Ошибка 0x8007017b icloud

restoro.com/includes/route.php?tracking=WDis&lpx=lwdu»>Загрузите этот инструмент, который поможет вам безопасно исправить распространенные ошибки Windows и автоматически оптимизировать производительность системы. Защита ваших фотографий в облачном хранилище означает, что вы спасете ваши драгоценные воспоминания от потери навсегда. Вы можете синхронизировать и передавать свои файлы, фотографии, видео или документы из любой папки на вашем компьютере в облачное хранилище в Интернете и...

restoro.com/includes/route.php?tracking=WDis&lpx=lwdu»>Загрузите этот инструмент, который поможет вам безопасно исправить распространенные ошибки Windows и автоматически оптимизировать производительность системы.

Защита ваших фотографий в облачном хранилище означает, что вы спасете ваши драгоценные воспоминания от потери навсегда. Вы можете синхронизировать и передавать свои файлы, фотографии, видео или документы из любой папки на вашем компьютере в облачное хранилище в Интернете и наоборот.

Если вы используете iCloud, служба облачного хранилища от Apple, и вы хотите переместить некоторые из ваших файлов и изображений в Microsoft OneDrive, это возможно. Вы даже можете синхронизировать их из онлайн-каталога iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos с локальными папками на ПК с Windows 10. Однако в пользовательских отчетах указывается код ошибки синхронизации. 0x8007017B когда они переносят файлы и изображения с iCloud Drive на свой компьютер с Windows 10.

Полное сообщение об ошибке гласит:

«Неожиданная ошибка не позволяет вам переместить или скопировать этот файл или папку. Если вы продолжаете получать эту ошибку, вы можете использовать код ошибки для поиска помощи по этой проблеме.
Ошибка 0x8007017B: операция не поддерживается поставщиком облачной синхронизации ».

К счастью, есть способы решить проблему, если iCloud Drive не загружается или не работает в Windows 10, и сделать передачу файлов успешной и простой. Вы можете продолжить чтение ниже, чтобы узнать, как это сделать.

По словам некоторых пользователей, сообщение об ошибке 0x8007017B в iCloud возникает, когда сервер iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos не работает. Это правда, что если на сервере возникнут какие-то проблемы, это также повлияет на вашу деятельность. Хотя ждать, пока Apple решит проблему, может раздражать, вы ничего не можете сделать, кроме как повторить попытку через несколько минут или часов.Исправление-iCloud-Drive-or-Photos-Not-Syncing-with-Error-Code-0x8007017B-on-Windows-10-PCКредит: Apple

Метод № 1 — Завершить задачу на вашем iCloud Drive

Иногда недостаточно просто выйти из приложения и предположить, что оно не работает в фоновом режиме. Такие приложения, как iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos, всегда работают в фоновом режиме, чтобы ваши файлы синхронизировались. Итак, чтобы быть уверенным, что любая системная задача или процесс, связанный с iCloud Drive, полностью остановлен, вам необходимо завершить задачу вручную с помощью диспетчера задач в Windows 10.

  • Запустите Диспетчер задач на ПК с Windows 10.
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Процессы».
  • Ищите iCloud.
  • Щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши.
  • Выберите Завершить задачу.
  • Вы можете сделать то же самое с другими записями с iCloud.
  • После завершения задачи перезапустите iCloud.

Метод № 2 — проверьте, включен ли ваш iCloud Drive

Убедитесь, что ваш статус iCloud Drive установлен на «Включено», чтобы он синхронизировался и работал должным образом.

  • Запустите iCloud на ПК с Windows 10.
  • На странице настроек найдите iCloud и убедитесь, что у него установлен флажок. В противном случае установите флажок, чтобы включить его.
  • Щелкните Применить.
  • Щелкните ОК.

Метод № 3 — попробуйте отправить менее 1000 фотографий

Попробуйте-Отправить-Менее-1000-фотографий-в-iCloud-Photos-Windows-10Кредит: Apple

Вы пытаетесь синхронизировать или переместить все свои фотографии в каталог iCloud Drive или iCloud Photos за один раз? Если вы это сделаете, вы можете отправлять и перемещать более 1000 фотографий за раз. Сообщение об ошибке iCloud 0x8007017B возникает, когда вы синхронизируете и отправляете много файлов одновременно на сервер iCloud.

Метод №4 — Скопируйте и вставьте фотографии

Перетаскивание фотографий из iCloud в OneDrive или локальную папку в Windows 10 не всегда работает. Что вам нужно сделать, так это выделить и скопировать изображения в iCloud. Затем вставьте его вручную на локальный диск OneDrive или Windows 10.

Другой способ — скопировать их на USB-накопитель. Затем вставьте файлы с USB-накопителя в OneDrive или на локальный диск.

Метод № 5 — Обновите приложение iCloud Drive

Установите или обновите приложение iCloud Drive из Microsoft Store в Windows 10Снимок экрана: Windows Dispatch

  • Запустите Microsoft Store на своем ПК с Windows 10.
  • В правом верхнем углу нажмите кнопку «Меню».
  • Выберите Загрузить и обновления.
  • Найдите iCloud и установите доступные обновления.

