Ошибка 1205 mysql

I'm running the following MySQL UPDATE statement: mysql> update customer set account_import_id = 1; ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction I'm not using a

I’m running the following MySQL UPDATE statement:

mysql> update customer set account_import_id = 1;
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

I’m not using a transaction, so why would I be getting this error? I even tried restarting my MySQL server and it didn’t help.

The table has 406,733 rows.

Braiam's user avatar

asked Apr 29, 2011 at 19:40

Jason Swett's user avatar

Jason SwettJason Swett

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HOW TO FORCE UNLOCK for locked tables in MySQL:

Breaking locks like this may cause atomicity in the database to not be enforced on the sql statements that caused the lock.

This is hackish, and the proper solution is to fix your application that caused the locks. However, when dollars are on the line, a swift kick will get things moving again.

1) Enter MySQL

mysql -u your_user -p

2) Let’s see the list of locked tables

mysql> show open tables where in_use>0;

3) Let’s see the list of the current processes, one of them is locking your table(s)

mysql> show processlist;

4) Kill one of these processes

mysql> kill <put_process_id_here>;

Lars Andren's user avatar

Lars Andren

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answered Aug 12, 2014 at 17:33

Eric Leschinski's user avatar

Eric LeschinskiEric Leschinski

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You are using a transaction; autocommit does not disable transactions, it just makes them automatically commit at the end of the statement.

What could be happening is, some other thread is holding a record lock on some record (you’re updating every record in the table!) for too long, and your thread is being timed out. Or maybe running multiple (2+) UPDATE queries on the same row during a single transaction.

You can see more details of the event by issuing a


after the event (in SQL editor). Ideally do this on a quiet test-machine.

Braiam's user avatar

answered Apr 29, 2011 at 20:54

MarkR's user avatar


mysql> set innodb_lock_wait_timeout=100;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 100   |

Now trigger the lock again. You have 100 seconds time to issue a SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSG to the database and see which other transaction is locking yours.

adhg's user avatar


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answered Nov 15, 2012 at 20:39

veen's user avatar


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Take a look to see if your database is fine tuned, especially the transaction isolation. It isn’t a good idea to increase the innodb_lock_wait_timeout variable.

Check your database transaction isolation level in MySQL:

mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.tx_isolation, @@tx_isolation, @@session.tx_isolation;
| @@GLOBAL.tx_isolation | @@tx_isolation  | @@session.tx_isolation |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You could get improvements changing the isolation level. Use the Oracle-like READ COMMITTED instead of REPEATABLE READ. REPEATABLE READ is the InnoDB default.

mysql> SET tx_isolation = 'READ-COMMITTED';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL tx_isolation = 'READ-COMMITTED';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Also, try to use SELECT FOR UPDATE only if necessary.

Kirby's user avatar


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answered Mar 6, 2013 at 16:25

saisyukusanagi's user avatar


Something is blocking the execution of the query. Most likely another query updating, inserting or deleting from one of the tables in your query. You have to find out what that is:


Once you locate the blocking process, find its id and run :

KILL {id};

Re-run your initial query.

Jean-François Fabre's user avatar

answered Mar 16, 2016 at 12:12

BassMHL's user avatar


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kill xxxx; 

and then kill which one in sleep. In my case it is 2156.

enter image description here

Giacomo M's user avatar

Giacomo M

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answered Jul 26, 2020 at 18:25

Ahmad Sharif's user avatar

Ahmad SharifAhmad Sharif

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100% with what MarkR said. autocommit makes each statement a one statement transaction.

SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS should give you some clues as to the deadlock reason. Have a good look at your slow query log too to see what else is querying the table and try to remove anything that’s doing a full tablescan. Row level locking works well but not when you’re trying to lock all of the rows!

answered Apr 29, 2011 at 21:07

James C's user avatar

James CJames C

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Try to update the below two parameters as they must be having default values.

innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

innodb_rollback_on_timeout = ON

For checking parameter value you can use the below SQL.

SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE ‘innodb_rollback_on_timeout’;

answered Jan 18, 2021 at 5:35

Mitesh Sharma's user avatar

Can you update any other record within this table, or is this table heavily used? What I am thinking is that while it is attempting to acquire a lock that it needs to update this record the timeout that was set has timed out. You may be able to increase the time which may help.

answered Apr 29, 2011 at 19:48

John Kane's user avatar

John KaneJohn Kane

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If you’ve just killed a big query, it will take time to rollback. If you issue another query before the killed query is done rolling back, you might get a lock timeout error. That’s what happened to me. The solution was just to wait a bit.


I had issued a DELETE query to remove about 900,000 out of about 1 million rows.

I ran this by mistake (removes only 10% of the rows):
DELETE FROM table WHERE MOD(id,10) = 0

Instead of this (removes 90% of the rows):
DELETE FROM table WHERE MOD(id,10) != 0

I wanted to remove 90% of the rows, not 10%. So I killed the process in the MySQL command line, knowing that it would roll back all the rows it had deleted so far.

Then I ran the correct command immediately, and got a lock timeout exceeded error soon after. I realized that the lock might actually be the rollback of the killed query still happening in the background. So I waited a few seconds and re-ran the query.

answered Jan 24, 2019 at 3:03

Buttle Butkus's user avatar

Buttle ButkusButtle Butkus

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In our case the problem did not have much to do with the locks themselves.

The issue was that one of our application endpoints needed to open 2 connections in parallel to process a single request.


  1. Open 1st connection
  2. Start transaction 1
  3. Lock 1 row in table1
  4. Open 2nd connection
  5. Start transaction 2
  6. Lock 1 row in table2
  7. Commit transaction 2
  8. Release 2nd connection
  9. Commit transaction 1
  10. Release 1st connection

Our application had a connection pool limited to 10 connections.

Unfortunately, under load, as soon as all connections were used the application stopped working and we started having this problem.
We had several requests that needed to open a second connection to complete, but could not due to the connection pool limit. As a consequence, those requests were keeping a lock on the table1 row for a long time leading the following requests that needed to lock the same row to throw this error.


