Ошибка инициализации cogen drm rpg maker vx ace

Hello. I downloaded the trial version of the RPG Maker VX Ace. From your homepage. I installed everything, by following the instructions on your site. But when I go to start the program, I get this. I tried, uninstalling the program, and reinstalling it, and did a system restore. But I still...


  • #1


I downloaded the trial version of the RPG Maker VX Ace. From your homepage. I installed everything, by following the instructions on your site. But when I go to start the program, I get this.


I tried, uninstalling the program, and reinstalling it, and did a system restore. But I still get this.

I would love to try your program, and most likely buy it, but if I can’t even get the trial version going, I’m not gonna take a chance in buying.

I have Windows 7.

Can anyone please help me. I am totally lost on this ….

Thank you

From what I see I do have the dll …


but I still get the same problem … machines hate me I swear lol

I tried changing the program compatibility. But it still doesn’t work …


Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2012


  • #2

Did you run it as administrator?


  • #3

By the way, I applaud you for posting a screenshot.

Most user’s just say «It broke.. HELP!» but they don’t post any type of error or error code. So I /clap for you :D

Kitsune Zeta

  • #4

Additionally, did you change the install directory in any way?

While I didn’t have to run it as admin, I had installed it to my hard drive (E:) instead of my SSD (C:).

If you installed it to the default directory of either C:Program FilesEnterbrain<etc> (for 32-bit) or C:Program Files (x84)Enterbrain<etc> (for 64-bit), you will more likely than not NEED to run it as an administrator. Installing it to somewhere like C:RPGMaker will usually sidestep the «run as admin» thing.

(edit: I run Win7 64-bit, for reference)

Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012


  • #5

Tried it,…. I Still get the same thing :S

lol why thank you. I figured, it would be a lot easier to show, then talk about it :)


  • #6

Additionally, did you change the install directory in any way?

While I didn’t have to run it as admin, I had installed it to my hard drive (E:) instead of my SSD (C:).

If you installed it to the default directory of either C:Program FilesEnterbrain<etc> (for 32-bit) or C:Program Files (x84)Enterbrain<etc> (for 64-bit), you will more likely than not NEED to run it as an administrator. Installing it to somewhere like C:RPGMaker will usually sidestep the «run as admin» thing.

it saved under. C:Program Files (x86)Enterbrain

Kitsune Zeta

  • #7

Okay, first instinct is to try installing it to C:RPGMaker as opposed to C:Program Files (x86)Enterbrain to see if that works.

if not, we’ll need to bug Touchfuzzy or Nathaniel or someone over at Degica to help, since I’m out of ideas beyond that.


  • #8

Wait wait, I know for VX you have to install the RTP. If Ace has something similar have you tried installing that?


  • #9

Okay, first instinct is to try installing it to C:RPGMaker as opposed to C:Program Files (x86)Enterbrain to see if that works.

if not, we’ll need to bug Touchfuzzy or Nathaniel or someone over at Degica to help, since I’m out of ideas beyond that.

hmmm nope

It still doesn’t work when I do that.


  • #10

Wait wait, I know for VX you have to install the RTP. If Ace has something similar have you tried installing that?

Yep. in the instructions. Thats the first thing you Install


  • #11

Yep. in the instructions. Thats the first thing you Install

Try to remove everything, reboot, reinstall.


  • #12

Hey bunnymaxwell. Thanks for the screenshot. Looking into this now. Hang tight :)


We think this may have to do with the DLL not being in the GAC (global Assembly Cache)

Would you be able to check your GAC



and see if there is a CogenDRM.dll there ?


Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012


  • #13

Hey bunnymaxwell. Thanks for the screenshot. Looking into this now. Hang tight :)


We think this may have to do with the DLL not being in the GAC (global Assembly Cache)

Would you be able to check your GAC



and see if there is a CogenDRM.dll there ?



where do i go to check this out?



One foot in grave, the other in hell.

  • #14


where do i go to check this out?

Windows Key+R and then type %windir%assembly and press enter. Or navigate manually: C:Windowsassembly

Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012


  • #15

From what I see I do have the dll …


but I still get the same problem … machines hate me I swear lol

Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012


  • #16

I tried changing the program compatibility. But it still doesn’t work …



  • #17

still at a lost for this …. and its still not working…..


  • #18

still at a lost for this …. and its still not working…..

Hi Bunny, we are still working on this. I just PMed you with a possible solution.


