Ошибка ppp2 lcp down

Уважаемые Гуру, помогите с проблемой!Имеется сервер с mpd5 и абоненты с роутерами TP-Link. До определенного момента все работало без нареканий, но в один прекрасный день посыпались хаотические постоянные обрывы сессий. В логах по биллингу пишет: ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE 1 : User-Request. В логах роут...

Доброго времени суток, есть два микрота CCR1036 в качестве брасов. На первом ~800 абонов, на втором ~1000. Оба микрота имеют шейпер на simple queue и нат. С обоими микротами есть проблема, а именно при пппое скорость загрузки 950+ мегабит, а скорость отдачи еле достигает 350 мегабит. Если мерять минуя пппое и шейпер, воткнувшись в микрот напрямую и получув адрес по дхцп, то скорость стабильно 970 мегабит в обе стороны. Пробовал поменять pps для шейпера, поставил вместо 50 pps 500 и скорость отдачи начала доходить до 400 мегабит. У микротов аплинки 10г по оптике, средний трафик с микрота в районе 1.5 — 2 Гбита. Упора в процессор нет, средняя нагрузка в пределах 15-30%. Подскажите в чём может быть дело?



/interface bridge
add admin-mac=08:55:31:B4:51:F8 auto-mac=no name=bridge1
add disabled=yes name=loopback

/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether2 ] comment=Test_routers

/interface vlan
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan36 vlan-id=36
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan101 vlan-id=101
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan102 vlan-id=102
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan103 vlan-id=103
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan104 vlan-id=104
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan105 vlan-id=105
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan106 vlan-id=106
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan107 vlan-id=107
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan108 vlan-id=108
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan109 vlan-id=109
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=»vlan1426″ vlan-id=1426
add interface=sfp-sfpplus2 name=vlan1543 vlan-id=1543

/interface list
add name=management

/ip pool
add name=pool1 ranges=

/ip dhcp-server
add address-pool=pool1 interface=ether7 name=dhcp-88

set 0 name=serial0
set 1 name=serial1

/ppp profile
add change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server=XX.XX.XX.1 local-address= name=
add change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server=XX.XX.XX.1 local-address=XX.XX.XX.100
name=PPPoE use-compression=no use-encryption=no

/queue type
set 0 pfifo-limit=500

/routing bgp template
set default as=4XXX9 disabled=no input.filter=bgp-in nexthop-choice=
force-self output.filter-chain=bgp-out .redistribute=connected router-id=
XX.XX.XX.100 routing-table=main

/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether8 pvid=101

/ip neighbor discovery-settings
set discover-interface-list=management

/ip settings
set max-neighbor-entries=8192

/ipv6 settings
set disable-ipv6=yes forward=no max-neighbor-entries=8192

/interface list member
add interface=ether8 list=management

/interface pppoe-server server
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan101 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan102 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=7
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan103 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan104 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan105 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=7
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan106 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan107 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=7
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan108 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan109 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=6
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=vlan36 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600 pado-delay=7 service-name=vlan36
add default-profile=PPPoE disabled=no interface=ether2 keepalive-timeout=60
max-mru=1480 max-mtu=1480 mrru=1600

/interface pptp-server server
set default-profile=PPPtP

/ip address
add address=XX.XX.XX.100/25 comment=»UP IP (NAT no_money)» interface=
sfp-sfpplus2 network=XX.XX.XX.0
add address=XX.XX.XX.59 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.60 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.61 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.62 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.63 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.64 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.65 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.66 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.67 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.68 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.69 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.70 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.71 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.72 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.73 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.74 comment=»For NAT» interface=sfp-sfpplus2 network=
add address= comment=»For OSPF» disabled=yes interface=loopback
add address= comment=test interface=ether7 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.59/29 interface=»vlan1426 » network=
add address= comment=»local-management(DONT_TOUCH)» interface=
ether8 network=
add address=XX.XX.XX.4/29 interface=vlan1543 network=

