Oracle vm virtualbox setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error

here is the full text of the error.
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Error installing new version 6.0.8

here is the full text of the error.

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Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.0.8 Setup Wizard ended up prematurely because of an error.
Your system has not been modified.
To install this program at a later time, run the Setup Wizard again. Click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.

what to do ? The old version 5.2 worked for me
and I decided to upgrade. This was a bad idea as I see it.

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby socratis » 7. Jun 2019, 00:26

  1. Uninstall VirtualBox. Your VMs are going to be untouched. Reboot.
  2. You may want to clean up your registry and/or filesystem at this point. CCleaner is a freeware utility that could help you. Mind the installation, it comes with «offers» from 3rd parties, known as «bundleware». Also, check out Device Cleanup program that helps you to remove any unused devices from your computer, mainly multiple «Host-Only Adapter #n».
  3. Download (if you haven’t already) the latest VirtualBox and its matching ExtPack. Store them in a common location, i.e. not on «Desktop», or «Documents», but to «Public/Downloads» for example.
  4. Uninstall (don’t simply disable) all 3rd party antivirus. If you’re afraid about your computer being vulnerable, pull the Ethernet plug, disconnect your WiFi, don’t go browsing around.
  5. Locate the downloaded file in Windows Explorer. Right-click on the installer and select «Run-as-Administrator«, even if you are the administrator. At the end of the installation, choose to «Start Oracle VM VirtualBox». Do not worry if your VMs do not show up.
  6. If you’re going to install the ExtPack, go to File » Preferences » Extensions. Click on the icon with the orange, down-pointing arrow on the right. Select the ExtPack from the previous steps.
  7. Quit VirtualBox. Re-start VirtualBox as you would normally, i.e. from the Desktop shortcut or the Start menu.
  8. Update the Guest Additions (GAs) in your guest(s), if the GAs are available for a specific guest.

The VirtualBox installer is a standard MSI install file. It’s not VirtualBox that fails at this point, it’s your Windows installer. Check to see if you have any corrupted MSI database files:

  • Repair MSI (Windows Installer) 2.8.8.
  • Windows Repair 4.5.1 (includes the above).

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby VBMonster » 7. Jun 2019, 15:23

I tried all your recommendations but it did not help.
I cannot reinstall the system because of this error, how else can I solve it? What are the tips

Right-click on the installer and select «Run-as-Administrator», even if you are the administrator. At the end of the installation, choose to «Start Oracle VM VirtualBox». Do not worry if your VMs do not show up.

I also run the Virtualbox installation as an administrator, this does not help.

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby socratis » 7. Jun 2019, 16:33

The only else remaining is to backup and reinstall your host. Something is wrong with it, and it’s not obvious what it is.

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby VBMonster » 7. Jun 2019, 17:42

socratis wrote:The only else remaining is to backup and reinstall your host. Something is wrong with it, and it’s not obvious what it is.

but other programs are installed without errors, the problem is only with virtualbox

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby socratis » 7. Jun 2019, 21:02

I told you everything I had in mind. Most of the Windows users don’t have a problem installing VirtualBox. You do. What do you think the conclusion is, if not that something is wrong with your host?

What’s wrong with your host? I haven’t the slightest idea! Could be the registry, could be your file permissions, could be a gazillion of things.

I bet you that if you do a clean install, you won’t have that problem. I have several Win hosts, and I install/uninstall VirtualBox several times per day. Not a problem…

And finally, this is a standard Windows installer, that’s not a VirtualBox part. VirtualBox may highlight the underlying problem…

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby VBMonster » 7. Jun 2019, 21:09

I personally do not have any complaints, I just need advice.

Maybe there are other ways or other programs that can solve the problem.
I cannot delete or reinstall my windows host system.

Too much unsaved data and configuration files.
To save all this, I need many weeks, I regret, but it is really hard to do.
The solution I have only one is to somehow restore and install the virtualbox.