Есть ли у вас другие решения, которые могут помочь исправить ошибку синхронизации iCloud Drive с кодом 0x8007017B? Вы можете поделиться своими личными обходными путями ниже, чтобы помочь другим пользователям избавиться от этой проблемы с передачей файлов в облачное хранилище.

restoro.com/includes/route.php?tracking=WDis&exec=run»>Попробуйте этот инструмент для устранения ошибок Windows и автоматической оптимизации производительности системы.

Поскольку вы читаете эту статью, я предполагаю, что вы могли столкнуться с ошибкой 0x8007017B iCloud на своем компьютере с Windows 10. Эта ошибка обычно возникает, когда кто-то пытается отправить фотографии, музыку и т. Д. Со своего iCloud Drive в OneDrive или любую папку на своем компьютере. В этом посте мы собираемся исправить ошибку iCloud 0x8007017B в Windows 10 с помощью нескольких простых решений.

Исправить ошибку iCloud 0x8007017B

Прежде чем сделать вывод, что с вашей стороны что-то не так, проверьте, доступен ли сервер iCloud Drive. Для этого посетите apple.com и проверьте, доступен ли iCloud Drive. Если точка зеленая, iCloud работает нормально, а если точка становится красной, сервер iCloud не работает. Во втором случае единственное, что вы можете сделать, — это подождать несколько часов, а затем повторить попытку.

Вы можете исправить ошибку iCloud 0x8007017B в Windows 10 с помощью этих решений.

  1. Отправьте менее 1000 фотографий
  2. Перезагрузите iCloud
  3. Попробуйте обходной путь

Поговорим о них подробнее.

1]Отправьте менее 1000 фотографий

Вы должны убедиться, что вы отправляете менее 1000 фотографий за раз, чтобы передача работала правильно. В противном случае вы увидите ошибку 0x8007017B. Итак, если вы пытались отправить все изображения за раз, фрагментируйте свою деятельность на блоки менее 1000 изображений. Если вы все еще сталкиваетесь с проблемой, продолжайте читать.

2]Перезапустите iCloud

Ошибка iCloud 0x8007017B в Windows 10

Еще одна вещь, которую вы можете сделать, чтобы исправить ошибку, — это перезапустить iCloud. Таким образом, процесс начнется с нуля и, надеюсь, вы не столкнетесь с ошибкой. Чтобы перезапустить iCloud, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Запустить диспетчер задач Win + X> Диспетчер задач.
  2. Убедитесь, что вы на Процессы вкладка и найдите iCloud.
  3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши iCloud и выберите «Завершить задачу».
  4. Теперь перезапустите iCloud из меню «Пуск».

Надеюсь, это исправит ошибку.

3]Попробуйте обходной путь

Если ни одно из решений не может решить проблему с iCloud, у меня есть обходной путь для вас. Если цель состоит в том, чтобы переместить файлы, мы можем добавить в микс среду и отправить ваши файлы iCloud в OneDrive или любую другую папку через этот носитель.

Итак, вам нужно взять с собой флешку или любой USB-накопитель. Скопируйте файлы iCloud на этот диск, а затем отправьте их в облако OneDrive. Таким образом, вы можете достичь своей цели, не сталкиваясь с этой ошибкой.

Надеюсь, вы сможете исправить ошибку iCloud с помощью этих решений.

Читать далее: ошибка синхронизации рабочей папки 0x8007017C, операция в облаке недействительна.

Исправить ошибку iCloud 0x8007017B .

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I have suddenly started getting this error when I try to move photos from my Icloud directory on windows 10 laptop. The set up has not changed recently, they are in icloud photos> photos directory, which is where they have been for years… Can anyone help with this?


Posted on Sep 6, 2020 1:13 AM

2 replies

Question marked as


Oct 1, 2020 1:10 PM in response to 6phon

I too had this problem when trying to drag the photos across to my Onedrive from iCloud photos, I don’t want to appear to be a smart arse, but, being a novice in these matters, after having read the other posts here , I thought I’d give my own method a try.

It’s so obvious that I thought that it wouldn’t work, as it’s so easy.

I popped a USB stick into a USB3 port, dragged and dropped the selection of files onto the stick, then dragged and dropped them from the USB stick into my Onedrive folder.

Hey presto, job done, hope this helps you 6phon and everyone else that has the issue.

Question marked as


Oct 2, 2020 1:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice


Thanks for your post

After spending a lot of time with Apple support I was eventually told that it was never meant to be possible to move files out of the icloud directory on a PC as it would cause syncing problem. You can copy them but not move them — although I used to do this all the time until very recently.

28 replies

Sep 7, 2020 6:57 AM in response to 6phon

Hi 6phon,

We understand that you’re currently unable to move your image files from iCloud to your PC, and we’ll get you pointed in the right direction for help. The error you’re seeing appears to be from the Windows operating system. To ensure a resolution is found, we encourage you to contact Microsoft Support here:

Microsoft Support

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Best regards!

Sep 7, 2020 10:27 AM in response to ryane77

Strange that I don’t get it in any other directories…?

I have also found that I actually have two directories for icloud — one is in my documents areas and has subdirectories. I renamed this but any photos still get copied to it as well as to the other icloud directory — does this shed any light on the problem?

