Ошибка tmodloader terraria game ran out of memory

https://pastebin.com/wx3S2pGx This is the error code, it crashed around 15 minutes into the game, its been doing it a lot the past few nights. My mod list is here: I've got 16gb of ram and the only other app I have open while playing is spotify, with the ram priority given to tmodloader.

  • #1


error log — Pastebin.com

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This is the error code, it crashed around 15 minutes into the game, its been doing it a lot the past few nights. My mod list is here:


I’ve got 16gb of ram and the only other app I have open while playing is spotify, with the ram priority given to tmodloader.

  • #2

What about the in-game memory
Is it max or near max?

  • #3

What about the in-game memory
Is it max or near max?

When its initialising all the mods ive noticed it goes to around 3gb

  • #4

I mean
You are using multiple big content mods
Unless you have a lot of RAM, probably stick to one or maybe 2 major content mods

  • #5

Tmodloader only utilizes 4gb of ram instead of all of your ram, so the extra 12gb of ram on your PC is unused. There is the 64bit tmodloader that uses 8gb of ram. You could try that, but as the guy above me says you’re using too many content mods, you need to use one, rather than multiple.

  • #6

Try disabling WheresMyItems, Wingslot and WMITF. I was having a crash due to a memory leak with terraria using all 16gB of available RAM (Keep in mind I’m on Linux and our game is true x86-64). I disabled quite a few number of smaller mods and those 3 were in that group. Worth a try.

  • #7

damn i got out of memory too, thou its only like 202 mb

  • #8


error log — Pastebin.com

Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.



This is the error code, it crashed around 15 minutes into the game, its been doing it a lot the past few nights. My mod list is here:

View attachment 334890

I’ve got 16gb of ram and the only other app I have open while playing is spotify, with the ram priority given to tmodloader.


Whenever I tried to switch outside of tml using win+tab then switch back, the screen becomes white and the program itself stops responding, then there’s the error message «Game ran out of memory. You’ll have to find which mod is consuming lots of memory, and contact the devs or remove it.» This happens randomly when using win+tab, by that I mean sometimes it works fine but sometimes it crashes.
I do have a lot of mods installed/enabled, this includes: calamity (mod+music), thorium, luiafk, alchemistnpc (not lite), cheat sheet and veinminer.
My pc’s display is 3840×2160 and I run the game at 1920×1080
I have an extra memory chip installed so the total memory is 32GB, there’s no way a 2D pixel game can use up to 32 gb of ram, and the task manager proves it.
However, there’s an issue, the window resizes a few times before entering fullscreen. I’ve learned this from the following log messages:
«[13:22:42] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Profile: HiDef, Width: 800 -> 1280, Height: 480 -> 720, Fullscreen: False -> True, Display: .DISPLAY1
[13:22:43] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1280 -> 1920, Height: 720 -> 1080, Fullscreen: True, Display: .DISPLAY1
[13:22:44] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1920, Height: 1080, Fullscreen: True, Display: .DISPLAY1″
These are always in the log file and the effect is noticeable too.

Does this affect it? Because I’m pretty sure it’s related.

I’m pretty sure it’s the game because this only happens when using win+tab. In some cases, this always happens when using win+tab. That means it never happens in-game, so it’s not actually the game running out of the memory, more like a bug which happens when resizing the window.

Log file

Client is completely normal, until:

[13:36:05] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1920, Height: 1080, Fullscreen: True, Display: .DISPLAY1
[13:36:06] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Helpers.GetExceptionFromResult(UInt32 result)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsHelpers.GetExceptionFromResult(UInt32 result)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTargetHelper.CreateSurfaces(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D.RecreateAndPopulateObject()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceResourceManager.RecreateResources(D3DPOOL pool, Boolean deviceRecreated)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Reset(PresentationParameters presentationParameters, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.ChangeDevice(Boolean forceCreate)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.EnsureDevicePlatform()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.IGraphicsDeviceManager.BeginDraw()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.BeginDraw()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DrawFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Paint(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameWindow.OnPaint()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameWindow.mainForm_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameForm.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.UnsafeNativeMethods.CallWindowProc(IntPtr lpPrevWndFunc, IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.WindowMessageHooker.Hook.WndProc(IntPtr msgWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at ReLogic.OS.Windows.WindowsApi.CallWindowProc(IntPtr lpPrevWndFunc, IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at ReLogic.OS.Windows.WindowsMessageHook.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main(String[] args)

[13:36:06] [1/FATAL] [tML]: Game ran out of memory. You’ll have to find which mod is consuming lots of memory, and contact the devs or remove it.

