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Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Hi All.
I have a Xerox Colour 560 giving a fault code 093-329.
Supplies status is blank for all consumables and it indicates status: false when any consumable is selected in supplies.The EDOC does not have this RAP. Any experience?
Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Remove all toners. Power off the machine. Power on the machine.
Insert toners one by one and watch when error appear. One of the toner CRUM si bad.
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Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Originally Posted by adriansto
Remove all toners. Power off the machine. Power on the machine.
Insert toners one by one and watch when error appear. One of the toner CRUM si bad.Thanks Man.
I had to replace all Toner CRUMS for Machine to work. Problem is Machine is on the Sold plan and we just buy the CRUMS to replace on the metered supplies which are available. Do you have the
procedure and password for changing the consumable replacement plan?
Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
The snippet file is linked to serial number of the machine.
Only from Xerox you can get the snippet file for conversion.
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Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Many thanks for this,
We have a C60 with same fault and this fixed it, has saved us some grief and saved Xerox sending out an engineer.
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- 0
Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Does anybody have the snippet conversion program
Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Originally Posted by fenave69
Does anybody have the snippet conversion program
Any solution for Xerox dc 550 error code 093-329 ?
toner chip life ends suddenly.
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Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
The metered plan should run out on it’s own eventually. You can find metered toner on eBay easy enough. It will give you a 30 day countdown before it switches to sold supplies on it’s own.
I had a custoner the other way round — the machine was on sold supplies but he went and bought a pile of metered consumables, so we found him replacement chips that made the metered supplies tell the machine they were sold supplies.
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Re: Xerox Colour 560 with 093-329
Originally Posted by DheerajBE
Any solution for Xerox 550 error code 093-329 ?
toner chip life ends suddenly.please help with error code on my xerox 560 I am using non metered toner but still got this massage I change cyan Developer also Change toner dispenser motor
machine work fine for couple of day then massage came up 093-329 and 093-316
Thanks in advanced

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7 Problem Solving
Error Code
[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then
[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then
[Remedy] Pull out the drum cartridge [R1], and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Pull out the drum cartridge [R4], and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Pull out the drum cartridge [R3], and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Pull out the drum cartridge [R2], and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then
[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then
[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then
[Remedy] Replace with a new toner cartridge. Then switch off the machine power, make
[Remedy] Insert toner cartridge [Y] (yellow).
[Remedy] Insert toner cartridge [M] (magenta).
[Remedy] Insert toner cartridge [C] (cyan).
[Remedy] Insert toner cartridge [K] (black).
[Remedy] Pull out the toner cartridge [K] (black), and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Pull out the toner cartridge [Y] (yellow), and then insert the cartridge again.
[Remedy] Pull out the toner cartridge [M] (magenta), and then insert the cartridge again.
* If you cannot resolve an error despite following the instructions described in the table, contact your local Fuji Xerox
representative. The contact number is printed on the label or card attached on the machine.
Cause and Remedy
An error occurred.
switch on the machine power. If the same message is displayed again, contact
your local Fuji Xerox representative.
An error occurred.
switch on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact your local
Fuji Xerox representative.
An error occurred in the drum cartridge [R1].
An error occurred in the drum cartridge [R4].
An error occurred in the drum cartridge [R3].
An error occurred in the drum cartridge [R2].
An error occurred.
switch on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact your local
Fuji Xerox representative.
An error occurred.
switch on the machine power. If the same message is displayed again, contact
your local Fuji Xerox representative.
An error occurred.
switch on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact your local
Fuji Xerox representative.
There was an abnormality with the toner cartridge.
sure that the touch screen is blank, and switch on the machine power again.
Toner cartridge [Y] (yellow) is not installed.
Toner cartridge [M] (magenta) is not installed.
Toner cartridge [C] (cyan) is not installed.
Toner cartridge [K] (black) is not installed.
An error occurred in the toner cartridge [K] (black).
An error occurred in the toner cartridge [Y] (yellow).
An error occurred in the toner cartridge [M] (magenta).
Модератор: vetal
Ошибка 093-933- это программный глюк.
На датчике тонера в проявке много смеси тонера с девелопером. Надо освободить датчик от смеси. Наклоняем принтер назад на 90 градусов поднимая перед принтера (если больше 90 градусов сработает датчик открытия задней крышки) и немного трясем. Желательно снять переднюю крышку, чтобы видеть вращение шестерни подкачки тонера. Включаем принтер и ждем, когда включится подача ( если не включается подача, выключаем и включаем принтер несколько раз). как только включится подача опускаем принтер плавно. Принтер войдет в калибровку и будет подкачивать рывками тонер. После подкачки ошибка пропадает (если не пропадет- повторить выше написанные операции).
Смысл данного алгоритма- датчик определяет увеличение количества смеси при подкачке.
Причина возникновения ошибки не хватило тонера при калибровке.На 70 грамм девелопера требуется грамм 80 тонера ( по моим прикидкам). В режим калибровки входит только при отсутствии смеси на датчике.
Моя история ремонта :
Разборка принтера при пробеге 5000 копий по причине еле заметного изображения. Девелопера осталось чайная ложка с горкой. Тонер не закачивался с нового картриджа. В бункере много отработки. Какой тонер использовался неизвестно.
Очищен картридж от девелопера и отработки.
В проявку насыпан девелопер Xerox Phaser 6180, 6280 (фл,70,кр) Silver ATM и собран принтер. Установлен картридж Кактус на 2300 копий.
При включении (несколько раз) принтер начал закачивать тонер пока не появилась ошибка 093-933. Весь тонер с Кактуса ( 50 грамм) принтер перекачал в проявку. Засыпал тонер Xerox Phaser 3040, 3010, WC3045 (кан. 30 г.) Absolute Black (Uninet) в пустой картридж Кактуса и заменил чип. Принтер не качал тонер и ошибка не пропала.
Далее работы по выше написанному алгоритму.
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