifts.
    • Page 143: Clutch Operation

      Notify your floor plate (see «Using the Clutch Brake») and shift Freightliner dealer of the problem. from neutral to a low gear. Slowly raise your foot until the clutch starts to engage. In this position the clutch…

    • Page 144: Manual Transmissions And Hydraulic Clutch

      Manual Transmissions and Hydraulic Clutch Using the Clutch Brake High clutch disc speeds while coasting can also cause the clutch facing to be thrown off the disc. The clutch brake is applied by depressing the clutch Flying debris from the clutch can cause injury to pedal past the fully released clutch position, almost persons in the cab.

    • Page 145
      ……….15.1 Freightliner SmartShift Shift Control .
    • Page 146: Automated Transmissions

      Automated Transmissions ™ Detroit Automated Transmissions Detroit transmissions have twelve forward gears and up to four reverse gears that can be shifted automati- cally or manually. Shifting and clutch actuation are computer controlled, and there is no clutch pedal needed to operate the vehicle. Automatic shifts are selected for fuel economy or engine power.

    • Page 147: Gear Display Window

      Automated Transmissions Functionality, Detroit Multifunction Control Function/Switch Action/Position Request Forward gears D/N/R Neutral Reverse gears Activate the automatic drive mode, or switch between Depress switch and release it quickly Automatic Economy and Automatic Performance. Mode Depress switch and hold it briefly Activate the manual drive mode.

    • Page 148: Selected Gear

      Automatic Economy mode is active. Suggested Shift NOTE: To disable eCoast, see an authorized Freightliner service facility. In Manual mode only, a suggested shift is displayed to indicate the most economical gear available. The suggested shift is the number of up or down arrows from the current gear with a maximum of three up or 70 °F…

    • Page 149
      Automated Transmissions engaging the clutch. Following this and for the dura- There are three clutch abuse protection levels. At tion of the current driving cycle, Creep mode is ac- each, the driver is alerted and functionality is modi- tive. fied; see Table 15.2.
    • Page 150: Freightliner Smartshift Shift Control

      If the accelerator pedal is released, the clutch opens at fixed rate. Table 15.2, Clutch Abuse Alerts and Protections Freightliner SmartShift Shift control is spring-loaded and returns to mid-position when released after an upshift or downshift. Control For Eaton Fuller UltraShift, UltraShift PLUS, and Au-…

    • Page 151: Operation, Ultrashift Dm

      Automated Transmissions Embedded in the selector switch is a small neutral Operation, UltraShift DM lock button to prevent accidental shifts into gear from Power Up neutral. Any time you shift through N, press down on the neutral lock button to move the switch from neu- With the parking brake set, select neutral (N) by tral (N) to another gear, such as drive (D), low (L), or moving the selector switch to the N position.

    • Page 152
      Automated Transmissions WARNING When starting or stopping on hills and grades, use extra care to prevent the vehicle from rolling back. A rollback accident could cause death, seri- ous personal injury, or property damage. Prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards when stopped on a hill or grade, or when the vehicle is starting from a stop on a hill or grade.
    • Page 153
      Automated Transmissions At the start of a shift, the current gear continues to use the shift lever as described for MAN mode. display until the transmission has been pulled into There is no AUTO mode for reverse. neutral. At this point, as the transmission is synchro- When reverse low is selected, the letter R displays nizing for the new (target) gear, the gear indicator on the current gear indicator.
    • Page 154
      Automated Transmissions currently selected forward gear (1 through 10) dis- plays on the gear indicator. See Fig. 15.10. When in drive, requests to upshift or downshift are enabled. Either manual or automatic mode can be selected on the slide switch. Two starting gears are available, first and second.
    • Page 155: Ultrashift Diagnostics

      Automated Transmissions If the transmission does not upshift quickly enough Ultrashift Diagnostics after power-up or a load change, begin the shift Clutch Protection Fault manually. The UltraShift DM TCU will learn the new load-based shift conditions after three or four shifts. Excessive clutch slippage creates heat and reduces the life of the clutch.

    • Page 156: Eaton Fuller Autoshift Automated Transmissions

      The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) includes two If the current gear indicator continues to display a controllers: a transmission ECU and a system dash, contact an authorized Freightliner or Eaton ser- ECU. The transmission ECU controls all trans- vice facility.

    • Page 157
      Automated Transmissions NOTE: Neutral is always available during opera- tion. When in neutral, upshift and downshift re- quests are ignored. If the mode selector switch is moved from neutral (N) to drive (D) while the vehicle is moving, the transmission will shift into a gear causing the engine to go to a high torque level, under the engine’s rated torque.
    • Page 158
      Automated Transmissions With the transmission in drive in the manual NOTE: The Eaton Fuller AutoShift 18-speed mode, request an upshift by pulling upward on transmission is able to perform triple downshifts the control. If the requested gear is available, the when the next three lower gears are available transmission will upshift.
    • Page 159: Eaton Fuller Ultrashift Plus

      Automated Transmissions sound and a message indicating that the gear is Power Down not available will appear on the message dis- Select Neutral on the shift control. play screen. NOTE: If the gear display does not show a solid Low Gear Operation «N», neutral has not yet been obtained.

