Ошибка подключения к графической консоли error opening spice console spiceclientgtk missing

Thread: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk) Thread Tools Display KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk) I have a new install of Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS setup and running KVM. Everything *seems* to be fine with the server. I have then installed ‘virt-manager’ on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop machine, […]


  1. Thread: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)
  2. KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)
  3. Re: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)
  4. Linux Mint Forums
  5. Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager
  6. Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager
  7. Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager
  8. Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager
  9. Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager
  10. Ещё один блог сисадмина
  11. воскресенье, 1 сентября 2019 г.
  12. Virt-manager для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением KVM и Xen
  13. Настройка демона libvirt для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением KVM (на примере Debian Stretch)
  14. Настройка демона libvirt для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением Xen (на примере Debian Wheezy)
  15. Установка и использование Virt-manager
  16. Типичные проблемы
  17. Не установлен пакет netcat-openbsd
  18. Не установлен пакет libvirt-bin или libvirt-daemon-system
  19. Не настроен HTTP-сервер xend
  20. Не установлен пакет gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0
  21. Linux Mint Forums
  22. Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )
  23. Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )
  24. Re: Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )
  25. Thread: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk
  26. Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk
  27. Re: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk
  28. Re: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk

Thread: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

Thread Tools

KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

I have a new install of Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS setup and running KVM.

Everything *seems* to be fine with the server.

I have then installed ‘virt-manager’ on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop machine, and successfully connected to the KVM Server.

I have tried to create a new VM (Debian Stretch) from the Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager), but each time I am getting the same issue which is that I cannot see the VM Console.

The error I am getting is:

I have checked that ‘SpiceClientGtk’ is installed on the Ubuntu Server by entering:

so I believe that is correctly installed. For what it was worth, I also installed it on my Desktop, but that made no difference either.

I also tried connecting using ‘virt-viewer’.

I entered this on my desktop:

I don’t have keys setup (yet) so I am expecting to get asked for the password, which I am (a number of times, but apparently that is expected). The ‘virt-viewer’ application opens, and sits with the message:

The VM is definitely running (at least according to the host):

Any suggestions on what to try or do next?

Last edited by Alan5127; March 9th, 2021 at 11:56 AM . Reason: Tidy up formatting

Re: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

On the client system:

Verify the keys are working:

On the client machine, you must have virt-manager and spice-client-. (really long package name) installed and your userid should be in the libvirtd group on the KVM server.
There are other settings inside the VM that are needed, but I think the defaults are for SPICE to be used since 18.04. You can change that to VNC or VMVGA, if you like in the VM settings. On a non-desktop, SPICE isn’t exactly useful. Heck, on a non-desktop, just use ssh directly. That is much more efficient.
Until today, I never tried to connect to a server using spice. It never made any sense to try.


Linux Mint Forums

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Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager

Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager

Post by dobriain » Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:02 am

I installed KVM and built two VM’s on my Linux Mint Rosa. When I try open a VM domain from the Virtual Machine Manager I get the following error message.

Error connecting to graphical console. Error opening Spice console, SpiceClientGtk missing.

The VM settings in the manager relating to graphics are:
Display: Spice
Video: qxl

I can access the VM from the following command OK:

Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager

Post by M1cha3lK » Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:56 pm

I’m having exactly the same problem.

The strange thing is that it works in Xubuntu and Peppermint (my other machines) which are all based on the same Ubuntu LTS version as Linux Mint 18 Sarah?

Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager

Post by gdi2k » Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:15 am

I’ve got exactly the same issue, also on Mint 18 (Sarah).

The solution there was «I just took an update for virt-manager and now everything is working» — but I have no idea what that really means. I tried the removed PPA to install virt-manager 1.4.0 (up from version 1.3.2 bundled with Sarah) but it made no difference.

Was anyone able to find a solution to this?

Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager

Post by mverkerk » Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:24 pm


Ещё один блог сисадмина

воскресенье, 1 сентября 2019 г.

Virt-manager для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением KVM и Xen

Настройка демона libvirt для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением KVM (на примере Debian Stretch)

Проверим наличие аппаратной поддержки виртуализации:
Устанавливаем систему виртуализации qemu с поддержкой KVM и демон libvirt для управления виртуальными машинами, работающими под управлением KVM:
Добавляем пользователя, от имени которого будем заходить на сервер по SSH, в группу libvirt, чтобы он имел доступ к управлению виртуальными машинами:
Пользователь получит доступ к Unix-сокету /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock

Установим netcat из OpenBSD, поддерживающий опцию -U для подключения к Unix-сокету. Это нужно для перенаправления подключения от SSH-клиента в Unix-сокет libvirt:
Осталось включить и запустить демона:

Настройка демона libvirt для управления виртуальными машинами под управлением Xen (на примере Debian Wheezy)

В моём случае Xen был развёрнут в операционной системе Debian Wheezy, где пакет с демоном libvirt называется libvirt-bin. Установим его:
Теперь, чтобы пользователь, от имени которого мы будем подключаться по SSH к серверу виртуализации, смог подключиться к демону libvirtd, нужно добавить его в группу libvirt:
Пользователь получит доступ к Unix-сокету /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock

Для того, чтобы демон libvirt смог работать с системой виртуализации Xen, нужно включить HTTP-сервер, встроенный в xend. Демон libvirt будет выполнять роль посредника, транслируя входящие запросы в запросы к xend.

