SQL10004C An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory. SQLSTATE=58031 — During DB2 Restore
Version – 9.5 Fixpack 3
– AIX 5.3
An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory.
error was returned during the restoration of db backup on a new
server. As per the docs and references this can be caused by several
reasons including OS level permission, db and os level version etc..
quick workaround that can be tested to resolve this error while
performing a db2 restore is to try the restoration with different
database directory without using the default one with the use «dbpath on» clause of db2 restore command.
By adding «dbpath on» to the restoration command as below,
db2 "restore database CPSDB from '/data12/backup' dbpath on '/data12/cpsjun15' into cpsjun15 logtarget '/data12/cpsjun15/log' redirect"
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Select count(*) cnt
from fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdhdr cdhdr
Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdpos cdpos on (cdhdr.changenr = cdpos.changenr)
Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekko ekko on (ekko.lifnr = cdpos.objectid)
Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekpo ekpo on (ekpo.ebeln = ekko.ebeln)
where cdhdr.objectclas = 'KRED'
and cdhdr.objectid = 'vendornumber'
and cdpos.fname = 'ZTERM'
and ekpo.elikz != 'X';
Select count(*) cnt
from fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdhdr xcdhdr
Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdpos xcdpos on (xcdhdr.changenr = xcdpos.changenr)
/* Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekko xekko on (xekko.lifnr = xcdpos.objectid)*/
/* Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekpo xekpo on (xekpo.ebeln = xekko.ebeln)*/
where xcdhdr.objectclas = 'KRED'
and xcdhdr.objectid = 'vendornumber'
and xcdpos.fname = 'ZTERM'
/*and xekpo.elikz != 'X';*/
Select count(*) cnt
from /*fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdhdr xcdhdr
Join*/ fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdpos xcdpos /*on (xcdhdr.changenr = xcdpos.changenr)*/
Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekko xekko on (xekko.lifnr = xcdpos.objectid)
/* Join fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekpo xekpo on (xekpo.ebeln = xekko.ebeln)*/
where xcdhdr.objectclas = 'KRED'
and xcdhdr.objectid = 'vendornumber'
and xcdpos.fname = 'ZTERM'
/*and xekpo.elikz != 'X';*/
The data base I am using is Hive, and I get the below error when I run this code. When I run all my joins separately everything works fine and data is returned.
As a side question I also would like the ‘hdr’ table there can be multiple results I would like it to produce the most recent change. I have tried the Max() but it errors out as well.
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:10155 Invalid table alias or column reference ‘cdpos’
asked Feb 28, 2017 at 17:10
I’d remove the alias names as the table names already match the alias. The engine might be confused by having objects with the same name.
SELECT count(*) cnt
FROM fin_vsap_prd_tbls.cdhdr
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdpos on (cdhdr.changenr = cdpos.changenr)
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekko on (ekko.lifnr = cdpos.objectid)
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekpo on (ekpo.ebeln = ekko.ebeln)
WHERE cdhdr.objectclas = 'KRED'
and cdhdr.objectid = 'vendornumber'
and cdpos.fname = 'ZTERM'
and ekpo.elikz != 'X';
or name them differently…
SELECT count(*) cnt
FROM fin_vsap_prd_tbls.cdhdr xcdhdr
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.cdpos xcdpos on (xcdhdr.changenr = xcdpos.changenr)
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekko xekko on (xekko.lifnr = xcdpos.objectid)
JOIN fin_sap_prd_tbls.ekpo xekpo on (xekpo.ebeln = xekko.ebeln)
WHERE xcdhdr.objectclas = 'KRED'
and xcdhdr.objectid = 'vendornumber'
and xcdpos.fname = 'ZTERM'
and xekpo.elikz != 'X';
answered Feb 28, 2017 at 17:27
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