    • Page 160: Low (L)

      Automated Transmissions vehicle inputs such as load, grade, and axle/ transmission will not shift into gear. To shift into transmission ratio. The start gear can be changed gear, select Neutral, apply the service brakes, using the SmartShift control, provided the selected and select the desired mode again.

    • Page 161: Hill Start Aid

      Automated Transmissions protection feature helps protect the clutch if the auto- Engaging Creep Mode mated clutch starts to overheat. When the clutch To engage Creep Mode: abuse protection feature initiates and sounds a warn- ing tone, full clutch actuation must be completed Select Low or Manual Mode and the desired quickly.

    • Page 162: Skip Shifting

      Automated Transmissions • Auto Start Gear Selection and If using Manual mode in soft soil and/or sand, do not attempt an upshift and try to maintain Override the current gear. The UltraShift PLUS system uses various inputs to • If the vehicle comes to a stop in the sand it automatically select the best start gear in Drive and may be necessary to back up prior to attempt- Manual.

    • Page 163
      Drive Axles Differential Locks …………..16.1 Two-Speed Drive Axles .
    • Page 164: Differential Locks

      Drive Axles Differential Locks To unlock the interaxle differential, move the lockout control valve to UNLOCK while maintaining vehicle Tandem Drive Axles with Interaxle speed, after leaving the poor road conditions. Let up momentarily on the accelerator to allow the shift, Differential Lock then resume driving at normal speed.

    • Page 165: Two-Speed Drive Axles

      See Fig. 16.1. Drive cautiously and do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h). See Group 35 of the Cascadia ™ Maintenance Manual for additional information on friction modifiers and when to add them to axle lubricants.

    • Page 166
      Bring the vehicle to an authorized Freightliner service facility as soon as possible. When the axle shift switch is pressed, three re- sponses are possible: a normal response, a slow re- sponse, and an abnormal response.
    • Page 167: Steering System

      Steering System Power Steering System General Information ……… . 17.1 Power Steering Systems .

    • Page 168: Power Steering Systems

      ±10 degrees, as shown ervoir, and other components. Some models are also Fig. 17.1. See Group 46 of the Cascadia ™ Work- equipped with a separate hydraulic power cylinder on shop Manual for steering adjustment procedures.

    • Page 169: Fifth Wheels

      Fifth Wheels Fifth Wheels, General Information ……….. 18.1 Fifth Wheel Coupling .

    • Page 170: Fifth Wheels, General Information

      In the AUTO position, the automatic ride- For lubrication instructions, see Group 31 of the control valves operate for normal driving. Cascadia® Maintenance Manual. WARNING Fifth Wheel Coupling Never exhaust air from the suspension while Fifth wheel coupling is activated with the lock control driving.

    • Page 171
      Fifth Wheels 10/26/2010 f310110a 11/02/2010 f310447 NOTE: Make sure the safety latch is down when the control handle is locked. 1. Safety Latch 2. Operating Rod (locked) A. Unlocked B. Locked 3. Operating Rod (unlocked) 1. Safety Latch 2. Lock Control Handle Fig.
    • Page 172: Jost Fifth Wheel Coupling

      Fifth Wheels 09/10/2010 f311126 A. No gap between trailer B. Kingpin inside lock and fifth wheel Fig. 18.6, Coupling Inspection 09/10/2010 f311125 NOTICE A. Adjust trailer height B. Ramps tilted down Always make sure the connection hanger keeps Fig. 18.5, Trailer Connection Point, Low-Lube Fifth the trailer air hoses and electrical cables posi- Wheel tioned so that they do not rub on anything.

    • Page 173: Fifth Wheel Uncoupling

      Fifth Wheels nect, possibly resulting in serious personal injury or death. Apply the tractor parking brake, then perform a physical check for positive kingpin lockup, and that there is no gap between the trailer and the fifth wheel. See Fig. 18.6.