  • In the short term, we patched the problem by increasing the connection pool limit.
  • In the long term, we removed all nested connections, to fully solve the issue.


You can easily check if you have nested connections by trying to lower your connection pool limit to 1 and test your application.

answered May 3, 2022 at 15:40

Massimo212121's user avatar

The number of rows is not huge… Create an index on account_import_id if its not the primary key.

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_account_import_id ON customer (account_import_id);

answered Jul 29, 2015 at 18:16

gladiator's user avatar


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Make sure the database tables are using InnoDB storage engine and READ-COMMITTED transaction isolation level.

You can check it by SELECT @@GLOBAL.tx_isolation, @@tx_isolation; on mysql console.

If it is not set to be READ-COMMITTED then you must set it. Make sure before setting it that you have SUPER privileges in mysql.

You can take help from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/set-transaction.html.

By setting this I think your problem will be get solved.

You might also want to check you aren’t attempting to update this in two processes at once. Users ( @tala ) have encountered similar error messages in this context, maybe double-check that…

I came from Google and I just wanted to add the solution that worked for me. My problem was I was trying to delete records of a huge table that had a lot of FK in cascade so I got the same error as the OP.

I disabled the autocommit and then it worked just adding COMMIT at the end of the SQL sentence. As far as I understood this releases the buffer bit by bit instead of waiting at the end of the command.

To keep with the example of the OP, this should have worked:

mysql> set autocommit=0;

mysql> update customer set account_import_id = 1; commit;

Do not forget to reactivate the autocommit again if you want to leave the MySQL config as before.

mysql> set autocommit=1;

answered Apr 9, 2019 at 22:26

Kamae's user avatar


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Late to the party (as usual) however my issue was the fact that I wrote some bad SQL (being a novice) and several processes had a lock on the record(s) <— not sure the appropriate verbiage. I ended up having to just: SHOW PROCESSLIST and then kill the IDs using KILL <id>

answered Apr 17, 2016 at 16:22

Smitty's user avatar


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This kind of thing happened to me when I was using php
language construct exit; in middle of transaction. Then this
transaction «hangs» and you need to kill mysql process (described above with processlist;)

answered Dec 2, 2016 at 11:22

TomoMiha's user avatar


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In my instance, I was running an abnormal query to fix data. If you lock the tables in your query, then you won’t have to deal with the Lock timeout:

update customer set account_import_id = 1;

This is probably not a good idea for normal use.

For more info see: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual

answered Nov 5, 2018 at 23:27

Jeff Luyet's user avatar

Jeff LuyetJeff Luyet

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I ran into this having 2 Doctrine DBAL connections, one of those as non-transactional (for important logs), they are intended to run parallel not depending on each other.


My integration tests were wrapped into transactions for data rollback after very test.

    TransactionlessConnectionQuery() // CONFLICT

My solution was to disable the wrapping transaction in those tests and reset the db data in another way.

answered Mar 25, 2019 at 14:36

fabpico's user avatar


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We ran into this issue yesterday and after slogging through just about every suggested solution here, and several others from other answers/forums we ended up resolving it once we realized the actual issue.

Due to some poor planning, our database was stored on a mounted volume that was also receiving our regular automated backups. That volume had reached max capacity.

Once we cleared up some space and restarted, this error was resolved.

Note that we did also manually kill several of the processes: kill <process_id>; so that may still be necessary.

Overall, our takeaway was that it was incredibly frustrating that none of our logs or warnings directly mentioned a lack of disk space, but that did seem to be the root cause.

answered Aug 5, 2021 at 21:25

Sal's user avatar


3112 silver badges5 bronze badges

I had similar error when using python to access mysql database.
The python program was using a while and for loop.
Closing cursor and link at appropriate line solved problem
see line 230
It appears that asking repeated link without closing previous link produced this error

answered Nov 21, 2021 at 19:31

ShaileshKumarMPatel's user avatar

I’ve faced a similar issue when doing some testing.

Reason — In my case transaction was not committed from my spring boot application because I killed the @transactional function during the execution(when the function was updating some rows). Due to which transaction was never committed to the database(MySQL).

Result — not able to update those rows from anywhere. But able to update other rows of the table.

mysql> update some_table set some_value = "Hello World" where id = 1;
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Solution — killed all the MySQL processes using

  • sudo killall -9 mysqld

enter image description here

  • sudo killall -9 mysqld_safe (restarting the server when an error occurs and logging runtime information to an error log. Not required in my case)

answered May 11, 2022 at 19:42

Satish Kumar's user avatar

Had this same error, even though I was only updating one table with one entry, but after restarting mysql, it was resolved.

answered Sep 11, 2017 at 11:38

tubostic's user avatar

Updating websites can often show  MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout when it fails to insert data in MySQL tables.

Fortunately, when MySQL server detects a problem, it will be logged into the error log file.

Also, this error occurs when lock_wait_timeout expires or when an existing process prevents a new process being executed on the same table.

That’s why, at Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers to fix MySQL errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers fix MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout.

Why MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout?

MySQL is a database management system that is used by all CMS to store and collect website data. Also, it allow multiple users to manage and create databases.

Moreover, to retrieve data from the database, popular content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc performs SQL queries to generate content dynamically.

However, while managing the website database, customers may get an error SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout due to an incomplete MySQL query.

This lock_wait_timeout variable specifies the timeout in seconds for attempts to acquire metadata locks of the database.

Sometimes, this error could occur if you run a bunch of custom scripts and kill the scripts before the database closes the connection.

How we fixed MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout

From our experience in managing MySQL servers, we’ve seen many customers facing this error. Here, Let’s see top reasons for 1205 error and how our Support Engineers solved the problem.

1. Inactive process

An inactive process can cause problems while writing to MySQL tables.

Recently, one of our customers came up with an error ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded;try restarting transaction. He was getting this error while trying to update a row on a specific table of a database.

Then we took the following steps to solve the issue.

