Доска заданий расположена в верхнем правом углу жилой комнаты. Рядом с ней стоит Офицер. Разблокируется после достижения уровня 2-1 (то есть при победе первого босса).
На доске показываются ежедневные задания. После того, как вы выполните задания, поговорите с Офицером, чтобы получить награду.
Существует два типа заданий: Разыскивается (англ. Wanted) и испытания (англ. Challenge).
Без питомцев или наёмников
- Ваш герой скажет: «Мне нужно встретиться с этими врагами в одиночку» и ничего не будет делать:
- При попытке взаимодействия с наёмниками.
- Когда вы пытаетесь взаимодействовать с NPC, такими как Разбойник, Ассасин, Эльф и Берсерк.
- При попытке использовать оружие для вызова миньонов (Посох скелета или Посох иллюзии).
- В случае Снежного орла он работает как Морозный орёл с удвоенной стоимостью энергии. Не вызывает снеговиков.
- Не влияет на Вспомогательное парящее орудие/Парящее орудие/Парящий лазер/Парящие орудия Wi-Fi усилителя, так как они не считаются питомцами.
- При попытке поклониться Статуе рыцаря.
- Вы не можете привести животных из сада.
- Некоторые последователи могут все еще появляться, но они останутся на месте и не будут двигаться.
- К ним относятся волки Друида, турели Инженера, клоны из 2-го навыка Ассасина «Темный двойник» и кролики из пасхальных яиц.
- Турели все еще могут стрелять как обычно.
- Если волки вызваны в комнату с врагами, они будут бездействовать после зачистки текущей волны.
- Броню и ездовых животных можно использовать как обычно.
- Не препятствует появлению бонуса питомцев.
- Всё ещё можно покормить Панду в саду, но она не присоединится к забегу.
Вражеская защита +1
- Враги получают на 1 меньше урона от всех источников.
- Например, Старый пистолет будет наносить 2 урона при обычных ударах и 5 при критических ударах, а Лазерная терапия без лазерного бонуса не будет наносить урон вообще.
- Это влияет на урон, который враги получают от горения/отравления, а также на дебаффы, вызванные оружием.
- Враги будут получать 0 урона от плиток с шипами (которые обычно наносят 2).
Больше врагов в подземелье
- Врагов будет в два раза больше, чем обычно.
- Складывается с эффектами от убойного режима.
Более агрессивные враги!
- Враги двигаются и атакуют чаще.
- Складывается с эффектами убойного режима.
Враги передвигаются быстрее
- Скорость врагов увеличена в 2 раза.
- Складывается с эффектом от ускоряющих плиток.
Время отрицательных эффектов на противниках -50%
- Бонус «Устойчивость к заморозке и дополнительное время заморозки врага» увеличивает время действия заморозки до обычного.
Здоровье врага +100%
- Также работает на боссов. Для них прирост здоровья, по-видимому, всего в 1,4 раза.
- С врагов выпадает на 50% больше энергии (кроме кристаллического рудника), а с боссов — на 100% больше. Не влияет на выпадение монет.
Более высокая скорость вражеских пуль!
- Скорость полета вражеских пуль повышена.
- Может быть нейтрализован бонусом «Уменьшение скорости пуль врага увеличение радиуса сбора монет».
Цены в магазине +100%
- Также влияет на торговые автоматы, Обманщика, статуи и наёмников.
- Тем не менее, не влияет на колодец желаний, печь переплавки, Оружейника и Таинственного торговца.
- Может быть нейтрализован бонусом «Скидка в 50% в магазине».
Максимальное количество бонусов +3
- У вас будет 3 дополнительных слота бонусов.
- Обычно дополнительный выбор происходит после 1-1, 1-3, 1-5, 2-3, 2-5, но если вы выйдете и перезапустите игру, это может случиться раньше.
- Виолу семицветную можно использовать для дальнейшего увеличения количества слотов.
Уровень защиты выше, но броня не восстанавливается
- Если игроки получают какой-либо урон, пока у них есть броня, он будет сокращен до одного, включая тики дебаффа.
- Работает в убойном режиме.
- Бонус «Отсутствие дополнительного урона, если щит разрушен» вообще не активируется.
- Броня не восстанавливается даже с навыком Священника или жёлтого Кольца. Единственный способ пополнить броню — войти в портал.
- Когда у вас нет брони, вы получаете нормальный урон.
- Питомцы, последователи и ездовые животные получают обычный урон, так как у них нет брони.
Максимальное число усилений -3
- Вы можете выбрать только 2 бонуса в конце 1-1 и 1-3, но Обманщик все еще работает.
- Оставшиеся 3 слота бонусов будут отключены.
- Виола семицветная сначала активирует отключенные слоты.
- Предварительно приобретенные бонусы в саду все равно будут занимать дополнительные слоты, не влияя на основные.
Восстановление навыков -50%
- Суммируется с бонусом «Сократить время восстановления навыка». Например, у Мага с этим бонусом откат умения составляет всего 1 секунду.
- Также влияет на статуи.
- Не влияет на длительность навыка.
Перезарядка навыка +100%
- Бонус «Сократить время восстановления навыка» влияет на увеличенное время.
- Также влияет на статуи.
- Не влияет на длительность навыка.
Вы можете воскреснуть дважды
- То же самое относится и к Карте бесплатного возрождения.
- Даже если вы выберете просмотр рекламы дважды, покажут только одну.
Элитные враги появляются чаще
- Складывается с эффектами убойного режима.
- Все боссы — элитные.
Можно поклониться множеству статуй
- Вы можете сохранять несколько эффектов статуй одновременно, если они от разных статуй. Использование навыка активирует все готовые.
- Можно получить все 9 эффектов статуй.
- Если у вас уже есть эффект статуи, вы не сможете снова поклониться ей.
- Это не влияет на частоту появления статуй.
Оружие перековывается в начале каждого уровня
- Оружие меняется на другое того же типа.
- Не влияет на оружие, которое несёт ваш напарник.
- Не активно на уровне 3-6.
- Это удалит любое приспособление, если ваше оружие перековано в неподходящее, например, красное/легендарное оружие.
- Можно вернуть приспособление, если оружие было перековано обратно в другое правильное оружие без замены на том же этаже.
- Оружие не станет оружием из сундука с боссом (например, Растением-каннибалом из любого дробовика). Но можно получить оружие босса без босса (например, Песчаного червя из любого дробовика).
- Оружие, полученное с этим модификатором, не засчитывается в подвале.
Получить оружие при входе в новый биом
- При входе на этаж х-1, под игроком появляется случайное оружие.
- Как ни странно, игрок при входе на уровень 3-6 также получает новое оружие, это означает, что в файлах игры это место считается отдельным биомом.
- Смена оружия в 3-6 не влияет на сертификат прохождения.
- Можно получить красное/легендарное оружие, более вероятно на 3-6.
Максимум здоровья = 1
- Бонус «Увеличение запаса здоровья» при выборе не появится вообще.
- Гусеничный гриб непригоден для взаимодействия.
- Тем не менее, всё другое исцеление (зелья, бонус, связанный с зельями, и любой другой возможный метод лечения) могут все еще появляться нормально.
- Вино, купленное у Официанта, все еще будет иметь эффект, но до перехода на следующий уровень.
- Предотвращает увеличение здоровья от модификатора «Гигантизм» (см. ниже).
- Не влияет на здоровье ничего другого.
- Таинственный торговец все еще может появиться, но его предметы не могут быть куплены, так как нет запаса максимального здоровья.
Бесконечная энергия
- Технически, игрок будет регенерировать 10 единиц энергии в секунду.
- Затратные орудия, такие как Пулемёт Гатлинга и M14, истощают запас энергии быстрее, чем можно восстановить, но при этом прослужат значительно дольше.
- Оружие перестанет стрелять, как только энергия достигнет нуля, после чего она все еще будет восстанавливаться.
- Всё другое восстановление энергии (включая кристаллические рудники) всё ещё может появляться.
Критический удар оружия +100%, урон критического удара -50%
- Базовый шанс критического удара оружия увеличен вдвое, включая минусовые значения.
- Бонус от баффа «Повышение точности удара и шанса крит. урона» добавляется после удвоения.
- Когда оружие наносит критические удары, урон уменьшается на 50% (по сути, оружие будет наносить обычный урон).
- Действия, которые происходят при критических попаданиях, все равно будут происходить.
- Не влияет на дебаффы или урон окружающей среды.
- Не мешает стихийному оружию вызывать дебаффы.
- Наличие бонуса «Двойной урон от стихийных пуль при критическом ударе» не позволяет наносить дополнительный урон, если нет бонуса «Повышение точности удара и шанса крит. урона».
- Урон складывается с бонусом «Повышение точности удара и шанса крит. урона», так что оружие может нанести 150% урона при крит. ударе.
Атака оружия +100%, скорострельность -50%
- Оружие стреляет заряжается или перезаряжается с уполовиненной скоростью.
- Также влияет на оружие, которое ускоряется с течением времени (как Красный дракон), так что его максимальная скорострельность также будет уменьшена.
- Не влияет на скорость стрельбы очередей (Улучшенный ПП, к примеру).
- Базовый урон оружия увеличен на 100%.
- Это включает в себя заряжающиеся оружия с переменным уроном.
- Оружие отталкивает сильнее.
- Один удар сможет нанести 1 998 урона. Это позволяет ему мгновенно убить практически любого врага — если только это не босс убойного режима с двойным здоровьем.
- Не удваивает штраф урона, если он есть (Отбеливатель на полной скорости).
- Не влияет на урон, не связанный с оружием, такой как лужи яда или огня (коктейль Молотова), дебаффы, базовая атака в ближнем бою, статуи и умения любых героев (кроме турелей Инженера и катушки Робота).
- В случае статуи берсерка и усилений дополнительный урон добавляется после усиления базового урона.
- Вооружение брони считается оружием и, следовательно, тоже затрагивается.
- Не влияет на прибавку к урону от бонусов.
- Бонус «Ускорение зарядки оружия, требующего зарядки» может нейтрализовать штраф за зарядку и перезарядку оружия.
- Нейтрализуется умением Берсерка, так что во время умения оружие атакует с нормальной скоростью.
- Не влияет на Граундвотер: скорость стрельбы будет равна скорости нажатия на кнопку атаки, но урон удвоится.
Скорость стрельбы оружия +100%, атака -50%
- Оружие атакует/заряжается/перезаряжает в два раза быстрее обычного.
- Суммируется с умением Берсерка, так что он может атаковать в 4 раза быстрее обычного.
- Также влияет на оружие, которое ускоряется с течением времени (как Красный дракон), так что его максимальная скорострельность также будет удвоена.
- Не влияет на скорость стрельбы очередей (Улучшенный ПП, к примеру).
- Основной урон от оружия уменьшается вдвое, округляется в большую сторону. Например, Старый пистолет наносит 3 урона за выстрел изначально, но теперь будет наносить 2 урона за выстрел, если затронуто этим условием.
- Таким образом, у оружия с 0 или 1 базовым уроном (Мини-Узи и Посох иллюзии) он не будет уменьшен вообще.
- Это включает в себя заряжающиеся оружия с переменным уроном.
- Если урон от оружия может иметь штраф (Отбеливатель), урон не упадет ниже 1.
- Не влияет на урон, не связанный с оружием, такой как лужи огня или яда (Зелёная эссенция), дебаффы, базовую атаку в ближнем бою, статуи и умения любых героев (кроме турелей Инженера и катушки Робота).
- Не влияет на прибавку к урону от бонусов, таких как лазерный бонус. Например, Красный световой меч (12 ед. нормального урона) под действием лазерного бонуса будет наносить 12/2 + 2 = 8 урона за удар.
- Бонус «ускорение зарядки оружия» позволяет оружию заряжаться неимоверно быстрее.
- Не изменяет затратность по энергии, поэтому оружие ближнего боя с высоким уроном или оружие, не потребляющее энергии, но надежное, будет более эффективным.
Варианты -2 при выборе бонуса
- По сути, это означает, что вы будете получать случайные бонусы.
+2 варианта при выборе усилений
- Вы сможете выбирать один бонус из 5 вместо 3.
Больше комнат в подземелье
- Кратчайший путь к выходу может содержать ещё одну комнату. Это происходит не всегда.
- Не влияет на количество специальных комнат.
Только оружие ближнего боя
- Все появляющееся оружие будет оружием ближнего боя. Сюда входит оружие с функцией ближнего боя, например, Ракетка для бадминтона или Мясо, или оружие ближнего боя со снарядами, как Огненный меч или Лазер.
- Сюда также входят Тротил, Коробка и Штыковая винтовка, которые не являются оружием ближнего боя, но игра технически считает их таковыми, поскольку они не позволяют игроку использовать базовую атаку ближнего боя. Игрок может использовать это оружие как обычно.
- По неизвестной причине, некоторые метательные оружия с функцией ближнего боя (Бамбук и Метательный топор) могут быть взяты в забег, но они не будут появляться.
- После перехода на новый уровень все огнестрельное оружие, которое вы держите, исчезнет. И если у вас нет оружия ближнего боя, вы будете держать Лопату.
- Лопата дается каждый раз, когда ваше основное оружие исчезает, даже если у вас есть второе оружие.
- Не влияет на оружие, которое несут напарники и персонажи. Например, у NPC Эльфа всё еще будет Древний лук.
- Супердробовик по-прежнему можно найти в игре.
- Можно поменяться оружием дальнего боя с напарником, но оно станет лопатой после входа в портал.
