- Pacparser error wrong pac file
- Pacparser error wrong pac file
- Detailed Description
- Function Documentation
- int pacparser_init (void)
- int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
- int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
- int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
- char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
- char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
- void pacparser_cleanup (void)
- void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
- pacparser_error_printerfunc)’>void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
- void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
- char* pacparser_version (void)
- Author
- Detailed Description
- Function Documentation
- int pacparser_init (void)
- int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
- int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
- int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
- char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
- char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
- void pacparser_cleanup (void)
- void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
- pacparser_error_printerfunc)’>void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
- void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
- char* pacparser_version (void)
- Author
- PAC Files with myIpAddress() used seem to cause a reference error about pacparser HOT 4 CLOSED
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Pacparser error wrong pac file
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i have created backup file of nokia C1 TA-1165 with easy jtag software using read by vendor option but when i load the file i get error.
Setting interface to EasyJtag2/E-Socket
Setting bus width to 8 Bit
Setting frequence to 42 MHz
EMMC Device Information :
EMMC CID: 150100464536324D42037E27D3BCC669
EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
EMMC Manufacture : SAMSUNG , EMMC NAME: FE62MB , HEX: 464536324D42 , S/N: 7E27D3BC , rev. 0x03
EMMC Manufacture ID: 0x15 , OEM ID: 0x00 , Device Type: BGA (Discrete embedded) , Date: 12/2019
EMMC ROM 1 (Main User Data) Capacity: 14910 MB (0003A3E00000)
EMMC ROM 2/3 (Boot Partition 1/2) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000)
EMMC RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) Capacity: 4096 KB (000000400000) Counter: 4007 , Response: Not Clean
EMMC Permanent Write Protection: No
EMMC Temporary Write Protection: No
Extended CSD Information :
Extended CSD rev: 1.8 (MMC 5.1)
Boot configuration [PARTITION_CONFIG]: 0x00 , Boot from: no boot
Boot Bus Config: 0x00 , width 1bit
H/W Reset Function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x01, RST_n signal is permanently enabled
Supported partition features [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x07
Device supports partitioning features
Device can have enhanced technological features in partitions and user data area
Device can have extended partitions attribute
Partition Settings [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
Backup saved: FE62MB_7E27D3BC_20210422_012449.extcsd
EMMC Init completed.
Pacparser error wrong pac file
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Easy-Jtag / Easy-Jtag Plus The official support section. You can ask here your question and get answer regarding using Easy-Jtag / Easy-Jtag Plus.
I have two nokias TA1391 one of them is full operational which I got for making a full backup from it for writing such backup to the other phone; but the problem is when I try to write the backup to the phone. I got this error message:
PacParser error: Wrong PAC file
How can I write the file to the defective phone?
Detailed Description
API for pacparser library, a library to use proxy auto-config (PAC) files. See project homepage: http://github.com/pacparser/pacparser for more information.
Function Documentation
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser.
Initializes JavaScript engine and does few basic initializations specific to pacparser.
int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file.
Reads the given PAC file and evaluates it in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string.
Evaulates the given PAC script string in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file.
Same as pacparser_parse_pac_file. Included only for backward compatibility.
char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host.
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host. This function should be called only after pacparser engine has been initialized (using pacparser_init) and pac script has been parsed (using pacparser_parse_pac_file or pacparser_parse_pac_string).
char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host.
This function is a wrapper around functions pacparser_init, pacparser_parse_pac_file, pacparser_find_proxy and pacparser_cleanup. If you just want to find out proxy for a given set of pac file, url and host, this is the function to call. This function takes care of all the initialization and cleanup.
void pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context. This function should be called once you’re done with using pacparser engine.
void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
Sets my IP address.
Sets my IP address to a custom value. This is the IP address returned by myIpAddress() javascript function.
pacparser_error_printerfunc)’>void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
Sets error printing function.
Sets error variadic-argument printing function. If not set the messages are printed to stderr. If messages begin with DEBUG: or WARNING:, they are not fatal error messages, otherwise they are. May be called before pacparser_init().
void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions. Deprecated. IPv6 extension (*Ex functions) are enabled by default now.
char* pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
Version string is determined at the time of build. If built from a released package, version corresponds to the latest release (git) tag. If built from the repository, it corresponds to the head revision of the repo.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Pacparser from the source code.
