Ora 12560 tns protocol adapter error ошибка

ORA-12560 : TNS PROTOCOL ADAPTER ERROR How do we solve ORA-12560 Error? How to solve TNS Protocol Adapter Error? Tips and Tricks to res...

How do we solve ORA-12560 Error? How to solve TNS Protocol Adapter Error? Tips and Tricks to resolve ORA-12560 TNS Error in Oracle Database

This is a most common and disturbing error which is faced my most of the Oracle users while connecting to the database. Even I also had faced it many times. So what I am going to share here is the method which I use to fix this problem.

ORA-12560 comes when you are making a connection to the database and somehow it is not able to connect. At that time, it simply throws TNS Protocol Adapter Error. The reason can be one of the following:

1. Listener is not active.

2. Third Party Software.

3. Problem with the tnsnames.ora file.

1. Listener is not active

This may be a case when you might haven’t noticed that your listener process is not working and you are trying to make a connection with the database. At that time, ORA-12560 error will be thrown.


  • Simply press Windows + R
  • Type services.msc and press enter

Look for listener process in the services list and check whether it is running or not. If it’s not running, press right click button and start the process.

After you have started the listener service, you are allowed to make a connection with the database.

2. Third Party Software

This problem is also very common with the different Oracle users who use third party software to make a connection with the database. For example, prior to Oracle 11g database, we have to install PL/SQL Developer manually which was externally added to the system. Now sometimes ORA-12560 error problem also comes with this tool.


Third Party Tools sometimes aren’t able to get the connection string by their own. So we have to check the preference setting in these tools and fix the problem in case if it is required.

Just go to Preference -> Connection and set the path there. You’ll solve the connection problem.

3. Problem with the tnsnames.ora file

To connect to a database, you have to configure tnsname.ora file. At the time of default database creation, configuration is automatically added to the tnsnames.ora file. But in case if you want to connect to some other database on the network, you have to manually insert the settings in the tnsnames.ora file which includes the insertion of new IP and Port.

Tnsnames.ora file looks something like this:


There may be a case where your database name and the other database name (which is on some other machine) are same. In that case, you have to manually give them different names so that you can differentiate between them. Like in the above image «DEMON» is the database name given for the local connectivity. I can also change it to DEMON1 or DEMON2 or can be any other name but make sure that you are not changing the SERVICE_NAME. By default my Service_Name and the name which I am using for the connectivity are both same. But you can replace «DEMON» with anything you want. Just don’t change the SERVICE_NAME.

There can be different databases with the same service name on a network. All you need to do is, provide a different name to this connection like mine is DEMON.

4. Making TNS_ADMIN Entry in Environment Variables.

In case you have multiple Oracle Environments (Oracle Softwares) installed on your system, there are chances that the Environment is unaware of the TNS_ADMIN directory it needs to use. To resolve the same, add the entry of TNS_ADMIN in the System Environment Variables on your system. Below mentioned are the demos of TNS_ADMIN paths, 



I hope this helps !!

In this post, I’ll talk about 3 error patterns of ORA-12560 on Windows platform.

  1. Database service is stop
  2. Incorrect ORACLE_SID
  3. Reach limitation of PROCESSES

A. Database Service is Stop

When we tried to connect to the database via SYSDBA, we got ORA-12560.

C:UsersAdministrator>sqlplus / as sysdba
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

Enter user-name:

This is because the database service is stopped by someone or something, you need to start or restart to get the database service working. This is the most common problem of ORA-12560.


If you saw the error in datapatch (i.e. SQL patching) after issuing datapatch -verbose like this:

C:UsersAdministrator>datapatch -verbose
Connecting to database...
Error: prereq checks failed!
Database connect failed with: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)

Then you know what to do it to solve it.

B. Incorrect ORACLE_SID

First of all, allow me reproduce the error ORA-12560 for you.

Check the instance name and current status.

C:UsersAdministrator>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Oct 24 20:31:22 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> select instance_name, status from v$instance;

---------------- ------------
erpapp           OPEN

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64
bit Production

As you can see, I connect the database with OS authentication without problem.

Now I set a non-existing ORACLE_SID.

