Oracle insufficient privileges ошибка

ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges means that the current user did not use the right privilege to process the SQL statement.

ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges means that the current user did not use the right privilege to process the SQL statement.

Since this error can be seen almost in every kind of SQL statement, sometimes you would never know what privilege you lack. So I do my best to collect cases for you.

There’re several error patterns of ORA-01031 in this post. You may click whichever situation you encountered.

  1. Select (Query)
  2. Create Table
  3. Create Index
  4. Create View
  5. Alter Table (Add Constraint)
  6. Alter User
  7. Password Change
  8. Insert, Update and Delete
  10. DGMGRL
  11. Alter Pluggable Database Close
  12. PDB Clone

Select (Query)

Tried to select other’s table, we got ORA-01031: insufficient privileges.

SQL> show user
USER is "HR"
SQL> select distinct gender from oe.customers;
select distinct gender from oe.customers
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Theoretically, if we can’t see other’s table, we got ORA-00942: table or view does not exist. But the error message indicates us that we don’t use the right privilege to do it. Why? We’d better do some tests.

The first test is that, can we describe the table’s definition?

SQL> desc oe.customers;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 GENDER                                             VARCHAR2(1)

Yes, we can see its metadata, but not data.

So what object privileges we have now? Let’s check them by a privileged user.

SQL> show user
SQL> select privilege from dba_tab_privs where owner = 'OE' and table_name = 'CUSTOMERS' and grantee = 'HR' order by 1;


OK, we can INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, but no SELECT privilege. This is really weird.

Solution to ORA-01031

To solve insufficient privilege in querying, we should grant SELECT privilege to the user.

SQL> grant select on oe.customers to hr;

Grant succeeded.

Then we query the table again.

SQL> select distinct gender from oe.customers;


OK, the problem is solved.

Create Table

ORA-01031 is very common when a new user wants to create a table. Let’s see an example.

SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> create user thomas identified by thomas;

User created.

SQL> grant create session to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

As you can see, a new user THOMAS is created, but we only grant CREATE SESSION to him, which allows him to connect to the database. Let’s see what will happen if the new user wants to create a table.

C:Usersedchen>sqlplus thomas/thomas@orcl
SQL> create table test1 (id number, e_id number);
create table test1 (id number, e_id number)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Immediately, ORA-01031: insufficient privileges shows up, which tells THOMAS he doesn’t have the right privilege to do that.

Solution to ORA-01031

The solution is simple, just grant CREATE TABLE to user, a schema-based privilege or CREATE ANY TABLE, a system-wide privilege.

SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> grant create table to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Then tell Thomas to try it again.

SQL> create table test1 (id number, e_id number);

Table created.

If you use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to run CREATE TABLE in a stored procedure, you may check ORA-01031 in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE section in this post.

Create Index

In the above section, we have granted CREATE TABLE to THOMAS, which enables Thomas the ability to CREATE INDEX in his schema.

Please note that, CREATE INDEX is not a valid privilege, but CREATE ANY INDEX is.

Let’s see an example and then we guess what privilege we need.

Suppose Thomas wants to create an index for SH.CUSTOMERS in Thomas’s schema, so we grant SELECT on that table (object privilege) by instinct.

SQL> grant select on sh.customers to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Then Thomas tries to create an index on that table.

SQL> create index customer_id_gen_idx on sh.customers (cust_id, cust_gender);
create index oe.customer_id_gen_idx on sh.customers (cust_id, cust_gender)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Solution to ORA-01031

This is because SELECT on that table is not enough, you should additionally grant INDEX on that table to user, which is an object privilege.

SQL> grant index on sh.customers to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Try again.

SQL> create index customer_id_gen_idx on sh.customers (cust_id, cust_gender);

Index created.

Even though the case is possible in reality, we seldom create index for other user’s table in our schema.

Create View

If you have read the above section, then you have known that you have to grant CREATE VIEW to the user who complain ORA-01031.

SQL> grant create view to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

If the user still got ORA-01031 after granting CREATE VIEW to him, it must be a deeper problem. That’s why this section is little longer.

Inherit Privilege from Role

Some privileges inherited from the role might not work in some situation, especially when accessing intermediate kinds of object, like views or store procedures.

Here is a case that can reproduce the error.

We grant role RESOURCE to THOMAS. Then we grant the system privilege SELECT ANY TABLE to the role RESOURCE.

SQL> grant resource to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant select any table to resource;

Grant succeeded.

So we can expect that the user THOMAS inherits the system privilege from RESOURCE. That is, THOMAS can select any other’s table.

Let’s do the first test. Use THOMAS to select other user’s table SH.SALE.