And then the error pops up

Steps to reproduce

Using win+tab to swtich between the game and other tabs opened. Then switch back into the game.

Expected behavior

It was normal before, the window still resizes before entering full screen and I can use win+tab whenever I want, even in multiplayer. It’s just after the most recent update, this issue keeps occuring.

Actual behavior


Reproduction frequency

Sometimes it’s guaranteed , sometimes it doesn’t crash at all.

Additional Information

No, it just happens all the time.

Lastly, I do wanna know if it’s actually my pc and do I have to update my drivers.

edit: this also happens when i accidentally press the win key (only the win key nothing else)

and it seems that when the error pops up the game’s resolution is at like 800×600 or something

Обновлено: 12.02.2023

до переустановки винды всё успешно работало, были моды, ничего не лагало и не вылетало

сейчас пробую заново поставить сервер, не работает. даже на чужой не могу зайти. перепробовала тысячи способов, всё равно выбивает ошибку

комп норм (раньше ведь тянул), игру перезакачивала, моды удаляла, от имени админа запускала, на разные диски устанавливала, не помогает

всё работает, вряд ли дело в винде. только дст вылетает и пишет ошибку. игры потяжелее работают без проблем.

помогите по — братски, любимая игра и так подводит :с

хз как у вас, но у меня сработало всё по такому алгоритму:

Пуск-найти программы и файлы-вписываем туда CMD-открываем от имени АДМИНА

В командной строке пишем

BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 3072 — для систем с 4гб оперативки и выше

BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 1792 — для систем с 2гб оперативки

после ввода нажимаем Enter, нас должны проинформировать, что операция прошла успешно

[RusEng] Fix OutOfMemory Error Увеличение объема оперативной памяти

При игре с модами через tModLoader объем допустимой памяти для модов составляет 4 ГБ, в гайде подробно описано как задействовать всё ОЗУ вашего ПК.
Так же это работает и для мультиплеера.

When playing with mods via tModLoader, the amount of allowed memory for mods is 4 GB, the guide describes in detail how to use all the RAM on your PC.
This also works for multiplayer.







3,710 уникальных посетителей
62 добавили в избранное

Террария 32-битная игра и соответственно ModLoader тоже сделан под 32. В 32 битной системе нельзя задействовать больше 4 ГБ оперативной памяти.
Мы же с вами будем апать tModLoader в 64-разрядную версию.

Terraria is a 32-bit game and, accordingly, ModLoader is also made for 32. In a 32-bit system, you cannot use more than 4 GB of RAM.
We are going to up tModLoader to the 64-bit version.
Ссылки и пути установкиLinks and installation paths::

Вам ведь нужны пруфы? Вот вам пруфыYou need proofs, right? Here are the proofs:

1. Переходим на гитхаб разработчика и скачиваем 64-битную версию лоадера.
Находится внизу страницы, нас интересует tModLoader64bit.zip
Go to the developer’s github and download the 64-bit version of the loader.
Located at the bottom of the page, we are interested in tModLoader64bit.zip

2. Открываем путь игры и закидываем поверх файлы из архива с заменой.
У нас будет два новых ярлыка (выделены на скрине)
Open the path of the game and throw over the files from the archive with the replacement.
We will have two new shortcuts (highlighted in the screenshot)

2.5 Если у вас видеокарта AMD, советую после скачать tmodloader_x64_vulkan.zip и закинуть поверх tModLoader64bit. Производительность заметно улучшится.

If you have an AMD graphics card, I advise you to download tmodloader_x64_vulkan.zip afterwards and put tModLoader64bit over it. The performance will improve markedly.

3. Добавляем tModLoader64bit в библиотеку стим, для этого нажимаем в стиме внизу слева «Добавить игру» — «Добавить стороннюю игру» и указываем путь к tModLoader64bit.

Add tModLoader64bit to the steam library, for this, click in the Steam at the bottom left «Add game» — «Add a third-party game» and specify the path to tModLoader64bit.