C:UsersAdministrator>set ORACLE_SID=ERPAPP2
C:UsersAdministrator>echo %ORACLE_SID%

Then connect again.

C:UsersAdministrator>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Oct 24 20:32:36 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

Enter user-name: ^C

Oh, I got ORA-12560. The response to an unrecognized ORACLE_SID is very different in Windows from Linux. In Linux, it still connect for you, but show «Connected to an idle instance».

In such situation, you’d better to check ORACLE_SID in software registry editor.


Windows Regedit - Oracle Software - Check "ORACLE_SID"

Windows Regedit — Oracle Software — Check «ORACLE_SID»

In this case, we should set the correct ORACLE_SID, then try again.

C. Reach Limitation of PROCESSES

Found repeated Oracle TNS error messages in listener log during peak-hours on Windows Server 2008.

19-Oct-2010 05:32:10 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=ORCL11)(CID=(PROGRAM=C:ap001client.exe)(HOST=WIN3451)(USER=EDCHEN))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * ORCL11 * 12518
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

The error pattern combined with TNS-12518 and ORA-12560, and it repeated itself until some point off the peak.

I think restarting the database should work, but it should also cost your time or credits to explain the inconvenience to your users.

I suspect that PMON was not responsive enough to reclaim the timeout or dead processes and let the whole database reach the maximum number of processes, and eventually, no more new connections will be allowed.

If you are not convenient to patch the database. Here are two alternatives that you may choose:

  1. Raise the maximum number of processes online:
  2. SQL> alter system set processes=3000 scope=both;

    System altered.

    The whole concept of this tactic is to make the database survive through the daily peak-hours and let PMON can take its time to reclaim the unused processes.

  3. Force all users to connect the database through shared server mode, except DBA. For example:
  4. SQL> alter system set shared_servers = 200 scope=both;

    System altered.

    SQL> alter system set dispatchers='(address=(protocol=tcp)(PORT=1521)) (dispatchers=20)(sessions=1000)' scope=both;

    System altered.

    In the above statement, we force all connections coming from port 1521 to use dispatchers (shared server mode). DBA and specific users can use other port like 1522 to connect as dedicated mode to finish their jobs. At the beginning, users might feel that the speed of responses of database is slightly affected. I think it’s a trade-off that you must think over before making the decision.

    Since the shared server processes will be soon allocated in the server when the database startup, the number of processes can be easily controlled by DBA. For more shared server configuration, you can refer to Oracle documentation: Configuring Oracle Database for Shared Server.

fix ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error

As we all know that Oracle is free and open business management software that is available for both personal and commercial use. Oracle database uses object-relational database management system that allows to process credit card payments, support and manages customer orders, handles customers, etc.

This networking software does the task of exchange of data between machines using underlying services to establish communication between the components. Establishment of communication happens due to some set of services, these services are known as Transparent Network Substrate (TNS). However, sometimes due to some uncertain reasons, when this service is taken into action, throws an error stated as ‘ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error

So, here, in this blog today, I will let you know how to fix ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error in easy ways. But before that, let us have a brief look at the Oracle TNS which throws an error.

About Oracle Transparent Network Substrate (TNS)

Transparent Network Substrate is a service that handles communication with oracle components with its database codes and pre-programmed schema. The acronym TNS occurs in various instances, when you get an error. TNS uses various protocols, which could be TCP/IPDECNETSPX/IPXAppleTalk etc.

All these combination of TNS and the hidden protocols used to help in networking makes the connection establish between components. The Oracle Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) facilitates simple inter-database communication and has an built-in management layer over the standard network topology. But sometimes there may occur some communication error while connecting to the database. And one of the errors is ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error which happens whenever there is a problem in accessing a specific server of the database.

ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error takes place due to several reasons, but the most common is the server problem.  This problem arises when a user does not specify which database or server was being accessed or there may be incorrect password provided to the database. Instead of giving exact reasons for the connection error, Oracle simply prompts ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error. In short, if you want to troubleshoot this error, then you have to ensure the following:

  • Listener is up and pointing to the desired database service
  • Database service is up
  • Oracle variables are configured in a correct manner which includes ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, TNS_ADMIN
  • Cross check the firewall and the network configurations
  • Full access is applicable to ORACLE_HOME including its sub-directories

Ways To Fix ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error          

Here are the best ways you can try to fix ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error. Try them one by one and see which fix works in your case. Let’s get started with the first solutions…..

