This is with ref to my previous question Package clash in multilingual report.
Это мой первый многоязычный докладе.
Инфантильный гипертрофический стеноз привратника - это серьёзное
This is my first multilingual report.
when I try to compile it, I get following error message.
LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/lmr/m/n' undefined (Font)
using `T2A/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 15.
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char u8: not set up for use with
See the inputenc package documentation for explanation. Type H
<return> for immediate help. ...
l.18 ...�ный гипертрофический стеноз привра...
How can I avoid such error message.
asked Nov 20, 2012 at 3:56
The error you get is due to a «no-break space» character, according to what I can gather by copying an pasting your message.
This character is not usually set up by the [utf8]
option and it’s invisible to many editors, so it can slip in a document without the typist knowing it.
Solution: add in your preamble
DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00A0}{ }
if you don’t mean to type a no-break space, or
if you want that the character stands for what its name says.
Recent (after 2015-01-01) versions of the UTF8 configuration file for inputenc
do define U+00A0 as nobreakspace
, so this should be of no concern, now.
answered Nov 20, 2012 at 7:46
1.0m127 gold badges2539 silver badges4092 bronze badges
As this is one of the top google hits for this error message, here’s a more general answer with an example:
The cause is a unicode character in one of your input files that isn’t mapped to an output. This may — especially if you’re using the (unicode-supporting) biblatex/biber system — be in your bibliography. This is a good place to look for errors as .bib files downloaded from publishers website are often malformed. You can tell if the error comes from the bib file — the line number in the error message will be that of your end{document}
, which makes tracking down the actual error rather tricky (inspecting various aux files doesn’t appear to help).
Some of these errors are subtle, like the non-breaking space in the question, or the hyphen (U+2010) character given to me by one journal, which looks identical to the hyphen-minus produced by the keyboard.
Copying the character after the hyphen and searching for it should help — unless your command window or editor «helps» by converting it to the more common equivalent or replacing unicode with blanks — in that case copy it from your .log and search all the input files.
(I’m happy to expand this in response to comments or watch it grow — it’s just an attempt to be helpful to searchers)
answered Feb 12, 2014 at 13:26
Chris HChris H
8,4753 gold badges34 silver badges73 bronze badges
You must install texlive-latex-extra
before use it.
You must install texlive-collection-latexextra
before use it.
answered Mar 18, 2013 at 10:34
4095 silver badges5 bronze badges
I had two similar problems:
- «
Unicode char u8:
« - «
Unicode char u8:.
» (with dot)
The problems were related to the .bib file (references list).
The first problem was solved based on the DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00A0}{ }
stated by @egreg.
The second one was helped by the @Chris H ‘s answer.
I opened the generated file .log and looked for errors. I found:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char u8:C3. not set up for use with LaTeX.
Then, I looked the «C3
» string in the generated file .bbl and I found out that the letter «Ó
» (the first letter of an author’s name, Óscar Oballe-Peinado) was the problem. So, I changed it in the bibliography file for {'{O}}
and voilà!
Despite I’m using «usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
«, it seems not working specifically with the accented first letter of the first name of authors.
65.4k5 gold badges168 silver badges375 bronze badges
answered May 16, 2016 at 19:56
You may get this error also if you use different language for bibtex.
In that case project.bbl may contain characters in different encoding (e.g latin2).
What you need to do is swap encoding when rendering bibliography to latin2 and switch back to utf8 after.
Hope this helps.
answered Nov 23, 2014 at 20:02
1311 bronze badge
This happened to me when I did save my .tex
file with utf8
but forgot to save also the .bib
file with the same encoding (it was still in ANSI).
Instead of returning back to ANSI on my .tex
file I just opened the .bib
file with Notepad++ and chose to convert to utf8
Then after compiling everything was working OK.
581k127 gold badges1368 silver badges2234 bronze badges
answered Feb 14, 2015 at 0:42
311 bronze badge
I have found the same problem but none of the above answers solved it. In the end, I found the code '{i}
in my .bib file. This was supposed to yield í but was producing a crazy unicode char that broke compilation. This .bib file was exported from CiteULike based on a reference that I entered mannually or copy-&-pasted from somewhere else. I suppose something wrong happened while converting a mannually entered/pasted í to '{i}
answered Feb 4, 2016 at 22:29
313 bronze badges
If this happens in the bibliography, try specifying the language explicitly to bibtextu:
bibtextu -l ru my_paper_with_russian_bibliography
This fixed it for me.
answered Jul 6, 2015 at 11:38
I had this Error because I accidentally saved an included .tex
file as ANSI while the master file was in UTF-8.