SQL> select count(*) from sh.sales;


Good, it acts as we expected, although THOMAS has not any object privilege on SH.SALE.

Let’s do the second test. Use THOMAS to create a view which is based on other user’s table SH.SALE.

SQL> create view sh_sales_v as select * from sh.sales;
create view sh_sales_v as select * from sh.sales
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

What happened? THOMAS has CREATE VIEW and inherit SELECT ANY TABLE from RESOURCE, it should have no problem.

The result implies that the role’s privileges does not reach underlying objects through intermediate objects like views.

Solution to ORA-01031

The solution to this problem is to grant SELECT on the table to user directly.

First, grant the object privilege explicitly to resolve the problem.

SQL> grant select on sh.sales to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Then tell Thomas to create view again.

SQL> create view sh_sales_v as select * from sh.sales;

View created.

Now, it’s no problem.

Please notice that, if you create a synonym on SH.SALES, it will succeed whether the explicit object privilege is granted directly or not.


In the above section, we have granted CREATE TABLE to THOMAS. Implicitly, he also has the right to ALTER TABLE on schema-level. So the cause of ORA-01031 in ALTER TABLE is not so obvious as we thought.

Please note that, ALTER TABLE is not a privilege, but ALTER ANY TABLE is. That’s why there’s no such GRANT ALTER TABLE TO statement.

Let’s see an example. User Thomas wants to add a constraint so as to make a reference to another user’s data, so we grant SELECT on that table to THOMAS by instinct.

SQL> grant select on hr.employees to thomas;

Then we make the reference.

SQL> alter table test1 add constraint fk_eid foreign key (e_id) references hr.employees (employee_id);
alter table test1 add constraint fk_eid foreign key (e_id) references hr.employees (employee_id)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

We got ORA-01031.

Solution to ORA-01031

The right privilege to reference other’s data is not SELECT, it’s REFERENCES.

We should grant REFERENCES on the table to user either by HR or privileged users.

SQL> grant references on hr.employees to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Now Thomas can finish his job.

SQL> alter table test1 add constraint fk_eid foreign key (e_id) references hr.employees (employee_id);

Table altered.

Alter User

Tried to add some quota on tablespace to itself, but it lacks of some privileges.

SQL> show user
USER is "HR"
SQL> alter user hr quota unlimited on users;
alter user hr quota unlimited on users
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

The right privilege in this case is ALTER USER.

SQL> show user
SQL> grant alter user to hr;

Grant succeeded.

Then we do it again.

SQL> show user
USER is "HR"
SQL> alter user hr quota unlimited on users;

User altered.

SQL> alter user oe account lock;

User altered.

As you can see, with ALTER USER privilege, the user not only can grant some quota to itself, but also can change other’s status.

Password Change

Tried to change other’s password by SQL*Plus command password, but the user has inadequate privileges.

SQL> show user
USER is "HR"
SQL> password oe
Changing password for oe
New password:
Retype new password:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Password unchanged

Since password command is actually an ALTER USER statement, the correct privilege to change other’s password is ALTER USER.

Insert, Update and Delete

You may have the right to select other’s table.

SQL> conn sh/sh
SQL> select * from hr.t1;


But you may not have the right to modify the table. For example, INSERT INTO some data like this:

SQL> insert into hr.t1 values (4);
insert into hr.t1 values (4)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

This is because you lack INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE privilege to modify on that table which is usually owned by others.

Solution to ORA-01031

Clearly, the right privilege is INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE at object-level. You may ask for DBA or the object owner to grant the privilege to you.

SQL> conn hr/hr
SQL> grant insert,update,delete on hr.t1 to sh;

Grant succeeded.

As we can see, the grantor grants 3 object privileges INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE on the table to the grantee at a time.

In some cases, you may consider to grant all possible object privileges to user, for example:

SQL> grant all on hr.t1 to sh;

Grant succeeded.

In the statement, ALL is a keyword which means all possible privileges on specified object. For a table, it naturally includes not only SELECT, but also INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

As a result, we can insert some rows.

SQL> conn sh/sh
SQL> insert into hr.t1 values (4);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select * from hr.t1;


That is to say, not only SELECT, but also INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE privilege you should have to manipulate tables owned by other users.

Let’s see how I reproduce ORA-01031 for statements using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE by the following example.

Inherit Privilege from Role

In the above section, I have granted role RESOURCE to THOMAS. Now I grant CREATE ANY DIRECTORY and DROP ANY DIRECTORY to the role RESOURCE.

SQL> grant create any directory, drop any directory to resource;

Grant succeeded.