4. Запускаем tModLoader64bit. И смотрим в левый нижний угол, если вы видите следующее:
Launch tModLoader64bit. And look in the lower left corner if you see the following:
Значит у тебя все получилось, похлопай себе
И, пожалуйста, не забудь поставить оценку этому гайду.

So you did it, give yourself a pat
And, pls, don’t forget to rate this guide.

Ранэль Халиуллин

Ранэль Халиуллин

Илья Хроносов

Илья Хроносов

Артем Бабанов

Артем Бабанов

Денис Король

Денис Король

Артем Бабанов

Артем Бабанов

Rodion Stokolyas

Rodion Stokolyas

Дмитрий Овчинников

Rodion Stokolyas

Rodion Stokolyas ответил Дмитрию

Rodion Stokolyas

Rodion Stokolyas ответил Дмитрию

Дмитрий Овчинников

Rodion, там заменяется exe файл террарии. Его и запускай.

Если в стиме, то можешь открыть папку tmodloader и заменить файлы из 64 битного архива.

Rodion Stokolyas

Rodion Stokolyas ответил Дмитрию

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tModLoader – How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing 1 - steamlists.com
tModLoader – How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing 1 — steamlists.com

Short guide explaining how to run more mods without the game crashing.

Why can’t I run more very many mods? (Explanation)

This sections just explains why you can’t run very many mods, so if you’re not interested in the explanation just skip ahead to the next section.

  If you’ve tried running or even loading, mods like Calamity, Thorium and qwerty’s bosses & items at once you may notice one of two things.

  Blank error message:

 This error (to my knowledge) is caused due to incompatibility between two modpacks. This guide does not cover how to fix this issue.

  Program ran out of memory:

 This error occurs when Tmodloader requires more than 4GB of ram, and it will happen regardless of how many GB of ram you actually have in your computer. This is because Terraria and by extension, Tmodloader is a 32bit program. 32 bit programs can’t use more than 4GB of ram.

  So how do we fix this? We upgrade Tmodloader to a 64bit program, making it capable of using 16 Exabytes of memory (more than anyone has in their computer.)

Downloading Tmodloader64bit

Unzipping the File

When opening the file you may see two different screens.

  Windows Explorer:

  tModLoader - How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing - Unzipping the File - B34DFB8

  If this happens, the process is fairly simple. You right click the folder click Copy/Cut and go to your Downloads or Documents right click and select Paste. (Documents is recommended because it’s easier to find later.)


  tModLoader - How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing - Unzipping the File - 779D363

  This one is slightly more complicated but still relatively simple. You click the Extract button at the top and a screen should appear.

  tModLoader - How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing - Unzipping the File - 0042E5E

  This should automatically be set to where you opened the ZIP file.

 (Normally: C:/Users/User/Downloads/)

  If you want to put it in your downloads folder just click OK.

  If you want it to go to Documents just replace the Downloads with Documents (C:/Users/User/Documents/)

Installing Tmodloader64bit

Go to where you pasted the folder (Downloads or Documents.)

  Open the folder and select everything in it. Right click and select Cut.

  Then go to this location on your computer and paste the files.

  C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTmodloader

  (if this directory doesn’t exist you have setup a different default directory. If you did do this, than you should already know where the files are stored.)

Running Tmodloader64bit

Right click Tmodloader64Bit/Tmodloader64Bit.exe and select Create Shortcut. Drag the newly created shortcut onto your desktop and than double click.

  This will open up a Command Prompt window, while it may look menacing this causes no harm to your computer and is merely how the program starts.

La Fin

If everything has gone smoothly you should now be able to run many more mods. (Up to the technological limits of your computer.)

  If you enjoyed this guide or though it was helpful please share it around.

 If you have any suggestions for a guide or ideas on how to make this one better just comment below.

  Thank you.

When things don’t go silky smooth.

Backing up your world/characters is a good idea before you reinstall. They can be found in this directory: C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/Terraria/Modloader/ under Players and Worlds respectively.

  The best thing you can try and do if this doesn’t work is reverting you files back to normal. This can be done by simply uninstalling tmodloader and reinstalling it. From there you may choose to try again.

  If that doesn’t work here’s a list of things to check.

  -Can your computer run vanilla terraria?