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Re: Error installing new version 6.0.8

Postby socratis » 7. Jun 2019, 21:13

VBMonster wrote:Maybe there are other ways or other programs that can solve the problem.

Talk to Microsoft if they have another installer.

VBMonster wrote:I cannot delete or reinstall my windows host system.

You need to clean it up then. Talk to some Windows Installer forums.

VBMonster wrote:Too much unsaved data and configuration files.

Then the part about backing up your host becomes even more serious! You should have a backup of your system, always!

VBMonster wrote:To save all this, I need many weeks, I regret, but it is really hard to do.

I’m sorry, but if you lose your hard drive (it happens), it’s going to be even harder, no?

VBMonster wrote:The solution I have only one is to somehow restore and install the virtualbox.

The somehow has been outlined again and again. If that doesn’t work, I’m afraid you’re out of options. Fix your host.

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12.09.2017, 14:07. Показов 10450. Ответов 3

Устанавливается до определенного момента потом пишет: oracle VM VirtualBox 4.1.6 Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run Setup Wizard again.Click thr Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard. Нажимаю финиш вылетает ошибка:
Installation failed! Error:В процессе установки произошла неисправимая ошибка.
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12.09.2017, 18:03


Установку с правами администратора пробовали запустить?
На компе какая система установлена?
Виртуалку откуда качали?


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12.09.2017, 21:56



Я и так с правами админа устанавливаю
Windows 10
Другие приложения спокойно ставятся а виртуалка нет(


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14.09.2017, 22:37



Проблема решена, всё дело было в регистрах. Востановила былые настройки и всё заработало


Published — 2022-01-24 | 2min


When trying to update my VirtualBox on my Windows machine, I have encountered an error like the following:
‘Oracle VM Virtualbox X.X.X Setup Wizard ended prematurely’ multiple times.
In the picture below, you can see an example:

Virtualbox Setup Wizard

This error leads to a failed installation, stating a ‘fatal error’.

Virtualbox Installation Error

I have done some research and found a solution that worked for me (1).


Instead of using the Windows Setup Wizard, I had to extract the ‘.msi’ file to manually install/update VirtualBox.

  1. Download the latest (or whatever version you want) VirtualBox installation file.
  2. Open the command prompt, either with windows key + X and look for Powershell or type ‘CMD’ / ‘Powershell’ in the search bar.
  3. Go to the folder where you downloaded the ‘.exe’ installer file. Type in cd <path> and replace <path> with the folder path (most likely ‘Downloads’).
  4. Extract the ‘.msi’ file from the ‘.exe’ file. MSI is short for Microsoft Installer and as the name suggests it is what installs or updates software. The command for extracting is the following: VirtualBox-X.X.X-XXXXXX-Win.exe /extract. You only have to replace the ‘X’s with the correct version. (If you do not know the version type in dir to see the files in the folder.)


22.01.2022  11:39    <DIR>          .
22.01.2022  11:39    <DIR>          ..
22.01.2022  11:39       106.926.080 VirtualBox-6.1.32-r149290.msi
			   1 Datei(en),    106.926.080 Bytes
			   2 Verzeichnis(se), 60.840.660.992 Bytes frei

>VirtualBox-6.1.32-149290-Win.exe /extract
  1. Next go to the folder with the extracted ‘.msi’ file. Just change <your_username> to your username in the following command: cd C:/users/<your_username>/appdata/local/temp/virtualbox.

  2. Run the ‘.msi’ file to install or update VirtualBox. Use the dir command to see the correct name for the ‘.msi’ file. Change the ‘X’s in the ‘.log’ file name to the correct version. You might need to adjust the ‘TARGETDIR’ path, depending on where you have saved or want to save your VirtualBox software.

msiexec /i VirtualBox-X.X.X-rXXXXXX.msi /L*vx VirtualBox-X.X.X-install.log /QB TARGETDIR="C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox" ADDLOCAL=VBoxNetworkFlt
  1. Now you should be able to open VirtualBox. It should be the newer version.

