Package control sublime text 3 ошибка



  • There are no packages available for installation
  • Purging and Reinstalling
  • Enabling the Debug Log
  • Windows Errors 12029 and 12057

There are no packages available for installation

This message is displayed whenever Package Control can not find any packages
that are installable. The most common reason for this is an HTTP error in
downloading package information from the default channel.

To help resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Select the
    menu entry
  2. Look for any lines starting with Package Control:
  3. Try enabling the debug log for
    more information
  4. Ensure any proxy information is set in
    the Package Control settings
  5. If you have a proxy and it rewrites secure connections, add its CA cert
    as trusted:

    1. Click the menu
    2. Open the User folder
    3. Create a file named Package Control.user-ca-bundle and
      paste in a PEM-formatted version of the certificate
  6. Make sure you have the latest version of Package Control installed:
  7. If you are still having trouble, review the
    issues. If you do not find a relevant issue, please open a new
    one, and be sure to include your debug log.

Purging and Reinstalling

Many users run into issues with Package Control because they have an old,
broken or pre-release version of Package Control that has become stuck.
Since Package Control updates itself, a bug can prevent the automatic
upgrade from working, leaving users orphaned on an old version.

The first step in debugging issues with Package Control is to purge
any existing copies.

  1. Select the menu entry
  2. Remove «Package Control» from the «ignored_packages»
    setting, if present
  3. Select the menu entry
  4. Delete the folder named Package Control
  5. Browse up a folder and then into Installed Packages
  6. Delete Package Control.sublime-package if it exists
  7. Reinstall Package Control using the
    installation instructions

Enabling the Debug Log

If purging and reinstalling did not help resolve an issue, the next step
is to enable the debug log. The debug log contains extensive information
about what Package Control is doing behind the scenes, and can help to
diagnose why it isn’t working properly.

  1. Click the menu
  2. Select
  3. Choose
  4. Click
  5. Add the setting «debug»: true
  6. Save the settings file

Now when performing actions with Package Control, debug information will
be printed to the Sublime Text console. The console can be opened by
pressing ctrl+` or using the menu entry.

Windows Errors 12029 and 12057

On Windows, Package Control utilizes the WinINet C++ API for web requests.
This allows Package Control to rely on your OS for auto-configuration of
proxies and secure certificate validation.

Unfortunately there are a couple of common WinINet errors that users run
into, including:

  • Connection refused (errno 12029) during HTTP write phase of
  • Error checking for server certificate revocation (errno 12057)
    during HTTP write phase of downloading

Since WinINet is a system API, it is configured through Internet Explorer.

Errno 12029

A number of users have reported success in resolving this issue by resetting
the Internet Explorer advanced settings to their default values.

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click the gear icon
  3. Select Internet Options
  4. Change to the Advanced tab
  5. Click the Reset Advanced Settings button
  6. Scroll down to the Security section of the options
  7. Verify that TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are checked

Errno 12057

Some users run into issues trying to check for SSL certificate revocation.
This may have to do with a proxy server not properly proxying the requests
for the certificate revocation list.

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click the gear icon
  3. Select Internet Options
  4. Change to the Advanced tab
  5. Scroll down to the Security section of the options
  6. Uncheck the option Check for server certificate revocation*
  7. Restart your machine

This error indicates something on your machine is blocking the connection
to the server. It could be any number of different things.

Go back to the installation page and follow the instructions in the Manual section:

  1. Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu
  2. Browse up a folder and then into the Installed Packages/ folder
  3. Download Package Control.sublime-package and copy it into the Installed Packages/ directory
  4. Restart Sublime Text

This should install Package Control for you without any problems.


Please read through this issue here, and follow wbond’s instructions to install from git. First, completely quit Sublime, then remove all traces of Package Control — any folders in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages, any files in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages, the folder ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Package Control.cache, and any files in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User that start with Package Control.*Package Control.last-run, Package Control.sublime-settings, Package Control.system-ca-bundle, and anything else you can find.

