Ошибка style error 2134

Ошибка style error 2134 при воспроизведении видео? Не знаете как ее исправить? Не беда... мы поможем вам решить проблему при воспроизведении видео на сайтах.

Ошибка windows

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 17.5к. Опубликовано 05.12.2015

Недавно столкнулся с неприятной проблемой связанной с проигрыванием видео на некоторых сайтах. Все началось с того, что я поменял систему Windows XP на Windows 7. Потом установил нужные браузеры (chrome, mozilla…), скачал Adobe Flash Player с официального сайта и решил посмотреть онлайн-фильм. И тут выдалась ошибка style Error 2134.

Давайте подробно узнаем из-за чего появляется эта ошибка и что нужно сделать для устранения этой неприятной проблемы.

Появление надписи «Ошибка — style Error #2134»

Вместо воспроизведения видео появился черный квадрат с надписью «Ошибка — style Error #2134». Потом открыл видеохостинг YouTube, но там видео проигрывалось без проблем. На некоторых сайтах видео показывалась, а на некоторых нет. Первое, что пришло в голову — это переустановка флеш плагина. Снова скачал флеш плеер, закрыл браузеры, потом удалил прежний плагин и установил новый. Проблема не решилась: ошибка — style Error #2134.

Что только я не делал(?): переустанавливал плагины несколько раз, заходил на chrome:plugins, включая/выключая флеш плеер и еще множество бесполезных операций. И, наконец, мне подсказали решение проблемы с проигрыванием видео!

Ошибка style error 2134 — как ее исправить

Во многих форумах нашел людей, которые столкнулись с этой проблемой. И один из них нашел решение этой проблемы. Нужно было открыть «Проводник», то есть «Мой компьютер» и в адресной строке написать следующее:

%AppData%MacromediaFlash Player


C:Users<user>AppDataRoamingMacromediaFlash Player

В место <user> прописал admin. В открывшемся окне были папки macromedia.com и #SharedObjects. И все что нужно было сделать — это удалить эти два объекта. Таким образом сбрасывались куки и настройки флеш плеера.

После выполнения вышеуказанных действий, все стало работать нормально и беспроблемно. Ошибка при воспроизведении видео исчезла. Если у вас что-то не получиться, напишите в комментариях, попробую помочь!



Nov 24, 2013
Nov 24, 2013

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i’m using firefox nightly
after today’s flash player update im facing this error  «style error #2134» when playinf videos on some websites

tell me about info i have to provideto solve this problem

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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In Response To C_F_McBlob

thanks, but the thing is that i can’t change it in Nightly
i can do it in IE but it doesn’t help

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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In Response To Deleted User

Wish I had a better answer, but from what I’ve seen, this is an «InDesign» or «Squiggly» error, which usually pops up in development of Flash content and testing of same. Hopefully someone who’s dealt with this directly will add a reply.

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Nov 24, 2013
Nov 24, 2013

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i’m using firefox nightly
after today’s flash player update im facing this error  «style error #2134» when playinf videos on some websites

tell me about info i have to provideto solve this problem

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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In Response To C_F_McBlob

thanks, but the thing is that i can’t change it in Nightly
i can do it in IE but it doesn’t help

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Nov 25, 2013
Nov 25, 2013

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In Response To Deleted User

Wish I had a better answer, but from what I’ve seen, this is an «InDesign» or «Squiggly» error, which usually pops up in development of Flash content and testing of same. Hopefully someone who’s dealt with this directly will add a reply.

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Quite often, users after installation orMacromedia plug-in updates are faced with the problem that instead of playing video on some Internet resources the Style Error 2134 error message pops up. However, on the same video hosting YouTube is OK, and on other sites the video does not play. Why?

Style Error 2134: What is this error?

The first thing that comes to mind is the failure of the flash player. This is partly true, but the problem itself is much broader.

error style error 2134

The fact is that the error Style Style 2134 canappear even if the latest version of Flash Player is present in the system. Of course, in the presence of failures in the system itself and concurrently installed add-ons for Adobe and Macromedia, conflicts arise between them, but, as a rule, the reason is not that.

Error 2134: what to do first?

If the user knows the time of occurrencefailure, the simplest thing that you can do is to restore the system from rollback to the point where everything worked without problems. Upgrade both players, too, will not hurt. Perhaps, an incorrect installation was made. To do this, just go to the official resources and download from there the newest version of the software, and then integrate into the system. Sometimes the banal reset of the most used browser will help.

Flash Player Settings

But this technique may not work, and Style Error 2134 may appear again, so for now, it’s better to just set some important parameters for the Flash Player plug-in itself.

error 2134

To do this, go to the official websiteMacromedia in the global save settings section and set the slider to place the space in the zero position (leftmost position), and also tick the Allow Third-party Flash … In the local settings of the plug-in, you can also delete the data and set the URL to save the information to the computer again (if required).

Deleting faulty files

Finally, if a Style Error 2134 error occursagain and again, you need to find it in the Roaming folder (either in the local user’s section or in the admin section), which is usually located in the AppData directory, the two directories are #Shared Objects and Macromedia.com (you can do it with programs -optimizators).

style error 2134

In most cases, their manual removal solvesthe problem is one hundred percent. However, for complete certainty, you should additionally use the online parameters and local settings described above. Keep in mind that the initial directories can be hidden, so first you will need to use the Explorer menu and set the display options for the corresponding objects. Although you can use two percent symbols (%) to search through the string, which stand out for the name of the hidden object.

Instead of the total

If the above methods for some reasonthe desired result is not given, perhaps a small utility Microsoft Fix will help in fixing the problem. If this also does not work, it could very well be that the problem is the viruses or malicious code penetrating the computer. As is already clear, in this situation it will be necessary to make a full diagnosis of the system, using the advanced scanning technique. To do this, it is recommended to use powerful portable scanners or disk tools that allow you to find threats and neutralize them before the actual operating system is launched.

error style error 2134

However, as practice shows, in mostcases it is not required. It is enough to use two basic methods of correcting the situation, and preferably both together. Actually, the technique is too complicated. The only thing that can cause some misunderstanding is the player’s setting on the official site of Macromedia. But even here, if desired, even the most unprepared user, who has never encountered system settings and multimedia parameters, will be able to figure it out. So this is not a problem either.

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