So we can expect that user THOMAS can also do such operations by inheriting all privileges from RESOURCE.

Things look fine when we use THOMAS to create or drop directories.

SQL> create directory tmp_path as '/u02/tmp';

Directory created.

SQL> drop directory tmp_path;

Directory dropped.

SQL> create directory tmp_path as '/u02/tmp';

Directory created

Now, Thomas would like to create directories in stored procedures which is also called named PL/SQL blocks or programming units.

First of all, DBA have to grant CREATE PROCEDURE to him before Thomas doing anything.

SQL> grant create procedure to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Then Thomas create a procedure like this:

SQL> create or replace procedure drop_create_tmp_dir is
execute immediate 'drop directory tmp_path';
execute immediate 'create or replace directory tmp_path as ''/u02/tmp''';
end drop_create_tmp_dir;
  2    3    4    5    6
Procedure created.

It seems no problem. But when we execute the stored procedure (named PL/SQL), we got ORA-01031 at line 3.

SQL> exec drop_create_tmp_dir;
BEGIN drop_create_tmp_dir; END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "THOMAS.DROP_CREATE_TMP_DIR", line 3
ORA-06512: at line 1


This is because the system privileges inherited from role cannot be used in named stored procedures with definer’s right.

Solutions to ORA-01031

Now we have several options, the first one is to grant all necessary privilege to the user directly, the second one is to use invoker’s right, and the last one is to use anonymous PL/SQL blocks.

1. Directly Granting to User

THOMAS should directly get the system privilege from DBA, not inherit from role.

SQL> grant create any directory, drop any directory to thomas;

Grant succeeded.

Back to THOMAS, we can execute it again.

SQL> exec drop_create_tmp_dir;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The better thing is that we don’t have to recompile the procedure.

2. Use Invoker’s Right

Another way to solve ORA-01031 for statements in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is to use invoker’s right to define the procedure.

Let’s revert the granting by SYS.

SQL> revoke create any directory, drop any directory from thomas;

Revoke succeeded.

Then we created the procedure with AUTHID CURRENT_USER clause.

SQL> create or replace procedure drop_create_tmp_dir authid current_user is
execute immediate 'drop directory tmp_path';
execute immediate 'create or replace directory tmp_path as ''/u02/tmp''';
end drop_create_tmp_dir;
  2    3    4    5    6
Procedure created.

Try to execute the procedure by THOMAS.

SQL> exec drop_create_tmp_dir;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

By invoker’s right, we can use role’s privileges.

3. Anonymous PL/SQL Block

What we mean in the above is that role privileges cannot penetrate NAMED stored procedures. That is to say, you can use role privileges in anonymous PL/SQL blocks. For instance, we can rewrite the stored procedure to an anonymous PL/SQL as this:

execute immediate 'drop directory tmp_path';
execute immediate 'create or replace directory tmp_path as ''/u02/tmp''';

You can save and use it as a normal SQL script file.

For the same reason, CREATE TABLE in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE can also throw ORA-01031.


DGMGRL allows user to query the status of all nodes involved through the local authentication without problem, but it might fail to switchover to a standby database or convert to a snapshot standby.

DGMGRL Switchover

Let’s see a switchover in 11g, it will fail when you connect DGMGRL with local authentication.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ dgmgrl /
DGMGRL> switchover to standb
Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "primdb2" on database "primdb"
Shutting down instance "primdb2"...
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

Please complete the following steps and reissue the SWITCHOVER command:
        shut down instance "primdb2" of database "primdb"


But if you connect DGMGRL with the database password, the switchover will succeed.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ dgmgrl sys/password@primdb1
DGMGRL> switchover to standb
Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "primdb2" on database "primdb"
Shutting down instance "primdb2"...
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
New primary database "standb" is opening...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "primdb1" on database "primdb"
Shutting down instance "primdb1"...
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Operation requires startup of instance "primdb1" on database "primdb"
Starting instance "primdb1"...
ORACLE instance started.
Database mounted.
Switchover succeeded, new primary is "standb"

DGMGRL Convert

Same error happened in a conversion.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ dgmgrl /
Converting database "standb" to a Snapshot Standby database, please wait...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "standb2" on database "standb"
Shutting down instance "standb2"...
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

Please complete the following steps and reissue the CONVERT command:
        shut down instance "standb2" of database "standb"

Solution to ORA-01031

You must use the database authentication to convert a standby database.

[oracle@primary01 ~]$ dgmgrl sys/password@primdb1
Converting database "standb" to a Snapshot Standby database, please wait...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "standb2" on database "standb"
Shutting down instance "standb2"...
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Continuing to convert database "standb" ...
Database "standb" converted successfully

For the same reason, the broker is unable to startup the new standby database during a switchover and throws ORA-01017 due to OS authentication.