Powered by archmanweb, using mandoc for the conversion of manual pages.
The website is available under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license, except for the contents of the manual pages, which have their own license specified in the corresponding Arch Linux package.
Detailed Description
API for pacparser library, a library to use proxy auto-config (PAC) files. See project homepage: http://github.com/pacparser/pacparser for more information.
Function Documentation
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser.
Initializes JavaScript engine and does few basic initializations specific to pacparser.
int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file.
Reads the given PAC file and evaluates it in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string.
Evaulates the given PAC script string in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file.
Same as pacparser_parse_pac_file. Included only for backward compatibility.
char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host.
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host. This function should be called only after pacparser engine has been initialized (using pacparser_init) and pac script has been parsed (using pacparser_parse_pac_file or pacparser_parse_pac_string).
char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host.
This function is a wrapper around functions pacparser_init, pacparser_parse_pac_file, pacparser_find_proxy and pacparser_cleanup. If you just want to find out proxy for a given set of pac file, url and host, this is the function to call. This function takes care of all the initialization and cleanup.
void pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context. This function should be called once you’re done with using pacparser engine.
void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
Sets my IP address.
Sets my IP address to a custom value. This is the IP address returned by myIpAddress() javascript function.
pacparser_error_printerfunc)’>void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
Sets error printing function.
Sets error variadic-argument printing function. If not set the messages are printed to stderr. If messages begin with DEBUG: or WARNING:, they are not fatal error messages, otherwise they are. May be called before pacparser_init().
void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions. Deprecated. IPv6 extension (*Ex functions) are enabled by default now.
char* pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
Version string is determined at the time of build. If built from a released package, version corresponds to the latest release (git) tag. If built from the repository, it corresponds to the head revision of the repo.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Pacparser from the source code.
Powered by archmanweb, using mandoc for the conversion of manual pages.
The website is available under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license, except for the contents of the manual pages, which have their own license specified in the corresponding Arch Linux package.
PAC Files with myIpAddress() used seem to cause a reference error about pacparser HOT 4 CLOSED
Original comment by manugarg on 14 Apr 2008 at 2:11
GoogleCodeExporter commented on January 15, 2023
Original comment by manugarg on 14 Apr 2008 at 2:40
- Changed state: Accepted
GoogleCodeExporter commented on January 15, 2023
Original comment by manugarg on 17 Apr 2008 at 10:13
- Changed state: Started
GoogleCodeExporter commented on January 15, 2023
Original comment by manugarg on 18 Apr 2008 at 7:39
- Changed state: Fixed
- Support for specifying client IP? HOT 2
- Fail on URL of file HOT 1
- Always perform syntax checking HOT 3
- 64-bit version of the Python DLL HOT 2
- pacparser.dll is so large
- Patch to compile on Python 3 HOT 1
- memory leak in pacparser_find_proxy() HOT 2
- Feature request: error message reporting to a function HOT 10
- «DEBUG» is too generic an environment variable for a library HOT 1
- myipaddress() returning IPv6 Address instead of IPv4 Address HOT 2
- Hope for full support for Microsoft PAC Extension
- Parallel build fails on OSX
- Feature Request: static library
- Case-sensitive host-matching behaviour
- libtool: unrecognized option `-static’
- tests/runtests.sh overwrite LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Add support for logging from the PAC’s JavaScript
- updated support for latest spidermonkey ( 1.8.5 actually)
- Don’t ship man/man3/deprecated.3.gz
- Changing install location for 64 bit linux HOT 1
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Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
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From dpinck…@gmail.com on December 29, 2011 08:17:31
If you have a syntax error, pactester doesn’t always report it.
Our «WPAD.DAT» file consists mostly of lines like this:
if (
dnsDomainIs(host, «nfe.fazenda.sp.gov.br») ||
dnsDomainIS(host, «produtos.sondaprocwork.com.br») ||
dnsDomainIs(host, «.proxibid.com»)
return Direct_Access;
Notice the capital «S» in the 2nd condition? That will break the file in IE on Windows and EVERYTHING will go directly out instead of through our proxy.