Next, assuming you have git installed (run sudo apt-get install git if you don’t), switch to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages and run

git clone "Package Control"

to clone the master repo (make sure you’ve completely quit Sublime before running this). Restart Sublime and see if everything installs properly. If not, follow the instructions for creating a debug log, restart Sublime to generate the log, open the Console by selecting View -> Show Console, then copy the entire contents (it’ll be a lot) into a new file. Open a new issue and describe exactly what the problem is, including all the details above and the fact that you just installed from the master branch, and paste in the contents of the debug log (make sure you put it in a code block by adding triple backticks «` before and after). Will Bond (wbond) should get in touch with some suggestions.

Good luck!

Note for users of other operating systems: I’m not sure if this is a Linux-only problem or not, but in case it isn’t, Mac users will find Packages and Installed Packages in ~/Library/Application Settings/Sublime Text 3, while Windows users with standard (i.e., non-portable installs) will find them in your user directory under AppDataRoamingSublime Text 3. For Windows portable installs, the directories should be in your install directory under Data.


  1. Русские Блоги
  2. Плагин установки Sublime Text или установка PackageControl не удалось
  3. Решение:
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. There are no packages available for installation
  6. Purging and Reinstalling
  7. Enabling the Debug Log
  8. Windows Errors 12029 and 12057
  9. Errno 12029
  10. Errno 12057
  11. Почему не работает package control в Sublime Text
  12. Русские Блоги
  13. Sublime Text3 Настройка браузера
  14. Я установил возвышенное, чтобы настроить браузер, я злюсь. Я не беспокоился о многих блогах. Позже я пошел в короткую, чтобы прочитать много, все еще бесполезно, а позже я думал, что видел это, у меня есть суммируется. Это на самом деле небольшая часть собственного разрешения. В конце концов, в сочетании с их опытом наконец-то решается. Седанси, приходите и поделитесь этим.
  15. После того, как вы приедете сюда, я не могу следовать по заказу, потому что теперь я вижу его последний шаг, чтобы загрузить плагин установки: боковые платы, но не можете загрузить плагин, вы не можете найти его.
  16. RELVE: Открыть C: Windows System32 Drivers etc Hosts Файл
  17. Теперь давайте сделаем еще один способ установить плагин, но все еще ошибка Channel_v3.json

Русские Блоги

Плагин установки Sublime Text или установка PackageControl не удалось

Код ошибки выглядит следующим образом:

Хотя я дал адрес ссылки, я не могу получить доступ к нему.


Пакет Control.sublime-Package-файлы в каталоге установки в Sublime, установленном в каталоге установки.

Мой путь установки: [D: Project Sublime Text 3 Data Установленные пакеты]

PS: Я открывающую каталог установки после завершения установки, создайте папку данных в пакетах на том же уровне, и запустите команду Sublime после создания завершения, и некоторые папки генерируются в папке данных.

После завершения операции перезапустите Sublime можно увидеть следующее меню, нет предыдущего:

1 Откройте метод консоли: View-> Show Console

3 Вставьте код в консоли, нажмите Enter

4 После завершения установки:

3, Ctrl + Shift + P Тонированное плагин Sublime установки, введите Установить и выберите Установить пакет

4, как показано на рисунке

5, не спешите, просто настройте файл (Channel_V3.json, файл также находится в сетевом диске Baidu). Поместите загруженные файл Channel_v3.json в каталог Sublime установки, мое местоположение: D: Project Sublime Text 3 Data Channel_v3.json

Откройте Sublime Text3, выберите «Настройки» >> Настройки пакета >> Управление пакетами >> Настройка — пользователь, добавьте следующий код:

PS: обратите внимание на синдром, поэтому путь папки должен обратить внимание на

Затем сохраните файл и перезапустите Sublime, снова перезагрузите плагин.



There are no packages available for installation

This message is displayed whenever Package Control can not find any packages that are installable. The most common reason for this is an HTTP error in downloading package information from the default channel.

