Ошибка 2350 fdi server error

Alludo USER to USER Web Board For discussion of the Alludo products listed below ONLY Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error MY SOLUTION Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error MY SOLUTION Post by Alter Eagle » Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:41 am Hi all, my first post. I have found a solution for my […]


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  12. Re: Error code 2350 during installation
  13. Re: Error code 2350 during installation
  14. Как исправить ошибку Microsoft Access 2350
  15. Оценка «Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query»
  16. В чем причина ошибки 2350?
  17. Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query
  18. Причины ошибок в файле Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query
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Alludo USER to USER Web Board

For discussion of the Alludo products listed below ONLY

Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error MY SOLUTION

Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error MY SOLUTION

Post by Alter Eagle » Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:41 am

Hi all, my first post.

I have found a solution for my Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error created on my Vista OS.

(This may work for most of Corel products?)

In Vista
Go to Start / Documents and create a folder, (I named mine X3).
Put in your CD and stop the auto load.
Go to Start / Computer and right click on your X3 CD (probably the E: drive)
Select copy from the menu, and close that window
Navigate back to your X3 folder in Documents, open it and right click in the space.
From that menu select paste.
This will take around 15 minutes to copy the CD over to the folder.
Once completed, remove the CD and select Restart on your computer
Once you have rebooted, back to your X3 folder and double click SETUP
This time you shouldn’t get the dreaded 1335 error.
Now you can delete the X3 folder, empty your Recycle Bin and hopefully go back to being a happy camper.

It worked for me.

After 2hrs searching and finding Microsoft blaming the software and the software blaming MS. I thought I’d try this so called «flat» install. If you can copy over the CD to your hard drive you can circumvent the issue with the windows installer.

Post by Ron P. » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:19 am

Welcome to the forums,

First thank you for sharing this workaround. I’ve never seen this type of issue or error when installing from a CD or DVD. The method you describe is really just bypassing the Autorun.inf, not the Windows or msi (which stands for MicroSoft Software Installer). That must be used, irregardless of the media (CD, DVD, or HDD) being installed from.

I’m curious if you had tried using Start>Run>, then selecting your CD drive, and from that selecting Setup.exe. It should have done the same as your copying to your hard drive first.

I might also just add a shorter version of your method. Instead of using Copy then in W.E. (Windows Explorer) navigating to a folder, why not just use Copy to Folder right click command?

I know there used to be a problem with a certain version of the Windows Installer, which MS provided a correction to. This however should not be present with Vista.

Post by Alter Eagle » Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:33 pm

Hi Ron,
FYI, I just wanted to say that the first thing I tried was to turn off auto run then select it from the CD menu, then I tried the direct approach with OPEN and selected SETUP.

What happens is it’ll begin loading no problem. After a few minutes it gets to (geez getting old is tough, I’m trying to recall the file it gets too). darn. I did this 5 or 6 times before I figured out a solution too. I believe textures loaded then when it goes into decompressing the cab files it errors. (So it could be a network error — security ID is invalid?) It’ll bring up the 1335, then when you try to bi pass that error it brings up the 2350.
Terminal server errors explained at MS

As you know working the boards, every computer is different, so it could just be mine. I was reading it may be an issue with Vista SP1 too? They apparently patched the prob in XP for the most part, but it covers a few things when it isn’t just a server error.. cd read etc.

That is a great shortcut, I thought laying it out so you could see what and where I was copy/pasting basically.. feel free to rewrite it. I’m not the best at making things simple as you can tell from this diatribe.

Hey thanks for the acknowledgment, I do the same with my forum!


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Error code 2350 during installation

Error code 2350 during installation

I’m working for a game developer using Advanced Installer for their latest game, and I’m assigned to creating the install files. I’ve never done anything like this before and have a few problems (as well as struggling to find out how to properly use this program too). The most pressing issue currently is an error during installation of the application in the latest install file build. I’ve not encountered the error in any previous builds, and no results turned up when searching for «error code 2350» or «disc1.cab».

While installing the file I get a message saying disc1.cab is corrupt. If I retry the same error keeps preventing me from finishing the install, when I try to ignore the installation is canceled, which prompts this error message: Unexpected error while installing, error code 2350.

Anyone know what causes this?

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

The 2350 error means «FDI server error». Basically, this error means that Windows Installer has been corrupted on the machine which shows this behavior. Please reinstall Windows Installer on the machine with this problem. If the behavior is the same, please try the installation package on other machines.