When I run pactester against this, if I don’t test for that specific host name, pactester will not generate an error, so I think that my file is working great, but proxying is actually broken.
pactester.exe -p wpad.dat -f url_list.txt http://nfe.fazenda.sp.gov.br : DIRECT
JSERROR: PAC script:43:
ReferenceError: dnsDomainIS is not defined
pacparser.c: pacparser_find_proxy: Problem in executing FindProxyForURL.
pactester.c: Problem in finding proxy for http://produtos.sondaprocwork.com.br .
I’ve just downloaded the latest version from the pacparser page (v1.3.0) and I’m running it on Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit.
The older version from the pactester page worked as expected, but I really like that the new version prints the URL in addition to the result.
This is a GREAT utility as folks don’t always pay attention to detail and there’s really no other way that I’ve found to accurately test this is IE.
Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/pacparser/issues/detail?id=18
From dpinck…@gmail.com on December 29, 2011 08:53:18
I’m sorry, I was wrong. The older version does the same thing. I guess I just always added all of the URLs to my test file.
It would still be nice if it checked the syntax of the file.
From m…@manugarg.com on December 30, 2011 06:23:48
Well, this is the expected behavior. What happens in IE is that when it encounters an error in PAC file evaluation, it stops using it. If it doesn’t encounter an error it will keep on using the PAC file even if it has an ‘undefined’ function.
To illustrate this, with the following PAC file:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (dnsDomainIs(host, «.manugarg.com») ||
dnsDomainIS(host, «.google.com»))
return «PROXY proxy.manugarg.com:3128»;
return «PROXY proxy1.manugarg.com:3128; PROXY proxy2.manugarg.com:3128»;
If you go to www.manugarg.com first (after setting proxy auto-config or restarting IE), it will use proxy.manugarg.com:3128 as proxy. If you go to a URL that is not in .manugarg.com domain, IE will encounter an error because first condition inside if statement will be false and it will have to evaluate second condition which has a call to an undefined function. After this failure, IE will send all further requests, including request to www.manugarg.com, DIRECT.
pacparser parses the PAC file in a JavaScript context before attempting to call FindProxyForURL — thus it actually performs syntax checking. The PAC file that you gave as an example is syntactically correct. It only contains an undefined function, which is actually not a syntax issue from JavaScript point of view.
From m…@manugarg.com on December 30, 2011 06:27:45
Since pacparser is behaving as intended, I am closing this issue. Please feel free to reopen, if you’re not satisfied with the explanation.
Status: Invalid
1 participant
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Z.doxio MODEL: i9500
Завис на заставке после формата GPG Dragon 3.37 только User data.
Прошивку собрал из бекапа с такого же телефона. Аппарат успешно восстановлен.
# begin build properties
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
ro.build.date=2013年 06жњ€ 06ж—Ґ жџжњџе›› 19:53:46 CST
# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=sprdroid_base-user 2.3.5 MocorDroid2.3.5 W12.20_P20.01 test-keys
# end build properties
17.12.2013, 22:26
7 пользователя(ей) добавили плюсы
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от viktormobi
GT-N9300_6820_2.3.5_c909_hteng_s2_RU_dt6206_V01 эту прошивку из первого поста не принимает ResearchDownload CRC error!Pac file may be damaged!
Тот же вопрос. Как её прошить и чем? В телефоне стоит именно эта версия.
Стала 6820_2.3.5_c909_hteng_s2_en_v06_bin но нет сети.
Последний раз редактировалось cevwjd; 18.12.2013 в 18:22.
18.12.2013, 17:12
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от Jonic77
стала эта прошивка
*** скрытый текст ***
Развернуть для просмотра
begin build properties
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh
ro.build.date=2013年 03жњ€ 25ж—Ґ жџжњџдёЂ 20:47:35 CST
# ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint
ro.build.description=sprdroid_base-user 2.3.5 MocorDroid2.3.5 W12.20_P20.01 test-keys
# end build properties
Таже только свежее
Скрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 10 сообщение(ий)):
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.
18.12.2013, 17:57
Пользователь добавил плюс
Dood (09.07.2014)
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Парни можно достать прошивку на данный тел G-TiDe E56 ?
После формата Dragon_V3.39B перегружается на заставке.