/ip dhcp-server network
add address= dns-server=XX.XX.XX.1 gateway= netmask=24

/ip dns
set servers=XX.XX.XX.1

ip firewall address-list
add address=XX.XX.XX.0/24 disabled=yes list=bgp-networks
add address=city24.ua comment=city24.ua list=allow_negative
add address=privat24.ua comment=privat24.ua list=allow_negative
add address=next.privat24.ua comment=next.privat24.ua list=allow_negative

/ip firewall nat
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=»Corp100 -> XX.XX.XX.100″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.100
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.59″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.59
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.60″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.60
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.61″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.61
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.62″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.62
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.63″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.63
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.64″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.64
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.65″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.65
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.66″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.66
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.67″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.67
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.68″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.68
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.69″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.69
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.70″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.70
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.71″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.71
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.72″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.72
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.73″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.73
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=» -> XX.XX.XX.74″
out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2 same-not-by-dst=yes src-address= to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.74
add action=same chain=dstnat disabled=yes dst-address-list=pub_dns
same-not-by-dst=no to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.1
add action=same chain=srcnat comment=»negative 192.168 -> XX.XX.XX.100″
dst-address-list=allow_negative out-interface=sfp-sfpplus2
same-not-by-dst=yes src-address-list=negative to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.100
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment=»Negative redirect to Billing»
dst-port=80,443 log-prefix=Negtive protocol=tcp src-address-list=negative
to-addresses=XX.XX.XX.236 to-ports=2096
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat dst-address-list=fix-blocked-sites
out-interface-list=bypass src-address-list=!negative to-addresses=

/ip firewall raw
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=Block-RU disabled=yes
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=»Full block TCP negative (not WWW)»
dst-address-list=!allow_negative dst-port=!53 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=»Full block UDP negative (not WWW)»
dst-address-list=!allow_negative dst-port=!53 protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=Block-WInBox-not-from-management
dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list=!allowed_management
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=Block-SSH-not-from-management
dst-port=7722 protocol=tcp src-address-list=!allowed_management
add action=drop chain=prerouting comment=Block-SNMP-not-from-zabbix dst-port=
161 protocol=udp src-address=!XX.XX.XX.236

/ip route
add disabled=no dst-address= gateway=XX.XX.XX.1

/ppp aaa
set interim-update=5m use-radius=yes

add address=XX.XX.XX.236 comment=Billing service=ppp

/radius incoming
set accept=yes port=XXXX

/routing bgp connection
add as=4XXX9 disabled=no input.filter=ospf-in listen=yes local.address=
XX.XX.XX.100 .role=ibgp name=border nexthop-choice=force-self
output.filter-chain=ospf-out .redistribute=connected remote.address=
XX.XX.XX.1/25 .as=4XXX9 router-id=XX.XX.XX.100 routing-table=main
add cisco-vpls-nlri-len-fmt=auto-bits connect=yes listen=yes local.role=ibgp
name=mikrot101 nexthop-choice=force-self remote.address=XX.XX.XX.101
.as=4XXX9 .port=179 templates=default

/routing filter rule
add chain=ibgp-in disabled=no rule=
«if (dst in XX.XX.XX.128/25 && dst-len==32) {accept} else {reject}»
add chain=ibgp-out disabled=no rule=
«if (dst in XX.XX.XX.128/25 && dst-len==32) {accept} else {reject}»

/system logging
set 0 topics=info,!ppp,!pppoe
set 1 topics=error,!ppp

/system ntp client
set enabled=yes

/system ntp client servers
add address=0.ua.pool.ntp.org
add address=1.ua.pool.ntp.org
add address=2.ua.pool.ntp.org
add address=3.ua.pool.ntp.org

/tool bandwidth-server
set enabled=no

/tool mac-server
set allowed-interface-list=management

/tool mac-server mac-winbox
set allowed-interface-list=management

/tool mac-server ping
set enabled=no


Являюсь пользователем оборудования D-Link уже несколько лет и всем доволен.