- Ещё можно получить Щит от NPC Паладина и сезонное оружие от Непоседы.
Максимальная энергия -50%
- Уменьшает ваш запас энергии вдвое.
- Некоторые персонажи не смогут использовать Один удар, поскольку их максимальный запас энергии ниже 99.
- Бонус «Макс. энергия +100» будет повышать запас на 50, но напиток «Апельсиновый сок» всё ещё будет давать +40 макс. энергии.
- Оружие высшей редкости может появиться раньше. Например, Винтажная Снежная лиса может появиться раньше обычного уровня 2-1.
- Также влияет на сундук в жилой комнате, так что он может содержать какое-то раннее оружие, например Снежная лиса XL и Рельсотрон стража.
- Если также активировано «#Только оружие ближнего боя», он может даже содержать оранжевое/эпичное или красное/легендарное оружие (как Накалибур).
- Также влияет на Гасяпон-автомат, так что он сможет предоставить красное/легендарное оружие оружие, не являющееся оружием босса. (Песчаный червь, Снайперская винтовка малышей-драконов, Парящее орудие, Парящий лазер, Штурмовая винтовка варколина, Один удар, Накалибур, Щит)
- Также влияет на сундук в жилой комнате, так что он может содержать какое-то раннее оружие, например Снежная лиса XL и Рельсотрон стража.
- Тем не менее, плохое оружие все еще может появиться. Например, с сундукуса на 2-3 может упасть M14. Просто более лучшее оружие появляется чаще.
- Увеличивает вероятность выпадения оружия более низкой редкости.
- Не влияет на результат переплавки.
- Более лучшее оружие все еще может появиться, хотя и с меньшим шансом.
- Игрок получают +4 здоровья и +1 броню.
- Дополнительное здоровье может быть отменено модификатором «Макс. HP = 1».
- Скорость передвижения на 20% ниже.
- Игрок также становятся такими же крупными, как наемники с 5 улучшениями от Наставника.
- Базовый урон в ближнем бою увеличен на 2.
- Размеры средств передвижения также увеличены, чтобы соответствовать вашему персонажу.
- Больше ни на что не влияет.
- Игрок получают -2 к здоровью и -1 к броне (но не менее 1).
- Улучшенный Паладин будет иметь 4 здоровья, если используется бонус «Увеличение запаса здоровья».
- Игрок двигается на 20% быстрее.
- Размер персонажа становиться меньше.
- Базовый урон в ближнем бою уменьшен на 1.
- Наличие Железных когтей эффективно нейтрализует этот недостаток.
- Размеры средств передвижения также уменьшены, чтобы соответствовать вашему персонажу.
- Больше ни на что не влияет.
Восстановление здоровья, если его уровень упал ниже 50%
- Когда игрок начнёт восстанавливать броню, он также будут восстанавливать здоровье до достижения половины максимума, округленного в меньшую сторону.
- Например, Друид с бонусом «Увеличение запаса здоровья» может восстановить 5/11 здоровья.
Сразись с двумя немного ослабленными боссами в каждой комнате с боссом.
- В каждой комнате боссов будет 2 босса: первый — обычный босс, второй — еще один босс того же уровня. Каждый босс имеет на 150 HP меньше.
- Второй босс может происходить из другого биома (например, Гоблин-священник в Леднике или вулканического песчаного червя на Космическом корабле) или обычно недоступный (например, Нянь).
- Если в игру вступают Малыши-драконы, появятся оба дракона. Это может привести к тому, что игроки будут вынуждены сражаться с 4 драконами на Вулкане.
- Оба босса расположены рядом с центром комнаты.
- Планировка в комнате определяется первым боссом.
- После победы над обоими боссами появятся два сундука боссов вместо одного, если это не уровень 3-5.
- После победы над обоими боссами в 3-5 и касания Магического камня, Магический камень будет иметь соответствующий цвет босса, которого вы победили последним.
- Иногда может появиться ошибка с индикатором здоровья — на нем отображается только индикатор здоровья первого босса (в случае с Малышами-драконами/Рыцарем без головы и его лошадью отображается общий запас здоровья), и другой босс все еще будет жив, даже если полоска пустая.
- Если это произойдет, баннер второго босса не появится.
В начале нового уровня можно сменить персонажа
- С переходом на новый уровень Ваш персонаж может измениться на случайного со случайным обликом и навыком.
- Можно превратиться в персонажей, которых игрок не разблокировал, с оригинальными обликами и без улучшений.
- Если выбран заблокированный облик, он будет заменен другим разблокированным.
- Здоровье и энергия персонажа останутся в той же пропорции, что и на предыдущем уровне, округленные в большую сторону. Например, в 2-1 у Рыцаря 5/7 здоровья и 153/200 энергии, в 2-2 у Оборотня будет 9/12 здоровья и 108/140 энергии.
- Если 6-й бонус персонажа совпадает с одним из собранных бонусов, слот дополнительного бонуса будет отсутствовать до конца уровня.
- Изменение происходит до выбора бонуса, поэтому дополнительный бонус следующего персонажа не появится в списке.
- Если вы находитесь внутри брони типа Апокалипсиса, то у вас не будет меняться персонаж.
- Это не касается животных-средств передвижения.
- Оружие, средства передвижения и статуи остаются прежними. Поэтому для других героев это единственный способ получить доступ к улучшенному стартовому оружию, которым они не владеют.
- Единственным исключением является Щит, его облик может превратиться в случайный облик Паладина. Это может привести к тому, что NPC-Паладин держит неправильный Щит.
Бонусная комната на каждом уровне
- Каждый уровень может содержать до 2 комнат с жёлтым восклицательным знаком, которые не являются комнатами элитных врагов.
- Обе комнаты могут быть одного типа, например, с 2 статуями или 2 напарниками.
- Можно нанять двух напарников, и они смогут нормально работать на текущем этаже. Однако при переходе на следующий этаж тот, которого вы наняли первым, будет потерян.
Можно носить только одно оружие
- Игрок может носить только 1 оружие.
- Бонус «Возьми в бой дополнительное оружие» нейтрализует это условие.
Увеличение критического урона
- Оружие наносит 300% урона при критических ударах вместо 200%.
- Стихийное оружие все ещё требует бонус «Двойной урон от стихийных пуль при критическом ударе». В противном случае оно не будет наносить дополнительный урон вообще.
- Урон может складываться с модификатором «#Критический удар оружия +100%, урон критического удара -50%», при крите оружие будет наносить 150% урона, округленного вниз.
- Например, Старый пистолет (3 базовых урона) будет наносить 9 урона вместо 6 при критических попаданиях. Если также применяется «Шанс крит. урона +100%, урон от крит -50%», то в этом случае он нанесет 4 единицы урона.
Случайные уровни
- После прохождения уровня вы можете появиться на уровне любого из этажей.
- Иногда вы можете появиться на предыдущем уровне по счёту, например после прохождения 3-4 вы можете оказаться на 2-1.
- На версии 2.7.0 существовал баг, что на пятом уровне какого-либо из этажей могло не оказаться босса.
- Вместе с этажами меняются и биомы.
Когда здоровье монстров падает ниже 50%, они делятся надвое
- Когда у второстепенного врага здоровье ниже половины, он будет заменен двумя меньшими версиями того же врага.
- Не влияет на боссов.
- Влияет на оба рудника.
- С меньших копий вы получаете столько же кол-во монет или энергии, сколько и с обычной его версии.
- Влияет на рудники всех размеров.
- Это происходит даже, если враг умер от одного удара.
- Раздвоенные враги имеют половину здоровья, как и первоначальный враг.
Функциональный интерфейс отключён
- Значения здоровья, брони, энергии и монет показаны как «???».
- Все значения функционируют нормально. Например, попытка нанять Робота в аренду покажет половину фактического монет игрока, как обычно.
Все оружия при использовании получают приспособления
- Как только игра начнется, каждое не красное/легендарное оружие (включая то, с которого игрок начинает) будет появляться с приспособлением, когда это возможно.
- Это не включает в себя одноразовые приспособления для использования, а также наёмное оружие, находящееся в руках наёмников.
- Оружие появляется вместе со своей статистикой, включая приспособление. Таким образом, можно угадать некоторые из приспособлений, осмотрев статистику оружия.
- Это происходит всякий раз, когда появляется оружие. Таким образом, помещая оружие в печь переплавки, каждый раз оно будет появляться с новым приспособлением, если это возможно.
- Если по какой-либо причине оружие не имеет приспособление, когда начинается новый этаж, ему будет дан другой, если это возможно. Это может произойти, если оружие перековано на другое, которое не может использовать предыдущее приспособление.
Ограниченная видимость
- За пределами лобби игрок может видеть только ограниченную область вокруг своего персонажа.
- Область зрения имеет радиус около 5 блоков.
- За пределами поля зрения — полная темнота. Однако это не мешает персонажу целиться или атаковать врагов вне поля зрения.
- Не влияет на игровой интерфейс.
Монстры телепортируются, когда в них попадают
- Если враг получает урон, у него есть некоторый шанс телепортироваться в другое случайное место в комнате.
- Это может произойти даже в том случае, если враг атакует, оставаясь на месте. Не отменяет движение пуль.
- Действует на боссов и неподвижных врагов.
- Если попадание убьет врага, он все еще может телепортироваться.
Монстры могут воскреснуть
- После смерти любой монстр воскрешается.
- Не работает на боссах.
- Это уникальное пасхальное условие, которое можно было получить у Пасхальной статуи во время версии 2.6.0.
Мощное тело
- Броня восстанавливается быстрее, и ты получаешь устойчивость к заморозке.
- Игрок автоматически получает бонус «Устойчивость к заморозке и дополнительное время заморозки врага» (визуально никак не отображается) и его броня будет восстанавливаться на 50% быстрее.
- Это повлияет на бафф «Регенерация здоровья» таким образом, что эффект также происходит раньше.
- Это условие можно получить, если не потерять здоровье во время битвы с Пещерным ледяным червём, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
- Броня восстанавливается медленнее, и ты теряешь устойчивость к заморозке.
- Если у игрока был бонус «Устойчивость к заморозке и дополнительное время заморозки врага», то теперь он не будет функционировать (визуально никак не отображается), а броня будет восстанавливаться на 100% медленнее.
- Это условие можно получить, если использовать воскрешение в биоме Пещера, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
Посох благословления
- Игрок может возродиться один раз, когда он умрет, хотя у него останется 1 здоровье. Возрождение бесплатное.
- Все оружие ближнего боя получает +1 бонусный урон. Также влияет на снаряды из оружия ближнего боя (например, Бейсбольная бита) и складывается с баффами.
- Это условие можно получить, если не потерять здоровье во время битвы с Архонтом скарабеем-могильщиком, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
Проклятье грабителей могил
- Если у игрока был иммунитет к яду, то теперь он не будет функционировать (визуально никак не отображается).
- Следующие 4 открытых сундука ничего не будут содержать, но вместо этого покажут немного черного дыма.
- Это условие можно получить, если использовать воскрешение в биоме Могила, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
- Даёт иммунитет к ловушкам.
- Увеличивает урон любых посохов на 1.
- Это условие можно получить, если не потерять здоровье во время битвы с ◿⊣⊢⨀ϟ‡, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
- Если у игрока был хотя-бы какой-то иммунитет к чему-то, то теперь он не будет функционировать (визуально никак не отображается).
- После потери одной 1 жизни призывается одно Щупальце прошлого.
- С помощью Дыхания Аида можно призвать их на уровень 3-6.
- Это условие можно получить, если использовать воскрешение в биоме Болото, но его по-прежнему можно получить у NPC Офицера.
Питомец имеет огромный размер, более агрессивен и наносит больший урон.
- Размер выбранного питомца увеличен втрое, он имеет больше здоровья и может наносить в 3-4 раза больше обычного урона.
- К ним относятся обычные питомцы, питомцы, полученные из сада, а также рука Кошмара и Чумной паук от навыков Некроманта.
- Не влияет на скелетов второго навыка Некроманта, статую рыцаря, последователей, вызванные оружием, наёмников, воскрешённых врагов.
Средство передвижения ждет тебя при входе в новый биом.
- На этажах 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, а также на 3-6 появляется случайное ездовое животное.
- Бронированное средство передвижения не может появиться.
- Если у вас не открыто определённое животное (не выполнено соответствующее достижение), то оно не будет появляться.
Когда ты получаешь урон, на тебя накладывается случайный отрицательный эффект. Он срабатывает раз в 5 секунд
- При получении любого возможного урона на игрока накладывается один из следующих дебаффов: горение, отравление, заморозка, эффект молнии, оглушение. Такие эффекты как спутанность сознания и утомление не могут накладываться.
- Не срабатывает, если игрок активировал статую паладина.
При прохождении комнаты в сундуках появляются бомбы и монеты (кроме комнат с боссом)
- Когда игрок зачищает комнату, вместо золота может появиться бомба.
- Работает только на серых сундуках.
«Я был здесь раньше?»
- Планировка комнат первых нескольких уровней на каждом этаже одинакова. Один и тот же шаблон может появляться 2-4 раза.
- Это также относится к содержимому каждой комнаты — например, расположение препятствий/ящиков в комнатах с врагами, содержимое комнат с восклицательными знаками, предметы, продаваемые торговцами (Торговец и Таинственный торговец), а также торговые автоматы и NPC в стартовой комнате.
- У некоторых объектов будут фиксированные результаты. Например, игрок всегда получает одни и те же 3 баффа от Обманщика, а комнаты с пиликающим игровым автоматом всегда дают почти одинаковую последовательность результатов (за исключением пузырей с бонусами).