 (If it can’t than your out of luck.)

  -Are you on the newest version of Tmodloader?

 (Not sure whether this matters but it’s good to check.)

  -Did this start after updating Tmodloader?

 (You may need to check for a new version of Tmodloader64bit that’s compatible with the newest update.)

  -Did you follow all of the steps?

 (Obviously things being incomplete will result in issues.)

  -Are you files corrupted?

 (This can be fixed by reinstalling the game, or verifying file integrity and then re-adding Tmodloader64bit.)

  -Are you mods disabled on startup?

 (There may be a mod crashing the application, simply cancel mod loading when Tmodloader starts up.)

  -Did you drag the .exe or the shortcut onto your desktop?

 (Head back to the folder and check if you still have the .exe in the Tmodloader folder. [You need to enable file name extensions.])

  -Did you run the Tmodloader64bitserver .exe?

 (Running the server .exe will only setup a server and not actually open the game.)

  -Are you running Tmodloader from steam?

 (I have only done this with the steam versions of Tmodloader so I don’t know if there are errors with the old-fashioned way of installing Tmodloader.)

  -Did you download the Linux version by accident?

 (These files wont work on Windows machines.)


 This is all about tModLoader – How to Run More Mods Without the Game Crashing; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

There is a bit of trouble when you try to run mods in Terraria. The game was made to run on its own and with the amazing work of the community, there are tons of content to be consumed including some quality of life improvements that only mods can do.

Running too many of these mods can cause Terraria to crash especially with texture changes.

There are mods like the “Legend of Zelda” or “Dragon Ball Terraria” that make the game run more things that were not accounted for by the developers. On some occasions, this will cause your game to crash.

Terraria is a bit (pun intended) different when it comes to allocating more RAM to a Steam game which will all be explained below.

This guide will teach you how to allocate more RAM to Terraria and run all the mods you can without crashing as long as they are compatible.

Explaining RAM or Memory Usage in Terraria

Just by the look of the game and how it is played, it should be easy to run for almost any RAM installed on your computer. Terraria is a 2D sandbox game that is quite similar to the old platformer games in the ’90s.

In short, Terraria should not take much of your total memory capacity. The game runs in 32-bit which means that the total memory that can be used for the game will be at 4GB.

With so many things going on at the same time, the game should still run perfectly fine. Even if you have a big base with automated switches for farming while being attacked by the Destroyer with 3 other friends (all happening on the same screen), it should still run fine.

In my personal experience, the only time you would need more RAM allocation for Terraria is when you have installed mods made by the community to add some quality of life features or adding more entertaining content to spice up your world.

Installing tModLoader 64-bit Through Steam

The tModLoader has already been implemented in the additional content side of Terraria. You can search for it in the Steam’s store and you will be able to download it for free if you have Terraria on Steam.

Download all the mods you want to load and make sure you are using tModLoader. It is basically the game’s mod manager to make things easier.

After finishing downloading and installing, you still need to do another download which is the 64-bit “mod” that you need to run with tModLoader.

How to Make Terraria Use More RAM

As previously mentioned, Terraria is a 32-bit game. That means the total memory used for the game will be maxed out at 4GB. That means If you go anywhere above 4GB, Terraria will run out of memory and crash.

The first step to give Terraria more RAM so you can use all the mods you want in the game is to modify your Terraria file to a 64-bit version. There is a simple way to do this and you will need to make a few installations and a folder to drag inside your installed Terraria folder.

Download the 64-bit tModLoader from the forums page and choose the appropriate (latest) version for your current Terraria version. Unzip the file “tML 64 (current Terraria version)” and choose a destination for the folder inside.

Open your tModLoader folder by looking through your installed Steam library folder. You can find it by going through Steam > steamapps > common > tModLoader.

If you are having trouble finding it, you can right-click the tModLoader directly in your Steam library. After right-clicking, go to manage and choose “browse local files”. This should open your tModLoader folder (it is worth noting that this is not your Terraria folder).

After opening the tModLoader folder, drag all the files from the unzipped file (64-bit tModLoader you downloaded from the forums) and paste it inside. You need to choose “replace all files” and finish the copy.

To check if it is working, you can open your tModLoader (not the Terraria game) to launch Terraria. It will open up a command prompt but you just need to wait for it to load everything.