Появилась проблема при использовании ADSL модема D-Link 2540U с провайдером ЮТК (г.Краснодар), они меня отправляют в поддержку Д-Линк, хотя я уверен, что проблема у них, и модем не виноват.

По поиску не смог найти обсуждение такой ошибки.

Посмотрите пожалуйста на описанную ситуацию и подскажите


С 1го декабря начались проблемы, каждый день при включении модема интернет сразу не работает (линк поднимается без проблем, параметры линии в норме).

Ошибка в консоли модема D-Link «PPP down»

Сотрудники на голосовой поддержке ничем помочь не могут и говорят, что это проблема в модеме. Хорошо, я взял еще один модем для проверки.

Лог сегодняшних мытарств:

— включаю основной модем (D-Link 2540U, H/W ревизия A1, прошивка стоит 2100, в факах именно она рекомендуется для провайдера ЮТК), соединения нет

Вот логи модема (отрезана часть спереди):

Jan 1 00:00:57 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:00:59 user crit kernel: eth0 Link DOWN.

Jan 1 00:00:59 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering disabled state

Jan 1 00:01:00 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:00 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:03 user crit kernel: eth0 Link UP.

Jan 1 00:01:03 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering learning state

Jan 1 00:01:03 user info kernel: br0: topology change detected, propagating

Jan 1 00:01:03 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding state

Jan 1 00:01:03 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:04 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:07 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:07 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:10 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:10 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP session established.

Jan 1 00:01:22 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:22 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:25 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:25 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:28 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:28 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:31 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:31 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP session established.

Jan 1 00:01:32 user crit kernel: eth0 Link DOWN.

Jan 1 00:01:33 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering disabled state

Jan 1 00:01:35 user crit kernel: eth0 Link UP.

Jan 1 00:01:35 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering learning state

Jan 1 00:01:35 user info kernel: br0: topology change detected, propagating

Jan 1 00:01:35 user info kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding state

Jan 1 00:01:43 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:43 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:46 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:46 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:49 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:49 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:52 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:52 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:55 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:55 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP session established.

Jan 1 00:02:07 daemon notice pppd[287]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:02:08 daemon crit pppd[287]: PPP server detected.

далее последние строчки идут по кругу

выключил-включил модем, ничего, в логах опять по кругу

Jan 1 00:01:53 daemon crit pppd[281]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:01:56 daemon notice pppd[281]: PPP: Start to connect …

Jan 1 00:01:56 daemon crit pppd[281]: PPP server detected.

ОК, подключил другой модем (тоже Длинк 2540, но H/W ревизия C1)

вот логи с него (отрезана часть сначала):

1st day 00:03:19 user crit kernel: OAM loopback response not received on PORT/VPI/VCI 0/0/35.

1st day 00:03:19 user crit kernel: OAM loopback response not received on PORT/VPI/VCI 0/0/35.

1st day 00:03:21 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:03:25 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

< .. пропущены одинаковые попытки .. >

1st day 00:05:35 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP server detected.

1st day 00:05:35 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP session established.

1st day 00:05:47 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:05:50 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:05:51 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP server detected.

1st day 00:05:54 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:05:55 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP server detected.

1st day 00:05:58 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:05:59 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP server detected.

1st day 00:05:59 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP session established.

1st day 00:06:06 user debug syslog: ethctl vport query 2>/var/vcfgerr

1st day 00:06:06 user debug syslog: rm /var/vcfgerr

1st day 00:06:07 user crit kernel: OAM loopback response not received on PORT/VPI/VCI 0/0/35.

1st day 00:06:09 user crit kernel: OAM loopback response not received on PORT/VPI/VCI 0/0/35.

1st day 00:06:09 user debug syslog: ping -c 1 -q

1st day 00:06:11 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

и далее всё то же самое по кругу

1st day 00:09:29 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:09:30 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP server detected.

1st day 00:09:33 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …

1st day 00:09:34 daemon crit pppd[260]: PPP session established.