To help resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Select the View > Show Console menu entry
  2. Look for any lines starting with Package Control:
  3. Try enabling the debug log for more information
  4. Ensure any proxy information is set in the Package Control settings
  5. If you have a proxy and it rewrites secure connections, add its CA cert as trusted:
    1. Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu
    2. Open the User folder
    3. Create a file named Package Control.user-ca-bundle and paste in a PEM-formatted version of the certificate
  6. Make sure you have the latest version of Package Control installed: 3.3.0
  7. If you are still having trouble, review the open issues. If you do not find a relevant issue, please open a new one, and be sure to include your debug log.

Purging and Reinstalling

Many users run into issues with Package Control because they have an old, broken or pre-release version of Package Control that has become stuck. Since Package Control updates itself, a bug can prevent the automatic upgrade from working, leaving users orphaned on an old version.

The first step in debugging issues with Package Control is to purge any existing copies.

  1. Select the Preferences > Settings – User menu entry
  2. Remove «Package Control» from the «ignored_packages» setting, if present
  3. Select the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu entry
  4. Delete the folder named Package Control
  5. Browse up a folder and then into Installed Packages
  6. Delete Package Control.sublime-package if it exists
  7. Reinstall Package Control using the installation instructions

Enabling the Debug Log

If purging and reinstalling did not help resolve an issue, the next step is to enable the debug log. The debug log contains extensive information about what Package Control is doing behind the scenes, and can help to diagnose why it isn’t working properly.

  1. Click the Preferences menu
  2. Select Package Settings
  3. Choose Package Control
  4. Click Settings — User
  5. Add the setting «debug»: true
  6. Save the settings file

Now when performing actions with Package Control, debug information will be printed to the Sublime Text console. The console can be opened by pressing ctrl+` or using the View > Show Console menu entry.

Windows Errors 12029 and 12057

On Windows, Package Control utilizes the WinINet C++ API for web requests. This allows Package Control to rely on your OS for auto-configuration of proxies and secure certificate validation.

Unfortunately there are a couple of common WinINet errors that users run into, including:

  • Connection refused (errno 12029) during HTTP write phase of downloading
  • Error checking for server certificate revocation (errno 12057) during HTTP write phase of downloading

Since WinINet is a system API, it is configured through Internet Explorer.

Errno 12029

A number of users have reported success in resolving this issue by resetting the Internet Explorer advanced settings to their default values.

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click the gear icon
  3. Select Internet Options
  4. Change to the Advanced tab
  5. Click the Reset Advanced Settings button
  6. Scroll down to the Security section of the options
  7. Verify that TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are checked

Errno 12057

Some users run into issues trying to check for SSL certificate revocation. This may have to do with a proxy server not properly proxying the requests for the certificate revocation list.

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click the gear icon
  3. Select Internet Options
  4. Change to the Advanced tab
  5. Scroll down to the Security section of the options
  6. Uncheck the option Check for server certificate revocation*
  7. Restart your machine

This error indicates something on your machine is blocking the connection to the server. It could be any number of different things.


Почему не работает package control в Sublime Text

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить проблему.

При установки package control в консоль пишет:

Вроде, все нормально. Но при Install package выводит ошибку:


Такая проблема в Sublime Text 2 и Sublime Text 3
Антивирусников нет
Брандмауэр отключен
Имя пользователя не на кириллице
Package Control устанавливал как и в консоле так и вручную.

Про Google и Яндекс знаю, уже пользовался, но не смог найти ответа((

Спасибо за внимание и помощь!

  • Вопрос задан более трёх лет назад
  • 25668 просмотров

Проблема была в этом — Error checking for server certificate revocation (errno 12057) during HTTP write phase of downloading
В настройках брандмауэра во вкладке дополнительно нужно отключить:
Проверьте, не отозван ли сертификат сервера

Столкнулся с той же проблемой «There are no packages available for installation». Возможно кому пригодится.