Настроим HTTP-сервер, ожидающий подключений на порту 8000 и адресе Для этого нужно прописать в файл /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp следующие опции:
Чтобы настройки xend вступили в силу, нужно перезапустить его (пример для Debian Wheezy):
Будьте осторожны — в конфигурации по умолчанию при перезапуске демона xend перезапускаются также и все виртуальные машины. Чтобы избежать этого, нужно при создании виртуальной машины прописать в её конфигурацию такие настройки:
У меня эти настройки были прописаны в каждой виртуальной машине, поэтому я перезапускал xend без опасений.

Установка и использование Virt-manager

Устанавливаем на компьютере администратора пакет с GUI-интерфейсом для управления виртуальными машинами:
Теперь можно попробовать сделать то, ради чего всё и затевалось: подключиться к системе виртуализации из программы virt-manager. Ниже приведены снимки экрана, иллюстрирующие этот процесс.

Запуск virt-manager:

Добавление нового подключения:

Новое подключение к системе виртуализации Xen:

Настройки удалённого подключения к системе виртуализации Xen через SSH:

Подключение к системе виртуализации установлено, виден список виртуальных машин:

Теперь можно подключаться к консоли виртуальной машины и менять её настройки.

Типичные проблемы

Не установлен пакет netcat-openbsd

Не удалось подключиться к libvirt.

Для взаимодействия с удалённым узлом необходимо, чтобы версия netcat/nc поддерживала параметр -U.

Не установлен пакет libvirt-bin или libvirt-daemon-system

Не удалось подключиться к libvirt.

End of file while reading data: nc: unix connect failed: No such file or directory: Ошибка ввода/вывода

Убедитесь, что на удалённом узле запущен libvirtd.

Не настроен HTTP-сервер xend

Не удалось подключиться к libvirt.

unable to connect to ‘localhost:8000’: В соединении отказано

Убедитесь, что на удалённом узле запущен libvirtd.

Не установлен пакет gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0

Ошибка подключения к графической консоли:
Error opening Spice console, SpiceClientGtk missing


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Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )

Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )

Post by FanOfLinux » Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:10 pm

I installed all the necessary packages using this tutorial:
http://runlevel-6.github.io/blog/2015/0 . ypervisor/

I am using Linux Mint 18, not LM 17.x.

I was able to create a CentOS7 VM image using irt-manager,
but when I ran the VM I get this error:

Anyone has similar problem(s) solved?
Thank you.

I re-installed LM18.
Then did apt-get update and upgrade.
The VM is running, as shown by virt-manager activity graph,
but I am not able to attach a console to the VM.

Problem still exists!

Re: Unable to start VM in virt-manager ( KVM )

Post by isipokwe » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:19 pm

I was having the exact same issue when switched to Linux Mint 18 64bit.

I got mine to work by installing the following packages:

To check what you have use the command: dpkg —get-selections | grep spice


Thread: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk

Thread Tools

Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk

On a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit, I installed KVM, created a VM using an existing Windows XP disk image and set display to spice. I get the following error when I start the VM in virt-manager:

Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’:
No module named SpiceClientGtk

I have run into this in the past (in Ubuntu 13.04, 13.10 and OpenSUSE 13.1) and upon installing the spice-client-gtk package the problem went away. But not this time, I’m clueless and would appreciate your help.

Hypervisor Details
Hypervisor: kvm
Architecture: x86_64
Emulator: /usr/bin/kvm-spice
Firmware: Default

I am able to connect to it by running in a terminal:

spicec -h 5900

This launches a new window with the VM display (I’m unable to resize it though).

Last edited by amiyourdream; May 18th, 2014 at 07:55 AM .

Re: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk

have the same setup, I use remote-viewer which is a much better console for spice connections which allows you to resize & scale the remote desktop to the window etc. If you want a console inside the Virt-Manager window add an additional VNC Display to your KVM guest config alongside the Spice Display.

If you want to use Spice within Virt-Manager then you need the ‘python-spice-client-gtk’ package installed.

Re: Cannot display graphical console type ‘spice’: No module named SpiceClientGtk

Thanks will give remote-viewer a try some time.

If you want a console inside the Virt-Manager window add an additional VNC Display to your KVM guest config alongside the Spice Display.

If you want to use Spice within Virt-Manager then you need the ‘python-spice-client-gtk’ package installed.

I already had python-spice-client-gtk installed but still was getting the error. I had only one display type which was set to Spice. But guess what.. I just set the video device type from VGA to QXL and now its all working.. no more the same aforementioned error. It seems all I had to do was that! But thanks for the tip about adding an additional VNC display alongside the spice display, I was about to try that before it occurred to me to change the video device type from VGA to QXL! Note that originally I had just changed the existing display type from VNC to SPICE.
Note that I also had the spice guest tools module installed in the Windows XP guest. However the error «No module named spice-client-gtk’ is misleading in this context!

