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I am getting the same error when i execute the below code,
DECLARE @GrossClaimAmountEuro NVARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @GrossClaimAmountEuro = SUBSTRING(RTRIM(LTRIM(TempColumn)),0,LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(TempColumn))) — LEN(‘Total Disputed Invoice Value’))
FROM fn_CCT_ConvertTextToRows(‘Customer Name : SPORT DANMARK A/S
Sold To # : 117799
Total Claim Value : 170,000.00
Total Disputed Invoice Value: 170,000.00
Total Claim Units : 13
Currency : EUR’)
WHERE RTRIM(LTRIM(TempColumn)) like ‘%Total Disputed Invoice Value%’
IF ISNUMERIC(@GrossClaimAmountEuro) = 0
SET @GrossClaimAmountEuro = ‘0’SET @GrossClaimAmountEuro = REPLACE(@GrossClaimAmountEuro,’,’,»)
SELECT @GrossClaimAmountEuro
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,4),LTRIM(RTRIM(@GrossClaimAmountEuro)))The variable @GrossClaimAmountEuro holds holds a value ‘170000.00 ‘. When i hardcode the value and execute, the code works fine, if i give the variable name in the code, i am getting a error as,
«Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 18
Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.»I dont know.. what i am doing wrong..
Please help
I got the problem solved, the variable was having some juck characters. I replaced it using ASCII code. Thank you all for the support.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:52 AM
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I have table1
with two columns:
col1 - nvarchar(510)
col2 - nvarchar(510)
I want to take all the values from table1
and put it to table2
where data type is different:
col1_A - numeric(22,10)
col2_A - int
I’m doing like:
insert into table2
select cast(col1 as numeric), cast(col2 as int)
but I’m getting error:
What is wrong?
722k173 gold badges1321 silver badges1443 bronze badges
asked Aug 18, 2016 at 14:55
You probably have a character in table1.col1
. Also, it’s important to point out that table1.col1
is nvarchar(510)
but if len(table1.col1) > 11
you are going to get an Arithmetic overflow error.
declare @char nvarchar(510)
set @char = '123456789101'
--set @char = '1234567891011' --will cause an arithmetic overflow error since you are using numeric(22,10)
--set @char = '123abc456' --will cause Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric
declare @num numeric(22,10)
set @num = cast(@char as numeric(22,10))
select @num
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:04
24.7k5 gold badges24 silver badges44 bronze badges
It means you need to sanitize your data. Find which values are causing the issue and then manually correct them first or exclude them. To find which values are not numeric use the ISNUMERIC
select col1
from yourtable
where ISNUMERIC(col1) = 0
722k173 gold badges1321 silver badges1443 bronze badges
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:04
59.8k10 gold badges94 silver badges168 bronze badges
thank you Eric for help to find wrong recrods!
I did case as below:
when [col1] LIKE '%,%' then REPLACE([col1]),',','')
else CAST([col1] as Numeric)
and it’s working!
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:48
2,8206 gold badges33 silver badges61 bronze badges
I have table1
with two columns:
col1 - nvarchar(510)
col2 - nvarchar(510)
I want to take all the values from table1
and put it to table2
where data type is different:
col1_A - numeric(22,10)
col2_A - int
I’m doing like:
insert into table2
select cast(col1 as numeric), cast(col2 as int)
but I’m getting error:
What is wrong?
722k173 gold badges1321 silver badges1443 bronze badges
asked Aug 18, 2016 at 14:55
You probably have a character in table1.col1
. Also, it’s important to point out that table1.col1
is nvarchar(510)
but if len(table1.col1) > 11
you are going to get an Arithmetic overflow error.
declare @char nvarchar(510)
set @char = '123456789101'
--set @char = '1234567891011' --will cause an arithmetic overflow error since you are using numeric(22,10)
--set @char = '123abc456' --will cause Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric
declare @num numeric(22,10)
set @num = cast(@char as numeric(22,10))
select @num
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:04
24.7k5 gold badges24 silver badges44 bronze badges
It means you need to sanitize your data. Find which values are causing the issue and then manually correct them first or exclude them. To find which values are not numeric use the ISNUMERIC
select col1
from yourtable
where ISNUMERIC(col1) = 0
722k173 gold badges1321 silver badges1443 bronze badges
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:04
59.8k10 gold badges94 silver badges168 bronze badges
thank you Eric for help to find wrong recrods!