    • Page 174
      Fifth Wheels 09/10/2010 f311127 Fig. 18.8, Jost Release Handle Locked The fifth wheel is now in the lockset posi- been uncoupled and coupled again. Failure to do tion and is ready for uncoupling. As the so may result in separation of the trailer from the tractor pulls away from the trailer the king- tractor, possibly causing serious personal injury pin forces the jaw to rotate, contacting the…
    • Page 175
      Fifth Wheels 11/02/2010 f311133 A. Locked Position C. Lockset Position (upper rod resting against casting B. Unlatched Position (safety indicator rotated towards the above slot) rear of the fifth wheel) D. Open Position (ready for recoupling) 1. Safety Indicator 3. Upper Rod 2.
    • Page 176: Manual Slide Operation

      Fifth Wheels The maximum axle weight ratings are shown on the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) label or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) label attached to the left rear door post of the tractor. The desired load on the axle is no less than 80 percent of the maximum axle weight rating, but in no instances should the axle load exceed the maximum axle weight rating given on the FMVSS or…

    • Page 177
      Fifth Wheels handle will stay in the unlocked position Release the tractor parking brakes, then slowly until it is manually disengaged from the move the tractor forward or backward until the guide plate. See Fig. 18.12. fifth wheel is in the desired location. NOTICE When moving the fifth wheel to the desired posi- tion, be sure the trailer landing gear will not at…
    • Page 178: Air Slide Operation

      Fifth Wheels Air Slide Operation The slide feature may be operated with an air switch mounted in the dash, that operates an air cylinder that locks and unlocks the slide. See Fig. 18.14. MUST BE FIFTH LOCKED WHEN VEHICLE IS IN SLIDE MOTION UNLOCK…

    • Page 179
      Fifth Wheels allow disengagement of the tractor from the trailer, possibly resulting in serious personal in- jury or death. Set the air-slide switch to LOCK. Visually inspect the locking wedges or plungers to make sure that they are fully inserted in the slide rail slots. Verify that the plungers have engaged by tugging the tractor forward while the trailer brakes are locked and the wheels are chocked.
    • Page 180: Trailer Couplings

      Trailer Couplings Air-Suspension Dump Valve …………19.1 Holland Trailer Coupling .

    • Page 181: General Information

      Trailer Couplings Air-Suspension Dump Valve Operation Trailer Hookup The air-suspension height switch may be used to aid in connecting or disconnecting from a trailer. When Chock the front and rear tires of the trailer. the switch is set to LOWER, the air-suspension Remove the cotter pin, then lift the lock and raise dump valve deflates the air springs to lower the rear the latch.

    • Page 182: Pre- And Post-Trip Checklists

      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Periodic Inspections and Maintenance, General Information ……20.1 Checklists .

    • Page 183
      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Periodic Inspections and Wheels and Tires Comp. 5 Wheel bearing oil seals and lubrication levels Maintenance, General 6 Mud Flaps Information Saddle Tank Areas Comp. Regulations in Canada and the U.S. clearly indicate Drain air reservoirs (without automatic drain that it is the driver’s responsibility to perform an in- valves) spection, and ensure the complete road-worthiness…
    • Page 184
      Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists Natural Gas Fuel System Comp. Engine Compartment Comp. 8 LNG vaporizer 1 Hood and bumper 9 Low pressure filter drain 2 Hydraulic clutch reservoir 3 Radiator and heater hoses Weekly Post-trip Inspection Checklist 4 Steering wheel play See the following table for procedures that should be Fluids Added performed weekly, post-trip.
    • Page 185
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Daily Pretrip Inspection and Maintenance ……….21.1 Weekly Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance .
    • Page 186
      Fig. 21.1, Gunite Automatic Slack Adjuster operating the vehicle. Whenever equipment re- quires adjustment, replacement, and/or repair, see the Cascadia Workshop Manual for proce- dures and specifications.erticfied Suspension and Slack Adjuster Inspection Walk around the vehicle and visually inspect suspen- sion and slack adjuster components.
    • Page 187: Wheel And Tire Inspection

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance IMPORTANT: Wheel covers decrease drag force as a vehicle moves, thereby improving fuel effi- ciency. If replacement of a wheel cover is nec- essary, the replacement cover must meet or ex- ceed the drag reduction performance of the originally installed cover in order to maintain compliance with greenhouse gas and full effi- ciency regulations (GHG14).

    • Page 188
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance maintain compliance with greenhouse gas and WARNING full efficiency regulations (GHG14). Contact your tire manufacturer/supplier to deter- Have any worn or damaged wheel components mine the rolling resistance of the originally in- replaced by a qualified person using the wheel manufacturer’s instructions and the wheel indus- stalled tires.
    • Page 189
      ATD for signs of exhaust leaks, such as blister- If needed, fill the hubs to the level indicated on ing or warping of nearby components. the hub cap. See Group 35 of the Cascadia Maintenance Manual for recommended lubri- Engine Compartment Inspection cants.
    • Page 190: Natural Gas Vehicles

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance the minimum and maximum fill marks. See the engine operation manual for recom- mended lubricants. For natural gas vehicles, use only Exxon Busgard® Geo 15W-40 natural gas engine oil. Check the power steering reservoir fluid level. The power steering fluid level should be between the MIN COLD mark and the middle mark just above it.

