Ошибка 260015 ezviz что означает

Системы видеонаблюдения и охранно-пожарные системы

Этот тип ошибок отображается на IP-камерах или видеорегистраторах Hikvision при попытке воспроизведения отснятого материала через приложение Hik-Connect.

Случайно вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке следующего содержания: не удалось воспроизвести видео. Код ошибки: (260015). Буферизация канала достигает высоких процентных уровней, таких как 75% или 90%, а затем отображается черный экран с сообщением об ошибке.

Иногда эта ошибка также отображается в режиме реального времени. Вы просто открываете режим live, чтобы увидеть камеры, и некоторые из них могут отображаться нормально, в то время как другие выходят из строя и отображают код ошибки 260015.

В некоторых случаях вы можете увидеть другое сообщение следующего содержания: “Не удалось выполнить поиск видео” или “(Код ошибки 245416)”.

Запутанный аспект заключается в том, что камеры отображаются правильно, когда вы просматриваете их непосредственно через видеорегистратор, веб-браузер или компьютерное программное обеспечение. Это просто сбой в приложении Hik-Connect phone. Ниже мы покажем вам несколько способов исправить эту ошибку.

Как исправить код ошибки Hikvision 260015?

Проблема в основном вызвана тем, что серверы Hikvision достигли своего предела. По сути, они не могут обрабатывать весь трафик на своих серверах, поэтому просмотр в реальном времени (или воспроизведение) не загружается. Это особенно актуально, если в вашей системе установлено несколько камер с высоким разрешением.

Есть вещи, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы устранить проблему, либо изменить кодировку видео, либо понизить разрешение.
Сообщалось, что эта ошибка устраняется путем изменения кодировки видео с H265 + на H265 (а иногда и наоборот).

Итак, перейдите в настройки видео вашего NVR (или автономной камеры) и переключите режим кодирования видео. (Примечание: этот метод не будет работать при переключении на H264).

Другой способ — снизить разрешение. Качество изображения будет ниже, но вы не получите код ошибки 260015. Итак, если ваши камеры 4 Мп, установите для них значение 2 Мп или просто понизьте рейтинг половины из них и протестируйте режим live с помощью приложения Hik-Connect.

Кроме того, вы можете попытаться снизить битрейт. Если скорость 8 Мбит / с, уменьшите ее на 4 Мбит / с и посмотрите, исправлено ли это. Мы бы рекомендовали сначала снизить битрейт, а затем, если это не работает, уменьшить разрешение.

Наконец, вы также можете снизить частоту кадров, но не ниже 15 кадров в секунду, иначе изображение будет прерывистым.

Обновите прошивку

Служба поддержки Hikvision заявила, что эта ошибка связана с ошибками в прошивке устройства, которые с тех пор были исправлены.

Необходимо обновить камеру или видеорегистратор до последней версии прошивки. Обратитесь в компанию Hikvison или к вашему дилеру-продавцу и обновите все свои устройства до последней версии программного обеспечения.

Сообщалось, что обновление прошивки исправляет эту ошибку в продуктовых линейках ColorVu и Hi (и других OEM-производителей, которые продаются под сторонними брендами).

Удалите систему из приложения Hik-Connect

Вы также можете попробовать этот совет. Откройте настройки приложения Hik-Connect и извлеките устройство (NVR, DVR, автономную камеру). Затем перезагрузите видеорегистратор и подождите, пока он вернется. Перейдите в настройки доступа к платформе и убедитесь, что он отображается онлайн.

Затем повторно добавьте систему обратно в Hik-Connect и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема. Кроме того, убедитесь, что приложение и телефон также обновлены.

Проверьте подключение к Интернету

Иногда видео в реальном времени не удается из-за проблем с подключением к Интернету, особенно если скорость загрузки слишком низкая.

Проверьте Wi-Fi Интернет и убедитесь, что он достаточно мощный. Откройте несколько случайных страниц, чтобы протестировать его или выполнить тест скорости. Кроме того, если вы используете интернет своего телефона, проверьте стабильность и индикаторы прочности на экране.

Если вы используете камеры Wi-Fi, убедитесь, что все они подключены к одному и тому же Wi-Fi. Сообщалось, что некоторые проблемы возникают, когда некоторые камеры подключены к диапазону 2,4 ГГц, а другие — к диапазону 5 ГГц. Наконец, вы можете перезагрузить маршрутизатор для нового запуска.