I did case as below:
when [col1] LIKE '%,%' then REPLACE([col1]),',','')
else CAST([col1] as Numeric)
and it’s working!
answered Aug 18, 2016 at 15:48
2,8206 gold badges33 silver badges61 bronze badges
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
1 |
23.02.2021, 22:08. Показов 11861. Ответов 24
Делаю UPDATE таблицы Orders, конкретно поле Price(decimal) изPrice.Text, получаю:
0 |
Igr_ok 783 / 615 / 272 Регистрация: 04.08.2015 Сообщений: 1,707 |
23.02.2021, 22:33 |
2 |
7-2-3, вот тут MsGuns расписал, как не надо кодить, вам это тоже полезно Добавление записи в таблицу
Price.Text Если Price — это текстбокс, то откройте для себя другие контролы, которые позволяют работать с числами, датой и т.д. Для чисел — NumericUpDown https://docs.microsoft.com/en-… ew=net-5.0
1 |
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
23.02.2021, 23:04 [ТС] |
3 |
Так это он мне и написал)
0 |
1496 / 1238 / 244 Регистрация: 04.04.2011 Сообщений: 4,356 |
23.02.2021, 23:23 |
4 |
Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к numeric. Обратите внимание на Decimalseparator https://docs.microsoft.com/en-… ew=net-5.0 Добавлено через 2 минуты
0 |
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
24.02.2021, 08:50 [ТС] |
5 |
В России, копейки сами по себе конечно не очень нужны, только при расчёте НДС.
0 |
7-2-3 54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
24.02.2021, 10:39 [ТС] |
6 |
Поставил вместо текстбокса:
Прикрутил параметр:
Теперь немного другое сообщение получаю:
0 |
7-2-3 54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
24.02.2021, 10:50 [ТС] |
7 |
NumberFormatInfo-эта штуковина, которая позволяет обходить проблемы с точками и запятыми(которые ещё в региональных настройках сидят) ? Добавлено через 4 минуты
Получил первоначальное сообщение. Добавлено через 5 минут
0 |
Andrey-MSK 1377 / 888 / 205 Регистрация: 14.08.2018 Сообщений: 2,831 Записей в блоге: 3 |
24.02.2021, 12:03 |
8 |
7-2-3, в SQL (MS SQL) строки присваиваются так:
а числа так:
Разницу со своей записью видите?
0 |
783 / 615 / 272 Регистрация: 04.08.2015 Сообщений: 1,707 |
24.02.2021, 12:10 |
9 |
7-2-3, я не вижу на вашем скрине запроса с параметрами. И лучше подкрепляйте свои сообщения кодом(а не скрином), так проще указать на ошибки.
0 |
7-2-3 54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
24.02.2021, 12:16 [ТС] |
10 |
Вот, мой красивый и замечательный кодик:
0 |
Andrey-MSK 1377 / 888 / 205 Регистрация: 14.08.2018 Сообщений: 2,831 Записей в блоге: 3 |
24.02.2021, 12:29 |
11 |
И где в запросе вот этот параметр? И все остальные тоже
0 |
MsGuns 1496 / 1238 / 244 Регистрация: 04.04.2011 Сообщений: 4,356 |
24.02.2021, 13:01 |
12 |
1 |
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
25.02.2021, 14:12 [ТС] |
13 |
Если бы не Price, то моя «обновляшка» бы и без параметров сработала. Но в итоге, VS не нравится это: Миниатюры
0 |
Andrey-MSK 1377 / 888 / 205 Регистрация: 14.08.2018 Сообщений: 2,831 Записей в блоге: 3 |
25.02.2021, 15:35 |
14 |
7-2-3, параметры можно объявлять по другому, это более полная запись, тут явно всё указывается — тип, значения, направление параметра:
Добавлено через 2 минуты
1 |
Igr_ok 783 / 615 / 272 Регистрация: 04.08.2015 Сообщений: 1,707 |
25.02.2021, 17:54 |
15 |
7-2-3, вместо
надо писать
0 |
1496 / 1238 / 244 Регистрация: 04.04.2011 Сообщений: 4,356 |
25.02.2021, 18:40 |
16 |
Igr_ok, Я в курсе: копипаста подвела + невнимательность
0 |
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
25.02.2021, 19:46 [ТС] |
17 |
Я видимо что то не так делаю: Миниатюры
0 |
1496 / 1238 / 244 Регистрация: 04.04.2011 Сообщений: 4,356 |
25.02.2021, 23:24 |
18 |
Я видимо что то не так делаю: «Слепая» копипаста
0 |
54 / 6 / 5 Регистрация: 24.01.2019 Сообщений: 171 |
26.02.2021, 10:23 [ТС] |
19 |
А вот и нет, я именно проименовал текстбоксы. ProductID.Text(и т.п.), оно так и было.