Commands Overview

C:Users<Username>Downloads>VirtualBox-6.1.28-147628-Win.exe /extract                                                                                                                                                                              C:Users<Username>Downloads>cd C:/users/<Username>/appdata/local/temp/virtualbox                                                                                                                                                                        C:Users<Username>AppDataLocalTempVirtualBox>dir                                       ...                                                                                                          27.10.2021  18:44    <DIR>          .                                                 27.10.2021  18:44    <DIR>          ..                                                27.10.2021  18:44       106.991.616 VirtualBox-6.1.28-r147628.msi                                    1 Datei(en),    106.991.616 Bytes                                                    2 Verzeichnis(se), 75.867.729.920 Bytes frei                                                                                                                                                                                     C:Users<Username>AppDataLocalTempVirtualBox>msiexec /i VirtualBox-6.1.28-r147628.msi /Lvx VirtualBox-6.1.28-install.log /QB TARGETDIR="C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox" ADDLOCAL=VBoxNetworkFlt  

Я пытаюсь установить virtual box v4.3.28-100309 на узле Windows 10.
Windows 10 insider preview установлена сборка 10130. При попытке установить VirtualBox exe я получаю следующую ошибку:

Status: Rolling Back action:

enter image description here

и после этого я получаю диалоговое окно:

Oracle VM Virtualbox 4.3.28 Setup Wizard ended prematurely

enter image description here

Я запускаю Windows 10 на процессоре i5-core с 8 ГБ оперативной памяти, а не на виртуальном машина.


3 ответов

вы можете установить VirtualBox 4 на Windows 10 (обратите внимание, что он не работает для нового VB 5), отключив сеть моста во время установки. Точнее, у меня получилось с VirtualBox-4.3.28-100309-выиграть.exe установлен под Windows 10 x64 построить 10074 без моста сети.

последняя версия Windows 10, кажется, позволяет установку VirtualBox 4 и VirtualBox 5. Еще я нашел некоторые проблемы с инициализацией сетевого адаптера через Vagrant.

там это билет дефект здесь VB связанных . Если сетевой адаптер не может быть правильно инициализирован, используйте следующий исполняемый файл Вы должны запустить его от имени администратора во время запуска виртуальной машины, после чего он работает должным образом.

отвечен van 2015-08-05 10:58:10


  1. скопировать в блокнот и сохранить как-то.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  1. дважды щелкните файл, чтобы изменить реестр
  2. Откройте командную строку с помощью клавиши windows + X
  3. перейдите в папку, которую вы загрузили .установщик exe с помощью cd yourfolderpath
  4. извлечь .MSI из .exe

    VirtualBox-5.1.8-111374-Win.exe /extract

  5. перейти в папку с извлеченным .msi

    cd C:/users/replace_here_with_username/appdata/local/temp/virtualbox

  6. запустите это, чтобы установить: (64bit)

msiexec /i VirtualBox-5.1.8-r111374-MultiArch_amd64.msi /L*vx VirtualBox-5.1.8-install.log /QB TARGETDIR="C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox" ADDLOCAL=VBoxNetworkFlt

или (32-разрядная версия)

msiexec /i VirtualBox-5.1.8-r111374-MultiArch_x86.msi /L*vx VirtualBox-5.1.8-install.log /QB TARGETDIR="C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox" ADDLOCAL=VBoxNetworkFlt
  1. перейдите в папку Oracle в Program files, чтобы открыть virtualbox

возможно, вам придется запускать эту процедуру от имени администратора.

На основе этой ссылке

отвечен Ferroao 2016-11-01 11:07:23


в том, что Windows 10 не RTM еще нет вероятного капота или гарантии, что Virtual Box будет успешно установлен. Я прочитал несколько сообщений на форумах Virtual Box, что в 4.3 были внесены некоторые изменения в систему безопасности, поэтому вы можете попробовать запустить версию 4.2, чтобы узнать, будет ли это установлено. За пределами этого вы вряд ли получите большой ответ на попытку запустить программу в бета-версии ОС Windows.


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