Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

After compiling the .au3 on Win 7 64-bit get the Auto it error : Unable to open the script file on executing the exe. searched the forum tried solutions like disabling Trend Micro etc. Is there any better solution...? Need help..
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Hi, I am having the same problem, even stated it as a bug here in the bug tracker https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3183 As you can see, the bug (it IS a bug) was closed shortly after cr


Problem solved! Behavior Monitoring has to be disabled for Aut2Exe.exe.

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  1. Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file
  2. Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file
  3. Скрипт выдал ошибку, что делать?
  4. Фатальные ошибки AutoIt
  5. Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file
  6. Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

Сообщения: 16785
Благодарности: 3227

Сообщения: 32

Последний раз редактировалось 2009 matador, 08-01-2010 в 18:54 . Причина: уточнение


Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

Сообщения: 16785
Благодарности: 3227

Конфигурация компьютера
Память: 16 гб
Звук: Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
Ноутбук/нетбук: LENOVO ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL
» width=»100%» style=»BORDER-RIGHT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #719bd9 1px solid» cellpadding=»6″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″>

Сообщения: 32

Последний раз редактировалось 2009 matador, 08-01-2010 в 18:54 . Причина: уточнение


Скрипт выдал ошибку, что делать?

Обычно сообщение об ошибке достаточно информативно, чтобы исправить эту ошибку. Если сообщение указывает на строку, в которой нет ошибки, то скорее всего не закрыт цикл или условие.

Нашли строку, но не знаете что с ней делать? Поставьте перед сбойной строкой MsgBox с выводом значения переменной, чтоб увидеть, являются ли данные тем, что необходимо получить. И если переменная является массивом, то используйте _ArrayDisplay, добавив в начало скрипта #include

Если скрипт был найден на форуме, то попытайтесь выяснить версию AutoIt3, с которой использовался скрипт, например по дате поста. Проверьте чтобы все необходимые скрипту #include добавлены в папку AutoIt3Include или рядом со скриптом.

Одна из трудно выявляемых ошибок — одинаковая переменная счётчика $i для двух циклов For. Next, один из которых является вложенным в другой. Вполне понятно, что это нарушит работу циклов, иногда даже выдавая близкий к ожидаемому результат.

Если окно ошибки указывает на переменную являющуюся элементом массива, даже если вы уверены что с массивом всё в порядке, то очень вероятно, что цикл использует индекс превышающий существующие индексы в массиве. Используйте UBound ( $array ) — 1 или, если количество элементов хранится в $array [ 0 ] , то проверьте, что это значение соответствует действительности.

Фатальные ошибки AutoIt

Ниже приведен полный список фатальных ошибок AutoIt, возникающих при неправильном написании скриптов пользователем. Всего 74


Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

Сообщения: 16785
Благодарности: 3227

Конфигурация компьютера
Память: 16 гб
Звук: Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
Ноутбук/нетбук: LENOVO ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL
» width=»100%» style=»BORDER-RIGHT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #719bd9 1px solid» cellpadding=»6″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″>

Сообщения: 32

Последний раз редактировалось 2009 matador, 08-01-2010 в 18:54 . Причина: уточнение


Ошибка autoit error unable to open the script file

Сообщения: 16785
Благодарности: 3227

Конфигурация компьютера
Память: 16 гб
Звук: Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
Ноутбук/нетбук: LENOVO ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL
» width=»100%» style=»BORDER-RIGHT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #719bd9 1px solid» cellpadding=»6″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″>

Читайте также:  Атол 22 прошивка 4887

Сообщения: 32

Последний раз редактировалось 2009 matador, 08-01-2010 в 18:54 . Причина: уточнение



Конфигурация компьютера
Память: 16 гб
Звук: Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
Ноутбук/нетбук: LENOVO ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL
» width=»100%» style=»BORDER-RIGHT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #719bd9 1px solid» cellpadding=»6″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″>

I stopped using the res file stuff, and switched to FileInstall() :

FileInstall("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe",@TEMPDIR & "Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe")
FileInstall("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Server LauncherLicence.txt",@TEMPDIR & "Licence.txt")

Then you just use the file. Also, your paths are different:

AutoitBungee Server Launcher{LICENCE.TXT}

Open up a command prompt and check the full path :

cd C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoit & dir licence.txt /b /s

Another solution would be to make the text file a variable. Open the file in SciTE, replace the regular expression ^(.*)$ by "$1" & @CRLF &_, then copy and paste it into the script.