Развернуть для просмотра
>>> Scanning Mobile USB Port…
>>> Detecting COM PortCOM37
>>> Connecting Mobile…
Mobile Connection Success…
Mobile Firmware Version:SPRD3
>>> Downloading First Boot…
>>> Mobile Info
Project ID :Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
>>> Downloading Second Boot…
Baud Rate is Switched To:921600
Flash ID:00002CBC
Flash Size:20000000->512M
Flash Name:NAND_SamSungMT29C4G48MAZAPAKD
CPU Name:6820/8810
>>> Auto Formatting …
All Done…
Парни достал такой же тел.. Подскажите пожалуйста как правильно сделать бекап ?
Последний раз редактировалось CCCMATRIX; 04.01.2014 в 13:00.
03.01.2014, 14:54
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Развернуть для просмотра
CPU ABI:armeabi-v7a
Android Ver:4.0.4
bootloader ver:unknown
Baseband ver:dM_BASE_12A_W12.43|sc6820_modem|11-02-2012 17:53:08
Build number:MocorDroid2.3.5.W12.20_P20.01
IMEI1: 35873
Root: Rooted(su)
Flash NAND :
Прошивки в формате PAC
Последний раз редактировалось zioom; 05.01.2014 в 22:47.
05.01.2014, 22:42
Пользователь добавил плюс
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
>>> Connecting Mobile... Mobile Connection Success... Mobile Firmware Version:SPRD3 >>> Downloading First Boot... >>> Mobile Info Project ID :Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1 >>> Downloading Second Boot... Baud Rate is Switched To:921600 Flash ID:000098BC Flash Size:20000000->512M Flash Name:NAND_TOSHIBATYBC0A111236KC10 CPU Name:6820/8810 All Done...
После формата Dragon’ом перезагружается просто. Фото добавлю как доеду до дома.
Последний раз редактировалось DrManila; 11.01.2014 в 17:51.
11.01.2014, 17:05
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Нужна прошивка для QUMO 320. Пришёл с проблемой-графический ключ. В рекавери зайти не удалось. Вулканом слил фулл в bin формате и сделал рут. Сейчас телефон при включении висит на заставке. Формат не помогает. Версия прошивки MOCOR_880XG_MODEM_W12.43_P1
CPU TYPE:SC8810/6820 [88100001]
Flash ID: 009800BC90667600
Flash Type:[TOSHIBA] TYBC0A111236KC10
FLASH LEN:0x20000000
Аппарат брендовый. Есть сервис центры во многих городах. Прошивки на модели выше серией (QUMO 400, QUMO 500, QUMO 570 и.т.д.) в сети есть, а на эту модель не нашёл. Выручайте. Может из фулла можно сделать pac?
11.01.2014, 21:30
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от DrManila
>>> Connecting Mobile... Mobile Connection Success... Mobile Firmware Version:SPRD3 >>> Downloading First Boot... >>> Mobile Info Project ID :Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1 >>> Downloading Second Boot... Baud Rate is Switched To:921600 Flash ID:000098BC Flash Size:20000000->512M Flash Name:NAND_TOSHIBATYBC0A111236KC10 CPU Name:6820/8810 All Done...
После формата Dragon’ом перезагружается просто. Фото добавлю как доеду до дома.
После формата и у меня несколько раз было такое, иногда бывает даже такое что тел включается но из-за постоянных ошибок типо «приложение закрыто» или что-то в этом роде не возможно пользоваться телефоном.
Скрытый текст (вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 50 сообщение(ий)):
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь.
Последний раз редактировалось CCCMATRIX; 12.01.2014 в 13:35.
12.01.2014, 13:19
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
заработал с этой прошивкой
ссылка на прошивку
23.01.2014, 17:55
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от DrManila
Raven.solo, к сожалению нет, так и лежит трупом.
Принесли такой же, вот считал volcano.
Последний раз редактировалось Turboxxx; 24.01.2014 в 11:08.
24.01.2014, 09:45
Пользователь добавил плюс
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от Turboxxx
Принесли такой же, вот считал volcano.
может вас не затруднит сделать рутт и слить бекап с помощью скрипта mkbackup.sh …
24.01.2014, 12:18
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от Raven.solo
может вас не затруднит сделать рутт и слить бекап с помощью скрипта mkbackup.sh …
ТА был не долго в руках, еще слил backup sys GalasyS4 1.87 гига. Если надо могу его еще выложить.