Перезагрузите камеру

Другим решением является сброс настроек камеры, которая не загружается. Вы можете сбросить его вручную, нажав кнопку сброса на камере (в течение 15 секунд), а затем снова настроить.

Или вы можете выполнить сброс настроек, получив доступ к камере через веб-браузер. После завершения повторно добавьте камеру в систему, и ошибка должна исчезнуть.

Ну вот и подробности оборудования
Мобильный интернет штука хитрая и многое зависит от оборудования тоже.
Для справки, что за девайс? Характеристика на выход вообще?
Полагаться на его постоянство вообще, 24 часа в сутки гарантированно, для таких целей, конечно же сильно не стоит, но надеяться можно, однако, если одна камера работает стабильно, а другая нет, то конечно вопросы.

Может быть первичный поток 2Мп идёт или .

Ezviz — p2p сервис от Hikvision — онлайн видеонаблюдение на смартфоне.

У Hikvision есть свой сервис позволяющий просматривать изображения с камер в онлайне — Ezviz . Он позволяет получать видео из любой точки мира, компьютера, смартфона, планшета можно не только пользуясь статическими IP адресом и софтом производителя IP камеры.

Простота настройки и организации видеонаблюдения через интернет для дома, магазина, офиса;
Хранение архива на SD карте (HDD) и доступ к нему через интернет;
Возможность подключения к системе не только камер видеонаблюдения.

Ezviz теперь открывается с домена — https://www.ezviz.com/ru/ (ранее Ezviz7.com). По изменениям новости как плохие так и хорошие. Хорошая — сделали приложение Ezviz для смартфона более удобным, плохая — онлайн видеонаблюдение с компьютера работает через Internet Explorer 8 or highter version .
Функционал приложения не уступает аналогичным приложениям от Ivideon, Zmodo. Отличие — архив видео Hikvision хранит в камере или видеорегистраторе, Ivideon на удаленном сервере. Этот момент можно рассматривать и как недостаток и как преимущество, в зависимости от ситуации. Очередное от Hikvision решение для организации видеонаблюдения через интернет — бесплатное. Работает только с камерами Hikvision, другие камеры, например поворотную LWS-IP680HD подключить не получится.

Сообщение отредактировал BiOMeX — 13.07.22, 20:16

EZVIZ updates new version

1. Added Privacy Mask to Mini360;
2. Improved Wi-Fi device setup process;
3. Changed the appearance of the app landing page;
4. Streamlined the registration process;
5. Added Help and Customer Support information on «More» tab.

Для китайских камер ( ‘Language flag’ = 2 for Chinese device. Hikvision FIRMWARE TOOLS — change language, extract files and create own firmware ) сервис берем с сервера ys7.com.

Можете начать поиски китайца, который поможет вам с регистрацией на китайском EZVIZ (ys7.com). Сервис с этого сервера предназначен только для китайцев. Без этого аккаунта китайская камера работать не будет — а для его регистрации нужен китайский мобильник (номер), для СМС активации.

Без проблем чинайский NVR подключаем на европейский сервис EZVIZ . Не смотря на страхи привязки к китайскому сервису ez7.com, обновляем софт регистратора на 3.0.13 RuEng или 3.0.18RuEng. EZVIZ там прописан по умолчанию на dev.ezviz7.com, а затем на ваш NVR подбрасываем любые китайские камеры (ez7.com у них вбит по умолчанию), правда по протоколу onvif , hik при такой конфигурации отключит китайские камеры. Позже, после регистрации, в менеджере устройства в сервисе облака EZVIZ активируете все подключенные к зарегистрированному в EZVIZ регистратору камеры. В регистраторе должен быть установлен винчестер, чтобы EZVIZ не ругался. EZVIZ весь видео архив будет записывать/воспроизводить с накопителя регистратора.