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

This error has occurred on 3 different computers using the install package created with Advanced Installer. 2 of them trying to install from 2 different CDs, and a third on the computer the installer was made, with the original install package. To me at least it seems more likely there’s something wrong with the install package itself rather than the Windows Installers on 3 different computers, though I’m not an expert on these things.

I’ll try to do another install file tomorrow and see if this problem persists. I really have no idea how to solve this problem any other way.

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

This is a possibility. Can you please send us the installation package with the problem to support at advancedinstaller dot com so we can investigate it? Also please send the AIP you used to build the package.

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

I’m afraid I can’t do that at this time as the game is under a Non-disclosure agreement, but I might be able to do so once the game is published. I can’t promise this though. I will get back to you if I’m able to do so, probably during the summer or early autumn.

As a side note I loaded the save file used on the corrupt build, refreshed the files and saved it to a different location, then did a new build. This build did not have the same problem.


Как исправить ошибку Microsoft Access 2350

Номер ошибки: Ошибка 2350
Название ошибки: Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query
Описание ошибки: Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.@* The query is a pass-through query and can’t be represented as a simple SQL string. Save the query as a named query from the Query Builder. When you close the Query Builder, Microsoft Office Access will fill
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Access
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Оценка «Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query»

«Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query» часто называется ошибкой во время выполнения (ошибка). Программисты работают через различные уровни отладки, пытаясь убедиться, что Microsoft Access как можно ближе к безошибочным. Хотя эти превентивные действия принимаются, иногда ошибки, такие как ошибка 2350, будут пропущены.

«Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.@* The query is a pass-through query and can’t be represented as a simple SQL string. Save the query as a named query from the Query Builder. When you close the Query Builder, Microsoft Office Access will fill» может возникнуть у пользователей Microsoft Access даже при нормальном использовании приложения. После возникновения ошибки 2350 пользователь программного обеспечения имеет возможность сообщить разработчику об этой проблеме. Microsoft Corporation вернется к коду и исправит его, а затем сделает обновление доступным для загрузки. Эта ситуация происходит из-за обновления программного обеспечения Microsoft Access является одним из решений ошибок 2350 ошибок и других проблем.

В чем причина ошибки 2350?

У вас будет сбой во время выполнения Microsoft Access, если вы столкнетесь с «Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query» во время выполнения. Следующие три наиболее значимые причины ошибок выполнения ошибки 2350 включают в себя:

Ошибка 2350 Crash — Номер ошибки вызовет блокировка системы компьютера, препятствуя использованию программы. Если данный ввод недействителен или не соответствует ожидаемому формату, Microsoft Access (или OS) завершается неудачей.

Утечка памяти «Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query» — ошибка 2350 утечка памяти приводит к тому, что Microsoft Access постоянно использует все больше и больше памяти, увяская систему. Возможные провокации включают отсутствие девыделения памяти и ссылку на плохой код, такой как бесконечные циклы.

Ошибка 2350 Logic Error — Вы можете столкнуться с логической ошибкой, когда программа дает неправильные результаты, даже если пользователь указывает правильное значение. Он материализуется, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation ошибочен из-за неисправного дизайна.

Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query проблемы часто являются результатом отсутствия, удаления или случайного перемещения файла из исходного места установки Microsoft Access. Как правило, решить проблему позволяет получение новой копии файла Microsoft Corporation, которая не содержит вирусов. В качестве дополнительного шага по устранению неполадок мы настоятельно рекомендуем очистить все пути к неверным файлам и ссылки на расширения файлов Microsoft Corporation, которые могут способствовать возникновению такого рода ошибок, связанных с Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.

Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query

Наиболее распространенные ошибки Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query, которые могут возникнуть на компьютере под управлением Windows, перечислены ниже:

  • «Ошибка Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query. «
  • «Недопустимая программа Win32: Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query»
  • «Извините, Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query столкнулся с проблемой. «
  • «Не удается найти Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query»
  • «Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query не найден.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.»
  • «Не удается запустить Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query. «
  • «Ошибка Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query. «
  • «Неверный путь к программе: Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query. «

Ошибки Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query EXE возникают во время установки Microsoft Access, при запуске приложений, связанных с Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query (Microsoft Access), во время запуска или завершения работы или во время установки ОС Windows. При появлении ошибки Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query запишите вхождения для устранения неполадок Microsoft Access и чтобы HelpMicrosoft Corporation найти причину.

Причины ошибок в файле Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query

Заражение вредоносными программами, недопустимые записи реестра Microsoft Access или отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query могут создать эти ошибки Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.