1st day 00:09:46 daemon notice pppd[260]: PPP: Start to connect …


Позвонил в тех.поддержку

Параметры линии проверили, всё нормально. На соседних портах пользователи авторизуются. Вывод делает сотрудник — «Значит проблема в модеме, перенастройте в режим бриджа, обновите прошивку, обратитесь в ТП Длинк».

Разговор на этом закончился у нас.

Перенастраиваю в режим моста, пробую — ошибка 651.

Тут же выключаю новый модем и переподключаю старый, с первой попытки соединение , всё нормально. Вышел в интернет и пишу вам.

Прошу помочь.

Добрый вечер, несколько вопросов по поводу абонентов IPoE.

Мы осуществляем поддержку оборудования TP-LINK по России, и к нам до настоящего времени очень много приходит обращений от пользователей билайна.

Прекрасно! Являюсь пользователем TP-Link (wr841n & archer c5)

Хотелось бы уточнить одну деталь из возможностей ваших роутеров, при авторизации в сети IPoE Билайна. А именно:

— провайдер выделяет 10 мин для регистрации роутера (или иного устройства) на www.login.beeline.ru, согласно своему регламенту.

Однако среди абонентов, имеющих устройства TP-Link, нашлись народные умельцы, которые сократили её до 20 секунд, при помощи активации опций ОСВОБОДИТЬ и ОБНОВИТЬ, во время web-авторизации.

И я тоже не исключение. Предлагаю отчет из журнала:

1st day 00:00:06	 OTHER     	INFO   	System started
1st day 00:00:12	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send DISCOVER with request ip 0 and unicast flag 0
1st day 00:00:12	 DHCP      	NOTICE 	DHCP server started
1st day 00:00:12	 SECURITY  	INFO   	PPTP Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:12	 SECURITY  	INFO   	L2TP Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:12	 SECURITY  	INFO   	IPSEC Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:13	 SECURITY  	INFO   	FTP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:13	 SECURITY  	INFO   	TFTP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:13	 SECURITY  	INFO   	H323 ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:13	 SECURITY  	INFO   	RTSP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:14	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send DISCOVER with request ip 0 and unicast flag 0
1st day 00:00:15	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Recv OFFER from server 4e6b9121 with ip 6471001c
1st day 00:00:15	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send REQUEST to server 4e6b9121 with request ip 6471001c
1st day 00:00:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Recv ACK from server 4e6b9121 with ip 6471001c lease time 600
1st day 00:00:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC: get 5 static route from Microsoft classless static route option(249)
1st day 00:00:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC: get 1 static route from static route option(33)
1st day 00:00:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC:GET ip:6471001c mask:ffff8000 gateway:64710001 dns1:5515c003 dns2:d5eac008 static route:6
1st day 00:00:18	 DHCP      	NOTICE 	Dynamic IP(DHCP Client) obtained an IP successfully
1st day 00:00:22	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC perform a DHCP renew
1st day 00:00:22	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send REQUEST to server 4e6b9121 with request ip 6471001c
1st day 00:00:22	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 90:C1:6E:50:55:FF
1st day 00:00:23	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:00:23	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Recv ACK from server 4e6b9121 with ip 6471001c lease time 600
1st day 00:00:23	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC:GET ip:6471001c mask:ffff8000 gateway:64710001 dns1:5515c003 dns2:d5eac008 static route:0
1st day 00:00:23	 DHCP      	NOTICE 	Dynamic IP(DHCP Client) obtained an IP successfully
1st day 00:01:44	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Unicasting a release of to
1st day 00:01:44	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Entering released state
1st day 00:01:52	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC perform a DHCP renew
1st day 00:01:52	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send DISCOVER with request ip 6471001C and unicast flag 0
1st day 00:01:54	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Recv OFFER from server 4e6b9125 with ip b00ec02a
1st day 00:01:54	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Send REQUEST to server 4e6b9125 with request ip b00ec02a
1st day 00:01:56	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC Recv ACK from server 4e6b9125 with ip b00ec02a lease time 600
1st day 00:01:56	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPC:GET ip:b00ec02a mask:fffff000 gateway:b00ec001 dns1:5515c005 dns2:d5eac007 static route:0
1st day 00:01:56	 DHCP      	NOTICE 	Dynamic IP(DHCP Client) obtained an IP successfully