В настройках NVR:
раздел Advanced Configuration — Network (Расшир конфигурация — Сеть). Справа кликните на вкладке PlatForm Access и
отметьте галочкой пункт «Вкл», если он не отмечен уже по умолчанию.
Теперь ваш аппарат готов к подключению через облако. Версия прошивки должна быть не ниже 5.1.6 для камер, 3.0.13 для NVR иначе строки облако EZVIZ P2P на вкладке «сеть-тип доступа» не увидите. После этого можно идти на сайт — ieu.ezviz7.com, регистрироваться и добавлять регистратор.
Страница любезно встретит сообщенеим «For optimal use, please login with Internet Explorer (InternetExplorer 8 or higher version) or use mobile app instead.» Работать придется в Internet Explorer.

. частая проблема при регистрации в сервисе EZVIZ. В настройках сети облако EZVIZ Clod P2P присутствует, облако включено,
статус онлайн (eu.ezviz7.com). Сам Ezviz7 камеру находит, но при нажатии ADD выдает сообщение «The device is not
registered. Please check the network

если при добавлении устройства возникли проблемы проверьте следующее:
1. настройки вашего устройства: «Configuration», затем выберите «Основные
настройки» на левой стороне, настройки «TPC / IP», проверить/изменить адрес
«DNS-сервер» , по-умолчанию меняем на, а затем сохранить его.

2. раздел «Advanced Settings», знак «V» в «Custom», затем на сервере IP для вставки на вкладке «сеть-тип доступа» ezviz «dev.ezviz7.com » , а затем сохранить его.

3. проверьте порты 8555, 6805, 7400, 6002 и 6003, 123 они должны быть открыты, для IP вашего регистратора/камеры.
Проверить можно например тут — 2ip.ru/check-port/
или тут pfportchecker.software.informer.com

если порты заблокированы, в настройках роутера прописываем каждый порт под IP вашего регистратора/камеры. в роутере порты должны быть обязательно проброшены

Сообщение отредактировал gsmbox — 04.09.17, 03:08


Hik-Connect Hik Connect Error code 260015 for play back recorded clips



I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.


What model are the cameras and which firmware version are they on?
What are they recording to?
Which version of Hik-Connect are you running, and on what platform?

A good first step with all Hik-Connect issues is to unbind the devices from Hik-Connect, which is explained here:
How-to: How to Unbind a Hikvision Device using SADP on a PC

Then, re-add it via serial number to the Hik-Connect portal in a web browser, rather than by QR code, following the steps in this guide:
How-to: How to use Hik-Connect



Hi Kyle, thanks for your fast response.

I have two DS-2CD2347GT-LU cameras. They are both on firmware V5.5.150 build 200927.
They are both recording to a 64gb class 10 sd card.
Im running v4.12.0.0111 on a Samsung S8 android.

I will try your suggestion.



I removed the camera, added it back via Hik connect online account. Both cameras stream and connect fine, its just getting playback of clips is the issue. It loads to a high percentage then stays there until the code 260015 shows.


Could it be due to your uplink speed? Does dropping the resolution or video quality on the cameras temporarily help at all?
Also, try enabling UPnP on your router if it isn’t already.

There are also a few different solutions to a similar issue mentioned in these threads which might help:
Hik-Connect HIK Connect App on iPhone — Issue with Playback
Hik-Connect HD stream on Hikvision app



My uplink speed is 17mbps, no problems there. Dropping res is not a option not only does this downgrade my cameras but its not needed, plus It will wipe out my motion zones in BlueIris.. UPnp is enabled by default as I can’t see such a setting. For completeness, I have done the following.

  1. Removed all devices from Hik Connect app, uninstalled App from phone.
  2. Deleted my Hik Connect account and made a new one, added back the cameras.
  3. Installed Hik Connect on phone devices added and stream 100% fine.
  4. Changed ports on one of the cameras using 8001, and 81 to test it.
  5. Hik Connect has all notifications enabled, has all permissions, and is not battery optimized.

I still get the same issue. So my question is where are the settings in my cameras Web settings for play back by streaming, not live mode by forplayback?


Hik-Connect — Hik-Connect Failed to Search the Video

New Member

Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.



Hik-Connect — Hik-Connect Failed to Search the Video

It seems that link is to another error «fail to search» Im getting problem with failed to play. Its getting almost there at high 80+ percent, at times 98% but halts then shows error 260015. I put the bitrate right down to test it and I could view player files, but this level was very low. As my phone can stream 4K youtube videos, and Reolink 5mp can handle preview playback well I thing its down to Hik Connect not managing playback well.



Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.

Thanks for your reply and tip but I already have it on h265 as the + is known to have issues.




New Member

I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.

I recently purchased a 2087g2 colourvu. Legitimate UK. running 5.5.154 firmware on virgin 100mb and camera using micro Sd with no nvr installed. I have the same issue and with hik connect playback. on home WiFi and camera added via ip/domain playback works with the hik connect app.
But Using WiFi or 4g with camera on hik connect domain playback does exactly.the same.
I have tried every setting possible. Searched and the only way to watch playback with camera on hik connect domain not ip/domain is to set max bit rate to 256 or 512 and it works on any resolution setting but footage not of quality. Works with Any frame rate and any compression but change bit rate anything above 512 and none load they reach 98% time out and 260015.
I have another 8mp 2386g2 and that one is set to 12288kbps and hik connect domain on 4g works fine.
Personally I think its a firmware issue with the colourvu cameras
I tried contacting hikvision but because I’m and end user they don’t deal with us .
I have even just had a new virgin hub 3.0 from 2.0 and exactly the same . 108m down 10m up

Is any others also experiencing the same issues as hopefully a solution is out there



This type of error shows on Hikvision IP cameras or NVRs when you try to playback the footage via the Hik-Connect app.

Randomly you may get an error message that reads: Video playing failed. Error Code: (260015). The feed buffers to high percentage levels such as 75% or 90% and then it ends up with a black screen displaying the error message.

Hik-Connect: Video playing failed. Error Code: (260015)

Sometimes this error shows up on live view as well. You just open up the live mode to see the cameras, and some of them may show up fine, while the others fail and display error code 260015.

In some cases, you may see a different message that reads: “Failed to search the video”, or “(Error Code 245416)”.

A confusing aspect is that the cameras show up correctly when you view them directly through the NVR, web browser, or computer-based software. It just fails on the Hik-Connect phone app. Below we will show you a few ways to fix this error.

Hik-Connect: Video playing failed. Error Code: (260015)

How to fix Hikvision error code 260015?

The issue is mainly caused by the Hikvision servers reaching their limit. Basically, they can’t handle all the traffic on their servers, hence the live view (or the playback) fails to load up. This is especially the case when you have multiple cameras on your system set to a high resolution.

There are things you can do to fix the issue, either change the video encode or downgrade the resolution.
It has been reported that this error is fixed by changing the Video Encoding from H265+ to H265 (and sometimes vice versa).

So, go to the video settings of your NVR (or standalone camera) and switch the video encoding mode. (Note: This method won’t work switching to H264).

Hik-Connect: Video playing failed. Error Code: (260015)

Another way is to lower the resolution. The picture quality will be lower, but you won’t get the error code 260015. So, if your cameras are 4MP, set them to 2MP, or just downgrade half of them and test out the live mode via the Hik-Connect app.

Additionally, you may try to lower the bitrate. If it’s 8Mbps, lower it 4Mbps and see if it gets fixed. We’d recommend lowering the bitrate first, and then if it doesn’t work, lower the resolution.

Lastly, you may lower the frame rate as well, but don’t go lower than 15 FPS otherwise the picture will get choppy.
Hik-Connect: Video playing failed. Error Code: (260015)

Update the firmware

Hikvision support team has declared that this error is linked to buggy firmware on the device that has been fixed since.

You need to update the camera or the NVR to the latest firmware version. Contact Hikvison or your seller dealer and upgrade all your devices to the latest software release.

It has been reported that the firmware update fixes this error on ColorVu and Hi product lines (and other OEMs that are sold under third-party brands).

Remove the system from the Hik-Connect app

You can try this tip as well. Open up the Hik-Connect app settings and remove the device (NVR, DVR, standalone camera). Then reboot the NVR and wait until it comes back. Go to the Platform Access settings and ensure that it shows up online.

Next, re-add the system back to Hik-Connect and see if the issue is fixed. Additionally, make sure the app and the phone as well are up to date.

Check the internet connection

Sometimes the live video fails because there are issues with the internet connection, especially if the download speed is way too low.

Check the WiFi internet and make sure it’s strong enough. Open up some random pages to test it out or do a speed test. Additionally, if you’re using your phone’s internet, check the stability and the strength bars on the screen.