Особенно ошибки Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query проистекают из:

  • Недопустимые разделы реестра Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query/повреждены.
  • Зазаражение вредоносными программами повредил файл Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query.
  • Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query ошибочно удален или злонамеренно программным обеспечением, не связанным с приложением Microsoft Access.
  • Другая программа находится в конфликте с Microsoft Access и его общими файлами ссылок.
  • Microsoft Access/Microsoft Office Access can’t save the query поврежден от неполной загрузки или установки.

Совместима с Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 и 11


Error 2350 fdi server error что делать

Answered by:


Hi durirng the install process it gives the error messages listed in the subject but i get them the following way: during the coping of the files it comies up with and «Error 1304.error writing to file microsoft.xna.ui.xnastudiopackage.dll verify you have access to that directory» it tels me to cancel or rrtry and i clikc retry as i am the computer admin and it then pops up with the «internal error 235» and i am forced to click ok where it cancels how can i fix this thank you in advance.

Note: i tried this with the installer files under my documents and first shared documents.


Ok, I have a few more details to share from our Setup folks.

For the March 2006 Community Technology Preview of XNA Build the Setup only reminds you to install the pre-requisites (via the HTML page you may have seen pop up when you first run Setup) but does not enforce that you do so prior to kicking off the full install. So if you ignore the reminder about the pre-requisites and you are actually missing some of those pre-requisites, you will get various error messages during installation or running XNA Build which some of you have reported.

The solution is to make sure you have each of the pre-requisites installed prior to installing XNA Build. If you’re not sure, you can simply run the installer for each of the pre-requisites and if it is not installed it will be installed at that time.

Of course, the Setup for the official release will be «smarter» about forcing you to install the pre-requisites prior to installing the main program. But for pre-releases such as this, our focus is on getting as much functionality into the program and the Setup feature receives less emphasis.

BTW — a sincere thanks to everybody who chimed in on this thread and other threads with great details about the problems you’re seeing. This is all very helpful and will help us to build better products for you in the end.

What version of Windows are you running the installer under?

Is this the DVD or Web Download version of the installer? Sorry for all the questions but this is the first time we have encountered this error.

If you are using the web version you might want to try downloading it again.

Also please verify that you can view the C:WindowsAssembly folder on you drive. When looking at the list of files in there do you see anything that starts off with Microsoft.Xna.*?

Are you using any type of download manager when you downloaded these files? What browser are you using to download the files? Looking up the errors you gave me I am seeing that it’s a corrupted CAB file that exsists inside the MSI file.

Finally please make sure that you have Windows Installer 3.1 on your system. You should have gotten a different error if it didn’t exsist but I just wanted to make sure.

i am also getting errors 1304 and 2350 but when i am trying to install the mechcommander2.msi file. I can’t figure out exacttly what the problem is.

this is the error message
Error 1304.Error writing to file
Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll. Verify that you have
access to that directory.

One way you’ll get this error is if you don’t have all the prerequisites installed for XNA Build, at least for the DVD version. I’m assuming the download uses the same installer. Make sure you have Windows Installer 3.1, MS XML 6.0, and .NET Framework 2.0 installed, then try again.

Hope this helps.

RWatson, the files are live so you should be able to download it. Maybe you can try downloading another file from Microsoft.com to see if it might be a problem on your connection? I just tried downloading MC2 from my home connection to try to troubleshoot your issue and it worked for me. Let me know if you continue to have problems.

Did you run the EXE when you installed XNA Build, or did you try running the MSI file directly? The installer should have checked for the pre-requisites and presented you with an HTML page indicated which pre-requisites you needed to install before you could install XNA Build.

Please let me know what your experience was so we can try to troubleshoot it further.

Thanks for your help. The problem was on my end with IE, I cleared cache and all is good. This time I saved the file in another place and ran FileMon while installing. Nothing real exciting to report there. However, after the first «burp», I went to the .LOG file and found this:

MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:459]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:)
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:459]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1Global

MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:475]: Executing op: AssemblyCopy(SourceName=MICROS

1.DLL|Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll,SourceCabKey=microsoft.xna.ui.mc2viewer.d,DestName=Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll,Attributes=16384,FileSize=1720320,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1. ComponentId=<612cd8fc-3c9a-40fb-a659-85a4af89c879>,IsManifest=1. AssemblyMode=0,)
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:475]: Source for file ‘microsoft.xna.ui.mc2viewer.d’ is compressed
InstallFiles: File: Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll, Directory: , Size: 1720320
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:553]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:553]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:553]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:569]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:569]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:17:569]: Note: 1: 2360