Question marked as


Oct 1, 2020 1:10 PM in response to 6phon

I too had this problem when trying to drag the photos across to my Onedrive from iCloud photos, I don’t want to appear to be a smart arse, but, being a novice in these matters, after having read the other posts here , I thought I’d give my own method a try.

It’s so obvious that I thought that it wouldn’t work, as it’s so easy.

I popped a USB stick into a USB3 port, dragged and dropped the selection of files onto the stick, then dragged and dropped them from the USB stick into my Onedrive folder.

Hey presto, job done, hope this helps you 6phon and everyone else that has the issue.

Question marked as


Oct 2, 2020 1:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice


Thanks for your post

After spending a lot of time with Apple support I was eventually told that it was never meant to be possible to move files out of the icloud directory on a PC as it would cause syncing problem. You can copy them but not move them — although I used to do this all the time until very recently.

Oct 4, 2020 3:07 PM in response to 6phon

I would swear that I was always able to move from iCloud drive to my PC or to my Dropbox, but then I got this error code. The comment above was very helpful. Just Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V in whatever place you want and it’s done.

Oct 11, 2020 12:20 PM in response to MarkAP57

Muchas gracias! Al fin pude copiar mis datos a mi laptop.


Oct 15, 2020 7:42 AM in response to ashleythenovice

YES! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This saved my sanity and my photos/videos.

Oct 28, 2020 6:14 AM in response to ashleythenovice

I’ve tried to do that, but it just won’t work. It just sticks on 0% complete! Is your method still working on your PC? I’ve been moving photos from my iCloud files for a long time, so it’s frustrating that it no longer works! Thanks.

Nov 7, 2020 9:57 AM in response to MarkAP57

Of all the things i tried this worked. Thanks!

Nov 19, 2020 6:25 AM in response to banana888

Moving photos from icloud to files on my PC has NEVER been a problem. Until now. Synchronisation doesn’t seem to be working, so the only solution I have found is to copy and paste the photos I want — which is a lengthy business, 10 minutes to copy 30 pics. I don’t believe Apple when they say it has never been possible. Absolute nonsense. I am very disappointed, they are almost as bad as Microsoft in their disregard for their run-of-the-mill customers like me.

Nov 19, 2020 7:30 AM in response to Dismummy

I agree entirely. Like you, I have never had a problem in moving photos to the files I want. A retrograde step by Apple.

Nov 30, 2020 10:00 AM in response to MarkAP57

I totally agree with your findings! I also tried Apple help line and they denied any changes! I will use the above method until something develops easier. Copy and paste works.

Jan 2, 2021 10:51 PM in response to 6phon

Well, Because of the way the new iCloud app (V.11+) downloaded through the Windows store works, a standard delete doesn’t work. It’s a Virtual network drive and because an iCloud engineer didn’t follow proper Microsoft protocol for programming a network-style mount.

For example: When you delete a file on a network drive it does not get moved to the «Recycle Bin». It prompts you that the file will be permanently deleted because Window’s knows it’s a network drive.

Apple’s engineers didn’t implement the standard coding to tell Windows that the folder is a Network style folder and to prompt when deleting. So you get an error when following Apple’s own directions on their page here:


So if you want to Delete your files from your «iCloud Photos» folder you have to do one of the following:

  1. Do a move using the drag and drop the files to a new location with the shift key
  2. Do a move with ctrl+x > cttrl+v to a new location
  3. Do a Shift-Delete on the selected files.
  4. Do a move to the Recycle Bin while holding the «Shift» key which will show DELETE rather than move when the location is the recycle bin.

Hope this helps everyone!

[Edited by Moderator]

Jan 9, 2021 12:08 PM in response to 4girl1der


I’ve also tried your above approach and this dose not work, windows 10 still throws the same 0x8007017B error code. seems Apple don’t want people to have the flexibility they require when dealing with ones media!! Apples media organisation system is horrendous, I’m sick and tired of having multiple images/videos all over the place, in the cloud, on my phone and on my pc!!

The only way I have found to have MY pictures/videos on my pc is to download from the cloud using icloud.com. I select the relevant pictures/videos I require to be downloaded. these are then downloaded as zip file. I un-zip the file to my required directory on my pc and there I have it, my data. to delete the downloaded files I then have to go to icloud.com and delete the downloaded pictures/videos from there! what a bloody ball ache!!! whilst I’ve deleted them from the iCloud, they are then removed from the iCloud folder on my pc, but! they DO NOT get removed from my iPhone!! wtf!!

oh, and to upload 80 files takes 15 hours, wtf is that about.. come on Apple, your taking billions from people, sort it out…

Jan 13, 2021 11:24 AM in response to 6phon

Ich kann nicht meine iCloud Bilder auf meinen och herunterladen.

error 0x8007017B

Securing your photos on a cloud storage service means that saving your precious memories from losing forever. You can sync and transfer your files, photos, videos, or documents from any folder on your computer to your cloud storage online and vice versa.

If you are using iCloud, the cloud storage service from Apple, and want to move some of your files and pictures to Microsoft OneDrive, it is possible to do so. You can even sync them from your iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos online directory to local folders on your Windows 10 PC. However, user reports indicate a syncing error code 0x8007017B when they transfer files and images from iCloud Drive in their Windows 10 computer.