You can change file encoding in Notepad++ for example. But you will need to copy it from the the ANSI version and paste it into the UTF-8 version.
answered Oct 19, 2015 at 15:44
XeTeX is more suitable than most other TeX engines for unicode : replace the lines
and compile with xelatex myfile.tex
answered Jul 4, 2017 at 10:37
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
at the beginning of the file solved this issue for me.
answered Jun 3, 2016 at 17:27
My error was related, but slightly different:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ╩│ (U+02B3)
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ᵉ (U+1D49)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
I had these errors because of a bibliographic entries generated in French babel which typesets the edition field, e.g. 1ʳᵉ éd.
or 3ᵉ éd.
using a raised re or e, resulting in U+02B3
and U+1D49
which apparently are not valid, even though (so far) all the other accented characters, e.g., é in édition are valid…
Because of my complex pandoc settings from Markdown with Libertine font, I don’t want to swap to another *Tex engine…
So, my band-aid fix was to use the math mode to raise these letters:
Also, if you’re using pandoc, put them in your header-includes:
part of the front matter.
answered Jul 29, 2020 at 20:08
77910 silver badges21 bronze badges
An anwser for a slightly different case:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ° (U+B0)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Here, the answer is very simple:
This packages defines the textdegree
macro and also sets up °
to use it.
answered Jan 22, 2021 at 12:31
One of my references in Bibdesk contains some latin/Greek character e.g. ‘β’. I am getting the error while using the reference in TEXMAKER:
«! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char u8:β not set up for use with LaTeX.»
How can I set it up to work?
asked Sep 22, 2014 at 7:48
Though with inputenc TeX can read all the unicode characters, it doesn’t know what to do with most of them, except those in the usual ascii range. I once also had a problem with that, when I wanted to copy some unicode text verbatim into one of my TeX documents, and that text contained symbols like alpha, or other math symbols.
The solution to that is the command DeclareUnicodeCharacter{#1}{#2}
where in #1
you have to put the unicode value of the character and in #2
a tex expression, that gets inserted, when character code #1
is encountered. E.g. for the beta you could use DeclareUnicodeCharacter{03B2}{ensuremath{beta}}
, because 03B2 is the unicode character value for the symbol «beta» (you have to look those things up in a Unicode table).
I’ve also written a tex package for that, if you’re interested. It can be found on github at See especially this file here:
answered Jan 16, 2015 at 8:47
Elmar ZanderElmar Zander
1,24117 silver badges30 bronze badges
Another solution is to use XeTeX, which is more suitable than most other TeX engines for unicode : replace the lines
answered Jul 4, 2017 at 10:52
# (отредактировано 12 лет, 2 месяца назад) |
Темы: 1 Сообщения: 2 Участник с: 17 апреля 2010 |
Установлены пакеты
texlive-core texlive-bin texlive-langcyrillic .tex к примеру documentclass{article} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage[english,russian]{babel} begin{document} Привет end{document} при сборке (или как это правильно назвать, исправьте) вылетает ошибка inputenc: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char u8:���� not set up for use with LaTeX. Господа, помогите начинающему TeXнику, объяснив как правильно использовать русский язык с utf8. Чтение книг и поиск пока ни к чему не привёл. |
h4tr3d |
# |
Темы: 34 Сообщения: 2656 Участник с: 12 июля 2007 |
usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} usepackage[english, russian]{babel} попробуй просто T2A systemd должен умереть. |
frum |
# |
Темы: 0 Сообщения: 1 Участник с: 19 ноября 2010 |
Сам недавно начал осваивать латех, методом упорного гугленья и изучения различных мануалов вышла вот такая актуальная преамбула:
documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} usepackage{ucs} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{mathtext} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{upgreek} usepackage[english,russian]{babel} usepackage{graphicx} usepackage{textcomp} usepackage{geometry} geometry{left=2cm} geometry{right=1.5cm} geometry{top=1cm} geometry{bottom=2cm} usepackage{tikz} usepackage{ccaption} Проблем с русским языком в документах не испытываю. Курсачи верстаются успешно. |
h4tr3d |
# |
Темы: 34 Сообщения: 2656 Участник с: 12 июля 2007 |
Ладно, так и быть, моя стандартная:
documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{scrartcl} %documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{ncc} usepackage[warn]{mathtext} % русские буквы в формулах, с предупреждением usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} % внутренняя кодировка TeX usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % кодовая страница документа usepackage[english, russian]{babel} % локализация и переносы usepackage{indentfirst} % русский стиль: отступ первого абзаца раздела usepackage{misccorr} % точка в номерах заголовков usepackage{cmap} % русский поиск в pdf usepackage{graphicx} % Работа с графикой includegraphics{} usepackage{psfrag} % Замена тагов на eps картинкаx usepackage{caption2} % Работа с подписями для фигур, таблиц и пр. usepackage{soul} % Разряженный текст so{} и подчеркивание ul{} usepackage{soulutf8} % Поддержка UTF8 в soul usepackage{fancyhdr} % Для работы с колонтитулами usepackage{multirow} % Аналог multicolumn для строк usepackage{ltxtable} % Микс tabularx и longtable usepackage{paralist} % Списки с отступом только в первой строчке %usepackage{longtable} %usepackage{tabularx} usepackage[perpage]{footmisc} % Нумерация сносок на каждой странице с 1 usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} % Задаем отступы: слева 30 мм, справа 10 мм, сверху до колонтитула 10 мм % снизу 25 мм %usepackage[a4paper, top=10mm, left=30mm, right=10mm, bottom=25mm]{geometry} % Нумерация формул, картинок и таблиц по секциям numberwithin{equation}{section} numberwithin{table}{section} numberwithin{figure}{section} % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % begin{document} привет end{document} systemd должен умереть. |
h4tr3d |
# |
Темы: 34 Сообщения: 2656 Участник с: 12 июля 2007 |
Если не поможет, придется вспоминать что там нужно раскомменчивать systemd должен умереть. |
bod |
# |
Темы: 1 Сообщения: 2 Участник с: 17 апреля 2010 |
Доброго времени и большое спасибо всем отозвавшимся! Проблема всё-таки была не в пакетах, а в сущей банальности: писал в кодировке Koi8-r, а не utf8, LaTeX ругался на это. Всё моя невнимательность. И за преамбулы тоже отдельное спасибо, возьму на заметку. |
h4tr3d |
# |
Темы: 34 Сообщения: 2656 Участник с: 12 июля 2007 |
Обожаю такие ошибки systemd должен умереть. |
LaTeX is a powerful document typesetting system, but (especially if you’re
using a version even a few years old), getting it to accept and display
non-ASCII characters natively requires knowledge squirreled away in scattered
documents. Here we cover how to get LaTeX to work with UTF-8 input characters
in hopes of thwarting the squirrels of obscurity.
Or you could just skip all that and use XeLaTeX or
LuaLaTeX instead.
pdfTeX Engine (pdfLaTeX)
When using “basic” LaTeX with the pdfTeX engine, enabling UTF-8 input requires
simply placing the following commands at the top of your document preamble:
usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
The exact effects of these commands are as follows:
sets the output font encoding to T1. A font
encoding is a mapping between character codes and glyphs in a font; the font
encodings defined by LaTeX are described in [4].By default, LaTeX uses the OT1 font encoding, a 7-bit encoding in which
accented characters like “ö” are formed by adding an accent glyph to the base
letter. T1, by contrast, is an 8-bit encoding supporting widespread European
languages in which many letter+accent combinations exist as single glyphs.
[3] [14]Without this command, characters will be represented using what’s available
in OT1, and, as a result, words containing accented characters won’t be
correctly hyphenated, copying-and-pasting accented characters from a built
PDF won’t work correctly, and inputting a |, <, or > will produce
a completely different character in the resulting PDF. [14]If one passes a comma-separated list of font encodings to the fontenc
package, the last encoding in the list becomes the document’s default
encoding, and switching to the other encodings (e.g., in order to enter
characters only defined by those encodings) becomes possible using the
command sequencefontencoding{INSERT ENCODING NAME HERE} selectfont
[6] [13] [9] -
sets the input encoding for the document
source to UTF-8, allowing UTF-8 characters to appear in the input document.
Additionally, for each font encoding used in the document, inputenc loads
a mapping of UTF-8 characters to commands usable in that font encoding.
[1] When paired with the fontenc command above, on recent LaTeX
versions, inputenc loads mappings from the files omsenc.dfu,
ot1enc.dfu, t1enc.dfu, and ts1enc.dfu [13], located in
$TEXDIR/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base in an installed TeX Live distribution;
this in turn allows the user to input any of the characters mapped by those
files into a document and have the characters be typeset appropriately.Without this command, older versions of LaTeX will use a “raw” input encoding
in which each input byte is typeset as the glyph in the same position in the
current font. [8]Beginning with the 2018-04-01 release, LaTeX uses UTF-8 as the default
encoding for source files, makingusepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
redundant. [8]
Once the above commands are added to your document preamble, you will be able
to enter a number of UTF-8 characters directly into your document and have them
show up in the built PDF without having to type out their commands. You’ll
even be able to write smart quotes (“ and ”) directly instead of typing
quotes out as « and ».
