Ошибка во время операции cups client error bad request

Ошибка во время операции CUPS: "client-error-bad-request"

Здравствуйте. Debian 9, xfce. Принтер Canon i-sensys mf-3010. Установил драйвер от производителя. При попытки печатать с локальной машины документ отправляется на печать и пропадает из очереди. При попытке распечатать пробную страницу, выдает ошибку  — «Ошибка во время операции CUPS: «client-error-bad-request»». На дебиан 8 тоже при отправке документа он пропадал из очереди но все же через раз печатал. Подскажите пожалуйста как решить проблему?

Есть ли возможность показать логи (/var/log/cups/)?

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Цитата: ihammers от 28 июня 2017, 05:47:38
Есть ли возможность показать логи (/var/log/cups/)?

Да конечно. А какой именно? Тут их несколько.
Вот error_log.1:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

E [26/Jun/2017:09:50:01 +0300] [cups-deviced] PID 12622 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [26/Jun/2017:09:53:47 +0300] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [26/Jun/2017:09:54:03 +0300] [Client 3] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/MF3010) from localhost
E [26/Jun/2017:09:58:04 +0300] [cups-deviced] PID 832 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [26/Jun/2017:10:07:46 +0300] [Client 178] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/MF3010) from localhost


Вот access_log:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok


Вот access_log.1:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:00:06:11 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:00:06:11 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:15:47:01 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:15:47:01 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 401 123 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok
localhost — root [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 123 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 152 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok


Есть ещё error_log.1 и page_log но они пустые.

Есть предположение, что это происходит из-за выбранного протокола соединения принтера и вашего компьютера. Попробуйте изменить ipp, на socket или что-нибудь другое.

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Цитата: ihammers от 28 июня 2017, 07:56:20
Есть предположение, что это происходит из-за выбранного протокола соединения принтера и вашего компьютера. Попробуйте изменить ipp, на socket или что-нибудь другое.

Как ему сменить протокол? Он по usb подключен к компьютеру.

obana, логи видать старые (26/Jun/2017), нужны свежие логи. После обновления проблемы? http://localhost:631/admin нужно отметить пункт «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале» с дальнейшим сохранением. Удалите/пересините старые лог-фалы, пробуйте печатать и новые логи посмотрим. Убедитесь что printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Заодно можно глянуть свежий /var/cache/cups/job.cache если имеется.

Цитата: mrgoodvin от 28 июня 2017, 12:24:16
obana, логи видать старые (26/Jun/2017), нужны свежие логи. После обновления проблемы? http://localhost:631/admin нужно отметить пункт «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале» с дальнейшим сохранением. Удалите/пересините старые лог-фалы, пробуйте печатать и новые логи посмотрим. Убедитесь что printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Заодно можно глянуть свежий /var/cache/cups/job.cache если имеется.

Спасибо за подсказки. printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Установил флаг — «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале».  Удалил старые логи. Попробовал распечатать, новые логи не создаются. Содержимое файла job.cache:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

# Job cache file for CUPS v2.2.1
# Written by cupsd
NextJobId 9
<Job 1>
State 9
Created 1498459901
Completed 1498459910
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 2>
State 9
Created 1498459931
Completed 1498459940
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 3>
State 9
Created 1498460171
Completed 1498460180
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 4>
State 9
Created 1498460392
Completed 1498460401
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 5>
State 9
Created 1498460797
Completed 1498460806
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 6>
State 9
Created 1498460854
Completed 1498460862
Priority 50
Username obana
Name Test Page
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 7>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644334
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 8>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644521
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 16
NumFiles 0


Попробовать распечатать что-то в pdf-файл. Будут ли при этом создаваться логи?
Не совсем понятно при двух последних записях job.cache:

<Job 7>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644334
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 8>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644521
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 16
NumFiles 0

название документа удалено из лога специально?
Проверить установку пакетов foomatic-db-gutenprint, ghostscript и gsfonts, ijsgutenprint и при отсутствии до установить.
Почитать это https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS_(Русский), может что-то от туда поможет. В частности заменить LogLevel warn на LogLevel debug в /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, посмотреть может логи будут создаваться. Поэкспериментировать с разделом «Проблемы в результате обновления» (хоть там о версии ниже, но может помочь).

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Всем спасибо. Откатил систему на 8.8 этой пользоваться пока невозможно.

