02-21-2004, 02:42 AM |
DF2 Forever Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: Massachusetts Posts: 1,596
Sysdumps do NOT only happen when someone is cheating.
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02-21-2004, 08:08 AM |
Chief ADFP Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: San Jose Calif 95111 Posts: 21,134
call and you can go to www.novaworld.com lookup tech support in the forum there, you do have to be a member of the site there so signup its a great site. System dump do happen when there some jerk making other’s have a system dump in DF2 land i seen 15player at one time left only to come back and say they had a system dump and a fool cheater said he did it. so there are some who are making it so. Normal a system dump: only happen when there something is bad a file or a map. Not normal: when some one finds a way to upload fake system dump to other’s thier game believe it had a system dump. best way change the file to read only in properties of the system dump it block it from being change or updated. best way to tell watch your firewall have it set to highist settings when playing DF2, its loaded with hackers and cheaters in them Nova-host game areas, play in public and password areas its in these area you will find great players in playing it fair & good sportmenship with others.
Last edited by Hellfighter; 02-21-2004 at 08:52 AM.
02-21-2004, 08:59 AM |
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2004 Posts: 275
A quicker solution is that you download the 3rd file Here , the second file is also good, it brings some extra tools aswell. Anyways, getting offtopic, this file prevents you from getting a sys.dump from jerks (cheaters), so if you get a sys.dump its just a normal case. *If you had a prior version of the file to be downloaded, uninstall it and install this one* Also, its a great tool to shut the ppls mouth when they call you a cheat. You can also see if your tools is working by going into these pages if your name appears in the server you are playing in, then your tool is working. Hope this can help you. If you have problems in the installation or making the tool work click here I hope this can help you.
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02-21-2004, 06:42 PM |
Registered User Join Date: Feb 2004 Posts: 1
what also helps, is install the game not in the standard root.
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02-21-2004, 10:49 PM |
Thanks Everyone I’ll Try Them
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02-22-2004, 03:56 AM |
Umm Just In Case Some People Who Know How To Fix It Please Tell Me How You Fixed It Thank You.
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02-22-2004, 11:46 AM |
Registered User Join Date: Feb 2002 Posts: 61
Crazy, the problem is there is no one answer. The NL game traps all errors and masks them into sysdump.txt messages. So, graphics, maps, video drivers, bad install, bad files, you name it can be the ultimate cause of the problem. You will have to troubleshoot each one in turn (try searching on sysdump and video for a starter). Knock the possibilities off. If you only happen to be sysdumping while in a NL hosted game (versus public or private) it *may* be related to someone using a game bug to cause you game to crash. If you are in a public game that is very unlikely. You would probably see other people getting dumped from the game as well. |
02-24-2004, 07:35 PM |
Yea sometimes it happens on my comp with XP but its out of no where when I’m hosting a game. I just shake it off and start it up again. Not really anything to worry about for me since it only happens about once every two days (if I leave the server up) Don’t know if that’s even relavent but my message is that you probably shouldn’t worry about it if it’s not often that it happens. If it is often than like DeadBolt2 said, you just have to troubleshoot it. You can goto a lot of your hardware manufacturer’s sites and find out if your computer is compatible. It also may be your opperating system although I doubt it unless its XP because that’s what I have and it doesn’t like when I install updates and things like that. Hope it helped
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02-25-2004, 12:47 AM |
Chief ADFP Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: San Jose Calif 95111 Posts: 21,134
DF2 can be set to be use like windows 98 & windows Me inside your system you have a option for that windows Xp has a option call: Compatibility inside file Properties. i change DF: 1/2 to work as WIndows 98/Me in my WIndows Xp Pro SP1(OEM) Here a sample to get it to work: try to play the game see if you still get system dump. it a option for older programs that microsoft made, a option for them who like to use old programs in Windows Xp Family & Windows 2003.
Last edited by Hellfighter; 02-25-2004 at 12:56 AM.
02-27-2004, 05:01 PM |
cool thanks
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02-27-2004, 08:20 PM |
Chief ADFP Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: San Jose Calif 95111 Posts: 21,134
you all so can change the game folder name:
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Страница 2 из 7
Помогите, люди…
При запуске нет музыки, я кликая мышкой, выбираю солдата…а в меню только мультиплеер, а сингл недоступен.
Помнится, когда-то давно у меня эта игруха была, и такие проблемы возникали, когда отсутствовал диск. Но это лишь предположение.