Ваша техподдержка, по этому вопросу, переводит стрелку на Билайн. Мол разбирайтесь с ними, мы тут не причем. Связь есть? Есть. Ну и всё… Вот и хочу спросить, раз вы так громко заявили о себе здесь — как это не причем? Ведь на других моделях роутеров такое не получается.

Спасибо за внимание.

Добрый вечер, уважаемая TWIN.

Очень интересный вопрос! Отвечаю на него согласно Вашему журналу:

1st day 00:00:14 DHCP INFO DHCPC Send DISCOVER with request ip 0 and unicast flag 0

1st day 00:00:15 DHCP INFO DHCPC Recv OFFER from server 4e6b9121 with ip 6471001c

за первые 15 секунд старта, роутер запросил у оператора ip-адрес, и сразу же получил от билайна предложение ip-адреса 6471001c

В hex-калькуляторе http://sami.on.eniten.com/hex2ip/? получаем адрес , т.е. это «серый» адрес до авторизации на сайте, не интернетовский.

1st day 00:00:18 DHCP INFO DHCPC Recv ACK from server 4e6b9121 with ip 6471001c lease time 600

тут этот адрес согласован и выдан (lease time 600) на 600 секунд, т.е. это и есть те самые 10 минут, о которых веб-странница билайна при авторизации любезно информирует своих пользователей.

Когда вы нажимаете «Освободить», затем «Обновить», вы отдаётся адрес , и запрашиваете новый адрес. Т.к. Вы уже успешно прошли авторизацию на сайте, билайн выдаст роутеру уже Интернет-адрес (в Вашем случае b00ec02a — Роутер сам по себе не имеет права запрашивать адреса раньше, или позже регламентированного значение оператора, поэтому наша техподдержка тут Вас абсолютно не обманула.



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Some suggestions you could try:
1. Try older firmware on your VR900 router
150729 appears to be available.

If it doesn’t make any difference, then:
2. Reinstate your ECI modem.
On your VR900, go to Advanced tab -> Operation mode and reconfigure your VR900 to operate in ‘Wireless Router mode’. Then wire LAN4/EWAN port from your VR900 to your ECI modem.
If it resolves the broadband disconnection problem, it would point to an issue with the VR900’s modem.

Good luck.

Message 2 of 45




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The connection dropped again this afternoon at 13:59pm so it cannot be the lease time causing it as its before the 2 days was up, theres something intermittently causing the modem to disconnect & reassign a new IP address, the network stats show a few more errors on the Upstream while the Downstream has zero errors (see attachments)
Im not quite happy downgrading firmware as theres been a few bugs which needed to be addressed by the latest firmware patch but ill try it temporarily just to see if it makes a difference but i doubt it http://uk.tp-link.com/download/Archer-VR900.html#Firmware
Had no reply on the TP-Link forum, i had to register first & they seem a bit slow on allowing a post to show up since its not even been posted in the forum yet, think ill try my retailer at Box.co.uk where i bought it from & see about getting a replacement

Message 3 of 45




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The 2880 minutes lease time you quoted, only affects the DHCP issued LAN IP addresses, beginning 192.168.x.x, to locally attached wired and wireless devices.  It has no effect on the WAN IP address issued by Plusnet’s DHCP servers.
Broadband disconnections would cause the WAN IP address to change when the VR900 reconnects to the broadband service given you don’t have a static IP address.