Boshnik Маленькая поправка не «В настройках брандмауэра», а в «свойства браузера», а то мне пришлось поискать :).

Но, на данный момент эту проблему решили, сертификат обновили. Но не работало. Сначала оказалось, что лежал сайт (в конце ответа лежит решение позволяющее обойти и эту проблему), проверяем, но и после возобновления проблема не ушла.

Добавляем в настройки плагинов для пользователя (Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings — User) каналы:

Мою проблему это решило. Видимо channel_v3.json выдаёт сейчас не то, что должен. Решение временное, т.к. скорее всего в ближайшее время починят и в вебархиве данные могут устареть.

UPD. поправил код, у кого не работало — ссылка резалась тестером, сейчас в код обернул, спасибо Максим !

UPD2: ещё раз исправил. Добавил свежую ссылку с вебархива от Максим , а так же скопировал на гист свежие данные от 04.01.2016 вторая ссылка, можно использовать по усмотрению. Не забываем о разделителях типа «запятая» :).

PS: Кстати, ST удобно пользоваться гистом, я там и зарегался вчера только из-за любопытства :).

Добавляем в настройки плагинов для пользователя (Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings — User) каналы

Вот тут по подробней можно?

у меня вот так заработало. тут не одни профи сидят надо конкретней писать))) Все равно спасибо!

Traneboy: Вы устанавливали Package Control ?
Если да, то в меню редактора (которое вверху) нажимаем «Preferences», далее в выпадающем списке «Package Settings» далее в выпадающем списке «Package Settings» и в последнем выпадающем подменю нажимаем «Settings — User»
В результате откроется файл «Package Control.sublime-settings».

С таким содержимым (примерно):

добавляем туда то что указано в решении проблемы, получится вот так:

PS: Код у вас будет отличаться скорее всего, т.к. не установлены те же самые плагины, что у меня, это нормально. И не забывайте, что решение это временное, когда исправят сайт — удалите этот участок кода.

У меня после установки не работало, писало Package Control: Error downloading channel. HTTP error 404 downloading

Через браузер json файл открывал, но он не проходил валидацию.

Можно взять оттуда и использовать у себя дополнительным каналом, я сделал это вот так:

Добавлять: Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings – User

Arch Linux / ST3 3083 from AUR repository.

Traneboy ну так бы сразу и сказал, я решил проблему для уже установленного, когда ошибки посыпались при интсталяции пакетов, а вот инсталировать сам паккедж контроль не пробовал


Русские Блоги

Sublime Text3 Настройка браузера

Я установил возвышенное, чтобы настроить браузер, я злюсь. Я не беспокоился о многих блогах. Позже я пошел в короткую, чтобы прочитать много, все еще бесполезно, а позже я думал, что видел это, у меня есть суммируется. Это на самом деле небольшая часть собственного разрешения. В конце концов, в сочетании с их опытом наконец-то решается. Седанси, приходите и поделитесь этим.

Первое, что нужно увидеть статью внутри краткого обзора:

Он очень похож на мой вопрос.

Сначала давайте посмотрим на свой процесс: нажмите на картинку.


3. Скопируйте следующий код справа от изображения, показанного на рисунке, адрес браузера определяется в соответствии с его ситуацией.

После того, как вы приедете сюда, я не могу следовать по заказу, потому что теперь я вижу его последний шаг, чтобы загрузить плагин установки: боковые платы, но не можете загрузить плагин, вы не можете найти его.