24.01.2014, 12:21
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Ищу прошивку Samsung Galaxy Note 3
SM-N900 Процессор sc6280 одна sim карта
Размер дисплея (дюймов): 5.7
На плате написано D13 BKH62531B
На обратной стороне платы
S9003A.QUAD-_4G+2G HY
Вот продают такой же
Последний раз редактировалось Turboxxx; 27.01.2014 в 09:45.
26.01.2014, 17:44
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от Gatin
Ищу прошивку на клон s3mini также бывает как s7562
на плате написано T698_mb_v1.0
T698S5_v1.2 20130319
Есть такой новый вроде, но не разрешают с ним ничего делать, а без рута вроде прошивку не считаеш
Мой так лежит без прошивки
27.01.2014, 09:46
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Сообщение от Alex77
Мой так лежит без прошивки
а на первой страничке этой темы уважаемый Jonic77 , выкладывал похожий http://yadi.sk/d/_8njqDNWB96ni , не пробовали?
05.02.2014, 14:03
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Ищу прошивку в формате .PAC
i9500 mini S9002_MB_V1.5
Надпись на плате S9002_MB_V1.5
После прошивки из первого поста включился, но белый экран, что уже само по себе большое достижение.
Последний раз редактировалось corbin; 10.02.2014 в 14:06.
10.02.2014, 12:44
Последний раз редактировалось corbin; 11.02.2014 в 18:30.
11.02.2014, 17:57
Пользователь добавил плюс
Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
если телефон у вас попробуйте эту в него влить
11.02.2014, 18:18
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Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Прошивка из поста №18 «Модель: X920e» подошла на HTC ONE 2sim SC6820
13.02.2014, 14:38
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Re: Прошивки на spreadtrum в формате PAC.
Ребят, не могу никак найти на i8190, на плате L3035E. Если вдруг у кого есть, поделитесь пожалуйста.
Развернуть для просмотра
14.02.2014, 03:59
pacparser(3) | Library Functions Manual | pacparser(3) |
pacparser — Library to parse proxy auto-confg (PAC) files.
API for pacparser library, a library to use proxy auto-config
(PAC) files. See project homepage: http://github.com/pacparser/pacparser for
more information.
typedef int(* pacparser_error_printer )(const char *fmt,
va_list argp)
Type definition for pacparser_error_printer.
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser. int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const
char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file. int pacparser_parse_pac_string
(const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string. int pacparser_parse_pac
(const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file. char * pacparser_find_proxy (const
char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host. char *
pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url,
const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host. void
pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context. void pacparser_setmyip (const char
Sets my IP address. void pacparser_set_error_printer
(pacparser_error_printer func)
Sets error printing function. void
pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions. char *
pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
Detailed Description
API for pacparser library, a library to use proxy auto-config
(PAC) files. See project homepage: http://github.com/pacparser/pacparser for
more information.
Manu Garg manugarg@gmail.com
Function Documentation
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser.
0 on failure and 1 on success.
Initializes JavaScript engine and does few basic initializations
specific to pacparser.
int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file.
pacfile PAC file to parse.
0 on failure and 1 on success.
Reads the given PAC file and evaluates it in the JavaScript
context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string.
pacstring PAC string to parse.
0 on failure and 1 on success.
Evaulates the given PAC script string in the JavaScript context
created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file.
Use pacparser_parse_pac_file instead.
pacfile PAC file to parse.
0 on failure and 1 on success.
Same as pacparser_parse_pac_file. Included only for backward
char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host.
url URL to find proxy for.
host Host part of the URL.
proxy string on sucess and NULL on error.
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host. This function should be
called only after pacparser engine has been initialized (using
pacparser_init) and pac script has been parsed (using
pacparser_parse_pac_file or pacparser_parse_pac_string).
char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host.
pacfile PAC file to parse.
url URL to find proxy for.
host Host part of the URL.
proxy string on success and NULL on error.