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Well i’ve returned it back to Box whose engineers are assessing it to see if theres a fault (ill get charged a £20 fee if they don’t find one T&Cs), anyway they should since i’ve plugged back in my ECI modem with the Asus RT-N66U router & had no disconnections from the internet, my TBB graph would reset & turn red if i had due a new assigned IP address, been running it solid for 5 days now, i know its dynamic but i shouldn’t lose connection when it changes & it shouldn’t change every 1 to 2 days, so definitely a modem issue, this also shows its not a line fault.
Interesting to note that my TBB graphs minimum latency went back up to around 40ms using the ECI modem (as it was before) but using the broadcom chipset in the TP-Link router it syncs at 15ms, just goes to show the difference, although its strange why my minimum latency is higher on Plusnet fibre than it was when i was on Sky (15ms) using the same ECI modem?

Message 5 of 45





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Just to clarify something here, your external IP will not change unless there is a disconnection. Only when the authentication or sync drops will this alter.

Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.

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That must be whats happening then, the modem is dropping the sync for some reason & then re-establishes a connection which causes the ip address to change, hopefully the tech department at Box will see this if they monitor it long enough, i just hope this is an isolated case & not a common fault with the TP-Link Archer VR900 series in general? i googled it but nothing comes up, i installed the latest firmware

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Update: it turns out that the modem was faulty, the engineers reported that it was unable to pick up an ip address which i find odd since i would not have been able to connect to the internet at all which i could but only for a day or so until it lost sync

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This looks very similar to a TPlink VDSL modem/router I have been using on a Fibre connection,  not the VR1900, a TP-Link TD9970.
It loses sync once a day, usually in the early hours and after reconnecting seems ok, as I only changed over to Fibre on Tuesday I thought it was the connection finding a stable rate, now I am starting to think, maybe not.
It has the latest firmware and ran without any problems on ADSL2+ for two weeks before the change to Fibre.  If it continues I may have to try the BT modem and the TP Link as a router, I don’t really want to do this a I have only been connected to Fibre for 3 days and don’t want to chop and change too much.
Router Logs
1 2015-10-23 03:12:25 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
2 2015-10-23 03:12:25 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
3 2015-10-23 03:12:00 PPP Error ppp1 
4 2015-10-23 03:12:00 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
5 2015-10-23 03:11:09 PPP Error ppp1 
6 2015-10-23 03:11:09 PPP Error ppp1 User request
7 2015-10-23 03:11:09 PPP Error ppp1 User request
8 2015-10-23 03:11:09 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
9 2015-10-23 03:11:02 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
10 2015-10-23 03:11:02 PPP Error ppp1 User request
11 2015-10-22 06:22:14 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
12 2015-10-22 06:22:14 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
13 2015-10-22 06:21:49 PPP Error ppp1 
14 2015-10-22 06:21:49 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
15 2015-10-22 06:20:58 PPP Error ppp1 
16 2015-10-22 06:20:58 PPP Error ppp1 User request
17 2015-10-22 06:20:58 PPP Error ppp1 User request
18 2015-10-22 06:20:51 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
19 2015-10-22 06:20:51 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
20 2015-10-22 06:20:51 PPP Error ppp1 User request
21 2015-10-20 21:01:45 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
22 2015-10-20 21:01:45 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
23 2015-10-20 21:01:26 PPP Error ppp1 
24 2015-10-20 21:01:26 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADS packets
25 2015-10-20 21:00:32 PPP Error ppp1 
26 2015-10-20 21:00:28 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
27 2015-10-20 21:00:28 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
28 1970-01-01 00:00:53 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
Buggy firmware maybe?

Message 9 of 45




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Sounds like the modem in the router is faulty just as it was with mine, as you say try it with your BT Modem to see if it does the same thing, you could also run a TBB Ping Graph as an extra measure to determine its not your broadband connection http://www.thinkbroadband.com/ping
Im getting a replacement router sent to me but this time i wont update the firmware straight away until i know the modem stable

Message 10 of 45







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I’m going to try the BT modem and this router today, connecting through the 9970 EWan port and see if that does anything different.  I also have a TP- Link 8968 with an EWan port to try if the same problem occurs.
Both these routers have worked with absolutely no problems on ADSL2+ with good speeds and stability.  Since the change to Fibre it seems to have been one big PITA. 
The old saying  ‘If it aint broke don’t fix it’  seems very true right now.
Could you let me know how things go when you try this replacement.