1. Initially, we logged into the server as a root user.

2. We login to MySQL prompt from CLI and ran the command


It showed the MySQL processes running on the server as

| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Rows_sent | Rows_examined | Rows_read |
| 545566 | db_user| 91.xx.yy.65:21532 | db_name| Sleep | 3800 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 547967 | db_user| 91.xx.yy.65:27488 | db_name| Sleep | 3757 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 549360 | db_user| 91.xx.yy.65:32670 | db_name| Sleep | 3731 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 549450 | db_user| 91.xx.yy.65:47424 | db_name | Sleep |2639 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 549463 | db_user| 91.xx.yy.65:56029 | db_name| Sleep | 2591 | | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 |

From the output, we found that the process with id 545566 was in sleep status for a time of 3800 seconds. This exceeded the lock timeout settings and caused the problem.

In addition to this, when an existing process is running, it can prevent a new process from executing on the same tables.

Therefore, we analyzed the process status and found that it was perfectly fine to end the process. So, we solved this error by killing the processes in sleep status using the command.

kill -9 

To avoid unwanted website behavior, it is always recommended to have a detailed check of the process by a Database expert.

2. Insufficient innodb_lock_wait_timeout

Similarly, many customers have heavy traffic websites may need to run different processes simultaneously. They might experience this MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout due to insufficient innodb_lock_wait_timeout. That means the query is taking too long to perform.

For instance, one of the customers had a website with 8000 visitors a day. Also, they added 6000 articles to the website without optimizing server resources. As a result, when they tried to save articles, the website showed a blank page. The error was intermittent as some time later, it showed the original website.

On checking, we found that the problem was related to the SQL query on the MySQL server. When too many people edited the same article at the same time, it created a lot of calls to one MySQL database table. Then query that waited too long was rolled back. Hence, the customer got a blank page on the original website.

So, our Support Engineers fixed this error by increasing the value of the innodb_lock_wait_timeout  in the MySQL configuration file at /etc/my.cnf.

Then, it allowed the SQL query to wait longer for other transactions to complete.

Nonetheless, tweaking MySQL configuration parameters always have a key role in the smooth working of any website.

[Getting MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout? We’ll fix it for you.]


In short, MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout occurs when lock_wait_timeout expires or when an existing process prevents a new process being executed on the same table. Today, we saw the reasons how our Support Engineers fixed related errors.


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var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;


  1. mysql error 1205 lock wait timeout – Quick ways to fix it
  2. Why MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout?
  3. How we fixed MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout
  4. 1. Inactive process
  5. 2. Insufficient innodb_lock_wait_timeout
  6. Conclusion
  8. How to Fix a Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded Error in MySQL
  9. The Effects of a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout
  10. Dealing With a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout
  11. Tracking the Blocking Transaction
  12. Conclusion
  13. Русские Блоги
  14. Ошибка MySQL 1205

mysql error 1205 lock wait timeout – Quick ways to fix it

by Jilu Joseph | Jun 8, 2019

Updating websites can often show MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout when it fails to insert data in MySQL tables.

Fortunately, when MySQL server detects a problem, it will be logged into the error log file.

Also, this error occurs when lock_wait_timeout expires or when an existing process prevents a new process being executed on the same table.

That’s why, at Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers to fix MySQL errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers fix MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout.

Why MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout?

MySQL is a database management system that is used by all CMS to store and collect website data. Also, it allow multiple users to manage and create databases.

Moreover, to retrieve data from the database, popular content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc performs SQL queries to generate content dynamically.

However, while managing the website database, customers may get an error SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout due to an incomplete MySQL query.

This lock_wait_timeout variable specifies the timeout in seconds for attempts to acquire metadata locks of the database.

Sometimes, this error could occur if you run a bunch of custom scripts and kill the scripts before the database closes the connection.

How we fixed MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout

From our experience in managing MySQL servers, we’ve seen many customers facing this error. Here, Let’s see top reasons for 1205 error and how our Support Engineers solved the problem.

1. Inactive process

An inactive process can cause problems while writing to MySQL tables.

Recently, one of our customers came up with an error ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded;try restarting transaction. He was getting this error while trying to update a row on a specific table of a database.

Then we took the following steps to solve the issue.

1. Initially, we logged into the server as a root user.

2. We login to MySQL prompt from CLI and ran the command

It showed the MySQL processes running on the server as

From the output, we found that the process with id 545566 was in sleep status for a time of 3800 seconds. This exceeded the lock timeout settings and caused the problem.

In addition to this, when an existing process is running, it can prevent a new process from executing on the same tables.

Therefore, we analyzed the process status and found that it was perfectly fine to end the process. So, we solved this error by killing the processes in sleep status using the command.

To avoid unwanted website behavior, it is always recommended to have a detailed check of the process by a Database expert.

2. Insufficient innodb_lock_wait_timeout

Similarly, many customers have heavy traffic websites may need to run different processes simultaneously. They might experience this MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout due to insufficient innodb_lock_wait_timeout. That means the query is taking too long to perform.

For instance, one of the customers had a website with 8000 visitors a day. Also, they added 6000 articles to the website without optimizing server resources. As a result, when they tried to save articles, the website showed a blank page. The error was intermittent as some time later, it showed the original website.

On checking, we found that the problem was related to the SQL query on the MySQL server. When too many people edited the same article at the same time, it created a lot of calls to one MySQL database table. Then query that waited too long was rolled back. Hence, the customer got a blank page on the original website.

So, our Support Engineers fixed this error by increasing the value of the innodb_lock_wait_timeout in the MySQL configuration file at /etc/my.cnf.

Then, it allowed the SQL query to wait longer for other transactions to complete.

Nonetheless, tweaking MySQL configuration parameters always have a key role in the smooth working of any website.

[Getting MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout? We’ll fix it for you.]


In short, MySQL error 1205 lock wait timeout occurs when lock_wait_timeout expires or when an existing process prevents a new process being executed on the same table. Today, we saw the reasons how our Support Engineers fixed related errors.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.