0 |
MsGuns 1496 / 1238 / 244 Регистрация: 04.04.2011 Сообщений: 4,356 |
26.02.2021, 13:05 |
20 |
Скобки уберите вокруг ProductID.Text:
0 |
You can’t easily control the order in which SQL Server will evaluate the contents of a column that does not use the correct data type (or has mismatched precision). If you try to cast a column that is nvarchar to numeric, even if you have filters that should eliminate all non-numeric values from consideration, SQL Server can still try those first (see Erland’s complaint about this on UserVoice). There are cases where you can nest CTEs until the cows come home, but SQL Server will still push or pull that evaluation to a place where you didn’t expect it.
As long as aggregates and fulltext functions aren’t involved (see here and here), you can force this evaluation before conversion by using a CASE
expression. Here is a simplified version of your query with no CTEs:
SELECT cfv.issue,
priority_num = CONVERT(NUMERIC(something, something),
CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(cfo.customvalue)=1 THEN cfo.customvalue END)
proddb1.customfieldvalue AS cfv
INNER JOIN proddb1.customfield AS cf
ON cfv.CUSTOMFIELD = cf.id
INNER JOIN proddb1.customfieldoption AS cfo
AND CONVERT(NUMERIC(something, something),
CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(cfo.customvalue)=1 THEN cfo.customvalue END) = cfo.id
WHERE cf.cfname = 'Issue Priority';
You will need to change something, something
to the proper precision/scale (or use one of the int
types if you don’t need decimal places). You should never declare varying types without specifying the length — this blog post is about varchar, but it really applies to all of the types.
If you are on SQL Server 2012 (it’s always useful to include information like what version of SQL Server you’re using), you can simplify this:
CONVERT(NUMERIC(something, something),
CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(cfo.customvalue)=1 THEN cfo.customvalue END)
to this:
TRY_CONVERT(NUMERIC(something, something), cfo.customvalue)
And it will actually be more reliable (since ISNUMERIC
can return 1 and still fail at conversion time for specific types). I blogged about this way back in 2002.
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Hello and thank you for reading.
I got ‘Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric’ for the EXPR element.
How can I select the decimal EXPR element from the xml? FYI: The target column named similar EXPR is datatype decimal (18,2)DECLARE @xml XML SELECT @xml = x.y FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'C:File.xml', SINGLE_CLOB ) x(y) INSERT INTO dbo.Product( LITM,EXPR ) SELECT x.y.value('(LITM/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS LITM, x.y.value('(price/EXPR/text())[1]', 'decimal') AS EXPR FROM @xml.nodes('prices/item') AS x(y)
Thank you
11 июня 2011 г. 14:35
With that particular piece of XML and table then it does work, eg
DECLARE @xml XML SET @xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <prices> <message_header source="Alltron AG" message_type="price" document_version_date="26.02.2009" document_version="1.00" generation_date="11.06.2011" generation_time=" 4:41:43"/> <item> <LITM>1028</LITM> <price> <INPR>4.05</INPR> <EXPR>3.75</EXPR> <VATR>8</VATR> <ECPR>23.9</ECPR> <DPPR>7</DPPR> </price> </item> <item> <LITM>1116</LITM> <price> <INPR>42.65</INPR> <EXPR>39.49</EXPR> <VATR>8</VATR> <ECPR>52</ECPR> <DPPR>45.55</DPPR> </price> </item> <item> <LITM>1227</LITM> <price> <INPR>4.75</INPR> <EXPR>4.4</EXPR> <VATR>8</VATR> <ECPR>6.9</ECPR> <DPPR>5.4</DPPR> </price> </item> </prices>' DECLARE @Product TABLE ( [LITM] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [EAN] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [Descr] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [MITM] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [EXPR] [decimal](18, 2) NULL ) INSERT INTO @product ( LITM, EXPR ) SELECT x.y.value('(LITM/text())[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS LITM, x.y.value('(price/EXPR/text())[1]', 'DECIMAL(18,2)') AS EXPR FROM @xml.nodes('prices/item') AS x(y) SELECT * FROM @Product GO
Are you sure that’s the XML and table you are actually using?