Message 11 of 45




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Well i received a replacement, kept the stock firmware & im having the same issues again but more frequently it seems, it was off all day on Sunday until late afternoon, rebooting & switching off the modem did not bring it back online, yet my internet connection was solid when i was using my Asus RT66u & separate BT Modem while waiting for the replacement, so unless im very unlucky then TP-Link are making unreliable router / modems not fit for fibre, im going to have to return this router back, its just not good enough, had a few disconnections early Monday morning aswell, maybe its overheating causing the issue? as it gets quite hot, inadequate ventilation
73 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xad <mru 1492> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x4507a20f>]
74 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xad <mru 1492> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x4507a20f>]
75 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1480> <magic 0x355e9de0>]
76 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [PADS SessionID(0x8b03)]
77 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADR Host-Uniq(0x00000650)]
78 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [PADO PeerMac(00-30-88-00-00-08)]
79 2015-10-26 06:54:42 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000650)]
80 2015-10-26 06:54:18 PPP Error ppp1
81 2015-10-26 06:54:18 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
82 2015-10-26 06:53:58 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000059c)]
83 2015-10-26 06:53:48 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000059c)]
84 2015-10-26 06:53:46 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
85 2015-10-26 06:53:43 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000059c)]
86 2015-10-26 06:53:19 PPP Error ppp1
87 2015-10-26 06:53:19 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
88 2015-10-26 06:52:59 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000405)]
89 2015-10-26 06:52:54 DHCPD Notice Send ACK to
90 2015-10-26 06:52:54 DHCPD Notice Recv REQUEST from C87:19:1E:45:4C
91 2015-10-26 06:52:49 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000405)]
92 2015-10-26 06:52:44 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000405)]
93 2015-10-26 06:52:25 PPP Error ppp1
94 2015-10-26 06:52:21 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 «User request»]
95 2015-10-26 06:52:18 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 «User request»]
96 2015-10-26 06:52:18 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
97 2015-10-26 06:52:18 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
98 2015-10-26 06:52:18 PPP Error ppp1 User request
99 2015-10-26 06:38:46 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
100 2015-10-26 06:23:46 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
101 2015-10-26 06:09:48 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
102 2015-10-26 06:08:46 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
103 2015-10-26 05:58:32 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C
104 2015-10-26 05:53:46 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C87:19:1E:45:4C

Message 12 of 45







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It does look like there is a fault on the modem side on both of these TP-Link models.  The same fault on both are too similar.
I set up the TD9970 with the BT modem yesterday, it’s been connected now for over 24 hours with no drops in sync.  I am going to leave it for 3 or 4 days to see how stable this setup is.  If this stops the connection dropping as before this would seem to indicate the modem is faulty.
I will return it to Amazon and get another VDSL modem/router, not the same model and probably not a TP-Link.
TP-Link modem /routers seem to get fairly good reviews so maybe we’ve both been unlucky and got faulty VDSL ones. 