If you’re using WiFi cameras, make sure that all of them are connected to the same WiFi. It has been reported that certain issues appear when some of the cameras are connected to the 2.4GHz band and the others on the 5GHz band. Lastly, you may reboot the router for a fresh start.

Reset the camera

Another solution is to reset the camera that doesn’t load up. You can reset it manually by pressing the reset button on the camera (for 15 seconds) and then set it up again.

Or you can perform a factory reset by accessing the camera via the web browser. Once done, re-add the camera to the system and the error should disappear.

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Hik-Connect Hik Connect Error code 260015 for play back recorded clips

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Feb 3, 2021

  • Tags

    hik connect

  • #1


I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.



  • #2

Hi @Rectro30

What model are the cameras and which firmware version are they on?
What are they recording to?
Which version of Hik-Connect are you running, and on what platform?

A good first step with all Hik-Connect issues is to unbind the devices from Hik-Connect, which is explained here:
How-to: How to Unbind a Hikvision Device using SADP on a PC

Then, re-add it via serial number to the Hik-Connect portal in a web browser, rather than by QR code, following the steps in this guide:
How-to: How to use Hik-Connect

  • Thread starter
  • #3

Hi Kyle, thanks for your fast response.

I have two DS-2CD2347GT-LU cameras. They are both on firmware V5.5.150 build 200927.
They are both recording to a 64gb class 10 sd card.
Im running v4.12.0.0111 on a Samsung S8 android.

I will try your suggestion.


  • Thread starter
  • #4

I removed the camera, added it back via Hik connect online account. Both cameras stream and connect fine, its just getting playback of clips is the issue. It loads to a high percentage then stays there until the code 260015 shows.

loading (2).jpeg

load fail (2).jpeg



  • Thread starter
  • #6

My uplink speed is 17mbps, no problems there. Dropping res is not a option not only does this downgrade my cameras but its not needed, plus It will wipe out my motion zones in BlueIris.. UPnp is enabled by default as I can’t see such a setting. For completeness, I have done the following.

  1. Removed all devices from Hik Connect app, uninstalled App from phone.
  2. Deleted my Hik Connect account and made a new one, added back the cameras.
  3. Installed Hik Connect on phone devices added and stream 100% fine.
  4. Changed ports on one of the cameras using 8001, and 81 to test it.
  5. Hik Connect has all notifications enabled, has all permissions, and is not battery optimized.

I still get the same issue. So my question is where are the settings in my cameras Web settings for play back by streaming, not live mode by forplayback?


  • #8

Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.

Good luck

  • Thread starter
  • #9

Hik-Connect — Hik-Connect Failed to Search the Video

Another update: ProControl playback working after manually rebooting NVR. 4 hours later back to “failed to search the video”. Can not access the NVR via browser over LAN but strangely it’s allowing me to access the cameras which are directly connected to the NVR. I am accessing them over the…



It seems that link is to another error «fail to search» Im getting problem with failed to play. Its getting almost there at high 80+ percent, at times 98% but halts then shows error 260015. I put the bitrate right down to test it and I could view player files, but this level was very low. As my phone can stream 4K youtube videos, and Reolink 5mp can handle preview playback well I thing its down to Hik Connect not managing playback well.


  • Thread starter
  • #10

Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.

Good luck

Thanks for your reply and tip but I already have it on h265 as the + is known to have issues.


  • Thread starter
  • #11

If the cameras are recording multi streams why cant it play the sub stream version?


  • #12


I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.


I recently purchased a 2087g2 colourvu. Legitimate UK…running 5.5.154 firmware on virgin 100mb and camera using micro Sd with no nvr installed…. I have the same issue and with hik connect playback…. on home WiFi and camera added via ip/domain playback works with the hik connect app…..
But Using WiFi or 4g with camera on hik connect domain playback does exactly.the same….
I have tried every setting possible. Searched and the only way to watch playback with camera on hik connect domain not ip/domain is to set max bit rate to 256 or 512 and it works on any resolution setting but footage not of quality. Works with Any frame rate and any compression but change bit rate anything above 512 and none load they reach 98% time out and 260015.
I have another 8mp 2386g2 and that one is set to 12288kbps and hik connect domain on 4g works fine….
Personally I think its a firmware issue with the colourvu cameras
I tried contacting hikvision but because I’m and end user they don’t deal with us .
I have even just had a new virgin hub 3.0 from 2.0 and exactly the same …108m down 10m up

Is any others also experiencing the same issues as hopefully a solution is out there



  • #13

Which Platform Access server url are you using?
Have you tried others?