The complete error message says:

“An unexpected error is keeping you from moving or copying this file or folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
Error 0x8007017B: The operation is not supported by the cloud sync provider.”


Fortunately, there are ways to resolve the issue if iCloud Drive is not loading or working on Windows 10 and make your file transfer successful and easy. You can continue reading below to find out how to do it.

Fixing iCloud Drive or Photos Not Syncing with Error Code 0x8007017B on Windows 10 PC

According to some users, the error message 0x8007017B on iCloud happens when the iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos server is down. It is true that when the server has some issues, it will affect your activities as well. While it may be annoying to wait for Apple to resolve the problem, there is nothing you can do but try again after several minutes or hours.


Credit: Apple

Method #1 – End Task your iCloud Drive

It is sometimes not enough to just exit an app and assume it is not running in the background. With apps like iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos, they are always running in the background to keeps your files synchronized. So, to be sure that any system task or process related to iCloud Drive has been fully stopped, you need to end the task manually using the Task Manager on Windows 10.

  • Launch the Task Manager on your Windows 10 PC.
  • Go to the Processes tab.
  • Look for iCloud.
  • Right-click on it.
  • Select End Task.
  • You may want to do the same thing to other entries with iCloud on it.
  • After ending the task, relaunch iCloud.

Method #2 – Check if your iCloud Drive is Enabled

Make sure that your iCloud Drive status is set to Enable for it to sync and work properly.

  • Launch iCloud on your Windows 10 PC.
  • On the Settings page, look for iCloud and make sure it has a check on its box. Otherwise, check the box to enable it.
  • Click Apply.
  • Click OK.

Method #3 – Try Sending Less than 1000 Photos


Credit: Apple

Are you trying to sync or move all your photos to iCloud Drive or iCloud Photos directory in one go? If you do, you may be sending and moving more than 1,000 photos at a time. The iCloud error message 0x8007017B happens when you sync and send many files at one time to the iCloud server.

Method #4 – Copy and Paste the Photos

Dragging your photos from iCloud to OneDrive or local folder on Windows 10 does not always work. What you need to do is highlight and copy your images on your iCloud. Then, paste it manually to your OneDrive or Windows 10 local drive.

Another way is to copy them on a USB drive. Then, paste your files from your USB flash drive to your OneDrive or local drive.

Method #5 – Update your iCloud Drive App


Screenshot: Windows Dispatch
  • Launch Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 PC.
  • In the upper right corner, click the Menu button.
  • Select Download and Updates.
  • Look for iCloud and install available updates.

Do you have other solutions that may work in fixing the iCloud Drive syncing error code 0x8007017B? You can share your personal workarounds below to help other users get rid of this cloud storage file transfer issue.

Many iCloud users on their Windows system started to face the error 0x8007017B when renaming, moving, or creating files/folders in the iCloud directory when using the Windows version of the iCloud app. This mainly happens when a user was running out of space on iCloud and tries to move essential contents through the iCloud app on his Windows PC to make space on iCloud.

In some cases, users could easily move files between the sub-directories of the iCloud drive but not to other Windows folders, whereas, some other users reported the issue even when creating, renaming, or moving files/folders between the sub-directories of the iCloud drive. Usually, the following type of message is shown:

iCloud Error 0x8007017B

The following can be categorized as the main reasons for the error 0x8007017B:

  • Outdated PC’s Windows: If the PC’s Windows is outdated, then its incompatibility with the iCloud app may not let iCloud modules execute properly, resulting in the error 0x8007017B.
  • Bug in the Microsoft Store iCloud App: The Microsoft Store version of the iCloud app has a reported bug due to which a user may not be able to move or rename contents of the iCloud Drive and may cause the error 0x8007017B.
  • Permissions Glitch of iCloud Sub-Directories: If the permissions on the sub-directories of the iCloud directory are glitched out, then that may result in the error at hand as the system fails to authenticate a user’s discretion to perform the required action.

Update the PC’s Windows to the Latest Build

iCloud might show the error 0x8007017B when moving or renaming files if the system’s Windows is outdated as it can create incompatibility between the iCloud modules and OS components. Due to this incompatibility, iCloud modules could not execute properly and perform the designated action. Here, updating the PC’s Windows may solve the iCloud error at hand.

  1. Click Windows and in the Windows Search, type Check for Updates.
  2. Now open Check for Updates (System Settings) and in the Windows Update window, click on Check for Updates.
    Check for Windows Updates and Open Advanced Options
  3. If updates for Windows are available, download and install the updates.
  4. Once updates are installed, restart the system and again, open Windows Update System Settings.
  5. Now, in the right pane, click on Advanced Options and open Optional Updates.
    Open Optional Updates in the Windows Update
  6. Then make sure to install Optional Updates as well and once done, restart the system.
  7. Upon restart, check if iCloud is operating fine without showing error 0x8007017B.

Move the Problematic Folder and Files to the Root Directory of iCloud

iCloud is deeply rooted in the Apple ecosystem (iPhone, iPod, etc.) but that is not the case with the Windows version of iCloud. If the problematic files/folders are located in the sub-folders of the iCloud directory, then that may result in the error 0x8007017B as the sub-folders might have a permissions glitch and the system is failing to authenticate a user’s discretion to perform the required task. In this context, moving the problematic files or folders to the root directory of iCloud may solve the problem as these will inherit the iCloud Drive permissions.