How to Fix a Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded Error in MySQL

Published March 11, 2020

One of the most popular InnoDB’s errors is InnoDB lock wait timeout exceeded, for example:

The above simply means the transaction has reached the innodb_lock_wait_timeout while waiting to obtain an exclusive lock which defaults to 50 seconds. The common causes are:

  1. The offensive transaction is not fast enough to commit or rollback the transaction within innodb_lock_wait_timeout duration.
  2. The offensive transaction is waiting for row lock to be released by another transaction.

The Effects of a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout

InnoDB lock wait timeout can cause two major implications:

  • The failed statement is not being rolled back by default.
  • Even if innodb_rollback_on_timeout is enabled, when a statement fails in a transaction, ROLLBACK is still a more expensive operation than COMMIT.

Let’s play around with a simple example to better understand the effect. Consider the following two tables in database mydb:

The first table (table1):

The second table (table2):

We executed our transactions in two different sessions in the following order:


Transaction #1 (T1)

Transaction #2 (T2)

SELECT * FROM table1;

SELECT * FROM table1;

UPDATE table1 SET data = ‘T1 is updating the row’ WHERE >

UPDATE table2 SET data = ‘T2 is updating the row’ WHERE >

UPDATE table1 SET data = ‘T2 is updating the row’ WHERE >

(Hangs for a while and eventually returns an error “Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction”)

After T2 was successfully committed, one would expect to get the same output “ T2 is updating the row ” for both table1 and table2 but the results show that only table2 was updated. One might think that if any error encounters within a transaction, all statements in the transaction would automatically get rolled back, or if a transaction is successfully committed, the whole statements were executed atomically. This is true for deadlock, but not for InnoDB lock wait timeout.

Unless you set innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 (default is 0 – disabled), automatic rollback is not going to happen for InnoDB lock wait timeout error. This means, by following the default setting, MySQL is not going to fail and rollback the whole transaction, nor retrying again the timed out statement and just process the next statements until it reaches COMMIT or ROLLBACK. This explains why transaction T2 was partially committed!

The InnoDB documentation clearly says “InnoDB rolls back only the last statement on a transaction timeout by default”. In this case, we do not get the transaction atomicity offered by InnoDB. The atomicity in ACID compliant is either we get all or nothing of the transaction, which means partial transaction is merely unacceptable.

Dealing With a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout

So, if you are expecting a transaction to auto-rollback when encounters an InnoDB lock wait error, similarly as what would happen in deadlock, set the following option in MySQL configuration file:

A MySQL restart is required. When deploying a MySQL-based cluster, ClusterControl will always set innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 on every node. Without this option, your application has to retry the failed statement, or perform ROLLBACK explicitly to maintain the transaction atomicity.

To verify if the configuration is loaded correctly:

To check whether the new configuration works, we can track the com_rollback counter when this error happens:

Tracking the Blocking Transaction

There are several places that we can look to track the blocking transaction or statements. Let’s start by looking into InnoDB engine status under TRANSACTIONS section:

From the above information, we can get an overview of the transactions that are currently active in the server. Transaction 3097 is currently locking a row that needs to be accessed by transaction 3100. However, the above output does not tell us the actual query text that could help us figuring out which part of the query/statement/transaction that we need to investigate further. By using the blocker MySQL thread ID 48, let’s see what we can gather from MySQL processlist:

Thread ID 48 shows the command as ‘Sleep’. Still, this does not help us much to know which statements that block the other transaction. This is because the statement in this transaction has been executed and this open transaction is basically doing nothing at the moment. We need to dive further down to see what is going on with this thread.

For MySQL 8.0, the InnoDB lock wait instrumentation is available under data_lock_waits table inside performance_schema database (or innodb_lock_waits table inside sys database). If a lock wait event is happening, we should see something like this:

Note that in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, the similar information is stored inside innodb_lock_waits table under information_schema database. Pay attention to the BLOCKING_THREAD_ID value. We can use the this information to look for all statements being executed by this thread in events_statements_history table:

It looks like the thread information is no longer there. We can verify by checking the minimum and maximum value of the thread_id column in events_statements_history table with the following query:

The thread that we were looking for (87) has been truncated from the table. We can confirm this by looking at the size of event_statements_history table:

The above means the events_statements_history can only store the last 10 threads. Fortunately, performance_schema has another table to store more rows called events_statements_history_long, which stores similar information but for all threads and it can contain way more rows:

However, you will get an empty result if you try to query the events_statements_history_long table for the first time. This is expected because by default, this instrumentation is disabled in MySQL as we can see in the following setup_consumers table:

To activate table events_statements_history_long, we need to update the setup_consumers table as below:

Verify if there are rows in the events_statements_history_long table now:

Cool. Now we can wait until the InnoDB lock wait event raises again and when it is happening, you should see the following row in the data_lock_waits table:

Again, we use the BLOCKING_THREAD_ID value to filter all statements that have been executed by this thread against events_statements_history_long table:

Finally, we found the culprit. We can tell by looking at the sequence of events of thread 57 where the above transaction (T1) still has not finished yet (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK), and we can see the very last statement has obtained an exclusive lock to the row for update operation which needed by the other transaction (T2) and just hanging there. That explains why we see ‘Sleep’ in the MySQL processlist output.

As we can see, the above SELECT statement requires you to get the thread_id value beforehand. To simplify this query, we can use IN clause and a subquery to join both tables. The following query produces an identical result like the above:

However, it is not practical for us to execute the above query whenever InnoDB lock wait event occurs. Apart from the error from the application, how would you know that the lock wait event is happening? We can automate this query execution with the following simple Bash script, called track_lockwait.sh :

Apply executable permission and daemonize the script in the background:

Now, we just need to wait for the reports to be generated under the /root/lockwait directory. Depending on the database workload and row access patterns, you might probably see a lot of files under this directory. Monitor the directory closely otherwise it would be flooded with too many report files.