MSI (s) (20:54) [15:45:18:834]: Assembly Error:Version %d.%d is not a compatible version.
MSI (s) (20:54) [15:45:18:834]: Note: 1: 1935 2: 3: 0x80131107 4: IStream 5: Commit 6:
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:45:18:834]: Note: 1: 1304 2: Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll
Error 1304.Error writing to file Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory.
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:56:38:444]: Product: Microsoft® MechCommander® 2 Shared Source Release — Error 1304.Error writing to file Microsoft.Xna.UI.MC2Viewer.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory.

MSI (s) (20:68) [15:56:38:459]: Note: 1: 2350
DEBUG: Error 2350: FDI Server Error
Internal Error 2350.
MSI (s) (20:68) [15:56:43:303]: Product: Microsoft® MechCommander® 2 Shared Source Release — Internal Error 2350.

Action ended 15:56:43: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

I think you are right that the XNA pre-requisites are not installed. However, there is no indication that they are missing.


Alter Eagle

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Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:59 am

Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error MY SOLUTION

Hi all, my first post…

I have found a solution for my Error 1335 or 2350.FDI server error created on my Vista OS.

(This may work for most of Corel products?)

In Vista
Go to Start / Documents and create a folder, (I named mine X3).
Put in your CD and stop the auto load.
Go to Start / Computer and right click on your X3 CD (probably the E: drive)
Select copy from the menu, and close that window
Navigate back to your X3 folder in Documents, open it and right click in the space.
From that menu select paste.
This will take around 15 minutes to copy the CD over to the folder.
Once completed, remove the CD and select Restart on your computer
Once you have rebooted, back to your X3 folder and double click SETUP
This time you shouldn’t get the dreaded 1335 error.
Now you can delete the X3 folder, empty your Recycle Bin and hopefully go back to being a happy camper.

It worked for me.

After 2hrs searching and finding Microsoft blaming the software and the software blaming MS. I thought I’d try this so called «flat» install. If you can copy over the CD to your hard drive you can circumvent the issue with the windows installer.


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Ron P.

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operating_system: Windows 10
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ram: 16GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 645
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by Ron P. » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:19 am

Welcome to the forums,

First thank you for sharing this workaround. I’ve never seen this type of issue or error when installing from a CD or DVD. The method you describe is really just bypassing the Autorun.inf, not the Windows or msi (which stands for MicroSoft Software Installer). That must be used, irregardless of the media (CD, DVD, or HDD) being installed from.

I’m curious if you had tried using Start>Run>, then selecting your CD drive, and from that selecting Setup.exe. It should have done the same as your copying to your hard drive first.

I might also just add a shorter version of your method. Instead of using Copy then in W.E. (Windows Explorer) navigating to a folder, why not just use Copy to Folder right click command?

I know there used to be a problem with a certain version of the Windows Installer, which MS provided a correction to. This however should not be present with Vista.

Ron Petersen, Web Board Administrator

Alter Eagle

Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:59 am


by Alter Eagle » Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:33 pm

Hi Ron,
FYI, I just wanted to say that the first thing I tried was to turn off auto run then select it from the CD menu, then I tried the direct approach with OPEN and selected SETUP.

What happens is it’ll begin loading no problem. After a few minutes it gets to (geez getting old is tough, I’m trying to recall the file it gets too)… darn… I did this 5 or 6 times before I figured out a solution too… I believe textures loaded then when it goes into decompressing the cab files it errors. (So it could be a network error — security ID is invalid?) It’ll bring up the 1335, then when you try to bi pass that error it brings up the 2350.
Terminal server errors explained at MS

As you know working the boards, every computer is different, so it could just be mine. I was reading it may be an issue with Vista SP1 too? They apparently patched the prob in XP for the most part, but it covers a few things when it isn’t just a server error.. cd read etc.

That is a great shortcut, I thought laying it out so you could see what and where I was copy/pasting basically.. feel free to rewrite it. I’m not the best at making things simple as you can tell from this diatribe. :roll:

Hey thanks for the acknowledgment, I do the same with my forum!


  • 1. 
    Error 2350 : FDI.Server Error

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 07:09 AM


    We have a package failing to install on most of the machines with error code : 2350 (FDI.Server Error). Has anyone ever received this error?