Давайте сначала посмотрим на другую статью:

Мы найдем, что когда мы хотим скачать плагин, он сообщит об ошибке: Ctrl + `Обнаружена газету следующим образом:

Visit for manual instructions

Ошибка установки Управления пакета: ошибка HTTPS, столкнувшись на HTTPS, отступив к HTTP —

Ошибка Установка пакета управления: ошибка HTTP возникла, сдаваясь —

error: An error occurred installing Package Control

RELVE: Открыть C: Windows System32 Drivers etc Hosts Файл

Сделайте установку снова

Теперь давайте сделаем еще один способ установить плагин, но все еще ошибка Channel_v3.json

Это большое решение:
Package Control.sublime-settings] Метод модификации:
Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings — Use

Добавьте следующий код и сохраните:

Теперь давайте скачать плагин: Ctrl + Shift + P Поворот Управления пакета: установить установку боковых платежей пакетов.


It’s giving me this now. Seems like the same problem :/

Package Control: Error downloading repository. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:548))) downloading″ERB%20Autocomplete».
Package Control: Urllib HTTPS Debug General
Closing connection to on port 443 after 1 request
ignored packages updated to: [«Glue», «Vintage»]
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
Package Control: Fetching list of available packages and dependencies
Platform: osx-x64
Sublime Text Version: 3143
Package Control Version: 3.3.0
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
reloading /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
Package Control: Download Debug
Timeout: 30
Resolved IP:
Package Control: Urllib Debug Proxy
Package Control: Found previously exported CA bundle at /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/oscrypto-ca-bundle.crt (302566 bytes)
Package Control: Urllib HTTPS Debug General
Connecting to on port 443
Package Control: Urllib HTTPS Debug General
Upgrading connection to SSL using CA certs file at /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.merged-ca-bundle
Using hostname «» for TLS SNI extension
Package Control: Error downloading package. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:548))) downloading
error: Package Control

Unable to download Glue. Please view the console for more details.
ignored packages updated to: [«Vintage»]
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
reloading /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
no command for selector: noop:
no command for selector: noop:
no command for selector: noop:
no command for selector: noop:
no command for selector: noop:
Package Control: Fetching list of available packages and dependencies
Platform: osx-x64
Sublime Text Version: 3143
Package Control Version: 3.3.0
ignored packages updated to: [«Glue», «Vintage»]
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
Package Control: Fetching list of available packages and dependencies
Platform: osx-x64
Sublime Text Version: 3143
Package Control Version: 3.3.0
Package Control: Download Debug
Timeout: 30
Resolved IP:
Package Control: Urllib Debug Proxy
Package Control: Found previously exported CA bundle at /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/oscrypto-ca-bundle.crt (302566 bytes)
Package Control: Urllib HTTPS Debug General
Connecting to on port 443
Package Control: Urllib HTTPS Debug General
Upgrading connection to SSL using CA certs file at /Users/john/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.merged-ca-bundle
Using hostname «» for TLS SNI extension
Package Control: Error downloading package. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:548))) downloading
error: Package Control

Unable to download Glue. Please view the console for more details.
ignored packages updated to: [«Vintage»]
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings

Здравствуйте. установил Sublime Text, добавил в него package control, начал добавлять в него плагины, в моем списке было несколько плагинов но из все установился лишь SFTP плагин. В консоли показывается ошибка 12157
Вот код из консоли.