Last edited by amiyourdream; May 24th, 2014 at 09:08 AM .


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  • [SOLVED] KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

  1. KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

    Hi All,

    I have a new install of Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS setup and running KVM.

    Everything *seems* to be fine with the server.

    I have then installed ‘virt-manager’ on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop machine, and successfully connected to the KVM Server.

    I have tried to create a new VM (Debian Stretch) from the Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager), but each time I am getting the same issue which is that I cannot see the VM Console.

    The error I am getting is:

    Error connecting to graphical console:
    Error opening Spice console, SpiceClientGtk missing

    I have checked that ‘SpiceClientGtk’ is installed on the Ubuntu Server by entering:


    sudo apt install gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0 --dry-run

    which returns:


    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0 is already the newest version (0.37-2fakesync1).
    gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0 set to manually installed.
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded

    so I believe that is correctly installed. For what it was worth, I also installed it on my Desktop, but that made no difference either.

    I also tried connecting using ‘virt-viewer’.

    I entered this on my desktop:


    virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh://username@ VMName

    I don’t have keys setup (yet) so I am expecting to get asked for the password, which I am (a number of times, but apparently that is expected). The ‘virt-viewer’ application opens, and sits with the message:

    Connected to graphic server

    The VM is definitely running (at least according to the host):


    $ virsh list
     Id   Name         State
     1    VMName   running

    Any suggestions on what to try or do next?



    Last edited by Alan5127; March 9th, 2021 at 11:56 AM.

    Reason: Tidy up formatting

  2. Re: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

    Setup ssh-keys already.

    On the client system:


    ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub userid@remote

    That’s it.

    Verify the keys are working:

    On the client machine, you must have virt-manager and spice-client-…… (really long package name) installed and your userid should be in the libvirtd group on the KVM server.
    There are other settings inside the VM that are needed, but I think the defaults are for SPICE to be used since 18.04. You can change that to VNC or VMVGA, if you like in the VM settings. On a non-desktop, SPICE isn’t exactly useful. Heck, on a non-desktop, just use ssh directly. That is much more efficient.
    Until today, I never tried to connect to a server using spice. It never made any sense to try.

  3. Re: KVM — Error connecting to graphical console (SpiceClientGtk)

    Hi TheFu,

    Adding the SSH keys fixed the problem.

    No idea why — I appreciate it is more convenient, but not sure why it works that way, and not by typing the password, but regardless, it is working now.T



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Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager


I installed KVM and built two VM’s on my Linux Mint Rosa. When I try open a VM domain from the Virtual Machine Manager I get the following error message.

Error connecting to graphical console. Error opening Spice console, SpiceClientGtk missing.

The VM settings in the manager relating to graphics are:
Display: Spice
Video: qxl

I can access the VM from the following command OK:

Here is the spice stuff that is installed.

Code: Select all

$ dpkg -l | grep spice
ii  libspice-client-glib-2.0-8:amd64  0.30-1              amd64   GObject for communicating with Spice servers (runtime library)
ii  libspice-client-gtk-2.0-4:amd64   0.30-1              amd64   GTK2 widget for SPICE clients (runtime library)
ii  libspice-client-gtk-3.0-4:amd64   0.30-1              amd64   GTK3 widget for SPICE clients (runtime library)
ii  libspice-server1:amd64            0.12.6-4ubuntu0.1   amd64   Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
ii  python-spice-client-gtk           0.30-1              amd64   GTK2 widget for SPICE clients (Python binding)
ii  spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper  0.30-1              amd64   Helper tool to validate usb ACLs

I have tried installing the spice-vdagent on the VMs but that makes no difference.

Code: Select all

UbuntuVM~$ sudo apt-get install spice-vdagent

Code: Select all

UbuntuVM~$ systemctl | grep spice
spice-vdagentd.service                                                                   loaded active running   Agent daemon for Spice guests


Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager


by M1cha3lK » Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:56 pm

I’m having exactly the same problem.

The strange thing is that it works in Xubuntu and Peppermint (my other machines) which are all based on the same Ubuntu LTS version as Linux Mint 18 Sarah?


Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager


by gdi2k » Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:15 am

I’ve got exactly the same issue, also on Mint 18 (Sarah).

I’ve found this post with people having the same issue:
https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comm … rking_was/

The solution there was «I just took an update for virt-manager and now everything is working» — but I have no idea what that really means. I tried the removed PPA to install virt-manager 1.4.0 (up from version 1.3.2 bundled with Sarah) but it made no difference.

Was anyone able to find a solution to this?

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Re: Spice doesn’t work from Virtual Machine Manager


by Moem » Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:14 pm

Mod note:
Let’s stop digging up this long buried corpse of a thread. If there is anything new to say about the subject, please start a new topic, as always. Cheers!


If your issue is solved, kindly indicate that by editing the first post in the topic, and adding [SOLVED] to the title. Thanks!

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