Очень хочется поиграть, а тут такое…
Кстати ОС — Винда ХР СП1 -
У меня была Delta Force, причём с нашего сайта и всё работало ок. А музыка там вырезана. Ты все файлы вроде setup и install запускал ?
З.Ы. Может у кого игра есть на руках прояснит ситуацию . -
Был у меня как-то сборник, на котором жил Дельта Форс 1. Так вот там такая же байда была. Ни сингла, ни музыки не было. В конце концов оказалось, что это банальная мультиплеер-демо. Возможно, у тебя тоже самое.
зыж Взал-то игру откуда?
Тогда ХЗ. А там точно нет ничего наподобие носидишек или nfo-файлов?
- Регистрация:
- 8 мар 2006
- Сообщения:
- 1
Аналогичная проблема.
Sempron 2800+
geforce px6600
WinXP SP1 или win98SE
не работает. зависает в начале загрузки. висит зеленый экран.
обновил дрова под видеокарту — не помогло.
может там конфиг нужно подправить? или пропатчить как-нить? -
- Регистрация:
- 17 мар 2006
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- 1
Delta force, Вопрос
Вопрос состоит вот в чем: режим кампании предусмотрен в выложенной версии? А то что-то как раз только эта кнопка затерта.
А , не важно уже.
Помог принцип виндовса : «не работает — выйди и зайди снова»Последнее редактирование: 17 мар 2006
Delta Force: Land Warrior
Помогите пожалуйста!Скачал,установил,запустил а он выдает
«Unable to find file resources,missing CD?»и вылетает:cray: ЧЕ делать? -
- Регистрация:
- 6 авг 2006
- Сообщения:
- 385
Раз пишет «missing CD», значит ищи NOCD к игре
- Регистрация:
- 13 мар 2007
- Сообщения:
- 2
Скачал с вашего сайта и запустил игру.
после стартового лого на экране только интерфейс и ничего более
ни надписей ни кнопок
кароч чего делать -
Клонировать темы — нехорошо, это раз. Где описание проблемы? Это было два. Подразумеваю: что делали, чтобы запустить? Совместимость? Вполне возможно, что это видеокарта шалит, какие там у нее характеристики?
- Регистрация:
- 13 мар 2007
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- 2
извиняйте сразу не заметил старой темы
- Регистрация:
- 23 авг 2007
- Сообщения:
- 5
winXP pro SP2
celeron D 2400
1 GB ram
при повторном запуске виснет здесь:
при первом запуске все было чудесно.
пробовал выставлять совместимость с 95 и с 98, пробовал переносить на другой диск. -
Shkiv, со всех ли файлов в папке с игрой снят атрибут «только для чтения»?..
- Регистрация:
- 23 авг 2007
- Сообщения:
- 5
- Регистрация:
- 4 окт 2007
- Сообщения:
- 7
Не запускается игра, первая часть.
Pentium D, 2 GB, Geforce 7600 GS 256 MB, Windows XP SP2.
Игра не хочет запускаться, виснет там где и у всех, то есть сразу после ролика на зеленом экране. Ни на одном файле в папке игры не стоит параметр Только чтение! Драйвера я обновлял пару раз, ставил атрибут под 98 Виндовс, всё равно та же проблема… Помогите пожалуйста. Игра установлена с пиратского сборника Вселенная ДФ. -
- Регистрация:
- 1 авг 2007
- Сообщения:
- 703
Скачал игру с сайта. Однако при втором или третьем запуске уперся в ту же проблему, что была у Kirka, Vita-c, Shkiv и
VladiXXL. Опытным путем выяснилось, что повисает игра если щелкнуть мышью в заставке с логотипом игры. Если же «повисеть» в нем секунд пять, а затем давить мышь, то все работает отлично. Это если кто-то столкнется с такой проблемой — не паникуйте, а попробуйте еще раз, но неспеша.
Еще бывает, хотя и оччень редко, что игра вылетает на ровном месте ничего не говоря об ошибке, с сообщением, что все записано в файл SYSDUMP.TXT. После чего наотрез отказывается запускаться ругаясь на отсутствие чего-то связанного с оружием. В файле SYSDUMP.TXT естественно ничего не понятно (там только адреса в памяти).
Однако после ребута все снова работает нормально.
Zenny, kreol и Каинхару нравится это.