Here is the code with FileInstall() and a couple fixes. I tested with different paths, and it worked. Functions should be self-contained, so I made them mostly internal. Ideally, you’d have them do a Return SetError() and put the MsgBox() outside the function call.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=......DesktopMinecraft Server Launcher Installer.exe
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>

; Target path of temp files - you should add code to delete these when done
$LAUNCHPATH = @TempDir & "BMSLauncher.exe"
$LICENCEPATH = @TempDir & "BMSLicence.txt"

; Check if the install files exist, and if not, output to console
$EXIST1 = FileExists("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe")
$EXIST2 = FileExists("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Server LauncherLicence.txt")

If Not $EXIST1 Or Not $EXIST2 Then
    ConsoleWrite("ERROR! FILE(S) NOT FOUND!" & @CRLF)
    If Not $EXIST1 Then ConsoleWrite("LAUNCHER FILE NOT FOUND!" & @CRLF)
    If Not $EXIST2 Then ConsoleWrite("LICENCE FILE NOT FOUND!" & @CRLF)

; Copy files to destination
FileInstall("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe", $LAUNCHPATH, 1)
FileInstall("C:UsersKristianSkyDriveAutoitBungee Server LauncherLicence.txt", $LICENCEPATH, 1)

; Read licence file to variable

$msgbox1 = MsgBox(36, "Minecraft Server Launcher Installer", "Do you want to install the Launcher?")

If $msgbox1 = 6 Then
    $EULAGUI = GUICreate("Minecraft Server Launcher Installer", 373, 325)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel("Read the following agreement. Scroll down to view the rest of the agreement.", 10, 10)
    GUICtrlCreateEdit($LICENCE, 10, 51, 350, 191, $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_READONLY + $ES_MULTILINE)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel("Do you accept all the terms of the license agreement? Selecting No" & @CRLF & "cancels the installation. You must accept the agreement to install.", 10, 250)
    $YES = GUICtrlCreateButton("Yes", 204, 296, 75, 23)
    $NO = GUICtrlCreateButton("No", 290, 296, 75, 23)
    While 1
        $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Switch $msg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $NO
            Case $YES

Func Choose_Loc()
    Local $LOCGUI = GUICreate("Minecraft Server Launcher Installer", 363, 108)
    GUICtrlCreateLabel("Choose Install Location", 10, 5)
    $INPUT = GUICtrlCreateInput("C:Program Files (x86)KnarCraftMinecraft Server Launcher", 10, 40, 255, 22)
    $BROWSE = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse...", 275, 40, 80, 23)
    $CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 275, 75, 80, 23)
    $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 185, 75, 80, 23)
    While 1
        ; you could make the switch guigetmsg() without $msg, idk what's best practice here
        $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Switch $msg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $CANCEL
            Case $OK
                Local $INSTALLPATH = GUICtrlRead($INPUT)
                If FileExists($INSTALLPATH) Then
                    Install($LAUNCHPATH, $INSTALLPATH)
            Case $BROWSE
                $FOLDER = FileSelectFolder("Choose Install Location...", "", 7)
                If Not $FOLDER = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($INPUT, $FOLDER)
EndFunc   ;==>Choose_Loc

Func Install($FPATH, $IPATH)
    Local $ERROR
    ; you should check for a trailing slash on the $IPATH input
    $IPATH &= "Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe"
    FileCopy($FPATH, $IPATH)
    $ERROR = @error
    FileCreateShortcut($IPATH, @DesktopDir & "Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.ink")
    If Not @error And Not $ERROR Then
        MsgBox(64, "Finished", "Installation completed with no errors. Please enjoy your new software.")
        MsgBox(16, "Finished", "The installation was interrupted by an error and the software may not work.")
EndFunc   ;==>Install

Скрипт выдал ошибку, что делать?

Обычно сообщение об ошибке достаточно информативно, чтобы исправить эту ошибку. Если сообщение указывает на строку, в которой нет ошибки, то скорее всего не закрыт цикл или условие.