    • Page 191
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Turn the ignition to the ON position. The Wait one minute and note the air pressure ICU will complete a full gauge sweep and drop in psi (kPa) per minute from the pri- bulb check, and an audible warning will mary air reservoir.
    • Page 192
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 10.3 Ensure both turn signal indicator bulbs 11.3 Check that the brake lights, taillights, illuminate in the dash message center headlights, turn signals, marker lights, when the turn signal switch is activated. identification lights, and clearance lights are working properly.
    • Page 193
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Check the fuel level in the fuel tank(s). To keep WARNING condensation to a minimum, fuel tanks should be filled at the end of each day. Inspect and maintain seat belts. When any part of Adjust the rearview and down view mirrors as a seat belt system needs replacement, the entire necessary.
    • Page 194
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance (LNG Fuel System: Ensure that the LNG fuel tank is secured to the mounting brackets and that the mounting brackets are secured to the frame. Ensure all rubber isolator straps are se- cure around the LNG fuel tank. Check for the presence of all required decals present in the following locations: •…
    • Page 195
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/04/2014 f470617 1. Pressure Control Regulator 7. Primary Relief Valve 2. Coalescing Filter 8. Tank Pressure Gauge 3. Fuel Fill Fitting 9. Fuel Shutoff Valve (liquid) 4. Vapor Shutoff Valve 10. Fuel Level Sender Box 5.
    • Page 196
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Inspect water evacuation components. Inspect the vacuator valve(s) installed on the hood interior and air cleaner. Make sure the lips of each valve are undam- aged and pliable, free of debris, and re- main closed during inspection. See Fig.
    • Page 197
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/17/2012 f090497 1. Air Cleaner 3. Rain Tray Seal 5. Drain Hose 2. Vacuator Valve 4. Rain Tray Fig. 21.12, Rain Tray Assembly Inspect tie rods, steering arms, and the drag link for signs of looseness (i.e., shiny spots or rust tracks).
    • Page 198: Brake Component Inspection

      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 02/03/2010 f470552 1. Washers (qty 2) 7. Mounting Head 2. Nuts (qty 2) 8. Mounting Bolts (qty 2) 3. Frame Rail 9. Filter Element 4. Fuel Outlet Port 10. Sight Bowl 5. Fuel Inlet Port 11.

    • Page 199
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance Inspect for cracked, worn, or oil-contaminated brake linings and brake drums (or rotors). Check the thickness of the brake linings. Re- place brake linings on all brake assemblies on the axle if any brake linings are worn to less than approximately 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) at the thinnest point.
    • Page 200
      Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance 07/27/2009 f462167 1. Steering Tie Rod Arm 4. Power Steering Fluid Lines 6. Steering Gear Mounting Bolts 2. Castellated Nut 5. Power Steering Fluid Line Fittings 7. Steering Gear Mounting Nuts 3. Outer Tie Rod Fig.
    • Page 201
      Extended-service-life silicone hoses may also be used. See the Alliance Parts Catalog at www.alliancebrandparts.com contact your Freightliner Dealer. Check the steering wheel for excessive play. Start the engine. With the front tires straight ahead, turn the steering wheel until motion is observed at the front wheels.
    • Page 202: Cab Appearance

      Cab Appearance Cab Washing and Polishing …………22.1 Care of Fiberglass Parts .

    • Page 203: Cab Washing And Polishing

      Remove from the surface, and result in yellowing of the all road tar and tree sap before waxing. lens. Freightliner recommends that a quality brand of cleaner or cleaner-polish and polishing wax be used. •…

    • Page 204: Dashboard Care

      Cab Appearance Dashboard Care Chewing Gum Harden the gum with an ice cube wrapped in a plas- NOTICE tic bag, then scrape it off with a dull knife. Any re- maining traces of gum can be removed with an all- When cleaning the dashboard, instrument panel, purpose light oil (peanut butter will also work) and or gauge lens covers, do not use Armor-All Pro-…

    • Page 205: Ball Point Ink

      Cab Appearance Ball Point Ink Mildew Ball point ink can sometimes be removed if rubbed Brush the dry fabric with a soft brush. Sponge with immediately with a damp cloth, using water or rub- detergent, and blot. If the fabric is colorfast, dilute a bing alcohol.

    • Page 206: Headlight Aiming

      Headlight Aiming Preliminary Checks …………. . . 23.1 Checking Headlight Aim .

    • Page 207: Checking Headlight Aim

      Checking Headlight Aim Adjusting Headlight Aim NOTE: Freightliner vehicles are offered with Park the vehicle on a level surface, 25 ft (7.6 m) various headlight assembly options. Because of away from, and perpendicular to, a vertical the various options, the location of adjustment screen or wall.