Once it opens Terraria and starts loading your mods, you will see on the lower-left corner that it is running in 64-bit. It should look something like the picture above.


Once you are running the 64-bit version of Terraria, you should be able to give Terraria more memory to run as many mods as you can (of course, they have to be compatible with each other).

They have thousands of mods created by the community and it breathes new life into the game if you have already finished the standard version.

You can also account for hosting the server with your friends because you will need more RAM for hosting. The same concept goes in knowing how to allocate more RAM to a Minecraft server.

This is why changing Terraria to 64-bit is a must when you need to allocate more RAM to Terraria. Just remember that you need to wait for updates constantly for the tModLoader if ever Terraria updates their game again. Otherwise, you’re likely to experience tModLoader memory crash issues.

Люблю играть в Террарию с модами и поймал вот такую ошибку: Game ran out of memory. После недолгих поисков нашёл решение и спешу поделиться им с вами!

TModLoader64: 🤍github.com/Dradonhunter11/tModLoader64bit/releases/tag/v0.11.8.1

На всякий случай прикрепляю патч в записи своего Телеграм канала: 🤍t.me/imapoproject/14

Не забывайте про лайк, подписку и колокольчик. Ваша активность очень важна для развития канала!

Поддержать развитие канала: 🤍🤍donationalerts.com/r/imapo


2022-12-10 15:54:21

ТО ЕСТЬ КУПЛЕННО? LKq2KH0MP0o&t=2m00s 2:00

а что если я запускаю моди а мне пишет что не хватает памяти


2022-11-21 05:21:12

у меня такая ситуация когда я хочу выйти из мира у меня все зависает и вылетает
Раньше такого не было


2022-10-26 10:28:17

спасибо помогло

Villo ai

2022-10-17 05:46:06

помогло, но ка захожу в этот тмод 2 раз у меня опять ошибка, только уже другая типа «была сделана попытка зайти в программу имеющую неверный формат»


2022-10-15 07:43:09

Спасибо, помог


2022-09-23 11:35:55

Помогите, что делать, если у меня тмодлоадер вылетает, я просто играю, и он вылетает не могу понять изза чего, просто сворачиваеться, без ошибок без багов или чего либо ещё, я установил:
Calamity mod
Calamity mod music
Recipe Browser
Census — Town NPC Checklist
Boss Checklist
Travelling Merchant Sells More Items
Fargo’s Mutant mod
Magic Storage
Progect tRu


2022-08-26 08:29:11

Не работает ,у меня Виндоус 8,6 Гб ОЗУ,я запускаю тмодлаунчер 64х и у меня появляется на немного консоль и потом ничего не происходит,помогите пожалуйста

pavidlo perchenoe

2022-08-08 21:57:58

а многопользовательская игра будет работать ?


2022-08-03 18:57:45

Короче, я скачал со стима тмодлоадер 1.4, и после запуска его появляется консоль, после 5 минут выскакивает ошибка

The terraria steam client process exited unexpectedly

A client log file containing error information has been generated in DASteamsteamappscommontModLoadertModLeader Logs (You will need to share this file if asking for help)

Николай Скрипник

2022-08-03 14:09:29

до решения проблем дошел собственно сам, но не знал что надо добавить как стороннюю игру спасибо за инфу


2022-07-26 08:56:16

СПАСИБО,ПОМОГ!я даже сторонню игру не добавлял сразу работать стало.Спасибо!


2022-07-02 03:57:11

А на тмодлоадере 1.4 работает? просто тот с каламити вылетает(конфликта модов нет)

Костя Пилькин

2022-06-29 09:29:06

Пытаюсь создать мир но вылетает! Что делать?

Костя Пилькин

2022-06-29 09:00:13

А почему всë немного размыто?

Костя Пилькин

2022-06-29 08:58:12

Спс тепер я смогу делать очень большие сборки!

Что делать если у меня 2гб оперативки


2022-06-23 05:41:34

Всем привет возникла такая проблема у меня установленно много модов и играем в 4 в Корее но при босс файте игра кординально начинает тормозить и как будто все в замедленном виде…..Вопрос как решить эту проблему кто знает?!


2022-06-07 15:23:59

а что делать если в тмодлоадер64бит (когда создаю мир) просто вылетает? гб оперативки 8

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