Помечено в качестве ответа
14 июня 2011 г. 14:17
Помечено в качестве ответа
While developing data processes in SQL Server, under certain circumstances, you might get the error message: error converting varchar to numeric. This error is similar with the conversion error you might get when you are trying to convert a varchar to float, etc.
Read on to find out the reason for getting this error message and how you can easily resolve it within just a minute.
The Numeric Data Type in SQL Server
Prior to discuss how you can reproduce and resolve the issue, it is important that you first understand the numeric data type in SQL Server. As described in the relevant MS Docs article, the numeric data type has fixed precision and scale, and it has equivalent functionality with the decimal data type.
The numeric data type takes two arguments, that is precision and scale. The syntax is numeric(precision, scale).
Precision defines the maximum number of decimal digits (in both sides of the number) and its value range is between 1 and 38.
Scale, defines the number of decimal digit that will be stored to the right of the decimal point. Its value can range between 1 and the value specified for precision.
Here’s an example of a numeric data type value in SQL Server:
DECLARE @numValue NUMERIC(10,2); SET @numValue=123456.7890 SELECT @numValue as NumValue; GO
The number returned by the above T-SQL query is: 123456.7890
In the above example I specified as precision 10 and as scale 2.
So, even though I specified 123456.7890 as the numeric value, it was indirectly converted to a numeric(10,2) value and that’s why it returned the value 123456.79
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Reproducing the Conversion Error
Great. Now, let’s reproduce the conversion error by trying to convert a “problematic” varchar value to numeric.
You can find this example below:
DECLARE @valueToConvert VARCHAR(50); SET @valueToConvert='1123,456.7890'; SELECT CAST(@valueToConvert AS NUMERIC(10,2)) as ConvertedNumber; GO
When you execute the above T-SQL code, you will get the below exact error message:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 4
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
How to Resolve the Conversion Error
As you might have observed in the above example, the @valueToConvert variable, besides the dot (.), it also contains a comma (,).
Therefore, at the time of its conversion to the numeric data type, the comma is considered an illegal character for the destination data type (numeric) and that’s why you get the error message.
In order to resolve the conversion error, you just need to remove the comma (,) from the varchar value that you want to convert to numeric.
Note: At this point, you also need to make sure that the varchar value to be converted, is the actual number you wish to convert to the numeric data type. Also, you need to make sure that you only use the decimal symbol, in this case the dot (.), and not any digit grouping symbols, etc.
So, if we remove the comma from the above example, we can see that the conversion is successful.
DECLARE @valueToConvert VARCHAR(50); SET @valueToConvert='1123456.7890'; SELECT CAST(@valueToConvert AS NUMERIC(10,2)) as ConvertedNumber; GO
In general, when converting varchar values to numbers (i.e. decimal, numeric, etc.), you need to be careful in order for your varchar value, not contain any digit grouping symbols (i.e. a comma) or any other characters that do not have a meaning as a number.
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How to resolve the error: Error converting varchar to numeric in SQL Server
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Artemakis Artemiou is a Senior SQL Server Architect, Author, a 9 Times Microsoft Data Platform MVP (2009-2018). He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry in various roles. Artemakis is the founder of SQLNetHub and {essentialDevTips.com}. Artemakis is the creator of the well-known software tools Snippets Generator and DBA Security Advisor. Also, he is the author of many eBooks on SQL Server. Artemakis currently serves as the President of the Cyprus .NET User Group (CDNUG) and the International .NET Association Country Leader for Cyprus (INETA). Moreover, Artemakis teaches on Udemy, you can check his courses here.
