Ошибка c0100 kyocera 3040

ошибка возникла давно до вчерашнего дня сбрасывалась перевключением, а теперь не помогает, помогите кто может

kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

ошибка возникла давно до вчерашнего дня сбрасывалась перевключением, а теперь не помогает, помогите кто может

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Зарегистрирован: 07:32 — 31.01.12
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Re: kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

Непрочитанное сообщение Vadik_M » 07:09 — 17.04.13

FS3040 Перепрошить просит

C0100 Backup memory device

Волгоград. ул. Новорядская 58. т. (8442)990-911

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Re: kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

Непрочитанное сообщение gridima2007 » 06:28 — 18.04.13

а для прошивки нужно какое-то спецоборудование или просто по USB залить можно, и где взять прошивку? заранее спасибо!!!

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Зарегистрирован: 07:32 — 31.01.12
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Re: kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

Непрочитанное сообщение Vadik_M » 10:32 — 18.04.13

Заливается просто, через USB (справа под панелью слот).
USB флэшка не более 2гб, FAT. В корень кидаете два файлика.
Вставить флэшку, включить аппарат и дождаться окончания процедуры. Он сам все сделает. Затем выключить. Вынуть флэшку.
…По поводу «где взять»??? Погуглите.
У меня есть, но старенькая (сентября 11 года).

Волгоград. ул. Новорядская 58. т. (8442)990-911

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Re: kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

Непрочитанное сообщение Kilimotr » 11:36 — 30.04.13

Если всё ещё актуально, могу выслать самую свежую прошивку апреля 2012 (08.00.0050) весом 52МБ.
Кстати, флэшка может быть и 4, и 8ГБ. Только принимает флэшки не от любого производителя. То, что великолепно читается на FS-4020, может не пойти на вашем МФП.

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Re: kyocers fs3040 ошибка С0100

Непрочитанное сообщение Kastus » 13:16 — 21.12.17

Alex640, спасибо!
Прошивка тоже помогла, кстати флешка на 4 Гб тоже подходит для прошивки.