    • Page 208
      Headlight Aiming 01/10/2012 f545850a A. Measure the distance from the ground to the center of each headlight bulb. B. Mark where the center of each headlight projection should appear. 1. Screen or Wall 3. Center of Left-Hand Headlight Projection 2. Center of Right-Hand Headlight Projection Fig.
    • Page 209
      Headlight Aiming 06/18/2007 f545076 Fig. 23.4, Headlight Adjusting Vertical Low-Beam Headlight Variation Limits Distance Between Ground Desired Variation (Fig. 23.3, Upper Limit (Fig. 23.3, Item Lower Limit (Fig. 23.3, Item and Headlight: in (mm) Item 2): in (mm) 1): in (mm) up 3): in (mm) down 22–36 (560–900) 3.9 (100)
    • Page 210
      In an Emergency Hazard Warning Lights …………24.1 Fire Extinguisher .
    • Page 211: Fire Extinguisher

      In an Emergency Hazard Warning Lights WARNING The hazard warning light switch is located on the Use extreme care when placing flares in emer- dash in what is referred to as the master module. gency situations that involve exposure to flam- Fig.

    • Page 212: Emergency Starting With Jumper Cables

      In an Emergency 11/14/2001 f470416 1. Vent 5. Cover Seal 8. Threaded Stud 2. Seal 6. Spring 9. Fuel Port 3. Collar 7. Filter Element 10. Drain 4. Cover Fig. 24.2, Davco Model 232 and 233 Fuel/Water Separator Emergency Starting With in the vicinity of the battery.

    • Page 213
      Connect the positive (+) jumper cable to the end of each hold-down latch until the end clears positive battery post on the Cascadia needing the catch, then pivoting the latches out of the the jump start, then connect the other end of the way, and lifting off the cover.
    • Page 214
      Connect one end of the second jumper cable to the negative terminal of the booster battery, and connect the other end of the cable to to the negative battery post of the Cascadia needing the jump start. Start the engine of the vehicle with the booster batteries, and let the engine run a few minutes to charge the batteries of the other vehicle.
    • Page 215: Front Towing Hookup

      In an Emergency the gross axle weight ratings (GAWR) of the tow- Lift the vehicle and secure the safety chains. If ing vehicle. Otherwise brake capacity will be in- extra towing clearance is needed, remove the adequate, which could result in personal injury or front wheels.

    • Page 216
      In an Emergency 07/05/2007 f880793 IMPORTANT: Do not reeve when towing. 1. Tow Hook 2. Chain Fig. 24.6, Reeving kph) is necessary, prepare the side extenders as Place the front tires straight forward and secure follows: the steering wheel in this position. •…
    • Page 217: In Case Of A Cab Fire

      In an Emergency 05/13/2014 f602527 Fig. 24.8, Tension Strap Installed to Hold Down the Cab WARNING Urethane foam is flammable! Do not allow any flames, sparks, or other heat sources such as cigarettes or light bulbs to contact urethane foam. Urethane foam in contact with such heat sources could cause a serious, rapid fire, which could result in death, severe burns, or gas poi- soning, as well as damage to the vehicle.

    • Page 218
      Natural Gas Vehicles Natural Gas Vehicles, General Information ……….25.1 Natural Gas Vehicles, Safety Precautions .
    • Page 219: Natural Gas Vehicles

      Natural Gas Vehicles • Natural Gas Vehicles, General A fuel contents gauge that indicates the fuel supply in the tank or cylinders. Information Figure 25.1 shows the locations of various compo- nents of a CNG installation. The vehicle can be equipped with a compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system, or a liquefied natural Natural Gas Vehicles, Safety gas (LNG) fuel system.

    • Page 220
      Natural Gas Vehicles 01/21/2014 f470613 1. Sleeper Leak Sensor (zone 3) 5. Shutoff Valve, Right Side Cylinder 2. Engine Compartment Leak Sensor (zone 2) 6. Shutoff Valve and System Components, Left Side 3. Leak Detection Control Panel (zone 1) (overhead Cylinder console) 7.
    • Page 221: Natural Gas Fuel Tank Filling Procedures

      Natural Gas Vehicles • Permit no smoking or other ignition sources in, Natural Gas Fuel Tank Filling or within thirty feet of, a natural gas vehicle. Procedures • Have CO fire extinguishers (ABC minimum) CNG Vehicle Fueling located in a highly visible and easily accessible location.

    • Page 222
      Natural Gas Vehicles IMPORTANT: Close all windows and doors dur- ing the fueling process. Keeping windows and doors closed allows for easier leak detection inside the cab after fueling. NOTE: If the fuel system has only back of cab tanks, the fuel fill is located behind the fuel ac- cess panel on the lower part of the cabinet, or below the tank cabinet in a separate box.
    • Page 223: Natural Gas Detection System

      Natural Gas Vehicles Switch on the service pump. A slight hissing The AMGaDS III Plus is a natural gas detection sys- noise may be heard as the fuel cylinders fill. tem. This device is meant to serve as a supplemen- tal warning only.