I have a little problem with CUPS 2.2.7

This is my /etc/hosts file:   example.com   localhost

in http://localhost:631/ CUPS is working right

but in http://example.com:631/ it doesn’t work on the same pc.

The message error in View error log is that one:

E [21/Feb/2019:11:54:18 +0100] [Client 33] Request from «localhost» using invalid Host: field «example.com:631».

The web page on Firefox print an error message Invalid request and give me an Error (error code: 400) but seems point on CUPS.

How to solve this problem so that example.com:631 points to localhost and CUPS answers it successfully instead of Error 400: Access Denied.

Ali Yousefi Sabzevar's user avatar

asked Feb 21, 2019 at 11:30

Mattteo Leonelli's user avatar


By default cups servers HTTP requests only with HTTP Host header equal to «localhost». To allow it servicing requests for additional HTTP host headers use ServerAlias directive as described in the man cupsd.conf documentation. It’s common to do the most unsafe thing and add

ServerAlias *

to /etc/cupsd.conf to allow all possible HTTP host headers to be serviced.

answered Feb 21, 2019 at 16:59

KamilCuk's user avatar


I know this is old, but I too was experiencing the same issue recently and I resolved it by updating the following line in cupsd.conf from:


changed to:

Listen *:631

For those that maybe care to know, I’m running CUPS within a docker container, and this change corrects the «Bad Request» response.

answered Mar 19, 2020 at 14:54

Dave Goodchild's user avatar


Здравствуйте. Debian 9, xfce. Принтер Canon i-sensys mf-3010. Установил драйвер от производителя. При попытки печатать с локальной машины документ отправляется на печать и пропадает из очереди. При попытке распечатать пробную страницу, выдает ошибку  — «Ошибка во время операции CUPS: «client-error-bad-request»». На дебиан 8 тоже при отправке документа он пропадал из очереди но все же через раз печатал. Подскажите пожалуйста как решить проблему?

Есть ли возможность показать логи (/var/log/cups/)?

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Цитата: ihammers от 28 июня 2017, 05:47:38
Есть ли возможность показать логи (/var/log/cups/)?

Да конечно. А какой именно? Тут их несколько.
Вот error_log.1:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

E [26/Jun/2017:09:50:01 +0300] [cups-deviced] PID 12622 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [26/Jun/2017:09:53:47 +0300] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [26/Jun/2017:09:54:03 +0300] [Client 3] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/MF3010) from localhost
E [26/Jun/2017:09:58:04 +0300] [cups-deviced] PID 832 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [26/Jun/2017:10:07:46 +0300] [Client 178] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/MF3010) from localhost


Вот access_log:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok


Вот access_log.1:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:00:06:11 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:00:06:11 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:15:47:01 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 349 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [27/Jun/2017:15:47:01 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 176 Create-Printer-Subscriptions successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 401 123 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok
localhost — root [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 123 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok
localhost — — [28/Jun/2017:00:07:02 +0300] «POST / HTTP/1.1» 200 152 Cancel-Subscription successful-ok


Есть ещё error_log.1 и page_log но они пустые.

Есть предположение, что это происходит из-за выбранного протокола соединения принтера и вашего компьютера. Попробуйте изменить ipp, на socket или что-нибудь другое.

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Цитата: ihammers от 28 июня 2017, 07:56:20
Есть предположение, что это происходит из-за выбранного протокола соединения принтера и вашего компьютера. Попробуйте изменить ipp, на socket или что-нибудь другое.

Как ему сменить протокол? Он по usb подключен к компьютеру.

obana, логи видать старые (26/Jun/2017), нужны свежие логи. После обновления проблемы? http://localhost:631/admin нужно отметить пункт «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале» с дальнейшим сохранением. Удалите/пересините старые лог-фалы, пробуйте печатать и новые логи посмотрим. Убедитесь что printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Заодно можно глянуть свежий /var/cache/cups/job.cache если имеется.

Цитата: mrgoodvin от 28 июня 2017, 12:24:16
obana, логи видать старые (26/Jun/2017), нужны свежие логи. После обновления проблемы? http://localhost:631/admin нужно отметить пункт «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале» с дальнейшим сохранением. Удалите/пересините старые лог-фалы, пробуйте печатать и новые логи посмотрим. Убедитесь что printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Заодно можно глянуть свежий /var/cache/cups/job.cache если имеется.

