Разработчики регулярно выпускают обновления для свой игры, в котором они улучшают производительность и различные проблемы. После очередного обновления многие игроки начали сталкиваться с ошибкой null при входе на сервер Minecraft. В этой статье мы расскажем, базовые действия, которые помогут решить эту проблему.
Чаще всего данная ошибка появляется у игроков, которые играют без лицензии. На сегодняшний день существует множество способов, как можно обойти эту проверку. Но это временное решение, которое помогает убрать это уведомление при входе на сервер. Играть на официальных серверах с пиратской версии стало сложнее. Возникновения данной ошибки может происходить из-за установленных модов или дополнений. Ниже мы разберем все возможные способы, как можно её обойти.
Что делать с ошибкой null
Если у вас нет лицензионной игры, вы скорее всего играете через лаунчер по названием Tlauncher. Данный клиент, позволяет играть в Майнкрафт в последние версии абсолютно бесплатно. Разработчики ежемесячно обновляют совой клиент. После обновлений пользователь может столкнуться с ошибкой при входе на сервер. В этом случае попробуйте выполнить последовательно следующие действия:
- Запустите приложение Tlauncher;
- Авторизуйтесь в клиенте, если у вас нет аккаунта, то необходимо создать;
- Далее в нижем левом экране, возле «Аккаунты» уберите галочку;
- Готово, теперь вы можете попробовать зайти на какой-нибудь сервер.
Отключение антивируса
Отключите антивирус во время обновления или игры Майнкрафт. Для этого проделайте действия:
- Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши значок антивируса в области уведомлений;
- Теперь выберите приостановить антивирус;
- Далее выберите подходящий параметр времени для отключения антивируса (например, 10 минут, 1 час, приостановить до следующей перезагрузки).
Из этой статьи вы узнали, как исправить проблему при соединении к серверам в Майнкрафт. Если ничего не помогло из вышеперечисленного, удалите полностью игру с вашего компьютера, и установите новую скачав с официального сайта. Остались вопросы? Напишите ниже в форме комментариев.
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Feb 3, 2013
Someone know how to fix it? When I connect to my own hosted server it show me like this… How? Window8 using Bukkit to launch the server….. If you know Help me please…. Thanks
Feb 4, 2013What you mean is Localhost, I connect my own ip with port, [192.168.1.*:2***7] And I also clear the Server-ip in the properties file…. but it still same
Feb 4, 2013
I had done it all, but still the same, should I change something on that server or something?
Feb 4, 2013
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.7
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [INFO] Loading properties
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [WARNING] server.properties does not exist
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [INFO] Generating new properties file
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
2013-02-05 01:04:40 [INFO] Generating keypair
2013-02-05 01:04:41 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
2013-02-05 01:04:41 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0-b2624jnks (MC: 1.4.7) (Implementing API version 1.4.7-R1.0)
2013-02-05 01:04:41 [INFO] Request: GET http://dl.bukkit.org/api/1.0/downloads/projects/craftbukkit/view/git-Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0-b2624jnks/
2013-02-05 01:04:41 [INFO] No handler. Piping.
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .ops.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .white-list.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [INFO] Preparing level «world»
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -3910692532139010430)
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [INFO] Piping finished, data size: 948
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] Request: GET http://dl.bukkit.org/api/1.0/downloads/projects/craftbukkit/view/latest-rb/
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] No handler. Piping.
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 4%
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] Piping finished, data size: 948
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] Request: GET http://dl.bukkit.org/api/1.0/downloads/channels/rb/
2013-02-05 01:04:43 [INFO] No handler. Piping.
2013-02-05 01:04:44 [INFO] Piping finished, data size: 146
2013-02-05 01:04:44 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 8%
2013-02-05 01:04:45 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 20%
2013-02-05 01:04:46 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 28%
2013-02-05 01:04:47 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 36%
2013-02-05 01:04:48 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
2013-02-05 01:04:49 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 56%
2013-02-05 01:04:50 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
2013-02-05 01:04:51 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 81%
2013-02-05 01:04:52 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 93%
2013-02-05 01:04:53 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -3910692532139010430)
2013-02-05 01:04:53 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 0%
2013-02-05 01:04:54 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 12%
2013-02-05 01:04:55 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 28%
2013-02-05 01:04:56 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
2013-02-05 01:04:57 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 61%
2013-02-05 01:04:58 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 77%
2013-02-05 01:04:59 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 97%
2013-02-05 01:04:59 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -3910692532139010430)
2013-02-05 01:05:00 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 32%
2013-02-05 01:05:01 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 61%
2013-02-05 01:05:02 [INFO] Done (20.731s)! For help, type «help» or «?»
2013-02-05 01:05:08 [INFO] Request: POST http://snoop.minecraft.net/server?version=1
2013-02-05 01:05:08 [INFO] No handler. Piping.
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://snoop.minecraft.net/server?version=1
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at mineshafter.proxy.MineProxyHandler.run(MineProxyHandler.java:209)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://snoop.minecraft.net/server?version=1
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(Unknown Source)
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] at mineshafter.proxy.MineProxyHandler.run(MineProxyHandler.java:187) fvfvfef fefwfergergergeg
I made an another one, it just like this….. How? -
Feb 4, 2013
«server.properties doesn’t exist.» I suggest you make a new folder, download this version of craftbukkit, run it and keep all the files that appear, don’t delete any of them.