- Регистрация:
- 14 янв 2008
- Сообщения:
- 1
Проверено от зависания на стартовом экране помогает установка патча … например с ag.ru … но вот соло кампанию что-то запустить не получается… =( ни без патча ни с ним… просто клавиша неактивна =(
- Регистрация:
- 1 авг 2007
- Сообщения:
- 703
На моей памяти такое случалось когда игра не обнаруживает свой диск в приводе…
Но на сайте рип, поэтому не понятно откуда это взялось. Возможно наведено патчем, а возможно ты что-то забыл. Например запустить какой-нибудь .reg файл из папки с игрой или что-то вроде.
В любом случае я поставил качаться, но с моим интернетом это займет минимум час…Добавлено через 2 часа 59 минут
Ага, действительно патч полностью исправляет проблему с зависанием при загрузке списка персонажей.
Насчет заблокированной одиночной игры все просто: после патча игра снова хочет родной диск. Вот тебе кряк (см. аттач) — распаковать в папку с пропатченной игрой и запустить, а он сам всё сделает. Всё можно играть!UPD:
Я пропатчил скачанную с сайта игру (версия до, отучил от диска, перепаковал и отправил Ноэлю — может он её такую зальет на сайт взамен той, что сейчас.Я проверил, что получилось на двух машинах: Athlon 64 X2 4400/MSI K9N Ultra-2F (nForce 570Ultra)/2Gb/8600GTS/Windows XP SP2 и
Pentium 4 3GHz/Foxconn 915P7AD (i915P)/1Gb/Radeon X550/Windows Vista — всё работало отлично.Вложения:
- Размер файла:
- 11,7 КБ
- Просмотров:
- 720
Последнее редактирование: 15 янв 2008
Zenny и kreol нравится это.
Страница 2 из 7
DF games Affected — DF1,2,3,4 and the BHD series.
Over the last few years I have been lan gaming with Iceman55 and a few other mates.
I joined DFBarracks way back then, but all was lost when the site was sold, and we
all had to rejoin, even back then, the amount of posts about sysdumps was huge.
We started with DFLW and progressed through the next releases. All of us changed PC’s
over the years, 2 or 3 times, and still the problem persists…»Bing»..SysDump.Txt
These notes are from this experience, with some thrown in from posts here at DFB.
SYSDUMPs are generated by the game when the Windows is told (using DirectX) to
perform a function. Windows then instructs the hardware (using the hardware’s
drivers) to generate the image or sound. If for any reason there is confusion in
the process, you receive a sysdump.
Sysdumps can be broken down in 4 main parts.
1. Hardware/driver related
2. Mapping errors on the part of the mapper.
3. Other background software.
4. Hackers and Cheaters.
I’ll discuss all 4 parts. Feel free to add to this post any causes that are not listed,
I will add them to this post then delete the original post, not so you don’t get credit,
so the thread doesn’t get to cluttered.
1. Hardware/driver related problems
Use these links from Novalogic to find your drivers.
DirectX and Video Drivers
The most common cause is the Video Drivers conflicting with the Version of DirectX
you have installed. You must have video drivers that where writen for the Version
of DirectX you have installed. So, for DirectX9b, you must have a minimum of driver
release 52.16 for nVidia, this was released after 9b, and is debugged from the previous rushed
versions of 43.xx.
Motherboard and Soundcard Drivers
Your motherboard uses a chipset to make things work, they are not all the same, they come from a
range of manufacturers, AMD, nVidia, Intel, VIA and a lot more. If you bought your motherboard
in a box, it came with an install disk, the motherboard drivers are on that disk, but you’ll need
to check for updates from the manufacturers web site. The common rule is, if you can’t find a web
site that supports your board, you shouldn’t have bought it in the first place. These drivers also
drive the AGP chipset, which is different than the Video drivers, so make sure they are up to date.
Check your sound card drivers as well, if it’s onboard sound, goto the same place as your M’B drivers
, otherwise look up the site for your separate card.
Your bios may be out of date..be careful here, you make your M/B useless, check your M/B website
for bios updates.
Heat…is your system running too hot? Clean your system on a monthy basis…keep out the dust..clean
heatsinks and fans, run software to monitor the temp of your CPU.
Video Card itself.
How old is your video card…Does it support DirectX9b. Is it faulty.