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Код ошибки Описание ошибки Причина ошибки 0030 FAX control PWB system error
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem. Defective FAX PWB. 0070 FAX PWB incompatible detection Error
Abnormal detection of FAX PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. Defective fax software. Defective FAX PWB. 0100 Backup memory device error Defective flash memory. Defective main PWB. 0120 MAC address data error
For data in which the MAC address is invalid. Defective flash memory. Defective engine PWB. 0130 Backup memory read/write error Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB. 0140 Backup memory data error Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB. 0150 Control PWB EEPROM error
Detecting control PWB EEPROM (U17) communication error. Improper installation control PWB EEPROM (U17). Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17). 0170 Billing counting error Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17). 0180 Machine number mismatch
Machine number of main and engine does not match. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17). 0420 Paper feeder communication error
Communication error between control PWB and optional paper feeder. Improper installation paper feeder. Defective harness between control PWB (YC30) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective control PWB. Defective harness between PF main PWB (YC5) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. 0830 FAX PWB flash program area checksum error
A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX PWB. Defective fax software. Defective FAX PWB. 0840 Faults of RTC
The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. Defective control PWB. The battery is disconnected from the control PWB. 0870 FAX PWB to control PWB high capacity data transfer problem
High-capacity data transfer between the FAX PWB and the control PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times. Improper installation FAX PWB. Defective FAX PWB or control PWB. 0920 Fax file system error
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX PWB. Defective FAX PWB. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB. 1010 Lift motor error
During driving the lift motor, a motor overcurrent signal is detected for 5 s. This error is detected five times successively. Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor. Defective lift motor. Defective engine PWB or connect-R PWB. 2000 Main motor error
The main motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the main motor is ON. Defective harness between main motor (CN1) and control PWB (YC17), or improper connector insertion. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective control PWB. 2200 Drum motor steady-state error
The drum motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the drum motor is ON. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the drum motor. Defective drum motor. Defective engine PWB. 3100 ISU home position error Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective FFC between control PWB (YC6) and scanner PWB (YC103), or improper FFC insertion. Defective home position sensor. Defective harness between ISU motor and scanner PWB (YC104), or improper connector insertion. Defective ISU motor. 3200 Exposure lamp error
The exposure lamp is not turned on. Defective FFC between scanner PWB (YC103) and control PWB (YC6), or improper FFC insertion. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective harness between CCD PWB (YC3) and inverter PWB (YC101), or improper connector insertion. Defective harness between inverter PWB (YC102) and exposure lamp, or improper connector insertion. Defective exposure lamp. Defective inverter PWB. Defective control PWB. 3300 AGC error
After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective exposure lamp. Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB. 3500 Communication error between scanner and ASIC
An error code is detected. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective CCD PWB. Defective main PWB. 4000 Polygon motor (laser scanner unit) error
The polygon motor ready input is not given for 6 s during the polygon motor is ON. Defective harness between polygon motor and control PWB (YC10), or improper connector insertion. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB. 4200 BD error (laser scanner unit) error BD sensor does not detect laser beam due to condensation on the polygon mirror. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB. 4700 VIDEO ASIC device error
Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective main PWB or engine PWB. 4700 VIDEO ASIC device error
Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective main PWB or engine PWB. 5100 Main charger high-voltage error
Five pages have been printed with the main charger output short-circuited. Drum unit installed incorrectly. Engine PWB installed incorrectly. Defective engine PWB. 6000 Broken fuser heater wire
The temperature does not reach 100°C/212°F after the fuser heater has been turned on continuously for 30 s. The temperature does not rise by 1°C/1.8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 15 s during warm-up or at standby.(Only when the detection temperature is less than 200°C.) Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Fuser thermostat triggered. Broken fuser heater wire. 6020 Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature
Fuser thermistor detects abnormally temperature. Shorted fuser thermistor. Defective control PWB. 6030 Broken fuser thermistor wire
Input from fuser thermistor is 0 (A/D value). Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Broken fuser thermistor wire. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater lamp installed incorrectly. Broken fuser heater lamp wire. 6220 Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature
The temperature of the fuser thermistor 1 detects 255°C/491°F or more continuously for 3 s. Shorted fuser thermistor 1. Defective engine PWB. 6230 Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire
average AD value input from fuser thermistor 1 for 1.8 seconds is less than one. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire. Fuser thermostat triggered. Broken fuser heater wire. 6400 Zero cross signal error
The zero cross signal does not reach the control PWB for specified time. Defective harness between high voltage PWB (YC202) and control PWB (YC23), or improper connector insertion. Defective connection between power source PWB (YC103) and high voltage PWB (YC201). Defective power source PWB. Defective control PWB. 7000 Toner motor lock error
During driving the toner motor, a motor overcurrent signal is detected for 5 s. Lump of toner inside toner container. Defective drive transmission system of the toner motor. Defective toner motor. Defective engine PWB. 7410 Drum unit non- installing error The drum unit is not installed or not installed properly. The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally. The drum unit is not installed. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drum PWB EEPROM. Defective engine PWB. 9500 BRU communication error IPU PWB error 9510 BRU PWB error IPU PWB error 9520 BRU PWB data error IPU PWB error F000 Main PWB — operation panel PWB communication error Defective main PWB. Defective operation panel PWB. F010 Main PWB checksum error Defective main PWB. F020 Main PWB RAM checksum error Defective main memory (RAM) on the main PWB. Defective expanded memory (DIMM). F040 Main PWB — engine PWB communication error Defective main PWB. Defective engine PWB. F041 Main PWB — scanner communication error Defective main PWB. F050 Engine ROM checksum error Defective engine PWB. F051 Scan engine ROM checksum error Defective engine PWB.