So instead of writing this:
``My na"i{}ve r'esum'e is attached.'' --- Se~nor TH{}or
you can write this:
“My naïve résumé is attached.” — Señor Þor
and LaTeX will handle the input correctly.
Note that LaTeX does not support combining characters; input must be in a
composed form.
If LaTeX encounters a Unicode character that it doesn’t have a definition for,
typesetting will stop with an error message of the form:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ☃ (U+2603) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
If you want to use a certain character in your document that LaTeX doesn’t
recognize, you can use the DeclareUnicodeCharacter{hexcode}{cmd}
provided by inputenc. Its first argument is the hexadecimal code point of
the Unicode character to define, and the second argument is the LaTeX command
to execute when the character is encountered. [1] For example:
usepackage{tikzsymbols} % provides Snowman DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2603}{Snowman} % Now you can put ☃ in your document!
If you don’t want to have to enter characters as codepoints, the
command provided by the newunicodechar package lets you use the character itself
instead, [2] allowing us to rewrite the example above as:
usepackage{newunicodechar} usepackage{tikzsymbols} % provides Snowman newunicodechar{☃}{Snowman} % Now you can put ☃ in your document!
As a special case, loading the textcomp package lets you input all of the
Unicode characters that can be output with textcomp’s commands; for
example, textcomp defines a textmusicalnote
command that produces ♪
(U+266A, EIGHTH NOTE), and so including textcomp in your preamble allows
you to write “♪” in your document and have it be treated as the
command, producing a “♪” in the output.
Non-Latin Alphabets
The commands described so far only provide meaningful support for text in
Latin-derived alphabets. In order to enter text in other alphabets, more
elaborate steps are required.
Cyrillic Alphabet
The most direct way to enable Cyrillic input is to specify a Cyrillic font
encoding in the fontenc command. Due to the large number of Cyrillic
characters in existence, the script is split up into three font encodings (T2A,
T2B, and T2C) that each match up with the T1 encoding in the lower 7-bit range,
plus a fourth encoding, X2, that contains all of the Cyrillic characters but is
not compatible with T1. [4] [11]
A purely-Cyrillic document can be written with the X2 font encoding as follows:
documentclass{article} usepackage[X2]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} begin{document} Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! end{document}
If you want to use both Cyrillic and Latin characters in your document, you
need to pass both T1 and X2 to fontenc. Whichever one is listed last in
the fontenc command becomes the default font encoding for the document; the
other font encoding can be switched to by writing fontencoding{INSERT
. [6] [13] [9]
For example:
documentclass{article} usepackage[X2,T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} begin{document} “{fontencoding{X2}selectfont Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!}” said Señor Þor. end{document}
Managing encodings this way can get annoying; fortunately, the babel package provides a better way. Add a
command to your preamble, where
LANGUAGES is replaced by a comma-separated list of the languages that will
be used in your document; the last language in the list will become the
document’s default language. Within the document, the language can be changed
with selectlanguage{LANGUAGE}
(though, for short passages, it’s better
to use foreignlanguage{LANGUAGE}{TEXT}
), and when it’s set to a
Cyrillic-using language, you can write in Cyrillic. [7] [11] For
documentclass{article} % If we don't explicitly load a Cyrillic font encoding, babel emits a % warning and defaults to loading T2A. usepackage[T2A,T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage[russian,english]{babel} begin{document} “foreignlanguage{russian}{Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!}” said Señor Þor. end{document}
Greek Alphabet
As with Cyrillic, entering Greek in LaTeX requires setting the font encoding,
in this case to LGR: [4]
documentclass{article} usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} begin{document} “{fontencoding{LGR}selectfont Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ}” said Homer. “Is he talking about me?” wondered Señor Þor. end{document}
As before, we can let also choose to let babel take care of the encodings for
documentclass{article} % No need to explicitly load LGR! usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage[greek,english]{babel} begin{document} “foreignlanguage{greek}{Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ}” said Homer. “Is he talking about me?” wondered Señor Þor. end{document}
As another alternative, the greek-fontenc package provides a textalpha package that
allows one to write Greek directly without the need for babel or
language-switching: [5]
documentclass{article} usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage{textalpha} begin{document} “Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ” said Homer. “Is he talking about me?” wondered Señor Þor. end{document}
greek-fontenc also provides an alphabeta package that lets one use Greek
characters directly in math mode. [5]
Other Alphabets
LaTeX’s built-in font encodings only cover Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek.