Нашли строку, но не знаете что с ней делать? Поставьте перед сбойной строкой MsgBox с выводом значения переменной, чтоб увидеть, являются ли данные тем, что необходимо получить. И если переменная является массивом, то используйте _ArrayDisplay, добавив в начало скрипта #include

Если скрипт был найден на форуме, то попытайтесь выяснить версию AutoIt3, с которой использовался скрипт, например по дате поста. Проверьте чтобы все необходимые скрипту #include добавлены в папку AutoIt3Include или рядом со скриптом.

Одна из трудно выявляемых ошибок — одинаковая переменная счётчика $i для двух циклов For. Next, один из которых является вложенным в другой. Вполне понятно, что это нарушит работу циклов, иногда даже выдавая близкий к ожидаемому результат.

Если окно ошибки указывает на переменную являющуюся элементом массива, даже если вы уверены что с массивом всё в порядке, то очень вероятно, что цикл использует индекс превышающий существующие индексы в массиве. Используйте UBound ( $array ) — 1 или, если количество элементов хранится в $array [ 0 ] , то проверьте, что это значение соответствует действительности.

Фатальные ошибки AutoIt

Ниже приведен полный список фатальных ошибок AutoIt, возникающих при неправильном написании скриптов пользователем. Всего 74


How to remove AutoIt Error In Windows 11/10

In this post, we will show you how to remove the AutoIt Error in Windows 11/10 computer. Some users have this issue that every time they start their computer, they receive an error message because of some corrupt data related to AutoIt. It could be because of files, Registry values, and/or folders associated with AutoIt. If you are also facing the same problem, then the solutions added in this post might help you. The AutoIt error message received by users goes like this:

Line 0 (File “C:GoogleChromeGoogleChrome.a3x”):

Error: Error opening the file.

What is AutoIt?

AutoIt is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. However some malware are know to use this name or this script to inject malware, so one has to be careful.

How to remove AutoIt Error in Windows 11/10

To remove the AutoIt Error from your Windows 11/10 computer, the following solutions might come in handy:

  1. Delete AutoIt entries using File Explorer
  2. Delete AutoIt string values from Registry Editor
  3. Use your antivirus to perform a system scan for viruses
  4. Remove AutoIt scripts from Windows startup.

Let’s check these solutions one by one.

AutoIt Error opening the file

1] Delete AutoIt entries using File Explorer

If there are files (EXE, TXT, DLL, etc.) and folders associated with AutoIt present on your computer, then it is possible that you are getting this AutoIt error. In that case, you need to find and delete such AutoIt entries with the help of File Explorer.

So, open File Explorer, access C drive (or where you have installed Windows) and find and delete suspicious files like KHATRA.exe, names.txt, svchost.com, sass.exe, Ask.com.exe, Exterminate It!.exe, driver—grap.exe, xerox.exe, etc. You will find these files in different locations or folders such as Program Files, Windows, System, System32, and more. It will take some time but this might help you fix the problem.

Apart from that, also check if there are folders like cuhu, CIDD_P, and bycool1, present in the user profile, Windows, and System folder. If yes, delete such malicious folders from your computer. After that, restart your computer, and the problem should be gone now.

2] Delete AutoIt string values from Registry Editor

If there are suspicious string values like Windows Update, AutorunRemover.exe, GoogleChrome, UnlockerAssistant, USBScan.exe, NBKeyScan, ApnUpdater, SoundMan, ShStatEXE, PTHOSTTR, ShutdownEventCheck, WHITNEY_S2P, GhostStartTrayApp, igfxhkcmd, Adobe ARM, SkyTel, HotKeysCmds, BCSSync, GrooveMonitor, etc., present in Registry Editor, then you need to delete those AutoIt string values in order to solve this problem. Before doing that, it is recommended to backup Windows Registry so that you can restore it later if something wrong happens. Once it is done, follow these steps:

  • Type regedit in the Search box of your Windows 11/10 computer
  • Press Enter key to open Registry Editor
  • Access the following path:
  • On the right-hand section, select all those suspicious entries
  • Right-click to open the context menu
  • Click on the Delete A confirmation box will open
  • Press the Yes button in that box
  • Restart your computer.