Fix #1: Set Correct ORACLE_SID         

If you are running on a server that is running the database (i.e. database is local to machine) then it is important to first make sure that you have set a correct ORACLE_SID. If it is set correctly then it is good and if not then you have to try the below steps:

First of all, go to the command prompt and then run the below command:

  • Set Oracle Database SID as

                 Set oracle_sid=ORCL

  • Next, run Net Start command

                 Net start oracleserviceORCL

Fix #2: Check The Service Name ‘Oracleservice<SID>’ Ties Up With The Actual Database SID

Another method you can try to fix ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error is to check the service name ties up with the actual database SID. If, in any case, database SID changes without recreating service then this can lead this error. In this case, you have to recreate this service by following this step:

oradimxx -delete -sid <old-sid>

oradimxx -new -sid <SID> –intpwd <internal-password> AUTO –pfile <full-init-ora-filename>

Fix #3: Restart The Oracle Service

If the above method doesn’t work, maybe the OracleService for the database is not running. Check for the service, if it is not running then starts the service. If it is running then restart the service. To do so, you have to follow the below steps:

  • First of all, you have to go to Start option.
  • Next, you have to type Run and open it.
  • Now, on the dialogue box, you have to type services.msc and then hit Enter.
  • After this, you have to navigate to find OracleServicesORCL and then select the service and simply click on Start to initiate oracle database server if it’s not already running.
  • After it has been done and running, from the command prompt run the following:

Tnsping<tnsalias> (tnsalias entry you can find it in tnsnames.ora file)

Fix #4: Try Oracle File Repair Tool To Fix ORA 12560: TNS: protocol adapter Error

If the above guides are out of your mind and you are perplexed what to do and wonder now how to fix ORA 12560 TNS protocol adapter error then don’t worry. For your rescue, there is a tool named Oracle File Repair Tool which will help you out. This tool doesn’t require any technical knowledge to use the steps.

Steps To Fix ORA 12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Using Tool

Step 1:  Run Oracle File Repair Tool and you would see options to select or search corrupt  Oracle databases in your computer.

Step:2  Click on Scan File to start the scan process after selecting the oracle database. On the left-side pane, recoverable objects get listed.


Step 3: Click an object to see its preview.


Step 4: : Click Start Repair in the icon bar to start the repair process. A prompt message occurs which will guide you further. Click next and continue.


Step 5: Provide user name, password and path of the blank database where you want to save the repaired database objects.


Step 6: Repairing and restoring various database objects after establishing a connection with blank oracle database.


This way you could fix ORA 12560: TNS protocol adapter error. Hope it helps.

Final Verdict

While using Oracle database if you ever come across and error stated as ‘ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error’ then you have come to the right place. I am saying so because I have already mentioned here the best fixes you can try to fix ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error.

All these fixes are easy to apply and the best part is that you do not need any technical knowledge to perform these fixes. All you have to do is to just follow the step by step guide to resolve ora-12560 tns protocol adapter error.

Jacob Martin is a technology enthusiast having experience of more than 4 years with great interest in database administration. He is expertise in related subjects like SQL database, Access, Oracle & others. Jacob has Master of Science (M.S) degree from the University of Dallas. He loves to write and provide solutions to people on database repair. Apart from this, he also loves to visit different countries in free time.

In my previous articles i have given the explanation of different types of errors like ORA-01000 error,ORA-03113 error,ORA-01722 error with examples and its probable solutions.In this article i will try to explain another most common error which will be searched 22 K times on google per month.As there are multiple type of errors like syntax errors,semantic errors,database connectivity error,Server Error.ORA-12560 error lies in connectivity error of oracle.To resolve this error user needs to check the connectivity of database with servers.There are some possible steps to resolve this error.

“ORA-12560 will be searched approximately 22000 times on google per month.”


Why ORA-12560 error will come?

There are lot of types of errors like syntax errors,server errors,connectivity error.ORA-12560 is server connectivity error when user tries to connect the database.Most of the times when user installs oracle first time this error will occur.