If you are using ClusterControl, you can enable the Transaction Log feature under Performance -> Transaction Log where ClusterControl will provide a report on deadlocks and long-running transactions which will ease up your life in finding the culprit.


In summary, if we face a “Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded” error in MySQL, we need to first understand the effects that such an error can have to our infrastructure, then track the offensive transaction and act on it either with shell scripts like track_lockwait.sh , or database management software like ClusterControl.

If you decide to go with shell scripts, just bear in mind that they may save you money but will cost you time, as you’d need to know a thing or two about how they work, apply permissions, and possibly make them run in the background, and if you do get lost in the shell jungle, we can help.

Whatever you decide to implement, make sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS feed to get more tips on improving the performance of both your software and the databases backing it, such as this post covering 6 common failure scenarios in MySQL.


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Ошибка MySQL 1205

Сегодня в компании фиксирована небольшая ошибка. Данные не имеют хранения в режиме реального времени после модификации. Непосредственно меняйте код, а затем храните его через оператор MySQL, но тест, MySQL всегда хранится, четко видел оператор SQL был реализован, но через NaviCat в базу данных данные все еще не обновляются. Затем пройдите код, исходный запрос MySQL не является успешным, вернуть ошибку 1205, онлайн-проверка замка ожидания ожидания ожидания; попробуйте перезапустить транзакцию, является разумной, является мертвой блокировкой, последняя транзакция не была отправлена, что приведет к тому, что остаться.

Сначала посмотрите на The MySQL Thread Show PlaceList, потому что это тестовая машина для развития, слишком много соединения, и нехорошо, чтобы увидеть мою связь. Используйте оператор MySQL напрямую для просмотра

Не видел, как выполняется медленное запрос, онлайн-поиск может проверить информацию_schema.innodb_lock_waits, вы можете увидеть статус тупиков напрямую, но кажется, что MySQL5.5 или более, мы используем 5.1, трагедия.

Позже было обнаружено, что все операции, участвующие в таблице, вернулись 1205, и она должна быть мертвой заблокированной. Посмотритеблише всего посмотрите на соединительную нить, есть два хоста, и он всегда был состоянием сна, очень вероятно, что после запуска транзакции нет никаких представлений, и я сплю. И что два разъема — NaviCat через мою базу данных, возможно, что я неправильно проникнул в NaviCat, а затем вынужден выключить. Вы можете попробовать напрямую убить эти темы.

Поток прямой убийцы, MySQL-заявление успешно! !


One of the most popular InnoDB’s errors is InnoDB lock wait timeout exceeded, for example:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

The above simply means the transaction has reached the innodb_lock_wait_timeout while waiting to obtain an exclusive lock which defaults to 50 seconds. The common causes are:

  1. The offensive transaction is not fast enough to commit or rollback the transaction within innodb_lock_wait_timeout duration.
  2. The offensive transaction is waiting for row lock to be released by another transaction.

The Effects of a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout

InnoDB lock wait timeout can cause two major implications:

  • The failed statement is not being rolled back by default.
  • Even if innodb_rollback_on_timeout is enabled, when a statement fails in a transaction, ROLLBACK is still a more expensive operation than COMMIT.

Let’s play around with a simple example to better understand the effect. Consider the following two tables in database mydb:

mysql> CREATE SCHEMA mydb;
mysql> USE mydb;

The first table (table1):

mysql> INSERT INTO table1 SET data = 'data #1';

The second table (table2):

mysql> CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1;
mysql> INSERT INTO table2 SET data = 'data #2';

We executed our transactions in two different sessions in the following order:


Transaction #1 (T1)

Transaction #2 (T2)


SELECT * FROM table1;


SELECT * FROM table1;



UPDATE table1 SET data = ‘T1 is updating the row’ WHERE id = 1;  





UPDATE table2 SET data = ‘T2 is updating the row’ WHERE id = 1; 




UPDATE table1 SET data = ‘T2 is updating the row’ WHERE id = 1; 

(Hangs for a while and eventually returns an error “Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction”)









However, the end result after step #6 might be surprising if we did not retry the timed out statement at step #4:

mysql> SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id = 1;
| id | data                              |
| 1  | T1 is updating the row            |

mysql> SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE id = 1;
| id | data                              |
| 1  | T2 is updating the row            |

After T2 was successfully committed, one would expect to get the same output “T2 is updating the row” for both table1 and table2 but the results show that only table2 was updated. One might think that if any error encounters within a transaction, all statements in the transaction would automatically get rolled back, or if a transaction is successfully committed, the whole statements were executed atomically. This is true for deadlock, but not for InnoDB lock wait timeout.

Unless you set innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 (default is 0 – disabled), automatic rollback is not going to happen for InnoDB lock wait timeout error. This means, by following the default setting, MySQL is not going to fail and rollback the whole transaction, nor retrying again the timed out statement and just process the next statements until it reaches COMMIT or ROLLBACK. This explains why transaction T2 was partially committed!

The InnoDB documentation clearly says “InnoDB rolls back only the last statement on a transaction timeout by default”. In this case, we do not get the transaction atomicity offered by InnoDB. The atomicity in ACID compliant is either we get all or nothing of the transaction, which means partial transaction is merely unacceptable.

Dealing With a InnoDB Lock Wait Timeout

So, if you are expecting a transaction to auto-rollback when encounters an InnoDB lock wait error, similarly as what would happen in deadlock, set the following option in MySQL configuration file:


A MySQL restart is required. When deploying a MySQL-based cluster, ClusterControl will always set innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 on every node. Without this option, your application has to retry the failed statement, or perform ROLLBACK explicitly to maintain the transaction atomicity.