- Однако добыча и тип сундуков могут меняться между уровнями.
- Типы врагов обычно меняются в зависимости от номера этажа. Например, на Хэллоуине, даже если расположение врагов одинаковое, Ведьма может появиться на 2-2, а Тыкварь на 2-3.
- Попытка перезапуск уровня не меняет затронутый уровень.
- Это также относится к содержимому каждой комнаты — например, расположение препятствий/ящиков в комнатах с врагами, содержимое комнат с восклицательными знаками, предметы, продаваемые торговцами (Торговец и Таинственный торговец), а также торговые автоматы и NPC в стартовой комнате.
- Этот модификатор никогда не применяется ни к одному уровню с боссом (все x-5 этажей и в режиме «Охота на боссов»).
- Влияет на модификатор «Оружие перековывается в начале каждого уровня».
Некачественное лекарство
Любое восстановление -50%
- Любой источник восстановления здоровья (зелья, любые навыки Священника и т. д.) на игроках будет иметь уменьшенный на 50% эффект, округленный в меньшую сторону, но не менее 1. Эффект сочетается с другими эффектами.
- Например, если игрок с усилением эффективности зелий поднимает большое зелье здоровья, результат равен 3.
- Не влияет на восстановление энергии или исцеление дружественных NPC.
Перегрев оружия
- У большинства пистолетов, винтовок, дробовиков, ракетных установок и лазеров скорострельность будет снижена вдвое после последовательных атак.
- Исключение составляют Хлопушка, Салют (которые работают как метательное оружие) и все рельсотроны (включая катушечные пушки, которые не заряжаются).
- Все оружие в других категориях не перегревается, даже если оно работает так же, как вышеперечисленное оружие (например, Мини-фигурка рыцаря и Новая пушка императора).
Ошибка конфигурации
Все началось с теплого, прекрасного дня и сонного разработчика
- В каждой комнате будет только один тип врагов (кроме призванных). Этот модификатор работает и с элитными врагами, так что в каждой комнате всегда будет либо все обычные противники, либо все чемпионы.
Колебание времени
Твоя скорость передвижения случайным образом увеличивается или уменьшается
- Когда граница экрана мигает зелёным цветом, ваш персонаж движется быстрее. Когда граница экрана мигает красным, ваш персонаж движется медленнее.
- Все остальные существа (питомцы, наёмники, враги и их снаряды) также будут затронуты данным модификатором. Каждая сущность меняет свою скорость самостоятельно.
Серия убийств
Ты становишься сильнее, когда делаешь серию убийств
- Когда персонаж последовательно побеждает 3 врагов, его скорость передвижения увеличивается. Если в течение 2 секунд нет других поражений, эффект исчезает.
- Когда персонаж последовательно побеждает 5 противников, урон от каждой пули игрока увеличивается на 1 единицу. Если в течение одной секунды не будет других поражений, эффект исчезнет.
- Когда персонаж последовательно побеждает 6 врагов, скорость восстановления брони увеличивается. Если в течение 1 секунды нет других поражений, эффект исчезает.
- Продолжительность эффекта продлевается за каждое убийство противника. В противном случае он начнет пропадать.
- Спрайт персонажа становится красным при срабатывании эффекта.
День скидок
Торговец объявляет день скидок!
- На каждом этаже всегда будет магазин и еще одна комната со значком сундука (это никогда не будет другим магазином). Содержание магазина следующее:
- На уровне без босса в магазине всегда есть 4 предмета, а четвертый предмет всегда будет красным/легендарным оружием.
- На уровне с боссом в магазине будет 8 предметов, из которых 4 нижних предмета можно купить за самоцветы, и с высокой вероятностью они будут содержать пузыри с бонусами.
- Все предметы имеют свою правильную и нормальную цену в зависимости от номера этажа.
- На данный момент удочки не появляются в магазине при таком модификаторе.
Заверши 1 задание.
Награда: семена Бамбука
Заверши 10 заданий.
Награда: семена Волшебного цветка,
Заверши 100 заданий.
Награда: семена Дурмана
Питомец Tap (при использовании платформы TapTap)
Получить 800 монет в 1 испытании.
Награда: Нет
Прими 30 различных условий испытания и пройди эти режимы уровня.
Награда: Нет
The Task Board by default.
The Task Board is located at the top left corner of the Living Room. The Officer stands beside it.
- This item will change appearance according to the skin of Officer, or during special seasons.
It is unlocked once the player has reached level 2-3 with the Safe already unlocked.
It displays all the daily tasks upon interaction.
- Trying to interact with it in Multiplayer will show a message «Come next time when you play solo.»
- The Officer will have an exclamation mark over his head, which normally indicates that a task or challenge has been completed.
Once the player completes the tasks, they must interact with the Officer to claim the reward. Completing these tasks can yield gems and materials and very rarely blueprints.
- This is one of the better methods to collect Fertilizer, Free Trial Vouchers and the only method of obtaining Feather of Valkyrie once Boss Rush Mode is unlocked.
There are two types of tasks: Wanted Tasks and Challenge Tasks.
Road of Knights
The Road of Knights consists of 3 chapters, with 5 missions each. Rewards can be claimed for each mission completed, and additional rewards of 500, 750 and 1,000 Gems will be given after finishing 1, 3 and 5 missions per chapter, respectively. All missions of each chapter must be cleared before proceeding to the next one.
Chapter 1
Name | Task | Rewards |
Strike! | Welcome to the House of Knights! Please complete 1 game in any game mode. It is your duty to locate the Magic Stone and use its power to keep the world in order! | 400 |
Grab a Weapon | What’s that in your hand? Use a total of 5 different weapons in any game mode! | 400 |
Cast a Skill | Communicate with your inner self to unleash your full potential. Cast skill 10 in any game mode! | 400 |
Collect a Buff | During the adventure, you will be able to collect «buffs», which can be used in combination with weapons and skills to achieve magical effects. Please collect a total of 6 different buffs in any game mode except for season mode. | 400 |
Against All Odds | The best way to prove yourself is to defeat enemies. Show me what you got by defeating a total of 100 enemies in any game mode! | 500 1 |
Chapter 2
Name | Task | Rewards |
New Partners | There is a guy in the House of Knights who loves watching TV, yes, Rogue. Unlock and recruit him to come along in the adventure. | 500 |
Betting Stronger | Level up! Power up! Own 1 lvl. 2 character and see if anything has changed. | 500 |
Shopping Spree | Buy 1 item from the Trader in the Workshop. You can find legendary items here once in a while. | 400 |
Harvest Day | Countless species of plants exist on the continent of Soul Knight, and their seeds can be planted in the garden. Harvest 1 plant in the garden area and see what you can get. | 400 2 |
Boss Hunter | You should have seen the bosses in the dungeon and you need to defeat them in order to get the Magic Stone. Defeat 1 boss and set out for the Magic Stone! | 400 2 |
Chapter 3
Name | Task | Rewards |
New Skill | The same character can learn different skills. Try using the 3rd skill of Knight «Chaotic Strike» for 1 time. | 20 20 |
Forge Weapon | You’ve figured out how to make the weapons after obtaining them. Forge 1 weapon at the Forge Table in the Workshop. | 400 |
Valiant Challenge | Find the battle too easy? Complete 1 challenge on the Task Board for something new (solo mode only). | 400 |
Craft Armour Mount | In a world where technology and magic co-exist, you can craft 1 armor mount at the Robotics Facility in the Workshop and you will be able to battle in the mecha form. | 400 |
Protect the Magic Stone | Retrieve the Magic Stone Fragment which keeps the world in balance! In Level Mode, defeat a boss who guards the fragment, complete the game and have your rewards calculated at the end-of-the-game screen. | 1000 2 |
Wanted Tasks
A completed Wanted task.
- The player is required to kill the target enemy for a given number of times in each task.
- Each day, 1 to 2 new Wanted tasks will appear. The Task Board can hold up to 4 Wanted tasks.
- If Boss Rush Mode is unlocked, the lower left task will always refresh everyday, with the reward being two Feathers of Valkyrie.
- These Wanted tasks do not need to be accepted. Simply go to play and kill enough targets and return to claim reward.
- Kills gained in Multiplayer, Boss Rush Mode and The Origin count towards the tasks.
- Kills gained from minions summoned by bosses do not count toward the tasks.
- Be careful that killing the wrong enemies will not count (for example, a task requires brown Chester, which means that kills for the blue Chester do not count).
- It is possible to discard a Wanted task by using the button at the lower left. This is useful if the player is given a quest which they cannot complete, and they can wait until tommorow for applicable task replacements.
- Unlike most things that are undone by rerolling a level, enemy/boss tally isn’t. The player can use this to their advantage, completing any given level twice for more kills.
Challenge Tasks
A challenge task.
- The player is required to complete the game under 4 random conditions.
- The conditions are refreshed every day.
- Completing a challenge after refreshing date will count as completing the challenge of next day, and will yield the corresponding reward.
- It is required to accept the Challenge by choosing the post and activating it. It is also possible to deactivate by the same method or interact with Officer twice.
- In Multiplayer mode, however, the host has an option of picking some random conditions to start the game. These conditions can be random ones different from the daily task and do not offer additional rewards.
- It is possible to accept and decline Challenge as many times as possible, however the reward can only be claimed once every day. (Unless the player deletes and re-installs the game, and then get back their cloud saves)
- Some challenge conditions are either partially applied or not applied at all in the Lobby.
- After completing a daily challenge, the player can talk to Officer and pay 200 gems to change conditions. This can be done 15 times a day.
- This will not grant new rewards by completing the new conditions, however. These conditions will also be lost if they are not used immediately in the next run.
- It is possible to bring conditions into The Origin, and some of them can be activated correctly, but it is impossible to complete a challenge since it is impossible to win.
- NPC Officer can give random conditions. Doing so does not affect the state of challenges.
List of Conditions
Condition Symbol | Description/Notes |
No pets or mercenaries
▲ top |
Enemy defense +1
▲ top |
More enemies in the dungeon
▲ top |
More aggressive enemies!
▲ top |
Enemies move faster
▲ top |
Enemy debuff time -50%
▲ top |
Enemy HP +100%
▲ top |
Enemy fire rate up!
▲ top |
Store price +100%
▲ top |
Max number of buffs +3
▲ top |
Better defense, but shield does not regenerate
▲ top |
Max number of buffs -3
▲ top |
Skill cooldown -50%
▲ top |
Skill cooldown +100%
▲ top |
Increase revival times
▲ top |
Elite enemies appear more often
▲ top |
You can worship multiple statues
▲ top |
Weapons get reforged at the start of each level
▲ top |
Get a weapon when entering a new biome
▲ top |
Max HP =1
▲ top |
Infinite energy
▲ top |
Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%
▲ top |
Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%
▲ top |
Weapon fire rate +100%, attack -50%
▲ top |
Options -2 when you choose buffs
▲ top |
Options +2 when you choose buffs
▲ top |
More rooms in the dungeon
▲ top |
Melee weapons only
▲ top |
Max energy -50%
▲ top |
Good Luck
▲ top |
Bad Luck
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
Regenerate HP when it’s below 50%
▲ top |
Fight with 2 slightly nerfed bosses in each Boss room
▲ top |
May switch character when you enter a new level
▲ top |
Increase the number of bonus rooms
▲ top |
Can only carry one weapon
▲ top |
Increase critical damage
▲ top |
Random levels
▲ top |
Monsters split into two when their HP is below 50%
▲ top |
All weapons are equipped with attachments
▲ top |
Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get hit
▲ top |
Vision is limited
▲ top |
Functional UI is disabled
▲ top |
When you take a hit, a random debuff will be applied to you. The effect only triggers once every 5 seconds
▲ top |
Pet is gigantic, more aggressive and deals higher damage
▲ top |
Bombs and coins may spawn in chests when you clear a room
▲ top |
A mount awaits when you enter a new biome
▲ top |
Deja Vu («Have I been here before?»)
▲ top |
Inferior Medicament (All recovery -50%)
▲ top |
Weapon Overheating
▲ top |
Config Error (It all started from a warm, lovely afternoon and a dozy, drowsy developer)
▲ top |
Time Fluctuation (Your movement speed randomly increases or decreases)
▲ top |
Killing Spree (You get stronger as you acquire a killstreak)
▲ top |
Sales Day
▲ top |
Strong Body
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
Blessing Staff
▲ top |
Curse of Grave Robbers
▲ top |
Slightly increases max HP, movement speed, fire rate and critical rate
▲ top |
Max armor and max HP are fixed at 1. Max energy is fixed at 999
▲ top |
Cancels 1 increased Pressure Level’s weight on enemy resistance to control effects
▲ top |
Killing monsters have a chance to revive all teammates
▲ top |
Monster movement speed -1%
▲ top |
The spawn chance of mutant monsters +2%
▲ top |
Damage taken by the player +1, damage taken by the monster +2
▲ top |
Improves enemy immunity to crowd control
▲ top |
The whole team (all the team members combined) can’t revive more than 2 times. If one is revived by a weapon
▲ top |
Complete the game within 12 minutes (normal mode) or 16 minutes (badass mode)
▲ top |
Characters may suddenly become larger or smaller over time. Movement speed is adjusted as well, but not health and armor
▲ top |
Sometimes enemy blimp will bomb the room. Enemies take 8 damage while players take 4 (5 in badass)
▲ top |
Enemies and players will explode 3 seconds after death. Players make larger explosion. These explosions hurt players
▲ top |
Meteors fall from time to time. These meteors do not damage enemies
▲ top |
Enemies, upon death, have a chance to open a rift of time and space
▲ top |
▲ top |
Novice Hunter
Complete 1 task Reward: a seed of Bamboo (Plant) |
veteran Hunter
Complete 10 tasks Reward: Officer as a playable character and a seed of Magic Flower |
Legendary Hunter
Complete 100 tasks Reward: a seed of Devil’s Snare (Plant) |
Mining Expert
Get 800 coins in 1 challenge Reward: none |
Embrace Challenges
Accept a total of 30 different challenge conditions and complete these Level Mode games. Reward: none |
- This feature was added in Update 1.9.0.