Спасибо за подсказки. printer-driver-gutenprint установлен. Установил флаг — «Сохранять отладочную информацию в журнале».  Удалил старые логи. Попробовал распечатать, новые логи не создаются. Содержимое файла job.cache:

Открыть содержимое (спойлер)

# Job cache file for CUPS v2.2.1
# Written by cupsd
NextJobId 9
<Job 1>
State 9
Created 1498459901
Completed 1498459910
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 2>
State 9
Created 1498459931
Completed 1498459940
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 3>
State 9
Created 1498460171
Completed 1498460180
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 4>
State 9
Created 1498460392
Completed 1498460401
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 5>
State 9
Created 1498460797
Completed 1498460806
Priority 50
Username obana
Name migration-notification.pdf
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 141
NumFiles 0
<Job 6>
State 9
Created 1498460854
Completed 1498460862
Priority 50
Username obana
Name Test Page
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 7>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644334
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 8>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644521
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 16
NumFiles 0


Попробовать распечатать что-то в pdf-файл. Будут ли при этом создаваться логи?
Не совсем понятно при двух последних записях job.cache:

<Job 7>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644334
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 1
NumFiles 0
<Job 8>
State 9
Created 0
Completed 1498644521
Priority 50
Username obana
Destination MF3010
DestType 0
KOctets 16
NumFiles 0

название документа удалено из лога специально?
Проверить установку пакетов foomatic-db-gutenprint, ghostscript и gsfonts, ijsgutenprint и при отсутствии до установить.
Почитать это https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS_(Русский), может что-то от туда поможет. В частности заменить LogLevel warn на LogLevel debug в /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, посмотреть может логи будут создаваться. Поэкспериментировать с разделом «Проблемы в результате обновления» (хоть там о версии ниже, но может помочь).

Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64,
LXQt/KDE/OpenBox AMD Phenon X4 / 16Gb RAM / ATI HD7750 Silent
Debian GNU/Linux Stretch, kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64, LXQt/KDE/OpenBox
Acer Aspire One 722 AMD C60 / 4Gb RAM / ATI HD6290

Всем спасибо. Откатил систему на 8.8 этой пользоваться пока невозможно.

I have a little problem with CUPS 2.2.7

This is my /etc/hosts file:   example.com   localhost

in http://localhost:631/ CUPS is working right

but in http://example.com:631/ it doesn’t work on the same pc.

The message error in View error log is that one:

E [21/Feb/2019:11:54:18 +0100] [Client 33] Request from «localhost» using invalid Host: field «example.com:631».

The web page on Firefox print an error message Invalid request and give me an Error (error code: 400) but seems point on CUPS.

How to solve this problem so that example.com:631 points to localhost and CUPS answers it successfully instead of Error 400: Access Denied.

Ali Yousefi Sabzevar's user avatar

asked Feb 21, 2019 at 11:30

Mattteo Leonelli's user avatar


By default cups servers HTTP requests only with HTTP Host header equal to «localhost». To allow it servicing requests for additional HTTP host headers use ServerAlias directive as described in the man cupsd.conf documentation. It’s common to do the most unsafe thing and add

ServerAlias *

to /etc/cupsd.conf to allow all possible HTTP host headers to be serviced.

answered Feb 21, 2019 at 16:59

KamilCuk's user avatar


I know this is old, but I too was experiencing the same issue recently and I resolved it by updating the following line in cupsd.conf from:


changed to:

Listen *:631

For those that maybe care to know, I’m running CUPS within a docker container, and this change corrects the «Bad Request» response.

answered Mar 19, 2020 at 14:54

Dave Goodchild's user avatar


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Тема: Ошибка сервера CUPS  (Прочитано 4813 раз)

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извиняюсь если пишу не в тот раздел, но тем не менее, у меня возникла проблема с сервером печати.
ошибка возникла когда я вместо принтера Epson l210 подключил принтер Epson CX4300

пробовал переустановить сервер печати и настроиить как сказано в статье про CUPS
sudo cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.original
sudo chmod a-w /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.original

ничего из этого мне не помогло, что можно еще предпринять ?


ммм, а отчего не снести неверный принтер и поставить правильный? Хотя бы через http://localhost:631 ?


я не знаю, я сносил принтер, ставил его заново, сносил сервер печати и тоже ставил его заново, ничем это не помогло

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#1 2013-02-04 18:40:22

Registered: 2013-01-10
Posts: 25

[SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Installed cups, libcups and all the other pckages mentioned in CUPS archwiki page and also insatlled cups-pdf. Avahi-daemon is enabled and so does cupsd but on accessing web interface at archlinux:631 it give «Bad Request» message. Basically all I need is a virtual pdf printer like cups-pdf and my hp offficejet 5610 printer connected. any help is much appreciated.