Views: 18,939
i m making a registration form… where i want the should go in data table according to choice selected by user…
but when i click the «submit» button. it shows me an error like this…
Server Error in '/project@water_billing_system' Application. Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. Source Error: Line 521: cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_ac_code_password); Line 522: Line 523: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Line 524: conn.Close(); Line 525: } Source File: f:water billing systemproject@water_billing_systemonline_redistration.aspx.cs Line: 523
i m using stored procedure for this…
and the store procedure is like below.
@registration_datetime datetime,
@ac_code_id varchar(8),
@ac_password varchar(max),
@owner_surname varchar(30),
@owner_first_name varchar(30),
@owner_middle_name varchar(30),
@owner_DOB date,
@add_of_c_industry varchar(MAX),
@handler1_name varchar(50),
@handler1_mobile numeric(14,0),
@handler1_landline numeric(18,0),
@handler1_email varchar(50),
@handler2_name varchar(50),
@handler2_mobile numeric(14,0),
@handler2_landline numeric(18,0),
@handler2_email varchar(50),
@handler3_name varchar(50),
@handler3_mobile numeric(14,0),
@handler3_landline numeric(18,0),
@handler3_email varchar(50),
@connection_type_id int,
@connection_size_id int,
@connection_plan_id int,
@connection_start_wish date
all the data type is same in sqltable as above…
and this is my «aspx.cs» code…
protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string owner_birthdate,wish_start_from,ac_code_id; owner_birthdate = ddl_owner_dob_mm.Text + '/' + ddl_owner_dob_dd.Text + '/' + ddl_owner_dob_yyyy.Text; wish_start_from=ddl_conn_wish_mm.Text+'/'+ddl_conn_wish_dd.Text+'/'+ddl_conn_wish_yyyy.Text; if (rbl_conn_for.SelectedValue == "1") { string hp="HP"; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert_into_reg_housing_plot",conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter prm_datetime = new SqlParameter(lbl_date_time.Text, "@registration_datetime"); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_datetime); SqlParameter prm_owner_surname = new SqlParameter("@owner_surname", txt_owner_surname.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_surname); SqlParameter prm_owner_first_name = new SqlParameter("@owner_first_name", txt_owner_first_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_first_name); SqlParameter prm_owner_middle_name = new SqlParameter("@owner_middle_name", txt_owner_middle_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_middle_name); SqlParameter prm_owner_DOB = new SqlParameter("@owner_DOB", owner_birthdate); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_DOB); SqlParameter prm_add_housing_plot = new SqlParameter("@add_of_housing_plot", txt_address_housing_plot.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_add_housing_plot); SqlParameter prm_handler1_name = new SqlParameter("@handler1_name", txt_handler1_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_name); SqlParameter prm_handler1_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler1_mobile", txt_handler1_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler1_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler1_landline", txt_handler1_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler1_email = new SqlParameter("@handler1_email", txt_handler1_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_email); SqlParameter prm_handler2_name = new SqlParameter("@handler2_name", txt_handler2_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_name); SqlParameter prm_handler2_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler2_mobile", txt_handler2_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler2_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler2_landline", txt_handler2_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler2_email = new SqlParameter("@handler2_email", txt_handler2_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_email); SqlParameter prm_handler3_name = new SqlParameter("@handler3_name", txt_handler3_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_name); SqlParameter prm_handler3_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler3_mobile", txt_handler3_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler3_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler3_landline", txt_handler3_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler3_email = new SqlParameter("@handler3_email", txt_handler3_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_email); if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "3") { SqlParameter prm_yearly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id",rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_yearly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_yearly_size = new SqlParameter("@connection_size_id",ddl_conn_size_selection_for_fixed_yearly_plan.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_yearly_size); SqlParameter prm_fix_yearly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_plan_selection_for_fixed_yearly_conn.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_yearly_plan); } else if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "1") { SqlParameter prm_monthly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id", rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_monthly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_size = new SqlParameter("@connection_size_id", ddl_conn_size_selection_for_fixed_plant.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_size); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_plan_selection_for_fixed_conn.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_plan); } else if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "2") { SqlParameter prm_monthly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id", rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_monthly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_conn_size_for_meter_plan.