A challenge task from before 4.1.0.
- Until Update 4.1.0, the Challenge Task had a different appearance.
- Some of the conditions have references:
- The icon of «Better defense» condition is a reference of the icon of «Nuclear Disarmament» used worldwide.
- The icon of «Good Luck» condition is a reference to a rumor that people can get good luck with a 4-leaf clover.
- The icon of «Bad Luck» condition is a reference to the British superstition that black cats bring bad luck (most notably when they cross a person’s path).
- The icon of «Double skill CD» is a reference to The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali.
- The icon of «Dwarfism» is a reference of the shrinking device in the Doraemon series.
- The icon of «Get new weapon» is a reference to the way sword weapons are displayed in the game Spirit of Darkness 3, or to the famous British legend «Sword in Stone».
- The icon of «Can only carry one weapon» condition is a reference of the novel «The Return of the Condor Heroes,» where the protagonist Yang Guo is a martial artist with only one arm.
- In detail, Yang Guo lost one arm during a duel, but was saved by the Divine Condor. He then learned to wield a powerful great sword with the remaining arm.
- The icon of «Increase critical damage» condition is a reference of a Chinese meme, where a guy claims that «I’ll prove to you that my blade is toxic» while licking it, then he collapses due to the poison.
- The original scene however, is from a Japanese TV series: The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castle: Poison Knife Scene.
- The behavior of «Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get hit» condition involves blue and yellow portals, which are a reference of the Portal series’ Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device’ attacks, which fires portals on suitable surfaces.
- The icon of «Gigantic pet» condition is a reference of Shobon’s action (especially the effect of giant mushroom,) an action game known to have many shoutouts and death traps.
- The icon of «increase revival time» condition is a reference of The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph «Ankh«.It is symbolize life,also is the symbol of gods.It is commonly seen on ancient Egyptian tombstones, mummies, pharaohs’ and gods’ hands.It can bring health and happiness.
- When first added, there were several glitches:
- The most infamous glitch is that the «More rooms in the dungeon» condition couldn’t be completed in the past.
- The reason is because when entering 3-6, there would be one extra room that had no enemies yet it would lock when the player entered, effectively preventing them from obtaining the Magic Stone and finishing the game.
- Some tablet users had a screen resolution issue that pushed the ‘Accept’ button off-screen. This prevented them from accepting any Challenges.
- Axe-type weapons and Blind Missile Battery were bugged and not affected by «Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%» and «Weapon fire rate +100%, attack -50%» conditions.
- The rewards of challenges could be claimed more than once a day, if the player completed the challenge more than once in the same day.
- The health-reducing effect of the «Dwarfism» condition did not work.
- Fire rate of weapons able to speed up over time was not affected by conditions regarding weapon damage and fire rate.
- The «Weapons get reforged at the start of each level» condition would occur in level 3-6 at that time, such that the inventory when touching the Magic Stone could be different from the certificate.
- In fact, the content of the «Game Clear» certificate is decided before entering 3-6.
- Extra statue effects would be discarded upon entering a new level.
- It was possible to get opposite conditions (like «Max buffs +3» and «Max buffs -3» together) when starting a multiplayer game.
- The most infamous glitch is that the «More rooms in the dungeon» condition couldn’t be completed in the past.
- All of the glitches above were fixed in Update 1.9.2.
- Before Update 1.9.7, the Health Buff could be used together with «Max HP= 1» condition, though having no effect.
- However, using the Caterpillar Fungus could prevent the buff from appearing in the choice list, such that it’s not useless.
- Before Update 2.0.0, the damage of One Punch would be displayed as «199» under «Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%» condition, instead of «1998» due to limited space. When fixed, the number is now shown in smaller font.
- This also happened for the Prototype Railgun under «Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%» condition, where the critical chance was «-25%~100%» but shown as «-25%~10» instead.
- Before Update 2.0.5, the «Better defense, but shield does not regenerate» would affect the mounts, such that they would be invincible if they had any defense.
- During Update 2.0.5, under the ‘Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%’ condition, weapons that cause debuffs upon critical hits (except for bows, Spike Knives and Frost Spear) could deal double damage on critical hits, regardless of having the Elemental Buff or not.
- Also, between Update 1.9.2 and Update 2.1.0, elemental weapons would deal 200% damage on critical hits with the Elemental Buff.
- During Update 2.1.0, when both «Weapon crit rate +100%» and «Increase crit damage» conditions were activated, weapons can effectively deal 200% damage on critical hits.
- A glitch may occur in Update 2.1.5, where if a player accepts the «Max HP= 1» condition but then cancels it and starts a run directly, the player will start with the correct max health, but the current health will be 1.
- When Boss Rush Mode was first introduced in Update 2.2.0, the lower left task could only give one Feather of Valkyrie.
- Also at that time, kills gained in Boss Rush Mode did not count toward the Wanted tasks.
- There was a glitch before Update 2.2.0, where if Baby Dragon Bros appeared as the main boss under the «Fight with 2 slightly nerfed bosses in each Boss room» condition, the second boss would be glitched that its banner would not appear, and the boss health bar would not include its share. This glitch is purely visual.
- When the «Increase the number of bonus rooms» condition was first introduced, it could create two bonus rooms of the same type, like with 2 statues or 2 mercenaries.
- It was possible to hire two mercenaries and they could work normally in the current floor. However when moving to next floor, the one hired first would be lost.
- Before Update 2.3.0, the «Increase revival times» condition was known as «You can resurrect twice» and was useless in multiplayer.
- When Toxic Worm was first added, its Wanted Task was glitched that it could not be completed.
- Some other tasks would also show a white square and also cannot be completed.
- Before Update 2.4.0, fire and poison pools created by weapons were not affected by weapon challenges.
- Random levels,Monsters split into two when their HP is below 50%,Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get ,Functional UI is disabled,Vision is limited,All weapons are equipped with attachments were added in update 2.7.0.
- Before Update 2.8.6, the characters wouldn’t have random skills, instead, characters used the last skill they have used. For example, if Knight’s skill was set to Superior Fire, it was impossible to change into a Knight with Dual Wield.
- This meant that locked skills or any skill from a locked character could be chosen, and when getting that character into a run, it would use that skill.
- Also, before this update, the the skin of the Shield NPC Paladin gives would always be the same of the Living Room skin.
- Before a change in Update 2.8.0, the «Random levels» condition would allow players to choose more buffs if they happened to reach later floors too early.
- When you take a hit, a random debuff will be applied to you. The effect only triggers once every 5 seconds,Pet is gigantic, more aggressive and deals higher damage,Bombs and coins may spawn in chests when you clear a room,A mount awaits when you enter a new biome were added in update 3.2.0.
- Weekly challenges were added in update 4.0.0.
- «Slightly increases max HP, movement speed, fire rate and critical rate» and «Max armor and max HP are fixed at 1. Max energy is fixed at 999» were added in Update 4.2.0, along with Airbender.
- At that time, Airbender NPC wouldn’t spawn, so players could not obtain these conditions normally. This was fixed in the next update, which also greatly increased the occurrence rate of the Airbender NPC for a short time.
- The Deja Vu condition was added in version 4.2.0 with other 6 new conditions. At that time, bringing this condition into the game again may lead to changes in the scene and monster layout, but the events encountered in the treasure chest room/special room remain unchanged; It may also be that the scene and monster layout remain unchanged, but the events encountered in the treasure chest room/special room change.
- When both Deja Vu and Config Error condition exist, players may encounter different monster positions.
- When players have Config Error condition,they may encounter relic hunters or other no-in-Neo-Isle-monsters in pirate support ships in Neo Isle biome. This may be a bug caused by the monsters on the pirate ship must be different’s limit is contradiction to this condition.
Objects | |
Living Room | Book Pile — Pet Food — Plant — TV — Safe — Fish Tank — Task Board — Beverage Vending Machine — Email — Lucky Cat |
Garden | Magic Well — Training Dummy |
Workshop | Forge Table — Redeem Machine |
Magic Area | Matrix Portal — Ancient Portal — Holy Statue |
Level Mode | Chests — Offering Pool — Reforging Furnace — Resetting Furnace — Water Dispenser — Vending Machines — Portals — Statues — Wishing Well — Signs — Claw Fun — Cage — New Year DinnerCNY |
The Task Board by default.
The Task Board is located at the top left corner of the Living Room. The Officer stands beside it.
- This item will change appearance according to the skin of Officer, or during special seasons.
It is unlocked once the player has reached level 2-3 with the Safe already unlocked.
It displays all the daily tasks upon interaction.
- Trying to interact with it in Multiplayer will show a message «Come next time when you play solo.»
- The Officer will have an exclamation mark over his head, which normally indicates that a task or challenge has been completed.
Once the player completes the tasks, they must interact with the Officer to claim the reward. Completing these tasks can yield gems and materials and very rarely blueprints.
- This is one of the better methods to collect Fertilizer, Free Trial Vouchers and the only method of obtaining Feather of Valkyrie once Boss Rush Mode is unlocked.
There are two types of tasks: Wanted Tasks and Challenge Tasks.
Road of Knights
The Road of Knights consists of 3 chapters, with 5 missions each. Rewards can be claimed for each mission completed, and additional rewards of 500, 750 and 1,000 Gems will be given after finishing 1, 3 and 5 missions per chapter, respectively. All missions of each chapter must be cleared before proceeding to the next one.
Chapter 1
Name | Task | Rewards |
Strike! | Welcome to the House of Knights! Please complete 1 game in any game mode. It is your duty to locate the Magic Stone and use its power to keep the world in order! | 400 |
Grab a Weapon | What’s that in your hand? Use a total of 5 different weapons in any game mode! | 400 |
Cast a Skill | Communicate with your inner self to unleash your full potential. Cast skill 10 in any game mode! | 400 |
Collect a Buff | During the adventure, you will be able to collect «buffs», which can be used in combination with weapons and skills to achieve magical effects. Please collect a total of 6 different buffs in any game mode except for season mode. | 400 |
Against All Odds | The best way to prove yourself is to defeat enemies. Show me what you got by defeating a total of 100 enemies in any game mode! | 500 1 |
Chapter 2
Name | Task | Rewards |
New Partners | There is a guy in the House of Knights who loves watching TV, yes, Rogue. Unlock and recruit him to come along in the adventure. | 500 |
Betting Stronger | Level up! Power up! Own 1 lvl. 2 character and see if anything has changed. | 500 |
Shopping Spree | Buy 1 item from the Trader in the Workshop. You can find legendary items here once in a while. | 400 |
Harvest Day | Countless species of plants exist on the continent of Soul Knight, and their seeds can be planted in the garden. Harvest 1 plant in the garden area and see what you can get. | 400 2 |
Boss Hunter | You should have seen the bosses in the dungeon and you need to defeat them in order to get the Magic Stone. Defeat 1 boss and set out for the Magic Stone! | 400 2 |
Chapter 3
Name | Task | Rewards |
New Skill | The same character can learn different skills. Try using the 3rd skill of Knight «Chaotic Strike» for 1 time. | 20 20 |
Forge Weapon | You’ve figured out how to make the weapons after obtaining them. Forge 1 weapon at the Forge Table in the Workshop. | 400 |
Valiant Challenge | Find the battle too easy? Complete 1 challenge on the Task Board for something new (solo mode only). | 400 |
Craft Armour Mount | In a world where technology and magic co-exist, you can craft 1 armor mount at the Robotics Facility in the Workshop and you will be able to battle in the mecha form. | 400 |
Protect the Magic Stone | Retrieve the Magic Stone Fragment which keeps the world in balance! In Level Mode, defeat a boss who guards the fragment, complete the game and have your rewards calculated at the end-of-the-game screen. | 1000 2 |
Wanted Tasks
A completed Wanted task.
- The player is required to kill the target enemy for a given number of times in each task.
- Each day, 1 to 2 new Wanted tasks will appear. The Task Board can hold up to 4 Wanted tasks.
- If Boss Rush Mode is unlocked, the lower left task will always refresh everyday, with the reward being two Feathers of Valkyrie.
- These Wanted tasks do not need to be accepted. Simply go to play and kill enough targets and return to claim reward.
- Kills gained in Multiplayer, Boss Rush Mode and The Origin count towards the tasks.
- Kills gained from minions summoned by bosses do not count toward the tasks.
- Be careful that killing the wrong enemies will not count (for example, a task requires brown Chester, which means that kills for the blue Chester do not count).
- It is possible to discard a Wanted task by using the button at the lower left. This is useful if the player is given a quest which they cannot complete, and they can wait until tommorow for applicable task replacements.
- Unlike most things that are undone by rerolling a level, enemy/boss tally isn’t. The player can use this to their advantage, completing any given level twice for more kills.
Challenge Tasks
A challenge task.
- The player is required to complete the game under 4 random conditions.
- The conditions are refreshed every day.