Situation :

First time installation

This error will occur mostly when user installs oracle first time and tries to connect it.When user tries to insert the username and password the following error come :

Enter password:
ERROR:  ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

This error will come if Listener is not up or problem in tnsnames or database is not up.After installation of oracle user needs to up all  the services including listener.


Resolution of the Error :

As i explained you this error pure connectivity error.When database tries to connect but it will not be able to get listener or services are not up then this error will come.To resolve this errors user needs to do some checkpoints and take corrective actions to resolve this error. Following are some checkpoint to resolve this error :

Solution 1:

Check listener status

User needs to check the listener status.The listener should be up and running.For checking the listener status kindly execute lsnrctl status.

Solution 2:

Check Oracle variables

User needs to check $ORACLE_HOME and $PATH variables.

Solution 3 :

Check updated patches

While connecting with SQL PLUS check that patches are updated one and if that are not updated then get the latest patch.

Solution 4 :

Services are up and running.

Check all services are up and running.

Solution 5 :

Check permissions and network firewall

Check all permissions as well as firewall settings

Solution 6:

Check TNSNAMES entry

User needs to check TNSNAMES entry.

Solution 7:

ORACLE_SID parameters

User needs to check the ORACLE_SID parameters set properly in registry.

These are above some possible solutions of this most common error.Hope everyone likes this article.Don’t forget to share this article by clicking the share button below.

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Some errors in Oracle can take far more time to diagnose than to fix. Locating the source of an ORA-12560 error can feel a bit like a wild goose chase. However, once the problem is traced the mistake can typically be hashed out.

The cause of an ORA-12560 error is the occurrence of a generic protocol adapter mistake. This could result from something simple, such as the database not running due to the instance not being set to auto-start. It can also be a temporary error from an SQL*Net client that occurs intermittently. There are other, fewer frequent causes of an ORA-12560 as well.

Oracle docs recommend, prior to any other troubleshooting, to run a few basic checks through Oracle. It is suggested to check the error stacks for lower-level network errors. Also, make sure that the addresses entered are used for proper protocol specifications. To find out more on the error, turn on tracing and attempt the operation again (be sure to turn tracing back off afterward). To turn on tracing, follow this prompt:

TRACE_LEVEL_<<listener_name>> = admin
TRACE_DIRECTORY_<<listener_name>> = <<insert your directory>>
TRACE_TIMESTAMP_<<listener_name>> = true

This sequence should aid in locating the cause of your ORA-12560. Now how do you solve it? There are a couple of different ways. First and foremost, make sure you have all of the latest patches for your SQL*Net client software. This can be a straightforward but overlooked factor in the origin of the error. Next, clarify that the TNS_ADMIN parameter is properly set (this parameter determines the origin of your TNS administration files). You should also check file permissions on the PC client. Each file in your Oracle database has permissions that determine who has access to read, write and execute a file (in the case of a program).TNS_ADMIN parameter is properly set (this parameter determines the origin of your TNS administration files). You should also check file permissions on the PC client. Each file in your Oracle database has permissions that determine who has access to read, write and execute a file (in the case of a program).

You can also check your $ORACLE_HOME and $PATH variables to make sure they are in proper order. The error can also result from issues stemming from a network firewall. Depending on the firewall settings, a connection between servers could be seeing a degree of interference. If the ORA-12560 is occurring because of this, work with your network administrator to enable the firewall settings to correspond with Oracle.

Lastly, in the auto-start case referenced before, go to the command prompt. Set the Oracle system ID (SID) to C:>set oracle_sid=ORCL. Next, run the Net Start command (C:>net start oracleserviceORCL). This should resolve the ORA-12560 error in this situation.

As you can see, many of the resolutions are basic system and protocol checks, so being vigilant when working within Oracle and executing operations can go a long way to prevent problems, such as an ORA-12560. Remaining up to date on your patches and system updates, as well as aware of how your network firewall is interacting with Oracle, can help ease these mistakes. This set of steps and checks should cover the majority of fixes for the ORA-12560 error message. However, it is always helpful to work with a licensed Oracle consultant for further explanation of these types of errors as well as general knowledge on constructing a well-managed Oracle database foundation.

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