  • #14

Using litedev.eu.hik-connect.com and have tried dev.hik-connect.com ..no difference….

  • Thread starter
  • #15

I have tried Android Samsung s8, and Iphone 10 both with Hik connect, IVMS 4500, HiLookVision, they all do the same thing as they are all based on the same program. In all cases the error 260015 on android and 260025 on iPhone happened. Iv have search all over the internet and have not found any answer. For the fact that it often gets to 98% high 88, even 99% then halts shows there is some issues with the software or firmware. I can stream totally fine, just cant play back. I do get playback when I put the settings for the camera to record the 3rd stream which defeated the object of getting this camera. The issue is it timing out too early then comes to a halt. There should be two streams recorded to the sdcard, one of which should be for playback so in the case for the 4k version of these cameras there would be no chance to playback neither should you need too as you only need a half decent preview with the full res reserved for use as evidence.


  • #16

I have spent weeks looking into this….I hope I might have found out the solution……

I have Virgin media hub 3.0 and A colourVU ds-2cd2087g2 and with the same issues . when outside the home network the live view is fine on 4g but try and watch video playback from my SD card inside the camera i get upto 99% the 260015.. when home and use the camera on ip/domain and android phone on home wifi i can see footage perfectly…….. does this sound familiar .

I got it working on all resolutions at max fps and h265
even though when setting up camera i used the option to setup hik connect on the camera when selecting its IP address….. and the feed worked fine when added to hikconnect.com but no playback maybe a bug in the camera software telling the hub what to allow through . so logged in to the virgin media hub and selected port forwarding.

I added a new rule
local ip 192.168.0.xxx
local start port 80
local end port 80
external start port 80
external end port 80
protocol both — tcp & udp
enabled yes

add another rule as below

local ip 192.168.0.xxx
local start port 8000
local end port 8000
external start port 8000
external end port 8000
protocol both — tcp & udp
enabled yes

and finally another rule

local ip 192.168.0.xxx
local start port 554
local end port 554
external start port 554
external end port 554
protocol both — tcp & udp
enabled yes

turn on your 4g open hik connect . select camera and try for the playback… works everytime for me now

the 192.168.0.xxx is obviously my camera as i dont have an NVR but maybe using the NVR ip address for this will do it too.

hope this works for everyone affected and any feed back would be great as I no expert at all just been trying to find a solution like you guys…thanks

Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2021

  • #17

This problem was fixed on the ColorVu cameras via a firmware update

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Ну вот и подробности оборудования
Мобильный интернет штука хитрая и многое зависит от оборудования тоже.
Для справки, что за девайс? Характеристика на выход вообще?
Полагаться на его постоянство вообще, 24 часа в сутки гарантированно, для таких целей, конечно же сильно не стоит, но надеяться можно, однако, если одна камера работает стабильно, а другая нет, то конечно вопросы.

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Ezviz — p2p сервис от Hikvision — онлайн видеонаблюдение на смартфоне.

У Hikvision есть свой сервис позволяющий просматривать изображения с камер в онлайне — Ezviz . Он позволяет получать видео из любой точки мира, компьютера, смартфона, планшета можно не только пользуясь статическими IP адресом и софтом производителя IP камеры.

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Хранение архива на SD карте (HDD) и доступ к нему через интернет;
Возможность подключения к системе не только камер видеонаблюдения.

Ezviz теперь открывается с домена — https://www.ezviz.com/ru/ (ранее Ezviz7.com). По изменениям новости как плохие так и хорошие. Хорошая — сделали приложение Ezviz для смартфона более удобным, плохая — онлайн видеонаблюдение с компьютера работает через Internet Explorer 8 or highter version .
Функционал приложения не уступает аналогичным приложениям от Ivideon, Zmodo. Отличие — архив видео Hikvision хранит в камере или видеорегистраторе, Ivideon на удаленном сервере. Этот момент можно рассматривать и как недостаток и как преимущество, в зависимости от ситуации. Очередное от Hikvision решение для организации видеонаблюдения через интернет — бесплатное. Работает только с камерами Hikvision, другие камеры, например поворотную LWS-IP680HD подключить не получится.