- Completing a challenge after refreshing date will count as completing the challenge of next day, and will yield the corresponding reward.
- It is required to accept the Challenge by choosing the post and activating it. It is also possible to deactivate by the same method or interact with Officer twice.
- In Multiplayer mode, however, the host has an option of picking some random conditions to start the game. These conditions can be random ones different from the daily task and do not offer additional rewards.
- It is possible to accept and decline Challenge as many times as possible, however the reward can only be claimed once every day. (Unless the player deletes and re-installs the game, and then get back their cloud saves)
- Some challenge conditions are either partially applied or not applied at all in the Lobby.
- After completing a daily challenge, the player can talk to Officer and pay 200 gems to change conditions. This can be done 15 times a day.
- This will not grant new rewards by completing the new conditions, however. These conditions will also be lost if they are not used immediately in the next run.
- It is possible to bring conditions into The Origin, and some of them can be activated correctly, but it is impossible to complete a challenge since it is impossible to win.
- NPC Officer can give random conditions. Doing so does not affect the state of challenges.
List of Conditions
Condition Symbol | Description/Notes |
No pets or mercenaries
▲ top |
Enemy defense +1
▲ top |
More enemies in the dungeon
▲ top |
More aggressive enemies!
▲ top |
Enemies move faster
▲ top |
Enemy debuff time -50%
▲ top |
Enemy HP +100%
▲ top |
Enemy fire rate up!
▲ top |
Store price +100%
▲ top |
Max number of buffs +3
▲ top |
Better defense, but shield does not regenerate
▲ top |
Max number of buffs -3
▲ top |
Skill cooldown -50%
▲ top |
Skill cooldown +100%
▲ top |
Increase revival times
▲ top |
Elite enemies appear more often
▲ top |
You can worship multiple statues
▲ top |
Weapons get reforged at the start of each level
▲ top |
Get a weapon when entering a new biome
▲ top |
Max HP =1
▲ top |
Infinite energy
▲ top |
Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%
▲ top |
Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%
▲ top |
Weapon fire rate +100%, attack -50%
▲ top |
Options -2 when you choose buffs
▲ top |
Options +2 when you choose buffs
▲ top |
More rooms in the dungeon
▲ top |
Melee weapons only
▲ top |
Max energy -50%
▲ top |
Good Luck
▲ top |
Bad Luck
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
Regenerate HP when it’s below 50%
▲ top |
Fight with 2 slightly nerfed bosses in each Boss room
▲ top |
May switch character when you enter a new level
▲ top |
Increase the number of bonus rooms
▲ top |
Can only carry one weapon
▲ top |
Increase critical damage
▲ top |
Random levels
▲ top |
Monsters split into two when their HP is below 50%
▲ top |
All weapons are equipped with attachments
▲ top |
Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get hit
▲ top |
Vision is limited
▲ top |
Functional UI is disabled
▲ top |
When you take a hit, a random debuff will be applied to you. The effect only triggers once every 5 seconds
▲ top |
Pet is gigantic, more aggressive and deals higher damage
▲ top |
Bombs and coins may spawn in chests when you clear a room
▲ top |
A mount awaits when you enter a new biome
▲ top |
Deja Vu («Have I been here before?»)
▲ top |
Inferior Medicament (All recovery -50%)
▲ top |
Weapon Overheating
▲ top |
Config Error (It all started from a warm, lovely afternoon and a dozy, drowsy developer)
▲ top |
Time Fluctuation (Your movement speed randomly increases or decreases)
▲ top |
Killing Spree (You get stronger as you acquire a killstreak)
▲ top |
Sales Day
▲ top |
Strong Body
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
▲ top |
Blessing Staff
▲ top |
Curse of Grave Robbers
▲ top |
Slightly increases max HP, movement speed, fire rate and critical rate
▲ top |
Max armor and max HP are fixed at 1. Max energy is fixed at 999
▲ top |
Cancels 1 increased Pressure Level’s weight on enemy resistance to control effects
▲ top |
Killing monsters have a chance to revive all teammates
▲ top |
Monster movement speed -1%
▲ top |
The spawn chance of mutant monsters +2%
▲ top |
Damage taken by the player +1, damage taken by the monster +2
▲ top |
Improves enemy immunity to crowd control
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The whole team (all the team members combined) can’t revive more than 2 times. If one is revived by a weapon
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Complete the game within 12 minutes (normal mode) or 16 minutes (badass mode)
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Characters may suddenly become larger or smaller over time. Movement speed is adjusted as well, but not health and armor
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Sometimes enemy blimp will bomb the room. Enemies take 8 damage while players take 4 (5 in badass)
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Enemies and players will explode 3 seconds after death. Players make larger explosion. These explosions hurt players
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Meteors fall from time to time. These meteors do not damage enemies
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Enemies, upon death, have a chance to open a rift of time and space
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Novice Hunter
Complete 1 task Reward: a seed of Bamboo (Plant) |
veteran Hunter
Complete 10 tasks Reward: Officer as a playable character and a seed of Magic Flower |
Legendary Hunter
Complete 100 tasks Reward: a seed of Devil’s Snare (Plant) |
Mining Expert
Get 800 coins in 1 challenge Reward: none |
Embrace Challenges
Accept a total of 30 different challenge conditions and complete these Level Mode games. Reward: none |
- This feature was added in Update 1.9.0.
A challenge task from before 4.1.0.
- Until Update 4.1.0, the Challenge Task had a different appearance.
- Some of the conditions have references:
- The icon of «Better defense» condition is a reference of the icon of «Nuclear Disarmament» used worldwide.
- The icon of «Good Luck» condition is a reference to a rumor that people can get good luck with a 4-leaf clover.
- The icon of «Bad Luck» condition is a reference to the British superstition that black cats bring bad luck (most notably when they cross a person’s path).
- The icon of «Double skill CD» is a reference to The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali.
- The icon of «Dwarfism» is a reference of the shrinking device in the Doraemon series.
- The icon of «Get new weapon» is a reference to the way sword weapons are displayed in the game Spirit of Darkness 3, or to the famous British legend «Sword in Stone».
- The icon of «Can only carry one weapon» condition is a reference of the novel «The Return of the Condor Heroes,» where the protagonist Yang Guo is a martial artist with only one arm.
- In detail, Yang Guo lost one arm during a duel, but was saved by the Divine Condor. He then learned to wield a powerful great sword with the remaining arm.
- The icon of «Increase critical damage» condition is a reference of a Chinese meme, where a guy claims that «I’ll prove to you that my blade is toxic» while licking it, then he collapses due to the poison.
- The original scene however, is from a Japanese TV series: The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castle: Poison Knife Scene.
- The behavior of «Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get hit» condition involves blue and yellow portals, which are a reference of the Portal series’ Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device’ attacks, which fires portals on suitable surfaces.
- The icon of «Gigantic pet» condition is a reference of Shobon’s action (especially the effect of giant mushroom,) an action game known to have many shoutouts and death traps.
- The icon of «increase revival time» condition is a reference of The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph «Ankh«.It is symbolize life,also is the symbol of gods.It is commonly seen on ancient Egyptian tombstones, mummies, pharaohs’ and gods’ hands.It can bring health and happiness.
- When first added, there were several glitches:
- The most infamous glitch is that the «More rooms in the dungeon» condition couldn’t be completed in the past.
- The reason is because when entering 3-6, there would be one extra room that had no enemies yet it would lock when the player entered, effectively preventing them from obtaining the Magic Stone and finishing the game.
- Some tablet users had a screen resolution issue that pushed the ‘Accept’ button off-screen. This prevented them from accepting any Challenges.
- Axe-type weapons and Blind Missile Battery were bugged and not affected by «Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%» and «Weapon fire rate +100%, attack -50%» conditions.
- The rewards of challenges could be claimed more than once a day, if the player completed the challenge more than once in the same day.
- The health-reducing effect of the «Dwarfism» condition did not work.
- Fire rate of weapons able to speed up over time was not affected by conditions regarding weapon damage and fire rate.
- The «Weapons get reforged at the start of each level» condition would occur in level 3-6 at that time, such that the inventory when touching the Magic Stone could be different from the certificate.
- In fact, the content of the «Game Clear» certificate is decided before entering 3-6.
- Extra statue effects would be discarded upon entering a new level.
- It was possible to get opposite conditions (like «Max buffs +3» and «Max buffs -3» together) when starting a multiplayer game.
- The most infamous glitch is that the «More rooms in the dungeon» condition couldn’t be completed in the past.
- All of the glitches above were fixed in Update 1.9.2.
- Before Update 1.9.7, the Health Buff could be used together with «Max HP= 1» condition, though having no effect.
- However, using the Caterpillar Fungus could prevent the buff from appearing in the choice list, such that it’s not useless.
- Before Update 2.0.0, the damage of One Punch would be displayed as «199» under «Weapon attack +100%, fire rate -50%» condition, instead of «1998» due to limited space. When fixed, the number is now shown in smaller font.
- This also happened for the Prototype Railgun under «Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%» condition, where the critical chance was «-25%~100%» but shown as «-25%~10» instead.
- Before Update 2.0.5, the «Better defense, but shield does not regenerate» would affect the mounts, such that they would be invincible if they had any defense.
- During Update 2.0.5, under the ‘Weapon crit rate +100%, crit damage -50%’ condition, weapons that cause debuffs upon critical hits (except for bows, Spike Knives and Frost Spear) could deal double damage on critical hits, regardless of having the Elemental Buff or not.
- Also, between Update 1.9.2 and Update 2.1.0, elemental weapons would deal 200% damage on critical hits with the Elemental Buff.
- During Update 2.1.0, when both «Weapon crit rate +100%» and «Increase crit damage» conditions were activated, weapons can effectively deal 200% damage on critical hits.
- A glitch may occur in Update 2.1.5, where if a player accepts the «Max HP= 1» condition but then cancels it and starts a run directly, the player will start with the correct max health, but the current health will be 1.
- When Boss Rush Mode was first introduced in Update 2.2.0, the lower left task could only give one Feather of Valkyrie.
- Also at that time, kills gained in Boss Rush Mode did not count toward the Wanted tasks.
- There was a glitch before Update 2.2.0, where if Baby Dragon Bros appeared as the main boss under the «Fight with 2 slightly nerfed bosses in each Boss room» condition, the second boss would be glitched that its banner would not appear, and the boss health bar would not include its share. This glitch is purely visual.
- When the «Increase the number of bonus rooms» condition was first introduced, it could create two bonus rooms of the same type, like with 2 statues or 2 mercenaries.
- It was possible to hire two mercenaries and they could work normally in the current floor. However when moving to next floor, the one hired first would be lost.
- Before Update 2.3.0, the «Increase revival times» condition was known as «You can resurrect twice» and was useless in multiplayer.
- When Toxic Worm was first added, its Wanted Task was glitched that it could not be completed.
- Some other tasks would also show a white square and also cannot be completed.
- Before Update 2.4.0, fire and poison pools created by weapons were not affected by weapon challenges.
- Random levels,Monsters split into two when their HP is below 50%,Monsters shift to a different position the moment they get ,Functional UI is disabled,Vision is limited,All weapons are equipped with attachments were added in update 2.7.0.
- Before Update 2.8.6, the characters wouldn’t have random skills, instead, characters used the last skill they have used. For example, if Knight’s skill was set to Superior Fire, it was impossible to change into a Knight with Dual Wield.
- This meant that locked skills or any skill from a locked character could be chosen, and when getting that character into a run, it would use that skill.
- Also, before this update, the the skin of the Shield NPC Paladin gives would always be the same of the Living Room skin.
- Before a change in Update 2.8.0, the «Random levels» condition would allow players to choose more buffs if they happened to reach later floors too early.
- When you take a hit, a random debuff will be applied to you. The effect only triggers once every 5 seconds,Pet is gigantic, more aggressive and deals higher damage,Bombs and coins may spawn in chests when you clear a room,A mount awaits when you enter a new biome were added in update 3.2.0.
- Weekly challenges were added in update 4.0.0.
- «Slightly increases max HP, movement speed, fire rate and critical rate» and «Max armor and max HP are fixed at 1. Max energy is fixed at 999» were added in Update 4.2.0, along with Airbender.
- At that time, Airbender NPC wouldn’t spawn, so players could not obtain these conditions normally. This was fixed in the next update, which also greatly increased the occurrence rate of the Airbender NPC for a short time.
- The Deja Vu condition was added in version 4.2.0 with other 6 new conditions. At that time, bringing this condition into the game again may lead to changes in the scene and monster layout, but the events encountered in the treasure chest room/special room remain unchanged; It may also be that the scene and monster layout remain unchanged, but the events encountered in the treasure chest room/special room change.
- When both Deja Vu and Config Error condition exist, players may encounter different monster positions.
- When players have Config Error condition,they may encounter relic hunters or other no-in-Neo-Isle-monsters in pirate support ships in Neo Isle biome. This may be a bug caused by the monsters on the pirate ship must be different’s limit is contradiction to this condition.
Objects | |
Living Room | Book Pile — Pet Food — Plant — TV — Safe — Fish Tank — Task Board — Beverage Vending Machine — Email — Lucky Cat |
Garden | Magic Well — Training Dummy |
Workshop | Forge Table — Redeem Machine |
Magic Area | Matrix Portal — Ancient Portal — Holy Statue |
Level Mode | Chests — Offering Pool — Reforging Furnace — Resetting Furnace — Water Dispenser — Vending Machines — Portals — Statues — Wishing Well — Signs — Claw Fun — Cage — New Year DinnerCNY |
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30.12.2017 18:47
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04.01.2022 15:19
Доброго времени суток. Если у вас возникли проблемы с запуском игры Soul Knight, для начала вы можете попробовать сами решить эту проблему, воспользовавшись несколькими способами. Первым делом попробуйте переустановить игру с файла, но при установке посмотрите, есть ли ограничения для этой игры или наоборот какие-то требования. Но если и это не поможет, то вам стоит обратиться за помощью на официальный сайт игры и написать в поддержку.