  • Code: 0030
  • Description: FAX control PWB system error
    Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a software problem.
  • Causes: FAX control PWB.
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, re-mount the FAX controller PWB, then turn power on. 2. Reinstall the fax software. 3. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0060
  • Description: Control PWB mismatch
    Unmatching engine and engine sub boards. Defective engine subboard
  • Causes: Control PWB
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0070
  • Description: FAX control PWB incompatible detection error
    Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
  • Causes: FAX control PWB (The FAX PWB installed will not be the one designed for the machine.
  • Remedy: 1. Install the FAX system designed for the model. 2. Reinstall the fax software.
  • Code: 0100
  • Description: Backup memory device error
  • Causes: EEPROM (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM on the main circuit PWB is peroperly installed on the main circuit PWB and, if not, re-install it. 3. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0110
  • Description: Backup memory data error
  • Causes: EEPROM (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM on the main circuit PWB is peroperly installed on the main circuit PWB and, if not, re-install it. 3. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0120
  • Description: MAC address data error
    For data in which the MAC address is invalid.
  • Causes: EEPROM (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check the MAC address on the network status page. 3. If it is blank, obtain an EEPROM with its MAC address written from the service support and install. 4. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0130
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (main NAMD)
  • Causes: Flash memory (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation
  • Code: 0140
  • Description: Backup memory data error (main NAND)
  • Causes: Flash memory (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0150
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (control PWB)
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Causes: EEPROM (Control PWB)
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM is peroperly installed on the control PWB and reinstall it. 3. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation. 4. Check the EEPROM and if the data are currupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0160
  • Description: Backup memory data error (control PWB)
    Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal.
  • Causes: EEPROM
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Execute U021 — memory initializing. 3. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0170
  • Description: Billing counting error
    The values on the main circuit PWB and on the engine do not match for any of charging counter, life counter, and scanner counter.
  • Causes: EEPROM. Control PWB
  • Remedy: EEPROM 1. Check that the EEPROMs installed in the control PWB are correct and, if not, use the correct EEPROM for the model. 2. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0180
  • Description: Machine number mismatch
    Machine number of control does not match.
  • Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
  • Remedy: 1. Confirm the machine data for the control units by using U004. 2. If the serial number data of different models is alternately displayed, install the correct EEPROM in the PWB of the wrong serial number data. 3. Contact the Service Support.
  • Code: 0190
  • Description: Backup memory device error (control PWB)
  • Causes: Control PWB
  • Remedy: Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0800
  • Description: Image processing error
    JAM010X is detected twice.
  • Causes: Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0830
  • Description: FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error
    A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB.
  • Causes: FAX software. FAX control PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX software 1. Reinstall the fax software.
    FAX control PWB 1. Execute initializing by U600.(Refer to the FAX service manual) 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0840
  • Description: Faults of RTC (“Time for maintenance T” is displayed) [Check at power up]
    The RTC setting has reverted to a previous state. The machine has not been powered for 5 years (compared to the settings stored periodically in the EEPROM). The RTC setting is older than 00:01 on January 1, 2000. [Checked periodically (in 5- minute interval) after powered up] The RTC setting has reverted to a state older than the last time it was checked. 10 minutes have been passed since the previous check.
  • Causes: Battery (Control PWB). Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Battery (Control PWB) 1. Make sure that the back-up batteries on the control PWB are not short-circuited. 2. If the same C call is displayed when power is switched on and off, replace the back up battery. 3. If communication error (due to a noise, etc.) is present with the RTC on the control PWB, check the PWB is properly grounded.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0870
  • Description: PCFAX control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer error
    High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times.
  • Causes: FAX control PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, re-mount the FAX controller PWB, then turn power on. 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0920
  • Description: Fax file system error
    The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB.
  • Causes: FAX control PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX control PWB 1. Execute initializing by U600 (Refer to the FAX service manual). 2. Replace the FAX control PWB.
  • Code: 0970
  • Description: 24 V power down detect
    If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second.
  • Causes: Connect right PWB. Control PWB
  • Remedy: Connect right PWB 1. Check the +24V output is given at YC4- 10 to 13 of the connect right PWB. 2. Replace the connect right PWB
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB
  • Code: 1010
  • Description: Lift motor error (50/60 ppm model only)
    After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 10 s. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Causes: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the lift motor. Lift motor. Connect right PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Lift motor and connect right PWB (YC9) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29)