Alter Pluggable Database Close

We saw an error when we tried to close a pluggable database (PDB) by a normal user.

SQL> conn hr/password@orclpdb
SQL> show user
USER is "HR"
SQL> alter pluggable database close;
alter pluggable database close
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

To solve ORA-01031, we take two steps to make the user be able to close a PDB.

1. Grant SYSDBA to the User

Please make sure that you login as SYS and are in the right container.

SQL> show user
SQL> show con_namev

Then we grant SYSDBA privilege to the user.

SQL> grant sysdba to hr;

Grant succeeded.

2. Connect as SYSDBA

The user should use SYSDBA privilege to connect to the PDB.

SQL> conn hr/password@orclpdb as sysdba
SQL> alter pluggable database close;

Pluggable database altered.

Actually, the normal user has become a SYS which of course has the ability to maintain database.

PDB Clone

When you try to clone a remote PDB via a database link, you may see ORA-17628 and ORA-01031 at that moment. I have talk about it in that post.


The ORA-01031: “insufficient privileges” error occurs when you attempt to execute a program or function for which you have not been granted the appropriate privileges.

For the DBA, the ORA-01031 can happen if the target OS executables do not have read and execute permissions (e.g. (770) in UNIX/Linux), and ensure that the oracle user is a member of the dba group (e.g. /etc/group). There are similar permission in the Windows registry.

Inside Oracle, the “ORA-01031: insufficient privileges” error can be avoided by signing on “as sysdba” with unlimited database privileges.

You can check the user has which privileges. The below command shows all exist privileges for the existing user.

select * from session_privs;
SQL> select * from session_privs;


10 rows selected.

We can see there are only few privileges are there for “SCOTT” user. Now, we will grant USER SCOTT for all privileges.

For this enter in the database as a DBA. Steps to enter into the the database as a DBA,

Step1) Open command prompt.

Step2) In the command prompt logged into the database without providing required credentials.

C:UsersKnowProgram> sqlplus/nolog

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Apr 21 06:53:31 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Step3) Authenticated yourself for the underlying O/S and entered in database as DBA. For that, type below command in the command prompt:

connect / as sysdba;
SQL> connect / as sysdba;

Step4) Evaluated who is the DBA user in my database if exists. For that, type below command in the command prompt:

select name from V$database;
SQL> select name from V$database;


Step5) Finally this is the most important step to solve our error: ORA-01031 Insufficient privileges.

Now, we have two options,
1) Grant for all Privileges
2) Grant only for particular privileges

Grant for all Previliges

grant all privileges to <dbusername>;

Here <dbusername> should be replaced with the name of the user you want to give access to. Example:-

SQL> grant all privileges to scott;

Grant succeeded.

Our problem is solved. Now, the scott user grant access for all privileges. We can see this in SQL Plus tools. In SQL Plus tool,

SQL> select * from session_privs;


200 rows selected.

Grant only for Particular Privileges

If you want to give grant only for certain privileges then you can use below command in the command prompt after signing on “as sysdba”,

grant <privileges> to <dbusername>;

In the Oracle doc for Privileges, you can get the list of all System privileges, Object privileges, Privilege hierarchy, the PUBLIC role.


I was trying to creating a view but the USER doesn’t have privileges to create the view,

SQL> create or replace view v
  2  as
  3  select * from emp where deptno=10;
create or replace view v
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Then I have logged in the database as SYSDBA account and issue the command,

GRANT CREATE VIEW TO <dbusername>;
C:UsersKnowProgram> sqlplus/nolog

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Apr 21 06:53:31 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> connect / as sysdba;

SQL> select name from V$database;


SQL> grant create view to scott;

Grant succeeded.

Now, I am able to create view in Oracle database for SCOTT user.

How to Revoke Privileges:- Revoke

Also see:- How to unlock scott user in SQL Plus

If you enjoyed this post, share it with your friends. Do you want to share more information about the topic discussed above or do you find anything incorrect? Let us know in the comments. Thank you!


Troubleshooting ORA-1031: Insufficient Privileges While Connecting As SYSDBA

Posted by Patrick Hamou on 2016:04:19 20:15:14

Applies To

Oracle Database — Enterprise Edition — Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document is intended to supply some commonly used steps for diagnosing error ORA-1031 encountered while connecting as sysdba.