3] Use your antivirus to perform a system scan for viruses

It is always good to have a good antivirus program installed on your computer and you should perform a system scan from time to time. If your antivirus is good, start a system scan to check for viruses and delete them (if found any). Otherwise, you can use some other antivirus program to fix this problem. Thankfully, there are a lot of good free antivirus tools available to use that you can try.

4] Remove AutoIt scripts from Windows startup

It might be possible that some AutoIt scripts are present in your computer that run automatically when Windows starts because of which you face this problem every time. Therefore, you need to remove such AutoIt scripts from the Windows startup. For this, use the following steps:

  1. Download and install Microsoft Autoruns for Windows
  2. Launch the tool to open its interface
  3. Click on the Logon tab
  4. In the image path column of the Logon tab, look for the references to a3x and GoogleChrome. If you find such references, select them
  5. Press the Delete button. A confirmation box will pop-up
  6. Press the OK button in that box
  7. If you are not able to find such entries, then switch to the Everything tab
  8. Click on the Search icon present on the top left part of its interface to find GoogleChrome
  9. Once you find that item, uncheck the checkbox selected for that entry. This will disable the Registry entry related to that item
  10. Finally, restart your computer, and you should not see that AutoIt error anymore.

Hope something from these solutions will be helpful for you.

Is AutoIt a virus?

AutoIt (in its reasonable or acceptable form) is actually an automation language that is used for scripting Windows-based applications. On the other hand, if AutoIt is in its malicious form, then it can be used for creating malware with different functionality. So, if later is the case, and you are having issues like getting AutoIt error on Windows start, then you should remove all its entries from Registry Editor, remove its scripts from Windows startup, and delete files and folders from your computer. The solutions covered in this post above will help you remove such items.

How do I remove AutoIt EXE virus?

If AutoIt entries like its Registry string values, folders, EXE files, DLL files, etc., are present in your Windows 11/10 computer and you are having trouble with it, then you need to remove all such entries from your computer. You can perform a virus scan for your computer, delete its string values manually, and also use a free tool by Microsoft to remove AutoIt scripts from Windows startup. All such solutions are covered in this post above in detail.


Autoit error unable to open the script file как исправить на виндовс 10

Сообщения: 16778
Благодарности: 3227

Сообщения: 32

Последний раз редактировалось 2009 matador, 08-01-2010 в 18:54 . Причина: уточнение


How to Fix AutoIt error (Line 0) on Windows 11, 10

Are getting the AutoIt Error (Line 0) on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC? Here’re the ways to resolve the issue.

There are a number of reports that have been seen in Microsoft Forums and on other platforms about the AutoIt Error message. This message pops up every time the user startup their Windows PC. The error message window titled, AutoIt Error with further information saying, “Line 0” along with the message “Error: Error opening the file.”

If you are also facing the same issue and want a resolution to this, then stick around to this fixing guide and I’ll show you the different ways to troubleshoot and fix the AutoIt Error on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC.

How to Fix the AutoIt Error on Windows

Attention Windows Users!!

Facing issues on your Windows PC every now and then? We would recommend you use the Restoro PC Repair tool.

It is a one-stop solution to repair common computer errors, protect your Windows PC from data loss, malware, hardware failure, Registry issues, BSOD errors, etc. and optimize your PC for maximum performance in just three simple steps:

  1. Download Restoro Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (see patents here).
  2. Install and click on Start Scan to find the issues on your Windows PC.
  3. Finally, click on Repair All to fix the issues.

475,131 readers have downloaded Restoro this month.

The AutoIt error message can occur due to a number of causes. It can be due to a virus/malware, due to some improperly-working registry settings, pending windows updates, etc. Based on the causes, here are the various ways to fix this issue.

1. Run a Virus Scan

Previous experiences have revealed that the AutoIt error message is usually caused due to malware called Veronica. This malware has been found in a number of Windows PCs affected by the AutoIt error message.

Hence there is a very high possibility that the issue is again being caused by malware (probably Veronica) and its direct solution is to run a system malware scan.