  1. Open the iCloud directory on the system and move the problematic files or folders to the root directory of iCloud (not in Desktop > Documents or in Downloads > sub-folders).
    Move the Problematic Folders to the Root Directory of the iCloud Drive
  2. Once done and the changes are synced online, check if the problematic files or folders of iCloud can be successfully moved to other Windows folders or renamed.
  3. If not, launch iCloud from the system tray and head to its Settings.
  4. Now click on Sign Out and then confirm to Sign Out (do not close iCloud). 
    Sign Out of iCloud on Windows
  5. Then open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows + E keys and make sure to delete the iCloud directories.
  6. Then switch to the iCloud window and sign in to iCloud.
  7. Wait till the directories sync back and then check if iCloud is clear of the error 0x8007017B

Move iCloud Files and Folder to a USB Drive

If a user is not able to move files to the system’s internal disk due to a permission glitch as the iCloud Drive on a Windows PC is an emulated network drive, then moving the problematic iCloud files and folders to an external USB drive may solve the problem. This is because the permissions level of the USB drive may be the same as an emulated network drive (no Recycle Bin involved) and this may solve the problem.

  1. Exit iCloud from the system tray and attach a USB device to the system.
  2. Now open the USB drive in the Windows explorer and while keeping it open, launch iCloud.
  3. Then drag/drop the problematic content from the iCloud directories to the USB drive and check if the move operation is successful without the error. If so, then move the required contents from the USB drive to the required location on the internal drive of the system. 

Move the Contents of the iCloud Directory to Documents

If there is an incompatibility between the iCloud app and Windows OS due to poor coding of the iCloud app, a user may face the error 0x8007017B as the system fails to confirm the user action on an emulated network drive i.e., iCloud Drive. Here, right-clicking the files/folders in the iCloud directory and moving to the Document may solve the problem.

  1. Select the problematic files or folders in the iCloud and right-click on them.
  2. Now, in the Context Menu, hover over Send To, and in the sub-menu select Documents.
    Send iCloud Items to Documents
  3. Then open the Documents folder and check if the iCloud files/folders are present there. If so, you may move those to the required directory of Windows. If files/folders are not required in the iCloud directory, then a user may delete files/folders there.

Copy/Paste the contents of the iCloud Directory

The iCloud drive is an emulated network drive in the Windows OS. When an item on a network drive is deleted (moving is a type of deletion), the user is prompted that the item will be permanently deleted, not moved to Recycle Bin. Due to a design flaw in the iCloud app, the app does not give the user a warning and Windows cannot authorize the move command, resulting in error 0x8007017B. Here copying/pasting these files to the required folders and shift-deleting (no confirmation is required to perform the delete action) the files/folders from the iCloud directory may do the trick.

  1. Open the iCloud directory and copy (Ctrl+C) the required files/folders.
  2. Now press the Windows + E keys to open another Windows Explorer window and head to the location where a user wants to move the contents. In case of a Windows Store version of the iCloud app, make sure to enable Always Keep on This Device. In case of a large number of files, some users may prefer to create a ZIP or archive of the files in the iCloud directory and then copy it.
  3. Then paste (Ctrl+V) the files there. In case of a ZIP or Archive, make sure to decompress it, once copied.
    Copy iCloud Items from the iCloud Drive
  4. Once done, switch back to the iCloud window and select the problematic files/folders.
  5. Then press the Shift + Delete keys (simple delete might not work) to check if the issue is resolved. If so, make sure to delete the files/folders from the Recycle Bin (if present).

If a user is interested in the time-stamps of the images (which may change during the copy/paste operation), he may use the date taken filter to sort the files/folders.

Uninstall the Microsoft Store Version of iCloud

You may face error 0x8007017B when moving or renaming files in iCloud directories if the Store version of the iCloud app is used as there is a reported bug in the app that causes this issue. In this scenario, uninstalling the Microsoft Store version of iCloud and installing the standalone version of iCloud may solve the problem.

  1. Right-click Windows and select Apps & Features.
    Open Apps & Features
  2. Now expand the iCloud options and select Uninstall.
    Uninstall iCloud on Windows
  3. Then follow the prompts on the screen to uninstall iCloud and once uninstalled, restart your system.
  4. Upon restart, launch a web browser and head to the iCloud website.
  5. Now click on Download Now and once the iCloud setup is downloaded, launch it as administrator.
    Download iCloud for Windows
  6. Then follow the prompts on the screen to install iCloud. Make sure to install it to the system drive
  7. Once installed, launch iCloud and sign in using your credentials.
  8. Now, wait till the files/folders sync and then check if moving or renaming the file does not trigger the error 0x8007017B.

Download the Files from the iCloud Website and Delete Them Afterward

If none of the above worked, then a user may download the files directly from the iCloud website and afterward, delete the files from iCloud if not required.