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Generic Concepts

A user can connect AS SYSDBA from the Oracle Server host machine using one of the following methods:

  • OS authentication
  • password file authentication

A user should connect to the database AS SYSDBA from a remote machine only by using password file authentication .  When the Oracle Server runs on Windows it is possible to connect remotely as sysdba without providing a username and a password since in this case the connection might be secure.

Starting with Oracle 11g it is also possible to use strong authentication for SYSDBA. See Note 457083.1 for details.

SYSDBA OS Authentication

The OS authentication is the process of verifying the identity of the user connecting to the database with the information managed by the OS. An OS user is able to use this authentication method if the following conditions are met: 

1. the user is a member of a special group.
2. the OS authentication is allowed by the server settings(sqlnet.authentication_services is set correctly)

The OS user should belong to the OSDBA group in order to login as sysdba. On Unix the default name of these group is dba. On Windows the name of the group is ORA_DBA.   

On Unix Parameter sqlnet.authentication_services must be set to (ALL) or to (BEQ, <other values>) for this to work. On Windows this parameter must be set to (NTS).

SYSDBA Password File Authentication

The credentials provided when connecting remotely as sysdba are compared to the contents of the passwordfile. 

 Password file authentication is enabled by setting the database parameter remote_login_password file to «shared» or «exclusive».

SQL> alter system set remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive scope=spfile;

Note: When both OS authentication and password file authentication are enabled then the OS Authentication will be used. This means that you can connect with any username/password combination.  See Note 242258.1 for details.

Troubleshooting ORA-1031 when connecting as SYSDBA using OS Authentication

1. Check whether the OS user is part of the OSDBA group.

On Unix

A. See what are the groups of the user:

[oracle@seclin4 ~]$ id
uid=500(oracle) gid=500(oinstall) groups=500(oinstall),501(dba) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t

B. See what is the OSDBA group defined in file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.[cs]

Example for Linux:

[oracle@seclin4 ~]$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c

/* SS_DBA_GRP defines the UNIX group ID for sqldba adminstrative access. */
/* Refer to the Installation and User's Guide for further information. */

/* IMPORTANT: this file needs to be in sync with
rdbms/src/server/osds/config.c, specifically regarding the
number of elements in the ss_dba_grp array.

#define SS_DBA_GRP "dba"
#define SS_OPER_GRP "dba"
#define SS_ASM_GRP ""

char *ss_dba_grp[] = {SS_DBA_GRP, SS_OPER_GRP, SS_ASM_GRP};

Example for AIX: 

[celcaix3]/grdbms/64bit/app/oracle/product/1120/rdbms/lib> cat config.s
# SS_DBA_GRP defines the UNIX group ID for sqldba adminstrative access.
# Refer to the Installation and User's Guide for further information.

.rename H.10.NO_SYMBOL{TC},""
.rename H.11.NO_SYMBOL{TC},""
.rename H.12.NO_SYMBOL{TC},""
.rename H.13.NO_SYMBOL{RO},""
.rename H.14.NO_SYMBOL{RO},""
.rename H.15.NO_SYMBOL{RO},""
.rename H.16.ss_dba_grp{TC},"ss_dba_grp"

.lglobl H.13.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.lglobl H.14.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.lglobl H.15.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.globl ss_dba_grp{RW}

# .text section

# .data section

.tc H.16.ss_dba_grp{TC},ss_dba_grp{RW}

.csect ss_dba_grp{RW}, 3
.llong H.13.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.llong H.14.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.llong H.15.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
# End csect ss_dba_grp{RW}

.csect H.13.NO_SYMBOL{RO}, 3
.string "dba"
# End csect H.13.NO_SYMBOL{RO}

.csect H.14.NO_SYMBOL{RO}, 3
.string "dba"
# End csect H.14.NO_SYMBOL{RO}

.csect H.15.NO_SYMBOL{RO}, 3
.string ""
# End csect H.15.NO_SYMBOL{RO}
.llong 0x00000000

# .bss section

Example for Solaris:

        .section        ".text",#alloc,#execinstr
/* 0x0000          7 */         .file   "x.c"

        .section        ".data",#alloc,#write
/* 0x0000          9 */         .global ss_dba_grp
/* 0x0000         10 */         .align  8

                        .global ss_dba_grp
/* 0x0000         17 */         .align  8
/* 0x0000         18 */         .xword  (.L12+0)
/* 0x0004         24 */         .align  8
/* 0x0004         25 */         .xword  (.L13+0)
/* 0x0008         26 */         .type   ss_dba_grp,#object
/* 0x0008         27 */         .size   ss_dba_grp,16

        .section        ".rodata1",#alloc
/* 0x0008         13 */         .align  8

/* 0x0008         15 */         .ascii  "dba"
/* 0x0014         20 */         .align  8

/* 0x0014         22 */         .ascii  "dba"

In the above examples we see that the user is a member of the «dba» group which matches the value of  SS_DBA_GRP in config.c. If the groups seem to be correctly configured but the connection is still failing use the script from Note 67984.1  to see whether Oracle evaluates correctly the group membership.