For this, you can either rely on 3rd-party antivirus software or can also try the windows built-in malware scan. To run the Windows default malware scan on Windows 11:

  1. Open the Windows Settings by using the Win + I key combination.
  2. Navigate to Privacy & security > Windows Security.
  3. Click on Open Windows Security.
  4. On the Windows Security window, click on Virus & threat protection.
  5. Click on Scan options located right below the Quick scan button. You can also run the Quick scan if you want, prior the full scan.
  6. Select the Full Scan from the list and hit the Scan now button.

Let Windows scan the system and if there is any threat (virus/malware) found, treat it accordingly i.e. remove it and see if the issue is fixed or not.

2. Edit the Windows Registry

  1. Search for the Registry Editor and open it. You can also enter regedit in the Run dialog box (Win + R) to open it.
  2. Click on File and select Export… to export and backup the current registry setup. Select an accessible location to export the registry.
  3. Once done, Navigate to the following path:
    You can also directly copy and paste the path to the address bar of the window.
  4. In the Run directory delete all the strings with the type REG_SZ.
  5. Now navigate to the following path:
  6. Again select all the strings with the type REG_SZ and delete them.

Once done, restart your PC and your AutoIt error should be gone by now. If it’s not, then it is advised to import the registry backup that we backed up by going to Edit > Import… in the Registry Editor window.

3. Reinstall AutoIt

The files of the currently installed AutoIt might be facing some corruption. In such a case, you should try uninstalling and then reinstalling the AutoIt on your Windows PC.

  1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Win + R on your keyboard.
  2. Enter appwiz.cpl and hit OK.
  3. This will open the Programs and Features window in Control Panel.
  4. Here, select the AutoIt program and click on Uninstall.
  5. Click on Yes to confirm the selection and uninstall it.
  6. Restart your PC and then download AutoIt’s new and fresh installer setup file from here.
  7. After downloading the file, open it and install AutoIt on your PC.

Once done, again restart your PC and see if the issue is resolved or not.

4. Reset Windows

Finally, if nothing works, try resetting your Windows PC. Resetting the PC will restore all the system files, programs, and settings to their default state. Here’s how to reset Windows 11.

  1. Open Windows Settings by pressing Win + I.
  2. Navigate to System > Recovery.
  3. Click on Reset PC under the Recovery options section.
  4. On the Reset this PC window, select an appropriate option. I would advise you to select the Keep my files option to prevent data loss.
  5. Now, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the resetting process.

Bottom Line

So these were the ways by which you can solve the AutoIt Error on your Windows PC. The issue is most probably happening due to some malware and hence running a thorough system scan is a really important thing to do.

If the windows system scan didn’t find any malware, you should consider a good third-party antivirus for your PC. However, if the malware is not the issue in your case, then editing the Windows registry in the way I have depicted above will definitely help.

For additional measures, you can also consider reinstalling AutoIt and can also try resetting the PC.



Конфигурация компьютера
Память: 16 гб
Звук: Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
Ноутбук/нетбук: LENOVO ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL
» width=»100%» style=»BORDER-RIGHT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #719bd9 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #719bd9 1px solid» cellpadding=»6″ cellspacing=»0″ border=»0″>


  1. Исправляем ошибку AutoIt Error line 15139
  2. Кратко о скриптах AutoIt
  3. Как удалить?
  4. AutoIt Error. Unable to open the script file. (заявка № 50063)
  5. AutoIt error (заявка № 58608)
  6. How to fix the AutoIt error [Full Guide]
  7. How can I fix the AutoIt error?
  8. 1. Run a malware scan
  9. Malwarebytes
  10. 2. Edit the registry
  11. 3. Uninstall AutoIt
  12. 4. Remove AutoIt scripts from startup
  13. 5. Reset your Windows 10

Исправляем ошибку AutoIt Error line 15139

Screenshot 18

Ошибки, описанные в этой статье, в большинстве случаев возникают при включении компьютера. Именно она и спасает нас от заражения вирусом. Давайте узнаем подробности о AutoIt Error line 15139: как исправить и что делать в первую очередь?

autoit error line 15139

Кратко о скриптах AutoIt

AutoIt – это скриптовый язык для выполнения различных задач в Windows. Учитывая его тесную связь с популярной ОС, некоторые «черные» программисты используют его для написания вредоносных тулов. Они способны повредить личные данные или вывести систему из строя. Но некоторые хакеры тоже совершают ошибки и всплывающее окно с сообщением AutoIt Error line 15139 сигнализирует о том, что опасное приложение не смогло запуститься на вашем компьютере.