  1. Launch a web browser and head to the iCloud website.
  2. Now log in using your credentials and head to the required category (like Photos).
  3. Then select a photo by left-clicking it (a blue border will be shown around the phone) and scroll down.
  4. Now hold the Shift key and left-click on the last photo required. Make sure to check the count on the top right of the page. It should be at max 1000 which is the maximum number of items that can be downloaded at once from the iCloud website.
    Download Multiple Files from the iCloud Website
  5. Then click on the cloud symbol with the down arrow and wait till the photos are downloaded in the compressed photos. Make sure to decompress the downloaded ZIP. 
  6. Repeat the same to download the required remaining items from the iCloud website and once downloaded, delete the items from the iCloud website.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

In this guide, we will talk about iCloud Error 0x8007017b, why it occurs, and what are the available options to fix it on Windows 10 PC. This error normally occurs when users try copying or transferring photos, music, or some other data from iCloud Drive to OneDrive. 

There could be varied reasons that can arise this bug and prohibits users from moving data from Apple drive to Windows. Yet, it is somehow related to iCloud and its services and can be fixed by tweaking all such services. Let’s learn the solutions that you apply to get rid of this issue in Windows 10.

Related: How to Delete iCloud backup and old profile in iOS

iCloud Error 0x8007017b Solutions 

If you are getting an error code 0x8007017b while copying data from iCloud to Windows 10, use these workarounds –

  • Check iCloud status
  • Restart iCloud drive
  • Enable iCloud drive
  • Update iCloud apps and services

1] Check iCloud Status

At times, when the iCloud is not functioning properly, such errors are bound to occur from nowhere. Go and check its current status. If the error is because of some Apple server outage, you need to wait as long as the servers are back and running again. Here’s how to check the iCloud status –

  • Go to Apple’s system status page first. 
  • Reaching there, check the colored dot available left of “iCloud drive”. If it is green, then everything is fine.

iCloud Error 0x8007017b - Check Status

  • However, if this dot displays a red color, there must be some problem with Apple’s servers. 
  • Even if its status show unavailable, we suggest waiting for at least a few hours and then trying again. 

2] Restart iCloud Drive

Restarting iCloud is a good practice to avoid any glitches that occur from time to time and prohibit copying or even transferring data into OneDrive. A simple restart should be sufficient enough to fix the error 0x8007017b if this is your prime concern. Here’s how to forcibly reset iCloud –

  • Right-click anywhere on the taskbar and choose Task Manager.
  • Locate and reset all the iCloud processes that you find under the Processes tab. A few examples are – iCloud Drive, iCloud photo library, iCloud services, etc.
  • To do this, right-click on whichever process you want to reset, and hit the option – End task.

iCloud Error 0x8007017b - Restart Processes

  • Doing so will stop the chosen background process and its related services on Windows 10 PC. 
  • Restart your PC next to save the changes made so far.
  • From the next logon, restart the iCloud services that you stopped earlier. 

I hope you can now transfer data easily from iCloud to OneDrive in Windows 10. 

3] Enable iCloud drive

A disabled iCloud drive may also result in different errors including error 0x8007017b. So, you need to make sure that the concerned drive is running or not in the first place. Here’s how to enable iCloud in Windows 10 –

  • Go to the system tray and select the iCloud icon that is already there.
  • When its setting page opens up, check the box that says “Enable iCloud”.
  • Hit Apply then OK to confirm the changes made so far. 
  • Doing so will activate iCloud and I hope you no longer receive error code 0x8007017b on your PC again. 

4] Update iCloud apps and services 

If the error 0x8007017b persists even after restarting the essential processes, the problem may lie with the iCloud version itself. There’s also a possibility that the iCloud service has corrupted or has some incompatibility issues. 

In case you haven’t updated iCloud for a long time, we advise updating this application. After you update iCloud on your Windows PC, check if the error 0x8007017b resolves. 

How do I fix an Error Connecting to Apple?

If you are getting some error code while connecting to Apple services, read and try out the below steps –

  • Restart your device: Restarting apple devices often resolve different bugs and error codes. So, reboot your iPad, iPhone, etc., and check if you can now connect to Apple. 
  • Reset your Device: If restarting doesn’t help, you must reset your Apple device like iPhone, iPad, etc. You may perform a hard reset if the error is still appearing. 
  • Restore to Factory default: If none of the above workarounds help, make sure to perform a factory reset on your Apple device. 

I hope the above fixes indeed help you to overcome the error code on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac devices. 

Tip: If you are facing update, activation, or driver issues on your Windows PC, try RESTORO PC Repair Tool. This software will scan your device for potential issues and resolve them automatically.

What is ‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ in Windows 10?

If you are experiencing ‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ while trying to send photos, music or other files from your iCloud Drive to OneDrive or any folder in your Windows 10 computer, then you are in right place for the solution. In this post, you will be guided with easy steps/methods to resolve the issue. Let’s starts the discussion.

‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ in Windows 10: It is common Windows problem associated with iCloud Drive issue. Error Code 0x8007017B iCloud is occurred usually when you trying to copy or transfer photos, music, or other files from iCloud Drive to OneDrive or iCloud Drive to any folder of your Windows 10 computer. In sort, this iCloud error prevents you from performing certain actions like moving, copying, opening or deleting files, with the files stored in iCloud Drive for some reasons.