To verify if the configuration is loaded correctly:

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_rollback_on_timeout';
| Variable_name              | Value |
| innodb_rollback_on_timeout | ON    |

To check whether the new configuration works, we can track the com_rollback counter when this error happens:

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'com_rollback';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Com_rollback  | 1     |

Tracking the Blocking Transaction

There are several places that we can look to track the blocking transaction or statements. Let’s start by looking into InnoDB engine status under TRANSACTIONS section:



---TRANSACTION 3100, ACTIVE 2 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 50, OS thread handle 139887555282688, query id 360 localhost ::1 root updating
update table1 set data = 'T2 is updating the row' where id = 1

RECORD LOCKS space id 6 page no 4 n bits 72 index PRIMARY of table `mydb`.`table1` trx id 3100 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 4; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000000000c19; asc       ;;
 2: len 7; hex 020000011b0151; asc       Q;;
 3: len 22; hex 5431206973207570646174696e672074686520726f77; asc T1 is updating the row;;

---TRANSACTION 3097, ACTIVE 46 sec
2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
MySQL thread id 48, OS thread handle 139887556167424, query id 358 localhost ::1 root
Trx read view will not see trx with id >= 3097, sees < 3097

From the above information, we can get an overview of the transactions that are currently active in the server. Transaction 3097 is currently locking a row that needs to be accessed by transaction 3100. However, the above output does not tell us the actual query text that could help us figuring out which part of the query/statement/transaction that we need to investigate further. By using the blocker MySQL thread ID 48, let’s see what we can gather from MySQL processlist:

| Id | User            | Host            | db                 | Command | Time | State                  | Info                  |
| 4  | event_scheduler | localhost       |              | Daemon  | 5146 | Waiting on empty queue |                 |
| 10 | root            | localhost:56042 | performance_schema | Query   | 0    | starting               | show full processlist |
| 48 | root            | localhost:56118 | mydb               | Sleep   | 145  |                        |                 |
| 50 | root            | localhost:56122 | mydb               | Sleep   | 113  |                        |                 |

Thread ID 48 shows the command as ‘Sleep’. Still, this does not help us much to know which statements that block the other transaction. This is because the statement in this transaction has been executed and this open transaction is basically doing nothing at the moment. We need to dive further down to see what is going on with this thread.

For MySQL 8.0, the InnoDB lock wait instrumentation is available under data_lock_waits table inside performance_schema database (or innodb_lock_waits table inside sys database). If a lock wait event is happening, we should see something like this:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.data_lock_waitsG
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
ENGINE                           | INNODB
REQUESTING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID        | 139887595270456:6:4:2:139887487554680
REQUESTING_THREAD_ID             | 89
REQUESTING_EVENT_ID              | 8
BLOCKING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID          | 139887595269584:6:4:2:139887487548648
BLOCKING_THREAD_ID               | 87
BLOCKING_EVENT_ID                | 9

Note that in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, the similar information is stored inside innodb_lock_waits table under information_schema database. Pay attention to the BLOCKING_THREAD_ID value. We can use the this information to look for all statements being executed by this thread in events_statements_history table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history WHERE `THREAD_ID` = 87;
0 rows in set

It looks like the thread information is no longer there. We can verify by checking the minimum and maximum value of the thread_id column in events_statements_history table with the following query:

mysql> SELECT min(`THREAD_ID`), max(`THREAD_ID`) FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history;
| min(`THREAD_ID`) | max(`THREAD_ID`) |
| 98               | 129              |

The thread that we were looking for (87) has been truncated from the table. We can confirm this by looking at the size of event_statements_history table:

mysql> SELECT @@performance_schema_events_statements_history_size;
| @@performance_schema_events_statements_history_size |
| 10                                                  |

The above means the events_statements_history can only store the last 10 threads. Fortunately, performance_schema has another table to store more rows called events_statements_history_long, which stores similar information but for all threads and it can contain way more rows:

mysql> SELECT @@performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_size;
| @@performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_size |
| 10000                                                    |

However, you will get an empty result if you try to query the events_statements_history_long table for the first time. This is expected because by default, this instrumentation is disabled in MySQL as we can see in the following setup_consumers table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_consumers;
| NAME                             | ENABLED |
| events_stages_current            | NO      |
| events_stages_history            | NO      |
| events_stages_history_long       | NO      |
| events_statements_current        | YES     |
| events_statements_history        | YES     |
| events_statements_history_long   | NO      |
| events_transactions_current      | YES     |
| events_transactions_history      | YES     |
| events_transactions_history_long | NO      |
| events_waits_current             | NO      |
| events_waits_history             | NO      |
| events_waits_history_long        | NO      |
| global_instrumentation           | YES     |
| thread_instrumentation           | YES     |
| statements_digest                | YES     |

To activate table events_statements_history_long, we need to update the setup_consumers table as below:

mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET enabled = 'YES' WHERE name = 'events_statements_history_long';

Verify if there are rows in the events_statements_history_long table now:

mysql> SELECT count(`THREAD_ID`) FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long;
| count(`THREAD_ID`) |
| 4                  |

Cool. Now we can wait until the InnoDB lock wait event raises again and when it is happening, you should see the following row in the data_lock_waits table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.data_lock_waitsG
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
ENGINE                           | INNODB
REQUESTING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID        | 139887595270456:6:4:2:139887487555024
REQUESTING_THREAD_ID             | 60
REQUESTING_EVENT_ID              | 9
BLOCKING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID          | 139887595269584:6:4:2:139887487548648
BLOCKING_THREAD_ID               | 57
BLOCKING_EVENT_ID                | 8

Again, we use the BLOCKING_THREAD_ID value to filter all statements that have been executed by this thread against events_statements_history_long table: 

mysql> SELECT `THREAD_ID`,`EVENT_ID`,`EVENT_NAME`, `CURRENT_SCHEMA`,`SQL_TEXT` FROM events_statements_history_long 
| THREAD_ID | EVENT_ID | EVENT_NAME            | CURRENT_SCHEMA | SQL_TEXT                                                       |
| 57        | 1        | statement/sql/select  |          | select connection_id()                                         |
| 57        | 2        | statement/sql/select  |          | SELECT @@VERSION                                               |
| 57        | 3        | statement/sql/select  |          | SELECT @@VERSION_COMMENT                                       |
| 57        | 4        | statement/com/Init DB |          |                                                          |
| 57        | 5        | statement/sql/begin   | mydb           | begin                                                          |
| 57        | 7        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select 'T1 is in the house'                                    |
| 57        | 8        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select * from table1                                           |
| 57        | 9        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select 'some more select'                                      |
| 57        | 10       | statement/sql/update  | mydb           | update table1 set data = 'T1 is updating the row' where id = 1 |

Finally, we found the culprit. We can tell by looking at the sequence of events of thread 57 where the above transaction (T1) still has not finished yet (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK), and we can see the very last statement has obtained an exclusive lock to the row for update operation which needed by the other transaction (T2) and just hanging there. That explains why we see ‘Sleep’ in the MySQL processlist output.