Сообщение отредактировал BiOMeX — 13.07.22, 20:16

EZVIZ updates new version

1. Added Privacy Mask to Mini360;
2. Improved Wi-Fi device setup process;
3. Changed the appearance of the app landing page;
4. Streamlined the registration process;
5. Added Help and Customer Support information on «More» tab.

Для китайских камер ( ‘Language flag’ = 2 for Chinese device. Hikvision FIRMWARE TOOLS — change language, extract files and create own firmware ) сервис берем с сервера ys7.com.

Можете начать поиски китайца, который поможет вам с регистрацией на китайском EZVIZ (ys7.com). Сервис с этого сервера предназначен только для китайцев. Без этого аккаунта китайская камера работать не будет — а для его регистрации нужен китайский мобильник (номер), для СМС активации.

Без проблем чинайский NVR подключаем на европейский сервис EZVIZ . Не смотря на страхи привязки к китайскому сервису ez7.com, обновляем софт регистратора на 3.0.13 RuEng или 3.0.18RuEng. EZVIZ там прописан по умолчанию на dev.ezviz7.com, а затем на ваш NVR подбрасываем любые китайские камеры (ez7.com у них вбит по умолчанию), правда по протоколу onvif , hik при такой конфигурации отключит китайские камеры. Позже, после регистрации, в менеджере устройства в сервисе облака EZVIZ активируете все подключенные к зарегистрированному в EZVIZ регистратору камеры. В регистраторе должен быть установлен винчестер, чтобы EZVIZ не ругался. EZVIZ весь видео архив будет записывать/воспроизводить с накопителя регистратора.

В настройках NVR:
раздел Advanced Configuration — Network (Расшир конфигурация — Сеть). Справа кликните на вкладке PlatForm Access и
отметьте галочкой пункт «Вкл», если он не отмечен уже по умолчанию.
Теперь ваш аппарат готов к подключению через облако. Версия прошивки должна быть не ниже 5.1.6 для камер, 3.0.13 для NVR иначе строки облако EZVIZ P2P на вкладке «сеть-тип доступа» не увидите. После этого можно идти на сайт — ieu.ezviz7.com, регистрироваться и добавлять регистратор.
Страница любезно встретит сообщенеим «For optimal use, please login with Internet Explorer (InternetExplorer 8 or higher version) or use mobile app instead.» Работать придется в Internet Explorer.

. частая проблема при регистрации в сервисе EZVIZ. В настройках сети облако EZVIZ Clod P2P присутствует, облако включено,
статус онлайн (eu.ezviz7.com). Сам Ezviz7 камеру находит, но при нажатии ADD выдает сообщение «The device is not
registered. Please check the network

если при добавлении устройства возникли проблемы проверьте следующее:
1. настройки вашего устройства: «Configuration», затем выберите «Основные
настройки» на левой стороне, настройки «TPC / IP», проверить/изменить адрес
«DNS-сервер» , по-умолчанию меняем на, а затем сохранить его.

2. раздел «Advanced Settings», знак «V» в «Custom», затем на сервере IP для вставки на вкладке «сеть-тип доступа» ezviz «dev.ezviz7.com » , а затем сохранить его.

3. проверьте порты 8555, 6805, 7400, 6002 и 6003, 123 они должны быть открыты, для IP вашего регистратора/камеры.
Проверить можно например тут — 2ip.ru/check-port/
или тут pfportchecker.software.informer.com

если порты заблокированы, в настройках роутера прописываем каждый порт под IP вашего регистратора/камеры. в роутере порты должны быть обязательно проброшены

Сообщение отредактировал gsmbox — 04.09.17, 03:08


Hik-Connect Hik Connect Error code 260015 for play back recorded clips



I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.


What model are the cameras and which firmware version are they on?
What are they recording to?
Which version of Hik-Connect are you running, and on what platform?

A good first step with all Hik-Connect issues is to unbind the devices from Hik-Connect, which is explained here:
How-to: How to Unbind a Hikvision Device using SADP on a PC

Then, re-add it via serial number to the Hik-Connect portal in a web browser, rather than by QR code, following the steps in this guide:
How-to: How to use Hik-Connect



Hi Kyle, thanks for your fast response.