Enabling input in other alphabets is a separate topic for each alphabet with no
easy one-size-fits-all answer.
XeTeX Engine (XeLaTeX) and LuaTeX Engine (LuaLaTeX)
Besides pdfTeX, LaTeX can also run on two major alternative engines:
The XeTeX engine, on which LaTeX runs as
XeLaTeX -
The LuaTeX engine, on which LaTeX runs as
LuaLaTeX. This is a TeX engine with an embedded interpreter for the Lua
programming language that allows developers to extend
the engine by coding in Lua. [12] [15]
Both engines fully support Unicode input and support modern font technologies,
including being able to use fonts from the operating system. [16]
[12] When it comes to Unicode support, the major differences between
pdfLaTeX and XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX are:
XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX documents must always be written in UTF-8, while
pdfLaTeX accepts document in various input encodings. [10] [13] -
The fontenc and inputenc commands used in pdfLaTeX should be omitted
when working with XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX; the Unicode engines ignore (and give a
warning about) inputenc, while setting fontenc can actually cause
some characters (like smart quotes) to not be recognized. Instead, you can
just start entering Unicode characters directly into your document without
having to include any packages. -
The set of available Unicode characters in XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX is determined by
what characters are defined in the current font. [13] The default
font in both XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX is Latin Modern, a derivative of
TeX’s Computer Modern default font that adds many more characters. -
If XeLaTeX encounters a Unicode character that does not exist in the current
font, the resulting PDF will show the font’s placeholder character if it has
one; if the font has no placeholder character, nothing will be shown. Either
way, the .log file will contain a line of the form:Missing character: There is no ☃ in font [lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-text;!
If LuaLaTeX encounters a Unicode character that does not exist in the current
font, the character will be omitted in the resulting PDF. No warning will be
emitted or logged. -
is not a valid command in XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX;
one must instead write something like:usepackage{tikzsymbols} % provides Snowman catcode`☃=active protecteddef ☃{Snowman}
can still be used in place of this method, though.
[2] -
Being able to write in another alphabet is largely a matter of switching to a
font that supports that alphabet. See the fontspec package for how to change fonts in XeLaTeX and
LuaLaTeX. -
While neither XeLaTeX nor LuaLaTeX natively supports combining characters,
the Lua scripting capabilities in the latter can be used to give combining
characters in your source code the desired effect; see
<> for an example.
[1] | (1, 2) Alan Jeffrey and Frank Mittelbach, inputenc.sty. Version 1.3c. Last modified 2018 August 11, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[2] | (1, 2) Enrico Gregorio, The newunicodechar package. Last modified 2018 April 8, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[3] | “fontenc vs inputenc”, TeX — LaTeX Stack Exchange. Last modified 2018 April 3, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[4] | (1, 2, 3) Frank Mittelbach, Robin Fairbairns, Werner Lemberg, and LaTeX3 Project Team, LaTeX font encodings. Last modified 2016 February 18, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[5] | (1, 2) Günter Milde, Greek Unicode with 8-bit TeX and inputenc. Last modified 2019 July 11, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[6] | (1, 2) Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Alan Jeffrey, Leslie Lamport, Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, and Rainer Schöpf, The LaTeX2e Sources. Last modified 2020 February 2, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[7] | Johannes L. Braams and Javier Bezos, Babel: Localization and internationalization. Version 3.47. Last modified 2020 July 13, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[8] | (1, 2) LaTeX News, issue 28, 2018 April. <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[9] | (1, 2) LaTeX2e unofficial reference manual. Last modified 2018 October, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[10] | Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl, The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε. Version 6.2. Last modified 2018 February 28, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[11] | (1, 2) Vladimir Volovich, Werner Lemberg, and LaTeX3 Project Team, Cyrillic languages support in LaTeX. Last modified 1999 March 12, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[12] | (1, 2) “What are XeTeX and LuaTeX?”, The TeX Frequently Asked Question List. <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[13] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) “What Unicode characters does pdfLaTeX support with a minimal preamble?”, TeX — LaTeX Stack Exchange. Last modified 2020 July 27, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[14] | (1, 2) “Why should I use usepackage[T1]{fontenc}?”, TeX — LaTeX Stack Exchange. Last modified 2017 April 13, <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[15] | Wikipedia contributors, “LuaTeX,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |
[16] | XeTeX — Unicode-based TeX. <> (accessed 2020 July 27). |