DPI scale: 1
startup, version: 3065 windows x32 channel: stable
executable: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe
working dir: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3
packages path: /C/Documents and Settings/777/Application Data/Sublime Text 3/Packages
state path: /C/Documents and Settings/777/Application Data/Sublime Text 3/Local
hardware concurrency: 2
zip path: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/Packages
zip path: /C/Documents and Settings/777/Application Data/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages
found 5 files for base name Default.sublime-keymap
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-mousemap
found 4 files for base name Main.sublime-menu
loading bindings
loading pointer bindings
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
theme loaded
app ready
startup cache, total files: 179 cache hits: 179
pre session restore time: 0.217875
startup time: 0.342875
first paint time: 0.342875
launching: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/plugin_host.exe
loaded 837 snippets
reloading plugin Default.block
reloading plugin Default.comment
reloading plugin Default.copy_path
reloading plugin Default.delete_word
reloading plugin Default.detect_indentation
reloading plugin Default.duplicate_line
reloading plugin Default.echo
reloading plugin Default.exec
reloading plugin Default.fold
reloading plugin Default.font
reloading plugin Default.goto_line
reloading plugin Default.history_list
reloading plugin Default.indentation
reloading plugin Default.kill_ring
reloading plugin Default.mark
reloading plugin Default.new_templates
reloading plugin Default.open_file_settings
reloading plugin Default.open_in_browser
reloading plugin Default.pane
reloading plugin Default.paragraph
reloading plugin Default.paste_from_history
reloading plugin Default.save_on_focus_lost
reloading plugin Default.scroll
reloading plugin Default.set_unsaved_view_name
reloading plugin Default.side_bar
reloading plugin Default.sort
reloading plugin Default.swap_line
reloading plugin Default.switch_file
reloading plugin Default.symbol
reloading plugin Default.transform
reloading plugin Default.transpose
reloading plugin Default.trim_trailing_white_space
reloading plugin CSS.css_completions
reloading plugin Diff.diff
reloading plugin HTML.encode_html_entities
reloading plugin HTML.html_completions
reloading plugin 0_package_control_loader.00-package_control
reloading plugin Package Control.bootstrap
reloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
reloading plugin emmet-sublime-master.emmet-plugin
reloading plugin SFTP.SFTP
plugins loaded
Emmet: No need to update PyV8
Package Control: Installing 1 missing dependencies
Package Control: Attempting to use Urllib downloader due to WinINet error: Error downloading package. Secure channel error, server not providing SSL (errno 12157) during HTTP write phase of downloading
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "package_control.download_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 264, in fetch
  File "package_control.downloaders.wininet_downloader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 377, in download
Package Control.package_control.downloaders.win_downloader_exception.WinDownloaderException: Error downloading package. Secure channel error, server not providing SSL (errno 12157) during HTTP write phase of downloading

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "package_control.automatic_upgrader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 111, in run
  File "package_control.automatic_upgrader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 162, in install_missing
  File "package_control.package_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 756, in install_package
  File "package_control.download_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 308, in fetch
  File "package_control.download_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 264, in fetch
  File "package_control.downloaders.urllib_downloader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 102, in download
  File "package_control.downloaders.urllib_downloader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 275, in setup_opener
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 50, in get_ca_bundle_path
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 139, in get_system_ca_bundle_path
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 394, in _win_create_ca_bundle
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 472, in parse
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 452, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 452, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 447, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 95, in read
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 174, in _read_value
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 245, in _decode_integer
TypeError: 'bytes' object does not support item assignment

ignored packages updated to: [Vintage, FileDiffs]
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
reloading Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
theme loaded
reloading Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
theme loaded
Exception in thread Thread-9:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "package_control.package_installer in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 212, in run
  File "package_control.package_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 756, in install_package
  File "package_control.download_manager in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 264, in fetch
  File "package_control.downloaders.urllib_downloader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 102, in download
  File "package_control.downloaders.urllib_downloader in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 275, in setup_opener
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 50, in get_ca_bundle_path
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 139, in get_system_ca_bundle_path
  File "package_control.ca_certs in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 394, in _win_create_ca_bundle
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 472, in parse
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 452, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 452, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 447, in load
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 95, in read
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 174, in _read_value
  File "package_control.http.x509 in C:Documents and Settings777Application DataSublime Text 3Installed PackagesPackage Control.sublime-package", line 245, in _decode_integer
TypeError: 'bytes' object does not support item assignment

ignored packages updated to: [Vintage]
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
theme loaded
reloading Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
theme loaded
reloading Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
theme loaded

Кто-нибудь может помочь решить проблему?

Whenever I launch Sublime Text 3, I see a dialogue box of this error:

Package Control

The package specified, Prefixr, is not available

This package simply does not exist in the list of packages of my Sublime Text 3 (Package Control: List Packages). If I ever had it, I have long since removed it.

I have even run a deep file scan of my computer and there is no file nor folder by the name of Prefixr.