I have two DS-2CD2347GT-LU cameras. They are both on firmware V5.5.150 build 200927.
They are both recording to a 64gb class 10 sd card.
Im running v4.12.0.0111 on a Samsung S8 android.

I will try your suggestion.



I removed the camera, added it back via Hik connect online account. Both cameras stream and connect fine, its just getting playback of clips is the issue. It loads to a high percentage then stays there until the code 260015 shows.


Could it be due to your uplink speed? Does dropping the resolution or video quality on the cameras temporarily help at all?
Also, try enabling UPnP on your router if it isn’t already.

There are also a few different solutions to a similar issue mentioned in these threads which might help:
Hik-Connect HIK Connect App on iPhone — Issue with Playback
Hik-Connect HD stream on Hikvision app



My uplink speed is 17mbps, no problems there. Dropping res is not a option not only does this downgrade my cameras but its not needed, plus It will wipe out my motion zones in BlueIris.. UPnp is enabled by default as I can’t see such a setting. For completeness, I have done the following.

  1. Removed all devices from Hik Connect app, uninstalled App from phone.
  2. Deleted my Hik Connect account and made a new one, added back the cameras.
  3. Installed Hik Connect on phone devices added and stream 100% fine.
  4. Changed ports on one of the cameras using 8001, and 81 to test it.
  5. Hik Connect has all notifications enabled, has all permissions, and is not battery optimized.

I still get the same issue. So my question is where are the settings in my cameras Web settings for play back by streaming, not live mode by forplayback?


Hik-Connect — Hik-Connect Failed to Search the Video

New Member

Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.



Hik-Connect — Hik-Connect Failed to Search the Video

It seems that link is to another error «fail to search» Im getting problem with failed to play. Its getting almost there at high 80+ percent, at times 98% but halts then shows error 260015. I put the bitrate right down to test it and I could view player files, but this level was very low. As my phone can stream 4K youtube videos, and Reolink 5mp can handle preview playback well I thing its down to Hik Connect not managing playback well.



Hi Rectro
I have/had the exact same problem as you. I can view ‘live’ feeds in Hik-connect but not download clips. I’ve been researching this over the last couple of days and managed to solve it — at least for myself, I hope this works for you.

All I did was change Video Encoding from H265+ back to H265 and problem was solved — no need to reduce the resolution. If this doesn’t work try H264.

The drawback is the saved video files will be larger but at least you can view them in Hik-connect by phone.

Thanks for your reply and tip but I already have it on h265 as the + is known to have issues.




New Member

I have two Hikvision Ip cameras. I have activated them, they live stream fine to web, blueiris and Hik connect app, but the problem is when trying to play back a clip from Hik connect app.

Randomly at times it would play back, other times it would not, but now It wont play back any clip. I can play back files from the cameras web interface but hik connect gets to high percentages then stops, some times its 98%, 73%, its random but always high percentages. It stays there then I get the error code 260015.

For the record I can play back clips from my Bluiris App, v380pro and Reolink app either while on the network or outside it. Its just Hik connect. Im not sure if this is to do with it but the Hikvision cameras NAT now has UpNp off as its a risk to have that open, in either case when it was on the port mapping failed on most ports.

I recently purchased a 2087g2 colourvu. Legitimate UK. running 5.5.154 firmware on virgin 100mb and camera using micro Sd with no nvr installed. I have the same issue and with hik connect playback. on home WiFi and camera added via ip/domain playback works with the hik connect app.
But Using WiFi or 4g with camera on hik connect domain playback does exactly.the same.
I have tried every setting possible. Searched and the only way to watch playback with camera on hik connect domain not ip/domain is to set max bit rate to 256 or 512 and it works on any resolution setting but footage not of quality. Works with Any frame rate and any compression but change bit rate anything above 512 and none load they reach 98% time out and 260015.
I have another 8mp 2386g2 and that one is set to 12288kbps and hik connect domain on 4g works fine.
Personally I think its a firmware issue with the colourvu cameras
I tried contacting hikvision but because I’m and end user they don’t deal with us .
I have even just had a new virgin hub 3.0 from 2.0 and exactly the same . 108m down 10m up

Is any others also experiencing the same issues as hopefully a solution is out there



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