Intermittent ora-1031 errors for sysdba OS authentication can occur because of the nscd service that caches information from the /etc/passwd and /etc/group as configured in /etc/nscd.conf, if stopping this service makes the problem go away then please refer to the OS vendor.

On Windows

When using OS authentication on Windows the OS user must be a member of one of the following two groups:


The membership to the second group allows the OS user to use OS authentication while connecting to the instance with the name %ORACLE_SID%> only. 

Check whether the OS user is a member of any of these two local groups:

Get the name of the OS user:

D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1NETWORKADMIN>echo %username%

Obtain the list of the members of the local group: 

Alias name ORA_DBA
Comment Members can connect to the Oracle database as a DBA without a password

The command completed successfully.
D:oracleproduct10.2.0db_1NETWORKADMIN>set oracle_sid=d1v10204

Alias name ORA_d1v10204_DBA
Comment Members can connect to instance d1v10204 as a DBA without a password

The command completed successfully.

If the user is a member of these groups but the connection is still failing then compile the C program  from the following page and then run the executable to see whether Oracle evaluates the group membership correctly: 

2. Check the value of the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES parameter in file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/SQLNET.ORA

On Unix

This parameter should not be set if no strong authentication method is used. If such a method is being used then set the parameter to one of the following values:  




Where  can be any combination of the following values: TCPS, KERBEROS5, RADIUS

NOTE: If the definition of SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES is preceded by a leading blank space, an ORA-1031 error may occur

On Windows

This parameter should be set to NTS: 


If needed you can add other strong authentication methods besides NTS:


Note: If the parameter is set to NONE then the OS authentication will be disabled and the user will have to provide a valid username/password combination to be able to connect to the database.

As above, if the definition of SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES is preceded by a leading blank space an ORA-1031 error may occur

On Windows the user who is not able to connect as sysdba using OS authentication might be a domain user. Check the following if you are in this scenario: 

  1. It is important that this user is a direct member of the local ORA_DBA group( See Note 1065023.1 for details). 
  2. Oracle Service must be started as a user who is able to check the group membership for any domain user who might be connecting as sysdba locally( See Note 1071638.1 for details). 
  3. Check whether the clocks of the RDBMS Server and of the Active Directory Server are perfectly synchronized. Even small clock drifts can cause issues to the underlying kerberos authentication mechanism used by default on Windows. In these cases the ORA-1031 would be most of the times intermittent. 
  4. Check whether the Oracle Service is started by an user whose name contains non ASCII characters . See Note 1280996.1 for details

ORA-12638 might be seen when the user is managed in Active Directory rather than locally

On Windows, when the OS user is a domain user,  the error that is seen can be ORA-12638. In these situations it is important to obtain a client SQL*Net trace file and analyze the MS Windows errors encountered by function naun5authent: 

A) Add the following lines in client’s sqlnet.ora file(The client might be the same as the RDBMS Server): 

trace_level_client = 16
trace_directory_client = c:tempnewsqlnet

B) Retry the SYSDBA connection and get the SQL*Net trace file. Look for the string «SSPI» inside this file. You will see something similar to this: 

[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] naun5authent: SSPI: 0x8009030c error in InitializeSecurityContext
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] naun5authent: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] naunauthent: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nau_ccn: get credentials function failed
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nau_ccn: failed with error 12638
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nacomsd: entry
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nacomfsd: entry
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nacomfsd: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nacomsd: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nau_ccn: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] na_csrd: failed with error 12638
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] na_csrd: exit
[02-OCT-2011 09:21:02:076] nacomer: error 12638 received from authentication service 

C) Search for the MS error (0x8009030c in the above example) in the following page:

D) Contact the AD administrators and let them perform the actions suggested by Microsoft. For the above SSPI error the solution is the following: 

«Logon Denied. Group Policy impersonates both the computer and the user when it determines the scope of policy, meaning it acts on behalf the user. This could be a machine account needing its password reset or a user account that has some problem. Check Active Directory to make sure the user account is set up correctly. Use a utility, like netdom or nltest, to test the computer account’s password.»