Can anyone help?

asked Nov 16, 2014 at 23:09

Noffica's user avatar

I have recently started having this problem too, after setting up syncing through symlinks. Such an annoyance, though I believe I found the solution.

Here’s what I did…

This first part is supplemental, just to confirm where Sublime is still seeing Prefixr.

On Mac, open up Terminal and run the command

mdfind prefixr

I’m not sure about a Windows equivalent to this command, but this article might help:

This should return a list of locations on your computer that contain the string «prefixr» (though I might be wrong about this). Most likely you’ll see the location of your Package Control.sublime-settings. If you see more than one and the duplicate doesn’t end with .cache/[long number] then you might want to double check where Sublime is reading your packages. I’d probably just do the next step for all of them just in case.

The actual fix:

Open up Package Control.sublime-settings, and you should see a list of packages. Look for "Prefixr", and remove that line.

After saving and restarting, you should be free of that annoying warning.

Good luck!

answered Jan 18, 2015 at 1:35

Zipang's user avatar


This could happen after upgrading Sublime text if you are trying to use the same Package Control settings. To fix it Update them removing packages that are only available for Sublime Text 2. In this case Prefixr support has ended.

Discontinued – unfortunately the API no longer works, so this project has been discontinued..

Remove the package

In Sublime Text, go to Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings – Default and removed them from the installed packages list.

Keep the package

If you want to keep the package, you can look for an alternative.

This happened to me with packages Prefixr (you can use Autoprefixer as an alternative) and DetectSyntax (now called ApplySyntax).

I updated my config from;




answered Mar 18, 2015 at 6:44

Miguelos's user avatar

So I encountered this problem when I tried to install the SCSS package into my Sublime 3 text editor.  For some reason when I went into the Package Control – which I have had set up for years – it wasn’t installing the package. 

Trying to install the SCSS Package…

Go into package control (preferences-package-control)…

Sublime Text3 Preferences - Package Control menu item

Sublime Text3 Package Control Popup

click on “Package Control: List Packages” and I would even be able to select the one I wanted – “SCSS”. But then it wouldn’t do anything.

Sublime Text3 Package Control List - SCSSit

The Error - ImportError: No module named ‘package_control’…

I went into “View – Show Console”

Sublime Text3 - View - Show Console menu item

and I noticed it was giving me the following error “ImportError: No module named ‘package_control’../

Sublime Text3 - No Module Named 'Control Package'

Possible Solutions…

I searched around on the web to see if there was a way to fix this and most were the answer of “uninstall and reinstall” variety or were -  in my mind – overly-complicated fixes.  I found the following solutions along with several others that seemed promising…

Package control not working
Problem with package control ST3

This one seemed like it might work…

WBond – GitHub – ImportError: No module named ‘package_control’

I just removed "Package Control" from the "ignored_packages" and reload Sublime. And it helped! "Purging and Reinstalling" weren't needed at this time!

and pointed to a possible answer…

Package Control – Troubleshooting - Purging and Reinstalling

Sublime Text3 Purging Reinstalling Package Control

But my settings file did not have in the ignore list “Package Control”, instead it had the following…

	[	"0_package_control_loader",

What worked…

After looking further and coming up with nothing I decided I would just remove the “0_package_control_loader” from the “ignored_packages”  by going into “Preferences – Settings” and editing the “Preferences.sublime-settings—user”. NOTE: Sublime will open up both the default and the user file side-by-side. You can only make changes to the user file.

Sublime Text3 - Preferences - Settings menu item

And so I changed my file to this (note that yours may be different)…

	[	"ASP",

I went through the process of installing the SCSS package again through Package Control and received NO errors. I looked under “View – Syntax” and SUCCESS! SCSS was now listed as an available syntax.

Sublime Text3 View Syntax SCSS menu item

I didn’t have to purge anything, I didn’t have uninstall anything – all I simply had to do was remove one line from settings and restart Sublime Text 3 and it worked.

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