2. Mapping errors on the part of the mapper.
The following Taken from a post by Crazy
1. 11 or more characters in the .bms file name — putting eleven or more characters in the name of your *.bms file may cause a sysdump. Try to shorten
your name, and it may cause the game to load properly. The error seen is «unable to find map height».
2. Placing �null� markers on the map, and leaving them there when you save and export will cause sysdumps.
If you receive a sysdump, keep your eyes open for �nulls�.
3. Placing more than 7 different types of people on the map might cause a sysdump. Also keep your eyes ope
n for this if your receive a sysdump.
4. Once one of my maps had a conflict with a Z position I put on a unit. I believe the conflict was because
there was nothing for the unit to rest on (such as a floor). If you have exhausted all of the checks you can
run after receiving a sysdump, you may want to eliminate some units� Z positions.
5. Placing vehicles on uneven ground might cause a sysdump.
6. Placing buildings on cliffs or hills where the sides are hanging over might cause a sysdump.
More on Mapping…
1. Keep amount of AI in an SP map to about 60, as per the Med manual.
2. Maps using Exp packs or other Addons..but the download didn’t mention it…so it has height error
because the player doesn’t have all the resourses in the Game folder or PFF file.
So make sure the maps your using are supported by the mos youhave , or don’t have…
3. Spelling errors with wac files
4. Incorrect creation of custom bin files.
5. Items outside the red suare.
6. More than 1200 objects?
7. Not enough spawns points…timed game entry…players can’t spawn
you can only have 1 player spawn at once on each spawn point.
8. DF2 — Keep file names short for bms files, 11 charcters max.
9. Loading a save after you have edited the mis file.
3. Other background software
1. Make sure that no anti-virus software is running in Windows when you play the
game (especially Norton Anti-Virus). These programs conflict with the normal
processes of the game and may be the source of your system crashes.
2. Manual update virus checkers, so your virus checker won’t update while you are playing.
3. Turn off auto virus check so it won’t start scanning your Hard Drive while playing.
4. Keep your System tray as emtpy as possible.
5. MSN, ICQ, Voice software, Kazza othere p2p software may interfer, turn them off.
4. Hackers and Cheaters.
1. Forced sysdumps in DF2…sysdump-Hack beatable with C/B
Hints and Tips
1. Make sure you run the correct NoCd for the patch you have installed.
2. Try and run older DF games in compatibility mode.
3. Keep your temp folders empty, the one in the windows folder, and if you have WinXP,
there’s one in the C:Documents and Settingsusers and one under your log in name
in the same folder. I’ve seen some installs of XP put this temp folder in the windows
folder as well.
4. Keep your hard Drive Defraged
5. Keep enough empty space on your hard drive for the virtual memory to use.
6. Run Spyware software to get rid of odd background programs
7. AMD CPU’s are more unstable and require constant updating off drivers.
*** Edit 30NOV04 added from a post by Merkl
Originally posted by Merkl
Actually, you should maintain your DF folder no matter which version, going all the way back to DF1.
You should:
-Move screenies to a different directory, this will speed up load time for the game considerably as well as free up ram. the game scans the entire
directory for different file types including images when it starts so that it has them on hand in the case of them being needed for maps and intro
-Periodically clear out your CACHE folder ESPECIALLY after a sysdump! Just trash everything in it but leave the folder. This is all info the game
generates to use during the game being played. Once the game is played out it’s pretty useless to you and as far as sending it to NOVA for analysis
don’t make me laugh!
— Remove the Sysdump.txt file from your main directory as well. you can read it but you probably won’t understand it. Mostly it’s going to contain
the memory addresses that caused the sysdump. AND usually they don’t exsist which is why the sysdump happened.
As a general rule a Sysdump on a NOVA MADE MAP (one that came on your CD) is something to be concerned about. On a user made map just forget about it
chuck the map and move on.
90% of the time sysdumps are caused by a bad map or file that goes along with it. One item out of place or crossectioning with another time in a way
that creates too much math for your cpu to handle etc.
5% Of the time it’s the game looking for memory in the wrong locations or thats being used by useless screenies, in 98 that would be a sysdump with a
BSOD (blue screen of death)
The other 5% is when you mess with the .def files while modding the game.
So in essence anything you can do about avoiding sysdumps you do BEFORE you start to play. If you’re still getting sysdumps it’s the maps fault
and/or the little mods you got running. YEAH YEAH I know you only tried them and then took them off. Like Clinton never inhaled! Never exhaled more
than likely!
-=M O O K I=-