3. After checking the configuration as per steps 1) and 2) review the problems described in the following notes

Note 69642.1   — UNIX: Checklist for Resolving Connect AS SYSDBA Issues
Note 114384.1 — WIN: Checklist for Resolving CONNECT AS SYSDBA (INTERNAL) Issues 

4. If the problem is not solved after reviewing the above notes open a service request with Oracle Support and provide the following information

For Unix

A) File $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
B) File $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c(or config.s)
C) The output of command «id» 
D) A trace file obtained with the following commands: 

strace -o /tmp/strace_sysdba.output -cfT sqlplus / as sysdba
AIX, Solaris: 
truss -fea -o /tmp/truss_sysdba.output sqlplus / as sysdba

tusc -afpo /tmp/tusc_sysdba.output -aef sqlplus / as sysdba

For Windows

A) File %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
B) The output of the commands  «echo %username% and  «NET LOCALGROUP ORA_DBA»
C) A pair of client/server SQL*Net traces obtained while reproducing the problem as per Note 395525.1 and Note 374116.1.

Troubleshooting ORA-1031 seen while using password file authentication

1.Check the value of parameter remote_login_passwordfile. This has to be set to either EXCLUSIVE or SHARED:

SQL> show parameter remote_login_passwordfile

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE

If the parameter is not set correctly then modify it and then restart the database: 


2. Check whether the password file with the correct name exists in the right directory/folder and has the right ownership and permissions

On Unix

The password file with the name orapw<ORACLE_SID> must exist in directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. If it does not exist then recreate it using the orapwd command 

$ > orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw<sid> password=<password> force=y ignorecase=n

The permissions of the file should be the following: 

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1536 Jul 21 13:50 orapwdv11201

More information about using the orapwd command can be seen in  Note 1029539.6.

On Windows

The default location of the password file on Windows is folder %ORACLE_HOME%/database and the name of the password file must be pwd<%ORACLE_SID%>.ora. When the passwordfile authentication is being used Oracle searches for the password file in the following locations(in this exact order):

  1. The folder pointed to by the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLEHomeXXORA_<%ORACLE_SID%>_PWFILE
  2. The folder pointed to by the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLEHomeXXORA_PWFILE
  3. The default location ( %ORACLE_HOME%/database)

Note: Make sure that the password file exists in the folder specified by the registry keys if these are set.

If the password file does not exist in the right folder then create it using the orapwd command:

D:> cd %ORACLE_HOME/database 
D:> orapwd file=pwd<sid>.ora password=<password> force=y nosysdba=n

More information about using the orapwd command can be seen in Note 1029539.6.

3. Check whether the user was granted the SYSDBA privilege  

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

------------------------------ ----- ----- -----

If the user is not granted the privilege then run:

grant SYSDBA to myadminuser; 

 where myadminuser is the user you want to use to connect as sysdba.

4. Check that there is no issue with the configuration of the listener used to connect to the database.

The value of the ORACLE_HOME parameter in the listener’s definition must be correctly specified:

   (SID_DESC =
    (GLOBAL_DBNAME = d1v11203)
     (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/11203)
    (SID_NAME = d1v11203)

The case of the SID in the definition of the listener must match the case of the instance name specified by ORACLE_SID:

   (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = d1v11203)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/11203)
     (SID_NAME = d1v11203)

Frequent problems with passwordfile authentication

1) Connecting remotely as SYSDBA to a TNS alias that is defined using more TNS addresses with load balancing fails  intermittently with ORA-1031.

The TNS alias is defined in tnsnames.ora this way:

  (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 

If there is at least one node having the passwordfile configured incorrectly we will see this error intermittently. Make sure that the passwordfile is configured correctly on all the nodes.

2) RMAN auxiliary connections fail with the following error

RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Before running the RMAN command make sure that the passwordfile is correctly configured for the remote auxiliary database.

3) EM proper configuration/functioning depends on the ability to connect remotely as sysdba. For example while installing EM, these error could be found in file emca_repos_config_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.log

Caused by: oracle.sysman.emdrep.config.ConfigurationException:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

This issue could be reproduced in sqlplus: 

[oracle@test dbs]$ sqlplus sys/oracle@r01 as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jun 7 16:02:39 2011
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ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

To remedy this make sure that you follow the sysdba passwordfile authentication troubleshooting steps.

Are you getting the “ORA-01031 insufficient privileges” error? Learn what causes this error and how to resolve it in this article.

ORA-01031 Cause

The cause of the ORA-01031 error is that you’re trying to run a program or function and you don’t have the privileges to run it.ORA-01031

This could happen in many situations, such as:

  1. You attempted to change a username or password, without having the appropriate privileges.
  2. You attempted to query a table where you have at least one privilege but not the required privilege to run the query (e.g. you have SELECT but not UPDATE).
  3. You attempted to start an Oracle database using the CONNECT INTERNAL command.
  4. You attempted to install an Oracle database without having the appropriate privileges on the operating system.

