Ошибка получения hwid overwolf

я сегодня сбрасывал HWID в личном кабинете и все равно пишет Error get HWID


  • #1

я сегодня сбрасывал HWID в личном кабинете и все равно пишет Error get HWID


  • #2

Не может такая ошибка выходить. У тебя нет хвида.


  • #3

Не может такая ошибка выходить. У тебя нет хвида.

и как решить? м


  • #4

Проверь, имеется ли в системе служба Windows Management Instrumentation (Winmgmt) и включена ли она. Вызываем Службы win+r -> services.msc), ищем Инструментарий управления Windows/Windows Management Instrumentation и включаем его!


  • #5

Проверь, имеется ли в системе служба Windows Management Instrumentation (Winmgmt) и включена ли она. Вызываем Службы win+r -> services.msc), ищем Инструментарий управления Windows/Windows Management Instrumentation и включаем его!

она была включена мне в вк это писали


  • #6

все решил прлблемму просто нужно было пк перезапустить

  • #7

к найти службу Windows Management Instrumentation и если не включена, то как её включить, потому что при входе хвид не верный

  • #8

Не может такая ошибка выходить. У тебя нет хвида.

сбрось хвид пожалуйста





  • #12

Сбросил, но без подписки какой смысл?)




  • #15

сбросье хвид пожалуйста
Просто закрывается лаунчер




  • #16

сбросье хвид пожалуйста
Просто закрывается лаунчер

хвид сброшен, по поводу лаунчера отпиши в лс группы.



  • #19

Сбросьте мне тоже!

Хотя я не понимаю в чем логика.. Я зашел в платные услуги, там была кнопка сбросить, и по-моему сбросилась тупо купленная лицензия. Клиент ругается одинаково на любые логины или даже если не указывать никаких данных, второй день после оплаты проебываю

Hi! It`s log window.
[Launcher] Checking update.
[Loader] Connecting…
[Loader] Successfully connected!
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID


  • #20

Сбросьте мне тоже!

Хотя я не понимаю в чем логика.. Я зашел в платные услуги, там была кнопка сбросить, и по-моему сбросилась тупо купленная лицензия. Клиент ругается одинаково на любые логины или даже если не указывать никаких данных, второй день после оплаты проебываю

Hi! It`s log window.
[Launcher] Checking update.
[Loader] Connecting…
[Loader] Successfully connected!
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID
[Loader] Start authorization.
[Loader] Wait authorization…
[Loader] Error get HWID

http://dist.uc.zone/fix_hwid.bat скачай, запусти. Он должен решить этупроблему.

by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on March 4, 2021

  • Overwolf is a great app for gamers to enhance their play experience.
  • The guide below will show you what to do when there is an Overwolf server connection error.
  • To learn more about this app, bookmark our dedicated Overwolf Hub.
  • Avid gamers should also check out our dedicated Gaming page.

Overwolf connection error

Overwolf is a popular software platform that allows the developers to create extensions for video games which are often available through the Overwolf App Store.

However, some developers have reported server connection error during Overwolf installation. Overowlf installer error usually occurs due to a third-party security program creating conflict with the software.

If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you fix Overwolf server connection error in Windows.

How do I fix the Overwolf server connection error?

1. Check your anti-virus and firewall

Overwolf server connection error

  1. Your Anti-virus program can prevent the Overwolf installer from installing on your computer.
    • Since the program is safe to download and install, try disabling your anti-virus program temporarily.
  2. From the taskbar, right-click on the Anti-virus program icon and select close/disable.
  3. Run the installer and check if the installation is completed.

Disable Windows Defender Firewall

Overwolf server connection error

  1. Disable the Firewall that is built-into your anti-virus program.
  2. To disable Windows Defender Firewall, do the following.
  3. Click on Start and select Setting.
  4. Go to Updates and Security.
  5. Click on Windows Security tab.
  6. Click on Firewall and Network Protection option.
  7. Select the currently active network. You will see the Active tag for the network.
  8. Under Windows Defender Firewall click the toggle switch to turn it off.
  9. Run the Overwolf installer and check if the server connection error is resolved.
  10. Make sure you enable the Windows Defender Firewall after installing the app.

Overwolf’s overlay doesn’t stay on top? Read this articles to find a solution.

2. Check for internet/service issue

  1. The server connection error can occur if the Overwolf servers are malfunctioning.
    • Contact the support or open a ticket to check the service status.
  2. If the Overwolf servers are down, wait and try again after a while.
  3. Check your internet connection for issues.
    • Overwolf installer requires a stable internet connecting to install the program.

3. Clean Overwolf data folder

Overwolf server connection error

  1. If you are trying to update the app, try cleaning the local app data folder to fix the issue.
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location:

    • C:UsersusernameAppDataLocal
  3. Locate the Overwolf folder and delete it.
  4. Run the installer and check if the issue is resolved.

4. Reinstall Overwolf 

  1. If the issue persists, try reinstalling Overwolf from the official website.
  2. Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  3. Type control and click OK.
  4. From the Control Panel, go to Programs > Programs and Features.
  5. Select Overwolf and click on Uninstall.
  6. Wait for the program to uninstall successfully.