As we can see, the above SELECT statement requires you to get the thread_id value beforehand. To simplify this query, we can use IN clause and a subquery to join both tables. The following query produces an identical result like the above:

| THREAD_ID | EVENT_ID | EVENT_NAME            | CURRENT_SCHEMA | SQL_TEXT                                                       |
| 57        | 1        | statement/sql/select  |          | select connection_id()                                         |
| 57        | 2        | statement/sql/select  |          | SELECT @@VERSION                                               |
| 57        | 3        | statement/sql/select  |          | SELECT @@VERSION_COMMENT                                       |
| 57        | 4        | statement/com/Init DB |          |                                                          |
| 57        | 5        | statement/sql/begin   | mydb           | begin                                                          |
| 57        | 7        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select 'T1 is in the house'                                    |
| 57        | 8        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select * from table1                                           |
| 57        | 9        | statement/sql/select  | mydb           | select 'some more select'                                      |
| 57        | 10       | statement/sql/update  | mydb           | update table1 set data = 'T1 is updating the row' where id = 1 |

However, it is not practical for us to execute the above query whenever InnoDB lock wait event occurs. Apart from the error from the application, how would you know that the lock wait event is happening? We can automate this query execution with the following simple Bash script, called track_lockwait.sh:

$ cat track_lockwait.sh
## track_lockwait.sh
## Print out the blocking statements that causing InnoDB lock wait


[ -d $dir ] || mkdir -p $dir

while true; do

  # if $check_query is not empty
  if [[ ! -z $check_query ]]; then
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    echo $check_query > $DIR/innodb_lockwait_report_${timestamp}

  sleep $INTERVAL

Apply executable permission and daemonize the script in the background:

$ chmod 755 track_lockwait.sh
$ nohup ./track_lockwait.sh &

Now, we just need to wait for the reports to be generated under the /root/lockwait directory. Depending on the database workload and row access patterns, you might probably see a lot of files under this directory. Monitor the directory closely otherwise it would be flooded with too many report files.

If you are using ClusterControl, you can enable the Transaction Log feature under Performance -> Transaction Log where ClusterControl will provide a report on deadlocks and long-running transactions which will ease up your life in finding the culprit.


In summary, if we face a “Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded” error in MySQL, we need to first understand the effects that such an error can have to our infrastructure, then track the offensive transaction and act on it either with shell scripts like track_lockwait.sh, or database management software like ClusterControl.

If you decide to go with shell scripts, just bear in mind that they may save you money but will cost you time, as you’d need to know a thing or two about how they work, apply permissions, and possibly make them run in the background, and if you do get lost in the shell jungle, we can help.

Whatever you decide to implement, make sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS feed to get more tips on improving the performance of both your software and the databases backing it, such as this post covering 6 common failure scenarios in MySQL.

Rowlock timeout errors can occur in an application because of contention with transactions or uncommitted transactions. Refer to the following sections to resolve lock wait timeout errors.

Contention with Transactions

Updates and deletes in SingleStore are row locking operations. If a row is currently locked by query q1 running in transaction t1, a second query q2 in transaction t2 that operates on the same row will be blocked until q1 completes.

Updates and deletes on a columnstore table lock the entire table if the count of rows being updated is greater than columnstore_disk_insert_threshold. See Locking in Columnstores for more information.

The Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction error will occur when a query cannot proceed because it is blocked by a rowlock.

Deadlock between Transactions

Typically, a deadlock happens when two or more transactions are writing to the same rows, but in a different order. For example, consider two concurrently running queries q1 and q2 in different transactions, where both q1 and q2 want to write to rows r1 and r2. If the query q1 wants to write to rows r1 and then r2, but the query q2 wants to write to row r2 first and then r1, they will deadlock.

A single transaction that runs multiple statements should not deadlock itself, because queries are executed in the order they are defined.


  • To resolve contention when two or more transactions are writing to the same row (in the same order), add indexes on the columns being updated. Adding indexes to the columns ensures that the row locks are taken in the same order that the write statements are specified in each transaction. Note: This solution will not resolve a deadlock (defined previously).

    For example, if the following query generates a lock wait timeout exceeded error:

    DELETE FROM bucket WHERE meta_uid_id = ?

    Add an index on meta_uid_id.

    Consider the following INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement:

    INSERT INTO allotments (DevID, DevName, Orders)
      SELECT * FROM deprAllot
      DevID = VALUES(DevID),
      Orders =  VALUES (Orders);

    To reduce the chance of a lock wait timeout exceeded error, add individual indexes to the DevID and Orders columns.

  • You can decrease the lock_wait_timeout value to more quickly fail a query that is blocked by a lock.

  • To resolve a deadlock (defined above) you should change the flow of your application logic execute queries that write to the same rows in the same order.

  • You can also disable multistatement_transactions.

    Note: Disabling multistatement_transactions to prevent deadlocks is not recommended because it can lead to data loss or other serious issues.

    show variables like '%multistatement_transactions%';

    Shows whether multistatement transactions are on, and

    SET GLOBAL multistatement_transactions = off;

    turns it off.

    Disabling multistatement_transactions turns off cross-node transactions for write queries. Hence, write queries that span across multiple nodes, commit locally when the processing finishes on the node.