    Drive transmission system of the lift motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Lift motor Replace the lift motor.
    Connect right PWB Replace the connect right PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1020
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Causes: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. PF lift motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF lift motor Replace the PF lift motor 1.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1030
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Causes: Dottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. PF lift motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Dottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF lift motor Replace the PF lift motor 2.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1040
  • Description: PF lift motor 3 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 3 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Causes: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. PF lift motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 3 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF lift motor Replace the PF lift motor 3.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1050
  • Description: PF lift motor 4 error (paper feeder)
    After cassette 5 is inserted, PF lift sensor 4 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Causes: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. PF lift motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 4 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF lift motor Replace the PF lift motor 4.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1800
  • Description: Paper feeder 1 communication error
    A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Causes: Paper feeder. Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. PF main PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder Follow installation instruction carefully again.
    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and control PWB (YC22)
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1810
  • Description: Paper feeder 2 communication error
    A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC22) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1820
  • Description: Paper feeder 3 communication error
    A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Control PWB
  • Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with paper feeder unit 2 and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and PF main PWB (YC22). 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1830
  • Description: Paper feeder 4 communication error
    A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Control PWB
  • Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with paper feeder unit 3 and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
    PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and PF main PWB (YC22). 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1900
  • Description: Paper feeder 1 EEPROM error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession.
  • Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
  • Remedy: PF main PWB (EEPROM) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
  • Code: 1910
  • Description: Paper feeder 2 EEPROM error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession.
  • Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
  • Remedy: PF main PWB (EEPROM) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in.Replace the PF main PWB.
  • Code: 1920
  • Description: Paper feeder 3 EEPROM error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession.
  • Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
  • Remedy: PF main PWB (EEPROM) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
  • Code: 1930
  • Description: Paper feeder 4 EEPROM error
    When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession.
  • Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
  • Remedy: PF main PWB (EEPROM) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
  • Code: 2000
  • Description: Main motor startup error
    Main motor is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated.
  • Causes: Main motor. Connect right PWB. Control PWB
  • Remedy: Main motor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Main motor and connect right PWB (YC10) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the main motor.
    Connect right PWB Replace the cconnect right PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2010
  • Description: Main motor steady-state error
    After main motor is stabilized, the ready signal is not ready for 2 s continuously.
  • Causes: Main motor. Connect right PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Main motor 1. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Main motor and connect rightl PWB (YC10) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the main motor.
    Connect right PWB Replace the connect right PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2200
  • Description: Drum motor drive error (50/60 ppm model only)
    The drum motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the drum motor. Drum motor. Connect right PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum motor and connect right PWB (YC10) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29)
    Drive transmission system of the drum motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Drum motor Replace the drum motor.
    Connect right PWB Replace the connect right PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2210
  • Description: Drum motor steady-state error (50/60 ppm model only)
    Stable OFF is detected for 2 s continuously after drum motor stabilized.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the drum motor. Drum motor. Connect right PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum motor and connect right PWB (YC10) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29)
    Drive transmission system of the drum motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Drum motor Replace the drum motor.
    Connect right PWB Replace the connect right PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2330
  • Description: Envelope motor error (Over-current) (50/60 ppm model only)
    The over-current detection signal of the motor is detected continuously twenty times.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the envelope motor. Envelope motor. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Envelope motor and connect left PWB (YC11) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC2)
    Drive transmission system of the envelope motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Envelope motor Replace the envelope motor.
    Connect left PWB. Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2340
  • Description: Envelope motor error (Timeout) (50/60 ppm model only)
    The position detection sensor is not detected continuously for 30 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the envelope motor. Envelope motor. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Envelope motor and connect left PWB (YC11) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC2)