    • Page 224
      Natural Gas Vehicles Exit the vehicle leaving as many doors and win- dows open as possible, and move at least 30 feet away from vehicle. If the vehicle is parked, stay at lease 30 feet away until it is safe to do the following.
    • Page 225: Overhead Console

      Natural Gas Vehicles flash. There is no buzzer alarm for a trace NOTICE level detection, and the large green light on the alarm panel will remain illuminated. Silicone-based chemicals and cleaners will per- • Significant Level: If either sensor detects gas manently disable the sensors.

    • Page 226
      Natural Gas Vehicles 02/06/2014 f470614 1. Green Light 6. Sensor Fault Indicator Lights 11 Silence Button 2. Red Light 7. Zone Numbers 12. Relay Reset Button 3. Sensor 8. Trace Leak Indicator Lights 13. Relay Engaged Light 4. Buzzer Alarm 9.
    • Page 227: Natural Gas Engine Starting

      Natural Gas Vehicles Control Module Functions Item Display Function Action Required Press to reset the system only after the gas has cleared, the Resets the system after an alarm Shutdown Reset Button — buzzer has turned off, and the activation. alarm panel light has returned to green.

    • Page 228: Major Repairs And Replacement Of Natural Gas Components

      Natural Gas Vehicles Without starting the engine, turn the ignition Major Repairs and switch to the ON position (Fig. 25.7). The elec- Replacement of Natural Gas tronic gauges on the instrumentation control unit (ICU) will complete a full sweep of their dials, the Components warning and indicator lights will illuminate, and the buzzer will sound for three seconds.

    • Page 229
      Specifications Fuses and Relays …………..26.1 Replacement Bulbs .
    • Page 230
      Specifications Fuses and Relays SAM Cab Fuses Part Name CAUTION Area Light This vehicle may be equipped with a roof- mounted Citizens’ Band (CB) antenna. Operation Horn Switch of an amplified CB radio with output power greater than FCC limits (4W AM/12W SSB) is ille- gal, and may expose vehicle occupants to radio Driver Info Sys frequency (RF) radiation that exceeds FCC maxi-…
    • Page 231
      Specifications SAM Cab Relays SAM Chassis Fuses Position Function Source Part Name Power FD Spare 1 & 3 Elec Air Process. Unit BR21 (EAPU) Dash Power Recp 1 Fuel/Water Separator Heat Power FD Spare 2 & 4 ABS Bat 1 BR22 Slpr Power Recp 3 ABS Bat 2…
    • Page 232: Replacement Bulbs

      Specifications Replacement Bulbs MEGA Fuse Junction Block (MFJB) Fuses, EPA07 Only Part Name Replacement Bulbs Inverter Lamp Assembly Replacement Bulb Headlight Hi/Low Beam, Fog WEE 12362LLBA Table 26.5, MEGA Fuse Junction Block (MFJB) Fuses, light, Driving Light (H11) EPA07 Only Turn/Marker Lamp (in headlight GE 3457 assy)

    • Page 233: Fluids And Lubricants

      Specifications Fluids and Lubricants Type Approved Fluid or Lubricant Engines compliant with EPA07 or newer regulations: Engine lube oil with a sulfated ash level less Engine Oil than 1.0 wt %; currently referred to as CJ-4 oil. Engines compliant with EPA07 or newer regulations: Ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD) with 15 ppm †…

    • Page 234: Index

      ….. . . 21.5 Cascadia 2.0 High-Back Seat ….7.2…

    • Page 235
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Dashboard Care ……22.2 General Information, Eaton Fuller Splitter and Range- Dash-Mounted Brake Controls .
    • Page 236
      Information Label ….. 1.4 Freightliner SmartShift Shift Engine Brake ……13.5 Control .
    • Page 237
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Fuel Gauge, Pre-EPA10 ….4.10 LNG Vehicle Fueling ….25.5 Fuel/Diesel Exhaust Fluid Natural Gas Vehicles, General (DEF) Gauge, EPA10 and…
    • Page 238
      Index Subject Page Subject Page Fifth Wheel Slide Control Switch ……5.17 Replacement Bulbs .

    Диагностика фредлайнер своими руками

    Диагностика Freightliner

    Мастера нашей компании производят различные виды диагностики грузовых автомобилей Фредлайнер. Большой опыт мастеров диагностов и наличие дилерского электронного диагностического оборудования, позволяет быстро найти и устранить неисправность. Ремонт, если это необходимо, производится с заменой запчастей, программированием, параметрированием.