Please click on the listed problem to see the solution.
1. Cloud Save
Q: How can I cloud save? (Android)?
Please refer to Soul Knight Cloud Save Manual for Android Users. The only supported way to back up your game data is via the in-game cloud save feature, where you need to upload your local save data to the cloud MANUALLY. Simply logging into Google Play Games will NOT auto-save your progress. Tapping on the Facebook button on the main screen will NOT «link your game account with Facebook» either.
Not helpful
Q. Which login should I use? Google or ChillyRoom account??
* If you have cloud saved your data before v4.2.5 (released on 2022/09/14), please log in with Google account. We will migrate your cloud save data to ChillyRoom’s game server.
* If your phone does not have Google services, you can enter the game by logging into the ChillyRoom account.
If you choose to sign in with Google, please make sure that you use the same Google account or Apple ID every time you log into the game. The same applies if you choose the ChillyRoom account in the first place. If you switch accounts, you won’t be able to upload your local save to the cloud.
Not helpful
Q. When I try to sign up for a ChillyRoom account, I get a message that says «The account already exists». But I don’t remember signing up for one in Soul Knight.
You have already registered one account, possibly in Otherworld Legends or We Happy Restaurant. If you don’t remember the password, you can always reset it by tapping the «Forgot password» button on the login window.
Not helpful
Q. If I have already saved to Google before the migration, can I still sign up for a ChillyRoom account?
Yes, but after you log into your ChillyRoom account, make sure that you bind it with your Google account BEFORE you cloud save. Otherwise, your save data in Google cloud can’t be migrated to the server of ChillyRoom.
Not helpful
Q. I have changed my phone from iPhone to Android? Can I transfer my save data?
No. The Android version and the iOS version have completely different account systems and data structures. Game data can’t be migrated between Android and iOS.
Not helpful
Q. Can I share save data between different accounts?
Q. I have deleted the game/factory reset my phone/changed my device. How can I restore my game data after that?
If you have never cloud saved before, there is no way for us to recover your lost data for you. App reinstall, factory reset, and device change are all system-level operations that can wipe all the app data clean. Soul Knight does not auto-back up your data. You need to manually save it to the cloud from time to time to prevent unexpected data loss.
1. I have cloud saved before.
Log into the same account that you used to cloud save. When the cloud save bar shows your save data, tap on Download Progress.
2. I have NEVER cloud saved before.
Your game data cannot be restored. It has been erased from your device. And since you have never cloud saved, there is no backup of it in our server either.
But non-consumable in-app purchases (heroes, skills, etc. that are unlocked with real money) can be restored.
Not helpful
Q. I am pretty sure I have uploaded my save to the cloud. But nothing appears on the cloud save bar.
If that is the case, please contact our customer service and send us the below information:
• Where do you download the app
• and all the possible accounts you have once used
• and a screenshot of your Account Info (tap on the smiley face icon)
Not helpful
Q. What should I do if I get the message that says «The save data does not belong to the current account»?
● Check if you have changed your account. If the save data has been uploaded to one cloud save account, you cannot upload it again to another one.
● Check if you have updated your game via a different app marketplace. If you’ve uploaded save data on the app downloaded from app marketplace A, you can’t upload the same data on the app updated/downloaded from app marketplace B.
Not helpful
Q. What should I do if I get the message that says «Please retry after X days.» when I try to cloud save?
You have to wait for X days. There is no other way to skip the waiting. For more information, please refer to Cloud Save Limitation.
Not helpful
Q. Why is my account banned?
Your account has shown firm evidence of hacking or cheating. It will be permanently banned. An account banned for cheating will not be unbanned under any circumstances. Please do not share your account information with anyone. You will be solely responsible for all consequences including the account ban.
Not helpful
2.In-App Purchase
Q. I have made an in-app purchase. But it is still locked in my game. When I tap on it, an error message pops up and says that I have already owned the item.
If you made the purchase less than 24 hours ago, please wait 24 hours and see if you can receive it by tomorrow. If you have waited for more than 24 hours but less than 48 hours, but you never receive the item, please immediately request a refund on Google Play:
Request a refund on Google Play
If your refund request is later rejected by Google Play, please send us the Google Play purchase receipt and we will move forward on our side. Please note that we need the receipt that has the order number starting with «GPA». The receipt should look like this:
Here is the guide from Google on how to find your receipt:
Understand your Google Store charges and receipts
Not helpful
Q. How do I request a refund if I am an iOS user?
Please click «Report a Problem» on your Apple receipt and file a refund request for Apple.
Not helpful
Q. I made a purchase by accident. Can I get a refund?
Once an item is sold and received, we don’t refund it in most cases. Thank you for your understanding.
Not helpful
Q. I can’t find or use my non-consumable in-app purchases.
As long as your purchased item is something other than consumables like gems and Fish Chips, then yes, it can be restored.
To restore purchases on Android:
If you hope to restore all paid products, on the main screen, tap on the gear button, and then tap on the green shopping cart button.
If you hope to restore a specific product, please tap on the BUY button under the paid product you had before to try to repurchase. You won’t be charged again but, in the process, the restore will happen. For other purchases, the process is the same.
To restore purchases on iOS:
On the main screen, tap on the gear button, and then tap on the green shopping cart button.
NOTICE: If you log into a ChillyRoom account that can’t be bound with any Google account, you won’t be able to have your non-consumables restored because we can’t verify which Google account made the purchase earlier.
Not helpful
Q. I can’t download the game from Play Store.
Here is the guide from Google on how to troubleshoot the issue:
Fix problems downloading apps from the Play Store
You can try switching to another internet connection, restarting Play Store and phone, clearing cache, and clearing the data of Play Store (NOT THE GAME APP ITSELF just the Play Store).
Not helpful
Q. What are the minimum specs of the device for the game to run smoothly?
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Multiplayer (also known as LAN Co-op and Online Co-op) is a gameplay mode where the player can play with other people. Up to 4 people can play with each other in the same game. This mode can be accessed from the starting screen.
Starting Multiplayer
- One person needs to be the host. They press the «Host game» button, then decide the room name («SoulKnight» by default). They will then be presented with three checkboxes that can be checked and unchecked freely; if checked, the first enables Badass Mode, the second enables Boss Rush Mode (only available if the host has unlocked the mode and has any Feathers of Valkyrie) and the third enables challenge conditions (random ones are picked every time conditions are enabled, allowing the players to search for the ones they want. These are always different from the ones on the host’s Task Board). Then, they can confirm their settings, after which they will be sent to the Living Room. Once they are done in the Living Room, the host may enter the door to initialize the game.
- Other people should first connect to the same Wi-Fi (or a hotspot created by the host), go to the «Join game» section of Multiplayer and choose the corresponding game to join. After joining the game, they will be sent to the Living Room. Once they reach the Living Room door, joining the game is completed. Guests can only enter said door after the host does.
- The door, instead of the swords clashing image indicating battle, will have a moving image of two devices connected, symbolizing that going in means the player will connect to the others’ devices.
- All participants can roam freely in the Living Room before they enter the game and try to get any weapon or other possible items from the Garden and Workshop or forge weapons in the Forge Table like in a single player game. The chest next to the door will spawn all of the rings instead of a weapon. The only things they can’t do is interact with the Task Board, Badass Travel, Season Travel, the Valkyrie, the Drillmaster or the Ancient Portal – they’ll react «Come next time when you play solo.»
- The Officer has the exclamation mark that usually indicates the player has completed a challenge or wanted task, but he does nothing in multiplayer.
- When the player is ready, enter the door and the player will arrive in the waiting room. Players in this room can practice freely on a Training Dummy until the host starts the game. All players will restore energy constantly while in the room, similar to the effect of the «Infinite energy» condition. Rings cannot be used in this room.
- There are four large screens on the wall of the room. If any player is in the Living Room but not ready yet, it’ll show their skin on a monitor, and if they’re ready, the corresponding screen will show the player with «READY» beneath the image. The player will also appear in the waiting room. Otherwise, the monitor only shows noise.
- When at least two players are ready, the host can start the game by pressing a button with the play icon on it.
- If a run has been interrupted and the players want to resume the game, they need to use the «Last game» button at the title screen. The host can continue the game if at least one player has returned.
Playing Multiplayer
In Multiplayer mode, many factors of gameplay change, such as:
- Chests can be larger than normal. These chests require some players to stand on separate buttons at the same time to open. These chests will give more than one weapon, depending on the number of buttons.
- For example, in a game with 3 players, chests may have 2 or 3 buttons while giving 2 or 3 weapons accordingly.
- Shops may contain more items (big shops can contain up to 6).
- Champion rooms come with more reward chests (one for each player).
- Gold, energy orbs and materials are separated for each player. Only those for the players’ character are visible.
- All players can contribute coins to Wishing Wells (the cap remains at 50), and any payout that is not a weapon or potion can be collected by all players. However, only one player can take an item from the selection provided in Turret Rooms.
- If a blueprint that appears is one that a player has already collected, it will become either another blueprint or a random item for that player.
- Developed weapons and armor mounts can appear randomly even if none of the players have developed them.
- This also works for regular Mounts, which can appear even if the player doesn’t have the right achievement.
- Buffs that are chosen will apply to every player. Only the host is able to choose the Buffs.
- Buffs on fully-upgraded characters will also apply to all other players, even if they may be different for each character used. Buffs that anyone comes with will not show up in the choices.
- For example, if a game starts with a fully-upgraded Knight and a fully-upgraded Wizard, the Knight will also benefit from the Wizard’s Elemental Buff, and the Wizard will also benefit from the Knight’s Strong Shield Buff.
- Character-exclusive Buffs are not shared.
- Buffs on fully-upgraded characters will also apply to all other players, even if they may be different for each character used. Buffs that anyone comes with will not show up in the choices.
- Characters found at the start of each level can still only be interacted with by players that have unlocked them, even if one player has unlocked them but another has not.
- Only the host can obtain drinks from the Beverage Vending Machine, and the drink given will only apply to them despite being visible in the pause screen for all players. The only exception is Tea, as all players share Buffs. Drinks purchased from the Waiter during the game will be given to all players regardless of who purchased the drink.
- Each Statue can be worshipped once by every player. Statue effects are independent for each player.
- Each player has a panel on the left of the screen showing health and energy bars for other players. Armor is not displayed. The host will also have an option to kick players from the game here, but only while in the waiting room.
- Players can revive each other if someone dies. The person who had died cannot do anything until another player revives them.
- In order to revive another player, move to that player and interact with them. The player must then remain next to the downed player until their life bar has been fully refilled (the progress of revival is shown in green) and the player is revived. It takes 5 seconds to revive a player. The player can use skills and move in a very small area around the other player while reviving, but they cannot attack with weapons. The revival attempt will be canceled if they move away during the process.
- The other players will be automatically revived once someone enters the portal to the next level.
- A revived player will be restored with 1 health, full armor, full energy, and be granted a 2-second invincibility shield. There is no limit on how many times a player can be revived.
- The game is over when all players are down.
- However, if the «You can revive twice» condition is active, the first time all players fall down, they will have the option to revive everyone.
- In order to revive another player, move to that player and interact with them. The player must then remain next to the downed player until their life bar has been fully refilled (the progress of revival is shown in green) and the player is revived. It takes 5 seconds to revive a player. The player can use skills and move in a very small area around the other player while reviving, but they cannot attack with weapons. The revival attempt will be canceled if they move away during the process.
- If a player enters a new room with enemies (thus making them aggressive), all other players will be forced to warp to that player to deal with the enemies together.
- Enemy rooms are given a «start» animation of 1 second to let players get ready, during which enemies cannot take damage.
- This also happens in Turret Rooms, where all players will warp to where the chosen item used to be.
- All enemies have increased health. Every extra player will cause a 50% increase in enemy health, up to 250% of the basic value in a 4-play game.
- Enemies will spawn more frequently. The more players in-game, the more enemies spawn.
- The portal to the next floor can be interacted with by any player. Once a player has done so, a 15-second timer will appear on-screen and the other players are presented with the options «Wait for me» and «Next level». The player who interacted with the portal can choose to cancel the action, which will stop the timer. If all players select «Next level», everyone will be taken to the next floor automatically.
- The number of players who have selected «Next level» is shown at the bottom of the screen as x/# of total players. Even if no players choose to advance, everyone will be forcibly taken to the next floor once the timer reaches 0.
- Selecting the option «Wait for me» will cause the player to send a stopwatch emoji, with no other effect.
- The number of players who have selected «Next level» is shown at the bottom of the screen as x/# of total players. Even if no players choose to advance, everyone will be forcibly taken to the next floor once the timer reaches 0.
Weekly Challenges
Since Update 4.0.0, the host can enable this option to add a special condition on top of all other factors. Completing a level mode game under this condition yields additional rewards. The condition is refreshed every Monday 0:00.
- Boss Rush and local Co-op cannot apply weekly challenges.
- The first success each week gives rewards shown in the present boxes below, while challenge in badass mode gives another reward. From the second time of each difficulty in the same week, players can only earn gems.