Теперь, зная об угрозе, можно спокойно приступить к удалению скрипта, не переживая о повреждении компьютера.

Как удалить?

Для этого выполните ряд простых рекомендаций:

papka avtozagruzka v windows 10


Данных действий должно быть достаточно для решения проблемы.

Теперь вы знаете многое об ошибке AutoIt Error line 15139: как исправить и причины ее появления. Если есть вопросы или исправления – пишите в комментарии.


AutoIt Error. Unable to open the script file. (заявка № 50063)

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AutoIt error unable to open the script file
DeadMoroz 22.10.2010 17:56 https://www.cyberforum.ru/post1049038.html

tick[ILINK32 Error] Error: Unable to open file ‘TEERESOU.RES’
Ошибка возникает, когда снимаю галочку «Link with runtime packages». А по-иному никак не запустить.

Error: Unable to open include file
Доброе время суток, недавно захотел попробовать писать программы под DOS, для этого установил себе.

[Linker Error] Unable to open file ‘$(RSFILES).RES’
Добрый день товарищи.У меня следующего рода проблема. Захожу в Builder6 запускаю свой проект и.

Проблема компилятора. [ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file.
Не пойму в чем проблема, при написании любого рабочего кода и последующей его компиляции следующая.

[ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file » (RAD 2007)
Здравствуйте, столкнулся с проблемой при компиляции проекта пишет: Fatal: Unable to open file ».

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Сменил rad studio 2010 на Berlin 10.1 При компиляции проекта вылетает вот такая ошибка.

[ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file ‘GLUT32.LIB’
В RadStudio возникает вот такая проблема. Вроде все как надо закинул по папкам Fatal: Unable to.


AutoIt error (заявка № 58608)

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надеюсь что сейчас все правильно сделал )


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autoit позволяет создавать exe файлы. И если у вас проблемы в работе с таким файлом, обращайтесь к его автору.


самое смешное что я не знаю что это за файл вызывает ошибку


Сделейте лог HijackThis во время когда ошибка на экране. И ещё один после того как нажмёте ОК.


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How to fix the AutoIt error [Full Guide]


autoit error

Some users have reported an AutoIt error on Microsoft’s support forum. When that issue arises, users see an AutoIt Error message pop up every time Windows starts up.

The specified file path within that error message can vary, but despite the file path, there are a couple of solutions that you can use to fix this problem.

How can I fix the AutoIt error?

1. Run a malware scan

malwarebytes scan option

The AutoIt Error is often due to malware known as Veronica. Thus, it could be a very good idea to run a Malwarebytes scan if you need to fix that issue. Malwarebytes is one of the most highly-rated utilities for detecting and removing malware.

The full Malwarebytes Premium version provides real-time malware detection on top of its scanner utility with which users can manually run scans. This software» href=»https://windowsreport.com/software/» data-id=»http://data.windowsreport.com/windowsreport/entity/software;http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m.01mf0;http://dbpedia.org/resource/Software» >software can purge worms, rootkits, Trojans, ransomware, and viruses from your PC.

Other Malwarebytes features


Remove all malware and fix malware-related errors easily with Malwarebytes.

2. Edit the registry

After making these changes, the AutoIt error should be gone.

Note: The REG_SZ strings specified above will include autoit3.exe, windowsupdate.lnk, googleupdate.a3x, or googleupdate.lnk within their data paths. Entering those data path keywords within Registry Editor’s Find tool should also locate the REG_SZ strings you need to erase.

3. Uninstall AutoIt

You can uninstall AutoIt and more thoroughly erase its leftover files and registry entries with third-party uninstaller software.

4. Remove AutoIt scripts from startup

You can remove AutoIt scripts from the Windows startup with Autoruns. That’s one of the most detailed startup monitor tools for Windows. By using this tool, you should be able to fix the AutoIt error line 0 error opening the file message.

5. Reset your Windows 10

Keep in mind that Factory reset will remove installed applications, so you’ll have to install them once again.

Users have confirmed the above fixes can resolve the AutoIt error on Windows 10, so be sure to try them all.

Did you find a solution for this problem on your own? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section.

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