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_plan); } SqlParameter prm_start_wish = new SqlParameter("@connection_start_wish",wish_start_from); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_start_wish); SqlCommand ac = new SqlCommand("select max(ac_code_int) from registration_for_housing_plot",conn); object a; a=ac.ExecuteScalar(); if (a.ToString() == "") { a="1001"; ac_code_id= hp + a; } else { Int64 v; v = (Int64.Parse(a.ToString())) + 1; ac_code_id = hp + v.ToString(); } SqlParameter prm_ac_code_id = new SqlParameter("@ac_code_id", ac_code_id); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_ac_code_id); ac.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlParameter prm_ac_code_password = new SqlParameter("@ac_password",txt_confirm_password.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_ac_code_password); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } else if (rbl_conn_for.SelectedValue == "2") { string ci = "CI"; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert_into_reg_c_industry", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter prm_datetime = new SqlParameter("@registration_datetime", lbl_date_time.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_datetime); SqlParameter prm_owner_surname = new SqlParameter("@owner_surname", txt_owner_surname.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_surname); SqlParameter prm_owner_first_name = new SqlParameter("@owner_first_name", txt_owner_first_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_first_name); SqlParameter prm_owner_middle_name = new SqlParameter("@owner_middle_name", txt_owner_middle_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_middle_name); SqlParameter prm_owner_DOB = new SqlParameter("@owner_DOB", owner_birthdate); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_owner_DOB); SqlParameter prm_add_c_industry = new SqlParameter("@add_of_c_industry", txt_address_commercial_industry.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_add_c_industry); SqlParameter prm_handler1_name = new SqlParameter("@handler1_name", txt_handler1_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_name); SqlParameter prm_handler1_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler1_mobile", txt_handler1_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler1_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler1_landline", txt_handler1_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler1_email = new SqlParameter("@handler1_email", txt_handler1_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler1_email); SqlParameter prm_handler2_name = new SqlParameter("@handler2_name", txt_handler2_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_name); SqlParameter prm_handler2_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler2_mobile", txt_handler2_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler2_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler2_landline", txt_handler2_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler2_email = new SqlParameter("@handler2_email", txt_handler2_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler2_email); SqlParameter prm_handler3_name = new SqlParameter("@handler3_name", txt_handler3_name.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_name); SqlParameter prm_handler3_mobile = new SqlParameter("@handler3_mobile", txt_handler3_mobile.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_mobile); SqlParameter prm_handler3_landline = new SqlParameter("@handler3_landline", txt_handler3_landline.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_landline); SqlParameter prm_handler3_email = new SqlParameter("@handler3_email", txt_handler3_email.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_handler3_email); if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "3") { SqlParameter prm_yearly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id", rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_yearly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_yearly_size = new SqlParameter("@connection_size_id", ddl_conn_size_selection_for_fixed_yearly_plan.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_yearly_size); SqlParameter prm_fix_yearly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_plan_selection_for_fixed_yearly_conn.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_yearly_plan); } else if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "1") { SqlParameter prm_monthly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id", rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_monthly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_size = new SqlParameter("@connection_size_id", ddl_conn_size_selection_for_fixed_plant.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_size); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_plan_selection_for_fixed_conn.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_plan); } else if (rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue == "2") { SqlParameter prm_monthly_conn_type = new SqlParameter("@connection_type_id", rbl_connection_type.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_monthly_conn_type); SqlParameter prm_fix_monthly_plan = new SqlParameter("@connection_plan_id", ddl_conn_size_for_meter_plan.SelectedValue); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_fix_monthly_plan); } SqlParameter prm_start_wish = new SqlParameter("@connection_start_wish", wish_start_from); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_start_wish); SqlCommand ac = new SqlCommand("select max(ac_code_int) from registration_for_comercial_industry",conn); object a; a = ac.ExecuteScalar(); if (a.ToString() == "") { a = "1001"; ac_code_id = ci + a; } else { Int64 v; v = (Int64.Parse(a.ToString())) + 1; ac_code_id = ci + v.ToString(); } SqlParameter prm_ac_code_id = new SqlParameter("@ac_code_id", ac_code_id); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_ac_code_id); ac.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlParameter prm_ac_code_password = new SqlParameter("@ac_password", txt_confirm_password.Text); cmd.Parameters.Add(prm_ac_code_password); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
plzz help me solve this…
thanks a lot in advance…