    I googled about it and got very less information on this which also did not helped much. Only thing I could get is the issue is with Windows Installer. But unsure, how would we fix it.

    Attached is the error msg for reference.

    Any help / suggestions / guidance would be great.


  • 2. 
    RE: Error 2350 : FDI.Server Error

    Posted Feb 06, 2012 11:27 AM

    msiexec.exe /i <msiname.msi> /qn /l*v "%temp%seavus.log"

    And see what the log says. Use a tool like Orca to examine the msi file too, that error message loooks like one the MSI package has created, you may be able to find a condition that’s failing. Does Seavus use an FDI server the package can’t find or hasn’t been told where to find?

  • 3. 
    RE: Error 2350 : FDI.Server Error

    Posted Feb 08, 2012 01:49 AM

    Did you try repairing or reinstalling Windows Installer, if that’s what you found online?

    I hadn’t seen this before, and Google just says it’s an .msi or .cab error, such as a missing or corrupt file.  Are you sure all of the files are good?  What’s different between this package you just created and how you normally install this application?  Surely a file was left behind, a command line changed, etc.

  • 4. 
    RE: Error 2350 : FDI.Server Error

    Posted Feb 09, 2012 01:23 AM


    Thanks for replies guys…

    Log file says data1.cab file is missing… However, cab file is present in the package..

    For MSI, I am unsure if that will actually work.. coz there are other msi installs which are running just fine with no errors.

    Also, this package is a global distribution and I have almost 50% — 60% machines executed successfully… Few of them are still not run and remaining have failed.. Mostly with error code 1602 / 1603…

    Upon investigation : 1602 — User cancels install… Remotely checked on one of the machines… when we get a fail error msg (screenshot in first post), user hit ok / cancel to stop / terminate the install… I feel this is the point where we have 1602 return code…

    1603 — Fatal error during install… Not sure for the reason.. but probably could be a part of failure error msg…

    Anything else that can be checked???

  • 5. 
    RE: Error 2350 : FDI.Server Error

    Posted Feb 09, 2012 06:08 AM

    use msiexec /qn, quiet and no user interface.

    Compare the log file from a good install with a failed one. Perhaps you are short of disk space so data1.cab is not extracted, but you should be able to see where a good and failed install diverge.

    I set most installs to run by Policy, 12:30 daily compliance check. If it’s already installed nothing happens, if the user cancelled last time it will try again. Or if it fails.

Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:16 pm

Error code 2350 during installation

Hi there.

I’m working for a game developer using Advanced Installer for their latest game, and I’m assigned to creating the install files. I’ve never done anything like this before and have a few problems (as well as struggling to find out how to properly use this program too). The most pressing issue currently is an error during installation of the application in the latest install file build. I’ve not encountered the error in any previous builds, and no results turned up when searching for «error code 2350» or «disc1.cab».

While installing the file I get a message saying disc1.cab is corrupt. If I retry the same error keeps preventing me from finishing the install, when I try to ignore the installation is canceled, which prompts this error message: Unexpected error while installing, error code 2350.

Anyone know what causes this?

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Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:39 pm
Contact:  Website

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:53 pm


The 2350 error means «FDI server error». Basically, this error means that Windows Installer has been corrupted on the machine which shows this behavior. Please reinstall Windows Installer on the machine with this problem. If the behavior is the same, please try the installation package on other machines.


Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:16 pm

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:00 pm

This error has occurred on 3 different computers using the install package created with Advanced Installer. 2 of them trying to install from 2 different CDs, and a third on the computer the installer was made, with the original install package. To me at least it seems more likely there’s something wrong with the install package itself rather than the Windows Installers on 3 different computers, though I’m not an expert on these things.

I’ll try to do another install file tomorrow and see if this problem persists. I really have no idea how to solve this problem any other way.

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Re: Error code 2350 during installation

Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:10 am


To me at least it seems more likely there’s something wrong with the install package itself rather than the Windows Installers

This is a possibility. Can you please send us the installation package with the problem to support at advancedinstaller dot com so we can investigate it? Also please send the AIP you used to build the package.


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Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:16 pm

Re: Error code 2350 during installation

Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:15 am

I’m afraid I can’t do that at this time as the game is under a Non-disclosure agreement, but I might be able to do so once the game is published. I can’t promise this though. I will get back to you if I’m able to do so, probably during the summer or early autumn.

As a side note I loaded the save file used on the corrupt build, refreshed the files and saved it to a different location, then did a new build. This build did not have the same problem.

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