This issue can be occurred if iCloud Server is not functioning properly. In such case, you should go ‘Apple’s System Status’ Page (official) and check its current status. If this error is occurred due to some Apple’s system server outage, then you need to wait until the servers are back to normal and running again.

Another possible reason behind ‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ can be disabled iCloud Drive. You should make sure iCloud Drive is enabled in your device and is running properly. If not, you need to enable iCloud Drive in your Windows 10 computer in order to fix the issue.

This error can also be occurred due to some problem with iCloud service version like corrupted or incompatibility issue with iCloud service in Windows 10. Updating iCloud service and Apps can resolve the issue. Let’s go for the solution.

How to fix ‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ in Windows 10?

Method 1: Fix ‘iCloud Error 0x8007017B’ with ‘PC Repair Tool’

If this error is occurred due to some problems in your Windows 10 computer, then you can try to fix the issue with ‘PC Repair Tool’. This software offers you to find and fix BSOD errors, DLL errors, EXE errors, problems with programs, malware or viruses issues, system files or registry issues, and other system issues with just few clicks. You can get this tool through button/link below.

⇓ Get PC Repair Tool

Method 2: Check iCloud Drive Status on Apple’s System Status page (Official)

You should make sure iCloud Server is running properly if you want to use iCloud drive in your Windows 10 without any issue. You can check iCloud server status on Apple’s System Status Page.

Step 1: Open your browser and visit ‘Apple’s System Status Page’ or ‘Apple.com/in/support/systemstatus/’ page

Step 2: On ‘System Status’ page, find ‘iCloud Drive’ and check its color dots next to iCloud Drive. If it is green, then iCloud server is in working conditions and there is no issue with it.

Step 3: If iCloud Drive’s color is red, then there must be some issue with Apple’s server and in such situation, you need to wait until the server is working again.

Method 3: Restart iCloud Drive processes using Task Manager in Windows 10

One possible way to fix the issue is to kill all processes associated to iCloud in Task Manager and then restart iCloud Drive in your Windows 10 computer.

Step 1: Press ‘CTRL + SHIFT + ESC’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Task Manager’

Step 2: In ‘Task Manager’, under ‘Processes’ tab, find and right-click on the processes associated with iCloud one-by-one and select ‘End Task’. These processes related to iCloud can be iCloud Drive, iCloud Photo Library, iCloud Services, etc.

Step 3: This will stop all background processes associated with iCloud in your computer. After that, restart your computer to see the changes and then restart iCloud services, and check if the error is resolved.

Method 4: Enable iCloud Drive

This iCloud error can also be occurred if iCloud Drive is disabled in your Windows 10 computer. You can re-enable it in order to fix the issue.

Step 1: Select ‘iCloud’ icon on ‘System Tray’ in Windows 10

Step 2: This will open setting page. Check ‘Enabled iCloud’ checkbox and then hit ‘Apply’ and ‘Ok’ button to save the changes

Step 3: Once done, try using iCloud Drive and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 5: Update iCloud App in Windows 10

Sometime, this issue is occurred due to corrupted iCloud App in your Windows 10 computer itself. You can update the iCloud App in your device in order to fix the issue.

For Microsoft Store version:

Step 1: Open ‘Microsoft Store’ App in your Windows 10 and click on ‘Menu’ icon on top-right corner and select ‘Download and Updates’ option.

Step 2: This will show you the list of applications for which update is available, if update is available for iCloud App, then click the ‘Down Arrow’ to download and install it.


For Windows iCloud version:

Step 1:  Type ‘Apple Software Update’ in ‘Windows Search Box’ and hit ‘Enter’ key to open ‘Apple Software Update’ tool.

Step 2: Check if there is update available for iCloud. If update is available, install it by selecting the update and clicking ‘Install’ button

Method 6: Update Windows 10 OS

Updating Windows 10 OS can resolve any issue in Windows PC and improve performances. Let’s try.

Step 1: Press ‘Windows + I’ keys on keyboard to open ‘Settings’ App in Windows 10

Step 2: Go to ‘Update & Security > Windows Update’ and click on ‘Check for updates’ button. This will automatically download and install the available latest Windows updates in computer.

Step 3: Once done, restart your computer to see the changes and check if the error is resolved.


I hope this post helped you on How to fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B with several easy steps/methods. You can read & follow our instructions to do so. That’s all. For any suggestions or queries, please write on comment box below.

В этом руководстве мы поговорим о Ошибка iCloud 0x8007017b, почему это происходит и как это исправить на ПК с Windows 10. Эта ошибка обычно возникает, когда пользователи пытаются скопировать или перенести фотографии, музыку или некоторые другие данные из iCloud Drive в OneDrive.

Эта ошибка может возникать по разным причинам и запрещает пользователям переносить данные с диска Apple на Windows. Тем не менее, это каким-то образом связано с iCloud и его службами и может быть исправлено путем настройки всех таких служб. Давайте узнаем решения, которые вы применяете, чтобы избавиться от этой проблемы в Windows 10.