These are the known challenges:
Icon | Description and Note |
The whole team (all members combined) can only revive up to 2 times. Revives caused by weapons (like Nirvana Cross) and other conditions do not count. |
Characters may suddenly become larger or smaller over time. Movement speed is adjusted as well, but not health and armor.
Complete the game within 12 minutes (normal mode) or 16 minutes (badass mode).
Enemies and players will explode 3 seconds after death. Players make larger explosion. These explosions hurt players.
Enemies have high chance to leave a dimensional rift on death. Players stepping into a rift will take damage like falling into a pit in Grave. Each rift lasts for 12 seconds. |
Each room contains one extra large champion enemy.
Meteors fall from time to time. These meteors do not damage enemies.
Sometimes enemy blimp will bomb the room. Enemies take 8 damage while players take 4 (5 in badass).
Be There for You
Complete a multiplayer game in Level Mode — Badass Reward: Heroine Mu Guiying skin for Wizard |
Rescue teammates 5 times or more in one multiplayer game that you complete. Reward: 666 |
For Better or Worse
The whole team gets killed 10 times or more in total in one multiplayer game that you complete. Reward: none |
Laid back
In a multiplayer game, lie on the ground after getting killed till your teammates make it to the next level. Reward: none |
- Before Update 1.6.0, only up to 2 players could join the same game.
- Prior to Update 1.6.0, if the player disconnected, the player would be unable to continue their game in Multiplayer.
- In the past, a dead player could switch weapons before being revived. This could cause an exploit if that player was carrying a Shield or other weapons that work upon switching.
- Before Update 2.3.0, the «You can resurrect twice» condition was useless in this mode.
- The interface of starting a multiplayer game was simpler without the use of the Living Room before update 2.5.0.
- As of Update 2.0.5, at this screen, if the player is the host, their local IPv4 address (always 192.168.x.x) will be displayed at the bottom-left corner if they are connected to a Wi-Fi (either router or mobile hotspot), or your own IPv4 (eg. if they’re on mobile data. If the player is the participant, they will see the host’s IPv6.
- Its online feature was added in Update 3.0.0 and Update 3.3.5 for iOS and Android, respectively.
Old ready screen of hosting player
Large chests found in the game
A shop with 4 weapons for sale
Multiplayer button
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Multiplayer (also known as LAN Co-op and Online Co-op) is a gameplay mode where the player can play with other people. Up to 4 people can play with each other in the same game. This mode can be accessed from the starting screen.
Starting Multiplayer
- One person needs to be the host. They press the «Host game» button, then decide the room name («SoulKnight» by default). They will then be presented with three checkboxes that can be checked and unchecked freely; if checked, the first enables Badass Mode, the second enables Boss Rush Mode (only available if the host has unlocked the mode and has any Feathers of Valkyrie) and the third enables challenge conditions (random ones are picked every time conditions are enabled, allowing the players to search for the ones they want. These are always different from the ones on the host’s Task Board). Then, they can confirm their settings, after which they will be sent to the Living Room. Once they are done in the Living Room, the host may enter the door to initialize the game.
- Other people should first connect to the same Wi-Fi (or a hotspot created by the host), go to the «Join game» section of Multiplayer and choose the corresponding game to join. After joining the game, they will be sent to the Living Room. Once they reach the Living Room door, joining the game is completed. Guests can only enter said door after the host does.
- The door, instead of the swords clashing image indicating battle, will have a moving image of two devices connected, symbolizing that going in means the player will connect to the others’ devices.
- All participants can roam freely in the Living Room before they enter the game and try to get any weapon or other possible items from the Garden and Workshop or forge weapons in the Forge Table like in a single player game. The chest next to the door will spawn all of the rings instead of a weapon. The only things they can’t do is interact with the Task Board, Badass Travel, Season Travel, the Valkyrie, the Drillmaster or the Ancient Portal – they’ll react «Come next time when you play solo.»
- The Officer has the exclamation mark that usually indicates the player has completed a challenge or wanted task, but he does nothing in multiplayer.
- When the player is ready, enter the door and the player will arrive in the waiting room. Players in this room can practice freely on a Training Dummy until the host starts the game. All players will restore energy constantly while in the room, similar to the effect of the «Infinite energy» condition. Rings cannot be used in this room.
- There are four large screens on the wall of the room. If any player is in the Living Room but not ready yet, it’ll show their skin on a monitor, and if they’re ready, the corresponding screen will show the player with «READY» beneath the image. The player will also appear in the waiting room. Otherwise, the monitor only shows noise.
- When at least two players are ready, the host can start the game by pressing a button with the play icon on it.
- If a run has been interrupted and the players want to resume the game, they need to use the «Last game» button at the title screen. The host can continue the game if at least one player has returned.
Playing Multiplayer
In Multiplayer mode, many factors of gameplay change, such as:
- Chests can be larger than normal. These chests require some players to stand on separate buttons at the same time to open. These chests will give more than one weapon, depending on the number of buttons.
- For example, in a game with 3 players, chests may have 2 or 3 buttons while giving 2 or 3 weapons accordingly.
- Shops may contain more items (big shops can contain up to 6).
- Champion rooms come with more reward chests (one for each player).
- Gold, energy orbs and materials are separated for each player. Only those for the players’ character are visible.
- All players can contribute coins to Wishing Wells (the cap remains at 50), and any payout that is not a weapon or potion can be collected by all players. However, only one player can take an item from the selection provided in Turret Rooms.
- If a blueprint that appears is one that a player has already collected, it will become either another blueprint or a random item for that player.
- Developed weapons and armor mounts can appear randomly even if none of the players have developed them.
- This also works for regular Mounts, which can appear even if the player doesn’t have the right achievement.
- Buffs that are chosen will apply to every player. Only the host is able to choose the Buffs.
- Buffs on fully-upgraded characters will also apply to all other players, even if they may be different for each character used. Buffs that anyone comes with will not show up in the choices.
- For example, if a game starts with a fully-upgraded Knight and a fully-upgraded Wizard, the Knight will also benefit from the Wizard’s Elemental Buff, and the Wizard will also benefit from the Knight’s Strong Shield Buff.
- Character-exclusive Buffs are not shared.
- Buffs on fully-upgraded characters will also apply to all other players, even if they may be different for each character used. Buffs that anyone comes with will not show up in the choices.
- Characters found at the start of each level can still only be interacted with by players that have unlocked them, even if one player has unlocked them but another has not.
- Only the host can obtain drinks from the Beverage Vending Machine, and the drink given will only apply to them despite being visible in the pause screen for all players. The only exception is Tea, as all players share Buffs. Drinks purchased from the Waiter during the game will be given to all players regardless of who purchased the drink.
- Each Statue can be worshipped once by every player. Statue effects are independent for each player.
- Each player has a panel on the left of the screen showing health and energy bars for other players. Armor is not displayed. The host will also have an option to kick players from the game here, but only while in the waiting room.
- Players can revive each other if someone dies. The person who had died cannot do anything until another player revives them.
- In order to revive another player, move to that player and interact with them. The player must then remain next to the downed player until their life bar has been fully refilled (the progress of revival is shown in green) and the player is revived. It takes 5 seconds to revive a player. The player can use skills and move in a very small area around the other player while reviving, but they cannot attack with weapons. The revival attempt will be canceled if they move away during the process.
- The other players will be automatically revived once someone enters the portal to the next level.
- A revived player will be restored with 1 health, full armor, full energy, and be granted a 2-second invincibility shield. There is no limit on how many times a player can be revived.
- The game is over when all players are down.
- However, if the «You can revive twice» condition is active, the first time all players fall down, they will have the option to revive everyone.
- In order to revive another player, move to that player and interact with them. The player must then remain next to the downed player until their life bar has been fully refilled (the progress of revival is shown in green) and the player is revived. It takes 5 seconds to revive a player. The player can use skills and move in a very small area around the other player while reviving, but they cannot attack with weapons. The revival attempt will be canceled if they move away during the process.
- If a player enters a new room with enemies (thus making them aggressive), all other players will be forced to warp to that player to deal with the enemies together.
- Enemy rooms are given a «start» animation of 1 second to let players get ready, during which enemies cannot take damage.
- This also happens in Turret Rooms, where all players will warp to where the chosen item used to be.
- All enemies have increased health. Every extra player will cause a 50% increase in enemy health, up to 250% of the basic value in a 4-play game.
- Enemies will spawn more frequently. The more players in-game, the more enemies spawn.
- The portal to the next floor can be interacted with by any player. Once a player has done so, a 15-second timer will appear on-screen and the other players are presented with the options «Wait for me» and «Next level». The player who interacted with the portal can choose to cancel the action, which will stop the timer. If all players select «Next level», everyone will be taken to the next floor automatically.
- The number of players who have selected «Next level» is shown at the bottom of the screen as x/# of total players. Even if no players choose to advance, everyone will be forcibly taken to the next floor once the timer reaches 0.
- Selecting the option «Wait for me» will cause the player to send a stopwatch emoji, with no other effect.
- The number of players who have selected «Next level» is shown at the bottom of the screen as x/# of total players. Even if no players choose to advance, everyone will be forcibly taken to the next floor once the timer reaches 0.
Weekly Challenges
Since Update 4.0.0, the host can enable this option to add a special condition on top of all other factors. Completing a level mode game under this condition yields additional rewards. The condition is refreshed every Monday 0:00.
- Boss Rush and local Co-op cannot apply weekly challenges.
- The first success each week gives rewards shown in the present boxes below, while challenge in badass mode gives another reward. From the second time of each difficulty in the same week, players can only earn gems.
These are the known challenges:
Icon | Description and Note |
The whole team (all members combined) can only revive up to 2 times. Revives caused by weapons (like Nirvana Cross) and other conditions do not count. |
Characters may suddenly become larger or smaller over time. Movement speed is adjusted as well, but not health and armor.
Complete the game within 12 minutes (normal mode) or 16 minutes (badass mode).
Enemies and players will explode 3 seconds after death. Players make larger explosion. These explosions hurt players.
Enemies have high chance to leave a dimensional rift on death. Players stepping into a rift will take damage like falling into a pit in Grave. Each rift lasts for 12 seconds. |
Each room contains one extra large champion enemy.
Meteors fall from time to time. These meteors do not damage enemies.
Sometimes enemy blimp will bomb the room. Enemies take 8 damage while players take 4 (5 in badass).
Be There for You
Complete a multiplayer game in Level Mode — Badass Reward: Heroine Mu Guiying skin for Wizard |
Rescue teammates 5 times or more in one multiplayer game that you complete. Reward: 666 |
For Better or Worse
The whole team gets killed 10 times or more in total in one multiplayer game that you complete. Reward: none |
Laid back
In a multiplayer game, lie on the ground after getting killed till your teammates make it to the next level. Reward: none |
- Before Update 1.6.0, only up to 2 players could join the same game.
- Prior to Update 1.6.0, if the player disconnected, the player would be unable to continue their game in Multiplayer.
- In the past, a dead player could switch weapons before being revived. This could cause an exploit if that player was carrying a Shield or other weapons that work upon switching.
- Before Update 2.3.0, the «You can resurrect twice» condition was useless in this mode.
- The interface of starting a multiplayer game was simpler without the use of the Living Room before update 2.5.0.
- As of Update 2.0.5, at this screen, if the player is the host, their local IPv4 address (always 192.168.x.x) will be displayed at the bottom-left corner if they are connected to a Wi-Fi (either router or mobile hotspot), or your own IPv4 (eg. if they’re on mobile data. If the player is the participant, they will see the host’s IPv6.
- Its online feature was added in Update 3.0.0 and Update 3.3.5 for iOS and Android, respectively.
Old ready screen of hosting player
Large chests found in the game
A shop with 4 weapons for sale
Multiplayer button
Modifiers are special effects found on sacred weapon parts in the Sacred Weapons of the Old Continent mode.
Parts of weapons have modifiers. In general, they will grant the weapon or the user buffs. However, there are cases where a modifier gives a negative effect along with a stronger positive effect.
Modifiers have rarities as well as parts. The maximum rarity a modifier can have is the rarity of its part. A part can have 1-4 modifiers, with each limit corresponding to its rarity. A legendary part has only one legendary modifier. A common part has none. When found, the rarity of the modifiers is random, only limited by the part’s rarity.
Obtaining Modifiers
Obtaining more modifiers on a part is achieved by upgrading the part, resulting in one more modifier on the part. It can be any rarity up to the rarity of the part.
Upgrading Modifiers
When in between levels, the Summoner can upgrade the rarity of a modifier, making the effects more potent. The rarity of a modifier is capped by the rarity of its part. They cannot be upgraded to legendary rarity, being only obtainable through getting a legendary part, which has a single legendary modifier. It costs 10 gold to upgrade a common modifier, 15 an uncommon modifier, and then 10 more for each level of rarity.
Reforging Modifiers
The Summoner can also reforge modifiers to change them into different ones, with the changed modifier keeping the rarity of the reforged modifier, which cannot be currently on the part.
List Of Modifiers
- The letters «x» and «y» refers to variable values shown in the right as «x / y» respectively. Some modifiers do not show the values in the description.
- Some modifiers can only appear above specified rarity.