Overwolf server connection error is common and can occur due to several reasons including unstable internet connection, Overwolf server issues, anti-virus, and Firewall programs blocking access or even file corruption.

By following the steps in this article, you can fix the Overwolf installer error and start using the game extensions again.

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by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on March 4, 2021

  • Overwolf is a great app for gamers to enhance their play experience.
  • The guide below will show you what to do when there is an Overwolf server connection error.
  • To learn more about this app, bookmark our dedicated Overwolf Hub.
  • Avid gamers should also check out our dedicated Gaming page.

Overwolf connection error

Overwolf is a popular software platform that allows the developers to create extensions for video games which are often available through the Overwolf App Store.

However, some developers have reported server connection error during Overwolf installation. Overowlf installer error usually occurs due to a third-party security program creating conflict with the software.

If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you fix Overwolf server connection error in Windows.

How do I fix the Overwolf server connection error?

1. Check your anti-virus and firewall

Overwolf server connection error

  1. Your Anti-virus program can prevent the Overwolf installer from installing on your computer.
    • Since the program is safe to download and install, try disabling your anti-virus program temporarily.
  2. From the taskbar, right-click on the Anti-virus program icon and select close/disable.
  3. Run the installer and check if the installation is completed.

Disable Windows Defender Firewall

Overwolf server connection error

  1. Disable the Firewall that is built-into your anti-virus program.
  2. To disable Windows Defender Firewall, do the following.
  3. Click on Start and select Setting.
  4. Go to Updates and Security.
  5. Click on Windows Security tab.
  6. Click on Firewall and Network Protection option.
  7. Select the currently active network. You will see the Active tag for the network.
  8. Under Windows Defender Firewall click the toggle switch to turn it off.
  9. Run the Overwolf installer and check if the server connection error is resolved.
  10. Make sure you enable the Windows Defender Firewall after installing the app.

Overwolf’s overlay doesn’t stay on top? Read this articles to find a solution.

2. Check for internet/service issue

  1. The server connection error can occur if the Overwolf servers are malfunctioning.
    • Contact the support or open a ticket to check the service status.
  2. If the Overwolf servers are down, wait and try again after a while.
  3. Check your internet connection for issues.
    • Overwolf installer requires a stable internet connecting to install the program.

3. Clean Overwolf data folder

Overwolf server connection error

  1. If you are trying to update the app, try cleaning the local app data folder to fix the issue.
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location:

    • C:UsersusernameAppDataLocal
  3. Locate the Overwolf folder and delete it.
  4. Run the installer and check if the issue is resolved.

4. Reinstall Overwolf 

  1. If the issue persists, try reinstalling Overwolf from the official website.
  2. Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  3. Type control and click OK.
  4. From the Control Panel, go to Programs > Programs and Features.
  5. Select Overwolf and click on Uninstall.
  6. Wait for the program to uninstall successfully.

Overwolf server connection error is common and can occur due to several reasons including unstable internet connection, Overwolf server issues, anti-virus, and Firewall programs blocking access or even file corruption.

By following the steps in this article, you can fix the Overwolf installer error and start using the game extensions again.

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Можно ли заобузить овервулф?




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Можно ли с помошью спуфера менять hwid и обузить овервульф? 

Если да скиньте спуфер.




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Ты имеешь ввиду оверплюс? (Ну и ребрендинг кстати конченый, там было целую кучу вариантов получше)




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introbax сказал(а):↑

попробуй и расскажешь

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

ща попробую ток спуфер покупать не хочется) а бесплатный скачивать могу подцепить дряни, если у тебя есть спуфер рабочий то дай я проверю




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alexxxcrash сказал(а):↑

если у тебя есть спуфер рабочий то дай я проверю

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

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  • Trizy


    12 Feb 2023 в 04:26

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    12 Feb 2023 в 04:26




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    12 Feb 2023 в 04:05

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    12 Feb 2023 в 04:05




  • Данил Семчишин

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    12 Feb 2023 в 03:58

    Данил Семчишин

  • Invoker777

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  • Miyao


    12 Feb 2023 в 02:45



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    12 Feb 2023 в 02:45




  • #1

Получил блокировку от патруля. Больше месяца не играл в КС. Создал новый акк, скачал клиент( ноут тот самый что и был), но пишет что не верный HWID, есть замороженная подписка и проёбать её не особо и хочется. Что мне делать?

Последнее редактирование модератором: 23 Октябрь 2022

  • #3

тоесть без потери подписки — никак?

  • #4

тоесть без потери подписки — никак?

А ты её другу передавать решил или что? Или продавать?

Если ты на свой пк меняешь, то ничего не будет

  • #5

Нет, я ещё раз повторюсь. Я мграл кс, мне дали бан и я заморозил подписку до лучших времён. Вчера сделал новый акк, запустил старый лаунчер — выбило ошибку о HWID, скачал новый с сайта — тоже самое. При том что ноут тот же самый и никаких манипуляций с ним не происходило.

  • #6

Ляяяя, я кажись понял. Я походу её с компа активировал пока ноут в ремонте был и с него же играл. Пхахахах это у меня голова дырявая — забей

Hi, how can we help?