This function is a wrapper around functions pacparser_init,
pacparser_parse_pac_file, pacparser_find_proxy and pacparser_cleanup. If you
just want to find out proxy for a given set of pac file, url and host, this
is the function to call. This function takes care of all the initialization
and cleanup.
void pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context. This function should be called once
you’re done with using pacparser engine.
void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
Sets my IP address.
ip Custom IP address.
Sets my IP address to a custom value. This is the IP address
returned by myIpAddress() javascript function.
void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
Sets error printing function.
func Printing function.
Sets error variadic-argument printing function. If not set the
messages are printed to stderr. If messages begin with DEBUG: or WARNING:,
they are not fatal error messages, otherwise they are. May be called before
void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions. Deprecated.
IPv6 extension (*Ex functions) are enabled by default now.
char* pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
version string if version defined, » otherwise.
Version string is determined at the time of build. If built from a
released package, version corresponds to the latest release (git) tag. If
built from the repository, it corresponds to the head revision of the
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Pacparser from the source
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CRC Error!
PAC file may be damaged!
Intex q3 v07
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link damaged
write this file for new tool ver SPD_Upgrade_Tool_R4.0.0001
this firmware is working
Not Found
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We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
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Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.
Library to parse proxy auto-confg (PAC) files.
typedef int(* pacparser_error_printer )(const char *fmt, va_list argp)
Type definition for pacparser_error_printer.
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser.
int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file.
int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string.
int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file.
char * pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host.
char * pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host.
void pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context.
void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
Sets my IP address.
void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printer func)
Sets error printing function.
void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions.
char * pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
Function Documentation
int pacparser_init (void)
Initializes pac parser.
- 0 on failure and 1 on success.
Initializes JavaScript engine and does few basic initializations specific to pacparser.
int pacparser_parse_pac_file (const char *pacfile)
Parses the given PAC file.
- pacfile PAC file to parse.
- 0 on failure and 1 on success.
Reads the given PAC file and evaluates it in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac_string (const char *pacstring)
Parses the given PAC script string.
- pacstring PAC string to parse.
- 0 on failure and 1 on success.
Evaulates the given PAC script string in the JavaScript context created by pacparser_init.
int pacparser_parse_pac (const char *pacfile)
Parses the gievn pac file.
Use pacparser_parse_pac_file instead.
- pacfile PAC file to parse.
- 0 on failure and 1 on success.
Same as pacparser_parse_pac_file. Included only for backward compatibility.
char* pacparser_find_proxy (const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host.
url URL to find proxy for.
host Host part of the URL.
- proxy string on sucess and NULL on error.
Finds proxy for the given URL and Host. This function should be called only after pacparser engine has been initialized (using pacparser_init) and pac script has been parsed (using pacparser_parse_pac_file or pacparser_parse_pac_string).
char* pacparser_just_find_proxy (const char *pacfile, const char *url, const char *host)
Finds proxy for the given PAC file, URL and Host.
pacfile PAC file to parse.
url URL to find proxy for.
host Host part of the URL.
- proxy string on success and NULL on error.
This function is a wrapper around functions pacparser_init, pacparser_parse_pac_file, pacparser_find_proxy and pacparser_cleanup. If you just want to find out proxy for a given set of pac file, url and host, this is the function to call. This function takes care of all the initialization and cleanup.
void pacparser_cleanup (void)
Destroys JavaSctipt context. This function should be called once you’re done with using pacparser engine.
void pacparser_setmyip (const char *ip)
Sets my IP address.
- ip Custom IP address.
Sets my IP address to a custom value. This is the IP address returned by myIpAddress() javascript function.
void pacparser_set_error_printer (pacparser_error_printerfunc)
Sets error printing function.
- func Printing function.
Sets error variadic-argument printing function. If not set the messages are printed to stderr. If messages begin with DEBUG: or WARNING:, they are not fatal error messages, otherwise they are. May be called before pacparser_init().
void pacparser_enable_microsoft_extensions (void)
(Deprecated) Enable Microsoft IPv6 PAC extensions. Deprecated. IPv6 extension (*Ex functions) are enabled by default now.
char* pacparser_version (void)
Returns pacparser version.
- version string if version defined, » otherwise.
Version string is determined at the time of build. If built from a released package, version corresponds to the latest release (git) tag. If built from the repository, it corresponds to the head revision of the repo.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Pacparser from the source code.