There are many solutions to this error message.

First, you could ask the Oracle database administrator to grant you the privileges you are missing. Often this can be an oversight (a missing privilege in a script or a change that wasn’t implemented correctly), so they may grant it to you.

If they won’t grant you the required privileges, you can ask the DBA to execute the code or statement for you.

This is common if you have some privileges but not the required privileges. Let’s take a look at an example.

Some Privileges But Not All Required Privileges

You might get the ORA-01031 error if you have SELECT privileges on a table, but you’re trying to run another statement (such as UPDATE or DELETE) and don’t have permission to do that.

Let’s see an example.

CREATE TABLE userA.table1(someValue VARCHAR2(1));
CREATE TABLE userB.table2(someValue VARCHAR2(1));
GRANT DELETE ON userB.table2 to testUser;

The above statements show that:

  • Two users have been created (userA and userB)
  • They each have one table in their schema (userA.table1, and userB.table2)
  • We’ll use testUser to test our SELECT queries.
  • The only privilege granted to testUser is DELETE on userB.table2. Nothing has been granted on userA.table1.

Now, let’s connect as the testUser and run some queries.

FROM userA.table1;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

More information on the ORA-00942 error can be found here.

FROM userB.table2;
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

We get the first error because, according to testUser, the table doesn’t exist. It actually does exist, but testUser has no privileges on it, so this is expected behaviour.

Now, we get the ORA-01031 on the second table because we have the DELETE privilege, but not the SELECT privilege. We can see the table because we have at least one privilege on it, but we get this error because we don’t have the privilege to do what we want on it.

ORA-01031 On Create View

If you’re getting this error when creating a view, then it’s likely due to not having the correct privileges on the underlying table, or tables.

A CREATE VIEW statement contains a SELECT statement. So, check that you can run the SELECT statement successfully.

If you can’t, then check your privileges against this table. You might need to ask for the privileges from the DBA, or ask the DBA to create the view (as mentioned above).

If you can see the data from the SELECT query, but can’t create the view, it could be you don’t have the appropriate privileges to create the view.

To create a view in the database, you need the CREATE VIEW privilege, as well as the SELECT privilege on the underlying tables. If you don’t have this, then ask the DBA to grant it to you, or ask them to create the view for you.

ORA-01031 Create Table

You could get this error as you’re creating a table.

If so, then it means you don’t have the right privileges to create the table.

This might seem obvious, but I thought I’d clarify.

You need the CREATE TABLE privilege to create a table on the database.

Just like with the earlier scenarios of this error message, you can ask the DBA to grant you the privilege, or get the DBA to run the statement and create the table for you.

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ORA-01031 Error Message “Insufficient Privileges” 

Error ORA-01031 means you are attempting to execute an operation for which you do not have appropriate privileges. There are several, possible causes for the ORA-01031 “Insufficient Privileges” error. They are:

  • You may be attempting to change the current Oracle username or password without having proper privileges.
  • You may be attempting to install an Oracle database without having proper operating system privileges.
  • You may be attempting to UPDATE a table when the user has SELECT access.
  • You may be using CONNECT INTERNAL to start up an Oracle database.
  • You may be granting a user privileges at a higher label than the current login when Trusted Oracle is configured in DBMS Mac.

With any error, always view the oerr command first to see the details of your error. This may help you find the best solution for your issue. The quickest solution may be for you to contact the database administrator. The database administrator can either grant you appropriate privileges to freely execute any operations. Another method is that the database administrator can execute the specific operation for you. Trusted Oracle users who receive error ORA-01031 yet have been granted the proper privileges at a higher level must be granted the right privileges again.

You may need to add the user to the database administrator group if you are encountering problems starting up Oracle. This can easily be done from the menu bar. To add new users to the database administrator group, go to the “Start” menu, then click on “Run.” Double click on the group name. Add any new users you wish to have database administrator privileges here. Know that when adding users to this group, you are giving them all privileges of a database administrator. Make sure these users should gain such access to the database before adding them to this list.

The database administrator may see this error if the target OS executables do not have the appropriate permissions. To avoid seeing error ORA-01031 as the database administrator, sign on  “as sysdba” with unlimited database privileges. If you continue to see this error and the solutions do not work, try posting your problem to an Oracle forum. Searching for current postings on forums may also provide you with guidance. Contact an Oracle expert consultant if you are still unable to resolve the issue. Double check the consultant’s Oracle qualifications to ensure the person has proper knowledge and experience.

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