Overwolf Installation Troubleshooting

Modified on: Sun, 15 Jan, 2023 at 6:13 PM

Take me to…

  • Why is the installer showing the error «We have encountered a problem during the installation…»?
  • Why is the installation stuck on «Extracting Files»?
  • Installer displayed incorrectly
  • Why is the installer showing a «Connection Error»?
  • Installer not starting / finishing properly
  • Overwolf setup installer
  • Clean reinstall Overwolf client
  • Installation file is getting removed
  • RivaTuner conflict
  • Having trouble launching Overwolf after installation? Click here!

Why is the installer showing the error «We have encountered a problem during the installation…»? ▾

The installer may come across an issue while downloading or installing certain files. To fix this issue, please install the latest available updates for your Windows OS. To check for available updates for your system, please click here.

If you’re still experiencing the same issue after updating your system, please try to run the setup installer instead.

Why is the installation stuck on «Extracting Files»? ▾

Installer displayed incorrectly ▾

In certain cases the installer may appear ‘broken’ and it will be displayed incorrectly. 

If that happens, please contact us.

Why is the installer showing a «Connection Error»? ▾

This issue is commonly caused by the following:

  • An anti-virus/firewall/VPN that might block the communication with the Overwolf servers
    Make sure to white-list Overwolf.
  • Corrupted machine.config file
    Please follow these steps to repair it:
    1. Go to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework
      1. Open the ‘v2.0.50727’ folder then ‘config’
      2. Override ‘machine.config’ with ‘machine.config.default’ (delete the ‘machine.config’ file, duplicate the ‘machine.config.default’ file and rename it to ‘machine.config’) 
      3. Open the ‘v4.0.30319’ folder then ‘config’
      4. Override ‘machine.config’ with ‘machine.config.default’ (delete the ‘machine.config’ file, duplicate the ‘machine.config.default’ file and rename it to ‘machine.config’)
    2. Go to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64 and repeat steps a-d
  • Overwolf server malfunction or downtime
    Please try again after a while, just to make sure it’s not a temporary issue.
  • Weak/Unstable Wi-Fi connection that disconnects every now and then
    Connect your internet via cable or make sure your Wi-Fi connection is stable.
  • The connection is blocked by your ISP (internet service provider)
    Reach out to your ISP to find out how to remove the block.

Installer not starting / finishing properly ▾

Overwolf is based on .NET Framework, and at times, the installed .NET component in your system may malfunction and prevent the Overwolf installer from running properly.

First, please make sure that the basic .NET Framework 3.5 feature is installed and enabled:

  1. Open the system’s Control Panel
  2. Select «Programs» or «Programs and Features» (depending on the view setting):

  3. Select «Turn Windows features on or off»:

  4. Make sure that the checkbox for «.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)» is ticked. If there is an additional .NET Framework version in the list, as seen in the screenshot below, make sure that it is ticked as well:

    5. Restart your system (if asked to) and try to launch the Overwolf installer again.

If the .NET Framework 3.5 feature is already enabled, you may going to need reinstall the higher .NET Framework version (4.8) installed on your system. For more information, please visit this article.

Overwolf setup installer ▾

If the above-mentioned solutions did not help you overcome the issue, please try to run the setup installer (click to download ).
It comes in a zipped file, so you will first need to extract it by using any program like WinZip, WinRAR or 7-Zip.
Once the installation is complete you can go ahead and start downloading awesome apps for your games!

Clean reinstall Overwolf client ▾

If all of the above does not work, and you are still unable to install Overwolf, then let’s try doing a full clean sweep of all Overwolf files, then try to re-install it.

To uninstall Overwolf just go to: Start -> Control Panel -> Uninstall a Program and uninstall Overwolf.

Once you finish uninstalling, head to C:Program Files (x86) and check if you have an Overwolf folder (you shouldn’t). Delete it, and proceed to do the following:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Type: %localappdata%
  3. Press enter
  4. Look for a folder named ‘Overwolf’
  5. Delete it

Once you finish, please re-download (choose your favorite app) and launch Overwolf.

Installation file is getting removed ▾

If the installation file is finished downloading but it’s missing from your ‘Downloads’ folder, it usually means an antivirus or a download manager software are automatically deleting it. When clicking the file to run it, you may notice that the browser’s download bar or page says the file is either ‘Removed’ or ‘Failed — Download error’. For example:

We’ve seen this happen to users who have SAntivirus/Segurazo installed (sometimes, without even their knowledge), but it might also happen with other software. To resolve the issue you can temporarily disable the antivirus software and redownload the installer. For more information, please visit this article.

RivaTuner conflict ▾

RivaTuner Statistics Server is a hardware monitoring program that usually comes bundled with MSI Afterburner. Sometimes, it may conflict with Overwolf and prevent it from running properly (or running at all). 

To prevent any such issues, please follow the suggestions in our Overwolf and Conflicts with RivaTuner article, or close RivaTuner entirely for the duration of the installation (you may need to close MSI Afterburner first).

Having trouble launching Overwolf after installation? Click here!

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