Last edited by rsplenum (2013-02-04 20:10:28)

#2 2013-02-04 19:23:38

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Have you enabled cups (systemctl enable cups and reboot)? Try to access the web intercae with

#3 2013-02-04 19:39:09

Registered: 2013-01-10
Posts: 25

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

olive wrote:

Have you enabled cups (systemctl enable cups and reboot)? Try to access the web intercae with

cupsd was enabled and running and so was avahi-daemon but localhost:631 was giving Bad Request error and works, i wonder why the former doesn’t work ?
anyway BIG thanks to you.

#4 2013-02-04 19:46:00

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

rsplenum wrote:

cupsd was enabled and running and so was avahi-daemon but localhost:631 was giving Bad Request error and works, i wonder why the former doesn’t work ?
anyway BIG thanks to you.

What’s the content of /etc/hosts? You should have something like       archlinux.athome.net   archlinux       localhost

and have archlinux in /etc/hostname. If that is not setup correctly, you will experience other problems.

Last edited by olive (2013-02-04 19:46:42)

#5 2014-01-23 20:31:19

Registered: 2013-04-05
Posts: 20

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Just an FYI: I was getting bad request when trying to access localhost:631 as well, netstat showed cups was only listening for IPv6 connection so I had to add

::1        localhost.localdomain    localhost

to /etc/hosts after which it worked fine.

#6 2014-02-04 19:47:57

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Was this a really recent change? I haven’t had ipv6 enabled since I can remember in /etc/hosts, and only just today got this error for localhost:631.

Is there a way to stop this behavior and force ipv4?

#7 2014-02-09 15:00:32

From: Pisa,Italy
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 148

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

I too have this problem, and I’m not sure how OP solved it… simply starting the service??? anyhow I opened a new topic, since this is mark as solved, here

#8 2014-02-09 18:52:13

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

On my home computer, I still have my ipv6 host address commented out, yet I can access localhost:631 just fine. On my work laptop, the fix above works fine. I can open a new topic, but wondered if anyone who participated here could provide other ways to track down the issue, since it appears it’s not entirely related to /etc/hosts. I can’t find much at all on this from googling around, at least that’s recent. I think it’s related to 1.7.1, which was released around the time some of these issues started appearing.

#9 2014-02-09 20:11:14

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

As stated, my home laptop could still access localhost:631 with my ipv6 host line commented out in /etc/hosts. I just updated another post with what I think the problem is, which is a ListenStream=631 line in /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket which did not exist in the 1.7.0 version of cups. The 1.7.1 version was pushed out sometime last month, which might explain these posts only coming up now (there’s at least three I’ve found). Read more via my post in the other thread.

I know this is solved, but wanted to leave breadcrumbs in related threads in case the solution here doesn’t work for those who stumble on this.

Last edited by jwhendy (2014-02-09 20:15:08)

#10 2014-02-09 21:45:28

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

For any interested, I was going to post a bug report, but in searching first, one had already been filed back on 1/27. I added links to the three pertinent threads there and will be following along.

#11 2014-02-27 12:36:58

Registered: 2006-09-27
Posts: 26

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

theodoreward wrote:

Just an FYI: I was getting bad request when trying to access localhost:631 as well, netstat showed cups was only listening for IPv6 connection so I had to add

::1        localhost.localdomain    localhost

to /etc/hosts after which it worked fine.

That works for me, thanks for the tip wink

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  • Printing works fine using CUPS in RHEL 6. but below messages keeps showing up in /var/log/cups/error_log:

    E [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/prt123) from localhost
    I [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] [Job 65584] Canceled by "root".
    E [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/PRT234) from localhost
    I [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] [Job 65585] Canceled by "root".
  • In RHEL 7, some jobs are not printing and we see the following messages in the error_log:

    E [02/Feb/2019:12:23:52 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/prab2) from localhost
    E [02/Feb/2019:12:37:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/ltrpt08) from localhost


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 & 7
  • Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) 1.4.2 & 1.6.3

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#1 2013-02-04 18:40:22

Registered: 2013-01-10
Posts: 25

[SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Installed cups, libcups and all the other pckages mentioned in CUPS archwiki page and also insatlled cups-pdf. Avahi-daemon is enabled and so does cupsd but on accessing web interface at archlinux:631 it give «Bad Request» message. Basically all I need is a virtual pdf printer like cups-pdf and my hp offficejet 5610 printer connected. any help is much appreciated.