    To persist disabling multi-statement transactions through node restart, use the update-config command to update the memsql.cnf file as shown below:

    SingleStore Tools

    sdb-admin update-config --key multistatement_transactions --value off --set-global --all

    By turning off multi-statement transactions, write queries that touch multiple nodes will commit locally when the processing finishes on the node. For example, if node 1 hits a duplicate key error, node 2 will still commit its transaction.

Uncommitted Transactions

Open transactions hold the locks on rows affected by the transaction until they are committed or rolled back, and any other write query modifying the same rows has to wait for the open transaction to release the locks. If the query has to wait for more than the lock_wait_timeout (default 60 seconds), it fails. This happens most often when the open transaction is idle and unnecessarily holding the locks.


  • To resolve the issue, identify the idle transaction and kill its connection.

  • To prevent the issue from recurring, ensure that all the transactions are committed or rolled back.

Resolving the current locking issue

If a query has failed because it waited long enough to exceed the lock_wait_timeout, identify the transaction that is causing the timeout, and kill its connection. Killing the connection rolls back the uncommitted writes of the open transaction. For example, a write operation is performed in the following transaction, but it is not committed.



In another connection start a transaction, and run a query that tries to update the same set of rows as the transaction above.


ERROR 1205 (HY000): Leaf Error ( Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction.  Lock owned by connection id 76, query `open idle transaction`

To get the list of all the running transactions, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table. This management view table contains the processlist information for all nodes in the workspace, and you can join this table with the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.MV_NODES table to identify the nodes on which each process is running.

ON mvp.NODE_ID = mvn.ID
| TYPE | IP_ADDR       | PORT | ID  | USER        | HOST                | COMMAND | TIME | TRANSACTION_STATE | ROW_LOCKS_HELD |
| CA   | | 3306 | 143 | root        | localhost:58322     | Sleep   |  385 | open              |              0 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  76 | distributed |  | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5168 |
| LEAF |  | 3307 | 125 | distributed |  | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5047 |
| LEAF |  | 3307 | 104 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5001 |
| LEAF |  | 3307 | 115 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5044 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  55 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5129 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  77 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5168 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  81 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           4998 |
| LEAF | | 3307 | 122 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5021 |
| LEAF |  | 3307 |  75 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5015 |
| LEAF | | 3307 | 131 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5013 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  78 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5124 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  83 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5018 |
| LEAF | | 3307 | 120 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5092 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  79 | distributed |  | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5090 |
| LEAF | | 3307 |  82 | distributed |  | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5065 |
| LEAF | | 3307 | 114 | distributed | | Sleep   |  385 | open              |           5160 |
| MA   | | 3306 | 490 | root        | localhost:32737     | Sleep   |  73  | open              |              0 |

In the result, each aggregator and each partition on each leaf has one idle open transaction which is holding row locks. The locks are only held on the leaves, because that is where the data is stored. Look for an aggregator process with the same run time as the leaf processes that are holding locks. In the result above, it is the process with connection ID 143, which is running on the child aggregator on host To resolve the current issue, connect to this aggregator and kill the connection with ID 143.


Alternatively, you can kill the open connections that have been idle for more than lock_wait_timeout.

Note: Although the error message indicates that the lock is owned by the connection with ID 76, it is not the connection that needs to be killed. It is the connection for one of the distributed leaf processes, which holds the lock that our query was waiting on. Instead, we need to kill the connection for the aggregator process, which will roll back the entire transaction.

The original connection on the child aggregator that was updating ORDERS is now closed, and the transaction is rolled back. If you try to use that session again, it automatically re-establishes a new connection with a new ID.

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id:    160
Current database: db1

| COUNT(*) |
|   390955 |

Preventing the Issue from Recurring

To prevent the issue from recurring, inspect the application code and ensure that all the transactions are either committed or rolled back, including the transactions in exception handling. Additionally, all manually run transactions must be committed or rolled back as well.

A common cause of this error is if the transaction is executed as part of a stored procedure, but exception handling causes the final commit to get skipped. To prevent this issue, add rollbacks for the transaction in the exception handling section of the stored procedure. For more information, see Transactions in Stored Procedures.

The impact of this error can be mitigated by setting a session timeout for the client, in order to automatically kill the idle transactions. When a client ends a session, the database rolls back the uncommitted transactions and closes the connection on its end. If the session timeout value is set lower than the lock wait timeout (default 60 seconds), then idle connections will not cause lock wait timeouts to be breached.

Note: Setting a query timeout in Resource Governance will not affect idle transactions. The query timeout limit only applies to executing queries.

Published 2020-10-28


ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction


Check InnoDB status for locks


Check MySQL open tables


Check pending InnoDB transactions

for kill slow query by view query SQL statement (trx_query)

SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`innodb_trx` ORDER BY `trx_started`; 

Check lock dependency — what blocks what

for kill locked query

SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`innodb_locks`;

Show running threads

get query thread ID

FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE user <> 'system user' and
COMMAND != 'Sleep'and
info like '%SELECT%'
order by `time` desc;
Id	`User`	Host	db	Command	`Time`	State	Info
  • Id: thread ID.
  • db: database name.
  • Command: Query, Sleep(the session is idle).
  • Time: the time in seconds that the thread has been in its current state. For a replica SQL thread, the value is the number of seconds between the timestamp of the last replicated event and the real time of the replica host.
  • Info: the statement the thread is executing, or NULL if it is executing no statement.

Kill Threads By Thread ID

Kill a Particular Thread

KILL {processlist_id};

get kill all your MySQL queries

FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE user <> 'system user' and
COMMAND != 'Sleep'and
info like '%SELECT%';
SELECT CONCAT('KILL ',id,';') AS kill_list 
FROM information_schema.processlist
WHERE user <> 'system user' and
COMMAND != 'Sleep'and
info like '%SELECT%';
| kill_list |
| KILL 1; |
| KILL 2; |


[1] Fixing “Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction” for a ‘stuck” Mysql table?

[2] How To Kill MYSQL Queries


[4] KILL Statement — MySQL

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