Связанный: Как удалить резервную копию iCloud и старый профиль в iOS

Если вы получаете код ошибки 0x8007017b при копировании данных из iCloud в Windows 10, используйте эти обходные пути —

1]Проверить статус iCloud

Иногда, когда iCloud не работает должным образом, такие ошибки неизбежно возникают из ниоткуда. Пойдите и проверьте его текущий статус. Если ошибка связана с отключением какого-либо сервера Apple, вам нужно подождать, пока серверы вернутся и снова будут работать. Вот как проверить статус iCloud —

  • Перейдите на страницу состояния системы Apple.
  • Посмотрите, какие цветные точки появляются рядом с диском iCloud. Если он зеленый, значит все нормально.

Ошибка iCloud 0x8007017b - проверьте статус

  • Однако, если эта точка отображается красным цветом, вероятно, возникла проблема с серверами Apple.
  • Даже если его статус показывает «недоступен», мы рекомендуем подождать хотя бы несколько часов, а затем повторить попытку.

2]Перезагрузите iCloud Drive

Перезапуск iCloud — это хорошая практика, позволяющая избежать периодических сбоев и запретить копирование или даже перенос данных в OneDrive. Простого перезапуска должно быть достаточно, чтобы исправить ошибку 0x8007017b, если это ваша основная проблема. Вот как принудительно сбросить iCloud —

  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в любом месте панели задач и выберите «Диспетчер задач».
  • Найдите и сбросьте все процессы iCloud, которые вы найдете на вкладке «Процессы». Вот несколько примеров: iCloud Drive, библиотека фотографий iCloud, сервисы iCloud и т. Д.
  • Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши любой процесс, который вы хотите сбросить, и выберите параметр — Завершить задачу.

Ошибка iCloud 0x8007017b - перезапуск процессов

  • Это остановит выбранный фоновый процесс и связанные с ним службы на ПК с Windows 10.
  • Перезагрузите компьютер рядом, чтобы сохранить сделанные до сих пор изменения.
  • При следующем входе в систему перезапустите службы iCloud, которые вы остановили ранее.

Я надеюсь, что теперь вы можете легко переносить данные из iCloud в OneDrive в Windows 10.

3]Включить iCloud Drive

Отключенный диск iCloud также может приводить к различным ошибкам, включая ошибку 0x8007017b. Итак, вам нужно в первую очередь убедиться, что соответствующий диск работает или нет. Вот как включить iCloud в Windows 10 —

  • Перейдите на панель задач и выберите значок iCloud, который уже есть.
  • Когда откроется его страница настроек, установите флажок «Включить iCloud».
  • Нажмите «Применить», затем «ОК», чтобы подтвердить сделанные изменения.
  • Это активирует iCloud, и я надеюсь, что вы больше не будете получать код ошибки 0x8007017b на своем компьютере.

4]Обновите приложения и службы iCloud

Если ошибка 0x8007017b сохраняется даже после перезапуска основных процессов, проблема может заключаться в самой версии iCloud. Вполне вероятно, что сама служба iCloud повреждена или имеет проблемы с несовместимостью. Итак, если вы давно не обновляли его, мы советуем вам это сделать и проверить, возникает ли ошибка снова или нет.

Post Views: 254

Windows 10: Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10

Discus and support Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10 in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; [ATTACH]Since you are reading this article, I am assuming that you may have encountered an error 0x8007017B of iCloud on your Windows 10 computer. This…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 News’ started by WinClub, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10

    Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10 icloud-active.jpg

    Since you are reading this article, I am assuming that you may have encountered an error 0x8007017B of iCloud on your Windows 10 computer. This error usually happens when one tries to send photos, music, etc from their iCloud Drive to OneDrive or any folder on their computer. In this post, we are going to […]

    This article Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10 first appeared on TheWindowsClub.com.

    read more…

  2. Unable to uninstall iCloud error 2343This solution worked for me, thanks very much.

    All the other posts that I had come across suggested that Microsoft Fix it would not work in Windows 10, using the emulation tab in Internet Explorer it worked fine and sorted out the issue that I had with iCloud. It diid take took some time to run, but
    once finished I was able to update iCloud OK, that is without the 2343 error.

    Thanks again


  3. I can’t open iTunes or iCloud in Windows 10


    Thank you for your interest in Windows 10.

    I suggest you to uninstall and reinstall iTunes and iCloud and check if it fixes the issue. Follow the steps below to uninstall iTunes and iCloud:

    • Press Windows key + X.
    • Click on Programs and Features.
    • Look for iTunes and right click on it and click on
    • Follow the same steps to uninstall iCloud.
    • Reboot the computer after uninstall is complete and try to reinstall them.

    Hope this information is helpful. Please do let us know if you need further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.

  4. Fix iCloud Error 0x8007017B on Windows 10

    Unable to uninstall iCloud error 2343

    Hi Carl,

    Welcome to Microsoft Community and we appreciate your interest in Windows 10.

    Let me try to help you to fix the issue.

    Let’s try simple steps and check if this helps in resolving the issue.

    • Open the Internet Explorer and press
      key on the keyboard.
    • Now click on Emulation tab and locate for the
      User agent string and select Internet Explorer 10.
    • Now try running Microsoft Fix it and check.

    If that doesn’t work then I would suggest you to check with iCloud support for further assistance.

    iCloud — Official Apple Support

    Hope this helps. Post us with the status we will be glad to help you.


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