Message 13 of 45




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Well i decided to install the latest firmware since i now know that wasn’t the issue, however i did stumble upon something that might be worth trying in regards to PPP dropping, go into router setup > Advanced > Internet > (click modify) then click on Advanced arrow which will reveal some extra features, in there you will find Echo Request Interval, by default its set to 30 so i have now set it to 0 after reading these posts on PPP dropping http://forums.thinkbroadband.com/dslrouter/4281264-tp-link-td-w8968-pppoe-disconnects-dling-large-fi… & http://drlforum.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=605 which i discovered after googling ‘tp-link archer Echo Request Interval’ simply out of curiosity to find out what it does, it seems to fix some issues, so worth a shot, i’ll see how it goes
Update: That didn’t work so im returning it back, 3rd time lucky if not then its safe to say TP Link have produced unreliable vdsl modems for their routers, im surprised there are not more complaints about the same issues
327 2015-10-27 13:45:41 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001850)]
326 2015-10-27 13:45:37 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001850)]
325 2015-10-27 13:45:23 PPP Error ppp1
324 2015-10-27 13:45:19 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 «User request»]
323 2015-10-27 13:45:16 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 «User request»]
322 2015-10-27 13:45:16 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
321 2015-10-27 13:45:16 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
320 2015-10-27 13:45:15 PPP Error ppp1 User request
319 2015-10-27 13:44:33 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C8:D7:19:1E:45:4C
318 2015-10-27 13:43:31 DHCPD Notice Recv INFORM from C8:D7:19:1E:45:4C
317 2015-10-27 13:43:27 DHCPD Notice Send ACK to
316 2015-10-27 13:43:27 DHCPD Notice Recv REQUEST from C8:D7:19:1E:45:4C
315 2015-10-27 11:13:14 DHCPD Notice Send ACK to
314 2015-10-27 11:13:14 DHCPD Notice Recv REQUEST from 90:C1:15:17:37:68
313 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x4c <addr>]
312 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x4c <addr
311 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2
310 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2
309 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2
308 2015-10-27 09:55:59 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
& again early this morning
269 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x12 «»]
268 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x12 <0d42feba24f4d02400b20a3590050849>, name = «shylok@plusdsl.net»
267 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x12 <b1b3c1b552bce8890694acb3c64444ad7e87c85ebe>, name = «JUNOS»]
266 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1480> <magic 0x32f60dab>]
265 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xc0 <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x70dac26b>]
264 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1480> <magic 0x32f60dab>]
263 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
262 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
261 2015-10-27 09:12:35 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xc0 <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x70dac26b>]
260 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <7f8922c70aa5012a87115ee9ac974a12>, name = «shylok@plusdsl.net»]
259 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <31010735d1fdac23a4336bfd91c3f72b>, name = «bras-red4.mr-dh»]
258 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1480> <magic 0xc9c801af>]
257 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x7d <mru 1492> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x77dc9d35>]
256 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7d <mru 1492> <auth chap MD5> <magic 0x77dc9d35>]
255 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1480> <magic 0xc9c801af>]
254 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [PADS SessionID(0x7608)]
253 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADR Host-Uniq(0x00006bd1)]
252 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 rcvd [PADO PeerMac(00-30-88-00-00-08)]
251 2015-10-27 09:12:34 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006bd1)]
250 2015-10-27 09:12:08 PPP Error ppp1
249 2015-10-27 09:12:08 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
248 2015-10-27 09:11:48 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006b25)]
247 2015-10-27 09:11:38 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006b25)]
246 2015-10-27 09:11:33 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006b25)]
245 2015-10-27 09:11:07 PPP Error ppp1
244 2015-10-27 09:11:07 PPP Error ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
243 2015-10-27 09:10:47 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006a69)]
242 2015-10-27 09:10:37 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006a69)]
241 2015-10-27 09:10:32 PPP Information ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00006a69)]
240 2015-10-27 09:10:13 PPP Error ppp1
239 2015-10-27 09:10:09 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 «User request»]
238 2015-10-27 09:10:06 PPP Information ppp1 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 «User request»]
237 2015-10-27 09:10:06 PPP Warning ppp1 LCP down
236 2015-10-27 09:10:06 PPP Error ppp1 LCP down
235 2015-10-27 09:10:06 PPP Error ppp1 User request
234 2015-10-27 08:49:57 PPP Information ppp1 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x78 <addr

Message 14 of 45




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Re: TP Link Archer VR900 ppp1 LCP down Disconnection

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How can I tell whether it’s the router losing PPP (due to faulty router) or whether it’s DLM kicking in?  I have a TD-W9980 and it does seem to re-connect every other day, if not daily. The longest I stayed connected for was 4 days if I recall correctly.  I check the profile regularly too and it does seem to move around a little but above 77Mbps.

Message 15 of 45


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