Last edited by rsplenum (2013-02-04 20:10:28)

#2 2013-02-04 19:23:38

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Have you enabled cups (systemctl enable cups and reboot)? Try to access the web intercae with

#3 2013-02-04 19:39:09

Registered: 2013-01-10
Posts: 25

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

olive wrote:

Have you enabled cups (systemctl enable cups and reboot)? Try to access the web intercae with

cupsd was enabled and running and so was avahi-daemon but localhost:631 was giving Bad Request error and works, i wonder why the former doesn’t work ?
anyway BIG thanks to you.

#4 2013-02-04 19:46:00

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

rsplenum wrote:

cupsd was enabled and running and so was avahi-daemon but localhost:631 was giving Bad Request error and works, i wonder why the former doesn’t work ?
anyway BIG thanks to you.

What’s the content of /etc/hosts? You should have something like       archlinux.athome.net   archlinux       localhost

and have archlinux in /etc/hostname. If that is not setup correctly, you will experience other problems.

Last edited by olive (2013-02-04 19:46:42)

#5 2014-01-23 20:31:19

Registered: 2013-04-05
Posts: 20

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Just an FYI: I was getting bad request when trying to access localhost:631 as well, netstat showed cups was only listening for IPv6 connection so I had to add

::1        localhost.localdomain    localhost

to /etc/hosts after which it worked fine.

#6 2014-02-04 19:47:57

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

Was this a really recent change? I haven’t had ipv6 enabled since I can remember in /etc/hosts, and only just today got this error for localhost:631.

Is there a way to stop this behavior and force ipv4?

#7 2014-02-09 15:00:32

From: Pisa,Italy
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 148

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

I too have this problem, and I’m not sure how OP solved it… simply starting the service??? anyhow I opened a new topic, since this is mark as solved, here

#8 2014-02-09 18:52:13

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

On my home computer, I still have my ipv6 host address commented out, yet I can access localhost:631 just fine. On my work laptop, the fix above works fine. I can open a new topic, but wondered if anyone who participated here could provide other ways to track down the issue, since it appears it’s not entirely related to /etc/hosts. I can’t find much at all on this from googling around, at least that’s recent. I think it’s related to 1.7.1, which was released around the time some of these issues started appearing.

#9 2014-02-09 20:11:14

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

As stated, my home laptop could still access localhost:631 with my ipv6 host line commented out in /etc/hosts. I just updated another post with what I think the problem is, which is a ListenStream=631 line in /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket which did not exist in the 1.7.0 version of cups. The 1.7.1 version was pushed out sometime last month, which might explain these posts only coming up now (there’s at least three I’ve found). Read more via my post in the other thread.

I know this is solved, but wanted to leave breadcrumbs in related threads in case the solution here doesn’t work for those who stumble on this.

Last edited by jwhendy (2014-02-09 20:15:08)

#10 2014-02-09 21:45:28

Registered: 2010-04-01
Posts: 621

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

For any interested, I was going to post a bug report, but in searching first, one had already been filed back on 1/27. I added links to the three pertinent threads there and will be following along.

#11 2014-02-27 12:36:58

Registered: 2006-09-27
Posts: 26

Re: [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

theodoreward wrote:

Just an FYI: I was getting bad request when trying to access localhost:631 as well, netstat showed cups was only listening for IPv6 connection so I had to add

::1        localhost.localdomain    localhost

to /etc/hosts after which it worked fine.

That works for me, thanks for the tip wink

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  • Printing works fine using CUPS in RHEL 6. but below messages keeps showing up in /var/log/cups/error_log:

    E [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/prt123) from localhost
    I [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] [Job 65584] Canceled by "root".
    E [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/PRT234) from localhost
    I [11/Feb/2016:14:08:34 -0500] [Job 65585] Canceled by "root".
  • In RHEL 7, some jobs are not printing and we see the following messages in the error_log:

    E [02/Feb/2019:12:23:52 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/prab2) from localhost
    E [02/Feb/2019:12:37:34 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-bad-request for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/ltrpt08) from localhost


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 & 7
  • Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) 1.4.2 & 1.6.3

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