    Модельный ряд

    Обслуживаем следующий модельный ряд грузовиков Фредлайнер:

    • Century (Центури)
    • Columbia (Колумбия)
    • FLD (ФЛД)
    • Argosy (Аргоси)

    Виды диагностики

    Предлагаем услуги по оказанию следующих видов диагностических работ по Фредлайнеру:

    • Диагностика системы зарядки
    • Профилактическая диагностика
    • Диагностика датчиков электронных систем
    • Диагностика электрооборудования
    • Диагностика пневматики
    • Диагностика двигателя
    • Выездная диагностика
    • Диагностика неисправности
    • Диагностика системы запуска
    • Компьютерная диагностика
    • Диагностика перед покупкой
    • Диагностика системы управления

    Модельный ряд грузовых автомобилей Фредлайнер


    С установленными двигателями евро-3; евро-4; евро-5 следующих моделей:

    • Катерпиллер (Caterpillar)
    • камминз (cummins)
    • Дизель Детройт (Detroit Diesel)

    двигатели устанавливаемые на Фредлайнер

    Признаки неисправности

    Производим диагностику при возникновении следующих неисправностей:

    • Горит чек под нагрузкой
    • Сгорает предохранитель
    • Нет повышенной скорости
    • Не включаются стеклоочистители
    • Нет пониженной скорости
    • Мотор переходит в аварийный режим
    • Не заводится двигатель
    • Не работает щиток приборов
    • Низкое давление в топливной рампе
    • Пропали половинки
    • Не набирает обороты двигатель
    • Не включаются стоп-сигналы
    • Не работает сцепление
    • Льют форсунки
    • Глохнет на ходу
    • Не горит подсветка приборов
    • Нет питания на прицепе
    • Горит индикатор давления масла
    • Не включаются задние фонари
    • Неправильные показания спидометра
    • Загорается чек на приборной панели
    • Двигатель не набирает обороты
    • Загорается лампа зарядки
    • Не горят габаритные огни
    • Высокое давление в топливной рампе
    • Не работают указатели воздуха
    • Не тянет
    • Троит двигатель
    • Не крутит стартер
    • Неисправность АБС
    • Коды ошибок на приборной панели
    • Не работает электрический клапан
    • Не горят поворотники
    • Ошибка иммобилайзера
    • Нет зарядки
    • Не работает тахограф
    • Не работает печка
    • Не включается передачи
    • Не реагирует на педаль акселератора
    • Не включается фара дальнего света
    • Не работает уровень пола
    • Не горит фара ближнего света
    • Не включается зажигание
    • Не работает подъем кузова

    Выездная диагностика на Фретлайнер

    При поломке грузового автомобиля (фуры; тягача) на трассе или на базе, транспортировка для диагностики в специализированный сервис, дело недешевое. Наша компания осуществляет выезд на место поломки или стоянки техники для осуществления диагностики и дальнейшего ремонта при необходимости. Осуществляем выезд по территории Москвы, области. Так же выезжаем в регионы России. Территория обслуживания указана в виджете правой колонки.

    История из практики

    Ближе к обеду вторая бригада нашего коллектива выехала в Солнечногорский район, деревню Дурыкино, что лежит на всем известной Ленинградке. Там 9-й день прозябал Американский грузовик Фредлайнер с ценным негабаритным грузом за плечами. Водители с ног и рук сбились, пытаясь отыскать настоящего автоэлектрика, который бы запустил наконец их автомобиль, потому как поросль на лицах их все говорила о том, что люди уже начали потихоньку превращаться в Робинзонов, находясь без элементарных условий на дороге. Приехав на место обнаруживаем рядом стоящую с грузовиком автоэлектриков из Санкт Петербурга из неизвестной фирмы. Видимо обитателей хижины дяди Тома под названием Фредлайнер сподвигло даже пойти на этот шаг и вызвать электриков за 600 км. от места. Пообщавшись с присутствующими и надменным электриком неизвестной фирмы, который нас заверил, что у нас ничего не получится и мы не сможем ничего поделать с автомобилем, поняли, что терять время даром нельзя, световой день еще короток для августовских теплых ночей. Подключаемся и видим. Отсутствует главное питание на блоке ЭБУ двигателя. Покопавшись в движке находим откушенный провод массы в первую очередь неизвестными диверсантами приезжавшими на место и пытавшимися завести таким образом двигатель машины. Вторую причину находим тут же сразу практически. Рядом силовая цепь нарушена зеленкой. Так в простонародии среди электриков называется окисел медных проводов автомобиля. Чиним и его. При попытке подключить правильно силовую цепь слышим радостные возгласы водителей из своего «Бунгало»-чек загорелся, панель заработала, а значит ключ на старт и как поется в небезызвестной песне -полетели!. Вот таким веселым образом закончился наш сегодняшний трудовой день. Удачи всем на дорогах, будьте бдительны и осторожны!.