    Drive transmission system of the envelope motor Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Envelope motor Replace the envelope motor.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2600
  • Description: PF drive motor 1 error (paper feeder 1)
    When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. DPF drive motor. DPF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    DPF drive motor Replace the PF drive motor 1.
    DPF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2610
  • Description: PF drive motor 2 error (paper feeder 2)
    When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. PF drive motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF drive motor Replace the PF drive motor 2.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2620
  • Description: PF drive motor 3 error (paper feeder 3)
    When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. PF drive motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 3 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF drive motor Replace the PF drive motor 3.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2630
  • Description: PF drive motor 4 error (paper feeder 4)
    When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. PF drive motor. PF main PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 4 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    PF drive motor Replace the PF drive motor 4.
    PF main PWB Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 3100
  • Description: Scanner carriage error
    The home position is not correct when the power is turned on, at the end of a reading process of the table and document processor.
  • Causes: Image scanner motor. Home position sensor. CCD PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Image scanner motor 1. Move the scanner by the hand to check whether it is unusually difficult to move. 2. Check that the scanner driving belt is not disengaged. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Image scanner motor and control PWB (YC1002) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the image scanner motor.
    Home position sensor 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Home position sensor and CCD PWB (YC3) CCD PWB and control PWB (YC1000) 3. Replace the home position sensor.
    CCD PWB Replace the image scanner unit and execute U411.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 3200
  • Description: Exposure lamp error
    When a lamp is made to turn on one side at a time, the white standard data at the time of an initial is lower than a rated value.
  • Causes: LED PWB. CCD PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: LED PWB 1. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. LED PWB and CCD PWB (YC2) CCD PWB and control PWB (YC1000) 2. Replace the image scanner unit.
    CCD PWB Replace the image scanner unit and execute U411.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 3500
  • Description: Communication error between scanner and ASIC
    An error code is detected.
  • Causes: CCD PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: CCD PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CCD PWB and control PWB (YC1000) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the image scanner unit and execute U411.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 4000
  • Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
    After Polygon motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 20 s continuously.
  • Causes: Polygon motor (LSU). Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Laser scanner unit and control PWB (YC15) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 4200
  • Description: BD steady-state error
    The BD signal is not detected.
  • Causes: PD PWB (LSU). Control PWB.
  • Remedy: PD PWB (LSU) 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and control PWB (YC16) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 5100
  • Description: Chager current error When the current value measured at the time of potential adjustment is less than 20 mcA. The error of the charge current before toner installation. The error of the charge current before printing.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. High voltage PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Chager unit and high voltage PWB High voltage PWB and control PWB (YC19)
    High voltage PWB Replace the high voltage PWB and check for correct operation.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6000
  • Description: Broken fuser heater wire (Center)
    (50/60 ppm model) Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature less than 100°C/ 212°F continuously for 30 s after a warm-up start. (40 ppm model) Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature less than 100°C/ 212°F continuously for 30 s after a warm-up start.
  • Causes: Fuser unit. Fuser thermistor connect PWB. Control PWB. Power source PWB. Fuser heater.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and fuser thermistor connect PWB (YC2) Fuser thermistor connect PWB and control PWB (YC21) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
    Fuser thermistor connect PWB Replace the fuser thermistor connect PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
    Power source PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB and connect right PWB (YC4) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC1) 2. Replace the power source PWB.
    Fuser heater 1. Replace the Fuser unit.
  • Code: 6020
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 2 temperature (Center)
    (50/60 ppm model only) Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature higher than 235°C/455°F. In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 was 155°C/311°F or less.
  • Causes: Fuser unit. Fuser thermistor connect PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and fuser thermistor connect PWB (YC2) Fuser thermistor connect PWB and control PWB (YC21) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit.
    Fuser thermistor connect PWB Replace the fuser thermistor connect PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6030
  • Description: Broken fuser thermistor 2 wire (Center)
    (50/60 ppm model only) Input from fuser thermistor 2 is 1019 or more (A/D value) continuously for 4 s.
  • Causes: Fuser unit. Fuser thermistor connect PWB. Control PWB. Fuser thermistor 2. Fuser thermostat (triggered). Power source PWB
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and fuser thermistor connect PWB (YC2) Fuser thermistor connect PWB and control PWB (YC21) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
    Fuser thermistor connect PWB Replace the fuser thermistor connect PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB.
    Fuser thermistor 2 1. Replace the Fuser unit.
    Fuser thermostat (triggered) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and power source PWB (YC2) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit.
    Power source PWB Replace the power source PWB.
  • Code: 6120
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature
    (50/60 ppm model) The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 245°C/473°F. In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 was 155°C/311°F or less. (40 ppm model) The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 250°C/482°F. In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 170°C/338°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 was 155°C/311°F or less.
  • Causes: Connector pin. Triac. Fuser thermistor. Contrl PWB.
  • Remedy: Fuser thermistor Replace the fuser unit.
    Contrl PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6130
  • Description: Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire (50/60 ppm model only)
    A/D value of the fuser thermistor 1 exceeds 1019 bit continuously for 4 s during warming up.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Connector pin. Triac. Fuser thermistor. Fuser thermistor connect PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser thermistor and fuser thermistor connect PWB (YC1) Fuser thermistor connect PWB and control PWB (YC21)
    Fuser thermistor Replace the fuser unit.
    Fuser thermistor connect PWB Replace the fuser thermistor connect PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6400
  • Description: Zero-cross signal error
    While fuser heater ON/OFF control is performed, the zerocross signal is not input within 2 s.
  • Causes: Fuser unit. Power source PWB. Connect right PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB and connect right PWB (YC4) Connect right PWB and control PWB (YC29) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring.
    Power source PWB Replace the power source PWB.
    Connect right PWB Replace the connect right PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB.
  • Code: 7000
  • Description: Toner motor error
    During driving the toner motor, an over-current detection signal is detected at intervals of 10 ms as for 300 accumulation.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Drum unit. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Toner motor and drum PWB (YC4) Drum PWB and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC3)
    Drum unit Replace the drum unit.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7100
  • Description: Toner sensor error
    Sensor output value of 930 or more continuously for 5 s.
  • Causes: Toner sensor. Toner motor. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Toner sensor 1. Check the toner sensor output. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor and drum PWB (YC3) Drum PWB and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC3) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the Developer unit are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit.
    Toner motor 1. Draw out the toner container. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor and drum PWB (YC4) Drum PWB and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC3) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7400
  • Description: Developer unit non-installing error
    Sensor output value of 31 or less continuously for 5 s.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Toner sensor. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Developer unit and drum PWB (YC3) Drum PWB and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC2)
    Toner sensor Replace the developer unit.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7410
  • Description: Drum unit type mismatch error
    The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally. Absence of the drum unit is detected.
  • Causes: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Toner sensor. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Connector cable or poor contact in the connector Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum unit and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC2)
    Toner sensor Replace the drum unit.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7800
  • Description: Broken temperature sensor wire
    Input from temperature sensor is 1019 or more continuously for 160 ms. Input from temperature sensor is 930 or more continuously for 5 s.
  • Causes: Temperature sensor. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Temperature sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature sensor and control PWB (YC30) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the key right PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7810
  • Description: Short-circuited temperature sensor wire
    Input from temperature sensor is 31 or less continuously for 5 s.
  • Causes: Temperature sensor. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Temperature sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature sensor and control PWB (YC30) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the key right PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7900
  • Description: Drum EEPROM error
    No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Causes: DR PWB. Connect left PWB. Control PWB.
  • Remedy: DR PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DR PWB and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB and connect left PWB (YC3) Connect left PWB and control PWB (YC2) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit.
    Connect left PWB Replace the connect left PWB.
    Control PWB 1. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: Communication error between Control PWB and Operation PWB
  • Causes: Control PWB. Operation PWB.
  • Remedy: Control PWB 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the wirings and connetors between the control PWB and the operation panel PWB are normal. Operation PWB and control PWB (YC2002) 3. Check that the DIMM memories in the control PWB are well conducted and, if not, replace. 4. Execute U021initialize memory. 5. Replace the control PWB.
    Operation PWB Replace the operation PWB.
  • Code: F010
  • Description: Control PWB checksum error
  • Causes: Control PWB.
  • Remedy: Control PWB Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F020
  • Description: Control PWB RAM check sum error
  • Causes: Main memory (RAM).
  • Remedy: Main memory (RAM) Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F040
  • Description: Communication error between Controller and Print engine
  • Causes: Control PWB.
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Repair or replace the wire from the control PWB, that may be grounded. (Check short-circuit between 5V and 3.3V.) 3. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F041
  • Description: Communication error between Controller and Scan engine
  • Causes: Control PWB.
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Repair or replace the wire from the control PWB, that may be grounded. (Check short-circuit between 5V and 3.3V.) 3. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F050
  • Description: Print engine ROM checksum error
  • Causes: Control PWB.
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F051
  • Description: Scan engine ROM checksum error
  • Causes: Control PWB
  • Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Check the control software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, Replace the control PWB and check for correct operation.

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