  • #19

I too am having this problem. ive uninstalled multiple times, as well rebooted my computer. running on windows vista. i have the cogenDRM file on there, as bunnys picture showed. pplease help


  • #20

I fixed this simply by uninstalling, reinstalling, and rebooting my PC.

Файл CoGenDrm.dll считается разновидностью DLL-файла. DLL-файлы, такие как CoGenDrm.dll, по сути являются справочником, хранящим информацию и инструкции для исполняемых файлов (EXE-файлов), например Setup.exe. Данные файлы были созданы для того, чтобы различные программы (например, RPG Maker XP) имели общий доступ к файлу CoGenDrm.dll для более эффективного распределения памяти, что в свою очередь способствует повышению быстродействия компьютера.

К сожалению, то, что делает файлы DLL настолько удобными и эффективными, также делает их крайне уязвимыми к различного рода проблемам. Если что-то происходит с общим файлом DLL, то он либо пропадает, либо каким-то образом повреждается, вследствие чего может возникать сообщение об ошибке выполнения. Термин «выполнение» говорит сам за себя; имеется в виду, что данные ошибки возникают в момент, когда происходит попытка загрузки файла CoGenDrm.dll — либо при запуске приложения RPG Maker XP, либо, в некоторых случаях, во время его работы. К числу наиболее распространенных ошибок CoGenDrm.dll относятся:

  • Нарушение прав доступа по адресу — CoGenDrm.dll.
  • Не удается найти CoGenDrm.dll.
  • Не удается найти C:Program Files (x86)EnterbrainRPGXPCoGenDrm.dll.
  • Не удается зарегистрировать CoGenDrm.dll.
  • Не удается запустить RPG Maker XP. Отсутствует требуемый компонент: CoGenDrm.dll. Повторите установку RPG Maker XP.
  • Не удалось загрузить CoGenDrm.dll.
  • Не удалось запустить приложение, потому что не найден CoGenDrm.dll.
  • Файл CoGenDrm.dll отсутствует или поврежден.
  • Не удалось запустить это приложение, потому что не найден CoGenDrm.dll. Попробуйте переустановить программу, чтобы устранить эту проблему.

Файл CoGenDrm.dll может отсутствовать из-за случайного удаления, быть удаленным другой программой как общий файл (общий с RPG Maker XP) или быть удаленным в результате заражения вредоносным программным обеспечением. Кроме того, повреждение файла CoGenDrm.dll может быть вызвано отключением питания при загрузке RPG Maker XP, сбоем системы при загрузке CoGenDrm.dll, наличием плохих секторов на запоминающем устройстве (обычно это основной жесткий диск) или, как нередко бывает, заражением вредоносным программным обеспечением. Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

You can check out this thread of Five pages of people complaining of getting the same error and people who have found ways to fix it. http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/754-error-message-cogen-drm-help/

Here are the following instructions taken from that thread.

1. Re-install it.

2. lillyx3000 

Hey you guys!!!!! I may have found a solution! At least it worked for me.
So, I followed the advice on this thread and installed RPGMVX I then tried to run RPGMVXAce
Which still came up with the CoGen error.
So I tried Copying and pasting RPGMVX’s DRM.ll file into RPGMVXAce in place of RPGMVXAce’s DRM.ll. This still didn’t work in fact the error came up in both Programs after that.
So I decided to try installing RMXP.
I then replaced RMVXAce’s DRM.ll file with XP’s and it worked
I Then uninstalled RPGMVX and RPGMXP from my computer and now I have RPGMVXAce up and running.
So in short I downloaded XP and replaced VXAce’s DRM.ll file with XP’s DRM.ll file.
Please let me know if this helps anyone or if I wasn’t clear on what I did.

3. Mackizar

1. Back up your project files and stick them on a flash drive or external drive
2. Uninstall all copies of RPG Maker
3. Hunt down and delete every single folder you can find related to enterbrain and rpg maker
4. Open the registry editor starting from the top, go ahead and ctrl+f to find, and type cogendrm
5. Every single item it finds in the registry, rightclick->delete on the left window. I had a LOT of these.
6. Once they are ALL deleted, empty yer recycle bin and whatnot
7. Make sure to check windows/assembly for cogemdrm, and delete it there as well.
8. Restart…
9. Re install RPG Maker (I would do the following steps 1 at a time per version)
10. Run RPG Maker.. This didn’t work the first time for me.
11. Go into the rpg maker folder, and delete cogendrm.dll
12. go into windows/assembly and delete it there again, as well
13. re-install RPG maker again (without an uninstall, just save over)

Hope this helps. If it doesn’t, keep googling.

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