I know «server.properties doesn’t exist.» but, it auto generate a new file for me… this is the new folder, Now I’m downloading the version of craftbukkit that you suggested….. If still the same…. I’ll be very mad..
Feb 9, 2013
in your server. properties write this if you dont have it (at top). Ane then write false and you should be able to go on your server.(it worked for me XDriver11)
It work lol, but other cant join my server? why my friend cannot join my server even he is using same internet… and Why I cant join some server… it still same as this «Failed to Login:null» really a shizznit
Feb 9, 2013
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The error message you got is saying that basically failed to login.
It was either your client couldn’t login or the minecraft auth servers denied your attempt to join the server
Feb 10, 2013
The error message you got is saying that basically failed to login.
It was either your client couldn’t login or the minecraft auth servers denied your attempt to join the server
So What should I do? Please I need your help!
Feb 10, 2013
So What should I do? to make it accept? I use everything that can make a server such as CraftBukkit, Minecraft-Server.jar and MCMyAdmin.. But it still the same.. If I change the online-mode into false. I can join but my friend cant join.. I really need help..
Feb 10, 2013
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .ops.txt (The system cannot find the file specified) 2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .white-list.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Is not healthy. Normally these are generated if they don’t exit, so there could be something wrong with your file permissions. Make sure your server folder (and all of its subfolders) has read/write access.
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:
HTTP Error 503 = Service unavailable
If the login service is unavailable, you will have to wait or put your server into offline mode for now. There’s nothing you can do to make the minecraft servers respond.
You can’t spell EULA without EA.
Feb 12, 2013
2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .ops.txt (The system cannot find the file specified) 2013-02-05 01:04:42 [WARNING] Failed to load white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: .white-list.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Is not healthy. Normally these are generated if they don’t exit, so there could be something wrong with your file permissions. Make sure your server folder (and all of its subfolders) has read/write access.
2013-02-05 01:05:09 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:
HTTP Error 503 = Service unavailable
If the login service is unavailable, you will have to wait or put your server into offline mode for now. There’s nothing you can do to make the minecraft servers respond.
Thanks for your help… Now I still trying to fix it, but nevermind
Mar 27, 2013
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- Out of the Water
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I have That Problem Too
I Port Forwarded and Turned Onlinemode=false
and I Can Join My Own Server but Others Can’t
They Said it Showing:
Login: Null
End of Stream
Internal Exception… -
Apr 5, 2013
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- Tree Puncher
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i join jerry and harry’s server then Boom
«Failed to Login:Null» ugh…help? and i don’t have
minecraft_server.jar -
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Please ask your friend to restart their Minecraft launcher, try relogging (logging out and in) or refreshing their server list.
If that doesn’t work, just wait for a few minutes and it will let them through. If it still doesn’t work, please create a bug report at hypixel.net/bugs.
Thanks a lot!
— Zygro
thanks for your reply! we have tried everything but honestly i think that its because he bought minecraft with microsoft account…
Please ask your friend to restart their Minecraft launcher, try relogging (logging out and in) or refreshing their server list.
If that doesn’t work, just wait for a few minutes and it will let them through. If it still doesn’t work, please create a bug report at hypixel.net/bugs.
Thanks a lot!
— Zygro
omg i have the same problem i think u have to wait even clients dont work u have to wait for a while
this message will show up this is to migrate ur minecraft account
help me ploease i beg uy guys
i am a YTer i got minecraft please help
yea i think we cant do anything until migration starts
yea i think we cant do anything until migration starts
yup we cant i legit have the same problem i am a YouTuber and i got minecraft and along with it a huge disappointment
my name is NotOblived
lmao this is sad if you had just done mojang accounts-
lmao this is sad if you had just done mojang accounts-
lmao this is sad if you had just done mojang accounts-
mojang accounts are no more able to be made since 1 december its not a choice
How time do i have to wit : (
Please ask your friend to restart their Minecraft launcher, try relogging (logging out and in) or refreshing their server list.
If that doesn’t work, just wait for a few minutes and it will let them through. If it still doesn’t work, please create a bug report at hypixel.net/bugs.
Thanks a lot!
— Zygro
hOW LoNg tHo
How time do i have to wit : (
They started migrating accounts.
How time do i have to wit : (
Locked due to necroposting — please do not necropost. More information can be found at hypixel.net/forum-rules/#rule-1-section-2.
If you’re referring to how long you’ll have to wait to migrate your Minecraft account, there isn’t an ETA. As mentioned above, migration has started and it currently seems to be happening a lot more frequently. Best to be patient. Mojang’s FAQ regarding this can be found here: help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360050865492.
Regarding the original question, if anyone else is getting this error message after migrating their account I would recommend trying these steps. Ensure that you are using the vanilla Minecraft launcher as well.
To fix the problem you need to go to this link: https://account.xbox.com/settings
That will lead you to xbox account settings, and since new Minecraft accounts run with Microsoft, both platforms are technically linked together.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Go to https://account.xbox.com/settings
2. It will probably tell you to log into Microsoft so log in
(if it doesn’t say it and directs you to the website, make sure you’re signed in)3. If you don’t have an Xbox account, it will ask you to make one, so make any account.
That will direct you to the website
3. If you scroll down, under your username and Avatar it should say «Xbox one/windows 10 online safety» click on that4. Scroll down until you see «You can join multiplayer games» allow or block,
allow this
Relaunch Minecraft and you should be able to join any multiplayer server.