    Диагностика фредлайнер своими руками

    Вопрос по диагностике freightliner century class s/t 2002 г.

    bigmaxxx Дата: Понедельник, 20.11.2017, 12:38 | Сообщение # 1
    Это мой первый американский тягач (да вообще первый).

    При включении зажигания на дисплее выдает сообщение о 4-ех активных ошибках. После заводки двигателя, через небольшой промежуток времени, выдает сообщение о 3-х активных ошибках. Иногда одна ошибка уходит сама по себе.
    Если после включения зажигания нажать на кнопку, что с права от руля, лампочка вымаргивает код 62 и все. В качестве контроля работоспособности сдергивал датчик уровня антифриза в расширительном бачке, лампочка вымаргивает код 16. Ближайшая диагностика за 120 км, да и то не факт что там есть ПО для американца.
    Соответственно вопрос, есть ли возможность, без подключения диагностического сканера, узнать что это за 4 активных ошибки.

    Добавлено (20.11.2017, 12:38)
    КПП EATON 10 ступ. Двигатель DD12.7

    Antart Дата: Понедельник, 20.11.2017, 12:44 | Сообщение # 2

    Дисплей выдает ошибки по всем системам авто.

    Это вспомогательный вход/выход. скорее всего *опт айдл*. не критично.


    Диагностика фредлайнер своими руками

    ‘TAMADA’ *’300287′ *’17.6.2007, 19:18′]

    Подскажи!Чем диагностируешь?есть какая литература по ним?

    Программное обеспечение и сканер или «шнурок»

    Наиболее распространненый в России похоже nexiq (www.nexiq.com)

    «Шнурок» — это адаптер между нотбуком и машиной.

    В нотбук заливаешь ПО (caterpillar STW, Cummins insite, incal, DDDL, Eaton, Meritor toolbox и т.д)

    Нотбук я покупал в магазине, «шнурок»- заказывал из америки(примерная стоимость 20-22000 рублей с доставкой, проги тоже доставал где придется, в том числе заказывал за бугром)

    ‘TAMADA’ *’300440′ *’18.6.2007, 2:07′]

    а где шнур заказывал? 22000 это за комплект или это за один?

    проблема в том что если вы никогда не заказывали из Америки, то есть очень большой шанс

    вкиснуть со своим добром где-нибудь на таможне, или попасть на кидалово. Ньюансов масса. Если есть большая заинтересованность в диагностике американцев, то можно пообщаться в аське, или поговорить по телефону.

    Title File Size Download Link
    Business Class M2 Workshop Manual.pdf 76.6Mb Download
    Freightliner Argosy Driver’s Manua.pdf 2.8Mb Download
    Freightliner Cargo Driver’s Manual.pdf 1.2Mb Download
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    Freightliner Century Class Maintenance Manual.pdf 2.3Mb Download
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    Freightliner Century Class Trucks Maintenance Manual.pdf 2.6Mb Download
    Freightliner Columbia Driver’s Manual.pdf 2.2Mb Download
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    Freightliner CORONADO 122 Driver Manual.pdf 3.3Mb Download
    Freightliner Coronado 132 Maintenance Manual.pdf 2.7Mb Download
    Freightliner CORONADO Driver Manual.pdf 4.7Mb Download
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    Freightliner Heavy-Duty Trucks Maintenance Manual. Models – FLA COE, FLB COE, FLC 112 Conventional, FLD Conventional, FLL COE.pdf 3.7Mb Download
    Freightliner M2 2007 Electrical Body Builder Manual Rev New.pdf 2.4Mb Download
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    Freightliner Trucks – the largest manufacturer of tractors and trucks from the US, part of the corporation Daimler. The motto of the brand is “Run smart!”.

    Founded as Freightliner Inc. in the year 1942. It produces both hood and cabless trucks using, as a rule, diesel engines from Cummins, Caterpillar and Detroit Diesel, also part of Daimler AG. As of 2005, it is the largest heavy-duty truck manufacturer in North America with an annual turnover of over $ 32 billion and a staff of more than 22,000 employees.



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    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 101 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 110 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 110 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 110 Raised Roof 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 110 Raised Roof 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 63 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 63 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 90 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Argosy 90 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century class C112 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C112 58 SC 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C112 58 SC 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C112 58 SC 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century class C112 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C120 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C120 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C120 70 SC 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class C120 70 SC 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Century Class S / T
    FREIGHTLINER Columbia 120 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Columbia 120 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Columbia 120 70 SC 4×2
    FREIGHTLINER Columbia 120 70 SC 6×4
    FREIGHTLINER Condor-C-10
    FREIGHTLINER Condor-C-12

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