Modifier | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Epic |
Hp +x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Armor +x and Hp +y | N/A | 1 / 0 | 1 / 1 | 1 / 2 | 2 / 2 |
Movement speed +x% | 15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | 23 |
Atk damage +x Crit hit rate +y% |
1 / 0 | 3 / 4 | |||
Chance to gain extra (x) coins by killing enemies |
7 | ||||
Grants x energy when you score a crit hit |
N/A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Damage taken +x attack damage +y |
1 / 2 | 2 / 4 | 2 / 5 | ||
Max energy +x | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Grants x energy when armor restores |
2 | 3 | 5 | ||
Damage taken -1 Movement speed +x% |
N/A | N/A | 0 | 15 | |
Wrath energy replenishes x% per enemy killed with crit hit |
4 | 6 | 8 | ||
Shoots out extra poison arrows when you attack |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | 4 bullets |
Size of projectiles +x% | 10 | 14 | 18 | 22 | 25 |
Chance to restore 1 HP when an enemy is killed |
N/A | Basic | Chance+ | Chance+ | Chance+ |
Chance to restore 2 HP when you lose HP |
Chance+ | Chance+ | Chance+ | ||
Movement speed -x% attack damage +y |
20 / 3 | 35 / 5 | |||
Attack damage -1 crit hit rate +y% |
5 | 8 | 11 | 15 | 20 |
Movement speed +1% for x seconds per enemy hit |
7 | 10 | |||
After a fight starts, for x seconds, attack damage +1 per armor you own |
16 | ||||
Shoots out magic bullets when you take hits |
1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | ||
Attack damage +x per boss killed |
3 | 4 | 5 | ||
Fire rate +x% | 15 | 18 | 21 | 25 | |
Armor +x, but its regeneration slows by 40% |
5 | 6 | |||
Number of extra magic bullets +x |
N/A | N/A | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Armor regeneration speed +x% when energy is higher than 50% |
40 | 50 | |||
Speed of enemies’ projectiles -x% |
15 | 19 | 24 | 30 | |
When you inflict a critical hit, your movement speed increases for a short duration |
(exist) | (exist) | |||
Crit hit rate +1 per x energy you have |
20 | 16 | 12 | ||
Max energy +x if you clear a room without taking hit |
6 | 8 | 10 | ||
Immune to all damage for x secs after you lose HP. |
2 | 3 | |||
Attack damage -1 fire rate +x% |
35 | ||||
Damage taken +x crit hit rate +y% |
1 / 8 | 1 / 15 | 2 / 22 | 2 / 30 | |
Crit hit rate +x% | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | |
Guarenteed critical hit for a short duration when HP reduces |
Armor +1 if you clear a room in x secs. | 30 | 35 | |||
Grants 24 extra coins if you clear a room in x secs. |
30 | 35 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes speed +x% | 20 | 25 | |||
Shoots out magic bullets when you score a crit hit |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | |
Wrath Energy replenish speed slows by 40% God’s Wrath increases by x% |
60 | 80 | |||
Movement speed +x% for 6 secs after armor restores. |
16 | 20 | 24 | ||
Energy consumed +x attack damage +y |
1 / 2 | 2 / 3 | 2 / 4 | ||
Shoots out magic bullets when an enemy dies. |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | 4 bullets |
Hp becomes 1, Armor +x |
7 | ||||
Energy automatically restores when it’s lower than x. |
50 | 80 | |||
After a fight starts, for 10 seconds, movement speed +x% per 10 coins you have. |
1.4 | 1.8 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes automatically if it is below x%. |
20 | 30 | |||
Wrath Energy auto-replenishes when energy is lower than x%. |
20 | ||||
Higher chance that Sacred Parts have rare effects. |
Chance+ | Chance+ | |||
Every x coins you get increases max armor by 1. |
160 | ||||
Crit hit rate +1 everytime movement speed increases x%. |
2 | ||||
Movement speed +5% for x secs if you inflict crit hits in succession. |
12 | 16 | 20 | ||
Pick up energy orbs, and your weapons consume 0 energy for x secs. |
5 | ||||
When you take deadly damage, saves your life by consuming x coins. |
300 | 200 | |||
Restores 1 HP per x energy restored. |
150 | ||||
Restores x energy in 3 secs after you take a hit. |
12 | 18 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes 10% per x energy consumed. |
30 | 25 | |||
Grants x energy per enemy killed | 8 | 12 | |||
Replenishes X% of Wrath Energy
when you take a hit. |
12 | 15 |
Buff Modifiers
A buff may appear as an Orange/Epic or Red/Legendary modifier, but not any lower rarity. Below buffs can appear as Orange/Epic modifiers:
- Bounce Buff
- Poison Buff
- Fire Buff
- Trap Buff
- Freeze Buff
- Monster Explode Buff
Legendary Modifiers
Some modifiers can only appear on specified weapon types.
- Chance to summon a modern weapon.
- A random weapon (from a list) will appear and fight like being driven by Tao Arts for a few seconds.
- Chance to cause explosion when you attack.
- Chance to freeze non-boss enemies on hit.
- Reflect Buff.
- Attack damage +4 for 5 secs if you attack different enemies, can be stacked.
- Attack becomes super attacks.
- Using the sword will also make a flurry of slashes along with the normal attack. It deals 10 damage but cannot block projectiles.
- Attack range is greatly increased.
- Does not affect any non-melee attacks.
- Energy cost +1, can attack up to 4 enemies at the same time.
- Adds a blue flame attack on nearby enemies along with the normal attack.
- Energy cost +1, shoots out magic arrows upon attack.
- Each attack also shoots blue arrows in 14 directions.
- Since they are magic «arrows,» it is not affected by the modifier of magic «bullets.»
- Fire rate increases by 100% when there are multiple enemies near you.
- You can’t move when your weapon is being charged. Armor regeneration increases by 200%.
- Damage dealt +50% to enemies hit by arrows.
- Does not work with Arrow of Night Wanderer which will disappear upon hit.
- Charge speeds up by 200% for 6 secs if you kill enemies in melee range.
- Arrows drag nearby enemies towards their flying direction.
- Each arrow will emit pulse a few times. Each pulse will pull enemies toward their center and deal 1 damage. Does not pull bosses.
- Fully charged arrows reflect projectiles from enemies.
Modifiers are special effects found on sacred weapon parts in the Sacred Weapons of the Old Continent mode.
Parts of weapons have modifiers. In general, they will grant the weapon or the user buffs. However, there are cases where a modifier gives a negative effect along with a stronger positive effect.
Modifiers have rarities as well as parts. The maximum rarity a modifier can have is the rarity of its part. A part can have 1-4 modifiers, with each limit corresponding to its rarity. A legendary part has only one legendary modifier. A common part has none. When found, the rarity of the modifiers is random, only limited by the part’s rarity.
Obtaining Modifiers
Obtaining more modifiers on a part is achieved by upgrading the part, resulting in one more modifier on the part. It can be any rarity up to the rarity of the part.
Upgrading Modifiers
When in between levels, the Summoner can upgrade the rarity of a modifier, making the effects more potent. The rarity of a modifier is capped by the rarity of its part. They cannot be upgraded to legendary rarity, being only obtainable through getting a legendary part, which has a single legendary modifier. It costs 10 gold to upgrade a common modifier, 15 an uncommon modifier, and then 10 more for each level of rarity.
Reforging Modifiers
The Summoner can also reforge modifiers to change them into different ones, with the changed modifier keeping the rarity of the reforged modifier, which cannot be currently on the part.
List Of Modifiers
- The letters «x» and «y» refers to variable values shown in the right as «x / y» respectively. Some modifiers do not show the values in the description.
- Some modifiers can only appear above specified rarity.
Modifier | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare | Epic |
Hp +x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Armor +x and Hp +y | N/A | 1 / 0 | 1 / 1 | 1 / 2 | 2 / 2 |
Movement speed +x% | 15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | 23 |
Atk damage +x Crit hit rate +y% |
1 / 0 | 3 / 4 | |||
Chance to gain extra (x) coins by killing enemies |
7 | ||||
Grants x energy when you score a crit hit |
N/A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Damage taken +x attack damage +y |
1 / 2 | 2 / 4 | 2 / 5 | ||
Max energy +x | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Grants x energy when armor restores |
2 | 3 | 5 | ||
Damage taken -1 Movement speed +x% |
N/A | N/A | 0 | 15 | |
Wrath energy replenishes x% per enemy killed with crit hit |
4 | 6 | 8 | ||
Shoots out extra poison arrows when you attack |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | 4 bullets |
Size of projectiles +x% | 10 | 14 | 18 | 22 | 25 |
Chance to restore 1 HP when an enemy is killed |
N/A | Basic | Chance+ | Chance+ | Chance+ |
Chance to restore 2 HP when you lose HP |
Chance+ | Chance+ | Chance+ | ||
Movement speed -x% attack damage +y |
20 / 3 | 35 / 5 | |||
Attack damage -1 crit hit rate +y% |
5 | 8 | 11 | 15 | 20 |
Movement speed +1% for x seconds per enemy hit |
7 | 10 | |||
After a fight starts, for x seconds, attack damage +1 per armor you own |
16 | ||||
Shoots out magic bullets when you take hits |
1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | ||
Attack damage +x per boss killed |
3 | 4 | 5 | ||
Fire rate +x% | 15 | 18 | 21 | 25 | |
Armor +x, but its regeneration slows by 40% |
5 | 6 | |||
Number of extra magic bullets +x |
N/A | N/A | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Armor regeneration speed +x% when energy is higher than 50% |
40 | 50 | |||
Speed of enemies’ projectiles -x% |
15 | 19 | 24 | 30 | |
When you inflict a critical hit, your movement speed increases for a short duration |
(exist) | (exist) | |||
Crit hit rate +1 per x energy you have |
20 | 16 | 12 | ||
Max energy +x if you clear a room without taking hit |
6 | 8 | 10 | ||
Immune to all damage for x secs after you lose HP. |
2 | 3 | |||
Attack damage -1 fire rate +x% |
35 | ||||
Damage taken +x crit hit rate +y% |
1 / 8 | 1 / 15 | 2 / 22 | 2 / 30 | |
Crit hit rate +x% | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | |
Guarenteed critical hit for a short duration when HP reduces |
Armor +1 if you clear a room in x secs. | 30 | 35 | |||
Grants 24 extra coins if you clear a room in x secs. |
30 | 35 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes speed +x% | 20 | 25 | |||
Shoots out magic bullets when you score a crit hit |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | |
Wrath Energy replenish speed slows by 40% God’s Wrath increases by x% |
60 | 80 | |||
Movement speed +x% for 6 secs after armor restores. |
16 | 20 | 24 | ||
Energy consumed +x attack damage +y |
1 / 2 | 2 / 3 | 2 / 4 | ||
Shoots out magic bullets when an enemy dies. |
N/A | 1 bullet | 2 bullets | 3 bullets | 4 bullets |
Hp becomes 1, Armor +x |
7 | ||||
Energy automatically restores when it’s lower than x. |
50 | 80 | |||
After a fight starts, for 10 seconds, movement speed +x% per 10 coins you have. |
1.4 | 1.8 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes automatically if it is below x%. |
20 | 30 | |||
Wrath Energy auto-replenishes when energy is lower than x%. |
20 | ||||
Higher chance that Sacred Parts have rare effects. |
Chance+ | Chance+ | |||
Every x coins you get increases max armor by 1. |
160 | ||||
Crit hit rate +1 everytime movement speed increases x%. |
2 | ||||
Movement speed +5% for x secs if you inflict crit hits in succession. |
12 | 16 | 20 | ||
Pick up energy orbs, and your weapons consume 0 energy for x secs. |
5 | ||||
When you take deadly damage, saves your life by consuming x coins. |
300 | 200 | |||
Restores 1 HP per x energy restored. |
150 | ||||
Restores x energy in 3 secs after you take a hit. |
12 | 18 | |||
Wrath Energy replenishes 10% per x energy consumed. |
30 | 25 | |||
Grants x energy per enemy killed | 8 | 12 | |||
Replenishes X% of Wrath Energy
when you take a hit. |
12 | 15 |
Buff Modifiers
A buff may appear as an Orange/Epic or Red/Legendary modifier, but not any lower rarity. Below buffs can appear as Orange/Epic modifiers:
- Bounce Buff
- Poison Buff
- Fire Buff
- Trap Buff
- Freeze Buff
- Monster Explode Buff
Legendary Modifiers
Some modifiers can only appear on specified weapon types.
- Chance to summon a modern weapon.
- A random weapon (from a list) will appear and fight like being driven by Tao Arts for a few seconds.
- Chance to cause explosion when you attack.
- Chance to freeze non-boss enemies on hit.
- Reflect Buff.
- Attack damage +4 for 5 secs if you attack different enemies, can be stacked.
- Attack becomes super attacks.
- Using the sword will also make a flurry of slashes along with the normal attack. It deals 10 damage but cannot block projectiles.
- Attack range is greatly increased.
- Does not affect any non-melee attacks.
- Energy cost +1, can attack up to 4 enemies at the same time.
- Adds a blue flame attack on nearby enemies along with the normal attack.
- Energy cost +1, shoots out magic arrows upon attack.
- Each attack also shoots blue arrows in 14 directions.
- Since they are magic «arrows,» it is not affected by the modifier of magic «bullets.»
- Fire rate increases by 100% when there are multiple enemies near you.
- You can’t move when your weapon is being charged. Armor regeneration increases by 200%.
- Damage dealt +50% to enemies hit by arrows.
- Does not work with Arrow of Night Wanderer which will disappear upon hit.
- Charge speeds up by 200% for 6 secs if you kill enemies in melee range.
- Arrows drag nearby enemies towards their flying direction.
- Each arrow will emit pulse a few times. Each pulse will pull enemies toward their center and deal 1 damage. Does not pull bosses.
- Fully charged arrows reflect projectiles from enemies.